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Cameron County press. [volume] (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 15, 1910, Image 7

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032040/1910-09-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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I The World's Wondera]
cfj —3
Pass of Killiecrankie Sold
The Pass of Killiecrankie, one of the most famous and romantic spots
in all Scotland, has just been sold under the hammer of the auctioneer as
a part of the estates of Archibald Edward Butter, Esq. The historic road
through the pass crossed the hill near Faskally House and descended to
the ferryman's hut at the south end. Down this road many pageants of
Scottish history passed. It was by this road that King Robert the Bruce,
after the murder of Red Comyn, retreated from the battle of Methven where
he had been surprised by the earl of Pemroke. By the same road Mary, Queen
of Scots, went with her gay cavalcades for the famous deer-drives in the
forest of Atholl. Through the pass went General Mackay with Hanoverian
soldiers of fortune to meet and be routed by the clansmen under John
Graham of Claverhouse —"Bonnie Dundee" —who had raised the standard
of King James against William and Mary.
It was through the Pass of Killiecrankie that nearly 1,000 Atholl men
marched to join the earl of Mar in the rising of 1715, and this way in '45
came the Young Pretender before he went south on his great adventure,
which ended in disaster, and forfeited estates, and blood on many scafffolds
The Pass of Killiecrankie is, indeed, a high-road of Scottish and Eng
lish history. Edward 111. came here with his knights in his attempt to
trample the spirit of the Scots into subjection. - Highland reivers drove
their cattle along this road, and wounded men crawled down the pass after
many a fight between the clans. The tramp of armed men, the fierce shouts
of battle, the wild pibroch that called to the Highland chiefs, still come
echoing down the glen to those who have listening ears.
1 1
In America the inhabitants of the
rural districts not only have become
reconciled to the automobile, but
themselves own the cars by thousands
and find them sources of delight as
well as great conveniences. In Eng
land the rustic has not been so eas
ily won over, as is witnessed by the
Kign here pictured. It stands by one
of the main highways of the south of
England and the man who put it up
has kept it in repair for years.
Recently a notable piece of engi
neering work was achieved In San
Francisco, while the demolition of the
old city hall was lu progress. Be
tween the violent earthquake and the
fearful fire of April, 190 C, the building
was practically reduced to a mass of
ruins. So It was determined to ra*e
the shattered structure and construct |
a new and modern ball.
Surmounting the lofty dome a huge
statin* of the Goddess of Liberty has
perched for more than twenty years
past. The statu" escaped unscathed
both the heavy shock and lire. This
tmmenao metal statue Is nearly twen
ty feet In height, and, with the pedes
tal, to which it Is firmly attached,
weighs about three tons. Erom the
ground up to the pedestal 'he distance
Is about 350 |( ■ t, and to the apex of
the Goddess, 1.. 370 feet.
A* It was vi r> loach d< Ired to
tak dov.n Mi- huge Matuo undam
aged ai d 10 place it In Golden Gate
park, us a public souvenir of the greut
disaster, the contract Inn firm under
took to bring It to earth without dam
ug<«. This provi-d a difficult and peril
Otis feut In engineering, for to bring
down, iindumugcd. 1,000 pounds of
metal from a h< lght of l< «t was
a ponderous task. However, th» work
*»< dene very successfully. fiy means
of a s tii in of derrick*. *t#««l cables,
tuckie, etc. operated by several
donke'. engines the big sta'
lui.seiieil from its firm anchorage on
th« lot to S IT. I m 4 gradual!) In
ered to the earth The work was done
without the alight** i accident to the
statue, or to the force of m«it engaged
In the task Engineers decim.. thai
It Is a not aide 112. »t 4 MIX rum ring
linen, at least of that kind and u,«
« niracturs mu t.»m« warmly <on«rat
maud oter the *m t • achieved.
A man named John Stevens, who
was declared dead by a coroner's Jury
and whose widow afterwards married
again, has reappeared in Preston,
Eng., after an absence of nine years.
A body found in the river was identi
fied as Stevens' by certain marks on
the arm. Certificates of death were
issued, and Mrs. Stevens drew the in
surance money. Stevens explains his
long absence by stating that ho has
been tramping the country In search
of work. She has lived happily with
her second "husband," who is named
George Harness, and there seems no
way out of the tangle caused by the
reappearance of the "dead" man.
Paying His Rent With a Flag
j \ fl).' ' jjU . :
' IwM
flr ■■£HM^^E|^K^^Hb
'1 in- link 1 * uf Wi-lliutiii'it hold* iln- tu tutor of Htrtithll* IrtMtya on condition
iliui i-iti'li >titi. mi Die nunlvfrMtry uf th« buttlu of Waterloo (Junu lit), ho
I r. ' m» to the . <>v<ti'lkii u Kri m li Hum. u »I|,'U Unit tliu mint*! U In U1 by favor
of tti« kind. nnd h IfHilndtr lhat It ua* ft van to the ft rut dukx i»* a reward
fur hi* u rtli'fi (i«m rully. (In- r<ignlni£ »luk>- prum ut* ih« buuiu-r In |>«rann;
linl' i 'l, h« UK' <1 to li< .ir It to ihn Mivi*rt l»,*ii hliiit" If, rldliiK on liorHuhui U Thl»
)i :il', tin • ourt b« llitf tli liiournlliK. a r»|>r< • < illative of hi* |rar« took th«
nut" to Wlndmir, kiid uiw It <t In |>l»«*«'. Tin- dnk« of Marlborough rutaln*
U,„ in, niji tin r uli ii by |wyun ut of n vliiillar f< <■ on thu iiiinH • rxiiry of tti«
bait)" uf lll< ithHju i AuK'i't 13). In tm'li ea-«», *liiii thu no* ilnk I* net In t'O
■ltl' ii th< ><l4 'li t» (i" » ba< k 'u thi- tlukw. Noli fr« m iitiitloa of ii.n Dun «uuM
«bt.nl lurfi ttUI ul tbw l»tat«J
The marriage is reported of two
dead lovers from the Japanese village
of Shizuoka. A young couple fell in
love, and sought their parents' sanc
tion to their union. For some reason
this was withheld in the case of the
girl, and the broken-hearted couple
resolved to commit shinju rather than
be separated.
The two embarked on a fishing boat
and when some distance from the
shore bound themselves together with
cloth brought with them for the pur
pose, and threw themselves into the
sea. The following morning the
couple were missed from their homes,
and the matter was communicated to
the police. Later on the bodies of the
young couple were washed ashore,
and, after the official examination,
delivered to the parents. On learning
of the tragedy, the mayor of the vil
lage was much affected, and calling
upon the bereaved parents, proposed
that the wedding ceremony be per
formed over the dead bodies, so that
the deceased might be united in the
other world. The parents agreed, and
the ceremony was carried out indue
form, even to the exchange of presents
between the two families.
Visitors to Roanoke Island never
fail to see the scuppernong grape vine,
the largest in the world, that is known
as Sir Walter Raleigh's grape vine,
it was planted by Raleigh's party,
which settled in Roanoke Island, N.
C., more than 300 years ago. The ad
venturers left England on April 27,
' 1584, with the following charter from
Queen Elizabeth: "Power Is hereby
given to Raleigh and his assigns by
the queen freely to search for and oc
cupy and enjoy for ever such remote
and barbarous lands not possessed by
any Christian people as to him might
seem good. He is at liberty to take
with him to such lands and leave
there for inhabitants as many of the
bushes," and so forth. The immense
scuppernong grape vine, with stem
larger round than a man's body, is an
interesting relic of the past, and bears
fruit abundantly.
Customer (in book store)--Have you
a Chaucer?
New Clerk —Never chewed in my
life, 6ir.
"No tongue can tell how I suffered
for five years with itching and bleed
ing eczema, until I was cured by tho
Cuticura Remedies, and I am so grate
ful I want the world to know, for
what helped me will help others. My
body and face were covered with
sores. One day it would seem to be
better, and then break out again with
the most terrible pain and Itching. I
have been sick several times, but
never in my life did I experience such
awful suffering as with this eczema. I
had made up my mind that death was
near at hand, and I longed for that
time when I would be at rest. I had
tried many different doctors and medi
cines without success, and my mother
brought me the Cuticura Remedies, in
sisting that I try them. I began to
feel better after the first bath with
Cuticura Soap, and one application of
Cuticura Ointment.
"I continued with the Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment, and have
taken four bottles of Cuticura Resolv
ent, and consider myself well. This
was nine years ago and I have had
no return of the trouble since. Any
person having any doubt about this
wonderful cure by the Cuticura Reme
dies can write to my address. Mrs.
Altie Etson, 93 Inn Road, Battle Creek,
Mich., Oct. 16, 1909."
All the Difference.
The professor was delivering an elo
quent address on cruelty to animals,
and, to illustrate how a little judicious
forethought would eliminate to a great
extent the sufferings that even small
insects are subject to, said:
"As I was coming through the hall
tonight I saw a bald-headed gentleman
very harshly treat a little innocent
house-fly which had alighted on his
"Now, if there was any justification
for such bad temper, I would be quite
justified in indulging In it at the pres
ent moment, for a fly has just alighted
on the back of my head. I can't see
it, but I can feel it.
"Possibly some of you can see it
now; it is on the top of my head. Now
it is coming down my brow; now it is
coming onto my— G-r-r-eat pyramids
of Egypt, it's a —wasp!"
The Stylish Fisherman.
One of the guests of a fashionable
summer resort in West Virginia got
himself up in his best fishing togs and
started along a certain mountain
Meeting a native, he asked: "Here,
my good man! Kindly tell me whether
it would be worth my while to try
fishing in this vicinity."
Tne native regarded him scornfully.
"The fishin' ain't good,'' he finally said,
"but I ain't informed as to how you
values your time."—Lipplncott's.
Lemons Cure Malaria.
Lemons are said to be an infallible
cure for malaria. This is the method
of preparation: Take one lemon, wash
thoroughly with a brush and hot wa
ter till all germs are gone, cut in
very small pieces, using skin, seeds
and all; cook in three glasses of wa
ter till reduced to one, and take this
while fasting. A euro is generally
effected within a week.
Mrs. Henderson's Waist.
Mrs. Henderson isn't going to wear
that pretty white waist of hers again,
because it came from the wash ail
streaked and spotted by the rosin that
was in tho common yellow soap.
If Mrs. Henderson will havo It
washed again with Easy Task soap,
which has no rosin in it to streak and
rot the fabrics, ten to one It will look
like new. Easy Task does wonders
I for tho clothes and for the women who
work. Costs no more than poor soaps.
How many of us have cravings that
i neyer will be (tilled, though we do
i not talk about them.—Dr. Robertson
; NlCOll.
Fot Rid, Wctk, W««fjr, WsUry Ky«» »nd W
| Murine Dm sn't Smart--Soothes Eye Tain
S.B Mat im Er« R.x.Jr, m«W. ISC, S«c. II DO
! Muriu. In AMPIIC Tub**.
MurtntjC.Kcsmrdy Co., Chicago
Kverywlivre In the world nun
•have with Ilia
C*J*r k'lfkltf »M l«tt«r (•••>• lh«- tiktr «>• On* 10c ••(**«• (•!•>! (II *»«n. Tfc*| di. la COM »«U» lh«n an, oth«' *•«,
(•OHMnoill'iotM • rtHlltlMrt. Hm« I* U.«, Bn.ih inj Nil C»I»M MOMHOt OHUC OU . Qui, tot, HHnnim.
Bowery Denizen Seemingly Had Right
to Be Indignant at Old Friend's
"You remember dat guy, Jim
Burke?" asked an irate Bowery deni
zen. "He's dat stiff dat's doin' time
up der river—Sing Sing—boiglary—
ten years. Well, you know all I done
fer dat stiff. When he was pinched
didn't I put up der coin for der law
yers? Didn't I pay der witnesses?
Sure I did. De odder day I t'inks I'll
Just go an' see dat mutt just t' leave
him know his frien's ain't tied de
can on 'im. So I drives out to d' jail
and goes into d' warden's office and he
says I gotter send me card in. Me
card! D* yet get dat? Well, anyway,
I writes my name on a piece o' paper
an' a guy takes it into Jim Burke, an'
what d' you t'ink dat stiff tells dat
guy to tell me?"
"I've no idea," said the listener.
"He tells him," concluded the angry
one, "t* tell me dat he ain't in!" —
From Success Magazine.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application*, aa thoy cannot reach the dto
eiwd portion of tlie car. There Is only one way to
cure dcafnoHH, and that Li by constitutional rcmctilcA.
iJcafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is Inflamed you have a rurnbllntf sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deaf
ness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi
tion. hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will Klve One Hundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness 'caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
Dy Hull s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHKXEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold Dy I)rui!J?lsts. 7Sc.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
While In Soak.
Howell—l see that the paper says
that the treasury department an
nounces that by washing xiaper money
it will last twice as long.
Powell—Yes, but what is a poor
devil to do while his money is at the
MM, Wln«low v 8 Soothing: Syrup.
For children toethinK, softons the gums, reduces ln
tlamraatiuii.allajb pain, cures wind colic. 26c a bottiu
If a man amounts to anything In a
small town he soon begins to think he
would amount to much in a big town.
tSS 11 " ■'i' l '"!"!iil"lLLU,
lb j AVgetable Preparation for As
&i| similat ing the Food and Regula
rs ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
iis! Promotes
fi nessaMßest.Contains neither
l :> Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
ji: Not Narcotic
i ftnip* ofOlH DrSAWJEirmfiSR
Hi fKtmpltin S»td -
1 Jtx So*n* - \
i'u 1 /forAt//* Smfts •»
"(J I Aniu Sud * I
Vt ftppermint - V
•v* fiifnritnaUSotUx* I
r s KrmSctd - I
•Jj ■ Ciar fifd Sufetr 1
. C Wtnkryrrtn Fin vor '
1 A perfect Remedy forConstipa
>'l tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
5 Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
Fac Simile Signature of
\j[Guaranteed under
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
n 1910 CROPS
Wheat Yield in Many Districts Will
. Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere
Laad sales uml homestead entries Increasing. No cessation In numbers gain* from Untied
States. Wonderful opportunltieti reutulu for those who Intend making Canada their home.
New districts being oj»cue<l up for settlement. Many farmer* will net, this year, |lO to Sls per
acre from their wheat erop. All the advantages of old settled countries are there. (mmh|
schools, churches, splendid markets, excellent railway facilities. See the grain exhibit at the
different State and some of the County fairs.
letters similar to the following are received every day, testifying to
Conditionsi other districts are as favorably spoken of:
Til MY UK-NT INm Til Ml H MOM. My Brother- i n law, Mr Crnnfe J. 112 mrnrr llrrn tlmre'
Ms Ida ton*a%k.. Canada. Aug Mh,! »10. * ,M| '**•*,* through mui that we dr.itjed to lo*ai« a
"My par* nls i-uwt* here vn>m fi 'Ur t-sIU lowa, uaada u 11? !'n ,
fbnr years jtfo and w.«re*o writ pw*aM<d suu tills Mrs. uuhard I Leery Kblager.
salUflud t«* stop Im-m* l.e«»iuard Ifc'Uglas. I lylors I'alU, Minn. Aug. 7, I JUL
M l khalltfo »*•» aiur**** tht» kail aith n«y .
WANTS NMTTI.KIt 4 HATH lull IIIH STtICK. * fc,H " ,v 1 * ol * h n ***** y**ar
_ ... _ . ... . , aad uiy hroihtrin law Anu NorOst nut tut jiur>*<s
, . l . Hf,| ; lrr , A .is-rta.July.tut. luio. WrtllU in* a,mo there. Il.« frwerly ltfe* in
I i!" 'ip h**ce.J'llf / *?» Wllt*«n, N»»rth Ihthota. 1 tut s>■ (ug to buy i t imlm
tCIV».!'«'J !*!- .V! 'k?. V'l! v? . "/i **»«» I -«t there. Cui fdo nt went to
Sue I «iav»» n**t tso bov* ba*fc In ho** )••( .mil navel tsotlwe* there, f»»rl taVr my hmther-1* nws
siu*.ilirf ''»** *h* r«- now IMmIM set il*. m and UN Word stioUl Um > «t»ni lo ue( tuur io«
otli.tr ear up here ihl* 112 «>l \N >4.*t I Wv>t|lt| like U» ~.u •• Your* i«l*
kn<>«U. if 1 1»« r*» i» ny Han«.» to »?. t a «d*«<ap run* i'stet A Nalsun
!>a> » again, »nd srte-n *. r.-mru u» Cansda I will r A
MU »'>»•' "■« „ A Wit. WAST* Ti» UKTI KV T<> CAVA OA.
M 11.1 .July J4ih, IMf
WILL MAKK IIIH Until; IN • ANAI'A. imlnmfiiSt !m *!f *»"'**■['u"l *4
Itrntnerd Minn Aug Ul, 1M 1, but m% boys haven \«»r tak* nup swy land >*-t '
M ! nut rf«-»us to « ansda a week fIMUi t.nl.t* snt ulitll# t«l the rat r» ut is ad I III! I , eotila hs« k»4
Intetel t*» uutk') mi k"t»e ther \|» hu<*l*md t*»4 the ttstei on », >-«* am o| uty h'-a.tk. Pli- t... ifi iu«
».. .n • 1,, r- »i i . a iii*| « * 4». I Silhtba knew i*ucv If I v«4U K> I lie* > ti< %[• t«. IN.i.tiaa^
• « ustr> *• hk ssn» in«* t«» « ste »*-.n 4* i- » A u-m ' >rs tnil|
»iiit,-. ||e Bm"| »n s elalwtt Meat LaadU .Ai»d i*v»» ivnkuwtti
hjr hli 4v*' 11pt k*n uf It it iuu»t t»« a pr*ity pie*-*. N»»u. Minn.
Ken*l f*»r literature and ask the btca! t ana han (lovernaient \gei.*« f..r l*i* urslun ltate%
last districts In a>ht**h tu b*A*ate, and when to go.
11. M. WILLIAMS, law BuilHina. Toledo. Ohio
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable jffißj9ffiK*B
Den, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Small Pill. Small Dote, Small Prica. {
Genome mu*tb©ar Sign&turo
MEN'S $2,00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00
WOMEN'S $2.50, $3,53.50, $4
BOYS'S2.OO, $2.50 &, $3.00 / f\
FOR 30 YEARS fez.
They are absolutely the '"!*><
most popularand bestshoes 112 ' fill
for the price in America.
They are the leaders every- 112
where because they hold I
their shape, fit better, jfeiiL-> /V.
look better and wear lon- /y®v
fer than other makes.
hey are certainly the IS
most economical shoes for you to buy. W. L.
Douglas name and retail price are stamped on
the bottom—value guaranteed. Fmt Color Evrlrtt
TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE! If your dealer
cannot supply you write for Mail Order Catalog.
W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mata.
Remedy for the prompt relief of
Asthma and Hay Fover. Ask your
druggist for It. Write tor FREE SAMPLE.
PK JHCletnats and beautifies the hair.
Promotes a luxuriant growth.
| Fails to Bestore Gray
i^^HCur*i r *df outh j| u J
W. N, U., CLEVELAND, NO. 36-1910.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the ArX)
Signature /
fv $ In
Hi /' se
vA For Over
Thirty Years

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