c JI 1 - . .' ; A i 1 . AXifi VA ....v-. V- A . w .1-"" thsr titaa ctr t paca ycrisrday ere-'n . ta giva joa tha fdowirr tzzzlzli, re.::! ia La Pairie, cf Lcrd Grey, v.Lcrad.;.'.!! Las caused ra each rertt is ;t.a Eta kociety cf this craned : Lcr I Gtzj rr-s Caa fitenir' returns;; trca LLsclab, wkea La perceived t-a loss cf Lis recast bock, ccat&iatr' 40.CC3 Lr.r.;3, Lord : Gray tsarcbad tha pocks cf Lis ccs.t, but ia Taia. Ha uutly returned Lcma. Next morning Lb servant went to til rcca at ta carl Lour, and ir.fjrr.2d Lin that a lady wish- td U b?cs.'s to Lira, Lord Gray desired that Eba ebo-a!l ba shown iata LU, draw j Lr room. ?My Lord," Esid Lis Tlsltcr .yoa dropped year pocket beck ; I brir tt back td von The' rclca Was sweet eh I taw, but ea closely was tha I?.dy yell-fid it it was ir:psb!a ta gzzzs Ler ra cr f,p pearanca. Tlara,' rrpUtl Lord Gray, "you have rendered es s csrvxca for.whica I hesrtly thank ;yea.: ; Allow "ma to-atk. If I may venture ta csr yoa scm3 rcmcm- braaca'c',y gratitude.' - Tha lady then teslta--- r confused Cat she bad recently lost Lv aasbsad, wbcfa death had left Ler lbs cLara cf tbrsa littla childrca, and that ctter was Ler csstitation eaa-, t..cx BCtaally been terrptzd ta keep the pocket bock. . Lcrd Gray retoraed it to her, mere ly eayir.2 ; Yoa &ra ray creditor yoa or Tour children wtU recar caa later." Lord Gray reccired a vislior r yesra ciler thij sceaa occurred, who appeared a total tctal ttranger to fcim. It was a lady. '.3 t -rdsd btra a vdrtt portracnaie, :oa Ti l.Jj Lis crpber and coronet were cmbro dersd ia gold; within lay' forty .xotsj pf 1,000. ezzh. -,. 'Xoa will zllow ma to rttaia tba eld pur:a in memory f of yoa? taaainccat generosity," she remarked.- Ah ArrnnaAU lions s. At tba" Paris exposition it is said that a novelty will ba cn exlubition, in the shape oF an arti ficial Lcrss. ' The ingeniously constructed en?maL-. wbc.3 ready for the , road, will trTcl twenty-five raiks. without stopping, ar I r...etwan!j rasT M wound up jcv it. ;2ri3 K'J ly gu iuucu luiiucr, and eo ca indefinitely. .-A borsa. Iika this must ba a ralas-bla acquisition,-' provided m.' . t e- it-- it cr.n ta bought aschcaply as tba' noblo fcir.-l cf which it is a copy.. " j- .''. :.:edical preparations.' ZOLJ Y) TLU Preparation Is ths dls- C ...... .n. T T? Trr i -t formerly Pastor cf the Baptist Church la GoITitown; N; Hs "It' m ia darly beloved by that de- V. land. lie was cbl!d to leave iso ru.;ii ana siuaj r-cucmo 10 saTo.n.s i own life, and b!j If agio Potfctrs ara one of j tbe most tsrosdsrfal diacoverics cf modern Vzrri. - It Ij the GREAT LIVER and EIL I0U3 REHEDY, which cociplettly throws la tL3 shade all ether Gitcoveries ia medicine: nd it tCbrda Lira much gr&tiScatioa that they wceive the unanlms approbation bf ttll who have tested them. The Made Ell lots Powder? ere a POSITIVE CURE FOR LIVER COLIPLAINT la its most aggrava ted form, and an immediate corrector of all BILIOUS DERANGEMENT3. Excellent for Headache, ConstipaiiarivPimpltSiBlotch- f, SmZow iA.t, Ltroissiness, Dizziness, raZ- jntelicn, Iltanbum, and a most wonderfa Cure and Preventative of Fever & Ague (We advise all who ate troubled with this fearful milady to always keep tha Powders on band ready for. Immediate use.) ' 1 - ? ; .Hers are a few imp srtsat particulars : let. They are the great epecio for-Bilious A'-- 4At 21. They. are. the crly kaowa remedies that will cura Lirrr-Cdaplaiat 2d. Tbey are the oly kno-n tesnedy. that wl!J c-re .Corstlpatica. .. 5th,'. The Powdsrs re eo thcrout-h ia. their cperfe-tioathat one packs; "3 wilt be I1 that the majority.cf thosa cta; thsss. trill rcinire ttr-t acure.I They era a mU4 csi p!?a:sEtryet tha cost a I cathartio.' kcoE. "th.; Tfcey;aia iha chs:pcst:.tnd.tcct .nediriss extant, as theycsa ba esnt by xaail to asy part cf the globe for the price, 3 cents.- Circulars, ccataining cerU5cal;3, laf oma tlea. ttg.;;tent .to any ptjrt sf.tb orjd frc? cf charge. (C7"So!d by all Druggists, er-ly call en arpdicrstiea to -j ;r -; T: , - . C. G. CLARK & CO., GenT Agsats. Trici, CD CU.'per Eas. ITrw IIave.Ct, couGns INFLUENZA, TICKLING IN TIIJ , -...ii-: u .; whooping Cough; W reiirta coKsuziPTrrrcouans,' ' -a3-c.xj:cs'asv: , co: f n - CVEH 0 HE V. ! LLi ON E OTTLES bare bi-:a sold, and tit 'a s'rr.'.-a lr.iLir.ca cf 13 fnreii b-Dwa. t"VT cava, c ? . c-;.'n asy ouantlty cf Cortir.catsa; tc3 cf t!.:ca from LUI.N'EirT PliTCIClAliJ ,Lo Lave .it ia thiir prs.ctl;e.,aad given it tha pra-iiaia:a ever all othsr compound, IX DOr.3 NOT D?T UP A CQUGITr .. .i.rr"j-.w;- rr,. -r - w'aataea&bls tla p;;:.t t3 ez7$cizzzii frtCji )' .TTO'cf thr:s -:-3 will istaejablt cczs t:cstis3 i:t tsi throat.- A t-!f fcct-t'e-.bfta .c'Ja : cipbtilj ".curd :tha ic-t Iot Cc-v . tsd j;t,-.tbca- U U 3 urasind rp '.y.ia.i cperaticai it h p :r fect!y.Hrr!::.t. br-Icj r-rc'.y.vttl. It la .very cr";r:;'i ta t..a Us1?, nc! m."7 la a-Irr.inv.tfrji t "r:.i cftsy e3- . . i. cc?r f -.f.-;'0 W.t'. arc.-u' ;tLi a ti ::-t ci a;s. i; i ' - ti l vs.?.. tit 1 fyJy;- I'ivw Hivea'i C---J.: : , r 1 1 r n ' f " I an now prepared to cfler SUPSRIOIl HrDUCE2IEITS l'Ii ti Diliiii i"liiUll ViHUlii; WnOLESAJLS OI5 DETAIL. Hy etoclc conalita In part of erery "variety cf COPPER AND BH S3 WABE COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, nOUSEFURNISHING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Spcfct's AntiOnat HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELS! Oil COOKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOS And any Cooking Stove desired'I will get when ordered at manufacturers prices. Odd Stove Plates acd Grates, &c.. for re pairs, on band for the Stoves I eell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting Vallsys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of beat mate rials and put vp by. competent workmen. tmt k 4 lulU Vtti AVKOLESALE OB EETAIL. I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more light than any other in nse. Ako.tbe Paragon Burner, For Crude Oil.- SIETCIlIiS SIFTCIll It recommends itself. " ' " ' . - k , i SUGAR KETTLES AfD CAULDRONS , of all sizes constantly on baud. ' . 'k , Special attention given to . i Jobbing in Tin, Copper and SheeMrcn, at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Merchants Lists now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers tad many new ones this Spring. I return mv most sincere tbanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have already- received, end will endeavor to please all trbo may c&II, wheth er thty buy or net. FRANCT3 V7. HAY. Jc5!!stown, Harch 7, 157.-Ca A. CXIOII TO CASH IS ITERS! Mi--' Ik4,rif itnun' t t hyUaL 1 LI. . " , . !I 'O I liiilL i The undersigned rcsp-ctfclly informs the Citizens of Ebecsbuf and tba public gener ally that be lias made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. Uj stock will consist, m part, of Cc-clinj, Parlor and Ileal- Steves, of the most popular kinds : ; Tin- wars cf verv description, cf my cwn man uffcLtur3,'JiartZvcre cfjall ' Liad.Ench'.es Locks, Screws, Butt Hinges, Tabls Hinqes, Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass. Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carvinj? Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parera, Pea and' Pocket Knives ia great variety, Scissors; Shears, Razors and Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Machines. Ausrers, Chissela, Planes, Com passes, Squares, Files, Itasps, Anvils, vises, renchei.. Kip,. l aaei aa uross-ut saws. Chains cf all kin Ji. Shov . Is, Spades, 1 eythes and Snaths, Hakes: l orks, "bl6i;u uells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax Bristles, Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures. Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes, -Cast Eteel, Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Pow der. Caps, Lead, &c. Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing ; Ham's end SadHery t ere oi ail K.ma, ttooacn ca ,...r ia great variety ; CarbonX)ir aEd Oil Lamps,' Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Od, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paixts,Varaisb cs. Turpentine, Alcohol, &c. such as Tea, CoHee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, i isn, Hominy, Crackers, Kice and Pearl Earlay : -Soar? '.-Candles : TOBACCO and CIGALA i r-utl;-WLUitrasa, ScnA.Ucrsa. fthoe. Dasticrf. Varnisht Stove, Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinda and sizes ; Bed Corda and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest ratfs.for CASH. 5 gyllouse Spguiing taadj, painted and put c? at low rates for cash. A liberal discount mad to country daalers buvin: Tinware wbolssaU. GEO. HUHTLEY 857.- . f H0LE3ALE and RETAIL Mann factnr. of TIN, r V. ppti r,A rnrr.T.Tr.n?! ? AKT1. Carol iczzn. Ta. A belr.'?f (Tries,-JUn Etc-;'. oo::i::g, paclor and nEAT W INQ STOVE3, cf Cezi.fcr Cash, frcm tow r.-til tha 1st cf I!av, at ... Iwl Wl tfl rmi fo.rsi-r-ed ia prepared to ship Lls.ia 1 from Ln'jL'r-'lcs.es No. 4, on tba Pean cjlyaaia T.-. -Ires, i ta I.: .cn.urg, Johns town, cr any cthsr pt cUL? rcnaaivRiR., cr iU branches. Address.' WM. TILEY.- ' JaaSl,-tf Hemlock,' Cambria eo.,P - n j. rxoxD, TCCZCCCr. to R. S. Bcxn-. Dealer In -1 DRUG", LIEDTCr'-" T PAINTS. ,j s... ; "XTaesia viaSli C7.tf. .. ::r3 ca ua ec ELb'.IiEOUS. GiiAin - ft m t r ' r A :t i ' fl ' ir i is f'TTin - fin '-fin ill IMM W tiiiiilW, ricb 3 commca "Winsor Chairs, Tret Rack. : Cbairs, Vienna CHaira, Bustle Chairs. Rim -Backed Chairs. Sociable tCbairs, ROCKINQ CHAIR3 " OF EVERY SIZE ' SPRIKQ SEAT- CHAIRS -; ' " '' - -Settees,' Lounges, &c., &c " ; -CADirjET .FURrjiTunSf !-- of every description and of latest STYLES, WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE - Tastes of all Thankfal .for past favors,' be . respect fully toucits a liberal share ot public patron age. Clinton Street, Jpbnstpwn Cambria. Co.-P .:, .vvt ' Jan, 31,1867, -,'.' v: - y '-The subscri ber announces to the Public, that be has repurchased the Ebensburg Foundry and is: prepared to- Iurni8a,'ci3 former customers and all others with every description of cast ings usually manufactured at a country es-; tablishment. He will always keep on band the best quality of-COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, &c. Also PLOWS, of :ther most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry, - ' ' He invites the patronage of 4hspublic and will sell at tha most reasonable prices, for cash or coantry produce. . " - -' . - EDWARD GLASS JgJBEffSBURG; LITERARY DEPOT!! v JA2IE3. EIUIltlAY,' " i BOOKS, STATIONERY, CIGARS TO ; BACCO, PERFUMERY,. FANCY ; SOAPS, &c:, &c:, Jn Git Loom formerly occupied by Dr. Lemon i v f.'. as a Drug BiorCf 1 1 Keeps Blank Books, Envelop, Paper, Peas, Ink, Pocket Books; Pfiss Books; blagazi n es, Newspapers, Nove'.s, El tones, Prayer and Toy Books, &c. . l3 btationery and Cigars sold either wholesale or retail. ffeb21tf. v f OUTT TTTnKE V. Axtoov a Pa.-, k t: - ----'SrCH AS LOUNGES, I TABLES, 1 El BEDSTEAI) SOFAS, -, BUREAUS, VHAT-NOT3 CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED. AND i - COMMON CHAIRS. &c ; i , 1 - HEW FURfllTURE AVARECOOr,!, ' I . JULIA STBXZT,- KZA3 HAEBIET, ; Opposite the Prctestant Episcopal Chterc March 7i:1837.-6m.? EAST ALTOONA-; iOHU GAT. . . . . . WK. WELSH, X & . - W E I S n , ; - -.-.: ;i WHOLESALE - ? i:'.h ' ,' .i "i ' AKD DaALERS lir- ' f "-'l" ' . FLOUR.'RODUCE: FISH, SALT; CAR- r f bon oils; &e &c.; ; yV::.:'.' jDorner Pehn and Canal 3is., opposite Grain i Elevator.-: feb2S- .Pittsburgh; F, v '. ' " -. ' m " 7lP-you want to buy 6d3 a long credit t'and pay II. -r prices, don't feo to ' " ' iTeb. 2S.:; 1 'riOEO.jnjNTXBVfS. .?v marble ;wobks; vi;;i; ; mrrs rtr?p. a "Tt.v pp.m Tntr-r w . iWW ' i.. . ) w v The subscriber la3 just 1 receiyed A'', large ' and bandsc-ns ' invoice cf ItaUaa'tad'Araericaa - . J v-".:' . .'';M,A-.B,BfLJ2.,,r rtsmprising tha' largest end fng&t l ittock -of the kind -ever brought .to 13! ' -3 1- ...1 Jobcstoifn.at .'..Ms csiabllshmcnt on Prankiln '.Street', where, be is prepared. with as aaequa;e jorcaci experienced snd skilful workmen,' to execute," all ! kinds ct MONUMENTS, Mantels, Tombstones; Ta ble and tRire''lts Tops, &c, as cheap es they can be'purchased in any of the cities, 5 A , large -stock, of .GBisrsTOsrsca.hnd and for sale low. ; ;; :;v- i A room has . been e-pened in Ebensburg, -a few doors ".west Cf .Dr. S. S.Christy's Drug Etbrai where articles of,iny manufacture are kept constantly on jband, to which, tha at tention purchasers isisvifed. j Prompt attention paid to crders from a- diststca and . work delivered whera de-s'redV- --' JOHN PARKE," O i r Lit. mn- UNDERSIGNED Ugskava lolc.l-ra i tha .'citizens of -Cambria "and -adjicg counties, -that be has just received, a tLock E si. lil is -t ii -' v- . -.. una co.. Fa.,'- j. cr.js, orcrs-ttonei. ana juureaa icv a;..iciu:au us us ra beautiful and'-finest quality cf Fore i-a; s Domestic marble, always oa band e.r, I ms tocrdcr. 3. cheap 'as'- they can ba pur.s. In tha'city,:la'-a' .'fciat and"Wcrkmial and ca 'tha the nctica. ; ' ; 3 pubiic erg .re; -.--fit y invited to gtfe ma a csui L-eiore Ycra.z,:.ir. eistwcere, r.s l as cczZl- at that ; my vcik and pric ';;li 13 lir.cf brtrc!3 t-.i4a v tLiI iJUU i I ESTATE SALES; EIVATE SALE ITho subscri- - ber "will sell the - following: described Property at Private Sale : i ; - One House at Portage Station! on the Pa. R. R.,'with 2 acres of land. Suitable for a Store Room or a Dwelling. ; , . 1 One House and SQ Acres Land, on Pa R. R., one half mila west of Portage, opposite the siding of tha Union Mills of the subscri ber, and at : the terminus cf the railroad of White & Co. . , .. One Houa and 2 Acres Land at Portage, now occupied ,by: Louisa Keepers. A good site for a Store. -T.',: r -... , One Water Power Saw Mill, within ten rods of, the Pa. E. R., one half mila west of Portage, together with timber .land, 100, 200, or SCO acres, .to suit purchasers. The barns and bouses on tha same cost $1,500 when lumber was cheap. '. i.. . ; j t Or, I will sell the wbola tract of 480 acres, with timber enough on tha same to run the water mill for seven years. ., The property ' has 1,C0 to 2,000 feet of side tracks con necting with the Pa, R. R. ' , , A general Warrantee Deed will be given on tea days notice for all the foregoing pro perty, and possession of all bouses, etc, will pa given on 1st April next. : , s Ca(l soon, as the property will ba disposed of on or before the 1st ApriL ., ::; The , improvements cost ;. tha subscriber $5,000. ; rv . . . ; -. 160 Acies of the Land is timbered with good Sugar, and tha Land itself is warranted to be as goed as any in uamona county. . Three creeks pass through the Land, viz; Trout Run,Mclntosh Run and Wright's Run. There is COAL cn the Land, and any amount of CORD WOOD. , . .. . ' , The location is the only outlet to the coal lands of Burke and the Wm. M. Lloyd & Co. lands. , '. . , ; Two pieces of the Land adjoin the land formerly owned by Hon. Thos. A. Scott, and known as the M'Coy Farm. ; . One-third the purchase money will be re quired down ; the balance in six and twelve months, Ten per cent, will be deducted for cask payments. -,- .- ; . ; The property will be sold in preference to being bested, as the subscriber has not 'luno to collect rents. .-. r ; ... The House and Lot, say 1 Acre of Land, at, Portage, now occupied by .Louisa Keep-, ers, will ba sold low, if sold soon. Also, the Store Roonxat tb.9 same place, with 2 Acre3 .Land, tonaerly occupied by Victor Vceghtly --6&!d to bim at one time for; 4725 will eot? be sold for SS00. The former will ba. 'sold for 350 cash or, its equivJfatr-r . -; t J- , r CAW. lOOai :::,' z:t t.-..: ! .: i ,: ; HUGHES. ' Wilmore.Teb. 14, lS57.-2m. - - J A TTENTION ! ATTENTION! The subscriber offers at Private Sale, on' reasonable terms, the FARM oa which ho now re-ides, situated 2 miles north of Vvumore borough, la ytashinton township. Cambria couaty. Pa., containing 140 Acres," 50 Acres of which are ta a high state of cul tiration and under good fence, .The balance is well timbered. : Tha property is conveni ent to market,, churches, schoolhonses, etc,' and has two DWELLING HOUSES and a good BARN thereon erected. . There are two' Orchards of choice fruit, never-failing spriegs of good water convenient to the houses, and water in every field oa tha farm. - A Mill seat inferior to Dona In the county Is to be lad on a strong stream flowing through the premises. For further information apply on th premises or address o j ; : ' ; TERENCE M'ENRUE, - - March 7, 1357tf. ! ! Wilmore.Pa.--: ARM FOE. SALE. The sub - i scriber offers for sale a piece of land situate in Cambria township, Cambriajcoun ty, three miles West of Ebensburg, on the Stone Turnpike.- Tha tract contains 50 acres,; 35 of which are cleared and in jrood condition,' with a two-story square LOG HOUSE, good BARN, an excellent Spring of ' water at tha door, and i a fine 'young or chard of well'selected Fruit. - An indisputa ble title witl be given; Terms wiilbt made easy.-" Fessons--desirous of purchasing will call upon: I ; '- J H; DARR,- Altoona,'-r :. - crliiL. JOHITSTON, ! -vApril; lBSlZte r-onl Jlatn Sired.- Jknsiovm,- Cambria Co.; Ta.j A.ROW &' CO.;-PropVietors.V EOUSE'bavii ;beea "rented ;' and' 'cms 1 elegantly furnished, is now open'forthal teceptioa ana entsriaiumen oi guests, rr.o proprioors . by long eiprtenca m hotel keep ing lcei conaaens tney .caa satisiy a gis crlminatiDg. public. " . - ' ' v . : . - ' , Their Bar, is supplied with,', the choicest brands. of liquors and wines. ,.,... .t i " . ; Jan.rSl, 1867.; ;:-vt; ly.) UNIONS HOUSE; t : - UBENSEURG, Pa... . JOHN ; A. BLAIR A Propietor, spares no pains to Tender this totei worthy of a costistiaiicn cf f,h-3 liberal pAtronage ' it ; has hcretolora. received.: table will . always, be famished with 11:3 the: best , the market affords ; bis bar ;With' .tha. test, cl liqaors.7-rtlis stable is large, end will la attended by an md cl -te h ja3i, i::7.-tf. "OUNTAIN- HOUSE, Ensbuizq: Tbe.TAELS is always cd wi tbo r choicest delicacies ; tie Bab is supplied with choiea.liq-uorSi.and tha Stable at tend sd by. careful bost!srs.; Transient ,-visitors aceom-. modated and boarders taken 'by tba. week, month cr year- oa .reasonable terms., fcb-21 SHIELDS i HOUSE, ; ... : ZD RETT O, CAZ13RIA COUNTY, lPJL TIIQMAS. CALLEN,, Proprietor.... . - i. aia cquas ia now opea'ioritss accommo- I dation cf. -tha- Toablio. .. Accommoi H-3 . T0-OcL St3 tha -country will sffbr. a . :3 moderstrf Ja si,d: 1 i''fl T-" can b-a bad - by lim- your goo .13 for-cash it'- - i i "IT"-f Tt' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A Lu PERSHING, Attoeney-at- A? Law. Johnstown, Fa. Cilice en Frank lin sire-fit. UB-stairs. over : John Benton's Hardware Store. - . Jan. SI, 1SS7. .'VAMES C. EASLY, Attorney- C ) at-Law'. Cutrolllcncn, Cambria Co., Ta. :Collectionand all legal business promptly attended to. " Jan. 31. S67. 1 TUT IONKEAD, .Justice of the: ' Peace end Claim enf. Office Temovedto tha cIce formerly occupied by M. Hasson, Esq.dec'd, oa Uiga St., keens burg.-. J31. :.-m:;l-;w.-.H. SECIILER, ' ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg Ta. i t OfSce ia the Commissioners Room. Court ii House. Jan. Si, '67-tf. F. P. TIERNEY. : ITTORNEY AT LAW, EUnslurg, Pa. Jl OScein Colonada Row. Jan. 5, 1857-tf. ' . JOSEPH M'DONALD, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg. Pa.- H Office on Centre etreet, opposite Moore's Hotel. - Jan. 81, 1857-tf 4 JOHN FENXON, ? ITTORNEY AT LAW ,'EbensburQ Pa.- H OSce on High street, adjoining bis resi dence. ; Jan SI, 1867.-tf. GEORGE M. EEED, I TTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa. li Office on Main street, three doors East of Julian. Jan. SI;18C7. ' GEORGE W. O ATM AN, I TTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg f Pa II OSes in Colonade Row, Centre street, January 31, lSS7.-tf. ' WILLIAM KITTELL, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebensburg, Ta. U Office in Colonade Row, Centre street. Jan. 31, lS57.-tf. . V ; F. A. : SHOEMAKER, ITTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg,. Pa - l Office on . High street , one door East of the Banking House of Lloyd & Co. -, . January 31, 18 37.- tf. - ' B.L. 10HKSTO5, J. K. SCASLAIT. , JOHNSTON & SOANLAN, i Attorneys at Law, - - ; -.' '.-' .Ebensburg,' Cambria co.', Pa. ' ,' . ' OfSca opposite the Gurt House.- , ; ' Ebensbnrg, Jan. 81, 1867.-tf. ; JOHN P. LINTON, ; ITTORNEY AT LAW. Johnstown, Pa. il OSce ia building on corner et fciam ana Franklin ; street, opposite Mansion House, second floor.- Entrance on Franklin 6treeU . Johnstown, Jan. 31, 18S7.-tf. . ; , J D. IPLAUGHLIN, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, To. Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs-r "Will attend to all business connect ed with bis profession. - - Jan. 31, 18S7.-tL : . a -BELEORD", DENTIST, ONTTNUES to visit Ebensburg personally on tha 4th Mondav of each month. During bis absence Lewis N. Snyder, who studied with the Doctor, will remain in the ofSce and attend to all business entrusted to him. Jan31,67. BANK NOTICES. WM. Mi LLOTD, T. CALDWELL, ; Cashier. .President. I E S T NATIONAX B X N K OP ALTOONA. .. , .. . axd ; ;. . ' ... ; , DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Corner '- Yirainia and Annie Streets v North u i a i - Ward, AUbona, Ta. ' - ; Authorized Capital; - ? - "' $300)0 Cash Capital paid in, ' - - - -J 150,000 . , All business pertaining to. Banking done ca favorable terms . " . . " , . . Internal Revenue' .Stamps of all , decomi- nations, always oa nana. ,! To purchasers cftamps, percentage.", ia fctamps; will be allowed, as follewa : . ... . 150 to $100, 2 percent.; $100 to $200; 3 percent.; t-ZJ and upwards, 4 per cent, :Jaa.31, I807:tf.':..,.. ) 3.'. r'-.,:c r4 LST. i. Of JOnSTOWK, CASIESIA CO., Capital, $S 0,0 00. frlvllerj t lnrea '-;'. "';.; to $100,000. ' ' Inland and Foreign Drafts' furnisbed. ! Gold and Silver bought and sold. -Collections made, at 'home and abroad. . V:TX. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind ob tained. ' t ' Deposits received and money leaned. ' ' ";'A-general Uankias busiceca transacted.. '"' ;"" JJXSECTOr.S. . " ' ' "' D. J. Morrell, : ; Gecf-a Fritz ' J-hn Dib-ert;. E. Y.-Townstad. Issac KaufTmia.- Jacob M Campbell ,- , -. Jiicob Leverc-ood; j .t j . .. . D. J. l'.0;iRi.LL, H. J. Roberts, CasMcr. -; ? : Prcs'L, Hn31,C7. Li H2ESSBCBa, Jl m mr my AwAk.i.A.v- Gold, bUver, U ether Sccunti bc--!htand tdd. '-Interest alloft-'ed on Time "Et-j osits, C on all 'sccfvsibla points ia tha Rec lions msd3 United Stat and a rcn.er.il Bi' ary 31, B a z s 3, Alt oo tr a rrinr l elites and 11 -Is. Cji-::-';c-E3 mE-.! - Draf. and O: iatsrtii 3 c-n rec' t-xCiit, psyabla cn IZl-Ti li rat. lira 5, " Jan at ftr 3!. PRINTING. n If H FREEIUH WILL' 'BE rCELISBn . Ia. Kbestjrs, Crabrl At the following rales payable cilX;n months from daU of subscribing .One copy, one year, . - ' -A Ona copy; six months, - - . i ! One copy, threa months, - - . ' J: Those who fail to pay their mbs:.. until after the expiration ci six month m ba charged at the rata of $2.50 per tew and those who fail to pay until after tie piration of twelve months will be chareJ U Twelve numbers constitute a a-cir,-. twenty-jSve, six months; and ftj nuaW one year. BATES OF ADVTBTIS1K8. One square, 12 lines,, one insertion, Each subsequent insertion, ilCD 55 S 03 2 L) 2 JD 1 50 lyr. X 600 12t5 U C 20 D 25 60 :ieo 8D Auditors -Notices, each, Administrator- Notices, each, Executors' Notices, each, Est ray Notices, each, ' a mos. 8 mot. 4 4 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 09 I square, 12 lines, " 2 50 2 squares, 24 lines, 5 00 3 squares, So Jmea, 7 00 Quarter column,- 8 50 Third column, . 10 00 Half column, 12 00 One Column. 20 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper, c R SI A. D B It 5, BOOK, CARD, A3I mM mwu m mm And Blank Book Manttfatttnex$. ALTOONA, PA. Having our of3ce fitted up with a Urge ni varied assortment of Job Type, Power and Card Presss, Ruling Slaebtn and rJok BteUrr, and all the requisites of a first-class Printing Ofuctr, for tha purpose of executing Rallrwd Printing, we are enabled to get np anjthisg in the line of job printing and bonk wort from a Visiting Card to a Mamraoth Poster, or a Penny Tract to a Bible or Docket. i the latest styles, at short notice, and atCHK P1UCES. We give special attentfea to RULING CN BLANK. WORK and getting up BLA.NS BOOKS. Bank Checks, Receipts. Xota, Letter and Bill Heads, fseatlv DrkuJ ii plaia. black or fancy cc4ered inka Oar work will, we feel conadettt, give entirtwt- Isfacticn, and we respectfslly solicit cf tit ; citizens of Ebensburg and Cambria couotj share cf wis work htretcfore seat to city tzish lishmenls, and pledge ourselves to do it u well and do it as cheap as it can be daw anywhere in the country. nWtsskon'f such work as your own printlsg oSjcea Imti not the facilities for executing. GIVE CS ATRIAL.. - i : Orders tor worx lelt at tha axons oic. Will be promptly attendea to. janl-lffl. MISCELLANEOUS. m m mm mm. ; CASH CAPITAL 1300,000. We are tsow prepared to insure LTtll STOCK against both Death aud Theft ii this live and renabla Uompany. Uwnena j stock have now the opportunity, by inssr- ing with this Company, cf obtaining secca- ty and remuneration for the loss of their a tmals in case of death or theft. OWNERS OF HORSES, Manufacturers, Fanners, Teamsters. Ex pressmen, ; Physicians, and in fact all vt are to any exteL dependant upon tht strri ces of their horses in their daily vocitircJ, should insure ia this Company, and thai derive a protection against the loss of tbw animals, which are in many cafes the means of support to their owners. . ; : ..: PAnZT STOCK. Farmers and ethers owning cattle shoak avail themselves of this means of saving value of their stock; and seen re so equir lent for tha loss which would otherwise fc. heavily: upon them ia being deprired t their Cattle, by insuring in this, the ; PIONEER .-'COM PANY OF- AMERICA! change a certainty for an uncertainty. J; man can tell whether, bis animals may be stolen or. die through soma unwrao calamity. ' GoTtpeierd Agents, wanted, to rw liberal compensation w ill be paid. Afp-J B PA, KERR & CO.. General Agea Arril 4. 1857,-ly. , .Altoona.ra fS- Cob WM. K. PIPER. Ebensbnnj. been appointed local sgent for the Er Live Stock Insurance Company. . OliEIGN SHJPPIS5 , .'. - AXD , - t i n,,rC'!--D,?; OFFICE ', 7 are now selling Exchange (tM York Rates ca i : .. England, .Ireland. ,: Germany, . Bavaria, ; ', t llessen, , 'Delirium, . Scotlaci. Prnsiia, WurtesV Saxcry,.' , gwitxerrfi" Wales. Austria, i E-dea,. Hanover r Kprwi? and Franca And Tlckets't'o and from any Port r.T!"land.-. . . .Ireland. .-Scotia- 0- m Germany, . - France, New South .TTales-; or. j, , " Cal'Jbm .'" : Auitrkl EERR&3- Pa.' Uaa no rupericr- in 1M v? I It is prcnouncd a -f8-! re tr.il it, cnd'.i is predicted that i'A. 6,1 c:' cr .Curtara "iS:Tf. t. . c-'r f x? ikU. ItETIT.ES AND. u I : l PAN 3, low "fv wa.-ar Feb. ca - : -era Hrsxiv KEWSPAFERiAND JOB