GAMBHIA JKBMM. "ebensuuhg, pa., 'J'livir-DAV, : : : Keit. 19, 1807. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. KOR JCT-OK OK M'PREME COVRT: HO. 'cEOnCE SIIARSWOOD, Of Plitlndelplit. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. F R ASSFMBT-Y : IIox. JOHN 1. LINTON, Juhnetown. FOH SHERIFF : JOHN A. BLAIIi, Ebcnsburg. Fi'R TliEASUKER : JOHN COX, Concmaugh. JOHN A. KENNEDY, Currolltown. FOH JUKT COMMISSIONER : JOHN DECK, Currolltown. mn roon hoitse itrm'T' r : JOHN D. THOMAS, Ebcnsburg: FOR AVD1TOKS : EDW. D. EVANS, Croyle, 3 years. JOHN F. ALLEN, Yoder, 1 year. for coconkh : J. A. IIAKKOL1), Juhr.sJcwn. . A2ts: you asskssj:w i Our Democratic friends should look to tho assessment list without thlay, and sec that their own names and thosu of their Democratic neighbors are registered, or sonie of you may be cheated out of your votes. D not prida yourself ujwn the i Ii'.i that because you have been a voter and paid ) our taxes for a number of years that your name is properly entered on the list, but go and see for yourself, llmein ber that only one week from Saturday next remains in which you can attend to (his duty. A 31 X EST T l'KOCI'AJl.tTIOX. President Johnson issued nn Amnesty Proclamation a few days ago, which ex tends to all persons engaged in the rebel lion who will Fuliscribe to the oath set forth in the proclamation, excepting the three following classes: 1. The chief executive officers, heads of departments, foreign agents and State Governors under Ihelate rebel confederacy, military officers above the rank of brigadier generals, and naval otfieers above tho rank of captain. 2. All who were guilty of cruelty to Fed eral prisoners. 3. Those who, at the time th.y seek to avail themselves of the pro clamation, arc in custody of the civil, military er naval authorities, and are held to bail, and all persons implicated in the assassination of President Lincoln. The oath to be taken by all seeking the amnesty pledges loyalty to the Constitution and the Union, and the observance of all laws "-iTTJifin"' ti llii lmnn(iniliiin if" c!. poo TUC IIIM0.! Wc mnyratulato the readers of the 6 Freeman upon the result of the recent clec ;ious in Maine, California and Montana, so glorious for the causa of Constitutional liU-rty. We congratulate them, not be muse of these victories, though glorious in themselves, but because they plainly indi cate that reaction in public sentiment which declares the determination of the sovereign people, to return to a government of the Constitution and laws. "1 Lis result, glorious as it is, was not unexpected. Wc never were among those who despaired of the success of our jrov eminent, or the virtue of our peoplo. We never doubted but that Radicalism, true to its instincts, would persevere in its ag gressions upon the rights of the people would c:;rry out its high-handed usurpa tions until the common eense of the ''toiling millions" would be shocked by its teachings ; nor did we doubt, on the other hand, for a single moment that the "sob.r second though;" of the people would be a timely curative of these tamo teachings. Wc arc glad to assure our readers that this reaction has already commenced that vcn in New England, in tho Yankee State of Maine, we have gained over 10, J00 on the popular vote, and that wc have actually carried the recently Radical State of California by a large majority, while in Montana there is not a vestige of radical ism left. This reaction, by those who have been inattentive observers of the taucH, was totally unprecedented and un expected to all parties, but was as telling tuid decisive as unexpected. A e t-hnll hereafter take occasion to notice the causes, more at length, of this great revolution. At present it behooves to take courage from this result in "tho great contest now approaching in Pennsyl vania. The Keystone State will shortly be called upon to declarelier sentiments in regard to the great question of self-government which has just been before her East ern and Western sisters. Will she follow their example ? The questions arc the canie all over the Union, and we predict that on the second Tuesday of October tho Coal and Iron fclate of the East will stand side by side with the O olden State of the West that the glad tidings of equal libeity, heralded from San Francibco Bay, will find a glo rious re-ponsj on tho Delaware I Jay, and that from ocean to ocean will be shouted the enfranchisement of the American peo ple from the most dangerous enemy they have ever encountered. UAUICAL T3ILW DEK, The Radical State Committee are cir culating through the State, and endeavor ing to place in tho hands of Democrats, a lying document appealing to the pecuniary interest of the voter. We give it entire, and also annex tome comments upon it. Read it and notice its falsehoods : Facts for Government Itoixltiolders, AND THE HCI.DEKS OF G KEEN BACKS. Read, R'Jhct and Hand to your Neighbor. In lbOl, eleven States seceded ; and since then only twenty-three have been represented in Congress, until the admis sion of Tennessee in lyCo. All the United States Bonus 5-20's 7-oUa and llM(J's all the greenbacks, and all the National Hanks, were created by this Congress of twenty-three States. President Johnson calls this an "as sumed Congress" therefore not legal. 1 1 is supporters and the Democrats call it a "rump Cougirss," and a "usurping Con gress, and hence, not a lawful Congress; and tho great effort has been to elect Con gressmen in the North, and admit enough from tho rebel States to enforce this "Polt- If a Congress, representing but twenty three States, be not a lawful Congress, then every United States ilond, and all our greenbacks, and National Hank notes are worth nothing; because an unlawful Congress could not make lawful Uonds or lawful money. The mad effort so recently made by the rebels and then- sympathizers, to destroy this Government by force of arms failed. Thus far, the attempt to do the same thing, through Congress, has also failed, because of the action of the loyal voters at the ballot-box ; and the last tilbrt at destruc tion is now being made tiiizouoh the Cut'IiTS. Witness the recent attempt by Demo cratic lawyers to induce the Supreme Court of the United States to issue an injunction, nullifying the Reconstruction Laws of Congress in Mississippi, Geor gia, and other rebel States. Road also the opinion of Gi.okge Siiauswooi, the Democrat ie nominee for Judge of the Su preme Court of Pennsjlvai'.ia, in which he gravely denies the constitutional power of Congress to make paper Money u legal tender. (Doric vs. Trolt, Lsgtd Intelligencer .of March ISth, lSol, page Judges Woodwakd and T110.Mr.ioN of the same Court, announced from the. bench the same alarming doctrine, in lSGo. (See Mcrvine vs. Sailor, tt. al , Legal Intelligencer of' June 10 & 30,1805, pag -s 13 3 20o.) And this, too, in the face of the fact, that the Superior Courts of every loyal State in which the question has been raised, have sustained the power of Con gress. It, therefore, but little knowl edge of either arithmetic or law, to esti mate the imminent danger of putting any more men of Judge Shaicswoou's opin ions on the Supreme Bench of the Statu! Jf you believe the present Congress to. he unlawful, or desire our National cuir n cy and Government Uonds to be declared unlawful, vote, for George Su.u:syvooi, If you believe the presepiCongrcss to be lawful, or desire their ; loJ on Cur rency and Uonds to stand good, vote to sustain them, for the &ny-fhat created the Greenbacks and the Uonds the party that sustained the war, and compelled submission to the National authority and that stands p!e Ijred to keep faith with the landholders, and to maintain the Nation al credit vote for IIi.nky . Williams, the worthy and honoied nominee of this party. LOOK AT THE OTIIEU SIDE. When secession came, Democrats sus tained the Government, shed their blood, invested their money in 3-20"s, 7-oO's and lU-lU's, sent their members to Congress, and obej-ed the laws that u Congress of twenty-three States enacted That was their Government and they loved it, ;md many of them died 11 r it. During the war, eleven States were not represented in Congress, and they refused to be. That was a lawful Congress, all obeyed it ami all of its laws are binding under Ine Constitution. When the war was over the South Sub mitted, then the Radicals kept them out to give the negro power. They ''acted out side of the Concltutiou." as Thaddeus Ste vens says. If it be true, that the Democrats are trying to destroy this Government, how strange it is that they should hold its bonds and notes, and light and die for it Their oljrct is to preserve it, to bring it within the Constitution, to govern accord ing t 1 iw, to economise its resources, and to pay its debts. Are your Uonds njid greenbacks safer inside of the Constitution or outside of it. If we have no Constitution, as Stevens s;'y, what security have you fur your debt. The Constitution is the title deed to the property that your dtbt is a lien upon. In the case of Uorie again.-t Trott, Judge Sl.arswood decided that a man icfto agreed to pay a debt in gold should pay it in gold. Was not this right ? He did not decide the question of the power of Congress. You hold a .j-20 or a 10-10 bond, the interest is payable in gold. The Govern ment agreed to pay you in gold. The Radicals and their Judges say the Gov ernment may pay you in paper. Judge Sharswood holds tiiat a contract to pay in gold should be enforced, which best suits you? Which is the most honest ? Do you sec where this Radical doctrine 1-ads you ? They already say that the princijal of the Uonds may be jxiid in pa lter. If Judge Williams decides that your interest is payable iijiaper, is your contract with the Government carried out ? Will ho not so decide? They will pay in paper if their extrava gance makes it necessary. The interest on our State Bonds teas payable in gold, the law made it so, (See Act 0' 1810.) In 18GL when gold was 1GG, the Radicals in the Legislature passed a law making it payable in paper, on the grouad that they could save money, (See Legislative llec. 1801.) Are you any moro- secure than the landholders of the State? The expenses of tho Government aro more than its income. The Radicals are expending two hundred and twenty jive mil lions of your money for this year. The Democrats spent sixty-two millions the last year they were in power, for the same pur poses. Can j'ou sustain this extrava gance? Does, not the security of your debt consist in prudent management, economy in public business ; and in nour ashing and developing our resources ? Are tho Radicals pursuing this course ? If you w ish your bond and its interest paid in paper and 3'our contract with the Government violated, vote for IIenky W. Williams. If you want contracts between man and man, and between the Government and yourself carried out, vote for Geouge Si 1 a ks wood. Address or lEie Oeiuocratlc Slate Committee. Democratic State Committf.e "Rooms, o. 730 Sanso.m Stkef.t, ruiL-wixrniA, 8ept. 9th, 18C7 2u the People of Pennsylvania : The Radicals attempt to evade the prac tical issues of the canvass and to delude you into the support of their candidates. They alone are accounlable for the pros tration of your business interests. They have deliberately sacrificed them in order to place in the hands of Southern Negroes the balance of power in the Republic, and thus preserve their own rule. More than two years have passed since peace was restored, and we still look in vain for in creased produc ts from the South to ai ! ns in paying the interest on our debt, and for her prosperous customers to buy our wool en, iron and other manufactures. Instead of receiving ai I to pa' our debts we are taxed to maintain a freedman's bureau and a standing arm' in the South. Instead of prosperous customers to increase cur trade, ever' business interest lan guishes. lladu-al nilm magement, a negro poli cy, and radical extravagance, weigh down our energies and fetter our resour ces. The whole expense of the War Depart ment in lSdO was sixteen and a-half mil lions, whilst in UJbT it is estimated by the Treasury at frty-seven millions, both being periods of peace. To give the ne gro p-.wcr to ride us, therefore, costs the nation annually thirty millions. Of this amount Pennsylvania's thare is at leas. one-tenth, and your industry must annual ly pay three millions of dollars to support a policy -that closes your woolen mills and slops 3'our factories. In 3'our State a Hairs, mismanagement, corruption and extravagance are tl ie rule In looO, undur democratic power the ,1 whole amount of money appropriated and expended, independent of funded debt and military expenses, as shown by the Treas ur was mm; iii ndnko and ninltv-kigiit riiOf.SANi iollals. In 1801, excluding the same items, the Radicals appropriated and expended one million three hundred and seventy-nine thousand dollars. In 180o, excluding the same items, the Ra dicals appropriated and expended one mil lion live hundred and nineteen thousand dollars, and in 1SG0, excluding the same i:ems, they appropriated and expended two .millions and ixlyln thousand loi-i..r.n. The reports of iho Auditor General show these facts and prove that IN' SIX YKA!!S OI-" IiADICAL KULE, YOLK CASH KXPKN.-iKS HAVE JiOIIKTIIAN' DOL KI.KD. The men who have thus wasted Our sabstanee, prate of their loyalty and their sacrifices, and would maintain their hold upon the public treasury by fixing jour at e i! ion upon other i6ues. You aro op pressed by taxation through internal rev enue and other machinery, as no other people ever were. It takes from you your legitimate profits and gives you no customers. It compels -ou to stop man ufacturing and to discharge your work men. Your goods remain unsold and your cperatives suffer. Can you expect relief from this grinding taxation, so long as these enormous expenditures continu j ? Relief can on!' come through economy in public r.lfairs, a reduction in ycur expon scs, and the discharge of corrupt and ex travagant officials. It is their purpose to violate the great principle, ";hat each State has the right to determine the qualifications of its own electors," an J give the negroes of Penn sylvania the balance of power between the two great political parties. Negro suffrage is to be forced upon you by Con gressional enactment, and your "Supreme Court is to be placed m harmony" with that law, by electing Judge Williams, who h relied upon to decide that the negro is entitled to a right which you and your organic laws deny him. In the Senate 01 me tunica states, in July last, the recognized leader of the Radicals of this State, voted to proceed to consider a bill that was introduced by WiUsOX of Massa chusetts, to cix'jet this infamous purpose. DrcMoci: ATS oi' Pennsylvania ! Let the result in California arouse you to renewed exertion. Work is to be done, and you must do it. Committees may plan and order, but the result depends upon yourselves. Individual tfljrt is the road to victory. See your neighbor, en courage him, bring him to the polls. Perfect your organizations. Ulock your wards and townships. Subdivide the labor and perform it with energy. Press home upon your adversaries the real issues of the canvass. Demand of them that they shall answer. Are you for or against the Radical pol icy that destroys our business and closes our workshops, mills and factories, to give the negro the balance of power ? Are you for or against continued cor ruption, mismanagement and extrava gance Are you for or against conceding to Congress the right to allow the negro the power to rule Pennsylvania? Uy order of the Democratic State Com mittee. Wi: liam A. Wallace, Chairman. The York, Lancaster and others Pennsylvania papers, complain that the growing crop of potatoes in their respec tive neighborhoods is considerably atfected by the rot. iSimilar complaints come from different sections of Maryland, especially ftoni Frederick, Washington, Carroll, Har ford and Uultimor counties. POLITICAL. AXD XEWS ITEMS, A little boy stabbed his playmate dead in Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Yelverton, of divorce notoriety, arrived in New York on Saturday, from England. The Atlantic Club of Urooklyn de feated the Athletic Club of Philadelphia, at Williamsburg, N. Y., on Monday, by a score of 28 to 1G. What has become of ex-Secretary Stanton ? Don't hear a word about him of late. The "nine days" are over and the "wonder" has ceased. The cashier Of the Exchange Uank, Howell, Mich., absconded the other day leaving the bank funds minus 10,000. He is but eighteen years old. Twenty-six full choirs participated in (he ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new Catholic Cathedral on Wash ington street, Uoston, on Sunday. . South Uend, Indiana, the home (and ward) of Schuyler Colfax, has elected a Democratic Councilman. Heretofore it has been a radical disunion ward. At Augusta, Maine, w here Pillsbury, the Democratic candidate, resides, his gain was 387. In Urunswick, where the Radical candidate lives, Chamberlain lost 210. In Montana there is scarcely a ves tige left of the radicals. If they have elected a constable the news has r.ot yet reached the Atlantic slope. The people of Pennsylvania wiil follow the example of their Western brethren. The radical iinpeachers arc brought to a dead lock. If they impeach and remove .Air. Johnson they make lien Wade President. They would like to have the President "wade" out, but they don't like the idea of having old Uen "wade" in. The Albany Journal (radiea!) is very much frightened over the election returns from California, Maine, &e. , and virtually gives up New York, while it beg3 and prays the radicals in Pennsylvania and Ohio to do all in tiieir power to secure those States. The Radicals profess intense love for the soldier, but when "impoitant posi tions" are o bo distributed they give them to wil' and corrupt politicians, leaingil e "Uoys in UIua"only the crumbs which fall from the Leaguer's table in the shape of the "minor local offu-es." The Negro SufFragites claim that the reason w hy they were defeated in Califor nia was that they had two candidates for Governor. This may be a sufficient rea son for Republicans, but will hardly satis fy Conservatives, when the fact is known that the Conservative candidate for Gov ernor has a majority of six thousand over the vote of both Radicals combined. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota, will hold their general elections on Tuesday, October 8th. "We. t Virginia" will hold an election on Thurs day, October 21th. New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Maryland and Dela ware, on Tuesday, November' olh, Kan sas on Monda', November 11th. An animal six inches long, with scales like a fiih, has been removed from tln stomach of a young lady in Jefferson, Ohio, but another living object, as large as a man's tl-t rcaiains and cannot be re moved without an incision in tr.c Vwij of the woman. The object sometimes comes to the woman's throat and almost stran gles her. The Pope has resolved to call iogeth er a General Council of tho Catholic Church. The Arch-Uishops, Cardinals, heads of religious orders and other di -nitaiies will be summoned to attend from all parts of the world. The Holy Father has named a Committee of seven cardinals to whom he has entrusted the duty of ar ranging the preliminaries for the meeting of the council. Two negro men, Pen Davis and Pan I)ais, brothers, were arrested on Sunday last in Danville, on a charge of commit ting a rape that day upon ihc person of a negro woman named Jud Stevens; and Thursday last a negro boy named Pen Long was arrested at Culpepper Court House, charged with an attempt to com mit a rape on the wife of Warren Payne, colored. All the parties were committed for trial. When Thaddeus Steve- s sta'ed that the Republicans would come to grief in Pennsylvania this fall on account of their frightful corruption, he, in advance, gave an explanation of the painful defeat of Radicalism in California and Montana, and the overwhelming gains of the De mocracy in Vermont and Maine. The truth is apparent that the masses are be coming thoroughly disgusted - with the usurpations of the Congressional traitors, and they are preparing to strike the Radi cals a crushing blow in Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Age says : "From every portion of Pennsylvania we have' glad tidings of "a Democratic revival, there is not a break in the column in any portion of the State. Everywhere the greatest enthusiasm prevails. Thousands who never before acted with the Democra cy intend to vote for George Sharswood, the able lawyer, the accomplished scholar, the upright judge and the honest man. In the great battle which is soon to be fought in our State, Pennsylvania will outstrip Connecticut, Maine, California or Mon tana." A Queer Wedding. The Hartford Post relates a curious incident which oc curred near that city. Mrs. Eliz'i Darns ley, a young war widow, had been court ed and won by a young lawyer from Pro vidence, who spent his vacation in the neighborhood. The day for the marriage was fixed and all the arrangements made, but at the appointed hour the bridegroom came not ; he liad gone from the town in an early train. The bride was disconso late, the friends outraged. Worse than all, the dinner was getting spoiled by waiting. Seeing this state of affairs, one of the in vited guests, a middle-aged farmer, who had been a secret admirer of Mrs. 1'arns ley, and whom she had encouraged before the law3'ers advent, stepped up, offered to take the groom's place, and was accepted. They wero married, ato their dinner, uud promise to make a happy couple. W. W. Ketch am, has been nominated for Congress by the rads, to fill the unex pired terra of Hon. Charles Dennison. J udge Woodward is the Democratic can didate, and his election a certainty. IF YOU WANT tho best Cooking -L or Parlor Stove made in the world, go to HUNTLEY'S and get Spears' Anti-Duster. A NXOUNCEMEXT. To the Citizens of Cambria dunty : I offer nrvsclf as an Independent candidate far JU KY COilMlSSlOXEIt at the approacain" election. JOHN PORTEIJ. Susquehaufia Tp., August S. 1807. CI Tit AY SHEEP. CaTne to the k-7 premises of the subscriber, in Clearfield township. Cambria county, on the 1st int., SIX SHEEP. The owner i requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. Sept. 12.-3t. GEO. UUTLEDGK. r J1E AC! IEI1 S AVAXTEI ). Four -13- Teachers are wanted to take charge of tho several departments of the Ebcnsburg Union Schools during the corning winter. Term, five months, beginning on the last Monday in September, inst. "Examination of applicants will take place in Rjom No. 2 of Union School building, Ebcnsburg, on Tuesdov, 24th inst.. at 9 o'clock. Ily order of the P.card. D. V. EVANS, Pres't. Sam'l, Sinoleton. Scc'y. &epl2-2t IXECUTOITS" NOTI(7Le7- ters Tcttafcicntary on the estate of Ter ence McEiinie, late of Washington township. d cM, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register f Caudnia county, all per sons knowing themselves indd ted to said esttite are hereby notified to niako payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them properly aitthcLtieUcd for settlement. THOMAS 1PENRUE, Executor. Washington Tp., Sept. 12, 18ii7.-Ct. JOSEPH ZOLNER AS just opened, and offers for sale lower II they can be bought v elswhere, a splendid let of e-jht ilayaml twenty-lour hr.ur J? CLOCKS, fine WATCHES .fu . ... . . . rv. every description, ACCOIiUEOXS, J KWKL HY, and a variety of all articles in his lint-. It-pairir.r of Clocks, Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry, done on short notice and mct reas. naMe terms. All work warranted. Call at Ids shop, High street, opposite Moun tain House, Ebcnsburg. sep.5,'j7 J I ORETTO rKOPEHTY FOR -" SALE. The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on tl,e premises, at 1 o'clock v. SI., on Saturday. Sept. 2W. ISG7, a two-and-a-half storv Fit AM E IlOUSliand two LOTS OF GUOUXD, adjoining each other, situa ted in the Borough of Loretto, Cambria Ci. The IIou.;.e is roomy, has a good cellar under it, and in good condition. The Lots arc full size, well fenced, and there are a num ber of choice fruit trees, rrapc vines, and necessary outbuildings, besides a never fail ing we!! of excellent water, on the premises. Terms will le made known on day of sale. D. CARNEY, Ju. Loretto, Sept. 12, 1807.-21 LORETTO MUG STORE. Now on hand, a Jarge and well selected slock of fresh DRUGS AND MEDICINES, 1'alnts, Oils and Varnishes, Pnro and Unadulterated Liquors, for medicinal purposes, TOP.ACCO AND CIGAPS, Wall l'ajcr and Window Shades, all sylcs, LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS. BUIINEUS AND WICKS, And a good article of Uefinkd Petkcleum. Also, a large supply of White Lend, Putty, Window Glass, fcc. ALWAYS ON' I1AND, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, ixcurniKu JLIIR. NAIL AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Combs, Toilet and Tooth Preparations, LU BIN'S AND ITIALON'S EXTRACTS, Soaps, Fancy CJoods, &.C. A FULL LIKE OF STATIONERY. As my medicines are warranted of a pure quality. I am prepared to fill rreseriptioiib with accuracy and dispa'ch, at all lours of the day or night. Open on Sunday Hr the sale ot mencmes. A. .J. CllltlSll. Loretto. June 27, 1SG7.-Cni fTXREAT Keimxtion- ix Prices I TO CASH MYERS! AT THE EnrAsmitG HOUSE-FURiMSlHiMi STORE. The undersigned respectfully informs tin citizens of Ebcnsburg and the public gener any mai ue nas made a ;reat reiuictiou in prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock will consist, in part, of Cooking, Parlor and Heat ing Slovcs, of the most popular kinds ; Tin ware of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all kind, a. Locks, Seiews, Butt Hinges, Table Hinges, Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Naus. in dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety, Scissors, Shears, llazors and Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Eonnj MachincK, Au-ers, Chissels, Planes, (Jom passes, Sipuares, Files, Hasps, Anvils, Vises, V ranches, Hip, l anef and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains of all kinds. Shovels, Spaces, Sc3-thes and Snaths, Rakes. Forks, Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts. Pegs. Wax Bristles, Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones, Patent Molasses Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Horse Nans, Horse Shoes, Cast Steel. Hifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Fistols, Cartridges, I'owJ tier. Caps. Lead, vc., Odd Stove Plates, Orates and Fire Bricks, Vell and Cistern Pumps and Tubing : Ila)-ness and Saddlery Ware of all kind ; Wooden and Willow Ware in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Limns, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Uu, Kosin, Tar, Glassware, Faicts, aruish es, Turpentine, Alcohol, &o. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, risli. Hominy, Crackers, Kice and Pear Barley: Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS: Paint. Whitewash, Scrub, Horse Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove, Clothes and Rt 3 Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the l.iwest rates for CASH. Q&-IIouse Sptmling made, painted and put up at low rates for cash. A liberal discouut made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY ISbcuiiburg, Feb, 28, lSG7.-tf. o VARIETY ! STYLE ! BEAUTY ! MIRE1 MORE NEW our AT Lowest Prices ! EATII6JM A NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK, or j C5eos! D3ESS GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, I DEFY 1 ! n I oi!ittctitioii! ! V LTTIIEU IN GOODS OR PRICES and invite the ATTENTION OF PURCHASEES TO MY SUPERB STOCK OF Cheap Goods V. S, DARKER m m i d rnnno UMLill UUUlirt CAMBRIA CO,. PENNA. 1867, TALLTRAac. C;p I arii now vironn.i . Oui i io oiler SUPERIOR INDUCEMENT TO CAPFI prpf-it., i' III EITHER AT WHOLESALE Oil lErAlI My stock consists in part of cverv Tin, Sheet-Iron" COPPER AND RRASS V AND PI v,v SAUCE-PAHS. BOILEBS fc COAL SHOVE ES. M I X t n.'r. cans. 1 1 o i : s i:r r n v ! ; t i w, .! ' VA HE OF EVEI-Y KIXI). P' Anti-Diikt HEATING am, COOKING EXCELS1 OR C OUKISG a -id vr NO DLE, TK I U M PI I A x i . im v r r. n r And any Cuking S't )vc fk-ir.., j K-, when ordered at.manufac tier's ' Odd Hates' a-.:d Or.iu', 'v' !'r pairs, on hand fur the St.,vi ' V will be ordered when w;i:,u . p, -' attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conducts all of which will be rn i :o (,t-f ,," ict r" aiu I'll n V!i..jetcnt W(r!:L.. Larr.p Burners, Wick sr-fl r... "WHOI.LS.U.t: :: I.Kr.v.1.. I would call particular attci.t: -n tv IIuii.-e 1'urnc.r, with Ola.-s O-te, f. r :nuie lihl than any other in n.-v. .v Paragon liurntr, f r Crude 0.1. It rccc-!i;:i;cnds itse'.f. ouurwi i iio OftULLr.l, of all sizes cuijttautlv l. Special attcr.tion given t . InhNJnor in Tin f-. "-nr o-i -I O' i - v-,",0 "I w.-n U..CC.I.. at low cit po!.-:b'iu rat'.s. WlIOJ.l.SAI.i: Ml'.l:CI!AM' I.k, now ready, and will be :,t ,ij,- ; . ty mail or in ! :;.- :.. II--pir. to son all ray 1 ! .-:! : many new ones this Sp;n, 1 - ;;!:.: most sincere thanks for the vcrv .;.r.i;; r, or, rr.- T 1 1 .... 1.. . . : ' endeavor to loaa-ntl who l:..y cr.V.,vi... er thev buy CT KOt. Johj.i-town, March 7, 1: ';7.-C:.;. WHOLESALE r Li W. IIARSHDI' RSER & 0 JJiL 51ULKT, OPPOSITE SCVTT IiOl SH. JOHNSTOWN, PA , Keep constantly fir sale tire l.:r,T?t .in! assortment f pure BETJGS & MEBICini PAINTS, OILS, VARNiSS Alcohol, TuiT-clittue. Pure Wines and Liquors, bestt,: 4000 Lbs. Whits Lead. p nvr r-Trrn rum rrr And in fart ercryOiing kept in ,. ' .' :. lrug S'ore, all of ich'wh vlll h SOLD AT CITY PRICE MISH LEFTS CELEBRATED EiTii by the doKeu or l v tl.e c'l on: s'tooii or Perfumeries and Toilet is acknowledged ly all jude.' t. i-'-LAUGEST IN QUANTITY AND FINEST IN Q''' OF ANY IX OT.ll TOWS- SOt.K AO EN l'Oi: SHARP S M01TMS III B AND SHARP'S 31AGIC ALL ORDEHS VVA 'MP i'lA" FILL LOWEST 1 KICES Johnptown, Ai'.. 15. ISCT.-ly. nipniTl ililUi ii iiii ESTABLISHED 1855 .on i IK IN CAMBRIA COUNTY an rw -ft ft A r.l: Keeps constantly cn h-- -' l" LARGEST. CHEAPEST r. nrpn 1 r1 Pi x : 1 11 ArML; ; ASSORTMENT OFG 0 (' rF'IA JNG TO THE DRUG BTJSINE? In h.e County, which he c-i AT WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE AND 1 1 '. AT LOWEST BATp l imiklln trccU ( OPP OSITE ii I 'A 11 NET ' 1 , JOHNSTOVN,g: ROPE for Patent H' bad low for cash at