Newspaper Page Text
i ) Freeman "-Tiiif- iTI-an-BfS-j bed 'Weekly i i. ini J" T-iVm j,. - in ii ii ii. .i Lbr" r ..fa-'1 v latlon. .bTP' Kate... . -.-h in lTn- tt.M vi'.1- 'ii nil i-nl.1 within 3 tuontlia. I T4 i ii n 't "ithln 6 month. 2 uu 2 I. uot .aid rilliio the jei. a ft 'TC?o'n'Vr y" w" en-nt.d to .i.iinn outside of lb. eonntt fin the ahov. term he do- , i iboje euo don onnguli insti J, 'AVtlie .-me looiinic - loose mht, ! t-i t Ji'tioctiy uoil.ralootl troc in a .1 vn n i-l m II X t not ...mrrip-ri""'"" ""' ' - 'irCet'tolwK.looin.rwl8e- , , rter (ore -no Mop It. !f utoi " .. ivone 1 .,,.- 'DIRT DEFIES THE IS GREATER THAN IN BEAUTj IN EVER f.flrcu REQUISITE OrFilurru& k. - . rnNfiTPiirTinN7 "lu WWJ IW A A mWffr5WMGfACffM &. CLVfLAt. ONO. FARSVJERS! TAK Ilaviiio niiulo sonic iin- provcniciits in the OLD SHENKLE MILL nc arc now prepnrcd to torn out FIRST-CIiASS WORK on Sliort XotiiT. S(rlicirino a portion of your piKroiuioc, I rcmsiiii s. PROPRIETOR. if ""3 MORE DOCTORS FOR ME! I coiitiimptive. nnt nie t ., to!J i,,. l .... .... .. uo tri.fil. J-t think .f it. I f.,ullJ hit' l,.M.k called ';uid fc. r!i"" '' ty Ir'- l'tkl.m, in it I rw out So 1 rcte to " . . j iry. tuia iit jiisi wimi w III just w ti iii ipinUiJ hralth now.' Vesetabl Ul uComDOund i ' iitwitu tl,.a.x.aaU reature. per- J bru3e , ,t M m tnlard rtl rj." t mail, in form of 1'iUa f- M 00 " of 51 OO. n of K,,,"'y CornplaintA. y "V ' oniMniud lis no rival. ,7 "Ek!.a, friT letter ir.!"! ? f nt tor Mr Hnkhani'i I - ti Z . l"ul'i,. booh . enMllad I " "c MEltTM N0 ETIQUETTE." Jlii f..M ,,. .. .... ,.ur, , i aM.MMMMMa 'nknam M Oo., Ln. Mam. "Oil i. ,. CfEAT DISCOVERY" Of p s':!,ar. tut Caacia M-a4.lAl.laT. lnterest to the Fair Sex. 'uJ"', l"""-"'i"t rinuTal of unattftitly l,'ei ft 1 '''' It thoualiil "'Bu.rt'i "" Ull"turl ruUl With f :" PMmiiik IrraUneut ttier. lU i,f f.illr . .. i . . . i ...... F 4 ,,." 'e'lKlit. It may be applied l a rrii'ii( , " lth 1,r- tl"ert'i rcii.e-ly oi.7, mouienta. villi a sniail ti. . ' !''nM.. It removes the hair tati,r'i'"'''yt "'!ury to the mint ttelttat. y-J. ,"UTuU't "' Itching aentalion and "'U, u' ''i-nntii of anr kind parvus at rl.t. t'1" dlrerUl, rail eltert . lii, I i ',"'ut 1lna of vititint: -f1, " 'etti.i are Klvrn will. e. u "C iirii-y. ' u1"a ,or clicuUr t.r rH t.ii M ra.ifc Aiwuuo, 1'ltuUuig, t'a. r a w . a 'u I 1 If fit fl ' x? JAS. C. HASSON, Editor nno -r - -e - ()T .TIAf! KING." THEN ROYALTY ITSELF. ' . ''. . ' ' ' 1 I 1 I 1 I'll I 1 A M 1 DE3 LUDWIl OH! MY BACK Ifrrj (train or rolil mtlvka that vttk bark aad ararijr Bruairaira job. tmnwH'5 THE CT BEST TONIC .n-dlc the NerTca. FnrlrhnK niootl. ilve Ntw i.r. Da J. U Mnaa. FWneiJ. I.fwa. rtym: Bmwn'. Iron BiUra th tt In.a HMtdM-in I b.T known to in; : r1i .r.ctR-. I t.ioiid it m-iatlr tnlicial in irum-r, aud in all 1W.i1iMuiii lliat r . h--..Ui uo Um inli. I'"" l"1' o"11 Ma. W K Hum. k.T7 Mm Si. l3oinKl.n k, amy.- I comiplttty bt kfo d-tm m linllb .a4 triukltl who ijiu in u ' l-k.'. Iruu liiUara Hiunll n I" lit-Jlu.' 'k arulcrtwtjvd rwd liaa. irr. Mo. oui ir KlLTlA.Ui. at on riiM- 'I'm U r ttt t BattM 1 Utallll t'avpatK. and Trsd-Msrksi obtained, and all l't ent bnine!4 rtni,ut'ttt fr Moderate Ft. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and venntrrnrF patfr.t in les time tban tnoe rrnwlr from Wasthmirttin. t-nrt niiKlt-l. drawiiiir ur r.hoto.. with afcrlp M'.m. We advie. if jiafentable or not. frre of rhar-e Our fee not due tiil patent i erared. a Pamphlet. "Uuw tt obtain Patents." wita namt t.f a. tiial!. in ytmrState, county, w to u, eent free. A (litre-', C.A.SNOW&CO, Onooaite Patent Office. Washinoton. f C f HE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. Qliscev, Drawwi 1j3, Chicago, Secre tary of the Star acciin Company, for information regarding Accident Insur ance. Mention this paper. By so doing you can aave His paid over jduO.OUO OO lot membership fee. Accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRES I - - 1 - - iiffilll If flrl Ifl lil HI Iii-' 1 1 i-i iri Proprietor. --fe. A MIDNIGHT Sg m SURPRISE, m Bj Elvira Floyd Froeneckc. LIFK in mir family has always Wen atjitiitetlby unexpected liappeiiins. i'loper, w ell-ieuiatetl siit-i .-t it ions liitxe a way of reeisiny results w liieh is luuniUatiii ami tlejn e.ssiiij'. When Al tT'riitn ltiur.t a new taii-culoreil cout tiiitU-r the iinpi etssioii that it umilil leuse his sweetheart ami f,'ie him a smart, fashionable air he fount! that tan was unhei-oluin', that his sweetheart preferred ";ray and that the latest hue for sjn iii"; eoats wus a striking shatle of I'liim. 'lai-isse, ttni, had the same well-tle-veloiieil propensity; for on presenting n ytnuir lawyer (of tender heart, and inleileelual telideiivies) with a lxok ly Mr. Hall Caiue she found that lie had read all that gifted man's works ami was eajrer to learn !iuet hiu- of the In i"h!er lijrht.Zaiifrwill. I'oor Aunt l'olly fell ill with jrrippe. She s n tie red lout.'' anil recovered .-hiwly. It left a leiracy in the shape of a iiasty coiih that refusetl to he quieted. One tine day she took courage and went to call upon some dear friends. 'I he old ladies were in. They were delighted to see her, but were very much dis tressed about her cold. During the shifting conversation, which covered the broad field that lay between ora torios and home so lpinaking, they rec ommended numberless cures. Towards five o'clock Aunt l'olly rose to go. There v-as a Hashing eye signal between, the kind old hostess and import uuate "Oh. don't go's!" from both. Aunt l'olly Kink gracefully in her chair as one of the ladies disappeared. Throughout the period of waiting most pleasaut thoughts were borne in her iiiuid. How kind they were! How delightful to agaiu isit old friends! What would the coining refection be? l'robably tea; may be coffee. No! More likely cocoa, and possibly elderberry w ine or iHitiillon. She finally arrange!, the probabilities between elderberry wine and cocoa, while apparently deep ly engaged in con versa uhiii with her entertainer. A slight bustle at the door. A click of a spoon. She turned her head to see the apparition of a female figure ad vancing, which held in one hand a large bottle of coil liver oil. in the other the hutrest silver tablespoon ever made. A spoonful was poured out slowly ant handed to the unfortunate iruest. She gulped tlow n the dreadful dose and hastily made her escape. Aunt l'olly is a Christian, and nothing transpired that was disastrous to friendship or good breeding. lbi, oh, how she did think! We were all a bit chary of supersti tions, because of our peculiar experi ences. There is tliat one of a black cat bringing truod luck; but when Kloise scratched her dainty hand on w earing a black-cut pin for the first time, am! when Cousin I'.elle's story was sent liv ing back as "unavailable" by the editor of the I'.lai k Cat magazine, we were not eager to welcome the tremendous black-coated, yellow-eyed pussy, that ierald assured us would make happi ness for all the family. Still she was a lady, and had some pre tentions to beauty, so we adopted her, and baptized her "I H- il." She certain ly acted as if about to change condi tions, for nothing serious occurred, and beyond a propensity for Iving oi.. the most comfortable bed she .oiild find, or dipping- her dainty paw in ap ink lot tle imitating the writer she was most exemplary. Sometimes it annoyed im ttiat we had not a food terrier in Ilexil's place. She could kill rats, of course, but could give no alarm in ease thieves entered the house. We tried ad. ling a bright little hlac k-and-tan terrier to our family. This would not do at all. Hevil must reign supreme, and the dog was ban ished. r.nrglaries liegan to be frequent in Hie neighborhood. The ater ami mater were going abroad, ami we home guard were on our mettle. We were taught and retaught pistol practice until we were sure of our man, did he dare otfer his body as target. The gunsmith had never sold so manv pistols, nor such quantities of ammuni tion, since he had taken his shop, lie was a queer little man w ith a bent back and a deep-set eye. His grimy hands, greasy knee-caps and odor of yunpowder were his trademarks. He looked us harmless as a pearl-handled revolvttr; but the way his prices rose to meet this de mand, and the fables he concocted about his antique stock, showed his capability for improving op ortunities. Still with paternal solicitude the household head was loth to leave us without further precautions for our safety. A burglar alarm was added to the household attachments. It was of an electric construction; and there were numerous dynamos and endless elec tric w ires Hying around the house for a w eek or more. Kiuallv all was complete. Each bed had a formidable row of wires am! bat teries; while within eo&y touch of the hand was a small crank that set bells ri Hiring iu furious clamor. We were alone at last. Each morn ing Charles Augustus, the colored gen tleman who arranges our destinies and receives our guests, set the alarms, to. which all the bells responded merrily. Each night Algernon and I examined our weapons and laid plans to meet the marauder. After several nights of broken slum ber, w hen each heard noises ami met in corridor, pistol laden and in light attire, we conc.ieieti that it was alsurd to meet trouble two-thirds of th way. So we settled down to peaceful sleep and lonf r:"hts of rest. We had had a delight f ul holiday. For two days friends had isited us. W e had been in town, sight-seeing and woi.der ga.inir. ending with a dance one night, .i trip to the theater the next. Again ,c h..d settled down to get rid of our tin day night's tiie with really pleas ant a.itn i atiou. 1 of Christmas; then, that e w ei c waiting to see the old year out, vLen I awakened, and the bells were --'rj'' 'HI 18 A PRKKMAN 'WHOM THI TBCTH EBENSBUKG, PA., Fill I all ringing! Every electric alarm I Iti 'itiirifnp H M .l.l...l . '""'f-)"! tiiiiiij uuii-i-i-i, iiiiuru U which were the gongs of the Iront and back doors, while sounds of voices from excited men outside added to the noisv blare. I rushed to the hall, forgetting my pistol, am! met Algernon, clad iu pis tols ami night bhirt, hurrying to the front tloor. "Have you killed him?" I cried, sup posing at least one burly corpse must lie l iug somew here near. "Killed her, jou mean," sneeied AI gernon, rushing' downstairs. ".No! 1 haven't, but by Jove I w ill." I thought lie hail gone mad and was almost frantic villi terror. Still 1 did lean over the baluster and saw the cap tain of olice, the sergeant, six hi;; po licemen ami eight s mpii t liizi ng neigh bors forming a line that was like uu in terrogation Mint. Algernon looked dignified, thoutrh the circumstances were trving. He k pt the throng quiet ant! explained quickly, answering the shower of ques tions that assailed him with: "I am very sorry, gentlemen. Our i. hi rill was set run! we were sleeping soundly. The bells were set in mo tion by our cat w lro took a notion ttt play with the crank." Not a mule came to those expectant faces. Poor men! It was a cold morn ing two a. in. ami they intended to capture at least one man after th?ir trying ordeal. Slowly they filed out and Algernon rei-limbed t he stairs. Dis gust und gloom were written over his dejected face and manner. I looked up to say: "Oh, Algernon! 1 am mortified t i death." Sudtlenly the lad burst into an un controllable fit of laughter. "Not a burglar! Confound the alarm! I be lieve there never was one that went off at the right time. Ami where is that cat! She must be abolished. This is not the first time the devil raised a nt-iifbborhotd. hut it will be the last time here;" and he went in search of the imp, whose sagacity saved her neck, as she had brokeu our peace. 'New Eng land Grocer. TOOK THEIR ADVICE. 1. 1 e u I . Tjlrr Took a Kerr, Bat It 1)1 U .Not 'I'm We lilua to laal. iilcard. When Kear Admiral Sicard, who took command of the North Atlantic squadron the other day, was a captain he was stationed for a lime on the old receiving- s,hip Vermont in the IlrookH n navy " aid. To him Lieut. Hansou K. Tyler, now retired, wsts ordered to re port for duty on the Vermont. Tyler was a big, round, good-mwiired crmoiitcr, with a long, nasal, down cast draw!, and all the navy had nick named him "Horse." It happened this time tlwit "Horse" reported four days late, antl ('apt. Sicard was annoyed. The captain was not a martinet, but he w as a believer in st rict discipline and in tLe fullest performance of duty. When he was in command of a vessi l it was al wa s shipshape. When he was in com mand of a navy yard things moved off as it was intended they should move. So. when Tyler came aboard the Ver mont ('apt. Sicard was displeased bt-ll!s-:.t of his tarili nrst. "llootl morning, ('apt. Sicaid. drawled Tyler. "1 am ordered to the Vermont, and I am here to report t - on for duty." - "Cood morning, Mr. Tyler," an swered ("apt. Sicard. "Will you have the goodness to explain why vou are four days late?" "Certainly, captain," Haul Tvler. with just the suspicion of :t grin am! an ext ra attenuation iu his drawl. "Vou see. my ortlers were to report aboard the Ver mont at Itoston. I went to liostou and found that the Vermont was at l'.rool. lyn. I didn't know whether to bring, I '.os ton down to the Vermont or th; Vermont up to Itoston. While I w as de bating the matter I got a telegram fron. the department (he pulled ;t out ami showed it to ('apt. (Sicaixl) that said'For Koston in your orders retid Itrooklv n." so 1 came down to New York yester day. I'd never been in LSrooklyii. so 1 asked a man how to get the l'.rooklvn navy yard, am! he said I'd better take a ferry, so I took a ferry, and when I got olf 1 asked a man how to get to the Crook lyn navy van!, ami he sai.l: 'Take a ferry.' I asked him what that place was. and he said: 'Staten island. St i I took a ferry, and w hen it stopped it was in a place a man said w as Conimimi paw. I asked him how to get to the ISrooklyn navy yard, and he Raid: 'Take a ferry. 1 thought it wasn't a po:id place for me to be around loose iu at' night, so I got a hotel and went to bed. and this morning I hired a loy for ill cents to pilot me to the Ilrooklyn navy yard: and. by the way. captain, have you got that sum in your clothes?" And they sav "Horse" Ty ler got off. X. Y. Sun. A BLACK CAT'S VISIT. Kate uf a Woman ho llelleved It Hr.BKhl liuiiil Lark. The hku-k cat superstition certainly has a strong hold. A strange bluck cat came to the resilience of a Troy fam ily during the pretscnt year, ami it was occasionally fetl by the kind-hearted woman of the house. The cat kept coming, says the Troy I'ress, and in sisted iqion domesticating itself, and the woman laughingly remarked to her friends that it was a sign of good luck. Hut she had no children, and did not want to le troubled with a cat. She told her husoaud that he must get r'nl of it. They disliked to kill the cat. and finally decided to take it into the country and drop it, Iite one afternoon, they put the cat in a l ag and drove about five miles, when they untied the bag and freed the cat. after which they returned rap idly. The woman died inside of hah an hour after reaching- home, au ac cident befalling her. If it be good luck for a black cat to come to one's house, it surely must signify Mr luck to take or diive it away. The woman was familiar with the omen, as she had repeatedly re ferred to it, but probably itever stopped to consider that such a sigu would imply evil consequences if the harbin ger of good was turned away. At al events, she took the black cat away and was killed altnuKt immediately thereafter. While we take no stock whatever in this popular superstition we know the facts to be as stated. A few days after the funeral the caf came back. M4IE1 FRKK AM A LI- AUK 8LAVK8 BEcIDK.' DAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1897. UPRISING OF THE CHEYENNES. I'eople W ho Have t;aa. and Caa Shoot Are .ot Afraid, of 1'beiu. The people who live in the Powder river country are accustomed to the re ports of Indian uprisings. The scares have their beginnings in tuiall events. The one in 1S4 was started by two drunken cattlemen, who were silting in a house when three Indians came ritliug up the road on their pomes. One of them, who luol been di inking more than was good for him. made a bet that he could raise the hat from the head of one of the approaching Indians with his riHe without scalping him. So he ienel tire, and he-did raise the Indian's hat, but he shot a trifle too low ami creased his scalp, not hurting bin. seriously, but starting the b!od and making the ludians angry. They rode away, ami that night came with a band of their companions ami burned the ranch houses down. The residents of that section organized a Kissc of 2IHI or 30O and went after the Indians in earnest, but the men who tired the ranch were subsequently surrendered, and the affair quieted down without more bloodshed. The Chev t-niies then hud a little set tlement on Otter creek, at its coutl uence with the Tongue river. Afterward a lot more of their tribesmen joined them, and there a mission was established for them, where the government now takes care of them. At that time they were not cared for at all, and their old v" lueaus of living- was by hunting anil stealing. They were treacherous ami undesirable as neighlnirs. They would always look around hen t hey made a visit to a ranch to tre whether there was any arms around, antl if there were not they would set tqiou the people and rob them of everything they had in broad daylight before their eyes. If they met a man on a horse on the ranch who wits not armed they would set him afoot on the spot am take his horse and outfit along with biiem. They are the same Indians who took part in the raid in Nebraska and after wart! iai ticipated in the Custer mas sacre. The Che venues are not a par ticularly high class of Indian, though. They are not especially brave, and I never saw one who was a ginid shot. They are rapidly diminishing in num bers. '1 he locality wheie they are now was once a fine hunting ground, but that diy is gone. They are fed by the government and fiirtiiohcd with some of the comforts of civilization, but for the most part they retain their original customs from preference. They live in houses a part of the time, but eat on the ground when tables are furuL-hed them, and in many other ways show reluctance to enter into the spirit of the go eminent in its efforts to civilize them. Helena (Mont.) Independent. STORY OF A CAPTURE. Wit of a Wife S-eil Iter llu.hand front the OIHeera. "If I hadn't seen it with my own ;. is," saitl the old forty-niner, "I wouldn't be a tellin' it. Inourcampwe had got kinder civeilicd and unless a it Her was st rung up i ml net bate fur lilt in dust what didn't belong ter him. or rid iii' otT w it h a boss nut huv in" : 1 1 le ter til' same, we locked him up and held him fur a fair trial. We had a icl "h-r olh eel s an" g uai ls an' t l.e conv it is h..d ter work get I in' iu wood an' ch-ai.ui' up 'round i air. p. "One fine-look in' feller came in there with his wife, an' she w ar finer 1. .ok in" not he was. 1 never hnowed jri whether he done it or not. but it war charged that he was caught craw I in out from a tent with his partinei's swai We caught him an' put him inter th workiu' gang till the gran jury couli set on him. lie had a mighty line lu.s that a lot id us wanted ter buy. but hi wife wouldn't sell au took tare of Inn. as good as a man could do. "On a Saturday night that fellet broke guaid. While we was chasiu 'round a Chinerman i.otertied us as l.ov th' man was at home with his wife I hey must have heenl tiscomiii. fm there was a rush from th' back dooi there was as purty a spring into tin saddle as you ever see an' all of us w-n clatterin' alter th big hi ss wh.le i. rider waved a hat an mocked at us. V. f ollered fer miles, droppiu' out i lie b one till me an' th'sht-iiff had 111" trad We could change bosses, but fur tci hours that there big black kept tl." loud au' showed us his heels. 'I hell hi rider jist coolly got off and set tlow n or a log ter wait fur us. WVgalh'ptd u; with guns in both ban's an' ordered a surrender. Durn me if it wasn't th' purty woman, an we never see either of ein again. Detroit Free Press. CORRESPONDENCE POINTS. x Write legibly; if you cannot, you thou Id learn to do so. Practice makes perfect. To write a good hand is an essential accomplishment which every woman should acquire. Answer every note or letter, except such as may be impertinent or insult ing; these are not worthy your notice. Plain, white unruled paper is always the most refined anil elegant for note paper and envelopes, though a delicate gray is not iu bad taste. Place the postage stamp in a straight, that is. vertical ixisition. in the upper right hand corner of the envelope. Itur gues great carelessness to put thestamp on in any sort of a fashion. Avoid gairishness in color am deco ration in your note paper. It is ex ceedingly oor taste to use red or green ink, or orange-colored note pa-ier, or mi per of any other strong color. La-die-" World. Daaelaar In Para--, a a jr. The women of Paraguay have but one pastime., that of dancing. 1 hey wear white robes, but leave their shapely shoulders aud taieriug arms all b; re. A gold comb of enormous size is the only ornament. Parties are gotten up on the slightest pretext. The dances arc iu quaint, original figures, but near ly :dways very grateful. Sometimes the lestivities will be kept up through the entire right, after which the partici pants will gayly ret urn to their t cupa- i tions of whatever nature, always con tented, always happy. Sometimes there will lie a grand contribution picnic at some distant point, where the dancing will be kept up through the round of a whole 24 hours. For these people live to be happy through the livelong day. Chicago New. 81. OO and MAINE MOONLIGHT. , uiuuaou wamy aa ii is maae La 1 M Till . ... - the Temperance State. A Llaaor That Cirvn It. Way Down aad MaWe. a Man lilaovta III. I'areatt-llodglai,' the Law. For 2J years after the jtassnge of the Neal Dow law there were many stills iu Maine, all or which icldetl a fair protit to the owners. '1 he hard times, which lasted from ls7J to l-,7, drove most of the luunufact uit-is ..lit t.f the .Misiuess. Soon afterward anOr luiid genius discovered a wav of mak ing whisky from alcohol by i iing it with water ami crotou oil. and then the revenue officers rested, ltelieving t here were no offenders in the state. The compound which was put up bv the Orlaud man has been known under various names. It was gem rally called "split." on account of the way the al cohol was divided, though the inventor and his friends have always termed it "ten-minute whisky." liet-ause of the short time in which it was prepared. The cost aud manner of making two gallons of ten-minute whisky are as follows: To one gallon'of alcohol, valued at one dollar, add 2n cents worth of croton oil. Shake well lor ten minutes and add a gallon of pure water. The re sult is two gallons of In-rod whiskv. at a cost of IK) cents a gallou. Three thinks of this mixture would make a g-nl man disown his patents. The ten-minute whisky came into gen eral use and the owners t.f the ill cit stills moved over the line into New I'runsw ick in order to live, ah-.. hoi came to Maine by the quart, gallon, bar rel and hogshead until the IUiston deal ers grew curious and sent secret agents down east to learn what became of so much raw spirits. When they found out that it was made into teu-miuute whisky they doubled the price. Meanwhile the price of grain went lower and lower every day. Cor.' which had generally sold for 7u cents a bushel, and had not gone below 5ii tents since the days before the war dropped to 40 cents lust fall, held there til winter, and had a downward ten dency when the spring of 1'j7 i.cii d. According to the Maine standard a bushel of corn, when Sprouted, roasted ground up, fermented and distilled, will yield four gallons of whisky, and with corn at 40 cents a f.-ushel good corn whisky should not cost over 2u cents a gallon. As long as alcohol was sol. I at one dollar a gallon, it was heaper to make ten-minute whisky than run the risk of conducting a still; bi.t w hen ulcohol ami the internal revenue ax on whisky went up, and the price ,,f com went dow u, the distilleries started once more and are rejMirted to be doing a good business. 'though some of the Maine liquor dealers are rich aud proserous, mo.-t of them lead sorry lives, and are glad enough to get through the year with out falling' in debt. As their real 1 usi ness must lie concealed, a majority of these men conduct cigar or t-atidy stores, or make pretense of Wing v i. t u- allers and lioardiiig house keejiers. The few who have saved money enough huv farms in the country, which supply the shops with fresh fruits and vegetables Of late these farmer saloon keepeis have engaged largely iu stin k raising, keeping fat cattle and hogs on places that can hardly supjiort labbits. Nat urally they have to buy grain; am! while they are at it they might as well purchase enough. So great quantities are bought aud consumed to fatten the stock aud restore fertility to the run out farms. How much of this goes to fatty tissues for the animals and how much to the illicit stills not-oily knows, though when a man who keeps two cow s uses ten liags of w hole corn a week it may lie inferred that the stills get the larger portion. , Another method adopted by the men who cannot afford to own farms ami thus make their own whisky is to, in heavy patronage to the men w ho ntldh spring water of certified purity. Though all the Maine cities and most of the larger towns have public water works thele is no other state of its population in the union where so mud. so-called spring water is sold. Evcrv place of 5.1 Oti inhabitants is supplied lay three to ten water carts, represent ing as many springs. The teams call at houses and stores every day, leavin full jugs ami taking away empty one: Of late the liquor dealers have begun to patronize those water jieddlers verv freely. Living ten to twenty-live gal lons a week. When ashed w hy they buv so much water, paviug from half ;. cent to a cent am! a half a gallon for it, the dealers say that t phoid fever is abroad, and they fear their customers may catch the malady. X. Y. Sun. POINTED DARTS. Some men are polite merely for busi ness. Anyliody feels foolish when he can't answer Bible questions. A man may not own a pocketliook. and yet have lots of money. A fellow w ith a new gold watch cares a good deul aliout what time it is. A got-d many women enjoy telling how they were once so sick that the doctor gave them up. Some folks wouldn't enjoy giving a jiarty if souietxxly didn't kick because they were not invited. When rich parents have girls who can't get through the public schools, they send them away to a female seminary. Washington (la.) Demo crat. NAMES OF THE DAYS. Wednesday belonged to Woden, the great god of war. Monday, or Moon's daeg. was given over t j the worship of the moon. Thor's daeg was named for Thor, the eldest son of Woden and Friga, the bravest of the god s. Sundiy (.Sun daeg in the Saxon) chines from tire sun, chief object of the S'-axou's worship. Tuesday, or Tuisco's daeg, so called in honor of Tui-co, the sou of earth and deified fat her of the Teutonic race. Fliga's daig was dedicated to the w ife of WodcD.and Saturday or Sui ter's ducg was called after the god SueU-r. w postage per year In advance. i DISEASES OF INFANTS. Memhraaeon. tflrrtlua. i. . . 4 ouimon. The high mortality among infants is largclv due to the w i. !. ., Sl., tK.. of inflammations, ,.i the mem branous tract, the exact t-,..t ,.f ja. Ilammatiou arv iiig-with tin- change of the seasons. In summer the mucous membrane of the stomach is bkelv to U- attacked, causing frequent v. unit ing, which results iu an int. rf.-r. i ,. with the absorption of nourishment; while a similar inflammation of the mucoiis membrane of the intestines will cause iicrsUtciit diarrhoea, with a like result. In cold weather the mucous mem brane of the nose, throat or lungs is oftener the seat of the t!i, ;,se. The skin of infants, too. i iT.-,-, Ilt a feeble resistance to outr-i.!.- i :!, , , A condition of the I.i.mi.I ,!,.,. ,,, gestiou often gives rise to e.-zt ma on the cheeks, scalp and els. wheie. t symptoms U-ing roughnc: s. redness and even moisture w. , pi, r ,.f ,. skin. Local irritations, such as mois ture, cold, or the rubbing of seams, are -pt to give lise to the state known as "chafed skin." This sensitiveness t.f th.. infant skin should be Ix.riie in mind, and t he underclothing should U- s.,n. and frequently -hanged, while i ..tur..-J skin-tonic for infant and ad.dts - the bath should be .lady adminis tered. In view of the quickness w it h v.hi.h infants become ,-hi, ,. espe, ialv In fore the K-riod when they are able to walk, the garment worn n xt to the skin should l-e invariably ,.f wool, which material affords the l-st protec tion against a loo rapid loss ..! heat. Ill sin . : the garment should be thin ner, b:.i alvavs of wool. Infants arc rarely "bt: ...iicd up" tin, mini,, m.t w ithst:-.! t'n - opinions often ex pressed to the contrary. '1 he la. k . f resistance to dis.-ase in infancy which has been noted in con nection with the skin and the mucous membrane is likewise characteristic of other organs. TLe most common age at which infectious diseast s are con tracted is in infancy, ami iu t-arlv in fancy they prove more scn-ic than with older children and are of teller fatal. An impression that "children's dis eases" are iM-tter once had and done with is entirely at variance with the observation and judgment of the ineil ical profession. The sequence of .in cuses which the physician so often s.-.-s in children, as the result of on. of the contagious diseases needlesslv con tracted, is (ess ... v-h,. h he cannot ig nore. Om . is. e , a child less able to bailie successfully with an other which may be contracted 1-efore he is rid of the tirst. Wise parents ward off the contagious diseases as long as M.ssil.Ie. Even measles fre quently proves fatal in the oiing in fant, w hile iu tit her cases its ev il ef fects are lasting throughout childhood. ouths Companion. BASEBAlTlI IVtroit recently released four of its players. Tim Ikinahue is the hardest lo-er among the colts. Danny Friend is pitching winning ball for Kansas City. McJauies. of Washington, doesn't like to pitch on .-"'inday. "ISuck Ewing's (Quitters" what the reds are now being dubbed. The colonels make a specialty of double plays in their pra.-tu-e vvoik. The colts lead the league up to. late in the nuinln r of double plavs made. Dick ("ooley is just now the bat ter and base purloiner of the Phillies. Frank Selee is said to 1- willing to wager that Lost on will finish one-two. Catcher Canzel is the only bean eater who has been with the team eight years. It looks as if Tommy Tucker's tlavs iu the big league are over. XoIkhIv seems to want him. St. Paul seems to have a cinch on first place in the western league race, for the present at least. P.uck Ewing is said to have the pre tiest set of baseball lingers of anv player iu the business. The St. Louis bh-acheries roast Yon dcr Ahe whenever they get a glimpse of him iu the stand or on the field. Many a veteran ball plax er has been relegated to the bench this season and many a youngster has developed into a star. Par St. I ouis. the western teams have shown themselves to be fully as strong as their eastern rivals on the present shift around. Catcher Charley Farrell is said to have a new trick this season. In prac tice he apparently has great .l;i" t ultv in throwing the ball down to sc. on.!, but when the game starts he nips the first base runner who tries to steal the bag. THE FARM. Young pigs, just weaned, should never be put into a lot with older ones until they have learned to "hustle" for them selves. Short whift'etrees one foot long are useful in plowing among trees. With them a horse can walk close to the tree w ithout danger of bruising it. I 'se your spray pump for whitewash ing the xultry house inside. Pour car bolic acid tm the bine iicfoie slaking, make the wash very thin, add plentv :-f salt, apply lit-rally. lVnmark's foreign egg trade has srowii to tremendous s:ze. niainlv with Englaad. Twenty yea rs ago t he annual Danish export of cgfs w as; iiow it is reckoued at 1 1 H -m i.boO. Something that follow s and takes the place of aspjiragus is Sw iss chard. The xouiig and tender leaves male excel lent greens, ami when older, the center r rib l-ecouics large and juicy. Trim off leaves and cook like asparagus. Growth of London. London was considered overbuilt in 15SO. and in that year a law was asscd j against building on lots previously un occupied. The cry was renewed iu I son, when London contained b.o.'.oo build ings, ami again in 173, the number of inhabited houses then reaching T2-70 4. In spite of the prophets the bigcitv has J coiitinmd to add miles of new street a every vcar. X Y. Sua. i '"'Meeirr.l.lloBol tb. U, - 1 lorn, I'tmen i a linen, uuDth, ' rr i iih-o. u,in, f. libra i ifjr ....... - loch., , .ji,Lv.v;.v. - t"i ., Je- ".;;;.; .,"4 IWI'M 6 DioDlLl , " Inch.. ! yer "IT ,7,, U euinroD. e month. J"! j cia,o. e n-onu...::::;:;::;:;; . Jar... .......... ......... . Ba.n Item. b,rt motion. 0c. w Us ASui'tf.IrN".' m'1 L,tn,u"' Notice. 0 d.1 ltiiii,r oV1oii".". JJ "-"lui.oi or i r,iuuol an evn.,n j'V. ,""B " i limit r ib I job iuret it. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. - A huge ev J-les-s li-ee ill Tide, in the tate of I.1X.4,-U. Mexico, is lit feet in ci n uiiif. i ,-:,--. A t:e-cent stamp must adorn everv . av l-.w.k. I; cg. r .r oil , r account U.k kt pt bv a bus;,,, sS house iu Mexico. I he . -. ::, ; ti .- t.,;i ;i1 i i.,v, r. x. H . arc a. i.,. g, ,J ; a ,.;n.,. :u)i r.v..!ve. s"ti. at th.- inmates can su.-t-essiv. K see hc c.untrv at all points of the i uu-pa-s. b.-re::v-.I widower iu St.doseph. M-... t....i. ,,l t,, h;ii,.-.-:i ., s. u.f. :. i. !. s : im s,,,,,,,. u s ,llir,j T1 :' -!v of V... t had beet, temporarily pl.M--.! in a receiving vault. ' ''' '! "! I a il-i-te is a voting rrar- , I'lii; win'v l... s his m.nher- J "'-I.v, low ,.r s.. ,.UJ)ll irr j ml ht. r 1,:,, I.,-,.,,-!., .-,.;f f,.r aliennt- , n.-r her l.i:-lut .! :, fT. .-t ions. .in . f b . i ,,t v ;is ,,,, " ' -'"'. at-.l V; s,,-!!a Kvhi.s. ,f '. S", ri,,,.s. ,., , ,t!, j.,( t(, I" an instant the egg exploded :!d the lady w as s;...t t , i , d vv it h v ing lard. A cilien t.f P.uctfi.'d. Me., hist he- I r and his furniture l.v fire. Mis neighbors came t.. his r. lieT hv :le ..e-.T,f.i.M, of various 1IM 1,,-Vl ..iti. !e. ai d among them were 4.1 -t- ,.1s. - r. :d state nget.t in N'evburg. X. -. .! a painter to paint a ho: c. ii::.V at d out II.- r.-,. him tl.ewr.u? i i in'-, i. ;,t ,! the w .-oi g I.ou-e w as con. !!!. painted before the blunder was il.-cov er. d. -i i xtr.H.r.'.It at y railroad tri; was reeentlv e ld, ov. r the Chicago." P.ur-lii-gto.) a in, -icy. fr Chicago to Den ver. The .o-T:M.ce is o-T. miles, ai d the trio w-is taade in 1 .o..'i n.i n ut es" act uul rnr n i ng time. - h-dv in Wilkesbarre. Pa., who ib.-d pos.-s-(.,l. ,.f corsiderable proper t left it all to a f, male friend who had been verv kind t . h.T-all except r.t cent; ard this -! ,. decreed should given to her husband five years after her deSt' h. COULDN'T SPANK HER SON. lie ni a l ather llli.iwelf and ould llatr lleen t.l:., !,, oblige. People in m ... i an i-i.i ouragcm. nt f..r doing the t.ood Samaritan act i:. .he interests of the public, as the man de cided w ho oil, red to assist a li.sira. I, d woman and ami borate the sulTt-. ' of a lot of lesoeclable people bit a sn ! ii 1 1 ba a .-a r. 1 he bo, who how Is was iu e. id. nee. the . III led thirling of his t.WJl mother .,nd the terror of cvcrvboiiv cis.-. and he k. pi the t ar in a s ate oi wild -.. i:,...i,i and cv ban-led the patten.-,- ..f evcrv 1m1j. in. biding h;s doling parent. "'till, if v..,u- fall., r w, re onlv h. : l- 1 " .-h. had said f..r :ht t.Mieth tin,.-. as he t r i.-vi 1 o i . si rj.n the how bug ter ror. At that he stopped howling enough t. beat the air With his sii.all r-l.ins. and the on the other side of him 1. i,;.n K.-.l audibly that a cage vas the pr.q-.-r place for savages like him. .b hnuv. dear." ashed his mother, v oti't vou t.e a good bov V lloai s and kicks from Master .lohnnv . "Oh. 1 wish on r fat her w ere here t. give y.u a good frouncing th.s v.ry Ininutt!" she wailed as she struggled with l.iui. Then it was that ihe ph '. ia n t h r p: st t.f the company asseitcd himself. l!t had been trying iu vain to read his Uioining aper ever since he stait'.-d from home. "Allow inc. nun hi in."" he sa id. 1 .la I a' 1 . : "1 am a father nystlf. and I wiij b happy. In . has: i - y our cherub iu lc!.af of his at.-. ,.t patent. ""h. no you won't, not if I know it!" said .b hnny's mother, rising jn her wiath like :t tigress. "Tin re ain't i!at man livii-g dare lay :t linger on that I:, .y LN t.w n fa t her or anv .' ht r i '! oi l catamount vv ho thinks he kin it all" and she efTei-t ual'v shut, off de dale Ly going int.. 1 1. . -text car and tak ing the sweet infant w ith her. Chit ago I i lues-1 1 erald. DIMINISHING STATURE. tine uf the hlt-t aunea la the Milt far vmi.'r 1 .l.clrd. This relation between stature and heal ih is brought to concrete expres sion ia the an. lies of Europe through a I I ;e. t i.ui of all I ecruits f..r s. r. i. e w ho fd b.-li w a t ci lain nilaoii iin standard if height, generally aluiut live feet. The i csiiit of t his. say s Popular Science M.ui: lily is t . pit -elude t he ssibl htv it mariiage for all the fully developed iii. u timing their three years iu the baira. ks. while the undersized individual-, exempted I rom scrv ice on this ac count, arc h it flee to propagate the t-pe. ics meanwhile. Is it not appar. at that the elTcct of this artilicial selec tion is to put a distinct premium upiii ia.". i iority of statue in so f ir as the it. lure generations are concerned? This ciiforctd postponement of mar iiage for the normal man implies not mciely that the children of normal far.. dies are boili later in life woiii.I not be of great moment in itself it iueatis far in irc I han this. The ma jority i f h-hlreu are more t.fti ti ioru i.i llic earlier half i f married life, be fore the age t.f .''a. Ileute a postpone ment of matrimony means not onlv later children. but fewer children. Herein lies-in." great significance of the a l..r i; Standing armies tend i"i this respect to overh.a.l succeed! ng generations with iufeiior types of men. 'it i ... t m u. c n. In the present -day desire for aie propi lateness in all thii-g. ihe fruni::.g of pit res receives no 111 t le attetit i. i. -e s. i s a groi ji ,.f sacred sul ec". s. t tipies of some great original, either i i colors or phot. -grat h. placed together in turees. a-.d soil liatiiv surrounded I.. a boidt-r of tr.nue t :..thic arching. g !t or silver, that the t if.t t closely i.-s. i . ble the paneling t,f a i hun h window, ant! seems most appos.ite to the sni f T,iis is "sually the favorite Sait Cecilia, one t.f many Madonna, or a cathedral interior. N. Y. Post. ( allaari ilri Irr. Young Iluslond IVar, what was that w liite ,owder you drop.ed into the fire? Young Wife (cooking) That was baking powder, stupid! I"ni ready to jiut the cake into the oven. X. Y. Woi vf. Id