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I-e No. 2472, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. o.\fc DOLLAR PER A.\AIM, IN ADVANCE. For six months, 75 cents. U l \gW subscriptions must be paid in ? if the paper is continued, and net the first month, $1,25 will be charg * t poi'l in t!iree mo,,ths ' 51,50; if not • s w months, $1,75; and if not paid in 1 iLit lis $2,00. icrs addressed to persons out of the .''till oe discontinued at the expiration of ; j'-uid for, unless special request is made Contrary or payment guaranteed by some V-ihle person here. ! ADVERTISING. , jjnes of minion, or their equivalent, con j square. Threo insertions sl, and 25 ' reach subsequent insertion. a West Branch Insurance Co. t>F LOCK HAVE*, PA., . Detached Buildings, Slopes. Mer , Ji-e, Farm Property, and other Build , .j contents, at moderate rates. DIRECTORS. u.n J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. llarvey, B Hall, T. T. Abrams, \ Mayer, D. K. Jackman, 'es Crist, " W. Wi.ite, • Dickinson, Thos. lvitchcn. fU Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Pres. T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres. Its. Kitchen, sec'v. REFERENCES. , iH. I.lovd, Thos. Bowman, D D. | iVia'egardner, Wra, Vanderbclt, \lackev, Win. Fearon, r J(tet " Dr. J. S. Crawford, g-QuiJlgle, A. llpdegraff, \V. Maynard, James Armstrong, . Simon Cameron, Hon. VVm. liigler. rent for Mitllin county, G. IF. STEIf- TEsq. P23 Itisity from Less and Damage by Fire, . • • I'in'i of Marine and Inland Transportation. coyn.N K.NTAI, INSURANCE COMPANY. . v'ed h>/ the Legislature of I\ nnsylca nia, with a Perpetual Charter. Authorized Capital,*sl,ooo,ooo. 9 Jlo. 61 Walnut St. above Second, Hilla. : insurance on Buildings, Furniture, Mer &c., generally. Marine Insurance ...g.ies and Freights to all parts of the inland Insurance on Goods, &c., by p. Rivers, Canals, and Land Carriages, to arts of the Union, on the most favorable s-.consistent with security. DIRECTORS. K e W. Colladay, William Bowers, i >l. Coleman, Joseph Oat, r V. Machette, Howard Hinchman. (4EORGE W. COLLADAY, President. (iiixs, Secretary. riPA;cnt for Mitilin county, Won. P. EL bTT, Esq- * febl9-Iy INDEBMTV AGAINST LiJSS BV F!KE. ranklin Fire Insurance Compa ny of Philadelphia. ke 435 and 4417 Chestnut street, near Fifth. TATEMENT OF ASSETS, January 1, 1858, rjblished agreeably to an act of Assembly, r-i MorLja-'es, amply secured, $.1,59G,825 19 Estate, (present value jvlOO,- /*',) cost, 74,280 93 aporary Loans, on ample Col tera! Securities, 101,088 17 *5. (pres't va I. >76-964 22) cost 71 .747 97 and Dills Receivable, 4.307 00 40,855 48 i 1,888,904 74 .•(/ "t Limited Insurances made on every t- -ipt'in:; of property, in Town and Country, pies as low as art- consistent with security. • •• their i Corporation, a period of twenty- I. .year-, they have paid over Four Millions I >olijr-" losses by fire, thereby affording cv :eof the advantages of Insurance, as well | '.he ability and disposition to meet with r •aptnessall liabilities. Losses by Tire, b-se-pj io'urtng the year 1*57, 5.203,789 4 DIRECTORS. us.7 /iancker, t Mordecai D. Lewis, a- Wagner, I David S. Brown, Grant, 1 Isaac Lea, ft. Smith, | Edward O. Dale, f - IV. Richards, | George Pales. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. •'M \. Steel, Sec'y pro tem. for Mifflin county, 11. J. WAE -kS, Esq., Lewistown. feh2s IT37r ffIROOmY, MVISION AND FISH STORE. PHE subscriber has opened a Grocery, Pro t • ision and Fish Store opposite Major Risen ' Intel, where he has just received a fine "stment of fresh JFfttuilg (frrocrvtre, 1 i; which may he found fine Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups,. Cheese, Crackers, Ham, Shoulder, Fine AMi ton and Dairy kt. Tobacco, Segars, Soap, &<:. hso, Drooms, Tubs, Buckets, Baskets, and a *?- iisortment of Willow-ware, which he for cash very cheap. • "ill pay Cash for Butter, Lard, Potatoes, 4c. 1 see prices, and judge for yourselves. JAMES IRWIN. CHEAP GOODS AGAIN! I'll, undersigned having purchased the - ck of goods of Samuel Comfort, con , kinds of DRY GOODS, suitable '-Mies, Gentlemen and Children, Grocer- Readymadc Clothing, Ac., ' filing off the entire stock AT COST! ' * 'Ut the establishment. Persons wish • -'J Imy CHEAP will do well'to give us a 1 uiitry dealers wanting goods to keep ,* ' irtajeril will do well to examine \ K ' as we will sell at Philadelphia prices. , . • Country Produce, at market prices, - received in exchange for goods. G. W. SOLLT, H. H. COMFORT. ;*'town, June 10, 1858. lights best Window ISash, from 8x "> hr -all- ynrv low. FR A VL'ISf 1/B ipusHss'iFig;® U3ir villi muaavin. THE HOPE, THE STAR, THE VOICE. There is a hepe, a blessed hope. More precious and more bright, Than all the Joyous mockery The world esteems delight. There Is a star, a lovely star, That lights the darkest gloom. And sheds a peaceful radiance o'er The prospects of the tomb. There is a voice, a cheering voice, That lilts the soul above, Dispels dissrustful, anxious doubt, And whispers, Uod is love. 'That voice is heard from Calv'ry's height, And speaks the soul forgiven; That Star is Revelation's light—that Hope, tile Hope of Heaven. iiatsiiiißKDia. ONE GOOD DAY'S WORK. ' I 've done a good day's work, if 1 never do another,' said Mr. Uarluw, rubbing his hands together briskly, and with the air of a man who felt very much pleased with himself. 'And so have I.' Mrs. Harlow's voice was in a much lower tono, and less exul tant, yet indicative of a spirit at peace with itself. ' Let us compare notes,' said Mr. Har low, in the contident manner of one who knows that victory w ill he on his side 'and see which has done the best day's work.' 'You. of course,' returned the gentlehcart ed wife. 'We shall see. Let the history of your day's doings precede miuc.' 'No,' said Mrs. Harlow, 'you shall give the first experience.' < ' Very well.' And, full ul his subject, Mr. Harlow began: 4 You remember the debt of Warfield, about which I spoke a few months ago ?' < Yes.' • I considered it desperate—would have sold out my interest at thirty cents on the dollar when I left home this morning. Now the whole claim is secure. 1 had to scheme a little. It was sharp practice. But the thing is done. 1 do not believe that another creditor of NVarfield's will get a third of his claim. 'The next operation,' continued Mr. Barlow, ' 1 consider about as good. About a year ago, 1 took fifty acres of land in Erie county for debt, at a valuation of live dollars an acre. I sold it to-day for ten. 1 don't think the man knew just what he was buying. He called to see about it, and I asked ten dollars an acre at a venture, when he promptly laid down one hundred dollars to bind the bargain. If I never ,-ee him again 1 am all right. That is transaction number two. Number three is pleasant to remember. 1 sold a lot of goods, almost a year out of date, to a young country merchant for cash, lie thinks he has a bargain; and perhaps lie has, but i would have let thciu goat any time during the past six months at a loss of thirty per cent., and thought the sale a desirable one. Now there is my day's work, Jenny, and it is one to be proud of. I take some credit to myself for being, upon the whole, a pretty bright sort of man, and bound to go through. Let us have your story, now.' • Let us hear of the piles of stitching and the piles of good things you made.' < No, nothing of that,' said Mrs. Bar low, with a slight veil of feeling covering her pleasant voice. 'I had another mean ing when I spoke ot having accomplished a good day's work. And now, as my do ings will bear no comparison to yours, I think of declining their rehearsal.' 'A bargain is a bargain, Jenny,'said 3lr. Barlow. 'Word-keeping is a cardi nal virtue, So let your story be told.— \ ou have done a good day's work in your estimation, for you said so. Go on, lam all attention.' Mrs. Barlow hesitated. But after a little more urging, began her story of a good day's work, liur voice was a little subdued; and there was an evident shrink ing from the subject about which she felt constrained to speak. 'I resolved last night,' said she, 'after passing some hours of self examination and self upbraiding, that I would, lor one day, try to possess my soul in patience. And this day has been the trial day. Shall I go on V .Mrs. Barlow looked up with a timid, half-bashful air at her husband. She did not meet his eyes, for he had turned them partly away. ' Y'QS, dear Jenny, go on.' The husband's buoyancy of tone THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1868. gone. In its place was something tender and pensive. 'Little Eddy was unusually fretful this morning, as you will remember. He seemed perverse, I thought—cross as we call it. I was tempted to speak harshly two or three times; but, remembering my good resolution, I put on the armor of patience, and never let him hear a tone. Dear little fellow! When I went to Wash him, after breakfast, 1 found by one of his cars a small imflamed boil. It has made him cross and worrysomc all day. Oh, wasn't I glad that patience had ruled my spirit. ' After you went away to the store, Mary got into one of her perverse humors. She didn't want to go to school, to begin with, then she couldn't find her slate; and then her shoe pinched her. 1 felt very much annoyed; but recalled my good resolution, I met her irritation with calmness, her wil fulness with gentle rebuke, and so I conquer ed. She kissed me and started to school with a cheerful countenance, her slate in her satchel,and her pinching shoe unheeded. ' And so 1 had my reward. ' Hut my trials were not over. Some extra washing was needed. So I called Ellen, and told her that Mary would require a frock and two pair of drawers to be washed out, the baby some slips, and you some pocket handkerchiefs. A saucy refusal leaped from the girl's quick tongue; indig nant words tu me. 'Patience ! Patience !' whispered a small, still voice; 1 stilled, with an effort, my feelings, restrained my speech and controlled my countenance. Very calmly as to all exterior signs, did I look into Ellen's face until she dropped lier eyes to the floor in confusion. 'You must have forgotten yourself,' said 1 with some dignity of manner, yet without a sign of irritation. She was humbled at once; confessed the wrong, and begged my pardon. I forgave her, after reproof, and she went back to the kitchen something wiser, 1 think, than when 1 summoned her. The work 1 requir ed has been done, and well done, and the girl has seemed all day, as it she were en deavoring to atone, by kindness and servi ces, for that hasty speech! If I mistake not, wc were both improved by the discipline through which we passed. 'Other trials I have had through the day. Some of them quite as severe as the few that I have mentioned; but the armor of patience was whole when the sun went down; I was able to possess my soul in peace, and the conquest of self has made me happier. This is my good day's work. It may not seem much in your eyes.' .Mr. Barlow did not look or speak, as the voice of his wife grew silent. She waited almost a minute for his response. Then he bent forward, suddenly kissed her, saying as he did so : * Mine was work, yours a battle—mine success, yours conquest —mine easy toil, yours heroism 1 Jenny, dear, since you have been talking, I have thought thus: Mv good work has soiled my-garments, while yours are without stains, and white as angel's robes. Loving monitor! may your lessons of to-night make me a better man. Y'our good days work gives a twofold bless ing V A Residence in ticn States and three Cjunties at the. same time. —At the place called " College Corner," an individual oc cupies a house .that is rather singularly situated. One half of the house is in the State of Indiana and the other half in Ohio. The boundary line between Butler and l'reble counties in Ohio, runs directly through the house, so that the occupant lives in two counties, in Ohio, and one in Indiana at the same time. Of course, if he was charged with any offence, it would be right sharp work for an officer to catch him, armed with a process from Pre ble county. He would only have to pass from one room to the other in his dwel ling, to be beyond the jurisdiction of an officer, by going into Butler county. And if officials from both counties should come at him at the same time, he takes to the kitchen, or the parlor, as the case might be, and lie is safe beyond their reach in another State, although he might be with in arms length of the officers. It would require three warrants to catch a man so peculiarly domiciled, and if wanted in this State, lie would not be compelled to cross his own dUor-sill without a requisition. Cooling off-—The weather and Granville picnics, IN BED WITH A RATTLESNAKE. We have frequently heard of snakes vis iting houses, and of their sometimes hav j ing been found in and under beds, but we j do not recollect ever having heard as re j markable an escape from a snake as the fol ; lowing, related to us by Mr. T. W. Bliss, , who was present when it occurred. About j live weeks ago, two children of Mr. Jacob | Sehcll, living about three and a half miles I west from Washington —the one aged nine j and the other four years—becoming weary from the excessive heat, lay down on the ; bed shortly after dinner and were soon last asleep. Some time in the afternoon Mr. Schell and our informant, who had ! been at work in the field, were compelled ! to seek the house for shelter from a heavy shower. They had scarcely entered the house when Mrs. Schell went to the bed to re-place some of the covering which had i become misplaced, when a horrible sight i met her eyes, the head of a huge rattlesnake projecting from hetwen the chih/ren , and its body in close proximity to theirs. Mrs. S. was of course much frightened, and there is not much doubt that it would have terminated fatally to at least one of' the children, had it not been for the prov idential arrival of the two men, who with | more presence of mind, quietly removed them from either side of the bed at the ! same time, without alarminir the snake, J p 1 thus undoubtedly saving their lives. His | ' snakeship' was then unceremoniously dis patched. ft proved to be a very large one, with six rattles in its tail. How he got there is a mystery. — Peoria Union 15 (It. I . S. Artilhrg lhj'caVd in a Skirmish ] icith th< JJitJptlocs. —An officer of the army ; writing to the New York Ilcrald, from the | (.'amp on the Platte, sys, on the 4th of | -July wc first struck the buffalo. The ex- eitement was intense. The recruits in their enthusiasm broke through discipline, and blazed away at a small herd crossing the road irt front of them. Three or four bulls ran parallel to a light battery, when the artillerists commenced peppering them with Colt's revolvers. Stung by these leaden pellets, the animals wheeled in a line and charged the battery with the most war like intentions. Down they i*inc with i glaring eyes, and away went the horses and | pieces in the most inglorious manner. One j piece ran to the rear, and another struck I off" a quator of a mile into the prairie bc j lore the frightened horses became manage- able. The dragoons and infantry, of course had a hearty laugh at the vanquished ar tillery; hut had they been charged, one half the former would probably have i'uund a seat some where else, and the latter scat ter rapidly, without standing at all 011 the order of their going. Indeed, it there is any military combination, somposed of flesh I and blood, capable of stolidly withstanding j the charge of an infuriated herd of buffaloes 1 have yet to find it out. A Jiich California Woman. —The Cal ifornia Express says, Mrs. Eliza Todd, who owns a ranch a mile below Weaversvillc, is a remarkable woman. In 1852 she walked from Shasta to Weaversvillc, and, without money, began the business of washing for §E a dozen. An acquain tance, who lived near her domicil, says that for a long time she was bending over the washtub at daylight in the morning, at noon, and at ten at night. Easiness pros pered, and after awhile she bought two claims, which turned out well. Then she bought chickens, which laid eggs, and which she sold at half :t dollar apiece; then she bought a pig for §125, and sold its progeny for an ounce each, or §25; then bought cows and sold milk. Business still increased, and she began buying real estate, lending money at ten per cent a month, and speculating in claims; always was for tunate; every touch turned something to gold. Now she is one of the largest pro perty holders in the north. Jfoniic illc ciml Su iciiln.—W e learn that on Wednesday morning of the present week the wife of Mr. Williams, a wealthy farm er living in Pittsfield, Lorain county, com mitted suicide by hanging herself by a strip of a sheet to a corner of the house. A deaf and dumb daughter of the deceas ed, who was some twelve years of age, was also found dead. It is supposed that Mrs. Williams first hung the girl, and then hung herself. No satisfactory reasons are now known. Mrs. Williams had commenced an action for a divorce in the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Lorain county, which a few days before the killing of herself and child was amicably settled, and the suit with drawn.— Cleveland Rerietr. Three Children Picked op in Luke Erie. —The Windsor Herald gives the fid lowing particulars of the finding of three children floating in Lake Eric, on Thurs day last: ' Mr. Owen was crossing from Sandusky to Kingsvillc in a small schooner, when about eight miles from one of the is lands, he fell in with a small boat contain ing three children, the eldest about 11 or 12 —a girl —the others much smaller. — The boat was full of water, drifting before the wind, and they up to their necks in water. From being so long in the water they had become almost speechless, and and were with difficulty freed from their hold on the boat. From the oldest Mr. (Evens learned tlieir names and where they belonged, and kindly took them home.— From the father he learned that they had been in the water from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. They had been in the boat in the morning, shortly after which they were missing. The father started in pursuit, but failing to find them returned to the island." Bloody Murder in Cobby Git. —The edi tor of the Augusta Despatch writes from Marietta, Aug. 8: "A horrible tragedy was perpetrated at Powder Springs on Wed nesday last. A>l r. Duncan was killed by Mr Lingo, his brother-in-law, in a most cold blooded and fiendish manner. Dun can ran away with Lingo's sister, about three months ago, and married her, fur which Lingo threatened to kill him; and, on the day the fatal deed was committed, he publicly a wowed lii.s, and started in pursuit of him about the village. Dun can avoided him, and asked the bystand ers not to let Lingo reach him, as he had threatened to take his lite. But Lingo persisted and followed him up with a drawn sword-cane, when Duncan finding that he could not get away from him, fired a pistol at him. A scuffle then ensued, in which Duncan was thrown down, when Lingo stabbed hiui several times, causing his death in a few seconds. Lingo is in jail, in Marietta, chained a*d the jail is guarded. SCIEN'TIFIC AMERICAN. PROSPECTUS. VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1858. \ fECHAMCS, inventors, Manufacturers ami _[\T_ Farmers.—The Scientific American lias now readied its Fourteenth Yea l- , and w ill enter upon a new volume on the 11th of September It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in ail the States of the Union. It is riot, as some might suppose frtr its title, a dry abstruse work on technical sci ence; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the Mechanic or Artizan wishes to know the best machine in use, or how to make any substance employed in his business—if the Housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &c.—if the Inventor wishes to know what is going on in the way of improvements —if the Manufacturer wishes to keep posted with the times, and to employ the best facilities in his business—if the man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the pro gress made in the chemical labaratory, or in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, rail roads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—all these desiderata can be found in the Scientific American, and not elsewhere. They arc here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of mrnds unlearned in the higher branches of science and art. TERMS—One copy one year, $-2; one copy six months, $1 ; five copies six mouths, >4 ; ten copies si\ months, j,S; ten copies twelve months, *115; fifteen copies twelve months, §22; twenty copies twelve months, §2B, in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspec tion. Southern and Western money, or postage stamps; taken for subscriptions. Letters should he directed to MUNN & (X)., 128 Fulton street, N. Y. Messrs. MINN & Co. are extensively engaged in procuring patents fcr new inventions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements, auglli T, F. MeCOY, 4 TTORNKY AT LAW, Lewistuwu, Mif f\ ilin county, I'a., will atteud to the col lection of accounts and other legal business in Mifflin and adjoining counties. Office 011 West Market street, two doors below the True Democrat Office, my'2o-ly JQMBo ZH@(W2JIE OFFERS bis professional services to the citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Of fice three doors west of Zollinger's hat store, East Market street. mli2s-6m NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my stock of Goods, all persons indebted to me by note or book account, are requested to call and make settlement, as I intend placing the accounts in the hands of an officer fur collection in thirty days from the date of this notice. SAMUEL COMFORT. Lewistown, June 10, 1858. New Series—Vol. 111, No. 40. JHor.H Itrlifltous. "VfIIKKK IS yot'U HOJJK?" J ell me ye dew-drops that sparkle in the I early morning and uiake the little blades yf grass look as though they were cased in glass —' AY here is your home V for as soon as the eastern sky is illuminated with that bright orb of day, you sparkle for a little while, and then disappear. But 'where is your home?' Is it in those bright stars that sparkle in the clear blue vault of lieu yen? Yes, 1 think it mast be there, for when they are hid front view by clouds, you come not, and I think that must be your home, and you come to visit us in the curly morning to make oUr earth appear more beautiful. '1 ell us, little child, with your golden ringlets and sunny smile, as you trip alohg so light and gay with your basket of beau tiful spring flowers, 'where is your home'?' I wonder if it will not answer, that it is in that pretty cottage by the side of the brook whose waters are so bright and sparkling that they seem like drops of chrystal. \ es, that is a lovely home, for the flow i ors seem as if they grew more luxuriant there than they do elsewhere; for there it was that it had filled its basket with those beautiful gills of Ileaven—flowers. Well you may trip lightly with your flowers, lit tle one, for the dark shades of sorrow have not yet crossed your pathway, and may those bright gifts, be a shield to protect you there. Ask that frail, weak form, that we see resting (Tpon a bench beneath the drooping willow, which almost hides her from view— where her home is, and her answer will lie, '1 am staying here for a short time, but my home is far beyond the clouds and stars, and I aui waiting for the voices of angels to call me there. This beautiful world has been my resting place for a few short years, but now 1 feel that my home will soon be with the blessed, and with bright scrSrpli forms I hope soon to sing hymns atotmd tire Savior's throne. Tinf BIBLE. BY WJI. 11. ALEXANDER Those who merely read the Bible for the sake of conforming to any certain rule, do not derive, of course, the same refresh ment and attending desire 10 improve in its knowledge, as those who peruse it, for the sake ol being instructed and by its holy teachings. The Bible lias often been looked upon by some as inconsistent in regard to its truth. But so many attempts have been made to frustrate the well intended theory of its composition that, were it not a book of divine truth, the arguments brought against it would have, ere this, annihilated all respect to its weight or its teachings. The Bible is an invaluable gift to the poor suppliant for divine mercy, and its pa ges are filled with that consolation and comfort which no other bdbk has ever yield ed. The wisdom of .Solomon, and the good advice given to us by him, are mani fested in his inestimable 'l'roverbs,' and an earnest reader cannot but derive some coun sel, which, if but properly used, will prove a blessing to him in all his trials and temp tations, and soften at once the hardening tendency of his heart. The Bible teaches us of the wonderful attributes of (> od, and of our duty toward Him and our fellow men. It tells us of a blessed Savior, who took upon himself the form of man that he might live with us here below and suffer for us on the Cross of Calvary. It tells us of the character of His blessed Apostles, who went about do ing good. It tells us of the great faith of Noah, Abraham, and of Jacob. It tells us of the mercy of our Lord, of His loving kindness, and of the rewards waiting for those who truly love Ilim and unfeiguedly believe His holy word. And it tells us cf the dreadful punishment in store for those who still refuse to accept llis glorious prom ises and who are living in trespass and in sin. This is addressed to those who are in clined to be good as those who are careless and unconcerned, and very often no im pression is made on our stony hearts, and wc go on, continuing in old habits and conforming still more to the world. Such is man, a procrastining creature, who fool ishly prefers the enjoyment of a few years of life here to the enduring bliss of Hea ven. Not right—Stealing corn by the bagful. Such fellows ought to be ' peppered