OCR Interpretation

Lancaster daily intelligencer. [volume] (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 19, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032300/1880-04-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hancastet IhitelUgencer.
Conflicting Ramen.
The reports about Tilden's intentions
as te his candidature have become se
man.', se contradictory and se positive
as te be very amusing te these who are
net foolish enough te become enraged
that newspaper correspondents will net
tell the truth. It requires a long exper
ience of the peculiar readiness of the
American newspaper in publishing even'
tiling that comes along that is of suffi
cient interest, regardless of its truth, te
be able te preserve oneself from being
continually deceived and from receiving
as fact te-day what te-morrow is con
verted into fancy, only the next day te
be offered again as positively true, and
shortly afterwards te be declared ficti
tious. This see-saw of story is kept up
as long as the subject is of interest, and
the shuttle-cock can be kept up. In this
Tilden matter the style of the game is
very well exhibited, and it is really very
enjoyable te all who can regard it with
calm philosophy. Seme people may
think it tee bad that their credulity is
thus remorselessly trilled with ; but such
people only need te be reminded that
they have no business te be credulous in
this lying world. It is a very geed thing
indeed for them if the ncwspaiicrs can
cure them of it. It is a necessary edu
cation they are going through, and when
they have been graduated they will have
learned, if they have profiled by their
lessen, te distinguish with reasonable ac
curacy the true from the false ; which is
one of the chief duties of their being.
They have no need te be disturbed by
these Hat contradictions as te Mr. Til
den's purpose concerning the presidential
nomination. Fer in the first place it is
net a matter which should greatly en
gage their attention. They are net their
brother's keeper. It is net the duty of
the American citizen te anxiously watch
the lips of a fellow citizen te hear him
proclaim that he is net a candidate for
their suffrages. It is the voter's busi
ness te- determine who he thinks will
make the best candidate and te se bestow
the office se far as his infiuencegees ; and
net until the voter has selected his man
need it become of much interest te him
as te whether he will accept the place.
In the matter of the presidency, since it
is well understood that it is net an ellice
that is likely te be declined, the voter is
relieved from any such consideration in
making his choice.
In tliu second place all these who de
insist upon wondering what Mr. Tilden
purposes are, can very readily find out
by consulting their common sense. And
we fear that the reason why the news
papers publish se many statements en
both sides of this question, is because
they find that there are a great many
foolish people who are interested in it,
and lack the sense and self-reliance.te de
cide it for themselves. Certainly every
one has all the conditions necessary te
enable him te knew as much about Mr.
Tilden's mind in this matter as Mr. Til
den does himself. They will assume
that he would like te be a presidential
candidate, because everybody else would
like it, and he liked it once before, show
in: that he is a man of like tastes
with ether men. Upen this founda
tion they can advance a step
further and assume that Mr.
Tilden will decline te be a candidate
only when he is of the opinion that the
people de net intend te nominate him;
that is just the time any ether sensible
man would decline. He could net be
expected te de it before ; he may net de
it then. lie will, though, if he is wise.
Mr. Tilden has an extended repute for
wisdom, and it may be taken for granted
that whenever he concludes that the
Democratic convention will be unwill
ing te nominate him, he will relieve it
from the necessity of saying se.
The only question therefore which any
one has te determine, te decide whether
Mr. Tilden will be a candidate at Cincin
nati, is that of the Democratic feeling as
te the preprity of nominating him. This
we all can guess as well as Mr. Tilden.
We knew what our neighbors say. "We
hear what these at a distance say. In
the Seuth there is a strong feeling devel
oped against the propriety of Mr. Til
den's nomination. In the Xerth the
same feeling exists. "We have it in Pcnn-
- sylvania ; they have it in his own state
of Xcw Yerk. It is growing. Te-day
we hear that one of his staunchest sup
porters, the Brooklyn Eaylc, gives him
up because it is satisfied that the public
pulse is against him. These revelations
will go en until shortly it will be gener
ally apparent that the Democratic party,
whose first duty is te itself, cannot afford
te nominate Mr. Tilden.
The Intelligencer has no secrets
from its readers. The springs of its
political action are always open, and if
it lias a reputation for anything and has
gained a fair fame in Pennsylvania jour
nalism by one means rather than another
it has been by saying what it means and
meaning what it says. It therefore con
cerns it or its editors very little what
such a paper as the Harrisburg Patriot
says about it te the contrary, or what
anybody says te Mr. Grier or what
Mr. Grier says te anybody else.
If any delegate in the last county con
vention was under any obligation te Mr.
Ilcnsel, he at least was net asked te let
that obligation influence his political
action. If Mr. Randall is a candidate
for president the Intelligencer has
no knowledge of it. If any " fight for
Tilden in this state " is being made it
has had no aid from the Intelligencer
as any one who reads it knows. If Mr.
Randall telegraphed te Mr. Ilensel that
''Jeffersen and Clarien arc in accord,"
the Patriot knows quite as well what it
meant as Mr. Ilensel or Mr. Grier or the
half-dozen ether persons te whom Mr.
Ilensel showed the telegram when he
opened it.
"We repeat that what this journal is
and where it stands are no secret. It
can be learned daily through its editorial
Senater Wallace disavows any pur
pose te be a candidate for national dele
gate or any wish te control the delegation.
Se does Speaker Randall. Beth are sen
sible. Each does what is proper for him
te clear the way for harmony. "Wallace
favors the unit rule. Randall opposes it.
Let the convention decide that. Xew let
us have a decent state convention and an
untrumelled deliverance.
The Harrisburg Patriot speaks falsely
when it says the Intelligencer has
repeated any ' ridiculous lie" about Sen Sen
aeor Wallace ; that we have net dis
criminated between Mr. "Wallace and
Randall in the prevailing contest is
proved by this extract from the Intel
ligencer of March 18:
If Mr. Randall shall undertake te com
mit Pennsylvania solely te Mr. Tilden's
re-election, whether he is the choice of the
Democracy and can be elected or net
as is charged by Mr. Randall's enemies
he will get no sympathy from the Intel
ligencer nor any support in the under
taking. If Mr. Wallace shall undertake
te control the state convention in his own
interest, te secure a delegation which he
can handle te his own advantage as his
enemies charge he will be entitled te our
opposition in his project.
The Patriot speaks falsely again when
says we have placed the names of Wal
lace and Randall before our readers as
rivals for the leadership of the party. On
the contrary, we have emphatically said:
"Mr. Randall and Mr. Wallace are the
two representatives of the Pennsylvania De
mocracy who new occupy the highest po pe
lilical positions, and for this reason it has
become fashionable te marshal opposing
forces under their names ; and te attempt
te drive everybody who has the manliness
te cherish and express free thought into a
faction Allied by one of these names or the
ether. There is no geed reason for any such
distinction. Neither of these gentlcmen,ner
any two or three or a half-dozen ethers
scarcely less prominent in the party, or all
combined, is big enough te assert mastery
ever a majority of the Democratic party in
Pennsylvania, and it has happened, in
proof of this, that every time such a claim
has been made the party has promptly set
its seal of disapprobation upon the preten
sion by unhorsing the very one who made
it, or in whose behalf supcrscrviceable
lackeys made it.
While the Intelligencer has been
striving te promote harmony, stille
discoid, overthrew personal domination
and subdue faction, the Patriot has
been traducing character, fermenting
strife and encouraging dissension. It is
no wonder that in its attempt te serve
these purposes it should net step at mis
representation. Jrwc.E Livingston observes with
truth that the '-unlicensed greggery
manufactures tee many votes " te be
in much danger of disturbance by guar
dians of the law. He might have added
that votes for candidates for judge have
also been manufactured in the "unli
censed greggery."
Mr. Tilden's last declination comes by
way of St. Albans, Vt., the place where
they find Charley Ress monthly. By the
same breezes comes the news that Han
cock is net a candidate.
Tin: Czar, at the instance of General
Meliken, chief of the supreme executive
commission, has pardoned tlnce students
recently convicted at Kharkelf of com
plicity with the revolutionist. The Goles
says the pardons have made a deep impres
sion en the students in the KharkelT uni"
A Statement issued by the bureau of
statistics show that the total value of ex ex
eorts of domestic previsions and tallow for
March 1SS0, was $12,487,512 and for March
13T0, $11,05(5,174. Fer the nine months
ended March 31, 1S80, $82,741,27:5, and
during the same period in 1879. $85,4(59,
50G. Jehn Sherman is getting demoralized
in his canvass. His literary bureau has
made se many mistakes that some of his
best friends arc showing their temper and
leaving his camp. Halstcad, of the Cin
cinnati Commercial, is the latest of Slier,
man's advocates te kick against the bureau
He had a talk with Sherman the ether
night and report says he told Sherman that
his canvass was was in the hands of a let
of d d feels and that the bureau was
doing mere harm than geed. The mana
gers of the bureau, however, en the ether
hand, says that Halstcad is an ass and that
his editorials in defense- of Sherman and
denunciatory of Grant have done great
The Tobacco Leaf this week republishes
its assault en Oscar Hamcrstcin, of the
U. S. Tobacco Journal, and he comes back
at his assailant in a three and a half column
" card." He says his paper circulates
7, GOO, and the Leaf only 2,000. The at
tack en him, he says, has been forced or
influenced by " a clique composed of a no
torious ex-iutcrnal revenue informer, a cigar
manufacturing firm with what may be
called a conflagration record, a half dozen
swindling seed leaf tobacco firms located
in and about AVater street, a half dozen
seedy and needy Kentucky tobacco men of
Bread street, a tobacco manufacturing
firm whose business and reputation arc
declining, and who are publicly known as
venders of poisoned tobacco and cruel de
graders of their peer employees, a party
of conniving tobacco pedlcrs belonging te
the Wholesale Tobacco Association brace
of tobacco brokerage imps, and a small
army of parasites of the tobacco industry."
The Syracuse Courier, strongly anti
Tildcn, has been feeling the pulse of the
nation, or rather of the Southern Democ
racy, by interviewing the senators and rep
resentatives from that section of the coun
try. Here are a few samples of the result :
The Democrats in Congress are divided in
their preferences for president. Whom te
nominate is a question en which there is a
variety of opinions. Ask whom net te
nominate, and the response in general
chorus is " Samuel J. Tilden." Senater
Withers and Congressmen Goedc, Beale,
Johnsten, Cabell, Tucker, Harris, Huuton
and Richmond, of Virginia, say that Til
den would net carry that state. Wade
Hampton says that Tilden's nomination
would cndangcr Seuth Carolina and six
ether Southern states, in which view he is
coreborated by a majority of the congres
sional delegation. Georgia and Kentucky
are reported safe, for the nominee, but Til
den at the head of the ticket would inspire
no enthusiasm. Alabama would be im
periled, Congressman Hcrnden says ; Mr.
Singleton says Mississippi would be among
the uncertain states, and several seats in
Congress would be jeopardized. Senater
Jonas, Gen. Gibsen, Mr. Ellis and ethers
of the Louisiana delegation, express
the same opinion concerning that
state; Mills, of Texas, "wants no mere
Tilden," and says his pcepla don't either;
Senater Garland and all the representatives
from Arkansas are against Tilden ; se are
Senater Vest and Representatives Wells,
Fert, Davis, and AVaddell of Missouri ;
Senater Harris of Tenneesee, says that
Tilden is net the favorite there, and mem
bers of the delegation say that while he
might carry the state several con
gressional districts would be im
periled. Senators Davis and Here
ford, of West Virginia, arc hostile te
Mr. Tilden, and the three representatives
concur in the belief that his choice as the
standard-bearer would endanger the party
there. The West is against Tilden, and
Indianians say he cannot carry the Hoesicr
state, and his nomination would lese the
Democracy Mr. McDonald's seat in the
Senate. All this, be it remembered, is
communicated through the organ of the
anti-Tildcn wing of the party in New Yerk.
m m
Prince Gortciiakefk is less feverish, but
unable te sleep.
The ex-Empress Eugenie and suite oc
cupy the government house at Cape Town.
The party will proceed te Natal en Tues
day next, en the way te the Zulu country.
Lord Beaconsfield was given an audi
ence by the Queen en Sunday. The Mar
quis of Salisbury did net go te Windser.
Sir Stafferd Xorthcetc has already vacated
his official residence.
Mrs. Edward Cooper gave a large re
ception Friday afternoon at her Xcw Yerk
residence. Seme of her guests attended
in the evening the bilver wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Abrasi S. Hewitt, at the Cooper
mansion, en Lexington avenue, near Gram-
ercy park, where many relatives and friends
of the Cooper and Hewitt families were
present. Mr. Peter Cooper was the cen
tral figure of the interesting festivities.
The collection of portraits of presidents
in the White Heuse is te be made entirely
complete by the addition of these of Bu-
chanan'and Andrew Jehnsen, which Mr. E,
F. Andrews new has orders te paint. The
former will be an enlarged copy of a min
iature Mr. Buchanan's niece, Mrs. Har
riet Lane Johnsten, has of him. A
photograph only of Andrew Jehnsen can
be found te aid the artist in making a per
trait of him in oils.
Kearney is going te jail, llie superior
court lias decided against him.
About three hundred new money order
offices will be established by the 1st of
Waddingham's steam saw mill at Kings Kings
eon Ont and a large quantity of lumber
has been burned. Less, 615,000.
Ferest fires have been raging in Pike
and Menree counties, Pa., and people are
lighting the flames in Sussex, N . J.
The house of W. W. Pratt, at Worcester,
Mass., occupied by Harry Hyde and family,
was struck by lightning and burned. Less,
$3,000 ; partly insured.
The Commercial bank, of Texarkana,
Ark., clessed en Friday short $35,00Q ow
ing te overdrafts by G. T. Petter a cotton
In Regan, Texas, whiic AA'cslcy Jenes
and i. Li. Hunter, both under twelve years
ei age, were out gunning, Jenes acci
dentally shot Hunter, killing him instant
Oliver II. Dah!, mate of the schooner
Elizabeth Jenes, Peter Petersen, owner.
and master of the schooner Garibaldi, anil
an unknown seaman, were lest m the re
cent gales en the lakes.
A land slide at Mineral Kins:, Cal.,
crushed the bearding beuse of the Empire
mine. A rumor exists that fifteen men
are missing and that four are known te
have been killed. Other advices say all
the men arc alive, but a number badly
At Clyde, Ohie, Geerge Ransey and
naiiK iiarK, ueth colored, quarrelled in a
saloon where they were drinking together,
when the former shot Clark in the breast,
inflicting a fatal wound. Ramsey escaped.
Previous te the a flair the men were looked
upon as geed friends.
The fifth trial at Hartferd of William
Allen, for the murder of Shipman, a
Welshman, at the state prison, ended in a
verdict of murder in the second degree,
and Judge Pexter sentenced him te state
prison for life. Hamlin, Allen's con
federate, is te be hanged en May 28.
The Turkish minister of war dismissed
Colonel Coepc, an Englishman, from the
gendarmerie, for refusing te proceed te
Erzerenm. Colonel Ceope refused because
he had no money, as his salary had net
been paid for three months. Sir Austen
Layard, the British ambassador here, has
remonstrated with the Perte against the
F. R. Adams, county judge of Faulkner
county, Arkansas, and editor of a paper,
was arrested for stealing $."500 from the
sheriff's office at Conway. The sheriff
locked his office and started for dinner.
Meeting some taxpayers he returned and
found the deer unlocked, the safe open
and the money en Adams's person. Adams
tried te buy silence, but failed. Hitherto
he has been esteemed.
Mrs. Jehn Driscell, of Maiden, Mass.,
was arrested en the charge of murdering
the four year-old daughter of Jehn Cn
den, a neighbor. The body of the child
was found near the railroad, and it is be
lieved it was placed there by the Driscells
after the child had been killed at their
house. A heed lest by the child was
found buried in Driscell's cellar, and
ether circumstantial evidence is btreng
against Mrs. Driscell.
The prisoner, at the Moscow, Xijii-Xov-gerod.
Samara and ether depots awaiting
exile te Siberia number ever 20,000. The
A-reve wrenuurg uas eccn oiecKaaeu ler a
mouth by unprecedented snow storms, and
numerous deaths of prisoners, overtaken
by the storms, have occurred. Many vil
lage communities arc straitened for feed
in consequence of the impossibility of
communicating with the usual places of
A little daughter of Mr. Geerge Miller,
at Richmond, en Wednesday morning, fol
lowed Miller's hired boy into a field te
plow. After he had gained the field, he
gathered some brush in a pile and set it en
lire, alter which he set about his work of
plowing. The little girl, attracted by the
lire, gathered about the burning brush and
her clothes caught fire, and before assist
ance could be rendered, she was enveloped
in flames and almost burned into a crisp.
tm m
The Doings of the Flames.
Lightning struck the pest-office block at
Waupaca. Wis. Three stores were burned.
Less, $10,000 ; insured for $1,000.
A large hotel in Hamburg, Iowa, called
the Wells house, was burned en Saturday
morning. It was insured for $12,000 and
its contents were insured for $1,000 addi
tional. The less is unknown.
J. II. Russell's undertaking establish
ment in Indianapolis was burned yesterday.
Twenty-six horses, eight hacks and car
riages, and a number of caskets were
burned. The total less is estimated at $20,
000 te $25,000; insurance,' $17,000.
In Ionia, Mich., en Saturday night a fire
destroyed William Hadden's grocery, Dun
can Shepherd's harness shop, Fred Miller's
beet and shoe store and several smaller es
tablishments. Estimated less, $11,000;
insurance, $3,500.
A six-story brick building in the rear of
94 Fulton street, Xew Yerk, occupied by
Nathan fc Dreyfus, manufacturer of self
oiling valves and brass works, was de
stroyed by fire yesterday. Mr. Dreyfus says
his tools and stock was worth about $50,000
and partly insured. The stock in several
surrounding buildings was damaged te the
amount of $1,000 by water.
l'lucklng Every Feather Frem 11U Flume.
Mary Clemnicr in the New Yerk Independent.
Xe force less than my conscience and my
love for my country could make me write
of public men, even in the modified sen se
in which I new present them te the peo
ple. Were my inclination dittcrent, I
could pluck Mr. Blaine's record till he
would net have one political feather left
te wave triumphantly in the crest of "the
plumed knight."
I make but one issue with you, Inde
pendent. In defending Mr. Blaine's facil
ity for making money out of government
contracts during the war, you remark :
" He may have made money in these days
in some of these ways; but that is net ne
cessarily a discredit te him." Then you
add : "A. T. Stewart made twenty-five
millions during the war, largely out eL
government contracts, and no one thinks
this firm acted wrong or unwisely.
A. T. Stewart, from the beginning te the
end of his career, was a man of business.
He never set himself up as a patriot. He
never assumed te be a statesman, ne never
waved the baton of a "Stalwart" in the
face of the administration. He never shed
crocodile tears ever the negre. He never
threatened slaughter and destruction te
the inextinguishable rebel. Frem first te
last, he was content te seem what he was
a man with monstrous faculty for mak
ing money by trade. When Grant wished
him te be the Secretary of the Treasury,
he wanted the honor ; but his connection
with commerce and finances were such the
people rebelled, and for once Grant suc
cumbed te the will of the people, aud the
canny millionaire, te his great personal
credit, withdrew. If few loved him, no
one despised him. True te the law el" his
life, he never masqueraded in a skin net
his own ; but died, as he lived, the king of
money-getting Scetchmen.
Had he been a politician, who from the
first used his political power as a lever te
lift himself te fortune ; had he come te
Washington in the war, and used a pal in
the war and navy department te obtain
him fat contracts ; had he used his political
ellice aud power te control vast corpora
tions in Ids own moneyed interests instead
of building them up through the legiti
mate channels of trade, he would have
been somebody else, net A. T. Stewart.
Save in success, attained by widely diflor difler
cnt means and modes, there is no parallel
between the two men.
Mr. Blaine is of imposing height and
burly in form. His hair is nearly white
and thin en top, and his beard is net
heavy. He has a fair but net imposing
head. Large at the base, it docs net
tower into a dome of thought, and his
perceptive and emotional faculties over
power these of reason. His eyes, his
finest feature, are very fine, though their
beauty is impaired by the water-sacs filling
above and below them. His nose is his
worst feature fat, sensual "Xesey
Blaine" a flattering paragraph says he
was called at school, adding: "It was
a nose for Xapolcen." Xe. It was
the eagle's beak, like Wellington's the
nose of bone, net the nose of fat that
commanded the admiration of Bonaparte.
Mr. Blaine's mouth is pleasant rather than
strong the mouth of a humored child,
that could smile or pout or sulk for what
it wants ; and what it wants it wants and
intends te get. A well-fcd, well-dressed,
heavy man of the world, en whose face
passion rather than time has set its heavy
seal. .This is " the plumed knight" whom
I sec a woman has already addressed as
"Jamie" in a campaign poem. A man
who, despite a brilliant brain and acute
intelligence, is distinctly a man of desire,
of impulse, of emotion, springing from a
central root of self-love, that never for a
moment lets him forget what he desires
and wills te have for himself. The keen
est and most self-loving of peliticans, he
never was and never could be a patriot.
A Fatal Quarrel Caused by Iinultlns; Re
mark About a Married "Weman.
The sheeting of Masen R. Wilsen in
Montrese, Susquehanna county, by F. A.
Warren, must have been a most des
perate case. The slain man, who was 28
years old, leaves a wife and two children.
He was a grandson of Masen Wilsen, one
of the eldest and most substantial mer
chants of Montrese, who has for some
years past been retired from active busi
ness. Warren is a son of Rev. O. Warren,
pastor of the Universalist church, as well
as a member of the Susquehanna county
bar, and is a young man who up
te this time had borne an unspotted rep
utation and was known as one of Montreso's
most exemplary young men. He was until
recently engaged in the grocery trade being
the senior member of the firm of Warren
& Griffis, and is owner of the building
new occupied by the Xcw Yerk clothing
store. He was but recently married te
Miss Kate Glidden, a modest and pretty
young lady. It appears that previous
te Wilsen s marriage lie kept company
with and was engaged te be married te
Miss Glidden, but the engagement was
broken off by her parents en
account of Wilsen's intemperance.
Since the marriage of Warren te Miss
Gulden it is said that Wilsen has circulated
stories derogatory te her. Wilsen was a
farmer and his family and Warren's were
intimate. He drove into town en Friday ;
and the two men were seen talking in an
apparently friendly manner, and in that
spirit entered the stable where Wilsen had
put his horse. Of what took place in the
barn after that no one has any knowledge.
Anyhow, the men became greatly angered
and Warren's friends claim that Wilsen
assaulted Warren with a knife, and the
killing was done in self defense. What
is certainly known is, that a few
moments after they entered the barn
several people in tne vicinity heard a pis
tol shot and a moment later Wilsen burst
open the deer in the back of the barn and
ran into the alley near by it, pur
sued by Warren. Wilsen fell as he entered
the alley, but immediately recovered him
self and started en a run toward the livery
stable. Warren fired en him and Wilsen
cried out, as if in pain, " Oh, don't, Fred ;
don't sheet me." Warren did net heed
the appeal and fired again, and Wilwn
ion upon ms lianas ana knees, crying
" murde'r." Warren then ran te the right
side of Wilsen and, bent upon finishing
his work, again shot the fallen man in the
side. Wilsen foil forward upon his face,
but raised up upon his hands, as if trying
te escape, when Warren placed his pistol
close te Wilsen's head and fired another
shot, the ball taking effect just below the
All this happened in full sight of half
a dozen witnesses, as the place is just of!
from the main business street, in nearly
the centre of the town, but before any one
could reach the scene of the sheeting, Wil Wil
eon was dead. Warren did net try te es
cape after the sheeting, but calmly returned
his pistol te his pocket aud steed looking
at his victim. When asked why he did
it he replied : " It is all right ; I did it. I
had geed cause and consider myself justi
fied." He delivered himself up, and is
new in custody.
Wallace en the Unit Bale.
Interview in Philadelphia Times.
"What about the unit rule? Are you
for it or against it ?"
"We acted under it in 18G8 and in 1876,
and it produced Mr. Buchanan's nomina
tion. It is the only way in which the power
of a great state can be justly felt. I am
opposed te dividing aud weakening our
state if ethers are uuited. If Mr. Tilden
and his friends de net adept aud enforce
the unit rule in Xew Yerk, there might be
a reason for objecting te it in Pennsylva
nia. The statement that I want te control
the delegation is absurd. I am net a can
didate for a place ou it, cither at large or
for my district. There are plenty of bet
ter men who are entitled te these honors.
I want only a clean candidate for president
with whom the party can have a chance te
win, and we will have a ghost of a show
for carryiug our state aud the legislature.
I am ready for anything that will tend to
ward these results. My party can send me
te the rear with my consent, if it believes
that will help te bring them."
m Mi
Cheap Talk.
Ilurrisburg Patriot.
The Lancaster Intelligencer, in an
insidious way, repeats some of the ridic
ulous lies that hare been recently circu
lated concerning Senater Wallace and at
the same time attempts te shield Speaker
Randall from the charge that he seeks te
"wield the baton of leadership in the
party." We cannot see why the Intelli
gencer and ether papers of that ilk
should insist en placing the names of
Messrs. Wallace and Randall before their
readers as rivals for the leadership of the
party. Senater Wallace declares that he
is net a candidate for any position in the
gift of the Democratic state convention
and if Mr. Randall means te be a candi
date before that body he has kept the mat
ter a secret. It is true that a statemet ap
peared in a number of newspapers en Sat
urday te the effect that the fight for Til
den in this state was really made in the
interest of Randall as a presidential candi
date, which is te say that these who are
honestly for Tilden have been deceived
and duped by the leaders of the move
ment. A Desperate Mae.
In Caledonia, Elk county, dwelt a noted
forger and outlaw, Harry English. A posse
went te arrest English, arriving at his house
about 5 a. m. Constable Wrenth aud Yol Yel
mer, and Justice Burk met English coming
down stairs. Wrenth ordered him te sur
render, but he retreated up-stairs and
locked himself in a room. The officers
drew their pistols and declared their inten
tion of taking English dead or alive. As
Censtable Wrenth approached the room,
English thrust a rifle through the deer
and fired, killing him instantly. Consta
ble Velmcr then carried Wreath's body
down stairs, and as he entered the yard
English fired again, wounding him. Eng
lish gained the weeds, but was shot in the
leg while running by District-Attorney
Xursell. Company H of the state volun
teers have been ordered out te capture
English if possible.
Three Perry county barns wero burned
by lightning en Friday night.
Win. Y. Masen, farmer and merchant,
in whose family suicide is a weakness, has
hanged himself near Meadville.
Matthew Smith, keeper of a well-known
saloon known as the Saginaw house, lo
cated in the eastern part of Pittsburgh,
took a position before his looking glass and
shot himself fatally.
Tiie Herse at Ilia Old Trlckn.
On Saturday evening, J. F. Bewman, of
Harnish station, and a man named Har Har
eon were driving along Seuth Queen
street, and when near the end of the
street a little boy with a Hag in his hand
ran out in front of their horse. The ani
mal started te run, and the buggy being
upset both men were thrown out but
neither was injured. The horse was
caught at Levan's mill, along the Cones Cenes
toga, after he had broken the buggy te
pieces. When Bewman's horse started te
run he frightened two horses behind him
which were hitched te the stage of B. F.
Hookey. They also concluded te run and
they succeeded in upsetting the stage
which was badly broken. The passengers
were thrown out but they were only slight
ly bruised.
A Whole Team at It.
This morning about 9 o'clock a man was
driving a six horse team belonging te J.
W. Jehnsen, esq., of this city, along East
Viue street, when a small boy, who was
bent upon having "fun," struck ene of
the horses with a stone. This little joke
of the boy started the whole team te run
ning. The driver, who was standing en
tha lock at the time, saw that he could
net control the team and jumped
from the wagon. The team ran te Seuth
Queen street and in attempting te turn
the corner one of the mules aud a horse
fell en the pavement in front of Rete &
Sens' undertaking cstablislunent. They
were seen get up, when it was found that
the only damage done was the breaking
of harness.
In the Country.
On Saturday evening last as Geerge
Weaver and Walter Wcidler, of Strasburg,
were returning from Intercourse, they
were run into by a runaway horse attached
te a spring wagon. Their buggy was up
set and broken and the young men were
thrown out. The horse was caught and
taken te Peter Weaver's, at Paradise, te
await the owner.
LiKt of Unclaimed Letters.
The following is a list of unclaimed let
ters remaining in the posteflico for the
week ending Monday, April 19 :
Ladies' List. Mrs. Susan Bacr, Mary
Brubakcr, Mrs. Anna Cochran, Susan
Feltz, Miss Blanche I. Glever, Miss Fran
cis Givens, Miss E. Haverstick, Mrs. Mary
Henry, Miss Sallic Herr, Miss Sydney
Kelly, Mrs. Jehn S. Landis, Mrs. Mary
Morten, Miss Fannie Musser, Miss Mag
gie Potts, Miss Susan Rehrcr, Miss Emma
R. Rudy, Miss II. E. Roberts, Miss Mattie
Smith, Miss B. Salcmberger, Mrs. Henry
AVittwer, Mrs. David Walker, Mrs. Rachel
Winger (for.)
Gents' List. Messrs. Wm. M. Bariman,
Jacob L. Becker, Jacob Bewers, Wm. II.
Bryan. Mr. Bnrtin, E. J. Carpenter, Jehn
Ceyl, Sam'l A. Dunlap, Gee. W. Frey,
Harry Hefmau, E. Illingworth, Jacob
Lemen, Henry S. Landis, Jehn G. Miller,
Benj. Mowrer, Monsieur Carl Mehl(for.)2,
Mr. Myers, J. Xauman, Henry F. Strayer,
Michael Ullman.
Spectaeles Stelen.
Peter AVirth, saloon keeper, en Xerth
Christian street, had a pair of light and a
pair of heavy silver framed spectacles
stolen from his bar en Saturday night. He
is looking for the thief with the naked
I'lgeens Stelen.
Last night a thief broke open a pigeon
coop belonging te a little son of Postmas
ter James H. Marshall, residing en East
AValnut street, and stelo a dozen fancy
Cernerstene Laying Miscellaneous Item
The Storm.
. The laying of the cornerstone of the
Evangelical church at Mount Jey, yester
day afternoon, proved an interesting affair.
The sudden chauge in the weather was
favorable, and some live hundred persons
were present te witness or participate in
the eeremenies, which were simple aud
dignified. Revs. J . A. Fegcr, of Lancas
ter, and U. II. Hershey, pastor in charge,
en their arrival from Lancaster, proceeded
te the church, and at 3 o'clock commenced
the exercises. Rev. Fegcr presiding, was
assisted by Rev. Hershey, and the exer
cises consisted of reading a part of the
2d chapter of the First Epistle of Peter,
singing and prayer. After a few intro
ductory remarks Rev. Feger preached an
able and impressive sermon, his theme
being Chri:t, the great foundation stone,
which Ged had given as the base upon
which His church should be built. Rev.
Hershey followed with an apprepiate ad ad
dress, after which a collection was taken,
amounting te $40.83. The cornerstone
was then laid by Rev. Feger, and among
the various articles placed therein weie
the church discipline, a hymn book, names
of the presiding elder, the pastor in
charge, the efliceis of the church and
Sunday school, the president of the United
States, the governor of Pennsylvania, the
burgess of Mount Jey, also a copy of the
Christian Messenger, Betschafter, Satur
day's Intelligencer Star and Xcics and
The exercises were concluded by sing
ing, and the benediction by Rev. Hershey.
The old edifice was erected in the spring
of 1843, and had met the demands of the
of the congregation seme thirty years.
During the past few years the congrega
tion grew se large that it was decided te
enlarge the building. When the work of
of remodeling was begun the rickety con
dition was such that the whole structure
was condemned. Whatever might have
been the character of the work it is evi
dent that the work was poorly construct
ed. Fer the foundation sand and flint
stone weie used, and the wonder is that it
remained intact.
When an enlargenient of the church was
first proposed they had a nucleus of $100,
which has increased te about $t,200.
The coat of rebuilding, excluding the
ground and the material of the old build
ing, a great part of which can be used,
will be about $2,800. The new brick build
ing will have a frontage of 32 feet en Xcw
Haven street, and in depth en AVest Done Dene
gal street, 53 feet, the walls being 15 feet
in height. A perch will be placed ever
the entrance and a steople will surmount
the reef. The interior will be in two de
partments, a small vestibule and the main
room. It will be supplied with new and
improved fixtures.
Miscellaneous Items.
About nine o'clock en Friday night an
unusually heavy storm, accompanied with
rain and slight fall of hail, visited Mount
Jey and vicinity. Te the south and cast
of Mount Jey it assumed the nature of a
cyclone and was very destructive.
One-fourth of a mile southwest of the
borough, the dwelling ou the " Henry
Eberle Farm," owned by Jeseph Dctwcil
er, and occupied by Jacob Gerb, was en
tirely unroofed. Xene of the inmates were
injured. It was a new reef with oak
rafters, which were easily biekcn, and se
great was the force that half of the reef
landed en an apple tree in the orchard. In
the weeds, en the same farm, where the
Sunday schools picnic, a number of trees
are laid low. One-third of the tin with the
beards and scantling en which it rested, was
blown from the railroad bridge which spans
the Little Cinques creek just cast of town.
The Pittsburgh express had crossed the
bridge only three minutes before it was
struck. Three students of Cedar Hill sem
inary, who were en their way te the semi
nary a few minutes after the bridge was
damaged, were enabled by a vivid flash of
ligtning, when almost upon the damaged
part, te see their perilous position.
About one-half of a mile cast of the
bridge,. Benjamin D. Ifershey's premises
present a chaotic appearance. In his or
chard it made sad havoc among the apple
and cherry trees. An old barn, 50x30 feet,
lately used as a tobacco shed, is leveled te
the ground, and pieces of the reef were car
ried eastward 100 yards. An adjoining
building, 40x14 feet, was razed te the
ground. A part of his barn is unroofed,
and the slate reef en the dwelling house is
minus some of its slate.
Hessler's meeting house, which was de
stroyed several weeks age, will be rebuilt
by Michael and Jehn Ilessler. It will be a
frame structure.
The conference of the Fourth Pennsyl
vania district will convene at the Lutheran
church en Tuesday, the 20th hist., te con
tinue two days.
The Lecal Market.
Trade has been quiet during the
week. A few lets of loose tobacco
being bought bydealers when it is brought
te them, they have ceased hunting for it.
Of old tobacco L. T. Ilcnsel of Quarry
ville and Aaren Teller, of Lancaster have
sold about 100 cases each, and ether
packers are reported te have sold some, but
the reports need confirmation. Mr. Ilen
sel also sold about 175 cases of the crop of
1879, a very fine article, for private figures.
Several Xew Yerk jobbers arc here pro
specting with a view of buying, but as yet
have bought sparingly, or else are operat
ing quietly.
Farmers continue te prepare their land
for the coming crop, but the season has
been se backward that there are as yet few
plants up except these grown under glass.
There is plenty of time, however, for them
te grew between new and the middle of
-May, and comparatively few growers care
te set their plants before that time.
The Amende Honorable.
I'hihKlelpliiii Itccenl.
-The Lancaster Intelligencer declares
that the special despatch sent te the Har
risburg Patriot from that city in reference
te the proceedings of the Democratic
county convention is a tissue of falsehoods.
Are are bound te believe that the Intelli
gencer is correct, and regret the republi
cation of the dispatch in the Recerd.
Uave tham a Suppar.
On Friday night Jacob K. Shirk, tobac
co dealer, gave a handsome supper te his
employees, in token of their faithful labors
during the "season."
Reelnnins of the April Term.
The April term of the com t of quarter
sessions, of Lancaster county, commenced
at 10 o'clock this morning. Judges Living
ston aud Patterson en the bench
After some routine business, the grand
jury was sworn, and II. G. Boek, of Stras
burg borough, appointed foreman. They
were then charged by Judge Livingston who
instructed them in their duties in the usual
form. During his charge Judge Living;
steu stated that there were only 20 jail
cases en the trial list, but that the alder
men and justices had, since last term, re
turned te court 103 cases, the whole num
ber of cases en the trial list being 131. The
judge also called the attention of the dis
trict attorney te the fact that the grand
juries are frequently hindered in the pros
ecution of their duties by the absence of
witnessce when they are wanted. Some
times net a single witness is present when
their names arc called, and often, after the
names of flay witnesses have been called,
it is found that net a dozen are present.
The district attorney should sec that the
proseeuterat least is present when the bill
is presented te the grand jury. The eharge
was concluded as fellows regarding the
duty of the grand jury in visiting the pub
lic institutions supported by the tax
payers :
AVe direct you te, and the law is that
you shall, make a complete anil thorough,
investigation of their management, take,
your time, and de yourweik thoroughly,
and make such report as wc may safely
rely en as correct. And liefurc proceeding;
te the prison, it will be well for you te ex
amine the late report of the county audi
tors, and the report of prison inspectors.
And, when at the prison, call for and ex
amine their inles aud regulations. Ex
amine particularly, the stock en hand, ro re
feried te in the report of inspectors. The
amount returned appears te us te be unu
sually large, for the quantity of stock te
be seen en visiting the prison, and it does
appear te us, it must be valued at fabulous
prices. Ask te see it, and report your judg
ment as te its values and condition. As
certain also from the officers aud inspec
tors whetheiany attempt is made te cairy
out the prevision of the law and rules of the
prison with reference te persons sentenced
te separate and solitary confinement at
labor, and report the greatest liberties
which have been given te any of them thus
sentenced. Ascertain also, whether the
inles and regulations of the prison are ad
hered te, in reference te persons visiting
this class of prisoners, and whether there
are net in prison te-day, anil have net been
through the entire winter, many person.
even hundreds, who are vagrants and who
under the law, should have been sent te
the workhouse instead of the prison. Of"
course, it would net be quite as profitable
te the aldermen and magistrates, te send
them te the workhouse, but the people you
represent have a right te knew wlut'jcr
they should net hare been sent te the
workhouse instead of an ever-crowded pri
son, and te require officers te labor for
public geed rather than their own gain. If
you find these facts te be se. it may be as
well te remind these officials through yeui
report that they have failed in the per
formance of their duty in this behalf, be
cause if they send them te jail .for five or
ten days, as seen as they get out our un
wearying (in this respect) police immedi
ately convey them, cven from the deer of
unlicensed grog shop, where they are
speedily prepared for re-arrest, te the al
derman or justice, who again sends them
te jail for five or ten dys, and thus secures
double or treble costs, and the vagrantflives
at his ease instead of earning his feed by
breaking stone for the county. While the
unlicensed greggery is ermittcd by the
police te remain open and unrcturncd. it is
in no danger, it manufactures tee many
votes in favor of that class of police otSl etSl
cera and furnishes tee many luses of profit
for them te be molested by them.
In your visit te the almshouse and hos
pital examine them thoroughly. Examine
the farm, sec if it is properly managed and
farmed, the labor of these supported there
utilized properly; whether there is as much
produced en this fine farm as should be ;
whether the inmates arc probably cared
for, and whether the officers arc vigilant,
circlul and economical in the performance
of their duties.
The constables of the several wards and
townships were sworn and made their
quarterly returns. The newly elected
constables were then sworn into office.
Cem'th vs. Benjamin G. Bichl, felonious
assault and battery en Claude Butler, en
the 23d of Xevembcr last, at Trewitz's sa
loon, Locust street, this city.
AV. K". Adams, policeman of the Sixth
ward, testified that he was prosecutor in
the case. lie saw nothing of the light in
Locust street, but was called te quell a
distui bance that grew out of it a't the'
corner of Orange and Plum streets. .
Claude Butler testified that h and some
friends went te the " check house"
(Trewitz's) and had two glasses of beer.
A nian named Bichl struck him. Butlet
defended himself and Bichl halloed!
enough ; as seen as he get up he
struck witness again and was agaim
whipped and halloed enough ; wit
ness, McAlccr and ethers then left the
building, and while in the yard adjoining
he was followed by Bichl and ethers, am?
Bichl cut him with a razor, sevcripg a
part of his right ear and slashing his uose
and head. The scars of the wounds were
Michael Pennington testified that he
was present at the disturbance, which was
commenced by Biehl ; witness corroborated
Butler's testimony, "and swore that he saw
Bichl cut Butler with a razor.
Tlies. Kelly saw only the " first round;''
Biehl struck the first blew ; did net see
the fight in the yard.
Harry McAlccr saw the "first round"
in the barroom ; did net see the fight in
the yard.
The grand jury returned te court the
following :
True Mils. Henry Wright, Gee. Ream,
Jehn Kechel, Pierce Flery, Jerry Hast
ings, all for fornication and bastardy.
Death of u Member or the City Cornet Rami.
Mr. AV. Frank Breudcrly died at his res
idence, in Beaver street, en Saturday morn
ing List, after a long and painful illness, in
the 31t year of his age. Deceased was one
of the first members of the City Cornet band
at the time of its organization, and was
considered one of its most efficient mem
bers, lie was also a member of Lancaster
ledge I. O. O. F., Xe. G7. By trade he was
a stone-cutter. He leaves a wife and one
child te mourn his less. His remains will
be interred en AVcdncsday afternoon, at 3J
o'clock, at AA'oedward Hill cemetery, and
the band will attend the funeral in a body.
Child S;al!ctl.
Yesterday afternoon Lettie Rannclls, a
seventeen months old child of Samuc
Raunells, of 355 Beaver street, was badly
scalded. The table of the family had been
set for supper when the child walked te it
and, pulling at the cloth, upset a cup of
het coffee ever its face and shoulders,
scalding it in a terrible manner.

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