Newspaper Page Text
' r-Ti -f y, if.j. i , vw V -" .- . J I !'. ;,..! "', "H LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE K SATURDAY MAY 31 1884- : ; a of Initial for the remains of the heroes of the late conlllet tu ene spot, te be Ucpl, an It In new the law nnd ruin In many olher plnccn In n United Stntcs National cemctcry te be located In the Immcdlnte vlelnlty of the elty of Philadelphia, whom the dignity and decency of the i;rave may be preserved nud the honored dust In future years may Rpealc nn InoentivcA te patriotism and valor. Thore are alxty or Hevcnly placet) of Intormetit new need, nud the bodies of heroes may be thrown out at any tlme In the dlteh te jet." Police I'nini. Kdward Gardner, who wan eharged with having oemtnlttcd an assault and battery en Win. V. Murnhy, liad a bnarleR bofero Alderman Bptirricr last evening and wan discharged, the ovldcueo net Mistnlultijr the complaint. Edward lloynelds, chanted with drunken nnd tlslorderly oendtiat wnii com mitted by Alderman Spurrier te the county prison for ten days The mayor thin inernltiK Bent te jail for thirty dnjnoaeh two book nuentn named Jarncn Ooenoy and Oharles Wilsen, who wero drunk nnd Insulted sovernl ladlcH whlle wnlkliiR en the ntrcet. One ether drunken man was discharged en payment of costs. Gcorce Wlse was attested nnd tnken be fere Alderman Il.irr for raising a row at the Cooper house nnd nxsaultlng with stones Scott Brady. In defautt of $000 ball he was committed te the comity jail fern hearing. MKllrend Accidents. At Jj-iudlsville this morning ene of the sleeping earn attached te the second section of the I'aoille exprcsH west, Jumped the trnelc nud blockaded the read two hours. Ne ethor damage was done. The paRBongers wero transferred te another train. At I'omcrey station nt nn early hour this morning, the rear part of the train nttnehed te engine 285 breke loeso and dropped back for seme distance, belng finally stepped by n flagman. The cngl cngl ncer In backing down te tnke up his carH, rauagnlunt engltin 1011 that had oemo upon the track. The eugine nud several earn wcre wrecked and the read was blockaded several hours. tlone te unlcign. DelcgattB Lew. S. Ilartman, K U Holti Holti held, Jehn H. Hltner, Jno I). Sklles, Jaa. Wolf, I). fl.Shenk, A. .1. Kaulfman, Hen. Jehn M. Stehmau, A. v;. Hatmer. Jehn A. Hlestand. Jehn 1. Ilartman, W. W. Gtlear, J I). IuidlH and I. IC. Witmcr, hnve gene te attend the Republican con vention in Chicago. ThnMrtl l.mnpi The pelice report that, all the olictrle lamps burned satisfactorily last night and that onlyene of the gaselln i lamps wem out. Mrkit stuck Mniii. Jacob It f)tig, broker, sold te day at private naln 1 Bhires Bvitern market stoek at $51 per Miare. .If irrtmm t;ii". An Important meeting et tee beatd et dl rectors will be hclil nt th") club room tills (Satunia) i evening nt ') o'clock. Directors nre ktmtly requeued te uttend Itxcur.Ieu llruel. Tlic Pennsylvania im.l Iteadliu: railroad COrnp.tnli' n III I into excursion ticket te visitors te tlie annual commencement el Frank tu ami Marshall colleuw, te be held en Thuriday, June t'Jili. Ticket will bj koe.1 Irem Palunliiy, June 1th te Saturday, June '.'1, uuil will be no il only en presentation el an order, whleh cm be obtained by nppllcii' tlen te Itev. Dr. J. II. Dubbi, secretary et tlie tacutty. Ne. "SJ West Chestnut street, l.nncar ter, I'n. WIltl'I.KTS. AUrrii'Kin TflrcrMpli ct Oimilriineil. Hatbcr it Ce, wholetnte woolen mer mer ebanlf, at Terente, Oat., have assigned ; liabilities 180,000. The business failures throughout the country the laft week aggregate 177, of which 'JO wcre in Canada ; total last week 232 ; a decrease of 55. Harvey I). Parker, aged 70, proprietor of the Parker house, of Hosteu, died this morning. The decrease in the publics debt for May amounts te about Ilv3 million dollars. The police of New Yerk icceivcd n tolo telo tole gram from the pelice of (i-iibec, te day, saying that Jehn C. Kne hail been attested in that city. Twe hundred and fifty men in the Wa bash, St. Leuis Si Pad De railroad shops at Peru, Indiana, quit work esterday bj canto the company Is behind in p.i)ing AfHOTIlflt r-.ill.UKt' A Itunhlui: firm t Washington ItliiHeit n AurlRiitnrQi. Washington, I). C, May 31. The fol lowing netice was posted en the doers of the banking heuse of I). W Middlcten & Ce., 1,427 T street : "Owing te heavy and immediate c'e. mands, we have assigned te George'T, Green, (or the benefit of our creditors " The doers are net closed and a iiumber of excited pontens nre gathered inslde talking ever the suspension. The fnilute is net considered of gteat importance. The capital stock of the bank In 10,000, but no estimate can be mnde of liabilities, M'tSVlAlt JiU'ilVtSn llruwn'ii iiiiuaenuiil i'.iincni Is tint meat ollectlvo l'nln Drstreyur le tlie world. Will most surely quicken tlie bloe'l wlietlier taken Internally or applied exter nally, anil thereby morn certainly ItKI.IKVK l'AIN, whether chronic or uoute, limn any ether pilu ullevlater, anil It U lvarrnnteil dou ble the strength et any elinlhir preparation It cures pain In the Hide, Hack or Ilowels, Hore Threat, UhcuuiutUin, Toetlucclio, nod Ahli AUIir.S, nnd Is The (Irent Kelliver et rln. "HIIOWN'S IIOUSKIIOI.I) I'ANACKA" should be In every family. A tottspeoutul et the rauucea In u tumbler ni het wuter (swecN oned, II prefurreU), taken at bedtime, will U1UCAK VV A COI.L). U cenUt n bottle may3l-lydM.W.8Aw Time te Htep it. It's tee bad, Mr or Madam, but don't (ret trlRhter.ed. Your luilr l-i tulllnj; ett-thai'd cerialu A lilance In the mirror, or an Inves tigating committee of Hngum lull the dismal story. U'e won't discuss the posalble cuuse. It IsenniiKh th'tt rnrkei'-t llnli' llaleam used new will prevent tuither destruction. Ji your Imlr somewhnt itray, tee. imd crisp? Alas, yes. The lliils.un will kIve back the etliclnnl color, sottuesrtund tjles. Net d dye, net oily, eleguntly perfumed, n perfect dress ing. ni:)l-lj'(IH.teeww JtJSATllH, ilewjiAN.-May Stli, irei. In WnahliiKten : (J., hltzubutli llewmnn, wite et Wllllum How Hew man, lennmly et this clty,aged II years. The lelutlves and friends of the Umllynre rcfpcctlully Invited le attend the lunerul irem the resldence et Mrs. Mlehael, Ne, 50 North Uukostreer, en Sunday afturnoen al3 n'e'eck. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Aifii aiii KJinuJiJimnrti, BASIS llll.l.. TUKSDAt.JUNK 3, ISsl. 'lllKNION v IHONslDKi. Oame at 3.1.1, Truliis leave at'.':i), 3-ui and 3:1) p. m. Ladles ibe. Oraiiclsluinl nce. U i.urmii mtuawiTkiuiiich rum JP ln i also liesli picked I'eai, Asparauas, Pine h poles. Crubs, U sters. etc., nt Oil H. W. KUKKItT'H Dallr Matket, It Ne. I2J Kast King Htrecl. CIKIMIAUaKlt'ii MILLINKItY l'AULOK NO 105WK8T1JINO 8TIIKB1'. Oppwlte the blevens lleim, Luiicaster, Te 130IH.IU HAI.I! Ill' WIIKKl.tllM juiin . J',yJUtfl5 2.,lnthoeldpoatomco build. Inz will be eeld, te cline bualnes, uluruolet etllANOMADK WllKKLS, inade by ene et bc8t whoelwrltitH and et the best material. Hale te oetnmencn at 3 o'eiock p. tu. Condi tions rmde known by If U.M.POWKIIS. til' AHritllTtHEttKNTH (llltl, 1(1 IHIIBfKHAb liouaework. Apply at this offlce. It KltAtlTArull'ICl'rt trKKTMINUH thl(3ATimi)AV) evenlnit nt AMIKItT KOllMlAAH'Baloen, Ne.OM ManerBt. It" MDUli T1IIITI.K ANl7 I.KllAntlM MKKIt at the M ell rami Heuse, this (9ATUH 1) A V) evening. ll WM, DKIOIll.lilt, l'rep. riMlK MONTIII.V MK.KT1NU OP TIIK JKr. J MillHONUMJII will be held In the club rooms, Hheads' building. West Klnir street, en Monday nvculiiK-'lutiii i t. al 7 o'clock. WM.T.JKrrKUIKB, m31-';tll Hccretury. flMlK (INK MINUTIC ulirVKK I'Ol' P(Tt X. salenl (Jl.AltKK'H TKAHTOHK, Ne. 8S West KIllgHt. Our mill pulvcrlr.ers the Cellee Call and ske hew II works, Kiec Cellue te nil. BUUK lll'.ltK. HOCK IIUUK lIBKtt. Klrst-elnsi Heck lleer en tup te-day and Monday at tlie saloons el all my customers. U V. A. IAHTI1CM In WANT Or UKNUlNK IHJlX welser llce', (limulna (llniter Aloueto (len. Wall, Ne. 3il Beeth Queen street, lie lie waie or Imitations. Klrut Heek lleer from Waeker's Hrowery en tap tn.ntKhtat my sa sa sa loeon. UKU. WAIjIj, I'roprluter, in3l2l No.3i3Heuth(JueonHt. new wiiui.i) tiik wiTiinii ekt I 1 clenic without the mechanics? and when you want a nice cestliiK thou corns te the Mei hunted iron Keumlry (I.lmlteJ), and be convinced that they urn mechanics. I'OWKIIM. KVANHACOyi.K, it New. MS te 021 Cherry Alley. AKAUKCJtlANUK. Ker sale an excellent Safe Just from the factory, Merris A Ireland make, el the kind that steed the test re well In tlie great Are In tliolarye leriutrer hulldluif. Hell cheap. Alse a new H'-wInc Machine chetp. Te be seen at Nn.1'0 W. WALNUT HT.. 11' Lancaster, I'a. NOTIUK TO IT MAY UONOfiUN All ponens Indebted te 1'lilllp Hinder will please cull at the yard, corner of Andrew and Water Htree's.auil settle their bills berate the 1st el July next, as after that tlinetbey will be placed fu the hands el a collector. in31-2t v UIMIKU. PCIII.IUHAI.t1 IIKIIIIKSI'.I-ONMOMIIAY .1 V Vi: s, imi will be sold at li. Legan's HaleHtahles, Matket streel, rear el Mcdrann Meuse. I.anenst'r. I'll., twenty head or K K.N 'IULKY HOIlSKa. fome flne driven and snine Ne 1 saddle hordes, anil one pair of flne inulrit liersrs As tlne a let or Kentucky lleue- as wero ever brought te Lancaster. A creditor ninety duys H.ile te COIlitn, nre ut l o'clock p. m. II ilOWAKl) 1IAILK). iiii:i run. uiiKii1 KitKi. In order te iniet tlie wants et their custo mers, the I.ANCASTKIl UABLIUHT AND FU KI.COM I'A NV will sell te thelrcensumers, (JAS STOVKH AT COST. Hamplesel rtteves may be seen At their oftlce, NO. l.'U.NOUTH c;UKK.SUI'ltKK1. lull ImdK 1ISl'ATK )!' I'hTKIt HUllKIP, l.VTK Or J tbneltyet Lancaster, clccuasuil. Letters testutm nt ry en said esUte harlnK been printed te tne undersigned, all perent In debted theiete are rciiusted te make Imme diate p.tyuinnt, and tbee Imvlnt claims or de maiidt niralnnt the same, will prenent tlicm wllh-ut di-l.iy for si ttlement te the under. u'K'icil, reillliiK In the city of I.ancster. A Nil It KW KIUY, A. c evlk, Kxueuter. Attorney. Ul31 Cteaw.-t (JOL'14.1. 1'IUNIO. A social picnic will be held at TELL'S HAIN, en WII1T MON'llA V. JUNK 2d, lSil. Tayler's tell Orehestra will furnish the music. Tlie beil et order will !) milnlalned. Omnibuses will leave Centre .Square and Knapp's Baloeu till lieuri ) the dni Tu-ktts .''. ctntH. !!i2l2tdbll llllt HU.ll l(l'.(M(T. HKABON OKl'Sj, SPRING LAKE BEACH. MONMOUTH AND CAULKTON HOIdKS. 3HA. GIRT, II. J , HLACII IIOUSK. Houses Open lune 15. NEW HOTEL LAPAYETTB l&MKIUCAN AND KUKOl'KAN 1MAN8.) I'lIlLADKLl'lIIA. Applications ler rooms can be made at any et the above lieimej. 11131 VBiTii.Tliai L. U. MALT11Y. r.W " NECKTIES, 6auiC Shirts aud Drawers, -KOU- WHIT-MONDAY, EKISMAN'S, Ne 17 Weat Klnp; Streot, (OI'l'OSlTK TIIK CUOS8 KKYb IlerEL.) 1 liANII OIIUKHT EXCKLSlOll HALL, IIV WEBER'S SEXTETTE. .SATUIIDAY KVKSINU, MAY 31. rilOOIUMVE . 1. Glebe (Julclcstep...., Clnrlcs Welt. l. .loyael rtprlnc Waltzis I.ouse. :i IuiHKoef the uose O Itelnhurdt. 1 llulda I'elkn Muzeurka A. Nleblic .V Obi Kolks alllemu Lesse, a. The Conscript's Prayer 7. Jebler Miuch K. I.osse. H. IllllllttllCO Well. 0 lieinuethstniau Wultzer Nleblir. la. Linda I'elku C franku. 11. The Chapel Ilecker. 12 AHStiullUilep ZlKetr. Ulf.KKR'.i CKLKIIlt.VL'KD AND HOCK HKKIten tap. It 1IKNIIY KOIIIIKK. T K UAMIWf.I.l. & Oil J. Ee Caldwell &Ce. Bele Afenti In America ler the Colebrated Ekegren Watch. Universally con ceded te be tlie ben crade tVatehln existence. liticli- A cplendld asHerliuent In all the varieties of ChroueiHuplH, Calendars, UopeuterHand Plain Timers. l'lirolieBers coiiteinplutlnc the selection el a Kine Watch, should Investigate the merits et ttm superb tltnekcoper. inquiries by mall wlllreecolve prompt and caretul atttutlen. 902 Chestnut Street, riULAUKLPaiA. H AUEIt UnOTIIEH. HAGER & BROTHER are receiving daily French, English and American Dress Goods for Spring and Summer wear in all the newest Fabrics and Latest Shades of Celer. - Black Dress Silks, Colored Dress Silks, Surahs, Summer Silks and Silk Grenadines at Extremely Lew Prices. India Linen, French Nainsoek, French Mull, Pique Cords, Linen Lawns, Satines, Zephrs and Ginghams with Embroideries te match. NEW PARASOLS, NEW SUN UMBRELLAS. NEW KID GLOVES, NEW LISLE GLOVES AND NEW HOSIERY. Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, J OIINh.",,'.'K. JOHN Latest Style Silk Parasols and AT LOWEST CASH PRICES, MARKED IN PLAIN JOHN S. GIVLER NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. AII AnVKltTIHKMBXTn MUCK -1UKT1.I! HtlUl l.UNCII THIS K V KN 1NU and llleker b celebrated Heek lleer at the (II mid iietue, lJfi North Queen idreeL CIIAULKH ZKUII, ltd Proprietor. VMUICK-IIIK WATltll IIUI'I.IUATi: 11 L In my handi for collection of water ronte, nndnll abatementH will be illxcentlnucil niter J une I. ltl O. K. M V BUS, in2i (ltd city Treasurer. OUi; MMIKT with ITH l.eusr. ami nilicd cdRO boiem N supoiler te all Mini. InrMitrta, becautult U rulnleicul In liniilnnd back, has deuble Mltcned eeauiB, Umadoet Utlca Nonpareil Muslin cut itrnli;lit Insteml of crfMWltn. Korenleat HWAUIl'H, Ne. te North (jucen Street. Laneuster. HU!?INr.MH UIIANUK WAKTKll A MAM te Hell te biHlneHs men In tills vicinity one el the most vuluuble Hreclaltlei ever in vented, new paying a pre tit et ever $:0 u day. Tht U u chance Heldetu orrcred. A sinull capital or credit required, inr full particu lar' call en i.KH'ia A MITCIlfcl.I.. inie It Urnpe Hetel, Lancaster ATTKNTION THK COMKAIIKI OF lien. II Themas l'ejt 81, O. A. K.. will meet at Grand Army Hall onto morrow (Sun day) evening ut 7 o'clock, atiarp, for the pur pur nese et allendtuK divine service al SI. Jehn's Lutheran church. II Is expected that all com. ruilen will turn eut'imd wear lull nnllerm?. M. N. .Vl'AltK, Commander. Attest : C. N. KasxacUT, Ad)'t. It MtAllUMAlILK (1IKMIM AT TIIK NEW YORK STORE. SUMMEIt SILKS, choice Btylej ut 37kc, Wc, 75e, ll.oe. COLOltKD IIHK3S 3IMCS, new nhades, 50c, 73c. 1.10. KU'Rant Line and Itest I'ohIIiIe Value lu ItLACK DltKSS MILKS. Mc, 73c. 87c, II. 00, l., II M, 11.75. Ji 00 NUN'S VKILINGS In all the Popular Colen. 41 Inch wide oelySuopor yard. White Dress Goods, INDIA LINKS:), VICTOltIA LAWNS, 1L All) NAINSOOKS, DOTTKI) MUSLINS, I'KJUhS, l'LAII) AND STItll'KD MUSLINS. Aud an Immense Variety el Latest Stylen In CAMIIK1U, NAlNtiOOK and SWISS. EMBROIDERIES. TltlMMlNU LACKS, OUIKNTAL LACKS, SPANISH LACKS, KSCUUIAL LACKS. Anether Large Inrolce el the Fatuous Im ported. JEltSJJY WAISTS. WATT, mm & GO, N0S. 8 & 10 EAST KFN(J ST. LANCASTKU. I'A M" KUUHIIHUAItllKN. GRAND CONCERT -THIS- And Every Evening, -AT- NORTH PRINCE STREET. Gee. Eiski, Otte Toussaint, PROPIUBTOR3. Maeuuercher mm. WW MHW AVrXHTiaBMBNTh. DRESS GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER, S. GIVLER NEW LINE OP tfJitl AltV BllTlHBBIBfm, H. Z. KIIOAUS. SUMMER GIFTS. We doaire te cn.ll nttontlen of buyers te the faet that our Summer offerlng of nttrftotive JEWELRY Is unuaually.large All the noveltlos In Short Chains for Ladles. Call and See the Queen's. Antique Jowelry. Potlte ptoces In Diamond Jowelry at very low prloea, Ohatoluine and Feb Watohes A flne Une of Weddlnsr Sllver. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. LANCAbTKlt, Mey 19. liHL E. ,i ,i. .Aim. SPECIAL The larKO IncreaBeln our trade, betli In the luanufacturliifrunil retail doparlinentx, mukes It uecesHury for 'is te Impert Direct Frem the European Markets. I MIC. KKNKST ZAIIM will tepresent our heuse In Kurepn thla summer, and these el our i cuatomera who have net already lelt their erdera with us will please de se bolore JUNK 18. ALL OKDKIt.S KOIt Biamoniis,BreDzes, Fine Clocks, Statuary, &c.a Will recelve curelnl attention nnd will be ready for delivery at any tlme after OCTOIIKIt I. CHltlSTMAS OKDKIt'i 1IKLI) UNTILTIIK IIULIUAY HKASON ir DKSUtKI). EDW. J. ZAHM, MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL JEWELER, ZAHM'S CORNER, - - - Lancaster, Pa. m2Mtmlll 1 II. alAKTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. 0 UK, PATENT WINDOW SCREENS Are the Best in the Market. NEED NOT BE REMOVED IN OPENING OR CLOSING SHUTTERS. The only SCKKICN inade with our 1'ATKNT UtON COIINEIIS which picvent them irem warping. Any Size Mnile te Order in Few Minutes. Hay no Screens Without Iren Corners. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST, HCItKKN DOOllH made toerdor and put up, with HuiiKerd, Knob, Leck and SnrliiK com plete ut SHOUT NOTICK. We use the Patent Iren Contort! en iloeri ule, which, besldeg makliiK them durable, la also an ornament SUUKK. V DOOKS ( Aocerdlnt; te Hlr.e) 1.W Up. ' WINDOWS (Any bUe 60" J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets, Lunciister, Pa. AKII AUYMUTltlKllKNlli. WajstmI-a uiiiu fuktiim kituhkn, m.i:nnkr 1IOK HALL. uiSDZtd ill Prlnee street HlltllC IIKKK. Ileck lleer en BATLUDAi and WI1IT. MUNHAY ul Caaper Kehler'H Saleen, 3..) Church street. Alse, at ad places where my beer U usuully sold. C. HUM I, Kit, m30-'Jtd l.len Ilrewery. Ol'KUIAL-AM YOU VaHH 1IY IIUIl FINK O TallerliiK Kstitbllshmi'iit don't tall te leek In the show window ; the lemlliiK Spring Styles uru exhibited theieln: then walk In and examine our entire Htoeli. Nene te euul It In the city. Ilnndseinely trimmed well made and perleel tlltliiff iranuentH assured at moderate prices. A. II. IIOSKNHTKIN, 37 North queen St. Opposite the I'ostefUco. iiwKmillt IJIIUI'UHAI.H UKURIVKIIAT TUKhTIIICK el Myeu A llathfen, Ne. UKast KinifSt., for the excavation et cellar en Duke street, between lteland llrubaker and N. LlKhtner. The ground will b) needed (in u,,, let j pluns and specltlcatlenH can be seen ut Urban A lierKir 'h sliep. Jllds received until Hntiiiday i veuliik at D o'clock p. in, May II. HAMI'KL M Ml KU8. I ANOA&Tea. I'a.. May 'JJ, ln-1 m?J.'itii 1.mjuhmh)w TiuKinH in vehk-i'kk-U Hen Intending toaccemiuny tlie axeur. slen te Yerrt te attend the coiner-stone laying et the (lerinun Catholic church en Meuihiy, can uel exeuHlen tickets at the following places: Aduiu riimer. Munei street i Jes. Iliacdel. comer West Klnn and Mary ktreuta , Jehn lllemenz'd sheu store, North Uucen street i irauk lllemunz's Hlee factory, and ether members et the committee, anil at the ticket oil! co or the renusvlvunla railroad. Tickets II 10; JIuir Tickets. S3e. TIcketSROml for two days. Train leaven at 8:30 a. in, Su-St AUICn A UltOTURlt, LANCASTER. PA. G KO, r. ItATIIVON & CO., Sun Umbrellas FIGURES. & CO., LANCASTER. PA. 4, West King Street. mnyllMyd -Z - .rz ' NOTICE. NBir AOVBUTlHKBlKtilh. iiknn uiuaipi riium vaeti. Vitn iiu- dred up, at IIAllTMAN'S YKLLOW KUONTCIUAIt HTOKK. 1)IIIII.IU MAI.K OF VALUAIII.F. ltKAL KSTATK I'lirsuanl te aroselutlonor City Council will be sold at public kale, at the Cooper IIouke, Lancaster, en Thursday, .June It), (Ml, at 7 o'clock p. in , the ioIIewiiik do de scribed real estule, te wit: All ttmt certain mcHSUUKO and tract et land with the lour, story Sieno lliilldliiK thereen erectcd, known us tuu" lleardmun cork Works," tennerly the c'oncsteKa Cotten Mill," and the dwellliiK home, blueksmltli shop, with ether buildings thureen, containing 7 Aires and HI 1'erchen, meru or less, situated en the ConestOKa creek, en thu llecklaml read, in Lancaster imd West I. ampetur townships, adjoining propeitles et bumuel Miller, Jacob llnber, Uebt A, Kvans ami ethers. This Is a very valuable property, H Kim nuit vvuiuiy biiu ui-ujiiiiuii iii luuiiumuiiir era and builneis men Will be suitable ler tannery, machine shop. Hteitni mills, dye heuse or any ether luminous. The city will reserve the water right, as new uned no dam te obstruct water te be built. Alse, at the sumo tlme ami place, all that certain vuluahle llulldliiK Let, en tliosenth ldn or Kast Chestnut street, botweeu Marshall unit Franklin street, containing in trout en Chestnut street twenty-two teat (t!) teet, and extanilluu In depth, sentliward, ene hundred and clKhteen feet (113 feet), te a II feet wide allay. buln let No.83.en the Utouemau and Landls tracL This la a bcautllul location and sultable ler u residence i Is convenient te schools, churches and tha railroad or rolling mill. Tenens aestrlng te vlaw the premises will pleaie cull en the undersigned. Turms cash en AprllJ, isai. PIIU.IP KCHKII, IlKNKY DOKUlt, 1S11AKL P.MAY Kit JOHNS. KENDIU. Jacob Uchdakku, Auet. mM,3I4,7,U,H,18,lM SECOND EDITIOM. SDBnINOrMATai 1004 LONDON ALARMED, (IUKAT UA1HAUB FltOM DYMAMITK. l'repntr Iiaitrejed nnd 1'eople lrjard by YeritrdBy't Kxploileni Vlcoreus Nwt- paper Utteraneei la Louden. Londen, May 81. Tlie coming of day- light tins morning buews tunc tne unmage caused by the dynsunite oxpleslons last night, outelde of the doteotivo ofQeo In the Scotland yardft, this elty, and the Jit nler Carlten elub lioitite In Pall Mall, resultlng from a bomb thrown Inte the basoment of the elub heuse, ut the back of St. .Tames' gquare, wen net ever catltnated, Denso crowds of curious nnd excited pcopte are vliltlng the ruins, which will remain untouehod until after nti Investigation lias been tnade. At St. James' thoatre, a huudred yarda distant, the explosion sounded llke two claps of thunder nnd the alarm among the audlonce amounted almost te a panle. Soveral ladles fainted The scoend bomb In St. James' iqunre oxpledod against the rcsldonce of 8lr Wntkln Wynn, M. P. It produeod a huge whlte frnoture, four tcct high by thrce bread. The windows wero shat tercd and the furnlture damaged. Thirteen 1'eople Irjnrsd, The explosion created great havoc nt the Junier Carlten elub. Many cases of wlne In the oellar wcre oemplotoly dostreyod. An hour bofero the explosion n 11 re breke out In the war ofllae, but was speedily extinguished. As far as known up te this hour (neon) thirteen poeplo wcre mere or less injured, among thorn 11 ve women. Fiva of the weunded nre in a precarious condition. Wlint the Nempsper Sny. The nownpapers doveto a large por per por tien of their space te tlie oxpleslons and oemment upon them in thelr editorial cel umus In a vigorous fashion. Tite 'Jtlegraph says : " It boheovos the English people te rcllcet whether further nnd sterner measures should net be taken te put a step te the public peril and mis chief te which they are new exposed. Each fresh net of oruelty and malice will strengthen the rcsolve of Englishmen net te yleld ene jet te theso who are wishing te dismember the ompire." The Standard declares that " Ne con cession can be made te eutrage Se far the only result it has nttalned has bcen failure and penal servitude The nation Is disgusted and annoyed, but net alarmed. If the attempt had fully succeeded last night, we could net auswer for the reprisals of the Londen populace" The Timet says : " The oxpleslons have followed shortly upon the introduction of Mr. Ucorge O, Trumlyan's Irish land bill. The inferonce Is logltimate that the baOled Nationalists have again vented thelr (lis (lis pleasure in a dastardly act of mischief " Tlir. UUI.U WKAltlnlt. Fralt una VrRttublcH llrtntly UntimKOd. Minui.KTOWN. N. Y May III. Iteperts this morning indicate that nearly all the npple aud pcaeh crop of Orange, Sullivan, Dolawnie nnu an tne unuianu counties ei New Yerk state have bcen destroyed by frost. The Btrnwberrics in Oneida eauuty have all been killed. Dispatches from New Eugland state that the eovcre oeld nnd frost last night did Kevero damage te all kinds of fruit ncd vegetables An Kdlter Indicted ler Libel. Feut Smith, Arkansas, May 31. Hen. V. Dell, editor of the Fert Smith New Era, a leading Heptiblican paper of this section, was indicted yesterday for libelling Cel. .1. II. Clendennlng. Dell was postmaster underOrant anil Clendcnniug's prodceossor and U. H marshall of the wostern district of Arkansas uuder Garlleld. At Clilcac1'. Ciiicacie, Jlay 31. The weather Is steadily crewing warmer nnd the political nttuospbere appears te fellow Milt. The event of the mernintx was the arrival of the California nnd Nevada delegations. They were escorted te the hotel with musie. and nfter uiving threo cheers for lllalne separated. IHUlvATlUNH. Wabiiihuten, May 31 -Fer thu Mlddln Atlantic states, warmer fair woather, easterly shifting iu northerly patt te Beutherly wiuds, s lightly warmer. The totnpernturo will rise slowly during Satur day aud Sunday. nAUKSlft riillmlnipnin inn k.-i PniLAOuLi'iiiA MajMI-rieu' iutut,biilt(aily; Huperrtne State, ti WS.t , Kxtru supurllue de.IOilfiJ&U; l'a. family, tl M.'JI 73; Ohie and Indiana lamlly, Jl 73M4 T5i Mlnu extni, $1 U) fil 75 : atraiKlii, fl 7S.i "i; winter patents, 5 50(1" 30 ; spring de 11 MliiD ill. Ityu Heur ul.l bm -. steudv. eulet i Ne. '2 Western lied. tl 03; Ne. 3 de, U.'c ; Ne. 1 I'a. lted, i II 13. Cem scarce and wanted for local usej steamer mixed and jeliew, n.'SCic; sail yellow, Oiffiille; no mixed nie; Ne. .1 mixed anil yellew, aiflGiu. Oata linn, but unlet ; Ne. 1 White, 4Uc; Ne. 1 de, llfJUXei Ne. 3 de, luke; rtlectul, JiXWW, e. '1 mixed, :S (JJ7C Itye.teutly al70c. Setid-Clever nominal al SB'JJ t Tliuulh dull ut II 50 1 flaxseed linn at 11 T. Previsions steady, with f ilr Jebblnu do main! ; Mens Pem, 113 w(13 te j lleet Hams llacan Huieked Shoulders, ly.iiTiiv; salt de nUS7e; Smoked llami, WKOl'Sei plckluc de ll;iK!iC. Lard steady t city renned, at ti'-i loose butchors,78e : prime steam $3 2503 37ii liutter Murkel unlet and tulrly iictlve ; Western Creuim'ry extra, 'ilc : I). c, A N. Y. extras, iSiilUe- de llrsts, 130170! Wtut. eru extiim, l.lBKic; Wiiitern yoed te choice, UQlle Hella nt 7Q9C. Kkks llrmer, with lair demaml ; I'a. Kitru, 1GOi7c; Western de, lUc. eheese ipilet nnd easy ; New Yerk lull cieaui. lOHiCHei Western fair loi;eod,S UKe Penu'a. part skims, 3X05Ke i 'le lull, Otic. l'etie'.eum unlet ; Itcltncd, He. Whisk v ut tl 17. new Yerk cinrkeu NawYuaK, May 31, rionr-stute ittul West cm dull and heavy. Wheat '4le hliiher and llrm, with a light tradlui: : N. 1 White, nominal i Ne. ! Hed, .lune. tl 01Kftl01; July, il uVil MJ t auk. l0.lkl eu'i sept. (I ot;ei 07 ; Dec , (1 i)QI 10i. Cern ?i!t(c higher t Mtxixl Wostern spot at GOiJtllSei de luture, t".HV,ic Outs ViiiKe better t HUte, 3'JUiic! Western, 37SHO. ntoeu .7irneis. Uuoumeneby ittv 1, McUrann A Ce, natk ere, LuncAster, Pa 11a. m Vi u. ir, M, CCA I.C...... .... .... Michigan Central ).n te en New Yerk Ceniml lei lei KW New Jersey Central 07 07 60 Ohie Centrul 'JU i i Del. Lack. A Wostern ... Mil luiej I0J Denver A Itle Oiuii.le II Krle M ltK Wi Kansa-s A Texas 13 10 Wi Lake Shen Biji te UhlcaKOA N. W., witn.... MX UiJiJ HWK N. NOnt. A WesUirn ... V)i bUPaulAOmaha .... f PaclheMall iiVi 43 UochcsterA Pliisburi'li. J Jh J St. Paul 71 71 74Vi Texas 1'acllle 13h UK WL Union I'acine lK W1 42 WaliiiHh Common U Wabash Preforred U 13 II West'rn Union Telearuph OS 07Ji 09JJ LouUvllleA Nashville... U',i 3Ji 37 N. Y Clll. A SLL Ui LehlHh Valley CI LehlKh NavlKutlen U 41 . 4IU Pennsylvania.,..., OIK OIK siu UcadliiK II IMrt 13 U P.T. A Hutrale ,, MC ll.llliuilt m.uu uuiii.t, .... .... il Northern I'acine Prof... 47 17 8VJ Hestonvllle Philadelphia A Krle , Northern Control Underground. , Canada Southern !WV 8.3K 30 k OH ..... 7BH 77i 11H People's I' vwuner , .... HBW ADrMBTUMMMXn. gUULTZB OLD MTAITD. f.D.STA!IFFERUO. 1 (SUCCESSORS TO) SHULTZ & BRO., Nes.31&33N.QueenSt. WK HAVK JUSr OI'KNKD TIIK LAUQK8T, CIIKAl'KST AND MOST COMl'LKTK A9SOHTMKNT Or MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW HATS ItVKlt OI'KNKD IN TUIH CITY, WlltOlI WK. WILL BKLL AT Bettem Gash Prices. A FULL LINE UK NUTRIA -AND- Seft Felt Hats, Light Gassimere and Pearl Darby Hats, -ALL TH E- jrn A LAItUK LOT OF BROAD-BRIM Straw Hats for Farmers, -AT- SHULTZ'S OLD STAND, 1 31 and 33 1 (Imi SI, seM"-vi- s -i in fa m SB ' ffrl " I Of ! s 'V? H '.p t'i1 '..'. I ' n4a