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"."?-p.-. i . Q 0 1 RAVENNA, THURSDAY, SEPTE MBER 30J1852- 1 JfL i Cl i r 1 ' DOOUlflENTS FOR THE TISES. IBEEDCJI HATIOBAXf 8XAYEHY SECTI01TAL SPEECH OF HOnTcHAS. SUMXER, OF MASSACHUSETTS, UOTIO!f TO ' REPEAL THE FUGITIVE SLAVE BILL, J THI " ' ' - " SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. ThbssdiT, Aoocst 26, 1852. -The Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill be in? under consideration, the following amendment was mored by the Committee on Finance : . That where the ministerial officers ef the United State hare or abmU iooor extraordinary expenses in executing the laws thereof, the payment ol which ie not specifically pro vide for, tie President of the United State is aulhonied to sllovr thi payment thereof, onder the special taxation of the district or circuit eoan-oT the district io which the said ser vices have beJB or shall be rendered, to be paid f-oattheap-aropriation lor defraying the expenses of the judiciary." . MR. SUMNER moved the following amendment to the amendment : " Proviki, That no such allowance shall be authorized for any expsnsos incurred in executing the act of September 18, 1840, for the surrender of fntitires from service or labor; which slid act U hareby repealed : .... ' On this he took the floor and spoke as follow : xf- paDg,n,, Hero i a nrovision for extraor- ... - .-..... - i . dinary expense incurred in executing the laws oi ine unuej oiaies iiua.fini-i'.'j .--t beneath these specious word lurks the very sub ject on which, by a solemn vote of this body, I was rofused a hearing. . Here it is ; no longer open to the charge of being an "abstraction," but actu ally presented for practical legislation ; not intro duced by me, but by one of the important commit tee of the Senate ; not brought forward weeks a-r , wher there was ample tune f-r discussion, bu. oniy tV:a mi mat, without any reference to tria lain nrinri of the session. ' The amendment. which I now offer, proposes to remove one chief occasion of these extraordinary expenses. And now, at last, a Long these final crowded days of our duties here, but at this earliest opportunity, I mm to be heard ; not a a favor, but asa right. 1 tie graceful usigs of thi body may be abandoned, but the established privilege of debate cannot be abridged. Parliamentary courtesy may be forgot ten, but Parliamentary law mrst prevail. The abject i broadly before the Senate. By the blessing of God it Suall be discussed. Sir, a severe lawgiver of early Greece vainly sought to secure pjrmanence for his imperfect in stitutions, by providing that the citizen who, at any time attempted an alteration or repeal of any self; and, if it think proper, it may revise or amend?" Gonverneur Morris, ef Pennsylvania, bioke forth in I that I will faithfully execute the office of President or absolutely undo the work of its predecessors. The laws of the Medes and Persians are proverbi ally said to have been unalterable; but they stand fbrin in history as a single example of such irra tional defiance ot the true principles of all law. To make a law final, so as not to be reached by Congress, is, by mere legislation, to fasten a new provision on the Constitution. Nay, more; it gives to the law a character which the very Constitution does not possess. The wise father did not treat the country as a Chinese foot, never to grow after infancy; but, anticipating Progress, they declared expressly that their Great Act is not final. Ac cording to the Constitution itself, there is not one of its existing provisions not even that with re gard to fugitives from labor which may not at all times be reached by amendment, and thus be drawn into debate. This is rational and just. Sir, noth ing from man's hands, nor law, nor constitution, can be final. Truth alone is final. Inconsistent and absurd, this effort is tyrannical also. The responsibility for the recent Slave Act and for Slavery everywhere within the jurisdiction of Congress necessarily involves the right to dis cuss them. To separate these is impossible. Like the twenty-fifth rule of the House of Representa tives against petitions on Slavery now repealed and dishonored the Compromise, as explained and urged, is a curtailment of the actual powers of leg islation, and a perpetual denial of the indisputable principle that the right to deliberate is co-extensive with the responsibility for an act. To sustain Sla very, it is now proposed to trample on free speech. In any country this would be grievous; but here, where the Constitution expressly provides against abridging freedom of speech, it is a special outrage. In vain do we condemn the despotisms of Europe, while we borrow the rigors with which they re press Liberty, and guard their own uncertain pow er. , For myself, in no factious spirit, but solemnly and in loyalty to the Constitution, as a Senator of Massachusetts, I protest against this wrong. On SI tvery, as on every other subject, I claim the risht to be heard. That right I cannot, I will not aban don. "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely, above all liberties." These are the glowing words which flashed from the soul of John Milton in his struggles with English tyranny. With equal fervor they should be echoed now by every American, not already a slave. But, sir, this effort is impotent as tyrannical. The convictions of the heart cannot be repressed. The utterances of conscience must be heard. They break forth with irrepressible might. As well ax tempt to check the tides of Ocean, the currents of the Mississippi, ' or the rushing - waters of Niagara. 'The discussion of Slavery will proceed, wherever two or three are gathered together by garded Slavery as sectional, and would not make it I heralded, was unalterably established. To every national, itsger in. Mierinan, oi Connecticut, beholder these memo-ies must nave Deeu mil oi was opposed to any tax on slaves imported, as ma- nride and consolation. But looking back upon the king the matter worse, because it implied they were scene, there is one circumstance which, more than property." He would not have Slavery national. aii its other associations, fills the soul more even Alter debate, trie subject was committed to a com- than the suggestions of Union which I prize so mittee of eleven, who subsequently reported a sub- I roach. At this mom but, weed Washisston took part thereof, should appear in the public assembly i the fireside, on the highway, at the public meetinj with a halter about his neck, ready to be drawn u jn the church. The movement against Slavery is his proposition failed to be adopted. A tyrannical from the Everlasting Arm. .Even now it is gather spirit among us, in unconscious imitation of this mg jts forces, soon to be confessed everywhere. It antique and discarded barbarism, seeks to surround mav not yet be felt in the high places of office and an offensive institution with a similar safeguard, power; but all who can put their ears humbly to the In the existing distemper of the public mind and ground, will hear and comprehend its incessant and at this present juncture, no man can enter upon advancing tread. the service which I now undertake, without a per- The relations of the Government of the United onal responsibility, such as can be sustained only States I speak of the National Government to by that sense pf duty which, under God, is always slavery, though plain and obvious, are constantly our best supports That personal responsibility I misunderstood. A popular belief at this moment accept. Before the Senate and the country let me make Slavery a national institution, and, of course, be held accountable for this act, and for every word renders its support a national duty. The extrava- which I utfer. r . . gahce of this error can hardly be surpassed. An ..With me, ir, there is no alternative. Painfully institution, which our fathers most carefully omit- convinced of the unutterable wrongs and woes of ted to name in the Constitution, which, according alavery ; profoundly believing that, according to t0 tne debates in the Convention, they refused to the true spirit of the Constitution and the senti- COvcr with any "a tnction," and which, at the origi- ments of th i fathers, it can find no place under our nai organization of the Government, was merely National Government that it is in every respect sajfionoiexisting nowhere on the national territo- sectumal, and in no respect national that it is al- Ty jg now aDOve all other things blazoned as na- ways and everywhere the creature and dependent tional. Its supporters plume themselves as nation- of the States, and never anywhere the creature or ai. xhe old political parties, while upholding it, dependent of the Nation, and that the Nation can cia;m to be national. A National Whig is simply a never, by legislative or other act, impart to it any slavery Whig, and a National Democrat is simply support, under the Constitution of the United a Slavery Democrat, in contradistinction to all who States; with these convictions, I could not allow regard Slavery as a sectional institution, within the thi session to reach it close, without making or exclusive control of the States, and with which the seizing an opportunity to declare myself openly nation has nothing to do. , "1 against the usurpation, injustice, and cruelty, of As Slavery assume to be national, so, by an the late enactment by Congress for the recovery of equally strange perversion, Freedom is degraded to fugitive slaves. Full well I know, sir, the difEcul- be sectional, and all who uphold it, under the na- ties of this discussion, arising from prejudices of tional Constitution, share this same epithet. The opinion and from adverse conclusions, strong and honest efforts to secure its blessings, everywhere ulcere a my own. r ull well 1 Know mat i am in i Within the jurisdiction of Congress, are scouted as the language of an Abolitionist: "ife never would I of the United States, and will, to the best of my concur in upholding domestic slavery. - It was a ne- I ability, preserve,"Totect, and defend the Consti- fanons institution. It was tne curse ol Heaven on tution ot the United states. the State wher.: it prevailed." Oliver Ellsworth, Over the President, on this high occasion, floated ot Connecticut, said: "The morality or wisdom of the National Flag, with its -stripes of red and its Slavery are considerations belonging to the states stars on a field of blue. As his patriot eyes resi- themselves " According to him, Slavery was sec tional. At a later day, a discussion ensued on the clause touching the African slave trade, which reveal the definitive purposes of the Convention. From the report of Mr. Madison we learn what was said. Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts, "thought we had nothing to do with the conduct of the States as to Slavery, but we ought to be careful not to give any sanction to it." According to these words, he re- ! ed upon the glowing ensign, wjtat current must have rushed swiftly througn nis soun in tne eariy days of the Revolution, in those darkest hours about Boston, after the battle of Bunker Hill, and before the Declaration of Independcace, the, thir teen stripes had been first unfurled by him, as the emblem of Union among the Colonies for the sake of Freedom. By him, at that tine, they had been named the Union Flag. Trial, struggle, and war, were now ended, and the Union, which they first stitute, authorizing "a tax on such migration or im portation, at a rate not exceeding the average of du ties laid on imports." This language, classifying persons with merchandise, seemed to imply a recog nition that they were property. Mr. Sherman at once declared himself "against this part, as ac knowledging men to be property, by taxing them as such under the character of slaves.' Mr. Gorham "thought Mr. Sherman should consider the duty not as implying that slaves are property, but as a dis couragement to the importation o them. Mr. Madison, in mild juridical phrase, "thought it wrong his first oath to-sdppoet thb conctitotios op the United States, the Natiokal Ensiom, ico- WHKRE WITHIN THE NATIONAL TEEEITOBV, COVEEEB a single slave. Then, indeed, was Slavery sec tional and Freedom national. On the sea, an execrable piracy, the trade in slaves, was still, to the national scandal, tolerated under the national flag. In the States, as a sec tional institution, beneath the shelter of local laws, Slavery unhappily fonnl a home. But in the only territories at this time belonging to the Nation, the broad region of the Northwest, it had already, by to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could the Ordinance of Freedom, been made impossible, be property in man." After discussion, it was fi- even before the adoption of the Constitution. The nally agreed to make the clause read: District of Columbia, with its fatal incirmberance, But a tax or duty may be imposed on such unpor- j had not yet been acquired. . ' tation. not exceeding ten dollars for each peron.n . j The Government thus organized was Anti-Slave-The difficulty then seemed to be removed, and the m character. Washington was a slaveholder; whole clause was adopted. This record demonstrates taat the word "persons" was employed in order to show that slaves, everywhere under the Uonstitu- tion, were always to be regarded as persons, and but it would be unjust to his memory not to say that he was an Abolitionist also. His opinions do not admit of question. Only a short time before the formation of the National Constitution, he had - - ii I "' luiuiohawu wa u not as property, ana tnus to exclude irom tne oon- declared, b y letter, "that it was among his first suiuuon ail iaea tuai inere can De property in man. h to gome ,an adored by which Slavery Kemember well, that Mr. bherman was opposed to u. aboUaned bv iaw... and aai in another luecun.aou.iw orig.noi lurui, - as ....ow.eugi.jg leM "that, in support of any legislative measures men to hi property; ' that Mr. .Madison was also op- for the aboUtion Df slavery, his suffrage should not posed to'it, because he "thought it wrong to admit K ;. ,i t;ii -,!, ; in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in man;" and that, after these objections, the j. use was so amended as to exclude the idea. But Slavery cannot be national, unless thi j idea is distinctly and unequivocally admitted into the Con stitution. Nor is this all. In the Massachusetts Conven tion, to which the Constitution when completed, was submitted for ratification, a veteran of the Re volution, General Heath, openly declared that, ac cording to his view,, blavery was sectional, and not national. His language was pointed. "1 appre hend," he says, ",.hat it is not in our power to do anything for or against those who are in filavery tn the Southern States No gentleman within these walls detests every idea of blavery more than 1 do; it is generally detested by the people of this Com monwealth; and I ardently hope the time will soon come, when our brethren in the Southern States will view it as we do, and put a stop to it; but to this we have no right to compel them, two ques tions naturally arise. If we ratify the Constitution, shall we do any thing by our act to hold the blacks in waneing with a distinguished European Abolitionist, a trav elling propagandist of Freedom, Brissot de War- ville, recently welcomed to Mount V emon. he had openly announced that promote this object in Vir ginia, "he desired the formation of a Society, and that he would second it." By this authentic testi mony, he takes his place with the early patrons of Abolition societies. By the side of Washington, as standing beneath national flag he swore to support the Constitution, were illustrious men, whose lives and recorded words now rise in judgment. There was John Ad ams, the Vice President great vindicator and final negotiator of our national independence whose soul, flaming with freedom, broke forth in the early declaration that "consenting to Slavery is a sac rilegious breach of trust," and whose immitigable hostility to this wrong has been made immortal to his descendants. There also was a companion in arms and detached friend, of incomparable genius, the yel youthful Hamilton, who, as a member of the Abolition society ot iew i orK, nad only recently united m a solemn petition tor those who, "though Slavery or shall we, become partakers of other men's f the laws of God, are held in Slavery by the a small minority, with few here to whom 1 may look for svmDathv or support, r uu weu i Know that I must utter things unwelcome to many in this bodv. which I cannot do without pain.- Full well I know that the institution of slavery in our coun-1 try, which I now proceed to consider, is as senst- sinsl I think neither of them. Afterwards, in the first Congress under the Con stitution, on a motion, which was much debated, to introduce into the Impost Bill a duty on the impor tation of slaves, the same Koger M. aherman, who in the National Convention had opposed the idea of property in man, authoritatively exposed the true relations of the Constitution to Slavery. His, lan guage was that "the Constitution does not consid er these persons as property; it speaks of them as persons." Thus distinctly and constantly, from the very lips of the framers of the Constitution, we learn the falsehood of the recent assumptions in favor of Sla- ; very and in derogation of r reedom. Thirdly, According to a familiar rule of interpri j tation, all laws concerning the same matter, in pari 1 materia, are to be construed together. By the same reason, the grand political acts of the Nation are io oe consmiea wgeiner, giving anu receiving light from each other. Earlier than the Uonnitu n rionwa the Declaration of Independence, embody- Lhe South th found fervid utte6rance from sectional; and this cause, which the founders of our National Government bad so much as heart, is called sectionalism. : These terms, now belonging to the commonplace of political speech, are adopt od and misapplied by most persons without rcfloc- tinn nnt nflTein is me nuwer oi riiavprv. jc- , . . . nnn,.-f.,i nnuni, inirtG shake a: ; ..i;,; r .!, vi, i. : be self-evident," tays the Nation, "that all men t"T ... r - .1. .k.:k. 1 -""""8 " ... .? are created enual. that thev are endowed bv their ih, nthnia and witn a bbdsluvcuchs tun, duiium miniro i uitiiR a I v . me ffranu monarcn. acci- - ' .. .... , " "L, . u t hilo these thinirs r ,,; Creator with certain inalienable rights; that amon QU k l Kill UICa L IUQ wwwfc . . -. 0 llui v ojibwu, auivug 1 v""""-". laws of the State.', There, too, was a noble spirit, the ornament ot his country, the exemplar ot cour age, truth, and virtue, who, like the sun, ever held an unerring course, John Jay. Filling the impor tant post of Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Confederation, he found time to organize the Aboli tion of Society of New York, and to act as its Pres ident until, by the nomination ot Washington, he became Chief Justice of the United States. In his sight Slavery was an "iniquity," "a sin of crimson dye," against which ministers of the gospel testify, and which the (government should sees: to abolish. "Were I in the Legislature," he wrote, "Ijwould present a bill for this purpose with great care, and I would never cease moving it till it became a law or I ceased to be a member. Till America comes into this measure, her prayers to Heaven will be impious." But they were not alone. The convictions and earnest aspirations of the country were with them. At the North these were broad and general. At mg in immortal words, those primal truths to which our country pledged itself with its baptis : mal vows as a Nation. "We hold these truths to slaveholders. By early and precocious efforts for "total emancipation," the Author of the Declara tion of Independence placed hiinself foremost among the Abolitionists of the land. In language now laminar to ail, ana wnicn can never--die, he perpetually denounced S mjrciy . iie .exposed. CIO. . ....... ... .. ft I . i.l.u.. miv orooerly prompt me to caution and reserve, changed the gender .if a noun; but Slavery has i tm are lite, uoerty, ana tne pursuit oi napmness, pernicious influences upon master a well as slave; . ' J..V-. I .1 .L! T. I I J J C J J WlSl IO BCCUR3 IUWJ riEUlB EUvClUulCHM ' I ,lartIoMrl Y they ca mot change my duty, or my determination done more than this. It has changed word for word. J .. T-i .i t :m I., r . I . . . . .... tn nnrfnrm it. For this I willingly forget mysen, nV all np.rsonal conseauences. The favor and good-will of my fellov-citizens, of my brethren of .1 O a;- rrrotAflll tn TY1A AH it lUStlv 18 1 am ready, if rea aired, to sacrifice. . AU that I am or may be, I freely offer to this cause. And here allow me, for one moment, to refer to myself ami my position. Sir, I have never been a politician. The slave of principles, I call no party master. By sentiment, education, and conviction, a friend of Human Rights, in their utmost expan sion,' I have ever most sincerely embraced the Democratic Idea ; not. indeed,: as represented or nrofessed by any party, but according to us reai It has taught many to say national, instead ef sec tional, and sectional instead of national. Slavery national! Sir, this is all a mistake and absurdity, fit to take a place in some new collection of Vulgar Errors, by some other Sir Thomas Browne, with the ancient but exploded stones, that the toad bias a stone in its head, and that ostriches digest iron. According to the true spint of the Constitution, and the sentiments of the Fathers, Slavery and not Freedom is sectional, while Free rfomand not Slavery is national On this unanswer able proposition I take my stand. And here com mences my argument. The subject presents itselt under two principal .lartlq-Ail tllt ,K InVA rtf 1 11 (j! Q 11 ll t l 1 11171. Ilf uted among men, deriving their just rower from .,., nnMv for the km. ami that thn the consent of the governed." But this does not ,.aboiition of domestic slavery was the greatest stand alone. There is another national act of sim ilar import. On the successful close of the Revo- ution, the Continental Uongress, in an address to the people, repeated the same lofty truth. "Let it be remembered," said the Nation again, "that it has ever been the pride and the boast of America, that the rights for which she has contended were the rights of human nature. By the blessing of the Author ot these ngnts, they nave prevaueu over aa opposition, and poem the basis of thirteen inde pendent states " such were the acts oi me na tion in its united capacity. .Whatever may be the significance, as transfigured in the Declaration of I beads: First, the true relations of the National Gov- Independence, and iri the injunctions oi Christian- I o-nmeni to Slavery, wherein it will appear that there t ... T 1 T ... nA na i il il'i n t n TH, I - . 1 f . " . . f 1. .' U 1 ...... 1 lly . in inis tuea & ncn v uu.u... is no national iuuiiluu uu ui wuuimjuicij vwiuc moral v for individuals or classes, but the sover- I Hnrived. and no national Dower, under the Const i- ei?ntv of the people and the greatest happiness of I tution, by which it can be supported. Enlightened II im-nml hv omial laws. Amidst the vicissitudes hv thi treneral survev. we shall be nrepared to con- of public affairs, I trust always to hold last to this aider, Secondly, the true nature of the provision for Idea, and to any political party which truly embra- tne rendUion of fugitives from labor, and herein espc ces it. . '. cially the unconstitutional and offensive legislation Party doe not constrain me ; nor is my inde- of Congress in pursuance tliercot. pendence lessened by. any relations to the office I. And now f or the tbde relations op the Na v.:k :. , a ,.iti to be heard on thi floor, tional Goverment to Slavert. These will be And here sir I may speak proudly. By no effort, I readily apparent, if we do not neglect well-estab- by no desire of my own, 1 find myself a Senator ot lished principles. fL u;,A st;,t Never before have I held pub- If Slavery be national, if there be any power in lie office of any kind. With the ample opportune- I the National Government to uphold this institution ties of private tile I was content. . No tombstone I as in the recent slave Act it must be by virtue fnr mo jwmM hoar a fairer inscriDtion than thi : I of the Constitution. Norcan it be by mere infer- " Here lies on who, without the honors or emol- I ence, implication, or conjecture. According to the - nmpni. nf nnhlu- station, did something for hi uniform admission of courts and jurists in Europe, fellow man." Fiom such simple aspirations I was I again and again promulgated in our country, Sla i.i.i, ,! h th froo. choice of mv native Com- I very can be derived only from clear and special re- moa wealth, and placed in this responsible post of cognition. "The state of Slavery," said Lord duty, without personal obligation of any kind, be- Mansfield, pronouncing judgment in the great case yond what was implied in my life and published of Somersett'is of such a nature, that it is inca- words. The earnest friends, by whose confidence pable of being introduced on any reasons moral or I was first desionated. asked nothing from me, and, political, but only by positive law. It is so odious, throughout the long conflict which ended in my that nothing van be suffered to support it but posi nlootinn. roinirofl in tha nosition which I most I tive law." fHowell's State Trials, vol. 20, p. 82.) carefully guarded. To all my language was uni-I And a slaveholding tribunal, the Supreme Court of torm, that I did not desire to De Drougnt iorwaru ; i Mississippi, auopung me eauiu piiiivipic, u eam. that. I would do nothing to promote the result; that I ha) no pledge or promises to offer ) that the office should seek me, and not I the office ; and . that it sho'ild find me in all respects an independ ent man. bound to no party and to no human bein but only, according to my best judgment, to act for the good of all. Again, sir, I speak with pride, both for myself and others, when I add that these - avowals found a sympathizing response. In this spirit 1 have come here, and in this spirit I shall apeak to-day. -. Reioicin? in mv independence and claiming nothing from party tie, I throw myself upon the candor and magnanimity of the Senate. I now ask your attention ; but I trust not to abuse it. I mav sDeak strongly : for I shall speak openly and from the strength of my conviction.; I may apeak I warmlv : for I shall speak from the heart.- rtut in 'Slavery is condemned by reason and the laws of na ture, it exists and can exist onv through municipal regulations." Harry vs. Decker, Walker K., 42,) And another slaveholding tribunal, the Supreme Court of Kentucky, has said: 'We view this as aright existing by positive law of a municipal character, without loundation in the law ot nature or the unwritten and common law. (Kankm vs Lydia, 2 Marshall, 470.) Oi course every power to uphold Slavery must have an origin a distinct a that of slavery itselt. tvery presumption must be as strong against such a power as against Slavery. A power so peculiar and offensive, so hostile to reason, so repugnant to the law ot nature and the inborn Rights ol Man; which despoils its victims of the fruits of their la bor; which substitute concubinage for marriage; which abrogates the relation of parent and child; no event can I forget the amenities which belong to w of educati the intel. aenate, and wmcn especiai.y oecome im. uuuy . .prevents a true knowledge of God, and mur- RlnttAPv T mnat Mnnilnmn With mv whrt A an 111 T hilt I - 1 r. . ... , . . ... . Jli':j:. ;i:Z:,Z' ihlJ. ers very "; ."men, amidst a plausible pnys- U&113 . ucni umjr vuiiun .111, i.iiaua. v. . .j.... object of desire." He believed that the " sacred side was gaining daily recruits," and confidently looked to The young for the accomplishment of this good work. In fitful sympathy with Jenerson was another honored son of Virginia, the Orator of Lib erty, Patrick Henry, who, while confessing that he was a master ot slaves, said : " 1 will not, 1 cannot justify it. However culpable my conduct, I will so tar pay my dovoir to virtue, as to own the excel lence and rectitude of her precepts, and lament my want of conformity to them." At this very pe riod, in the Legislature of Maryland, on a bill for privileges of States m their individual capacities, h u f of oppres8ed slaves, a young man, after- wivuui vucu """ , r war(js hy his consummate learnmg and forensic can be attributed to the Nation, in the absence ot I x,m i,,i.i ,i uj r ,i, iDsence oi er8 tbe acknowledged head of the American with these r w;llim t;u : , u fcSCbl ) 1IUIWU A I11BUVJ) au ta Ul,lU V A LUlllVObj truthful eloquence better far for his memory than his transcendent professional fame branded Sla very as iniquitous and most dishonorable;" "found ed in a disgraceful traffic ;" " as shameful in its continuance a in its origin ;" and he openly de clared, that, " by the eternal priuciples of natural hold nositive, unequivocal grant, inconsistent two national declarations. Here, sir, is the nation al heart, the national soul, the national will, the na tional voice, which must inspire our interpretation of the Constitution, and enter into and diffuse it self through all the national legislation. : Xhus again is Freedom national. fourtnty ueyond incse is a principle oi me com- :ugtice, o master in the State has a right to mon law, clear and indisputable, a supreme rule of . -.-j. . Bin-le hou, " f.n.ii ... fi 1 1. K ,n ,,,. tha,a oan ho 1 lUWipiCMIIVll 11 U 111 .. Ill 1. 1. Ill .111-1 uu.. ....... no apoeal. - In any question under the Constitu tion every word is to be construed in favor of liberty. This rule, which commends itself to the natural reason, is sustained by time honored maxims of our early jurisprudence. Blackstone aptly expresses it, when he says that "the law is always ready to catch at anything in favor of liberty."- 12 B ack. com., yi.j . j ne ruie is repeateu in various tortus. Favor ts ampliandi sunt; odia reslringenda. Favors are to be amplified; hateful things to be restrained. Lex Anglos est lex misericordia. The law of Eng land is e law of mercy. Angla jura in omni casu libertati dant favorem. The laws of Englandin eve ry case show favor to liberty. And this sentiment breaks forth in natural, though intense force, in the maxim: lmpius et crudelis judicandus est qui libertati non favet. He is to be adjudged impious and cruel who doe not favor liberty. Reading the Constitu tion in the admonition of these rules, again I say Freedom is national. Fifthly. From a learned judge of the Supreme Pmrf nf the llnitfA Rtntpm in an nntninn nf tho Court, we derive the same lesson. In considering right ot every human creature, of which no human ..,i,,: ni,.ih s,to - "nmhih; ho ;m. law can deprive him," he pleads : " If. therefore, portation of slaves as merchandize, and whether 7" have a.ny regard to justice, (to say nothing of r1 ,. : ih. .-; f nnsor tn i-ofrnlato morcv or the revealed law of (jrod,) render unto all o ' .i ,i : i:i . , i . i : j. Thus at this time spoke the Nation. The Church also joined its voice. And here, amidst the divers ties of religious faith, it is instructive to observe the general accord. The Quakers first bore their testimony. At the adoption ot the Con stitution their whole body, under the early teaching of George Fox, and by the crowning exertions of Benezet and Woolman, had become an organized hand of Abolitionists, penetrated by the conviction that it was unlawful to hold a fellow-man in bond age. The Methodists, numerous, earnest and faithful, never ceased by their preachers to pro claim the same truth. Their rules in 1788 de nounced in formal language " the buying or selling of bodies and soul of men, women, and children, with an intention to enslave them." The wonts of their great apostle, John Wesley, were constantly repeated. On the eve of the National Convention, the burning tract was cirpulated in which he expo ses American slavery as the "vilest" of the world ' such Slavery as is not found among the Turks at Algiers and, after declaring "liberty the birth- era themselves ; nor would it accord with my hab its or my sense of justice to exhibit them as the impersonation of the institution Jefferson calls it the "enormity" which they cherish. Of them 1 do not speak -, but without fear and without favor, as without impeachment of any person, I assail this wrong. Again, sir, I may err: bu' it will be with the Fathers. I plant myself on the ancient ways of the Republic, with its grandest names, its surest landmarks, arid all its original altar-fires about me. And now, on the very threshold, I encounter the ical comfort, degrades man, created in the divine image, to the level of a beast; such a power, so eminent, so transcendent, so tyrannical, so unjust, can find no place in any system of Government, un less by virtue of positive sanction. It can spring from no doubttul phrases. - it must De aeciarea oj unambiguous words, incapable of a double sense. Slavery, 1 now repeat, is not uiemiuntsu in mo Constitution. The name Slave does not pollute this Charter of our Liberties. No "positive ' lan guage gives to Congress any powsr to make a Slave or to hunt a Slave. To find even any seeming Bl .. .. . . . . . objection that there is a final settlement, in princi- "notion for either, we must travel, with doummi pie and substance, of the question of Slavery, and fttep, beyond its-express letter, into the region fi . ,. .- r : i.,l n..i. .u..i.i. I of interpretation. But here are rules which can- not be disobeyed. With electric might for Free dom, they send a pervasive influence through eve ry provision, clause, and word of the Constitution. Each and all make Slavery impossible as a national institution. They efface from the Constitution ev ery fountain out of which it can be derived. First and foremost, is tho PimibAk ' This rlis- -o.effir.aomenS &-r?fe& 1 all nragt pass, who would enter the sacred temple. Here aie the inscriptions by which they are earliest impressed. Here they firet catch the genius of the place. Here the proclamation of Liberty is first heard. 4tWe the People of the United States," says the Preamble, "in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insuredomes'.ic tranquillity. provide lor tne common a tne nee, promote tne genet- litical narties of the country, by iprmal ksoIu tiona. have united in this declaration. On a sub- ' Wt whir-h for vears has affitated the public mind; whir.h vet naloitates in every heart and burns on everv tongue; which, in its immeasurable impor tance, dwarfs all other subjects; which, by its con stant and fritrantii: presence, throws a shadow across those Halls; which at this very mon for appropriations to meet extraordinary expenses . it has caused, they have imposed the rule of silence. According to them, sir, we may speak o I1 every thing except that alone, which is most present in all ous-minds. To this combined effort I might fitly reply, that, with flagrant inconsistency, it challenges the very Idiscussion which it pretends to forbid. Such a de claration, on the eve of an election, is, of course, ie eve ox an eiecuuii, m, 01 course, i , ,r . .1. " r r :l 1 . . t . . t . . i f I U ujClICLTGs SkTWIi vCvlvf C t'tC ClWotHfo VI JWfUCrtl IU UUf u r u . j I selves and our Posterity, d ordain and establish necessary consequence. Silence becomes impossi ble. Slavery, which you profess to baniah from the ontinn nTip.TUv,jy.t yopr mvUntion enters this Constitution for the United States of Ameri ca." Thus, according to undeniable words, the Constitution was ordained, not to establish, secure, commerce among the' Stales, can interfere with tbe slave-trade between the States, a principle has been enunciated, which, while protecting the trade from any intervention of Congress, declares openly that the Constitution acts upon no man as proper ty. Mr. Justice McLean says: "If slaves are con sidered in some of the States as merchandise, that cannot divest them of the leading and controlling quality of persons by which they are designated in ! the Constitution. The character of property is given them by the local law. This taw is respect ed, and all rights under it are protected by the Fed- I eral authorities; but the Constitution acts upon slaves as persons, and not as property. " 1 he power over Slavery belongs to the States respec tively. In its local character, and in its effects." (Groves vs. Slaughter, 15 Peters R., 507). Here again Slavery is sectional, while Freedom is na tional. - Sir, such briefly are the rules of interpretation which, as applied to the Constitution, fill it with the breath of Freedom, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt. To the history and prevailing sentiments of the times we may turn lor limner assurance, in tne spirit of Freedom the Constitution was formed. In this spirit our Fathers always spoke and acted. In this spirit the .National Government wa ; nrst organised under Washington. And here I recall a scene in itself a touchstone of the period, and an example for us, upon which we may look with pure, national pride, w nil e we learn anew me relations oi tbe IN at l onal uovernmcnt loaiavery. The Revolution had been accomplished. The feeble Government of th Confederation had pass ed. The Constitution, slowly matured in a Na tional Convention, discussed before the people, de fended by masterly pens, haa been already adopted. The thirteen States stood forth a nation, wherein was unity without consolidation, and diversity without discord, rue Hopes oi an were anxiously hanrnni? uoonthe new order of things and the mitrhtv procession of events. With signal unan imity Washington was chosen President. Leaving his home at Mount Vernon,, he repaired to JNew York, where.the first Congress had U.eady com menced its session, to assume his place as elected Chief of the Republic. On the thirtieth of April, 1789, the organization of the , Government was completed by his inauguration. Entering the Sen ate Chamber, where tho two Houses were assem- their due. Give liberty to whom liberty is due, that is, to every child of man, to every partaker of human nature." At the same time, the Presbyte rians, a powerful religious body, inspired by the principles of John Calvin, in more moderate lan guage, but by a public act, recorded their judgment, recommending " to all the people under their care to use the most prudent measures consistent with the interest and the state of civil society, to procure eventually the final abolition of Slavery in America." The Congregationalists of New England, also of the faith of John Calvin, and with the hatred of Slavery belonging to the great non-contormist, Richard Baxter, were sternly united against this wrong. As early as 1776, Samuel Hopkins, their eminent leader and divine, published his tract showing it to be the Duty and interest oi ine American States to Emancipate all their African slaves, and declaring that " Slavery is in every instance wrong, unrighteous, and oppressive a very great and crying sin there being nothing of the kind equal to it on the face of the earth." And, in 1791, shortly after the adoption ot the Constitution, the second Jonathan Edwards, a twice-honored name, in an elaborate discourse often published, called upon his country, " in the present blaze of light" on the injustice of Slavery, to prepare the way for " its total abolition." This he gladly thought at hand. If we judge of the future by the past," said the celebrated preacher, " within fifty years from this tiir.o it will be as shameful for a man to hold a negro slave as to be guilty of common robbery or theft." Thus, at this time, the Church, in harmony with the Nation, by its leading denominations, Quakers, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists, thundered agair st Slavery. The Colleges-were in unison with the Church. Harvard University spoke by the voice of Massachusetts, which had already abolished Slavery. Dartmouth College, by one of its learned professors, claimed for the slaves ' equal privileges with the whites." Yale College, by its President, the eminent divine, Ezra Stiles, became the head of the Abolition Society of Con necticut. And the University of William and Mary, in Virginia, testified its sympathy with this cause at this very time, by conterring upon Uran ville Sharp, the acknowledged chief of British Ab olitionists, the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. The Literature of the land, such as then exist ed, agreed with the Nation, the Church and the their constitution of Government, have declared to be the inalienable birthright of man." Sacti, sir, at the adoption of the Constitution and at th first organisation of tbe National Government, was the oat spoken, unequivocal heart of the country. Slavery was ab hOTed. Like the slave trade, it was regarded as temporary; and, hy many, it was supposed that they would both disap pear together. Voices of Freedom filled the air. The patriot, tits Christian, the scholar, the writer, vied in loyalty to this causa. AU were Abolitionists. Glance uow at tbe earliest Conzress under toe Constitu tion. From various quarters memorials were presented to this body against Slavery. Among these was one from the Abel tioa society ot v irgmia, wherein Slavery is pronounced '-not only aa odious degradation, but an outrageous violation of one of the mon essential rights of human nature, and utterly repugnant to the precepts of the Gospel." Still an other, of a mare important character, came from the Aboli tion Society of Pennsylvania, and was signed by Benjamin ranklin, as rTdsident. This veneraote man, wnose active life had been ?oted to the welfare of mankind at home and abroad wfeo, both as philosopher and statesman, had ar rested the admiration of tae world who had ravished tha lightning from ths skies and the sceptre from a tyrant who, asamemnerot tne continental congress, qso sei ais nmiw to the Declaration of ladependence and as a member of the National convention, had again set h'4 name to the Consti tution in whome more, perhaps, than in any other person, was embodied the true spirit of American institutions, at o ce practical and huunna thia wham bo one couli be more familiar with th? purposes and aspirations of the found ers this veteran, ei fhty-four years of aee, within a few montas oi ma acain, now appeared Dy petition at tne oar oi that Congress, who'ie powers he had helped to define and establish. This vasthe last political act ofhisloag life. Listen to the prayer of Franklin : - "Xour memorialists, particularly engaged in attending to the distresses arrlsingfom Slavery, believe it to be their indispensable dc-:y to present this subject to your notic. -They have observed with real satisfaction that many impor tant and salutary powers are vested in you for promoting the welfare and securing the blessings of liberty to the people of the United States; and as they conceive that these bless ings ought rig-u fully to bs a 1 ministered, without distinction of colort to all discripttons of psople, ? they indulge them' selves in the pleasing expectation that nothing which can be done for the relief of the unhappy object of their care, will be either omitted or delated." tinder these imoressions they earnestly entreat your serious attention to the subject of Slavery; that vou will be pleased to countenance the restora tion of liberty to those unhappy men, who alone, in this land of freedom., are aegraded tnto perpecaai tonnage, ana wno, amidst the general joy of surrounding freemen, are groan ing in servile subjection; that yon will promote mercy and justice towards this distressed race and that you will step to the very verge of th: ptwsrs vested in ym for DISCOUR AGING every species of trajfi; in the persons of our fellow men." Important words ! In themselves a key-note of the times. From his grave Franklin seems still to call upon Congress to step to the very verge of the powers vested in it to discourage Slave a t ; and, in maitingthis prayer, he proclaims the true national policy of the Fathers. Not encouragement, but discouragement of Slavery was thsir rule. Sir, enough has baea said to show the sentiment which, like a vital air, surrounded the National Government as it stepped into beiu. In the face of this history, and in the absence of any positive sane tioa, it is absurd to suppose that Slavery, which under the Confederation was merely sec tional, was now constituted a national institution. But there is yet another link in the argument. In the discussions which took place in the local conven tions on the adoption of the Constitution, a sensitive desire was manifested to surround all pe sons under the Constitu tion with additional safeguards. Fears were expressed from the supposed indefiniteness of some of the powers conceded to th? National Government, and also from the absence of a Bill of Rights. Massachusetts, oa ratifying tha Constitution, proposed a series of amendments, at the head of which was this, characterized by Samuel Adims, in the Convention as " a summary of a Bill of Kights . "That it be explicitly declared, that all powers not ex pressly delegated by the aforesaid Constitution are reserved to the several States, to be by them exercised." Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, with minor ities in Pennsylvania and Maryland, united in this proposi tion. In pursumcs of these recommendations, the first Congress presented for adoption the following article, which, being ratified by a proper number of States, became a part of the constitution, as the lutu amendment: The powers not delegated to tho United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to tne pe3pte, Stronger words could not be employed to limit the power under the Constitution, and to protect the people from all as sumptions of the National Governxent, particularly in dero gation of Freedom. Irs guardian character commended it to the sagacious mind of Jenerson, who said. "I consider the foundation corner-stone of the Constitution of tha United States to 03 laid upon tbe tenth article of the amendments." And Samuel Adams, ever watchful for Freedom, said: "It re moves a doubt which many have entertained respecting the matter, and gives assurance that, it eny law made by the Federal Government shall be extended beyond the power grunted by tbe Constituti on, and inconsistent with the Con stitution oi tnis Mate, it wiu oe au error, ana aajuagea oy the courts of law to be void." Beyond all question the National Government, ordained by the Constitution, is not general or universal; but special and particular. It is a Government of limited powers. It has no power which is not delegated. Especially is this clear with regaruto an institution like Slavery. The Constitution contains no power to make a King or to support kingly rule. With similar reason it may said, that it contains no power to make a slave or to support a system ot blavery. rue ab sence of all each power is hardly more clear in one case than in the other. At the riskofrepetion, bat for the sake of clearness, re view now this argument, and gather it together. Consider ing I hat Slavery is of such an otfansive character that it can find sanction only in ' positive law," and that it has no such "positive" sanction in the Constitntion ; taat the Constitu tion, according to its Preamble, was ordained " to establish justice" and ' secure the blessings of liberty;" that, in the Convention which framed it, and also elii where at the time, it was declared not to sanction Slavery; that, according to the Declaration of Independence and the Address of the Con tinental Congress, the Nation was dedicated to "liberty," and the " rights of human nature;' that, according to the principles of the ommon law, the Constitution must be in terpreted openly, actively, and perpetually, for Freedom; that, according to the decision of the Supreme Court, it acts upon staves, nor as propertyy ut as persons; tnat, at tne hrst organization oftfie National Government under Wash ington, Slavery Uad no catiouul favor, and existed nowTIee beneath the nuonal flag or on the national territory, but was openly condemned by the Nation, the Church, the Colleges, and Literature of the time, and finally, that, according to au Amendment of the Constitution, ttie National Government can only excrjise powers delegated to it, among which there is none to support slavery; considering these things, sir, it is impossible to avoid the single conclusion that Slavery is in no respect a national institution, and that the Constitution nowhere upholds property iu man. But there is one other special provision of the Constitution, woica i aave reserveu to mis stage, not so much irom its su perior importance, but because it may fitly stand by itself. This aioce, u practical! y appnea, wouiacarrv f reedom to all within its influence. It is an amendment proposed bv the nrst uongress, as ioiiows: No prvn siall be deprived of life, Itbertu.. or oroDertv. wunout aue process oj taw. Under this segis the liberty of every person within the na tional jurisdiction is unequivocally placed. 1 say of every person, ui this mere can oe no question, i ne word "per son" in the Constitution embraces every human being witnin us spnere, wneiner uaucassian, maian, or Airican, from tbe President-to the slave. Show me a person, no mat ter what his condition, or race, or color, within the national jurisdiction, and I confidently claim for him this protection. The natural meaning oi tne clause is clear, out a single tact of its history places it in the broad light of noon. As origi nally recommended by North Carolina and Virginia, it was restrained to the freeman. Its language was, "No freeman ought to be deprived of bis life, liberty, or property, but by the law of tbe laud." In rejecting this limitation, the authors of the amendment revealed their purpose, that no ner&on.un der the National Government, of whatever character, shall ot deprived ol liberty wuuout aue process or law; that is, without due presentment, indictment, or other judicial pro ceedings. Here by this Amendment is an express guaranty of Personal Liberty, and an express prohibition against its invasion anywnere, at least witnin me national jurisdiction. sir, appiv these principles, ana slavery will again be as when Washington took his first oath as President. The Union Flag of the Republic will become once more the flag of Freedom, and at all points within the national jurisdiction will refuse to cover a slave. Beneath its beneficent folds, wherever it is carried, on land or sea, Slavery will disappear, e darkness under tbe arrows of the ascending sun like the Spirit of Eva before the Angel of the Lord. t In au national territories ssiavery win oe impossible. On the high seas, under the national flag, Slavery will be inipKsibie. Iii i lie District of Columbia Slavery will instantly cease. Ins pi red by these principles, Congress can give no sanction to Slavery by ihe a: i mission of new S'ave States. Nowhere under the Constitution, can the Nation, bv legis lation or otherwise, support Slavery, hunt slaves, or hold property in man. Such, sir, are my sincere convictions. According to the Constitution, as I understand it, the light of the Past and of its true principles, there is no otner conclusion which is ra tional or tenable: which does not defy the authoritative rules of interpretation; which does not falsify indisputable facts of history; which does not affront the public opinion in which it had its birth; and which does not dishonor the memory of ttie t amers. Ana yet ine convictions are now placed under formal ban by politicians of the hour. The generous senti ments which filled the early patriots, and which impressed upon the Government they founded, as upon the coin they cir culated, the image and supe inscription of Liberty, have lost their power. The slave-masters, few in number, amount ing to about 300.000, according to the recent census, have suc ceeded in dictating tne poiiDy ot tne National Government, and hive ritten Slavery on its front. And now an arro gant and unrelenting ostracism is applied; not only to all who express themselves against Slavery, but to every man who is unwilling to be the menial of Slavery. A novel test for office is introduced, which would have excluded all the Fathers of the Republic even Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin! Yes, sir. Startling as it may be; but indisputa ble. Could these revered demigods of history once again descend upon the earth, and mingle in our affairs, not one of them could receive a nomination Irom the National Conven tion of either the two old political parties! Out of the con victions of their hearts and tbe utterances of their lips against Slavery they would be condemned. This single fact reveals the extent to which the National Government has departed from its true course and its great examples. For myself, 1 know no better aim under the Con stitution, than to bring the Government back to the precise position on this question wnicu it occupied on tue auspicious morning of its first organization under Washington: ours us iierare Relictos; that the sentiments of the Fathers may again prevail with our rulers, and that the National Flag may nowhere shelter Slavery. To such as count this aspiration unreasonable let me commend a renowned aud life-giving precedent of Eng lish history. As early as the days of Queen Elizabeth, a courtier had boasted that the air of England was too pure for a slave to breathe, and the common law was said to forbid Slavery. And yet in the face of this vaunt, kindred to that ot our r at hers, and so truly hon orable, slaves were introduced from the West Indies. The custom of slavery gradually prevailed. Its posi tive legality was affirmed, in profcssunal opinions, by two eminent lawyers, lalbot and lorke, each after wards Lord Chancellor. It was also affirmed on the bench by the latter as Lord Hardwicke. England was already a Slave State. The following advertisement, copied from a London newspaper, the Public Advertiser, of Nov. 22d, I7G9, shews that tho journpls there were disfigured as some of ours, even in the District of Co lumbia: "To be sold, a black girl, the property of J. B., eleven years of age, who is extremely handy, works at her needle tolerably, and speaks English perfectly well; is of an excellent temper and willing disposition. En quire of her Owner at the Angel Inn, behind St. Clem ent's Church, in the Strand." At last, only three years after this advertisement, in 1772, the single question of the legality of Slavery was presented to Lord Mansfield, on a writ ot Habeas Cor vus. A poor negro, named Someraott, brought to- Eng land as a stavo, became ill, and with an -inhumanity disgraceful even to slavery, was turned adrift upon the world. Through the charity of an estimable man, the eminent Abolitionist, Granville Sharpc, he was restored to health, when his unfeeling and avaricious master again claimed htm as a bondman. 1 he claim was re nelrd. After an elaborate and n retracted discussion in Westminster Hall, marked by rare learning and abil- banished from the national jurisdiction, it will cease to vex our national politics. It may linger in the States as a local institution; but it will no longer engender na tional animosities, when it no linger demands national support. 11. From this general review ot tne relations ot tne National Government to Slavery, I pass to the consid eration of the TRUE HATURB OP THB PROVISION 10 R the surrender of FCGiTivss p Kox labor, embra cing an examination of this provision in the Constitu tion, and especially of the recent act of Congress in pursuance thereof. And here, as i begin this discus sion, let me bespeak anew yourcandor. Not in preju dice, but in the light of history and of reason, let us con sider this subject. The way will then be easy and the conclusion certain. Much error arises from the exae?erat imnn.nM now attached to this provision, and from the assump tions with regard to its origin and primitive character. It is often asserted that it was suggested by some spe cie difficulty, which had become practically and exten sively felt, anterior to the Constitution. . But this is one of the myths or fables with which the supporters of Slavery have surrounded their false god. In the Arti- cles of Confederation, while provision is made for the surrender of fugitive criminals, nothing is said of fugi tive slaves or servants; and there is no evidence in any quarter, until after the National Convention, of any hardship or solicitude on this account. No previous voice was heard to express desire tor any provision on ; the subject. The story to the contrary is a modern lie tion. I out aside as equally fabulous the common saying that this provision was one of the original compromises of the Constitution and an essential condition of Un ion. Though sanctioned by eminent judicial opinions, it will be found that this statement has been hastily made, without any support in the records of the Con vention, ihe only authentic evidence of the compromis -es; nor will it be easy to find any authority for it in any contemporary document, speech, published letter or pamphlet ot any kind. It is true that there were com promises at the formation of the Constitution, which were the subject of anxious debate; but this was not of them. - . ' , There was a compromise between the small and large States, by which equality was jecured to all the States in the Senate. There was another compromise finally carried, under threats from the South, on the motion oj a iVeie rngiana member. Dy which tne "Slave States were allowed Representatives according to the whole number of free persons, and ' three-fifths of all other persons;" thus securing political power on account of their slaves, in consideration that direct taxes should be apportioned in the same way. Direct taxes have been imposed at only four brief intervals. The political power has been constant, and, at this moment, sends twenty one members to the other House. There was a third compromise, which cannot be men tioned without shame, it was that hateful bargain by which Congress were restrained until 1809 from the prohibition of the foreign slave trade, thus securing, down to that period, toleration for crime. This was pertinaciously pressed by the South, even to the extent of an absolute restraint on Congress. John Rutledgo said: "If the Convention thinks North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, will ever agree to this plan the Federal Constitution! unless their right to import slaves be untouched, the expectation is vain. The people of those States will never be such fools as to give up so important an interest." Charles incfcney said: South Carolina can never receive the plan lot the Constitutionlif it prohibits the slave trade." Charles Cotesworth Pinckney "thought himself bound to de clare candidly that he did not think South Carolina would stop her importation of slaves in any short time.' 1 he eii --ontery ot the slaveholders was matched bv the ordidness of the Eastern members, who yielded again. . Luther Martin, the eminent member of the Convention, I in his contemporary address to ths Legislature of Mary- ' land, has described the compromise. I found," he says, "that the Eastern members, notwithstanding their aver- ; sion to Slavery, were very willing to indu lge the South ern States, at least with a temporary liberty to prose cute the slave trade, provided the Southern States would in their turn gratify them, by laying no restriction on navi gation acts. l he bargain was struck., and at this price the Southern States gained the detestable indulgence. At a subsequent day, Congress branded the sla-e trade as piracy, and thus, by solemn legislative act, adjudged this compromise to be felonious and wicked. Such a-e the three chiet original compromises ol the Constitution and essential conditions of Union. The case of fugitives from labor is not of these. During the Convention, it was not in any way associated with these. Nor is there any evidence, from the records of this body, that the provision on this subject was regard ed with any peculiar interest. As its absence from the Articles ot Confederation Q3d not been the occasion of solicitude or desire, anterior to the National Conven tion, so it did not enter into any of the original plans of ihe Constitution. It was introduced at a late period of the Convention, and with very little and most casual discussion, adopted. A few facts will show unfounded are the recent assumptions. i he .National convention was convoked to meet at Philadelphia on the second Monday in May, 1787. Several membra appeared atthi3time: but a maiority of the States not being represented, those present ad journed from day to day until the 25th, when the Con vention was organized by the choice ot deorge Wash ington, as President. On the 28th, a few brief rules and orders were adopted. On the next day they com menced their great work. - On this day Edmund Randolph, of slaveholding Vir ginia. laid before the Convention a series of sixteen resolutions, containing his plan for the establishment of a new National Government. Here was no allusion to fugitive slaves. On tote same dav. Charles Pincknev. of slave-hold ing South Carolina, laid before the Convention what is called "a draft of a Federal Government, to be agreed upon between the free and independent States of A- menca, an elaborate paper, marked by considerable minuteness of detail. Heie are provisions, borrowed from the Articles of Confederation, securing to citi zens ot eacn otate equal privileges in the several Stales; giving faith to the public records of the States; and ordaining the surrender of fugitives from justice. mit tnis a rait, tnougn irom the naming guardian of the slave interest contained no allusion to fugitive slaves. In the course of the Convention other olans were brought forward; on the 15th of June a series of eleven propositions by M.r. Patterson, of New Jersey, 'so as to render the Federal Constitution adequate to the exi gencies of Government, and the preservation of the union; on ine imn oi June, eleven propositions hy Mr. Hamilton, of New York, "containing his ideas of a suitable plan of Government for the United States;" and on the 19th June, Mr. Randolph's resolutions, orig iually offered on the 29th May, "as altered, amended, and agreed to in Committee of the Whole House." On the 26th, twenty-three resolutions, already adopted on different days in the Convention, were referred to a 'Committee of Detail," to be reduced to the form of a Constitution. On the 6th August this committee re ported the finished draft of a Constitution. And yet in all these resolutions, plans, and drafts, seven in number, proceeding from eminent members and from able com mittees, no allusion was made to fugitive slaves. For three months the Convention was in session, and not a word uttered on this subject. At last, on the 2oth August, as the Convention was drawing to a close, on the consideration of the article providing lor the privileges ot citizens indifferent States, we meet the first reference to this matter, in words worthy of note: "Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was not satisfied with it. He SEEMED to wish some provision should be included in favor of proD- erty in slaves." But he made no proposition. Unwill ing to shoes, tne convention ana uncertain in his own mind, he only seemed to wish sucft a provision. In this vague expression of a vague desire this idea first ap peared, in this modest, hesitating phrase is the germ of the audacious unhesitating Slave Act. Here is the little vapor, which has since swollen, as in the Arabian tale, to the power and dimensions of a giant. The next article under discussion provided for the surrender of fugitives from justice. Mr. Butler and Mr. Charles Pinckney, both from South Carolina, now moved open ly to require "fugitive slaves and servants to be deliv ered up like criminals." Here was no disguise. , With Hamlet it was now said in spirit Seems, madam, nay, it is; I know not seems. But the very boldness of the effort drew attention and opposition. Mr. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, at once ob jected: "This would oblige the Executive of the State to do it at the public expense." Mr. Sherman, of Con necticut, "saw no more propriety in the public seizing and surrendering a slave or servant than a horse." Un der the pressure of these objections the offensive pro position was quietly withdrawn. The article for the surrender of criminals was then adopted. On the next day, August 29th, profiting by the suggestions already made, Mr. Butler moved a proposition substantially like that now found in the Constitution not directly for the surrender of fugit ives slaves,' as originally proposed out of "fugitives from service or labor," which, with out debate, or opposition of any kind, was unanimously adopted. . The provision, which showed itself thus tardily and was so slightly noticed in the National Convention, was neglected in much'ofthe contemporaneousdiscussion be fore the people. In the Conventions of S. Carolina, N Carolina and Virginia, 11 was commended as securing im portant rights, though on this point there was a differ ence of opinion. In the Virginia Convention, an em inent character, Mr. Ueorge Mason, with others ex pressly declared that there was "no security of proper ty coming within this section." In ihe other Conven tions it was disregarded. Massachusetts, while exhib iting peculiar sensitiveness at any responsibility for Slavery, seemed to view it with unconcern. 1 he r ed- eralist, (No. 42,) in its classification of the powers of Congress, describes and groups a large numbers as those "which provide tor the harmony and proper intercourse among the States," and therein speaks of the power over public records standing next in the Constitution to the provision on fugitives from labor; but it fails to recognise the latter among the means ol promoting that "harmony and proper intercourse;" nor does it anywhere allude to tho provision. The indifference which had thus far attended this subject still continued. The earliest act of Congress, passed in 1793, drew little attention. It was not orig inally suggested by any difficulty or anxiety touching fugitives from labor; nor is there any record of the times, in debate or otherwise, showing that any special im portance was attached to its provisions in this regard," The attention of Congress had been directed to fugi tives from justice, at.d. with little deliberation, it un dertook, in the same bill to provide for both classes of cases. In this accidental manner was legislation on this subject first attempted. There is no evidence that fugitives were often seized under this act. From a competent inquiier we learr that twenty-six years elapsed before a single Slavs was surrendered under it in any Free State. It is certain that, in a case at Boston, towards the close of the last century, illustrated by Josiah Ciiincy as counsel, tho crowd about the magistrate at llje examination quietly and spontaneously opened a way for the fuailivo, snd thus the Act failed to be executed. It is also certain that, in Vermont, at the beginning of the century, a Judge of the Supreme Court of this State on applica tion for the surrender of an alleged slave, accompanied by documentary evidence, refused to comply unlets th cassions of this subject, has thus far been unnoticed, is i-nieny remarnalile as tne earliest recorded evidence of the unwarrantable assertion, now so common, that this provision was originally of vital importance to the peace and harmony of the country. At last, in 1850, we have another Act, passed by both Houses of Congress and approved by the President, familiarly known as the Fugitive Slave Bill. As I read this statute I am filled with painful emotions. The masterly subtlety with which it is drawn, misht challenge admiration, if exerted for a benevolent pur- pose; but in a n age of sensibility and refinement, a ma chine of torture, however skilful and apt, cannot be re garded without horror. Sir, in the name of the Con stitntion which it violates; of my country which it dis honors; of Humanity which it degrades; of Christiani ty which it offends, I arraign this enactment, and now hold it up to the judgment of the Senate and the world. Again 1 shrink from no responsibility. 1 may seem to stand alone; but all the patriots and martyrs of history, all the Fathers of the Republic, are with me. Sir, there is no attribute of God which does not unite against this Act. r 1 Jam 10 refard it now chiefly as an infringement . ? c,onstitution. And here its outrages, flagrant aa manifold, assume the deepest dye and broadest charac ter only when we consider that by its language it is not restrained to, any speeial race or class, to the African or to the person with African blood; but that any inhab itant of the United States, of whatever complexion or condition, may be its victim. Without discrimination of color even, and m violation of every presumption of freedom, the Act surrenders all. who as "owing service or labor" to the same tyrannical pro ceedings. If there be any, whose sympathies are not moved for the slave, who do not cherish the rights of the humble African, struggling for divine Freedom, sa warmly as the rights of the white man, let him consider well that the rights of all are equally assailed. "Ne phew," said Algernon Sidney in prison, on the night be fore his execution, "1 value not my own life a chip, but what concerns me is that the lain which takes away my life may hang every one of you, whenever it is thought convenient." - Though thus comprehensive in its provisions and ap plicable to all, there is no safeguard of Human Free dom which it does not set at naught It commits this great question than which none is more sacred in the law not to a solemn trial; but to summary proceedings. It commits this question not to one of the high tri bunals of the land bnt to the unaided judgment of a single petty magistrate. It commits this question to a magistrate, appointed, not by the President with the consent of the Senate, but by the Court; holding his office, not during good be haviour, but merely during the will of the Court; and receiving, not a regular salary, but fees according to -each individual case. ; - it authorizes judgment on ex parte evidence, by affi davits, without the sanction of cross-examination. It denies the writ of Habeas Copras, ever known as the Palladium of the citizen. Contrary to the declared purposes of tne framers of the Constitution, it sends the fugitive back "at the pub-: lie expense." -s. Adding meanness to the violation of the Constitu tion, it bribes the Commissioner by a double fee to pro nounce against Freedom. If he dooms a man to Slave ry, the reward is ten dollars; but, saving him to Free dom, his dole is five dollars. N The Constitution expressly secures the "free exercise of religion;" but this Act visits with unrelenting pen alties the faithful men and women, who may render tq, the fugitive that countenance, succor, and shelter, V which in their conscience "religion" seems to require. As it is for the public weal that there should be an end of suits, so by the consent of civilized nations, these must be instituted within fixed limitations of time; but this Act, exalting Slaverv above even the practical principle of universal justice, ordains proceedings against Freedom without any reference to lapse of time. Glancinz these noints. and notstooDin? fnrr gument, vindication, or iliustrationI come at once up on the two chief radical objections to this Act, identi cal in principle with those brought by our fathers ' against the British Stamp Act; first, that it is ausurpa- ' tion by Congress of powers not granted by the Consti tution, and an infraction of rights secured to the Slates; and, secondly, that it takes away Trial by Jury in a question of Personal Liberty and a suit at common law. Eitherof these objections, if sustained, strikes at the very root of the Act That it is obnoxious to both seems beyond doubt. But here, at this staee, 1 encounter the dimouli v. that these objections have been already foreclosed by the legislation of Congress the decisions ot the Sur premc Court; that as early as 1793 Congress assumed power over this subject by an Act, which failed to se cure Trial by Jury, and that the validity of this Act un der the Constitution has been affirmed by the Supreme uoun. un examination tnis aimcuuy win aisappear. The Act ot 1793 proceeded from a Concress that had already recognised the United States Bank, chartered by a previous Congress, which, though Sanctioned by- tne oupreroe uran, nas Deen since in nigh quarters pro nounced unconstitutional. If it erred as to the Bank, it may have erred also as to fugitives from labor. But the very Act contains a capital error on this very sub ject, so declared by the Supreme Court, in pretending to vest a portion of the judicial power of the Nation in State officers. This error takes from the Act all au thority as an interpretation of the Constitution. 1 dis miss it. The decisions of the Supreme Court are entitled to great consideration, and will not be mentioned by me except with respect Among the memories of my youth are happy days in which I sat at the feet of this tri- bunal, while Marshall presided, with Story by his side. The pressure now proceeds from the case of Prigg vs. Pennsylvania, (16 Peters. 539,) wherein the power of Congress over this matter is asserted. Without going into any minute criticism of this judgment, or consider ing the extent to which it is extra-judicial, and there fore of no binding force, all which has been already . done at the bar in one State, and by an able court in another; but conceding to it a certain degree of weight as a rule to the judiciary on this particular point, still it does not touch the grave question arising from the de nial of Trial by Jury. This judgment was pronounced by Mr. Justice Story. From the interesting biography of this great jurist, recently published by his son, we derive the distinct statement that the necessity of Trial by Jury was not before the Court; so that, in the esti mation of the Ju-lge himself, it was still an open ques tion. Here aie the words: 'One prevailing opinion, which has created great prejudice against this judgment, is, that it denies tbe right of a person claimed as a fugitive from service or labor to a trial by jury. This mistake arises from sup posing the case to involve the general question as to the constitutionality of the Act of 1793. But in fact no such question was in the case; and the argument that the Act of 1793 was unconstitutional, because it did not provide for atrial by jury according to the requisitions of the sixth article in the amendments to the Constitn tion, having been suggested to my father on his return from Washington, he replied that this question was not argued by counsel nor considered by the Court, and that he should still consider it an open one." But whatever may be the influence of this judgment as a rule to the judiciary, it cannot airest our duty as legislators. And here I adopt with entire assent the . language of President Jackson, in his memorable Veto, in 1832, of the Bank of the United States. To his course was opposed the authority of the Supreme Court, and this is his reply: "If the opinion of the Supreme Court covers the whole ground of this Act, it ought not to control the co ordinate authorities of this Government The Con gress, the Executive, and the Court, must each for it self be guided by its own opinion of the Constitution. Each public officer, who takes an oath ta support the Con- stitution, swears that he will support it as he understands it, and not as it is understood by others. It is as much the duty of the House of Representatives, of the Sen ate, and the President, to decide upon the constitution ality of any bill or resolution, which may be presented to them for passage or approval, as it is of the Supreme Judges when it may be brought before them for judicial deeision. The authority of the Supreme Court must not, therefore, be permitted to control the Congress or the Executive, when acting in their legislativeeapaci ties, but to have only suchinfiuence as the force of their reasoning may deserve."" With these authoritative words of Andrew Jackson I dismiss this topic The early legislation of Congress and the decisions of the Supreme Court cannot stand in our way. I advance to the argument (1.) iVoir.jSrsr, of the power of Congress over this sub ject. The Constitution contains powers granted to Con gress, compacts between the States, anil prohibitions ad dressed to the Nation and to the States. A compact or prohibition may be accompanied by a power, but not nessarily, for it is essentially distinct in its nature. And here the single question arises, whether the Con stitution, by grant, general or special, confers upon Con- .v..w u KimMauu mo suoieci ox ingiuves rom labor. . The whole legislative novpr nf ;. : j from two sou rces; first from the general grant of power, attached to the long catalogue of powers, Uo make all RW9 Which ahflll hn naA(M.- 1 e .1 ...... .. . . ouu proper lor me carry ing into execution the feregoing powers and al! other powers vested bv this Con.titui,'.in ;. .k. n of the United States, or in any department or o ncer auusrouuaiy, irom special grants in ither parts ot the Constitution. As the provision in question does not appear in the catalogue of powers and does not purport to vest any.powerin the Government of the United states, or in any department or officer thereof, no power to legislate on this subject can be derived ruin any special grant norcan any such power be de rived from any other part of the Constitution; for nons BUch exists. The conclusion must be, that no power is delegated to Congress over the surrender of fugitives from labor. In oil contemporary discussions and comments, the Constitution was constantly justified and recommend ed, on the ground that the powers not given to the Gov eminent are withheld from it If under its original provisions any doubt could have existed oh this Sead, TWiT 1 3 r." !'H,gua89 wmove, it, by the Tenth Amendment, which, as we have already seen, -United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively as to the people. Here on the simple text of tha Consti tution 1 might leave this question. But its importance justifies a more extended examination in a two-fold light; first, m the history of the Convention, revealing the jinmistakcahle intention of its msmbers; and sec ondly, in the true principles of our Political System, by sTatesU 1 Ltlrk . u' , j Ahe i'i'Tort Convention.' The arti cles ot the old Confederation, adopted bv the Continen tal lonmss 15th November, 1777, though containing no reference to fugitives from labor, had provisions sub atantially like those in our present Constitution, touch ,' ing the privileges of eitiaens in the several States, the surrender of fugitives from justice and the credit due to the public records of States. But, since the Confed eration had no powers not "expressly delegated," snd as no power was delegated to legislate on theso matters, they were, nnrhirnrnorr ihsn Tlir)"f ' ni " - -1 1 i u