Newspaper Page Text
THff E3B0CMTIC0 PRESS. SAMCEL t7 IIAKBIS EDITOK An PCBLIBHIB KAVENIlAi THUIISDAY, AWtt, 5.- Democratic; State Ticket. ""' TOR GOVERNOR,- : GEN WJ S. ROSECRANS. ' " ." FOR LIEUT. OOVEBKOR, 1 :' ,' ; T,;.' GODFftEY. VfOR JCIKJE SUPBEMTE COURT,1 WILLI AM J: GILMORE. OR, TBKASURKR OF STATE, ' . STEPHEN BUIIRER.. ', FOR ATTDRXET GEXERAI ' ."".) . JSfO.M.' CONNELL. ; ' mf.mpeb of "boabd'of public works, ; r! t. ciiurchill.. Hon. Ralph Leete'a Letter. On the first page of our paper will be forma An able letter from Hon Ralph Lcete. a member' of the late House of Representatives, which orig inally" appeared ia' the Portsmouth Timet: addressed to Governor Hayes. It is a masterly review of the speech of his Excellency,? showing up the blunders, misstatements and prevari cations with - "which 'the speech abounds, in a manner that ought to cover the Governor with confusion. Don't foil t read it. ! .iu-m Elections arc to be held in Missis sippi, and . Texas onthe last Tuesday of November next, by order pf his Imperial, JIighnegy, Ulysses the ,1st.--Disfrauchigemeut, . disqualification for office, test-oath, and restriction of the State,. credit clauses ;iu the new, Con stitution are to be separately voted npoin ,-, As in tlie case of Virr ginia, if,the,peop)e,vote,,against dis- c i . t - i-i?.. iruncnutuiiicui, uiuguuucauuii iui vi ficeandthe test-oath, it will be re garded as evidence of "disloyalty,'' and furnish an excuse for continuing the ; -Slate Bnder : i military a rnle.- " Heads we wirt,'tails you lose," is the rule ef the Radical destructives.' ! L iit -ii. r -jiil ; The, people of .Virginia elected a Conservative Governor by over 18,000 majority and a Conservative Legisla ture, and by a majority of over 40,000 rejected : the i odious Test Oath. For these reasons the despots who rule the country are discussing the "question whether the election shall not be set asidCanil the people of the Old Do minion forced to vote for Radical men permitted, tei eli joy .'any privileges , in the Union fl ' i-.cH s Tiivt j-J . i,st Th Magsaehtfsetts Tempe ranee AI liaiiCe lias 'declared in fhver of a pro hibitory temperance party, and will jran ft ticket-' u '::; Arid . the- 'Ohio State Temperance Alliance wlikh'-nlet at TJrbana on Wednesday11 of last week, declared right the other way, - against separate potitieaf action."" The Radical pollti ciaiis got tbe'-oontrol of the affair and run it in the interest of Govv Hayes, Rev. A. W. Tibbits declared that Gov. Hayes was. sound on the temperance question, .and, therefore, an accepta ble candidate..,. Will the Governor or his.fiiond place him square upon the record in frvor .of prohi biUon ? i. V u 1 1 1 ! : 1 1 mT Democracy ys, KepnbUcsnUm. The'.N. , Denwcr'at truly holds that no man can serve, both God and mammon'.' 'No man can be black and white at the same time, nOr can he be honest and dishonest, nor can he be a democrat and republican. ' There is no half-way ground between the right and wrong... - Democracy is all right, re publicanism is . all wrong. Demoera. cy cares for the interest of the people ; repuDitcanism lor ue interest oiiiyoi ne ricu. ( i ,ieinocracy protects j taoor j republicanism heaps taxes upon lt. Democracy gives every State the right for. her people (oi retain thei r sovereign independence, and regulate their own affairs;' republicanism tends to des potism and centralization of power. Democracy means 'equality ;'republi eaiitsm aristocracy ; the accumulation of wealth and the employing of it for the eohtrbi'Of legislation for the pro tection of itself rather than the pro tection - of labor;' Democracy -means the" protection of every' man who works a farm, bnilds a carriage" runs a saw -mill opens a mine, fells a for est, navigates the river, erects a dwell ing, paves a street, improves a. prop erty J republicanism means th; -taxa tion of these men for the support of the kid-gloved; 'cold-hearted ; money getters Of the! country who have no svmpathv for tbe people, aud --regret their death Only aft It lessens " their in come. " Alrmel. The Raiicai are iu great tribulation for ifear that the election of Gen. Rose crans will overthrow' the admirable School System of the State. It wJJI he exccediuarlv difficult for them, to tell what control the Governor of the State has over our schools. . He ap points none of its officers, ho enacts, nor does he veto any' laws, he makes and controls no appropriations, ..'and issues no orders. And if he did, there is noi tie' least evidence to show that be has any desire . to interfere with school system that receives the . ap proval and jrnpport of both political parties Our common scnooi system owes'qnite as much" for its existence to the Democratic- party as any other Drtv;,,;A cotempoi-ary well remarks 44 The Common School Law of Ohio - was framed by a Democratic Coinmit- r wl.ip.h Hon; Harvey Rice was 7Wrmn. and it was passed by a Letf- fslature that, was .overwhelmingly Democratic, iii 1853. The next year it was j)ot Into successful operation h., if .in. 11. If. Baruev. the best bchi Commissioner Ohio ever had. "It is .i4-nntfipHcfd to be the most efficient anhnnl r stem In the United States. 'Ph. Tinmncracv are the especial friends f tliA rninmon school or democratic .,ao.n, nt iintiou. free from parti aantjuAn liiftnchces. ur the . liaHiraittiftDers to-assail the Democra. v u the enemies of ;onr common schools, is supremely false and abBurd, rrh. ia nothlns objectionable, how- eyer,; which Pr opponenU hesitate to Allege against us. , ,-. , . : Kentucky Election. "The Election which took place- in Kentucky on Monday, resulted in a Democratic victory. The majority for the Democratic candidate forStato to 50,000. The Legislature '3s Noverr whelmingly Democratic. The Re publicans have elected but ien or fif teen members. Tbe KHIfibilitr f ft iMtenu, ' The tar, flint the Radical iournals ty ot uenerai isosecraus v iiu uv y fice of Governor of Ohio, is a pretty good indication tliat they believe he will be elected. They rely not upon keeping him out of the gubernatorial chair by a majority of the votes cast against him, but by bis' want of ehigi- bility, to attain that end. 'Not a scin tilla of proof has been given that the General lias ever abandoned his resi dence in the State of his birth, and from which he has derived ' all his honors. He is a citizen of Ohio, tem porarily absent on the Pacific coast. On this subject, the Ohto Statesman says t , ' "Had not General Rosecrans been a citizen Of Ohio, ' and as such- a legal voter therein, he would not have been nominated, and, if nominated, certain ly would not accept. He belongs not to the class of carnet-baffsrers, and fii Ohio he never conld become one, for he 'is native here, and to the manor' of Ohioans born. He. was bora : in Delaware county, and raised on. his father's farm in the county of Lick ing. His present-residence; we be lievp. is in Brown comity.1 '''L ' - u He has never voted in California, and, outside of bis native- State, has never exercised, the ngnt or sum age, although frequently importuned to do so. : His first military appointment in the war came from Ohio, and daring its entire existence he was recognized as an Ohio General, r : . "Just before the war broke out, General Rosecrans was offered art of. fice iu Virsrinia. in the line of his pro-. fession, as an engineer, highly lucra tive, but which, by the law. of that State, could only ue nuea oy cm. mil He nad ueen m tne raiauj ion enough to be a voter, yet he -retused. the place, which otherwise' e woaw have accepted, because,. as, he said, he felt a nride iu beiner a citizen of Ohio, and lie woufd not forfeit it for an v Tbe Republicans of ibo -Senatorial district, i composed of.. Summit and Portage counties, is to be held at Akn ron, on Monday, the 16th insbi oi ,-of CkNSiBTEKCV-r-The -consistency , .of the Radicals is aptly illustrated in the platform of vhat party . in CaUfornja They; declare, iu , favor,,of,,the ;l5tli. amendment to . the . Jedeial,it!pnstH"( tion, conferring suftfage upon negrpes. even forcing States that uo no. ap prove to submit to it,. while they just as emphatically protest .against -ex tending suffrage to the Chinese. . The Tpnnes8ee Election Admin istration Intebfebes The Admin istration Is taking a yery, . deep , inter est in the contest which takes place in Tennessee to-day. At a meetiDg of the Cabinet on, Friday last , ;it jras .de cided , to remove every .jCQyernroent official in Tennessee who refuses to stand by the ultra Republican .nomi nations in that State and use every-ef- fort to secure the election of . Stokes,: The result of the election .in tbat State is looked forward to with great anxi ety by a, majority pf tlie pabinet,;who are determined to use .aUr'.mean.iin their power in the interest of Stokes and company. Still it is the opinion, of those well inforined that Seiiter , will be , elected by a large majority. JTous., Verrons. Thb : Radical" 1 CoTiTflntlo4l Which meets Here oil the 14th ihst. prqmfspfr to be" one of the most exciting : that has ever been hold .lit this eotint.-ili There are quite a number1 of patriots who are anxious to serve the TCbuiitry in tlie different offices to be filled, and tliey ale all earnestly engaged in1 'the business -: of " laying " the 'TOpes' and " fixing up w: matters to"prohiote' the best interests of the public by making their own "calling and eleption m. Thh number and variety of stones told of old Jesse Giant," the individual to whom we aro 7ndpbtea for our present ' stable government, 'ape -past computation. Here is the last one A : vouui : man- over in Covington, the other day. met and accosted old Jesse, although ignorant as to who be was. ami reuuesieu uiiu iu , luruisu, - s i i.: r. him with ahai'ae for a five dollar bill He acceded, and white' making 'the necessary -tran sier, being loth to-lose an opportunity Jor making himself. kuown, took occasion to say, ,? Young man. do YOU know that you are talk jngj to the father jf the jrreatesftnan in this, r.oiint.i-v?" lift was imrtiedi? atelv informed by the party addressed that he was not aware that ho stood in the presence of one who had, that proud distinction. Yes"' resumed the garrnlous Jesse,' handing-Over the desired change, " I am the father of (he most Ulustripus hero this -country ever .prodncod," V hOr young man looked at him for a moment With an expression of grave ' astonishment on his face, and then exclaimed-:1 ? What, yon don't tell .. me. that yon are the father of, Stonewall. Jackson r ,,' .. ;f; The paternal author, of .. onr Pvpst dent turned upon; his heel and walked away supremely, disgqstetL.; , !- Personal Appearance of GenVlloeeerajis. The following personal appearance of General Rosecrifns . we' Jtake ft'OW Whitelaw Reid's ' pliio in the War :" General Rosecrans is nearly "six feet high, compact, wit h little -waste -flekh, nervous and active- in -all his i move ments, from the dictation of a dispatch to the tearing and chewiilg of his in separable companion, his pigaiv His brow is ample ; the eyetf are penetrat ing and restless; the fneei is marked with a well-tnmmea" beard; but the month, with its curious smiles, hal&of pleasure, half , of some exquisite, ner vous feelings, which might) bfr intense pain, is the feature which will linger longest in the mind of a casual ' ob- server. ' He is easy of aocess, utterly destitute of pretense, and utterly denv. ocratic iur his ways. . With his. staff his manner was familiar, and almost paternal; with private soldiers, al ways kindly, Iii flje field he was ca pable of immense-labor r be 'seemed never to, grow weary,: and never. :to need . sleep. Few officers -have been more popular; with their, commands, or to have inspired more ' confidence In the m d filc-- '"M'V' Judqk Dkht empliatiiially ,dpilare his intention to accept the uonaliiotion tor Governor of Mississippi, tendered to him by the' Conservatives Of that State, 'i ! i-i '" ;;:i;iii.' ' .ijnuri .) , There are rmnQrs pf fl'other Feui nn raid on Canada. ,, ,,. j.... , -. Bond T &x!ng. A writer ju th judical Progressive Ppnblisned at Belfast Maine il iustrate&tlie. rant injustice of exempt ing U. &TBOiids froiu taxation,-as fol- itok wure i pow ; sit, 1 can iook out of my window and see the cTwell in&s of two men. In 1861, when the war broke out, one of them, E. H. had wife and three small children, and was worth about 8300. He was then J and is now, a very respectable: man. The other G. D. had a wife and three tnohey. Ue was also a very - worthy and re spectable man, and is now. E. H. en listed in the army and served a little over three years, and at the battle .of the Wilderness lost bis right arm., . G. L. aner a while, invested his inouev in S. Bonds. He ' did not go into the army: Since the war - R' H. ' has bought a farm adjoining G.' - D.'s farm, paid for, it what he could, and- givea his uotes secured , bv a mortgage, for the balance,' and 'now how does the law deal with the' property' : of these two 'men ? - It taxes to the oonost ' ev ery dollar of E.. II'. property,, aud fe exempts G. D's, from all taxes of , ev ery kind.. So now you may sec the one armed soldier' ' laboring with his one arm as best he can, to -repair the highway for G. li-to travel oii, wben be sees fit to go abroad lor pleasure or business. .This is a single case. ,'Ihere are nunareas oi inousanas ot cases stronger "than "this. 'I know this is tlie' law that it is in accordance With the decision ; of the- Supreme- Court, ; and . With Jay Cooke s advertisements, iiut is it just? Is it right? Will the peo ple cheerfully submit to it? ' I believe It is impossible to exhibit a public injustice in stronger light than this. The case' does -vet admit of reply.r That it shoald be possible. : is a bitter, burning Shame and oatrage.'i:But It is U8tifiedby 'the' radical ' party.'- It 1s the Democracy -only- that has the cour age to enter a manly protest against it by resolntiofls in its Conventions; Those who wish to "make emphatic protest against : a continuance of this wrong must vote with 1 the' Democra- ey. - Tberes no ethercodrse. "'' i'iv i i i i ' ''ii'i iihui 1 The Republican papers are publish-; ng what they call .44 A .Plain, Record or the, Ji.xtravagance , , Wasteful ness of the 58th .General .Assembly, occupying some four columns.. In anr swflpte.xhis- tirade, of .fixedTup . bun- oomb, we publish the follpwing-state- ,men pf .the .appropriations made;, by the two last Legislatures.. , The.Legis lature ,of J866-7. was, composed,, of a t,wo-thii'ds Repubbcan. , majority2 and made the. following appropriations, flri' sesnon ... . '. MMMM OS' BSPUBLICAH I.ttUIRLATlTRE irr .-i i,;.t9,66B 91 fir setas ion .'.';.-. .. :. .W.084.TM :S0 nrHMiiivm i.mthi. avitbw 8eeaT4.-.'f!t;4..-t,,.,R....4'i:..Nvf 4,5410 12, I . -,-'r ! JIS.ft2S.OeS S3 Difference in "favor of the Demor c ratio Legislature . .i .-m . j i f 1,030,'HB 09 In the appropriations made; -by. the Democratic Legislature . are included those for the Central Lunatic Asyiumj- the Blind Asylnmyandl the ; Morgan 'Raid .Claims, of -whichi'latteF -claim: Colonel Pond, the. Republican cAndi" date for Attorney General, was onoof the prlnpipal i advocates. - Taking: but these special appropriations, - and the diaereaoe iu favor iof the Demooratiu Legislature would be $2,285,799,09. These figures never have; and cannot be, -successfully deniediT-Crm. ; i :- j:: More Bepudlatloa, by the Loyal Officers ' - of State. ' ; V " We" tearh.' from'' the (ih fo State 'tbwr-.l fial that"" the amount -of the semi-an nual interest -on . the 'foreign - -debt of the State, pf Ohio: disbursed-, in , New York during the first fifteen, davs of this ' months was $278,203 50." The balance of $11,075 09, We arV told, "will be paid by the' Commissioners at fbn offlceiH Wolff, t t- This large sum ' was' paid in sreeiv back paper cqrreney, which the J pwrJ nal la infthei habit of stlgmarlzl!fg''as depreolatod,'-"uiMvonstitntional ; trash t ' .X li , - .t.J t -ri i uiy m wiiMn- wure jxaiionai dhiik notes, i This payment; was made While gold-waseellimr 'in NewYoi ati!an average of ;37-38 premium ;1ovtef thiB cu rrenpy j- i -The creditors; many 1,1 of Whom are -widows and f orphan ; -chim drem have' lost-id this single navment.- or if you please, to use the Choice lanu giiage Ot the organsef the bond holcl er8,lavihwi swindled opt of .iposs lars by this, single itransaction tall lie xneenort space or nneen-idaya! rfi2 hi lltxe toaate sola its beads tor gold -in most cases reallrfng a premhim on said bonds-agreed to pay gold, which was the. only , money . then known! to the Constitution- Both principal mnd in terest were conli-acted to .- be - paid- in goid.7 r. iWii A ! niin a vti'l Wi.h what impudence do these loy al eqitorsaml politicians stand up and sustain this oleai and-undoubted rob bery of our own xiitizeus, while- they denounce in' no measured terms those -Democrats who .insist outpayiug the Federal bonds hat were sold for de preciated 'paper, and which were only promised Q be legal tendcrs-rr in complianoe witli. itheletiBr,o,the ooniraci, . .. -j- ' 1 i : t r t - ' V. S. Grand Lodge- I. O. O. F. I The' next annual jneeting of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Or dcr of Odd ' Fellows of the .United States will, he )aH at Sai) Fi anclsoo. California, commencing on . Juonaay September 20th. , .' , I '.' j ",', past Grand. Representatives, a n d Fast,, lirand Masters can accompany the party by paying about $150 for the kvonndtrip from .Omaha,' ;Tho, party, is io meet at anu leave umana an a special train on the, 10th fSeptember. Tickets are good until the 'lath of Oc tober. ,;The Representatives' fro hi Ohio are r" Bdden SeymOur.of Cleve land; Daniel Fithiam. sand; John ;W. Carter, of Cincinnati, , and Joseph, DQWdpIt, BCftlUinhnS, A 'Csrd froni it. tJtrtamni l From tlif-ni-fnniiHr nmmrUl t: !" I l;;Kb!ii'CLERK's OrKCEy : -Ilopse or, Repbebbnxatives., rivEs,, ,( Vi.ii ;. CoLuiBipaJq juIy., Tp tlie Editor pf the. Commercial I find In the Commerolal of Just Sat- uraay, uuiy ziin, uie iouowmg para graph,'' which Is 'snbstautlally taken from a lying "document " just issued and distributed by-the Republipan State xJxeoutivo Committee I .;..!:,, i ."MB..Laymanr alsoi Clerk .of the House and correspondent of the Cin cinnati ' Enquirer, draws front the State' of Ohio, ; for the year ' 1868. 'Ave hundred and sixty days' pay and ifor the, year 18B9; estimatiug it at the same rate as ' fo; 48,68., for ialfpr! l!Qt yet cnai'seu up, nve nuuareu. ana iorty six days' pay idr'eleven hundred and six days', pay from tlie - State for' two years' service." ,u.i..i t ... .,-,, This, I pi ononupq t4 false . in state ment, malicious iu spirit," and un worthy the gt'ntlemeii 1 who 'hW ai same its antuuvsnin. "J " "; ;; A;ao. La.YUN( I,:,;., Clerk Ilouso otitepresentatlves. ,iIoN. JlsAAq T0D9V, -who. was Secrer, f ary of the , Navy , nnder Mr. , .Buchai.v ttij's odniiuistrtioiij died, at .Hartford, (JQ!!., on 1 riday iiorning last. Letter from Mr. Converse. , - The following Jcttei- of Geo. I Con verse, EBq..refutes another of the thousand and one slanders of the Journal,of this city. What excuse,' ii any, that sheet will make for its-deliberate falsehood, remains to be seen : Eds. Ohio - State Journal On my return to-day to - the city, -after a few days absence, I noticed an edito rial in your issue -of the 13th inst., headed -." Converse on Rosecrans." You charge me with saying, 'on the reception of Rosecrans' letter to the Ohio Legislature, acknowledging a vote'of thanks in February, 1863, that I considered " Gen. Rosecrans the au thor of that most disreputable letter, a black-hearted traitor," &c. Yon will pardon me for suggesting that no class of persons have so . short memo ries, as those who can call, to mind thiugs.that never , occurred. , I never used the language yon attribute to me. on the contrary, I voted for the reso lution of thanks and that Gen. Rose crans' letter be spread upon the Jour nal ot tbe tioiise, but against printing at the State's expense, some 25,000 cop ies for general distribution. l-aJsO;.beg pardon, gentlemen,, for reminding you that this is not the first instance in. which the Journal has put language in; my month that I never tittered.! Uen. Kosecrans, if vou de sire to know the factr will receive my vote at tne eiectiou this fail. : , . Very respectfully, .. .Your ob't servt. . . Geo- Ll Converse. ." Columbus, 0.,'July .15, 1869.1 MtscONBTKPCTioN. -The ' Radicals' are quoting the' following from Gen eral Rosecrans to the Ohio Legislature iu 1863, to injure him with the Dem ocracy: !:- .'. ;- - : ' -i . ... "He who: entertains the 'sentiment, (peace on any terms') is fit only to : be a slave ; he-who utters it at this time is, moreover, a traitor to his country," Wh"o Reserves the scorn aud contempt of all honorable men." The Democratic party' never enter tained the sentiment of peace oh ant terms. If was for "peace only on hon orable terms, and this sentiment of General Rosecrans cannot be peronal ly applied to the Democratic party. V, Col. Gibson, who is : now visitihg: the. Southern States) is writing letters to the Tribune, of this city.: ,; In . one dated Staunton, July 14th, in' speak ing'C John Brown; he makes the folfciving admission ; 1 ; '. ' , . .t : " " Wilis', raid V began : the , rebellion, which was permitted: of God, and the bleeding natiou in fear of Uis just an ger, smote every , . fetter : and . John Brown's. mission was -accomplished." , There you have it 1 The war -was jcommenced to free the! -'negro, - by an jusaIje, old ' (taanj' who. 'was made a martyr 01 by the Radical party.., Dai ly we are getting at the truth of the causes tnat jea to tne war. ' as we have often 6aid, tho. war was forced On tile couriiry by Ihd'ltadical party. an Col, .Gibson now candidly admits the factrSeneca. Advertiser. . Opening the Campaign. The Rad icals are to- open the .campaign at Wil mington, Clinton county, Ou the 12th insti, byV a 'Mass' Meeting. Senator Mqrto.nk,ot Indiana,, and Uovernor Hayes,are to be' the Speakers, Soaa- torMovton pnobably wont repeat his oft-expressed opinion ', that the ' 5-20 qpuus were legany payauie, and. ought to be paid in greenbacks. ., . , . 1 mmm . - Elections-Ob Monday last elec tions took place in Kentucky and Ala bama' in the' former" State for State Treasurer and Members o,f the Legis-i latftro, and in the-latter: for Members of t- Congi'Cssi : '-'To-day the election takes" place in ' Tenriessee for! Govern- or,and other State', officers, and also for Members of the Legislature. - ii. i ' .. 1 ;.."" The . Pittsburgh, Gazette, (Radical I charge? th.o.t :th.e. Dem'fMP party : is in -favor , of ,, repudiating ,the,; public ,?;To this the ?ot replleSi if-: . r i mvazeeee is a mne pi-eviousr' it the'BOndoel'ats, who-. have been' rob bliig'the'pebple for several veari;' will receive in payment the' kind of money tney gavq tor tnejr oonos, an ngnt but If they persist in fighting for gold, and are wnippea, tney may. get noth ing." ''' .-. ' I The Auglaize 2effccfipflblishes tt car'h'ni'rCllabArlah.: Ryan' .re :Meucug . ins., connection . Willi tne Radical partyi ; He says 3: "T? 1 11 ef i - vhtd ' ' thirt v-fi ve: - VAiira wit'h thff Whig- party, and on its dls- BQlqt Ion with the Republicans,' mid finding nothing' now but fanaticism and corruption with the Grant party, 1 bid them a last farewell. ' lam with the'.DemOcrats' for life and desire to be thus enrolled." ' l: ; :l , Th.e Pemoqrql states that Mr. Ryan had two sons who did noble- service in 'the late-war one : was killed in battle and the other badly wounded. The surviving feon, like the father, has jsevere'd his bpunectiojii,7yUhi,lh.P Pa publican par-ty,.and in ruuire will voto with the1 Democrats." . , : ' -: ' " The' Abolition State , Executive Committee have published a docu ment bearing' the ' sensational title; " A ; plain record 6f extravagance," iwastefulnBa andtieryidf the Plfty- elghth iGeuwal 'Assembly how the appropriation, - bills were doctored immense sums ot money at irom six .to ten per ce'ut. to be' borrowed." ' It is snmcient to say ot tins ' aocument that; it is a eQtnpilatiqn- of the stupid falsehoods of the. Ohio State Journal about the late General Assembly. In tlie facts , which jt pretends to give there is not One grain of truth to the bushel of lies ; and the conclusions in tended to be conveyed ai-eso grossly atd absurdly perverted that .they could scarcely deceive a mpssenger Upy. . The apuement is a mere bundle of balderdash, that "will have no more effect' on tbe campaign than a horse bill, unless it should succeed In . com pletely .filling some Abolition , fanatic wiin ignorance. urvns, '1. j. J-- .j 1 i:n .,..' ,.-',,; .,i . - ; .PBEATUEs-iiiere a man witn soul so dead; who never to himself hath saiu-j-I will my county' paper take, both4oroiy own and, family's sake? If such there breathe, Jet -him repent ?nni nave to uini ine. paper sen an.a if he'd pass a happy, winter he In Advance should pay the printer Ltood' Enough Then. During the war,. Sherman,- Mcado, Sheridan, ROSECRANS, and, other. Catholic hcrqes yerp , good enough,' and tho veW men to ' lead the army, and in whom all confidence should be placed Puritanism did not howl against theso mew in those days. , It is time the peo ple i-isu up anu sinuo tno bigotry thus confessed by the " loyal" press. "Old Rosey" is, an honest 'man. a gentipman and a tnib patriot,' Tliat is enough. Ills, religion s a sacred matter bo tw ocn himself n.ti& his God. 1 1 " Tlic;Ney -York Sun' (Republican) says Grant 44 is like a Vcllow dog in th-menagcridhd' is too small lor n lloh, he dotit look -like a tiger, niid nobody wants to see a do-. " ItlOT OX A STEAMBOAT. XUelit Men Reported Killed. Telegrams to the associated prees ofj the yui and aoth nit., give us the fhcts concerning a bloodv riot which occur red on. board the 'steamer Xubuqu on the Mississippi river, at Hamptan J. about tea miles above Rock Island, a few days since, it appears that one hundred and fifteen raftsmen came aboard tlie boat at Hampton,- and he. clerk ordered -t wo of the "negro deck' hands to stand guard at the gangway, aud not to let any one pass withoufHs" permission. One of the raftsmen tried to pass this -guard and make his way to the cabin, when the deck' hand ordered him back until his ticket was examined by the clerk. lie, not lik ing this, commenced pitching into the deck hands, who got the best of him, wheu the raftsmen to tbe number of over one hundred, came to his rescue, stabbing and beating the deck hands till about dead, and-then throwing Kbcm into the river. . ' They then made an. assault, on the rest of the deck .crew and -succeeded killing three more of them and throwing their bodies into the river. One of the raftsmen was also killed in the melee, making six in all killed. As soon as the landing was reached, Captain Rhodes landed the boat,'when the raftsmen drove the. deck crew ashore, injuring several of them with stones. .-As soon as this : was over, they went aboard the boat and orders ed the captain to proceed up the river or they would burn the boat. .He be ing in their power and fearing they would carry their threat into execu tion, headed the boat up stream,' andj in the meantime, telegraphed ., to the Sheriff of Rock Island county, who chartered a train and left with a large force well armed.' They overtook the boat at Clinton, immediately .took possession of her, and started i- for Rock Island, i On arriving at Rock Island, there were over: 5,000 people. . i i . . i . i - - ..' - on ine dsuk, logemer : witu uiu crevy, Forty-two of . the men were, yecog-, uized aud taken to jail. A eti-ong pov lice force was posted about the-jailJ - . A later dispatch says Rock'lslaiid i full of raftsmen, but an extra, force, of, policemen has been stationed about the city, and it is thought-that nO'at tempt at rescue will be made,,'" ' " . '.' While the Radicals papers . of Ohio are accusing the Democrats with -' op- bosition to our Free School 'system, tlie Radicals of Kentucky at, the elec tion on Monday, fought against' the school tax, upon which the -existence of their school system' depends.''5 The Democrats of that State were the snp porters of the tax,.. ;,, ; ;: .! Detection of Dangerous Counterfeit 1' cral Tender Notea'. .- r I V I A "Washington special to the Cleve land Herald of Monday says : ,' ;'.'.." ,( Spurious ten - dollar legal -tender notes are coming into the Treasurer's office from the banks of all the North ern cities, more particularly 'from the New York' city banks, i -i As '& matter; of course the : government exports 'in the judgement of i money are- kept busily, engaged in - separating- the spurious from the genuine, a matter difficult to accomplish, so nearly per fect is the counterfeit.: - The American Bank Note -.Company eugraved the faces and bocks of the' ten-dollar notes While the National Bankf. Note Com-' pany have for a long time past -been engaged in printing, these .notes. -. -..A face plate and bock-plate .have been stolen from one or two of these com- panies'. vaults,: and , ve touched and used for this I'rAndMlont issue, or else two p,f the printers, who . have ; been engaged in printing the genuine note have been m . collusion, and, while oiie of them has obtained a lead im-r nressian of the faoe plate, . the other has obtained a lead impression of the: back plate, and tlius obtained a eom plete lead impression of tlie note.;- -As for the numbering ; and the selection of type and paper, the. impression is all .that is necessary,- for the numbers, the seal and the tint are so simple and so easy to perfectly imitate Ahat; it ia not worth while to allude tQ it. ; These lead impressions go through; the reg ular pleotrotypiug battery process, and the genuine note . is reaclilv : imitated by .the spurious..-: After, the -electeo-' type plate is formed by the battery on the face of tlie; lead imRes8ion;!--the plate. U soon; ready for v ''printing,: ana inus tne puouo wiu see tne Han ger they are in if the government docs not take proper care of their - interests These ten dollar greenbacks are nei ther engraved or printed in the Treas nry Department .The bureau of en graving and printing : is conducted with so many safeguards that it is next to impossible tor a thief or false officer of the government to get .- away i with any plate or lead impressions'! Of "ft plate. All the plates, finished and un finished dies, notes aud other material are kept in a largo vault, in the engra ver's room. To this , vault -there -are three different locks, caoh key1 being in possession of . a ; different -. officer' of the department. , ' The. . chief of , the Bureau has a system of .guards , and watchmen that ore not easy to deceive so that it is impossible for a plate : to ! I bo got away with, -.When the govern meut resolves to nave an lis money engraved and printed in one building and under tlie - proper government ofheers, perhaps we wm have no more of .stolen plates and, -stolen lead: im pressions and 3U that sort ; of l thing:: Secretary Boutwell isrnowi consideiv lng the propriety of, doing all . the en graving and printing of thegoveniment money the treasury. building, thercr by saving time, trouble and expense, and running no risk from stolen plates It is thought that General Spinner will coll iu . the , ten-dollar ismm iof groeubaoks at once, and save . all- fur ther trouble .from fear of counter feits," .: ; ;. u , :-.u! i-M 'i: 1 , ' ' 1 ! , . . 'i 1 Kfl It is a little ' singular that .-ultra 44 State's Rights," after being suppress ed in south Carolina and the Southern Confederacy should break put, imme diately in Massachusetts. . Attorney, General Hoar and Secretary Fishj r,op. resenting the United States,' Govern ment, having practioally orbitlden,the the landing , of. the French, cable, on our shores, that State comes, io tlie rescue, and by I the exercise , of slier, "sovereignty, ooviatesiio aimcuity. She charters a State company to lay a cable front Duxbury to the island of st. nerre, wncre, xc is, nnaerstooa, a junction win oe mnae with the HWncli cable. Massachusetts proposes ..' io regulato hor own "foreign , relations," o rant s secretary and Attorney ueu erai 10 mo contrary notwiuisionaiug. "Let us have peace." : ,' . ". '.!u; '.,.1),:',., , A contract has been mado Jn. San Francisco, tho Jtonmivle of that, city, says, far the supply of 20,000 Chinese laborers, to be employed 8 plantation hands in the State, of :, Tennessee i, H is understood that the passage of.fliese laborers will be paid tby tlioir .em ployers, and thoy will be paid -twenty dollars per mouth, Another) force of. 25,000 is being contracted for .Jo pro ceed to the State of,Mi8sUipt,i .in-.i . ,,, , , ... ,-..,, . ... , , , -j J)b vise and select Barrett's,".. , ., Cuba Success of the Insurgents. JJAJi'cw York telegram of the. 1st insr., says : 8 f ris. Jordan? and Figueride. withiOj- 000 armed insurgents, attacked Gen eral Laterre ecar Santiago De iCuba, routed hfs-forces and capturedihicail self, ltie rumor that he has since been shot is untrue. The Spanish General Puello has been defeated be tween Nuevitas and Puerto Principe, aud bis son with a large portion of his command, is said to have joined the Cuban army. "There are cnorglTunSeTGo meut bonds-in' Ohio, which, if tared as other property is taxed, would raise Bulhcicut means to pay off the State debt in a few years, and thus relieve the people of a great source, of ex pense. Tell the . Radicals about tbi when the v howl over the school and charitable appropriations of a- Demo cratic Legislature. - .... - -i What is good government ' for bondholders and banks, says a thoughtful writer, 44 seems very.' like chains and slavery for industry and labor." Even so," and labor should open its eyes to the fact before . the chains are riveted. . . The bondholder loaned the government a dollar and we made it a dollar and forty cents. The laborer receives a dollar for . bis work, but we make him sell his dollar for sixty cents in gold to py the Gov ernment creditor. .So the . work pf robbing the poor for the benefit of the rich goes on. . 44 All men were created equal," it is true; but Radicalism, while howling for equal rights, effect ually destroys all equality, and dooms the toiler to be forever , a hewer' of wood and drawer.; of water . for his better-protected neighbor, the money lender. . - Tire New York Tribune says 44 that it fails to see the wisdom of .the doc trine of General . Canby compelling each member of the Virginia Legisla ture to take the iron-dad oath." - That we imagine, is a universal feeling with tne people ot tne cnuea states. Bnt tlien does it. sec the ivisdoiu.of vesting a United States General any such power as ordering elections and , bay- inga siipervisiou of the Legislative bodies of the people ? Before the in auguration of the present dynast y no bodyntook a i favorable- yiew of it. JFew,'we imagine, r.will hereafter," i - ! ; w. i .. i I i . i i i .ii i, Thb Newark Advocate says the tax es of all sorts, levied or authorized by the' last Democratic ;- Legislature, ! tlo not amount tc'a single 'day's :plunder by a Radical Congress. 1 Gov.- Hayes,' soon to take' the stump to make' false charges again s't the 1 Democratic ma jority in' tue Legislature; when a mem ber of Congress, voted for -all the ex travagant appropriations and plunder ing schemes of the Radical Congressi .., !i-i'i:Juij"i .-i"! . .- 'ni U Jessb D.-Bright expects to be! eho 'sen United States Senatof by the next Leglsiature. of j ehtucky.'. ' ( ) . ". '.' '..,";;' ;'. ' ' State-Elections. ' -';';",'.;'' . ,' The followin g, . State electious will . fake place during the summer and fall of 186ft 'Jti: !,j.i:.-:;--i- 'f ...i :;d ' August '5 fto-davV. Tennessee. State ofticers ahd Legislature. . jAugust 10, Montana Territory. Del egate to Congress. . ' ' ;;' ' September 7, Vernionf . State officers and Legislature. -; September 13. Maine. State officers and Legislatnre. ' !, ' ; ' ' ' '" ' -: October 5 Colorado, pelegate io October 12, Penns-lvania, :State of ficers aud JLcsislature. . . ..... ..'.' . October J2,,Qhio State officers and Legisjatiire, ,. . '. . ..,;,.. , . :. :' October 12, Iowa, State officers and Legislature: - ' ' ........ October .20, - California, Judges, of supreme vourt. , I November 2. Ne w York. Secretary of State, Legislature. &c r , ;JXovemDei', JMew. Jersey, Legisla ture.'... ,., ; .... , .,,,-,.,..,,',... . 1 'November '2 Massachusetts, iState omcers ana Xjcgisiaturc. , i - November 2. Minnesota, State offi eers and Legislature, , , -" . .: ,.,.: '.,. , ' November 2, Wisconsii, 'State offi eers and. Legislature. , - Novehjber.aO, MissjssippStateof-iicei-s and, Legislature., .,,r. " i November. 0, Texas,, State .officers ;,.t3BX)..; II ,1ir.- Q'NEL.T-At llis .residence.-In Rmtatnwti the ol duly,, John . O'Neil,. aged; 84 1 years-. ' ; . V ' AblLL WAy.InEandolph,'Jtdjr S7thi by t fiP?0' J .' P..' Mr. Michael Cahifi, of Cleve- laudOnioand Mrs. Uetsoy K.-. Way. of Suf- i -tArfi O-J l.lj f -a-f pEMtKas;-;'! j ; -7i- : r: 1 : :: ..t:-i io: .:.:! '. : Operative ami STeeUanleal JnHltf, : ' . "1: !:: !i;:-- ; i.i ...-'; 'y.i: iiu: ,-. ? Office over second hatiohal bank, . : .7-.:.:.! !f . .... ,-. :. "'"'I'J Ravenna, Ohio. '."'' . Office hours frbrt'8 to is; l to " ' -" i.i-' ) o: i :! , : :!-:! : ... : .1 Residence GiHette Huuse -.- Bee. 10..1808. X$. : . Disease yields t6 Treatment. :t Judlclou s : Mean Employe d ' .' Saves Untold SurTerlng. - 1 1 -v-.l i: ,t J-,.-. vN.:-, .- i.. ! If yau, Strong, Healthy and Vigor, pus, Wright Tonic Cordial and lod Pu. rijier. , It is. a superlative- Tonic and. invigorat ing CordliiT, and' is an infallible remedy for renovating the diseased system and restoring the suffering invalid to health "and vigor. It purines the Blood,' heutralires- any bniions or acrid mutter1 in the - stomach, and strengthens tha whole organization,. It cores Scrofula, Salt Rhenm, Futtor Bona, Blotches, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion; Flatnlence, Kidney Af 'feotiona.'Nervous Debility, and all diseases arts, ng troi & disorganaed -condition of the Blood, Dioaiaca anu jiTer,-.. , , , .if , ,. u.. -i lv ; Stop Ukiug qisagrecablo Bitters and Umu latiug Potations, thoy are jnerely toaiporar-r ia the jr effuut, UunUy thoy are positively injurieiw. Tate 'Wriglti- Tynie CbrKiJ, it will assist, aa ttir'c in cou'voj-tliig the food you eat into rich bloott, proditL'Iiig health and strength, ', Sold by POK A Blto , Agents, RaTCnnik, Ohio. ' Buvenns. 8eiit. ,18083-.";' ' ' I ' -'j-, ;' ':! THSplaee to btry -your' Watches, Clocks an Jowelry. ls at M. Mowis'g, "Ko-.' , Etna 'Bloc? wliere you wlU always And a uood as-wrtmea and lower prices, than lany other -Bouse in the county.i. ., ir-)-r-i!- vti 1 . ) ,,---- ; ri -n-. - KajiMrlngiidoao oa short notice. ! AH work .warraiboii;, ,., ;,. i;;,! tl, i., TtACHMKN-Tj iOTijCK.', , I,.;. ...... J. 1'. Powi-All, PUT,, vs. The Ktna Munufaetur , - 1 ini( CoiulHUty, UolV . BQforo Geo. lioliliison. Itareana .Town- 1 sldp I'ortago County, Ohio, ,. ON ibo lRth dny of Juiy" A. 1. 189 said Ju'sr' tiro isroud an order of attachment in the abovii notion, tor tlie stii of (tll.uu aixt interas-t, iron RSfenna,0.,:anly S0M19, 7-'w.''i ;' i c J-.l-i i:--, :-. v- i ': i t i ii. n'-,.. Is borobyglvon,,hnta petition- will be pro. scntoil to llio (.'uiuuiiNsiouers ot Portage Countv, Ohio, at their 'next regular session, tobc'heldoii tbeiflNt Monday in 8eitabur next, tbr tliava-i iiatlunol'tlint piv'tor Mill Street iu tlie Village IMjit of Newport, In 1'nrls Townshiii, east of lot No. KljiiiaaSdvllUmi. Iii t u.. i v-fi,.v"'wi'r-itiM-.i;. ; i !,-. It i!u:if ' - . :i;i! "i.i'."j'irr'i: h J. C. PREMISS' COLUMN. TTT 3-3 1 i Horse Hay Rakes TITST ""ItECEI VED. " White's" Patent, Improved, Metalic Spring-T o oth Hay Jtmke. This Bake has taken First Premlams at the State Fairs ot New York, Vermont. Pennsylva nia, unio Illinois, ana in tact wnercver exmo- tne mk Material, superior maaaer. and are the cUeapeat beat Kaka in tbe. market. I nave also - Sharp's M Patent, Steel ;Toth, Wheel Rake, which In the Eastern 8tates ilresrfod a a vry superior Jtake. J have lo the --''. i;T.'- -,. 1. u 'I v1-ti ;J Wood Revolving May Bake, which X am selling rarr ebeaaT.'.1 -' ""t" '.:1, June 14. 1889. ... . : ,..'; ; ,...-. rtVt Mardware! . - '- 7 1 . ; ' X. . -tVI it! If if lt.J !J. (North Sidej); ;.;. ni:i a f. i 0 1 ET .BLOCK. A ceneral assortment, always on hand, -And at lri as Law a at - iti..i i ' - .. (r: ni .! - i;-, l'" - . - ' -t-.M.-1:-' - 'ii ..'j-,? .'.-.,111 ii- AJft STORE jjT THE CO UNTY, :".' T : v- I. ':,; '. -V 'i: t.'yrt-l I sH ui IncluiliDi; all " Hi Stores " that possess nnnsu ' al taellltlaa for doing business. .. . ' -i i i iV a a J I . AV in want of anythiac ia tbe . . , I .15f C I 1 -tt r r tt r if Jt are eordiallr invited to look into oar UitU tart before buying. . 'iV .r V n 1 t j..cjpRRirnss: 1 May K, 18SB, 1 ii. -f.i t.i - :;ii V(' -J. .-!..! ti'.i , iii ll!-?.!f-l plows; plow-; : ii I have an assortment of PUros on haniT, 1 .-T;i- . i . .1 i' 1U )' ;.:'-:.T..- ! i-.-i .! ' 2T6. .! . Ilt: -Kt.l the most nsed and . probably tbe best Common JJ feVo - fM f-fi K). Iron Beam. 8tet4,' Corn,"1 and Singfa and iJiouble Bkovel Pioitf, ii '-HJ-. tt. ,t'.i J-!Ul-i:-:-. .'Hi '.Hi --! i . all selling-cheap. "-' Kay 96. 1868. .-;. ...;; I.:t- 'I " I ''- --1 AND SHEEP SHE AB. i ; -ft i. r-..ff -r-j; . v ' ! :n Mii tl ' .t-'ti-i.'-J.'ai'Jl'.: . .i X I I IT l l Si . :'. ' '. .'. "I ,i; ii -i?..J i vflj -i --4- : L i .-'j.i.ii hSt ri. i-i r ' " ;';- ; '.i .- i j. j: - - '-; . :i. .i 'ii . uiii-i'l''T;.-4 i : .-' - it .r-T' ! i-r.i f -,u: ...j. .M, ).iyv. Wilkinson's Celebrated ! 'SAfor : : : ! .,l..-,.:i --!,..,. if Tv ! ,i - ':;. -r ,i:,i Also ' the new and " Very popular DncasziL wirn tna patenc tnamn vieoa. . s . i ; J. C PKKNT1SS. May S5, tBSS. ' 1 iiu L,iXi iulluilj -JJA :.l--!;.ui f ,'rr jr u ,:i 1 . ...-..( U; i ,i l:i:ill SAT I have just received aa Oil. prepared exprtes ly for Carriages and Machinery. 1 -i 0.i. U: ,; jli:..: Mi ! -. -' It is free from GUM or GRIT, and said to LAST LONGJCR than Castor Oil. aad ata LB6S COST." It is pnt up in -small Cans-,- -voavenient xoruse. . Farmers try thj-. .;; j i r y;i A:l a-. .i'AH'.iM VY 1.11 J. C. PRENTISS. ,"A"lv.V l. V. I. I 1ve Just reoeiief direct from the largest manufacturer in the United State, a large stock of WHIPS, making my assortment now the best to he found in aav House la tbe county. Any WHIP THAT I 8ln.L,lf noi fotfn. all that it was represented to- beian-4j TvavraeJ, a.nd a new one will be given in exchange. A liberal discount will he made to taooe buving in do sen or half dosen lots fbr LIVERY STABLES. INTEND I E I N G .1.1 I I I ! .M Headquarters on Oood and Cheap - Whips ,,u f -- .,. A i.'i'. 7.M - .' ! : i : ! May K, 1869. 3. C PI ;kntis8. l;o- -.z- '- o y TOOLS. GARDEN t.i.-i'i i. 'I.j I It (ll A fiih 'assortment ok' 'hand!. STEEL - TOOTH RAKES, . .-.I- !w IIOE& from 60c up, ; ; SPADfJfO FORKS, Jj in;! ban icvli3 fcilldVLr?, ll i i i'. -- .1 n'.l ji.lor.; .H-.M.l! ,nii. Wl lo rtiooa ,.3a funleoriJ LADLES' I! 1 1 III I' I .1 PBCNTfir: , . . Str-tt'., May 19, 1S6. an ocee s, Wholesale anil Itrlail Dealers i : ?t -. .,. -. , , , Floiir and Feed,. Shippers of i i',-f Country . Produce. . raatnr rasa saacireiee mw ot- - FAMILY:,:-' GROCERIES, We invlt the' attention ? the palilic We shall : keep everv thinx .pi-rtatnins; to tlie tarocery xrautVv. jvenaye uie pesi , EA t i COFFEES,' ! SPICES, SUGARS. MOLASSES, &c, 4c, t 1 n.tbe market., Argc stock of . ' CANSED. DRIED,' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . FRUITS. . ; Trronr " American Eagle " SMOKING ,:AKD CHEWING TOBACCOS, the best made in the aAtcus, UH lies 'United States.. , -.-if. : l: .Gareii and ; Field Seeds, :. iy tbe iMLper qnart, or Iwishel. House aud out ' jlVus nlanfc In tliuircno.An ' 1'- 1 -is : -i -I . :; "C(H.II. -ii ---j ,i stop and loot nt the BEAUTIFUL COLD FISH, 3STO. .pHJJSriX'BIiOCIC: Price List of Flour, die.: ii a-Miml ',-nr. n. (..-- . : Brainerd's" Best XXX White Wheat, per sacs....... .Florence, HTUsjXXX Mich. Amber, per sack ;:?!v-.'. iiv.i--:: -J. . per sacs:..-... $2 85. 1 75 : sack renymgjt Ohm Red, per sack Corn ileal per cwtv. , Corn, ear. -or bn. . .) . . ,vi .-t .- Chop. Corn and Oats per cwt. Middlings per crt,-.v ... Bran per cwt.i.lii .;UI...' Shorts, ner iwt..wM. -,,u.-.i .w r i. Potatoes'fcr bm.5-,.VV,'. '.. Cracked wheat,,; i. ............. ; . 1 75 -! 50 :'85'- Oat Meal per lb.. Vv--- -..'- . -.- .' Ajann A'iasier, r-owen-s, per win. r. . . .. .. . .-.iin.aT .vi- .... ": And "F lorence tinny,',' -"A l u ' . . ; . . -1 .'nl-i,f tiili tii v;t.l tr. --;.,..: Aremade-frbrti- the heat Michigan White and Amber Wheat, which iseonveded byaliatutr0 Millers. Grain and Flour Dealers to be superior to (he best Ohio Wheat and only second to the -1S "iito ,s.iu!-t::'l ,,..n.r. Don't He ueceivea. z.(Tiin -j, :). ; i. : and klloWpilAtepaTTnirTloWniade from ' poor qualities or Ohio Wheat when you can buy Flour made from Michigan Wheat for the same money, and every sack will make from ton to mteen loaves 01 orean; more, - we- are reatiy w back up our assei tion'witri the testimony of the imaiearnamber of customers, and ready sales of our flour. ' .mz i.:: .:;,- , ! i ,YAYY.tAL .7 iU.-.'v!H Highest Jlark'eETrtce paid fbr all kinds of ' Cenatry Pradnoe. .Til a";t- A to the Wliolcsale Trade. . ,: BUAIXERD A MASON. ' April 15, 1889, SS-tf. Ravenna. Ohio.', BICHABSOX St SOS, -fi, ,,1 im : '7 1 up..-.; i.irf .iti-, --5, l-. -.t t'.i. ti .;i ' : 1 .. . "Wholesale and Retail , - ,VC..iC.lii . ii .- ll'..' ' inu its '!-.-.;( !.n.. -.- . . HitA!iIi'I)WAEE : ": we wouli ilof "invite the 'attention" of bnyers fo 1 our stock, which is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE in tbe county. ' i ,.i al ui..WiK a ;':-. . (: (f .iiitft io i;-; I: it.: i: rj t.i i - - ' Boiiiffhi Direct from tlie Manu facturers and Importers, ' : .(in. .;i .iiojjn'''' --i ' .-. . ; K:0'iR";,:.C,A SII . ! .-nl- - -i-l-L:i .. . . ,:. : , .'LI. IVfioflieraUncot ': ' ' T ni r-! i .Jr) !.-' Iiu;- .--li.;--. - . .. i , .-.:l I-i-,!!- -iK(t . .-,-.' : I . . easonrxble Oodds, Kt iow prices! ' ! s Ball's Patent Steel - ComBination Cast . .J. i..:.'l i..- .1 . -i .... . corn plows, ' , ' ( 4 1 cultivators, shovel' plows; " : ctjltivatoe teeth, HARROTVTEETn, ' ., SHOVEL ?LOW BLADES, Briif's Celelratef Patent !CnitiTators . ' - -. .'- ':'..-'-. - - :i' '- i ....-' CHURNS, "V7ATER DRAWERS, GRINDSTONES, SHOVELS, SPADES, SCOOPS, ' HAY FORKS.inOES, . -r.;';, ' 'CrARDENTtOES; GARDEN RAKES, HORSE HAY FORKS, HAY FORK PULLEYS. .no-! -. r. i ; , Sole Agency Tor Celebrated LA. BELLE BRAND . .... . of WHEELIa NAILS. jt: e. full STOCK KENT EOCK GLASS. ,.(') -J U. . ! :, . Greenwood Scytis Ca.'s Scytlies. ,-3JL'OH3SAW JiOIC Lawsoix s Snatlisr ; ..... . " ',0 ' Scythe Stones. Wpisp's; . Sliears,- JtHtVi.-'V i-it:l Mi BLACKSMITirS GOODS il ?. If. rfcj -:. -si, ,. . -,. ' lj;'t i-.lAitt Ul Jlt'ttl. i ' '.-f' !, ! AUU ::. Carriage Makers) Hardware. All tittered at Lowest Prices. nil li ii, ,-Ti. - ii ;i -i t ; .:i.:i - . i 1 !l W P.- I-I fci i-l.-. . ... -. , -1 -1, 'tfweeahnotwIlai t.KSS PrtrtE than nnr other House in- Portage County then u e will say that an experience of sixU-en years in the Herdwr.Trade if worth uothinir. But wonhl suppose that a little exiwrlince would be some advantage, which advantage we propose to giva our customers. ., ---Haveuua, April 15. 180S, SS-tX" ' -,-