Newspaper Page Text
-5? r Elates of' &vterLsiK& One sraarei qpc tr$crti7o, . x . v . . . t: . . J.jSl 00 Eaoh subseqitunt insertion,'.... A..... SO Business and Editorial Notices, per line,. . SO One square, one year, . 8 00 .85 00 .45 00 to 00 40 .25 00 .15 00 .23 00 One' cotunm, bad year, : . !'.-.' ?. .1 . One column, six nioulu One column, three months, ' Half column Ona-car, . . , .jr. . x, ,, Half column, six months,... uau wi utuil, kill V. myu ' T ' 'r" VJ One-quarter column, one year,'.'. .'. . . JBq The space occupied by ten lines of this type (Xompareil) shall constitute a square. Official Restry. l.VA - IcOKS'TY- 0FFIC'(s.( I if. .''I Judge of Common Picas Geo. M. Tcttlk. Probate Judge Jacob V. Mell. Prosecuting Attorney K- 1, W gnaga, ; ; s . ou nty Aoditor Okimwelx -iv, County Treasurer-Cl'BtAttB P;- Reed. Clerk of Courts Andbew Jackson. Sheriff Otis B. Paine. Becobdeb G. W. Babkett, , , County CommissVner IIesbt J . Koble, Feb- t P". Dawlet, Jos. C. Cos-bad. . Coroner Lptb-eb If: Fabmec'ee: rU Surveyor Chables J. Giu.18. Directors of County Inflnnary J. C. Beattt, Gci ah CLEHENT9 and .!: oort.:i UAYOKS OF IXCOBPOEATED TOWNS. Bavenna Koyal Tatlob. Kent e. W. Stcabt. ,v 7 1 . Garrettsrille-' -'Fba'mcis."" 1 JU8TICES OP TifE PEACE. Atwater J. B. Conrad and Sylvester A. Binman. ;;..Aurora-EeuT)en 'Pf CartnOB fapvflffllffi Or. .'-i't.f f--:in i Brimfleld Joseph L. Carrier and A. H. Lara phare. - Dcerflclii c;SiTiWralsnil John S, Hofoian. Kdinburga Smith ianiarVsmdJ&is-Bsngiara. Cbarlestown Augustus Munyon and Nathan H. Smith. " 1 Franklrn-kJeel Davis, AlviaBartona-thnt Freedom Xyman' Brj-anf and Axvillus C. Xjtrkcom. Hiram Bufus Butte and Bichard M. Ilank. Mantua A. N. Farr and Henry Cobb. Nelson Jane AhWtm(l A, JT. Hannahs. Palmyra John J. Williams, Orrin Stevens and Enoch Morgan. FarhrW&.'H. HUkAO ait! BKS aAIK4by, Jr. Bavenna Wm. Coolman, George F. Kobin SQn.and.Chark'9 B. Stowc. -Randolph--. aureVP-. CeHetea?. fecarV Uootstown A. H. Barlow and Gideon Sey mour. 61iaretrkie--8&mi(el'ai faikhgtraerwilliam Carlton. .Streetaborev-B.-:- 9l: Btanto-f and Jamea- H. Nichols. J"" 't. i Suflield H. K.' Martin and Wm.: FaulnsV,. ,' . ' Windham KS; Woouworth and CorualHi J. 'Xrbry. " .'-''t,"i; .:t' x-uin Business1 C. BEN. FltANKLIN,; - --. Licensed Auctioneer, Favenna, O. XeavS aQ orders at the Offlce or "The ieuucratiC Pres,V stating the day an, n Inch the sal us to, take place. Terms, Ac., Tnay be obtained at the same place. 80-tf. l. r. biebce. w k thou HOM AS. I'.jC) BIERCE THOMAS; Attorneys at'i Benna, Ohio. Office in Empire Building. 4i-ly. F. O. WADSWORTH, ! Attorney t Ijtw kud Ki.rB-P-HUCB 1OC- floe ta Phenix Block, over otwro M'. iBeeeUec Ik Heymour. Uavenna, Ollioi r.nii . iti.i i..-.My OT, ioi !- -.1 W "V'f ! ' HEKBKT C. BASNET. EDWARD P. HATFIELD RANNEY & HATFIELD, Attorneys at law, .Jloynna. Ohio. Office over the Frr4NTrtioiralgnk.'''Jtp3, '68, ly. X. B. TAYLOR. J. D. HOBTON. ..TAYLOR MOJtW&Mi.:.r AMorne-rs amd Couullon - at Lnv, Baoenr ' na, Ohio: t uuioa in Phenix Block, ower . ': ond National Bank.1 -. v . t..:r . f-.w : May, 1889, 8t-ly.. .-K: '.b-.' t,--..v h n nit -'r ,s i . A. J. DYER, i Attorney at Law, Bavenna, Ohio. Empire Building, up stairs. , June 24, 1869, 43-1 y. ..4:. .! : Office tn i -iJGARW-ASQ-N-.., ttM Attorney at Law- Rotary and Insnrance Agent. Collections and all other business of -tlie profession, proniptly attended to. Office, east end of Buckeye Block, Garretts ville, Oliio. . ' SeptlT ly. Counselor at Law, Bavenna. hio.,'Oflioe in East End of Phenix (Brick) Block. Deo. a. 1SU8. lv- :t- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Keal Kstate A cent, will attend promptly .to all business in his profession. OOice in. ANSON W. BEMAN, 1 Attsrne -i an CoutySeWof. aC tawand tary.' Oflrcer east fend Phemx- Bic, (river - Beckley's Stove and Tin Shop,) Ravenna, O. Collections promptly msde. Sept3. 1868, ly. , ; .,....., V,P, lu, ROCKWELL, ,v ., Attorney at Law and Notary Pabliic ,. Deuel Block; Kont, Ohio, . uumi-. ni d'A ri fa-" ) Dee. 10, 18R8, ly. - GEORGE SADLER, M. D., -Physielniv and. - rgepa,,4arna,:hkf - it.h W. Tt . ThamAs. Ksn.. EmjmBrock. ItesldeneeiblklWaliratr'seebBdSJear'swuth of Main Street. 8o-tf. DR. A. M. POWERS, Eoleotli' PMsican anil SorVJonTBiDcrtsCM MirtairB Coiintv. Ohio. Chrbrilc artel Private diseases treated successfully". Office Next door south of Green & Barlow's Store. Dec. 81, 1868, ly. - A. BELDINO, H. hi 'JS-li S 1b0.. RTEDMAN, 1L, D. BELDING & STlfiDM AJN , Physicians and Surgeons. Office over Hold vonna! l&tiioV A1. ing s jjroHisr-s unw qore, aiainoi,i-eivw- dwelling north of . ' HiiuJ " ft res uu lice iiisl Empire Building. Dr. Stedman's residence second "dwelling west of Gillette House. Nov. 19. 1868, ly. josEpif wIgoeSm. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office in Empire Building, corner of Alain ant) Chestnut Sts. 1 - Kesidcnce on Van jBunari jStreeC fii st-iHousc ieast f Unien'Sshsf.l.iVi'JU JitLjJ I 6 l-xi Bavenna, O., Sept. 17, 1808. ly. db. a. jrV: Alcorn, Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Main St., one door west of Etna Block. Bavenna. Sept. 10, 1868, 1 yfyrt IT V'liY) Drnggists and ApoCheVdrios j taiifetiff . WEDDE-1 ouse) n n 1 i IT J l-i 'Jt ll'.L. . , 7 1 riTf erantt onio. per B. A. GIL- LETTE CO., l'roprietors. Dec. 8, 1868. ly. ealer In Green and Dry GroerfesvTea, Coffee, Sugar, Canned Fruits of all kinds, Hamsj LarrlDrVd Bf fp8urfc;&i, ei I P ' 1 : No.6Pheii -BlotiLetti pbi .-Jiineieth.asBi --lli-rxi TI '.'J 1 . 1 .1 MASONiSMlTH' 5G(,Y AI I Imipdrters kaA --Wholesale Dealers, in Wines and Liquors.,-N0.4 (viiAVjiteri Btreutl "Nov. 6. 8t:A ly.; toyeianit.-nii -iMfti! Yr-i.l.i i'i. iiiio't .!( PETER FLATH. W. L. FOE. FLATH & POE, ClotMerS an JFerchari t Taliors,' If ats.'-Qlris aud Furnishing Goods.' Poe's Building, Main street. Kavenna, umo. Oct. lit. 1H.8. ly i;-jivr U. ft. Manufacturer and Dealer in Saildles, Hne ncss; Bridles, CollaifSjVCIiiptTrijitksjVWisM, 'Traveling BUgs, 1 Ac, Ma4n8trcet; Ktientt, Ohio. Feb. 11, 1869, 24-ly. . cnAS.'V.ioBf 5 J jiaNfeJuJAjiT .eioycEL COE, MERRIAM & CO., proprietors of.- . .6 CouuaieJ-ciaii Storages: fleueral Ceumimattm Merchant, BRICK ; wRHoysti . j tfivcr-StreeraAof DocV," 189 to 'SOI Cleveland, Ohio. Aay !!7, I860, 39-lOw. ; - Farm for le. ':, -.m rnntt undewrgned niivisgl'ellicr'y W(Hilri J. quiring- bis attention, offers "lilf iarrtt'for sale. Is sitiittUil mile from public square, contains aliout 124 acres tine arable and grazing laud.- l'lenty.or (ruit ami urn oer a naver 1. ail ing supply -of living Wi.VgoAd VfcV with 10, rnoins.Vgood Harm and other outbuildings. 'i'liislarni lias almost the entire milk tnule of Kavenna. which, as unoij '"". . SpS3TO! caite in very prolitabic business as the iami w ill ' be sold with a moderate payment in hand aud s..illcicnttimeo..the.bala..ce. gEVMOUU Bavenna, ihy 8k 1'. ?-i(r jrx rjlUE KICUAKDSON -n., .1. ...ii.Hi.ftl fonti ivancn of the kind. bv which relVa-torv Imnts can be tokeu oif with! ease... When nut in' tw 1 6W M""J.M!'9 :teI:L;i,i'.WllllW kraoUirffifir' It, arid no well ruhited ntmiljf ca j f'd fc6 lo .L..-.H.,.'. IF rkild by iigVhts'onty. ' Call on or.adilreii, ' March 4, la6,-tr , it. tt: ouviH' ICu-vennft, Ohio.' .Vin.i-tr .V-AtiH. irWl -.d liz?, -ifiT t 111 b.;l-- I'll: Are more extensivelv counterfeited at the. ures-ent.Wi,eiiiiiiWbpflM-aft07"-;X icm Their splendid time keeping qualities have in- ' duced many uawiiiaiyliV 3Ar i Mtpvt worxbtessisiitatioas of all the various styles. Therefore those wishing to purchaser tfeB-rf-eau-' ine watch should buy only of reliable Local Agents. - We have now a full lineof all the lif fe riant st? to inGolda.nd g-er whicl-tiy--ish y e are selling a Heavy Hunting Gold cased GEFT'S WATCH AT ONLY $75 LADLES GOLD WATCHES. At eqnallv low prices. W,ee selling flMW STEM wrNDING WATCH. A new thing and a good thing. Call and see Is equal to any watch of American or European manufacture. We have the exclusive agency for the county, and guarantee them to give satisfac tion ttf-erefr particular. ' ' The Celebrated - . v Orelde and Alnmf nam Wstehw . less. You can bnv them at about one-half New York price, and nave the choice of style; or we time-keepers. In fact, if you want anything in the way of a watch, eall and get posted as to style and prices, as we are sure we can suit you fOUnttsto4-ilAUi'J mrxl. -. ,H - (1,. j,.!;,.!,;-;:! SiWritGro'oils. In Silver Ware we hnve all the fiew styles, many neer eele:riIeTel'to th pcopre of Port age county. We have all the patterns of SOLID SILVER SPOONS. Holiday or VSTedding Presents, . i....rj,,iiVlI S IlfFKRII O L L O "WVJYjARE, Tea Sets, Castors, Baskets, Ice pitchers, TJttps, Goblets, Wine Stands, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Fruit Stands, Ac. Also, an cnnless variety of torus, spoons. Knives, sc.. all or wnicn are made bv the best establishment in the countrv. and rwarranted IPflse treW(pine4, w-k flnll weJgKt of ivfc, n fie besTAlnliaSA tl Wfcite Metal. Our Drfces are very low for the uualitv of our .goods. We do not sell treble plated Spoon for $1 SB, but do not propose to be undut sold by any establishment in Ohio. caMraBqpe,ti. -,a m-niusAifcHAPrs. COMMUNION SETS. We have some fine sets of the best manufac ure. aud will furnish anv sosietv in the count) with Vounnnb rvicwtti(hos)eJfriees. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. Those who cannot afford to wear a watch can tSf1h0 (.., i-oa tt, a -..-.! -h1 We have a lartre stock of line (roods, and sell raUTAl3AtfiECXirUSV. We are the onlv asrents for the celebrated Dancashire Lens. Call and try them. POCKET BOOKS, m i DOCKET KNIVES , RAZORS. In great variety, very cheap re have.alL the new steles. Setts-Pins, rinirs. i"PrM'W toe) Ffel tto4 Jftrojighout the country to need any lengthy recommenda tion. As heretofore, they are fully warranted as recommenaea. .A. ILSTIEW TECIISTG. Anv one who has been in the Jewelrv trade a few years will readily understand the impossi bility of always getting what you bargain for when purchasing goods from astern manufac turers and importers. Havins-exueriencedmuch dillicuity in. this,Uave establisited in Kaveilsn. tfre-nnatia&obM t,oertaiB.'lyles of gooas, ana are now getting out- - RINGS, CHAINS, &c, anvthinir in the market. "X AVujiestibj akiftist 44iishd o application. CALpBr'A-cHA'iT 1 rA tA -BtSDBmiur and Enffravins We have several first class workmen, ana ail the new and improved machinery and tools for uoiug wurit in tne uesi, style snuwn w Kue traue AU work entrnsted to our care shall be done promptly and in the best manner. Full satisfac tion guaranteea to an. R. WAIT. tavenna, Dec. 10. 1868. A E. I have for sale at my store, White. Lime at the iotiowing prices : TEN B ABREL LOTS. S1.50 per barrel. SINGLE BARREL. Ml.fiO. v.t Tlic best irT market at S13.00 per Ton. tic? fins .T11J; to MJt rmvr" iwt l fl .n . beed' WHtlrt'-I out, WILLOW BASKETS, at cost, .KMX ,St K WALL PAPER, The best assortment in town, at very low prices, FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR AND i . r -, . 1 .11 : f ..M-TT.T ..anxnvTs by the barrel and retail Jmv iooTi mo "VTOTICE. WWiUigrto fls!.P,I business in lN liavennn.'f iiSrMv Mot Snfl Lot for sale. Also, my Stock in trade. A better opportunity for a young man to ungago in business, cannot be found. .rU rMJS'l .'. V B. LITTLE, Bavenna. May 6, 1869, 36-tf. .fi vM Soap ! Soap ! I The subscriber Is manufacturing, at Can bcllsports, a first rate article of which'lie Vili deliver to those in want of the KAiiin ut VRHSoniLlriK rates, bv the srallon or barrel. Greese and wood ashes taken in exchange for &oap. All orders lcffcat Berkley's Stove and Tin Store, will receive prompt attention. EDGAK C. CAMPBELL. Campbellsporfc April 24. 1869, 85-ly. ,Frlni,Ipr,KSale. a vorv inRirHble farm of cicrhtv acres I J ed on the town line of Bavenna and Boots town. A irood barn on the premisrs. and tl'on. Also, four acres of pasttirelaiid situated on north Chestnut street, in the village of Ba venna, just the thing for a man wishing a place ti tiastiire a cowor two. For term and a par- ticular description of the premises offered lor sate, enquire at the "Jgy. nx&i&M ) Miy 13. 1869, 37-tf. Oil V CI UillU. JJIOOO 4. BELL-IIANGEK, LOCK-SMITH Chestnut St., south of Main, ;vt( il MlHlikJi OirDEBS BK8PlCTFtn.LY SoLlCITKD. All kinds of Jobbing dune 011 Short Notice r,- I '..ill i I . 1 UavennaSept., 10, lBOs, .1-. '"- BUCKWHEAT, forseed. juiijiiii J.AUJ11, anu a incii, WlllSpattJrices to close reat Bargains In j. s. SMrrn & ccs. PRINTS and GINGHAMS, at j. s. sMrrn & cors. JreaS lfargaiiia la 'tn- .. . DRESS GOODS, . SMITH tOtS. Ireat Bargains In MUSLINS, LAWNS and ORGAN- 20 rr CD EES, aoi "ti at J. S. SMITH & CO'S. HOSIERY and GLOVES, at j. s. SMrrn & co s. cs'r..i.Jii:a y.-fTiji-i !'. 1 . -' w, We would call the Special Attention of our customers all fillers tp f Celebrated Brand. It is Superior to all other makes in point of "WEIGHT AND FINISH. We have a verv larere stock of these Goods on hand, ranging m price from 40c to $1.25 per yard. J, S. SMITH & CO. ArRPETSl,' Y ii.l Ir. j '1.J STe. are now...receiir-infir ' bur 1 , r Sbrinar). jStaekiif'-earwets.' -corn- Tlree-Fl.v, iBxtra!w-lly8,'lD- Stair CarnetrStafrv. Oil' tClbtto, Floor OIl'CMtIi.4-4i --S- -4 ai4 $&il"QV.fofi,vbteUil were bbugrliii i foK 2asli, . and wlll' be sold as low as' airy Hotise"in tlie traae. J. S. SMITH & CO. vTfcges.t atorV.oflSilK3 elfar offered in. this market, compris ing: lOOO yards Black Gros Grain Silks, lOOO yards Fancy Silks. The largest stoefaofi Irish and French Poplins ever boug-ht t to tikis. County. We are the on w!iartiinhi bounty that of- ter a line line ot Paisley Shawls, those in want of these Goods, wiildo well to examine or stock betore Ttslting: other marKets. . J. S. SMITH & CO. Prints, Cottons and Domes- le cord. J. S. SMITH & CO March 81, 1869, 81-tf. .mull Jne ! AT0 ' ;c No. 3, Aetna Block, (East Front.) I have iust received a full Stock of NEW CONFECTISylii) MaI - UltUUJ.ttlJfi, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY AND .1.1 ;y Jl? I?? u wasAtoighliat. 6(e've'ry; W tm.r --l n.t. l!l.i 11 s. .?" and Iipropose taseltGeodcta my line nt prices That Defy Competition My Stock of CONFECTIONERY is complete and encaper tnau ever. STTfl ATfS J'Yt-J r TAH 1 AND COFFEES. .-.1., 1 T am seilihg as good a SUGAR at 12,c per lb.. as ethers ask 14c for, and a W111TK torr iSK SUGAB at lie per lb. My BIO COFFEE at 25c Ins the fU)c. I'ofTnft irenerultv. I sell a choice VOUNG HYSON TEA at $1.40 per lb., worth $1.7 per lb. A very choice lait-Ji- 1U.4L, TEA at 5i,war id., woruuv.per.: MH .n".. K T-J v tt- -'srX!rTr .ybteol '-"SALAitATCS,-- MUSTAlil),. ,tKSAM, ,XAJtrA.,. v, '8iirtrEiiriJo'Aw:iii- fit'smeaes'bt SugArs; Teasand'C' I hirpitiiBi em:uuirei salcfor;.' Bivenria:o iH It. J.. JTi .v 1 r. iv S .iu.Mb V MMH-ovtftl Soap tlie greatest invention of dip age-, wsbiBgJlQthes without hoUingmj. wajiuoiiHdj,prif a vnVy. . per pound. juy scock 01 LemDDS, oranges, x' is, liuw&. Nuts, Prunes. Cocoanuts, &c, is complete, and at very low prices. Barrel Salt, Ashtou Salt, Hams. Drie.1 Beef. Ijird. Pork. Potatoes, Beans, Onions, tod Fk-h. WAite Fish. .Mackerel Labra- dore Hetrfci-:raclerIried Krnft,1 Tobacco. Ac, &c. times. Seed Potatoes. I havrfpc IronSides-C&seo Whites, Harrfion .110 i nitc rctuiLHtt w, auaiug FyuMii.i CROCKERY. My Stock is now complete it ith a large assort- mcut oCplttiu aotl flgiured. NK iW GOODS.. VU 20 lioi- .cent, .jiud irig du ino "before 1H wvtMrot XxoiiXGrs tyh avtf caltirig 1 buying. GIASSW.ARE.'.'f Tumblers, Goblets, Lamps, Table Glassware witli everything to make a complete stock at same rates" of CiArr.jc,-j vll-.i-Or- "TIT OTTTJ 1 keep on hand at all times, a iJjUUXb. full stock of Akron and Can ton Flour, aud can save you 10 to 20 per cent., and guarantee satisfaction every time. I cun sell good a Bed, Wheat lJour for f 1-.(K ncr Asfcva bttiers' askfS 00 ' Vor V.llite. Wheat, lour at same rate Try iny Flour. Goods de-' '. rered free of charge to any part of tlie city. Highest Market Price paid in Cash or Goods for Butted and. .y's. Wttu. Bavenna, O., April 87, 1809, 35-tf. TOHS O'NEIL'S ESTATE. ,(s)r!iy7'fvet.KI JieVsubi(el :haSTtecn apoomteTl and oualilled as Executor. or the last will ami testament ot John O'.Neil. IlKtuof l'ortage County, and Stute of uhio, de ceased. Dated nt Kootstown, Toi-tage County, Ohio. i THB place to buy your Watches, Clocks an ClislAyolifr jfiAiil ao&JtbrSeS . hud lower prices, than any other House in the bounty. i Itspalr!ng''iVhe on short nollco. AH. work warranted. '" "Sep3, llilB.if"' RAVENKA, (Xr ,T LITTLE.-lfitOWJJ H. JJDS. Tbey drive home thaows from the pasture, Up and thrvugk the longshaily Ifne, Where the qugils wiiittl loud in the wheat Holds That are yclUv-rirkheriniing grain. They find in the thick, waving grasses. Whets- flie sirlet-dlppedj i .strajsfberrf Arrows, Tbey gather the earliest snowdrops. And the first crimson blood of the rose. Tliey toss the new hay in the meadow. They gather e elder bloom white . ... ., i1n Ther find where the' dusky grapes purple In the soft-tin ted October light. They show where file epplss aiig Rpest. And are sweeter than Italy wines: . They know where she emit hangs the thickest On the long, thorny blackberry vines. . ,. ....... They gather the delicate seaweeds,7 '" " - And bnild tiny castles in the sand ; " They pick uptbe' beautiful sea shells Fairy barks that have drifted to bind. They wave lrom the tall, rocking-tree tops Where the oriole's hammock nest swings, At night time are folded in slumber Bv a song that a fond mother sings. Those who toil bravely are strongest. The humble and poor become great; And from these brown-banded children Shall grow mighty rulers of State. The pen of the author and statesman The noble and wise of the land The sword and the chisel and palette - Shall be held in the little brown haad. A SHORT STORY. By the side of the murmuring stream, An elderly gentleman sat; On the top of his head was his wig. And a top of his wig was his hat. The wind it blew high and blew strong, As the eMerly gentleman sat: And it tore from his head in a trice. And plunged in the river his bat. Thogentleman then took his cane, Which lay by his side as he-sat, And he dropped te tbelnrser his wig . M -In attempting to gef out. hii hat. His breast it grew oold with despair, .. , . ... And full in, his eye. sadness sat; e So he flung iii the river his cane,, , t ., ;i ' ' Tb swim with bis wfg and his hat. 'ersonal Habits ofthe "Siamese Twias, . .'bVmABK. TWAIN, ,.. ,,a I do not wish to write of the per sonal: habits b( 4hese strange n-eatures solely, but also- of certain -curious de tails of various kinds "concerning them which, belonging only1 to fHeir private life, have ! never 'crept 1 into print. Knowing the Twins Intimately i feel that l am pe'buliarly' well qualified for the task I' have" taken tipon 'niy'seif'.' .' The Siamese iwius., are naturauy teiiaer aua aaecupiiaie in uispusiuuu, ' ' i . ' . i ' . j; : i and have clung, to eaoh other with ski - gular fidpKty tUrpuglipo a, long,, and eventful life.. Even as. children, they wa"e.inseperable. ..c.orapa.nioris.i.aiJd it was noticed that they always seemed to prefer each - other's society ! io that of any other persons. - -. They nearly always played together ; and so accus. I6nied"was their mother' to this " pecu liarity, that; whenever' both' of therii chanced to be lost, she usually only honied fpr.oupfjhep-saecltbAi his brother somewhere in the imme- reiittires wefe ignoranx ana nuieiier- ed barbarians.. ...themselves. .and Ue offsprings of barbarians, they; knew not the light of, philosophy , and.isci- ence. "What a ;witheriDgj rebakeis this to our boasted .civilization,-! with its .quarrelingsv its wranglings, and its separation- of brothers ! As men, the Twins have not always lived in perfect accord; but still, there has always been a bond between them which made them unwilling to go away from each other and dwell apart. They have even occupied the same house, as a general thing, and it is believed that they have never failed to even sleep together on any night since they were born. How surely do the habits of a lifetime become second nature to us ! The Twins al ways go to bed at the same time ; but Chang usually gets up about an hour before his brother. By an under standing between themselves,- Chang does all the in-door work and Eng runs all the errands. This is because Enff likes to so out ; Chaug's habits aresedentary, However, Chang al ways goes alpig. ( , Eng. is a Baptist, but CtanWalKotfan'tMn'olic; still, to please his brother, Chang consented in bp. ImntiRp.rl nt, the same time that EirgataS du conditon tto'ttcAohld notf eoiiU" ,i During ihei Van .they were7stron,g partittS,'an4otfougui gle-Eiig on thwtTnion'side and-Chahg' on terttonfedprate.?j Thetyjok otheTTh-isbneW'atseverf i'0aki,'3 Imt the proryfa ot captai-e wepe-sevevenly baWHceVaTot.oreachfiaf gen- eyiiX army court haato De-as3embled to determiiie "whfcH -was?' prbperl y the jBryS-was uiiaDie to agreAoftjTkHon time r but tfielvcxed.aaestioB nail y- decided bx iJeejingtb' consider them both prisoners, and .then , iiigmgieiTU.-.' At', biie .'time Clutug ttak'e,pnvAfi.telp ders, and seuteiicied to:ten days in the guSHidfcstribA arguments, felt obliged to share his impriBOBmeni himself was ehttreIy:iinQceiit;:aa isol te:save the blanicless -brother -' frbrti suffering, thev had to discharge, both from custody the( just jrewatd' of laiujiUjiiif!. ji. Upon one occasion tUei.bcatbcrsftll crnf ''abdUt'isbnlctf) iftiul Chang knocked Eng. down, and,, then tripped and ;:fcll "'on , him:;h$i;etiri,9i,;:, ciinched and begun to beatattd'gottg'e eajufr otbe? jWjtlMJU.ti prfciy.i Tbftuby standei'8 iiiterfared aud tried toseoa- rata tueincbut they cpBld"-not' flo U, and so allowed tlicm to' fight it out. were carriett to the hospital on one otic! US'iM'tt'uifi'','w'i.'..W;l : ;,ThClif;aildiebt,habii;go5jig; Mwak together had its drawbacks whBilthcy l oaclied nmu' estate and entered- npi- UU.tniJ J H4,Ul:.i Vl WUHHl.ia LUUUl. IOll i love , witli. 1 he same girL , Each to steal - elandesfine ''iiitfrvWw vftli. her, but at the critical moment the other would turn lip. By-and-bye Eug,saw, ,with fllrriatipn,,thatChai had,,itvpii.'('thfe? 'gli'l' B.ppcU.o,nS JL anrj.4 lrom- titatayvtortllKof'iliad-' to" ber witli. ilie agbii'y of be! 11 a i witness' to agouy. of being, a t witness to all Oielr . But, with a inngiinnlmity that did hiiii 1 !AUOUS.T;: infinitareditr be euceiunbcd; to, his fate, B4t gave . countenance and en couragement to a slate p 4hngS;,tbat bade siinder hisgeneroHgheai- Bti-ings.! ; j IIe;'iBat . irpia reyea, , every evening until two in the mornuig lis tenhig to the fond, , foolUbBess of; the two lover, and to, the , concussion of bundreds o&'ed. ,308101; the juivijege pf.saring.; , "one of which he wquld liaye. given bis , right band..,. ,But he sat patiently, and wait ed ;. and i gaped,, and,: yawned, , and stretched, and longed, for ,two 9'elofk to come, ...Aud. he.iopk,-; long. ;waik8 witii the: lovers on moonlight evepiugs sometimes traversing ten , ;iBiljes,7,,not- witbstandhlg; bfe,waa. usually angering tr,oia rbeumatisni, , He is : an. inyetef;T ate smoker ; hot he conld: not, , smoke on these occasions as the young .lady was; painfully sensitive,; to the $mell 0 ;,j.t , En g cordially u wanted them manried, and done; witii. , it ; Jut aitbpogb. iang, often- asked -tlie. mo-. notqBAtflnestkqki,!the youpg lady could not gather annpient coiirae-: answer 41 while Eng was.;byV i J Hkw everr.ow pne, ooo&sioM? Rev.,hav'i walked .some : sixteen; tmiles, , and ' isafc up till nearJyayligbMEjig dipped asleep, . frow.-shwr' exhaustion, and tljeu, the question was. masked. ,aud, an-; swered.-uThe ; lovers-,'; -wew .-mtsrried alacqnaijaled yfth the .chciimstances applauded the , nqblftl brotber.-in-law,- His auwavering faithfulness - was , th theme .of eyeryc tongue, jlle istaidt: by Uicmall through heir : long and ar duous flonrtshlp j j and when rat last; tkeyi were married he lifted hig bands above their heads, aod said with ilni pressivf unction,: f 5Bl&s v. m y dren, I will never desert ye I" And he. kept his word.- .Magnanimity like thte is all. teo-rar?, in this cold ;. workd, ii By-and J?ye Eng fell b . o vet dwilh his sister-in-law's 6is.teT, ,and married herv and si ne that day : they have i all lived togeihef,:uigbt,anddajv in. an exceeding sociability, which is tonclit wig and beanjtunl to beliold, and : as-, a scathing rebuke to our boasted civilir Zftti.On, .- -i-K j ., ;; it The . ympathyi;:Cxitiog .between these two brothers is to close i and iao-. refined that the feelings the - inrpulsev thfteaiotiona Of the ne are, instantly experienced by the other Wbcn one iasick the Other is sick ; whed - One feels pain tbe otber feels it ; when one is angered, the other'a temper takes fire. We have alreadv seen'-witb what happy facility they both fell in love with the sawe girl. Now, Chang iabittei ly opposed to-all' forms of in temperance, on. principle ; bat ; Eng! : ia the reveree for, v while . these men's feelings and emotious are so closely bedded, theiriroa80iirng facnltiea nre unfettered v their 1j thought? axfli .free: Cliang belongs to the Jood . Templars, ahd.isa bard Working and.; enthusias tic .supporter;, Of .all: temperance re-foi-ms.i'But I to hi:. bitter, distress, every now aud then Eng gets drunk,, and, of course, -that makes Chang drrirk tod.' "This e imfbrfufiate 'thing has beetf a great ; sorrow to ' Chaug,'for It aimost-aesti-oys ! n!s:! usefulness' rd his favorite field of effort y-Xs sure' nii be is to' head" a gt-eat fempei-ance' pro-i cession? Ehg ranges': up" ' along" 'side' of him, prompt to the mlbute and drunk as a kirdf b'utret no hiore-,: dismally and tropelessly1 di-uhk that bier rirlber who Was-' not lasted a ;drrp;! ' R AndJ:'s6 theiwwfeegiilo-bofyi aild 'l aiidT titrr mtfdnBrrclifs ,filea:Crobd TempMvrs' j and,: of course;;-tbey0 UreakV up1 thepreeessibif.'-'lt worild be; niah mkXf wrong to1' jbn1A:,'ChaBg,'ror !hat"Eflg" did," n'f:flneirej:i-tiie Good ;Tcrnprars accept Uhe rihfco ward sitnationrand suffer' in? slleuce and sbrro-w-.' TbeVn'ave'onlciahy andde-j libera tel y"exatii ti&tit to 'ihe matter, afta find Cba'iig' biameless: Tney have taketf iVtee two1 brothers and fiiled" ou.JL'jU ;'tMtiiiL2f iLSiClt'l'itt-i !,--l'L'-' yiiung iuu 01 wanu waijr uu sugar. and1 Ehg .fbit.'qf wbiske'j and lnWen tyfive mmbt'es 5t' was' 'hoi possible' to jtelP which wa's'tfie' drunkest; . ..Bbtii' weicajt'drnnk asl6qu; and "on lioi'' I whiskey punches' y-tlie 'smell of their breath; ''Tefair the while Chang's smnea his cbbJsci'ence 6lear (indf so 'all jii hieri areforced .to 'confess that Ke wasnpt morally, 'but 'ohly1 pb'yslcaliy ' drunk.' ByreveTy:righf!ihia by1 cverv ' hipra'l eviaenca thefTnaii was' 'strictly , Jsober ; and theVeToi-ei ii Hc1''')43IHe9d' su xiic mure atiguisu iu see 111111 biiukc hands1 wi th the1 p b nip.' an id 'r y to wind his'watch'with his ijiglit-key. ' XTHee'is '-ar'morai'ITft 'these solemn wsruiugs-Mir at icaqt, a wi iiiuk ut these 'solebln morjtts j'one .br the other. No matter, it Is sbmehowi Let us lreedltrlefusprttfit bytt.'' ' ;: "! ' I eo&4d'eay!iiidreoF' an "instructive uatnre about these inter es'tJitg beingsj but let Hv bat ' I liae1 frifterr suffice. :' Having" forsfoiten to -hiehtaou'1 it sooner. I will remarks in 1 coiicltisloii. (that- the ages of the 'Slanies'ei 'Twins jttijfef' 'jiftffiaeftqrPl Monthln I -..1- !; ; ' . . .. . " in'. lr.VChal.mcibeauxifullji;l saysi--The kittle1, that I' bava". seen-'in ihe world and known of the history. pf mankind,, teaches,.. me ,0 , 00, ; upon tlieir errors irj korroi ; ,S9Vr!rl.ti9?ge AVTien i take the histcirv of one noor heart that has sinned and suffered, and tepresoiit to myself the struggles ami ielnptatidasii it pissed ithrouglr-the brief. 11 utaarious'J OS -Joj' H he- tears-; of regret, the ifecbl eu-ess of : phi-posej the $corn Of the world that ha little eliar- ky, tlic desolatloii' of the ioulV eanc tuarvand Ihlxkfonlng : votecS withiri, haattb none,- htwiness ffone I would tu I: fain-leave the ; erring' soti! 6f -my 'fel-" ow-man with him fwin wfcOse bands came." ". ,:. .. .i-if ! Itsit biai Vvtib1 litres laborers lb lief ioVbV'Wie 'SVork1'whlcb 'oughV tp'rbe done by'hiiiiself 'anu'by'Ms own rauy-. i)y, may reasonably expect tq die iu debt; and loivvo' a thnnless posterity . . ...j r. ,.i;.. '-I .-.!. . V-.1 -t ' ' ' . 10 iimei u a small' estate. ji. -.; ,!:! w 12, .1..? .7 "HTLW(I H i.iii J To;reKScten In" their Belifro'nB1 tic. ,8Wi,-..i ;fAnimon' 'iU,'1-? ih$ od hiu-' ii di f. 1-; '--s: T; the faaulia; question, ;JIow does Your. liroerschanim Color ? -- bur cmi Jgr .s Apvil Iiv W-A i HaaMpaon4 has an elaboiatei articlempon The Sauftar ;and Physiological0 Beiatijons of Tobacco,"' itf Vhicb.' . be1' 'claims'. ;t consider the nicotine, qiwtaoiii px: the light of botliacietttifici principles ; aiid of personal 'eeriehce.: -He 'takes the srounu uiab iu. . luoueraie use ui .J i u.tlt.H 7-.. a tobacco dpes rot; cause auyjSei-iousder raugement ot the mental and physical organriation;' nd: that oii the contra ry, sebfsfe 3bes' rejtaW tlie 'fiestfulsr- and-'f:eiiables au individaal to saFthis body eapitali?: U We quote ;.roia -hie statement Of the result tofhis: eipeii- -BiVooii.tbe? wfeoIe,uf;;U -J.petl-menta:Iceicl-rded 9T :,!i fiocn !l &keci'thi$xcijipjii j ;i,rj)objc acjd tbjVbJ4pngs,!T, lit 1 : J' 2, iThat. i t leasena Ihe i : alnaHa; of aaebufe; vapor iveir'-3ffiu re'spiraliou. ' ;" U'Tbiilt tflmlilises; the1 W6'tni't 0Xtbc.jLnl,e8)Uiw excetui.Uf,...! Jtll 4 l -r".:ThM itieasB tha tjJKVf-nitity.o.f the i-onat crieretionmid the airroufii Of rtsureaandchloHdea. 0:1 ,'"5;'Thaiit increase8 jieamou'n pf avju, priuociu, uu;,ui;iuiut-iujou pba.phoriaacid! eliminated through It ascertained tba'tT tobaiccq la moderation lessens; the de6 .raetios ojf the ti-ssnas as a whole, 'and,5 especially dlmitfehei the Wr ari',tea'r; ''6'f 8 ..-i f ... :i-.ri(;---. i.;j..i f if.'. .i'-'Fi'A !: : nervous system. The question, there fore freely adni-M pi , a. dnbt tha othec thuiss being Jedaak. is person- ca-i do -more neiita'ii and Tjhylseal- 'labbri aBa!witHsS fetiue erate ue; 'f ljiacvos .jJuu witbipui., The excessive aae may Ibe .iiiurios, drink' 'ihB jtqrixl9 ical effecfc.of tobacoo U seen in. . its ac tion upon the sttomaclif, as Jnoreasing1 tbe-Becrexioh' i jyidtHii-"itiire.'kjid tAris to the nervona system, and a promo te!' of rafleefciony it-acts Hrithi;af degree of s-certalnryV -and-' 'yet' Of 'mildness," Which y laces if far above ; all Its -con-i ffhei,s.';f,:lTnder lmwiit&tiitte !-th nervua aubstaheei that of Hhe symp: thetic sy'stehi, is preserved - from the inroads to rhiob. '1t:'wOUld otherwise be' snbjetited,-' iThe ability to 'eompTe- hendsxireasey, 'the 'judgment'-is rendered cleaferj'w'tHS flower Of the' Willys' augmented; ftild all this Withotlt the degree of elriiaustiofl Irbicl. Atberr wise folle-w's ever prolb hged 'mebla'f And' iso 'Mo w the" Indian v with1' his' " pipe of piece," and tbe lHsbmaii with his peace 'of "pipe," and Gen Grant with Ill's' cigar,1, and the ''.'great army 'of lovers' oT'tli'e " wed'!gen'etal- -il-ii : tiiHU-JLVJ-P. si '-.I lycauciuBucu iiieiust-ivt-s against ui re'mottst'rkhccs o their friendsu 'and 're ply tq'protest'a ani' denunciations Tv oianuiy Btatitig luaijijiejrAiu ir their and to preve'nOne .tej irucu y.e rneianiprpiiosi8. oi 1 "C!1. .; ?; sues-""' . '"."'""" "' , , : P. .... f .IffV.l f..".T .'.. j'.'. ..... There i8V-spmeqiiig in ' tb"e"word borne that .awakoop (,he-.-Jiindlie8fe feel- UlgtDfithe!-beart;iJ,V iSonoiirneiGely! &iends ud 1 kindred that; .render? that place sfi dear;: bat Uie. very: hills nd rocka- and nvjUets;; thow a eharm arpuiid-the, piaca of ,mau' aativlty; . ,J(.t .je ,pq;,WQndier,: that: -the, loftiest harps- have, beep tuued. to ting; ;of '!,hmp, sweet . liomel ; .The - ros that bloomed,! the garden wbere;'One has wandered in oally yeai- a ihohgbtlesa cliildt cXreLessJn i naocencev i ioy ely itijks bl00naana.loyJier4i ita decay. ;lfo'sog$::ar0-Mtweet Jlilic , those) we heard amoiigithftboughs tHat Joliade a parsats dwellings wheu:i tie tfiorning and evening hour found us gay as the bii-ds that warble over nr. -Negaters are 4i-rsf hlf ifke" GOT' tslear srVerem"Jtin:,w7iia! ambhg1 the iWeraecT'kilons 'wnerePiA'cbria1-- hood w dllen 8tratyed9!to plttclt the VfoleVorbWlily.ot'wlirrl agar land rbsome lOVeff seftoblrnatft1''1'0 We May iwauder ;tfwa?. aha1' mingleV i: th world's -4ileh5e - etinfe," -,ana form nbw ussoeiatlonsand rVioltdshiriai and faney we bate" HmdM Torgotteh the -'laud of eiir-'bjrtli; biit1 at tome evening- hbltr, as "w ;lUtenperchaiiee to the aatrini wind'tHe reme'mbTairoe of otMr-davi-eoines'eveV'Hie sonllind faney-ears fBsbackdcbtfonibbd sae7 and r4 rbith 'Wgain tb'tbe!otd furhillftP AfeuHts; aiia'prrtf theTiancTof eompauion'long ,;Mice -cold !nAthe grttVCi atut' ITstelt' irj-vblces 'we' s'Sall heai) bit earth' l4lrele.,'i, " '" 1 -It-'is otlierPaiteefthgubf melanefibly steal: over iMs whieh;' like' Osslan's musie la pleaaimt though nibnynful to the-abulitr. '"I' t"ti.'f" is 1 ITlM!:S!Wras! General 'Whei1 'leads' bis artny into a foreign ! land 'innet "net suffer' tl Bweef Ire'ofTyrOlfcbse tb beflbhg: irftb 'sdiaior rbraf'the thrilling 8dutidVtb:eVLwf it 'leave camp' and flyaway tb theft' otfu gTeeft'hinsi j How does tho"heartf ilro wahde or after loug years - Of abBrJttce-;-:bea- rrnrilp.n stream, lqbk''a8''tbeydKl in day gbne -., --ii:-ii -, W'-," ;J"iri.:V Dv. we may, Tina cumute&aa oouuitttii ana BKIUB .its urixu, "U inuuus aa devoted ;'b'ut tlitt'.will not usbi'p ,the rilace of Homo. '. Tub State prBp&-rThie lumber. rest iipon their oor (to. IYtttff. the pressure, 'jfetarcn' s.fBt' 'per'poe' Miickcus 4 are, fof; tnoney i"' 'light ' mo?pimr gowns : arc loom ttiul moriils ditto. and hU eves AIT, as'HO catches a glimpse of the lillla of his nativity, when he has pressed the lips (of jt.uiojthcr ,pr aistcri ho w ttocs he hasten to see" if the oiLi .'.:J.iZ v:iii:i- -iti.tiulij'a nun tno orcuarti anu tne ;:5 'l-' jS'O. 50. Snotffts'has- an Interview-Vttjrnr Woman's - Kigfct AdVocate-r-nis Reflections thre .,bau !. . ; -i''! ' t!'i'-' 'i..-:l JjJt ai'sitiuf, ii rny oi-Lcp, speculatin' in jniy-. je-wa jmiijd i: whether oa. the whole it-wouldnt be bcstoi' me to gife myseif away for1, the benefit of TO'ji.wiHi tbrocAhje'ji;jkibck ayiMwr.j VnJf' "".v-jir-i-'-j-'i: ,1: There, Btys I, isisomtr one anxions to'sobseribe ior the El JPaso; Journal, fc I bfte'red In1 a "Joiid ,'voice, " Cblhe in-. . .; ..' . ' . :-be waa di-cssed in a pair .of store boots and an iron gray set of spectacles-, and she walked "up to me with jhajesty ip heV'nieiii5, 1 .knew who it was; tne jninute 4. set my eyes 011, her. : It was a woman. ;:-t -.: .- - :-. -: ! grace fully arose :' and said, " How are yon ma'am? wero: yon ' wishin' to eubscrlbe to the El TPasp tTUniaif" at the sarne :time: dippm' my pen in the ink and.openiu' my snbscriptioa book. -Tlils"alwu$ gifs crri: ' It: looks" like Ctfr ffldtt't gltiieiV,!!., fri,. he fixed her glassy eyeyon me and sard I ''Tbnirg ihanj'air' yew'ait;adVo- Eights?" " ' ..jSTft. ma'am,.", said I. " I am a Tres- byterian eUibar-with me'.bver the .sea of equal 1 ! f f Ma'jwn,?; said I, "T haint - no- ob- jeetlSn to. takeh' : a quiet sail with you fjrtifjerj. the. bdat ; aint eaky,, and rali'II rflfv s-Iaaa vrwxn' " , 1 ... A smile perused -her-; features for 1 moment, and then she said, I' am wil. ling tosnffefr the caws. :' '-:' ! J'r lTes' said t, irt: a polite and ; soft err&is rhanher,1 It'll only cost ybti $2. attwef14 etrd it ;to any address for an entire-year.- ';'': t.: ui '.Hev ob a wife?" she asked " i. te'v,' saia !f, w'bnaeriji'.Svhaf 'she was'cdinfnat.- 'Sd' thf yew see 1 eoaldn't marryJyeTv. ef I wanted too eter' sO'-'much." I ' threw this as Alr few1 willin" "that she should share wlth you' the' burdens and 'trials ca 1 alir't boways pertickler," said "Sn'Tlf let her shoulder the1 whole of era if she has 'a hankerin' that way." "'"Wood yOu consent, that she should go to the poles'?" said she. " ' ""' ' 1 ; !1KShe can b"'1 where she 'pleases salariSltgmnertyu 1 - ? tt i TPa W ' U rtA ii r I AiUmaiV::n,r. she, and hrowitt her ttrxd around iuir ileelcaftildly.- '' "K -"; ; ;f' "'Git Hut,"- said1 1 ' What air ye: hp to-f lainl one of -them men. Stop." f-f- : r t .. .. f . : ... . : - . '"Alter m'o'en labor isucceeded in un Iboseiiing'bef bold and 'sit her down fn "a'chair.' I iuJged from her cbii d'utbat she stood in" need of a few hjoral observations. .... . ' . , Ypq air an impulsive femail," said ly " Yodr nature is at once spontane ous and oii'tbrakin'. ' You need a pair of martingails. Consider whatwould pe'yoor' state e a'man's'. wife was to citch ''yoo"a iiuggin' of bim in this style.'' , . ...... Bhe Wiped ber face with her, dress. She bed on a dress. I forgot to miu tion this fact in speakin'of tbe specta lif'FiiTC.,i'r ht'aTtiki?. -i ; J ..j". J; am ft .worker in tbe ,caws;of..Wo raon's Kights.''.; A.y, :f .' "Yes," said I, "voo air-. ,Yoo ought, .to, be, ashamed of yourself. should judge i :y 00 ; was one of them lobby, iwlmmew that the Cliicago Tri burie o-esion'debfae' tells ''ot. '.-But you .cbmej your nefarious, arts .over me, , A m steeled. again m."! y: sMl should be pleased, -she said, "to go arm in ai-rn with yob; td 'the poles ljSo-yoodont, said I, in alarm riotef I beV anything to say in' the matteri)i!I wonTt go With yoo hot single darned pole.'''!" :- ; 1i Ybmigtiran;'' Waid she, '"hast Ihbu children ?"i!'"H'f c- ' .,"1. jhPVi" tMi& ,i,'?S seven , oD 'em, Can. y 00 show as good a record " iWood ypu,?,.said shiij fthev your grl grow,-up and be rmarricd to. base; sordid "Len,irvbo! wonld . take away ineir ; pottticat' mea and auow 'em np.:francbies?"-R I' -ii'-J -.l: u.p - :: i):fhtcuis9,'',:6aid.Ty.-ia. rage; " they are the things that wim men put on belimd-io give 'em Gre cia bend. ' Ef fn v daughters' ever go - '3Joiriie," eaid she, they are pan "Well said 1,' "panniers of' A'aii chtBesv'ot whafever voo feall 'em: I am opposed for 'enf.'Th'ey ! a're'oiinatnral andliunipty; ,Chsy :degi-ade the hu mab fonri into the likeness Of a camel and bring ibvefy- women down on all ferSlika!cttt.";" '' -- : Then, i'said she, "' come witli me, aud we will emancipate women from the slavery of dresst "'Nb'Satd I, With 'severity, " I hcv nowisn tf take the close away' from' anV' wbmaii.' Wlriiiiien WiThont elos I tvbtJld 'be' b'ssia spectacle,' particularly in. wmter, When the howling blasts I prevail:' 'Who air you, aim y way ?" I I asked of my visitbi'. ' '''" : ' ! J'jlam, a pilgrim,' she said; "I be long to, the Agitator a newspaper de yoted to.tlifi.caws pf. female suffrage hi;ciuJogp.,?..;;'..1' ',..;." it. , j iWell,"jsaid!l calmly, "the wini nieniin . Chicago, , need something of thii sort. Whore them tluit air ,iniir- i ried neVecno On'goin' to bed at night, bub what on Wftkia' up iu tlie inornin' tliey may bo: divoixod f and them that nint married, spend their time iu bet tin'; how tnaity times tliey can bo. mar-. rind mid divorced within a month. The wimtuiii of Chicago need1 agita-; tin' powerfully. Keep a stirrin' on 'cflv 'it yv( please. ''The more you agitate the beUet'fbr 'eni.": :'-" Vfti these words I bi"dso, and telN ing hcr to- set still until -iny return, I stolo softly down stairs. -I hare1 hot been back ; since. 'What will , bo, the effect of leaving' a femail agitator sit- TnB''DE5piifl(l-PRBSSf, PUBLISHED EACn THURSDAY S. D. KAIiRlS, EDITOK AKD PKOPHrETOK. Terjear, in advance,. ...v,;:'...,......:3 00 If not-paid in advance,..;.,.:... W Six months, in advance,. . r . 1 00 JBWf Tlio Press- circaTates tree of postage witlun the limits at Fot tuge county. , . -- SF Advertisements in Special Koiice Col nmu. er leaded, or in doable oolunm, or rule and figure workvwtti be charged fifty per cent, addi tional. . s . . .-1 .; 1 . r 1 . - .j ..... ; i.;r tin'iamy. seat, the jrhole.oCthiaiiaxe no not. but f she waits . until X go back her patience will be of cast iron. El Pqso IU.) Journal. : RATHER GOOD. We have .often heard of remarkable cases of "absence of mind." : Here is one .anything we. ; hay seen lately. . The man was doubtless a very interesting head of the; family,: I say, ; cap'n," said a little keen eyed man,; as ho landed; from the. tcamboat Pey tona at Natchez," . . J I ay, rap'n, this here ain't .all." That's all the baggage, you brought on board, sir," said the captain. ..,'-. "Well, see now I grant its allO K according to list four boxes, three, chests, two ban' boxes, a pqiHniinty? two hams one, part cut three ropea,' inyung" and a tea-kettle ; but you see, cap'n, I am dubbersom. I feel there's something short. Though rye count ed 'em nine tiroes, and never, took ray eyes off 'em while on board, there's something not right, somehow.'7; "Well, stranger, .the. time;is'.up; there is all I know of ; so bring, y0r wife and five children out of the cab in, aiid Sve are off." , ' . . " ' -. , " Them's 'cm, darn it! them's 'em! I kuow'd l'd forgot something.' .:. LKGAL WIT . -'' The Cincinnati JCuuirer is respon sible for tbe following: '; Talking of legal witticism (and, perhaps, the proportion of wit to talk is less in law than, in anything else) a story we have heard of the late Thad. : Stevens beats any '- other. While Thad, was a young lawyer, be once had a case before a very bad tem pered judge of an. obscure Pennsyl vania court. Under what he consid ered a very erroneous ruling, it was decided against1' liim ';" 'whereupon ,h threw dowii his books 'and picked 'np his hat in a high state of indignation, and was about to leave the court-room scattering imprecations all around him The Judge straightened himself to his full height, assumed an air of offend ed majesty, aiid asked Thad.; if 'he meant to ."rexpress bis contempt of this courts"; : Thad. turned to him very ' deferentially, made a respectful bow, and replied in feigned amazement i "Express my contempt for this court ! No, sir 1 lam trying ,to conceaj it, your honor,"--adding, as he turned to leave, "but it's d d hard to db if A HUMAN BODY AND THB HOCB OF : . ..' AY: . .', , . , :.: . Seat yourself at a table. . Attach It piece of metal (say a : Bbilling) to , a thread, : - Haviug placed your elbow on a table, hold the thread between the points of the thumb and. forefinger; and allow the shilling to bang ; in th centre of a glass tumbler. The pulse will immediately cause the 'shilling to vibrate like a- pendulum, and the vi brations, will increase until the shil ling strikes the side of the glass ; and suppose the time of the experiment be at the hour of seven,- or half-paat seven, the pendulum will strike tha glass seven times, and then' lose Its tnoincutnm and return to the centre; if. you hold the thread a sufficient length of time, the effect will b! re peated ; i . but not 1 until a -: snnlcient length of time has ; elapsed' to corn vince you that the experiment is eom pletei: .We " need - not' add 'that tha thread , must be! held with ; steady hand, otherwise the vibrating motion would: bet contracted. ' At whatever hour of tliie day.or. night- the texperi ment is madej the' coincidence will b the same. . , "", , ; "'How Caw I Coom The follow irig story is good because it fa tnre. We had it from the lips of a good' wo man, who was told it by the principal actor herself : '. " Ven I first come to Filadolfy to sei-ve,T was very uncivil, said Katrina, now a tidy 'servant girt in a respectable 7iamiiy:7 "I laugh nioocli, and I, feel ashamed, to remem ber howl behave yen 1 know so little. $hbi tiiti Vas my beau Shon, he took me to that theater one night, , ven I becju in' Filadelfy but tree weeks.. , Wo sits in te gallery, ana we not see soot, and Shon said he would, get. a better seat.. . So lie puis his leg. round : der post, and slides down mit dar pit, and, looks iip and calls out Katrine ! Katrine ! ' cooni do wn 1 tish a good place herel' aiid I lean over, and I said.: ','IIqw can I coom do wn Shon ?' And he said : .'' Shbst' shlide down ! So I put my legs round der pillar, and. shlides down. . Douder l how the peo ple laugh!, Tey laugh so dey raorq that night upon de stage. -,Eve-, ry body laugh and yell, and whistle all over der house. . I vas mooch ashamed, den, tough I knew not any harm. But. now,I plushes red every time , I tinks mitit." i : 'i'i'..l. A pAiiK : Transaction. A iiegro' named Bo we", recently married a white girl named Hoy, in Schuylkill county,' Pennsylvania. Her father fumed and fretted, but the daughter justified her self by declaring that he had advoca ted the equality of the raccs--voted : the ItadicRl ticket, and actod ' with Ms party to the fullest extent ..This was a severe cut ; but he hits had a sharper ne'e' since. It how tunis out that the . negro -'also seduced. sister of 'hia' wife, and that another Contribution to the race of mongrels ay soon be ex pectodv 1 Hoy's political opinions are undergoing a severe strain., n. . 1 .v.;i i iiiii:i,: Signs. It is a goott sign to see a man1 do an act Of charity bad lgh to hear him boast of it. 1 ' ' '-' - 'i It Is a good 8ign to 9ee a" man1 wipe1 the perspiration- froib hia'-brew-i-bad'5 to see him wipe his lips when he : comes, out of a ccllai'., , . , .lt, . ' It is a good sign -to sep ' a. 'mail ad- vcrtiisc in the papers bad to see 'the j sheviir advertise for him,' ' ; . ' '. , , .1.1 a . . . . i'. .' Iii"-- i-nrt It, js a good sigu to see a, woniau t dress with ta'sto and iicaluess batt tq ( see her husband siied for flnerv. '