Newspaper Page Text
Y. Whatever you are. be brave, boy ! Tbe liar's a coward and slave, dots ; Though clever at roses. And sharp at excuses, Hal a saeaking and pitiful knave, boys : Whatever you are. be frank, boys ! Tit batter than money and rank, boys ; Still cleave to the right. Be lovers of light. Be open, abo veboard, and frank, boys ! yon are, be kind, boys ! Be gentle in manners and mind, boys ! The man gentle in mien. Words, and temper, I ween. Is the gentleman truly refined, boys I But, whatever yon are. be true, boys : Be visible through and through, boys; Leave toothers the shamming. The' greening' and ' cramming.' Is Tea att e .rnest, be true. 113 s ! I!HETLENDIG l. TIRKEV. The Conatautinople correspondent of tbe Philadelphia Press writes: Money-changing ank money-lending are the most profitable occupation here next to being Grand Vizier or a Pro visional Governor. The chances of plunder and extortion in the latter are unlimited and nneqoaled, and rare is the ease in which tbe retiring function ary, poor though he may have been in the first place, does not retire with overflowing coffers. There is no fixed interest for money. The Koran de nounces usury, but no one besitatesto ran counter to its precepts when moo ey is needed. The Turks do not amass money. They live frugally, care little for the luxuries of life, and are satis, fled if they make both ends meet Those who are rich have made their monef In office, under the favoritism of the sultan or patrons iu power While their easily acquired fortune lasts they lead a merry life, with a well selected harem, an elegant Tali on tbe Bospborus, and a spacious Konak in towo. Their outlays in tho way of presents to the dignitaries of State, to the servitors of their patrons, and in political intrigues, and dowries on their sons and daughters to marry them well, soon run them in debt. Recourse most then be bad to some Armenian Saraf or money-broker. Notes of band, indorsed or not, don't serye. The only sufficient security is a collateral in the shape of jewels,pre cious stones, plate, gold snuff-boxes incrusted with diamonds that have been received in gift from tbe Sultan, or some other objects of tangible val ne. Before the negotiation is conclud ed tbe qua of every object must be tester, the in'j'rmc and average se'.l ing value ascertained, and then the money is lent on such terms that there is a large chance of profit and none of loss. The discount may be 30 per cent, or 50 even, and when the loan is or a term of years tbe interest is rare ly lees than 25 per cent. Deeper and deeper the borrower gets in debt ;loan follows on loan, with new collaterals pledged, until there is nothing left to give as security. Then tbe creditor realizes. He puts the precious articles on sale In the jewelry department of the great Bazar at Stamboul, or he sells them to a merchant there, and perhaps he gets one of the ambulatory auction eers that frequent the Bexestan to cry them off to the highest bidder, as he urges bis way through the crowded avenues of tbe mart of trade. In any event, he is sure to come out with handsome gain, such a one an would have delightedShy lock himself. Never was the Bazar richer than it is now in rare, curious, and valuable jewelry, gold ornaments, swords of honor, dia monds, necklaces, and tbe spoils of bankrupt harems and palaces. I have dabbled a little in unset diamonds.anil they are sold quite cheaply, and iu car pets, but my pocket is too shallow for a speculation in the magnificent orna ments that once adotned Circassian beauties of the Imperial harems. Ab dul Aziz's widows and favorites have thrown a large amouut of their treas ures on the market, and the late Mus tapba Fazil Pasha contributed not a little to the enriching of the jewel ba zar. I plead guilty to one weakness, aud that Is to the Oriental carpet. The Turkey carpet, as it is made In the hand-looms of Ouchak, is a fabric that in durability, wearing qualities, and softness of texture can not be surpass ed. It is made in square pieces of va rious dimensions, but generally of a aize to cover an ordinary room. The colors are so stable that it is said a bar rel of vinegar upset on it will uot change a color. For wear, time seems to make no impression on it. Beneath my feet is a Turkey carpet which is at least 30 years old, aud it is at this writ ing as fresh as tbe day tbe last thread was wove into it at Ouchak. There aeems to be no fixed patterns, for I have never seen any two alike. The weaver's fancy determines tbe figures and arrangement of colors, and that is as fantastic as an Oriental imagination always is. Tbe carpets are so heavy that they rest on the floor with their own weight, and need no tacks to fasten them down. As Ibey are not secured to tbe floor, they are frequent ly taken up and dusted, and are always thus kept clean. When tbe staircases, as well as the rooms, are laid in these solid fleecy carpets, the house is as till as if it were uninhabited, so far as the movements of its occupants are concerned. It is a curious fact that while every thing else has declined iu price, Turkey carpets bold their own in tbe East, one a quarter of a century old selling near on to its original cost. A HEART OF STOKE. A woman about fifty years old yes terday sat behind a chestnut stand on Congress street East, waiting lor the avaricious public to come along aud gobble up her fifty cents' worth of stock. There was a motherly benevo lent look to her lace, and a physiog nomist would have said that she felt sorry for everybody who wasn't able to start a chestnut staud. She hadn't been there long wbeu a lump of a boy nine or ten years old, having the black est bare feet ever seen in Detroit, and bis left hand rolled up in a dirty rag, sat down on the curbstone within three feet of her and began weeping and wailing in the most affecting man ner. 'Boo! boo boot oh! bno-boo-hoo I' lie wailed as he waudered to and fro In seeming great distress of mind. Tbe woman gave biro a passing dance ami then looked across the street. He walled again, louder than bcroie, but she never moved ber eyes. 'Ob I oh t I'm almost dead !' he sob- ATICE TO 1 bed, but her only response was to bend f over and Dick oot a bad chestnut and i crowd it down into the middle of the full half-pint measure. I The lad then moved along until he was at her feet, aud, pulling his old j cat, down a notch further, be wailed : ' 'Oh IJiow I wish I had a ma and pa, and wasn't a poor orphan boy !' The woman looked up and down the street to see if any runaway teams were coming. That same benevolent look hung around her mouth, but she didn't seem to know that a poor or phan was near. 'Oh ! how cold and hnugry and sick I am !' howled the boy as he looked up at her with tearful eyes. She didn't even wink one of her op tics. Nuthin to eat for three days slapt in an ice house arm out of jint fever almost burstin' my head open, and oh ! how I want to be somebody's darlin', and bring in the coal, and build the fires, and be awful good !' The boy was getting discouraged. lie rose right up before her aud cried out : 'Won't you give a sufferin' orphan ten chestnuts?' Gwofl!' she giowled, while the be nevolent look increased. 'Won't you give a starvin orphan just five five wormy ones?' 'GwofiT Throe two one just one old wormy chestnut to strengthen me till I can git to tbe bank P Her face broadened and lengthened with motherly benevolence as she reached down for a club. When she rose up he stood in the middle of the street, bis tongue run out and his nose wrinkled up. 'Glong !' she ealled, as she waved tbe club.' He advanced till he was just out of reach of her weapon, and, pointing his finger at her, he slowly said : 'I will go, my lord, I will go, kase I see a peeler down on tbe corner, but I'll roller you borne this noon, and I'll pizen your dog, and I'll put tar on the door, and I'll stone yourcat.andif you have any cabbages in tbe back yard IU rend them limb from limb ! You have scorned an orphan I Your blood be upon your own bead farewell !' The officers got there two hundred feet behind tbe boy, but be was not too late to see her face so full of pity, kindness and charity that he wonder ed if the old woman didn't give the boy a ten dollar bill by mistake for a five. Free Press. A HAN WHO SAW A MI LE DIE. ' Ain't it acurious thing that nobody ever sees a mule die?' remarked an old teamster in Gumbert & Webber's saloon. No man liying ever saw a mule die, I s'pose !' Thus remarked Mr. Daniels, light ing a fresh cigar : 'In 1850 1 was min ing on tbe South Fork of the Yuba, and it came my turn to cook for my gang. We took turns each week, you know. Well, I was going to show how economical I could run the com missary. 1 went and bought a peck of dried apples; they were all stuck together iu a lump, but I got 'em jam'd into the pot, poured in some water, and started the fire. Presently a few of 'em began to rise up to tbe top of tbe pot, and ho 1 skimmed 'em off and put 'em in a pan. The first thing I knew, alter 1 had skimmed that blasted pot awhile, I had to get another pan, aud thcu another, and by the time 1 had got four pans heaped up full, daug my skin if there wasn't more apples in the pans than there was in the pot. That Is, 1 thought so at the time. I kept getting more pans aud buckets, aud lard cam, and all the lime plumb frightened to death for fear some of the boys would come in and see how extravagaut 1 was, lor I had been blowiu' how cheap I could run the mess. The blasted apples etill kept coining- out of the pot. I put some papers on the floor and covered them with fruit, and, by Jove, the place looked like a Sana Clara fruit drying establishment, aud the pot was still bilin' full.' ' What has that to do with a mule dvinT ' Wait a minute, mule. Finally I I'm comin' to tbel got desperate and dumped over twelve bushels of apples back of the cabin, behind a tree. In about an hour 1 heard a devil of a noise, aud ran out. What do you sup pose I found ? Why, a four hundred dollar mule kicking in the agonies of death. The apples were all gone, and the mule nearly so. He was swelled up like a balloon, aud the first thing I kuowed he busted. Pledge my word, gentlemen, be exploded like s giant powder blast, and brought the whole camp to tbe place. I kept stiil ; they could not find tbe mule, aud it cost them $10 to advertise a reward for him in the Sacramento Union. About two weeks afterwards they caught a couple ot Greasers hanging rouud. an' they put it up that they stole the mule, so they bun . 1 was there, but didn't say a word, for fear the boys would find out how extravagant I had run the commissary. Let's have some thing,' Virginia, Nov., Chrouicle. " NOTES ABOUT WHALES. As our voyage wore on, the lack of reading matter begau to be felt; we had all exhausted our supply during the long detention at Panama before setting on shipboard, and there was nothing to be exchanged, for each one h:ii lhi Kftmi thine Kvervbodv had a Shakespeare and not much besides, j c V ., , Something was smd among us one day about this; how people inevitably read the same hook, thought ttiv same thought?, and used the same expres sions ; bow rare it was under the sun to find anything new or fresh ; wheth er lrom want of courage to do our e own thinking, or unwilling to make the breach in received usages, we con .. ,, , i 5.. . , initially wuuiu iiiium iu giuuvun mm i out for us. The first school of whales we met illustrated this-. I sent differ ent gentlemen! about the deck to qui etly ascertain what the people were writing in their notebooks, for every one had produced a little note-book a soon as they saw the whales. I was sure that the greater number would put it: ' This morning, for the first time, we met tbe leviathan of the deep disporting himself in bis native eta aieut,' or, ' Glorious sight! huge mou- sters at play !' I was sure very few would call a whale a whale, and it proved so. It was a morning's fun for ns to watch the different ambassadors on their missions ; tney wouia arsw out the unsuspecting writer, saying there was a fine sight ; something to write home about ;' ' it is very hard to keep a journal on a monotonous sea voyage,' etc. Then the writer would proudly read out what he had been preparing for home. In almost every case it was the stereotyped sentence. When the returns were in we found the leviathan had it by an immense majority; very few whales. From A Year of American Travel,' by Jesse Benton Fremont, in Harper's Magazine for December. " DAD'S FINANCIERING.' A farmer's wagon, in which were seated a family or eight, last week drove up to a house on Beabein street, aud leaving his team at the curbstone, the farmer knocked on the door, drummed on the windows, and deter mined to get in at every hazard. When all efforts had failed he returned to the wagon, hitched his horses, aud the family sat down on the grass to wait. A lad who had watched the perform ance passed around the corner and discovered the boy whose parents lived in the house. 1 Here you there's a whole family trying to get into your house!' he shouted. Hush shut up!' whispered the othe 'But they are visitors,' continued the other. ' Don't I know all about it !' growled the biding boy 'didn't mam and I see 'em drive up, aud didu't we scoot oot the back doer as the feller came through the gate ? I'm here and mam's over in that house, and we feel like someone ought to boot dad all over town.' Why ? What did your father do ?' What did he do ? Why he was out in the country buying poultry and eggs, and be stopped at a farm bouse and made them believe he was a dis tant relashun and got his dinner for nothing. He come home and told it as a big joke, and he grinued around for a week, but now I want to see bim when be comes up to dinner and finds them relasbun8 squatted around the gate! Do they show any signs of leaving ?' ' Nary sigh,' replied the other, as he climbed the fence. ' Well, let 'em stick. Mam won't come home, I'll be gone, and if this turns out a Black Friday for dad it'll serve bim right. Let's get where we can see his knees wobble as he turns the corner and sees his relashuus cov erin a half an acre of ground.' PLEASE CHARGE THIS. These three words are of immense importance to every bead of a family or anyone whose duty it is to provide ways and means for food, clothing aud other expenses incident to existence. These three words are like three links iu a chain which we forge for ourselves, and every time they are re peated this chain becomes stronger and stronger till its burden cannot longer be borne. These three words add fifty percent, to the cost of any article we purchase, for the seller wants and very likely needs cash, and as he can turu his money over several times before we cau liquidate his claim he charges, in addition to the cash price, a profit for each lime he might have used his money had we paid him cash on the spot. These three words, easily aud pleas antly spoken, and as pleasantly re sponded to, make a man the abject slave oi the creditor. lie toils from early morn till dewy eve,' but the ac cumulating interest so hampers his energies aud depletes his earnings' I hat freedom becomes a boon greatly to be desired, but scarcely expected. From January to December he labor-, breaking a link of tbe servile chain occasionally, but too frequently adding two, and if both ends can be made to meet when the accounts are balanced the fact is made an occasion for re joicing. These three words should be blotted from every farmer's vocabulary. He canuot afford, of all men, to pay enor mous interests, nor can he allow debts to accumulate when future aid uncer tain gains can only be relied upon. This reliance too often proves a bro ken reed, and, sooner or later, brin, humiliation aud bankruptcy. NOTICE. LEO LA VAN Al'XKK, u minor, C. S Osgood, her Ouardian, ot' l'iulurd, llillsilalo county, Michigan ; Lcroy Vaiiuuken. of Ka cmc r'lilton comity, Ohio: krwin SCeley ami Hannah Seeley, ol Mantua, Portage county. Ohio, will take notice that it petition was tiled agniust ihrni on the 12th ilay of October, A. U 1&77. in the Court of Common l'lcns with in ami for the County of Portage, by Mnrim B Sanford. anil is now pending, wherein said Martin It Saiilord demand- partition ofihe following real estate, tonic: llcing a part of lot number thirty-lour, und bounded beginning in the center of highway leading from Brick Tavern, west thirty roil, ea-terli- lrom Hit center of said highway, being the east line of lands belonging to the heirs of Garrett Vau Waguer: thence southerly at right angles with the load aforesaid, seventeen and one-nail rods tl1i); thence easterly parallel with said road, eighteen (18) rods and seven links; thence northerly seventeen and one-half rods o the center or highway Above named, and llienee westerly along said road to the place of be. ginning, containing two (2) acres ol land; and that at the next term of said Court the -aid Martin U- Sanford will apply for an older that partition may he made ol said preinlsis Dated this lath ilay of October. A. U lb7I. MARTIN I! SAN FORI. 477-6 I'.y K. 1'., Ma Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE, I EIIKtdi WAL'lER ADAMS, ol Lima. La. ' KX grange county, state- ol Indiana, is m.ti- m II. .t I amIi. II A.i-ui,. .li.l mi th,. villi, .1-, v of October, a. d. 1.-77. ala her petition la the ollice of the Clerk of the Court of Common yuast unm and for the County ot Portage and j 2t' lUZ&fSo Name w hose name is not known, uml asking that sh.- may be divorced Ir.mi ttir said George Walter Adams, and have custody of their chllti. which peiiliou will stand for hearing ut the next term of -aid Court. B LOUISA C ADAMS. By her Attorney, a a. thayhk. Dated October 2lh 1S77. 47!! Bw LKtiAL NOTlCl;. TJ It'll ARD ALDEICM AN. ami bis wife. Nan y ay E. Alderman , who res iota in Kent fit Kent County. Miehigin. are horebv mditled that Naney I'outhitt has tiled her petition in the Court of Com moil Pleas of l'urtage County. Ohio, praying lor the foreclosure of her mort gage on the following real estate of -ai l di fendants and a sale thereof. to nit: Kilty tie res of I ind in lot 5'J in Deerlleid in raid County, liouuded north, east ami we.-t by the lot lines, and south by land of .1 A .1 . Sears, being the same u remises mortgaged by said Aid, i man I ami wife to plalntiflT. April 2-2. UB9. said I tic hard ami naney t-.. Alderman are made defendants in said suit, ami an require- to answer said petition on orbefoie the thir l Saturday alter six weeks from this date. r an order will tie taken far the sale of raid real es tate In satisfaction of plaintiff's and all other liens ou said real estate, and detendants barred of all i mere-1 therein. M. S I I'AUT, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated November 1, 1877. 479-6w Special Notice! ItsT IE W W.J.BRAKLOW&Co: Would inform the public that they have opened a new Wholesale & Retail Furniture Room. Ho. 37 Main. St., RAVENNA. O. where may be found a general assortment of Furniture of their own manufacture, such as Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chamber Sets, Chairs, Lounges, Extension and Breakfast Tables. As the G( ods are of our own manufacture, we are ready to warrant them to be strictly as represented, and are enabled to sell at greatly lower prices than like Goods haye hereto fore been sold for in this mar ket. ntP Particular attention given to all special orders for Secretaries, Desks and Book Cases. Good Walnut Lumber ta ken in exchange for our aroods at the highest market price. W. ,T. BRAKLOW & CO October 17, 1ST7. 477 New Marble Works. A. W- STOCKER, liLlt.rit IN Italian and American Marble ALSO. American ami Scotch Granite MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES Of every description. Work done it the lowest prices, ami warranted UeMgnu furBlsiieia if desired. MK. l, V, mi experiencetl worker and dettler in MarMc. is employed fts salesmnn VVorks on Chestnut. Street, opposite the Conrt House, Kavunna, Ohio. Sept. 8. 1H77, 472 This standard article is com pounded with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores 33- or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. 4 . By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak- ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M. D., State As sayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents arc pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Price, One Dollar. Buolsiagliam's Bye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard frorik gray or 3113- other un desirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quick ly and effectually produces a per manent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. "HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. Soli i7 all Brugglsti, ml Stalin ia XtdidSM NOTICK. rrinrc tiriiiersif-ni'ii have been duly an points A. ami ii:ihtlfi as uilmiuisii-iitors ol the ea late ot i.vbia UMtatwood, deceased, inte o BrimoVlii Township Portage County. Ohio M A B I A 1 1 N I Ell V ) ) 1 , w, r. Hnoekwuod. Ootober SO, 1S77, fit Machine Repair Shop. I will aUeml to repairing all kind-, of ma chinery at my shop, in the Kon miry UuiUlinK, just north of Pittshut jrh K. K. repot 111 JIN I1VF.RS. Ravenna, Oct. 1, 1S77. 47.".-3ni JOtt PKINT1NO OFAll, KINDS Promptly and Meatty as nted at this Fnrn Rus YOU CAN irnNX .A.T NIGGLES & BALDW1H S HARDWARE STORE. ETNA BLOCK, RAVENNA, O. House Trimmings, Carpenter's Tools, Masons' Tools, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY WHIPS, DUSTERS AND FLY BLANKETS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SPRINGS AND AXLES, ROPES AND CORDAGE, BRUSHES, GUNS, REVOLVERS AND AMMU NITION, FISHING TACKLE, WHITE LEAD, AVERILLS CHEMICAL PAINT. PUMPS AND WATER DRAWERS. CLOTHES WRINGERS, ICE CHESTS, Ice Cream Freezers, COEN CRADLES POTATO HOOKS. Aud an almost Endless Variety ol Goods usually kept bv Hardware Dealers, which are offered at Prices to Suit the Times. Call in and see for yourselves. August. 18. 1875 364-tf. OLD STORE BUT New Goods. Musser & Parker NO. 2 ETNA SLOCK. Are in receipt ofone of the largest and most complete stocks ol Spring S; Summer Goods, ever hi ought to this market, cmbrariug Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres, SUITINGS & VESTINGS iDreat variety, HATS AND CAPS, Of the latest styles and best quality. Gents' Furnishing Goods Oftdl kinds. In facteverythlng tocomplete GENTLEMEN'S TOILETS. Custom "Work! MR. MUSSKIt has had many years experience in the Tailoring business, amtfritl give partic ular attention to the cutting ami making up 01 garments lor customers, and we ftel confident of our ability to give enure sausiaeiion to ai those who favor us with their patronage, Iteinember the Place, JXO. 8, ETNA BLOCK MUSSER & PARlvEl! I would announce to tne people ol'Kavcnna and vicinity that I have opened an office in Swift's bui.'ding, over the Jewelry Store oi Wait. Dewey .t Vo. represent the following sound and reliable Insurance Companies : Cooper, of Dayton, O., F., M. & M, of Hamilton, O., Jefferson, of Steuben ville, O., Ohio, of Dayton, O., Lycoming, Muncy, Pa., Mut'L Buckeye, Shelby, O., Mutual. W. Ij. coolman. Ravenna. March 30. 11-75. 344tf LIVE ICY, Salo and Boarding SiaTile. Ri 13. WITTER Would respectfully Informal in want of a first class Livery outfit, thaOie is now prepared to furnish thrrm the same, on reasonable terms. Passengers, conveyed toauy partof the coun try. Particular attention given to Hoarding horses by tho feed, ilay, week or month. Also, will attend to the purchase aud sale of horses for customers. Stables on Chestnut Street, North of Empire Uuililing. Itaveima. ' lstli. 417 C, S. CO I "I' Kit, II. W, BARRETT COTTER & BARRETT GOliI) AND SIL.VEK ELECTRO-PLATERS, Friizrr'N Block, Main Street. Tea Sets, Tea and Table Knives, Koi ks, !?pcons Watch -Casus ami Chains, ami all ulnar arti cles of metal plated with sisiii.K. ior bi.k ok TRIM,! plate, w itli either, Uold or Mirer, old Rood He plated ami mad as good a-s new. All won warrant ed. ApiilH. 1S7I-HH 4V.-3IUO. Ill PLAIN AND FANCY Job Printing. TheQemocraticPress Job Department, REEDS' NEW BLOCK, Is supplied with the latest styles of Types and excellent Machinery, which enables ue to execute all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY job priitthtg, WITH SEATNK5S AND DESPATCH, TERMS: Living Prices, and Equal Jus tice and Courtesy to all. rhose wanting work in onrlinearerespectfullj Invited to.irive ns a call FOR SALE J have foi sale a good, second hand Stationary or Portable 12 Horse rower Engine, with Boil er. It. J. WELLS. Ravenna, April SO. 1S7I. 453-tf M. C KENNEDY & 00., (Successors to T. M. Jones,) MOlirTTMBliTTAL GRANITE! MARBLE WORKS IMPORTERS OF THE CELEBRATED Scotch American Granite. Foreign and Domestic Marbles. furnished in every style ol" the Monumental All. . Pi iscs lower than elsewhere n hi country, for nmc class cl' worl;. ot Main Mie.'t, ( Qbfrositc tin: htna HoiiH.i January 3. ISJ. 436 avenna. O LEXINGTON HOUSE, A1TDIE,! Will been throngtl this Kail season as fid lews: Mondays and Tuesdays, at Xewtou Falls. THURSDAY'S, at Kent. The b;iiaii''o of tbe tinii at my place, two mile- East of Kaveoaa Village Raven n;t, c:-t. si. 1S77. J. U. CHRISTY. Having sold my v;iter privilege, 1 wish to sell mv Saw Mill Oearfaje Whee1 tl all. irju , for Muly Saw. Everything 0rst-clSad all iu tfOOti l nulling orilcr." Also, a Hall Shingle Machine, AND Merrill's Lath Machine, all d, and in running order. J. R. MACHAMER. Now Baltimore, Stark Co.. Ohio. Mav 10,1877- 4.V. PALMYRA Meat Market! PKTEB HUGLI j Would inform Hie people of Palmyra and vi I cinits . that be is prepared to furnish them wilh I Fresh Meats of all and the best kinds, such as Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, at all lion rs ol the day from five o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock evening. Market south-east corner of public q lare. None but n rst class animals slaughtered. f uluiir.i, August S3, ltTJ. 470 MM I Si merts & Manufae Fine Carriages. TP A TTTiwia- a nxxTn 838 L, W". Stock will, P.B. KMaPF, B.J. WKLL8. A. B. GKTFFIK, M. V. Kino. U. M. SOMKBVILLH ! Manufacturing & Repair Shop. STOCK WELL,, GRIFFIN & CO., Manufacturers of Stockwell's Patent Combined BOLT CUTTO & MOT TAPPING -kt a ottt-kttti WITH SELF-OILER AND ADJUSTIBI.E SELF -CENTERING DIES. ' xD19 JftlaCmnv IS IDC ucamim luusn ounmni . - Z. tklr. onuntKTt or sue purpose rasouiaciurai m " j It was awarded tbe first premium at the North ern Ohie Fair, by a committee consisting of W W , r . ami in. auKr nici;iiiui-u -.u. w - . n n tit - u.ArinnAlonil Tnt Wfirtt Cleveland O., and is pronounced bv competent Repairing and Custom "Work. We are nrenared to do all kinds of Repairing f engines and other machinery promptly and m the best manner. va.veah n,v ctiir minnsite the Hub ft Felce Rayenna, Oct. 1. 18TS. 1-J e el, to E. P. Braiiierd & Son, No. 3, Plienix Block, are Headqua, PAINTS & OILS. A Manufacturer Boots and Shoes, And Itealcr in LEATHER AND FINDINGS First National Bank Block Main St. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment FIRST CLASS WORK and of the latest styles. Custom Work a Specialty done in a neat and workmanlike manner. Pricct as Keaaonable BBf tmer Monte in the County. By doing none but Hist class work. Rr d keep ing nothing but the best and latest styles ol Goods, and nv fair dealing witb all, I hope to rec.ei re a liberal share ol the patronage of the public. P. CLARK. ltavenna. March 20. 1877 -iy -AN U- CONFECTIONERY! M. RUFFLiE Still carries on the business of Raking and Con-icctiouei-y at the old stand. Iu Opera Bloelt, where inav be found everything usually kept in like establishments, and of the best qualities which will be sold at tbe Lowest Living Prices! gap ttsaata, Jlotirtlina JIouscS and- aryr etatMer liberally droit iri'h. Confectioneries are mostly of my own manufacture, and will always be found Mure.nd fresh, and of the Beat Quality BjjyOive me a call, and satisfy yourselves, WM. KUFFLB. Ravenna, June 15. 1878. 407 OPEBA HOUSE Billiard Parlor. Adjoining; Reeda' Opera Bouse, RAVENNA, OHIO, Come one. co3e all. A. KERNAN". Prop'r Ravenna. Ji ne S3. 1815. TiCJrT1T3i"D PBiKTINd neatly eouf X Uo A. Tm f ui a at this anui, RIDDLE turers or A, OHIO. RAVEXN1 STBAM SAW MILL BIEN & KING. Manufacturers and Dealer In Hard Wood Lumber Near A. & G. W. K. R. Depot. RAVENNA, OHIO. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. 'e propose to jrive strict attention la lmsiness 1 squarely with all, and to merit n literal rus- All nnlfti-c n T T if.... . ... . . torn - dius., win receive as prompt attention as if lei t at the Aim. Mlkin itrnof u nn r ... . ' Ravenna, Aug. 20, 1872. 209-Cin. NOTICE. All liei-sona havimr Tinre . ikL, urn (left in the Kellogg Administration) are re quested to call at once and identify the same. BXKH A KJKG. A. G-. MASON. AT No. 4, Reed's Block, Ravenna With a full and complete assortment of Bergman Zephyrs! in every Shade and Color, in quantities to suit. ui ahu txiaist, it is tne only full assortment ever offered in Rayenna. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, OTTOMANS, e Perforated Paper, Java "Waffle and Panama Canvas, Embroidery, Filling, Saddlers and Sewing bmk, in every nnaue ana color. A full assortment of Silk, Worsted aud Cotton ? EMBROIDERY BRAID in Plain and Fancy Colors, A most complete assortment of EMBROIDERY PATTERNS. Consisting of Beautiful Mottoes. Initial Letters of all sizes. Wreaths and Flow ers for Slippers and Ottomans, Chair Tidies, Lamp Mats, etc., in Plain and Ornamental Colors. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES For Howe. Singer. Weed. American, Florence, Domestic, wneeiera mison, w ucox uiubs, Wilson, and DAVIS, MACHINE SEWING of All Kinds Solicited. We make a specialty of Machine Hkaidikq Owing to the peculiarity of the DA Vis .-ewing Macnine. we can execute tne most dinicult pat terns in a perfect manner. The nublic are re&nectiiillv invited to call Mid examine my goods, and all that contemplate cue purvnnec wi ctwme juuemncs. we asa in m to take a DAVIS and give it a trial. The Davis possesses merits of which no other machine can boast, and all we ask is a fair trial, and if the New Davis falls to do as represented, we wil take It away and pay you for your Double and house rent. . Send tor samples of Work and ( lrcnlar. ttfi"" Aeencj ot Mme. Demokest'8 Reliable Patterns. Send for Illustrated Catalogue which is mailed free to all. Call on or address A. G. MASON, Ravenna, Ohio. Oct. si. 1874. saa-tf. WHEAT WANTED, At Atlantic Hills NEAR A. O. W. II Y. DEPOT. rjlHE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Will be paid in Cash, for any quantity of good Wheat, delivered at our Mills. We keep constantly on hand the best quality of Flour. Also. Ilriin anil Miiiillinjrs bv the ton or hundred. 37 IvINU llltO'S & CO. JAMES FRANCE, JR eal Estate Agency. Earl Block, Main street, Kent. i mo Ollice with Rockwell Xokkis, Attorneys at Law. Gives prompt at enriun to buying, selling renting, collecting titles, paying iiixei-. c A-, so. loans negotiuteil and lilies iiivc-tijr;i;cl. Kent, Mat 3,1816. 401 ly FOR SALE OR RENT ! A HOUSE and two acres of land on South Prospect Street, havenna. Uooil Emit, Well and Cistern Water on the premises. All n good order. For terms, apply to Mr Klisha B RICH AM. P. P. GARRETT. Ravenna, March 31,1870. HOUSE PAINTING! C. W. RHODES Is prepared todo all job? iu th line onse fainting in a neat and workiut. ilikc nncr and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to him (I NEW MIL EultD, Port AO k Co., Ohio, will rt ceiveprom Attention. SVM-ll' jpARSON'S RESTAURANT, WHEELER'S BUILDING, Main Street, KAVEKNa, O Warm Meals, Hot Tea aud Coffee, Oysters il n j lesircd style, at all seasonable hours jtosss pJmsoira: Havenna. Dec. SO. 1:71 . 17S-tf Blacksmithing. BK HOOSIVC.KK continues the business of Ulacktmitliing iu all its branches, at the old stand, on the alley east of Court House Park. Special atten i ion paid to Horse-shoeing. Ravenna. Oct. S3. 1876. 426-tf To Blacksmiths. I have a quantity of N"o. 1 Plossburg' Coal for sale. T. M. JONES. R.ivenna.'May 1j,1P77. 455-3m Coal Office! PERSONS wanting Coal will be accommo dated by leaving their orders at tbe tiro eery Store of Parsons a KISDON, oral my Li v. ery Stable, north otFirst National I!;ink Ravenna. Ml 15. 877. QKO. FOB to. For Sale. (1,000 in interest boaring notes, seemed by mortgage An excellent farm of 160 acres in Portage Co., very cheap Four line Building Lots ou Main St. iu Raven na Village. Several Houses and Lots in Ravenna Village. 500 on proerty near Pa&lieSqnare, Varmint. $1.000 011 property worth f.: ikh: Orst luoriyagw. is.500on property worth (,10,000; first mortgage. Enquire ox 1. U. A M VY. PI I ELI'S, 449 Attorneys