MORNING LEADEK. PUBLISHED BY COWLES & CO. TCESDAY MOatMXt.. JI NK li, PLAIN AND ORNAMKNTAL PKINllKU. ry Pl.iO attd O -.-.TWeulal ViUilMi M dn-Ttpt done at to Pr.ntliui Latidjli.hment 0. In. Leader Ofo-c. a : tno Ulest lapr JJ ad .least v-rem-, i: !' " heat .lyla, oa snort usiite. ud at isAn.4t.e nlea. rar- .a slar susniloa iiud t. tian wurk.. L'.etT u. s.-Tinli-..w ol Bin.l.ui:ton.eneeitlT Hl.i.k Ha., Leufarv, S ilc K Kikk. Becciem. Books hi . Cleveland Post Office. dispense is over at last. A private Jts patch from Washington yesierdav announce:J the confirmation of B. HtiaiacrroK, Eq , mi Saturday. A good aJmiuastratiort of the Cleve land Post Office may soon be anticipated, a "consummation devoutly wished for" by the people. Congressional Proceedings. The Indiana contested election case wai -potcd of in the Senate on the lith, by a vote sustaining the rep-nt of the Judiciary Commit tee that Messrs. Brijltt and Fitch are entitled to their seat. Tlie debate was a pro-traded one, Messrs.. Cotlauser, Wade, Hale, Ilanilin, Trumbull and Douglas in opposition to the sit ting uicmliers, and Messrs. Tugh, Green, Se bastian and Toomba in support of the report of the Committee. The outrage was cousum nratrxl by party drill. Notwithstanding the President in hia Utah message prated of economy, at hia instance the Ilouae increased the (15,000,000 loan bill from the Senate to $20,000,000, and pawed it. The Senate agreed to the amendment. To further cirry out the President's notions of economy, both Houses passed a bill to provide for the couatraction of seven sloops of war and a aide wheel war steamer r the China seas, all on ' borrowed capital," of course. The Democrats in the Senate passed a bill inrreaiing the rata of postage from three to five centa, but tlie House refused ta ennenr. Such are the straits of the Government for funds, that we shall not be surprised to hear that the bill became a law before final adjournment. On the 12th the President sent a message to Con gress requesting a postponement of the lime oi adjournment. The prccsing wants ot the Treasury the assigned reason. Floods—Floods—Everywhere. We coniu fill our paper this morning with the details of floods by the List mail. All the tributaries of the Iississiiii from the Rocky Mountains to the AUeghenics are booming with fie most rcinarkaiilc of Juno frosbcls. The Father of Waters himself had perfectly submerg- ed the levee at Ht. faiuis on the 1 ith, and on the floors of some of the stores the water wi from one to two teet deep. liiinoistown, oppo- sito, was entirely under water, and the great American Bottom was generally inundated. Cah iia, an old Frecch town below St. Louis, was completely submerged, and the distressed inhabitants were brought up to St. Louis by a . teainor sent down to their rescue. .. Above St Louis the towns of Alexandria, Marion City, La Grange, Canton, and other p'acea on both sides of the river were surround ed by water, and moch damage had been sns tained. , The Minaouri River ts also having a fearful overflow, and the rains had fallen almost . incessantly for a work. ' The Upper llississip , pi was Tory high, and rising from. St. Paul down. At the last account the Illinois river was about stationary at Naples, with 2 feet of water in the town. The Lower Mississippi was rising as far op as Cairo, and another crevasse bad oceurrcd above Prentiss, Hiss., and it was feared much damage would be d me to plants tions below that point. Fears were also enUr of Cairo is accessible only by water. The floods have rendered the trestle work on the I. C. Road as unsafe that it will take several weeks to re pair the road so as to admit the passage of trains into Cairo. ; The destruction of property in the valley of tha Wabash Civer is immense. At La Fayette so the li til the Wabash up to the eaves of the houses on the flats, being four feet higher than at tho last rise, and nearly up to the Kurht of the rise of 1844. The Wabash Courier says the River is three feet higher thai ev.r known 'before " All the low grounds are covered, and the inhabitants driven out. In many place the river is three miles wide, and the Wabash and Erie Canal has sustained great damage. The White River at Indianapolis on the 13ih was higher than before this year, and was within si foot of the great flood of 1S47. Much dam age was done. Gulich and Tweed's butcher ing establishment was undermined. Their loss 4,000. Soss oi tha streets of . Indianapolis were flooded. The Great Miami at Dayton rose to within a soot or two of the high water mark of 1847. The water broke across the pike and flooded the town of McPherson. The ievec buiK to protect the town was washed away in many places, and the people had to move or take refuge in second stories. Above Dayton a great portion of tha country along the river is covered with water, aai the flat about Troy and Piqua are converted into lakes. . . , -- Tha Scioto at Columbus on the 13th pre sented tha appearance of a respectable lake, the bottom lands being submerged trout bank to bank. ' '- The damage done to the Ohio Canal between Chillieothe and Portsmouth is so extensive that the Advertiser supposes it cannot be repaired for the resumption of navigation before the 15th of July, t . , i ' The Muskingum river is up la the If 47 hijh water, and the injuries to the Central Ohio Railroad have much interrupted the running of trains upon rt The Ohio at Cincinnati on tha 1 3th was iall ng slightly, though boata arrived from below report that it was swelling all tha way np. It was alas reported that the Levee at Cairo had given way, and that tlie town was inundated. At rtasburga oa Saturday the riven were tur bid and swelling, and the raiaa still falling. The rains in New York were very heavy ; many of the store cellars along South and West streets being flooded with water over two feet deP- . Floods—Floods—Everywhere. More of the Floods--Cairo Destroyed The damage done by tha storm and flood at Baltimore oa Saturday was very severe, and three lives were lost Saturday afternoon a crevasse opened on the Mississippi tide ot the town of Cairo, through J which the water poured at a (earful rale, filling I op the whole space between tha levees and ran- j ding over tha embankment on the Ohio river j side. About a thousand feet of the Illinois Central Railroad was washed away. The left wing of the new Hotel fell aasunder, and the balance it was expected would fall during the night Nearly all the houses were tumbling down, drifting away, or sinking. Scarcely a buildiog in the city is expected to withstand the flood. The water was two and a half feet deep in the second story of the Tvylor House at tha date of the despatch, and still rising rap ally. Mound City was also in danger of being overflowed. to (7 The despatch that the Mormons have deceived Gov. Camming and are bent ton war, somes from the Army and not from Got. C. Floods—Floods—Everywhere. More of the Floods--Cairo Destroyed Steamboat Explosion--100 Lives Lost. A de natch bom Memphis the 14th, brings the shocking intelligence that the steamboat Penn sylvania exploded her boilers Sunday morning at 6 o'clock at Ship Island, seventy niiks below Memphis, and burned to the water's edge. There ere about 350 passengers on board, and it is believed 100 are killed or missing. The steam ers Diana, Imperial, and Frisbee took all the persons they eould find in the water on shore. Among the lost were Father Dcleros", Mrs. Witt and daughter, Foster Hunt, N. A J. Baut schen, and Dermis Corcoran, of New Orleans. Among the saved, Mrs. Fournier of the French Opera Troupe, Sisters Caroline and Mary Ellen of the Orleans Convent, and C. McCarthy of New Orleans, Xavier Kauch and L. Vela ol the French Opera Troupe. Injured, Fcrant Jones, A. Bali, John Mai.ny, and Francis Pratt of New Orleaoa. Laras. The Peonsylvanii was owned in Pittsburgh. The Captain, second and third Clerk, aud chief enjineer were saved. Lost as fir as known: Jos-'ph Pilan, Texas; Mrs. Witt and daughter, Mrs. Fulton, St Louis; E. Gleason, N. Y.; H. B. Nichols, Texas; Mr. Sackcy, Mississippi; Mr. Linter, John Sinkborm, James Bowles Jas. Burns. Via Woodford, all of Louisville; Lewis J. B!akiC. Genoras, and an English gentleman from Cuoa who has a sister near Burlington, III. Passengers injured: Henry Clements, St. Louis; and Third Clerk. The following are scaUed Wm. Willis, N. J.; Mat Kelly, St. Louis; Samuel Marks, Pachas Stone, Nashville; Daniel Jife, Keokuk; Samuel Woods, Second Clerk. The following are slightly scalded: Andrew Lindser, Cincinnati; Wm. Woods, George Bo laver, Vittsbnrgh, Pa ; Isaac Wester, Stirk co Ohio; Kobe Brotherton, Columbus, Ohio; Jas. MeCormick,CptR. Backus, li.Y.; Cbas. Ashbrook, St. Louie; Capt. i. W. Fairfield, Boston; Henry Shaltx, Matthew Commafore, Ht. Louis; officers of tie Pennsylvania Capt. Kleinfelter, uninjur!; S. A. Woods, Sd clerk, sliiitillv iniured: Henry Clements, of St. Louis, 3d clerk, severely scalded; James Dorris, chief engineer, escaped; trances tloma, 2d engineer, ileatl; Abner Martin, first mate, danverous; 2d mate, name unknown, badly scalded; Wm. Jackfton, Lexington, bar-keeper, slightly scald ed; Pilot Brown, missing; Henry Eiler, saved, of St Louis. The boat was on br way from New Orleans to St. Louie. Was owned by Capt Kleinfelter, Geo. Black k Co., and the two engineers. Uninjnred and saved Isaac P. Tice, Balti more; Mrs. Brotherton and son, Ohio; H. A. Sueod, Ya.; J. P. Woolen, Ky.; A. L. Bart lett, wife and child, N. Y ; A. Marks and lady, W. G. Menham. .Udv d thihl. St- Louis; K. K. Yonng, Louisville; Thompson, it H. man of N. Y.; John II. Oreighton, fepnnguew, u Record of Deaths. Dr. Thomas Brcnnan, a graduate of Cincin nati Medical Collrga in 1855, died at Dayton on the 10th inst, aged 5. Dr. B- was a young man of much promise. In Montreal, on the Glh inst , Mr. Thomas Duncan, aged 69 years. Mr. D. was distinguished as tha teacher of the Bethel School established by Rev. T. Osgood. Mrs. Mary Elliot Williams dicj at Clinton, N. Y-. last week, aged 8X Mrs. W. iras a de scendant of the fifth generation from the Rev. John Elliot, the famous Massachusetts '.' Apos tle to the Induvru." Guy Morrison, Esq., of Colliusville, Illinois, died from injurifi received it attempting to get on the cars, on the 7th. He was a very old citizen of Illinois, and pos sessed great wealth probably as great as any man in the Stale Hon. Leman Gibba, a highly esteemed citizen of Livingston sounty. S. Y., died at Livonia List week. He was one of lbs earliest settlers, and had reaohed the age of 70 years. Mr. John Williams, one of the first persons who settled in the town of Me Connclsville, Ohio, died a CjW days since at the great age of 92 years. The Bon. Mr. Soat- ' esfnuTTse.iifeJ Tasi' week after a long illness. Mr. A lor Tabor, an old and distin guished citizen of Albany, died on Thursday. He ranked for many years among the ablest lawyers of Kew xorlt.acd lormcny representee: the Albany district iu the Legislature The Rev. William Wylie, D. D., one of the most active and useful of I lie early Presbyterian min isters in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, died at Wheeling a short time since at the aJvanc.d age of 85 years. The Gaboon Mission, Alrica, is in eircqmstanees of deep aoliction. In missionaries, Mr. Jlerrick and Dr. Ford, died after brief sickness, last winter. The wives f both were in he United States, on account of feeble health. The Hon. Geo at. Thatcher, a distinguished merchant of Bos ton, died on TVdy. Several years ago Mr. 1". received the appointment of Danish Consul, and subac qurntly toe honor of Knighthood was conferred upon him by the King of Denmark. Hon. James Riahardson, of pedham. Mass , Jied on Monday, aged 9. lie was a graduate of Harvard, a law partner of ri'bsr Ames, and a Federalist Senaor in the State Legisla tor, hail a century ago. Dr. Nicholas T. MarhalL a well known and able proressor in the Medical College of Ohio, lata of Cincinnati, died last week, fie was a wan of is tense men ial activity, and tha immediate eanse of bis death waa the rupture of a blood vessel of the brain. Tender Mercies of Slavery. Five slaves recently attempted to escape from servitude at Petersburg, Yiginia, in the schoon er Keziab, Capt. Wm. Bay Us, af Bran J) wine, Delaware. Some of the negroes being missed a steamer was sent in pursuit of the vessel, and she was brought Lack to Petersburg, the ne groes oa board and Capt Bylcs and the Mate SinipLins under arrest The woman was Land concealed m the midst of a lot of bacon under the cabin floor, and tha (out men secretrd in tha cargo of wheat When the prisoners were land ed the mob a: tempted to lynch them, and the threatened violence was arrested with much dif ficulty. Capt Baylis was triad in the Circuit Court on the 10th, and was sentenced by Judge Nash to tha Penitentiary for forty years, for tha terrible crime of aiding bis fellow-men in esca ping from life-long servitude. Simpkins, the mate, will probably share tb same rate. The humane laws of Virginia not only con fiscate the vessel on which slaves attempt to es cape, bnt subject tha Captain and Mate to fines of tMO each, and imprisonment from three to ten yrars Mi each indktmeat Capt Baylis was sentenced for eight years each on (our in dietmenm.' He is about 45, and Sioipkiua 35. Both have families, and belong to Wilmington, Delaware. as Court Matters In Geauga We learn by the Chard on Dtmocrtt that ths case of lairam Cole for poisoning his wife, will pmlisbly commence in Ashtabula county on the fourth Monday of June, by consent of both par ties. ATm. Heed was fined 120 and costs and sent jail ten days, for selling liquor. The case of Bos Icy for same offence continued to next term. Geauga has entered the lifts as the rival of Lorain in divorcee. In the ease of C. A. Kel loirg and wife, the latter being complainant, adultery was proved against both parties, and Judge Wilder dumissed the petition. Ia ths case of Mrs. AUrich against Dr. J. A. Aldrich, tried at a former term, dismissed tor want of jurisdiction. Russell Doty vs. Mrs. Doty, di vorce granted. Mary Lara bee vs. Seneca Lara bee, dismissed. Charlotte Hobday vs. John Hobdiy, eon Lin tied. if of Float Texas. Wa bad the pleasure yester day of meeting Judge Bliss in the city, who rpent the past winter very agreeably ia South Western Texas. Ha looks bale aa a Texan ranger, and reports the country and climate delightfully pleasant. All that is war ted to make a great eoontry of Texas is people and of tha right stamp. ia of The Massacre of Free Slate Men In Kansas We Dubliahed some days ago a harrowing and well-attested account of tha brutal murders perpetrated in Kansas by Hamilton and his pro- slavery ruffians. The account, almost aoo in credible for belief, has been verified by state menta of eye-witnesses and by persons wh.0 ob tained the facta from the surviving victims; and we publish this morning portions of a letter from Dr. W. B. CsarurrKS, formerly of Dela ware, Ohio, a graduate of the Homeopathie Medical College of this city, and known to many here as an intelligent gentleman of truth and candor, confirming the intelligence and all its barbarisms. The letter of Dr. C. was ad dressed to his parents, and was not intended for publication. We extract as follows: Twin Savings, May 30, 1858. The whole country was thrown into conster nation about ten or twelve days ago by the cool and murderous shooting of eleven of tho Free State setthrs.who live 10 miles below here, near the State line. It was done by a band of ruthless villains, who were headeJ by one Hamilton, a notorious character of 1866. He had 27 men, and they crept upon the inhabi tants unawares and took the men prisoners from their work, and marched them to a deep ravine in the neighborhood, and then sent a Company of four to take a blacksmith living near. Hamilton led his horse up to the door and called out " Suyder, hero is a man wants to fee you." Mr. Snyder stepped from his anvil to the dojr, but upon his seeing other men with Ham ilton he sprang back for his gun, and said "There's not enough of you to take me." Hamilton leveled his gun and sail, "I've a good mind to fire" l-ut ere he eould do so the blacksmith leveled his to fire. This caused Haadilton to spring around his horse, wiijeh saved him, the horse receiving his load; but Hamilton lost his blanket, which was found and contained six buckshot holes in it- A ,e" more shots were fired by tlie smith and his two boys. His caps gave out and he took to brash, 'and the murderers fled back to where their prisoners were. They then ordered them all down into the ravine, and the ruffians alter three orders shot them down. Five fell dead, four fell wounded, one through the chest, one down the hack, one in the cheek and hand (which waa up to his mouth,) and one id the arm, isith a bbatpe's rifle. Two fell without a wound, but one waa observed to breathe and was shot with a pistol near the ear, the ball glancing through into the month. So one out of the eleven came oil uuliurt. The monsters not content with murder' ng the poor creatures, kicked and stamped them Uftun their bodies, and in their faces were the marks ot! the nails in the heeis pf their boots where they had tramped the poor victims after death. J visited the wounded twice and tailed with them. Some told me they had been ahot by tbiiir nearest neighbors; some, however, were strangers in the neighborhood. One man from Sugar Mound wu oa his way to Kansas pity for a load of goods, with $200 by hint. He was stopped in the road and asked his politics. Alter saying; a free State man, they took him prisoner and hi best horse, marched nim off, and leit his wagoo on the prairie. He slipped his money into the hay in the wagon, and they did not get it One young man was a clerk, sd his money was buried. They did not get that The villains Lave not been heart of since, only by report hardly reliable. We have been in anus ever since the same ni'lit of the mur der, until within a few days past. We guard the fords every night now. The citizens took arm and uiarHhnJ to the Missouri Suite line, and demanded the murderers to ba given op, and tlie people were willing and anil. ;s that they should ha brought to justice, for inhabi tants were fleeing from ths fne bark into the state ami leaving the whole country ueserted. They hTfo wrw jiot willing to allow an i"?ii8iij evSS4 aJiVritKin 'lie banOs af their officers they would do their beat to bring liieni to justice. It has been reported that Hamilton is in West- port, and thath: has told his story there, stating that the abolitionists drove him out of Kansas; and that gettin? a few armed men there to tome back with him he came in for his property .when ha fell aa ambu.h where he was tired oa by the abolitionists and teturniiig fire ki led 13 men A preltv storv. Some months ago a small band of men (sufferers of '68 at the bands of Border KtUUaiis.) commenced to order out pro-slavery men, especially those who were notorious in 56, really no others. They went to them and told them tie drove pfl free State men and took their oi .ims and got the timber aid best lands, and now in turn they must leave as they should not live here, never. Wei), sometimes tls-y would lake a horse or two, but always returned them after a time. They hnrt no one, not or dered these pro-slavery nifliana of '56 to leave. This company w;s made np mostly of young men wbose miners aud uroiitcr were muraereu in I85S. some who wen abused and made bee gars, and one man (and perhaps a son) whose wile was talLSB to tljs rutpan camp and brutally abused, since watch time she Las been a maniac This ia their course in seeking revenge, istthey hart no one. The clerk Hamilton shot was shot because he allowed this Montgomery to sleep in soma empty buildings one or two nights with his hoy t . a2ontgOb,ery U; doy us s vreat wrong; but yet he never has roully and delib erately snot down innocent men. Hamilton has been moving his (roods all win ter, asd has moved bis family to Kansas City. lie made his brags that lie picked out that spot months ago to shoot those men, so thai be co doifbt intended to commit the murders any how. Put he was frustrated in getting as many men aa he at rust vaate4. fee there are two more pitches he nicaua to tousle, aud thei. be w pntng to Anzoua. Two of the wounded have gone to visit h Go.eroor What the result will be I dont know. This ia tha aiim aud substance of tha whole thing. We are all quiet aad at wprk again, but still in dread that this desperado may sup in on us again ere be ia arrested, and we well know it is certain death to any ana who may fall into his hands. Wfl go armed most of the time, though I think there is aa danger. These st itements are true, no matter what else you inav hear, I have seen the dead and wound ed, took np arms ia our defence, was out three days and Bights the tlrst time, and nana Kept ruard manv niehta since: saw the place where the victims were shot, know one of tba dead nun parsoballjf, the man from Sagar Mound, Wm. A. SullwelL, and reamed al the partien. bus from the lips of the sufferers themtcivee. Excellent Resolves. The distinguished fciiwr of (he Louisville Journal, we sea it stated, has enrolled himself a meniher of the Sons of Temperance. Ha joined on the evening of the 27th ult, and made some very touching remarks upon his past life, his resolves fur the future. Wc are also gratified to record that one af the most gifted editors in this State, a aura of massive intellect, fitted by education anil com manding talents ts hoaor tha press, the forum, and ofSoial station, has abaniloncd the nse of ardent spirits entirely, and has of late delivered some very effective temperance ad J res-see. May our friends keep sacredly the total ab stinence pledge, tha best check man caa put npon growing appetite, and a safeguard, which, unbroken, grows stronger with years; Their precepts and examples will exert a wide asul healthful inflnenre We gladly extend a eold water right and left hand to both. , - m tU -Ll Fkesks or Ijohthiho. An unusual number casualties by lightning have eeenrred during the late rainy season. In the vicinity of Do rr jit, on ths farm of Mr. Lapland, a large tree was shivered Thursday night, and four valua ble horses were killed by tlie lash, and very strangely piled in a heap upon each other. An other horse was wounded, and several scorched but not seriously injured. Therewere some 30 the pasture. ' ' j CotacwsacB. Tha fool weather dried up" yesterday, and so did Gray's billingsgate abuse ths LfAtr! V The Camp of the vigil once Committee. Tha Kew Orleans papers down to the 6th art filled witS the details of tha Revolution, the substance of which was given from day to day by telegraph. The Dt of the 6lh,thus speaks of Fort Vigilance and the men who garrisoned it: No one cut look into Fort Y'gilanee even for the moment of a casual glance, without tha conviction that its nrrison are men aetini? un- doty, the narrow bourJa occupied by twelve hundred men, unaccustomed to the novelty of suchcircumstances.are still as a church. No jest or laoghter is heard, and tha only sounds which disturb the quiet of the camp are the tramp of armed men, and the voices of tha o dicers giv ing the drill commands to the companies they are constantly exercising in the use of these arms Old gray-haired men gentlemen ol wealth and standing in the community maybe seen suinuiag quicuj up io wsansouie sentinel duty, or going through the drill alongside of their younger compatriots young eeutlsmen, many of them, of the first families of the cily. A lina of bayonets gleams above every barri cade, and artillerymen stand at the pieces, which command all approaches to the camp Their position may be eons idered impregnable, for one tenth of the men with which rt is gar risoned eould defend it against any force which eould be brought against it such is tha disno lition of the txjildicgi which leave the streets and alleys, so that an annihilating erosa-fire would sweep down all enemies advancing. Twelve hundred men bold the place, and at the alarm signal two thousand more would rush to duty, and pour through the streets of the city to the rendexvous in concentrating masses, each member armed with the fearful weapons of as sassius bowie knife and revolver which Ihe doingapf assassins have forced into the hands of honest men for self defence. Old H.ckory, in bronze, the glrrioua standard of Ihe patriotic Vigilant, rides rampant over their camp, and with bared blade waves them on t the dis charge of their duty, to be administered with as unyielding steadiness as rhartriariaed the Hero of Chaimctte In life, and firmly as his statue stands among them. The McAgley Question Portsmouth Daily Tribune of June 9th, gives the following under the data of Widijxsday Mobmik. 7 o'clock The Bos tona has arrived, and we learn the following re ticulars from her officers: On the way down, a eitizen wa about to bet 1200 with a passenger that the man he wis ac companying to Cincinnati was Robert H. Me Auley. As ke was puttins ud tlie monev. his friend lleAuier" i,,cu -,,d Don't you bet!" At Quick s Kun, he observed that he hA ones had a law-suit there. A vountr man. son of Esq. Wyeoop, who got on the boat there, at ones le- eognlsed '!Me4ulcy' as a fellow who had been tried there before his father for horse-stealing. Before getting to Cincinnati, "McAuley" left the cabin and hid down on the deck; after re J?h ing the euy it was found that he lived there. and was known as William Mc Auley had been to CaUfornia,M Captain McLain learned from the man who came liack wjth. h:m. lie is con- siovro.1 inUtnctnn.tiasvnu-tin?ofa s'larper. w e are glad to know, as we do from this, that a woman does not fonret her husband i six yeirs' absence. This is a matter in which all married men should feel a deep interest, and in deed rejoice. Should anything else turn rip, we will cither stop the press or issue an extra. i'Mr. MeAuley" concluded to remain in Cin cinnati for a few dsvs. Re-Election of Senator Hale. The lion. Joh.v P. IIsli has been re-elected to the United States Senate. There was a mat amount of intrimiins: amooir tha uolit'-"'2,?-r???".'y,a''r,"'l':,m- u - I cians of New Hampshire to defea, him, but bis position was impregnab.'e. The New York i oil well remarks : Tha main siirni&canee of Mr. Hale's reelee- .1 . . . ... . , aua a. uiw .a gl.c hi sue pnocipw has proved eminently acceptable to their con- IstitaeriU. liy a psrrsrslon ol the doctrine ol llotuo the Northern States to dissaiswheir ser- of retaining those officers whose public course I u , .... . T, I rants just at the time when tlierr experience has enabled them to discharge tbcu duties with tlie greatest success and aJHcienay. Thi Bonis or Erasa Allk. Ths Ver monters are alout erecting a Monument to tha memory of Gea. Ethan Allen, and some Utile feeling was excited on the subject of the exact place in wkith his remains rest. A partial search at the supposed place did not disclose the bones, and i newspaper discussion arose as , , g .. - , . I totne place ot nia final mtcrmeuL The Bur-1 Ksskai P '!. B.k .1 44 I ""6 a. vi (saw w.aa bvjm 11X7 lUwHCf ejw im, I aa: - ... I i' " tnoreujniy removing tne - .1 . t . - .' . r ... I earkuio uy ite foundation ol the Monument, the boi.o of Gen. Allen tre found richt lie- ncathth, old ..mib stone. They we boxed op, and re-interred beneath the foundation. FaVLicw Cosllesoko. The wonderful cliess plafor. Paulsen, of Dubuque, is sow playing ten ganes blindfolded W)th tea of the best chess ma in St. Louis. Mr. Braunhard, a very skillful arateur.of Indianapolis, has challenged Paulsen t a aaateh of tuirtae-u oa I -:i.. , " :. board. nmes, etl er br corresnondenee or across the I - ms. u uinu l uemuo. I MARRIED. C Ia Mo.!, III. Ju.. JJ Mr, L B BOOK sad X its Xt. H AO AB. butti : HoJiUborrh. ta Anharn J t. Dort. C. H PARKY, at AlleCaa. Mich .kWlIri, iu, TS. uf Aak.ra. DIED. Appetite and Strength Restored. sajs: -Altov Sarins Swr4 senralf far savsra) dsr with s aaiat eirwonx snat of Dtarrban, I sercksaaj a koula of BC IkAHA V S HLLANO BITTERS- It fraduallf cksekaj Uat aaaaaas a raUorod my how. Is to per lee mr- af. Be;cn l kal l-iaedtho btxtla, I fuaud air apuwtits aadamajlh manual (!,. It wonk. of Isai-tarac. j - - . . -.Twana n a. nrn - - 7 "cm VDcrtiscmtnt5. CLEtELlSD IWOLEDO C1IL JtOAH SUS JSi NOTICB TO HUSEiGERS. T70R TIIE PR RENT, TRAINS t lea. C .iand atSaviai.slilPM aausF u . - 'r ,i ...i l. . ' . It Toluilu aaa CaicaAM. vtSonealk t of awaluavy. At 4 no 9 jt f.,r fori Cliuloa u : Jsw.14 nW-ianlS B.B. ritlOPS, fciisleailcat. BAYADIKR STHIE MOURNING h4L-A at. stack Uas a opes, d alia. juia.w aiSKHLK STORE. Tat IT. JJ-0TICK-T0 mj I"1 aa. GOUKY'S LADI: liOUK FOR JULY.. ... BrywA k Strailaa Aan-aa Mtrtvat lor Jusm . a 1aweotatklr jsart cm J'ranii. l!'Lsir. wilfc tmi atittattrfualiwi'l Milk KxiMaajav r- mm tvsmw wra wacaij - wutaa tc mt aa... ai ua r-t ui H ltra st. imt HA MS UBO, F0K OUDENSBUKN AND IM'rRM tll ATK PO.t , IM MwllrTsi Tr--wnill l imflitl ir.t Kti- t V Hill alukS sath Till ll 1 V r V k' kl I k. . ' JuttcUlh FaaaMnnr.tiukaci.ia iioja MtAaxraAi mtU lasc at a--a. a fr'n-utut ar Pa-Mf aof)' Ittva t0 CMMBfcMlIH.I wroRPa CO iaii& 1 1-4 VORTHFJiN TKA. POKfATlON CO. r th-.. Milmakia) aiiai IntKnntHliata PurU . loinar it ai Btl Nurtbuart Tit Prxx-IU-T UUCK E (uTiaar mtrmi- svcrtiaaijkoUii k,i i.g raa'nea'a, a sjaaa vm WiD- ao reirtvl mt P.atnca aprt it juil . iaJ CUAaVBkHUN. CR.-TORD ACO. Salt. Salt. Hit. ANEWARTICJ 1 allauon City Virfiia Salt. WniTER, PCrkEU AS BETTEE ll II nery waj fcr DAIHT AND TABLBK . ta aajyarticta awmr a5.fa4 ta ttlta Mt. Ji aai m fs and br mm HbJ ar m. mu utuj i k iu . Arrtn i(ianh?r obm. Mo. KM Rjvaf r tla I, Git. DAIRIMEN ! DA I KM EN! Y! svUsratitaa ia iMtiartCad la MAS)N HTT 1KO1.M A 8ALI. IU wluiaaMata uvrttf .- aataaiit aJaDtme it f rilairv aa oa ami (p-atla 4r-tl I m$m to ia .k.ll ai. A.J 1 y Brand rvu ,T wi'la An HOKN La6r CW H-ala ArtNOUlYCEMEIVT LfToSrf8101 & C0" HAVE TUlS DAY OPENED IN THEIR IV. 91 Marble Block, Superior Street, And an prvpirjd o eitu'Mt a eoaplrta i & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, I 1 1 ., siiii ik IL ri k a r n au. ViVT',. Tvf.'l.' J1"1" ,C i"Tr"h,l al" s"-t f-ioral: n,, fiw. T .. p . r. , , , .. ', ' , I?Zk l"?'!-. 0r!" "" TratciUs Then Good,, iiu,swu wcir;vsi ct ; a da. wor( Id ets, for 1J era. SILKS! SILK.S! FANCY SILK-i. sd liwnl tmj mo.t ot.1 fatten-, iocs it rMH p.- ,,( BLACK SILKS, Bischaff'seelsbrsted suke; Oil Boiled Oro de Khiss. guod ,aslilr, SI SO per rli. SHAWLS. I Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings, STELLA. BRJCHA. CASHMKUE. THIBET, CHAPE. 4c. te. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. A good tnortmaaruiou Luun, Line Shitting, Vanush, Napkuu, Doylcs, , tc .ani WHITE GOODS EMBROIDERIES. Emhroidcred Seltt, Mourning Sett, Sifutltn Collars, Frtnck Collar. LACES, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, 4c, 4c, 4e. DOMESTIC GOODS. A U'r vlx k, ta whica ws invita particular attest; )( gin deirnnt ion saicdbklLLaA.Nrs. I a aios asaoiiMsts Summer Stutt's for Cuts and Pants, Linen Drills and Pucks, Cloths, Cassimcrce and Testings. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, UIBB0S 3, T.KMhcr witk a lar;s lot at oihsr gtsxls too ameroas to BsrMhMu W"l JujV.. .'U '"""' J""-S (, our trl. , c .c to Old U.d. to .how. ou stuck MiElVIS, aCJr9.V af CG dku.twf MARBLE STORE. No. 91 SUPERIOR ST. nurd Notices, NOTICE TO CONTKAOTOKS. I fril" Will fee racrlinl at Ua OlScs ih ilw I K, I I ivil klKinrCT ol the f'lly C lr T la Mi,ul 10 juae ai, was, lor Miliums wsnm Wilaja Aisuua nil , , ... ..... , r.u, i)u 4UU wtHrr wiBeia. Plans :tbt sNirifK ii.iaK- in be. ,e-n and aorc part.cnlsr alonaaliua raa aeoGianaai at saai Eatlueer's utn .nsr lae nl ofCitTlm,-irirti-Bieiit larile ths fnbmii a at laannoi Uiafef4 or r Jed i!m mm. , Hj unlrr ol toe buaiu, ja.l? :w lil C. D blll(ll, I u, Cir.l Euireer. sOPAKTXKRSHIP TnE ir-,1... I V-' ih1 tin oureliatu It Stoll, r ha ealire etu-k o F"d-i"ed aiii nanm ,i j J Ho.-k a r mad pr;!:!:,, "Vf 1 ru"nJ"i isai iUcj will eaoeaar iu sias.i aai ui luur. tsmm ai a a. mi ne tbi tl-.v i.inaa. ... amrxlupu th LrixsM ot amim imm Who. suil xiui kty Ull .mil, (in n a,il Vv..A tMi-luva, wnU-rtUe Daw mna MTleff J. J. HOUi K at (O.-W WOOnd WIIUMT 7- -.hw rolTutwtv o, iiMbu ut oe.-d irtN ! m mMr hw tf la.irrMi. tv oi all who have th otruM of Hi old aV'XMir aUwi (.'tM-J .St4j. Ns. M QuLkl la. tk J J HoWl K. VAN PKI.T ( ClcvlaUiii1tiy1av4tlxa li5g. J. J. HOUCK k CO. . , TOTHKHCJBUP. 1 n-e tni da sola mveutira k V:mt ni . ...7 I wl" " 34 u,a ( several )iriit. i wiia .i!.urJ,ll,"n!,.Sr!?."f?.!''--.c' : u-laT. u v i Li i t- v ('krlaA. JtmeJtk.JK-nall:,rtn 1" 10 l V at J al.a rr'fM)tNts will bo TO'flUsnl u lUi.H.:r at itiCii.l CONTltAOTOKS. i . iTll kuctii-r. Ol Ihei'itv of iMawstUtM. nnru lit ..'..lW a Hi, rum im axiltnilhiai rja b( iwi tuul M.trs panim UT inhrTlrllllM (rtalainrit ml nui k' mi , -.. .v. 9th ins. ' Tim Bowd jf City f rarrws)UM.s.tai iQwttr the Mbnuoa oi btO. fmrt ume the, f lulu to accupt uc it-idct lUa Mmu By Ordcruf .U boaM, "VTOTICE W iLLlA.M K. ADAMS Hai k- as.i a, ar.ini.vuiu,! as l, ii.. anu Ilia. - will cuuu"i ' 'Trs'.inTra-vTT I stli m:n u khhivuton, i tan-aiHi jai.s: 11 aucvitjora e.iHias DrisMi ir,e uu.lrr.. .a-d It .Ma... ul -he Aaxuir H "-. la tin. d. SILAS I)I?ijpi.LiTION. The Purtntirhip I - wyw. w.wuua ".o uimnia:... in 1h- I iEia;HANT .n w; th. iisiaiiitosadcuiiact ilia t- tl uiias Slat. WILLIAM ROGERS, SI I. AS M KHI'HA .V I d0pwit WE WOULD INFORM rnunaana otaer parries wko ate rara- ''' ra pups, w .u, Muki ?S "aa aawta MW.sTwrwU at IMaf LMTBUI. JiiiM( ir iclLuw ill mi-ii-nr mdt-m baar .E3?",aVms uan is tse Draruce lor aaaia i..iil. ...... ... 'Itllst (in. Iroa ore ami mher artu-l.-. af M. - . ; -f J -" l". iiwini upon mta wlia.,1 tu tfc,- I V l.wrrnaieiil Pier is fk-tei iHl. uM,r a hc-naa .i.e. t1,!w I-''""""", a rrk Kail kuad ma- - ...r.,..o OCIMaU TVI UUI lU(-r.-fd, 1,01. 1-T BOtlkUl. tk.t mo tptxtf at auttiori'r tusnKuSxa .irtixl. ar iiu pll'dlj son to aij Juil M.wd C.snpua, to UV' cu.dS upn.u!dah.t.urkiiwiM .t....... .1 , . ... . . o, SMrrToked. All paroaa. wbu ill aa. aajil wlian or ai r pona-n i nera 4 for buxiue, pur.n. ar.r ths bl da. of Jsos, tsSK, willow tirx S4.uit aaiaon.r trm a.. m..H.-.eiaau, siuK-ra bpauluu; a Faraiwa. will ua sWaaad traauaaasra aud uealsj a. coiJiiKir ,a...v. ... vntv. .".v; .7:: w . - " 0-1 o 1 1 run wvul, 1 n aid ia,oit,i. knwihat w. ih.nk 11 ....par-1 mni iu scumuv ail was l..-u ur ot u. .k . t ti. . ..f.r,,u,r ist..-,Moi.wark Unnrrk Ti-r. S?"'',I'l,,,rM"'1'll','-'"'""1 ZX'ZZrZZZZ . .'ii tC.. sanaot is. owrcaat. i"l.y?r,,l""".)l! p.rvut. o. u.. ilsr ol I res. on i A lau anotbar iiulav'al of iu w ivnt oauieakkd. ot November i.axt. A-M. .nuii.r uista 1 1- oa la. iut of JaaD.rt, loS Alwi M rrn- w ; o. anuker uau!taHat f ass uer c IhilUilitU U,. I. t ... .....) . P ou taa wsyot jair, i4S u - " . , . a. at ..ILL, oSlet Sac', aadlreaauisr. NOTICE. To all whom it ma? con Carra kfUl artjajw-Lmiiar lUBll tboaaaMBHla9 iaai OT Urftvw- Kivysiij wviuiui ui s aving ua Mmmiu tmm ia 'he City ot Lacwalaad. f-O ia IwraibT airf that Itte i'y-civ il t rid (Vv tt Clevina i'iJ tac -aVh daa IroH b o-tijaaiv--. dtrruiic to aM ottliiu u - - w ua a M v .a -4 t, c i t CiTU t-iiisaei":. ;.!, v -' a --atr a It ,.if i sf" tut tlha prp.te of. afrAhisT a ' DuftNi ffc tliturtf aaxj imU Ut ai vs;a us tuwr, iiai w in,, susui mXtrm wt tin ttmia. BO lUT l ',Tlaf 0TICE.-TIIE STOCKHOLDERS 11'Uak K-Jt,,., (,, aoiiBxIinU ta . tal 1 .at a, v.u pe- catt. uf t E .rk Tcao.oi.ttn raoi atlkaka of tkj lanpar. lata. fi:v llcT.:.d.o.otooioreiu.Jjuid., uiJui.-... Also u-thwrm'tslunm Mien per c.fl oa tla da. of , lanit-o nest. Alao. aootoer luiuawn .a i. Also, that toe. inanlilij i.rk.uri mil i i irfjt a. a . - ' ' - ii-- .... wui w aoMie aceuiuia. ui eMai.l.Uiej rr?4e .w a e, a. alors-! I ai! -ir. wuk - -.. " - 1 u iiuwe a loei isms octweea Last Hire Ua tke IV (:. A O Kl k U, aJ , wack al-vesval mra Iktrahe i ur-.k.r .otir. 4 ibat u tul or aatlM lo tlo wuk Ike Cera uf iU cut their elaitn orclaim. la wntitur lur .nr damie. wkleh ' ' "e ; mi law foal or leaas. k.d ea.i. I,unlin. or abulliio. oa saij .tieel. or re.ioe M.uctuadiasaaa isomiar, .aa. Iwvui ifm and "." Will OS Lore '.rreilfroa. Sl1T toch CISHII w C1.1IM or Irna. reM...u s-ui-rei.. )) IM r.rr Tlerk - m REMOVAL. IS NOW REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIRER PnvmiM at hi aaai laaati m BuvJt Sirttt, WaLicW ioxt Kir km gaataiari aatl Uaa aobtv: COOU BaUGAI-NS AJiU GOOD FIT A SKYMAN. Mercian, Tailor Ax't. rar !tf Mr 1,11 hm V ALL WHOM IT meet ia tn w irr?iar4j: r- aii-r ia retv ri. J(.liT4 Ciav-watMi iltsi. ill. ace dcUroiirK! to rtlc aauJu(u,,aJ.,v V I O imivv Veatrr at. -art acroraiajr unaa maa uat-il that tba Ci y Cutiarij 1110 a Uaa tits iia of Anl. bj cl iauna Vertrr at .-act aero now u tola M tba . Jhm ssf ltm Cny CitiI k.acia-r. laal if Ihey fail or alar-. u &a wili iha t u CUv. rlaisa or rlaima. tm wrilina;. tor aurcUat- U UMutT. wajL-a tike mf aai,asaw tkvr will auaiaia ihli m.l real ur .ea -!.. ntatv Lsouiiiur or aWltat oaavHl rtrret. bf ratoa ut xrm giiaim ar imtymriT. wntv I tw weirks Iron aai sPar tr.- Wa tia of Jus.tKM 8 aa tWwer tawrMl rrun. Silas .arh slaw, ur ctaiaae.or jl:.tJnTielc l-J J B HAWTMrrT. Citr Clark TiLSIIOP. liOSS & CO lAli'Ollfi era and .hltrwl tlcakra ( WM k miaa-a.3 C. MCTUKl. Sa- St.. Cle.etaiul llkui U. Rinwor. CI a- w. Boas. a.; it am tsl I.rmoval. 1 I CT. MOUSE'S WHOLESALE and a-. aperwr. .1 '. '" H-; wlarr. k. V7 imzmssmz - -.-o Chiwti.n' . Bo.a-.GoJ Leaf; B.s. Hen'. Ciurkea; - ik.nar- -"SiVo1 ' lh Miller (,.fll Maleaake) Piimiaa.; LwuaM.'. Pawn.. Alau.sei.a'W. IlikiUaa P.oa. Ttili.'. .:ui u u Skauklne T.Sax-ro Ouudann'a s'ans r ataua'i 4q AnUcra-nw du un W.niies Irrna k Co Tin. Cwt Oiewfn T arco. awa.SesUkla Ss. IlraaWf Pl...k., Plavliw CaiUk ' aa tiw t:. t. MliKsli. y L 'wler The Amene t Hf.l 1 1" 7. M Tl... WJrkl .sir ran Wf tuuild ..! kTii-riiiC i.l-uo.Vo g I a.- va ivyja. a .iiow.t o 17311l.lili7 " hsas .Cllflluct." lout of Soovriur StrrwL 1 h rak-anMrlM HwWl . RA. himMlimllTmi II tfU(H...aakhle eaat-J at UtA. A4:kaahsvrn.-T. I . jiuariora, aad Uaary tftmitaikur j, u tbia Uay ttitaihivasj yy aiiuitaicwjaaaal, sUwUsuaa Jlur.Suif fnirn r 1 11 ia irJam !. NNBOUM UH IS SO.NNK.ta.RV. aaW, AofJtU at, lflST. CWibiat Hmmeaa at lite vitl itaaai, 73arMkr-kt. X Val ba aw BOAT BLANKETS By the bale at mSwrwnaVaS.,lP8hllcSqwara ' ft ia- V. AaJNDALL a CV. in . . kiaw I I I Imuscmcuts, CLEVELAND THEATER. Jon a. ri.LsLKi. 1 Mazaueks axd Fionitioii VkUX A. Vl.HLKNT f T B. Wii- Ol, Triuurer F nicies OP ADsilsiojt Uruw Cirt:lt aod PansMttc Sile Kstiuilv Cucitf Xjc i.ileiy FriVaU lawaiwi, Uigu $lu ml - iiuilL... A wf ,TTTri Grcsu Swrcraa ot MISS MATKJIK MITCHELL, KaOT(Ni WUk aw-rt3B3llOBSOi' d wWo MIMt h cs-m at aai orlv d or u4 at alt aa jVut aufarJunabuati is 1 aiil.atl to PK4iirt!iv & Nnhts ft Sttwtll app ar U-aKbttat Twu NuW Piesraa. TM Baaiar Cuaaaaltads, MB 8. W.GLKNff. Till T.emrJaiy Evealass Jmme 15th, Will b pori .rratiJ THE ToCXO PRINCE. , Thm Your-cPrme,, WISS MAUUIE MITCHELL &m bioUencK Mr fJiwM. DakeRLotma Mr. Ota Savaral NotcII.m m Pirinntiiiai. HKTURN OF TUC FAVOKlf fcST FOR OyE XWHT OXLY! KATT O'SIIEAL. MISS M MWHIf M1TTHCLL. I w in aiMi sa iiiiai Jig HTLODLOA HALL. THE FAR-FAMKD AND ORIGINAL Morris Brothers, Pell and Tro wbridge ' iulASTRELS ! Ii. pcetlstlf anavwaes tha'. tfcrv will eivs OXE MORE afiketr CHASTK entertain.. e.nt.i. ra wkirkoocano. tir'iMKo.r!!fi)wir ' BEST PROGEAMMEil. C For fail aaJOsvcnlan t twaiait Lilu xnApotm. Adzamairjai Seta. Chi'dm UrCa (Xauca o(ca at 7. to raia.arct3 al 8. fraU: d luON M JKHLS. Bmstuen Mmtt. ''PlIKLADIKSOFTIIK EUIE ST -f- K- 'hVHC H arill Lo.4 a HTM A HV.ti HY VKS '",V unna on ia rvafiisac t Thuratlaf, June I.Lltba Ktrt3sMaa utarLtttoartlsyfea uw-i U jafumi A ihv J-U liteir nunaetf lot. lht Mitel S taenia ar rx avted ito w erti. in ih ani Ma- ua m-m- exirrnt ausio. The li lit gul ui 7 in of .ft t I prrajit-r i.Uay-p-UUBlnka.p a B.iiMr oo Ui Mtdr,.o iwat ikcunriitiiti A r" tinia, a f iistKAad. AliJll i l'ANC i. l5c U. junll:Jw .tiisic hall: Na. tSaaeriar Ht Qstw Water XI. Osea KvelV KmlUf-MasaST Kxe.wtat. rWE PR0P11IET0R WILL SPARE Th. BAM atlarke. loth. Hl Wll , tcw,tej wll Of li'ZKy H i' 1 ' Jv tsriKK ro.vca W.u. .l..!.'1,. "."' Tsa will "ort iLu,iii;,.i '"--' ' ''"hri'Z. SZ irT&i nrvfTl? TPiTIVflvv . . n nrnn ,. : i --- . a v' t nr. a i o (; p i. J W ViiK. ULS. DETROIT RIVER riU VI II I f tTVY 1t-kt-ea.l ik.V o. . -I ,X,M UfclkrVr k I V k K tTh . 1 7' ?' ' " ' " Kl,f " CJKW'ING MAflllXK ANTl HkVtOsi u . V . o . . " Ar U A'atiaCO J Slklk ea be Sited hi anplt I ar to jnoftm 11- J k; umAw.i ltyaa Ht. uii. SiijrioT St. ths ta the Ihe au-nios A--'" "orwels, stooaw, fcuiklera, Caasa aud Lias. Stow. " 1 ai'I V VVO. stuf. A. .1 rroe m iMWra p-,n ri this wrar .uu. ..e ii uieusiiai ai,.ii iu sell Lime Slows Oi iko a. t " '." r. ehanpar. Ur a ouant r -f a uui 'ar oer ewt than toe. e.n U Ob elsewueie, and l.lark ato,ui of sal. dTuaeil- ...ruu,u,eal pr-n ..,.. . jj,,,.., J , lht .wal.nlwWl,atUiraUu llo. dailr i h-iva a 7 . ' . ' - ' i. ua a uooy lo aaul OB 1' iml ' -V AUK CtKMOXa. H It I slaXXf i Cli .i. WTE SHALL OPKV TIT EST) IV l o "'" i'1' AMWlial .-wt Jtoawl , -- -, .. to tni. .w-rvot ) a. J. BALUWIM aCO. UENDERSO.N'iJ HAIH KKSTOK ATI V K la ft kMAaj.uc Kauwaaawl IkHiatati to I w -swi(wa N ' Das suimc F. Hum, ut lit. a city-, aUbarilatfT autaasaaT tikaa A u. .e a. I trticsf a i fkatT .wim. HWDCl!!'! Htll Rttfr iatifb Ta iiier9rrMd wsm 4nUl w Ik Ua m lU. f L. adaaaal ti. r h.iru I "- raiMuif ajruvatntr iai all ov.r Itw-ir iav.ii. m, wai H'x-lrrwm. ittsr tiartawi .vavlwr '19 4arrra. rd hiajsjatly i-rlrtar-jw,! Hjif HaitajcaaiV , aiati IB a k HHto s HBw, M U .tAV...i SsMl I mw h4il bttu crow, aaai aai t4wepia. aia aai a, atia mt wa tatirctr tuid I'sjme-ivd Mk a aaca. aii air. Wa cor.iiAilr ra- ta- aritcia m iUm mimf,' m ar at. i I rKHX.E, M. D. . li kOlY. isviafan. srica. iw a. iiaiir 1UROsNKK'i OiiCK. 2 ABBhY STUKKT, Suimt aaar llto aoraer of Ftri 7 alaa ia kill at Mr. Htiwtant r. aiU til 'AM TCnXSKWrTTlISSBilSii -I T.l?a!-".l?7r?,,it,'-N Sl.-rl!r.!oFAL,'',"tN'A ."J.'-V-"1'"' TCSTKECErVFT . DTRKf!T FROM sBaatifartrtrrT.. tta nme of aLra ajam Gcaia' In. I lfuaMa. Lsralbar Hja;, ana hliwn. II Kl'ITS CO., A. fUWKKd Merchant Tailor, s Ik HuaV St.. lain tlie WmI.111, ket pa euulaall. oa arf'Li" Vorkuf Clo-.a.. Cuasiiwera ana Vealuigs, .U13ITJ ' " AJ s. (JAItD. POWEILS WOULD I5EG lo IBIkprn bi ai4 fitttoaMi tUmt mm , Biuiaaitiiar fmraii. MMara Kuca. Li ft. Maior nmr niiiH. w srw as am ill h. . . . . iTvj,1d''",d "m marao ia ac tba-ai ami. ia a Ki atylc - i -14.BWBT iisiia. stir LM T.e Shoal ind (luitasaudi of Itnth. JUST Pt ULlSHKD TIIB Jd EDrrlOW. hr istml Lion. kjir run H"'" A . m4 xt o ,V, , , ri " IK mos. t. 1 N AL IIISK A.sf.S A w-mi,ne TieWnw. a. Ike I ra.i- elear &ssss i.i n. BY ua rn v-rowe.. . "!"f . K" C !' "I Sureetstssf tlflul ( I Lisewl lata 1 tha and 311 Tear. R.. , . - "r LuMuu. Autkur uf the "wniuu Im .111 I- -U,m U...k. - "H...1. M H.po.- -At" Sunt .avail. Sal ka,iir laiuaule Treaties. wrilUn hr a I rwnowMd PUr.Kia. aad Sa'r...a ai.Vi ii ! I Sank .ur. aa.1 nermutnt ear. k- all dii. H,rZ laa.Maall.kS aalf ana... .uj a In. olr .uhlreall auf lUkinJ I llten la . hei-cruluat rpirit and br s arlenliae M in the hauo. . I all wbu .alas laeir lua. knlth kauuinuM kera and kerealter. -77.11 ..T.rLrrr'. : . T'lr. st wniea it win 7.', . . . .;7 cr.r""' ' u"-lH LINK, " . .Bos kiss M.wYork. waclStisdkwUS PASTURES OF THI IS aubacntMir. aJjul 3J0mctt9, la the Cufn or, wit) b ucwa oaaa atlrrMarlx. Pur-i ""Itetw aratl t'tiai are barety naatiried ibal will caaifwAi aar iae euiire . frua data or mu u ik, aisai y ie aotica ia VriUihf at tba Uaaa af ii-t wHrwrawmi; aou avaao uiax lM ruirTaiaratai mr 'I' T Tt ouiaa . wtia.i"I? TKRMS I lTiup.Ht, S eahls ...I. a(vanre. aalea. 'irraniranl. ara ataaawah cnherlurlka nt-uua. al s. r orer Marchmnts Bank. Sspsnor . ora, rt-ni.niaii, at the snlranes rale, near I v..-,r k I will U. on tjnleonrtv Keumta. LlwaaaM, AjStiatU.Uja kpwl islWu.1 1 , . 1 I aaus la fox Salt or tlcnt. "POR SALK. CUKAP.-A LARGE TV-Ki tJfue-f-lvn.cma , ItU tar runt V, .. ' - "POR SALE CHEAP. AN INTER". -J- ' .roa ac.,ri .Mui:jaI.H EataUrh- sit IMIlus list Lr ca wualvrn IKtU will Im (akui AJiiiuP O, Drawer loC-jnnH Jlf J 10 U RENT. -The convenirut llunxs p " V " Vnr il l per a,ih. P. set.i.n iutaied4ala.r ci,,uiir :u Li-MilcP 1 1-!U r ur O J A. IIAHIilS. Bank -I rt POU RENT.-ONJ-: LARGE, CON nuala,liu NuillMH.liluciuaOuiark.St I?'-'1L A. W HVRLBfT J-LE 011 -RENT. A. very anbl Owa.lins Hw., k 1. r..pu, aou-l im5 FuKUMkiu i, aa ita,mcUialr.v " "uitos i. Ik. laJmi, ll rmiK- I-'M '-iS II. I Hll.lis, N,. .4 Hr n TOR SALE. A G7jol7-lU;vr LYDAX LITTLS. U1MAM I ITTLKS -1J i:i;.I d 1 a-miu kiw l,n I': ur 1'uga'n Hi LirrLK. ILL iktv. i KE Yk'.X .Ho,,!-.. ; L L-M'ATL-Ooi. a. t tit LlV:ii-en..r1a . 1'ir-.. cu.'aulU wu klud a lanf,- uuauli ol .-r V"m loaMl Wil!aa. !.,ch acwi-l "l '" i"J"!"',"c lur V" ruri. I , v pAR-M S l-'OR SALK. l'onr taTuil Ai-'ilL.''T w ,''"'-i:"V'r!r",',", Sl.-1.llo S-4.WU. rW-'p "!Dj LoUialM CH, lur aiu ,irJ 111;."''' r"-r. Saw Mill. . , Pwrl,n, a r. K- K . Ui. Ii wt- wiu iu-11 ua loua tiaio ur will ... ckiiu.. for cut ji,t-n, ur win s- laa.l aSa.ile.uai .:. it ii. u R.,ai .A. srre. wt-Si.? nS '. soU at veal Meant. er.JitwillB,r.i.rD, " " " u a lo. Al. w.ia suaj ll..uv, i.. ri ct l.iri LKS k KKYFS. fwa .1 "POK REN ". A JJARX, CONVl. M:irt-Ii lil. 'jBf Hiftl7:uf 5 " CniOLAIUSll ivs FnrLETN kj ,""" "'i.-n-tu lull.ra, u, ikcouui. r..Tt. lUants. WANTED A PARTNER AVITH a capital ul I'r.Hl. i2'uiu s ft to Uike -i iuiij iaa ESl'HLIMILU UL M ,M M wm , M i- A a Lst-r rint aa.a tl.. ... . . lt: u K.r.,rarvH lb w , wull uam-, .I.-'rr, rtnctfy cwnlMlcittial. Alt cotttnttini. .u lusswi S10 OOD advanc: K'-M-'9y' -r KU ln.ui.Luun-,tisj "r'" u"wn aii.n RS ot'VK'K on l.'okl uj Buvuwa. -l.icllr mot-. ll.l...o Jwal.-r.-l. .orrr iTH,r W SUI-I-I, m iHJI cUf f..w a A wau-BOT aa.l Jew-r for aalu at fanm.aa r.n. M. LOS P. Si. mI3:.llf 1H l'.iHu-rrial Br. Bank. WANTEO. ENERGETIC MEN f T la erery NMte T tm.r lu m Ii tt i.lW hua r.jacy iu ki lor ih rafitliy "wmii.- Bwin, Kotat.n H.rtv.. n-. eiit(T naiBfrt... hy LrWui aod Kur.ett l thi fit., t allOH the tk. .l A'..t KubntMli. a f. M . . ..a . ' " .s-s-a aaM ak, tax l.ltjr illekU Wttll SilLsflit 'AiNll';i. A Girl to do nil tinda w n aMn.rBii.luu.(ift .uw mJ iu... ... prouare hr.t oi icu-rt-w... Ai.pIT at St. ',t .JI:.hi fU A WORD TO THE WISH IS SUF- . a. FK'ltJiT. Fuf Wi.rk. Ht-lp. or lui..rma..:un ual, aiwaya t. lu tuu P..,,B . lu-li.u,r anj Gi una! lulrrinjii Ht Aeriis-v, v.nrv vu art sort; to K. i w:ant wiihout bfni b Du'pt U. 'liatt (.nnruitH- ." tbia Arnry aiili i i'imif to nu:y t:au if ami rirr t-r- l Ot.irp.ia; l.'ir.i.s Hrfp , auv 1.31.,.. its With ititt lw" AIm. is ru,ip:jif-jitr i vnr. is it.-eri. r..l lartinc i IsUbilC Will uies.: t:i . lu. a,-ff3l I lass r.. .. .. . u?Sirta"! f"'1 wrilpC'-i:cU:J wilU tli buiiuesa prWtSra.u-lr..kH;ia, l.ittiuc K-'Ut t ujiit.-r Cut. I'm k,. .bif r--iT:itf I mm V , iin 1 Hull-is m .-it .. . Altos. e.-.l, ri'li ar a. ruch .latiffi r-, rarrrr.ef Lm ert. PiwiOaica. Waifs-liM.-!. n.os i.frli;, .j 141 mAtJk it Ur-a. mc. , w.'". laejr in Biii.rt t:nt I fin rw-t rtiaia loc lulwrBiMi.HirrktM ariaiis h-.iir i-s.hal 1 m;-T hur u r r-M U'l,rr rii-r tit., ;iU .bdir no :b!im u.iH h it tr rjn l a fiTra t wi-fctiif? Iivtp eiintli vintiit ao rhr-a K'-Usamlx r tli .m.ra, t J. if !. ;i mw PuMic S.joar- b.-i)oucati:i.Jt.urs iw-i tlta wrtt.f vunr ni.TM-f J?nl-i Iini,; tdi tsiiu-r-r.B tnnLet;irir :aa'.;ii-atii a b xw.xt. et,?!tiae a iM'je Kami. aai thn m hm pruiaistt) at'ssiadeU la. 'r!'1 J. r FIVFTl Van Amburgh & Co's,, Menageries -& Combined ! THE GREAT BROADWAY MENAGERIE, From New York Citu, and the Mammoth Mr nttgeru so tcek knmrn tn the West. n. 1'ROST, Manager. fTlIIE TROl'RIETORS OP THE OIM.T- elMrUS. Wi.S a lo ... .i.M .aiiefsrlio., aii.1 lo ilare their Caaii-i, i.. :.,r ikl I,,..-. uo. al! c lu .Mliuu, Ua,.i arranged lo e bU.i.o. PKhli lIKSAiitiji OHU I iiLo.vSaL AMI J1.V(;.1. i( t T DISPLtV llie w!.olel,,ytiv, u.,.lir oua F.e.H.U ,t ibn Piavw of AHaa-u kureioion-;ed imlu. ' VAN AJIBURGH & CO.'S . ITIenacrie, THE LAKGKST Ad ol LEOITIMtTE M.un u;ew la Inenea ttMupiiae. a a. u euil.-rti.-u of ' BEASTS, BIRDS at REPTILE Jrnawfce Fuwr y Barter, of ike (ilol-a, is Uirk a, ,r ha IIAXNIBAL, snaaai'jtk aeiai-.nt ,if in w."r 4, ararlr lr. -uallba. iua.ul, I 'I a-iiifu,. AFKlCA.V OiiTtlCLtE-S Aiaenr. :oei k, S:lne mi i,:lir ul Vk HlTSL or lULAii HEARS laths Uai etl Slater: liu-o-ilr liLACK ALl'ACA SnEEP- oai. UOSESS an.! PT'H- oslr SACRED rtlW atwtln fin. Ihe rnlr Mlitt.W. ami fNg oi liMrIUeobiv Meuoerna I ae-'.--.r.7 i4'r..-. few LIST OF AXllf AT.S -' BLEPHANT-l, llnvs and L'ON.SSKs. AMata-snw ."-fr01-'1" tLK S1I.VFR I.IOI.S, or 1'ua.a. RDV.L HKVUAI. Tlf-KH-I JAV Tllikk-1 8Wm HYAKVA.v-1 BLACK L AMA, Ir A,,-,, iVTr,.""',':SB "- "X M NUATVr Z. i-u-s 11 "t TH A '.IIIZZLY FKAl.'S-l N A. .S..S-.w.,;:, MACAU.S-1 PKCC.VA-S AHII- Jr'Lra'.S.""1'-1 KLACK ULk-' KRAI iiJP' J fUMi ROY A I. 1 HUH. K nymln. old BAIHiKHS4 AFk'KK LIONKSS ...I i IiSulluVJ. "'J-ftHW'-llllXKt PIUS ;.:S--f. --- er near 14 oVk-ev, leU fru-eaMV IIOwtl.L, aa-.r 14i. eaees with imi r "rreum win enter'nwn i 11. Ll DV.Iir-1 Corn.t Uan.l cm VAN AMBI HUH, will Ti..r. Le-.ijnl. ae. stin-ite a,-aij,ir.i,ut, nee l.rre Piriiri-i'. . Will erhikt iki. m, MllNllAY ATH1UFSOAY Ulh ana lit o. on tne S-u. ,,ear i he Semu-a Street HrHle., Pen..Bu. will rwauaeiu-e eaek il.T .111. and T P M AlmtiaHaii cents. Ch.liliua ankv sine .1 an .W ass, O.V .llal.YHOOifa AND ITS PRSMATUKK DKCLINK. Jast rshliwa... wawus, ths AU Taoainl: FEW WORDS ON TIIE RA- lKa.-ii Treatment, withft M.itriih-. of Srmt.r rhf ur lAn W Ni;tiiraa. ( m sm.. (iraital MscrvtMik liwrisUiy. lmp.kiwn.-y, aixi jtQ,..iitMBta lo i.niu,o(eTlrr.liy. ITT I. lK I, r 1 K 1 . M. U. ..,. : ik.. ,k. .,., .tora..,...i. damoi rat. d: a,l Ik. eai irelr new a . lie! msm ananufii aairutii. r a v t. nay noil ran., craiia and pifreais iealri i ." .nasaslHair I atr. l.l le.wn.axl. sswaaaas.. a., "' 3m we 19t Jin K:it3I--l St . New York HABLKS FLI KDN K R'S M A T H"l lajr.Sb tmrnttrnmi Hair UfuuiK si.oia. WrtUli Rls. . ufiio w-,riii and Co.. baika e(LlaUi.( iliicw.traT and -ru- WOODS-WOOD FOR SALK. wMtr-fo Haixlnd ('onle of Wuml at THS SHII LI.NOS C(Klt three anlca trum Um Cuart Houaa. Ktwbmfe fimttk Horn. ' M waa Uii.. rait ou ih4 FlWARDJCrNOtf.ry rt Onlarvo it. I'MTKD aATk9f ANU vfku ' PATENT OFK1CE AGENCY, OP aaxit WrtltiaU HtNiao. tunk atraet, tirelaod. Oh 1 auaaiiwc. J0 IIAIK.IB no. loo aunenor fctreet. MESSES. ZLWOOD A CO , Paop.iaTo... , .. . j.... .,,,. - fouad 41 tk :. estabu.Qjnent. T a. 0017?- ArL Itam.i klut M taa Bar. .