Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. X3T For Gas Fixtures amd Futtng Apply row bjummnm 4- - . lib mm vol Smprrtar apl:tf MATEIHCSIAL. To THE La DCCS or THE LOTTED STATES : it M Mea mj good fceteoae to Mm to health au thonsaials of kit coumry-,tjarn- Mt tuecsa bai and Un Baalie of the nKU mod jealoat: W their persaeuUuBs bare served only Is extend and estah iah any reualal too Showers of cratelul aaVnags hare tallea anna air rathway, fruaa the (air nuferen wh 1 km relieved. Solonc u I u held m aoectuaale thankful reaarwDraaen ay tkoa who have experienced i ekill, I ca aatanl to deaaaK th" efforts of aaiarkaf aad atsasderera. afytneads have rapeatoalr arged sne to place nay akedr " prudaciac aaeastrualaua within the reach of the Ladle uf the United States; bat aa laUlspoaiUtai to cater a held so occupied br auacka. with tbeir peraicMMia aoetniau, aad a fear Uut nupnneipled cnaateri'euera audit palm upoa the public tieir wortiileea uaitatiuBe. have biibv . vented aje froai aatabluhiojt aeeacae foe I -AMIE Da! FEMMB," aa the United Slat At last, I yield SB the entreaties of patients aad friends. aaa uner to wo nomas remalea of Antem a medicine which haa readered aae aveacwhat faaaoas thruaxboui the Uld World. la regard to the raVary ol the-AHlEDE FESIME" I aeed oalf ear. that it ma buuid form, and la exactly each as hare ased ia aiy practice la France, for aiaar years, and that it aaa oerer failed to aecare a satisfactory result The " Feaune ' and meustruatMa slaad ia Ihe re- latuo of raeae and cflect. It isalike powerlal to uncinate a aeallby aseastraal d ar arhcre it aevwr haa existed, aad restore it where it haa beaa fruaa any eaaae aa,aweased. Ia onlerto guard against iBapoiu.ak. tbe wrapper of direc tions oa each bottle of the "Aaae de Feaame" will wnttea auraatara, aad both the buttle aad enckssitic hex wilt be aealed with By private seal. Price, $3,04 a pachas. t). P. II- BIC0BO. Palls, Jaaaary, lwSI. For aale. Wholesale and iteiail. by WILLIAM FISKC Jo. X3 Superior street. Cleveland, who will sorely the Aasie oe freaaaie" at the Propnetor'a pnoes. auiodawlyc THE BEST ARTIFTC lOlKLPTO THE HUMAN SIGHT EVb-R l. VfcvILD BT. II. SOLOMOXSOff. PlACTirAL AND ScIBIfTiriC OPTICA!, wepn the larsest assortment of the must approved kinds ol tKCTACLZS. AUtiiiKltuMs, whether fur sear or far ihled, are gwmnd aader his owi tneclion by achiae J mt imw CMtsm-cUoB, will, tbe r reatest cm re. so as to suit the eyes nill cam. cant Wcakm, DazutetM mr -jUmmmi mf tie Efts, aad Impart. ag strength tor kmf retviiac irwrrir. t N. H. Solea-jasM woulJ here inuria the HibLtc tti&t h erer emrjlo- uiy ot in U of Ui U-mss. FT Also, asplenia assortoirat of SPY GLASSES. MI" CUOSCOHtS, COM PASS CS, kc , keett UuJ. AKTIVK'IAL EVES. iBsened without psia,ks perfect as ttalaial. CtY!6 -e 3r Sapener sU-t ,nanler the Assericaa Hotel. JUUeTJ For Waliiu; lufauls aod Ciiildrfn. MuMwn and NarM will fiaJ "FONTAINE S CREAM OF WJLD FLOWiv HSW sapendr to aU sptrtts, soaps ur kaioM. I:s rich ad tested lather penetralia; the tlia, prerents chsaitc and ernptiuas, and itfuaaoies that health, i.K.a j aWcwtwJaers su pleaain$ ia children. FO REMOVING FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, fce. A few at'jWaCaLKms will prixluca the oet asreeubie recalls ia im parti bc whitaise clraxarss and beautr te tbe com plmxum. F G. FONTAINE k CO . 36 Broadway, astd o AAot HmiM.Nca York. Sold by aU lrccU. (.UAlat UVK-IIAIlt UYE-HAIK DVB. Win. A. Batclielor's Hair Dje. THE ORIGINAL AND IHT IN THE WOULD! All otliersare nere iaa taiKms, and shoa Id be avoided, if yoa witbtoearapr ridicule. GRAY, ULD. OB BUSTY HAIB Dyed instantly to a beautiful aod Natural Brw or Black, without the least Bjuiy to Hairur Skia. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have baea awarded tuWia. A Bilcbelor siace 1-JS, aad over MB,uwt appbcatioas have iKea Bade to the Hair of hia aalnsas of his faaaoas Dye . Wll. A BATCIIEIXIit'S H AIR DYE produces a color But to be distiueuuhtal from Baturj, and e) WaaaaJITEXl Bit to tnjureiit tbe least, hotrcver lone i asay be ceatia. Bed, aul the ill effects of Uat Dyesreakied; the HairiB viroraled ftir life br Ibis splendid Dre. Jllr. so.d or ap'ied (m 3 piivalo rooani at the Wir Far U3 Rrutylwar, X. Y. Csr The Gcanine has tbe aame aad aildiesa B;m a steel erigiavia; oa lour aides of each Bx, uf WILLIAM A BATCI1ELOR, a)T:Jiiw"in ra BnEnlwar. New York WilJS ! WIGS ! ! WKJS! f BATCH ELOR'S WIGS AM) TOUPEES surss all. Titer arr eiefaiit, Iirht, eatr sod durable. Fitttn to a charm Mutanting a,i bebuid ra t-hnnkinc the bead; iaiitt-,1, tttis t- the only Kfc.abiiibattal where tbesr thiitpt arr jahtI uiuln d sud shade. Zii BroaJway. New Y-nii. ats?r licwfimW W. FhVK ri.-fyltixt.miM, Aceat. EYEKY FEMALE S H (if-1. PR E AD The FEMALE KEDIC XL PRECEPTOR Or, Thirty Yr ars Study uud Expc ricntf, KSfl-:. ULLY U HOT CO TO DISEASES OF WOMEX; By -rrl.Ba U Chrr , M I NEW YORK CITY. AM IXSTBrU-TOE, a OU1UC, AKD A PHYSICIAN la which is embodied a full aud cliaste dwTitattuB kaa7wirxl."e ucaArj- to tbe welt are of tltuse Mnwi or hut to be BtameJ )rf the proct-ss of cuoccpl iua.prturT umi unlivery, ineir paius anu oaafcers, as eii ms me BielLorU hj which iMoyof the latter aur Le obnalcai, and teach nc buw the syfUni mAj Ik. inrtjraled aud reatured Co its proper tone, after havm, lteen rutarairJ Uycmw plaiats mcMJeutnl to Ue hums a ftajntv Aia, Much PUYStOUKilCALlNSTKl'l TION which will ohviale the aenessjt ot'aiiy (Kit MMiuot of SM-kaeMi, aad enable the otkeeiraot rrader to be, to a ?Teal eiteat, her owa pay- "Ca"" TENTH EDITION. Tuistxtak ikBi.irsam'abUto Um mitdtnatandiar of the oa-prfesioaal frader, and iwk akillfully aUlurated. land, arTn-rd and carried oat, thaa anr work f its Itinr turn '-efore the public. While U rives whleoae particulars, aad ta soaw resTe4snr "am information mpo aueseof the aitwtde irate affairs iwiaected with tha feoiale rvteaa. It should be p -vced ia the baads of erery female, Stajrle or Burrie!. PRICE 6? CENTS. TUis wirk a: o c.'.ias presci ipmm asrd by the doctor htspractire f. the pofitrterajc of Scrt'miamt Erup onsFrvrr nJ JwSrrcrr Ctmiks emd CURMnam-mltsm-Dirrsi Fai!tm oJF f tke Harr. r . 4-c . &c . unj osm- .t wku.a prep.irUl.Ma way (nve of great "aloe U the reder. 1tnbMk will he seat hrinstl. free of it-e. on tbe CeptHMi "t tlx price, wHii-ts. nir W m u ei her in nt.mcy ur stage eumav. Allorder avbamlt1 b" atldri'Hi lu K Hl'TCHlNGK. S.TMwm'M Y S t'umer street. S T CitT J. li. larues it Oo.v Froprutors of the Cleve ani PtaBUainx Works, At water Block are prepared Wilis arge force of experienced wrkaea r dottu; erery tWotiei of Pla nbiac ta the most thorouxk asaiert a Ike most arte at i ar atma. oa reasooabl terms, and Mshort aottca. Lorre UaraU of Kimalutu of J itTcrent str les aad ixos. Bathing Tubs of cast iron and woud, lined wrtb l.Bd-"'K''"r. Ufta fceaTet-K, le.i aad calTamced iroa i :. leattter Sad Itviia tt ibber Homb. everr deM-naiiao l BratiauJ Ctated Coks, iac!i.Iing tbe P; Srh-clo az r'k. receell iBtruuU"el, Wa-h B.wia, aad all kinds rwilrr Works Fixlaros kcK constantly oa atMi. AU Work warrauted. aija-dkwtf. QaovE aud Baku's Pah. ixt Ecaiafi Macsixu. The partiealar attention of Idies is ealled to the above taeniae, which poetesses the .following decided and an mistakabls advantages : 1st. Cottoa is ased aa it is purchased on spools without re-winding; saving tins, troable aad Waste. 2d. The troable and perplexity of filling a shot tie, (as in other meehiaes,) is in this avoided; ao shuttle ia employed, the under thread being nsed (rorn a large spool. 3d. It is very simple yet strong ia construction, asSy leaned and kept in order, aad does not re quire to be takes apart to be oiled. 4th. Tbe stitch is always distinct, even and reg ular, aad will not rip though every foorth stitch ke eat Sth. The stitch is as elastic as the Kost elastic fabric. This Machine embroiders beautifully. Ladies aad others interested in the saving of labor ars invited to call at the sales-room of tbe subscriber and examine for themselves. Tbe above machines are freely shown aad samples of work given at all times. The services of a lady and the use of a machine can be obtained by tbe day in families, by calling at the room of Mr. Hopkins. Terms S 1 JO per day. SiarjEL Horcixg. Northrop 1 Span ewer's Block, vah3QnlArarOe, Sotrirr at., up stair. in-Bay ers the will are two heat fifth tu heea iron in will their had ing were and fined store. a tice the and the at the shall such weep, that laugh is tears the and gain a be ivct two both tbe and The we are the by Educational. "A-SELECT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, V ersrb'arinr all ihe eisraea'i f mow- arW aarfni Fd- warjaiinn will be "DC nod in the SatMla Srhfvl Knuea. ia tlM rear of ( hart h. 8aienur frMt. a the first of Sej teaiber. ander the caee ul t he Wifn V AHI AN. mmJ tbe rmi sn .srit.lsa 1nsm mi Bee. A- VAJUAli, aa Hamm the School. AMhca'Vii ftwiriaisnca to besoade m the School Bn t anr tw donar the cowrfw of the csnol term. A PronectQ. vrttiac fc-nh Terro, fcr ess be bad oa aa- Vatioa to the HptHot, or to either of the Ror. nrrmtm ftsUD of ihe fthoai. P PLAilON, a Ma BOLLKS, a dhB m t. l. CAiTEE. see use CITY & NEWS ITEMS THCHSPAV .HOKXINU, pi KPT. 3, 5S t V For Ut City New, tee third nairis. For Market Keports aud Uaxine News, see fourth Pse- PLAIN AND Ok.HAMEXTAL PIUNTINO. IV PUia aodOmaaicata Prialiazof erery aescriono doao al the Pnatiar Eatablisbaseat of the Uler Office, oa the latest laipr red aud aaoat raaal steaai presses, ia the best style, oa abort aotiee, and at rcaaoaable rates. Par- ticolar attentitei paai to blank work. Every dcscrtptioa oa BiaJiacdoo. especially Bleak Books. Lejgers, Joara- -s. oa ttxatB, KeeeiTinr Books, he., he. Eletenth Wid-Pbihakv Mectixc. The Repablirsa voters of the Eleventh Ward, will meet at the houte of Paul, comer Jersey antl Chalham streets, Thursday, Sent 2d, at 7 o'clock P. M , for the pnrpoae of se lecting ail Delegate to attend the Republican County Convention, F. B. PRATT, THEO. LAUBSCHER, PAUL SCHMIDTS, Commitee. lleralJ please copy. The CoaaiTTiE of Amngementa of the Put Celebration are to meet this evening at the Weddell House. Comu-nox Our report of Council yester day made the salary of the Secretary of the Board of Education 850. It should have read flSO. Woeking Men's Meetiku. An adjourned meeting of the working men will be held this evening at the old Court House. Able shak are expected to be present. ty The Foe itt aim was playing yesterday to great delight of the passers by. It has so long remained inactive that we hope fur a daily dispensation from it in future. The Retobt of the meeting f the Board of Education is crowded out tbi morning. It appear to-morrow. Several other articles in the same state of suspense. FoREhT Giotk. The race at tliu course jes- tcrday between "Frank Leslie" nd "Butcher Boy," best three in five resulted in the laUcr taking the stakes. Time 2 44. Oo the first heats Butcher Boy came in ahead third Frank Leslie half a length, fourth and they came in together. West Side. On Tuesday evening s report made to the Council that a contract had made with Thomas Manning to civet an fence around the fountain in Franklin Place, for the sum of t.O0. The fence is to be three feet high from the top of the fojodation stoaea, and to be painted the same color as that tbe Public Square on this aide. This knee be a great improvement to the West Sidere Park. Bueglakt. On Tuesday night the house of Constable Richardson, on Garden -street, was entered by burglars and 273 stolen from a bureau. The rogu. s must have understood business as the bureau was in ihe room in which Mr. Richardson was sleeping, and they to force the locks. Aa entrance was ef fected through an open window in the adjoin room. Police Cocet. A large number of cases up before the Court, but the greater por tion of them continued. John Malta for stealing an axe was fined 5 costs, and sent to prison ten days. John Mc Williams for assault and battery $5 and costs ; Thomas Maher ditto. Jack Scott and Dan Rice will be tried on Friday for burglary of II. Lord L Co.'s shoe John & Catharine Cutch were discharged from custody. The charge against them was keeping house of ill fame. tW Quite a number of events worthy of no tok place last night. Upon the Square, Sargeant's Band enlivened evening by some most excellent music, and attracted a targe company which an nnahavrn seedy individual took advantage of to bar rangue from the steps of the Court House upon "variety of stapes after Joatb." A large bonfire was built on St Clair street, Hie corner of Bank, in honor of the Atlan tic Telegraph; and in Ryder's winduws were displayed illuminited likenesses of President Buchanan and Queen Victoria. These were all illuminations we saw. rt?JMr. Browning is the writer of the fullow :ig admonition : Weep, as if yoa though' of laurhtrr I Sniile, as tears . 1l cumuis aliei 1 Ex. Then we wish to say that Mrs. Browning never be our guide. We don't believe in halfway business. If yoa have cause to do it heartily, let your grief come out in real good cry" and then get over it. Show you are sincere in your weeping and n..t and cry at tbe same time. Then if there anything worth laughing at, do not "smile as were coming after," but let a hearty jovial laugh, or a bright cheerful smile show that for time being yoa have no thought of tears sorrow. Such out spoken emotion will yoa friends while the world will sland loot from Mrs. Browning's " 'alf and 'alf " fol lowers. Thoe TimpErs. The Five magnificent Silver Trumpets to be awarded as prizes at the Firemen's parade have arrived in town, and can seen in the show window of Benton t Math- They were manufactured to the order of these enterprising jewelers, and from a pattern original wilh them. The Horns are of solid silver lined with gold, and weigh a little over lbs. etch. They arc most beautifully chased inside and oat, and are to be engraved with suitable inscriptions. Upon those designed for competition of Engine Companies, a fine engraving of a perfect " masheen" is placed, upon those to be won by Hose and Hook t Ladder Com panics, those carriages are en "raved. engraving and chasing upoa these trumpets have never seen surpassed. Floral designs drawn, the vines and flowers winding around horns from bowl to mouth-piece, and the whole finished in an exquisite manner. On those given to the Engine Companies is to be engraved the following : " Won at the Tourna ment by Engine Co. No. , for throwing the greatest distance. Cleveland, Sept 9, 1 858." On those for Hose and Hook tfc Ladder Companies Won at the Tournament Co. No. . Cleveland, Sept. 9, 1858." These trumpets are nearly one-half heavier than the ones procured by the same firm last year for the Cleveland Firemen. They are undoubtedly the finest things of the kind ever seen in this city, and well may the Companii which win them be proud of their badges of victory. These five make the list of silver trumpets furnished by this firm amount to nearly a dozen within two years. Do not fail to look in at Messrs. Benton at Uathivet's as you pass, and these paragons of beauty. I V A liquor dealer in Cincinnati recently re ceived an order from a Roman Catholic institu tion, to send "ten calkins of tbe kef aU Bostraoa vkuley, and charge the same to the Ckrnnk of maimer oj uonv Sexton's Rcpoet. There have been 172 in- termeHits in the several Ccnieteries, from Aug. 1st to J I st inclusive: WuodUnd Ceaetery... Cry CetueterT West bide Cemetery,.. ..WjCahuic Cemetery,. '..u Tout, Adah. ... CiuMlrest, . -..wMMaler lZtlt'cmaics, .... m Total. PLACES OF R A T.wlTT. (Germany lUls o Mid.. Ml raited Stutes, . Kibttsbd,. Ireiaotl Scwt.and.. ...... ii i causes aaa diseases. I'Fever, Chill Caaker. Cramp Cholera Infantum, Cbs'leraMurtaa.... . l sever, scar let. :ili.S iniaasliiaioi Huw.ta ... ?1. UMtaaaih... , Itlnteaineranc U IliBlBuilbHii 1 . ... Caacer t aJftauirjuUufa. CourtMUsa of' Bra it. Braii. i; Killed o Aecnleat. Luasa. ljvleasle l oaEtMtiwa ol C-wr.a aiut. . i earsiysie lTeat4jr- 1 ponuuerCi Uimuiu ut Heart, Drbl'llT ... llTeeth, ... Sll'leeria .Siomsch .. I Water on Bnia ... ti.wfine Cojith ... liS:iilua a ritniatare, ... ilNot repurkd. ... II Druwued, i'r.osy Fmvijelas ,.. It Kits. F-r. B l i.iti.. Fever, 1 yiihaJid .. 21 Total. ta J. A. CRAW. City Cleveland, Sept. 1st, 1858. Bdsi.vess. If we may judge from the dis play of goods ready fur shipment on tbe side walks of Water street, yesterday, it must have been a day of unusual activity among those wholesale houses. Tbe passage was much en cumbered for a time for pedestrians, but for tbe sake of the trade, A trifling inconvenience on that score is nothing. LOSS Or TUB St'HOOBES JlEW BkCNSWIOE Tbe schooner New Brunswick, bound from Chatham to some Canadian port on Lake On tario, was lost last 1 bursday night below l'oint felee, with hve men. In the heavy sea that she eziwrienced tbe water swept over her decks end tore np her hatches, she became partially filled with water, and after a while foundered. rive men were lost with her. The captain, mate, and two of the crew dung to a spar and were saved by a boat sent out from shore, she was owned in Chatham. 1'lam Dealer. Of E. IUiffiui will sell off his stock of Hats and Caps at lower prices than any other estab lishment in Cleveland. IU' member 57 Superior itrect. Sw Gpitab. J. II. Tho s, Teacher of the Guit ar, 1 looms at No. 3 Euclid street. Terms Fifty cents per lesson. tf. Dry 0ooD ATLANTIC CABLE (JUEEN'S MESSAGE. II. D. KEXDALL & CO. re now opening a large and vared assort ment of FALL GOODS To which they chasers. In invite the attention of pur- SILKS, .Ve have the moat Iautiful assortment ever brought to this City, Iu new and elegant tyles DBESS GOODS, The most desirable styles in market. MOUSUN IE LAIXE3, BAYADERE FOULARDS, ALL WOOL PELAIXES, TRAVELING DRESS 000D3, AND VALESCIA8. Great variety FRENCH PniNTS, SHAWLS, NEW STYLES, SHETLAND. WOOLEN, AND SILK ENGLISH AND AMERICAN NTS. HOSIERT AND GLOVES. Alexander's Kid Glove -new style Together with EMBROroERIES, AND THREAD AND VALINCENE3 EDGINGS, DOMESTICS, Brown tnd BleachedColtons, and LINENS. aul4 d3m 305 H. D K. k CO. TiLEACITD A BROWN COTTONS, JLW Masrsrl 1 B WMIB; Dnvwn OU Itirn ww I a" iv; aA.n -, Nakitt. Table Linens, fee., r : IB short, a'antst suvthiAf miitl ? h.Q-kerw. at their luwest market value. 2 oju ranis Moaacua LMaines si nue ahiL inx per rani. aull I AYI-OR, GB1SWQ1.P fc tU OVI UR SHAWL DEPARTMENT crowded with the u.weUie ot the sewon. coi ipns- aau t ha K - - t L,sB la-Uaasi tar. the Market. ml, 24 K I. BM liWlN C'". UKELETOX J KIIiTS WIT 11 AD lO justanie hastia new lot rereiied this oar br lollia W WAKkbN. No 1M Superiors!. 4000 YDS. 40 INCH WOOL SAlihXNU. Very Che. S. HAVatlRK BIUV1 BARGAINS IN" DRY GOODS CHILLING PRINTS FOR EIGHT CEJTTS. W W.tHHEN. Ni. lVCTOmorit. ian3 TEI)rf!Es PRICES In order to 1 V . i crt tne remsiooer of. oar oasaaicr Sloes, we will i in .i t fferusr thesa at G RK tLY KEDU -TO PRICES. Fast ""olored Lawa a. oaly M eenis a yard. Kreerh Jacsjoett La was wjsth 3Scts, ouly rt etaayaid. t balle DeLainea. " 111 " - Small lieureu ail wv olDeLias " Slai " " Plain BATaaes. Ac at. very loss ptioas, f'irureil trnss fcssyaio M.BairPlaiaSior-.ravclHBcDiiBsaa. Meaaayari, s hi e Me'artile, f ar H-.i'i'" rr.mre.1 pneev. A (rwcaaUe, La. a aad &tia aWoes wul ne oferfw at aay B'lCe. nohl lot nf Fml rwlmi very cheap, with a largesUch of Liimsi Kteetia f and Sbirtmcs White Ued Qailla, hs .le CI.L. N.pAiaa, r all f which wlUbeoffrreUat estreaa y low tneee. HVMAN k. CO.. ium I Zmn Senenor . aaid Pn bhc Souare. WINDOW 8HADES. JUST RE- f eeiveti. Carfc assortsftafBt of the 1st at styles mt QoU Baud. Bosaet, Tigtts, Gothsc. Oil u ul p A la.. BaXa ad Whtte Mollaads,vlwv widtbi BOtU BY TELEGRAPH. Krpened hy the I aiaa 'i'rleirauh, orrict, Waal s sloce, cos at a or babe an sr. CLaia STB SETS. LAST NIGHT'S REPORT. CABLE CELEBRATION. NEW YORK, Sept. 1. This was the most beautiful day of the season Clear skr, warm sun and a euolux breeze. l'rt p aratioiis for the grand fete bavc been going on on Broadway nearly au nignt. At early uiorn infE that thoroughfare presenied a must animated appearance. Platforms an'i temporary balconies ate plentiful alone tnc whole route marked oat for tbe procession. Throughout the whole city flags are waving w ith appropriate devices, and mottoes are more numerous than ever before at any cele bration. Many building on Broadway are deco rated, and most lavish preparations made for eve ning illumination. Haugmout a warehouse alone will show over eight thousand variegated lie tits. People betraa to flock into the city from the su burbs at au early hour this morning, so that before 9 o'clock riioi'lway was crowded to excess. The grand Telegraph Hanquet does not take place until to-morrow, when it will come off at tbe Metropolitan Hotel, lleasrs. Lciand have made arrauiremeuu with the American Telegraph Co. to have a telegraph instrument in banquet Hall dur in ; dinner to scud despatches to all parts of tbe world. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1. Weather de'ieh'.ful. Notwitlutand that the cel ebration of the success of the Atlantic Telegraph has been gotten np by private citizens, without the least patronaee of toe city Government, yet I rum the extensive preparations being made, tbe occa sion bids fair to be one of much eclat. Throughout a large number of stores, hotels, Ac oa Chestnut street, hand-kimeiy lestooued with British and American flags, mammoth transparen cies are being titled up. There will be turee separate and distinct proces sions, military snd civic, during the day. r iremea s torcbligut procession m the evening. A national salute was tired at sunrise, an oilier at meridian. At nir.c, the State House. Church aud Fire bells pealed forth in tbeir loudest and liveliest tones, and a time uf general rejoicing commenced. Tbe streets were rapidly aul multilutlinousiy thronged. I be processions formed and passed luroun". tne principal streets. The civic proceauion included lour of the Niagara's crew. At noon tbe impressive exercises in independ ence Square were opened with prayer by He v. Dr. Kevin. Letters were read from President Buchanan and Cyrus W. Field, aud a number of other prominent citizens. The lion. Thimas D. Kelly followed io an elo quent and powerful oration. I During tne exercises, the American and iiniuu flags were brought forth on the platform and coo- oined with apiece ot tbe cable, ibis ceremonv was attended by great applause. A mouo was displac ed, bearing we wonn "Frankiin Oersted Morse Field. God sends Lis liirhtnin to ble-a the union of the Old vnd New Worlds, with Intelligence. Peace, aud Piwpeiiiy." Mrs. Stephens' Odes levelled acre ky aotograph. were cUauuwd at proper seasous. iloouu of turn r-xebauge and isoard ol liroters closed to day. Tue lioan: or Trade send tne loiiowing to uis Boards of Trade of the Union: Tbe Merchants of Philadelphia, in ce ebrating tbe laying of the Telegraph Caole, connecting the continents of Europe and America, extend through their Board uf Trade, congratulations of tbe auspi cious event, earnest iu Ihe desire that it may dig u u y commerce and trade, and be the means of ex- teutlice tbeir io tne wnoiecann. "-: . 01 awl the iu wf The hia (Signed) LORIN BLODGET. Sec'y Board of Trade. CINCINNATI, Sept. 1. The entire Telceraph bnildin" is illuminated this eveuing with seven hundred variegated lights aud makes a epleudid appearance. Adams bxpress UUice is ajio wuinitiaied. i nere is no oiuer ue mon-tr.uuu. FROM NEW YORK. NEW YORK, Sept. 1. It is understood that Lird Napier will return to Washinirtiiu on Saturday uiotuiul'. lie will dine on Friday eveniug with Cyrus W. Field. Eiq., in eoninauv with t'aiit. lia nian oftbe British steam er Gorguu. and the other British officers attached totbe i ck"'ra;iu !qaadron, logetner wituatew select frlcD'bi of Mr. Fields. lord Napier is in attendance at tbe eeVbratiun to-day. and will be one ol' tlie guests of the city at tbe dinner to-morrow evening at the Metropolitan HoteL The 11. M. steaininip Arabia sailed to uay witu TO passeugers and 3th),UtM in specie. it Of FROM LONDON. LONDON, Sept. 1. To Cfrut W. Fu:d, Eif., A'cie York: The Directuis are on tbeir WSV to Valentia to make amingements for opening tbe wire to tbe public. They convey tlimagh ;tlic cable to you. fellow-cilia ms, their hearty congratulations on your joyous celebration of the great international work. ro signature. Will The DETROIT, Sept. 1. - droa ia tbe seconj Cougressional District, were nominated to day. 1 be Democratic btate Conventioa meeu here to morrow. . Kit-iM'h Ki.-iii 4 f NEWS FROM THE WEST. ST. LOUIS, August 31. Paul Desdutpes a Colond ia Haytian and Mr. Moufort. the bead of a Commercial bouse in Port au Prince, tbe object of whose presence in tbe country u to induce iree ueeroes io emigrate to Uayti, have arrived in this city. Sept. 1st. Frank P. Blair. Jr., has given no tice tlat he will contest the right of J. Kicbard Barrell to a seat in 2o:u Congress from tbis dulrsCL, The Keuublicaa published a private letter to a gentleman in this city, giving au account of newly discovered gold diggi.igs on South Platte liiver Tne writer ot tne letter examined tne country ur several miles around aud expresses bis opinion that five to six dollars per day can be obtained by sev eral hundred men without further discoveries. Fort Bridger correspondent of tbe Republican as a. Sixth infantry and company of Sappers and Miners under Lieut. Duane. arrived there August ith. Tbe departure of the Sixth lufiuitry for Walla Walla, Oregon, was delayed in consequence of iu sufficient supplies of clothing and provisions. Utah Indians were committing depredations. 3 Annual election tor Territorial and County ofB c-ra took place AaguASd. Democrats of (.reen uiver counties eiecieu u. wuow o, w averase majority ol lJ. Wm. J. Osbom was elec Lci To i. -ajlature. Kolhing heard fom other cotuities. X "I J TRAVELER'S REGISTER. DEPARTURES. wl IU IS) LaA. SIMe, i-l 9 OS P.usiaim at VL aeehwc II Ju A M T'.lcU via Niwaia.. a.JU lr- P. M. J3S ' OS 4 l 3 VIP. M. r ilea., na SaiMlaky.. M.tb.iK t OS aa-aul traiu. Biveuna Uelroit Boat w:os - ARRIVALS. Coluaibaii 3S A. U. 3 P. tl. 15 P. M L.a.-h.Nr Kist S:OS " 3 .SI a e IS 3 SO . a. as r-o.l..viaii'!aty.ll 1 " Mi:t.iniitf Iu l " i 'A Lonseaul s Ju M.seHua a Ahroa... 11.35 Lirf-iHi B at 4.09 CcVOtue wtshiac e.Miveyaoce to either of the abov rraiBSiO- Koats will OerlleO l.f I., the IWhr.i.1 Steven ltnn.liu-Llue. by leav:iie tlieir addio ,t tlte OttniitMIS O" See. SI Sa.riur atreeLdouraeaito WedueU lluuss. lou3a TL TUBUS' SEPTKMBEK & OC UBEK APPlNTMfcTS Ur. U. Tubbs can I a Caaajvalled a lulltiwa: Cietelaied. Ataeresa Hoose, arna National ilftel 4MioeauiTilte. Pa , Power HuOSe l'4aueavut,Treant llu-e Aahtatsna, A-tabula H-mae Paiaessilie, Cowiea' Houc f haniuo. Cbsae'a Hotel E'vria. Be be H ue tm aralk.ARenrBuHuse Vt-ent al. Kisaaler'a H"U , Blle(i,'n- Vol. H.KsM........ frvari. Hajuittoa Hous Fiqt. Cl. Ho-el.... MarysntU -Laias Huoae IX icware. .seriraa Hue .. 1 OrtnbeT . ! tei'tetavtsCT. ..It .in .. 2 Orto-er. .. 4 ,. S " ..1.7 ..2S . 1 fiominTU . 3 wan-iniL Met. OT h Akrvm. atlruptre Hiuae Sept.. Jt C BiMtia, F(aUS.i sHoaae... 14 Sept. 3 lr.T-CtvhVwrdrride attentHm to Chrrmie Dieaaes ir tliiusaiMisau'iaally. huutlreda of w bum buverecutf ereil alter ill her rea-iurces had tailed M metal aailmk er iwoteasve Sever used, nor are patieot erer enron rased or a ttS.-oewew. txpeaae witiwut a corisptadnig prospect of reCwWtry . Urban. Champaara Cx. O , August, Pt. Trsss Dear Sir Stmnm ttsoe (lore, I obtained apre ampioB inm yv. It ibtm-h aa-i Imie jb umr y rs od. Erusn earl' luiaacr the chiid had bnd aweliiucs. pm.-B d a 1 moat cftaSaat dierharr-s from hia ear, attrmiesl wtth partial d'-el 1 w. Slb e aaa your nevlK iixs. the ill hairea which wtrt Terr ti&'oive. hi ceuiacd. and 'he hanti; Ittsiored Mr "wo hta th had beea puaorftTa rar or more; BBBk ftmmt' f sfflH-led with liatltreui .11; had neither 1 rrur; b. eaerey or bibU'iou; heart woultl tbrue violeatiy. breai'uat deprtr-B.I; aud fir two yeaii before seeitut you eouh was distressinr. At the lime 04 air firt rail at vtur rvxta. it rwanmnd constderahle eff.trt to cet bInu. snd I aweat pro tmwmtl mm UJ' exert ma, tlie weatner was warsa ret nt'-Ci t sarpnse. strvaeth gained raf.d y. m taoch au that I ftiiua leea loWurk a m sad iaie hare aictd stea- lry. I ximt aaiiwrd M-vra pnaadp ia tl"ah ihe bra Month Hsviu rs.tw4re I a deeitled nut r.peareat sivaell. (and that, t. alter years nf iraeflnrtual tralMent bvfa.) aod sreofauaU . giaud effects a 1 aaa sever., el bit aewbbors. 1 can n tmiwmi aad rherfiilly 1 reran arnt yur ticrwtea te tit who mvr b su etlrtuiLat a to uff-r as I h - dne. I rettfle two tali es wmx ot MecaaacaUuh, whavs I hara lira lor tit immt twsaty ears. wtlil Yours traiy. ALBERT MOODY ARRIVALS. Paper Hangers. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW f T hllADEA Wholeiat sd Re-uil-a prrestouit he tisstea. Bl i ' A RS4 a. I" H ia,ieror strrrst. Dentistry. DENTISTRY THOSE HAVING tve ts uf Teeth wliK-h the- carefuil- keep ia the drawer or find troaisleaume U cirrr in the p rket. are eopsyiailr invited to call st DK. HaLLIWKLI.S Denial Rooms T aueh a hbenlsjTajiciiient will he "tie red. Ha.iihf made arraaet-uenta, 1 in prpar d to ie the VolraDizei Coa-t-Kiti i. nuteaJ ol tiuld ofSirter ktr Altibcial Teeth, wtitek hasthe h-ltew( reniitetHva to anttbior kere.oii)r uaed fuf iiiexiretue iientitrsi. cieannue-s. dursDiiit atwd aeaittess. Otre l Htl. or M i-'.'irr tetcta he sum I led so his- like aa lai d-ijr Hie eltw. u ,.t server, aad a perttt it W trraialed iher sjm! liold rialea as ni-l. fruw So to $M per loll Sets a. A IIAI.LI w r.LLli, M U, Over Cbur.-lalPi Uruj Store. jaa' 3: lkw id ()I) Cuart Huum. HuhticSq lifcleUUVAU DR. B. F. ROBINSON HAS RE M.vel kit IVhtil OHi.-e to his reuderre. No 41 wtHi t , t.Kir duura North ot tbe M K Church, where Its in w n7ir,r to aev an 01 ni- :oroier patroM, or aay tti Clelad. Mireh aW. Ir h?3:dtf ILLVELA.M) TOOTH MANUFACTORY General Office and Laboratory t r , T 1 .a-at a . io. iju i.sjce 8t , Cleveland, O. ITIPROVC.TfE.iT l.w DEXTtSTkr. PATENTED BIT M. I. WKICUT, I. D, D. rOLLOCK, M. L. WRIGHT, AL'CCST II, 1S57. ARE MANUFACTURING Partial Sets, Half Seta and Whole Seti PORCELAIN TEETH. CUPERIORlf Y OP TnETRMRTIT. (O ud ot prtUoa:is Axunciai Teeth wver any talax kawawa 1st MMPL1C1TY Oaen. c rhpMafwll. ...r.l ...n its part. mimI ti' ttie suae imaltf at aiaieriai Ja. kH.lil T Y 1 laavlrriara. i. .-. t. ,a-. '" aaawti us l.v wwris IBUIHCtaiHI, 1 la LB aha. I as III -.1 all ajii otjort utiUlg cvrr jUt. n un i . i ne enure riate aad Teeth ar ii- vioua lijiiia ar-tioa of aar k uuwi rt.a-iw.u-al disrate r beailb. proui aaiuai ih carruaive aud ullcuaiv L-a liimuitil IIW aUlNJia C JOaBaV.a U gUl ULat WOffc 1 utuer kuwnnMH.hoda 4th. COLOR bright, ljvcly, and a (uud iautatotoa ol M. B Any method of prodarinjr seUof ArtiCeial Teeth tern. rail aaited ia e piece, ib-U will aot puaithe ordeal ti.i .t ;re4t. ia acooaterteit ot leave poreelaia PATKO.N Alik aSll a! Ann I k... ,nal sv HunanU d .eeea Csirs. Of t h la aninber, euUr-tx c. aea '"".v-u i lie p.eM-a . 1. 1 ii -la'e ATtAra In UK hul n-aaaa edr-iutea all have Ctven their tttiianmr ta u sod wtih all oilier caaea where our termi liiawo W i;ed KU. Ill ao raar wtiera iMth hit .imrB.....ii.a. haa 1 1. ere tteea aay dtasalufacttoa- tH.3 a ct' ctsUuc ut the aatiATs mf the case, aad fivea i'A V Vi KM'.-Uvot the reeeiot mi th onW nr M err. ri-riwit with twuld flats caa apply their plate ia i-art ua) laent c. L A K A STY.- Stf f xf-t-f , e . provided the terms mf nsy tneut aud Special lntrortionahave b ea complied with. . .-. w., ...u.iui.w., reienac wul M fives te tbo-e ia t'oaataal geu( omr work. e pf err u mr partial seta roa after the extrarttae the i atural teeth one wekis loac a"U$h touueiveas b tweeu the extract tax and I be appiiicat to. To oar ,tatnu, aixl those who desire to fwrone sarh e will aarthatourarrunseineausre wM that we can and wiltaup!TSuefireiW p 4 Utt Utnt, mmtiVmOmrU withiu iwodsrs alter the arriral of the patieat. TO THE DKKTAL FROKK.SMON. ThnaenrTOUfaTiaralswLwthiS CUieriMise. mm vanll mm srraiisTemenlswilh which impreaivos may be Ukea yt'ur pa;iea:s' raaes. aaartK-uIatmc. rnotUu, ftc , ac it.rwanled to as l.y KiHWaa, ud wilhuut deia let amni nited with reavinableircurtiTlt. the tittmr kud uiiruU. s-T'terml1'' ml- Biock Wulk 10 oraa TesUmoniaU and Itknuttt. !bM,,TJiW-'tb V,""h - rthelasUwTesrs, aoove iuoUto.1 ,.f prcKjuc.Eui Art, Vmth aodUliere st teuiiit ul Hit i. irciAaar orisct. T OARLIC1C. aiMMic tuethixl of makiux md spp jidc Artihrial Teei h the Laturatirv 01 lr. Wrxxht, aiwl a:aoia m; and csa wit ,itaitlece that his uUi istbe best know a ou aaMleutireir iticreWul whea nsdeaiMler hi otwervMltua eiMXruritT of tli.a kiaOut Dental work oer mW or aa kiid of m. tnlltc plate, -aaoi b aiatrtiotred. and the aiate OKDtiB Llr Wrist lit Ciremar ol the- aaaber of eases wlter wtrk baatAkea the plccof g..ld plate, is true Murk thiv wurk 00 r.'IJ ulaLe had U:ra lamiii-ad h. ih- lrDiiL mitie coaut rr. j am a. a eonversaat wiihtheauc mi frceiatu wurk the ha.da or iher Uua Ur. '"iL 11. A. AC K LEY. M. I-ate Prof, of Sarvry Clerc. Med. ColUtra. lia P Rhodes. I Prof J p. Kirtlaad, M Jnekaoa. I Pru. K. 8. Huiit, Er Msiiwrastle, J Ed. Ruff M . JottraaL H L human. j U m . W. fcirltards. K T Siuno-zaui, I Prt.GaUhell. J K Csr ixa . B llaiue lesmed that persons elaiaiinir to do this rk, aad ia hmut eaAcliautaC U be our n-au for he we willar thai uotu tin- date we have au a-wn-ai C. P A .wIiolMreauyrietttirwssthe above pat eota it tt clatoi.ajkii in iht-ava ease it is either sa inin:iceaient in int'iiKiiHHi if aa ioipomUini. let it worlt 11 own cure; aa ituriustesaveat, ws will in due time annul to that. M. I. V. MIGHT. M D, sept2 Actaary tor Ue Compaay. f-rt r-allv B. in an by tlie the ob io e-vereti it t lug lta and 0 in H cbr r Dry Goods. RECEIVED TO-DAY Buck Silk Guipure Lare, Btavrk Silk Hrutltvlles Iace; While Gutpurs Laee, riuaad Lacs. oar owa Ituportatioa. suie km iiilku k nisA"-. RARGAINS FOR TUE PEOPLE' Clearing out Sale of Summer Goods. II. I. Baldwin & Co., oft r Monday, Jaly Sfith, wl UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS Oar whaile stork of Samiwr Cuuls is Io he cloaed out Attcutiuo is nv tested to tj;e lolWwiuc: Elegant DirsaSi ks. to $i offered si. Ju-4Jttsta and Lawoa, 2a, ' KrviM-h Giiiffiiants, 2, ' t't.ailia. 2st2atAi. I. ....I'ct 1'.". cU 1- S --u I J S ets lieu Vihj cts ... ct, ...Plllae 4 K r0t t. bribes, 2s, Mfurt-i Vsuul Harcii. Sat PisiQ w.a,l Uaroires, keJd. KU10 B-in-'. 3mk1 4a. Enlish antl Aaiericiui Lawns. Is caa GiuahaokS, la, ottered atTT.... eiht Otur V-ili tatoelr nf HTt.UNO PRlVli iulJb AT KHIHr t"TT UargaiiiM in Dry !oods FOR AUGUST. W. WARREN, rio.laO sapenor St., Corner Nrnrri M.v TS NOW OFFERING HIS STOCK oi SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICKS tit : tfttltinr Prists M tents; Kie ahilliDff ChaM ii iuc urt shilh'-n Twt ithi: line Muslins lor ism shilUui.; "jat colntsd Calwoea f .r 6 peace; Yard wide bleached Shcetimr fr C; bqtI Hs'tineta tt.e whole stock at half pnea. LINEN TOWEUNt aa.n Rieat rnh'sW S r A LARfiE YMONU B CO. ADIES SACK FLANNELS. Ray J aiate Black lined Kienaels; just teeeit ed by Uf. WAHHl'N, No lHISilnennrst. BOAT BLANKETS Bt tlie bale at Itt suoenur ht. 3 Public Square H U. KENDALL k CC. MUSQU1T0 NETS. 100 PAIR of Musquuo Netafot sale by jull E I BALDWIN k CC. ANTILLAS A New and Elegant . A wMtnaeat of Keal F iic'i-h Thread MaaUiia 1-LaHkK LACE MANTLI-S hglvJlCH WKdKiHT MANTLES. LAC E Pt'lNT aad SHAWLS. Made up !. Mantius. Mai-ieila Netis. nlaia. rurht afMl b-rured Mantillas, Gmpa, fnrMCes. Braidt. Velrta,ftc Tha latest tle faac Iasurs. THE LMPKES8. lli- at ne guuds are just opeaed and Ceoupriaa a very srs lenaive atvi, j ihu. Erjm1DW!;fco1 liJtaO. ihQ greatest yarietv at re- JVd.M!tdPtc. W- WAKRFN. , i iu No Tno-9tnt. TTOSIERY. LADIES ATSIiIN(J llu, bu hrihedoateaean und at: all stork toetcet fros ' TAYLOR. GH1SV.OI.II St t'Q XT" RENCTIlTWNS. J AC0N ETS and r - a co. T7MBR0IDERED MUSLIN COL. A J LA ItS New S'rlea ut EronJereil rol arsjust ree'd 20 CASES PRINTS English and laaerkcsa. 8 RAYMOWPfcro. LADIES' TraTtling Dress Goods. W. WARREN, No. 130 Saptrior Street, COBNBB SENECA 8TKEET. Invites attentioa to bat Stuck nf the above Goals, LATELY BIX'KI VE D bciac choice atylasaad aiTeal varaaty. "PATENT COLUMBIAN SKIRT JL KPhlNUS A aaw articsa, at (13 per set. ana MuHvAN k BOOT. BONNETS The whole stock at any ne. W.WAkKtN. JB132 JEW SUPPLY OF BEECHER'S .1 I If'E THOUGHTS )n. At 1NDHAM k BRAOC'S. N. eWstpply op the oatlan (DHLS. A rawdly selliae Hn.. at B iuiJ INGHAM k VIRAGO'S UKTON'S CYCLOPOEDIA OF Wll kULMOB.--inl TOUey ST SO juttl l.NUHAjf k BRAOQ AT WHOLESALE. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG M .N, ta a (fore ur Oflk-e. Serunty will A sT-eB. he will inreat $JU0 Cash to his casplover's ia- lereec An.ireas i aixi. dit PObV GRASS SEED. 1 da BUSH. OF PURE REAPED IV TIMOTHY KEED,ji received at the C lave- laud dead Store. 1H -we y. b aud the talk Ca Die hnd h as a of (J in I hs a-st1 Medicines. Will U THE DEMiXD SO GBKAT fUl DR. IflANIf S AGUE BALSAM "RECATJSE IT WILL, in all cases ' aielT ami riiyetuaHy cure last sirb dreaded sooarse 01 tne Weat-Cliil.a. I'rttr aud AffiM wtbMf lail; aad ll caaos will nmulerart ihe poisoa cf Malaria, ut wsich thouatiaJa do teality, mad. unlike all mher aostniBis, va.., leivaiinriiui u um cut of uiemee; and as toaic. it is aosurpaasid We will o4er a few evhkacea iu wunli, by Baas of uaducace scd hash sUiafi. Pnscet. a, 11L, Sept. 3k h, bS7. D. Majt-j Dear Sir: For sassral years pest I have Med roar AGUE BALSAM la say da)) pntctira. asi have cfcwely observed Its etfrxrts ia hiaadreds mf raaes, and ia aa easehas it failed to produce the WmmX happy etTax. bmmi elvs r:ully ree-BiBscBd ll n t cenai sprr.Cc fir Chills, Fever and A :oe, aad Malsrr-ax iH-m. Truly Y-or", . ALriN. M I sUoiakail, ilh . Eh. l:h. D. MtKX h C I kae - rotd a larrc . u4 t.mT AGUE BAlS.tM tm llu Tmii. i . aud f;uaaf ih. kawled viti it. I Wlieve it the U-t r m mj f. t i, aad v thut haa ert-r U i awd its tsui- St(e lvsctfully Yoaua. u. A. HYDE, ArhtaiuU. tb, J a Tat. feS. MK- EI S K 1 ;ro-WX-. In ,a .a 1,.- the sia'es . 1 iNim ami nc I a t I.-r he fc.e d I e iim-i ffltl-ll s .! wll Ch Wf NaT.' f.Wlr .1. .41 sVloH I II h il alieal to.4w. r IIhi cri' I utMMi hal AG b r B.AL- eiu- l.. Ui THK rkOPL.! W.w htxDV a. d lS i-ai'-M in m .u .r a a l la . ei mnt U u. ei seue an mmi ku ratik m 'h at tktn. Veiy Truly YjojS. A. to. HENDRY. New York. Jh IX, bOo. Mcs-BS. S. K. Mumn ft ro tie. t: I Kuw-. a Mir huuae .st. 1-mii", -uid y-'ur AGl'K Hl4f i nrw . a. aJ havar relull. om iia -de- a i i-vaiNa. hauai raeuor. siv. i du wit iiitu ttn ai ei l m j, world uf' ntetlH iney in m i-rh. al kH.wle.i.. Currd enwanently ereiy turn, : ed I h ivo k u it uaHl iicririMji iui'.'l a n ij in u Htv: pi. wttli tlie BhjkI happy IVaaUit Aih! b at Mt 'r B M.tis,Bi K llia..i.n tiH)vnifi but what rtu iumJ rur u, 1. at ml taat naiMUE. B lUaltw EMI Dcmail "B IB IS I IBaMf M SB B pBT RajaaAecUBily wurs, Pftor. O. J. WOOD. S. K. MANX, Proprietor. Gallon. Ohio. Sold All good oruggutu. li.M LUKU H iHAUIiI), WlLLiAJd mH CWelatul More to be Admired than tli RICHEST DIADEM Ever Worn by Kittgt or Emperors! w 7"1TAT? WHY A BEAUTIFUL HKtD Or HAIU HeranidB it is tda Cod htmts tf 9tmrt44 for all our nce. Reader, aiih.'uch riaae bit Mi-Ota ever so briehtlv ia the riowiue ctie-k eve be ever so spark lias, the lee' h he thtwe ot pearis; u head m brrett Ot lla earwenuar nr tBe hair he anarleil and sltriveled. hofs mmd dry. ae worse still, if stnnkled with rrv, nature will Usae ore than half her charsns. Pruf. wiMIUS HAIR RkS LORAT1 YE, if ued twu tar three me a week, wm refctnre and pemiajieully secure to all Mich aa ornament Read the 'otlnwinc, and joaure. 'iha writer ot tbe nrst is lac eeUmrmUd iSoasxt, TuaLBkao: New Y rk. April 19, 1 5A Dr. Wooi Dear Strr Permit se to ciireaa tu voa tha iscaliune 1 asa under lor tbe entire restoratioa of my hair ita 'n,-iuai color, adoui tne usae oi air trrmi ia lae L'nited airs, it was rauidlr heeitm ar I'ht. but anna tha U-u'loa of T.iur H Ai K H 11 V fc." U M ns- itiirmai luo. 1 etuller your Kestorati-e aa a Woadertal iweutiutiv, tjui'-e etficscuMS as wri . as airreesbla. aaa. near sir. yuurs irm y. s. x nJLX.ot.mU. mDbtcst iswri-iwrocT," WeHh Newwrntwr. OtBca, 13 aXaaaau street. Apni 1st, los. f Paor O J Wood Dear ir. Some Baooth er six weeks cu. 1 rrceivud a bottieot" r Huir Reirtoritire. and cave to aiy wile, who o-tv ludeU to trr H oa ber head, lit.le liiBknte at the una that it wou d restore tbe mt hair ta one inal cob: 'ut to Kt aud st surrriMt. after a faw weak a' trial, it ha peTloriawd that wted?rul tfect by lurr. all the k ray a:. its iu a urk browa. at the saute turn lattaatifyiiLc asxi tint keaiac tbe hair. I iroox:lr recuorurnJ alMfve !4rjine to ail persons la want or r;r.i chaiige of their hair. C MARL Ed I AbUlvW. Nw Turk. July S, lt57. Paor O. J. Wood With easiiiwieiire do 1 reconaieia-i vour Hair Uewtorattve. ss heme ihe saost et&csci4avua article I ever aw. ?ince astv'g yovr Hair Hestorative, aiy hair aad whis ker, which were almostwIuUi, have tradunllv RTOwadsrk, ikw 1 fee 1 crsa&letkt that a lew rsawrt) a(iiH:jtiona will nvtore them to thatr aaiural rolor. It has aLau relieved me all vBaaJruaf snd unplrasajU lUluag. S coaimo atntsuc persuas who raptra Uoaiy. . i, G. JaliLRY. Pi op. Wood Aboat two ve-rs a-o. sm hair cort-aeai ed turulnr tray; 1 was fast bee Biau; b iid aud had tried ouay remniiea to ao 'Beet. J e.miTJced usifii fixir KesTiTrttive Jauuary last; a few sppl icatiwes rsstened aiy hair finalr; br4i to hil ao. mw iMit. and turned imck, to ita farnier h sck. At this tisa. it uially rettireii to its orinial color, health, aud appeataiatw, mul 1 chaariully rvromn.eod uaw Mian if. njao. Ch ago, liliaois, May 1.1-47. Tha RVJTTORAT1YK is ttit bdih bottle f f three aiiew: larsa. nHtdimBi aad mail The niall btiti a naif a nini. aud retaiia tuti H pur boUe. Tlie niHliam bonis at less, tweaiy rceiit more in proportion ttiair thr smalL. and rcUi:s for is-r taxi e. l be utrne aoii a auart. tortr uer ccat. more ppiponi ra, ai d retails for o. j . WIH.IU i u , rruisfiAtors, 312 Bnwjwsy, new Itnihe cn-at N. T. Wire RaiUiag eata.iihatent.J aod l tract reet, . Loots Sin And wia ay sit tJ uruariau maa jraary tioous ueaMrs. su U daw 3m HEALTH OF AMERICAN WO MKN VeaifaiV Y. JM-Jy firm K-htiwial ilvaire to rail attention to a letter from Dr Jivshna Rriilce, on "The Heilth of Amerie-an W.stnes." in santh. rctiiuiaa. lie treata the stitieet :u an Mite manner, aud usshillauid inedirBliMlrmant twsv be relied upusk" Promt Umr eKasUlty AtvrmV C-TjrTrSf "al-irshsll Utfnse I a(uoln-w haa proved to be fully as valuable as t 14 claimed to tie in autny pevere tests n.atla mtiral eeulleniea aod others. Dr. Undue is a retrn ar hyaBMBiiul'very hoe attainments, a ma" of xreat jatcment diaunmiuain B. a )uJit-iitu and tucThly socrrsatni prac titHaner, n ail disuaaus, csuecaally thuaa uf WiamcB and Chiidiaa-" trmm rkatnmms. "Marsh-til's Utenne Caihottron wi l certain y cvra all d iM-BMra for whH-h tt ia recoiuDieivde I " " I here la ao medicine like it ia l Hi a coun'rv 'la Uh) wura cases I have ever rot with Marshal!' Ulenoe Catfaolicua is a car aia aad sate remedy." M ARSHALL'S IJTERINR CATIIOIJCOH sHDbeutailiitfly tit: ret! as a reliable remedy tir a l thMM runiplnints to which everv wouiau m ! utile, and which trriul- u.ilj au ei me Bit mi as wen aaine node, so mat to mi' a. or wiatk becumet alike a s-4irre of uiierinit. 11 at im paasaibiUiy. Assonc thecjotptitn's fr wuicb ' he i ailtod l a reajeoy are FaUm t the Womb, Wttttes. Kup preaMed. lrm:olar or Pa aful Mensttrnaltoa, bloating. In lUiumaMons and Disease a of tlte Kidneys or Urinary Or caas, Reteatiua or lacontaienc ot Untie, Heart hura. Cos li t-bcs, N rv eO"jair. yainttiurs Psl pits' was. Cramps, urntrtl Sleep, awtl all txmif.iea. ensuie ur MB-aufUC, CiNiBfted wita t ta uterine unTsBB Lailies wtiore tmur.iett with awy rth stwwe trmptcm, oTwith spine, liver ur lone complain's. are invited to Bal tic ens Dr UKILmVI, with full coatiderca thst they will re I left Maraltall's L'tenne Cathoiicon is nt a qaark jiiedicjiie. bat ita ingredients hve been mde known to ihe Mndu'sl Cotleiree, and th-f aae at the service uf aay re spertable physiciaa in the cwntry. TVprKV mf MARSIIAT.VS VTF,WTNE CATHOU CU.S w umt Dmltmramd ilmtjptr ttmyUx mmUle. Wl'T Kkdpord, Coshortna Co . lTay 14, 1"T Mr H B K'ttsaiev.Sin I ua h-euaelluui the aaedt- uf the Uraileu;nt ' obi pan v for the lait U 11 rearm, aod ive invariably liuudt)iem to give rood ntiatactioo, awl toeptllsl have pold to a sreat many l'anutls as remlarly tlimr tea aud cotlee. aad with aiy trade th y have becBke S!e article. Marhairs Ulernn Ca' hUeon mibk ciae that iisstlooe a STtsat amount of flood in female disea es. tine lady I d it t toll m site had received more besubt from one bottls ihau le did ffm a lou cwina uf aeu umi treat dm ut br 'ne mwt skillful iiK.nriaiio. Yoots truly. JA-JifcS WtLSON. Janstary 1st, laS8. MRS. ROBIKSON 3 CERT1TICATR. VrVn. Trembotl Cm . May 1st. WM. This certifies th-a I have been in very boot health for rear, and found H'-ike or aw relief alter em ,!. uc a auniiflr phvtni-iaus. Mv disea-u was Pr-aiMna Uteri 1 had heea reduce I br that aod k'lotavur A)'us aatil I aad become alcerated io a ctareii'lunihle extent. Bv the advice of Dr. W Bnshnell 1 procuml aodtiaik -n iHitt'es of Marshall! Uterine atholicoa which etiah( to S'lead to mv hna Imiad ta his la at sckaess :itil he did which was aboat a veer since. I have tiken three bottles s'nre htadrsth. whieh hs made ue sb.e to laltur sad snppfvrt mv familv ml' three children TheCathdiciia haa aesrly ie stored me to health. Itiatheonlv thmc that has miaaled my sa.for ina lor which 1 feel very grateful MARY E ROBINSON. The CATHOLICOK fs fat sals by City DTBxststa and by Mod trine dealers swaeralty. ulli BOERHAVE'S IIOLLAIVD BITTERS TUB CKLCBRATED DOLLAM) REKKUT FOB DISEASE OF TDE KID3ETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKXES3 OP AXY KENT) FEVER AND AGUE, Aad tit vanoaa afsctlowe coneeaaewt ipm a disordered STOMACH OR LITER, Sneh asTmlisvprtion, ArtditT of tlie Stomach. Co'icfcr Psins Heartburn. Lops of Aopetite. De- mhJ-b-v. C'ntrvvaeaa, Riind and Bleedinc Plica. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, aad Nenrslcie Atfen-tion.. i haaia numerous in-itanrL-a proved hMtiily benem-ia). aod in others effected a decided core. Tow ta a pnrelv veeUrle eMmp-eud, prearttd oa sinrtly sua..-t.fitM nrins-ii'leB. after the manner ot the celebrated Hoi land Pnfftr. Berhave. Because of treat soccess meeat uf the ksropean btaies. ils u n w aci ion inu tne I'aitctl Stales was iMtemled more etnciallv fur tSoneof nor fntherland eraUereo her an'i there over the taee of this Hir'itvconatrv. MeeUM with crwat ocai inoar them. now odrr it to the American p-iMf, k'towinx that its tmlv wtinderml medicinal vidaee must be cksuwedced. It is tmrlicBlarly retsominwmled In iboww perwHM wlioee mwstitatious uisr have oeea unpaired by tha enaliBUons nae ul ardent spirits, cro'ber kirni ef dinaiMtHm. GtT rallv in4aBtan-OBiB eflect, it tfuds its way directly to tbe Hat of tile.lhnl.iun and aaickeaius; every nerve. rai4rg up the driaioins: sfurii,aaaj, w inn. tai ismsw aaw Msus ana eitror in the ay stem. NOFICK Wo-wwext-sctsto fnd this a beversc will )tipooiuted; but to the aick, weah snd lowapiriled. It will imrve a rrateinl aromatic cordial uoaasaasd ot sancniaf """"""""iCAUTION. TVieereat Bvanlant,olhi.lliehttl Aemaa has Isdnr d maar isaiUlt1 whlcli th eoiilic shiMild caard aaamrt MR-lisaissr. Be at aerswled to b.:v aevthuia elw atil y.hBveive Btwrtiave's Holland Bilters afair tnal. One i eimvlncyoa nowiMinueiy aBnor at I I. all ff- sold at flak far lot! at, or an hotlla foe (5 Dab, SOLE PBOPRIETOKJ, BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & CO., MAFrUVAl.TUgI!(J . rkaraaceatists and ffcealsts, PITTSBUBUH, PA. Hold in Cleveland Wy Gavlord fc Haaaasoaul, WilV Piake, C. 9-M ackaui. P. K. Canreaill, iar. Chaa.a Aaaea aatsa aVtua-, sad Oraifisu f eaerally. Medicines. Real Estate Agents. ie REAL ESTATE Ana INSURANCE lAtaEMT!, Jfo. 99 Superior Street, Marble Block, np stair"" febl ITOR RE NT A number of desirable -A nai'M ts a biMiiiin v.... . , . . . 1: .iiiw f.lHM k(u i.siol. tj i-i.a a.ur-ua Kiaaaaaa atreat, eT.'0 STOBY B8,CI' BWELLINO-O. BoW atra 1 u. v e-rviu w ruirn-;. iti;J:,,1J,K "wrLL.No-wni mn AciioTshwili Ll!,P?t'ITABLB r0a A BOARD kijuiiViuu Wut a part ur the .m. . ---vow. m aii,aIiU5, neai K-Jate- atHi Inauranco Aeats. yoil S.4LE-A PRETTYfrAME . t orrAtHKicht rtasawa ,i tiifV1"1 K k-I V-KIVE Al HESfn P.rma a-.'.o?-1'?. A.,.'.KE-r'"or ""'" - t Ihe eitv. A LAKI.a: WKl.I. I'IMvlll'i. uUT. Vi?.??''l.,0U. B i Jtoiisa; k JCNNING. -i J - steal L-mie Asrata L'OR.SALK. Vacant Lots-On Hud- i:a.iI tw,B fromthtC,,, , !o"I.:iriW" LWATBR POWER-Wrth a rreat fall sm auod.iuce .s waiar. 17 ran.. In.. .... .s' '"'J - i art siaad lauldia, and amchery u" I.AITP ST m.i1. r ci ... h. 3ad m " 1 a-half atory U Kl 1 Ira. an. I a. f-w. ... considerable nail in otlrar ffmaf P.I UK VI AN S V -House aiui Wt-1 ErcehnM. Cw, W. rn Isnda. i.B- lhansw lur wi.M USI.-A larrre amooat nf 1- wII aiSMtawS reet. oueaiM. -innmii 1.1. Aerea Bear th ei Tix'tL"1'""1- ' for KOfSK k JENyi!C. m lunerioc s ALK OR EXCHAIGET" . ni.n n USA .Tlll.lUfataw D.os... .... .a. a 5!?., 1 , u cin.ii..d, .0.7. ... . ....i. ... ,.ir r,xxi larm. a.m.t a 4 iM. sasnW Hsae.: Eis.and 12 acres luuoer. WiU laae Westera laads a. par (xtTment 11- aa aTokai' LIWELLIWO aid fyiTw.11 1 ..j ill.' """.'""- V vnaaa; I. aaenaan. fw p'iH,CLl:TELAND IRON MIVINO COM P.Y sKHK nd 1 Va.-ant Lots o eai.luiia fura-nsll lurse near llie cits: or a aoaae aud tut w-1 1 1.-- .t..i . . . tr. AT EUCLID ST ATIOSJ an-. r 1.-.1 1 vi.-s. ends l..aiu: un.ler Am. enlti.ti.. ..1. ... .1 eh..iee fruit and .sue timler; two dwelunea, two oarua. and Bever-lailin spriuc of water, and t acres. V of ain.leBi.rhofiu. S'.at,; rch loamy wad. Takanaw foraeood luiproved larin. Als... vir.anra WACKES IN WlLLOfUHBY-Oath. LakeShoc..-Oo-Iiil.d well imposed, wua a an., waleriinaj cu.-al-r.hie irmt. w. HI. HON l'llrn. J iia ... - Stalio.1: tuod new huu alKl hars. ori.,d. . ...i wai.reo M ill eacnanee u, u-n b. w , ... , srunerty. BOCSE fc JENNINGS. jartlf KealE.taie Aaentn. IiOR SALK OR EXCHANGE tiOOD BUSINESS PKoPEK I VA CTh.l ' ... b attsd 1 16a leet tl vcars v aad lot oALi" AkA'rw,ta0",!M fro" UieCity Plank Rosdfc: -ores wuh;.Kl ti mis . bare aad ore.ianl wi.h ilVracr"' ,r-ut - -uuiy loam a tut wail wateOted. SIX At KES-Omt miiewewt of the city line c Plaak Rnaut. wiilexcaiureitArataiut. DETROIT SI' -rM TlV XT , w . a I,, ,a- ' " ,,. ' . -V' "W-BBW ami SaattS-w-aVOS y 1 tea .with shade aad iruu trees iu eichaaiae lor a tarin 1.V LAKE SHORE IA nilaw a. .Sa- - w, two Hi) Acrts, with a stuali bouse aed orchard and b acres SdenSl.rri"'1'""- W lorf .'ill riiil:-00 1Uorr Uom hssl Lot to eaclntw. KOlioE fc JENNINGS. weal ..Mate apd Insnrawee Areata F9.K. SALE TRUMBULL CO. SI.,saBd.l,.rtann bmldiiu;.; i oreaarda nnd 4d acxv lunber,l, loam and well lne,ri m " ., t'LEVELAND aToui one 10 inn acres of land atoptaaioi pun haaer. wnhatoiid iw...t.r oeJl I U K S A I. fc: 1. D T It s . , " TAVERN STANll-A. a Station Z, i il. ur ,nr7 Bal kailroed-in n. tlie cily.eo miles dmant. a lane and well constructed liundias and every ronveiiieBC wuh V "T".011"1- nti-hanse ur u unproved larua J. , CO.-lwleerasoath. an- Line RRtroaiTo- leoi'lw Uin-ac. uue mile Inioa a Matlua and oa aud a kail' Biilealrovi the County Seal: al.n . HOLiEfc JENNINGS, "3 H'al INiare Aseala. -K SALE OK a'Xl HANUR.-KINSMAW tnin .'WW pay ia - ... ..... uuu.irr ul ir'lll tree. A SESina nm.. J:. 1 1. E ELAN D 2 aerea with Hia, brial rhanl 7 milea rri.ia the euv and a -hort diLtao.-. froa. ln.kiK-.nd Plank Road. Will eU .e-liau ur lu. who. Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE I.NSURIME COMMST, IIAKTEllKU. CONN.. CHARTER PERPETUAL. g-.Do,000 CAPITAL. U I Til A VlltfV I it:c h-iruui iiai Securely i.ivcn J u:,uti i ha sa net Km and apuroval of tha Comirwilei 01 pui.iic .Wf-,wita,i. tvue MadU U CiatilU-CI It'Ut. OrFICER3 AND DIRECTORS: J Iv'.M; M.kLlV. J. HS I. BLM'K. Vice Pn-anleat. hAAIt'KI. II WHIIK S.e.,t.rv. hV.l. lllCKEHM.tN. Ue.riAcent. DIRECTOR3; Al wm ra "... D iiki. P wit im Johb L. Huv r. Joua A. he ri UK. N.I.M liua. ..... KtMWgr L BLODorr, V. D DltJlf t-BMtN, J1p:-i t:. w vI.klkT. Will I a ha U '..w u B. HKKtSHHt. M D.. I '1.1 III TIUI sW atOUit JKNNINUS. A rent At bm J.uiarua M... t lrvelaaai. O. mrjt GOOD NEWS FOR THE IdADIES 1 AS GOOD AS THE II I G II E S T PRICED AT ONLY Hall their Cost! THE ATTENTION OP THE PUBi LiUuf CLEVELAND AND VICINITY ui respect fully directed to the NEW AND VALUABLE SJwlff.VGr .VJCMn.VES twnllv intrialiared here bv tbe Underaimevl. TV-se Ma- ehiaes are insn Ltw justly oeleurated MauutBCtory of GEO. B. SLOAT & CO., PHILAI1ELPHLA. and enansru. four klnd v:a: liradshaw's i'atrnt Improved Shuttle price SCO hloat's Elastic Two Thread ... (rift Johnson's Patent Tambour - - - (50 Uibb's Patent Elastic butch ... J15 N. B Every Instrtonent is full; warranted Eaeh Machine can be supplied with the PA. TEST HEMMEK at 5,lHI extra. Tlasse M vchines sew with EVERY VARIETY Of STITCH, and in a manner every way tally rt) ikU ta the bob hundred one hum) red and thirty, or uue hundred ami Ait delta ones 01 Sew Yuvk and utuer esliishmenta. They have beam la uaa in Eastern C times fur TV Years past, and ha' e every w her; ouaamead(?d Ihcnumrves by FsultJ ezeculioa ol their work by their durability without requiring eipen bi ve irpairs. d4 by their EXTRAORDINARY CIIEAP5E33 in cimuansonwHh other Machines elaimins; pupa lay favor TlMdemtuMl lortnese Marhines wbere they wera ail aul y knowa h-w hitin-TLi required lor Ks supply all that tonid um maauiacuired at the extersive establ.humeat of ihe Pra urirt ars. They Lave now lur the Arai Lthsia latrnliwd taem here, where at n believed TI1EY HAVE ONLY TO BE EXAMINED TO GAIN THE CONFIDENCE OP A DISCRIMINAT ING PUUUC. To Setting Girls! If there is any clues n mntiTiity eape-taHy vieritiQC sympui.iv sod ettcouraceawnt, st w those who are cuntpell ed to wear out tbeir lives i toe painl-it, hundmr employ men ol i he Suaaiatress, 'jjiitcti, si itch, sfiteh,' Biaorai noou and aich", tilt the eye dot a crow dint and tha heart aiek T- sucn we cve the iMMtevi ieoceui' MiiaaiiaKil nw t y ooVnitg liwa machines at a dtacauut fioua luauuiactu er apneva. Rooms at So. 102 Superior St., 1st jloor. W here at 1 thai ahoeameni waned different SBxieUea mt Ma chines Btay I-e seeu and their work tested. L-iuies aaa twim'a. tntMrth nut st urseent owsicains; to poichase, are renuitiilly luvilrUto caii Uaud m W. E. IS RAMAN, Agent of Geo. B. Sloat Co. Cleveland, June 23, 1658 jnn34 186 NEVV GUODb! THE FIRST i.V THE MARKET. SA. POvVERS, MERCHANT a TAY I.OI. haa inat ncisd aaa kit ot oPsUMU UOtllsS at laitaak Sttaet. SITE HIM A CALL. Cheap for Caih- c OUNTRY MERCHANTS wiU fiud tha bnraat and cheapest sterfc of ortadavi ct-s-as, D masks, Veetikafs, sh,I Tailor. Trimiwees, aaat At RETTBERO A UALSMAKif. 8. ARGA1NS IN PRINTS AND Mus hnw ct. p. yd st th. crnf mM IN ENS FOR PANTS, k"a-.l.aaal 1 -ttvBnw. tfUjxwnk Lmrt, TAYLOR. ORISWOLD fc CO. K ID GLOVES. ALEXANDER KH'S-inallsiaea. II D KENDALL fc CO. "WNINING STRIPES. A heaTj . An'en 'itfLo OB1SWOM fc CO.