Newspaper Page Text
LICf.NINGr LEADER. . . BCflUSliJU) lis - ... E. 00WLE8 k CO., ie, 14. AasTtoaa B.lldlaem. Mawerier M CDVTLia, aitara. VL"A' flioairUBtt, .B. IH, iNtnt. Tba KTUIma LwlK, , ... , e teres r-ry tftrmoo: at l o'olook aa Kvaa at JoeiSar calamine; ail the latest giin ip to uttin. Ta h.itmmi Leader will eontaia all the tei.gre.phio sews oelved ia tbe day time. ana la a eoAipiet rw;er to Iteeil. Babaonoers oa b farnmbed will, the morning or evening soutioa at Ui earae price, vis., ore dollars a year, or iftyoents rermonia. &wa aVfenU far Biaeea at IU0 par IUC oopie fLAIX AHD OXHAXEXTAIi PBIirTlSO. MB- Ul-t. . J nniiHl HnHnf fl .MTV 0JO- nitlM d.-oeat the l'rtutlug eauioii.hraeatortBe Lii-jnaomofcoa tiitlUM lrupru..l end Must rapid t1u Cnw, tn IM '- le, on snort nolle., end M rseawnaoie nvvea. fertw'Har ULtalK. paid to tH.i.i worn, ktorr dsen"'n oi Binding doee, e."oii; Flank Hook lifcowra. Journal a. b&ue a oral a, fcoMTuf tuitui m FORT DONELSON IS OURS! Fifteen Thousand Prisoners. PILLOW, JOHNSTON AND BUCKNER TAKEN. E alleluia I Lei 01 rejclo and b tx ediof, gl4, for we aave triumphed glor- ioua'y, ' Fort Donetson. is oart and ths Stars aad Strips wavs im all the pride of rietorr over the fifteen thousand rebelf eaptoi i fey ear hrere western boyi. Pil low kas agais. dag hie diteh en the wrong tide, and baried himself in it; Johns ton t".t migrnted from the inaction, of n mrmy sf the Polomaa to find himself an tqasl to the contest with Gen. Grant and Oommodore Foote, while Buhner fled from the extended armies of Bael only to find a lodgment within the grasp of Ealleek. The tronghd has fallen and to day the whole onatry is wild with exulting excitement, and hoars in shouting for oar yiotoriee "in the nemo of Continental Congress and the Great Jehovah-" Fifoaa thousand prisoners) an army of themselves, and with them, three of the best generals the rebels oan procure. General Johnston was,with the exoeption perhaps of Beauregard, the ablest General in the rebel army. When the war in Kentucky became serious,- and the alissisaippi valley - threatened, Gen. Johnston was sent oat as the Kapoleon before whom the "cowardly Yankees " would flee like sheep, or be cut down like erass. Johnston was at Fort Doneison as the grand point of defense. Bowling Green could be evacuated, Fort Eenry could be given up with comparatire ease, bnt Fort Donelson must be held at all he sards, and so three Generals, all brave, able and popular, were there to inspire their men and to bring all their military skill to bear in Its defense. They fought well, and the ter rible haToc they made In the ranks of the Federal but will send desolation to tens of thousand of bring hearts in the unflinch ing Korthwest, but all their strength could not uphold them against the attacking force. There was another creature in the fort who was dubbed a General, but who is better known to ear readers as Floyd the Tbiat Tree to his cowardly and thieving nature he sneaked away from his share in the fight, and ' ttoU away with his whole briirade. It is pleasant, even in tie mortification of his having eaped the clutches of onr jusuce- loring soMiert' to know that the rebels In the Fort, who iought bravely to the end, de nounced him as a black-hearted traitor and coward. We can only hope that if be is not eaptored by oar troops, he will be compelled to creep Ignominiously over mountains, and through valleys, and into dark caves, with these filly applied words forever ringing in his ears, so that no cotton which he may steal from some poor negro may shut out the sound. We are absolutely startled as we think of the victories of the past month. So closely have they followed upon each other's track that we can hardly give the details ef one before the announcement of a later one makes the former stale. Garfield's victory, the Kill Spring rout, the Fort Henry capture, the re occupation of Springfield, the capture of Boanoke, the advance upon Savannah, the evacuation of Bowling Green, and the capture of Fort Donelson make op a chapter of victories which we are proud to inscribe Bpon the historic page. And what must be the terrible despondency and despair of the rebels who thus see and feel the avenging am of as o&andod government. 2fo danger of a foreign interference, if we go on at this rate. Each one of these suo eases for the Federal arms is more con vine lag than a doaen manifestos or a score of ar guments upon international policy, as to the hopes of the rebels and the justice of the Federal cause- rebel report says that Floyd was taken with the other Generals. If this is so, we may venture to offer the flag-8ta.ff upon our Square as a suitable place on which to hang the black hearted traitor and coward." General Burnside. . II need cause bo great surprise that Gen. Burnside hat not yet forwarded an account sf his victories. He is a man of deeds rath er than words. It is his strong characteris tic. This was shown by his speech on the reception of the flag presented to him at Washington at an early period in the war. After the spokesman of the donors had de livered a flattering speech, and bad presented the flag, Barnside received it with an expres sion of satisfaction en bis countenance, made courteous bow, and said, "Very much obliged to yon I very much obliged to you 1 ova on mib." That is it No words to pare. "Move on men." That is what ws want at this special emergency. Burnside, instead of consuming time in blazoning his daeds is official dispatches, is doubtless busy scoring the full fruition of bis vtetory by (moving on his man." SAVANNAH IS OURS! ANOTHER VICTORY As will be seen elee Where, Bavannah has lurrendered to Commodore Dupoct I Three more cheers for this noble Commander and our noble navy t Let the bells ring, the peo ple sbonS the cannon roar, the bonfires blax and the Star 8paugled Banner and Yankee Doolie be sung and played netil the breeite of the Reeky Mountains bring back the patriotic echo. Hip, hip, hurrah I Hon. B. F. Wade. We publish, on the first page of this (Tuesday's) paper, a letter from Washing ton to a cotemporary, touching the standing of Bon. B. t. Wade at Washington. It cor roborates the statements heretofore made in these solamns, that bo man in Washington is so much sought for in conference by the President the Secretary of War and the Commanding General, as Senator Wade, We made ' he statement that scarcely a day passes without Mr. Wade being sent for by ene of these parties. ' We made the assertion advisedly, and we here repeat that not a man in Washington (and lor that matter, in the whole country) is so much consulted by the Administration (including the Cabinet) as Mr. Wade. And while we hear that hostile parties aa attache of the Plain Dealer being one of them are still circulating the false reports that he is in disfavor at Washington; we dare and dely them to prove their as sertions. We know and they themselves know that such reports are falxe. In con nection with this mitter, we find in the Cin cinnati Gasette, an able article upon the Senatorial question, touching upon the much boasted theme of "conservatism" which is the pet hobby of the enemies of Mr. Wade. We commend it to the careful consideration and fair judgment of every voter and of. every legislator. Those legislators will have to answer to their constituents for their posi tion upon this important matter, and it be hooves them to set aside no earnest, vigor ous, experienced and popular statesman, for any timid, inexperienced man, upon the ground of pretended " conservatism. When we are charging bayonets upon our country's enemy, it is no time to supersede the officer who has pluck, ene gy and the confidence of the army he leads, by a new man of whom they know little, and whom the enemy will fear less than his predeces sor. The Gazette says: He is the most conservative man who is most determined in the suppression of this rebellion. A conservative in politick! af fairs, is one who would preserve the Govern ment in all its integrity, and with ail its lib erties. One who would palter with rebellion, or go half way with it, or come reluctantly and tardily in to tne support ol tne uovern ment. is to just that extent a destructive: to that degree he has gone for breaking down his Government. On the contraiy, the man who took the most determined stand for pre serving and vindicating the power of the Government, and for summarily putting down by all necessary means every resistance to it, and every symptom of rebellion, is the true conservative. We make these remarks because there is a recent custom of applying the term con servative to weakness, lukewarmness in pub lie affairs, cold-hearted selfishness, cowardice, concessions to rebellion, reluctance, tardiness and conditions in the support of the Gov ernment in a civil war, and a softheartedness toward the most atrocious rebellion the world ever saw. In the Border Slave States seces sion is called conservatism, and in the North it has become common to apply this term to those who are believed to have no heart in the cause of the nation. When was ever a nation saved from peril by seeking out those who were coldest and most tardy in the national defense, and placing them at the bead ot affairs ? What nation would deserve preservation which had become so demoralized as to set aside its earnest, devoted patriots, and put In power these beet known for their early sympathies with the enemy, and their slowness in de claring for the defense of their country ? Sun pose that in the war tor our national in dependence, the reluctant and lukewarm in the revolution naa Deen maae cniet in coun sel and command, would our independence have been accomplished f Would the fath ers have deserved success ? Will th is nation now, in a peril equally as great, be likely to succeed, in saving itselt from this rebellion. if it sets up the demoralizing standard that earnest, whole hearted, patriotic seal, from the first, in conserving the Government against rebellion, is too radical to be en trusted with the management 01 the uovern- ment or the conduct of the war, and that none but those who went half way with re bellion, or who are most reluctant and latest in their snpport ot the government must be allowed to represent the people in it, or to have any voice in the conduct of the war 7 Certainly the national peril is great enough to demand earnestness in our national coun sels. Certainly the time when great politi cal parties in Ohio sinl their parti zan divis ion to unite for the most earnest and vigorous prosecution of the war to put down rebellion, is not the time, and they are not tbe elements, to oppose those who have distinguished themselves by their earnestness, zeal and ability in the cause, and to fill their place with those whose recommenaauon is tne iacx of these qualities. If there is one man pre en ment tor this determined seal, energy, boldness and unswerving integrity in tbe cause of the country from the very first, he is tbe man tor a Union organization, which was formed on the sole principle of a vigor ous and determined proeecuusn of tbe war, to elect to tbe senate of tbe United States. If there is a man in whom through all the doubts and discouragements of tbe people during tbe war, the popular heart had always implicit confidence, he is the man for a legis lature of tbe people to elect to the Senate in this boor ot onr country a distress. "Smite it in the Name of God." From an eloquent speech delivered in Congress by Representative Geo. W. Julian, we extract the closing paragraph : SMITH IT IN THE NAME OF GOD! Sir, this rebellion is a bloody and frightful demonstration of the fact that slavery and freedom cannot dwell together in peacev Tbe experiment has been tried thoroughly, perseveringly, and with a patience which de fied despair, and has cluminated in civil war. We have pursued tbe spirit or conciliation to the very gates of death, and yet the "irre pressible conniot is upon ui, and most work ut its needed lesson.' This black conspiracy against the republic, which has armed half a million of men tn its worx ot treason, pira cy and murder this magnificent spectacle of total depravity, made easy in real lile, is tbe crowning flower and fruit of our partnership with the "sum ot au villainies." All the crimes and horrors of this struggle for na tional existence cry out against it. In the fires of the revolution which it has kindled, it has painted its own character with a pen cil dipped in helW The Uvea sacrificed in the war it has waged, the agencies of the battle field, tbe bodies and limbs mangled and maimed for life, the widows aad orphans made to mourn, the moral ravages of war the waste of property, tbe burning of bridges) the! robbery of forts, arsenals, navy yMds and mints, the public sanction and practice of piracy, and the imminent peril to which the cause of free government through out the world is subjected, all write their deep brand upon slavery as a thirst! ess out- 1. -.J 1 A tk n- ..' 1 , I. .1.- (lAW, BUtl JHCOU M US W aiUllV 4k AM UV name of God. ' From the Advance. GREEN RIVER, KY, Feb. 13. MOVING ON. vast division is as buiy as a swarm of hut In mid-summer. Orders have been Issued to prepare seven days rations, and be ready to march to-morrow morning at six o'clock. One of the grandest movn on the great military chess board Is about to be made. Gea. Mitchell's division moved this morning before daylight toward "Dixie," and undoubtedly ere long will confront the fo before Bowling Green ; and, it is said, will be able to capture two or three thousand sick, married, 4c, all others having fled to parts unknown. .......... I shall reveal no secret, I presume, by sty log that three Brigades of this Division will go down the Ohio river and up the T nones tee, and be thrown in the rear of Columbus, or carried away up into Alabama. Thus a force, from 10,800 to 12,000 will suddenly and unexpectedly throw to the breeze the "old time honored flag," in the very center of the rebel kingdom, and by the help of God they will keep it there When yon hear from me again it will be from some other part, and in all probability from scenes of stirring interest FLAG OF TRUCE. Yesterday Gen. Johnson, accimpauied by a few chosen officers, went South, having a white flag. Tbe object was to make arrange ments for an exchange of prisoners, having special reference to Uapt. Prime, and Major Helvetl, taken a few months ago. Col Wllllch Is very anxious for the exchauga of bis men taken In the cklrmisn on the oppo site side of tbe river. Col. Gibson of this regiment was among those who accompa nied the flag; he says they went three miles beyond Cava City before they came to their Patrols, showing cieariy mat uey have fal len back, since your correspondent accom panied the body of ZoUiooffer to their lines. They first met a party of the notorious Texan Rangers, who while they seem to have little or no honor at all, yet have thas tar faith fully observed the sacred character of the flag of truce. The Colonel says they are the same reckless mob we have always rep resented them to be, men for whom he could not .feel a particle of respect. They have greatly added to their work of ruin within a tews days, cursing ana DUghting neighbor hoods they can no longer occupy. So less than sixty horses in one settlement have been killed and thrown into watering places by them. Let us hope that Gen. Mitchell and his brave men will have an opportunity to inflict proper chastisement, and that reb els everywhere will be brought to certain EUROTUS, 49th O. [From the New York Evening Post.] The Iron Plated Steam Batteries. Plans and specifications have been pre pared in the Bureau of Construction of the Navy Department for the twenty iron-plated gun boats which Congress has ordered. We have before as these elaborate papers, which are much too long to print entire, and be sides possess in their minute details no par ticular interest to tbe public. From them, however, ws condense tbe following abstract and description of one of these proposed "iron-plated steam batteries." The length of the vessel is to be two hun dred and sixteen feet and two inches; ex treme breadth, forty-eight feet ; and depth of hold amidships, thirteen feet eleven inches. The hull is to be builtthronghout with white oak, and copper-fastened to within five teet of the top ot the deck. The deck-planks are to be of white oak, five and one half inches thick and nine inches wide. On this deck ihere will be deok lights, fitted with shutters to make tbem water tight from below, and two conning bouses, (lor guiding the ship,) ene at each end, which are to be of wrought iron plates, rough in torm, ot two teet diam eter in width, and forty -six inches high, the sides to be six inches thick, composed of one thickness of four inch' and one of two inch iron. The lid ot tbe box is to be four inches thick. At ten Inches below the bottom of this cover, the in rides are to be pierced with tour tapering peep-holes, Itwe inches tin di ameter on tbe outside, aad six Inches on the inside, while three Inches lower down there will be, In Intermediate spaces, four other peep-boles. - . - The armament of the vessel is to be con tained in two revolving "Cole-towers," whose outside diameter is to be twenty one and one- half feet, and higbt somewhat over eight feet The towers are to oe composed or two thick nesses of wrought-iron plates, securely bolted to a backing of oak ten inches thick, on ver tical timbers. The outside plates to be three inches, and the inside two inches thick; and all plates and appendages to be of first qual ity wrougbt-iron scrap, capable of sustain ing a tensile strain of 65,000 poinds per square inch. Each tower will have one port hole cut in its side tor a gun. This hole is to be twenty. tour inches wide ana torty-one inches ex treme bight, top and bottom to be semicir cular. In the roof is to be a grating com posed of wrought-iron six inches deep and one inch wide. Each tower rests on twelve wrought iron conical rollers, eighteen inches diameter, seven inches width of face, turned and polished, and with steel axles, to work in a wrought iron railway secured to the deck at every eighteen inches of its circum ference. - e r - On the. outside of the tower, tbe base, to the height of twenty-six inches above the deck, is to be a glacis or inclined plane, ex tending ten feet in every direction from the circumference of the tower itself, &nd composed of two plates, each one and a quarter inches thick, fastened on proper timbers. This glacis will protect the railway on which the tower revolves, with its ma chinery. v . . Tbe sides ot the vessel are to be plated with four and a quarter inch wrought iron plates, except for thirty feet from the stern posts, where the plates are bat three and three-quarters thick. The deck is to be cov ered with ten thicknesses of rolled iron plates, each three-quarters of cn inch thick, and not less than fifteen feet long and three feet wide. The entire weight of iron plates needed for One of these vessels is thus estimated in the specifications: - Tuns. Plating on aidea ......221.0 riaung on atcm ..248 2 Plating lor glacia for two towers . 40.6 Plating for two towers,. lie s Boon for two towers,.... .. n,f Decks for two towers, tc., .... 44 e Total-...!-. -1-.....8W The motive power is to consist of two horizontal direct acting engines, to work two screw propellers, one under each counter of the vessel. The screw propellers are to be four bladed, of ten feet diameter, and with a mean pitch of twelve feet Bix inches. The gun-towers wiJl each be worked by an oscillating engine. For ventilating tbe berth deck there are, besides these, to be four blow ing engines and blowers. J The Situation at Port Royal. [Correspondence of Philadelphia Inquirer.] PORT ROYAL, Monday, Feb. 10th. Everything here presents the appearance of a thriving seaport town. Civilians con stitute no small portion of ths population. Whits ladies, a snort time since, excited mnoh attention, bat now they are abund ant; as many officers and civilians have brenght their families with them. Num berless buildings are being erected, and a splendid and substantial dock, 1200 feet lone, is nearly completed : also, an im mense hospital built, in tha form of a hol low square. The contrabands are enjoying themselves hngely; most of them making money by selling sweot potatoes, oysters, fish, Ae, to the soldiers. Fine oysters sell at ten cents per quart The weather has been very fine, with soareeiy any rain, and that at night As an lllantration the soldiers go in swim ming daily. , -neeently, in company with some friends, visited Beaufort AU along ths river are in of deserted houses, where the aUveg of the plantations live and revel on their masters' property. The beauty of Beaufort has not been overated. The houses are large and elegantly furnished, the streets lined With live-oaks, with festoons of green moss hanging from their branohes, and the large g-vrdeni filled with orange trees and ragrani nowers. The Provost Marshal has stored away all the pianos and finest furniture. Tbe officers of tbe army occupy the bouses on tbe bay, and those lurther back are tenantless and free lor the Investigation of curiam 'itnuirr as are also tbe plantation heuses for miles in the interior. r The troops are encamped in beautiful orange groves back of the city. The men who are to remain on the trans ports are not allowed to land, except in small squads. They have had no change of linen or flannel; and, as rations, nothing but bard crackers and salt meat. The water which they drink was brought from New York four months ago in whisky and vene gar barrels, and is sad to be almost putrid. Whisky sells at Beaufort and Hilton Head at $18 per gallon ; matches, 25 cents per box; sweet potatoes, & cents per doaen; butter 76 cents per pound, and so on. A letter dated Pittsborough, Miss, Jan. 20, and addressed to "Dr. Darrah, Fort Henry, Col. Brake's regiment," has the following important item of information : F. G. Enochs got home from Jackson, and brings very bad news concerning the condi tion of our Southern Confederacy. He says CoL Blithe was sent down to Jackson by Gen. Polk, to inform the Legislature of the condition they were In, and their danger at Columbus,! a order that the Legislature might inform the people of Mississippi. Generally they (rebels at Columbus) could not give tbe people information of their condition through the papers, because they would give it to the North. They have only 12,000 men at Co lumbus, and they have a force of about 110, 000 to contend against In a few days there will be a call for 20,000 troops in this State, the time of the 60-dajs troops having nearly expired. J. M. Steele was at Jackson, Tenn , the other day, and was ordered to Columbus be Lad but eight men, tbe balance all be ing sick. He sent the eight men and staid J. C. STEELE. DIED. In thla citr. on t'undaT, rb 16th, at 4 A. kf.. JUU.1 JOLtJlafl,aga J7 -a aauva oi aau lax, n.D. Alio on Monday, Feb. 171 h, CLABA BELL In. Jmnt dam titer cf tha abova, aged o month. Tbe funeral will be held at tha reildenoa ol tha decaaaed. Bo. OT Dodge street, this (Monday) aftar aoon at 2 o'clock. Frlendi of tha lamily are invited to attend. On Bnniiar mornlnf. Feb. 16. FBANKMH SCOT TCN, of Parpura-bemorrbagia. aged 16 years and 11 aare. Faneral will take pla thii aternom, from tha realdence of hti Barents on Pittabnrgb street, at o'clock. Frlendi of the family are lavital to attend . . . ; j r vi. -K - ni-1 T-.n bnll county, lih'o, feb. 16tbt of Typhoid Fever, DAVID MUKK13, oi taueity, agea 43 years Funeral at Yoongitowa to-day, (Toeaiay.) 18th lost. Frlendi ot tbe family are nepaetfolly Invited to attend. A eptcial train will leave tba Mahoning Bill road Depot tbia moralng at 7:40, and re tarn trala leaving Yonngitown at 5:15 P. II NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r H A T ft I ACADEMY OF MUSIO ! C Mr. O. W EBB. Laaaee and Manager. Mr. i. HONTLXYActlng and Stage Manager. Mr. W. t Mr. J. X. aAMCL.Direotor ot Urcheetra, ICissas Emma aid Ada, lias. 0. M. Wibb. W FOB BIX NIGHTS OH LI. Taw. The Popular American Tragedian MR. JOSEPH PROCTOR, Aaalatedby Mils EMMA WEBB and Miss ADA WEBB Tuisdat Evising.-Fib 18'62, Will be perform eo Shakespeare's Gnat Tragedy of MACBETH. Macbeth. Mr Froo'cr. .....Mi.. A'a Webb. lit iicb.. ..Miee Emma MacdntT. thrat innMruic.l...Ur. U. W. i.ovedar. Iiady Macbeth .... Mri. H. A. Peri y. To conclade with tbe BOGURlEfiJ OF THOMAS. BOALE OF FBlOa. Dresa Circle and Parquet t. ISoente; Opper Girole 26 cenu; Private Boxea, fj,00 and fo.uOeacb; Gallery, U oenta. Jteaarved aeate tt oaata. ea-Door open at 1 o'clock to commence at algnt o'clock. Boziffloaopen froas 10 to 12 A. M.. and from 1 to 4 P. M. Mi A80NIC THE MEM- BE Kg of (JleTelmDti Citr Lodm Mo. r and Aoeetved Hitoni. are hereby not i tied to meet at their ball to-dur. atr-ne o'clock, to attend the funeral of onr deoeaaed bro.. J. o. L-olenmn. Members of other Lodge are InTited to attend. . febl8'-375 Secretary THE GREATEST OF THE BEaSOti. BARGAIN X. I. BALDWIN i CO., Offer tbls day. One Hundred Ifew and Elegant BALMOSU SKIRTS. Pmoi $2,50. fcblS JJ D. KENDALL & CO. EMBROIDERIES. Opened this morning a lrge aiaortmsiit of Lad tee' Linen Trarelfnf Setta, LaditV Embroidered Linen Collars. Real Point Collars. Dutchess Point Collars( Bnsyroia stdsrlnst. Alexander' Kids, Craps and Moornlsf Collars, Lace Sleeves, . Ladles' hemoi'd itltched Handkarohlefs. G.nU' oo.ord bordered Bandkerchlsl'i. tsr A ill opsn on Wednesday, a largs lflToies of SILKS! H.B-. KENDALL k 00. feblS . A RTI8T8'S MATERIALS h J nt received, a oomalete a. irt. Canva.e, Fall.ta, Pallet (tape. Pallet KniTea, Baalea Beet tKocka, atretohera, liraycna. Works on tha Art in all ia branchee, Ac, 4o, at wholeeale and retail, at B. B. SUUOLAt-8 A OO'S, fcbKCBU 17V enaerlor street. DHOTOGBAPH10 ALBUMS. 9 W hT inn oeened a larsr. B WehkTejnstopeneda lanre and lendld as sortment cf aibams, Card Yram Boi-tmentcT&lbams, vara JTrames, Card Porta and Pasaa partonts. which ws are idling at Tery low ariosM. LOUULAS8 AOO.. no is: biz 17V Superior st. G ILT FRAMES Oral Qllt and Boaewood Frames, Sonare Gilt and Moeewood France. SaSTOdd Frames made to order. B. B. DOUGLASS A CO., febl!BH ' 179 Superior sttott. A l8IGNEE'S NOTICE. Notioi Is hereby ctTsn that the nndenianed haabsMn appointed assignee of Jamet Btrmban, of Cleveland. Persona havtrgclaims agsimt him will recent ths ams to roe for allowance within six months after tlw expiration of this notioe. sVbH378 Assigns. B SALE THE STOCK OF DWTOa), lliwaif aVUU V1UOT SJVPUCjaj. tOTTBVTtJ owned by Jacob wenaor. bow in my hande and open InnaMtlon. Prona aealrine: to aea thm or to parthae. will malts application to ms. FOB 8 ALE Th i Stock op Clo THfira lately belonjrins to James Strahan. now my possestion, as aei;ne Persons dea irons el pnrcbaetng will make application to ms. BBCAS-aVM VOAO. Vf . OUDii a, FINANCIAL OREIGN EXCHANGE. Drafts tn amounts to anit. from u upwards, oa EKgb island and France, and all ths principal Cities o Beruauy. On Frankfert, Benin, LeipKix, Vienna ftrirembsraT. Casssl. Cologne. JtiaiEbnrffh. B runes) tsattrt, Manbeus and Prairas, For sals by 'V iscT-vnsiia mi- - - tCi IUKI fllOMEi! ADVANCED. SrJV.VAA In aunts to enlt-et the old etasd and well known WAG MSB'S OJ FlOB-oa eecorUleg erery kind, Tls : Dry Gooda, Hardware, Gold aad Silver Plats, Watcbea, Diamonds, Jewelry, rtre-arme, Nothing, Fnrnltnre,0arpeu, Pianos, Mirror., Paint. age, veoeral HflrcnaQdtee, ana rereonai rroperty nd arttolaf of vain, oa tbe mmrt aatiitaotory term. BoslneeeetrlctlrprlTet. EatabUefcedla&l. Watofeal ajBd Jewelry for aaie at bars tins. wm. wa.wnaaVfUOleaaa.B.waMrea. Owner t)aeariot I treat, star ttaa. A. Earls A Ob. Gastaiag bur. anvil DIED. COMMERCIAL. Board of Trade. Fnsldent l. L. WEATHKBLF. Via rrejt-B. B. Soorr. I Traasarer-B. T. Lroa. DIRECTORS. St, B. Clark, A.Unla, H. i. Pari., B, Browne U. H. aiarvey, A. i. ilagge. . F. Itfater. REFEREES 8. V. Lee tar, j.q. Bnaaav. M. B. Saott. CLEVELAND PRODUCE MARKET. . ( atOSNINO LEADER OFFICE, ) i MemiAi Mosawo, Feb. Is, 1J. J FLOUR. Tbe market yesterday was dull and an - changed and ao eat, report d. WH BAT Market steady and Brm. Sales of one ear wkltalrom store at fl.oi; thr, a care red oa track at toe; and two do do at Mo UOUN-dolat at Sa96o on track far sew and old. OATS.-bteedy at Vn on track. H1GHWIXKS Market nneattled and higher. Held at zlo without sales. MESS FORK-MarkatSnawlthsalasofnbbU el 110,00. BGGH-Dnll. Baits oft bbls at c doaen. NEW YORK MARKET—Feb. 17. [BY TELEGRAPH.] doing, bnt generally w out material change, and cloning Arm, with holders relUHlug to aell at in.ide quotetluue. 8al ,Mm at So,eos,70 for sonerflne stats; aia o,v. ior um iuiw, f .-,outfD3,fo ior euprrnne western; eo.vus..iu i -r comniea to meaium extra WMurn: 16, 1046. is for shipping brands extra ronad hoop Ohio; Sft 2t,76 tor trade brands UANAIIA FI-OUK-Market eteedr and ran cheofred. Salee 73UO bbls at .fV'as,70 n,r lopertlne; 6,o6,70 fori common to choice extra. klik FMHitt-Matket Quiet and steady. Bales at f 3,2-to4.. COH.K ltlBAL,-Ia fair reoneet. Bales 400 bbl. at 2,95 tor Jorasy; S3,2i tor New Uaren. WHISKY Market firmer, galea 1,500 bbls at 17Vr,c chitflr at latter price. VHICAT Market coiiuuee drill without any de cided change in price, balea 6,000 bu.h Chicago prlng on priTate term.; I sou bo.ii Canada club at tlil; 600 Dnsh poor mixed Canada at 11.36; 13 500 wiater red Mlchigra at (1,46; and Sou bush amber Iowa at 11.40. RYtl In fair request. Sale 0,500 bush at 830 Sec BARLEY Market rules heavy. Sales 4,000 boih state at tca&H. OOK.M Market rules dull and without decided change. Salee 36,600 buab at 63)4tf64o tor mixed weurn in store and 66o delivered.; including a small parcel choice at 66, and a2(g;66 for new south ern yellow. OATl-Market dull. Bant at 4033 for Jersey, Canada, western and state. POKK Demand not quite ao active, bnt market exoittd and advanced bales 1,600 bbla at S12,73l3,50 lor mess; $13,76(A13,60 for western and city piima mess: f8.760S,76 for prime. B BE Jf Market quite brm, bnt there la lees ac tivity. Sale, are 300 bole at S-tmelu for conn try prime; 9sUi5,W tor country mesa: ll,al2,(0 tor repacked mess: S13,7514, 25 for extra me... Pall HE Mktvi HKKK Market more active. Eahfati.rcaa at I JO, India meat firm. balea30 tlercea at S24. BbKF HAMS Market mora act2ra and firmer. Bales bUJ bills at f 16,00 17,0U. CUT WEATS-ln good dtmand at steady prices. Salea at 3iaa44 for ehonlders; ..' for B AOON rides more active bales 2,000 bxs Cum. beriand cut middles at AM; western long ribted do atStat64t; western and city short do at 6 a)7; do Clea-6M; western long clear SHstoi.. DRB.MMKD H04X4 Marx.t firm. Bales at f4 6i.a,,2S lor we. tern; S4,76es5 00 for city. LAlti) -la active demand and firm. Halea 6,000 bbla at 74aS!4c, and choice AH; Included in Bales loo bbls sold late Last night at S1r)i. W e alto note sales Mm kegs at xH. BUTTE et Market dull at UllMo for Ohio; 16 S22IC !r .tato. CHEESE Market anlet at 5a7c. Ut 4V A tt Raw dull and prices favor buyers. We anote fair to fund reflnlns at 6Hes7. JVIOI.AS8EP4 Market ateady. Bales 60 bhdj Uuba at so; lu nods Uubamuscovads at 26 CHICAGO MARKET—Feb. 17. [BY TELEGRAPH.] FLfiTTR -Market active. W H EAT Market steady. Bales at SO lor No 75 lor No 2. fORN Market firm at 23c ME.U4 POKtk-Market higher. Bales at 111, HOG." Dressed, firm, and 1529o higher; bre, scarce and Arm at S2,4lA2,66. RECKHrTr-3,ooobolsaear; 40,000 buan wheat; 20JXI hue corn; 1.9U0 live bogs; 27UI drraaed. EXCHGE-UDduLngtd. Gold i6 H cent premium N. Y. STOCK MARKET.—Feb. 17. [BY TELEGRAPH.] HOKIT-Market active at S per cent for loans on call; 67 per cent for strictly prime paper. BTEKLlnU KXCHANtifc-kules dull and rather easier. Jtanker a bills quoted nominally 11440116 4(110 Market for gold easier. avT4M:f4 Hiaher and moderatelr active. Chicago A Bock Hand SIX ; t leveland A Toledo 45 S; Illinois Central .crip 6iS ; Panama 118; Heading 424; sew lork central azt; Pacino mull 96; Michigan Mouthers 22; Kria 36k; Hudson 3: a.ia preierrea oe?. N. Y. BANK STATEMENT—Feb. 17. [BY TELEGRAPH.] The bank statement to day exhibits a specie aggre gate ot 121,114,140, being a aecreaae oi toxoid as com parao witn tne previoue weea- Decrease In Loans (1,713,648 Decrease tn bpecie. , 74,ao Pecreaee in f)inmlation-, Dacnaee ia Deposiu, Sot,(xl 200,124 PIANOS. T5IaNU3T PiANObU No. 3- Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio, ISBOwselltnf ths oslsbrated KNA6K PIANOS at great Lr rednoed priosa. HaTlnf jnit rtoelTsd a larss assortmtntof thoss sniarior instrnments, he would inrlto all Intending to snrcbass to call and examins tnsm neiore pnrcnasing eiwwners. Jbvery xntrn Mint warranted An Ttara. MUld Pianos and Melodeoni taken In exchanffs, SP1noa mored and boxed with oars. jViano Boxiis for sals. wa. Pianos Toned and Bpaired by O. T. MAT- THsVWd. thM:hll BOARDING. F UBNIBHED RUUMS & BOARD sirs. S. STAATS, (Fonnerlj of Cleveland,) Nss 338, 9la(St Waahtncteii, D.O. C'LIVKIaAVMD. jTsb. 7. 6x BOAEDING.--A Gkntlxmah Lady (without children) can obtain nleaaant rooms and good board la a private Iamlir by aysty- d good noara ma snvais iamir Dy aysiy- mvat UBansca strest. Alio. X or 4 day bo ardors wanted. feb7:377 OAKDliN Q HOUSE THK H0U8B. Vol M Public Bonars. and hr ths 3Uns vnsTOUf wm im ftmm nwwi sooatrona ia thaoitybas bes thoroaghly repaired, and is bow mm ior noaraers. ramiusa wuning to ramun their own rooms oan be aooommodated with lart and ooTiTeclent rooms and bed-roomi: and Binn BtDarders and Day Boarders will find good aooommo dations oa r aonaots tenaa. ateierenoes giTen an .rVWtw-aavl itskl'KW M W. H II RRITT MICROSCOPES. CHEAP MICROSCOPE. A JNEW UPTI0AL W0NDU. patxwt gxotrmio.i H. OBAIO'8 Chess Mlorosooaes ars n w maniitaotnred of fl tilth fd brass, an i boa Id be on ths table of every samlly. and the minu il of sreatlon mads ntmiliar to all. It maji:- nifles 3&0 diameters or l,iO0 snperfloFS. It is sssfni. lostrnrurs ana namsT. liy it yon see myriads of living snl- raais in i as smaiisst particle of water, sit. The Microscope, oom plete oosts onU $2,00. Persons ont of ths city st enclosing 9i z, can receive a Microscope by mail tree oi postage. . av a mrrtn China Ball, ' Cleveland, U. FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR RENT OR 8 ALE A Good FARM, within kmnnnlant A1ntnra af ('lava. tana. ilB&fl JjIT i La, febl4 No. 6 Atwster Building. F plyt OR REiMT. Honf,i No 229 Pxb ai stroet, near FrosDect. at Si ner month. Aa. jan3l:S7 Ronae'B Block nLBVELAND FOUNDRY FOB ft. J BALK. The inbocriher ntTAra hisi gnnnsirr fnw aie, sm do wreuetj w give nia wnoie anas lion to nis Machine Shop, confining of Brik fiailding. Cor pole. Jan Blower, Jflaiks, Clam pi. Pattern, and all Tools complete, to ao a good bnsinees. Said Jonndry will be sold at a ButaaiJi if applied tor soon. This w a rare chance for any one fasTlng a mall cap tal to engage in a boitncas already estab- hi bed. Jor farther in formation apply r miormaiion apply 10 IK UUiaX, 64 Osntre strest. OleTelaDd, Feb. 10, U 62: 377 QTOKE3AND OFFICER TWO k j good Stores and several omcea to lt, in Aatari- an Bniidinga. anauraol s. UOLAilAH, Janl73T Agent. ?U& HALE ON TIME A FULL Blooded Derhsm BULL. S yean old, bred la Ington. Kentnokn welibi over SOU Im: baa tak tezll en tbe flrst premlom at two StaU raira. laa be H. LO vVIil, ; an8:Blldaw Detroit St. i'oR HHiNT. AN EXCELLENT Irst- r.t-rmle oellar. and all tba oonrentenoaa. Bni rery low to a good teoant. Apply at the Leader Ooonting Boosa, or af L. BKYAil, deBt7:au am nttsbnrgb street. jHR REN T A Snuo Dwilusq- Honoa, oa Granger street. Inqaireat !aclO:Rll BOblrJON'B CLOTH1NO 8TOH1. OR SALE. Onb Ksoond-Hahd Bteam Bolrer-n.rlaht. so aailMt. l-i-i- nwi he Leader office, bald Boiler la 41 IrtehM 1- ai. eaneter, vctUMla, aad feet long ; farmace part. S Saal U diameter, and S feet blso. Said Boiler orllinally cost S4M: IsnnwtnsMna. order, and witb uu sratas, saiety-valva. Aa- will be sold lor S2rjo- aTFor fort bar parttontan anrrnlrs at thai oflloa. or at T. J. SioOarry'f iiwst Bollar ttbo, oa Cestui I - 1 IA.- AUCTION SALES. IUKSDAY, WEDNESDAY AND . TilUBbDAr, rebraur i.Vi aad SO, Uu. Assignees Sale of Dry Cood8 AT AfJCTiWN, y.... -O. (JUITKB SOX. O CUTTIll BON will sell on Tneeday. Wfdnea day and Triors -ay, r.b. 18, Maud 20, (par order of Assignee.,) at tfcsir Auction Boom, Ko. 134 Bank stranr, ru menciog each dar at lOo'o'ock. a stock ot ury Uood, cousi.ilug of Ulolb. tlaaslm.res, " oat log. Pilots, DeLalnei.Hcotrh Held., Unas Oootls In greet, Apron ' hecks, Innhams. riaonela, diibwIs Vestlrgs, V.ivei KIbbons. una minus, lar.e lo. Ladles' Sne OMars and tndr aeeves, P-reaol.. CtllK rrlng-s, Bra'ds, Cons and T"7tif , T' ud Stock., Uenu' Collars. Bells WJJ'O'ldrto, ok,,,,, Hoes. Wool focks, Ac, Ao. Tko whale stock to be sold without any reserve Whatever. CHAS. A. VVAHD i CO., Assignees. O. CTJTrXB AooN, Terms Cash, Bankable fandt at time ot'Lale! fcbL6:J7 VMNTED-LOST-FOUND. I OST On thi Aftesnoom oftb J Wh In.t, a Proa.l.sory Hole, glrm by H. n field and W. H. OarjDeld. fo' 84. A. 1 ha ifnrUr Will be .uilablr rewarrje I bv lftavinir th. ..m- .t th. uuiw poaruuian . ingeraoiu ID 1 . 2 a TTJANTED A Fiimt Claub 2500 If M''AM. warrant, any oni having snch for siile will find a cash cnitntner by spp yfns at tns pmce oi ULiAUtl. UAB U IK A UU. T)R0KEINTOTHaiNOL,O8URB It of theenbacrilier, Fnb id, a BLACK OOW. l lie owner will prore property, pay cnanee and l.aie ner away. . B. J4. rJ JTBjrUttlr, tebr1:37S Klnsra.n street. sjTRAYED. TWO COWS OF k 1 niMiom siae. One of a red dor; tbe other nd and whlu, epcMled, with a wblte face. Any one re turning tbe same, or giyinff Bocb inloniiatlon aa will lead to tbeir recovery, will be liberally rewarded rroepeor, eireef. iaolO.AH COMMISSION. rEED.-10 0 BAGS a jost received. A prira-arti-le. For sale br Teblt CLABK, OaBDMS A OO. T?MPIRE, CATARACT, Di- Vj OBAVr. Hack Creek, and City stills Hands "io-r on band all tbe time, and tor tala at aurkat priosa by oecin CLARK. OARDHXB A OO. (J ALT tO 1W0 barrels Fine Salt, SW " tJoarsedo.. 30110 sacks (14 Ss each) Dairy 8a al barreU l;airy (witb bags encloaed.) ferBby R. T. LEi'N. 5n0 BUSHELS RYE, Son bnsheU Barley, V " Oata, In ttoa. anifpr sal by R. T. LYON. .Ul BUHHJiLS CLOVER 8UiED tlJJ tor sale by B. T. LYON, janS 90 Merwin st, TfTR H A l.V. 1 Ann Jj Peas, so bbla choice Cranberiee in store and for sale by CALDWELL A HLMMON8, ueccuiw u union BV. aUir AMBURGH CHEESE. 6 0 00 pounds Hambnrgb Ubeese this day received sale by Vf. SIi.aJallMIJJa. M Merwin itreet. 1) YE FLOUR FOR SALE BY LV d3Clg CLARK, 6ABDMB A OO. T7LOUR! FLOURiJUST RE- 1 CKITKD direct I rem tbe Mill aad fresh ground, aooat load of the well kno.n aod reliable WAL HOMHWG WU1TC AM) KID WUIlT rLOOR. one of tbe beat brands ot Faaiily and Baker's Floor in tnis margel. ror sue in lots to sott by aecis CLAHB..OABUNEB OO. DHOSNIX. LAKE, PEARL. MI- X NUBOA, KIton, and other well known brands oi Aaron maae. lour lor sale by decu OLSKK.OABDNIBAOO. 800 janS BBLS. OSWEGO WATER- LlMEIorsaleby R. T. LYOM. so Merwin st. pLOVER8EED. 500 BAGS A, V no. i t;toTer sera, tor sa:e oy leblt CLAHK, GABDSSB ACQ. COAL. QOALI CPA L ! I IP YOU A EE IN WANT OF Ifassillon, Cumberland, Strip Vein, Salineville, Crab Orchard, Bias Mountain, 1'itolown tiara, Cnippawa, COAL OR COKE, CALL AT SO. US ONTARIO 8TBXIT, where yon can lsave yonr orders and iret tbe best and clipet CO 4.L in tne City, and get toll weigbt or jroiir money .ill ue reiunueu. fobs W.H. WILLABD, Agent. POALI COAL I COALI F0S SALE Bf THK (MB LOAD OB SIKQLK A i 1UI Lowist OA8H Paiois. OOLDMBlANNAfcTRIP VtlN, U A KlaJ I ITsiM lsll bDrOTi HMITrJlNaandHTBAV CIOATaS. Also AInTHKACaI OU Al. prepaxtjd expressly tot nuniiy cae. ssx. Orders sent through the Post Offlca, Box 150, win njsjsjjv protnpw akautiuu. aea- Office aad Yard at Atu.lld street B. B Oroaa. Ing; alsocflcs OB O, A F. a. R. Ooei Pier, Clere- tanop fnio. jaii25:37e ALLEN JOKES. w. a. vuuoa. -a, 0. WaLLaoa, POKE! COKE 1 1 COKE 1 1 1 W. y a. walla'.c AaOB SLanonutonraolOOlLI rota tnapora HAH MONDfiVII.a STRIP VTW OOAT. Also Healers In aald Coal for Smithing and Do auatlc Forposea. V Ul 911 orders ior tbe celebrated JBFFahVBOH FIBI BE1CK, HUM CLAT. (gronsd,) CaiJLM Si TOPS, WAT AH tlfUS, W. H. WALLACE A Hok. ttaatatondsTiU., JeQeraoa Cov, O. lurMsr. naiiroaa.1 Q OA L AT WAR PSICESt I shall, after this date, sail tha celebrated BLTT1 MOUNTAIN COIL at H,n per ton; bALIblB VILLI and STRIP TBIM from S2.K1 to 12. 75 aer ton. So oome along witb yonr Casb and get to. worth of yonr mooey. Aar Bemember th'a Is tbe on It nlaoa where von vmu so. .ue geauiae cine jLOOOiain uoai. Orders thiooab tn. iost Office' arom.tlr ao- woaeu m. aeemaev MACHINISTS. HOMAB MANNING, MACHINIST g XNQINZ1SL Apd MannhrtiiTM. nt STB AM BHOISU A MACHltllBT OF IVSB1 iMeonpuon. Also Jaca screwa. Bolts lor Br!. I ea and other uses. Iron Urating and ttiacUmn&- I Ing Generally. Bbop ht. (II Hewitt s block. I west at., Ulereiand. O. lobbing aad Hepalrlns prewptty attended to. JMITH & MATHKLi Havi Ki- tJ aovin to No. 149 West KiTir street, when they -ootlnoato aiannfactnr. rVTSAM nnir.EKw ,if. T A N Kb and 8TI LUt ,li ail deacriptiona oomaoaaa of jw inin, .Kjiibn, mis ana -lanca rsnaireaL n. B-All work In tbeir line promptly attended FLOUR AND FEED. a TONS CHOICE BUCKWHEAT I U FLOCB-fjr sale wholesale and retail, at jantS A. M. PtBrtl A OO'S. FAMILY & BAKER'S FLOUR. 6fw barrels Cppar Ten Mil la, B arrest 4-0 Ml KO 1U0 ana Metropolie Qnen City " AABalle Birer, MaTarre City, Pride of Ohio, Oreeeent, Bpring.l Sottttuara Mnis, for sale at wholesale and retail, at lowest rates, at a. m. rsssi a go'8, ,yidw 116 A IIS BcperlcT st. YE FLOUR. 100 BBLS THAT ruiw, m huo oy decl7 aV. mU FIBBT A OO. SHIRT MANUFACTORY. S ENT BY EXPRESS EVERY- WiliBa. ilWicTj irifinrilHi I sagrrMrecHoas lor Baif ISassiinai.iii n, av Bverywaara. tAQB A OO- joiyi f Snpartor tu, ClereUad. 0. I m log IV AisiusEnflTS, 1'UECLSVELAND Fr.ACTICISu SE!T,BLY wixx kold TBata nan at OH APIN'S HALL. WIDKI8D4.T E?JU3UIO,..riB..iaiH. fn?fIIf,'Lm,', tri"?s Jtd patrons are nspect- laliy invited lo attend. . . , '" imiin ' ' 1 BHbardjon, M. T. Stevenson, O.W. Hobhs. r b . P. fowrll, u.tialloway, At. AtoOardle SF- Tlcktto almltting Oantlnaw and Ladiaa, 1 H. B. Ctrriagts will be la attendance. aw me urand M unn.r,. . . .. r ol tbe Practicing AMeinOly willcomsoff oa feeoues tT J'l"J'i'"'- ?rcb th, r whi.h occasloa T0 HaNDouMS PBicita will bt Una saw. Tbr " .aa a wwici arnwvirj DWrV, UiU i.SiO MEL0DE0N HALL ! FOR TUS.SS JIIOBTS OKLY, Wodaoaday, Tkaraay aV Frld.7 KTCalKga, ..ornery ith, jotk and Hst. f lrat and only appearance, la thai Oily of too OBIAT fBKSTIDIOITAUDS nERRmANlJ, ofThl h1SfWKnW "wholly can the atUntioa of the psblio u the appearanes in CieTeland.of aiuariBUB HBUAaH, Who la anl versa! ly reoogniiad sa tha Grmiat Living PruUdigiuaear in the World. In N.w ork, Philadelphia and Ho. too, wber. b. has i pi .red to boners crowded to owrllowlng fcr the but fonr month, bar. beM proooanoed ISe moet woaderlul is tbeir pecnlutr Ilea. The a.rforaancea ot Herrmann are entirely original and noy.1. 'tnair a k 1 - m Absxrci of ajtt Apparatus t mani'i pogJrmnTC A GRAND CONCERT, conposed of brilliant selections frost tba most pop oier Op-ras by the, celebrated Trio, from tbe Acad' amy of Music, slew lork : . Ataaara. SCHBUHIB, Plan 1st, DOSHLla,Tiollniat, WIDIMir Ja, TiotlnoaUJa. , T?" programme will be the aamw aa that per- airmed by him on vrida, Mov. m, at tbe residence v. uu, wruerw mcoieiiao. in wa.nington, and on S.torday, How. Oi, at tha White Hoose. before Bui rf , .1 ".rn;r me unld siatea, Mrs, Lincoln, lb. Cabinet, and tba Corns Dlolomatlone. aSTh. order of perfonianoa will be aaoooaced muw ,uo .Ma. vj ... nirxinia bubmu. ADMiaSinw. ti fftf fvBt, KeeefTed sVeaU 2t (Jenla Sxtr.. Thele of aaats fcr th three nlgbta will ecra- mcuce oa jnuiiuj, at tna stnaio btora of Atesars. Doors open at 7M. To commence at 8 o'clock. fcbia PLEVELAND PARK. wThJ?.?;IVwt,,ch w1H od to visitor oa MONOAV. J.noarrSih. lfJ. hu -i .. J JT T" S. in t)n"l Tract, near the loot of Ohio street. The main approach thereto will Da via Beaeca strei ami th. a Pontoon Bridges, and the m.tnnn- M,- . k- fuwMvM vumw ..r aaa o lose a IjeTee. BULIB ABD BE9DLATIOSB. L The oontrol of tha Put will K i. .w. i - the Proprietors aod -nrf t.l.. nu,i.ui,uui ,uc vi.r, muaiiy neaas or tamiileeacd uoHioraui tmmtij ucaesa, woo Will enforce obedi- w reguuMiona ana preaerve strict orer aad deoornm. 2. Uame of all kinds will he prohibited, except lieighs, ropes or pole, will be allowed on the ice, , L r fiw",wh tu. Doaoe sorinem. n dt twarwon In (be FaU-ftr., or In xxf wj oondncta hlm.elf in a DQtviiQer nnb3xmitig ft ftentiaian, will bwezpelUd forthwith- the Proprietor reeerriDg the right to re rana to u ach pereoae their nbecritwua mwny. 4. 0iatiOD nl dirsSCtiODni from tht IQviwav4n-wl. ot aod Park-keeper, tliould la all ouai be lnune dlsvtely complied with. 6. Ticket not tnujiferftbto. All Mrtotu will be i rvqiiirea to mow taeir ucceta is order to rain d mttieDceto the Park, if ticket vr tnuimd they will be oancened. 8. Price ot tickta wfll aae tviiiw.. v..n. Tickets will be lMned to gentlemen t 10 each for the winter; accompanying the tickets will be a : coeca to eacn lnnmaoai member of the tabetrri. per e ram 117. (eer?-nu acceptedj,wao will bead mrimmur. innma acceptea; , woo will Da ad- men holding family Ticket will $uo hstv the priTiHw9oi inu-oanciDg to tne rer. tree of charge, any person, noa-redot of the city ; H being es pecL'vlly nndentood, that aay peraoa Introdncuig a tisltor will be responsible tor hit or her deporuaent IB U1V A7 HI ea,. 7. tieaan tickets will be m folio wi : Ticket admitting bent! man aad TeSy ,, 00 Ldy , , aa 1 H0 Boyi under tt years of age $ 00 Oirle ... mi 91ng! admission for sSkavtsaysi 35 Spectators will be aaiiutteed bat not allowed to Saate iv cm is. 8. Gentlemen holdins Season TirfeAtsi will ha avl. towf d tointrodnce non-reHidenrs of the city upon saying 36 cents for each adraiMica of tbe person so iniroaucMii me p&rcr masiDg tne luLix-a Lection beiag retpoastbie lor the deportmsnt of tha party 9, No skat'nc on Bandar. W ben the to is in rood condition a lysis' wfTi hs raised at the bkating l ark. . AU tickets are sold subject to tbe abore regnla tfons. aad such other rmee as tbe Proprietor a. ay, uvui aisas tw Mgu, spvyea Uv w mam. Ticket can be procured ot L. Morton. RnMiHn. ts .dent, at ths office o the Park, from o'clocA ia Mi nwiusif tui s ut tne eTening. , , o. Bivfiat, rrosnetor. D. Hosto. SirperlDtsodent Cleveland Jan. a. Ue-:77 r.lISCELLANEGUS. y ETERINAKY AND fiUKaSi- 8 BOEINd. H . W. liniitn A Co.. nMiMtrt. fbiiy annoance to their friends and tb pahlic, that baTiog made ezteasire arranatmenta in thir 11. taounme&t, toey are now p'epared to attend to the Veteriaary and tiboein of UorsSp in tbe most ikiliful manner. Ail ba-inss one, and charge mm w, win v9 sBtiBiavciorr ws wit wamnr. ttHttivs as a call, aad if no 1 as we say, just Htaa knw. irbl7:R!2 1 CWKEPllSQ A PA8TIaMK. Wlfl respectfully Invite the attent ou of the public to Sonej's Patent Carpet Sweeper. whi-h cottTerta the treat aad disag eeavble task oi uarset Dwteping inra A IrijllAoAlNT FAoTiME. A Child can operate U. . It rises no duit. Ho dusting is necessary aftsr sweeping. It sweeps OMter and better than a broom. It does not try are tbe carpet. It P'cks oa lint and srit that a broom will aot. It sweeps backwards and rwards. and lit tle or ao aotse The use of it Is a aleasare. and th notrt dliWtAi ladr or child even, can sweep the hoariest carpets wit boat fatigue. Z It saves curtains, forn'tnre, looks, Aev front ths : damage and nuisance of tha dost that aooomaanMfl all broom sweeping. It oan b ased la a aide room without annoy aace 1 tothsinvald. lt is so cheap that all who hare carpets can afford to cny it. It is the only Prfect carpet sweeper ertr offered to tne paouc. XAX i.UK, BKIBWOLD UU., febU in Paperior and 130 Bank t- Urruu or THiOnnann Mutual Ins. Co ,1 wieTtiaaa, w eorury s, uvt 1 NOTIClS Thi ANNUAL E LEC TlOU tor tbe chom ol Trnstnee of this Uom- p.nywiu be held at tbe tmce or the tympany, la Clerelaad. oa tn.Wth (net. Tbe Poll will own at I o'clock P. M. At tbe earn, time Thrae Inspectors et toe anocetaing Anaaaiai?cr.ion win oe cnoaen. bMJ. A. X1C-HAL.S, M:t7S s-v iono r tt E T ifvi -n m I I 'Aar AAV AVlt, lit ur VVP i U.M I J aannal meeting ot Stack holders of Oars River I J annual meeting al Bteck holders of Oar Biser I niniDgucmpaay win oe neii at lt omce or Board- man s ingr-ou, no. iu sopenos st., oa Tuesday, nraau i a aa. at y v t-JV-t-aa. I . Jga . U('VllMeaw) Ot 1 " sortance will come beibre tbe meeting. oy oroar oi jVLTBCUXts. frblfcSTa 0. W. DABHtT. Pee'r. CQUaTX TKACH KReS Thrre will be a snecUl meetintrof Lh Rrnt rJ oonnry axaminers, at tne otoai place, on saiuraay, Pr order of Board. feb7ilAw:375 I. pORN SHELLEit iuK BAiiifi. est API CBS AT It The Snbeerlber win el! a r'om IOmIW f ,OTiiinguB uBuunu u j iii . vosneis per near oueiewr win eel i ior il call .na eeeat toe eno- scriDer a wereaooae. w arduous near tne Swing Brirlgi. b7:374 THUS. BCKSHAX. JACOB K. BflirMEiiDi PfeoaograpUc Eeporter, OBI8LTH. OHIO. Pbonograpb Taotfht by Mail. dec!T:r7 uai'iaui states a Fuatams PATKNT OFFICE AGENCY. Ko. 81 Bank Bireet, Clerviaftd, Ohio. Ws ar. areeareel to traeaaot BnslnM. nS - Am- acrietioB relallns to Inrentiotia. UnviMi.lkM.1. nr-1" m. ..mi . ii,.. . .i i ..I ., .au toe raa. ant Lawa. biillbttii) A BLb.11X.aV Hnllrltcr. nl Fabnia. M FORT ANT l'O HOUSSKEEP- BBS. Varnish yonr owa fbrnitnra. laii.tiv. oret City Varnuib oQoe, bo. IM boaerior 8t aA a neat Httla Varnisb Cap, SUed with the beat of Oopal Vamub, (which cop hat a brasb with it j tboa do yonr own Tarnishing In a style erioal to toe v, iDMn. rrw irv. mT 10 iweira sfellllnBB aeniem ber a aaaay aaead laMoai to rwr, eamedl aersiaa a. w. riLSIL in.a DISSOLUTION. OTlCE. Th. 1 nretoforaaxtsttng between llaykinand den B.6tockwea, baa barn dissolved b. aimui ecnaent, and Alden B. btockwell will pay all tbe d.bta of tba late brm, con,oeed of said liarkia and BtOCKWeiL and Will lanuWt .11 th. ri-1,,. A. B. STOCK WitLL. Jamea Datkln will rontlnoe tbe business of mak. and selling 1'eykin'a water Prawera at hie new ' 7 , au. i. vu w, ,w ntr, ,iri.f 5. U04O Will .11 wishing the tbtuils aieo seu oiawaaa coney to tluaw I JAHI9 UAYEia. I a. I . a..: tA,aSi,U I aa at EO.QL' DRj, HUNTSR-S H2DICAL. LN- t)8. xttTSTBlt mH-3 ane..M as. -u " tabllsbed piaoe Mo. IT iiatiiews Kook, aol slda of the hsblio Sotimra, Cleveland, 07ei.-:. all that somes la liurt lie Is the oa r-a. .1 tbe fcL.-w.. 4 . .mu. DPJOCuiH . 11 Sift. natla, Ague and Fever, Seminal rV' aiiaiwanos poouuru- vo rsnaiea. Leooorraoea or Whites, Hoppreeeions of tbe Meaaen, Painro) Mtnetraatlijti, ! nil animation and Lie ratios, of " tha Uteras o Womb, I'Tolaproa or Falling oi . V. Womb. All dueawa of tbe biood and -. c. ta A entirely nraoved from tba syne ss. AUd-aM. of tbe organs of g-ueratioa of aula er fena.4, rtk of whatever sousn or natare, treated ia mnmi a thorough aad Isdicioaje sBaaoer, poiaMel aat oy iw. M11.11V1W. ana mvoeiiirauoo AST" Low prices and qoict cares. BeeenteS ' eared ia from tore, to eiifht days. Ailvyau: .( " and Bteraanal taiats eattrelF reaaoved frcst tot system In. HTJUTza Is oonsUatly earing eaeas from four to euht areekt tbat have beea treate4 by other physicians from one to three years. young men, a ilicted with aeroinal weakues -sbcald api ly to Dr. Hooter immeaiatelv, enDa ' ia person or by letter, as be never to orre. Uu are perfectly sate, and ankaowa tat any other pbyncian ia tn. Luted Scale. Patients of either sea, living at a dMaaoe, py - i stating tliclr disesMi in wriucg, givirg ail ue symptoms, oaa vota:n medicine, wi b rjirwttons U tot ane. by addressing Dr. HUXTEH, oi Cicvav kaad, Ohio, t- i-raJfl, and eBclrwing a fee. . Ate-All the abovediseaees C U it r. D, or aw pay. Ail oommuaicatloT g eoniidentlal. F rom his experience and estcomvs prwioe, he ssakesaoserujjlta la averting tiaat woatever Ue K aadertakee in his speciality, he will son ana- r . Iliirtl ritron. No matter how hoptie nj be tbe oa.a whether frosa eztresae aebiucy es It prostration of tbe system, or from nninc--'r1i treatment of ensptrice or self-styled " M. U.'W whom many have anfortenauuy been audsr, et . from tbe raise delicaey that many of at pa tlenis tell ma kept them from aa early sppiiua : , tioa to me, or the no iea. fatal vieasof overcoea, log the dMease by the advaaoement ef age, ed i a strictly moral scina ; for tbey, one and ail. . . make the eaae worts, and if it at an early one from the cam ot being entirely Vocal, it aireotg t the entire animal eoonomy, aad th-n rcaireg eitraaati as well at loeal treatment, wbioh Lrr. ' 1 Banter is bappy to he able to aay that tbo.-oa?t investijralioa, and gnat improvement in toe '' treatment of private and delioste diseenes ef both sexw, of however long daratioa, yieid to his stode of Ueatawns. . 3 If tbe an fortunate Talae life and health, tbe? thomJd be srue and sail ea a pbynotan of age and ' aaperieuce. SfSo eharge for advice. The Doctor's omoe is oonnantly thronged with patient from all parts ot the eonntry. Dr. Hunter is the only a.'nt in the Cnivel 8tates for D8. VICH0L8' FriitALi!; MO Id Lt PIXXa, the only geaauw Foaatt fths tav tttt United Btji'es. HOT1CB TO LADl . Ke artiole of medioine, intends ' tv.r the ass of f emales, that has ever made It apt earuoe has met with sach aniveraal saooeas as these eel- ' I ebrated Pills. No disease is so Uttie onderetood, and eonseqaently badly treated as female dia- ' eases. Inerte Pills are the remit of muoA study and earefal experience ; in all vanetses of le male oomplaints, and ia all eases of irre;lan- ; ties, Uappresaion, Leucorrhoea or Whit. In aammation of the Bladder. Kidneys aad W otcb-, ' ' and loas of Nervoas linerey, their ne is abova T . all. praise, Aawng the many thousands that haeg osed tliem In all parts of the Unioa, no as apeaa ' -! ui ui uicn, ior an uae uienu 1 aey oontain no sseroary, ao iron, no etee ixo deadly eu. 1M4 I mm aai do u k,r. -h ..ZJTZ ase can do no harm, and woea ased aeoor . lug to direotions, always do good. S. at Married ladies wbo have reaeone to be lieve themselves ia the lamily way, toowid not nse them, as by their actioni a the womb, autocar -rlage woad be the oonreqaenoe.' Pnoe 1 per box. Persoa, t ending for PUIS ' Will enoloee ene dollar and two tonage starsT. Several penone knowing the arbcauy of toM, Pilis have advertised as being ag jnts for itt Vieools' Pills, and seiling a worthless article. Th- mi in V , n , ' L . w . . T-.... !.... . eannot be found at aay other Biaoe in tha lis tifieatea and tstiraoiiUi, which mheTed aid luppr patienU have tenierti him, ajtd kiaaly permitted hjn to exinit t th0 dmirw oi his rwrvioee. jjarOffl e hojin from 8 A .M. toF. M iki ror toe peeay aad Permanent Cure ot QonorrKta, GUet, Cnihai Jhuharget, Seminal ' 1 Weahtett, Nightly EmUnicmt, lnco. ' fcJtcrie, dental Jrritibility 11 " 1 sstoj Debility, - I OBATKI aTRlnrr R .-h a rrirrnnir ... - a WMCB ui neen us-ed by cpward ol 05i HtrKDHiu FHTgiCiAira ' " In their prtrat eracrtoj, with entire ectm ediug Cmu, Ooeabaa, (jetties, or alTeSS SLL 3 SPECIFIC PELL3 fc ' 1 " are flptvedy to actton, oftea af ertfng a core fn a few flft Vat. sand VAT h San av rnra i. m-- A a- j . " IB I inoy areprepareatromvetresoie extracts thtf are harailereaa tbe nstesa. aorl Tl '" T' 8tcmac?, or iKprwnau the breath; ar.4 beioi l " otdtet ia neoeasarr whiwt e.miiT- action ittenere with basines. ponra.U boi syintaaina siTtncsn Vf list t. t, a J.:' - ' ve .v av IVUL LA 1 aatd t price aad two Jo SVaUB js&a y" r ':r sji TEJ liL-eCTiOLtST TRSESk t ,.t : 3- r t . (SI .ra-rt a 1 n : "way " .... ..I" -"it.' tl-'-X . YIEiSNA TBIESSMARn, 33, ASS DSUfi'i an (lead and seenrtd by tbe beau of ts Eoo- i. I . edlotna, Ttecna. , v So. I ai tnralnaM. tnr irhmHfw. - . Bad ail anrsioal d'nliiH . ' w t "",s1' erao'caisa all trwrea of taeea tW ad peralcroo, TnTr 7 fio. I aat entlrelr su.iaiitd u. ,t,,-: Jrr , anraTr, trmrecy iajmi' g to tbe mf-iw saeMT sL ' a IM oarpersing aU ImaariUea, and rondsai , tVi ' s V.raoa o) dlaeaae. - 7 , ' f" L t and t, are VrefcaratleB. the ra of a toaenfe. drnlrl of t'.u .,.,1 . J7 and drnded Into Karate daw,, .j a-lmiaiat-raiiSi - . taireee Lauemand kom. d .i - A or 4 oases Joe , woka n u : .cd'i'a tl aZ udretaii. of Dt. BAKnow, So. im 8,w Hv lott. Imm(lLatriy on retiring a nalttanew r. Barrow wtii forward tba Xrivawar toanrST of tbe world. asnreiy packKl. es t uli .luc' Inx to the lcitmoOosj oltne wt:wr apjriso.e also by si, p. BALfiaTi I Tie-raj... RECRUITS VAHTEP. BECRUITS WASTED! ! ti.3 ".. ; U '-13 SPey , Aay persons willing tt Kcruit for tha 521 KEGIUENT, BTow at Camp Fenaisoa, wfi Sad It te thatr advaa. but. to aoorenm. tnuaediateiy, at Fowler, Irum- Lieo't 0. W. REEVES, 1 8d Beg O. T. TJ. B. A.. Brecrnititig Oftcer. c L0NEL BAENETT'S ARTILLERY. A lew more goo Ban will be accepted to 111 ap the 1st Eegiaent Llgnt ArtUIei7" o.y. Tbls BeglmeBt Is eomaosed of 12 SIX GUN BATTERIES, man each, aaklnr nearly aineteen hnndnd and tains? tb laartTaMt UmATimaant in ths Tnire itmt on wuv uwrooi 01 orawins; a aaa oa the Deossntv or any other man," WITH A BIG GUN :' 1!.b.rr,t',.bT.",M"t1r,,r1th 'a wnderrfened, tha beiaace ef the aVegisraeat wiM more brwarua tbe enemy's dominions very socm. neru1tina OSm w Kubwp mL j . moqso. CO-PARTKERSH!?. pARTNEHSHrPN0TICETH3 V. 1 purpowofcemimrBtn. lae,ftr,0 WJiOLISALB A B1TAIL POBK BUiI3I3a, tbe Brtrk Btore fbrmeriy occnBiMl bw hv. a n-n ' ' 143 and let Outarto s:re ' 1 . 4 ttil nmrf CUAUMcl(TUlTI3a. Olevalaai, Feb. ttrs CO-PAKlivEbfcHIP MOjidAi z - . I-!" -ia tnti LBAwUi : : : . ,k- iT.; V."!1 "" them Laajroan iZi.Z ,1. . Mreaer kw - "-rea-asr aea ,1 If. U IM. KoaOAW. nrwv. . .x. 3 t't ' IT T'l t-'l a T -a 1 M - - wv. .. W .