MORNING LEADER, MONDAY iWORMQ. JAW t, 1S63. Address by Jeff. Davis. Or the 26ih nit, the Mississippi Legisla tor wis addressed by Jeff. Davis at some leagib.. Strange to say, he spoke of his lore for the old Union. He mast Uke care or he will be denounced as a Yankee abo litionist by the Repndiators. He had pre dicted from the beginning a fierce war, al though it had assumed proportions more gigantic than he had calculated upon. He was emphatic in his declaration that under 9 circumstances would he consent to a re-union. He said that it had been his de sire to tranefer the war to Northern soil, but tkt failure It do thit, procetdtd not from ant of inclination bat of power. He spoke ef the consoription laws, and said that the order exempting from the service those who were the owners of more than twenty negroes, was not intended to discriminate against the poor, but to provide for a joiie force, and facilitate the agricultural pro ducts of the country. He said that the real danger in the South west was at Ticksburg and Port Hudson, and every man who could should go to the assistance of those places. The head of secession then became strenuous for union, saying that there must be harmony be tween the States and the Government at Richmond. 'Or-caarBe Tie made Tree use f epithets and indefinite charges against the - nt Jle B&idlhs.t .thel question was whether they would be free, or the "slaves of the most depraved, and intolerant, and tyrannical, and hated peo ple upon earth." - ' As usual with rebel schemers, both North and South, Davis defamed the Northsthy aying that he expected the first gleam of peace from that quarter. Let him not de ceive himeelf ; the Korthvtcswill never give up the conflict until the great Missis sippi and all its tributaries shall bear un molested upon its waters, the Flag of the Free. The First of January at Port Royal. The first of January was spent in a very enthusiastic manner by the negroes under Government protection at Port BoyaL They were all assembled at Smith's plan tation, being brought thither from every direction. A procession was formed, and, with the band of the 6th Maine volunteers at it head, marched to the spacious live oak grove in the rear of the mansion. Here stand was erected, on which were seated General Saxton, Chaplain French, Colonel Higginson, Collector Severance, Dr. Bris bane, Dr. Peck, and numerous other prom inent personages. The ceremonies were opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Fow ler. Chanlain of the colored reeiment, af ter which an original ode, composed for the occasion, br Professor .actios, or An tioch College, was sung. The proclama tion" of the President, and General Sax- ton's address, telling the contrabands that ther were free, were next read. A set of colors fthe rift of Dr. Cheever's Church, in New York city) was then presented to the reeiment bv Mr. French. Colonel Higginson received the Sags in behalf of the regiment, ana cauea upon Dergeant Rivers and Corporal Sutton, to whose care he entrusted them, for speeches. They were given with great animation and were received with tumultuous ap plause. Speeches were also made by General Saxton. Mrs. Frances D. Gage, and athenujuid the crowd then adjourned to the eatine ground, where a barbecue, consisting of twelve roasted oxen and nu merous barrels of mola96ts and water, was soon disnosed of. At four o clock the ne groes re-embarked for their homes, having participated in the celebration of the hap piest flew leers aay mat nas everunw u ed upon them. Immigration at New York For 1862. The returns of the General Agent and Secretary for the Commissioners of Emi gration at New York, show that during the last year there were 10o,3S5 persons ar rived at that port from foreign porta, against 63,311 in 18C1, and .108,682 in 1860. Since the organization of the Board of Commissioners in 1848, there arrived at New York untU December 31, 18C2, 2,811, 916 alien passengers, for whom commuta tion was paid. Hon. Gulian C. Verplanck, the President of the Commission, is the only commission er now in office who has held that position since 1847. State Agricultural College. At the late meeting of the State Agri cultural Society, Mr. Jones, the President, alluded to the recent action of Congress setting apart a portion of the public lands for the endowment of State Agricultural Colleges, in terms of warm commenda tion. He said that the number of acres accruing to Ohio was 630,000, which ought to yield f 630,000. The law provides for the endowment of one or more colleges, the amount of sale of the land to be invested in bonds bearing not more than five per cent, interest, which shall be a permanent fund. The speaker said it was difficult to deter mine how the institution should be man ared. It cannot be by a corporation, for it is a Mate institution. He feared, this account that the erand object of the action of Congress would le detested, an the munificent endowment place it under the control and enlist it in the Bervice Tjoliueal parties. It had been suggested that the members of the State Board Agriculture should be made by law Trus tees of the College. If this is done, would recommend making the number members of the Board nine instead of ten, as at present. Then two additional Trus tees should be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, so that State should be represented. . All toe agricultural colleges in country have been on the manual laboring principle where the farmer's son could taught to plow, and the like, things that he could learn at home. What we want a college where all the sciences at all re lated . to agriculture are taught. With such a course of study, it would contribute largely to the devotion of these engaged agricultural pursuits. It must be im pressed on the mind that it will cost more to raise sixty bushels to the acre than thirty that no more land should planted by the farmer than he can fully cultivate. The marked difference between the profit of farming in England am America lies in this fact that there they cannot afford to occupy more land than they can properly tiLL Xtow these facts, in which lies the success of farming, - beat be disseminated through such an in stitution as may be secured by the Con gretaional appropriation. The history of the " Dale GuaTd," a com pany recruited in Gloucester, Mass., vicinity, has been a noble and a sad one. Oat of lul men, only ten were left un- banned, after the battle of Fredericks burg. One jeweler in New York sold $90,000 worth of Christmas presents. Army con tractors and their wives spend money with a fearful Iooseneu. CLE V -ir trr- V 1 OvTraTrh n iris IViliL iLELilJiiL EI AND, MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY - 12. lSb'3. 10. . NO General Butler's Address. : We have given extracts from the masterly Farewell Address of General B. F. Butler to the people of New Orleans, but the whole document is too good to. be curtailed, and we therefore give it in full below: on of of the be is in no 1 " Citizrnt of New Orleatu: It may not be inappropriate, as it is not inopportune in occasion, that there should be addressed to you a few words at parting, by one whore name is to be hereafter lndissolubly oonnected with your city. 1 1 Bhall speak in no bitterness, because am not conscious of a single personal animosity. Commanding the Army or the Oulf, I found you captured but not sur rendered ; conquered, but not orderly; re lieved from the presence of an army, but capable of taking care of yourselves. So far from it, yon had called upon a for- en legion to protect you from yourselves. restored order, punished crimes, opened mmerce, ' brought provisions to your arving people, reformed your currency, and gave you quiet protection, such as you had not enjoyed for many years. 7 "Tftrths- ttorng -this, my eoltiicni -were subjected to obloquy, rtproach and insult. t " And now. gpenkiD? to vou. who Know OieiruUi, I Here uw;ire mat wlioever nas uietly remained about bis business, af fording neither aid nor comfort to the en emies of the United States, has never been interfered with by the soldiers of the United States. " The mtn who had assumed to govern you and to defend your city in arms, hav ing fled, some of your women flouted at the presence of those who came to protect them. By a simple order (No. 28) I called upon every soldier of this army to treat the women or JN ew Urlcans as gentlemen snouia deal with the sex, with such effect that I ow call upon the jost-minded ladies of ew Orleans to say whether they have ev er enjoyed so complete protection and calm quiet for themselves ana tneir famines, as since the advent of the United States troops. I "The enemies of my country, unrepent ant and implacable, I have treated with merited severity. I noia mat reoeinon is treason, and that treason persisted in is death, and any punishment short of thai due a traitor, gives so mucn oiaar gain tu him from the clemency of the Government. Upon this thesis have I administered the authority of the United States, because of which 1 am not unconscious oi cuiujnaiuu do not feel that I have erred in too much harshness, for that harshness has ever been exhibited to disloyal ene mies of my country, and not io loyal friends. To be sure I might have regaled you with the amenities of British civ'liia- ion. and yet been witnin me supposes rules of civilixed warfare. You might have beem smoked to death in caverns, as were the Covenanters of Scotland by the command of a General of the Royal House of England ; or roasted like the inhabi tants of Algiers during the French "cam paign ; your wives and daughters might have been riven over to the ravisher as were the unfortunate dames or epain in the Peninsula war; or you might have Wn scalned and tomahawked as your mothers were at Wyoming by savage al lies of Great Britain in our own revolu tion : vour property could have been turn ed over to indiscriminate "loot" like the palace of the Emperor of China; works of arts which adorned your buildings might have been sent away like the paintings of ,bo Vnluauf yvw nms nilgut " blown from the mouths of cannon like the Sepoys at Delhi ; and yet all this would have been within the rules of civiliied warfare as practiced by the most polished and the most hypocritical nations of Eu rope. For such acts the records of the do ings of some of the inhabitants of-your city toward the friends or tne union, De- tor my coming, were a ainerent provo cative and iustificalion. " But I have not so conducted. On the contrary, the worst punishment inflicted, except for criminal acts punishable by every law. has been banishment with la bor to a barren island, wfiere i encamped mv own soldiers before marching here, " It is true 1 nave levied upon tne wealthy rebel and paid out nearly half a million of dollars to feed forty thousand of the starving poor of all nations assembled here, made so by this war. "I saw that this rebellion was a war o the aristocrats against the middling men of the rich against the poor ; a war of the landowner against the laborer; that it was a struggle for the retention of power in the bands of the few against tne many; and I found no conclusion to it save in the subjugation of the few and the disenthrall ment of the many. 1 tberetore leu no nes ilution in takine the substance of the wealthy, who had caused the war, to feed the innocent poor who had suffered by the war. And I shall now leave you with the proud consciousness that I carry with me the blessings or the Hum Die ana loyai un der the roof of the cottage and in the cabin of the slave, and so am quite content incur the eneers of the talon or tne curse of the rich. " I found yon trembling at the terrors of servila insurrection. All danger of this 1 have prevented by so treating the slave that be bad no cause to rebel. ."I found the duneeon, the chain, an the lash your only means of enforcing obedience in your servants. I leave them peaceful, laborious, controlled by the laws or Kindness aaa justice. - "I have demonstrated that tne pesti- trace mb ba kept from your borders. "I have added a million of dollars to your wealth in the form of new land from toe Dauure oi me miBBissippi. " I have cleansed and improved your streets, canals and public Bquares, and opened new avenues to unoccupied land. "I have given you ireeaom oi elections, greater than yon have ever enjoyed be fore. " I have caused justice to be administer ed so impartially, that your own advo cates haw unanimously comptimemea tne judges of my appointment. " Y ou have seen, tnererore, tne oenentoi the laws and justice of the Government against which you have rebelled. "Why, then, will you not return to your allegiance to that Government not with lip service, but with the heart ? "I conjure you, if yon desire ever to see renewed prosperity, giving business to your streets and wharves if you hope to see your city become again the mart of the Western world, fed by its rivers for more than three thousand miles, draining the commerce of a country greater than the mind of man hath ever conceived return to your allegiance. "If you desire to leave to your children the inheritance you received of your fath ers a stable constitutional Government if you desire that they should be in the fu ture a portion of the greatest empire the sun ever shone upon return to your allegi ance. I" There is but one thing that stands in the way. ' There is but one thing that at this hour stands between yod and the Government, and that is slavery. "The institution, curled of God, which has taken its last refuge here, in His prov idence will be rooted out as the tares from the wheat, although the wheat be torn np with it. "I have given much thought to this sub ject. " I came among you, by teachings, by habit of mind, by political position, by so if affinity, Inclined to sustain your ao- mestic laws, if by possiDimy mey migm with safety to the Union. . 1 " Months of experience and of observa tion have forced the conviction that the existence of slavery is incompatible with the safety either of yourselves or of the Union. As the system has gradually grown its present huge dimensions, it were best it could be gradually removed ; but it is better, far better, that it should be taken out at once, than that it should longer vitiate the social, political and family re lations of your country. I am speaking with no philanthropic views as regards the slave, but simply of the effect of slavery on the matter. See for yourselves. . " Look around yoa and say whether this saddening, deadening influence has not all but destroyed the very framework of your society. ; "I am speaking the farewell words of one who has shown his devotion to his country at the peril of his life and fortune, who in these words can have neither hope nor in terest, save the good of those whom head dresses ; and let me here repeat, with all the solemnity of an appeal to Heaven to bor n? vltnras, that such are- xbv -view, forced upon me by experience.- "Come, then, to the unoonaitionai sup- own hands your own institutions ; remodel them according to the laws of nations and of God, and thus attain that great pros perity assured to you by geographical po sition, only a sortion or wuica was Hereto General Butler's Address. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Miscellaneous Items. D A. Malonv announces ¬ buque Herald that he has resumed his edi torial charge of the paper. ! A recent mail from ureen Uay to Houghton was jiine days on the road, and included twenty bushels of matter in ten bags. The proposed winter arrangement is to put this mail through in four days. Lieutenant Frank BrownelL of the reg ular army, who received his commission for shooting Jackson, the murderer of Col onel Ellsworth, is disabled from active ser vice by a throat or lung affection, which prevents him from speaking above a whisper. The Board of Trade of Ottawa has adopted a resolution recommending the merchants of that city fo take American silver only at a discount of eight per cent, the English shillings at twenty-four cents, and other English silver coin in propor tion. There are now on hand at the United States Armory at Springfield, from 30,000 to 40,000 new niles, all packed ana ready for shipment This is tne first time since the war broke out that there has been supply ahead of the demand. The Armory now turns out about 1,000 a day ; before the war the product was only l,oUU a month. A daneerouB forgery of Government vouchers for military services and sup plies, has been detected at Chicago, and two of the forgers plausible young men named George Sutphen and J. G. Ward have been arrested and examined before the U. S. Commissioner. They tell rather a lame story. A letter from Memel, .(Prussia,) states that the trade in amber, which had been limited for some years, has recently re ceived a fresh impetus from the discovery of several rich veins in the neighborhood Moat of the amber found near Memel, Bold to mercnauts at 1antzic and Leipzic, who export it to Turkey. Mistirlioeion. one of the principal and richest bankers of Constantinople, has died suddenly, leaving, it is said, a fortune aboveXl.000,000 nearly the whole of which has been made out of his dealings with the Government within the last ten years. This is at the rate of So00,C00 a year, and shows how governments everywhere have to bleed. . - A letter has been published by Arch bishop Hughes, in which he earnestly ad vises all young men against joining secret associations. He says he has seen more than one young Irishman brought to the scaffold because he had previously placed his neck in the halter of some clandestine fraternity. The Fighting at Vicksburg. A gentleman who was on the battlefield at Vicksburg, Monday, says Sherman land ed his forces at the mouth of Old River Saturday. The enemy, in almost over whelming numbers, met him outside intrenchmenis. Fighting was desperate. Saturday night both armies slept on thei arms, a bayou twenty-five yards wide only separating them. During the night, pon toon bridges were prepared, and at day light Sunday morning the whole Federal force crossed over, after five hours' hard fighting, they, the Missouri, charged under a heavy fire, and took the enemy's outer works, consisting of nine heavy guns ; enemy contesting every inch of ground. This fighting over bayous and rifle pits, continued till Monday at two v. ., when the 4th, Colonel Williamson, supported the 13th Illinois, charged upon the work at Walnut Hill, consisting of five guns. and carried them, but they were subse quently retaken by General Price; Gener al Sherman being overwhelmed By num bers, fell back slowly on Monday evening, to the outer works, intending to renew fieht more vigorously on Tuesday. Gen eral Morgan L. Smith's brother, who killed, was in command or tne Bin Mis souri. The fight of the gunboats in front Haines Bluff, was Still progressing. Ke Bults not known. Resolution of Mr. Blake. In the House of Representatives, Monday, Mr. Blake of Ohio introduced following resolution : ' Rtiohtd, That this House earnestly sires the most speedy and effectual meas ure taken to put down the rebellion ; any proposition for peace or cessation hostilities at this time on any terns other than an unconditional submission of re'iels now in arms against tho Govern ment to the requirements of the Constitu tion and the laws, would be pusilanimous and traitorous; that the members of House do hereby give the most earnest assurances to the people of the United States that they will cheerfully co-operate with the President as Commander-in- Chief of the Army and Navy in any meas- ure he may deem proper, sanctioned the Constitution and the laws of civilized warfare, to strengthen the military power of our gallant soldiers in the field defend ing the Government, and to weaken of the enemy laboring to destroy it. Rctolvtd, That the only alternative Gov ernment can or ought at this time to to rebels, is, submit or be conquered. Mr. Vallandigham objected and the olution laid over for discussion. . MUSIC LESSONS. J. M. L E L A N D , : TIACHXS OV TH1 I10UX, CORNET, MILITARY BANDS 1 ORCHESTRAS' awMntie arranged for any nnmberoreombinatton oi Instrument. Ovnca Ho. 37 Hoffman's Block opposite tne Umce. top staum, Hasten n, u. itksuj of - on the by the was of the de that of the this by that res. Peat CRY GOODS. 0 ASH B A R lr A I N S. K. t. B LHVV IN ').. GREAT SMIRTFICK OK WINTtR ULUTlllfltf. Oo Clo h Cloak f.r..Ted.a.ara; flush :i'Hat for t d'd ar; ExiraCio?hU.okf'rix'olar.; 8 p-rb B av-ir :tokfor etht and tB dol'ari, fn 13 percent. below tuv ere in pne. riASH BARGAINS.- ELEOAST BB' CUA LONG SHAWLS. Ctuih prici Eight Dol!nr. BALI'tttl Co. riASH BARGAINS. . GENTS' 8UIBTING FL1NSKLS, Harked down IhiJ day to t'c per r"L I. I. BALDWIN' 4 Co. "'HE GREATEST BARGAINS OP THE SEASON! ,000 YARDS FIGlttED REPS, Worth 37 1-2 Centa, Xow gelling for 35 Cents. I. P. SHERWOOD, 242 & 244 Supkbiob-St. TVTMTTr'H! TO fllJlINTKY M&K," l iuiUT l rvViantA w-nhinff to r-leni"h th'r stok ol Dnm uooa, win nou ..k-uu.u Alt Of Iiow and Medium Priced Goods, -tviM. which will bo offered at a rnna 1 ad vance on IS aw JJ D, KENDAL KENDALL & CO. Ct.irltah And AmArlc&n NkuiI Beautiful Strlw. Gollarv LadlfW and MtMf Alexander nn oiyorv hhiu-wm. UfaiSBtiti-hed and fcmbrodored do., UcDts tlfmme l 'lo , Stitch,-! Borderd do.. Y&lmcif-not Sets, Client le Neta, Lace Lntlcrslvevt, BODtoea, Scar'., tadie' ll-Wool Wrapper, Merino Wrappers and Drexere Ac , Ac. TO THE TKADl. Grey Wrappers and Drawers Plain and Bibbed Jost Received. declO 1 D. KENDALL ft CO. N E W GOODS BEOEIVED BY EOWER & HIQBEE. A Choicely Chosen lot of LADIES DRKSS GOODS, , . . Comprising- French Merlnoes at Old Prlcei, Printed French Merlnoes, Printed Crepe Merlnoes, Ill-Wool Empress C4otns,biack& colors, Black Crape Merlnoes, Paris Plaids, Stripes and Prints. IVEsnecial attention is Inritedtoalargesnpplyof MOUSSELINE SUISSE, Very fine and clear 50 ft cent, less than cost of Im portation. FANCY WOOL GOODS: Zephyr Knit ScarCs, . Fancy Knit Hoods, Legging, Kittens, &c. OVERCOATINGS & CASSIMPEES, Heavy Beavers, Fancy Cassimerei. FLAIINEL8. Welsh, Lancai-Mre, Sh.kor, Sa!"sbnry, Opera, srebcu snilliDK ' lanueis, etc., is gbkat Variety, at dec? 23 Snnorior-St. MNE DRKSS (300DS I HAVE this day received m imc ine Drefl (jOcmIs, con- i;li,7 in mirt. of All-Vol Keoa i at Sl.Oia yard; v i n in. it. t, ii rifv artirip. ai zi 11 ' a van . r iKurc-u rrt-Dr Rutl 1 ICti ancle and other styles, which will be s.i til tit low erircn fnnv2jl S HYHN. O ARG AINSI Two Thousand Yards SMALL PLAID VALENCIAS, Marked down toonlr Twenty Cents per Yard. sT-THKT ARB VERY CHrAP. declS MOBGAS, BOOT CO. DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS I THIS DAY RECEIVED 20,000 Yards of Dress Goods, which will be sold ofl at 25, SIS and centsarara. The, wer. enrchsned at the late laree Auction Sales In k. Vnrlr .nrf .r t he twt 0imm1 lur the OI KO In the city. These in want of good and cheap Dress Goodswill save money by calling at nvTO rh.e Tire fvvlw S'f.i. COAL & COKE. JEHIGH COAL. 100 Tons Large and f mall Egg Size, FOB SALE BT jan9:30 QDTtnoy, MrMTt' AH fn. Chi p p e w a . RIVEtt-ST. COAL YARD, (At the Lower Bridse.) The nodersiroed would sny te h's old cus tomers, and all oih'rs who will fror him witn a call, that he has again a akek of ALL KINDS OP COAL on hand, and solicits a "hare of your natron- aJt-. nra-ooDAimcfcSO COALutaLow j r.ics. Tfir"Ordersa die-ed I'oel umce toi V4 will receive promp. atleution. jan:4 '4 R. P. .IQK. uTj)unoiv! a ii I II W. B. WALLACE.... ..K. W. WALLACE NOKKKIOKEIICOKEIII W.H. J WALLAOK SOU, Manulacturen of OOKl tram in. Fire Emmond8llle Strip Teln Coal. Also Dealers In said Coal for StnlthingandVome He Purposes, w 111 nil oruers ior uwQeieuiswv JMlrltBSoS TIBS BKICK, B-I lim l:I.A V iirronT,d. GBU1SST TOPS.Tanitt WAIIB PIPS - W. H. WALLAl a.aIN, ' Hammondsrille. Jetfenon Oo., Ohio. ly. 'linn mumr. , A TTENTION ! OFFICERS ! ! f The beet and cheapest place in the city to tmy Swords, Sword Bmts and Kaohes, Military Caps, and Tary description of omcers tnrnmina, i" at : ortln-4?! 1M f-Tipwrtor t.. o."j.t th wfiU! pOTTON HOSIERY. A FULL ! I COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IiTOM. I ' J. TPWABD TUBJ1ILU J.J T.-LYON & TUiUUIili, 59, 61, (3, 65 ana 67 Uerelu -tr. eC VieTM-na, udio. Aienls for the sale of New Tor State fine. Coarse, ri......l 41r. l)lr anil . h i:.r li led Salt: Os- ....... -nH lliif.lni-mmil in W u'mT I.IIUm. Dealer 1U Griln, Flour! in ProTisioCa. lilnwinee, Hope, deeds. Butter, ineeae, x. -Particular attention si !. the snrchaseol Pro- anc4Aid AlerchauuizeOu --tuor. 'pHATCHIiR, UAllDNEll, BURT a uu. Storage and Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office nd Warehouse 75 nd 77 Menrin-St., lLJi.VICL.AM, OUIO, Proprietor of the NEW UNIOV RAILWAY SHU ANi JAN AL (Jii&lN KLEVATUKS, tadjuin iug the New t TlgUt Itvpot. oi me u. at j. mmnmu Co.ou Morwiu-St.,) havioK ntorke capacity ottwo D ALERS IS Grain, Floar, Finn. Hu?hwlDe? P.-rk, Lard, Butwr.Se diatid Country Produce gn- eraily. AUo, Salt, n ater Lime a&d Land riant r. p.tuaTcbee, jr., oeo.w.oardneh, of late firm a. h. Bi'aT, Clark. Gardner A Co. A. C a s '1ST, ' m. m Firm of Thaaicher, Bart A Co. AtTProMrtr wreire-l by Kailwmr, Canal or Veanel for cwaleur Shipment. Will gitj pentoijal a'tention io the purckarvudale of Produce and metchanilibe m?U?,i.0?i. rn ADVANCES made on all Oouaignm ma. W re pr pared to reoeiv- ami 3Uip I statu or 11411, Vi.uu i wai "".l v. uunm, tfartsie. Stave, L amber and Coars- rnvgbia of ktua, nuTing tbuul D-rrick In tha City for tli trnn erol nevy freignia. rrfeil-r io muu ana aiuidm aieoinvniiij. CLARK & ROCKEFELLER, iLate CUrc, Gardner & Co.,) Produce Commission Merchants, And Dealer In Grain, Floor, Fish, Wa er Lime, f laater. uoarae, r ine. uiuuuu omtw miu Not 39. 41. 43, and 45 Biver-St.. and on tha Dock, ' Ji L'vn.i ttZ 1 1 nil nt S.CLAKL. j. v. moatirxLLEm. "Property Boce'ved by Bail Boad or Canal, for ISaieorbhipment. Will grt personal attention to the sale and purchase of Piodnce and aLerohandiee on &m Ln-ral 'asn Aarancea maaaun touuKnuio' w. Mtteter to Business Aen and UauAer ueneia'ty. Ut-C -laJ. JOHN BOYUJfi & SON, B1CNEKAL Produce Commission Merohants, KM Parl-St.. Niw York. LIUWIAL UAsH ADVANUCd ON PKODOCI. BIT KB TO Ocean Bank, (i. Y.; Chemical Bank, N. Y - llandall Beoa, cniana, a. i oauaui uuw wiiu. lrf,wvillM. N. V.: Wuuster Sherman's Bans., Watortown.3. It-; and Business Men generall?. a. V. la311Ji: n eetern Agent. Offloe with Alcutl A ilurtou, ater-M., sayl, llerelaijd.onio. 1kanuis McDonald & co., EUE0PEAN SHIPPERS, Nxw York. W. MCDOH ALeV. JAa.HUTCHlHI- Hake Oasb Advanoet on all kinds of Produce con ncnml io lueir incuus, nxerwio. vikiuu. a . Messrs., Aioyiaw Liverpool; Slenfire. John Alhra tt Co., Glasgow ilrnvon Tfuil I.nnrintl. a Parties wiahina information, or Weekly. Prion Unrreoti will fleae apply u our Agent j our Agum, H. 0. DEMINO, Office with A'.oott A Horton, Water-St., july4 YyiLLIAM MELH1MUH, rroance nommissiuo jjcrcunuk k: tu Uni, Kf nitfmr U'm! -Si. Dealer In Crude liock and Carbon and Linseed Oils, Cbeeee, Hope, Dried Fruit, Klax.Clover.and Tim- othy Seed, liMtns, fOUtoes. rouu, s un ana au. Clevalanfl, Ohio. iyl:m7 p H. LITTLE, Aqskx, Grocer and Commission nercnani, 97 H IRWIN STREET. CLEVELAND, O., ni7- in Fish, riour. Lard. tk-aDS. kejrt. ibonldrra. Uams. Iried Beef, Oils, Soap, C&nrlle and Tobacco. t , n h iiKM-ia nntiTarmi mm m cuaiKe. lELTON & BREED, FOBWABDINO AND COMMISSION MEEOHANTS, And Dealers In FLOUR, PORK AND GRAIN. MO. OVIATS EX0HANOS. Foot of bnperior-BU Proprietors ef the CleTeland, O. NOETHiaN Tbanspobtation Lini, ULW) UAHAfj. Agents for the Aebon Transportation Co., OU1U CA.Sik And the Northirn Transportation Co. "Propertj n. and al ny Brompiiy torwuiuim w iiow auiav. promptly Forwanlvd to New York, Boston, and all points Kant or W eat, with dispach and tpacn au pr7:K27 at the lowest rates oi freight. O. UANNA L. BA!f Jl- H. BAI&D.. DOBERT HANNA & CO., Sno- rVCES)Mto Banna, Garreuou Co., Wholesale Grocers, r'orwardina: and Commisaion Herchanteaua lealenin Produce. Salt, Flah, Ac.. IVutral Kxchango, ui Mini 171 niver-nt. anu iMita.. leveianti. u. efAKenu for the Oereland. Ii..troitand Laketto- prtor Line of SlftamTii. 'an REAL ESTA i, ESTERN LAMD. H. H. L1T- 1X6. ol the late ttna of Little A Koyes, ha ilv nn lnl M. litres nllRTiLltT OI nil ft 1 Land in Iowa, Wisrouain and Minaourl, to exchange (or cit or country Ri-al Estate or Peritonei Property. Office with Kouso A Jennings, Marble Block, supe- rior-St. mayle:ltA r YMAN LITTLE. DEALER IN I J KKALKMTATK. KeensacreatTarietrol Farms Uld t-ity Property lor bale or ttent. Also, cumoi iiarmiiis Lands in Michimn, Illinois, Wisconsin, lows ud MiMonrl. Olnce Ho. t, Atwater lluildiug, lleretand. Ubio. ieoo:ivj. REAL ESTATE. E. N. KEYES, . (fnrtns,rl the firm of Littles A Keyes.) javUfMl a ivai siate uiuuss in wjuwk uiw-( inun - .mwrinr.St and Public 80 n are. and hasconetantl h hanii w,vnral thoiiaand acr of first oualitr Karm- i tUR Lands in the eitaies o( Iowa, Wlaconnin and Mis I twuri, toeichangefor city or oonntry property; also, or all fc inds 01 personal propuny. rart caao psiu INSURANCE. 1862. 1862. 3uckeye Mutual Insurance Co FLSE ANDMAETNH. Capital and Assitb 8200,001 m burip IMrldends. Profits divided In OAS unoni the Stock and Policy Holders. t.,m M ai, lie naearusoi ail ainua. r ire ia Buildinits, Merchandise, Furniture, Veel, in Port juid the batter class ol risks generally. BTBKUTOHS: Wm. Hart, K. rellon, amas. jione, ir., P. Chamberlln, h. D. Hndson, Hon. J. P. Bobinw B. Pelton, A ma a. Uarretson, a.j. nreeo, . . w.i.i., s". W. Pelton, : Wm. Well boose. Omoi Oriatt'i exchange, foot oi Superior Itree Olevoland, Ohio. - Losses Adjusted and Promptly Paid W M. UABT. L. D. Hudsom, Secretary. Presioent. OME AGAIN. FIRE & LIFE avion returned from the war, I am prepared diii. , other retiDonsibie l.-om- jany.and respectfully ask theatronageo(myfriend clttaens Ol u-ieveiauu. 5Jew England Fire & Marine In. BABTFORO, CONN., Capital-, - - - $2-16.409 3f. Hone Insurance Comnany. pbotidk1iok, b. l Capital - - - 8164,275 65 New York Life Insurance Co. hw tobk cttt, Capital - - - 82,004,857 52 yt-ofri.tfr' "SoM-.PerUn.- Block, CleveUnd, Oblo. l VnJwokth MONEY TO LOAM. QZf Anil MONEY ADVANCED. tfOU.UUU in suras to snit-t theold sundand ll known WAGN Kit's Olflce. on secnritlee of itlJi Sr.- rw Ooods Bardware, Gold and WateSS, SSon-Vewelri. .Fir. Anns. -i. (irii Cl.thiDe7Fino, Mirrors, Paintino 1m PnTf Proe" T. on lb. muet etilaetory temw. BitricOT aetAbU.hedle6ui.tcne. J" 0r ?WWla. No WerJIt. Oor. Stisir-BC. orer Tis Ptwotw's tttora. has 11 to, Sllrer Fnr. HATS, CAPS A, FURS. U R S I taTJTo Advance In Frlce. E. STAIR & CO., Io. 245 - - - t.operlOr-8.., Bare a Very Lars Stock ot AD I E S ' FURS, PCKCIIASED FOR CASH Before the Crcat Advance In Prices, ALL Or WHICH WI ARE SELLING AT OLD PKffS. decll H ST .MB CO., W Biy rlor-St. AMES' AND MINES' J Felt Hats for Fall and Winter. A large aaaortmtnt at L, BENEDICT A SON'S -octl 1 Snpt?rtor wryt. I) A D D O C K Has lost opened a large and complete assortment of MILITARY TRIMMINGS, Scuhes, tltiy EpauleiM) Shoulder Strap, and every article in tbe line, which will be sold at in tnwesi prices, a tea, me - Most Complete Stocfc of 1TRS Ever offered In thii City. Hats, Caps, Satchels, .Trunks, asd every article in my line In larg assortment and UNSURPASSED IS QUALITY, ' At thi Old Stand on Supirior-St. sept!7 JINE SOFT HATS! . A very fine and targe aasortmsnt of Gentlemen's Soft Felt Eats, Of MIW 8TYLE8, Just reoeired by L. BINSDICT A SONS, , JOi Snperlor-St. w-pt9 j STAIR 4 CO., uperior-sin Hare reoeired the Bmnnior sty Ice of GE5TLEME5'S 8 ILK HATS. TorBoautr. Finish andUoaJHr they ara nna- inalled. may JJATS, CAPS and FURS. ALL THE LATIST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS, And anto an Klegant Assortment of LADIES' AXD GEXTS' FIRS, W b found at B. BUTTS & CO'S, 177 Supkeior-St. r-ti7 FLOUR & FEED. qHRKE THOUSAND BARRELS J p LaLli, on baua and For Sale to tbe Trade at Low Prices. Amongst which are some of the most celebrated braoirs: lc l-i:f MHIj. wbitewh at. bt-rkt'i'v HilU whiiew-eat. l.aks Cipio i tils, w one whet. Kochtier iVcut Muh, Mihne wheat. High Mil s,ch ;ict- winter h at. -H.h Bter vliy Alilie, red ,"I abr-oi il r-4 w eat. Mechanic's Mills, red whea FLdltR tk BDBAEBT. Ian 8 AO 36 Merwin tyre t. rAA Bbss CHOICE AKRON XX3 UW Wnlte.nd Red Wheat FLOUB. The teat in ih- market. For saie by drCJ C- ABU A KOC KEHSL' m s m,iVC! T I T O I.' uTTHi HUl P i tp iui'o ruuri xccr nuai tf LUUK) list ret eived and lor sieat reductxl prl- , at a''cZ4 1 a. ji ris,Kit s. m a. WHITE HULLED CORN HuMi T! iav , n. w, or a e t y A. M. Pf.KKV i'1' HllBBis SOUTHERN OHIO and rJJJ lbtlmu-, KLui.K, s.,it,bl fur t'eat-rs Tho inw,ntot Roud basersslwur wul pleas, eel ex- ii-e brauds. dtc.'l CLKK c nO!!KKFELI.TCB. OiUl Hi BL9 H1G BEE'S BEbT EX- ZiyJ lie: lOlt Niiil Bel evu Mi 1 1. mat rejeiv-d ari'1 or 1. , h t hih K''!1 I " K . ji,UuKi rlsOUltU UliUuKti 1 J We liav- In store and tor seme ol the bt Ktimily aud Bascr's KvhI and W hite Wheat FLOL'R to w louud in the niarhet. Thow in want will do well to call. THATCHER. G4RDNE1.. BUET k CO. At Warehouse formerly occupinl by dec 15 li. ri-irrey A i-o. A T WHOLESALE & RETAIL 3miu barrel 9 U nmily and Bakr's Jfloiir. id" u timhels Mill Feed, luuu biunels Ots. A. M. PERBTA 0. 116 and llflaupurior-St. holce Family Flour. A.M. PERRY ro 8 Suow Flake rionr A M PKKKV A f'O'S i DnrrTe-n Mills Flonr. A. M. PKKK Y A GO S Huron Uiils Cream ot wheat Hour. Also QUKKN CITY & METROPOLIS.MILL3 FLOOR. aSTh Snow Flake atid Crt-Htnof Wheat are made frum thi choicest Keutaciiy white wbritt. For Bale at A. fit r-fcllJtY CO'S. nor27 116 and llrt Superior St 7 Thi best B hands ot FLOUR V I 9 iu the city, cheup, at l. a. li 1 iiib n, HKHii.. Nn .'.7 M-Twin itf'et. LOGXSKS GLASSES & FRAMES. OOKING GLASSES. Oena- J ULNTAL Gill Pier, Uantel and Oval rranied rrurs. Plain Gilt. Rosewood and M.ihogany rrameu lilaases, at nm)'-l:ltl; SA KllKAJsT S. 211 Marble Block. OVAL GILT FRAMES. ALL Ik on hand and made to order at short notioa, of the latest and most approved at y ie, at BArUfEiAfl 1 O. marlM 213 Superior -Bt. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Em BHACING Portraltsol Noted Indiridnals, snb ecLs frum KoKraviDM, DrawinK and celvhrated Painttnim A 1m. eomns of Palmar l Marbiea. ALaO, a good Maortiuent ol Card M raues, tic., at may24:Klt 213 Marble Block. II ART'S NEW LOOKING GLASS AND ' Picture Frame Entabllshnient, 105 Watbr-St. OILT PIER AND OVAL MIRRORS, Of the best qualit Plate., at French, German and English 106 Water-Rt, PICTURE FRANKS, 1SGRAWSGS, Plain and colored. , tel,sc.tst Vine Oil Paintings, Cords. Taa- H A HT B, iftfl WTtr-S. PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, At 17, superior t. ABTI8T8 MATJRIALB WINDSORS AMD KEWTOM b and Ooupil s nil anu water colore. H.. B. IXJL'ULASAOO.'S. 17 Hnperior-St. OVAL AND SQUAB GILT ROSEWOOD Frames, at at. At. AHjuujuas o. rHOTOORAPH COPPIIS OF OILIBRATID ST DOOOL AS CO.-. ' . .-. nil Snperlort. I Super "CABTIS Dl VIBIT1 OF CILIBRATU) Men and Women, and rainier s ataroiea, at 179 duperior-at. FINS IHORAVIlIOa OF DI8TINOUI8HID M en, A. J. AAlyUHVO D, iTtsHnrior 8 TIORTRAIT FRAMES. Squabi X and Oral Gilt Frames, at PABOA!fT8. HOTOGRAPH FRAMES.-Gilt and Bosewood Oral Frames, splndM assort. I BSOttSt JtAhx a. DABUj : - QHRISTMA8 and InEW YEAR'S GIFTS. PRESimTIOS B0IfcS for the Toilet Extracts for the Handkerchief. COMBS, HAIR BKUSHES AND FANCI SOAPS. EXCELSIOR A saperor article for the HAITI warranted to keepthe hair trom t Lining Gray. AVThe above article to be found at KKtCLER YOGT'8, dpc No. 3 numb sie Pob. gquare. JU S T RECEIVED, AT TEX CLEVELAND BAZA AB, A FINE ASSORTMENT Ot T0Y8 AND FANCY GOODS FOB THJC HOLIDAYS! Hnlt Woolen Good. In every anriety and style. Garabitldt Jackets, Balmoral Hose, &c. BOYSSLEDS, From Two Shillings to Six Dollars a Pieos. Bich China Ware and Willow Goodi eTCall and See Before Maktn Holiday PurchnMS detll HOLIDAY GOODS. Ladles Fur Capes, Ladles Victor Ines, Ladles Fur Half Capes, Ladles Fur Collars, Ladles Fnr Marls, Ladies'Fur Culls, Ladles Fur'Gloves, Ladles Fur Mittens, Children' Furs of Different Styles. GENTS' FTJB COLLARS, GENTS' FTJB GLOVES, GENTS' FTJB CAPS, -AMO- New Styles Soft Holiday Hats, and HAST OTHER 5KVT ASD DESIBABLX GOODS JUST-'RECEITKD. SCall nni see them at FIXL.ER'8, " 215 Sapcrior-St , (Marble Block.) GR3CERiE3&PR0V!SI0MS J. 01. HtlHCK, - Ontaria-St. - 163 163. .lias just received a Fresh lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. For Cheapness anil Qnaitr he D.-See Competition. ALSO SUGARS 3rown and Refined, of all Qiadee, cheap as can te bought in tnls City 8 T R V P S Stewa-fs XXX Sn.r-HoM and OMen Svmp4 AlsoA V. aifcuHM-acriii. uoeei iiuumr. CABBOW OIL of the best qualiiy will bo toand ehi'iip as the cbeapeit, at IlnWKI. , lRESH BUTTERl'ONSTANTLY -co," "M'J " i,tfW W""rin "'". LTTTLF. ?i7 SUGAROUKED UAMS,5000 J I . H.., lor sale tj sell:4 . . Lirrr.B, .eent. ?ierwin sireei. WHHDS. CHOICE-SUGAR Jdst Koceived and fcr Sale at Ufdnced Prices, by EtOBlilil HAilNA A IM)., rearM RlI H.i) ai,d 171 Uir-r-Ht. -V7 A Nice Article op DK1ED I . B I. Elf, always on hand, at Q. a. Ll'lTLK b, Aent, pli-4Wi 7 1.T-iM nvrwt MACHiSSSTS. 17A( J2a u AGLE WORKS MANUFACT- '.-Li'C.v--eiii' D) TOO WANT Steam Ermines or Hollers, Pat i st Fi&i Evaporatou, P1I1HT 11 U OA B OA H M a 1 I. L Patent bteam Ooll KTspomtora, PATENT STAMP MILLS, FOB Pike's Peak or Lake Superior. Mr BIND FOB ClBOULiABS TWI WltbOnUantf DMcriplWna, Prices, etc. Me. ALSO, 8iW MILLS, FLOCBIXS MILLS, And Machinery of a Descriptions, BIHD FOB CIBODLABS. "W OBIOASW, lLLOIOIS. P. w. GATKS, Pnatldent. H. B. . Aaents wanted erery wh re. saar6:3T JMITH 4 MATHER HA'l Ri- MOVJCi'tA No. uyWmt BivrSf rtvt. wheratbe continae to mnuiracrur) STEAM UulLl.K, TAN HI and .STILLS, ot all deecriptiuns.t-tuiuaoaed Boiler Iruu. boilers, Stills and Tun its re pain!. N. B. M! work in bair tma promptly atuoaaoso. ort'9- HTT HOTELS. HOTEL OxY THE JilT of Mew York. Jj Koropean Plan, Oitr of Mew York. Single Booms 50 Cents Per Day I CITY HALL tKlCARK, XK. F BAKFOBT-8ls U All f tfemlsastheTmayheordereif ta the Spacious ectorr. - There is a Barber's tiboa- and Haiti Booms attached to the Hotel. SM-Bewareof EUNNKBri and H. 1CK Y EN whose wearefr.U. B. FKBNCH, deel : K-ii rroprietor. tUr'o, ere.Hr. It is co IKCH HOUSE 121 Watbr-St., 1, Ohio. This Hot ise is now open f Quests and the 7 'rmYolinPnhlica-en- conrenient to the 1 Vnots. in aho of bneiness and easy ol access e. ery war. M8trangers will 6:id Itaqo iet Hons, at the ow price ol ON K LIULLAB. par day. m . It. BIBCH CO.. sprit: BIT Proprietors, -fANHATTAN HOTEL. Noe.3 war. oppo.iuthPrk. N.w York. H njtain. M Fllnc T?NVELOPS ! J J 300,UM KNVKLUP8, I or Osok. OOlors. luciaiw iiminiv nnnns ' J'UJ.lnTiLri I. v Oil. Be. lor very BAlimSS. CLEVELAND, CISOLoiolATI COLUMBUS & BAlLBuAD. On asd after Monday, NoTixnbe 17th. Wl, Pi gar Trains wui leave Cleveland as lollowa : set Train 7:30 a. . topple f at B-na, Grafton, WnvlUngton, Mw London, 6lm, &ulOy Crestijne, Galium, Canlmgton. Ahlr, ware, iewis teenier aaa wtrumig od. ax rinug st Co lam bus l.uu r. u.; Cincinnati p. .; Indianapolis p. .; Hi. Looia A. Louwv nle a. H.i Vort w tviM l:X p. M.; Clucago via Crestline lu:3e JU Sd Train ri-45 p. Stopping at ill statlotts north of - .tatio,and at Uilead. CardiRgtoa and 1W ' . . aware; arriving at Columbus 1 1:3b a. 4 Cincinnati 6:20 a. m.; lb Jitnapolis T:36 a. M., JTort M syne Lift a. au; Uiicago vim Crest- r line lOiuu a. m. Train leave Ootmnbna for Cleveland 40 k. . ami IJ5 p. m.; and arrive in OUvsiaiid Lom Col am bos al 9:30 A. m. a&d 7JU p. m. CONNECTIONS. Sbalby Sandrj-ky. Jdanaiittld & Newark Railroad, tot - jiAnsaeia, jic vernon, AewarK aiiea- ville, c. Orestline Pittburfb, Fort Wayne ft Chicago Kail road, forest, rpperftaiidiMky, Utphia, Li ma, port ttayue, LuiprUi. LDioufo, xc.t WfHt,aDdaitcior Maiiaiieid, W wuaicr, Uaa- OraXtonand Enf'm Wntlne Railroad Line, for Marion, tP-lielcuta!.. W,dDv. Cnlon. Muncif. I dii J01" r.r Haute, Vincenu, s.vaaa- Vlllo, uiaii waware-wiin prmKDeiaD, h for uwuBuur-Liiiw aiiaaii c coifw.oas. and Xenl Terra llaute, bt. Louit. Morrow. LvoLdl and Cincinnsti. and with the lmA His issippi Kailroad as Cincinnati for Loarwi lvvaiirtiis Cairo, St. aoois, and aU poiitM on the Ohio river. Oolombns Central Ohio Railroad (or Newark. Zane llle, Wheeling, Ac; Colnmbos, Pigua tt Indiana Railroad for Ptjua, Crtana,Ac. For Tickets to all points and information am plyat the P tiger tiiauun, aud at lnxa XicAat Oinoa, 147 Suporiur-at C. 8. FLINT, Superintendent. Clereland, SoTember 17th. l'J. fLEYELAND & PITTSBUKGH J I11L101U. 15 nni 1662. WINTER AKBANGKMffST. 1861. To take affect on Monday. NoTmber 17tb, Idfil Tn4it9 rcare Ulersiand daily, (bandajs azcepted,; as foikms : - -.. &A. m. MAIli ArrtTes at New Tor 10-55 a. Philadelphia?: MO a. .: Baltimore 7:30 a.m. Fhileul-iphia r. w. : i .m. aXl'ltr8 Arrlreeat Now Yerk m P. .: Philadelphia 1:30 p. H.: Baltimore 2:0). M., Pittaoora'h li:W r. W ikeeLing 6;i4 a. Koth Trains ooonect at Hadaon ior A A run and Ull lrbarRh. i)n rnn thro tub from Pittsburgh to Haw Tors (via AtlDtown,j without chant;. sWaT Vat) ast luw an bv am o' h-r lina -Thronh Tickets can be procartMl at the Dnftm Ticaet Office, Wed tie U Huose, at tbe Depot, or at tha . tfuclid -street Station. J. L. McOULLOUQH.SnpX r. H. myew, tf. T. Agent. noTia i M.JfiViCLAWD 4 TOLEDO li. a. ISAJ. W1NTXB ABBANGEMENT. 180. I On and after Monday. December 72d, IKS, Tminfl will rtu. oal ly, as loaews, buuaays exoepca, r.3!L.M. CHICAGO EXPRESS Hteps at all tatlos on A.uthem DiTUiou, except h anhiUsttouod ' arnvs in Toledo at U:U6 a. a.; and Chicao ' at 10:30 P. M. fcSflr. . NuKTUSRN HAII-Htopa at all stations on Northern DiTiaion. and arriresatBandusky -al 1r-u5 w. fciip. . TKLKGBAPH IXPBK8S Stops at ail vta. tiotu on boat hern Division, except Washing ton and Clay. Arrlrea In Toledo at 1 l:3u P. H. Chicago at LU 00 a. h. OONNB0TION3. Connections are made at Worm ville with the Saa dusky, Maosriekd A Newark R.R., at Clyde wick th Sandudky, Dayton A Cincinnati K. B., at Fremont with JrwiBont A Iudiana B. R.,aod at Toledo witk the Mirhiifan Southern A northern Indiana and To ledo A Wabash Kail roads for Chicago, Dutroit, Jack son, Fort Wayne, Loganaport, Lauyt-tte, Cairo, Al ton, -it. Louis and all aoinU Weat, North west aod oocthwosu Trains aniT la CleTelaad from Toledo anJ tha Wwt at a. a., and 7;iO p. a. From nudiwky at kW a. a. L. D. BUCKJtB, Sup't. Cleyt?land. Noyember IT, 1-2. CLEVELAND and MAHONING KAILBOAD. I ID and alter Monday, 2iorember 17th, 12, Train will rnn ae follows: LKAVB VKLaan.- I ABmiVK AT CLITCLAITD. Mail -7:15 a. If . I Kxpross..-ill:22 A. SI. Sxpress.. .3:30 P. M. Mall 7:3UP.H. no15 C11AS. L. RHOflF. tfup t. THE PENNSYLVANIA 1 TP.AL BAILBOAD, CEN- (WITH ITS COiUKCTllSS) Is a First-Class Eoute to all Eastern Cities. TUUXK DAILY TBAlNo TUvU PITTHBUAOH. ; AU oonnectiust direct to New Yora I na Philadelphia. TWO FROM HA&KlSUitU TO NtW YORK, i Allen towu. TERl-t PAILT OONNECTiOfttt w BALTIUORS Sapett, Spud and Comport. tAH-B AND TIHa SAM a As OTHKB aJtS. Baggage Checked throaghall transfera free. Connections made at Bnrnnburtfh. rla Allentown Ibr ISttw York direct, and paast ucrs by tliirt root : I run tbrough from Pitiabiixgu to Jersey City withoa chauite ot Cars. Bus runr new iors ana bosiod i ickis -via ruts- burh," which ara good either by Philadelphia tw AlU-ntown. FKaUGHT CARR1FL KAST OR WK3T. ovxm Tua PINNBTLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD W itil Great iispatch ant! 't Low Kales. fc.NCCU LK'A IS, General -up t Aiuna, Pa. W. H. Doiwre, General Western Aijnt, ludianapolia. lnd. iiep'JitZ? pLEVELAND & ERIE R. R. 1961. WIKTIB ARRANGEMENT. a. On and after Kondaj, KoTemer 17th, li2, fassen. get lraiLa win run aa iouows: LKAVK CLKVUi AM). 10:05a. DAT EXPRESS 1HA1N u.ppii.r at WillocLRhbr, Paintisvil e, Getaeva. Ahtvl'Olat Couotiuu and Uirard only, aud srnvi at En at 1:3ft p. h.; imnkirk at 4:u6 r. at.; bol Ulo a 5 3i p. v. S: W. M. MAIL AND AOOOMMODATIOS TRAIN Stoi-ping at all stations and arrive l Krie at 7:30 p. K. ;00P. M.-Nltflir KXPRKvSiJ TBAIN-Stopplngat Painesriile. AsHuhnia and tiirard only, and am Tea at 4rle al ll:3u p. a.; JU an kirk l:iia. .; iiQtiaio 3:J5 A. LKAVK KKIC. S:06 A. RIOHY BXPKSS TBAIN Stoppinr at Uirard, JoBn'iut, Adbtalnla and PaiutMtlU. oaiy. aDi" arrives at at a. h. 4:00 a. si.-M AIL ASU ACiMMoIATUN TRAIN uppiDK at ait siauiws ana arrives ai ousts-- laud at u.irt a. a 1:36 r. DA ? JCXPKtUS TBAIN-Stopphu at Ot. tabula, Mauiswn, PsiueriTilk aitd Wiiloujeh by only, aud arrlvos in Cleveland at 6ai r. m. V-Secoa4 Class Can an ran on ail throotfh Traina. All tbe trains foinff westward connect at Cleveland with trains itr Toledo, Chicago, Colmnhiis, Cincin nati, Iuditnaplis, Hi. Louis, Ac; and all traiM Eastward, oc'QQtwt at Dnukirk with the trains of tire N. Y. t IP Kail road, and at Buffalo with thovi of the Nw Tork Central and Hoftalo A New York City ttttslruada for Me a- Yorfc, All any, Uoston, Nittrfa a trails 4c, and at Krie with traius on the Pb adotptilaaKd JRri Kail road. MiiitF lvipr.. East atii vtt connects at G I rani With T raids on K le ad Pitisbnrh Aaiiroad tor LuiesYiiie, Meadrllla. Jsmes:ov .c ti. NijTTi&UflAM, Sny't. - JDRUSS AND MEDICINES. KllHBBLS. RlSHIVJiD CAKBOJM UXJXJ OIL -warranted a first rate Burning Oil. Pnoe by wule barrel luw aa the Ivwettt. SpedaJ Ciaconnt to ruec tayin five barrt Ih at onw time octt l'jig'upiTujf-at. aTATT. VTTRTOT. PATTSTTP XnT) J HOO.K A!H and SAlsODA.-Coai Oil Kettner and Soa Makors plt-ase call. BKNTON BBOTHIBi. DRUGS and MEDICINES. THE attention of Physicians and ail sorsons wishing rvas and BCkiABLC lUddicinifS, U respfctmily solici ted to my stock, which eoniBrisee a comeleia aasort BMnt ot everything pertaining to th DEUG TBADE, and at aiioea to insure satisfaction to the aurehaaar Dental & Surgical Instruments, of th. latest and most approved Batumi, sold at man nlacturer 1 s prioas. BBBFUMIBT AMD FANCY AB.T1CLIU, In rreat varietv. Also, PAINTS, OILS. & DYE STUFFS; and a stock of LIIaCOU) (as to Quality) ssoood t none In market. Ombtry Physicians ara partlcnlarly Invited ft .m,.r,nn of mv atnek. and Will find It to their &m vaiitftite to lavor me with their orders. 1 I kali DauoomTS, i Jl) Superior -fit., lereiaoo, v 'ArWaMlUf U'V,leal nnlr V PAPER MANUFACTCRT. vi mriji luneiDt'D rflMP'V -Manolactnremot NEWS, BOIIKand WRAP O PAP1B. tlrdw. Oiled promptlT. i g I PPLES 1 J.JL. APPLES 1 1 APPLES 1 1 ffl at l Ontario- , a,IloiiHf, J. B.QLINSAtTO.