Newspaper Page Text
DAILY LEADER inrmDii, pece-bem is. The Draft in Ohio. ' It Cincinnati Gazette publishes atabla ex&ibiUsg the number of men enrolled in each, county of Ohio, the Dumber of drafted Dan who hire actually entered the service from each district during the yen 1864, aod tbe amount of commutation money received under the 1300 clause. It fa official and accurate. The following Is the exhibit for ftii (the Eighteenth) Patriot fl-natl Ji. Xnwlled. . S 33 t.oS Cayafcoga. bummlt.... L&e... Te-.el tnrtrtel lull, d I y draft in ISO IT,(0 .. 418 CiiuuaLtM 110. Taa followine fa the result in some or the district cf Northern Ohio : ' 2 9 tf g 1 I rl r! S.? ; r I i th. Erie -, Huron...... 3,974 Fandosky... Ottawa, fccn'-rn Crawford.. 3,i- .1,114 ,12i J,201-1.,OSJ T77 173, ICth. Locaa , .y,rs Tuilon.-. rtebry Putnam W iiiiams.. leflan.., Paulding. 14th. lio roes..... A.,h'aod Wayne Medina hi Loral n... 17th. Stark 2,? 1,M 1,681 . 7'.-ia,i;6 s&a X,3Jt 2708 2 t50 ,OfS-16,B72 M 7,6u0 S.U53 1 s.a Orro 1- Jcttonon .''olumblana ibUbu a Trumbull. ..... i,ihoning ... Porta ge. G-.auza i 4,0J2-14,SJJ 2,651 118,100 Vjth. 3,9S 3,i3 3..TU l,9.S-lu,S6 lit 123,700 TLa total numbtsr of men enrolled in the Slate is 20,803. The total numbor drafted in the State during the year 1864, fa 16U7. The total amount of money paid fur commutation is $1,887,000. : IJThe total enroilmentfa, uwill be perceiv ed t y coaipanng it with that taken by towuthip Assessors last Spring, very much too lar".SThe Stats enrollment for this year is 2S0.190, or 40,641 lees than that taken by tie United Slates authorities, when the difference should have been the other way. This will become clearly evident to every one, when it is remembered that the Ccn. atilulion of Ohio requires "all white male citizens, resicent cf the State, being eigh twn rears of aire and under the age of lortv five years," to be enrolled in the mili tia, whether they are fit for duty or' not tbat fa a matter to be settled afterwards while tbe enrollment made by the provost Marshal's department should contain the namas of those only who are twenty and not forty-five years of age, and who are pbysLally capable of performing military service. Of course, those who have been drafted and entered the service, or have fumbled substitutes, should not be includ ed Such being the case, it fa clearly the in terest, if not the duty, of every man in Ohio suhj9Ct to the draft to see that the en rollment lists of his particular sub-district lire corrected, in accordance with the recent c:r;uUr if sued by Adjutant General Cow- cn, end witnout delay, so at to be In good time for another call, if it should be found secesary to make one. Th quotas of Ohio under the several calls of the President, issuel since 1863, atiiOur.t in tbe aggregate to 122,352. As will be observed by the foregoing tabular itatetrent, but 16,717 drafted men wont into tbe service. The balance of the ag gregate quota was filled by volunteers, substitutes, tbe $1,887,000 commutation fur. 3, and by tbe excess of credits carried forward from previous years. "When we add to this the services of our National Gna.d, tot which we have received no credit, we may justly feel proud of she re cord we have made in the fourth year of .the war. . . The Release of the St. Albans Raiders. Much as has been said about Canadian and British sympathy with the rebellion, we do not think that the country was pre- pirod fur sx outrageous and flagrant a maaifastation of it as was made in the re cent decision cf the Canadian Judge before whom the SL Albans raiders were tried, that be had no jurisdiction in the case. The announcement has elicited expression t . of. indignant surprise wherever it was made. Hare were a gang of robbers and cnt thrcats, either guilty of robbery and murder, if private persons, or, if in the eervice of the Confederate States, of a high , c:iin3 against British law, in setting on foot an armed demonstration against a friendly power from within British terri tory. ' In the face of these facts, which no body pretended to deny or justify, the Judge has released these criminals, deciding that he has no jurisdiction in the cue; and they walk forth unharmed and untouched, amid the huzzas of the multitude. Jserer was there a grosser and more flagrant insult offered to our nation I The time is comin g, however, when the Canadian authorities, who now abet and sympathize with rob bery, aiton and murder, will be compelled to make restitution an hundred foldt The Herald's McClellan Sword-Fund. It will be remembered that immediately after the defeat of McClellan in the tword contest, in the New York Sanitary Pair, last spring, the New York Herald, dis gusted at the result, commenced a sub scription for another tword for McClellan. It has now rendered an account of its stewardship. The total amount con tributed by a grateful nation for Mr. Mc Clellan's tword wat $712.10, of which $227 hat since been withdrawn by itt do nors, leaving a total of $485.10 subscribed. Either the people are aot very enthusiastic over the ex-general, or they have a whole some doubt of Pennelt's honesty, and don't care to risk money in hit hands. ' Substitutes in the First Corps. In ratconsc to many inquiries it fa stated that substitute! for enrolled men may be enlisted hi the Tint Corps, Major General Hancock commanding, and the principle will be exempt from draft ; but such sub stitutes will not receive the government bounty. They should be forwarded to Washington for enlistment. Bepretenta live recruits may be enlisted in the corps, jtd these will receive the government txmnty. a in it to " "Teh hale es gethan," were Huller1! "reported" last words. He might have said (and been misunderstood by the min ister) Hicht hala es gethan," which would hart matnt th exact oonUary. . i . . . Sherman's Advance on Savannah. But little reliance can be placed on tbe World t special from Washington, based on information said to have b. en received from a " loyal resident of Kichmond," an- 3 nouncingthe details of a fight at Sa van- jj nan, which appears in yesterday after noon's dispatches. That Sherman hat progressed with a success that seems mar vellous, and that he hat reached Savannah and effected junction with Foster, who approached via Pccatoligoandthe Charles ton and Bavannah railroad, cutting that road and destroying communication be tween Charleston and Savannah, fa beyond a shadow of doubt. That the final and decisive battle of the campaign has been fought at Savannah fa almost equally sure. That Sherman fa at this moment in possession of tbe city fa very probable; But the details of the fight at Savannah, given in the d if patch aforesaid, came in too round-about a manner to be accepted as gospel. They may be true, but we cannot accept them as indubitably so. Meantime, everything looks bright. Poster, after two or three repulses, has succeeded in getting possession of the Charleston & Savannah Bailroad at Poca toligo, thus gaining a double advantage cutting off Savannah from tbe north, and effecting a junction with Sherman. That ofiicer, steadily advancing without serious hindrance throughout his whole course, has reached his goal with vigor unim paired. Against the combined armies Savannah cannot stand, and we doubt not that it has already fallen. Sale of Lord Lyons' Effects. The horses, carriage, and liquors belonging to the establishment of Ljrd Lyons have been sold at auction. The wines ranged from thirty to fifty dollara a dozen, and the brandies at seven and a half a bottle. This disposition of his prop- ertv indicates that Lord Lyons will not speedily return to his country, if at all. The Ways and Means Committee. The Committee of Ways and Means in the House of Representatives is a meet im portant and re:ponsibIe body, having the duly of preparing for Congress much of its most important business. This Com mittee has recently been modified by tbe addition of Messrs. Pmyn and Littlejohn It now Btands: Chairman Thtddeus Ste vens ; Members Mcsers. Morrill, Pendle ton, Littlfjjhn, Hooper, Mallory, Blow, Easson and Fiuyn. The New York Incendiaries. The New York Herald says that, through the exertions of the military and the po. lice, there is a fair prospect ef the speedy capture of the principal actors in the late attempt to burn down the city. It fa said that at lei st seven of them are now in the city, and under surveillance. Meantime, the registration of persons from the insur gent Slatos continues at General Peck's office. About one thousand have been registered up to this time. Governor Smith, of Virginia, and the Negro Question. The rabel Governor of Virginia, "Extra Billy Smith,'' i convert to the policy of arming tho slaves suggested by Jeff. Davis He comet out strongly in favor of it in his recent annual message. Rufus Andrews on Old Fagan. Mr. Bufus Andrews, lately Surveyor of tbe Port of 2few York, in a letter addressed through the public prints to Thurlow Weed, makes a number of charges against that person, amongst which the most note worthy are the following: 1st. He charges that Mr. Weed wa con cerned in certain railroad legislation in 1857-8. He writes: "In the same year that you were intro duced to me, I was employed professionally to attend before thi Senate Committee on cities and villages to advocate the passage of various railroad charters in the City of JNew iori. xou were then a resident ot Albany. The charters wero granted to certain named corporators, and in every one of them you had a direct pecuniary in terest, at the time of the passage of the act, although your name did not appear in any of the grants as a corporator. 'The Old Alan was taken care ot in every instance where the necessary two-thirds vote was secured I " 2d. Mr. Andrews charges that Mr. Weed helped to defeat the election of General Wadsworth at Governor of the State. He writes : "A Governor for New Tort in the place of the Hon. S. D. Morgan, who had served two terms with great usefulness to tbe State and equal, credit to himself, had to be elected. 1 ne state Convention that as sembled in that year, following tbe popular heart, nominated for tho executire office that pure man and true patriot, the estima ble and lamented Brigadier GeneralJsroes S. Wadsworth. Tou, following your own grovelling instincts, fell out with the rep resentatives of the Union party. FindiD" you could not rule, you determined to ruin, and joined your exertions to those opposed to the Union candidate. Your tbare in I producing tbe defeat of a man tbe latchct , of whose shoes you are r ot worthy to un loose, is thoroughly understood. The wa ges of your treachery have been paid you." 3d. Mr. Andrews charges that Mr. Weed made a slanderous and malignant attack upon the character of Mrs. Lincoln. He writes: "In the spring of 1863, in a publia ho ofthe city cf Ne York, you announced to an indiscriminate audience that tho wife ofthe President of 'be United States was guilty of treasonable conduct, and that by order of the Secretary of War that la dy had been banished from the capital ; an order which yon declared hal been too long delayed I This occurred in my hear ing." 4th. Mr. Andrews charges that Mr Weed made bitter assaults upon Mr. Lin coln, both before and after his nomination. He writes : "In the dark dart of 1661 when treason was so defiant, you were enacting the roll ofthe meancholy Jaqoes, wringing your bands and uttering jarejciadi ofthe dole fullest strain. You were especially severe in your denunciations of the President, whom you proclaimed an old imbecile,' conduct of tbe war a failure, and bis advising minister a corrupt and inefficient cabal." n " in the N. 2.-76. It fa hinted tbat the correspondent of the London Times, in New York, will shortly have a warrant served upon him' to act as witness in .regard to the hctel-buming plot, he having predicted the conflagration a recent letter, in such terms as to make almost certain that he was in the score?. j dor, soil, lory, ney, eis, The hdios of Paris, not content with dr- lig their hair red, now dye their lapdogs match the color of their dresses. Green dogs, yellow dogs, and sky-blue pugs are the rage. A strong protest hat been received frcm Louisiana against the admission of the al leged Senators from that State: Their case will probably be at ones referred to Judiciary Committee. J bent, Washington Gossip. The 'Washington correspondents of the Cicc'nnaU papers tell the following Inter esting tiU of gossip. THE GREAT BORE OF THE HOUSE. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, promises to be as great a bore during this session, as he was during the last. He fa to the House what Garret Davis is to the Senate, an in fliction scarcely bearable. No matter what the motion fa, no vote can be taken until uolman hat had a "say." He jumps up, as if by natural instinct, to "object ' to evirjthing. It was to just tach a man as be that Tom (Jorwin, while , in Congress, said, UI had a dream about you last night." What on earth did yon dream, about mn?' inquired the gentleman addressed. "Why," said Ccrwin, "Idreamt that tome body introduced the Lord's Prayer, and tried to past it, but yon insisted on offering twelve amendments." It fa a consolation to know that Mr. Holman will not be in the Thirty-ninth Congress to borei'.t mem bers to death. His constituents very natur ally felt ashamed of his artesian qualities in the last seaeion, and would not renom inate him ; but even if they had dene to, he would not have be-in re-elected, : THE GREAT BORE OF THE HOUSE. GOING FOR "ILE." I very good authority for laying that Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, and Mr. Holman, of Indiana, contemplate retiring from politics, and embarking in the petro leum business, for which they are by na ture and education to well qualified. By a mathematical calculation it has been dkoovered that Garrett Davis can bore a well seven thousand feet deep in a single hou-, without any machinery other than his own tongue, and Holman can accomplish nearly as much in the same space cf time with - the same plain and simple apparatus. THE GREAT BORE OF THE HOUSE. GOING FOR "ILE." A QUAKER DECREES JUSTICE. General Schenck'i resolution, introduced to-day, making runaways from the draft, who have gone to Canada, alions, and re quiring them to be naturalized beiore they can again exercise the right of citizenship, fa eood but old. Congress will u n- dcubtedly enact tho law, but a decision in advance cas aireaay ceeu given Dy com- " Thee hat no right to vote," laid eood old Quaker Judge of Election in Warren county, Ohio, to a would-be-voter at tho late election. " WcatdoycumeanT' stormed the astounded devotee of the "Great Unready. "1 mean thee fa not a voter : thee fa not a citizen of this State.' " Why, you old fool, I was born in this country, and have lived here all my life, and there's nobody knows it better than you I" "Thee fa mistaken, my friend. Tbee was born here, it fa true I knew thy father before thee, and a good man he was; I little thought his ton would do such a thing; but tnee hasn't lived here all thy life. Thee slipped away about the time of thedralt: thee went to Canada, and neilh er paid thy three hundred dollars, if thee was opposed to fighting, nor took thy mus ket if thee wasn't ; but thee became a citi zen of a foreign country; and thee can't vote here r' The McClellanite raved, but tbe Quaker Judge was inflexible. The McClellanite declared theio was no law for such a de cision, and he would prosecute him ; but the Quaker wat calm. " Theo may be right about the teabnical language of the law; I do not pretend to say; but thee went to Canada; and am dear in my convictions. Turn cn't vote." And he didn't. That Quaker was born for a lawmaker. WHO WROTE THE MESSAGE? There have been questions at times, of the authorship of certain documents which bear the name of the President. The ori ginal manuscript of the Inaugural, fairly covered with interlineations in the hand- writing of Mr. Seward, is still in existence in Washington. The concluding tentence of the manrip&tion Proclamation fa known to have been Mr. Chase's. The purely departmental parts of cue or more late JUessages were originally written by other hands. But the document, which, linked with another great act, will go down to His tory as.-having made this a day to be mark ed in tne calendar beside that one which gives us the Emancipation Proclamation, is oi no uncertain origin, ice more im portant parts of it wore heard by the labiiet, when lor the first time read to them, in silent approbation. 2ot a change of a sentence or a word wat suggested. And, if History wants any Botwellian pi r.iculars, it may be interesting to put in print the fact that the President wrote the Message on still sheets of a sort of card board, which he could lay upon hit knee. and write upon as he sat with his feet anon UU MUlfl BUU HIS bUAU U1M3V UXI IA iUQ 'American attitude." PREMATURE DELIVERY. There has been some unnecessary rabble in tbe newspapers about the next fciDeak- ership; and according to veracious para- gra punts, io or inree speakers nave been born beiore the time. It fa comfortable to know that they were still-born. If Henry J. .Raymond had chosen to make himself a candidate, and had been backed up by the Sew York delegation, his parliamentary experience and admira ble skill as a presiding officer mieht have ade him a formidable competitor for Mr. Colfax. As it fa, the latter gentleman may wear his honors easy. It would be useless for any other man to run against him, and Governor Raymond openly de clares uia miuubiwu uuit to D3 a canaiuaie, and his preference for service on the floor. The Governor, by the way, was walking through tbe hall of the House to day. Why, Governor, are you down here?1 said an acquaintance as they met. ' "Oh, yes, we newly-elected people are coming down to tee the ground where we must shortly lie I a gocd deal more than we do the newspapers," he tlowlv added. The Bankrupt Bill. yeas and nays in the House of Representatives on passage of the Bankrupt bill. Of the Union members from this State, Messrs. Spalding and Ashley voted in 'favor ofthe bill, - and Messrs. Bckley, Garfield and Schenck, against it: Yeas Messrs. Alley, Allison, Ames, Arnold, Ashley, Baldwin, Mich., Baldwin, Mas?., Baxter, Beaman, Blow, BoatwelL Brandegec, Brooks, Brown, Wis, Chanler, Clark, A. W, Cole, CresweU, Davis, Md , Davis, X. Y, Dawes, Deming, Dixon, Driggs, Eliott, English, Farnswortb, Frank, Ganson, Gooch, Grinnell, Griswold.. Har riett, Hooper, Hubbard, Iowa, Hubbarj, Conn., itulburd, Jortckes, Jlaeton, Kelley. Kellogg, Mich, Kellogg, N. Y, Kernw, King, Knox, Littlejohn, Longvear. Marvin. McBrido, Mcladoe, Miller, N. Y, Morris, Y, Norton, Oiell, Pike, Pomeroy, Pruvr, EadfonJ, Eiee, Mass., Kioa; Mo. noun a, . jiio, Doueia, ocoti, onannon, Spalding, Sweat, Thayer, Townsend, Up ton, Tan Valkenburgh, Ward, Washburn, Mais , Webster, Williams. Windom, Wood. i Nays Allen, J. C, Allen, W. J., Baily, Baily, Blsine, Blair, Bifas. Bovd. Cobb. Cm. Cravens, Dawson, Denison, Eckley, idee, I Edgerton, Eldridge, Finck, Garfield, Gri- rr j t7 . 71 Harder, Harrington, Holman, Inger- Li..r, Le Blond, Loan, Long, Mai- Marcy, McClurg, McDowell, McKin- MorriiL Morris, Ohio; Morrison, My- ' L . Noble, O Neil, Penn , O'Neil, Ohio, v.iu, A CLUinkVIJ, A Sf 1ABUI X ilCO, XUaVHaaVif itaaoau, x.j , xtogers, itoUios, . H.j Rota, Schenck, SmiJiert, Steele, S. J, i3tevens, Tracy, Wadsworth, Whaley, Wilson 56. Hon. Nathan J. Farwell, the new Sena tor from Maine, to fill Mr.Fessenden't un expired term, has taken hit teat. :Hei deEoribed as a tall, muscular man. tlfohilv I with a heavy cast of features, wii -w whiskera, and a facial expression bearing a f striking mixture of energy, dediion and I .. ... .- ; or the olitogg. SPECIALITIES .. For the Holidays! E. I. BALDWIN ; &c CO. Ba? of ., eipreasljr for tb Iioiliiar Tn& & moil magnificent display Of . Ladles' H3k-s. Point Gaze, Point Applique, Hon Hon, . Mechlin, Yaleneieune, Thread, Initial, Tucked, Ruffled, Emroidered, Mourning, Gents' Ildk'ft. Initial Embroidered. Hemstitched, Haiiimed, Paris Bordered, Printed Bordsred, Fanny EJged, Silk Damask, -Ulli Oorafa. : Caubon Silk, Fancy Lawn, Turk-jy Bed. :r?jJ5.-i at bus as isomer LACE GOODS. Point Gate Collars 4 Sefjr, Blacit k White Barbes, Point Do Venice do. Keat Thresd Veils, Point Applique Vclencicnue do. Pusher Voils, do. do. io, do. French Vnilu, M isque Yeile, GreDadioe V Us, Gdipure Veils. Threat Malta : Guipure REAL THREAD SHAWLS, rOLT GAZS CAPES, Lama Lace Slials & Capes, Konrnlns: ' Emtjrolderles. Crape Couura asd Bets, White Mourning Collcrs. urenaame collars ca bets, White Mourning Sots, Love end Crape Veils, Mourning Einb. Hdk'fj. HOLIDAY CLOAKS Velvet, Plush, Chinchilla. leaver. Castor, T-iest. Zephyr Cloths, Scotch Plaid, Aa4 cthe.a o'frat nAatj cf Fsb;!a as! C!gri, uauiea atia aueaea. OPERA CLOAKS. The taMttiaect of isf:t) Dims Cends li comj-Ieto. Brest Pattern. Rich Moire Antique, Repped mi Armurp, Droouet and Corded, Gro be Saex, Gro Grain, Taffeta, I rest Fattcm. Vtooi Poplins, Bilk Poplins, Ottomans, Saxony Cloths, Lama Cloths, Huddernelds, And otters in aleiai.t paitaru, In SUk, 8i:k aad SHAWLS. Paisley, India, Persian, Broche, BH1WLS. Wool Paisley, Wool Glnrcow. American Wool, inibet. ran ladlxs axd xiss3. CENTLErVsEN'S TRAVELING SIIAWLS. Bcarrs. Searfe. Bcarfs. Velvet, Beaded, 6-otcu Plaid, India, Crotchet, Wool Plaid, Thibet, Persian. B.'tiet Plaid. Bilk, Wool Broche, Zmbvr, Eos Roy, . ButterSy, Paris Broche, Roman, . Mourning, Embroidered. Aa utortmint vrrywlEj any in (bt olty of ZEPHYE GOODS. Breakfast Shawls, . gcarft, Nubias. Crmf.)rtn. Hoods, 7ool Titrs. Sleeve, S.iritet;s, Gaiters, . Mituius, Alexandre, Oiov.cs. GLOVES! GLOVES! Of ararj kilt, tor Lt, Cntlean ar.d Toatfc. BAtalOKAL SKIRTS. Elegant Belt Buckles Widaaad Barrow b,h and Bn: of all Ua. PIANQ &ND TaBLE covers. Sjrtesdld Damask Clolh?, GENTLEMEN'S ' Velr.t, mik aat o!bT Tet Fitters. GENTLEMEN'S Click aad Fancy Qaaslmer Pant 733. GENTLEMEN ' . Coatlafa and Orcottlnk-a. GENTLEMEN'S - Scarf, if er.rj dastraUa 6 tj la. GENTLEMEN'S Haik-Tles and Cravati, Black and !fanc7. GENTLEMEN'S Han lkareh'afa Smlircldir'd, Benu ttiatid, ecu GSNTLEMEN'3 Band' roblifa Duos&k, Corah Csu,tsa P'l-- toiJ J. X Hit ' . 6nt.raa.ra, fr.k aad Aaarla GENTLEMEN'S ekwa., CoUars, Cadaraaar, fc. GENTLE MENS irii ctra & Cov m "aU-xlaLs. Silk and Gingham umbrellas. ONE PRIC.T,3 ONLY ! To 90S 2o-ldy Coous - M .tniu atio3;ccafl;nt. that aaia a ttxk of M- 4 aid l airab'. Qosda tu m,vtr 'tn a1 ittd in thla citj. E. I. 3A XCWJW St CC, ialfclfl MAum iud AN ELE G A CF CHRIS AT J. B. CO! 541 Superior Street, Cleveland, O. ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUIVIS, SETS OF STANDARD AUTHORS, PHOTOGRAPH BIBLES, JUTENILE BOOKS, -YELYET PRAYER BOOKS, ROSEWOOD WRITING DESKS, PEARL INLAID BACKGAMMON BOARDS, MOROCCO TOURISTS' CASES, . CHESS MEN. GAMES. PORTFOLIOS. DIARIES.' POCKET-BOOKS. JT. B. COBB Jki CO.'S; jfw Urn's Gifts. N T S TO C K pur, Hz !rJ s S ! ! W WORK BOXES, GOLD PENS. AT GiLl OIL! oil:: i5JJUll)EE.SC0iSlB & Ce. IxtraFeirolenm Mi. Benztle t.jmcatiner? Oiia. rw par partlcclar attrition to package I, theMbx aavlntf onr cnatomara Bench loan by ag.j. Wa inarantae onr oil to fin perfect aatia&u ioa, aci aa good aa any made in tha dtj. Alao,a ft ttcslar attention to putting; np NAFTHA OR BltNZCLI.1 foitat-le for Varniafi Uanaiai4arri' or Talntas see. On hand and for sale WO boia extra retaod Petroleum on. LliObbuGdoriGedBiieoietecualtcT arteilo,-) 103 Uila Ho. 1 Librtcatlng OU, sklch e IU evil at lowMtt market nric as. Oinoa lug Bt. dair-tt., tonieriT s ci:ri4 fa. O. 8oofleld A Co. ; JCHB ALHXAJTDaa. I wm. a atnu, I CUt7 fLM.SU, V. arrow wnaot am4Tt PETROLEUM "Hickory Farm Oil Coyepany." CAPsTii....... .... lOO.OOU UHABES OF S3 11,3. Sbarea full paid without further t Mini r. Praaident CHBI8IOPBBB TTI.EP..' ftecritarT, ' tr,vmr.' WiXLIAMaUABMAIt. I la A A P D. BtsSKLti. Bupe.lstor.dtut S , itiOJ:-:. TRUSTEES. CatT(TO?BKaTTLKB,o!t?hriau,pofrT7Ter, 5 awT. Taoaaa A. OrBMurs, of IbA-rsea Oammlaa, ' ShAH'jka B.CoOLr,l.teof Oooty, t arwoU&Oo.,' Qu. M. G aorta, late of (irofi i ti or trap, 1alac j Co., tiew York. Joh T. Clabu, late of Dar, Clarke 04., H. T. '"l" V. IT.lLa. of 111. Willianit A to " Iauo l. BtuaiU., of Ar4W ft Irwin. Ml'g. 'Co.." josars Laaocara, of Aowiola, Larocnu-ja A Bar low, Mew Jork. CcaiJO. Hiieakf , -4 c. 0. Eucy A Co., l-ti,ri, Jzmi U. Wun.Tr. Prea't Weatern rnfcn Tola. graph C , tjtntt and, Ohio. Saittrai. I,. M 4TBU, tilaveiand Iroa SIio Co., CicTelanifc Ohu. Jca . Kawinav., John 8. Sewberry, Detroit, KlCBa f Twinti Jiaoot. PmH Fftnaen1 Bnk, SaIck, .0 7b la Compfttt u organitbd auder ih of q j Ste of How f o. k, tot ih pnroda of dveloplDg a tnctof opWjrdi of two haudrwl Bud hirtty-f uresoriay d.owaod bj Xhm In jm nmp't, l9rtM In V tcftp'go cjvaty. Peoajrlfiiia. on ti. wtrly bnk the All.ghaiiy Hirer, and emfcracisx loiii baalV, of 'BItory UMk." V 1 ampl workinf capital Laa beva prcT-dud fJT by ibe Oompacy. and ih doTlopment of tb prep V ty will b proMcntfHl with tb reaUst T'r. A limited Bomber of sba-M of tbe C tpUal Htork can aoy be obtatrwl at par, on appliance toSAU UKb U MTDKtt, at the odice of ti Olereland Iroa Htniac Couspany, CleTrland, Ohio. whm Biafa, sjtfl., to., ean b asaa. and any fartber 1p for ma Lion dalrad can b obialxiad. noU17i QLEVELAMD CHEBKY TALLET OIL COMPANY. lands ia Venango Cccaff, Pa. CiPiUL $500,000-15 50,000 SIUEIS- PAR VALVE fiO FEZ SZTAJIE. fell piIAwI faoat fnrtbsr Maat&annt, Th presw tuxMrty of tha ConipanT c-f" In a tract of TIFTY-flVE AND QUE-UALP ACHES !n tbe trcotedlata Ticfnt of OU Cret-k, near OU Cltr. tou Hut on CLarrv TrM Kot. anrt but a Sort dUtajoefiom NTm! proitdc fljwipjr; welfff. Tna object! ot ttiU uompauy. noaer its actor Iatvirporatioa, am brae the parch aa. Icaafnc and bolJIng of ilineral OH t a sdj, railing trova tbe aaitb anl ctbrw1e obtalalDfr Oil. refluicj; atd mana'aetarlntc and dlapoelng of tbe aatac, aud alra oflwlrf oxxi or otherwia dlipotn of any laud not raqaired lor the aetntl oaa of th (.'ompany. j. r. riiiAviiv, rruiiuai, 0. KOCH. Trtnrr. lCD'AUD BCDWI3, t5wratary, TinSTIIS. P. F. PETXOTTO, ftf rar e, faizottu & Ci. . KnwAfsD BFDWIO, of 8. fSorman A Co. (BAH. BKaTESAHL, of Bratenabi Beet Lara. U. KOCri, o' Koeh, Levi A V ayar. If. C. TATKS, of Tod. Tatt Cj. MANUEL H4LI.S, of Ua l AJo- 1. Sta5a.ofB.Mana. A llmiUd M&xnbar of Babacriptiogri will t ba ro- ealTAi at lifa DoHaT pc-r &barek by aa'irat'n at l ha Office of t Ooapaay, eorner Water wnd Sape rior trt-'. wrere anap. eto t etc,, oa be eeen ai.d a.j. foiter lnfoimatkn dairsd caa be olitaiaed. csct: e If OBACE WATERS Uiiil SUSICAL KSHBLISSS25?, TIOtTTT Now Plane i, MelOTteoas, rTarsMnlssi. Alfi'iiulr. and Cabinet Urgana. at V. b taa.e and Retail, i-riowlow. SECOSU'.BAKD PIAbOr at great targain", prloea from ) t- new 7 Uf.Ti P:asoa, ioC and tili ; with Cfii L and Moa:dinga, t&J and upward., il .'loUooni too to A 'anralMk of MrjSTO, MUSIC BOOKS and a;l k'nda of MCt'CAL INsTl.C VESTS and u-lo Merchin'iUe a! tluloaalral t. 1') UiO abeata. or iliaic, a U.Ue coid, at 1 canis per pass. i ) It to So, JH-zan RA1BUK, WILLIAMS ft CO, WHOLESALE CROCERS. &S nril ee r.lvrr. and 31 and 33 Heaulaw ftrwiKS Ara no? rfvla from H.w Tork aad Hew Or fu. a Uitc toiceacpijr of Bio, 1C Orleans, iva, IaarsTado, ttha, Oneliod, roi:utatra, OratitLlftttd, il.rfrah.x Powdered. Tfuvt, T. Hymn, O. HyaOB, Japan, Ircparia), Cfong, Ooibe, A, B, A 0, Tkbranr. TOBACCO ASJ5 S2GAE5, ta iaat varldtj. ffT-OirKD COFFFKI?, PEPPER AST) S?iCES, MOLA8BK8 asd STRUPSJ H'r'.'iL th off-r to tb trade at Tery low rates. Oli eland nunnfactnred artiolea at Maanfte.- rera' prtoes. BBADBUOrT. VillXIi MS A 00. G 1 iSUUii ISfi- GROCERIES alwet hs Iband a. iSCWER & POPE'S, i;4.?url. Streps 1K3. OF THE FINEST QUALITY iitucMd witn craat ean SliGASS. cf erorr erada, COPJSJ 8PI02S, EXTRACTS, i Ae-I 2Tfry Tjriy of gpods pertatninc tot't )-..r.niM otbnn:tm. aoid -y them at prloos thatU tw.- a !&TO.i,ki cmpiru' n witn ana other rella b; noma ic tua city. "ju G?"OV: & BAKER' L- ira Cltlebrated SeVju-f Sashliia Were A warded hf. Rt.r.iut tv "a""" f imrtii, at f. fcrfiawing 6ta 01 TJI'JTK'AWTT.r BEWT53 !Avt?f?A Y.-S StAtoSVr. luJtan3US'air atv! 8t ", Tljnoii 8ft Jo,r, aowa 8ta "r, O! !o atate Sair, PenalTas! rilr.t- r, I'rrhiirio ia fur asl kermokf httfie sir. Theuofao.:uin:l-ei!ali the 1 1 Me Feirtit wti.-.h theUrvmu jistsr'a ila"lHa wemertuiitadiais triovna a isasssi s. sr. oj , SiL rt.Mas 11 saocrior ;mt, C1lad, oitio. oetiT rii&5 FLOHKCK. V t. many" j c!j ct. any and H SEWWC fs'ACHIWES. t fee the re.eraiuie 4, u11di? the tlota elthtl the ritht or Iffi, U)itr a aeaat r faetea the edi of "rri. It tikea 6 :rr diffarerit edtcbea, tne Lock . loMe Lock. Knot and itoabla Knot eatS ksioi alike ot! botU alam of tiia Stbria. lta roo tiona are all aen a tbe thick tblnneat f.triat' witiiont .Ene, of UtaeUn. Hemt any wfttth t 'texn, braids. iniitf , biod, gthera, an aewa la a rn!Tte at the al ae time. W. GhSAf ON CO, AgenU. W P nMJe Bonare, Jlrraiand, aad So. T MarTfll A7 Wwt av . M "bu a T. I4d CmBlJB BTBr. baa Jnat rai?ed splendid lot of C?id Rud Sllviir wartiifs. Alver Tare ana line Jeweirj, O'ey.ry dfecrlplls j. Hli atcck af Caaai, Br. VlKO, 4c , U t ie y mrj beat to be fjaad. and can be bo'itibt at a ranri l.u flinre thaa lewbtre la th rity M.BCBT, djT 5atrh -and ClK:k Maker, 14 Superior at. ';Mrif4irarsplmrats. rxiiM ci! Eeneral Tr1ur ct JU?;i::Lri!r,a '!afUrSTS IES KaESI M -S 2 10ta4n w rtrS, rTMWTiAS. cam TTCE COLLA1H IN SEW AXD 1 A Laantifol pattttns alarm assortmect. da : , - - - aaTSofcrtree. mi mi 3IETROPOLIT -A. IV, "f?"5m PSK3IASEKTLY a . r-. No. 140 Superior Street, Cleveland, Or io. SEND FOR A ALL BOOKS ftP.E SOLD CATAIrOGUES MAILED MY 1012 PUGTOGEAPU ALBUMS AT TITS METEGF0L1TA3 ; tso BEND TOR A DESCaXTTIVS CATALOG US. -f23 : BUY' YOUR- CIBLES AT THE METR3P9LSTAN. SKSD FOR A CATALOGUE. BUY YOUR PSAYJ-RS AT ,!: SEND JtO& A SvB'l tbe DiOBOT for any prlf4l Alalia axwt la sue nut lor uis iuouiv, ;u A Gift worth from WITH EACH BOCK! SAll CcnunUuicati'.'ns suuu'u te addrusser to D. LINCOLN, 0C8:R3 Ko. 140 StTTIElOS STKKBTf, CLVTKLA31). O. tfif LOCATED AT " CATALOGUE. AT PUBLISHERS' PHICES. FF.EE TO AUT ADD2ES3, 7KE MSTROPCLITAM CATALOttUE. T" whb. "a"! I wrt! 1 w w-wi Uic iLAl1a. n,toax mr i n 50 Cents to $100 T OTICE AMAXDA B i Joiia rj?etc Payaa, fdchard CmUins, UuartUan of Jinnee . iVD, hy A otUrer rajuo aadtreuerika tt.l'yu wrf. aLd uuii. Uiat a Ltt Uoo wa atd agaibat tLam an tbeaVta. Oay oi In ctjiuber. A. D. la- 4, is tba ikurt of Cooiuiva wii ia ana tot mv cmruty oi mydh 5a, ty ti dx.U(ce J. Friyne and Aim c lyu, hi lie, ant Aotiin W. trorU:ie and brah J. OoicUn, bis wife, and la novpeadiog, a Lenin -aid tuln Anu S. Payne ana eald Autiu W. and .trahj. Go dan demand patUionoi tuof-iiowi.e taw, sitatA ia Citjvemud, Uynitia couuey, Jhio, toait: Part of aub lot nine (() m Can-' 1. ter, Penaa aud Irnniioa'd buu-Jivi!ou cf leD-rac; tote, one toundrvd end tliirty-io'ir, .,',), ouq han dled and tbi ty-fie, (io), and oue Itauarrd id.1 Uairty-aU, (t-iJ, aa rwcoru a in book L',p -.i: t, beiiig s xty-tix ( fa t ftvnt ea Wi cu aVfrt, runmug north onj iiundri d eui iHty ('-') ImX, ui of equal width, front and r-ar-naa of tLe tnu, be iiiti ktama more or ton-. uu au' joci 10 u ,tnzi highway; Wlu th- sain b- r-t' tore xQTey-u i B. K. aiattiiT au.i wii.t A uian ia CiuitU. un ' r- oorded in IVjoic aixiy- op, (tti), iai a i anJ tl-. Aiao, part Oi eab- oc tulrt) -Uu:; in I'tivnl . u ; s Fub-JtiBWB ot original ite 011 hundred aiid (luyi to oue hutidrcd and uxten, (,ilt;), idc1u.iv, beJnninj on the north Itneot liailT .r strt tftit u-ty-(uar U) l et Sattt Iroai tne west Ur. ; of anl l"l tturty-two, Wi, tbeatM rnnDinc nortlt nin iy ' bet, tbenou at ihl iu(Hea.t twpi.ty-fuur ti; feat. thence eoath ninety i;J ) f rn a tin jtirntii With aa d iret-uieniitnt.d iin., ai.d th-nce v t vn lue a,xth line of BtjUraratrt tw mj -four ( ;i; f.-t to the lace of beinnlnfi, bat anbjotit t all blBhwae. A!o, a atrip of Und luur () i w.df, en tbe eaat aide tif the abovo-fi.'rwnU . prtuii-?.) and rnnaing bu:k the wuo e di-th of tint. I y v-. IWt. which aaid fear i) sVct ahall bet lit (-n kr a f.aaaaga-wayt to be nscd In txunuuu with the aonaca on aaon aide of the ifUfl'!se-w. Alfo, tlie BaaaK9-way on tbe north end 01 eia prc-mi.-a aa pun c l-r pereoua aou uraKa , auu t.v. mi tu aa or about the line cf ite uMae-w,y b tw u the KboTe-deecrlted prniicat ahul te na.-nt In cuci meu by the fautiica rvoidiug on eacu atde of (he pueaae-way, auh family to nj b f tho yip"use of eaid well. beii( the earn Uad hereto! rr ca rttyed by Atphonio wood and Lucy U. Wocd to Amanda F)ue, April 1-th, ie3. Aleo, tit ic of land known a iart of tot So. 61, iii J. M. Vx. ary'aaub-dlTtuoa of city iota Noe.oe but. tired and ntty-aix (iwt) and one hundred and aisiy i-v d, ilo7l. ail lnoltuire oi the uninal aiiotmt c: 01 tint flriirejeof CfVuiaud, and L b.uuiicti noitltwt-ttiiy In &!Tnt by theatnut etrect ; avulUweter,T y Boothweeieri Uae of id h-t No. .'!, b. lu-- ato tbe Bide of an al:ey ; oj hwttrly ki th-rear iy tiie northwnet line of tticnory t.wQ't; und rtrth eaat by a llae dan Ihr tufi ihec-nd-r e: snii I X an elf. om front toie.r.aoas to the s me Into two equal ha;fprt; be n tiriy-two ( -1 e't In width and on-,- hundtcd, and th:ity-iw-feet and riht () nchej in depth, Lh ihr samii o.e or Um, bnt aubject toail .-gal uitiwyi. AIa, iho not in hall ot theeoier.y prt ot I-Jte!h aub-dlTieion of original lota thirty livo ... .111 Lhirty-alx, ,wy3t atd-of Uuta 10 itrw.1, t.iutuil eaet by aaid atreet. north by .uia now or hrrei -turaowoed by Jaccb Loamn; wo t by an al ey in common with SebnUz lirothoia; and souih cy ...nd owued by fitohulta iiroih-r, thirty t,-J fc- t wide and one huudrt-d and tea i i-t d - p. W theaame more or hi, b it a! jec: to .l h:th waye; and that at the neat term of buiu Ui-U. tu aid Kldrltie J. and Ann tL 1'ayn-, aud the ald A QJ tin W. uordan aud S-trati J. G uracil, hii:'e, wlli pp-y for an order that pirt-tico b U of eatd premlxea. Jatd thia 6th daf of rvterobcr, A. B. U'i. ItAi taLa anOuLI-:, dec? led Piiintiiia' Attortieyf. NOTlCJi. Cbarics C. X)i, Cnaridn a. Drt, Vihlam U. D T!J, )-m 1 1. lri,, Vlritlnla B. MrQuteu, Amaotl B faini", Bt-i. d buddioa. Guatdlan of J.e(a k. tayi.e. L'.t 1''St Ter t-arne and Vradwloa IS V'jar, i- i,a K. ne, will t'k. noilro m.t a UU"ii a Ui. d asai'.a-. than a the Sth ay of I)reniber A. 1. lv.l, in to. Court of tktmmoo Plao ltbtn ard f x tra oocarT of Cay. l og i by K'dii lg. J. P.yne an! Ana a. Payne, bte wile, rod ia ro pin lia.vbro in eald Eltrttge J. and Aon a. 1'ayae d m r 1 car. Uilonef in. to.lowl. r nal eat.te. ,tuW in U-..-land, cnyeheva coont, Onlo, 10 wui bwest half of .obdlvu.on lot No. 67 v( Cin?,-M, O nton, Soaler aud Peiae'. aouO,T!.i:n f or'iUAl ln acre lo:a Noa on. hnndied aud thiry-ttir, (I t oi.e hondnd and thitty-Ure. (llo)aud ooe bedrrd arid ibirtT -U (130); eald we t half Ltlng ihir.y tl re leet frcat on ilvuill'.tn .'reet, ivuaiu? bact one hnudr-d O'-) f t loan alley. b- tht n.o-. or aa marked ia 'be oln;.. re'orcid ia B c, U, page, aertn (T and eia-br, (sj Cuy;kt,-vi cr.ratj reccrda, be tbe same m .re or ie., but .ubj.t t., all lenal blahwaya; and th t at the nen -.. rra ut aald Uoart th. raid ll rW-e J. al m will apply for an order luat iUi tioj be uad. oi aitld prt m m i).ted tJiia Stli day ot Doorab-r, A. P. l'-'4. BACK a KuB. f:, doT:136 Plait ti.' Attciuc) 3. MASXSas SALE rt KU v'TTo tbe command of an ordsr of ja frv-a too Uuort of Common pica, ol t njan:. ir.un ',flj(o, at th-salt or Aim ju T. Turn T jr , ai;iLit ll'ua Sf . P..ok and otbere. to me diverted, I i;,.u ; it,.a tot aale at pLb icalUloa, at the lucr oi me ''cart Honre in thC.t f tnd, un ti.c 1 tu d-y t-f Jauua-7, 15, at 3 c'cUct P. SI., thi Ml'.' ! described pifialM-i: H:uai 1n rn ahlpo Brv kiyn. It thacooLtyt-f CujfjUi..,., id st.te if Oi.lo,anl ki-wn .a bus U t . 0.1 la t!,e Taylor Fx. Allotment, 1 1 tho ctr i.f tni.. now tn t. itty of Cl.n land, and is t i...o.) Surtherlr 00 PTOeptrot (uow Fra-klli "'r-et. e.t. el on Keotuiky .iro-1, s .n-.her y u- Tr et s!re-t and wttrly 00 I e bo. oJ, a id las Go fc,t fr.,Et on PrMpeet (now Fraiklin) tr-ot. Ap t-ltrl et H' 0. 1. FOttU. SlR.iar'.'oa r. tiuni A Dria, Pi'fli Att y. . tlacaniber Stb, letA. dccS;iM gry cads. TjIiil.lNJiliil MlLLlNKKYl for oaolcst itylei of VELVST lot largest rariety of BICH BIDEOSS, F:r D&lad tad aOSJiKt S1LS3 anl EI33L-KS, For ladiea' HATS, 0 1 IS and Tl'iBaSS, For ail Qoodi as d by Mill.lXUlli, If SOU would Sad the best aorimtt at the lowest p i-fa. go to MSR3AN, ROOT i CD.'S. BATT3, WICE AND TTAPDINO. ' A good Stock at aioKSAr, eoot t. co. j. EESAKTA'T gHWLJ KOGD3 ASD HOBIAS, ECAE58 AND S!.iKT ,C5, HJcitRi ao tLrrr, A citotoa aatorrtnent at itOKUAK, E0OT & COS. declO OHIO HOOP fcKIBT FACTOBjff JiCOB aSAXK, Pro?5r, j Wafer BU, cp aTAiaa. SaU at WaouiaaiB Oklx. I bare ow haod the lareat, nan ana mon iwaiicMi 1 of HOOP BKIiiTS and OOR8KTB In ttie We-t, and aa til o iy reowp. 0 w 7 aa ttey mke thtdr appearanoa la nzarknt. To country uerchanta I can oner trmter ladQrerji6!ta ihtvn ut other aonae weai of Nw Trtrlt. JACOB FKANK. 147 Water street, (np etaire,) aeplS-lU tr-vd ad. Cbio. gTSWAUT, KIDDLE CO, ura mriti a stitet?, ittorncys and Counsellor c Law, - NO. H PlIOTSTLVAJTIA AV1!?-UB, WAS3IXGTOX,J. C. Will attend to basinee In the Snprrnw Ccrart, Oocrt, Owt of Claim, the Cirrnit an i rl-..t-l Coarta, be(.,re tbe w:nl D.p,r!31enta, ta- - U9, PEHSIflS. MTSItT, H0 IK2U3 SUSEiiJ1 AND IS CXINGBao. os. . rnswABT, a. - aionu, . A. trsrat. 1S;A3 t'Roas iJ attenth - S AND ItSDICIltjiS xai fenttoa of Tujliciftni a-".l aUenccs -aa m re'Jirnt;y ;l!citi tf- tay atccfe. which ccrl. tea a cojr-ii:ci n-icrUn- at h torythias sru THE DRUG TRADr. iud n,! i-rJr-a w lnsuisAtisfie.kin tutbaj.nrci?, isfT.ii. A2Ja Spaia'Afc lnai 4XTra, Tttrrj, i-: Vca:-iuaD fct'Boca aKa Vn.a.a:s, of iis Utot "d wx.t apyroT-d jiruJ, ac-i 44 . ; B)lll;cBcavea, Feiltiiiicr feiu! Fancy AfiteleSa in grT.t Tar'etT. Al-'i a atcck o; LI(jr03 (a- QitatHYi tvCClt' to In Biiufr w r t A(r?ni f r DA'6 irLlA i'ti, the aoet cyiaplcta vt nt pi.jtr PTjr tflt):e to inn Fro-es-vO. Ci-jn-trr ! i-x '.,ii5 ve v-r,r-itl-,'j icTtied to aaaxii. dalles Di ru; suvk, ard 't;i ilml tv tp iW rViW..,V,a gELLINOOUX TO QUI THE :ECS15ESS. ISAAC AT ISA At 5 Vakoi tbi mrhol rr an'osnMag hie Ictnticn ta quit ti- C-ctbinj aa;Bas, aad he jw -oiT,-r tui wr.tir? stick of - FruxisnixG goods. Al Sueii Piicos as wiil ensure SpWly tiata, PERSON 1H WAST OT 72S The Best aatl Jlost Fasblor J&APT-XADE CLQTSU' you axb Biiis -vi A"D fa r v rt n 1 s h 1 n c coo j - t f any d&Krp'kn, wiU do will to call at- F'ii . I3JJCS Bitli, rtzlts r.-.-t S'T Ue -a.? of Bii.Ter'a Oeiebrate-i Sew Llui jsjrC'i;Qr, fcuitr'a Aataiatoa FrasaCian, .-. ai'tt e rilut Anty Bd-Irai-K. (-rr.-r aia(-ei-V a&J J) rlo-t FW l.oc oct ftr (.'in.'!, od DAVIS FEiXOTTQ'S CO. CLOTHING as - s Gcallemea's Faralsilafeods Slertr.t Sty l-a of Child) can a?-? Tonth'a Clothlce. Sl.i..i.i a- rtineEt of r4oti, lwtnnari and Yesiint:, for t otom I rade, ac RMAoahle Filce. Davis, Paixorro 0:., Bold t.r. Vatr and liapertor ata. xnl Winter LtnuigzitieaU Zhlcet Efcct IfoKdaif, 2ivaet&er 1$ihi 18M, To TJifih RxprtCT TraJfia (Daily) between Ca.jr-.V1CL AN 9 act NCW iOUPU 7 'L-AT bxruMiii, !eaTeaCI?T-Tar.ffi'?'TndayeiC''Xft- fi) a: i iV; a. arriftja at MfadUI at itrvv r ". to nnft mane t 6;oo r. m.r Can; iurf Sf ork at I:10. w. "Ntc::? Kxi-r-csa, lTee C-T?l nd (Satardayi ex--..u.-!. nt t:h r. au, '!ce:a Cu.- attj- i .,) 7rm t Meatltfil' t a. a?-, tav'taicu l oC a. aid Uvw fork at I0:i; p. h. WsTiTWAKP. . " Dr.j ErrreTi tTw Njw Tori at.HT:Cf a, Ari at C'evriand at 7: 'Ji. 5rght i-i L -ec-a Nw Tots at. ...e:r r. As-r at OlaTelar.d t.-i;l' r. 3 MAIL Trt W s. : . i Train. kr!oj flreTciaud f !bbmi aU..,.. tfcVi a. a-rtrt.'at afranltlfa at.HM T-I; r. Train hTlc fi-Tdan.t at i,Ki)...3:(9 r. airitoaat atM.lU:l-J A. . trrirrt at Ycautown ai T:y r. xrain ;n.u4 vruuwii v t,10' TiJ -w a. airif& X '.'lerttland at...10-.-i6 a. " ba'aiaac at ( et Hl. -. ; -rTee at UiTUWt10:4: a. as arrive- at Ak ca at.. r. " n ASion a: iJit),.. 7:10a. at Htm t t'ai.n.nca At.TL 7:3a r. e! locaTi AWuaaiinor t&ain. Train Ictartrg tTon at (West !-iOi a. srrTfe at 3IaT,ti?td ltnH 3:15 F. K arriTea at ' at.ww . u Gaiton at (Kit a. ar, ipa at -V an-tlf. . at .Kt"0 a. arriva at Afctoa ati 4:!6 r. Oa'ion lU (w'oai)..M.i.;jr 7: 1 1 - rrlv at lTtboait... hiw?. artT at iKytn -t., 4:Sta. " Ihsytcn at KatK.. , 7:-K. at arnfM at Crt analM..v'H10 d a. M arria at Oal'-on a.. f : r. ait kst f r Tiracit-t titket ti ' Salaraaeca ' H. a HWiKTSSH, 4re'i;nr't. T. H. C.VirwAW. Tn'i Ticket Age-nt.-- p-"3 LAVZLLXI) AND FXIIa.SUHtS U K A I I It i A l J . l.-'d. VtlNTKi; AUUASOKWVCiNT. l& On acl aftflr Montiar. Oet- 31 T.-alna ica Sfcvfeiiiid ex o.'.( s. J; D-Jar t'lt-i 1 : 5 A . MA lli-Arnirti at PitiV argi; 41 P. -. it t:Z: a. luhii-r; a. a. V --.:.n-(:r iic.'Sa. w., PbiH'iW-Ms ' A. -V'-'h i .. if., W ira n 00 f. i. I W P. S.-K.T r;he ArrlT.-aat fiUi urh 3 I r., ?' rrtt.urgo 7:3i a, Jtj.ti.trori ws v , rt'a3h r-vijr.i4:t.F.II-. flJii.-ififi! af iS few X J k i:'. P. , 'fbM o;. IV.n t. Aiji gsruuti-r.t at ilii-i :? far t'' .! rnn tl ror?h fra-n rit'-rt-ni-ah t t'K Ai'fifjVS'. alias::! :h-i-t of w. -f r 3r at ibv a? b? nrj o:'-3f ii,t.?J a.T" 'i -'ij- r-U c?o ;r K-r-a, Ti-rit ''ie.-. Vf---i!'i iiJa-j, t'a i-r'd tHrstt fison. n7 J. S. tj vf at L Ij S a J O S3 - Wholisale an.i !Vta3 Daa'tr th COAL, . 0(t en . A P. B. B. Pier. AUo, snd at EncUd street S. K. Cmeami. . Oued ol Excelkct Qnaiity tor BTXiM, GAS, (.SITES, tTOT3, OfSr or llonae tee. lao, AarHHitil it: Uraeor small qnantitiea. Or-itre respectfoilysoiiciied and prTBfptlT a ad to. Ooel for smithisg keot coristaatiy o TiB Teraaa eaah. ' - QOAii AT BETAlIaC .-.,':, Villow fa, (M'selllon) Tallmad Knt and Sack tia' ; a'o, Lehigh ai d n al, -.e anlanuU ejg, at cm Ifaid,' 1. ;vor s-reet. ' . dcM, tnODM, CA PXSAW HAT BlSACHi. O-ia, ALTmiio and Fat asm nr'-d from te K"t, I aa per ;- MjK:rIrpcsd haad-, fco -Sr k 1-;; a in ivit an ra?r rati, re saiiaer acl ot lijaitonatdsatyrti. frts'.k btes ajH ltOJaadl: