Newspaper Page Text
u . i 4 V -I A 1 FABODT BOHE5UHDEH. la ituon irbei our-funds are low, ' Subscribers er-e provoking alow, ad aaw supplies keep ap tho flow Of dim, departing rapidly. Bat wo shall aao' a sadder tight. Whan itui poor ia from mora till Bight, Commanding every aixpaac bright To bo forked otot poodiljr. Our bond and dee-bills aro arrayed Each aoal aad signature's displayed The holders tow tbey aaost bo paid With threats ef Law aad Cbaacary ." r. .f hen .to dsapair we're alnjnst driven J ''there' prooioaa little aao ia livie', 4m -Jyhsa oar last copper's rod el m ,'Frsm hands that held it lovingly. . . . , Bsl largsr those daes shall grow .'J,?Wh'en interest's added ob below, Bl, 'leugtS'ning oar chia a foot or so, ' j r While gaming at tbena hopelessly. .ta f xis so, thai sesree have wo begoa utm9 plead Tor time apoa a daa ; Before, there comes some other oae -..wiDemanding pay ferociously. . "The prospect darkens. Oa, ye brave, '-Whor-wevJId oeir very bacon save 1 Waiye, Pstroaa t all yoar pretexts waive I Aad pay tho Printer cheerfully. let 'Ah f it woeld yield as pleaaare sweet,' r Ta r. .i.i:,,...,. i. v,i ,. 1 ' . ia .breaking of as a clear receipt : S-'-. For papers takea rog'larly. .. r-HISTd 02T KEEPHT3 MILK YROJS s ..-.; . . SOXTEINO. - a .1 it. Mine is av oompouna guDstance, maae ,P- mixture of oil, (butter! sugar, .easejine tcuraj ana water, xi auiowea to tand still, the oily mater will rise to the "tffb in the form of cream. 'There is a -..!.. ii -.j. i ii r mue iree aixau i.soa; m too water oi lkwtiiulk, andwithout thw soda ids water wm uui uar wv jnmw keep the chseinef or curd dissolved. .Thigar of aulk; u also dissolved m the water. ?if this ean ret access to air it is constanuy incimea xo cnangeioan acia, tiawvi ,wu,j . juao . BwrareiiTO wbwi pDMMw Tinigar wnen expoeea bit, nd we can see just why milk curdles, , ana now it may De xepi sweet. . i M all know that acids destroy or .P"118 tno. enecia oi aixaiies, isucn as .sOda, potash, . lime, ccc.,; jlB Detore a 1 1 1 iiA .wlutn . Ino milk ib haw fTiAm i ' -- " , tome free soda m it, but when some acid In- r t 1 r .1 ni ,1 - - 1 --1.8. lormeu iroiu. mo uuul ougar, toia aciu .neutralizes tne sou a, ana tne water with- iwm aoaavcanno aisoive me caserne, putu seperates into a mass ot curd. the same per capita under any enumera Olore sugar turns to more acid, and in tion required by this act, would fall to Uuna, the whole becomes quite sour. the share of the nlr.rd rillflrAn f .M e2? 97" - - . - y.8 or PreTent"g Hwfr.. u ; Keep the air away from the milk as much s possible, i We cannot very well juw mo wua. v" ur 'g"', .ue W w viiu auiui im w uio HIU wiliu very good Cover if it is kept unbroken. ;,ih men, it rs aesirea to Keep the milk stHuua. fcugm vm. 1.1111c, Niouiu vbe taken to keep it still, and prCSCrYC 1?e,?r nndisturbed. Those who get jspLflkbut.bncc a day should divide it into wnrai pwiiiuuB, nuu purkiuo w ue jtept "undisturbed till it is wanted for use. Tb6 second method is. -a , iPut into new milk a little extra soda i to centralis- the acid .as fast as it is form eJ.T A bit of soda.' the bulk of a mar- 'rowfat pea to a quart of milk, will not i injure lis taste or quality, -. wnue it will often "keep it sweet for a day or more . longer than without it. We have often - .taken milk already beginning to sour and cardie, and by stirring in well a little y)uu, uu uuiuug ik, iiavve re-uissoiyeu tbe. curdj and rendered the milk as sweet ' and good as when first drawn from the cow.' , we enow tnat sweetened' water w3l turn more rapidly to vinegar, (acetic eidry if it is-keps-warm. Just so the 9gar2X rnuterns to. acid (latic) soon- er if kept warm, and on this account the cooler, nuur. is kept, the longer it will re i, jniua sweet. 4i tlt is well known that a heavy thun storm will often render milk speedi , JLy squr. 'j This may be effected in two -'-ways 'the agitation-of a thunder clap may introduce more air into the milk, r.Apa the great amount of electricity pass- oig -tnreugU'.the milk may hasten the change of tbe sugar, acid. We have 'lrcard it suffffested. with how much tmth m ii - . a "we cannot . say, though there is some I -w rmnfc tl,nnI, thoM ; limn plaOsiWirty in the statement,' that milk ..ia ss likely to be affected by thunder if -v V j J : i . J?? W m i earthenware instead ofmetaryesseIs like tin pans; and also aairt wilL t atime; keep better if rvffiSgSll w ft. 1 1- l -1 . M . 1 1 1 " BnelT" urllrv . n ' enthan ft . upon the bottom of the cellar JLrTX:i S j .J jt " , . . . I Bnn-ikn1riktYva anil ttvairanr Alaiiiwiiatir I "TT -rr.-- i - " .ageixoja.jtjie ciouas to the earth.. , . ha -Tke moet-important thing in the? care - tfi miife, however, is to leave it nndisturb- . ied hot even moving the vessel, or agi .stating tha surface from the time it is -mtraiBed, till it is all required for use. . The shallower milk vessels are made. rathe greater .will be tho yield of cream, f it will the more readily rise to the top. 9iaa at .Depaktcke of ' Missionaries. Dr. :j"Vaa Dyck and Mra YanDyck embarked at Jsoston," on Monday, for Smyrna, in ' the Sultana, Capt Watson, on their re - turn to the Syria Mission Rev. Messrs. J. A. Bee be and A. G. Perkins, with their wives, go in the same vessel, with tho expeotationof joining the Armenian mission. -j a-- ' 1 7"lTttH' ."... A. press and types have been sentup- -.tiie .Mianeaota to start a paper at bt. SPeterYCity, Goa, Gorman's new town. t 'The funeral of the widow of Marshal "N?y took place tt Pars, on the 5th, in Jfy phureh, of ot. X.ouia d 'An tin. ''"J aines 'G.Tercival, the poet, has been . appointed State Geologist of Wiscon- " em, Vice Jfrof. XL JJanieig, removed. I4- i . r '' Soathrea exchanges report the cane '" quite thin. and small. ' J udging from ap pearances the sugar crop will fall short about one-third during the present year. , A German, named Antanio Bush, was xli ail T" J. l. : 1 irrested in Albtuny. on Tuetday, while v.'attwnptiag.'to-eell cxnnterfeit United 'States coin-lialrea and quarter. 5SC1 A "bearded ' woman taa made her ap .,4earane at Goadalejara, Mexico. She is said to hare a rery pretty face covered j "Entirely wiU short fine hair. cs,Tria" amoflnt of defalcation of Mr. Richardson, the collector of Oswego nn-1 -tier the Ftalmore administration, is un-1 this State, lying within any county, be time since without loosing one, simply Y"d.' and ataatly receiving, the latest pub knowiilctit year'i account U withheld, drained and re claimed ai herein provi- by cooping them away from the ground jJEtS.. ,W afos af &hb. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. 45 AN .CT to amend the act to provide for the - aaaiatenaaco aad better regulation of Com- moa Schools, ia tho city of Cincinnati ," passed Jsaoary 27. 1864. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the seventeenth section of the act entitled, "an act to provide for the maintenance and better regulation of Common Schools in the city of Cincinnati ," passed Jaw nary 27, 1853. be so amended as to read as follows : Sec. 17. The nronertv all colored peisons hi said city shall be listed Jnd taxed for school purposes in the same manner as the property of oth er persons, and separate schools shall be established for the education of the col ored children of said city, in such dis tricts as the board of trustees and visi- tors of common schools shall, from time to time establish for that purpose: and the district schools so established, Bhall be conducted under the control ai d man agement of three directors in each -of said districts, who shall be elected an nually in the month of J une, by the said board of trustees and -visitors of 'com mon schools, at a regular meeting, from among the - colored people resident in such districts respectively, and who shall take an oath of office. Said directors shall hold their office one year, or until their successors shall be elected and qualified, and vacancies in their number shall be filled by said trustees and visi tors, and said directors shall have the care and management of the schools and school property of their -respective dis tricts, appoint teachers and regulate II 1 l I -- . u.uil. their salaries rriiiat. tli weir salaries, regulate the 8tudies and text books, ' fix and deter- m-me tne times and duration of such schools, and the vacations thereof, pro- v-,Aa Bn;taril aiynmrnnifmt.. Anun rl - . . nm. &c) for their due m;ntenanee, mnd perform all the duties necessary for Keeping up such schools, and for the gov- amnion r nrl matmni;, nf -i,j children of their respective districts in lonch nnhnnla r.ii1 rlirootnmoTi.n .noo a reCord of their proceedings to be fair- i jy jept 1Q ooics which they -shall nro- T1da for that nnmosA. enrl trn.n.;t tn their successors: andflaid directors shall renilcr amwnnia mm.ii,i, ;n t au their expenditures or liabilities' to tne said board of trustees and viaitorn of common schools, and if approved by I i v., .... . . J i ooara, tne same shall be paid, upon the nrrlor f 5rl K t t ' for coiored schools provided by this act: .n(t n mnc.u nt ,h .fiflllAAl 'Timla nf aoirt city, as upon an equal distribution of city, as ascertained by any such euumera tion, ahalL be appropriated as n fund, subject tohe order of said board of trustees and visitors, for the support of said schools for colored children : Pro- jMiy; that nn norsnn Uhll ha imn nnrf nr naid nr indirpctlir aa taaori- er or instructor, in any of said schools, nntu he or she shall hrst have obtained from i.TiA IsAiirH nF PTAminfra ir&jA v this act, a certificate of qualification, as to his or lier competency and moral I character. Sec. 2. That the original section seventeen of the act of which this act is amendatory, be and the same is hereby repealed. F. U. LEBLOim Speaker of the House of Reps. President of the Senate. April 18, 1854. 46 AN ACT to anthorixe the Secretary of State to contract for copies or a new revised edition ot Swan's Statutes of Ohio. Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the General Asiemblu of the State of Ohio. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to contract, on behalf of the Stale, with H. W. Derby, of Cin cinnati, for five thousand copies of his new revised edition of Swan's Statutes of Ohio, at a price not exceeding two dollars and a half per copy ; Provided, nevertheless, that the contract aforesaid, shall be made upon the terms and con ditions following, to wit : isi. wort snau ie execuiea irom . mi 1 t , m stereotype plates m the style of the ewABstr vnVinf 1 a wa Ad rtw aoil a-l 1.1 M LnmKn I "..V'..""""""- " , " j . contain, in alphabetical arrangement, under proper heads, all the laws of a u . ' - , T T eeneral nature now included in Qrk and wbich t , ... ' nt aamSMf we J . said pealed at ? ,D' we,-T 7 ?' I 1 . a 11 1 . .. .1,.vu.Bv.yuu, ,cucu. eral Assembly. ' The work shall contain the CoD8titufion of the United State Constitution of the btate of Ohio, and tbe naturalt- ' ration laws of the United States. 2d. The said Derby shall stipulate, with good and sufficient security, to fur nish the State with any additional cop ies of the work, that the State may from time to time require, at a price not ex- j? . j.f ' j -5. ceeumg two aouars ana nity cenw per copy, ana m au respects ne ine lorego- Inrr ' I -. :. ' ... - - - 3d lhat said Uerby shaU execute to it - C A A - . 1 . me oiate couveyance oi tne stereotype plates, from which the present edition of saia worn snaii do printea, ior tne pur- l cation of such copies thereof, as may hereafter be needed, in like form with those hereby purchased. 4th. That before the Secretary of State shall pay for said work, it shall be sub mitted to the examination of the Attor ney General ; and upon his decision that it is edited, printed and bound, in all re spects in accordance with the contract. shall be paid for by the Secretary. . 5th.. lhat said Derby shall deliver the number of copies of said work, for which the Secretary of State is hereby directed to contract, within four months after the passage of this act, to the Secretary of State for distribution. Sec. 2. This act to take effect from and after the passage thereof. If. U. LiKlSL.U!i D, Speaker of the House of Reps. JAMES MYERS, President of the Senate. April 18, 1854. 47 I Alt ACT to amend tbe act entitled, "an act to pro vide ior araioiug said reclaiming the swamp and overflowed lands graned to the btate of Ohio, nyacioi Lroagre, a- proved (September xtst iBdO. Sec. 1. JtSe tt enacted by Vie Uenerat Assembly of tlte State of Ohio, That the ninth section of the act to which this is amendatory, be so amended aa to read I aa follows : Section nine. That it, after the aaid swamp or overflowed lands of ded there ahall remain any -of .the .said I lands undisposed of, it eh all be the duty of the county commissioners of such county to appraise the same and make return of such appraisal as aforesaid ; up on the filing of such return in his office, the said county auditor is hereby author ized to Bell the said lands at the apprais ed value thereof, to any applicant there for, who will make an oath or affirma tion that it is his intention to improve and make the same a permanent rest- dence, or that the same adjoin to and are necessary to the proper improvement of lands then owned and improved by such applicant, which said oath or afhr I illation, the said county auditor is here - by authorized to administer ; and in all cases of sales as prescribed in tms see- of tion. the said county auditor snail re- I ceipt to the purchaser for the amount of money received, and describe therein the lands sold, wnicn said receipt, upon pre sentation and delivery to the Governor, hall entitle the purchaser to a patent for such lauds, to be executed and re corded as prescribed by sections seven and eight, of the act'towhieh this is an amendment; -Provided, that such- of said swamp or overflowed lands, as are mcapa- ble of being drained and re-claimed, may be sold without tne oatn or amrmauon herein1 efore required. Sec. 2. That the niuth section of the aforesaid act be, and the same is hereby repealed. F. C. LEBLOND, Speaker of the House of -Reps. President of the Senate. April 25, 1854. 43 AN ACT supplementary to the 'act, entitled "an set to provide for compensation to owneia of pri vate property, appropriated Tor tne use or corpor ations ," passed April 30, 1653. -ec. 1 . Be it enacted bv the General I ' s f Assembly of the State of Ohio. That in all cases arising under the provisions of tne ct to which this is supplementary, the Party whose property is sought to be appropriated for the use of any cor- i . .... ., poration, py jproceedmgs Deiore tne pro- I bate court, provided for in said act, shall I considered to noia tne amrmamve ; and if any argument shall be offered to court nI jury, before whom such proceedicer is had : after the closini? of tne testimony on both sides, the Baid UP1 suaii De euiniea to nave ine open- nz areument. and it the corporation seeking to appropriate the property of such Dartv. oner an argument in reply thereto, the Baid party shall be entitled to have -the closing argument. F. C. LEBLOND, Speaker of the House of Heps. April 25, 1854. 50 the pr AN ACT to require the preservstion of News papers, Periodicals and Pamphlets, in tne 'State Library. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, That lit shall be the duty of the State Libra- rian. annually, to cause to be bound in a substantial manner, all newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets, that may be nsiiriu iw rionnaitort ill t in NIstA 1.1. I Virnrir Sn fir na nrnrtipnril( tlin fnn secutive numbers of each newspaper or periodical received at, or furnished to the Library, shall be bound together but two or more newspapers or .period icals, may be bound in the same volume, and the volumes shall be bound up in such .convenient size, as the Librarian shall prescribe. All pamphlets received at, or furnished to the Library, shall be classified and bound in such order as the Librarian shall prescribe. The expenses arising under this act, shall be audited. and Daid Out of any money ap- :-.'j r-..... o.-.. i:1 3 .i propriated for the State Library. All newspapers, periodicals and hauvphlets, received at, or furnished to the State Library, ar.d all volumes bound as herein required, shall be carefully kept in the btate Library. F. C. LeBLOND, Speaker of the House of Reps. JAMES MYERS, President of the Senate. April 25, 1854. A Well Feathered Minister. The clergy are getting a good deal like other people some of tnem a good deal more so. Such items as the following, given by the St. Louis Union of the 16th are becoming common The following is related of a man who I ,-a T ,K,;n Tli:.,;. r milea ffom tb&J cit , to w"' be, or to have been a preacher of the Method st Church. Methodist Church. The scoundrel has been given his walking papers ere now without doubt. He tampered with his own step-daugh ter, seduced her, and had issue by her. Before the neighborhood were apprised the matter, the child, from some other, died, and was necretlv buried in some out of the way place by him. Last week the whole matter came to light. The citizens gathered, held- a J J J hasty consultation, and proceeding to his house, siezed, pinioned and tarred and feathered him, advised him then to de camp. A serious proposition was enter tained at first to kill him outright, and it was only at the earnest pleadings of me more st the more sober members of the party that h;8 life wa8 8pared. Being releas- ed the miserable scamp determined on ' .. . . ,r . .... retaliation, and caused the nrincinal in the uachlM to be arrested, but he soon i j ,i .1, A ,.l t o - hi8 own worthles8 carcaut 0f the Fashionable Tippling A New Idea,. A lady friend of ours, in making some calls upon the tashionable millinery es tablishments in Broadway, after making her purchases, at one of them, was po litely invited into a back room, where she was asked to take a glass of wine. Wo did not ask her whether she refused or not, but she informed us that the de partment seemed devoted exclusively for the purpose of treating their custom ers. Thiai.av.AtW aten in t.fcA mnv-M, ... r . I of civilization. We poor male bipeds will have to keep a sharp look out for our wives and daughters, lest they be i.iduced, while in a state of semi-intoxi- catioa, to 8; eLd more money in finery than the law allows. Tippliog is getting I to be a fashionable vice ainone the la- dies, and there are already several splen did saloons in Broadway, which they visit exclusively for the purpose unat tended by their lords. Jy. i. Atlas. To Preserve Younq Chickens.- Keep them in coops, raised some inches from the ground until they are six or eight weeks old if they droop after this, the next hour of warm sunshine will briuff them np again. A corres- pendent says the last time he tried to raise them on the ground, he lost 59 out of 60: he has often raised 60 or 70 at a until six weeka old. ariomre, $zt. HARDWARE TO BE HAD VERY CHEAP!! ALLOT, TNVITE the attention of the People in thi I Cooirreasional District, to their immenee Stock of Hardware just received, conaiating of every article m the Trade used By tne most ex travagant aa well as the moat economical parch aaer. whether Building; Hardware. Mechanic piimeats. In any of the above goods, we have Tools, House-keepers artistes, or rarming lm a larger Stock than any one Store in Mansfield or Wooeter, and aa it haa Ions since been ac knowledged by every' body, that we aell better goods for the sosis money, than either Manafield or Wooater can dot; all we aak ia, that Buyera will consult their own interest, by making an examination of w Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. All good sold by ua, if not found aa represent ed can be returned. JOHNS ALLEN, Arljoining the Bank. May 3, 1S64. noOtf JUST RECIEVED! BY JOHNS & ALLEN. 20 doz. Sheep Shears, tho only good ones ia town. 50 " 5ilveV!teel and Caat Steel Scythes wsrraetcd. 60 dos. Assorted kinds, Scythe Snathe. 40 do Hay and atraw Forka, beat cast ateel 60 do Tuttle's Caat Steel Hoes. 6 do Socket's GestSteekHoes, the best ever made. 20 dox. No. I. H-y Rakes. 20 do No. 1. Scythe Rifles. 20 do No.'l.Scyth Stones,' to 9 inches long. ... A1,SU, 190'Ubx. Door Locks from 25 eta. to $1, each I tO do Door Latchea from 10 eta. to 25 cts. 100-do Loose Joint, narrow, wrot St cast Butts. 1000 Gre. Gimlet Point Screws. . 300' Gals. -Linseed Oil. 100 Kega'Pure White Lead. 100 Boxes assorted sizes Glaas. 600 Lbs. Putty in Bladders. 6000 Lights Saab, all sixes. . AL80; I Doora. Paint. Doors. Paint, Bruahea, Sash Fasteners. Bntcb- Fe, (fw' I kinds Shnemai anw quantity,) Spears, Saws, all ker'a Stock and Tools, all kinds Saddler's Stock snd Tools. ALSO, 200 Kegs assorted Nails, vorrontrtf. 100 Tons Sweeds and Pittsburgh Iron, or- ranted. 100 Bundles Russia Nail Rod. 60 Pair Seat and Carriage Springs, at Pitts burgh prices that la ao 1 1 dox. Boring "Machines, leaathan $11 each The above tood with a large variety of every thing elae, mutt be told, and peraona wanung Hardware can buy ol ns, cheaper and better goods than any where else. - Adjoining the Bank. May 8, 1854. nSOtf Table Cutlery. WE can and will aell Knives and Forka 20 per cent, cheaper than any Hardware Store in Mansfield or Wooater ever did, will or can, if you doubt it, come cd 'buy some, that much lower think oi this I JOHNS fc ALLEN. May 3, 54.-6tf . Adjoining tho Bank. Farmers, Head This ! ! jrOHIVS & ALLEN Dealers In Hardware, Iron A: Navlls, Adjoining the Daub W1 "ILL buv ail r,t tlie Flax Straw that you can rai o ami ilnliver to lliein duringthe present ypar, p:.y tu Short f.".ix siiouiii je -i that, that tti i-itg may be ci- Hie CASH for it. ii the ground -Lone want, i nstructiona ed in Straw before ijcpteiu , regarding the culture and rov Fl:ix ca be had gratis during the Summer, by calling on us. JUHis at aLLKN, Adjoining the Bank. March 1,1854. n40. tf. FLAX WANTED. TRO"S, NEW YORK a; ANDOVER MASS., WILL pay the highest -market-price for jLOO, 0 nonnda of sood clean Flax, dtliv- I ered at the Hardware Store of their agents in Ash- land. JOHNS & ALLEN. Adjoiniasthe Bank. Aahland.Jan. 18, 1854. nas tf. Just Received. Ct Kegs Rifle and Blasting Powder, lor sale tU on Commission at mill prices, by JOHNS & ALLEN, June 14, 1854. Adjoining the Bank. Barnaul's Ka teal earn Planter,mtg ufactured by Mc Brig lit 6c Co.. Cleveland. O. A aupply for tbia county will be found at the agen cy of JOHK8 dc ALLba. I Dec. 38, 311 J aajoiumg me sans. Grlf f etla 6c Carvers, Concave Steel Culti vator Teeth for aale Wholesale and Retail at the agency of JOHNS A ALI.KN. I Dec. XB, iaiij adjoining the Bank. New Hardware Store ! ! E. D. B0ICE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Harlware! ASHLAND, ASHLAND CO., O INV1TES the attention of the Hardware buy ing community, to his immense and unri valled Stock now arriving and conaiat or ev ery article kept in a Hardware Store. Farming and Mechanics Tools, Honae furnishing goods, buildmir materials, together with the largest and best selected Stock of Iron and Nails ever brought to this plsce. Swedes, Nail, Hoop, Sheet, Sod aed Bar Iron ef extra qualities, Saah, Glass, Doors, Putty, a large and varied as sortment of Locks and Latches, Butts and Screws all siacs and diacriptions, sadlery Hardware and f indinga, Toola, fcc. Coach IT! a. Iters and Trimmer!, will Gad it to their advantage to buv tbei Stock of me. In their line. Oil and Enamelled Top Leather, Clotha, Lacea. Damark,Moss, &c Springs and Axlea, Mailable Top and Prop Irons, to.. Carriage aad Tire Soits, .11 to 6 inches lone, Brass Bands all sites, Oil Cloth. White Lead. Dry and in uu, Faints, varnisb ea. Turpentine and Uil, faint, varmen and Dual Bruahea. Pump. Tubing, (Chain Double Galvanised) beat article in town, wheels aad fixtures com plete. Roger's St-el cultivator Teeth, Winga and Plow and Hammer Moulds, bhovels, Hoes Forks. Rakes, Sythes, Snaths. White's Dou ble Steel Axes. Broad Axes and Adxes, Sheep and Cow Bella, Log and Trace Chains, Mill Saws, aa extra article, X Cut Sawa, the only good ones itttvwn. Hetcners r li-es and Hasp andCniaels. Sheep Shears, Ten different Brands, prices from S7( to 91,50 per pair. Ir yon want a good article 1 bave them and the beat in town, and they are going faat. Also wool twine and cord ALSO, Block Tin, Lead, Lead Pipe, Zinc, Sad Irons Tinerrf Wire, Gun Bsrrels made of Lake Su aerior Iron, Lox, Brass Castings end Triminga cneaper tnaa oi'.-v. r, m c. SC1SSOKS ANP SMEARS, II Tou want ik gjoa p-.r ivft mra call. I ac knowledge 1 have tUt: mi!; ;;oJ ones in town w ' am ,'lt'vr"Y "' ' "?"' minB t - niseis, extra last steel Ai . urs, Beatcla mnd. mTavldincr laina Bitta. warranted, Brunswick Tea and Table Sooons. i aoie ana rocaet uutierv. Brass, Pillar aad Chamber Candle 6 tics; a and Snuffers, and Tongs, Waffle Irons, Brass Ket tles, Steel varde, Molasaes Gates, Pugh's Augur BitU, Hunt's Hatchstts, Braces and Bitts, prices J, .""V . '""pr, Spirit Levela, Saw Bandiea The ball is not enumerated in this 1st. lot those ia want of any articles in the Hardware Lint, will de well to sail before purchasing: my Stock being entirely aew,aad selected with great care lor this market, enables me to sell better and cneaper than tbey do elsewhere. K. U. BOIUK. KelloRg's Buildina one door above P. at J. Riaser's Store. Aahland, May 17,18m. S2tl HENRY W.IMHOFF, ( SDCCESSOR TO W. H. H. POTTER,) Dernier 1st Books, Stationer-. Wall jraper. skv. cc S1 CHOOL, Miscellsaeous and Blank Books; btatiooery ana rancy articles, nave ea Ashland, July 36, 1854. iiterctjcmte. Buffalot 3J"o-?7- cixvlst. Importers, ItlaanfactiarerB, Coast xmlsslen BlerelaaBte, and Dealer li EVEBY VABIETT OF English, German, French and American FF1HIS Honae having the largest and moat va- nous stock in tne united Males, are tur- niahing Hardware Merchants, Contractors, Tinners ate, with everything they want on as good or bettet terms, than they can buy ia New low, Boston, or eisewnere. l ney invite in vestigation. - JAMKS M. ALLEN, Fredericktown, Ohio, 6mo-n2 TroesHBg- Agent. PRIZE MEDAL Curled Hair Mattresses and Bedding. PATENTED IN THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND AND FRANCE. rtnH Mattreiiea snd curled hair bavins takea Diplomss and Medals by competition in tbe principal States in tbe Union and also having been awarded the Prise Medal at the World's Fair in London as tbe very be-t article manufactured, are confidently offered to lbs community aa a great deaiderstim for pure sweet sleep. . The Dieceaa bv which our hair is manufactured entirely precludes tbe possibility of moth or other insect annoyances engendering therein as proved by tbe severest teata of analisation and by testimo- niala from the first cnemists oi me sge, irom wnicn we extract as follows : "Experiment has demonstrated that tbe puriying agent made use of in manufacturing your patent curled bair ia especially destructive of animal life, that it has tbs fscultyof bleaching and clean ing tbe fibre, and that it ia the most powerful dis infecting body at present known to science. H. LETHEBY, M. D. Professor of Chmistry snd Toicologr in tbs Medical College of the London Hospital. I cheerfully state that tbe article submitted to your proceas must be pure and sweet and will be found of great value and from proof exhibited to roe 1 am confident that tbe proceas employed ex ceedaU etber metboda of preparation. W. BKACH. M. D., New York. We also keep constantly on band a full supply of Pillows and Bolsters, ander Msttraases and Bedding of-all'deacriptione and a large assortment of Wall Paper and Window Shades, upbolstry goods, curtains, lounges, dec, dec. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. WISDOM dc Co. 43 Pullea Block Bank at. Cleveland, Ohio. Juue 4.1S54. nStf C4TIZENS OF OHIO! SffiAKE TO YOUlt INTERESTS ! THE subscriber again appears before you, giving yon fair notice oi the arrival of a larger stock of Than Ire baa ever offered Othe&ir Sons and daughters of old Wayne and surrounding Coun ties. Owing t our being in the Eastern Mar kets when most kinds of Goods experienced a material DECLINE IN PRICES! We were enabled to buy our goods at such Low Prices that we defy any competition ia the wayof Cheap Goods for Cash ; uui stock is comprised of everything in the Dry Goodt and notion line ; also, an assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. for Men and Boys. Also, the leading articles of GROCERIES, such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Tobacco, etc. In all Ibeae departments we ca show you Good. As for prices we can beat th World; and in saying tins we uo not wiab to be considered aa bragging, but telling you plai matter ot tact. Look at tome or ur pnees we can ahow yon Brown Muslin for. .......... .6J cts. per yd. Bleached do good 6f ' " " Kentucky Jeans ............. 20 cts. Heavy Tick 10 Cotton Glovea and stockings. Ub per psir. Good Lawns.... ........ " per yd Delaines.. ...........10 eta. & upward 7-4 labia Diaper is " ast Colored Calico ue " " ' Silk Lace Veila 37 1 - " Cotton Batting 10 " Good Black bilk 0 " " Tea 31 " " Coffee 121 " per ib. Tobacco chewing ....11 " In all departments of our stock ynu will find tbe above atatenient ol pricea corresponding. All we asAr is a took before you buy. I be price of our Goods ia a aure thing tor your money. In Ladiet' Drett Goodt we are ail fixed. Lawna Merges, Plsin Blsck, Striped, Barred an Changeable Silts at all pricea. Our stock of nice SILK BONNETS, "TaJcee 'em all down." Can aell new style Gimp Bonnets for 25 cents. Every body that comes to Wooater, comes to our store and sees the show of prices and atylea. We wont charge yon anything to loo. Country Mer cbanta supplied with their whole atoefca at low pricea and lair terms, at our siore at tne uin Stand East of the American Hotel. M. ALLISON. May 3d, 1854. ndOtf NEW JEWELRY STORE I ASHLAND ! r R. GOODFKLLOW has opened ia the I new room, two doors esst of Messrs. Ria- serlt Risser's Store, oa Main street, a Watch and. Jewelry Eitabllahmeat, where he will offer everjr article usually kept in such establiabmenta, at very low ratea. Among his stock may be found Uld and Mil-ver Watches, of every description, va riety and quality, fins, Lames' told Broacn ea, Grape, Enameled, Cluater, Knot, .Cuff and Scarf Fine. BAR DROPS, HOOKS AND RINGS. Gold Rings, Lockets, Pencils, Gold Chains, Bagley' Gold Pens and Holders, large as sortment. SILVER SPOOW Tab It Mi Tea Spoons of pure silver, Ger man Silver and plated Spoons, Butter Knives, Saltand Sugar Shovels, hilvei forks, sc., cc Pooltet O-ax'tXesxry. of every description, from the best American and English establishments. Aiao Needls, Port Monies, Dressing and Pocket Combs, aad Pocket Booka, Violin and Guitar Strings. Goggles, Kye Shades, Compasses and Acordeons. Eight Day and Twenty-four Hour Braaa Clocks, in the most splendid Pa pier Machea, Roae Wood and Mabogan case WATCHES AND CLOCKS Cleaned and repaired, and work warranted Old Gold and Silver bought at the higheat price. 1 invite the public to examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. I. R. GOODFELLOW. Ashland, Dec. 21 , 1853. n31 tf. SWAN'S REVISED STATUTES OF OHIO! In force Jan. 1854, with reference to prior laws, in one large Octavo I oluem raoM tbs Junoas or tub hcrasMK udost. Tbe undersigned bave examined Swan's Re vised Statutea of Ohio, for 1854. Thia volume coutains a compilation of the Statuies of Ohio in force on the first of January, 1854. The de sign aad arrangement of the Book are good and carried out with great care and accuracy and we think the work of great utility, and re flects mion credit upon tbe Compiler and Pub lisher. JOHN A. CORWIN, R. P.RANNEV, A. G. THURMAN, T. W. BARTLEY, WM. B. CALDWELL. The undersigned having examined Swan's Statutes, concur ia the above opin-on. V. O. MUK1UN, Dist. Atty. U. S. Court, Dist.ofOhio. GEO. W. McCOOK. Atty. Gen. of Stste of Ohio. It will be found aa indiapensable hand-book toevery Justice of the Peace and Constable, as wel as everv Lawyer or public officer. The book will be sent free of charge to any oae oa receipt off5. Address B. C.TICKNOR t CO., Law Booksellers, Manafield, Ohio. March 82nd, 1854. 44ti Old Iron Wanted. THE subscriber will pay CASH for any quantity ofold metal delivered at his foundry in Aahland Fsk. 1. 7lf. M. ai, eAnsrli. itlfl)ont0. wajVwUiMajia,y. To Western Merchants. rpHB subscriber would call the attention ef desl A- era generally to IbeextenaivearraoesmefflstbeT bave made for tbe Importation and sals of British, rrencn, ana (xerman iry uooua. Having a buyer permanently" located in Ku- rope, whose entire attention will be given -to the selection of Goods for our sale, wa shall be in re ceipt of new and desirable Dress Goods by each steamer. Our Block of bite Uouds, Ht-eiery, Shawls fe Notions, wiu oe louna complete. Also, a large variety of black and colored Silks, Satins, etc. Cloths, i.imiiucii;i ana vesting, ijinens. iruungs, ace. die. and Tailor'a Trimmings generally. Always on hand all leading atylea of Domes tic'Goeds, bleached and brown Cotton. riils. lickw. stripes. Denims, wuiicddih assortment oi Aierrimack and Co cneci. r-nnt. uneaster tilnghams, etc., Ac. Tbs Clothing Department (under the firm ofL. H Tim A Co.,) will embrace a great variety of wen maae barmenie, sucs as cannot fail to give aattsTac tion. We invite the attention of casb and abort time Buyers. II f We have also secured tbe services of W. L STRONG, (late of Mansfield, Ohio,) who -will take great pleasure in showing you through our stock ; when you visit this market, please favor mm witn a call. L. O. WILSON dc CO.. No. IS Coostlssb ax., ab 11 akd 13 Dit ST., It, Jannary 8. 1854.-ly. HO! FOR NEBRASKA! Another Arrival of New Goods AT THE PEOPLE'S EMPORIUM!! T. C. BUSHNELL, I .''OR tbe third time this sesson, sends forth nis proclamation to tbe People -1 Ashland and surrounding counties, announcing that he nasjusi received a iresn aupply or new SUMMER GOODS! which he is bound to sell at some price during the Summer, and make room ior his Fall sup ply. The only advaictaoes" ol which he can boast are, that he haa the newest goods, the uum siyies, tne largest assortment, sad ean sell nis goods as CHEAP, IF NOT CHEAPER. tnan any establishment in the countv. . He haa long aince found out that the Deonle will AWn those who help them, and it is no rratter of sur prise that the great ruah ia to the People's Em porium, and that the "Old Fortresses" are comparatively deserted, since bis second stock ot Mew boods has arrived. I have an unsurpassed assortment of Plain and Figured Dress ils, Foreign and Domestic aca bingnsms. everv description of bite Goods, Bonnets. Ribbons, and. in short.; IICKltpUUD pi PLAIN AND FANCY DfiESS GOODS! necessary to complete a Lady's Wardrobe. Let it be distinctly understood, that I have the lar. geat and neat assortment ol ever brought to Ashland, and ye who doubt i call and see for yourselves. -Ladies, ifyou want to purcnase tueeoaware, tne People's fctnpori- um s cne piace to get k. jn tne Gents Department, I am fully prepared to meet any demands that may be made upon me. My StocJc of Clothe, laeaimerea, vesunga, ana LINEN DKESS GOODS! is very exteneive. Hats and Capa, in abundance. t nave aiao a large, assortment ot READY-MADE CLOTHING ana am aiao prepared to ao custom wort on abort notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. In conclusion I have only to aav that tbe StocJc is complete in all its parts, and I can warrant satisfaction either in qual'ty, quantity, or price, nigneai mara-ct price paid tor WOOL ! . and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Aahlaud, June 31, 1&4. . 4lf HAVE A HAT, SIR? NOW AIIRIVING AT THE ASHLAND HAT STORE A N immense assortment ul new and Fashionable HATS AND CAPS! for the summer aeaaon, of foreign ana domestic manufacture, con- sist-mg ot a large variety of SILK HATS ! from $2 to $5;.Kosuth Hats from 50 cts. to 2,60: Maiyar Hats, from til to 3: Otter Hata, from 2 10 $3,5.0; a large assortment of f A I A MA HATS ! considered the most tasty, comfortable and dur able aumme Hatr now in use, from $2 to S3 50 Leghorn, from 75 to $1,25; Bearer Hats from $3,50 to $5. Also a complete aaaortment CHIP AND STRAW HATS! Also, an endless variety of Men's and Boy's SUMMER HATS ! and all kinda of Children's Hsts. It would be useless to attempt to enumerate the entire stock ,aa it is admitted on all bands to be the largest and best selected stock of hats, ever brought to Ashland County. The subscriber respectfully requests tbe public to call and examine his slock, whether tbey buy or sot SHEEP PELTS! The subscriber will sy cash for any Quanti ty of Sheep Pelts, delivered at his Store, op posite the Fran I in Honae, and one door East of the Post Office, Ashland, Ohio. M. CAMPBELL. Ashland, April 19th, 1854. n48tf YOU CAN'T BEAT THE JEWS! 50.000 Majority v and all the Counties not Heard ' from, for the TTTTT.ATlTiT.MH I A Clothing and Furnishing Depot ! S. APPLE & CO., MAIN TREET, ASHLAND. O. fefst HIS extensive establishment hasjust received tbe largest and best select- stock of clothing, and gentlemen's furnishing goods, ever brought to thia town or county. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, auitable for the largest man or smallest boy, and at pricea tbat will pertectly astonish you Come right along and examine our stock, and see for yourselves. Hera you will find eartloads of coats, cords ot trowsers, aad a 'tarnel pile ef vests of every style and vrai- ety, large enough and small enough, warm enoush and cool enough for any aeaaon. Our stock of Furnishing goods is complete; con stating of Shirte, Coilara, Cravats, Wrappera Drawers, tec, tec, in fact everything to fit ont a man in perlect order. Our motto la yutcc Salesand Small Profits, and ao charge for show- ng our goods. CUSTdivTwORK, ofall kinds, made to order. The Foreman ia this department ia one of tbe best workmen Ohio. Recollect tbe place, one door eaat of Squires, and oae door weat of Wallack te Coffin's Store. This exteusive stock is under the direction of our agent, Mr. Z. Greeawald, of Ashland. S. APPLE te CO., Philadelphia April 5, 18S4. 46tf PEOPLE'S SALOON CONFECTIONERY! I iK.vsr BACHKKilK resDectfullv announ- I li cea to his friends and lovers of good living seiierallr. that he has made a complete reno- vatienin hia establishment, one door west of the McNulty House, Aahland, Ohio, and will keep constantly on hanJ during the ensuing summer every luxury usually found in this market. N. B. Know all men, thst no intoxicating liquorwiil be kept in my establishment. Aa'iland, March Kth, 1834. nia tt. 1 E.ii ci;i i!i:u Ai:i. AN awav from the subscriber, oa the 23d ot July, 1854, aa indentured apprentice named John Calvin, aged twenty years. All persons are hereby notified not to trust, harbor or employ said appreHtice. ' - ...... nr T T- 3a , HCnHI nanAnaui. Han, ver Tp., Aahland Co., July 24, 1854. .UUVIS VAiVJri21. FROM three to five dollars per day, war ranted to any young roan of eneigy. Ad- ress, Post-paid, A. p. cdbbt, mew x.onaon, Huron County, Ohio. July 26th, lo04. w good medicines. Stabler'a Dlavrrbeeat uoroiai. 18 a pleasant Mixture, compounded la agree ment with the rulea of Pharmacy, oftherapeu- tic agents, long known aud celebrated lor tneir peculiar efficacy in curing li l A it it nix. a , lar affections of the system. In its aetion, it illiti hacsca and produces a healthy condition of the LIVER, thus removin tbe cauae at tbe aame time it cures the disease. Stabler' Anodyne Cherrv Expfctoi-ant Is confidently recommended to invalids, as cssc BrAsssB by any known preparation, for the cure oi ceus-as rfDSrscssvs, snd other rorms of cemmn CsMi: BROKHlTIS. ASTHMA. ROUP. ONSU MO TION In an early stage, and for the Relief ot the patient even in advanced stages of that fatal dla aese. aacientific tifanner, remedies of long esteemed value, with others of more recent ties, acts tnro'tne sain, genti) and witn great er ficacy, for the cure of this class of diseasea. The valuable Medicines above named have recen tly been introduced, witb tbe approval of a nam terof our Mdieml PrmftBjion in tbe city ofBalti more and evey where, and in practice nave succee ded most admirably in curinr the dieeaaea for -bicn tney are prescribed, i ney are offered to tbe country practitioner of Medicines whicb be can in all respects depend upon as prepared in agreement witb tbe experience of some of tbe Tuost learned and judicious rnysicians and strictly in conformity with the rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving nis convenience, wno can not so readily as tbe City Physician, have bis own pre icrlptions compounded by a practical Pnarma ceuuet. See tbe descriptive Pamphlets, to be bat? r rat is of ail wno nave tn Hedicines for sale containing commendations from Doctors Marti. Balt- iiu, Additiic. Paths. Haiot. Loti. dec so Doctor S. R. Martim says, Ido not hesitate to recommend your IHarrkmm Cordial and Jfrnttdyn V Merry zperiU," c. Doct. Jobm A dim son says. It rives me much vlevrore toadd mv testimony to that of others. n 'favor of the cxtrmordinmrp eJUacy of your ZHmrr- km. Cardial, ezc.;and of tbe ExpectmrmmX, I bave no hesitation in Tecommending it as a most valua Me nledicine'Ac. .? jjocr. n a. riTRi says ne nas used tne rnarr 4M Cordial in his pmctice with the hanoiest ef feet, and tbinkrs it one-of the most convenient and efficient combinations everttffered to onr pro fession." , Doct. L. D. Handy writes. have adminisier- ed your-4ftyi Expecfrdnt In several cases of uronchla Affection, with the ml rult-. and from a knowledge of ifts dmirabU effects. i can. with the greatest confidence., recommend it" dec ' ' . - - - Doct. W. S. Love writes tons that he has ad ministered the- Eifefrmwt to his wife, who has had th Bronckiti for fourteen or. and that she is fast recovering from her long standing ma lady. It has in a few week. done her more good than all the remedies she has heretofore used an der able medical counsel. Sixteen of tbe best Apothecaries and Pharh accotists in tbe City of Baltimore. We aresatiBfi ed thepreparations known as Stabler' m jtnodpnm Caern Expectorant and Stabler1 m IHarrkmm Cor dial, are medicines of Great and verm mf. JLcient for tbe relief and cure of the diseases for wnicn tney are recommended: tney .near the evi dence of skill and care in tbeir preparation and style of putting up. and.wo take plead sure, in: re commending them." i wmtt bEVEM oi m most respectable merch ants, residents of Maryland, Viroiria, and North Caro lira, who have sold and also used these medicines themselves, say, 'From onrown experi ence and that of our ctrmers, we do confidently recommend them Pro Bono Publico. We have never known any remedy Used for tbe diseases for whica they are prescribed, to be so efficient, and to give such entire satisfaction to all." The above notices ofrecommendation from mem bers of the MEDIC A FaUIjTY. PHARMAKUTISTS of hieb standinc. and MERCHANTS of the first respectability, should be mmcient to satisfy all. tnat tnese meatoinn-are wrty of trtai bv the af- flcted, and that they are of a different stamp and Class irom tne. -aiuacRery" ana "(Jure Ails" so much imposed upon tbe public. for is ate oy urusgisis. ApotBecaries awd conn try Store-keepers generally. DISCOVERED AT LAST A Mystery Explained. A Revolution, is Certain-, Victory Is Ours. DR. A. L. ADAMS' NEW THEORY OP DISEASE is awakening tbe inquiry in the minds of all who read it : How it si that Americans bave been so lone and so 1 slavishly immured in darkness and ignorance on the subject orUisease. PR. A. L. ADAMS' LIVER BALSAM. THE GREAT PANACEA OF DISEASE, is offered to tbe afflicted or the States and Terri tories, for tbe entire cure of Liver Complaints all -stages. Bilious fever, Ague and rever. Chronic Lung Fever. JUropsical Affections, Consumption, tielow complaints uiarrnea, uyseniery, Kneuma- tism. Bleeding Files Blind Piles, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia,General Debility, Nervousness, Costiveness, Indigestion, Otstrucud Menstrua. tion, ecc. Ur. A. L. Adams' Liver Balsam baa stood tbe wree and test lor tne last nueen Tears, and naa proved to tbe moat skeptical, beyond a abadow of a doubt, that it is The only Reliable Medicine Ever Discovered being purely all vegetable.) for tbe permanent cure of the above diseasea. Tbe most skeptical bave be come Its moat sanguine votaries, and pronounced the Liver Balsam to be tbe Uui j Reliable Harbinger of Health to tbe - AFFLICTED, irtXTWHIU. Testimonials come up from every track it haa made, swollen witn expressions or gratitude, for tbs relief received by its use. And in submitting tbis, tbe Liver Balsam ia recommended to all those suffering under the IRON GTASP ofthe MOSRTE DECEASE and at once procure one bottle ef Dr. A- L. Adams' Liver Balsam. The readers is re f erred to the Medical Tract found by maKiagapplicatlon to tbe Agent where tbs Balsam ia sold, giving a full epitome of the cause and cure of all diseasea; containing,, also certifi cates from those wha have tested Its unparalleled ascendancy over tbe diseased to wbicb' we are all subject. Sold by K. rl. CHUBB, or uo- Asmand John MoCrorer, West Windsor; Sturgea dc Biglow Mansfield: J. P. Stameta. Rowsborg; J. H. .Baumgatdeddc Co., Wooster G. . Scott. General Agent, Re, T Randolph Street Cbiaago, Illinois. February 1, IBM. n37 ir. LIVER COMPLAINT JTaiandlce,Dyapepsiai,Clirenic or !tr -roue DebiUtr Iieeaae ef tbe Kidneys, And all diseases arising from a disordered Lrver or MOmtCD, IBCO as tviiuptuon, luwsuu Fullness or Blood to the Heart, Acidity of the Stomach, Naasea, Heart Burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weiaht in tbe Stomach. Sour Eructa tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of tbe Stomacb. swimming oi tne neau, numeu ana Difficult Breatbins. Fluttering at tbe Heart. Chok ins or Suffocating Sensation when in a lying posture. Dimness of Tision, Dots or Webs before tne feigni. rever ana auii psm in iu nnu. w ficiency of Prespiration, Yellowness of tbe Skin and Eves. Pain in the Side. Back. Cheet. Limbs, dec. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in tbe Flesh.- constant Imagininga of Evil.- and Great Depression of Spirits, can be effectually cured by Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters nSKPARKD BY DR. C. M.JACKSON, at the Ger- I mmn Mcdteiae Store. ISO Arch St. Philadelphia Tbeir power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in tha V. States aa toe cures attest, us sueuj --- -v. .... physiciana bad failed. , Than Ritter. are worth v tbe attention Of invalids. Possessing great virtues ia tbe rectification of dis- eajtea of the Liver and lesser elanda. exercising tbe moat acarcbing powera in weakneaa and affections of tbe digestive organa, tney are wimsi aero, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED E. B. Pea xrss. Marietta, Ohio, Feb. IS, 1851. aaid "Your Bitters are mgaiy pnaea oy loose wnu mn used them. In a esse or Liver complaint, of long atanding, wbich had resisted tbe skill of several Physicians, was entirely cured by tbe use of five bottles." C. L. Daaxs, freedom, r-onage co.,u., April S3, 185S,eaid: "The German Bitters you sent me last bave not yet come to band, I bave been out of-the article for aome time, to the great detriment of Invalids. It ia a medicine much thought of and sought after in thia community." H M Hn-rcmssn-.. m. d.. Bedford. Cuyahoga eo, O. August 86, 185S, aaid: "The Bitters you ship ped me in May last are all gone 1 tnink it a good medicine, and I am recommending it to my . nA rrinis fwhieh I do for no other pat ent medicine.) You will please forward a large PPlr-" nn ,o. ..... S. l-aEHCH. moosier, u., no. j, it..., mA nme three or four bottles of noon .nj. rrman Hitters lor Drspepsia. and derived rreat bene fit from their use. 1 believe them to be good for all diaeasea for wbich they are recom- m uS "o Wnmltr O.. October S. 1852. said You ask me my opinion of tne trerman nil tra. 1 have used tnem ior irii(ieww auu iiiu.- gestion. and take pleasure in statingthat I think they are me very iK.reificui uwu.iwi iuvwui. comnlaints they are decidedly in advance of all tbe proprietary meaicines 01 . neaay.-- Mr. oae is a uiallnsuisnea lawyer oi v oosier These Bitters are entirely vegetable. They never prostrate tbe aystem, but invigorate it. For Sale bv R. H. CHUBB dc CO.. Ashland, and by Druggists and dealers in medicinea everywhere. Aahland ueo. l. na7 ly. Office Franklin & Warren n'K'S9 FaiBKLiw, Portage CO., Ohio, Sept. 86, 1853. f .:. nf the F. fc W. R. T a meenug held Juue if. 1853. the following assess mente upon Stock subscriptions were , made, via: Tea percent, payable July 1st, 1853, and an assess ment often per cent, at the end of each euceeed ln iiii d... .ii .h. whole amount la paid. Three inatalmente are therefore now due. to wit : The firet when subscribed, (by the charter,) tbe aecond Julylst.and tbe third. August 31st. Subacribeis in Ashland village aud county are respectfully requested to immediately pay all instalments now due. and aa they hereafter be come due, at the Banking Houae of Luther, Crall dr. Co., Ashland unless called upon by tha Collec tor. .. . JUt&l.rv. IIInOK, mi n w,vvwvw. mww , Carter's Spanish Millurc THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE, BLOOP. NOT, A PARTICLE OF. MERC URY . ; mrr1. . , Alt Infallible Remedy ror Scrofula, Klag's Kvll . Rheumatism,- Obitinate-Cataseoaa Eruptions, Pimples or Postyes an the Face, Blotches, Soils, Chronic' Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Hesd, Enlsrgement-andPala of tbs Boms and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers,. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spins! Complaints, and all Diseases riaim from an ialndicious use of Merssir im prudence in Life, or Impurity of tbe Blood. . inis valuable Medicine, wnicn nas sccomv bveled-fortbe- nomber-of extraordinary ciffi ef fected through its agency, bas induced tbs pro prietors, at the urgent request of tbeir friends, -to offer it to the public, which they do with -the ut most confidence in itsvirtuesand wonderful cura tive properties. ' Tbe following certificates, select ed from a large number, are, however, etrsngsr testimony than the mere word of tbs proprietors ; and are all from gentlemen well known fa their localities, aad of the highest ropectability, many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Ta. F. Bovnsn, Esq.. of tbs Ezcbsngs Hotel, Rich, mond, known every where, says be has see a tha Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture admtts? tend in over a hundred cases, in nearly all tire dia eases for wbich it is recommended, with the saoat aatoniahingly good results. Bs says it is the aaost extraordinary medicine be hsseverseen. .. . - Aods iid Favsa Gseat Coas. 'I'Bereby certl fy, that for three years I bad Ague aad Pevervf tha most violent description. 1 had several Physici ans, took large quantities of 'Uuinins, Mercury. and I believe alt tbs Toaise advertised, sat all without sny permanent relief At last I tried Car ter'a Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which elect ually cured me, and I am happy to say I have bad neither Chills or Fever since. I sounder It the best Tonic in the world, and tbs only medicine tha ever reached my case. - ' - - - JORH LOItGDKK ; Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. .. . - 5. B. Luck Esq., now in tha city of Richmond, for many years ia the Post Offioe, bas such tea fidancs in the-astoniehing- efficacy l Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought vp wards of S bottles, wbicb be baa given away to the afllicted. Mr. Lack aarya he baa ca-vef kaawa It ss fail vrbea taken according to dircetiona. Dr. Hint, a practising Physician; and form en or the Hy Hotel, in the city of Richmond, ssys be has witnessed-in a srasabeV of instances ths effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture, which were moat truly surprising. Bs says is a case f Cear. sumption, dependent oa ths Liver, the good effects were wonderful -indeed. - - - ; ' Sabiusl M JJainasa, ofthe firm of Drinker V Morris, Richmond, wss cured of Liver Coo plaiaS of 8 years etandinc. by the aa ef two hot Lies of Carter's Spanish Mixture. . Lrw ur j"ra a or Bcaorct.A-1 ae tailors or tee Richmond Republican had a servant employed ia their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, cess. bined with Rheumatism, wbich entirely disabled him from work.. Thi bottles of farter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of -him, -end ths- Sdi. ors, in a publie noticesay tbey ''cheerfully recom mend it to all who are afflicted with any disease ' the blood.". -fc - i.-. f. -i :. ; Still Asotbbb JJcss or Bcbotoxa. I had a si' valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Span. Ish Mixture. I consider it truly a valuable medi cine. James M. Taylor, Conductor aa tha B. F. dr. P. R. R. o., Richmond. Ta.. SALT RHKHM OF 80YEAR8 STARDIKG RTRK Mr. Joan Taoarsos, residing ta the city of ttica mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's spaa ish Mixture, of Salt Rheu m, which he had aeesly M years and wbich 'all the ahaaieiaae sf tbs city could not cure. Mr. Thompson Js a well knewa merchant in the city of Richmond. Ta., aad his cure ia moat remarkable. Wa. A. Mat-tbews, of Richmond, bad a servant cured of Syphilis, in tbe worst form, by Carter's Spanisb Mixture. He 'Says he cheerfully recuse mends it. snd considers it an invaluabls medicine. Ricbxxb E. Warr, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and what Pbysiciaaa called confirmed, consumption, by three bottles of arter.s Spaniah Mixture. - r Enwm Boa-roK, Commissioner of tbe teveese, says he bss seen tbe good effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, snd say it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. - Wh. G. Habwoob, of Richmond, cured of Ola sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walk ing. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mix-, ture. and was enabled to walk without a crutch in a short time permanently cured. , Principal Depots at M. Wans Clcss ck Co.. Its S3, Maiden Lane, Mew York. T. W. Drerr A Sobs, No. 13S, Korth Sd treat Philadelphia. Bzhhstt or Basse. Ko. 125. Main Bt.. Richmond. Tirginia. And Ior sale -y K. tt. cacit, Ashland, M. a ee dL Co. Savanna, J.Ksssikosb, Hayesvrlle, J. Horr Viiii Jeromeville, AsnsRaon de Rovii, Loadoa- ville, andDealera in Medicinea everywhere. Jan. 18, '54. n331y. AFFLICTED READ. Philadelphia Medical House Established Sd years ago, by Dr. KlriJtELlrf, corner ol i hirer and Union streets, betweea Sprnce ' Piae, Philadelphia, Pa. invalids are apprised tnat Pr.: ainena cen- finea hia practice to a particular branch ef med icine which engages his undivided . attention. He cations tile unfortunate against tbe abas of mercury; thouaaada are annually mercurial' ned out of life. Recent affections are prompt ly extinguiaed. Twtnts) years of Experienct tbe treatment of a class of oimm nitnsrsoi neglected and imperfectly understood, kaasa. abled Dr Kinkelin, (Author of a work oa Self Preservation,) to prove that nine-tenths af th causes of nervous debili'y, local aad eoaslHo- tionsi weakaess, mental and physical suffer ing, are traceable to certain habits, forming thst most secret yet deadly aad fatal eprings, at domestic Jiisery and premature mortality. Take Particular Not ci There isaa evil ha bit sometimes indulged ia by beys, ia selitade. often growing up with them to manhood, aad which, if not reformed in due time, it not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial hsppt sess, but gives rise to a aeries ef protracted, insiduous aad devastating affections. . J"ew;el those who give way to tbis pernicious piac- tice are. aware of aha eoaseuencea, until tbey find the nervous system shattered, wel strange land unaccountable feelings, aad vague, fear ia the mind. -' The unfortunate thus affected becomes fee ble, is nncbla to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tar dy and weak, ha is dull, irresolute, aad ti gsges in his (pert with less energy than asual. If bo emaacipata himself bafore tha prac has done its worst, aad eater matrimoay, hia marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tela him tbat this i caused by his follies early. These are coat sideratioas which should a wake a the atteatiaat of those similarly situated. ; . . Marriage requires the- fulfillment of several conditions, in order thstit may be really tear cauae of mutual bappiaeas. Could tha vaik which covers the origin of domes tie wretched ness be raised, and its true source ia every in stance disclosed ia bow many Co aid it bo traced to - physical disqualifications aad their attendant diaappoiatmeata! , .Apply them while it is yet time, ia order to bave yoar anatruag and relaxed organisation rebraced , from making yoar ease kaowa to oae who, front edaearJoa and respectability, caacertaialv be revivified? ind strengthened. . Kessembea, that bo wbo places himself aa der Dr. Kinelin'a treatmeat, aaay religioualy confided ia bis honor as a gentleman, and rely apoa tbe assataace, tbat the secret of Dr. K.'o patients will never be rHseloeed. Youug man let bo fhlse modesty deter yea from making your case known to oae -who. from education aad reepoctibility, eaa certain ly befriend you. : - !:. ; . -' 'i.' Toe many trunk they win eoBceai tneaeereat their own -hearts, and cure themaelve. Alaa! bow often is this a fatal delusioa, aad how many a promising yoaag aaaa, wbo might have been an ornament to socisty, has. faded from the earth. ... . ' ... :. Strictures of the urethra are rapidly aemaveeJ by the application of - a new thsTBpeatieer agent, used only by Dr. K. Weakness awaf Consftlunonaf aeonxiy promptly curta, una juis vigor restored. Country Invalids esn bave, by stating tbeir case explicitly, together with all their symp toms, per letter enclosing a remittaac) Dr, K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Vnrwarded to anv nart ofthe United states. and packed secure from DAMAGE er CUJUOK- RE.tU reatk aad- ManktdM viferme Life or a preaia- ture Death Miniettn on a rrsasrwasisB wsww SScta. ;. . .; It is a work eminently required, as m mesa ef reforming the vices or tbe age ia which ' live.- Also, , - j ' .:; . ' - - MAx tJHc.79 vUIDait . 4 With rules er the Prelengetie ef Life, Just rent sas rreem. A letter-with a remittance of tS cents, o' the value in Dost atampa, addressed to Dri Kia elia, Philadelphia, Pa., will secure a CO by e either of the above books by return mail ; o IS copies will be aent free of postage for 9 1. Booksellers. Canvassers. Travelling Ageate, &e , supplied wholesale at tbe publiahsr'a pri- ea. which admit ot a large prom. tw-4U Utters muet bt post paid. ' - March. 22nd, 1264. ly . .. Mure vur Aahes ! : -. -' A SHES waated by tho subscriber, at bia Asherv ia Aahland, for which tha biahest mark et price will be paid i a gooda. I Am V.. UBIUtLvL. October 26,1853 j "t I ' 1 t : I i ( A l - V . I a ' '-A i 1 f I! i .A i I -i 1 .'U4tHl'lt.h . ' ' .t