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Ashtabula weekly telegraph. [volume] (Ashtabula, Ohio) 1853-1873, August 27, 1859, Image 3

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Ashtabula, Ohio, August 27, 1859.
Holding of Fairs.
Conneaut, September nut, Mnd, nl Hri
Ashtabula, September nth, nth, and tth.
OrwIL October 4th, (th, and dth.
Madison, September With.
AlhUbuls County, Bepfatnber 18th, 14th, and 16th.
Lk County, October (th, Bib, and 7th.
Trumbull Csunty, Ootober 12th, 18th, and 14th.
Oeanga County, Burton, September 13th and 14th.
The Republican Meeting for tbii county, is
to be held in Jefferson, by prevent arrangement,
On Monday, September 12, 1859,
when the people will be addressed by Got,
Cdai, Professor Monro, and lion. John
Govs. Ranmkt and Dkkmsok, let it be recol
lected, speak at Clerelaod on the lSlh of Sep
tember. SirjtcTioH or Dki.koatks. Oar Republican
readers will bear in mind that the time Tor se
lecting delegates to the County Senatorial Con
ventions, as fixed by the county committee, is on
Saturday of tbe present week, at 3 o'clock, p.
m. A reference to the call on the second page
will show what is to be done.
Opbnino or thk Public Schoota.. We ate
Instructed by tbe Board of Education to say
that the several departments of the Union
Schools will open on Monday, the 5th of Sep
tember, for the commencement of the Fall
RrrcBsiKD-'We were pleased to be able on
Thursday last, to welcome back from bis sum
mer ramblings, In improved physical condition,
the Superintendent of our Publio Schools.
The facilities for increased usefulness in his
field of labor, we trust, will not fall below the
well grounded expectations entertained by him,
nod as well as that of his constituency, the
Pmoobssino. The neighborhood of the
North Park is daily assuming a more comely
appearance. The rubbish of the old church
site has been removed and the ground hand
somely graded, the diagonal walk continued to
the S. W. corner, and tbe outlet removed to
that point. The new school house is putting
on a clean exterior, and tbe church now fully
inclosed is a bold and comely feature of tbe
spot. The railing along tbe front of the school
lot has been set back in line with the fences,
and, wo think, with improved effect.
Perhaps, one of the most important consider
ations in connection with these changes is the
foresight exhibited by our Board of Education
in fitting up the rooms for school accommoda
tion. Ample ventilation has been a prime ob
ject with tbem, and it has been well attained.
For commodiousness and the promotion of
health, these rooms re not to bo surpassed.
We were agreeably surprised at behold
ing the good looking phiz of our friend Rekd
of the Ashtabula Telegraph, in our sanctum
on Saturday last Painesville Advertiser.
Spare as that "good Loking," part, friend
Dolittle, on accouut of the weakness of poor
human natnre.
Mbsaqkrik The collection of Wild Ani
mals, which we advertise this week to open in
this place on the 31st, is a collection of rare
and unusual interest, and after -so long an inter
val of exhibition in the Zoological line, we
doubt not our citizens will deem this worthy of
tueir attention. It will be exhibited only in the
day time, and will be free from circus and buf
foon morality.
Fldid Explosiom. An explosion of a fluid
can in the tiundj of our neighbor J. W. Has-
Kki.u occurred on Saturday evening of lust
week, while in the act of filling an expiring
lamp. Mr. H. received a norlion of the bur
ing fluid upon one of his band, and one side r
the face. The worse injury was sustained by
his young daughter, Ida, who was witnessing
the filling. Her face and head are badly burn
ed, but from judicious management1, it is hoped
that she will not be seriously disfigured. Both
are getting along favorably.
We understand that the transaction was the
work of a hurried and thoughtless moment,
and when tbe flame of the lamp was so nearly
out, that danger was not thought of. The can,
we further understand was nearly empty, and
an explosion in such case occasions surprise.
Those who use fluid, should understand, that
the material itself does not explode. It is the
vapor that arises from it Ilence a vessel near
ly empty of the liquid, but full of the vapor,
is always to be handled with caution, while a
full vessel or lamp, as is often the case, may
tuke fire without danger. A little thoughtful
ness on this subject would prevent accident
With this fact in miud too, fluid may be nsed
with almost as much safety except in case of
dropping, or breaking a lamp as any other
Anotiikb Ca.nuidatb ik thk Fikld. For the
,Qice of Representative, we have quite a cata
logue of aspirants. Bros. Allen and Howeixs,
Mr. Kbum, Father Taylor, and Mr. Hatward,
ore before the people and some others regard
the office with a watery mouth, and are half in
clined to avow themselves candidates, but are
restrained by their modesty getting tbe better
of them. The office is certaiuly a very honor
able one, and 84 a day is not to be sneezed at
Yet, in our "log cabin and sour cider" estimate
of ourself, we have never felt any aspirations for
the place, or its emolument nntil they were
awakened the other day by one of our dark
lantern Iriends, proposing to tote for m.
We hare bad an "itching palm not between
(the finger id a "thirst for distinction," ever
aluee, and we bve been fairly worried Into a
.Compromise with our ambition. The conclu
sion -arrived at is, that in case none of the '
.aforesaid gentlemen are found worthy, or avail
bleat .the convention, we will step into tbe
.breach ao4 place oar talents, patriotism and de
motion u,poo the altar or the pablio good.
This U tbe leat that oar eeplratiooa would be
jtUsfied with, it receives tbe sanctions of 6if
judgment, and V4 think need not unduly and
unnecessarily increase tbe fierceness of the cao
rtM. Besides, there is an eminent fitness in
(king ttlace br tbe tact of the county editor;
particularly woea it is recollected that be Is not
ouf the beat editor at the lot, has more modest
merit, and, as is admitted on all bands, is altogeth
er tbe best looking member of tbe profession
io tbe county. Thk auaoaaoement is made
with becoming diffidence, and with an honest
intention to meet an emergency; and io view of
tbe support which is pledged us, we trust it
kill Dot be slaaghed over or forgotten.
Foroey says the reason Bennett end Ba
tbtOM fiemaio such friends, is because they have
tnir looked tack other square in the fat. Ai
iijDlJi tw.e a ifjuint the rttsoo is plausible.
GENEVA, Aug. 23rd, 1859.
Friend Reedt The quiet of this usually
quiet town, is again disturbed, and considerable
excitement prevails this morning, and well will
it be for the lawless disturbers of the peaco, If
they escape detection. The store of the Messrs.
Stkmcks Edsow, was feloinonsly and burg
lariously entered last night, by boring Into the
blind or shutter of one of the front windows of
the warehouse, a springing the bolt Tbe brace
and bit used, were borrowed from a Blacksmith
hop near, and was left lying on a box at the
cene of action. Once in the store, tbe villulns
had free access to every part, and a general dis
placement of things followed. The burglars
wero evidently after money, bat failed io this In
tent, except a small amount of change In the
cash drawer. Some goods were token, what
amount is not yet ascertained, probably not a
large amount. Two black cloth coats, and a
card of congress knives may constitute the
chief sum. Tbe safe, tho great object of at
traction, was made a prisoner. It was rolled from
its proper resting place through the store to
the frontdoor of the warehouse, and loaded on
to a wheelbarrow, borrowed from the Statioo,
for some distant point of servitude, or rather
release from servitude. But the poor fellows
lost their game. The safe 667 lbs. proved
to be an unwieldy thing on a barrow, for as
soon as the wheel struck the sand it sank sever
al inches into it and capsized the whole thing,
when the robbers fled, leaving it turned top.y
turvy. In their haste they forgot to return
borrowed tools or close the doors of tbe store,
thus leaving it exposed to the depredations of
This, sir, is a most daring attempt at robbery,
and committed by some one or ones, who knew
their time. Tho young man who usually sleeps
in tbe store, happening last night to be absent
on a short visit.
Tour dealers will do well to heed their fas
tenings. I observed with others, two young
men last Thursday in Ashtabula, whose con
duct excited suspicion, and those same men I
saw here on Saturday they appeared intent on
knowing what was in every dealer s shop. Tbe
robbery was committed durinir. or Immediately
after the shower. In the store the fellows werei
on6 in his stocking feet and the other bare
footed. They broke an oil lamp, and got their
feet into the oil, and were thus trucked around
the store. Parties are in pursuit, and it is to
be hoped they may be successful in arresting
the rascals, and bringing them to merited pun-
We thank our correspondent for his favor,
and shall not regret to hear from him agaiu
when any local matters may seem to require so
commendable a use of his pen.
For the Ashtabula Telegraph.
CHEESEDOM, August, 1859.
Mr. Editor : A careful observation of
Cheese Dairies about tbe countv. would soon
satisfy any one. th at ereat improvement micrht
- . d
easily be made in their management Much
mat is produced bears but a poor resemblance
to Cheese, and often proves to be a drue noon
the bands of the purchaser, and if so fortunate
as to get it off his bands without loss, he is apt
to express himself with an oir of satisfaction.
We are glad to know, however, that the a-
mount of this class of cheese is much less than
formerly, and that purchasers make more dis
crimination, and offer more encouragement for
the production of a good article. Tet much
remains to be done, which can easily be accom
plished, if those who are satisfied that their
production is superior to their neighbor's, and
not satisfied merely because they succeed in
gettiug up an article which tbey can sell, will
give the matter a little attention. I think that
bot little has been written upon this subject of
late, and by our Agricultural reports for the
pust five years, both of County and State, we
might conclude that the subject was considered
to bo exhausted. Tet the information most
needed has not, as a general thing, been given.
Some years siuce the Dairy Committee of our
County Society made an extended report by its
chairman, A. Krum, Esq., which was almost tbe
only report upon that subject of any particular
interest which has been made in the County or
State. That report was worthy of its author,
and attracted much attention and was exten
sively circulated, at least extracts from it both
in and out of the State.
Now, friend Telegraph, if yon think that I
can scribble anything that is worth putting into
a reaaaDie shape, and be or any nse in calling
atteution to this Cheese business, I hope you
will do so, if not, it most meet its fate.
I propose to give an article occasionally, as
the "inspiration may come on," under circum
stances fuvorable to its indulgence taking up
the subject in detail practically, and giving my
own views as to the cause and effect, and shall
hope to call oat the views of those who may
have a different opinion in regard to any point
hoping that it may result in some benefit
Not that I expect to write much that is new,
but investigation and attention will conduce to
some improvement, even in good dairies. I have
no doubt, that a reasonable attention to the
matter practically, would add some thousands
of dollars to the annual product of the couuty.
Too many are satisfied to do just as thoy have
done, without understanding whu a neighbor
should sell bis cheese from one to three cents
pound higher than he can get for his on, a
men me aiuerence be less than the difference in
quality the one being sought for, tbe other a
drag upon the market
Now, Mr. Editor, I may weary vour natienee
if you begin with me, but I promise that if al
lowed to be introduced to notice, io mv next
to go right at tbe subject, and try to do it op
in ngM jarmer style, and shall flatter myseir
that I have done something, if it should have
tbe effect to bring out others upon the subject
biiouia you judge tbis effort unworthy of the
light, so that it shall be necessary to gather op
the spread piuions of tbe imagination, I shall
be sorry to have thus ' bothered you. and per
haps as honorable a way as I could slip out of
" tbe little end or the born ," would be to jt at
say to Sirs Wells k Faclenbb to cut von a
good thunck of cheese of their best at my cost.
But stop: 1 dont really want to aire you not
to print it so I will sav. if vou do. tha cWua
hall all be right This Introduction may ap
pear much like a large portice to a small house
but mob are the cogitations of a
Amnnar tha furlo-fl
selected bj tha officers of the Madison Ag. So
ciety to award Diplomas, fonnd the commit- i
tee o Mule, and Jac.asse. 0 consist or tie
four fronjioeot candidates for State Benstorl
from Ibis District all ef wLom reside io 1
PaioesTine. Did the offlcem ioteod any thing j
pcrsoDal. Ftinmviltt .'. I
Ma. Itmm Rain, Em,
Dtmr 5-. Will roa plear anneaet
tha nam of MAR8IIALL W. WRIGHT, m Candidate far
Sheriff, la fmt paper, and oblige
Anfuat 17, 189. If act or us FaiiUDt.
GENEVA, Aug. 15th, 1859.
Editor vt Ttlifrrpk I would reapeetallr announce In
yoor paper ASAPH TUHNER, Eeq., of Uila piece aa a Repub
lican Candidate for tbe office of County Recorder.
Lok at thla, alt Ton that are Indebted to Kteele the
Watch Maker, by note or Book aneount, at requested to aall
and eettle, the lame without delar, he haa Welted loog and
patiently, but cannot wnlt an longer, call and aettla and
aava eoet.
Tha tiaadlaavlaa Pllla aad Pairlfler.
CiitcwinTi, July 1, 1R4S.
Pa. C. W. Roa Ant In reply to lno,niriae made of me. It
rjree me pleamie to y. tliat Mra N. Atlee, of the Society of
Krlende, and widow of the late lr Atlee, of thla city, prerloaa
U eoln Rent, eipmwed her eonfldence In the efficacy of jur
Rcandlnavlan Remedlee, and the beneflt he derived from nidii
them. Hhe had been euffertnir from aeneral proetrntlnn at
tlmea, being oyer 19 yeeri of ae, and nptlialmla and Inflame
tlon of the lace. Vailoue remedlee wen retorted to without
relief, when eome frlende recommended a ennree of your Peat
dlnarlan Blood Purifier and Blood Plllj. They had the deeti
ad effect, and ehe wae enneidcrrd aa restored to bee I lb.
I know maoy who hare need your merflrlnee. nnd epeak de
cidedly of the benellte derived, thue teetlfylnr of their renovat
ing Influence In purifying the blood and giving vlmr and en
ergy to tbe ntem. They have
my approbation.
Voura rerjr reepcctrullr, 8. J. liROWH.
Rev. Samuel J. Prown hue been a devoted laborer In the
eauee of Chriatlanlty, In Cincinnati, for more than 30 yearn,
aa altnnet every old cltiien knowe. Such teetimony, from
auch aeoorce. In not to be paeeed by lightly. No other propri
etary Kemedlea ever tirenentcd to the public, evor received a
tithe of the commendation from men of atanding, In every
walk of lire, that mine have done. Sea adrertlecment. lm6U2
Hair Reatoratlwr. We are pleaeed to be able to re.
eord the eetlifactlon of our patrone, after trial of an article
advertierd In our columna. We have the aatlrfaction to know
eeveral of our reader who have need Prof. Wood't Hair Re
atoratlve, and pronounced It to be jut what the adrertlee
ment aaya It la. We have eeveral pe mortal acualntancea, who
were grey headed they have tried it, and now their hair la
reatord to Ita original oolor, and they willingly add their tee
timony to Ita efficacy, and will give further InformaUnn to
othera dclring It. Thla aneake well for the article, and we
advtae all who do not wih to appear grey-headed to nee Prof.
Wood'e Hair Reatorative. Wttttr Pmlriat.
Bold by all good Druggleta.
An oldl l.tdy reelored to comparative
lontb by HooflandV German Bitter.
Philadelphia, June 6, 1858.
Dr. C. M. Jjirnao. Dfh Sir: m verr old, and for
reere have been very mlaerable. Laat winter one of my
grandaona preeented me with half a driven bnttlea of your
Bitten, and induced m to try them. I did eo, and I now feel
aa if I waa thirty yeara youagrr ; for I can dlgeet my food
now, and am free from the wntcr-braah my eonatant oom.
panion for the laat forty yeara. My grandaon, when ha Raw
the good effeeta of tha Btttera, advlaed me to aend vou thia
eertilieate. Voura, fcc, MK3. AN.V PATT'ISON.
Cherry, below h'intb.
Aak for Holland! German Bittern. Take nothing elae, and
aee that the aignatnre of C. kl. Jackaon la on the wrapper of
each bottle. Theee Bittern are for aale by dniggiata and atora
keepera In every town and village in the U. 8. Canada, West
Indue, and South America, at 75 oenta per bottle. lMi
See adverllicmtnt of Dr. Sanford'a Liver Inrlgor
tor and Family Cathartic Pllla in another column.
Common Senae rulea the maaaoftho people, whatever
the mianamed and miaanthrope philorophera may nay to the
contrary. Hbow them a good thing j let ita merite be clearly
demonstrated, and they will not heaitate to give it their moat
cordial patronage. The maeaea have already ratified the
judgment of a physician, concerning the vlrtuea of HoffriT
TRB'a BiTTF.ftR, aa may be aeen In the Immense quantities of
thia medicine that are annually anld In every aection or the
land. It ia now recognized aa greatly auperior to all other
remedies yet devised for diseases of the digeativeorgaoe, auch
aa dirrrhosa, dyaentery, dyapepala. and for the varinua fever
that arlae from derangement of those portiooa or tha Rvitein.
Hoatetter'a name ia rapidly beenmming a bonaehold " word,
rrom ktaloe to Texaa, from the alioreaof the Ailantic to the
Pacific. Try the article and be eatliAcd. sold by all drug
gists In the world. '
See advertisement In another column. 41497
On the 8th Inat a Sea to Plympton and Pamelia Williams.
InPalneeville, by the Rev. N. P. Bailee, on the th Inat
CLARK MUMKEK, of Thompson, to Miea HELEN E. WEED
daughter of Juliue Weed of Painearille.
On the 14th by Rev. R. Norton, HORACE U. CORBITT. to
Miea EKMIN A K.ENT, both of North Madleon.
In Monroe, July 17th, by T. S. Young, Eeq, Mr. i). S. FELCH
w wre. a. a. rc.ic.na, mi or nonroe.
In Kingsville, Aug. 11th, at the Surllne House, by Rev. J.
Graham, Mra. MARY E. UI.INE, formerly of Weat Troy. N.
Y, to Mr. CHARLES H. WILLIAMS, of JelTeraon.
At JefTenon, on Thuraday night hut, H. A. PLUMB, Judge
of thia Probate district.
In Klngavllle, on Wedncaday the 17th tntt. In the 78th year
of bla age, SAMUEL WARD, for many yeara a citiien of that
In Conneaut, Aug. 21et, Mra. EMELIN'K THOMPSON, wife
of Aflahel Thompson, aged 43 yeara.
In Kingsville, Aug. 18th, Mr. MaRTLV VANSLYKE, aged
about 85 yeara.
We have just ianied a new edition of Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary, containing
1500 Pictorial Illustrations,
Beautifully executed. 9000 to 10,000 New Worda In (he Vo
cabulary. Table of Synouyma, by Prof. Goodrich,
In which more than two thousand worda are carefully discrimi
nated, forming a fuller work on Engiiah Synonyms, of itaelf,
than any other issued, beside Crabb, and believed in advance
of that, '
TabU giving Pronunciation of Aaase a 8000 diatimgwhtd
i'er$ont m Modern l ima.
Peculiar use of Worda and Terms In tbe Bible,
With other new Features, together with all the matter of Pre
vious Editions.
In One Volume of 1TSO Pag-ea Price $0.00.
Hiecimen pagea of Illustrations and other new features will
be aeut on application to the publisher.
Will be sold by all Booksellers.
Springfield, Maaa., June 1, 1850. 495
All works entrusted him. will be done with neatneaa and
despatch. Call in and see specimens of Workmanahip
Mince in iakhhall a akw block, raineavtiie, u. euui
George Wlllard.
Consisting of every description of Dry Goods, Rata, Caps,
Boota, Shoea, Crockery, Glaaaware, Hardware,
Saddlery, House a Carriage Trimmings,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Anvila, Vice,
'- Springs, Axela,
faints. Oils, Dye Stuffs,
Glass, Patty, tc
All of which have been purchased since the great decline
in price, and will be sold aa cheap, and on aa favorable term,
aa they can be obtained of any dealer in "Northern Ohio."
With many thanks to my friends and customers for past fa
vor, end with tha assurance that I will nut be undersold, I
solicit and hope to receive a continuance of their patronage.
Very Respectfully,
Ashtabula, June 1st, 185S. GEO. WILLARD.
Wool Wanted I
20,000 lbs of Clean Fleece Wool wanted on note or ae
eounta, or in exchange for Good and Cash, by
Ashtabula, June 1, '6tf. GEO. WILLARD.
LADIES DKE3S GOODS In great variety, for aale cheap,
by Gko. Willakd.
LADIES SHAWLS Of ever discretion, for aale cheaper than
ever by Gko. Willasd.
LADIES MANTILLAS a RAOLAh'S A line assortment for
ale by Jao. Willi an.
LADIES SKIRTS A splendid lot of the different grades
some very geateel by Geo. Wiixaao.
LADIES BONNETS And some for the little enee also w
aale by Geo. Wtixaao.
LADIES GLOVES A large assortment of Ladle and child
ren Glove and Mitts, of every deaorlptlon, for aale cheep
by Geo. Wilukd.
LADIES HOSE A splendid kit of Ladle and Children
Uoaerj of ahant every kind desired for aale cheap by
Geo. WiLLAin.
LADIES 8H0ES A general aasomneol ol Ladle and chll
drene aboe and bootee, eowe eery choice goods cheap by
Gao. Willakd.
LADLES PARASOLS A beautiful assortment-for sals by
Gee. Willakd.
LADIES Yon eaa Ind almost any article you need, la the
way of Good vary cheap at Geo. Willakm.
GENTLEMEN Yon too, can Ind Hate, Cap, Under asd
Outer Clothing, Stockings, boo la and Shoes, and (a fact every
thing to St you eut from head to toot, at ail times, by calling
at th store of Gao. Willakd.
CLOTHS k CA8IMER8 A splendid stork of Broad Clothe,
Cassimeree, V eatings and bummer otuua, lor sale, or mm
up to order, by Gao. Willakd.
CARPETS k OIL CLOTHS A aew eaa Ine assortment a
Carpal and Oil Cloths jnat received end for sale aa low aa
can b purchased io Cleveland by Geo. Willakd.
1 n H P A 1 RSO FTI.I I ClOlOO I s
JJ PrtneUa'a Malt.
For Me Cheap for Cash by kxn i' fc MOR.tieoiT
TUST RECEIVED A new supply of
tf J. rUal Cast Staoi MtU Saw, for sale at Manufacturer
price.- Aug. Si, '! ROOT a MUKKI80N.
B laat, at ID. H. ROBERTS.
HARDWARE & Building Materials.
A foil eaaortment of Shelf, and Heavy Hardware, BaUoV
are Material, and Mecoaotce' Tool, at very low tgurea.
Boot A MonnibON.
H.0BERTS' 6th Seml-Annnal Sale for
CloalBf Out kl Btoel!,
Goods will be old at almost any prior, without regard to Cet,
at the) well-know Establishment of
33clxi7-r-rl aXX. Xioberta.
All In want of Lew Priced, Medium, or Rich DRESS GOODS,
should avail themselves of this opportunity.
Th Good moat be elored cut within th month, a th money
is wanted to perehaa a Fall Stock, A the room I also needed.
The stock comprise a large variety of
Staple and Fancy Dress Goods,
ultablo for th see eon.
Shawls and Mantillas,
Olovoa A Hosiery, Trimming A Ribbons, Laces A Embroidery,
Whit Goods, Yankee Notions, Cottonade A Caaslmeree,
and every thing else In the line, all of which are offend for
Cash, or Ready Toy,
at lower price than at any time thia season. No reasonable
offer refused.
Ashtabula, Ohio.
J oat Received Four piece Floor Oil Cloths, from one to
two yards wide, making my stock complete. E. H. R.
Stewart' Large Oren, Alr-Tlght,
WARRANTED to he the best Cook
ing Stove In tbe world, and requiring leas than
One-half the Fuel of the common Cook Stoves,
For aale by
Aahtahnla, Jnly 18M,
I To All Concerned I
Do wish that all of my old customers
that have unsettled accounts with me, or D. Phillips, will call
and settle immediately. 1 want my pav, so as to pay others,
and must have it, and will have It where I can get it- 1 am la
the Boot and Shoe Business yet,
and I am selling Cheap for Caah, or Ready Pay, and nothing
else, because
If I should trust each time tm aaked.
My Stock would soon be gone,
And a Bankrupt then become.
f f I : . I.j . .
k-ve vrcuii, i u get none 1
Once I trusted all my friends,
(For so they seemed to be,)
But wbeo I aaked them for my pay,
They'd only iangh at me.
Then elsewhere tbey would trade for cash.
To me tbey would not come,
So I loat my slock, and lost my trade,
And thus waa near nndone.
And now my friends, T sell for CesA,
Aa CAcop and Good aa can be.
And though your trade I wiah to hare,
For Cotk it ia I'd thank ye.
My work la the best, my price low.
And trade I seek moat fervent,
For smallest favors I will be.
Your very humble servant. N. PHILLIPS.
V Hw York Store 1 1
Ha purchased the stock of
X r y Or o O a,
at the
Celebrated New York Store,
when he will oontlen to sell th best qualities of staple and
Fancy Dry Goods at th
Astonishing and Unparalled Low Prices I
He baa bought at auch figures and haa such facilities for
boaineae aa will enable him to sell
At lower prices than can be bonght elsewhere
in the County or State.
That he sells goods Cheap, you can see by reading tha fol
lowing price :
Best Trial 10
Good Print
Lawn from S te lfte, worth Is to ia
Domestic Ginghams.. 11 worth la to IS
Best Scotch do.... 1 worth 2
Beet ChaJllea 1 to 16
SUlUShawla,Ugrai variety, $3 to $ IS to HQ;
Valencia Goods,
Lavella, Weol Delaines,
Meri&e Cotton Goods, ,
Linen Ooodr,
Gloves, Hose, Ac,
And aU other Mod of Goods aa prertioa.
Ashtabula, Auftut, J4. I
The Largest and Best Stock ttet brought it
Ashtabula t
Th mbarriber has Inat returned from New York with a
Bne stock of liooda. wAtr wen aweaaaaraf for Cork, ud we
are offering everything in our line lower than the same elae
ef Goooa were ever sold weat of Kew York.
Oar aioek wiU always be kept fall, and ef th
Latest akd Most Fashionable SfTLitV
Repairing of all kind don at short nolle and warranted
to give mUsfacflon. GEO. W. DICKINSON.
Ashtabula, Hay lath, ISot. M
X. Benedict & 86ns, C
bare received a large and complet Stock of SPRING and
11ATS AND CArS, Ac, Ac,
comprising all the latest style of
Gf Sik Hit, Bit Mat UgU color, d Cvamwar els,
Aa endless variety of SOFT FELT HATS.
Among which are th celebrated
Also tha largest stock of M.n'a, Boy's, and Children
Straw, Leghorn, and Polm Leaf Hats,
ia the city.
Shaker Hoods, Misses Flats,
Hisses Bloomers and Cblldrens fancy trimmed Leghorn Hat.
In great variety.
The Httsens of Ashtabula and vicinity are Invited to call
and examine our stock ol Goods, which Is the most complete
and largest In thia city, and will be sold at vmt low raicts.
at wholesale or retail, at
201 Superior Street,
49 . Cleveland, O.
Ashtabula, May 19th, 1859.
Cheap Goodi I
THE subscriber are now prepared with their NEW STOCK
OF SEASONABLE GOODS In the several departmenta of
their business, to aupply all who call upon them, with almost
anything usually kept In a Country Village 8 tore, and cor
dially Invite all
Prompt Paying and Short Time Customers,
(for w Ilk every other Established Finn In town, give credit
to such Persona,) to call and examine our stock. And to those
persona who pay CASH w will aay that our (adlltlee for buy
ing cheap, are equal to any eonoere in this place, and wi will
xot an cxDMaoi d. We do not deal In Auction, or damaged
Goode, but make our purchases at Good and Reliable Houses,
and in style and quality are not a whit behind those who make
greater pretentions. We do not nropoae to enumerate Goods
on pneee, our. win aeii rum is lor from 8 eta, to on (hilling
per ysru. lawub wo hi si ci. 1.01100 nose Irora 1 Co &.
Stella Shawls from 16a to $10 and make profit fully equal to
our desires, and no whispering either, our clock of Dry Unods
Is full. Our Domestics were bought th last day of October,
which give us decided advantage over thoe who purchased
in November.
Our Stock of HATS and CAPS Is quit large, of th
newest style and latest Fashion.
The BOOT and SHOE department la foil aad
Oar Urge sale ef CROCKERY
has Induced 0J to pay particular attention to this branch.
ef the eery beat quality and at the LOWtaT raicaa.
WALL PAPER k good assortment
W always take pleaaare In ehewing ear Geeda, and shall
eadeaver to merit a ahare ef the patronage eemmanity.
We ahall tak la iahange for Goods and en debts moat
klnda of produce, and if the seasao should favor it, hope to de
Urge business La dried Fruit,
The highest prtcee always paid for
Aahtahela, May ita, ItaS.
JVsaeapai smd ftqMrr a lee .
High School, .... Rev. C. E. Baooa.
Grammar nohoai, .... Miee 8. L. Pain.
Intermediate, .... Miu Haaain Kslujoo
Heoood Intermediate, ... M,s Lvuia L. Willi.
Primary, hue W. M. Kaixooo-
Tne School la Free to ail pereaa ef a euluble age residing
within the Boreturh limit. anA Uia Diatifcd -- - theme
hchool purpose,''
Forty weeUecaaaarhim year. Tarua for pupils from abroad
will be.
For Primary par
For luWrinedkui " .
For High Bobool
And pro rate lur eeoh i
Tuition navaaia
All appl kahuna lor smalaaoa a a maa as in Boperu
tondenk Tbe Hummer Ten wiU eocnenc April 98, UeS. The Fall
Term September a, aad th ft inter Term, Ja nuary S, las).
tt fcj ki. kly aeeiiebi that (11 uuatU should baara at taw open
ing of term. N pupils out of the rtuae wiU be seeaarvad for
leea parfod wbaa eae term, and eo deduoaloa fa al asnna as.
eapt s aaase of siaknem or reeievel. og
PORK by the Barrel or Pound, for sal
at theater of tS)T MCaWSOty.
EW GOODS Spring Supplies I I
In those day ef Cheap Goods, and wmdy pretantlnna, -oeety
la driven to th wall or Into th Sold. Though we hv
taete (hr Inettlng defiant competition, th ambit mnat not
be permitted to lose eight of the foot, that
Bonham's New Store,
peeeeofs a rftany mercantile attractions aa ny :ha fa Ms
busy village. It proprietor has relumed from hew Terk
WltA SVaw
Unutunl large and varied Stock ef all those
tommbditiei U hith go toill tip a Country Stort.
In the Dry Good Department be ta aMe to ley before
III enetonwre a variety oi enraneeaed beauty and richness,
which ar marked at a very email ad rent from cost, which
the purchaser mar learn On eoftinerw... wiik .. .i.
some of eurjsompetilor. We cannot ge Into a foil numera
tion, but among the lot may b found
Drees floods. Shawl.
Bfaatiile. feraaol,"
hioop Skirts, Glove BosUry,
Linen Goods,
Summer Cloth,
Woolen do
Iroroeatlca, and la foct all klnda tt Kew Pit Oeods.
Crockery, Looking Ol.iaee.-
Boots and Shoes,' Paints and Oils,
Bbelf Hardware, Burning Fluid,'
A very choice article of Stnart'a arnin. and a email quanti
ty of Pure Wine and Liquors, fur medicinal purpose only.
Also on hand a supply of freab fruit and confectionary. A
finer article of Raisins, has not been brought Into lowu.
Give me a call, and all will be verified.
the Largest, cheapest and most ntsiRA-
Ashtabula, May, IRA.
la the author! ted Agent for Ashtabula Conntv, of th follow
ing named Insurance Companies, which have compiled with
the laws ol Ohio, and are authorized to transact burgees in
this Stale.
Risk taken on Farm and deUtclied building and contents,
at th lowest rates of responsible com pan lea for one to five
yeara, and on property in villa res at fair rate.
Loss honorably adjusted and promptlr paid.
Home Insurance Company,
Office No.' 112 114 Broadway, K. Y.
Cash CapiUl, all paid In tl, 000.00
Surploa, over 800,000
CBAKLt J.Maktix, Prea't. A. F. Wiuiaktb, Vic Fr.
I. Miltok Smith, Sec'y.
City Fire Insurance Company,
or mrw nm, conic.
Capital actually paid In
Surplus ef ever
$1 60.000
Wll SomrwoKTa. Prea't Ja. F Bancocx, Tiee Pree't.
Lgvi B. Bkadlkt, Sec'y. ,
Charter Oak Fire & Marino Insurance Co.
Capital actually paid in caah $300,000 00
Surplus oa hand over liabiliUea 20,000 00
New England Fire & Marine Insurance Co.
Hartford, Conn.
Cash Capital, all paid io $200,000
Surplus, (no Uabllities) of over 0,000
Nathaji M. Watimah, Pre'al. Gao. D. JawaTT, Sec'y.
Conway Fire Insurance Company,
Capital paid op
Hnrplua over iiabilitlee of nearly
t ico.ooo oo
100,000 oo
Jak Whit it, Prea't David C. Root, Sec'y
The offlcUl statement of the above Con.nlee are duly filed
in tbe office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, and
also in the office of tbe undersigned.
Prompt attention to applications from anv jiart of the county.
Tbe undersigned U also Agent for the
Charter Oak Life Insurance Company,
of lurtford, Conn,
the reputation and actual condition of which I not surpassed
by any company in tbe Unioo.
Ashtabula, Mav 28, 185. oj
Drugs, Stationery & Groceries.
THE subscribers having taken the Drug
eaUblUhment or S. P. Johnson, intenda to put the boai
neae upon a more liberal and enUrged footing, by infusing in
to it more vigor and a wider range of business faculties. His
Urge and varied
Stock of Paper,
embracing every description ol Uie article with euvelopea, and
School and Miscellaneous Books.
will be added to tbe present stock in trade, together with a
uvw BJnu
Choice assortment of Groceries,
Large Additions of Drugs,
which will enable him to meet the wanU of tbe community,
and elicit their full and entire satisfaction.
The management of the business will be entrusted to
Mr. James M. Allen,
whoa well known habits of accuracy, and businea especially
In the Drug Department, especially fiu bim for thU position,
and weliconie Die establishment to the confidence of the pub
lic. Courtesy and attention to customers In every businea
relation, it is hoped will secure for the concern a ahar of the
patronage of thia town and vicinity.
. t. . A. R. STOCK WELL.
Aahtahnla, Nor. K 1888. ae
New and Increased Stock of Goods.
C C. OSBORN, late of Kinpsville, hav-
t-J Ing purchased an interest in the Grocery Buslnes of
Prentice & Smith,
the businesa will be hereafter conducted under the nam and
urm oi
Prentice, Smith & Company,
In nearly the same ranre of trade aa heretofore, hut with
auiuumi Blocs ana lacinuee
One of the firm has just returned from New York, where
tiro baa been taken to make liberal purchases, with diserimi
oatfoa, of auch goods aa will not fail to meet the wants, and
challenge to meet the approbation of tbe cituen of th vtl
Uge and county. Tbe reaulu of these purchaaea may be seen
and judged of; aa the goods are eomiug to hand daily, and
.mi.wiw,N, uj uiucra ae neoceesiiy snail require. The
condition of the market Eaat U a eunicieot quaranty of the
favorable range of prices, at which theae purchaaea have been
made. That theae inducement offered mav he nut bi tlu. ii
U tbe chief desire of those making them.
In this department the establishment will he n
lied with a general and choice a selection of goods a can be
bund in the county.
ConaiaUog af Pails, Tubs, Wash Boards; Sugar Tab,' Vop
prwiu uuiwr xjbuvis, iwiuug riua, aff , SC.
In large variety, auch as Clothes and Market Baaketa, Rocking
Dining and Sitting Chair for the children, Buggiee and Cabs
Hohhr Horses, liaod Sleda, for the Boyat
Benin oaaaeia inrioe ijauiee.
In tbe Dry Geoda Line, mav be found an assortment of rtn
mestic Good Sheeting, sbirtiug, Ticaing, Denhna, Print, kc.
This U trad to which special attention will k gfrea both ia
the purchase and sal. Will keep eonetanUv eo band a full
took of Flour, Feed, Pork, Finn, Salt, together with Water
Cement, Cured I buna and Shoulders, for family use fce.
Duly supplies of Freah Can Oyatara, both Fair Haven and
Baltimore. Pickled CUma and Orstera, Lobster, end Sauce
omaii ueauer lurnianea Wlin irean supplies on liberal terms
Aahtebula. Dee. let, 1S5S. 47
A Care for Pile.
truly inralaahle article, Vjnmnnnnded after th formula enne
of th most distinguished physicians of th ge.N U preeeutod
iA ik. .iikiu -itk it.. r..iwi h. t- 1.. 1 '.j r
i". mi im luuinsia mvriia.
It U magical in its effect, relievine elmoat anatuitinen.iaie
the moat painful oamra, while hundreda can testify to ita won-
aerrul cure, vt nne mis celebrated snedtciue U emollient aad
sooth lug in it natnre, unlike U other aompoellioaus it I
" euiiuig turn unea, ana M agreeably perrumea.
Try It 1 Try it 1 All that is asked is a trial 1
We me. confident that all and everr neeaoa wka ease it. will
beer testimony to tta merita, ai d find relief mm a snost pam
fui eibietkm. Excoriation, ebanna. ehana. & it will ha found
equally eifeetive in reliving, even to mvere ease, relief will ke
almost lualenUnooue.
Worna Drep.
Matthews' Chocolate Worm Drops !
TbU aaf and sure Remedy for all kind ef intestinal Worm,
ta orTered to the public, nun a run ana perteei Dowssase or
iU erbeaey in all eases. They are compounded with great
ear from wail keowa artiolea ef apewSe virtue, contain a
mercury in any tors, ar peculiarly adapted te ehildrea from
tbeir taste, beiuf aa pleessut a tbe ehniceet eouiectiona, and
far snore eoective than the many neueaoaa Vermifugee to
eosnmee eaa i am perleotly eaal ia their operatsoara, aad may
be givea tb amaileat lulant aud to adult, wilb th same
auooaas. Ia tact tbey are the greet remedy, and a trial will
belnead to surpass all other preparations.
ForaaleiaAshUbuUby GE01XGI WILLARB,
ylyooi Aud at Buffalo by A. . nn HIWe
Lumber Rising ! Goods Falling t
thk MMeriDere teg leave te my inat they ace now renelv 1
Ing direct tram Kew York, t Urge aad wall sslaolod (took a" I
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, BBots,
Shoes, and Ready Made Clothing,
hot the Grocery Department baa oar partleuWr aVasntta,aA4
we aow eftsc to tli
Citiitns of Ashtabula,
and vicinity a choice selection ef tea, Sugar, Molaaesa, CasTe
Syrup. Cod Fish, While lah, Maoktrel, boape Caodle. Lamp
and Uodseed urls, k.geinar wtta a eartoty af etnar fry, loo
aumerou to aieonoa, et which w ate ulng Sue iteady i'ay.
We ar pavmg Cash fcr all kinds of teeter Market hunba
delivered at our .tore et at the barbor, and are prttiie!
maniuiis sua euiug e Haaeur m won BeieGaaw
Pannel StuS; .
and win pay a art rri fst It
March Ik Lh. ltt HAT
In the Iutbert lilotkOld 7 X ti.
tTlt snWriher w(sh 16 coll th att.iillnn it hV
euhlletothe(y,fliatthr f I re l tl,e l-lr a.d
Heady to snpply Uie wants 111 ol il . wlio wi.h, wi-k
Joat kind fiooda, usually " a, -ass. kM In ttli line el t.e.l.
Ready waa and ale to order of a Oomd duj, us ciw.p
as our eomretltora.
Thev tntmil ki. .v.. II .xi f-. i.f. ii.iRa ...i. .
5." " manefectnr of the IHeda of sto tk-t
work. Thev sey smthlng more than thev Intend to furrlsh ID
beet the market aflonts, whether the one kind or th eilier. e
t rnr 'ah,aoarBoonaD4 teeoe market laf
Among the reled to r tnnt, are the Wlnwlng t Ov(
French Calf Roote, Kin Bora, .11 kinds (We Kip H'a,
van rrogaui rnoee, u uiw nhrws, ilenta birb en rtnt
CengToea Oaitem, also th ordinary Congrew tiitare !lr.le
for the Pumsaer trade. Bov's HoMs and Hhoes, a4l-t4 us
the season. Ala a nto artlrl ef Oxford Tie.
To Tut Ladies
(hey wish to aay that Uwry ran nppty yoe with
Gaiters as good and ae Chtep
as can be mend I this piece or elsewhere, et l-rtrm wkt, k
cannot fail to please them, both Congreee and lace, with hr'J
and without : M.ffareo and Kid Polk, Moracro Buokioe, ll(t
and heavy; Chnnrens Plain and Fancy Shoea, latent Leather
Ancle TL'sfor Children.
Call and took at thee Goode. They will be happy to ealiiMI
them, and will turateh yon with aa Uttf Gae, and aa 0.
article aa can be fonnd eleeWhere.
' The above Is most respectfully dedicated. Call and toek.
, , filkes & Dloan.
Aahtahnla, Wtf loth, IMS. ul
Patterson tf Winsman's.
A full supply of WOME.VS WARE, of all kind.
Also all kinds of BEN'S WARE, Gaiter ef ever eoy
tlon. Youth's k Children' by th doua.
For we are bound to outdo,'
In quality and prices too;
Tb beat and cheapest that eaa b feuut.
Throughout AahUtxiU or Count amend.
for Yonfn end Cblldreti, which are renowned throurhont ftd
Eastern State for their durability od Che Tineas, and by ew
tual teat have been found to outwmrtwo pair of the old Htyla.
For sale at PATTERSON WIHrtaJAN'S.
At tha Iga Of the Big Boot.
Th subscriber having bonght the entire Stock of ftoeto and
Shoes of D. PhUlipa, formerly of the Fiek Block. II ha re
moved th asms into his new store, opposite Wells A FauJr.
noia, 8 doors south of Tyler k Collin's store, at tb Sign of
the Bif Boot, He haa also reduced the price of bla Work
below all competition. There ia no Humbug about it. He I
bound to sell a little cheaper than the eheapesl from liiis
time oo until further notice. Call and examine my work and
price, before purchasing elaewhere if you wlnh to save fw
dimes. My work, a to quality and style, will compare ertti
beet in the place. All kinds of work made to order, aa aauai,
aod warranted. All klnda of Prodnc taken In exchange fur
Boota and Shoea. Nothing that Merchant refuse, but Keady
Pay is what I want, and must have in order to sell cheap.
You will find a good assortment of Custom Work ouoatasl.
ly en baud.
AabUbuU, May 26th, IS. ' 1 MM '
Belief ror the Affilctcd. .
DR. S. G. CLARK, German Ftefornv
ed Uripothlc Physician and Snrgeon, (formerly of that
Hrm of Clark a Gibson) eaa be consulted at the feli!1
times and places':
Conncfcutville, Power rlouae, Sept, f th
Girard Girard " eth,
Conneaut, Tremont Hons, " Tth
Kingsville, Rodger's House " 8Ui ..
Geneva, Union House, M ottt
Ccntervllle, WhettorHouM, '" Kith
Painesville, Cowlee llouie ' nth
Ashtabula, Flak House, Uth
Jefferson, Thompaon,' t 18th k lata
Rock Creek, Llppani " 16U
Orwell, Smith House, jjtta
Cole Brook, Exchange Hour, i;
JemeatowD, Pa. from Sept. 3d, to Oct, 1st;
Dr. L. Q. Clark, bavfng had frequent and urgent solicitation
from his patients and their friends, to visit tbe neighborhood
ooeaaionally, that tbey might consult hint personally, aa amli
aa by ease, wDl hereafter vuit tbe above named place oaee
a month.
Having had seventeen year experience In the prantio
medicine, during which time be haa treated thousand of pae
tienta in all forms of aouto and chronic disease with .anpar
alelled euecea (of which some of your friends or neighbor
can testify ) and U prepared to give relief to all who may ap
ply. Particular attention will be given to th euro ef Co-scMi-rioR,
and all diseases of the lungs and chest, rMspepeto;
Nervous Disease. Female derangementa of every character
will he treated with auoceea. . .
Also will cure old sores and all eruptive disease of whatr
ever character tliey may he. He makea aak of oiUvene
Botmaral remedlee. Ko calomel or other deUtertou drug
re need.
Person at a dhtahce desiring ad vis asd afedldne, will send
a general diacription of the appearance of the urine, with a
correct statement of the cause, origin of th disease, aod s)
general history ef the flynrptoma, with name, age, Ac
All communication must be directed to
S. O. CLAKK, H tV.
Jamestown, Mercer Co., Pa.
BeBtambar AppolntjAeoU:
Dli. n. TDBBS wift be hi attendance
ft foUoWB!
AshUbuta, Ashtabula Hons, Saturday, Sept. Ml
Conneaut, Tremout House,., Monday, Sept, It.
Painesville, Cowlee House,. . .' .... .Tuesday, Sept. 1.
For eonealtatton upon an forme of chronic or long laniTiajt
diseaaes. whether internal or external.
IT"Tb Sebtember visit wfll be the laat oa made by 9r,
Tubbs, a he ia about to retire from practice.
invalids desiring to avail themselves of his long and ample
experience , by having eoesuiufloa or preecriptiona, or former
patients wishing to renew thefr treatment, can only do eo by
calling at that time. Several persons nave from Urn to time
represented themselves a partner or esaoeUtea la practice)
with Dr. T. employing same treatment, Ac A this will
doubtless be continued, and may be mora extensively after hi
departure, he feels It Incumbent to warn hi friend and th
sick generallv, to avoid them. Bclnr devoid of truth na ho
esty in this, they cannot be otherwise trustworthy.
Willow Cor, low, My, ISJei
Da. n. To Sir : Hoping it may encourage aims de
spairing invalid to seek relief from suffering, I gfre below tbe
facts in my own cats. You first prescribed for me io Septem
ber 1866. 1 had been anffering for year from a oomplicalloa
of disease and impurities of the blood. The laat few year
excepting a few weeks I had been kept a prisoner constant
ly in bed, and at the aem tiro waa too feeble to sft up in a
chair long enough to have my bed made, nor oould I stand up
right My sufferings were without Intormimion, and at time
very great. Debility and derangment seemed to pervade tbe
entire syaiem. All that kind friends, and an attentive physi
cian could do, bad been done for me. I had also need different
kinds of patent medicines, which acted as paliativea, but fuller)
to accomplish th desired object. From the time I eninmenood
your treatment there waa gradual improvement. At the eud
of a few weeks I waa able to sit np an hour at a time, and la
six months rod ton miles in one day. Improvement becointtiy
more rapid, I have since been able to journey west, and am now
enjoying a good degree of health. I leel that to your treat
ment, under tbe blessing of God, I am Indebted for Ufa aud)
comfortable health. Yours, with much respect,
Mra. M. R. BKMIS8.
Mrs, B, resided during her sickness and while nnder trcaX
ment in Munaotf, Geauga Co. 0. where her father,' kfr Chester
Miller, still remain. '
1 ft P.Q EXlORV ttCE gives notiw
JLJJ J 4 te ll his frisnda, custom!, and - tb ree. ef
mankind," that be still continue ia th Plant, Fruit, and Veg
etable growing biurinase, and Is prepared to furnish, thai aeaana.
'a Urge quantities,
Sweet Potatoe plants, Tomato plants, Cw
bage plants in variety, Cauliflower
plants, Celery plants,
and moat other kinds of plaoU that need forcing la order ta
get them early in the season.
He Is also prepared to furnish IndivtduaJa or (unfile, wifh
Pi PUnt, Strawberries, Green Pee, Ballade, and ether kind
of vegetable.
Strawberry plant of standard, and beet varietur, for sale.
Sweet Potaloe plants nierlv necked, so art eo u utt .mrt
the United autee, or Canada, in a trash condition, delivered at
the expne olttos, for 1000 aod apwankt. t t per tosreaand.
600140. 100 S7Xc
AshtabuU, April, 140. 4JU
A JVice Assortment of Casttmeres,
tat paata. 8llk and tUtta Yestrng.
Also White and Fhrured Mareeilles Dattem far Teat. All
of which will be cut aud made to enter.
Cutting ond Making Pants and Tests,
done at sheet notins at all ffrnea, BWOHAM k OA.
omatfaiatat Kw(
Th ndereigned having detorrotued oa making aa important
change ia hi
offer hi
Entire Stook of Good..
at greatly reduced prices,
For Cask of Ready Pay Only i
My Urge Mortmnt ef
Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, k(,
will be aold without regard to east or abrmer price.
Persona with Caah eaa secure great bargain, at any time,
an til th goods are dispossd of.
hi order to facilitate saattet ae mash as pose this, la clociu
out stack, aad milling arp my present bualucea, I shell
On and after the 1st day of September utzl,
discontinue tb
OrotUt XJufalueas,
far tb praaaut.
-Close TJp!"-k"Sttla TJpl" aod "Pay Up!"
Sell far Caah and Ready Fay, until Good art ail eUirp-xs.
d a Then tooaout fo a
New Btortv Naw Goodtwand perhaps Kew
AAbtahula, Aug. 10. 1IM. "
P. 8. AU pacsD bavitig aaaotUed eeounts with ai,
wbetber la my Uvor or otherwise, aie raepectlully fcmvir to
Call and took ever et the oerlUet poaerble SMraMos,
Nbw and Taluabla Invantioo.
KNOWLES & ITARVEY'S Bclf-eea!-ing
Fruit Jan, are th only really euf &d rellslii ar
ttei of th hmd ever mooted. Theae Jars are aieila oi 1 1 1 er
pool Ware, end glaasd with pure glut glaaa, aud lua ..f
eeliag to ae ataipt and aura a t I ssa to U' l- ' . w e
child. '
The aaaaoiactiirer hare made errangmeaia ni b t i w !..
eroauce theae Jararote eaa to U.sreiuo, ami I tit it i i. t
faot ormhdsmie that they are iuet eh.t nee i--. bo .'i ., . '.
lam praparad to furalah lr.-t.i e.d 1 i'B li t a
aamnty, wtia the above Jsjs, at i.. aM.i -
prioea. fieinpies uj see at mj isa.QMee, oi t .v. ...
r Georpe Willard, acd Cecrfc-a C. I'.II.ai J,
a W rhem far aale. J li V J" I LI r
AakiacoiSkiiAlyl, iJ- i

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