OCR Interpretation

Ashtabula weekly telegraph. [volume] (Ashtabula, Ohio) 1853-1873, April 27, 1867, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035216/1867-04-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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' rf?C5skl Excelsior, Hair Bestorer.
y- f iyu jn!y; Hair Hestorer. in the market
niv ?Vr nock's Excelsior Hair Restorer. v 1
" Ths ealT perfect Hair Restorer end Hair Dressing eom-
- .'''4 . " . . ' "' "" .-1 ' 'i '
v StSock8 Excelsior Hair Restorer. ?
' The Only Hair Bestow kaowu where the proprietor re-
1 perfect i
Clock' Excelsior Hair Eestorer.
MMmmAnili lv the Clettrv Infl flui Tsraltr.
yqHPIiyivvi i . e - "
. ?'-.'- Clock' Excelsior Hair llestorer. v. -
7 tTarnnUd to restore graybair to lu original color. Stop
Wif item Xallinsr oaand rcatora hmlren bald .'
yi .-.r.;- .-' hereditary. ... -- :
Cock 'i Excelsior Hair Hestorcr.
WU sot stain the nice., linen or the finest bonnet'
r; Clock! Excelsior II air "Restorer. :
Stand to a bore all other preparations for the balr.
Clock'a'Excelsior Hair Restorer.
A aisgM trial convinces the most skeptical of Its value.
' Clock' Excelsior Hair Restorer. w
;". Y.;jOaa ase it and yoa will always nse It
; Clock's Excelsior Hair Restorer.'
Ia told orerywhere'ty i)rnggit.t; at $1, per bottle, or
ft : -? 6 Bottle for $5. ; Call.foc s
v Clock's Excclsiof Hair Restorer.
. - ." - . ; ,
. , and take no other. - , .
P. B. Clock. Proprietor,
. . iiancbester, r. xi.
, h. A, Hendry. Agent, Aahtabala. .
- ,liUVpTa,"March 1ft, 1867. - - 8mSW '
,'. . onyrka of Nature. In a state of health the in-
ttstinal canal may be compared to a river whose waters
Saw over theadtainrnsr Und, thrOnzh the channels nature
or art has made, and tmprore tbelrqaaiiues; so long as
it raas oa smoothly the channels are kept pure and
-; "healthy; if the course of the river is stopped, then the
. . -water In the can sal is no longer pare, oai soon DecomeB
- stagnant There Is bat one law of circulation in nature,
tThea there is a superabundance ofhnmorial fluid in
. m tBf tnteeunai tuooe, ana costyeness m jmce,
" back into the bloo I vessela, and infiltrates itself into
' the circulation. ' To establish the free course of the rir-.-er,
we mast remove the obetrnctions which stop its
. I .1 ft- t Krr t ctfml Wttb
At n mtvwv v. mw - - . j ,
the body, follow the same natural principle remove the
'' : obc tractions from the bowels with BBANDEETHS
FtLLS, rbiCtt never injure, DBS sraaiwayseoociumi lor
- '' the perfect dean si n of tbs system froma.aU imparities
and disease. - Bemember, never suffer a drop of blood to
' 'be taken from you. - Evacuate the an mors as often and
i oag as they are deranged, or as long as yoa are sick,
s. ,. gee that & BHAJiDRETH is ia whits letters in the
' Corernmerit stamp. Sold bysll Dmggests. " 90i
. ' Helmbold's "Extract Buchu and Improved
.Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders :n all
their stages, t little expense, little or no change o diet.
BO rocoBVCuiexiuc man uv vz.yu9urB. npiwB.ituM.
and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all Inju
i prions properties. .- - -
rcraem tuna--jniaaie m m mm... v-w.
sUtute, Sew York. Oladley is consUntly receiving large
t invoices of French China, of New and beantUhl shape, at
' oa-hlf the osaal selling prices. s
White Free eh China DtanerSets, 180 pieces, $30,00
do da Te " 44 " 7,00
' Am Jo Duacr plates per dos 1.08
o. do do Tea -.- " 10
do do ' do Cops and saucers, 34 peces, 2,00
. c-- Fronch Cut Goblets, per doscn, ' i - - - -: - ; 4,60
, . Also Fancy goods in China, Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets,
White Parisian stone Ware, Cat and prewsd Glassware;
' SUver Plated Ware, Catlery, Ac, &C, at equally low
J prices. ; Goods packed to go all over the -world, by ex-
press erotberwise. Bouse furnishing goods' in targe va
riety. Bemember HA1)Ijrrg of th BJock
tjrf8end;for Catalogue.f" No connection with
Mm stares. - " r"7 8S9-ml
The Glory 4t Man is Strength. Therefore
the nervous and debiltatedboad immediatelyase IIcucT
- bolds Bxraacr Bocw.
TJiMiTKrassn) EirrERTHisa. It has been a subject of
, woader among those engaged in business education,
and Indeed among business men generally, bow and why
(in basUesa colleges at Oberlin, O lio and Hillsdale,
Xkigaaaseetwithsonexpected snocees.. The truth
fa and we commend their example to car advertisers
the onergetic and Justly popular proprietors of these In
stitaGoM do all they advertise. They dont believe that
'blowing and deception, pay. This accounts for their
Mccmveparalleted In (he history of Business Colleges.
We advise oar yodng friends to attend the Institute at
Oberlia, and thus get a Diploma, which signifies some
tblac srtth business men. ' r- -
clns, invented by Dr. J. H. 8chenck,of Philadelphia, is
intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyle,
Ufce Ant-process of digestion! By .cleansing the stomach
'wlth,cbeck''rf mahdmke Pills, the tonic soon restores
' Jfcs appetfte, and food that could uot be eaten before osing
it will-be easily digested. :--'; : -
Consumption canhoTae eared by 6chenck's Pulmonic,
Svtwp aalees the stomach and liver is made healthy and
the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pills are re-.
Squired in nearly every case of consumption. A half dos
n bottles of the "SEAWEED TOXIC, and 'three or four
- boxes of the VAXDBAKE PILLS will cure any-ordinary
.itMii - .. ".. '
- Ttm. mil mi .! nrlnHratl nffliv In Philadelnhia everv
week. See daOy papers of each place, or Tils pamphlet
Maaeamptioa forbls days for visitation. " y" -'
Please observe, when purchasing, tnat tne twouaenes
" ' - sea of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consump
' ' itfon, and tke other as he now is, in perfect health, are on
. -eh rimmmi imwit tfAmn. "
' l -Sold byall DruggisU and dealers, price $1,50 per bottle,
' : or fi6 the half dosea. aH letters for adykff should be
' addressed to Dr. Schenck's Principal Office, Xo. 15 North
tth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. V ' ,
" - S- 8. Banco, Baltimore, lid.; John D. Parke, Cincin
nati, Walker A Taylor, Chicago, Ills.; Collins Bros., St,
LouiH. Mo. . -ifi'--.- - . - - ..: - KO.MF-CT6
" jasunme ana veiisacy-Aa ut m n m
sg and Instruction for Toung Men. Also, Diseases
And Abuses which prostrate the.rital powers, with
ware means of relief. - Rent free of charge in sealed letter
envelopes. Address,' Da. 3. SKILLET HOUGHTON,
' . -; 859-y - Howard Association. Philadelphia, Pa.
" Manhood and Youthful Vigor 'are regained
y KBT.wam.p'a Extract Bcchv. "
. . . EIade ' EopUonLal - labrIcators. The
v People's Moot Sure and Effectual EenJedy for Conghs,
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Diph
' ibsria, and all Pulmonary Dloeases. The Lubricator
:- is a medicinal preparation in the form of a Lounge,
' which of all modes is the-most pleasant and convenient.
' They contain no deleterious ingredient, and are Warrah
1 td to be always safe even for the weakest and most sen
. SiUve stomach-, : In Croup they give hnmediaU reiittf.
- For Coughs and Colds they are Invaluable.- v' " i. ,
'; Tor Catarrh, Atlhma and BroncMtii they have no equal
c la the marV.fft, (vide Certificates accompanying each box.)
.' JMptKmia, that dreaded and desolating disease, they con
- trol wonderfully -and almost immediately. : .
No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher, should be with-
at them, as they remove hoarseness and strengthen and
Clear the voice. " .
v (V Always use them ia time, and if the symptoms are
severe use very freely, - . EL BLADES & CO Prop's,
- Eimira, Nil,
BXKUAU s AJUiaxsosu, Wnolessle Agents, .
4, UDIO,
Tor sale by H. A, HEXDBT. Ashtabula. Ohio.
Shattered Constitutions Restored by the use
BjikaaPVta( v a jas j
. A Coagk, A. Cold- srASere
v ' SHoru ss cbxckes;
: . TEN THE . BESULT. . v
r UTn a boner rjrFLcrxNCB to tbc rxxre, em una.
--W.U v ' lT RlUir.
or Bronchitis. Asthma.' Catarrh. Consnmntive and
TrochM are used with always good suc-
Singers and publfe speakers win flndTroches useful in
- Clearing the voice when taken before ainrfnp or sneakv
( )
j lag, and reUevlng the throat after an unnsoa exertion of
. the vocal orgsns.- The, Troches are rocommended and
prescribed by Physicians, and have bad testimonials from
miaeat seen throughout tbe country. Being an article
.. . of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test
of many years, each year finds them in new localities in
- various parts of the world, and the troches are universal
1y pw-Kfuaced fcefter than other article -
C,j only Brow's Biwxorui Tvncm." 60
ZrZJZm T Si. r7AlU lmltt04 tftSt BUT b
em as"
. - BT JAMES BEED. ' . - ?
Two Dollars a Tear invariably in Advance.
Local & Miscellaneous.
6y A young woman, of suitable qualifica
tion, desirous of learning to set type, may find
a place at this offlceVii: f '! .
Dick has Jnst received a line lot of Gold Gilt Wall
Paper ; also a nice lot of Cloth Shades. His efforts to
keep op with the wants of bis customers, are eommend
able. V -: ' " -' ' ' -' '
Three vessels are in the coarse of huflding at
the shipyard of CoDDeaot. i
r 'r A Bai Ball Club has been organized in town,
dulj officered, &c, Sidney Hcknor President.1
Eev A. D. Barber will supply the desk of the Congrega
tional Church the coming Sabbathrvice ..morning
and evening. -
Mutilated or defaced postal scrip or fractional
currency may be. exchanged at the Bank in this
place for new. or for larger bills.
Mr. M. L. Saunders has been appointed Dep
uty U. a Collector, vice Capt. Geo. L. Rlker,
for Lake County. "
- Siltsb PtATiSG. Those having old forks
and spoons or other articles needing replatins
will not forget the card of Messrs. Taylor & Co.
of Cleveland, in the Card Column.
Rbv. L. Kciset, General Secretary of the
Home Missionary Socity of Ohio, auxiliary to
the American Home Missionary Society, " will
present his cause in the Congregational Church
on Sunday the 5th of May.
Our former townsman, Silas Weed, .well
known 'from his connection with the store of
Root &" Morrison, and more recently with Her-
rick and Bro., has recently started in trade on
his own account, in Geneva in the grocery
line. .". ' ; '
Capt M. B. Gabt, it will be seen, has enter
ed the field of conjugal life. - All proper and
commendable, Captain. IfothiDg .like it for
making the desert blossom, and the desert air
redolent of perfume, without the wasting of its
sweets as sometimes read of.
Real Estate Tbansfkes. A. A South wick
to J.' Bugbee, house and lot on North Ridge,
Prospect Street, for $3,000. M. Newbury to
A.' A. South wick, bouse and lot on same street,
fronting Division-St., for $3,250..
Spring Goods, Xiss Wbigbt & Bbothxx, will
have their Spans Ofixiko, of Hnximrar, on Thursday
May S, 1887, We would be pleased to see all of our friends
and as many others as may be pleased to give us a call.
Morrisoh & Ticxkob appear in propria per-J
son this week and offer a rich and varied bill of
fare. "We. may say without being invidious.
that po establishment in town is supplied with
better taste, richer goods, or the trade of which
is conducted upon a more liberal, honorable,
and 6t&ble principle.
The Ohio State Board of Agriculture is out
with the premiums and regulations for the 18th
Annual Fair at Dayton, on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thuredav and Friday, September
23 24 25-t26 27. Competition open to the
world. ;The premiums are very liberal, reach
ing in some Instances to $100. . '
A New BtcJck of White Granite Crockery,
Carpets & Wall Paper cheap, at Herricks.
T. S. Lay is again on hand with a full spring
stock, varied, elegant and substantial, and is
ready to supply the wants of all, and to Impart
to the'understanding tidiness,' beauty and com
fort. : No expense or care in dre6S avails any
thing if shabbiness or neglect is apparent about
the feet - In these days, too, of short dresses,
no lady.-especially an unmarried one, will suf
fer any indifference about her stockings and
shoes. A call upon Lay, therefore, is indispen-
sible. .. . . - -
Handsome all" wool Cassimercs for suits, at
$1,25, at Herricks. - ' - -
Income and Special Taxes.
assessment payment
the Special tax expires on the 80th day of April,
and every person found engaged in any busi-i
ness on which special tax is'imposedV will be
liable to the penalty prescribed by law.
.The act of Mar. 2, 1867. provides that incomes
for 18CG must be returned to the assistant asses
sors by the 31st of March, and on failure to
make such return, the law provides that per
sons thus failing, or neglecting to make return,'
may be ; assessed, and a penalty of fifty per
cent, added. These returns as well as returns
for special faxes or licenses, should be made to
Assistant Assessor Reed, 'during the present
weex. v J - - " - "
Thk Harbob for days and weeks past has:
been a busy, bustling place. No little surprise
was occasioned by a brief visit to that locality
the other day. Twelve vessels of various grades
from the first class barque and schooner down
to the unpretending scow, all hv the course of
preparation on completion for their various
summer service, all wearing a look of cleanli
ness and order. Besides this fleet. Calmly await
ing the order to shake out the canvass and let
go the fastenings, there are three on the stocks,
in the course of building. The most forward is
a large first class schooner built by Mr. Mosh
er, of Troy, N.T, Capt. J. A." Thayer, Archi
tect j the next is being built by P.J E. Harmon,
of similar size and capacity to the one mention
ed, Capt. Shay lor, Architect. These are both
Intended for the present season's trade. The
third has just been begun, havingthe keel down
and . the ribs going up. We were never more
sensibly impressed with the importance of har-r
bor accomodations, and the wisdom and just
ice of the appropriations Of Congress for afford
ing the best facilities and encouragement for
securing this end. .The principal' owner of the
B. F, Wade A. A. Southwick, Capt. Beebe,
planned a party for Wednesday afternoon, with
a collation and 6ail, but the weather, proving
unpropitious the company were constrained to
yield to circumstances and forego the proposed
enjoyment, v The Wade was to sail on Wednes
day evening for Saginaw. ' 'v, 7, . -
' Fabmkrs asd Mechanics Socixtt JSlkciijs.
-The officers for the present year are given
below. A good selection, too: We are inform
ed that the efforts to procure suitable grounds,
has not been very successful or satisfactory.
Land within or near the corporation is thought
to be held too higli 250 an : acre is felt to be
beyond the ability "of the society to buy, and
rather leads to the conclusion that the only re
coHree is again to lease. : We presume that no
one is willing to think soberly of bur township
fair in any other light than as a- fixed, perma
nent institution. ' That being the case why re
sort to temporary expedients to' keep it along,
tbe very idea of which will detract from Its In
terest and leave in the public mind a timid Lalf
heartedness, that of course staadin the way of
its success and usefulness. ' As the readiest aod
surest means of giving the enterprise the char
acter it deserves and throwing about it an interest
that Vill 6 a guarrantee of its continued suc
cess, the stock company idea Is, It would seem,
the best. - Why,, then,' will not some one move
in the matter of bringing this about? From
what we learn, there is no want of the disposi
tion, or the means to, carry out the thing in a
worthy and becoming manner that shall be a
credit to the township." We see no particular
disadvantage in going a little out of the corpo
ration, if need be. Tne most flesh-able location
of all others, but whether it can be obtained or
not la a question ) is the Harmon Ffat9t , west
of the bridge. Iu amphitheatre form Is admira
ble, the soil is good, water for stock abundant,
and convenient, easily and cheaply graded, pic
turesque and beautiful, sufficiently near. and
easy of access; and e very way desirable. If the
family could be induced to part with so much
of it as might be needful for fair purposes," no
other spot, , it strikes us, should be thought of.
Fiuu'i ahb Mchahics AssociATioH. The follow
ing Gentlemen were elected officers at the Annual Meet
ing, April $0, 18CT :
" PHXsroKa-T-7-W. H. Landon. " ; . ' ; " .
Vict FnssnKKT Henry Bowman. -
Uavaokbs John Harmon, Samuel Xewton Dan. H.
Fargo, 8. C: Strong, and Cbas. E. Frary. ,
Tbbascbkb -Geo. W. Dickinson. '
SccarrABT C. G. Calkins, . ' "
UaasHAir-Geo. B- Kettleton. -
Income and Special Taxes. Jefferson.-From the Sentinel.
RbalEstat8 Salks. A. Waekkj has sold
his dwelling hoasejust north, of Bcbgkss and
Holme's block to Dr. Tottlh, druggist, of this
place, ,for $2,500. ; i,' -.
Milo Wildbh . has j?ogbt the -house and
twelve acres of land orE Wood about 1 J miles
north of the Court House, on the plank load.
Price $2,500. V :
Income and Special Taxes. Jefferson.-From the Sentinel. Geneva-from the Times.
tbe past week the authorities have un
earthed a den of thieves in this community of
the most extensive nature. ; The principal ones
of the gang have been arrested, and the reput
ed leader Fox, is now in; jail. .The other,
Hkkbt Bowers, whose arrest for burglary we
noticed last week, is under bonds to answer to
that charge. The operations of these men for
the past year in the thieveing line have been
ludiscrirninate and extensive. On searching
their primises stolen property of almost every
kind and description was found and mea have
been visit tag and inspecting .during the, week
to identify and claim ;: missing articles, cloth
ing, dried and canned fruit, paints, brushes,
spades, shovels, chaines, and a great variety of
things have been found and claimed by men in
this, and adjoining towns. - Since the arrest of
these men, people in this vicinity have felt t
sense of relief.; 'For more than a year past
nothing which a thief coatd carry away has
been deemed safe unless locked or bolfed or
watched. Nearly every night some one has
lost property of some description, and people
had come to the conclusion pretty generally
that these takings-away were done by roving
tfieves. Had it. nof been for this impression,
these violations of law these plunderers of
their friends and neighbors, would have come
to grief before this time.- For the man, Fox,
there is not a spark .of sympathy for it is gener
ally bel eyed that be has been the instigator of
these crimes to a. great extent Bow an has
made a full and free confession of his own
guilt and that of his partner. The parents of
this young man are respectable, and highly
esteemed, and for them there is much genuine
: Yesterday, Andrew Babcock was examined
before justice Thoi p on a charge of rape. This
young man is now under bonds, charged with
burglary, on the primses of C. C. Gleason. His
partner in the affair, Hickok ' is now in jail
awaiting his trial. Our town is getting some
what notorious of late in criminal matters, and
there is a fair prospect of our furnishing more
than our quota of criminal business. - -
' Miixinebt & Fancy Goods." Hiss Weight & Bro. ar
filling up their store again with a very desirable fend
ehcice selection of Spring Millinery, consisting as fol
lows Ladies and Misses straw and fancy Braid Bonnets.
Hats of all the prevailing styles, and novelties of the
seatton. -
Mourning Bonnets, Veils & Collars. Ladies Caps. In
fants' Caps & Bonnets. Elegant Silks, Flowers, Laces,
ItlbboiiB.Straw trimmings, Ornaments, UoopSkirts, Cor
sets, Stamped Yokes, Star Braid, &c.
Particular attention paid in making Old Ladles' Bon
nets. Straw Bonnets & Hats dressed over fn the latesj
style. In connection with our store, a first class Dress
Maker can be found. Patterns and Dress trimmings for
sale. Don't forget tbe place, S doors South of the Flak
We also bars the agency of Dunn a Co's extensive Dy
ing Establishment. Ladies or Gents wishing anything
in that line, will please leave their goods at our store,
and have them sent and returned free of charge.
- - Mies Weight fc Bro. 4
Ashtabula, April 1, 1867. . : . - . 801
Card Photographs NEW STYLE. The new
style of Cabinet Photographs are now taken at Asbt'S
Gallery.- He is Selling QfftX. prime cost, his Photograph
Albums and Moulding Frames. "A word to the wise,"&&
What hat m ExncrcD Teis Mokth. April is set
down by the poets as tbe month of "smiles and tears:'
but poetry says nothing of the practical fact that it is al
so the month of bllllouB disease. The blood which has
been thickened during the winter now betrins to tell on
the system in an unpleasant manner and Natore demands
relief. Fortunately for the afflicted, relief is th. their
reach. Dr. E. Jollie Mattocks, who has made this class
of disease the er pecial study of a long life will visit Ash
tabula, Wednesday and Thursday, April 24th and 25th,
1S67, where he can be consulted at the Fisk House.
n all's Veoktablb Sicilian Hats RaKtwzR Las prov
itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ev
er offered to the public It is a vegetable compound,
and contains do injurous properties whatever. It will
restore gray hair to its original color, i It will keep the
hair fron falling out. . It cleanses tile scalp nnd makes
the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair
dressing, no person, eld or young, should fall to use It.
It Is recommended axd used by the best Medical authori
ty. yAsk for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian nair Beoew
er, and take no other. B. P.Hall A Co., Xashua, K. H.
Proprietors. For sale byall drnxglsta, ',
It is acknowledged by Physicians, Druggests, and ev
ery' body else who ever used it, that Dr. Strickland's
Cough Balsam' will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and all
diseases of the Throat, and Lungs, quicker aud better
than any other remedy known." We would recommend
our readers to try this great remedy, knowing it to be A
Ko. l. " 908 . " '::
Ducro A Bro., sell a goad Sea-Grass matresa, at $4.
Ducro A Bro., sell Spring-Seat Lounges, at $10. -
: A Canvass or-CHi Union proves that the most suc
cessful candidate for general favor ever placed before tbe
people, g "that pure and salubrious vegetable beautifier
Far and wide, throughout the restored republic, in defi
ance of rivalry and competition, it appeals To thx Polls
of all who design to clothe the same with the magnifi
cent black oi brown hues which nature has denied, or
age Stolen away. Manufactured by J. CHRISTADOBO,
G, Astor House; New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Dressers. - ' - -' ' - ' :
- Valuable Advici roBTHX Aftlicted. Dr Strickland
In reply to numerous applications for advice, wishes to
inform those who are anlicted, that they may consult him
on all Acute or Chronic Diseases by letter, stating tbe
age, symptoms. Ac.- with a fee of two dollars enclosed.
Dr.-8. has obtained great notoriety as an experienced
Physician, both in Europe and America, especially in
the treatment of chronic complaints, after other Doctors
have failed to effect a cure. Those suffering should im
mediately send for a prescription, by addressing Dr. A.
Strickland, Cincinnati, Ohio. .. : 89T-yl
Dr. Eaton's Anodyne Cor'J will always be found at
tf SWEET OPOPOIf AX1 - Sew Perfume from.Msxl
co. . The only fashionable perfume aid ladies' delight.
most elegant and essential personal requisite for a lady,
Extract Of Sweet Opoponax."
- . K. X, SMITH A CO., Jfew York.
- -t3CrSWEET OPOPOXAXl Is the sweetest Extract
made. Supercedes all others. Try it once; will use no
other. i- - .." '
- E2TA NEW PERFUME I Called Sweet Opoponax
from Jlcxico, manufactured by E..T. SMITH A CO.
New York, Is making a sensation wherever it is known.
Is very delicate, and its fragrance remains on the band-
kerchief for days.-Evening Bulletin, miiaaeipwa.
. PT SWEET OP0PONAXL; Ladies, in their morn
ing calls, carry Joy and gladness, when perfumed with
Sweet Opoponax." - '.
IW SWEET OPOPONAX! Tbe only elegant Per
fume.. Is found on all toilets, and never stains the hand-
aercmenv -.-. - v. - .. - . . . ... . , .- .
. This is the season for coughs and colds 1 those suffer
ing with such, or any . affection -of the. throat or lungs,
will find Dr. Htrirk land'a "Mellifluous Cousb Balsam" an
exeellentTemcdy ; In fact, all his- medicine are worthy
the confidence or our readerf.vrSee advertisement. . -.
very rare, rich anAfwhioriAbls perftaae, The finest ever
lmporMA or msnufHctored in the TMtI 6tatv .Try
u sua oe convineea.
' At the American house In Jefferson, April 9,
by Rev E. C. Farley, Henry Holcomb of "West
Andover, aad Miss Ruby. A Webster of Lenox,
At the Jefferson House, April 15, by Ret. E.
C. Farley, Charles H. Lackey and Misa Orsilla
Loomis, both of AshUbula. :
In Morgan, April 18th, by E. A. Wright.
Daniel White of Eau Claire, Wis,, and Miss
Marcia Cutler of Morgan. ': - ;
In Trumbull, April U, by Daniel Webb, Esq.
Augustus H. Bacon, and Miss Victoria C. Les
lie, all of the above place. i - '
In Leoox, April 17, by Rev D.Woodworth,
Hezron A.-Harmon and Lodemla R. . Chapia
all of Lenox. : ,
In Kerpont, April 18, by Rev. H. D. Lowing,
Hiram E. Williams and Miss Helen A. Caine,
all of Pierpont. , - ' '. . ,
In Jefferson at the Jefferson House, April 16,
by W. P. Howland, Esq Jerome B. Hawkins,
and Miss Francis A. Bartholomew, all of Gene
va. ' . -:
' In Jefferson, April 12, by W. P., Howland
Esq., Joseph A. Casey of Ashtabula, and Miss,
MiHie Arnold of Say brook. , .. - j.
In Geneva, on the 10th Inst, by Rev. A. C.
Tibbits, James B. Power, and Miss Kate Gould.
In Geneva, on the 13th instn by Rev A. C.
Tibbits, Capt. 1L B. Gary, Esq., and Miia Mila
Pinney. , - ' , ;
In Pierpont. on the 21st imt, by H. Hatha
way, Esq., Samuel Toung, of Monroe and Mrs.
Mary E. Stephens, of Pierpont. ; . .
Announcments free '. Commeadatorr Koticcs, half rates.
- On the 17th inBt..' in Ashtabula, Ohio, of Con
sumption, Ecokkx S. Libk, aged 24 years, 7
months and 15 days. .,. .
. In Springfield, Pa , of Whooping Cough, El
len Bertha, daughter of Caroline and Lyman
McDonald, aged 10 moa. .
In Saybrook; April 12th, of consumption, Al
vin Holcomb. in the 22d year of his age. -
At East village, on the 22d inst., In her 67th
year, Althea L-, wife of Timothy Strong.
In Geneva, April 14th, of consumption, Ann
Jeanette Merritt, aged 31 years Cbd 6 months.
In Grundy Centre, Iowa, Sunday morning,
7th inst., Mrs Martha Wats, wife of R. F. Wass
formerly a resident of Clark's Corners.
- In Geneva, Franklin County, Iowa, on Mon
day, the 8th Inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Wiley, aged
46 years. .. . '' - " - ''
In Conncaut, of Consumption on the 20th
inst., Dexter Ward,' aged 47 years. .. -
Econoiit. It truly economy to use D. B. Deland A
Co's. Best Chemical Saleralus, because, for the same
money you get more and better saleratus.
. .. '. PRICES FALLING 1 1 !
Ashtabula, April 18, 18C7. ' : 03.
Xetv Goods! JSew. Goods! I
Are now Receiving their ,
embracing almost every thing in the line of . " .
Dry Goods, particularly Staple Articles,
V- such as ' -i
Brown . and Bleached Cottons, Stripes, Ticks,
Denims, Castfmeres, Cottonades, Farmers and
Mechanics' Caasimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Nan
keen. Cashmeret, Table Diaper. Uuckabucks,
Birdseye Diaper, Drills, Cambricks, Book and
Swiss Muslins, . Balmorals, Shawls, Corsets,
Prints, DeLalnes, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,
Hood Skirts. Velvet Ribons, Dress Trimminza,
Cotton Yarn, Batts, Shaker Fpnnels, Palmleaf
Hats, and a complete Stock of . -,
-' Groceries! Groceries!! ,
We have lately received a Large Stock of
which will compete in Quality and Price with any first
class Grocery House, embracing every thing usually krjt
in uai line, suca as
finsmai aT'anrTla Vaw4nst Tsrlv Ciim T?!a Paltna
saiuaws a asuium wauvf ahw atui.tus
Tobaccos, Cigars, Snuff, Fish, Pork Hams, Lard, Fluid
juoiasses, eyrups, Joai uu, sCi - .
Also. PUBS WTKES and LIQUORS for Medicinal
purposes! -.- - 1 - - -
Goods Delirered Free to any part of the borough.
Dont forget the place two doors southof tbe Bank.
Ashtabula, Ohio, April 186V ; 995
J have formed a nartnershtn under the stvle of Bruce
Amidon and Waits, to continue tho business of the late
nrm oi aunsoeia z Bruce at tnelr old stand, wners taey
wiu aeep a nu assortment oi - ,
: CLOTHING and ' ' '
'J And Will also ' " '
In the best style and at short notice. Boptsg that by
caret ui attention to nasinees ana ine wan m laziz cos-
tomers. to merU a liberal ttron&KS. .
IRA W. i
J Tho How Kaehin CmpiaTa
':. 699 Broadway, If ew York. 1
Tor Families and Manufacturers. ?
; These World-Renouned Sewing' Machines
Were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair
in London, and six First Premiums at tbe Mew York
State Fair in the Year 186ft, and are . .
Celebrated for Doing the Best Work,
aalnga mock smaller aeedle for the Sam thread than
any other machine, and by the iatroductioa of She most
approved machinery, we are bow enabled to supply tbe
Very Best Machines in the World,
rrhema machine an made at our new and smdous
Factory at Bridgeport, Conn, under the immediate sa
perrirUm of the President of tho Company, KLIAS
HOWE, Jr. the original inventor of the Sewing Machius.
They are adapted to all kinds of Fsmilv Sewing, sad
to tbe use of tbe seamstress, Dress klaker Tailor, at&na
facturer of shirts, collars, ikjrts, cloaks. Hantillas, cloth
ing, hats, caps, corsets. Boots, shoes, harness, sad diss,
linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, Ac -They work anal
It wellupoa silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with
silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gath
er, hem. fell. cord, braid, bind, and cerform everv ano
des of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch,
alike on both sides of the articles sewed. , -,
The stitcb invented by Mr. BOWK, and made en this
machine. Is the most popular and durable, and all Sew
ing Machines are subject to the principle Invented by
him. - - - ; - .
- . .. , . . Send for Circular.
i. -112 Superlor-St, CleroIaadL OhJo.
TTm Sonaerrtlle, General Agent ' -
Wm. CLOVER, Aqxxt, Ashtabula, Ohio.
How to Buy a Good Reliable Initrument
, CHEAP. - 1; - .:
Begs leave to say that having completed mi ..
At No. 22, Public Sqaaro, '
He is prepared with mock greater facilities than ever bo
fore to furnish his patrons with
: BOOKS, Ac, &c ,
of the most desirable kind,
To the wise and considerate It is needless to say thai
a large proportion of instruments now sold, especially by
traveling men, are very inferior in quality, and. well cal
culated to deceive the inexperienced the -best qualities
being sold by large and influential dealers. -
We beg leave to call the attention of tho musical pew
pie to the following considerations :
1st. We have now tbe largest and most complete as
sortment in any western city, j
Snd. Our prices shall always bo as low or lower as
those of sny dealer la the west. - .u
3d. No person can have anv facilities we are not In
possession of, pertaining to tne trade. .'
4th. A plain statement of faots will be given fa all
cases pertaining to the different grades of Planes, c '
Bth. There is nothing in the purchase of which a per
son is so likely to be deceived as pianos, melodeons, or
others of that class.
6th. Parties frequently buy inferior instruments for
good, and use them for years ana not know the differ
ence. 7th. The piano Is next to the children in tbe hearts of
the household, Hence the importance of deciding arighu
8th. Never be la a harry In buying when applied toby
traveling men. , There are plenty of instruments la mar
kct. -r -. .; . . ' ' -.
9th. Invest a postage stamp and write us at Cleve
land, before deciding, and we will agree to save yoa
from 100 to 1,000 times that amount and perhaps more.
All of which is respectfully submitted..
888 It Public Squares '
.. v. . ClerelaBd, Ohio;
occupied by H. F. Culver, bss been taken posses
sion of by the firm of SHARPS A CO., and furnished
with new and ellgant material a fine lot of horses, and
new and tasteful carriages of modern pattrons and build
the whole establishment, constituting one of the best
appointed, with which Ashtabula has been acquainted,
and everything about it, cleanly, orderly and gentleman
ly. - -. - .
Aliy one in want of a genteel outfit for as ezcurtioa of
ftleasur or business, will find this just the place U gt
t. - ' , . -
- An omnibus, new from- this concern, ia connect! oa
with the Fisk House, for the accommodation to aad
from the Depot. SHARPS A CO.
Ashtabula, Oct 18, 1865, " -' " - . T7
0 WW"!
f 1 1 iiM ! 'iS R 6TO RATIVE,
-'- .Cholera, v. ' -i'l .
Cholera Sforbata,
Diarrhoea "
Chronle Diarrhoea,
" v'-':-- -'s -."'.'. ; Pywepaiae : -. .
And an forms of Bowel Complaints of chlldrea aad
adnlta. . -
The best preparation extant for Children Tsethisg.
Mothers should give it a trial.
A sure remedy for Sidney ebfflphtifiU, no matter of
how ionr stsnding, .
An InnUible cure for all Delicate Disorders pecouat to
Females.' . . . mpf;: .
Purely vegetable! contains so opiuBV JwllPb"w
Htererramily. . '-rT 1- -
: ; price rs cents per bottle. -
DR. E, R. KNIGHTS. Fwprieior, "
. . MELBeSS, MASS. : .' i - r 900
SoJ4byH.A. HESDBY, Ashtabula, OUd.. -D.JUKIOM
A COM Wholesale Agrtta, BoStio F. T.
jJ i ... ij I
COTTON YARN, BatU, fec The
subscribera have just received a supply of these
1 " wa uivis uauiHivi, auitw urtu mv
long waiting aad wishing for. eneap and of good eual
l v. , . W. HA SKILL A CO.
- A sVtabMta Jfmm. sa oa
iianwwmA, OQ
. o" -fe!
? r
' 1 s
' m
i o
H d
rY a
0 -
1 . CD
... p, w
H " .
' ID
- . - - A
. Q
- 0
- 0
-? V if?
Real Estate-Farms.
', For the Sale and Purchase, of Real Estate, '
omca over hobbxsox a txcxnor'S stojss,
. Main Street, Ashtabula, CbJa. ' ' ..;
W Property sol for Commission or otherwfe a
' agreed upon, and K saue, xo cuxsat '
a saie juirecx or indirect, consutates a vommissioei.
CLARKNDON ROTBtV-That first class new
four-story Brick Block la AshUbula, know as the Clar
endon Hotl, including aboot 69 rooms and one of too
best halls between Buffalo aad Chicago, S0x80 lest ; threo
stores. Saloon, Barber Shop, Bestaunr&t and two-story
dwelling house and barns now on the premtsva. Whole
fixe of block 70x80 feet Brick block entirely aew and
stories, snd dwelling house 36x45 feet two-story, and
barn 44x80 feet. Hotel now doin'a Jlarge busiaess aod
one oOhe best locations on the Western Reserve. To
some person favored by fortune the above property oflera
superior inducements as it is the very best location ia
the city of Ashtabula, and Is that superior kind of prop-
erty in regard to location snd buildings, Ac that do
not ordinarily come into the market, and Is a chance -that
may uot present itself sgaia in a Uf time. To aa
enterorliiinr bnainess man the above is a rare chance, for
sale for 35,000 aud poseseicn given immediately. Sutx
Jcct to leases.- One half down, balance la 13 34 and I -years,
secured by mortgages on preteises.
IS Five Acre Lots within X miia of the Depot .
For sals for aiQO oer acra. One-half da w n. -i"" a
time. ' '
House and Lot oa Center street Tor'sale for
Lot en Elm Street X rods front a very dcsirablo
building lot Price $400. . . v - . . - :
A mnnt th man v Vftlnahla Timi mrA aV imi.m1 m
now offered through this agency, I would call parucular
attention ta the following, viz :
102 2-3 acres In Plymouth. 4 miles from Ash
tabula village: small house, good 80x40 foot bara KlLh -sheds;
good young orchard of 100 trees; pears, peaches
grapes e.; good sugar bush of three hundred trees ; am -well
watered with a never Failins scrinr of water : su
acres timbered land, balance improved and fat a Ugh
. l.I .1 1 . - . J -
parmenteasy. v - --
69 acre of the very beet timbered land In the coua
tv. 4 miles from Ashtabula at Plymouth Detot consist
lug of a large amount of white oak. suitable for ship
building: a large amount of whitewood, ash and eueaa- "
ber ; timber has not been culled. For sale for $35 pee
acre. - - -? -
19 acre at Plymouth depot suitable for baCdlaw
good barn, lot sale for $o0 per acre. -
53 49-100 aero Farm In Plymouth, S)t rnHaa
Dtsm Asutsnuia village, ana x mue souu or tne eeater .
of Plymouth, rood new two atorv house with two wines.
S good wells, a good 90x40 foot bars with two sheds, a
orcuanu o aoeat luu irees, IX seres umoerea ian mum
ate within 1-9 mile of the depot s very desirable horns
stead, for sale at tbe low price of $3,500. and terma giv
en for a portion of the pcrchsse money if desired.
- 35 acre Farm in this township, S miles from Ash
tabula Village, good new house and bam, S acres ofgood
orchard, 15 acres timber and within X mile of C. A . K.
R., farm well fenced aud in a high state of cultivation,
a very desirable homestead and for sale for the lew
price of $4,550, and time given for part if desired.
6T 'Acre Farm on the Lake Shore S miles East
of AshUbula Harbor, rood house Si feet square, good
30 hy 40 foot barn, good water, 100 good apple trees, cher
ries, peach, Ac, about ten acre timbered, soil black,
bind gravely snd farm well fenced afid in high state of
cultivation, for sale for $30 per acre, and time givea for
a portion of purchase money if desired.
3T 1-2 Aero Farm. S miles from this Villas
house aud Barn, 4 aeres of good Orchard, good Water, '
and farm well fenced and In a high sute of cultlvatioa,
for sale for the low price of $l,7uL or will throw ta on
acre of wheat, one Cow, 40 sheep, one yearling, two
shoats, one iron beam plow, one harrow and two, wig- .
ons, for $1,900. Must be sold within ninety days, if It
has to be sacrificed. , - -.
Gt Acre Farm oa Iforth Ridge, three-fourths of a
mile from Kings rills Depot with good house, soft water
good barn and sheds, good eorn-house, 4 a good orchard
and about IS acres of good timber. Well fenced and la a -
high sute of cultivation, with water In every field but
onefor sale for the low price of $00 per acre and timo
given for a portion of the purchase money if desired one
of the most desirable Bidire arms la the eountv. - -'
35 Acres three miles from AshUbula village good '.
house, barn aad water, good orchard of 800 trees cherries '
and small fraiu of all kinds a very desirable homestead,
for sale for less than the buildings can now be built for
price $2,600. . . ,
78 3-4 Acres ix miles from tbe village of Ashtabu
la small house, good barn aad stables, good water, 4$
grafted young apple trees, good sugar bush, 14 acres tua
berfor sale at the low price of $3,500, and time givea ia
a portion of the purchase money, if desired. . .. ,
25 Acre Farm In this Townstlp, two ana hair
m i 1 tfm Aahtaknli, vtUir fjmd ew KfllMA rh Inr
young orchard of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, e.
Goou soft water, three acres timbered, price, $2,500;
: 92 Acre Farm at Kingsvfflo Depot good booso
fnnr crruwi tutrna. n 1 -n 1 i ti nrch&rd at -annlcM. neaefaoa. -
pairs, cherries, quinces, Ac Black sand loam . One of '
the best watered farms In the county, water can be Ukaa
into any lot oa the farm, six acres timbered, one of tho
very best forms in the market and for sale for the low
price of $85 per sere, and time.eiven for a pootton of pur
chaser's money if desired. Alto a ten acre wood lot,
connected with the above, seven miles from the earn
that will be sold with the above or not at the optioa of
the purchaser, on which the timber is worth double tho
pnc43 BBKCU IW UIV HUM jur HW XUS fl
106 Acre Farm, two miles from the village, rood
house, barn, fruit and water, full equal to any of tho
Ridge Farms in the market For sale for the low price
of $65 00 per acre.
. 63 Acres of Land, X miles from the Tillage.
Sandy, gravely land, about 8 acres timbered, on the lino
of the C. A E. B, R. For sale, very cheap, price $33 pw
acre, or will be cut up into loU to suit purchasers.
94 Acre Farm, on South Ridge, ia Ashtabula, 4
miles from the village, good house and water, 8 barms
and shed, a never failing Spring of water at tho barn,
two old orchards, one young orchard, about five acres of
heavy timbered, being an old homestead arm and not .
oviorv uucreu iwtmuc mm uiv pwsfc uuri wn, nuw
offered for sale on very reasonable terma. On, of the
very beat Ridge Farms ia the market .
House and Let, on Division Street good fruit
and good-water. Price $1,300. , ,
House and Lot of 3 71-100 acres, oa Prospect
Street house well finisned, good bam. good water, splen
did variety- of grapes, cherries, plumbs, peaches, rasp
berries, black-berries, straw-berries, etc. Considering
quantity of land, few places equal it For sale for tho
low price of $4,000, and time given if desired. -
Lot and Shanty at Depot for sale for the low
price fr $140. . ' -
a a w .... t- si.v. v ,tiJ m
Humphrey's Plat at AshUbula Depot. Situated Xorta -r
Rail Road Paasenrer Iloase. and bounded Sonth br -
Rail Road Depot Grounds, a very desirable business loca
tion to bo sold ia loU to suit purchasers. Price of whole -$1,850.-
.-; - r - . :
T5 Acre Farm lathis township, 8 miles from this
village. Frame house, good water, two acres vineyard, a
good young orchard, a good water power, SO acres of tim
ber, for sale for tho low price of $2,31)0, and time giv
fnr a Tw-.rinn isT tha nnrrJiAa mnoev. if deaired Priaa CV
900 .-.
70 Acre Farm in Plymouth, on the Plank Road,
between AshUbula and Jefferson, six miles from this
village, a good house, two bams, a good orchard aad
water, 10 acres of timber, the balance in hl::b stotemto .
cultivation, for sale for the low price of $4,500, and ,
given forja portion of purchase money.
95 Acre Farm in Plymouth, two miles from the vil '
lage. good arming land, factor two roads, very conve
nient to be cut into two farms, for sale for the low price .
of $43 per acre, and ome given on a part if desired, .
rite tiUll uu luecuracrvi iiKiuBouq juua nmi.
good fralt, one of the most desirable building locations
in town, for sale for the low price of $150 per lot or $7UO
ortae wnwe. . , .-. . - -
A Good lTonoe and Lot oa Sycamora street
For sale verv cheap. Price, $.S90 -
fruit and water, on Division street For sale for the low -price
of' $1,3(0, and time given for a portion of the par
chase money, if desired. " . -
Tnat werr ietraie nropeny on rrospecs
street owned .by Edward A. Hitchcock. Large snd com
modious new bouse, with all of the modern improve'
raents. Lot 60 feet front containing 8-10 of aa acre.
Good fruit and water.
Altto, couoftcmd with tbe above, and fronting oa Cen
ter street, aud bounded east bv the rail road depot srounds.
that well known shop of Edward A. Hitchcock, with 1
horse power steam engine, and boiler with all tha tooio
and Implements for the buggy-euaft business, good new ,
planing macmne, ana an tae necessary looisaaa macai
nerv for makin drv barrels. A rare chance for an enter
prising business msa. For sale cheap. Price $10,000.
Enquire of Edwaoo A. IIxtcbcock, on premises, or of J.
K. Cooa. ' ...
98 acre farm, four miles from village. Good bona
and barn, good orchard, good water. ! acres timbered.
For sale very cheap, snd possession givea immediately if
desired. Price, $2,750. .
1 35 acre turn. abouMV miles from this viSaceu
Good honse, barn, fruit and water. 25 acres Umbered.
Price. S4.500. Poesession (riven immediatelv. and time-
given for a portion of the purchase money. If desired.
91 aereRidee farm. 2' miles from village. Good
honse, i good barns, good water, rood orchard. S3 acres
timbered, and near the C. and E R. H. One of the'most
desirable K'.dtre farms in the market For ssle very cheen.
and time given for a portion of the purchase mosey if do
156 1O-10O acres 3V miles from villa re. I rood
bouses, 5 barns, good orchard, good water. 50 acres Um
oerea. iooa sugar Dunn. rncc,.zia - -
36 20-100 acre farm SX miies from this villa rs.
Good house, bam, water and orchard. 12 acres timtmrod
For sale very reasonable and posesaion given iminwiiaws
ly, if desired. '
45 1-2 acreo on Lake Shore, 1 mile from Ktairtvfne
depot Good bouse and barn, and out-houses, good wa
ter, (rood orchard of 150 trees. 5 acres Umbered. Price,
lleuse and Lot of X acre, on Prospect street
Good fruit aad water. One of the most desirable resi
dences in town. For sale very cheap. Price. $3,000.
32 acres, three miles from village. Good house,
barn, fruit and water. SO acres well timbered, balance in
high sute of cultivation. For sale very cheap, and pos
session given immediately, if desired. Price, $-2800.
81 1 -2 aerea on Ridge,tmiles from village, J house,
S bams, pwd fmit and water. Price, $7,830. -
Also, 30 1-2 acres adjoining the above. 1$ acres
meadow, well watered, for sale at $90 per acre. . .
. 54 acres a miles from this village, rood bouse, Dara
and water. Good orchard. Price, $303,
. 52 acres 3 miles from village. Good house, bcm.
orchard and water. Price, $1,000.
110 aerea Z miles from village. Good bouse, U
rooms, 8 barns and shed. good orchards, good wates.
17 acres timbered. Price, $ per acre. . -
241 acres 4 miles from village. S good houses, a
bams and rood sheds, eood fruit and water.. 40icra
timbered. Balance In high etate of cultivation. On be
divided into two farms. Tor sale very cheap, aad Unas,
of pavmenteasy.
180 acres, the old homestead farm, 3 miles from this
"village, on Lake Shore, ib Ashtabula, formerly owned by
Aaron Harmon ; good bouse and water. 1 barns, good or
chard of 135 bearing trees and 135 young trees, good
sugar bush, 30 acres timbered, balance under cultivation;
for sale very reasonable, and terms of pavment easy : en
quire of Gilbert Harxow, on premises, or at above office.
23 aeres of Timbered Land, wituia one mile of tiut
village. For sale very cheap.
43 acres, 3 miles from the village, good house. Vers
fruit and water; a very desirable homestead. Price
$4,3. Enquire of B.H.3IAJIKHAJI on prsmisea,i)r of J
B. Coca.
Alto 1 4 aerea adjoining the above. Small hoa
Price $H0 per acre.
100 aeres is Plymouth, good house, 4 good barAs, )
good orchards, good water, 30 acres timbered, and ana
La a hjgb state of cultivation. Prica, $4,500. . '
$0 acres of land in Ptvmouth, email hou 90 )ra
iraprovod, bfllaaca wall tlmbersd, good water. - - '
Also a Bvmheof werr 'deaJrale tmeTwo
lets la tUs Vig. or sale rerj eaaip.- , sa

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