ASHTABULA. WEEKLY TElMAPfft -J--.'----a ,. - ,. , ' 1 - ,,,., -...- ' -, ,., . ... p.- JAMES UI215D & SON yubliHhera.V " " " Independent in all things. 83 in Advance. IfQLU , . ASHTABULA, OHIO, SATURDAY, MAyI, 1873. WIIOLeWbIBER 1217. r fBRns or tUHScHiPTioni Twa Ttollars per innhia paid strictly In advnne. Clergymen wilt b applied with the paper fbr l ' panr. ADVBhVTIIlia HTMl I noil or lest O no tqitare 1 eck,a. r iind. or of Honusrell inake sonars. I 'wosquerewe moB.n Din, 15 ne mAre S wka.. 150 Onesqnare I mo., 00 Dn4nnarS mos.. 1100 O n. mare 1 year.. 00 Bit1nesCard nntovnrft Twoo,iirc S m os. R 00 Twoqiircsl year, IS 00 Foursquares 1 yur 15 00 Hslfcolnmn 1 rear. 1.1 00 valine nervear 3 00 Ohltnary Votlc not of general Interest half rates. Local Notices Ten Cent a line tor cacn insertion. JOB PBHTINfl f (Terr description attended to on call, and done In t moat tatcful manner. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MERCHANTS. JAMB Vt. CLARK, dealer In Pine I.nmWnd Bitiitnennns Coal, corner ntre and Railroad S'reits. Ashtabula. I.nmber In car lota, at Cleveland price, foal furnished by ear or ton. Ie prepared lp Lumber by the A. T. APItosd. 17 f ILKR tt rHt ll,R. Dealers In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Family Groceries and Crockery. Bouth Store, Clarendon Block. Ashtabula, Ohio. KW5. BTliroi CK l?V Deslerlri Dry flood. Groceries. Crockery and ls-Wre, next door north of Flk Hoiuo, Main street. Ahtabula, Ohio. IMS. X. 1TI, FAI'liKKF.K c SON, Dealers 1n (Iro cerle. Provision. Flunr, Feed, Forelun and Dome tic Fmlt. S.ili, KUh. Platir, Water-Lime, Hoed. Ac,, M 'In street. Aslitahnla. Ohio. W. HKDHKAD, Dealer In F!our. Po-k. Hums. Lnrd. anil all kind of Flh. Alo, all kind, of Kami ly Groceries, Fruite and Confectionery. Ale and On mestlc Wines. ?l41, J. P. BOBKBTSON & SON, Dealer. In every description of Boole, Shoe, line and Cape. AIo, on handaitock of choice Family Groceries. Main street, corner of Centre. Ashtabula. Ohio. . SM- D. W. HASKELL, Corner Sprlnirand Main eta.. Aebtahtile, Ohio, Dvalore In Dry-Good. Groccrie. Crockery, Ac. Ac. ; 1,W3- 8. R. WELLS, Main Street, A-hMhula. O.. Orocer. Produteatid Commission Merchant tor the pnrchase and saie of Western Itesetvu Hutter. Cheese and Dried Fruits: also d. a er In choice Hrocerlee and Vr.ivisliin Ploiir. nreserved Meate and Fruits, both fnreliiii and domestic : Salt. Beede, and Groceries of every description. It4 II. L. MORRISON, Dealer In Dry-Goods. Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps. Hardware. Crockery. Buoka. Putins, oil. Ac, Aslnahula 800. LI VERY STA ISLES. WILL, IN, nroprletorof Liven- Stable New iloraes. Carriages, itoliee Ac Horses kept by the day or week. Omnibus lo and from al .rains. Stable opposite Fisk House, Ashtabula. J. 110.H PHYSICIANS. HEMIT P. FHICKKB,!!. D., residence on Church direct. N irth of the Soiiih Park. O Wee In 8 n-th's Veer Block, opposite the. Fisk lloii-c. 1149 Ott. K. L. KINO, I'hyslcian and Hnrseon. nfnci over Hendrv A 'Inn's Hore. residence near St. Peter', Ohurcli. Ashtabula.. O ', , i ' ' IHt. It A IKS, would inform hit rrleuds, ami the pub 1c (feafrallv that he may be found at his resilience ok Park Street, to attend lo all professional calls. O ttce hours, from H lo P. M. Ashtabula (. May 41. IMS lt4 GKOHGF. flOOIir, nomo-np'ithlc Physician Sniirenn. Omco same nsformerly. No. 1 Main Sir nl Ashialiula, Ohio. OHlce hours rrum 7 tos A. M : l rr S P. M., and evenlnz. May be found at the ofllceat nlicht. : : ! HOTELS. Tlinn PU HOIISK. Jcff.'rson. Ohio. ...... N M- F)OTK, Prop. Good Livery In connection with I he House. J. C. THOMPSON. Prop. Free Buss to and from the cars. 104 traSK ilOLSK, Ashtabula, Ohio -A. Field. Proprl 6 or. An Omnibus running to and rroni uvry train oi Also, a jrmid litery-stalilu kept Iti conuectlot. witu this) hnuso, to convey (uissenners t.o any point. lO'.iB ASIITABVLA IIOL'SK A. J. Smith. Prnprle .tor Main tit, Ashuhtila, thl... l.ari;o Hnbllc llal itood Llvrv.aud umnlhur to and Irtnn thedepot. 1041 OA 1U NETWARE.. JOHN DUCICO, Manufacturer of, and Dealer ii. Furniture of the best descriptions, and every variett . Also tteneral Undertaker, and Manufacturer of Colltn. ' to order. - Main street. North ot South Public Square. Ashtabula. . 4 jr. 8. KRACH, Mannlactnrer and Dealer In First Class Furuitrue. Also, General Undertaker. 111 DENTISTS. fSMiP, K. HALL. Dentist Ashtabula, O. Offlc gini'O Ce nter street, between Main and Park. 1018 t0. W. NELSON. Dentist, Ashtabula. O.. Wi'f'fT vllta Conneaut, Wednesday and Tha aday of each week. llOH W. X. WtLLACK,D.n.S.KIngsville.0.lspre. pared to atten 1 to all operation, in his profession. lie makes speciality of "Oral Surgery" and saving the natural teeth. UOtl " FHOTOORAPIIERS. FRED, W. BLAKFSLEK, Photographer an dealer In Picture. F.uirraving. chromos, Ac. having a large supply of Moulding of various descriptions, is prepared to frame any Hung in the picture line, at short notice and in the best stvle. Second floor of the Hall atore, lud door South of Bank Maun street. Kiu4 HARNESS MAKER. W. II . WILLIAMSON, Saddler and Harness Maker, opposite Fisk Block, Main street, Ashtabnla. Ohio, has on hand, and makes to order. In the best manner, avwrythlng I" his line. 10M6 P. C. PORO, Manufacturer and Dealer in Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Collars. Trunks, Wnips, Ac. oppo site Fisk House. Aahtabnla. Ohio. 1015 JEWELERS. VI BO. W. DICKINaON, Jeweler. Repairing of ail kinds of Wailweer uintla anil Jewelry, store in Ashtabula House Block, Ashtabula, Ohio. J AM KM K. STKHHIN, Ueakr In Watches, .Clocks, Jewelry, Htivr an-l plated ware, Ac Me ' pairing of all kinds done well, and all orttire prompt ly atteuded to. Main Street. Ashtabula . low- W 1 . U U S- n..l Ih f'ln..l-. I .. 1 ry, otc tiugimvlng. Mending and Repairing done ordss. Shop on Mam streut. Com leant. Onto. 888 MANUFACTURERS. STHBB'JTKR, OIBDINdS A. CO., Jobbers and Builders, a'so inaiiuf.icliirurs of Doors. Sash, B'inds. Siding.' Flooring, and Builders' Materials generally Kspeclal atteutiou lvuu to O lazed Window, Scroll u.di,,i M.i.liitn 1 Ac. O. A. Bl'KltKThU A. 0. OIDDINGB, J. A.KN APP 188 ' Q. !. OVILBY, Mail olsot are rf Lath, Siding, -Moaldiugsy CUeeso Boxes, Ac. Planing. Matching. ' . -. and bcruwl Sawing dona ou tha sUort. st notice 8Uup on Malu street, o,.polle the Upper Park, Ash- ' - tauuia.AJiiio. . '. VRENCII WKIBLKN M nuf.ictcrersaDiialers In All kluds of Leather m oeuiaud in this market no ' ' posTw Phvnlx Foundery. A. but bula. I18 V . ATTORNEYS AND AOENTS. MU1UMA.I Ull.l. Ar BBS V SB X SI. Attl.l : Hey aud Ooouaelors at L aw. Asm4iuU, onh. wi ' practice in the Courts of Aaiiubuls, Lakeaud Geauga Laban 8, SyaaMAS, ' Tueoikihs Hall. J. H BUEMMAll. 1UI BOWtKO II. PITCH, Attoruuy and Oouuselloi at Law, Notary Public, Asuiabula, Ohio. Special teutliw ylwtu to theieltleineut of Ustauw.and (oCon foyaw ilugand Collecting. Aloto all matters arising under tne Bankrupt Law. 1048 I. O. PIS SHU, Juaiiuior the 1'tai.e and Agent the iiartlord. Suit, A Franklin Fire Insurance Coiupa alea. tl'd'i in tha store of Crosby A Walherwax, ,. Maii Htruet, O.iposiM tli. Fisk Ileus, Ashtabula Ohio. HKNUY PASSKTT, Agent Home Insnrance Com oauy. of New York (Capital, 4,0U0.IXKU. and of Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, of Hartford, Ct. 1048 . atteads to writing of Demls, Wills, Ac. f . R. COOK, Attorney and Counsellor at law N ,iary Public, also Ril F.state Agent, Maiu street. Oyer Morrison A Ticknor's store. Ashtal ula, O. C IVtl.Ki Hi'ITH, Attorney Law, Ashtabnla, ohio and Oonn-ellor ham HARDWARE, &c. i C R S a Y Ac W CTH KH W A X, dealer In Stores, . Tin-War. Hollow w.r. Sheir llarnware. uiass Wr.. LanM and t.smn-Trl'.im nirs. Petroleum. " apaoalu ttM Fish Hons... Ashiabui,. Alan, - a mil stoek of Paints, - ells. Tarnishes. Brushes, Ae. , ... RVBSI C fl V BR A RD, Dealer In Hardware. Iron, SimI and Nails, Stove. Tin Plate, Sheet Coppar and Bin, and Esanafaetnrar f Tin a hsv m M ! Ms I 1 1 . . MISCELLANEOUS. IB' HI ILPINUMITI roHHtLKI Dealer In Water Minn. Mn. ro. I mil I'l.ater. Heal Jtate End I.nan A limit Ashtabula Depot. "lUl". "wil.LIAM BUMPnHKT. WW. Stucco. 1-anri llai.t,r Loan ARent Aehlsbnla Depot, IVIirilllKIl lriev J White, neai, Water Mm., te, aui lu KDH4II HALL. Fire and Life Injnrance and Real Ktale Airent. Also, Notary Public and Conveyanrer, OITlce over Sherman and Hall't Law Office, Ahtabo. la, Ohio. . 11W OH AN D HIVKR INSTITI'TK, at. Auatlnburir. Axhlanuia en., onio. e. -1 ueKcniiaii, a. jw., miice nil. Spring Term begin Tuesday March Kith. Hi'tid For Catalogue. H'Dtf J, K. WITHOIK, Painter, Olarler, and Paper JiauKer. All work done witn neameaa ana a'patcn. HBO JT. SI M. BLVTII, Air. ut lor the l.lverNMil. Loii- Oboftuld. In the U. 8. ,M0V.UU0. Stockholdori alo pernonally liable. DltUti GlStS. miHTM NEWBF.RR V, I)rm'ilt and Apnthe- dealer In Dntir-, Mt'dicinee. Wltifa and Llqii'-refor medlcnl purpoe. Fanc y and Toilet Goods, Maine atreet, corner if t'enlre. Afhtalmla. ''II tRLKS K. DIVIPT, Aahtabula. Ohio. Dealer In Drug and Mediulnea, Groceries, Perfumery and Fancy Articlea, aitperlor Tena, Coffee, Hpicee, Fla vorlntr Kxtrarta. Patent Medlclnea of every riecrlp 11 m. Palnta. Dvea, Varnlahea, Rruahea. Fancv Hoapa. Hair Rctomtivea. Hair Oila, Ac ail or which will be nld at the lowest prices. Preacrlptlona prepared with anliahle care. 10HS. OKIlRRI! WILLIHn, Dealer In Dry-Qooda. (irocerlee. Hate, ("ape, Boole. Shoes. Crockery. Ola. Ware. ANo. wholea:e and retail deale In Hard ware. Raddlcrv. Nall. Iron. Steel. DrtiL'i", Medicine", Palnta. Oils, Dyentntrs, Ac, Main at. Ah(ahuta. IIWA. FOUNDRIES. SKYTtOWR, SPERRV & CO., Mannfae- tnrers stovi'. "Iowa and Oolnrrnr, wimmwi'aoa aim Sllla. Mill retitir. Kettle., sink.. Sleigh Shoe.. Ac, Pho-nlx Fonndrv, Ashtabula. Ohio. UW1 HANKS. ASIITAnULA NATIONAL BANK, Ashta bu'a Ohio H. Fas-:tt. Pre-'t. J. Ht'M. Bi.tth. Cashier. Antborim d Capital, -ioii.nfiO. cash Capital paid ill tllKl.OnO. H. KAsr.TT. I. B. Cboshy. 0. ,. BnucE. II J. NrTTi.rTioi. B. Nn.i.ts. Xn. Ht wriinrT. E. O. Warner, Charles Valkkr, P. F. G on. Ult erior. 191,4 -win? tVtiTA Ri-i.A i.niiii Assort tTION i:PITL 1'I0.isi ofllce Main Stre.-t, ncxl door south of Fisl House does rjwrn.t. Bakkino Ttt'srarsa Buvs and sell Fnn-lin and RastiTti Kxehanee. Cold, hitlvop all lHi.ri iif I; H. Hi'IMir tl, s. Collections promptlv attended to and remitted for on day of cnrrenl rates ot exchange. Interest allowed or llmo deposits. DIHF.CTOHS. F.SIIlimnn, Geo. C. Iliihbnrd, Iirenxo Tyler, I. B. Shenard. .1. W. Haskell. II. L. Morrison, S. II. Farrlnu'lon. UTI F. 8II.LIMAN. Prttt. A. A. siHTIIWICK. Cnthlrr CLOTIIIEIJS. ttUtVAItnn, I'IRIICK Dealers ill Clnthtm;, Hats tiapa. and Uents' Fiirnlstilng Hoods. Ashtabula. O. w XV A I X K A- SILL. Wholesale and Ketal Dealers in It ady Made Clothing, FurulsliiiiK OihhI Hats. Cap. At .. AsbtatMila wiu L. S. & M. S.-FRANKLIN DIVISION. From and after January Cth. IKi.'l. l assi nger Trains . will run a toiiows : IIOINO WEST. OOIMO EAST. No. T.No. l. Dlst. I a ati.ins. I N:i. 2No. 8 i a -13 IS X 55! 8 (IS I 1 a as S 45 H 54 4 lit 4 S4 4 41 X4 HI 1 44 I M S 10 5 311 AM' 7 on 7 05 7 10 7 40 7 451 7 S4 7 W 7 ,V, 8 (,H S 4'j s ml H (7 ' H Stli H II! !l id, 11 31! !l US 47: !ll (1 I ,il M 10 !W 10 40 id m 11 10 i M r a 0 0 Oil City East 0 0 e .Timet i n 1 1 e Oil ( It y West... 4 7!. It. no 7 i Kuii S . Krui.kllii ... 15 s stimntti. IK lX Polk 44 3 t liiiyiuillon Vh 5 Niiples 4 H E MouolHiru .11 8 Hranch Xi 5 l i n k US H limlli-y 44 8 Salem tij I A 11 W Crossing.. 51 1JK .I.trueti'W 51 1 Turner-vllle 57 4iSliiioi)'s('oriiers .. -.' six Au.lov.-r m nilkirbi r's Leon 70 4 Dorset 7ii 4 iz .letrerson SS 4l Plymouth 1 87 41 Ashtabula 141 7 Cleveland P M 4 Mil 5 45 X 401 SO i 41 4 Hi 4 ill I 54 1 4:1 1 2 1 43 XI I.H 01 14 5;! 14 45 IHIIl 1 51 II 41 11 44 ll 14 I II I" I 10 -II III 18 10 ou; 7 4.. A H H 8 45 8 .5 8 S5 8 45 8 1 f 11 7 54 7 4.' 7 35 7 x7 15 7 10 7 (HI ll f f, 88 (i :l A 40 Train to only on Signal. xTralns do not Stop, il'clegniph Siutions. cleveliind Time. Tne Jelterson Aecommodall.iii leaves Jefferson at 0:00 a m andai'rh'es at 7;45 p m. The Wav Freight trains etop at Jefferson In eolng West, at 11:811 P. M.. and going Kaclal 7;50 A, M. trains rarrv iiassuneers. Passenger iaro at the rate of 8 cents per mile stations, counted in even half dimes. These to way ERIE RAILWAY. Abstract of Time Table Adopted Jan. 20th, 1872. I PULLMAN'S bi-sl Drawing-room ami' Sleeninir C ache, combining all modern Im provements, are run through on ail trains from Buffalo, ilispension nniige. mtigaia pans, viuvviuuu nnu v-iu-t'iniiatl to New York, niuklng direct connection with all Hues of foreign and coastwise steamers, and also with Mound Htcamcr ana railway ituea rr Boston sua other New England cities. STATIONS. Dunkirk Salanmiica . .L've, Cliftou Susp. Bridge Niagura Falls Buffalo" No.. Day Express. "SHoTi 5 10 " 7 00 1 (15 " 7 111 ' T 45 " I Attica , Portage Iloriiullsvitle. . Addison. Rochester -ivon Bath Corning Rlinira Wavurly Philadelphia ilwe-o Blughaintnu Great Beud Hiisquetiaii'a Deposit tluncock , jckaw'xeu ijonesdale Port Jervis Ml.ldlelown Go.hou Turner ... ...Arr. 8 55 " H 64 " 10 50 " 11 45 " 8 i " 8 88 11 0 " 14 08 PM 14 88 10 80 ' I 48 ' I 80 ' 8 01 ' 8 15 ' 4 05 ' 4 84 ' J18 ' 1 7J a 6& 1 No. 14. Llghtn'g Kxpress I4"&5p7. I 8"" " I'f ao 1 40 1 145 " 8 43 ' 4 18 " eos 7u(l 4 00 4 88 " 8i 7 45 758 8 40 I l " jlOOS " 10 50 1184 " 1'08A.M 868 Newburg. Patterson , Newark ..... Jersey City New York... Boalon..,.,, No. 8. Cincln. Kxpress. 65 " 10 06 " II) 14 " lfi" " t'l4 Ml 1.1 4 08 " 815 " 4 15 " 4 87 " 6 08 J5 64 ' 5flVli B 48 A 7 18 7 46 8 00 " 8 50 0 11 10 I I7F.M II 56 A 14 44 P.M II 48 ' V 55 ' .... 5 50 " 7 08 " i 8 8:1 " I 7 Oil " ! 4"ft6 "r.M. IJ4 55 4 85 5 "S 10 8 80 HMIA.M 1 Arranifeuietita of DrawlngUeem aud klrepliM 4 oarhn. No. 1. Sleeping i:oaches from Cleveland lo llornells. , ville. and Drawlug-Koiim Coaches from SiiMien . alon bridge, Nl agora Falls aud Buttalo lo Nev 1 ora. No. I. -sleeping Co 1 the from Cincinnati. Snsnension Bridge. Niagara Falla Uiimtlo and liorni llsvllle ui New York; also from llornel sville to Alhauy No. S.8.eoplng Coaches fiom Ckvelniid. Sm-peuslnn Bridge. Niagani Fall aud Bu'lalo toSii.qui-hauiia and Drawing Room Coacbua I mm Susuuebauna to New York. A-k,lor liokfia Vi Kiic Unit way. For Sale at all principle Ticket Olflt-ea. I wo. Ii. Abbott, den. I'a: Agrnt, at- for mi 1 IIEAP Cussiiiuies, Mitliuni V ( Also. and DM 1'rije.J Cassl meres, and Fin Casrlmerf a. The Best Anifritan, .Euirlish, French, ami German MHkes, or the Fall and Winter rsadaarooa our Counters awall. g luspecliun. Beltevlna the . . , ;. .r . Clitlie " - to be tha . : ' CHEAPEST, w hay pnrehaaed and r wall nrepared to make nr ment. from the follow ag brands of Broadcloths and Dokiii. linger Bribers' Wagner' Bockhecker, aud Schuahle : aln Devonshire Kerseys and Fdredons In all the desirable shadea. as well a German Diagonal and Straight L1111 d Wursii-ds. Our Ho of .TRIMMINGS Is very superior to correspond to ths (nods numratd WAITK SI1 I. ahoy. Ac. Mil l Iron. Bbsat fNl-,W!1A,U I yon will tnd ur contributions In several plans. If yon hsvon'r Kma o-hnnt lhen all up. fieaa trasr In mind tut oar stcko cloth., . ., ,,. Re.,ly.Ma-e CloihlnK and Furnishing Goods. .VEKa'fi BC3 grxrmWaa:;.! as eh p as la consistent wlU), ip. soars sraii WAIT. .neat Abstract of Time Table Adopted Jan. 20th, 1872. WHEN FATHER WAS A BOY Tina world la linl liunibng, An the ptnplf know well j I liavo the will IA )! it OfT, Dilt no irond will lo sell. A victim ot dlanaler, and A fureltrnpr lo Joy, I nils tlx- linn I used loliave, W lien fntlicr w hi Ixiy. Chobiii A plngiie on dmldy'i weJdlng-dEy, I lint tcrritiie mmlinp ; Ob ! w lmt a (,ru)e ilicy ifot me in, W lien iiinilicr ninrried Tap. My wife Is ever on lli prunl, My Imby on lite aiiienlt I've noi one Imtton on my sliirt, Or Hlnckinif to my heel. I've nun than I have liaralncd for, A lot of Bloom and woe, I wisli the lot would lurn to one About nil feet or so. The deHrest thing; I And Ii rent, The slnple Ihlnir f chnnire, Your nearest friend ia misery That friend is never alrnnge ; Ahtnit the time you tnnke a pile, And evvrythiiiK is nice, Up comes the tindorlsker, And your meat is on the Ice. There's not a man will trust me, I'm completely "t ' hope ; I envy nil I lie onions Hint Art'- luinirinir on a rope. A child of irilinliition and An alien lo Joy, I miss the linn s I used to have When father was a hoy. I never see a Coffin, hut I wish I whs inside ; I never see a hemne, but I Would icladlv lake a ride. I'll kick the bottom out the world To nd the horrid show, And lei the whole iimnngerie Exhibit down lit low. A POPULATED COFFIN. M M Uvron's famous dream of what he saw under the sea, is more than drought to life in the account of the reporter of the New York JIvrtild, who went down in diver's dress to inspect the cabins, steerage nnd hatchways of the wrecked steamer Atlantic. fl he: rending of his graphic report fairly curdles one's Mood. What sort of sympathy for suf fering a man can entertain who is will ing to gratify it after a manner so un paralleled,it might he impossible to con ceive, ilen sailing about in the hold of a four thousand ton steamer, their flesh torn, and their limbs separated, with open mouths and glaring eyes; the hatcli ways crowded with a struggling mass of what were once human beings, re vealing the agonv of that last terrible effort lor life which a common instinct inspires; parents in the act of protect ing their oiispring; husbands nnd wives fast in the embrace of an ullcction that mrvives the act of death; strong men lighting their irresistablc doom with the energy oi' disj.air; others illustrating with aii itnpies.ive force the act of per fft t IV! iguaiitm; mid the dull waters of Lethe pourirg their ceaseless currents in mill out. anil nt this company of dead people; it is 11 picture, viewed in the very place wnere 11 lias existence, inai would haunt a person who should see it but nice, to the last day of his exist ence. Li o igh h:-8 been told of the horrors of that April morning off the forbidding coast of Nova Scotia, but this revela tion brings them up before us in their dreadful reality. The ship's cabins are Htill occupied with the company that went down in them full of life and hope from the Enirlish shore, but it is a voice less assembly now. All these hopes have gone out. All the schemes ot lite that were cherished up to the hour when the gallant ship met her fate are fled forever. No pleasant homes for those passengers on the distant prairies. No greeting of friends and kindred on land ing on their native shore. No more dreams of plenty and peace in the midst of domestic love, that were to be wrought 'out in n little while by faithful labor. Everything blasted that contain ed the germ of a new hope for an un tried future. There are those whose busy brains and beating henrts enter tained such delightful visions.but beside the splash of the salt waves and the . . i. .t. t 1 grating ot tne ooaies against, tue uruxeu wreck, hit in No man could stay long to contem plate such a scene, though invention gave him as protracted a lease of life below the water as he could w ish. Hu man sympathy is an undesirable gift for one w ho would stay among such sur roundings unmoved. Very few persons would care to view the actual scene, even to report it in its hideous truthfulness t,r th universal perusal. The interior of wrecks is not often seen just as it and described with the minuteness photography itself; but the description of this interior is as remarkable as catastrophe itself was unprecedented. Hundreds of corpses drifting about with out will in the vessel which they yesterday peopled with life, is a sight not allowed every one to see, nor is every combination of nerves that could be trusted to undergo the strain. The vessel in which they pensneti wiinoui moment s warning w as uieir iiiiesv niuiu. If biiv, they are entitled 10 remain 111 gloomy recesses. The waves dash about them unchecked, and the winds sing their requiem among the cordage among the rocks. No man can tell what is to be the place where he shall die, it is sale to sav that not a soul of those lost bv the Atlantic ever thought they would meet their end at such an hour aud iu such a place. I?oim Times. ; An awkwurd boy carried a turkey his father's minister, and said, "Here a turkey father sent you." Why, John said the minister, vou ought to do errands more politely. You may take place here by mv wife: ami I will yours, and present the turkey to The boy did as be was directed; and minister took the turkey, went out knock ed at the door, was admitted to the fires euce of the parson's wife and her substi tute husband, to whom he very politely nr unliiil tll tlirlffV B.B A drift, from the gift, John 1 . . , e . . ... "Tell VOU! laiUCr we.. BTO JUUlUt OUUgeil t0 him for lis present." Then , turning . , . njJr . "Wife, eive , boy half, i dollar , for Waging w For the Telegraph. CASTE. is, of the but it a Lost August many of us had the pleas- ure of hearing Rev. Henry l.ruce Miss ionary rend a very elaborate and ably written article, on the subject of "Caste in India," showing what a fearful engine of power it was as exercised over that poor deluded people; what a terrible sway it held over them iu all their ways and walks in lite; now it held them un der its dominion as with hands of steel; how it fettered and hindered the miss ion work, and prevented thousands from embracing Christianity because of the persecutions that surely follow, and some times even death itself. All who heard it doubtless bemoaned the sad condi tion of those subjected to the arbitrary rules and tests of caste; and so we might well do. But as I listened, I thought "is there not a species of caste even iu Chris tian America almost as enervating, par alyzing and destroying in its effects up on the church and its work, as is the for mer ? Is there not a spirit and dement native to the aristocratic, wealthy and high-boin church members, which in some of their phases bear a st rong resem blance to it the spirit manifested by those of proud, hauglity, impcrious,scorn f nl and pharasaical bearing, who say by their every look, act and word, "stand aside, for we are holier and better than you; we wish 110 fellowship with you pieuiaus; vou are not ot our caste our clique." 'Two years ago what a wail went up from some of the noble souls in in our great cities " Our churches are dying of rei!ctabUity and jroprittyn What a sad commentary 011 the spiritual condition of those churches! Pride and fashion, and ostentatious diplay in dress and equipage, have made many of these churches grand exhibition salons of ntile and J'unf)ion, rather than jilaces for the humble and sincere and spiritual worship of God. And what is tl.e result God's poor, whom Christ said :'ye do always have with you," and to "whom it was Christ's delight to preach the gospel of love and mercv, are driven away to other places, lor how can . two such diverse and uncongenial elements unite? Or else they desert God's house entirely, and Romanists reap rich harvests from many such such lamilies who would otherwise have been Protestants. Proud, aristocratic and hauirhtv Christian, will your wealth, your high birth ami conse quence Acre, avail vou aught when weigh . .1 :.. i... 1...1 0 iv":ti ..... ..11 .1 t... eu 111 1111: uuiuiite 1 it 111 not tut Lin-t; uu stripped from you and you lie left to stand upon your lmjlc Christian char acter on a par with the poorest, hum blest and most despised ot Christ s loved ones ? W ill not the peer and the peasant stand upon the same platform salvation only by the atoning, sacrificial blood of Christ? God is no respecter of persons; all are peers iu his sight. Hewure ye proud and haughty ones, lest w lien Christ comes to make up his jewels, many of these poor, humble Christians whom you have despised and deemed unlit to enter into your select and charmed circle, shall be accepted and you yourselves at the door rejected stand. Ves, we need not go outside of our city to rind this spirit of caste persons who stand in the way of Christ's church's most erl'cieut work persons literally dying of propriety. Such per sons are an incubus upon the spirituality of the church and her triumphs. They may give liberally to support the gospel and all benevoleut interests, but are not these only the subordinate and the other the chief, the prime objects we sought? . JieHtvolence alone Vill not build up a spiritual church; but prayer, and consecration and a will to work God directs, will not only beget benevo lence 111 the heart, but will build up live, active, spiritual and progressive church. There arc persons here who will not yield an iota of their pride, or infringe 111 the least upon their pet notions propriety, and so not only starve their own souls but stand in the way of oth ers, even those in their own households, for during the gracious rain of the Spir it in the past six weeks, none of members of such families shared in any special blessinirs; thus keeping not only themselves but these from sharing in bounteous provisions of the King s feast. The sooner such a spirit or element eradicated from any church, the better for it, spiritually considered. Many, fear, make much giving take the place of much praying, and the charity mani fested bv alms-giving is sunered to ,. . , i ' i i - pel all neart-cuariiy, kuiu treatment, love and good will toward the poor humble. Perhaps the grand sum total at the end of the year might not make so imposing an exhibit among the long lists ot benevolence. in former case, there might be a larger congregation, a more attractive gosiiel preached ami a more imposing church edifice; but in the latter, there will be deeper, more humble piety; greater con secration and efficiency in the work the Master, and there will be larger spiritual harvest reaped from out T. E. L. and but to s your my take you. the hlH said, i George W. Stnally writes to tho Trib une from London: "As for the look-out tin board the Atlantic, it may been sleepy, without differing much from that maintained on some other ships. There is a story of a passenger crossing on one of the steamer of well known line, whose distrust was greut that he spent every night on keeping watch forward. During the he slept. Oue night there came a shout from the bows, where this amateur stood "Rock ahead !" The ship's look-out gone to sleep. The watch On deck asleep. The oflicers of the bridge asleep. They woke up with the shout and w hen they had got the helm up, and the huge ship swung sullenly off her course, the startled passengen who thronged upon deck, saw the cliffs of Cape Race glooming down them within a buscuit's toss. My for that story it one of the giueers of the ship in which the accident occurred. ; thia The Greeley tatae fund nov amount T. E. L. How a Married Man Sews on a Button. It is bad cnoii2h to see a bachelor lew on a bin ton but he is the embodiment of grace along side of a married mnn. .fteoesKity Ims compelled pijrenence in the case "of the former, but the Utter has deluded upon some one else for this service, and, unfortunately for tho sako of society, it is rarely he is obliged to resort to the needle himself. Some times the patient wife scalds her right hnnd, or runs a sliver under the nail of the index finger, of that hand, and it is then the roan clutches the needle around the neck, and, forgetting to tie a not in the thread, commences to put on the button. It is always in the morning and from five to twenty minutes after this he is exticeted to be down street. He lays the button exactly on the site of of its predecessor, and" pushes the needle through one eye, and carefully draws the thread after leaving about three inches of it sticking up for lee way. He says to himself: "Well, if women don't, have the easiest time I ever see." Then he comes back the oth er way and gets the needle through the cloth easy enough, and lays himself out to find the eye, but in spite of a great deal of patient jabbing the needle 'point persists in bucking against the solid part of the button, ami finally when he los es patience, his lingers catch the thread, and that three inches he has left to hold the button, slips through the eye nnd in a twinkling and the button rolls leisurely across the floor, lb-picks it up with out a single remark, out of respect for his children, and makes another attempt to lasten it. J his time w lien coming back w ith the needle he keeps both the thread and the button from slipping bv covering them with his thumb, and it is out of regard for that part of him that he feels around for the eye iu a very careful and judicious manner, but event ually losing his philosophy as the search becomes more and more hoeIess, he falls to jabbing about in a loose and savage manner, and it is just then the needle finds the opening, and comes up throutrli the button and pan wav through the thumb with a celerity th 110 human ltiirenuitv can guard ntrainst. Then belays down thethinirs with a few familiar quotations, and presses the in jured hand between his knees, and then nobis it under the other arm, and final ly jams it into his mouth, and all the while he prances and calls upon heaven and earth to witne-s that there has never been anything like it since the world was created, and howls, and whistles, and moans, and sobs. After a while he calms down, and puis on his pants and fastens them together with a stick and goes to his business a changed man. ' ilt The Latest and Best Invention. as a of the is I ex . and me "Bogardus' jia nation kicker, ' iiatent irresistable combi- for the use of newspa pers orliccs," is in every respect superi or to tire buz, saw now in use in some of the western newspaper establishments. It consits mainly of first a large strong ly constructed chair, in the bottom of which are concealed numerous remark able springs of extraordinary power; second an immense boot, made of hard, unyielding substance, and connected be neath the floor, with the chair; third a number of strong rods and things con necting the whole with the steam en gine of the establishment. The boot nnd chair are also connected with a pow- , , ii ! 1 -.1 : . . i.rt ertill HOOK, w men is couceaiuu 111 win ceiling. As the unsuspeceing exchange nend approaches, he is reniiested to be seated in the chair, which is placed close to the basket in which the exchanges are kept. Just as he settles in the seat nnd reach es for an exchange, a member of the ed itorial staff suddenly jerks a convenient knob; the powerful and wonderful springs in the chair begin to toss the fiend 111 a most extraordinary manner; a portion of the floor slides away, and the immense Wit swings into view, making a kind of cracking noise as though the building were falling. In a few seconds more tho remarkable springs; true to their task, throw tho astonished fiend in to a position which makes him face the door. The concealed hook then drops from the ceiling and seizes him by the coat collar, ami then the boot with the rapidly of lightning, is put w here it will do the most good. When the boot has gone rapidly back and forth for about a half a minute, machinery if stopped, the shattered fiend is lowered to a litter and carried out, and for six weeks he languishes under the impression that he has been assaulted from behind by the tutelary demon the press, or some ecjually exasperated too hideous to describe. He never re turns to the exchange basket. A Pickpocket's Request. a of the a so day had were hard on u thority The following letter appears in the New York Tribune: Sir Please advise your readers al-1 wavs to leave their names and addresses in their pocket-books. It frequently happens iu our business that we come possession Ot port-mouaies cuiuuiuiu private papers and photographs, which we would be glad to return, oui w e nave no means of doing so. It is dangerous to carry them about so wo are forced to destroy them. I remember an stance where I met with serious trouble because I could not make up my mind to destroy a picture of a baby w hich had found in the pocket-book of a gen tleman which came into mv hands in the way of business on the Third Avenue roa'd. I had lost a baby myself, the year before, of the same age as this one, and I would have given all I had such a picture. There was no name the port-monaie, a,nd no way of finding out w ho was the owuer, and so, like fool, I advertised it and got shadowed for it by the police. Tell your readers to give us a fair show to be decent and always leave their addresses in their -books. We want to live and A PICKPOCKET. What is the difference between ...A Vo. ..KiM 9 Ona notlf with rain, and tha ether - roare with wan rain, ana uiwui . . ... . --v t Labrador And Its People. An interestintr acconnt of this land of desolation was not long since published in the J'vemrtri Post. From it we take the following: Vn glancing at a map of North Amer ica, a great projection of land, labeled Labrador, is seen "extendinrr between Hudson's I?ay and the Atlantic Ocean, Wing separated from the most northern point of New foundland by the Straits of . ,1 V , 1,1 1 . . . wile isie, w-nicn are out, twelve miles in width. The dimensions of this jsm- insula are enormous. - Its area i 4 V 000 square miles, or tonal to the llritish I islands, France and Prussia combined ; I and though its climate is so severe, it I'll lnt WI.OTI tho femni. 11..1,f li.tltn.l 1 as Great liritmn. The difference of tern- I oerature arises mainly from the fact that llritiaii enjovs the benefit of the Gulf Stream, while the Arctic current, laden ith ke, washes the whole coast of Lab- j On the southeast and east j Labrador is bounded by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic; on the north I ami west by Hudson's Straits and Hud- J sou's Day, and on the southwest by Ru- : liiver and the Mistassini and lier- j hiamits rivers. Its extreme length is 1,100 miles; its breadth, 470 miles. HlancSablon, near the mouth of the Northwest River, in the eastern bound-1 ary of the Canadian part of Labrador, which includes the whole area draining 1 into the river and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Ihe remaining area, draining into the Hudson's Hay, is called East Main, and under recent w ith the Hudson's Hay Company has passed into the jurisdiction of Canada. CLIMATE AND SOIL. The popular ideas regarding Labrador lire well founded. Regarded as a whole there is not, perhaps, on the face of the earth, a more uninviting region as an abode of civilized man than' Labrador, del Fuego alone excepted. On much of it the snow lies from the end of September till the beginning of June. Iu winter the coast is inaccessible, f.,r the most part, being blockaded with ice-fields drifting from Battm-; Hav; and in spring I and a good part of the summer thou- s nds and thousands of gl.t cr i g i e-; bergs, stranded or floating, impart a stern beautv to the grim "and roekv Storm sofa terrific character are even in summer. The soil is 1 - . . ......I barren: and but 1t its valuable fisheries ... . .. . . . ,.l j..,,l Li... a,,.l Itut-r. r. r tl. .,. u-,.i, .1 be few inducements to visit these savage bores. The interior appears to be, lor the most part a vast table-land of most forbidding aspect. Professor Hind, who explored it two hundred ami forty feet, above the ocean at the sources of the east branch of the Moisic. It is pre-eminently sterile, and where the country is not burned, cariboo moss covers the rocks with stunted spruce, birch, and as- pens in the Hollows ami deep ravinis. The whole of the table-land ii stiewed with nn infinite litimlier of bowlders, sometimes three and four deep. These singular erratics are perched on the summit of every mountain, and hill, often on the edges of cliffs, and they vary in size from one foot to twenty feet in diameter." THE INHABITANTS. The whole of the vast wilderness is uninhabited by civilized man, with the exception of a few settlements on the St. Lawrence ami Atlantic coa-sts, and some widely-separated posts of the Hudson's Bay Company. Wandering tribes of Esquimaux occupy the north ern coast of Labrador, while nomadic tribes of Nasqtiace, Wistasini . and Moctagnais Indians are thinly scattered over the interior. The exports which are chiefly through Newfoundland, are codfish, salmon, and seal, nnd whale oil and furs. Once the country was rich in fur bearing animals and cariboo or rein deer but these are now greatlv reduced iu numbers. Of the eastern side hardly anything is known beyond the coast, which bad been carefully surveyed by Captain Bayfield. Before his day it was on this bleak anil dangerous coast that the great navigator, Capt. Cook, first displayed those talents as a marine sur veyor, which gained for him the patron age of Sir Hugh Pallisc, and drew pul lic attention to his e.vtarordinary enter prise. His chart of Newfoundland, La brador, and the Straits of Belle Isle are, to this day, a convincing proof of his fidelity, genius, and discernment. THE FISHERIES OF LABRADOR. in I During the brief Labrador summer the whole coast, for five hundred miles north of the Straits of Bellisle, swarms W illi linnet iiieii 110111 ev loituuiiiiio, -.-.u- va Scotia, Canada, and the United States. They are engaged in the capture and cure of cod, salmon, and herring. The total values of these fisheries is not less than a million sterling. Even during the fishing season the bleak coast is fre quently swept by storms; and when re turning, late in "October, fatal disasters, are frequent among the small fishing craft. In homeward voyage, laden with the proceeds of his summer toil, the poor fishermen is often shipwrecked and lost; or his ship is dashed to pieces and barely escapes his life, to find himself beggar, without any provision for long winter which is closing in. THE RED INDIANS OF LABRADOR. I for in a let a 1 bitter hatred and ci n ernpt. . I riofcful whan not ftxdiBed The Indians who inhabit the interior of Labrador are all tribes of the once great Algonquin race, whose domain extended, before the arrival of the "palo faees," fnui theHocky Mountains Newfoundland, and from Labrador the Carolinas. The aborigines of New foundland belonged to that wide-spread race of red men. The Montagnards, Mountaineers, as they are coinmoidy called, occupied the country along lower St. Lawrence aud the. Gulf; Scofhs, Nasquapccs and Mistassini the Algonqiuiis proper and coterminous with the Esquimaux. . The Mountain eers, or "Hunting Indians" of Labrador, once formed a "great nation," and could bring into the field a thousand warriors to repel tha incursions of the Esqui meaux. with whom thev wtrJ constantly at war, and for whom they have bUI , .li..;..i ..J .. iJ.l- superstitious. Nearly all of them, )i the Micnincs of Nova Scotia, profess 1 Roman Catholic faith; but they ht imbibed little of the spirit of Chr'sti . pi 1 . wnr or the cha, crnol, revengeful and super-titious. early all of them, liko hars (I inns lty. 1 liey bring down furs to the t tlement 1 on the coast, and exclmnca them for ammunition and clothing. In the use of fire-arms they are very ex pert; but they are frequently compelled, by a scarcity of ammunition, to recur for support to their oritrinal wennons. 1 w ""w " rTOW. th these they can kill a flving pnrlride at forty tarda ,t!,nf'C. Their canoes are made of J'r,;" bark, Bud their sledges of a thin ;','r'-'', Ward, shod with slips of bone. 1 he mountaineers draw their own i,;,l. as their dogs are bnt small and U8t'J 0,lly Ior ll'e of THE ESQUIMAUX. The Esquimaux of Labrador live al w mot entirely by fishing. They are par rador. tiallv Christianized andcivilized through the praiseworthy exertions of Moravian missionaries. They exchange furs, oil, and whalebone, for ammunition, guns and clothing at the European settle pert's r.ients. They are mild, hospitable and honet. Thev are well provided with a peculiar breed of dogs, voracious and fierce, nnd so like wolves that they might easily be mistaken for thesrj an'-.' mals. In the winter the Esquimaux traveled with these dogs over the snow at the rate of from six to ten miles an hour: each sled. re in drawn hv t.n , j j 1 or twelve dogs, yoked two and two, a pair of the most srtgacions being placed in front rs leaders, and the whole guided by a I":g whip, without reins, the lash extending to ti e foic-nio-t dog. Their nuts arc, in wirtef, embanked with turt c.t'--l 11 I? a s,I1!i11 casement of 'I'1'"' "l-skin '-t the top. W ithout any hre but a 1'jnT thce habitations are as w ''""!" r" !l" ov,;"- ,J 'e l'asionate nt Terra ! ' it' l'mtrit ot the L-qiiimanx to their ! sf ;l? "'.v P'"11" ,s wonderful.' h"' tmitelv prefer their -toim-benten ; " !0rw J nl1'- wave" and ulenn I sk!,;S ,f m,,r,i temperate regions. " It is I t'.,ear 1 IHy a totally different .race i 1" the red Indians of AmencaA The lu.n" re ht'mte" l'' 9 tne aTia i ""-.U'"ly Mongolian m hy iognomy, I having a flattened nose, prominent pro shores. nle'""J copper-colored skin. It IS re frequent ! '"arkajde that the Esquimaux is the .lilt , ..y. ,. sl.l V ... 1 ,1 ""V """" I Mll.l tl,, ' I - ' v- New. SCENERY OF LABRADOR. Bleak and savage are the shore? of Labrador, yet the aspects of nature are often picturesque and grand, and some times strangely Wautiful. The great dark cliffs along the coast, beaten ai.d torn by storms of centuries, rear their giant forms that have been sci l.itured by tempests nnd molded bv the hands of frost giants, and hewn into their present snapc bv the thundering blows of the Atlantic s billows, in tne summer eve nings it is grand 10 see their great shad ows falling on the surface of the waves, as the sun is setting, and the ceaseless music of ocean is heard as it laves their jagged sides. But grander still is the sight when tho w ild Atlantic is lashed into fury, and, like the onset of an inva ding host, the waiery battalions charge up the lofty clitfs with desperate fury, as if determined to carry the fortress, and fling their spray over the loftiest sum mits. Then, what can equal the stern and awful beauty of the ocean when la den with the ice-argosies; when the huge floes are grinding against one another and dashing each ether to pieces; and the statelv iceliergs, with their fantastic shapes, their glittering pinnacles and dazzling white towers, are sailing slowly past, carrying iu their bosom fragments from the Artie mountains to help iu tho erection of a new continent, where now the ships are sailing over the submarine banks of Newfoundland. Ou leaving the coast, and wending one's way inland, although there is not here the granduer of the pine forest or the flower-clad vale, yet the tapering dark-green firs have a beauty of their "own; while mosses of every hue, wild flower of richest colors, ferns aud grass es tall aud graceful, diversify the scene. The lover of the picturesque may revel iu the sight of naked rocks, of towerii.'g mountains, wood ami plain. The great prolific mother clothes these wildernesses with berry bearing plants of all kinds; raspberries, hurtleberrics, cramberries, partridgeherries, hakeapple-berries, and clusters of wild currants and gooseber ries. The sportsman finds no lack of .'nine, iue curlew nover around 111 vast plover, partridges, owls, eagles, hawks, are abundant. 11 nobler quarry is desir ed, bears, wolves, reindeer, martens, fox es can readily be found. The geologist, as well as the botanist, may find a field here in tracing the great Laurentian for mations which lonu tho lrame-wrorit 01 Labrador. j g,ckii. the witj gw,se andducks, grouse, he a the to to or the A Fast Compositor In the office of a Wisconsin journal there is a composi tor who sets typo so rapidly (says the paper) that the fricton of his move ments fuses the leaden emblems in bis stick, making them solid, like stereotype plates. The only way to prevent this is to have his case submerged in water; and the rapidity of his motions keeps the water boiling and bubbling so that eggs have frequently been boiled in the space box. Pipes lead from the bottom of his case to a boiler in the press-room, and the steam generated by the fast compositor's movements runs the power press. In one day he Bet so much that it took all hands, from editor to devil, two weeks to read the proof, and it wasn't his good day for setting, type, either. , are An exchange has the following obser vation! "We always get mad when wa walk along a street about 9 o'clock, and passing a shaded porch where a young man is bidding his beloved a good niglt h ar the girl exclaim in a loud whispar: O ttop, George, you haven't shaved." 'top, . .i . . x try a Why are clergymen liko brakemea t Because thay do good dtal of Juxj liag,.. .4 on as us ;,- ta- . ii:jj. 31. W