OCR Interpretation

Siebenbürgisch-Amerikanisches Volksblatt. [volume] (Cleveland, Ohio) 1917-1971, November 23, 1939, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035274/1939-11-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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By Art Seiler
Monaca News
the Monaca High
By Bill Schuller.
Mede»bürgisch-Amerikanische SoIffiBIaft
H!1 liiüiitoiiita
By "Katie Butch"
Hie Voicc of t*»* Dune*
By Mariane H. Salmen
Im im.
hrarrburn. muH
By Skip.
Farrell Highlight»
By Katy
*Ot Few Zip, e»d—like Flesh—KILIM
Sl»»ß Soundly

$fititrr9tflft, den 23. November 1939
T. S. J. A. Basketball
ß«r. 1. The Transylvania Saxon Jun
ior Association dbsketball League shall
be go\eme^ by the A. A. U. Basketball
Se"-. 2. No member shall be allowed
to plh.v after reaching the age of 25 or
afW he marries. If he becomes ao dur
playing season, then he may
play the remainder of that season.
S?e. 3. A piave mr.ti tie a member
of the Central Verband but if he is
not, either his mother or father must
be a member. If a new club is entered,
the nlayer must he a Saxon or a Ger
man and must join the Central Ver
banr- in one years time.
Sac. 4. A player or a manager must
be resident of the district in which
his flub is located.
8ec. 5. A squad is to consist of not
mor than fifteen (15) eligible play
ers. 1 manager and a coach. The man
Bgei and the coach are permitted to
play if their names are included in the
list of fifteen «layers.
Svc. 6. The manager and the eoaeii of
any team arc ineligible to officiate at
any scheduled game.
Sez. 7. The manager .«it tfce home
team must notify she manager of the
visV-ng team concerning the time and
place of the game at least four days
before the game.
So. 8. A list of two eligible players
en trh team shall be sent to the As
gociano» Secretary no later than No
vemiivr 1st of each year. This list shall
contain the following information of
the fifteen plavers: Name, Address,
Age Date of Birth, Place of Birth.
Poli.y number. Name and Number of
Central Verl,and Branch and Name of
Par: it in case the player is not a mem
ber This list shall be accompanied by
the filloxving information: Name and
locat.i'in of the club, color of basketball
sui's (jerseys and pants), Name of
conch and Name of manager.
8ec. 9. At no tithe shall a protest be
made against an official decision unless
his cision is an illegal Interpretation
of ti.e rules. Any official who can pre
eent credentials from an athletic asso
ciation, high school system, etc., may
Sei. 10. The officers of the Associa
tion sliall approve the lists of referees
submitted bv each club. The number of
referees is limited to six unless an As
soc ion is nieutluuvii. The referees
list should be received with the entry
list l.y November 1st with the necessa
ry credentials.
Sei. 11. District as before mention
ed, nu\y be defined as that territory
who-ti boundary is midway bet ween the
location of the home club Bad the loca
tion of the neare.it club.
Be 12. Each club wishing to play
basketball shall post a fee of twenty
dollars (•20.00) before September 1st.
Tbiei fee includes an entrance fee of
ten dollars ($10.00) and a forfeiture
fee of ten dollars ($10.00).
GtM and Ever Ready Rczo s
Sic. 13. A^ny club wishing to enter a
girls *eam without entering a boys
team shall be assessed a ten dollar
($10.00) entrance fee and a ten dollar
($ll\00) forfeiture fee. If, however,
there is a boys team entered, that
club can also enter a girls team with
out additional cost.
See. 14. A team tailing to give four
days notice to the opposing team of the
ina'),lity to play a scheduled game
shall forfeit the game and its forfei
ture fee with the treasurer within
four ?ays after the scheduled game will
mean disqualification from the league.
Sec. 15. The secretary will furnish
each club manager with a list of the
members of each team who are eligible
to play.
Sac. 16. A schedule of the games shall
Ife compiled by the Association Officers
and this schedule shall be final.
Sei. 17. All protests shall be made by
eithe." the coach or the manager in a
written report to the president of the
Association and the Club protested
against within four days after the
game has been played. When the As
soc a*ion Officers are to meet for a bas
ketbail protest meeting, the secretary
will notify those clubs concerned.
Sec. 18. After the officers reach a de
cision on all protests, they will decide
whim club shall be acclaimed the
cha.i.pions. The teams winning the
chai::pionship shall have the privilege
of setting the time and place for the
presentation of the trophies.
Sue. 19. Any player starting a fight
on the floor shall be barred from three
consecutive games on the recommenda
tion tf the official.
Sc:. 20. Infraction or violation of
any rule will cause the games in which
they occur to be forfeited to the eppos
ing team.
Sec. 21. To represent any club in
basketball, a player must he a member
of cnat club and the Association six
(6) oonths prereeding the season to be
plated, or before July 1st. The club
mu*? also be in good standing in the
S c. 22. Rules governing playoff
games are as follows:
a: In case a double league is formed,
the Ieaders in both divisions shall be
dec.red participants in the playoff
semi. The club winning two out of
three games in the series shall be de
da—d the basketball champions for
that vear.
The clubs staging the playoff
series for the Association shall be
sent three rolls of tickets for game,
met. and dance. They will be respon
sible to the Association for all tickets
sold Irom the first number to the last.
c. If a profit is derived on the first
two playoff games, it will be devided
wi'.i forty percent (40%) going to the
Association and sixty (60Té) going to
the ub staging the affair. If a deficit
is incurred, the Association shall be
whe!'v responsible for it.
d) If a third playoff game is neces
sary, the Association will pay for the
services of the referees.
e) The Association officers will act as
official scorers and timers for the series
f) Under no circumstances shall a
third playoff game he staged in the
Dollars Per Mcndin* That Crack. Why, th' Big Crook'
of any of the contendors for
the championship.
Salem News
By Mary Wagner
Salem, Ohio, Nov. 16—The
Salem Juniors are holding a
Thanksgiving dance, Nov. 23. at
the club from 9 o'clock until 12.
Music, German and English, will
be furnished by a popular orches
tra. The price of admission will
be 25c. We cordially invite all
out of town clubs and our Senior
members to attend. Let's all be
in Salem, Nov. 23.
Auto City Speaks
Detroit. Mh., Nov. 23—Start
ing Wednesday, Nov. 29th, there
will be singing practice for the
young people at the church at
7:30 P. M. The purpose of this is
so 'hat we may learn some songs
to sing for Christmas. All mem
bers should please attend.
December 2nd
Don't any of you members for
get the gala event to take place
on Dec. 2nd at Carpathia Hall.
Have you sold your quota of tick
ets If not you had belter start
right away and get rid of as mam
as you can. There is only one
weeK left before the Dance, so
settle down and do your bit.
By Jennie and Hunce.
Monaca, Pa., Nov. 23—Our
basketball season will get under
way Saturday night when we
plav host to the Homestead lads
and lassies. The game will be
Sc! ool gym and the girls pre
liminary game will begin prompt
ly a: 7 :00 o'clock. Admission will
be l?c for adults and 10c for all
The "All (lir! Swingolettes"
wiN furnish the music for the
dr.r.cr which will be held at the
clul) after the game. We hope to
show you a nice time, Homestead
so bring down a gang. The more
the merrier.
Rv the way, Juniors, how- are
your ticket »ales coming along?
Let's all get out and hustle and
do our part, t's a long season
Season basketball passes of
eight home games are on sale for
SI.00. They can be acquired from
any of the Junior members.
Cleveland East News
Cleveland, O, Nov. 23 Our
firrt basketball game of the sea
son will be held at the newly re
moiled Dyke Gym, which was
formerly known as Prospect gym
I ke Gvm is located at 29th and
I'vvspect Ave. New Castle, our
first opponents,will help us break
in r. new door on Dec. 2. Season'
Passes may be procured at the
Old German Dance
The Saxon Juniors of Cleve
land East are presenting for our
cld- rs and friends a Sauerkraut
and Wurst Dinner at the East
Side Saclv.enheini on Dec. 2nd.
I This is the night of. the New
Cattle game). In addition to this
splendid and nourishing jneal, G.
Horvath and his Saxon Band will
entertain our guests with Old
Get man Tunes. Tickets must be
pu.vhased in advance as this is a
clo-.ed affair. Only 30 Cents for
both the dinner and the dancing.
Our members, who journeyed
down for your Harvest Moon
Dance report conditions A-l. We
than* you for an enjoyable time.
Things To Be,
Done By The
Agenda Club
Dance Saturday Night
Cleveland. O., Nov. 23—The
Age, da Club has only one thing
to do this week end. The Holi
day Cruse semi-formal dance, the
outstanding social event of the
club in 1939, will hold the entire
attention of the organization this
Saturday night,
at the
The dance marks the end of a
strenuous campaign to make this
dan even more outstanding
thai the Saxon Balle Moderne of
Work All Night
Tonight. (Friday) all members
of the club will gather at the
Sa. hsenheim at 11:30 p. m. to
start final steps in erecting the
numerous portions of the huge
The committee will continue
work through the night until the
hall is pronounced ready for the
dan re.'
he next meeting will be held
Wednesday night, Dec. 13.
T. S. J. A. Officers
The T. S. J. A. Officer* will
hole a meeting at the Cleveland
West Sachsenheim on Sunday,
December 3rd at 10:30 A. M.
Any Club having any request
of the Officers will please send
theit communications to any of
the Officers and they will be
givin due consideration at thi#
S. S. Agendo Sails On
Holiday Cruise This
Saturday Night
Cleveland, O., Nov. 23—The
wav'ng flags, gay laughter and
talking, playing of a band and a
color shower of serpentine will
mark the sailing of the S. S.
Agenda at 9 o'clock Saturday
night on the long awaited Holi
day Cruise.
Resplendent in beautiful gowns
and dark suits the ladies and
gentlemen attending the cruise
of melody and excitement will
sail away into romantic and en
chanted seas.
Tne Holiday Cruise, a semi
fonv.il dance, sponsored by the
Ag°rda Club of the Teutsch
Evangelical Church, will be held
at the \\Otside Sachsenheim
Wally Boll Pilots
Melodies for dancing will be
furnished by Wally Boll and his
crew of intercollegiate Campus
Nomads. Special novelty num
bers by the orchestra and a pro
menade on the main deck will be
included on the evenings pro
Those familiar with the ball
room will not recognize the hall.
Elaborate nautical decorations,
constructed over a four month
period, will transform the ball
room into a floating paradise. In
direct lighting will add further to
the atmosphere of the dance.
L^st minute reservations for
bids, costing $1.25. can be made
up t*? 8 p. m. Saturday night by
telephoning Woddbine 1994 or
Orchard 7084-W.
Don't miss the outstanding
social event of 1139!
Youngstown News
By Jennie Schinker
Youngstown, Q., Nov. 23—This
week .finds everyone's thoughts
turned toward basketball which
is just a week awav. We hope to
see a large Crowd at our first
game. Dec. 2nd. Farrell pays us a
visit for our first home game.
Season passes are on sale by all
club member» for $1.00. You get
six games for the price of four.
We wish to thank Farrell for
the good time they showed us at
their dance Saturday night.
Our next regular meeting is
Tuesday Nov 28th. Lets have a
large attendance.
During this time of year streets
and highwaya are often made
treacherous by slippery surfaces
owing to rains.
While it is impossible to control
the weather it is possible to con
trol the operation of motor ve»
hides—and safe driving is of im»
measurable value in offsetting the
weather hazards.
Consequent upon the inclement
weather and poor visibility that
mark the Autumn months, an in
crease in pedestrian deaths can be
expected unless both drivers and
pedestrians exercise more caution.
Up to Auguat 1 of this year, 56
pedestrians were killed and 191
were injured on state highways
outside municipalities, according to
statistics compiled by the Traffic
Engineering Division of the Ohio
Highway Department.
A* Autumn rains or fogs make
the streets and highway* danger
ous, motorists and pedestrians
must drive and walk carefully to
holy Mwtaes DM tawfBe 4Mtk telL
Help to Protect Your
Home from Tuberculosis
Ellwood ty News
E'lwood City, Nov. 23—-It is
my unpleasant duty to impart the
infoi mation that our dance which
wa., planned for November 25th,
has been postponned. This action
was necessitated by unforeseen
difficulties in procuring a orches
tra tor the occasion.
Fish Fry and Dance
On Dec. 2nd ihe club will be
th° scene of a fish fry and dance
sponsored by the Senior Lodge.
I he price of a ticket for the meal
is ?0c and the dame fee is 25c.
To Farrell
Ihe Elhvood Juniors are un
animous in saying "Thanks a lot,
Farrell. e all had loads of fun."
The music was certainly super
lative. Here is hoping we can en
tertain you just as well at some
tinif- in the not too distant future.
By Dorothy Helwig
Gf rv. Tnd., Nov. 23—Were you
present at the last meeting? Well
the surprise contains an evenings
entertainment at the Civic Thea
tre fust what night, is still in
question. Remember members,
we -re going to hold our election
of oificers at our December meet
ing. So lie sure and be present at
our next meeting Wednesday,
Dev. 6th.
Also bring some good ideas for
further activities Remember the
good time we had at our New
Ye«is party last year? What do
you say about having another
one this coming New Years eve.
And by all means lets not forget
our Anniversarv Dance.
Canton Reflector
Canton, Ohio, Nov. 23—Ex
citement this weekend, which at
tracted many of the Juniors, was
the annual clash between the Mc
Kinley Bulldogs and the Massil
lon Tigers football game. With a
20—6 score the Tigers again de
feated the Bulldogs.
Katherine and Elizabeth Dance
Ali Juniors are cordially in
vi ted to attend the dance given
by the Ladies Senior Lodge at
the club on Nov. 25. Clyde
Grimm's orchestra will play and
dancing will he from 9 to 1. Ad
mission is 25 cents and during in
termission a iree lunch will be
served. So come on and lets have
a large crowd representing the
Juniors and their friends. A good
time will be in store for all.
Singing Practice
All members who intend to
sing at the Christmas program,
are requested to attend the prac
tice^, and learn the special Christ
ma» songs.
7:30 sharp, every
Tuesday evening
Ikeut Uistwes—end leun US
iTwrth»! free Seep tzs Net*
It* itemirh tfceultf difew two seuadi «f Uli
•illy Wh«B you eet h»««y, trtur. wer«
»Ich food
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www jwwlf—T*')r itMMrh eften eeurs wit W
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•Masch. You feel «our. ilck tod «II
Deeton UT ntrer tefce e liudn tor »torn**
ite. It U Un(trou» sed feollrti. It let** tleee
fclw* teblou celled BeU-ew for ledlgeeUeB
to msfce tke eecesi item*» Swide hi#*lew. relieee
â«ree» In no time sed pet yoe be* en roar
feet etiles 1* ee euirk It ti eeeelnr end wie *e
•eefcsf* pro'». It. Aik f«r Boll fer ledlftntlw.
Classified Ads
male. AMERICAN BHD CO., 1400
Harrison, Chicago. (TAB).
Highest prices pud upon dellveryi:
Saagaauw* GlUesgo, JUL (TAS)
Cleveland West News
Cleveland. O.. Nov. 25—With
the lights streaking through dust
being raised, I heard the screams
of girlich voices. Looking still
closer. I had discovered they w ere
in the midst of a rough and tum
ble gash.
Many are the yells echoing
thr ugh the gym. "Leggo the
ball." ho's pulling my hair".
"Ouch my eye."
"What was that!? Oh just
a couple of heads getting togeth
er on the subject." Such is the
life of a girl trying to play bas
Streaks of scratches can be
seen on the hitting and stationarv
limbs of these would-be athletics.
f2, why not cut those nails,
Wrhat they won't they do with
their fellow members. What will
they do with strange gals. Well!
Any way the home "folks are in
for a lot of laughs.
Whether the laughs are with
or against you girls, let's give
them everything you have.
W HAM Who threw that
A round table meeting
The gimmie check talked pret
ty lustly and sensossly. That well
known saying, "The mrtre you
eat the more you want" fits this
outfit to a tee: "The more
As far hack as I know tjiis club
has been known to be as basket
ball club. The years rolled bv
and track began to occupy a small
amount of the lime light. Grad
ually baseball and swimming
tool a foothold, but. then came
the dawn. A new and more en
lightening activity made its de
but. Namely singing.
here some people get the
idea the club is split into two fac
tions is beyond vours truly. If a
little thought is introduced into
the subject, one can readily sec
thr.t all the members are not a
a XX hole interested in any one ac
tivity. We have members who
participate in two or more event
anâ then we have those who I"
not enjoy any of the mentioned
activities. Consequently it is the
majority that rules. In heretofore
years it has been the basketball
group and now strong opposition
is staring them in the face now
look what we have, nothing but
a b-mch of bewildered fellows
who cannot take it on the chin.
You know fellows, xou were to
ftret good rubbings with eoothing,
"arming Miisterole don's bring you
'winus relief from those torturing nun
't: arhes and paine—due to cold—by
means see vour dopto". But Muster««
usually DOE'S THE WORK—
Musterole gives quick relief because
it's MORE than "juet a ealve." It's
wonderful soothing "counter-irri
tant" which penetrate* the outer laywe
of the skin to help ease local pongeetioo
and pain. Used by millions for ov»r 90
years! 3 strengths: Rogular. Children's
(mild I and Extra Strong, 40#.
letter Than A Mustard Master#
By Frieda Reinnerth»
Farrelt Pa., Nov 23--What a
turnout! So many people. Won
ders' :l music. What more?
The dance sponsored by the
Fa. •'ell Juniors was one of thâ
most successful affairs ever give*
by an organization of the T. S. T.
A. The decorations were beauti
ful, the music suherb, and the be»
havivr of each individual grand.
The Farrell Club wishes to
thsnk each and everyone who
atten led the dance an dhope that
we f*an help you out as xou did
us. *o many compliments have
been received that it looks SS
though another dance with the
same orchestra will have to be
held hut not for some time to
"Wooser". the girls basketball
coach is now up and raring to go
oft"II being on the sick list.
Both the girls and the boys
wil hold their practices at the
Antonium gym. If you have
questions concerning basketball
see vour re*pect?\e managers.
New Castle
Quite a member of Junior» vi
sited your city on Sunday.
Thanks for the good time.
hasty on your claims. Only mak
ing it tough for next spring,
llvnk it over a vouple of times,
won't you?
Speaking of apologies and
slams, you mv fellow member
have a short memory on such.
Line of Logic
.Thoee. who. make the most
noise are still trying for success,
if they had it, they would keep
quiet about it.
Capital City Bits
Columbus. Ohio, Nov. 23—All
those who attended the Wiener
Ronst last Thursday had a good
time. If you did not consider your
seit a loser. The weather was
perfect, and so were the eats.
This time you really had plenty,
didr you. Sue
The Columbus Jrs. wish Mrs.
Michael Gotzineister, who had a
tnai operation a speedy recove
ry. We hope to see you amongst
us \"vv soon .igain.
Fiery Itching Skin
Gets Quick Relief
Heme Treatment leie»
Uebeerekle Seresess—-Dlitress
There is c-e timp e vet !ieipe-i w«y te
eeie the itchirg rd torture e# Ecieme, Itch,
iaq Tcei Fee' Rai^ei r-*ny other ei
tern«: V ci^ied ikli eruption» «id thet ii t#
epply Moo-e i ETe'jId Oil night end morn»
ing end people who i fer frem lueh e"ber»
retting cr tnsightly »kin troubles »Ouid be
wise to try it.
Just ask eny f!r«t-el*ii druggist fer es
oriqi-il bottle ef Moone'i Emerald Oil end
refuse to eccept anything eise. It i, such
high y concentreted preparation that a «mall
bottle lasts a long time erd furthermore I#
this clean, powerfu penetrating oil that he'pi
promote healirg fails to give you full s«t ».
faction you can have your money refunded»
Spend e few cents today at eny deed drue
store for bettle ef luckley (Cenediol)
Mirture, triple acting. Take e couple ef doiee
i ist before bedtime and sleep soundly. You'll
find luck'ey's gives definite Quick relief frem
that choking, gasping struggle fer breath.
One little sip erd the ordinary cough I*
"en its way". Continue for e few days end
seen you II hear little mce frem thet tough
eld heng-on cough that nothing seems to help.
Satisfaction guaranteed er money back, bs
sure you get Buckley's Cenediol Mirture.
read how thousands have been able to
IMPORTANT IMiesI Teste Imsl WHY fsswes Lyta NÉÉee's
If you feel tired out. limp, listless,
moody, depressed—if your nerves
•re constantly on edge and you're
losing your boy friends to more at
tractive, peppy women—-SWAP OUT
OF 1T1 No man likes a dull, tired,
cranky woman.
All you may need is a good reliable
toeic. If so try famous Lydia R.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Let it stimulate gastric juices to
digest and assimilate more wliuis
some food which your body usee
directly for
energy—to help build
up more physical resistance and thue
help calm jittery nsrres, lesesn fe
male functional dlslnss and give you
joyful^ bubbling nry that is re
flected thruout your whole seng»
Over 1.000,000 women here re-
marveleue beseite frees
Compound. Äeeulte

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