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nrnA-vi-iaw aiili atuwaaw the late general assemblies! You rnn Ibave '00 new useful bunks uudur preset) i Mwf you can have none so long as ul 'Ira men are in power. And n lanjy n you continue to aid then) with your in :fluertfe and vot, tn long will your in terestt wither and corruption strike deep er into public morals: Men who will not come out boldly and lake a Hand in favor of good safe banks, unshackled by the obnoxious features ol the present banking laws, and against the ultra doc trine of the tirno,are unworthy of your vbta as freeman for any legislative of fice; and if elected, wi I from choice, or fear of the rod which altruism will hold over their barks, do nothing towards re itoring the currency 10 usefulness or the people to prosperity ! That the principal allegations and charge contained in this address may not be misunderstood or overlooked, 1 will briefly repeat them: 11. That we have not now, neither, eau we have for the present nge, a spe cie currency sufficient for the wants of the people. 2d. That bank paper is the beat and almost the only admissible substitute for specie; and that banks can be made good utuful and safe e other human institu tion, without the obnoxious feature contained in the present law to regu late them. 3d. That under those laws people will not engage in banking; that they de pres the interest ol the people, except capitalists whose weath is in money, pol iticiaos and a few others; and have a direct tendency to drive capital oui of the utale. 4th. That the majorities in the two last legislatures intended tu destroy bank ing in Ohio; or that the one portion in tended to destroy, and the other were too little informed to understand tho etTucls of their vote. 5th. That those who advocaled the principle of individual liability , the is suing of only dollar for dollar, and the right to alter or destroy at pleasure, not only intended to destroy banking, but to deceive the people as to their real object. I am not in the habit of making'asser tions without a readmoss to defend them will therefore offer to meet the entire representation from this county in the last general assembly, senator and rep resentetives, at one or more places, ai convenient times during the present summer, and before ussembled audiences (the larger the better) and yielding them every opportunity to defend, prove the entire truth of these assertions. And if the representation shall eiiherconsent or decline, I will meet in like manner auch other gentleman of the county op posed to hanking, or an advocate of the abjtctionnble laws referred to, as may be selected by the leaders or promi nent men of the hank opposition as one of their most talented and intelligent members. And now, grntfomon of the last legi lature. and others who are the advocates q no banks, or of the prosant banking laws, let there be no dodging! Do not t heretofore decline or advise against public discussion! You all well know that in regard to local banks I hold the amu doctrines as held by ihe domncra cy of Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York and mod of th othor Staios, with this ingle difference, that I would throw a round them for tho protection of com. munity, stronger check n and guard than they. And I invito, I challenge you to try before the people, through your host mon, who are thu genuine dumocruis; they who go exclusively for experiment and soil' interest, or they w ho would do the greatest good to the greater num ber whother democracy mean ono thing in Ohio, but a very different one out; and finally, whether your policy, which I pronounce destructive and ruin ous to the people, will or will nut bear the leal ol a Marching investigation, WILLIAM E. RUSSELL. OHIO HANKS. The Auditor's 'Exhibit of the condi tion of the ten Ohio Hunks, shews the following result: April May Circulation, $1 WOfidO L6?0,8M Speoie, J31,-1.6 tSitlU, IL'3 .lime. Circulation, $ I, '.mil,! 70 Specie, 418,648 Showing an increased circulation with in Ihe quirter, ol about hall a million ot dollar, and increase of specie of about fifty thousand duller. In other words, there has I an increase of ten paper dollars !or eueh specie dollar. The Wouiler Hank ha $',13,347 ape 'cie and $4r7,CG!) circulation, or ubout dm ul circulation lo one ol specie. Within the quarter, this Bank bus in creasiu us circulation $l!o,UCO, while il has increased its specie hut SI l.'tti! Why sleeps Mudaiy'e thunder! Why does he ni denounce this institution a on the verge of bankruptcy, warn tho people agu.usi us swindling inivntions, nd create a run upon , thai ahull break lldownt Wocan'l lay why, hut this wa know, that thu President uf the 'W ouster Hank is a Locofoco. It is, also just now the policy ol Ihe party, to en courage thu Hunks to incrousu Ihoircir ulation Bo, with the Hunk of MttsiHou. V ilh in the qusrier, u ha luereaii'il ill circu lation $Ti ()! and ii ipaeia $48,000. So, Vim the Clinton Hank ol Co Ilia ius In virculnti'tn ha increased $l7t, OUO and it specie iius decreased $4U, iX)U!! Put the war dog of party are now 4,tiiul An ermWMce has been proclaim cd The survivors ol the long lutik twai iw to bit aiuuiiycd jid loatuiud- ' he Locofocos, tike t ho Naw'Zoslaud can in bin, lutleu their victims before they destroy them, Republic. FRIDAY r::::::: AUG. 1 1 , 184S. Subject to the action of a National Con vention ) Foil I'hesident, HfiMtY CIAT, of Kentucky. g-UJ-iJ!!!!l!JJL! -gggg October Election -UvJUt. For Congress. LEONARD H ANNA. Senator, in conjunction with Jefferson co EPHEAIM K. ECKLKY. Representatives, in conjunction with Jef ferson county LEONARD HARSH. ISAAC SHANE. SMILFY H. JOHNSON. Commissioner. HORATIO HUNT. Auditor. THOMAS ft. HARUAUGIL Sheriff. DAVID WATT, Prosecuting Attorney. VAN BROWN. Treasurer JOSEPH G. KENNEDY. Poor House Director, WILLIAM BAXTER. "Facts rott THE pEoeii; '' The con clusion of the Hon 0. H. Smith's -'facts for the People," has not been received at this office. We are, pellud tu defer its publication for Ihe pre sent. HANKS AND HANKING. We commend lo our readers, whether Whigs. Democrats cr Locofoco, the A''. dross of William E Russkll Esq , lo ihe People of Columbians county which will be found al largo in our col umm. Mr. Russell, il is well known has been for many years past, closely associated with the Van Huron parly; and no one has doubted his democracy . until he ventured- lo doubt the infallibll ily of Iiocofucoisin, and raise his voice and pen in dufeuce of the people and their institutions. Mr. Ruiaol I exposes with a master's hand the. utter impracti cabilily of th Latham and Hartley hum bugs; and dare their advocates to dis cuss Ihe currency questions before the peop le. As a matter of course, no Loco foco iu this Congressional district will have the courage to meet him in auch discussion. Mark that! A $ilg-Ktioii. One of our correspondents in the coun try, culls on Mr. Hampson to answer in. lerrogatories in relation to important matters of Siuto policy. Now, we beg leave to suggest to our correspondent, and lo our reader generally, thai his object can be attained much more satis factorily by public discussion, thin by newspaper essays. Mr. Hampson, it is well known, cannot write any thing lit for the public eye, unless, like his frioml Mr. Tolan, he procures come one or two other, to aid him in the composition Hut he can talk, and is a greut mimic witliul. We, therefore, suggeut thm Mr. Humpsoii and Mr. Kckley go lege ihor before the people, and make known their upinioni And, wu have no doubt, that 'Biq, Harsh and Mr. Tolan would get alung in thi way with more satis faction both lo the people end to them selves In short, wu are authorized und requested by sevoial voters to make this (uggestlon Let it be met fairly and honorably, without any back out ubout il! Surolv, no man would desire to Heal into the Legislature, totally des titute of qualifications, und conscious thai he must not only ditgrace himself, but his cuiutitueiits also. (r-Wo have receivid through the Post Oflii'H the communication of "O S," in which the writer lakes occasion lo lish hiiLkey Inends with unmitigated severity, nut "it 0. cannot got a idmiasiun into the Free Press, unlet he mukes known hi reil name lo ihe edi tor. This is a rule fiom which we can not df pal t even for the purpose of see iug 'he l.ukny managers exposed by one whosoem to understand them "like l bouk." B.Nh BTOt K - Nut ,k has baen ,.ken under .he ' a, .... a . i.r. n I Is uk stoc provisions of the Latham and Hnrlloy j hanking law. Even ihe Locolococor-' . . .... pornior. namrd M ihe laws, wi not touch Ihe rW'"t v Tho clause siving , many anri evert Legislature t he right, at uny lime, lo ropes', edier or annMiiH gk.IMlll II iwomsktilfiwll iv'4emi any u man from Inking slock uudor provisions, even il there wcre not oiher insurmountable objections :oo :cs OThe banks of Xenia, Woooter, Nl. II. 13 J I. . . . i r r- ..... - i I. urw, .SIUVuiy ana .iinyene,) ol Cincinnati, are by tho 19th section ol I I Hartley's enli banking humbug, of the j last session, required to conform to ihe provisions of that humbug, en titled an 'Act to amend an act to" regulate bank ing,"' This requirement will, on the 4th of March next, annihilate those five of the remaining specie paying banks unless the humbug itself shall be repeal ed before that time. Late Elections Important elections have recently taken place in Kentucky , Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and Norih Larohna, Irom which we have as yet no information. The news will begin to come in no'xt week; and, perhaps, time lor publication. Attempt upon Mr. Wickliffes life. Some lew days ago, Mr. Wickliffe, the Post Master General, while passing by steamboat from Old Point Comfort to Wahingion City- was stabbed in the breust with a knife, by a young man named Gardner. The young man was brought to trial, on a writ of Habeas Corpus in the Baltimore city Court on Friday last, and discharged on the ground of his in sanity. Tho Court di rected him lo be placed in the City Hoa pit a I, there to remain until he should re cover his reanon. Mr. Wickiitie has returned lo Washington, and is rapidly recovering from the effects ol his wound. - ' -o-a i "The. time for banking is nearly over" "the people are resolved to have the real money, and the democratic party have the power, and will give it lo them and no mistake. We copy the fceegoing from in edi torial in'ofc type, which appoared in the last Mud paddle II is gratifying to see the Lokeys abandon their old hobby of Bank Reform " and lake ground for "the real money " With this issue fair ly made, we can safely go lo Ihe people for trial. Heretofore, the Locofocos generally have denied that Ihey were laboring to break down the banks, for Ihe purpose of introducing tho hard mo ney system. But of late, the Ohio Statesman has thrown off all disguise, and tuken ground for (he coin exclusive 'y. The boldness of iho Statotman has given courage to iho country tpapere which follow in in lead; lud Ihey loo, are now for the hard rowO Itllj miilhinr but the hardmoney! fl'hft'ft'th Itl'lioulb' be. Hundreds ul iiontfrk men in every county, who have kerdtuforo vuted will, tho Locofocos, will no longer be deceiv ed by the false cry df 'Pank Reform;" and they wili, nt Ihe coming election, cast their voles with those who go for a safe, sound and practicable banking iyi tern. "Unlike the Whig General we do not ask our enemies where we shall encamp " Mudpaddle, Aug 3. Not satisfied with traducing the liv ing, the Hyena, of Iho Mudpaddle, de scends into the grave of the venerated and illustrious dead, to satiate his raven ous appetite (ur defamation! Quo would havo supposed that, in a Chriilian coun try, when thu patriot and ilatesniin whom the people had delighled lo hon or, and who hud so often periled hi life in delence of the hearths end homos ol that people was laid low in his grave when the blood that glowod in our Revolutionary struggle had ceased to flow, and the hnnd that raised the vie lorious sword in support of our National Independence, rusted nerveless upon tho Hero's colli and quiet bosom no Amur a!M citizen no being bearing the up right imigl Ol his maker- could hive beou found so menn, so base and so cm rupt as to iruduce and villify the sacred memory of siu h a benefactor to hi coun try ol such i chief ai Gkneuai. Har rison ! This act of infamy has been re served to fill the measure of Mr. Aonto Ii.ttWs iniquity! Hut, thank Cod, the memory ol Harrison it ergraved on tho heart! of ihe people; and iho monu ment of hi fame are impenetrable to the malignant ahafia of Ihe pigmy ol the Mud puddle! Tin- Mud-pitdilta Ohnlleagiil A we lorelol.l, the Utile fellow who ,t... ...(!. aA ..f.k.. lill:.... ...;.).... M - - Ml ' iu i n. inn . i.n. ,m miv " ur Him ri nn -i.-n ... JU. k ..: . J"w- i quasi, uu, i l 'M 0llM Houe! Ids head an 1 peiri to be siill haunted with those ... I iuei M "i.i)c, We r. 'pecKuHv suggest lo hi masters at the C lh" W l of lurni.hii.g WIMtIP A limelv ap pNctrttoOefttch mi msti.mient, would, relievo h.s imagination from the mon. sirous apparitions which continue to torture hun. Che moment wo rend L f i empty ihe glove," s boM, ai,m throwing down und daring us lo public discussion, we predicted that he would in ihe end cry crurrn; and meanly shrink from the conies. Indeed, we knew that they who ore his advisers, knew the imbecil ity of iheir man too well to permit him to enter the list in public discussion. And now as Uncle Toby (we mean us - feme's Uncle Toby,) suij to the fly, so say we to Mr. Little, ' Go thy way, poor devil there is room enough in this wide world for both thee and mo." Or-The Mud paddle man teems puz- zej l0 now w,y i,e banks "do not ' ihrow into circulaiioii eiclu and a half millions yet due." ''Due1' lowborn? Our special Iriende "the court huuss clique," will find it necessary lo put Alonzo in a strait jacket, until after dog days. Is he so perfect a Stniplelda a not to know, that the banks of Ohio, have already extended their issues fully as far as prudence will justify 1 He says these banks have "block chartered, but not tuken ;" and wants to know why tho .'surplus capital," if there bo any, is not vestud in thai stock! If he supposes that capitalists are so very grcon as to vest their money in banks whose char ters are lo be made conform lothe pro. visions of the Latham and Hartley laws, or must oxpiro in a few years at most he's badly sucked in. Besides, he ought to have sense enough to ke.ow, (and if he has not. his advisers should tell him,) that capitalists have frequently sagacity enough to look lo the locution ol their capital, with the view of promoting other great interests. A judicious iuruier usually sows his gram in fields which he may expect lo reap iu due iMion. The capitalists of Steubenvi.le, for ex ample, it may be imagined, will scarcely desire to vost their money in the stock of the f.lassiilon bank, whilo the greet interests of their own town, are lan guishing for want' of a banking institu turn. Hut we despair of doing fur the mudpaddle man, what nature has relu sed to do for him beating brains into his head. For the Fret Press To George Y. Hami-son: Sir: A a member of the democratic party, I have a right to ask you u few questions, hefore I urn called upon lo casi my vole for you. 1 have not voted for a whig lor a legislator for several years, but, before 1 vole egnin I Witt) lohuvo your ausworu to the fol lowing auestioni: Ist. Are you in favor of i penal law against any ono who will loan money ai more lhan six per cont. interest. And do you think capitalists will invest mon ey in banks, when they can got 20, 3(1 or 40 percent, lor their money? Sd. Are you in favor of reluming the individual liability clause, in granting bank chariers or what amendments would you offer? 3d. A'e you in favor of increasing ihe State lax, lo meet the interest on the Stale debt and govermental expenses? Or ere you in favor of borrowing rnon ey, thereby increasing the State debt, to meet the deficit in the revenue? 4th. Are you to luvor of keeping the Stale's money out of banks indepen dent ol banks? Or are you iu favor ol of keeping tin Slate Treusury in the banks? Iu short, sir, I wish you to dec'are your principles politically, besides nn swering tho above questions, and that in your own language, just such a you would make Use of in the Legislative Hull, if elected. Should the above que lions be answered, I will 1st you know as lo your prospect of getting iho vote of ROSE TOWNSHIP. For the Free Press. Mr. Coi uer: I lieuly acknowledge thnt I have no claim upon you, lo utk admission into your column; yet I offer lor your consideration this, and the two accom panying communications; und il you publish them, I will b under a comph mi ni to you but il you reluso so to do, I have no complaint to oiler. his proper here lo explain how it conies thai they aro directed lo Mr. Lit toll, and offered lo you. The oxplana lion is Ibis on Saturday last.l pre sented ihe longest of the two articles to Mr. person, asked him to iead it, and say whether he wou'd publish il lis read il, handed it back to me, and said he would not publish it I then of ferod him ihe short ono, which he prom isod to pubtiih; but alter keeping it a low hours no dubi, if'ier consulting lliiinpson and McCimk he relumed it j to me, declurmg he would not inierl it I'herwlore, as I cannot get a disavowal : ol I be I I 01 il ol bil chlimn Imlnrn Ibmn - - - - - fl 2 fiJ i"!:'!: !M ' ' , . ......... , ,(0W j,gtu,nt(8, lnd llju. L ,, towirds one whom he seeks to in jure to gralily the long pent maligni- 'V. growing out of ambiiious aspirations ! fur nlhee, ol (J V RampMM and his mSler Dnn Md'ook ns will hi uiulr, .Wi.ii, hif ihum iiAh tprir ul tin .So in, nld ( oncfu'ion i Hit Had ue puttistw H inn short Article, , h M.j(i MUlhing about the other; but when I have lo Mil on political opponent lo do me joitice, I deem il pri'per lo give the whole mat ler lo the public; anil hero il is: For ih Democrat. Mlt As you have reltisou to publish my article in replv lo your at tack on me in your last paper, will you inlorm your readers that I am not ihe author of ihe article in tho Free Press, signed "A Democrat,'' ol which you complain Neither l ad I any ogency in it, directly nor indirectly. JOSEPH CABLF. Car re! ton , Aug .6. I il43 Although Liliell had it in his power lo correel ai.y error, if any were contain ed in the following; yel 1 did not expeel that he had magnanimity enough to publish it. lie teen determined to lie and slander, and then stick to it, or, at least, give false impressions lo his res derH, knowing liieto to he such, und re fuse any correction, For. he had my statement, in person, several days be fore hi charge appeared, corroborated, as I am loll, by Mr Pea roe, thai 1 was not Ihe author ol the offensive article. Had Lttteil given publicity -10 Ihe above, brief disavowal, 1 would not hove asked you to publish the lollowiou. But hero it is, and lei his own baseness father ihe consequence. For the '"Democrat.'" Mis. Littull I observe in your pa per of tho 3d inst., an unjustifiable and uncailed for Btiuck upon me, by dark fOiiouitioni if n editorial urticle, back ing up a Blue "DeMoCBAT" a corres pondent, whom you know to bo "a re creitnt in principle and a scoundrel in practice." Hut it is you, sir, wiih whom I have to do, and not with assassins who slab in the dark. Correspondents t hut write over u fictitious signature, I ne ver nutice; but hold ihe ediior responsi ble lor all such ebuliitioni. And as you have assumed the resposihiliiy ol d raging mo before the public, you must father the consequences. When you admitted into your columns those articles in reference to me, you could not have forgotten ihat I hud sta led to you, that I had no knowledge whatever no' the most distant idea who Wat the author of the article in ike I'rse Press, signed, "A Dexoukat " of which you complain; and upoo the appearance of which, ydu set up a pretext lo abuse mo t hut too. while I am taking no pari ill politics. You, sir, pruie about "mo ratii '" with the tungue, while you have i nsiuuutions coniaining a base "rc" in your liaart. intended to injure one who has "nevsr laid a straw in your way" not ever ' ffered any disrespect to you 0 ten'f i.'i' ' O mores! If you expect to build Uo the characters of your office cooing "view" a heterogeneous con glomerated MdHisy by abusing demo crats, you mistake the people of Carroll and the district, 'i r do you expect to aid the prospects of the ''tickoi" by draginp me and other bnlore your readers! 'if so, you have not known the man I now say lo you, once for all, thai have no knowhi'.ge whateret , as to who wrote ihe article in the Free Press, of which vou complain. Ono thing is car tain, had no agency in it. neither di roclly nor indirectly. This much is due to thu author, be he whom he may -at I have no desire to strip the laurel from the brow of anolhor. When I wri:n. it appears over my proper name. This bus over been my uouisu and over shall be. I congratu'ato you, sir, on you con version lo ihe Democratic causs, since vou lought so manfully- thro' the me dium of the pBpor bearing your naino aguinst the domocruiic party in Perm sylvsniu, when Gov, Woll wns defeated; mid when tho democrats of Unioutuwu and vicinity, felt it incumbent to get up a paper, and get Mr. Spiker, "u true democrat" to edit it. I trusl you ure now a true convert, and thai you will sustnin "principles not men " were "the people fools," ihon or wore they "fooled?" In conclusion, whon you find an arti cle signed as ibis is, charge il upon mo, and not until then. I have nothing lo conceal, either in relation lo myself or others I take the principles ol our government, based upon the Laws ul Naiure, as illustrated by the immortal Jeffurson, lor my guide in poll' ten; and he who contravenes them, tins no claim upon my vulo neither shall he receive it, il 1 know it. JOSEPH CABLF. Carrollton, Aug. f, lis4 I. P, S I would relor you to two sever al articles, signed as above, in tho "Ji,F FMMRIAM ." dated "Sepleinbor '!. IM I ." Fellow democrats Can you find an ex-uso or u motive lor l.ntell in his ruthless attack, not only upon me but my personal friends ol whom I am proud, not only ol their known honest) and uprighlueas, hut a'so ul ihuir nuiu number lor, surely no living man in Curioll, can justly boast ol more. Mr. Holme seems not to be quite ctiqiiuk enough lo suit them hence, lor th, he must havo u hack handed lick, by uu ellori lo arouse my personal Inends agaiosl htm Yea, "his right huuij man lor auditor"- - meaning sunit. one elso than Mr. Ilulme If II were possible lo aiiuihi'ale . lulully, thu democtllic pally in Carroll, It can only he donn by such an editor conlroled by swh a elitfM, In eoncluiton, I will give vou I sort ol key to 'he mo ivea ilml piompled the ulisck Last scur, lv'une l.okiuaa bi'uuiu a victim loi the ivIuIImb(MI oi ihe Civile, beci.iise t the June leiltf ' no in ot '4, us inie ol Ihe Commission I er. he nuisi.d that tin- Trea-uiur shnuid comply will) (he lequisiliou the law. Them followed the political I immolation ol Mr Lewtnn by the same hund. Now, although Lillsll apee s I of roe ill a "burial pi nee," ibo clique are luy iug their trams iu, pnlinrgUy, union late I utile, Col. . Thompson and u , others in Carroll Ji nkins, HatAg, and Fries ol Columbian ihose oi Cai ro'l. lor the purpose ol raising Doiord, and iho nf Columbian, to muku-plecQ lor one Dr. John us the respective) counties may, heeeuji-er, cluun their hghl to u congressman, ike. "A word! lo thu wist,11 iVe liy this time perhaps, Mr, LiU1l, with all his bomblllK! piAtiposily, may conclude that he has "waked up ihn wrong passenger." Il not, h t him Itltem the attack, and he can have the doors j1 Iho churnul fo,ue oi political corruption ojeii'd, and honest democrats permuted lo see iho inside; or ihe ud of Ihe pufi lical Pamloriis But raised, und all ibsj ills, lo which ihe domocruiic pariy ut ( arroll lias been heir lo for years, ee posid 10 public guzo. Goon I hou en gaging CrMeii yoil can be accommo dated. JOSEPH CABLE Carrollton, Aug 7, 1843. Commercial Bank if Scioto Tba Trustees ol this Hunk huve published an exhibit of their uffair9 nn i ho '5th of Ju ly f4il They atalo ihetr reiourcni at $2B8,9Ufi 03 their liabilities to th poh ic, including ffilo63(if notes iu circulation, hi ,"j:7(I '277 1!) They havn reduced thu circulation by (fed 1.930 lukon up. Tho capital slock is ,'ji'C07.ootl 9i. Their notes will undoubtedly be paid m full. Cin Gat, DIVORCE OF HANK AND STATE. Keep it before "the Democracy" that one year ago Hrough and Modury, inrl nine-tenths at least of the Locofoco pa pers in Ohio published us a grave charge) against Thomas L. llunwr's claim iu Democracy, that he had "actually been seen in a Bank, in Cincinnati, sitting choek by jowl with (Junk Cashiers;" and thai now, a Fund Commissioner, this same Hrough, a champion in thu cuuse ol divorce ol Bank and State, ac tually resorts to bunks, and in his official capacity, lor the means ol discharging Ihe obligations ol the State! And tho Statesman in mum! The head and front of outi-Buultism, i office, paironizinjj Bunks, and thus throwing into circula tion 'paper promises," which they say, banishes real money! Why d.d ihey not obtain means Irom individuals? They contend that Bunks aro unneces sary, and their issue unsafe, and public swindling. Yet (hey resort to thorn! Bank Reform Divorce of Hank end Stale "Huve all thy glories, conquests, tri umphs, spoils, Shrunk to this little measure? Faro yo Willi" O. S Journal. - 000 . Crowing The Locofoco in New Orleans are crowing in French, very much ut i heir victory at the recent elec tions. The French sido of tho Courier has the following : CLOUIEUX TRIOMPHE! Cocorieol Cocoricoro ! ! Cocuricocoo oo oo oh!!! Immediately after this, comes ihe pic. lure of a "Chicken -cock." il is bad enough to be beaten; but to be crowed over tu French is not to be endured. If ovef we get another chance for crowing we shall call iu the aid of some of our (ioriu friends, and give it to them ia "high DuC." Bait. Put. "Our Flag is there, Our Flag ts there, Behold il glotious stripes and stars. We yesterday htd the pleasure of in specting the quality of ihe Flag manu factured byj W.GilI.E.q ol Mt. Plena nut, Ohio, lor tho China Mission, which was thon mailed to the Hou. II I. Ells worth, Waihingtnn City. It is purely of iho finest American Silk, and very strong and heavy, 151 foot in length, stripei, crimson and while, 16 inches wide, the squnro fJ feol long 3 feot 9 Inches wide of beaulilul Nu.ureno bluo. It wus ordered by government lor that purpose, und will idled abroad the high est credit upon our mnouiaclures. though, in their iuluncj Whittling Times. THE VAN ZAND I' CASE. Judge McLean yosierday read the) opinion of the Court granting ihe defen dant a new trial, upon the payment of the costs Tho doleiidaut declines ac cepting a now trial on those terms. A motion iu arrest ol judgment had also boon lilud; and the two motions were urgiiud and cuusid.ircd together; hence the rofusnl lo accept ihe new Irial upon iho pay meal of tho corns In case of a new trill, toe pliinilkfinighl have loavn lo amend his declaration, and so cut ofT another motion in arrest. By refusing the new trial, i be defendant seeks i throw the plaintiff ut once on loa defec tive droll riliotf, upon which the Court cannot give judgment In that way ius plaintiff might he defeated. rba Court has curtified that th Judge are divided iu opinion upou the mo ion iu arrest, ami also on a like mn fton in the suit for the poually. This takes boih cuaes to tho Supreme Court lUu Gatcttt, 8UICJ0ES AT SI'KU IJENVILLE A young oiao tinned Andrews, one ul lh' linn ol A II Andrews V 'o.. whole o-v bi ii. Stuubwmfillu Ouiu, uo.'