Newspaper Page Text
on ul Martin. Andrews, Btq., mi hi throat w ith a retfif on Pridtijr last. He was one of the woalthieat and moat res pectable ineii of the place, had been but a abort time married and hail just re turned from a it. iir lu Europe. Ho went to a liable and deliberately cut his throal. No cause is assigned for the rash act. A man named J- Norria committed uicide on Saturday, u s . at Sieubenvilla by cutting hi ih rout. Fills. Chroncleof August 1. THE ACTING PRESIDENT. On the morning of the day on which Pteaident l'vier 'ell New York, adantly, wiih more assurance than change, in inualed hiirtasll into the private parlor, where breakfast wan laid lor hit Excel lency, and cominencod operations on an omelette and veal cutlet that lay bufure bim. A waiter entered with coffre. The intruder scarcely raising In a huud or ceasing mastication, aays: "Ah, John ! pour me out half a cup of that colfee no more. Capital cutlet this! very excellent toast! milk wnrmf always lafco warm milk in my coffee; cold in my tea strunge notion, isn't at?" "Yes," said John, "it is ii rather a trange notion on your part to sit down to the breaklaat especially prepared for the President!" "John," said the man about town "John, you are vulgar, remarkably vul. gar and insufferably impertinent. Do you know me? do you read the papers? You say this is the 'resident s brsak- fast?" "Ordered 'ticularly for him, sir," said John, who began to thmk ho might have committed some fuux pas. "Wall, air, I would have you to know thai I am at this moment- at tins mo ment, sir acting for the President, or the acting President, as the newspapers call it. Fill me a glass of claret und quit the room!'' "Ask your pardon, sir,'' said John; "thought you was one of the gein'meu what sat at the gem'men's table." When the ''acting President" took his Presidential hreaklaai ho loft the room, humming a French air. This anecdote has been told to us by "one who knows." und us accuracy may be relied upon. A large farm without skill, capital, or industry, is a plague to its owner. It is like what somebody said of self righteousness, the mere you have of it the worse you are off. Vigorous old age, John Quincy Adams, whose eloquence and physical powers are remarkable, was 7G yours of age on the llih of July. CMh lor Wheat. The subscriber will pay Cash for good merchantable Wheat delivered at the Carroll ton Sleum Mill. ISAAC ATKINSON. August 1 1. 1843. Cash fur Flaxseed. The highest price in Cash will be paid lor good clean Flaxseed on delivery at the Currolltou Sienm Mill. ISAAC ATKINSON. August II, 1813. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of n writ of Alias Vendi Exponas, issued out of the Court of com mon pleas (or Carroll county, Ohio, and tome directed, I will offer for 'ld at ihedoor ol the court house in Carroll ton , Ml Saluiduy iho 2.'ld day ol Sep ternbur next, between the hours ol IU o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following described real esluie, 10 wit: Lots No. 17, 8, and (35. in the town of Malvern, with the improvements there on. Taken in execution und will he sold by me. DAVID WATT, Sheriff. August II, 1843. Printer's lee 1,60. ALSO, At the same time nnd place, lv virtue of a writ ol Alius fi fa el lev fa issued out of the court ol common pleas for Carroll county, Ohio, and lo mv directed, I will offer (or sale the following roal estate, to wit: The undivided half of iho North East Q nirter ol Section 11, 'I own ship 15, and Hangs 5, wuh the improve meets thereon, Taken in execution and will be sold by me. DWID WATT.SIicnff. August II, IMS Prioior'1 leo 1,40. ALSO, At the sntne time and place, by virtue of a writ of fi.fa cl lev fa, issued out of the court ol common picas for Carroll county, Ohio, sud tome directed, I will offer f"r sale iho following property, to will Part of Iho Smith Eisl Q lurtsr ol Bection S2, Township 11, and Range. 6, beginning one perch east of the somh east comer ol Lot No 7, thence north 4(1 perches, (bunco eosi ( porches, thence COUth 40 porches, thence west III petohea lotha place ol beginning, con nininu 4 acres, il being 1 Out Lots No. 13, 14. 16 and 16. Hi laid out bv Eliza beih Crnxiun lo iho town ol Centrsvillo, row ('arroHloti, Also, Lot No. 44. iii Bohari' pi ii ol the town l Cenlreviile, now Ccrrollton. Also, Lot No. 1, in Isaac A id insult's addition to the town ol Centrcullo, now Carrolllon, with the improve nicnls ihoreon. Taken in exe tulijn and will he sold by mo, DAVID U ATT, Sheriff August II, I RIM I'llineiV fee i.2,26 ocrine no s.-co The subscriber rv-puctlully informs his patruns thai ihis io. ol the free Presa ends his second year. Ih i prepared 10 aellle Willi ail thoau who have not, as yet, paid up and il hia pa lions are as willing and aitxious to have lb boohs "squared" aa he ii, t hu y will surely come up to the. work immediately T vv collier Carrnllton, July 2S, 1843, AdmiuUtratur' Notices Notice is hereby given ttliat the III)' dersiyned have: been sppotnled Admin m tralors of the osluie ol John House, de criased, lute of Carroll count), Ohio. Those who hivo ciatmi against aaid estate, aro requested to present them, properly authenticated for settlement, within one year from ihiad(c, end those indebted wnl mukc immediate payment, JACOB L I.MAN, ( , ELIZABETH IlOUZE, ) Atl1" r8 August II, 1843. REMOVAL. rlienp for re:uly pay, but no Trilut The undersigned would respectfully inlurm his friends and the public gener ally that he has commenced iho Hatting bussinoss in ell its virions brunches in the new FRAME iiUILDING Stidger's Row, Lisbon street, Carrolllon, Ohio, lie intends to keep on hand a lur o assortment of HATS of his own mun ufucture, and a well Belectcd stuck of the most fashionable eastern hats of the lutes! stylo and best quality. Ho can sell Fur Hats at fromjgll to $0, or one-third cheaper than anv other establishment in the Western country. All hats of his own manufacture will he warranted. Call und examine before you buv elsewhere Wheat, Com, Oats, L'imbs nnd Long Wool, and all kinds of produce taken at tho highest cash price. CASH will it 1 ways be paid for hatting and shipping fur. NICHOLAS BURGER. Carrolllon, Aug. 1 1, 1843, A. XV. Svm resident Dt-ntisi in SleubenvillH, will visi', Carrolllon on Monday the 14th of August, and remain ihree or four days only. Those, there fore, who wish his services must cull immediately. References, C. C. Beallv, D. D. I) L Collier. Esq. Rev. .1 Chambers, J. Andrews M D. July 28, 1843. Ariiiiiiiislrnfor' Sale. BY virtue of an order ol the court of common ploas in ami for the county nf t'arroll and Stale of Ohio, made at the June Term thereof; A I) 1843 the un dersigned will sell St public vendue on Saturday lbs 26th dav of August, IHRI. boiwuon the hours of 10 o'clock A M and 4 o'clock P M of said day, on thf promi ses, the following real sstats lo wit; Lot No 'i) in tho town of New Harris burgh in said county, with iho improve, mentl thereon, siilij''ct to iho dower es. into therein of Agoea Weaver -and also lots Not, 16, 17 anil 18, in tho inwn of Norriatown in siid county Terms cash. LEON IRD HARSH, ISA AC LEWTON, Administrators n( I).ivul Woaver, dee'd. July 28, 1848, Michael Smith's Estate' Notice is hereby given that I fas uh scribeis ha e been appointed and qna'ili ed as Administrators of I he Estate ol Michael South, late of Monroe township, Carroll county, deceased, dated Monroe township, Carroll county Ohio, June 2;id 1843. SAMUEL SMITH, DANIEL fc'MITII craLISP. CTTTFFC. 20 pieces summer wearol linen cot ton und of almost every stylo for isle b Jackson & Thompson. i:talf of Viesitu-I Knisistcl. Tho unileiMguuJ have been appoiulcd and qualities' Executors of the estate o Samuel Russell, of Monroe township Carroll county, deceased , those having claims against said estate will present the sumo lor settlement in ouo year, and those indebted to said estate will muko immediate payment. Dated Momoe township Curroll county, Ohio, June 23d 1813. AARON ELLIOTT, ROJ3GUT RUSSELL, Executor! Scythes A- Sickles. Q noz Scylhcs snil tin kles received uuu lor stile by Jackson sV ThomVsoM, A Dm A IS I 'I! A 2 VRS' A 0 1 1 GfcT Notice is hereby given lo all those in debled to the eslaie ol William Slock man, lale ol Curroll count) . O, deceased, to m ike immediate payment to the un dersigned administrators; anil nil those having claims against said estate nic ic quested to pratesjl tfaem, proper!) sotbou ueated (or hetlleinenl, Wtthiu one year Irom thia dale JOHN MON I'GOMERy, WILLIAM STOCKMAN, Admiflrsiruiors. June 23, 1849, HLNK hi K I )S HHi SALE 4 7 fUtiS UEI HCE I'JJK Ht'A i K OK OHIO Cahkoi.i, ( OCMtV, j ' CODKI Of COMMON Pi BAft Vacation after March 'trim, A D lf3 Joseph D.ijliu, doavan lint, vs. , Rat 'fasti Day It off. widow oi IVtei I) ybuff, do. , Petition far oeneed, Joseph Burner, f Partition. moos Burner, Calha. HO Burner, M.irg irel Burner, huh Ehia b lb Burner, Dclu'iduiila. The said delend. ifltl will lake notice, Unit ibe sud demsodant, on the eigLth duy of June, A. D li'ed his peli lion in iho ollice of the Clerk ol lb Court of Common Pleas in and lor s.hJ county, wherein, as one of the heirs oi Peier Day huff, lute of Carroll county, ilt ceased, he dt m mils partition of the South bail Quarter of Section twelve., in Township twelve, oj Range Jive siluai eti hi said county; end print ifanl the dower of iho said Rucbud Duyhuff, 'is widow of the said Pelcr deceased, mav lie aeeigaed her in said premises; and that one equal half ol said premises may tie sol off to him in scverully Which said petition will be for tearing at the next October Term of said Court. JOSEPH DAYIIUFF, By his Attorneys, Pearce, Starkweather, oi Jarvis. July 14, 1843 -39 0v. THE S STATE OF OUIO,( Carr'ill Cooirrr, ss, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Vacation after June 'term, A. I). lb'Ki. IN CHANCERY, William Kyle.1 vs. Petition for Divorce. June Kyle. J Notieo is hereby given to the ssid June Kyle, that on the (Mi duy of July, A. D. 1843, I filo-i in the office ol the Clerk ol the Court of Common Pleas ol Carroll county, Ohio, u Pennon, pray nig to be divorced from her; and for cause, setting forth that sho has been three yeurs wilfully S blent from me which said petition will stand fur hear ing at the next October Term ol said Court of Common Pleas lor Carroll county when and where, she may, il she please, ippoar nnd innkc rielonce. WILLIAM KYLE, Ry I'earcc, Starkweather, 4- Jarvii, 1 J ib Solicitors. Julv I4,1843 - 39 6w. SHERIFF'S SALE. Samuel Miller, M ! Order to sell Charles 0, Rourk &i Lands. Wiili.un Suuiun. J By virtue of an order ol the Court ol Common Pleas within sod fist the eoun ty ol Curroll in Chancery sitting, tod lo me directed, J will oiler lor s.ilo at the door of the Court house, in Carrolllon, on Monday the I lib dav of August next, between the hours ol 10 o'clock A. M. and -1 P M ,tbo following described real estate, via Part ol the South East Q;tar tor of Section 9, lowoship lti(lUov,n) ami kungo t, commencing t a white oak tree near the ceiMre ol said section, Hiuucu south 19 degrees 30 minutes east 20 chains sod 18 links Ion pent, Ihepce east 13 chains lo u hicory on the bunk ol a mill race, thence noilh 49 degrees ess! ouo chain uiid71 links, thence north 16 degrees oust 5 chums and 31 links, (hence north lit degrees ami 30 minutes west 2 chains and II links, Ibencs north 5A degrees salt 9 chains and 21 links, thence north 61 degrees and 30 minutes nasi 2 chains and 50 links, thence north 31 degrees BUI 2 chains and 38 links, thence north be degrees und 30 inn lilt s east 4 chains ami 20 links, them e north SOdogseei east Sebaini and 60 links, tbeiice nirth 31 degrees ensi 3 chains and 73 links, thence south 89 degrees 23 miuuuies wast 33 chains and 41 links along the line of said quarter to the place of beginning, contuininy 42J ncres more or less. DAVID WATT, Sheriff. July 14, 1813. Printers fees $3,15-0 Attachment. Notice is hmoliy given to all persons interested, that at my instance u writ ol attachment was this day issued b S.ur. mil Williams, a Justice of the Pence ol Perry lowoship, in tho county ol Carroll against the goods, chatties, rights, crod 11s, moneys nnd affects of Emanuel Cum mil.,: . an absent debtor. THOMAS CUMMINGS. Jul) 21, 18-13. Attachment. NoTICK is hereby iven to all persons interested, that ul our instance, a writ of attachment was this dav issued hv Geo. Push, a Justice of the Peace ol Harrison lowoship. in iho county o( Carroll, a gainst the goods, chattels, rights, credits moneys und effects of John fcihultz, an ubbcnt debtor. McKLDBRRY. MILLER. July Nlh, 1843, COTTON YARN. y D O lbs of Cotton Vara, assorted BUUI iota lot sale hv 1 A TKINSON 6j Co. Peenets m uie.ii siititluaucs and va riety for sale (.mno us low as I2i cents) it the store Ot J ACKSON A THOMPSON .Kill 1VOICK neatly Exmifrm AT ullRE THIS TASMSl TAXES!! NOTICE is i'n 10 lb laiatrlf inhshnsnia of Carroll counts. Ohio, thsi I will commence eallrWirr Ihe PwieS on Monday 'br I lib day ol Sif qib r, For ibal )inpor. m vsmK or dneui V . will BM iiin iliv in nyi-h . i... aJ il.r O-unl idsfn of holdifn plcrnn. I SIWeM clock P .VI . io receive iax'-s from ihos wt,o may wifh lopay ihsm there, aa lol lo,wa, viz: In Loudoun township on M'.rdav .Scpicmber In l,e township on Tuesday BeptSmbOf In Pox township on Wciripsdav Sfpernber lo Ivisl lowiuhip SO 'Plinrtdiiy B "ptunbwr In Auitiisia lowoship 00 Friday Seplernbur lo Washiogioo tewoshipoa Bsiurdoy . :. t In Pcrrv Uiwristnp on Monday Bopfemfctf In UOioi towostiip on Tuesday September In Harrison lowoanip on Wednesday sVo'Osabtf In Drown township on Thursday SKpiember In Roas township on Friday Sfp'embfir In Monroe township on Saiurdsv Sepismhsr In Orafgs township on Monday September In Centre township on Wednesday September I will etlen stiond at mv office in Carrolllon, during the months of October and November "est, lo receive taxes due from those who have not previously paid. Those, who nsgleet to pay wubin ths tune specified in this notice, may expect to pay cost in addition. The Mowing is the amount of Tax chsrged on each bunded dollars for the year LS43: Townships. Loudon, Fox, East, Augusts, c Rrown, Waahingion. Union, Harrison, Monroe, Rose and Orange, Perry Lee Centre JAS To Supervisors. I would recommend the following form- I do certily that A B has performed Isbor on the public highway, in district , in township, to the amount of dollars cents roiils. No. Given under my hand this day of Julv 28, 1843. NEW THE subscribers have just received and opened a large block of Spring & Summer Goods, which have been purchased in the cities prices as will enable theffl to sell as low as go DM ol like quality can be sold in this or liny ether place Our stock is large and well suited 10 the present and npnroachinr; season, und will be suid only lor PaY IN HAND, either Caoii or Country Produce. Carrolllon, June 'Jib, 1843. N. B, We wih to bay a quantity prico will be paid 111 goods or pari Cash. Look at the following! A !SAVI"ft OF KrS Tho subscribers would very respec.lully inlorm the public that ihey are now receiving (and putting up in inch u manner us will dnzzle (he vision of your oculur optics,) the Largest, Best, und wilhul Ihe Cheapest assurtment of Spring & $BBBti6iicr Goods Ever offered to nn nstonisbed public. Our Block consials in part of Cloths, Cas. simeres, S.iltnielts, Jeuns, and Suinmer Stuffs of all descriptions, Silks ol nil kinds, Calicoes 10 all dislrnctiuii, Heavy Mucins, Drilling, Tu king, Hals, Brush, Ivussin, Eur it Palm Leal, Cape, Eur, Seal, Senlelle, Boots, Shoes, Genllemen' & Ladies' Slips, Ladies' Hoods, superior of thu best quality and lowest possible price together with a splendid variety ol Fancy und Goods ol all kinds, which we are determined to seh u: a more reduc ed price (or Cash or .approved ProdvCi in bund, than hss ever been offered to ibe public in the western world. So all you thai wunl to Luy will plsase cull and examine our stock before purchasing, Corno and try us, und it we do not cslnhiishmeut in the west, we enrea lo and wo shall risk the outcome, So como alioaD, and call wilh our old friends at No. 1, Cheapsido you shall always find us peifecllv at home, and no mistake. Wo want to buy 20,000 ltllft-llclN of Wheat, (or which we are ready and willing to pay Hie hii'hest price in CASH. A, IK Thayer & Co. Bolivar, May 27, 1843. NOTICE IS hereby ti vert to ull peisons knou ing tli' in-u'lvcs indebted to t lie estate ol John Beboiit, late ol 11 lull coiinly Oftje decci.ised lo make imou'didte payment lo Iho uiiileiMiiHici A''.nin ., and persons having claims againsreeid eti taleuie requested to present them lcj;,il ly proven tor settlement within etjbteeu monlhs from Ibis dale IKA (5. BRBOHT, Adm-:. RB11RCCA UEilOUT, Adm'a July 28, 1813. "he boors of 10 r.'c'ock a, M nnd 4 p. II 19 ta 14 la Hi l 19 20 21 82 2t 26 27 O o c 3 "V c o CB c a CO f cr o o H o a tm a- 5' H o m 5 73 w o ST o o J N O 70 70 70 70 70 7o n : I 66 0 I 70 0 1 76 0 1 80 0 1 62 I 75 0 CAMERON, Treasurer Csrioll Co. 1843. Supervisor. GOODS! of New York and Philadelphis, at such 30 10 20 5 20 10 90 lo 90 6 20 15 30 10 20 5 20 20 30 10 20 6 8fl 25 30 10 SO 6 20 71 30 10 30 6 20 ' 10 Jackson & Thompson, ol WOOL, for which the hichest marke J. Ojf T. TliR EAT!!!j) Bcnnels, Hardwire ol nil kinds, Grocenes give mote Goods for less Money than any haul in sail. All we ask is a fair start A tl 111 i 11 intraMr's Nol ice. Notice is hereby given to all those 111 aebted to ibeeatf seel James MHToeaba late of Carroll couniy , Ooio, dee'd , lo make immediate payment to J be under sigoed administralor ; ami all those huv- ing claims againai smd estate are revues 'ed 10 present Ibessj, properly iiulbciilicu ' d (or settlement, wuluu una yeat liom due date. WIEI.IAM OGLE. Admintstrstni with ths (Mil uauueii Junh I3j Ut 1 R. A. Faliii-H L'e Vermi luse, 0110" certain cure for Worms. Certificates of as Ificary can begteox at iht. store of the subscriber suhVtont In satisfy the most iniredulous. f 1100. 25 cents. Whitolv, Green Co. Pa. I May 1 1th 1813. ) Mr. B A. Pakatttock It Cos Desrsir: 1 liavu been using your Vermiluge in n practice for a number of years and find it tho most sure and safe Worm Destroyer 1 h it I ever bad. 1 was called lo a child six or -even yeurs old, in May IG42, which wag ibeu in spasms with bn worraa. I uwve 1'. one vial of your Vermifuge, agreeably lo dneciioris, and the child parsed 4 tie worms. In a lew weeks. I gave il so other vial, and 11 parsed 2(j0 more ma king in all MO worm, The child recov ered immediHtely, and has enjoyed g health ever time. I bave prescribed it in many other I cases , in which it bus brought away 2001 M ,.A and Jonathan Morius B A. Fahnestock's 4 01 Billious PHtt 1 A goalie bnl sjpciojM catbaruc, ex, rest Iv addOlerl for a larmlu . i.v ,ir . ' . ,., r j r. .., D.. a.,.l t... .l .11.-.. . , ii... hu wj tu uutor pin in use lo" all cases in winch a catbaruc was irt1i caterj. Th wi'l operate thorouahlv wiiht ut (.'riping. Puce 25 cts. for a btx cont.iiriiiii! 30 pills. Pneni ruc or Cough Balsam A va'si able reinedy lor Coughs a,id Coldsu Price 2b c nts. Cough Lozenges. These Lozenee possess all the virtues of the beat Cosjaje. Syrups, are convenient to carry in ih pocket sod very pleasant lu the Usie. Price 25 cents. Carminative Lozenges, for the cure of the BoquMl complaint. As the so- son is now approacr.u.g in which bowel complaints are always very irouhlea aie as wll as dangerous, every latui.y should be provided with a box of ihe Lozenges, which if used accoiding u mrt etioos, will certainly cure. Price, 25 cents Liquid (hpodeldec This penetrating article possesses double (he strength of the couiu.on Opodeldoc, is more cUanlv smi murh nv re convenientlv applied. Price 26 cen Is. For sale hv R. KENNEDY, Drnegiii Carrolllon Ohio. J"lv If, IS43. m Doclor sf. 2d. ttrmtroiiju having ret Jrned 10 Carrolllon, wuh MM intention of making u bis permanent ree idence; tenders his prolessional service to the the citizens of Carrolllon and victn ily. Having been patronized liberadv while associated with Dr Hunter, ho would nuw ask for himself a share of public patronage, and he hopes te be able. 10 give satislaction lo all those who may give a call. Office on Minn street, two doors West of J. It Ly lie's (formerly H A Stidgtn,) store room, and dircctlv opposite Hunter and Morrison's Law office. Lis old accounts will be in bis own hands, and thoso wishing to settle will call at his office. Carrolllon, Junp 30, 1843. ENCOURAGE HOME MANU FACTURES! SATriNET'l'S ol Carrolllon Manu facture, which, for cheapness and dura, biliiy cun'l he beat, for sale by I. ATKINSON & CO. Csrrolltjn, June 23, 1843. Administrator' Notice. Notre is hereby given, ihut the un dersigned bava been appointed Adminia I raloTS of Ibe estate of John M-wl, de cased, lale of Curroll coonty Ohio. Those who hive claims against said, est ite, will bimj; them forward, prowed auihentienr)d, w ithiu one esr from thia date, nnd lima) indebled will niaka.iiaV mediate p . RMHtti MART MOWL. Adm'x. IH M IK iN SPENCEJ 4J, THOMAS MAY, M m' Jimp 16, S4i. 0&OV3U Of every color and qualily, on hand! and for sain verv cheap, at the store of JACKSON &l THOMPSON. IS hereby given m ibe taxable inhab itants ol Carroll county, that ihe Cose missioners of suid couniy, levied at ibesr June session, twenty cents 011 each hue deresj dollars (except Centre ip. which ie ihirty cents.) of the valuation of the prop erty of said couniy lor road purpasee. No'ire is therefore given, thai Die same may be discharged on Ihe public high way under the direction of the Bupervisnr within wh .se district ihey may reside. at the r.tto of seventy five cents per day. Divnsj nntJti my hand this ftiholJun IMS. WM HOI MES. Couuly Audtlof June Iti, 1 -43.