Newspaper Page Text
, THE subscribers are now in receipt o( a new Stock of Sp ring and Summer which have been purchased in ilio cities of New York and Philadelphia at very reduced prices, and will now be sold tuner than bus ever before been offered in (his place. Our stock is large and well assorted, and wo invite all wlm wish to purchase GOODS CHEAP, to give us a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Customers will please bear in mind t hut we sell only for f,'ai or Produce JN HAND these are llio only terms on which GOODS can be sold cheup. Carrollton, June 2d, 184S. CDOO yards Brown unci blcaehei muslins, Irom 6 to 18 cents per vard (01 ale by I. ATKINSON Sr Co. AOSCS, SILKS, Gloves, Mitts. Hosiery, Ribbons, Dress handkerehiels, i'lwtm, Painted uiuslme, Mouuelde lino Laine, Cu stuffs 6ie, for sale by I. ATKINSON $-Co. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Hals cheap for ready pay, but no Trust The undersigned would respectfully inlortn his friends and the public goner ally thuthe has commenced t he Ratling bussiness in all its various branches in, the Sioro room formerly occupied bj Jackson -and Sinclair, on Maine strcut, Carrollton. lie intends to keep on band a large assortment ol lJATt) ol his owi Bionuliiciure, and a well selected slock of the most fashionable eastern hats ol (he latest style and best quality. Hi can sell Fur Hats at from $1 in fl or one-third cheaper than any other establishment in the Western country. All hath of his own manufacture wil be warrantod. Cull and examine bcfon you buy elsewhere. Wheal, Corn, Oals, Limbs and Lone Wool, and all kinds of produce taken a the highest cash price. CASH will always be paid for hattinr and shipping fur. NICHOLAS BURGER. Carrollton, June 2, 1813, (Qnecus calico ol every stylo and pattern from 4 to 2f cts, for slo by Jackson &i Th mc-on. MUSLZITD TL(QQ I'iceB Brown and Blenched mo lilis Hum U to 20 CtS, for sain by Jackson &i Tiiomi'so'n. IRON if NAILS, A large assortment ol Junlatta Iron end Nulls recoived and lor sale by Jacks bj S( Tno.nrsoN. A large assortment Hollow warn of the best quality, such as Pots, Ovens, iskil lets, Slewpots, Teakettles, Ax. received ana tor snlo by Jackson Si TbosjUoH. ViEA K BAC KS ! WE A K ' I ( KS ! ! IO,OOU4oW yearly. Out if li cenii apiece!!! HERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLAS TER. Tho best strengtlieuiua plaster in the world, ami n sovereign remedy for pains or weakness in thu back, loins, stilus breast, neck, limbs, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, fie, &o. One million a year Will not supply the demand. Several persons have called at the warehouse, lo express tlieir surprise and thanks, at tho almost miiaculous cures these piasters havn stl otasj, Jos W Hoxio, Esq., wiio had boon tn alll villi rhnumatisin, as lo be una ble lodrnss himself without BSSistanSS, wus snabletf, after wearing ono only one nigh, lo p.'t up in the morning, put on his Clothe, and c atourorUce wnh i eyes beaming aritt j"V, and ins tongue pouting forth tbn iladness of his heart, at Ihn sudden and Signal relief hi had! received from Ihe hnsl ol nil romci'ics. Only r.'i cents a plssiet ! A fresh supply just received by tho Pol lowing agents Jackson At Thompson, Carrollton. Sloan & Alwoll, H mover, Agent at Augusta., G. F. Thomns & Co. 1 17 Main street Cincinnati, Generul Agents lor the Wes. lern cnun'ry. June tilth 1043. EXECUTORY yOTtCtt. Notice ib hereliy uiven lo all those in 'debiid to the estate rd Philip Harsh, lte of Carrol! county, Ohio, dee'd. lomnkn VlBiMfhett wrt men I to the uudersioned executors; nod all those having oUirpj agHinst Kind rstiiie. are reqtisflsd to pre sent them, properly authenliceted lor seiileinutit, within una year Irom tliini date LEONARD ITKRSH, PHILIP HLKSII, June 5, !84. I, Snecuton Aliiaea Liintrm, A few pirflea Ol dirterenl colore md cos, Irom (l?t lo 871 cl, to' sale by UCuil Tmoaii'som. v I. Atkinson &, Co. LAW NOTICE PEARCEj STARKWEATHER AND JARVIS, Attorneys at Law, Carrollton, Cakroll Co.,0 OrOfiicc a fow doors West of "The Exchange '1 x Carrollion.O.. Fun 21. 1840. L ri; ti . HUNTER & MORRISON ATTORNEYS Sl COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, Will practice iu the county of Carroll and adjoining counties. Ollico on Main street, in the room formerly occupiod as a Store by M'Kblorry Jf Miller. April Zl, 11143. "HE citizens oi Carroll euunlv. Ohio. are hereby notified, that ihe undersign ed has commenced thu business of re pairing Clock and W atches 1 Of all kinds, in the best possible man nor; and at prices thai, it is hoped, will irive salisfactioil to nil. His shop is on Mun slroel, two doors west o ttU6f Hotel. fafa wQ&AH mrk done by the subscriber 11 be Warranted. J R RUDULPII. Carrollton, March 81, 1813. TAILORING s v. a 11 B8PBCTrUtL informs ihe cili 1, Lons of Carrollton & vicinity, that he is prepared, st his shop, two doors ast of iho Cnrrolllon M ill, lo enrrv on the above hu.tineBfl iMnl jig various bran ekes, in Ihe RUtest and moat substantial mnnnor. Thns who favor I lirn IV 1 1 It iheir custom, be flatters hinwr-lf, will not sgrel it, as it will be Ins constant aim to jrivn gi neral satisfaction. Carrollton, April 7, 1813. liE4TIIER, Red, White, Spanish andrnimtry Solo Leather, Harness, Skirting, Upper leath sr.Calf skins, all nt reduced prtces.and superior quality for sale by JACR80N & THOMPSON. (VTTOM YARN, 1000 lbs, cotton yarn of a sucrinr quality and assortod numbers, on hand and fur salo by JACKSON if THOMPSON, Summer Wear. Cotton and LinQ goods lur Summer wear in great quantity lor tale by I. ATKINSON & ('. 200 pieces ol I'riutb from 4 to 20 coute ptryaid, tor sale by I. ATKINSON 6( Co. 3iM aVTOian; Red, While und Spanish Sol,. Untfcftf, Upper leather, Harness and Calfskins, for sale by I ATKINSON j; Co. BON Mips. Siraw, rTlorsnec BkL PwmM s;ib Luwn und Nun bi is. i.'al. b I. ATKINSON eV Co. C LOTUS. Blue, Blsch, Brown, OUve, Grcn, lrab and C det mixed bllOftd clothe, 01 Irom $2 (o g per yard, on hand nod lor 8,y I. ATKTN8CN ii Co. ALA PAVA LUSTRhS Black, Blue black, Brown und Green Alapacu Lustres for sale by I. ATKINSON If Co, Kentucky leftm. A uood i cili H1 ol Keiiluckv Jenns ol diiroient colors and prices Irom 25 to 071 cts per vd for sale by J CK.VON Jf THOMPSON. SU(;.il$ MOLASSES 60fl Kills N O molasses and 4000 lbs W i Si L . t J U lisos if THOMPSON, Itaotx! JO t',ies ol very sum no, oiialil'v Wjd o the best workmunship. juai tpnei ed direct from tbn Mnoi'. .- ,l ul ,,, Moro ! A. THAYER & CO. Bolivar, Oct, 1 fi. N4J PSA 111 I ... . .. . v . ,. a . , s ii il lm,i i, ,n ii.i.n . who buv to soil imam H.A.T. S( CO lr. Peters' feretfeic Anil IiUjuii .Pills, are tho most unrivalled remedy evenly covered by Uiu ingenuity ul m m. The are u sovereign cure for the following complaints Yellow nnd Billions Fever Fever and A.'tie. Dyspepsia, Croup, Liv er C implnint, Sick Headache, Jaundice, As: Ihii i, Drop) , Rheumatism, linlargo- inoul ol ibe Spleen. I'ilus, UotlC, F. male Obslruclious, Heart burn, Furred tongno EVtuae-i, Distensions ol the stomach und tory or putrid sore throat, bowel or sum B iweje, Incipient Diarrboji, Flatulence mer complaint, I iniing, oppression, or Habitual Cosiivenoss, Loss of Appetite, a aenje of sinking of the cbcsi, obolic, Blot bed or riallow Cemploxion, and in spasms, cramps ol ihe st itnach or bow all cases ol Topor ol the Bowels, ivhuro ,!,t! hysterical directions and all nervous e. Cathartic or an Aperient te needed, They are exceedingly mild in their snore lion, producing neither; Nausea, Griping, nor Debility. They are lexlen- sivolv used and commended by Piacti- sing Physicians, in all parte of the Union, from wboui any qumtity of certificates nil heir value can ho obtained. Dr. J G Smith, of Woodstock. Va, says: "They are a better Pill than I van make." He recommends them to all. The Agent at Sirasburg, Vu. says he supplies families for thirty miles around with Peters' Pills, and they perform such remarkable cures that they are prelorrud to overy othi-r medicine Mrs. E Ward, ol New York, was Irou bled wiili Dyspepsia und Liver complaint lor fiui en years. By usin ihese valua ble Pills a short time, she wus complete ly restored. Miss Clark, daughter or Col. Clark, was afflicted with Irregularities and Ob Stracirons, attended with most diatress siog symptoms, Sue was cured by us ing Dr. Peter' Pills. Hon, E I) Davis was afflicted with Rheumatixm so us to be unable to dress bimsslf. Phle boxes of Petera' Pills cniirely cured him. Hut why multipty toslimnnnls? Vfl say lu nil, try Ur. PtTtll' VsMTAlUt PttLi, and wo will guarantee Ibai alter, wards you will use (hem in prelurence to all uihors. Iloetor siicfmati'N Med'ealed ai d Fancy Lounge Ware hauie. Ml Main Street, tu twan Third und Fourth, Cincinnati, Ohio. SU E EM A N'S CO VG II LOZENGES Are tho salest, most sure and effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consump tions, Whooping cough, Asthma, Tight ness ol the Lungs or chest, &,e. 'J'hii proprietor h is never known nn instance where Ihe) did not give perlecl satisfae. lion. Several thousand boxes huve been sold during the past year, restoring to health persons iu almost every stage of consumption, and those laboring udder the most distressing colds und coughs. They do not check and dry up ibe cough, but render it easy, promote ex pecioralioa, nliay the tickling or irrita tion, and remove tho proximuto or exci- tlllir eilllfO. Tho Hnv Dr. Kastmond, of this city gavo a lew to a lady, a Iriend of hm, who had been given up by her physician and friends aH in the last stage of cuu- Mimptton. The first Lozenge gave Tier Considerable reiwt, so tht she was en couraged lo persuverc in their use; and through the blessing ol Gud they resto led her to perfect health. Mr. G T Matthews. 8. Caroline street suffered a year wnh u herd tight oougb, pain iii tbu sulo, spitting of nlood, and all ihe usual sympioms of consumption, The Lu.engos relieved him immediately and iu a lew weeks restored him toper, feci lieulih- llo eaya they ure ihe great' est cough medic IM in Ihu world. Over 3,000 persons havo given their names wiihin the last year as a refer eoceofthe wonderlul viitues of these Cough LoSMUge. They euro all recent cases in n b w hours, seldom requiring more than one day lo entirely erudicute the most distressing ones. Puce only ib cents pur box. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES, Proved in more than 400,000 eases, to be tafuHibte ; ihoonly certain worm ds droving medicine over discovered. Many disease! arise from worms, and occasion long and iotense suffering, and even death, without their ever bring sua poeted; grown persons aro verj often sffliatsd with thorn, and are doctored lor various complaints, Without an) bci ffflt, when one doso ol these Lozenges would speedily cure them. Syihpti mi of Worms Pain in tho joints or limbs, offensive breaih, hicjitng at ihe nose, grinding ot lhe teeth during sleep, and at tun s a paleness about Ibe lips wnh Hushed cheeks; blooding ul the nose, gnawing at the stomach, :i .in, , ol hi at over ihe surface of Ihe body, blight ehilhjor ihlverings, ksedsche, drowsi- liess, verll?", loiper. disturbed dreams, sudden tirlli'g il sleep with fright and Hcrenining; sometimes u (roubl some cn'igh, laverishness, thirst, plid hue, I tits, bad lasle in ihe mouth, difficult area I thing, pain in Ihe eioutaeh and bowuls, fatigue, nausea, sq ueamishtuiss, vera eions Ippeiite, feaonese, bloated stomach , or limbs, griping!, shooting pains, in va. rious puts oi the Innlv, a sense of sonie ' thing rising in me, throat, Itching of the j nuns towards night , n frequent desire lo pass sotic ihmg from tho bowels, and sometimes discharges of tdimo and mu cus. Or. Galen Hunter, 100, Sixth Av., know a chti l that was cured of lit by theso Lossuges, after throe years' sull'. r iug, nail when iioihiog else would give the lo msi relief He has ued them in his practice lor the tail two years in several Hundred ease, ,.rti.., sr. widi success, A boy on boaid ol Ma of thu Havre Pu'Kels was cured ol tils ey ouly one ilose ol t lit m. Fries ouly 8$ cent porbox. SUEILUAX'S CAMPHOR or HEAD ache lzlnces, Give immediate renel in Nervous or sic k Headache, palpitation of Ibe heart, low- ness of spirits, despondency, mrl imma uieeaeee, drowsiness through the day and wakefulness at night; cholera or cholera morbus', diarrhoea, iassilude, or SOMO of fatigue. Persona travelling Pr attending largo parlies, will rind the Lohgee really reviving and miparting the buoyancy of youth- used alter dissi pat ion, they will restore the lone id Ihe system generally, a nd remove all un pleasani symptoms arising from too free jliving. Joseph B Nines, Esq , Vice President ! of the Washington Marine Insurance I Company , has suffered for yes's with nervous headache, that nothing would i reHiass till he used these fvz i)ge. which removed n entirely in 15 minutes. Dr. G Hunter 108 sixth Av., has been subject to violent attacks of headache, sons to make turn almost blind for two or th re hours at a lime. Nothing ever afforded him any relief till he tried ihese Lozenges, und they cured him in a fow minutes, Dr, A O C.Stio, 104 sixth A v., has used them repeatedly and never knew theftl to fail. Price 85 cents pt v B ix, BrfHtdretIi'8 VWU HavincI been be lore the American people ovor seven years, iheir corrective and curative nroDOrlins are fit 1 1 v known add justly appreciated by ffisey ihou.S' oiors. Little need lie siid in their praise in the shape of an advertisement. The virtues of ihe medicine having been tee ted bv arsons in every City, 'Pawn, Vil luge, and almost evory House in the U Slates. Ask any one who has used Dr. Brandrelh'a Vegetable Universal Fdis, and n heaitv recommendation will be the result, h remains only for the public to ho very cautious where they purchuse All Pr. Brandretb'c Agents havo an en- jiaveo eeriiueair in iigeney on wliicb is, " '."py oi mo inrce. inioeis which are upon each box of the Pills. M,RK three labels on tho top the side and bot torn ol each box, on each of Which is two signatures of Dr. Bmmlreth. Dll. BR ANDREWS Agent for Carroll county is H A. 8TIDGER, Carrollton, Sept. 2, 1812. To (lie Public. lIH'! best bargaine und the best as- JV sortment of FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS Ever offered in Bolivar may now be luuud ut ihe store of A. D. THAYER & Co. Where purchusors aro invited to call und examine. Bolivar, Jan. 61 MS. 3 DUO BUSH, of WHEAT. A. I). THAYER & Co. of Bolivar Tu cam was county, Ohio, want topuschais ihoabovo amount ol Wheat for whiel they are willing and ready to pay tht Cash. Bilivar, Dec. , 1812 AND NO III I ST A KB; At the. Store of the subscribers, in Boli var, Tust arutDas Co. O fjjMIK subscribers huvo a goneral as J sortment oi t'loUi, fawsiniercs, CASSINE'PTS, KENTUCKY JEANS A splendid selection uf A lurgelol ol iho best articles of Ml MVS; And a variety of other ailioler too num srom to mention, all ot which wo offer lor sale ai 2.r) per cenl less than the sumo articles Bull be bought at any oilier es tuhlishmcui in this plane, A D THAYER eVCfc Bolivir. 7X April 7, 43. windnW-cimh a ml nlaN. 's cut Nails; all ! s. !000 Lights Window Sash. !tO boxes do Glass. Also, a general assortment of Iron, all of which are for sale at the fowetl prices by the subscribers at their storo in Bolt- V D. THAYER & Co. Apitl 7, 1843. Mole Leather. THE subscrihers have on hand a large quantity of u superior article ol SOLE LEATHER, Which they will sell at us low prices ns can he found at any other eetsblishmsol iu the Slate, by the single sine or by thu quantity, A. D. TH YER & Co. Bolivar, Jan 0, 1 843 .IOII Vt OKK NEATLY EXECUTED AT Tills Oi l ICE lr. Markueutitet 's Hep ie J&liiii', For tke of L ver Howjt aii.l. Jaun dice und DpspehtiQ, Thouah much has r. cenlly been said in relation to Dr. tf ark wiuithcr's tlvpah ic E'lxn.ji't tlis quHsiion is null ailed wh it is vour ouiriioo ol ibis i i, in. ol meoNoitii ? Mur-reply inyaniustj is, ihut it is the bust remedy lor bitiuua diseases' or tho Liver Cunplaiui in nil iig forms, that has overcome wiihin our kuowedi-e. Proof of which is daily and almost hour ly given us by persms who have used it, and who bae derived the greaiesl ben fit from I', and whose te'sii'mooy is ibe most Hubft'tmiial and undtiniab'e, Tbn demand f ir T OoinMliUdM 16 increase anil nt this moment escsedi ihui ofanyolhei medicies in our catalogue. (Vherever it is plocbd for sale orders are utmost in stantly forward I or additumal supple, and it ms now uecouie the m si popular aruoie oi mearCliifl now in use, and has nh,am.d n,,u ,...i. .... ... sic . M . i ,?o70.J,nW o il " ; ST ,S"'uKl8 ... -tytHisu to i is ocih tieiiti ettecls- on tne onntrary ull are united in bestpw iii! upon il thai uiKjuilified UIW( 0r praise lo winch it is so justly entiled. The Madical Faculty contrary to their usual practice with srtielea termed pat ent medicines, have given this prepara tion their sanction, ami ool ouy permit their patients to use it, but in many in stances presorihe it Uiemseves, '1'he Proprietor has bean in the prac tice of medieioe and a inemhsr of the Madical Society ol Massachusetts I'Or 80 years. The medicine is prei nred Undsr his immediate iiit.pi elion, and cannot be classed with the many useless and dangerous nostrums which are pnmed upon the public merely for the sake of gain. Everv person who is in Ihe least inclined to bilious habits should at once eonim'iice its use, $Mhev can positively rely upon its superior sfficnoy of Dsaliha and curative properties. . CBUTJMOATE. This certifies, fhai for tweve years i was ulllicted with sickness and d III OKI thi time I applied lo a number of the most skilful and celebrated nhvoimam w.. have among us, without uny permanent benefit (o myself as my compaiuls con. tinned to increase upon me.. To describe all my ill feeiings would be out of mv power. I hnd no appetite, was troubled with a levari) main tin mv K'eai oisiress alter ItakVQg Ifooa, dull heave leeiinp iiiani limn. jflmost to stupidiiy, iriwrrihireea jf wy tin lis, could get -no 'relreuhirig seep, my foob did are nogood,my 'bowels wero con. tintmlly out f order, and I was obliged to tabo phytic often which would only give mb -nomonlarv relief; all mydifii cultiesejooiinued to increaso to such a degree Bi gavo up ull kinds of labor and consi-iored myeOlf incurable About two years ngo I procured a bottle of Dr. Starkwoath. rs ileputic Elixir, which I look according 'to directions, and soon had iho satisfaction to .find my health improving which gnvo mt confidence in toe n edicino. I coniinD.d the uso of it until J took about lour tmttles, which hag restored me to as gnod a state o health as I ever enjoyed so far as i knowf I have labored this season on u farm und have not lost one day's labor during the time. So I can safely sey that t.'.e Fiend alic Llixir. nml iImk nbii a .nin... my health, for I have taken no other mec icino sinco I commenced using it GIDEON HOLLLY. ux bridge, Aug. SO, 1 840 For sale,-in Carrollton, ot the Drug Store of R KENNEDY. April 7, 1 843. fits ETA BLEOl witfeWj For Ihe Pdes, Fissures, Sfc. After a praclico of more than Ihirty years, und witnessing a great amount ol human SUflbring from this distressing malady, and believing that the remedies heretofore discovered for Us cure, are al most an entire failure, short ol an opera Hon by thu ligature, wiro or knife, Dr. Humphreys has been induced lobestOW uncommon attention to the subject, wiili a design to discover a remedy that would possess (he power to remove tho iftfls.m, mation and disperse the tumefaction of the parte, and at the , l(r,p (, mild and desirable remedy. His anliei paHotte huve been most liillv answered, fori discovery combining active ingre dients which, iu the composition produce modified results, and increased i fficienol as u medical ngenl, and although its oase is composed of highly active in gredieols, its modiAcaiioni aro such thai it becomes as a composition, perfectly mild, nod adapted lo ihu use of ihe most delicate subject, Asa test ol sincerity and confidence ill Hie remedy, Iho subscriber pledges hunsell cure of Piles in nil cuses that may be submitted to his man agement or in case of failure in any e.,se no charge will bo inudu lor the oint ment. For sale, in Carrollton, at tho Drug Sioro ol R. KENNEDY. March 31, lSIlt 4,000 Biuhelf Wheal Wanted. Tho uhcribnr will pny CR,h for -,i. tir rrnrat, uenvo-;'" mill nui ... 1 1 i. .... , j.i- rj eiuier sn vorroiuoo oral the our rt""8- UM, c.iiv-ij,i un " O IU, i- I ' I . I IV. Carrollton, Feb 3, 843. When I w : (til 0 n subscription, ai thu Ojjicc. T-p: '-.1 WITH Coital, folds. l'(iiwitniilioii, nrniirltitia, hthmaVttd nil )mw oi i ic Lungs and rVtldplpe. 00" L Balm of ifc. 0s7 jI .Vw ael ValmMc Rtmtity fur lirn Curt of QT-Cmitrhs, Consumptions, Bnio chiiis, Asthma, Shortness of 07" Breath, Dyspepsia, Pains in the Chest, &c. fcf BxtSmlveVy usedjand KosmmsaON h MEDICAl FACULTY, wsrM tho ftsozri liiiii been freely nutiw known. L COVKBT k CO . PropftMOB, Auburn, N T, s Nli )i:n I'AliK, Cii-iieni Apmim fur da Watt, 13 Km FvorUi suuci, Cincinnati: Phis limit i if i fl. a. I . w mm ni i"'09' "v, ry l'on who imyo ih.s article j c'""'-a by others who ,,o in its favor For dyspepsia, bronchitis, coughs, colds, coosumption, its t-qool does not nisi We hope the efflicitil will turn their attention to this vjuuo article Tlie followin-T certificate fmm Mr Chastuey oi Ne York citv, whose Wife Ins been twice or thrice so low as to leave bui little hope bi her recovery, skat hero epeak lor itself: Mr Covert. Dmr Sir-Mrs. Chancy bta taken two botiles ol jour Bulra of Life and lo ir.y surprise, is now id Let ter health than I have known her in lo for several vers She has been offlict ed a severe cough for Altera years, and by many Physicians, her lungs has been pronounced incurable She has several times been so low that it wa thought she could not recover. Now b-r cough, comparatively speakin. is hurdW visible, and the darling pi80f Ibe lungs h ive subsided ftjr(,, rj j18g taken a variety of medicines, but never experienced so much reliel as she has Irom your valuable Balm of Lite It is from a sense of gratitude und a fceiju lor others similarly situated, thut I wrilo yu tins certificate Oilier members of mv family h.ave u. sed il with decided benefit I um, dear sir, Very respectfully, yours, EDWARD CDASTNEY. Merchant, 14() Bowery The nature of iho composition ol'ihe Re. I. Coverts Bairn ol Life, having been fully expluined lo the following medical gentlemen, they have consented that they ,nav bo referred to as authori ty for its utility as an expectorant in those chronic esses of pulmonary die ease, in winch that class of remedies is indicated 1). M Reese, M, T). P,niWr 0f ,hs rheory and Practice ol Medicine in iho Albany Medical College. J M'Naughlen, M. D Professor of Aiidtomy and Phiaiology In He Fairfield Modictil College From the No a- York Watchman Cooerts Balm of Life-e invite tho particular attention ot our readers to this most excellent medicine advertised in this paper If we iDy nyi)t l)e uni lod testimony of numbers t. the first ohv sicians in this country, then wo must admit this valuable articles lor ihe cure of chronio bronchitis ever dtsoovrred And ob serve, in this respect how much it diflers Irom the numerous nostru.ns so much pufiad in iho papers Not one of those medicines, whether pilhj. powders, or syrups, has received Ihe approval i f any considerable number of the medical pro, lession But it i8 not so with Covert's Bairn Of Life. lt j8 remarkable tact tbat this medicine has been approved by a largo number of regular physicians, to whom (he recipe has been submitted, a fact that cannot bo affirmed bv any one oi the qu ick medicines which abound al the present day For sale si iho Drug Store or Robert K"nnpdv;and nt .he Sto-o r f Jackson cV rhomnjon, Carrollton, Ohio.. Also Baker and Dempster, Lccsburgh, Car rol Icounly Currollion, Nov. 1 1, J842 iuaiuio io uu one 0 he tnnct B. It. LCKI.EY, 4 TTORN E Y A A I) ( OUNSELLO R A T LA W, Will prac ico m t ,0 Cottftl of Carroll and the adjoining counties, Oifiee in the frame building, adjoining the Storo ; Isaac Atkinson & Co., Carrollton, Carroll cnuniy, Ohio. Dec. 93, 1843, AfES! AXES!! $1 oo EACH. A D Thayer &t Co, h ive on hand large aiaertroi nl oi best quality ot Axtt which they can aSbtd lo sail at the abovt price. Bolivar Jan. C, lsi;i. tn t sraK m A general as.otlmeoi 0 liAIS aid 'AP8,jo1 received by Ihe subscribers, which ere lor sale very low, by I). A. TH VtER & CO. Betivar, Oct. ic, isi-4 A neral Bllurtnmnl ni ti dluMsam i... .. . .... I - , , , " ' tm v c '' neeiveu 800 tor sale lit various prwte irom 13 cenie to 4.00 enchbv A D. Til .YER & Co D..i:... i. ' Bolivar, D r. , HH FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE