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i TIIK MoRMuN WAK. Fiotu an eim of 4m Hancock (111.) Eagle. We learn that Nsuvuo is once more the theatre of great excitement. A body of about eighty p-ersons mounted and amn-d. left there for t Ik- kuiMuMu J i .. I vi 'UI-UIIIJ SOUL tl KTi HH M , ' l . I I wa-'said. hlal severely beaten a small Ih.Iv of u . . . ., -. k, . . , . - ,. "t . hanging ,u . Md a short distance troii, th- " : ,,Ve ! ff,ht,n """"I " '"M loriiioiis aim new einzi ns. u hikl i-runif. III in jail. The harvesters are said to have boon nielly usd. almost flay, d alive with hick- -'nme. Mr. Dallas, the Speaker, (a ei deranl ory goads, ami then thrown into a ditch and.""""1"')' man of dignity and ability, but covered with brush ami dirt; this outrage has n r- wu'' 'ns "niall. regular featur. s. and massy while ribly alarmed the cilizciw of Nauvoo. Pittsburg 'ia'r be looks like a promoted Auunous in the Gaiclle. chair and wig of Rha.lamanthus. There an- 'i vnn 1..U 11 'M nil very el. nam men iii ihe S nate. Mr. ."At oo, July 1J. ........ J . ,, pi tl i I , , I hi stlerneiin Me nl unit Km. it.. . , ,-4 . rmgnwl-for examination bofor.. Justice W .lis W itn-sses ogninst them were the i)erson who underwent in- ynemng on Niturday. It was . I . , . J f .. . .... , ....,.,. .K,,. ing spectacle; that the movements of so f the lynch, is w. r- directed by him: that he"rioA' gun belonging to one of the loborers, and par ncipated generally in the doings of the niob. In I consideration of ibis he was held to bail in the paliry sum of 85UU. Braitle was discherged, notwithstanding it was wdl know n that his w hole MMMiat have In en I .l-,t., t,x ; i ........ r.i ... ..... ' i eeeuings. For the sake of humanity it is to be hoped ihal the friends of law and order in our vicinity w ill repair to Nauvoo as soon as possible, bringing with th. in all ihe arms that can I; collected. The police force are in want of musketry (,r loan of firearms of any kind will be thankfully a. know le.lged. News has just reached tow n lhat the kidnap ped citizens wr carried off by the Lu Harp inob. From Iht Watmm Xgmal, f'jlea, of July Hi. On Saturday, after tin- Mormons had Ixen whipped, as slated above, they Weill into Nauvoo exhibited their backs, and created ev Moment III the cnv among their brother MormoM and small portion of the New Citizens. A posse wns I ' " ' "'""' IM"h l,M"' "",ks raked thai night, who wen. I i,; f - ""7","""s "' " l,ruir!"' " y , pt HcAnlyTIod umn c ,r.d kirn and Mr.Ct l''T'TS' T'"'n "' uHHll l.,,. Uf iii nii.. ..r -.....i .... b..j weiirmg loosely on Ins shoulders, a Mexican Ike Anti-MomiOM raim.Fe.1 five Mormons in llie couatn trbomthay determined to retain as bus P . ,os - Mges. On Sunday night tinoih r fOOtt of Mor hMM went out and captured Mean more Ami Mormons, and look them to ihe- city. On Monday last. Major McAuly was exainiu d and held to bail in the sum of live hundred dollurs; but In refused to give hail, and remains iu custody. Mr. Brattle was taken without a writ, and illegally routined iu Nauvoo forty-four hours, and tbon diachanmd. A writ uns. Im. ever, got out for him on Ihe Oath of a Mormon: but it being ascertained that he could prove an ..'fit. th y did tin! attempt to produce Uny evi dence gabM hint on the twrninatkia. All thel rest ur--till iu custody in Nauvoo. On Tuesday u large pany went out from nauvoo in march of the Mormons whonresti H. ....i... a...:.. .... .i .. . i ' on: .'.lilies. Iiy Illeir Violent coll than, Uey have driven all the citizens of the north pun oi the county irom their bomea teat iagtholr harvest but half nnished. They rid over grain held throw down fences, and leave ilu in that the Battle mav destroy the crops. They al mm and Insult the families thai remain, mid, in short, uro re-enacting ihe scenes of last lull. Ai the last accounts ihey were in close pursuit of ihe captives; Jail the Anties are deter 1, lined, f possible, 1.1 hold on lo them alleging thai this is the only means of socurins tin' luetv ..r.l.,.,, ,v......i. ;., I " ' 111 nauvoo ihe greatest excitement .. hf - L. . I . 1 ,, ., prevail and ihe utmost aCbnt ofaporii ,f the New Uiiisens in required to enaura their safety, They av,,w Duenlv. that McA11ly n,,i , rl I lie ..million-, lllii ale I IL' I11KI lr I1IK11M11. ope L'o olll ol ilie cut aiiM ami lieiiei his triends aiU iso him I T. , not to rive hail, lull lo remain In nualnHv. mm (hi. is his mil v sal. l. Ihe Mormons and their al-' lies refuse to send their prisoners to jail, but keep I Mem illegally in conflnameni in Nauvoo; allering that tin In y shall not he ilisciar" d iiuti ihei I. ... ... 1. . ui ro-caMuro ihe urisoners in the handa of ih I Amies. LATER. Corretptmdnee iff tki St. Lewii tUpakllea, Naovoo, July 17, llllti. I have Imi time lo write you a line in relation in die drlBcultiya beta lliey are indeed ri arm ing. n Wednesday nighi the enure crop raised this Mm by Mr. It. F, Marsh, nnnsistiiia of Blacked wheal principally, was consumed) also, the Imrn .1.1 1.1 . . -I III n-i 1 t.jiicnc., 111 contents, heloiii'ii," i w idow litdv , ( iwo or ihree miles south of Warsaw. The prisoners taken by ihe New CitiaeM on account oi incaii. geii rioioi Baiuraay last seventeen in I numocr are still m custody. Each puny hold P"" 'r " hostogesj lb.- Amies have only Ave each demand an exchange. I can hardly nil when- ihe inutn r will end tiow. The coming ,7i l'"ss"1 , puelly. il was thought 1 Uolliil Ih the en, ol llie Hancock Irollll es: nil me piesein siae lungs III, In ale dlttcrenl re- milis. The iw Ciuaans lack concert of action, und their idendhcaUon with the Mori under the s; eming pretence of protecting life and pro perty, bus created an ill feeling against them in . mu count) .uu. i. whi i iiheuit toallav. Com-1 moncausewilh Ihe .Mormons mad, Gitisans, can produce no good fee them h ie. b) tile New ui" towards COKNE. SKETCH OF TIIK SEN Ti: TIk- London Morning Chronicle bus a corn p .ndf-ni at Washington who, it is suspected, it nobody less than N. P. Willis. I he following -iVrw Orleatu b smtha W illis bnprint ull over pat. "I th l in.t arm.- in W;i hui'Mon nil ..fiw .1.,. li-e. milium to Ihe "war parly, and in th. i-aliu I win. n raocoeoen Ihere wus no oratory awoke. I passed u morning iu looking ut the Senate in deliberate session, however. To one who camp v. till a travellers experience ol di vnppointineni in ihe looks ol great men, would, I think, seem a ran this body of Hnnatnra collection of imnros- SIVC lllVsloL.llomtes. nice, loll en,. Imi i. know ihe ordeals through which men pass to ar rive here, to know thai most of them are spirits (g.ssl or bad) of mark undeniable, and even where Nature has negb eted, as she sometimes ds s. lo repeal dm inner Mai iiHin the outer man, these trying ordeals have done legibly for her. They have all the look of men WhOMve more than their share of thinking and struggling, hoping and fearing; tl gh on the f'"-'- " I' di. I' a i noble and worthy, one lads Byron's recognition of those who have "Sinn'd in aorne other world, ami this is Hell!" You .have seen Webster in Lnglaud, and al though hia "Olympian front" in ihe fineat in the Senate, yet this is the only company in w hich I ever saw him when; In- si I supposahl v --a g his fellows." Mf. Alb n, the Thrust-of th. war p.,, ",, moony mm is v literally It HfuTil IIK lift ttix In. in Iiij I... I . inffhisif.i in las. - , 1 1 l l . . 1 ,JimZ.n Vl-.n , ic r ' , i Z ,7 " .' "" Hn,f7 k;'""r , r c r . .. , .,,,..;,....-,'",,,'.e-..,. , i;.i e, -p,-. imen of irri;-itl- timidity. He wu'ks r, .idy-for-inaugiiruiioii kin.l of gait, ami pa'puNy in every thread In wears, has tow "Ons im nial r..N-walk liistened to the IV-sidcm "' oliair- Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, whose i.lilc i-ruslnntr i,l' itiiv fir.. U...-L t .. ....- fL. -.. "ft V""" U I'M UQ) v. us so ,,, I, r.-lish bv men of all par- .;.. ; . ...... , . . man ui in.m umiiin' ami mum e.ic- :,. --- - , . f. , . " a h , prcscc ,,f,lmr.,ugh honesty ,u,.l "" '' ('I'lraiion. II. ,s. p,;rhps. Dm- most 2-n-nilly r.ssci, d and esteemed member of the ' "' . t I Hi ' njil . Ilioie mi ui 111111 u , ' , . - - - J1 tubers .. ami there are two or ihree olthe elder mUrs uhn. s, ,,.,,,1 ln lhl. ... ... , . L, ;..l.i i.. .1' , t.i mi re 11 if, imiuii: ti riiii e tne . oroiieis Ol dukes-Ashl ey", of Arkansas, for example,' and :Mul,lm ,,, , urolma Ik.iIi ,w n of ureal nalur- al arist.K.-racv of presence. . . . . Mr. (alhoun m by much the most stngttlar looks' a he L'lance like ad, enUl India , ik, at tm nrst tanci , uki a phr. nzi. .1 In.lian prop!,. , breathing alter supc-rnamral conflict.- He tal and thin. H,s hntr and beard are grey. wiry ana ncL't.-eteil. Ids saliou conn, exmn land seamen natures are impressed , s.ll-re- .'.ml sti.'ii.t. il i. iini, v ;.r iiiinmoviui .. ;.k i haliee. and n sin.erioriie m f. .firi.tti ! 1 1 -, t . t , tlllll Lllii ovei I'll to iNfeorit) n stump Iroui nature, ihat Ml been recognized iu his MMHM MTOWMMB, as a eaudiilate for the Presidency. U nion, of Mis souri, whose late unexpected .. cession from the I'llu-f.iir lorties to the "Fort 5 -nines," threw tucn tntportanl weight into the peace party, is a Hlillelied and ruse liken, ss of Louis I'lollinnn. , , ,, ;, i 'Jg.i hvotuh) ii." i i"ioi-in iii i e , as, is a noweriiu i...:i. i i.i . .. t. m j I . I l:l,,"k"'- " l,r,"'1.miu,ry s"mV H".v,) ol I III " "1 1 1 1 1 1 !t 1 1 1 ill lilnili I n. Iirnniu., .. ..,.k .. i. ' K. ik lo hase his claims lo ihe I residency. Those are ihi ,. . , . ,, 1 .... 1 1 111 1 1 n .1 uu 1 e in -en 11 1 Mill- ose iiiiiue, 11,-ne neen pnuill- . . , lielil III Ihe lull' inn slum so llilereslinir to En."- 1.11 mi . I erhaps the m 1 i.i tews of the coming dehules n ma) gue uccaawa for tuouuon ufoihvra hen alter. WAaWMTOMi July 27, II', Hi. TI.- isenuie iinuiher wus the ocxo intriisi '' '"" 'esiing pro. Mr. Wrhsuv (iiiiL's to-day. iir. ehsiei resumed Ins remurks at live minutes before ele ven o'clock. The argument to-day was more in reference to commerce and revenue than nil mi (aCtUrea, Some allusions lo employiiieiil or lu I...V mm k.. mm m e 1... II l .... un- "ii in .101111 e 01 weaiin anil Happiness 11 . 1 1 1 ...i.i r : . .. . . . i' " '"'"" "" . ..... 1 ini'i 101 01 111, 11 v ii, 01 ioiiiiari 1 1 son, an Illustration ol ilie condition of p-land illustration of Ihe condition of Ireland I t.i 1 '"' .-cotianu in conirnsi to snow what the means , ot UMUMryun.i mversiiieii employment lu.,1 .lone; I other. 1 m. . m u 1 1 i in- argument oi vir. vv i usu r was masterly i and compl. ie throughout. His propositi,, , sirike out the !lih section, or such portions of il us gave the Collectors mid Secrelurv ofiheTrea- snry power to sell goods and pay live per Dent. I aroAt with the cost, gave rise lo an earnest de-1 bate, Mr. Johnson ofMd.. made powerful ar-, iiimeiil in ia I ,,l il. Sod. Mr. ( '. it.iu , ' Kutitucky. The latter Senator, however, sni ihe was for leaving llie Hill wild those who were roPoft'hle for framing such tijne.isiiro. Lei !'"'"' '' ,I"'IM 1 otttintrji with it, and he was content to abide the issue. , , :itr. .1. M. Clay inn spoke very much to the lme ellecl, ami was lor leaving well enough or had ciioulIi bioiio for leaviii"lhe law ' ,!,"'' in force, or passing tin- hi donate, Mr. McDuffie nnd Mi or passing the hill now before Lewis were I. , ,. . ., . - 1 I ... 1 """ 1 1 "onaii inn u. see me proviaiou iot irauu which bad been so palpably pointed out bj ihe Senators from Massachusetts, Kentucky, Mary land, and Hi law are. Mr. Lew is thought lie had quoted his provision verbatim from the British law- of William IV. Hut Mr. Crittenden ihourin lu re was v capahl uu error iu the provision. It was plain- j e ol II construction Clllll'elv unlike that ! oi uie i.ritish net. Mr. Jaraagia made some remarks which ex cited a good deal of interest from ihe douliiful I, , i character if llie vole. Ho announced that he should obey the instructions of the Lmrialamrn. and said he should vote for the bill, hut mere was some mist iu all this, for he intiiniiled lie should not so for the bill unless there were struck fo un it ihe provisions which were calculated to ram fraud, and to make the I iovcriimciil a nariv CIICOU to fraud. Mr. JaraagM spoke three or four limes once reading Ins instructions and Com- Illuming upon them, nnd entirely differing lo l hem. I liomd, leinai-kui" lie, I il wus mil n o, . r" "p, ................. .'..' iieciaele to see a senator ol ihe I micd States throwing up hU. commission sooner than vote lor that w Ineli in his heal I and inl,'iueiii he b. lieved lo he wrong. Then came It loliL' :n UL'llillsl the hill with Mdmaiions from Mr. J. thai to should vote for it not very pleasant certainly to lie heard upon llie Whig side of ihe Chuinber, when all wi re weary of debate, and aant v r for the voie.- j Mr. Jamagin coMtmed his instructioni us refer- I ring lo the specific ami minimum duties, against bow of which the Legisluitire hud iiistrucieil him, and in mvor of ad oaJomuj but his Legislature bad not instructed him to support a bill that dis criminated against bOHM mSnU&CtursS and home ! labor, and in behalf of British goods, i The BanaM are in session, us 1 close, unon lbs vexed queauon. The bill, from present im dications, will lie seal to ihe Comniiuco of Fh nanot . LATER. The 1'ai rill Hill faMWlttHl Bv Masnelio Telosranh. Tranamittad for ihe Halt iinor. .American WAMtinoroH, July t7, 7 P. M. When ihe cms left Washington at half past live o clock, the Senate was still iu session 1 he debet i the Tariff bill Snail y dosed h the commitment of die lull with instructions. The instruction are to discriminate in favor of the raw material and anainsi British manufac tures, and at the same tune i increase the Re venue so as to prov ide more adequate means for the support of (ioverniuenl by the following vole: Ay us Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Berrien, Cam. Ron, CUWy, J. M. Clayton, Thomas Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton, Bvaaa, Qreeoe, Huntingdon, Isnngia. Johnson of La., Johnson of Md., Mangiim, Miller, Morehead. Nilcs, I'earce. PhelpSi Siuunoiis, Sturgeon, l'p hiim, Webster, Woodbridga 'Hi. Navs. Mes-rs. Allen. Ashley. Atchison. Aih- cr.on, nagby, iH-nton, lirees . Bright, Calhotm, i I M . I j i mm., a t 1' 1 1 ii . oiipuu, I'lcKinaon, ilut, 1-atr- , ' K""' louaion, i-ewis, n i mine, i-cii- ,1,,H,;1?' r' H S"'l'l- s- i- r. Spcght. Tut-: il ol others. He sits m the Senate, like a vj... M A;.!i .. ,i,, i... i ,i:.i i . " . . . i tl por.s in me eusioni or oiner nouse, iree ol duty, lerKins a: L.uscotul) 94.UUU; liiigworthv At Co. fer." vi hose , ehts of relsdli.,, had been .i' " ' " '.T'V" , 7'V"' '7," UTZZZZZZ. SZTT 1 " ya' collector, and furnunce, 2,000; Kichcombe & Locke. 3,50U; r-ruh-d-i-.w, Finl and Miotics, but s.ill l,r,sl. T " ' . '.. , " '""i ZIZl XT. ZZZZ .. " ' i . . ..... . .i- .i " 8,v'.' "'. ' value of the imports. Mygatt & Palmer, $1.2UU; John Lapoint, 84,- 1 1 ILr 1 1 M I (II' , i1 ' I . -iri -ii i 't . ii . ' a II" i." i tii- iinu ii- niiuit jiiai iiuii, iuui tutu nun j i i rviiln s imM(MIII). U I l(r llllii. Wl.XlIU , mrtllbill.hadhe voted in favor of It. have vote. oalh ' obligatory -upon linn to uphold his , , rcnuiromenls J Williams -m. I'hnrlni II .. ft uio xi Nr. Cuss , another of ,l,e Senators ofwhom 'nsraim .lie known nMMMNM of his Slate. Had H' 1 Hcein the measures which Oene- . ! , ,,' ,1 I .' o v .KH); Mar- v.... have lai. lv heard a Mod deal. II.. i. . I C ; ral Par, d. s m:,v consider is, ZLaa I . '! !"" "V l)ilrt Mnhoney ,2UU. No insurance excepi Lang. , , , 1 '"" 'I'- H1HMI W M II 1 III I IK' i IIS( ' l U i H ' IP ' W ' i " i i" 'ii.tmi. i n.wv Olllir UI lllf n 'IM.,.. 1.4 , t U 1 1 i- rtl .J i. iuuk. D. . .1'.... f. I f .,, A . I ;7i... r . i ........... ..M .lf,.o.. . ... i. ....... . r ' ' , : , i"riiiewiioieiorcoitsunii.iioii,onpavingdutvand worthy at (Jo., 13,500. and Mvl'uii iV I'alm.r. Fr.; the Pitlsamrfi Gairtie. SEWTllK imWll-OP. The resignation of the ll..n. W. . Ilavwood. of North ruroliiia. has been made the o.-ea.sio.i f one of ih,.se uolent l.urte of furv and insane .11... I.I. k ' ! " K , minis ol iIhj "great trhi 'wr-in. I hat excel i . . . -. . ..... u iii aim nine h iioi iii man is ,u Hounds iv tain- ... Ri.hit ,,. y ,. ;is ..,, , ,, (,. .. a ... r) . ' .. ' . ... trm his duly. iVc. and .ill this siinjiU Ui-aiiM he ehose to sacrifice his office and his future no. litieul aspirations in ihe Ih-iiKM-ratic party, rather than violate his own conscience, betrav the in teresn of his i otintry and submit to Kxeeutive dic tation. Th- National lnt- lligenc, r saMi. Ma' vwshI's private character is unblemished and "'r" lu"' ' v " PX''l"l''"r.v- u"' ,n;" !" hither- I to been in habits of most friendly and familiar intercourse w ith the Executive and ihe Admiuis- . . . .... T , . '"' ''- ..Su... ...- .: ( cmM, 10 -t trnli-jn-ndeni ol party. The Intel- ! Iig-ncer gives ihe billowing history of Mr. Hay- M,-s appointment, with some reflections on ' " V , . , ..( was , ,,. g, , , , f , ,,. , ,,, wl,M . fulli ,,..n aclill ,,r,.si(,.nt all(, ,,. vi,i pnnv having for' .. .; i: .,: ... " ' I., ,)f N(irll ( ... ,,.,,..: nnrt, ,:. . . - ts ... . m " ... el, ngainsi the prevailing opinion in his party. It is, then-lore, not merely a charilable, but we believe a ready just interpretation of his course, ihat he resigned his sent miller than vio Mla his conscience on the one hand, or on llnl other his obligation to his party. CamOfmtitWtt of the VineinmtH Alias. IMPORTANT PROM MEXICO. Loi-isviLiii:, Simiav, 10 A. M. B: The sieamer.ncleSain arrived las, nigh, i w ith New Orleans dates of Saturday the I ll,,. I , Zi " es Ill LV i i i . i i . . I H I In . . II , i , ih-arrival ol ih-Hois-Howes, vith Havana .lutes ,.C il. III ,;,!, ,1, , ,, . f , I 1 1 1 1 1 .,, , 1 , . . . bloll"ht h ihe laiirllsh si. amer ( Kde. w hie 1 1 1 n.' 1 1 1 in 11 1 1 11 iii. ii' i 11 1 11 11 , 1 " "lie . .., Hull llie news mini era v ru.. ' - . ' . . . .rue) is Mry in.porluni, us follows: Vera Cruz is imderinuriial law. i ne tiaancanaqiiaaron,con isisiingof llief.umherlaiid, Potomac, and Raritan ' of M "unseaeh, tin- John Adumsol 20, ihe S 'its of IU, and .In- sieumers Mississippi and ! PrinoetOO. were la attach .he fen of Sam Juan 'rU"""',!,U'- W:h; A opanwn vessel that hud been ordered oil, was lire.! into by ihe Princeton, and overhauled by her bouts. I here were three S e Spanish, ihree English, oi war in Bficios.--1 and IWO PYelich vessels l .en. t'areiies had demanded ( llie .Mexican I on- .... .... 0 i-.i 11. . , 111 o 11111 1 ions 01 1 o ir.s 10 c.'irrv , in 1 10 11- .' ..i.i,. ... . . . . . ' " would he grained, and ihal lie would take " l" , """'i , ; ' ' '." - v era v,rai, insieaa 01 nravo. lion. Artoa wai j al lel -n. I 1 1 ol It 111 1 nil I V:.S ri .,.,, iii 1... .... , ..z ' "" v TOi,"rou merawjivea in- "'"l"'1""'111- government had issued orders thai all valua !,lrs eM "' IVIM"vr'1 Crui to t nh!rior' 1 ,lr AJoade of Tampioo hud givei '-'-V '"!' 'ne defonceol lha! place. " ' " uvincc 01 t .11 ounlajara, was at the head ol an army, on the way to the Rio Grande, with the expressed deter-1 1 1 1 1 nation to irin) t .en. I at lor. TKm aiAamhnai K in. ,..;,.., I . V i ,..i .. rr. , . . ' on endue the 1 Till wiili in ii. . ii.iiiii.wi.... .,. . . . , . ,.V . ' :,. " '"V" " uvaniie ' " ' s,:m"" "" " ihe I Tilt, w ith sixteen companies l Ohio, Indi - I 'V ii ...I I'... .1.. or ...i, uu. i , inilioi ei.s nil me III. i ( Irund. ours, C. LATER FROM THE ARMY, sieamship James L. Day, Cant. Griffin at New Orleans on the evening of ihe ly, from Brums Santiago, having sailed The arrived 18th .Ii he net ..I v ... Li,.... in. ii... i r..i. 'i'i .. . in. lu'iuo'iiii on i. .in. ine news l lour days later, and of BOON day. lu.,,, ami olsoine inieivsi; espe,-,ally . he aimouncenien, ,ha. a depiuaiiou from I, Utah Navy arnved at for, I oik upon bus,-: wi.h .m. avlor. calculated lu excite cu- s I the It. 1 ness i . . . i i.i nosuy imiispeiuiiu ou. I . 1 ",M,IW were mug sent lorwani as last as ; I the means oi transportation und ihe high waters ..mill, nil, mi T ... I v.. i i IT. ,. .omuiee.s weie, icing coueeutruieuiuiovc inutnmorus. 1 he ash ingtoa sad Col. Pakin'i Regiments were a short distance above thai place. Ihe Andrew Jack sou Ueeiiiieiii left for Roynosia on ihe 9th, and Col. Davis moved up the river on the lUth July. The Tennessee Regimen! relieved Davis' com. I mand al ihe Burita. The weather, together with the inactivity of the troops, has caused considerable sickness a mongthem, I learn there are several hundred in hospital al Natamoras, and the meaaels bai bro ken out iii one of ihe camps, "Curiosity runs high" to know the object of n visit of iwo British naval officers lo Go neral I I'tiylor, who arrived here in a vessel of war from ,, . ., , . ,.' I ampiCO. ( ointnuniculion being cm oil. they . . i w,,,,' h, ir by mail to their Consul lit IVIaliiiuoras, lo lie laid by hnn lidore the Consul General. Nous vtrtoat. Report says (Ieneral PiredjaS has sent a pro-j claniiiiion to the people of Mntnmoius, calling j upon them 10 treat our regulars with every kind-' ness and Consideration, because of the unparal-1 '.'.. in,.!.... i ; -vi i.i e. a ciisie. fit ... i ... ..r i... ' ui" w 1 1 1 e I i over urew mine, is urool. on us i' ii" i-iiiiini' .,. lllii. in n in ion in .1 OIIIIIIi'll, as:...,,: A,!,,,.,., wen us prisoners ami ciu.ens. lie takes oca sioli lo score the Texans, OXC, If this bo true it argues more favorably ihuu otherw ise. Weare indebted to the politeness of General jesup ioi ine loltowiug tenet w nu ll aaSjUSt been m .. i .. I iii received. n.rt i Aini'ni,ii . ' i i . i,, inio, Gkmesal: tien. Taylor's main object has now 1 1 . i i . . ' ...I. i . . i tor sonic tunc n to throw up supplies on Ca nmrgo, with a view lo ulterior operations. Thus fur our department has not been able to effect this object; nut every exertion is making which cir cumstances admit. The river is high ami has water enough; but it is so rapid mils present stage as I,, be stemmed with difficulty, particularly by the small hoals, which are weak in power. Be sides, the transportation of volunteers overrides everything. I descend the river lo-morrow lo urge mailers, which have been much embarrass ed by the frequent changes ss to the mode of trana porting (Uppl lea thai have necessarily taken place. The road between Polni Isabel and Fort Brow n has now, for many days, been impassable for load ed tenuis, ami the means, adapted to the new route via the (irande, are just in operation on and lUfOUnd BratOS Island. Coal nnd wood uro both used. The latter is crooked und small, hut burns Well for greet wood. Coal is said to be found . " . m :ui.ove; whether it ha attainable or not I cannot i as yet tteiermine. The extraordinary rise of the river (a rise of iimii - igni io un t. . i) has l.-.n cau.,id In ram mulling of snow in the mouuiain. There has in. I been any rain sine.-I readied the UraZus. aud ,hc ra'" ls tw . oiuc. , LhlTKR !'K(M SANTA ANNA. The follow inc. whieh we mid ill the New York Herald, vi ill -rvt- to give some idea of the eoursu .i- .l I AiL-i -r ... ' w "i. 11 .mini isin.01 lopursuen nr niiumu, , w h j gu(()08, h, will if ho ha, no, already ' dolMJ so. '.' , hil( ,.olinlrv: I Extract from a lktter of Santa til., furln ..I SI.,,. I ,,, ,'l II,,., 41..C11...I , . - . the many calls upon me from other R)rtioiis ..I Bl '.II I . . I - - .vicxico, 11 win do (leciuiti eviii.-ncc mat my country is convinced that, in banishing, great nijiisticc has been done to me. Sidir.tta mode l announcing mv inn.Ms nce ol having shaix-d '".v public course 111 no instance, except iu the way tiiosl conducive to the good of the itiblic, must (M-casion me to hel it obliiratorv , . . . t "." , ""' 10 ""." u." ' ' "r!!"s' ""' ' - . - ... r trom tnis to tne p..i .11 .juest.on. m. However, " hus ecn my desire to interlere with the -n-asures of the pres.,,, administrator of my c T u . . "T'' un, support of the gallant soldiery and citizens of f Cm and city of Vera (Vz. -neral I'arcles was instrumental in supplant- i ,.. ,... .,.,., ;,l. .1 ill. ..;- has ing himself, subs.uu.-ntl v. stmnlanted the mv- . "... , ; . . . ' L t L . - f7, . as acts, w hu h, hy law, he is called upon to per form, in order to sitslain it. I shall not, there fore, deem (ieneral Pandes my enemy. My riahw are for the irosperity of my country. BANK REFORM. On the I lib day of laBUUT, I t99f Joiia Hroiigh IV. i.i the committet K. .-inks, made a report to i i- r .. i i i e Ihe Ije.'islature on l he stibiec t ol "indivi. uul ia- I e, ti .i u. ., j i blllty. lie ihere says, " hen llie deinaml was ice .l i . t.i i lor i.i. .ii.. thr i-ru ii.iv rii i . I ii i . .. i;;-,;;-, ,hu Smu; W(.r(. 'f(,r .,,,11,, ig down ihe banks and i . . prostrating the w hole systi .... .. i. .. 1 1...I V..-I. .. . . , . ij i. ... , in. . e. ..... .7 iw.y hiuii wl ,,.,.,.,,, ,.,,..... .i:.r ,..... .-v.,,, . Ti- in in- . 1.1 . 1. m in nun in 11. , ....:.. 1 ..n- ... .1 . .. , 1 ,10 1 1 s; s " 1 1 1 1 1 1 it - :i 1 iimiii i 111 t n desire ,0 desin-y the bunks," fee. Now. here b a nlain Matemtmi nf two imnnr. lam laels: " I lie cry was raised that the Loco- locos were endeavoring 10 destroy .he hanks, and (he Locofocos denied that they wished lo do any such thing. loch party told the truth ? rrnm . l. . i: . i . L ,.,1,. . n,s. nntiK retoFin, die u nigs predicted 1I1. nsequences which fob We claim no great sagacity for the Whigs 'on tht account, for thoae coaaaqaanoea were too as ucciirnlely as thev can now be in 1. - . ...I I,. .,...1 : 1 1 .1111 in 111111 i 1 1 . not 11 11,1V! neen neiee en . 1- ..v.. i... .1. 1 i-, 11 . , - m inn in "I" HI I I I I' " " I ' I I I I' I ' I II V I III 1 II II I I I H I IT.. II hardihood i:llliiil I mi1 JilHMIIiniS, I I . . 1 ....... 1 1... 1 ... 1 daaviiic thfar , n,-,., isel,;,.f the very time they were applying ihe match, de- " " . C . 7 " serves ihe serious consideration of every voter, ercouraaed the net bunks to issue Ireelv. the ' ... ...... specie circular was sent inrih lo drain the state banks of their ipilal, they endeavored lo force ia resumption of specie payment, they interfer ed with constitutional privileges, they Marled a system under which no one would go into hnri I ness, they added resiriciions and penalties; for j no other reason than to deter capitalists from ban 1 king. At the very commencement of this "re- fbrm, und at every slep oi its "progress," the 1 hl"S "riuse.l the cry, and Kept il raised. Ihal lllel .' 1 .III, el Vl'.'is 1 1 1 1 Ii mi ri i'iilii,ili, llwi l- o.i... - '.. "-"-".' . - 'J ,M " -. - tem. I he UOCOIOCOS replied iu Hie language ol ii i.i. .in. 1 n . DTOUnns tteport: "llie people (ihi! Loeolot-os are always "ihe people") "seek Keforniaiion, ! not Destruction, a.tdsoouer or later, it must be ex- 1 tended to them." I im 'ii I , . . . ueu . i onise uas neeu on tne nuaCK prut- ciple, that "an mice of preventative is worth a pound of cure." They found a sound constitu - j 111,11 1111(1 lgM doetng it In prevent decay. They j 1 8v.e 1 moHnat, and caused nsusea, to cure! which, they stimulated and produced fever. To I " ..." ....i. .... ...... ,,,, in. intiii iii nnii move ,e lever I lev i i I in mil i n ... ... - .... i likely to thim. to prevent which they gave opi- ales, and produced cosiiveness, lor which thev purged ,he patient was prostrated. The quock Wtti dismissed and the patient is recovering under the proscription, of he regular physician, and .he e.truged ,p,n. k now , nly declares ihat HO ,.,., patient, does not deserve to live. "Who ihall decide when tors disagree," ... . ..... m u ,. Mnsw,.r iH. yoleis ol Ohio, and ill cv inusi decide the question this fall. I. is this question, and the only one, they have before them lor deci sion ui the coining election. Shall hanks he tol erated in the State of Ohiol Zanetville Whig, Is Mil. Top in rxvoi ok thi Rmui. of TBI Ui.Ai K Laws? Thai is ihe question to a bid) ins people of Ohio demand an answer just now. Is he in favor of their repeal as a whole or in pan ; Mr, llebb has been charged with hav ing one set of seiilmienls for the Reserve and another or hone ai all for ihe southern part of the State. We have denied it and Mr. llebb has lioldlv and man- full. ,i,,,,;.i 1, k ih i... ...... ,i,i i.t " .k m , i n u i Ins views on lite Ulnck laws us well as on olhcr mU. -- kt. ,; ,i ,.n ki , in ninnin nii in ii i urn mm n .oiki nii.'it mill in so. He soorns concealment and double deal- ing and has thus given new evidence of his hon esty and worth. We have asked those who vt iah ed to misrapresent him and Ins views, those who ventured lo intimate ihal ibis is one of the i.s--mmm" before the people, what position Mr. Tod -i'i 1 1 in ui Wo imiilii .li,. iiiiiiiii'i .if ,li.. I -in. .'ii- rrrr" ...i,.v ... -...v.,. I nut. auniiii.n ii li has taken the lead in attempt ing to drag this into the party arena, and we have dured it lo an SX position of llie views of Mr. Tod as due to -the party." Wa have demanded uu expression of sentiment. Not a word, however, nave we succeeded m drawing irom it, as yet, in reply. W hut .Iocs this mean! lines it not indi- enle an attempt to deceive th ii'niHr oi Ulimf I ,.,.. . . . Is ii not proof conclusive thai a fraud is medita ted on the Locofoco voters of ihe State 1 We nver that ii is. We shall continue to demand uii exposition of Mr. Tod's views until every man in lite ranks of ihe opposition shall know thai there is a deliberate purpose to conceal ihe views of their candidate und thus leave the Locofoco press , , s umeiu secuon oi , ,,- is iiieio , . I ., . mi. ucui, auu n.e uiuctv taws, vin. e i .-, press of ihe i same party in the north w ill de-1 nounce uu- Mac laws ami pledge tneir candidate wnoaemmenuoas were earned to Qenaral Psix for repeal, as one of the tests of "democracy!" han. in I' ranee, is now lying at the ordnance dc The Cincinnati Advertiser bus denied our deela- pot iu New York hurbor." ration u the eonhntry and aArmed that the repeal . of the black Uws is one of the issues before the Transi-ortation of the first Regiment. people. After its own admission ii cannot escape j The officers of the First Regiment of Ohio vol S declaration of the views of Mr. Tod, without in-1 untoon have returned a vote of thanks to the suiting iisown readers and the people of the'State. W e also asked ihe A,l eriiser's opinion in re gard lo the resolutions adopted al Uuveima, I'or lago couiiiy, by a Iakooco County Concention! Ii has not dared to give them publicity, or to van- lure a remark; and what is worthy of remark instead of noticing this attempt lo deceive the people and conceal Mr. Tod's views, .he Cmcin- nail llciald, ihe Liberty organ, is engaged in an effort to defeat ihe impression ii supposes may be made on llie minds of ami-slavery men. and is wariiinglhem agmm.-i supporting Mr Bebb' Won- i,k'r'' not next (o a flirarjr,) u. it infln - erne pr,ralrl9 to cnv. me its own party that thev l "' east I,. Mr. Toj ,1,a" lur Mr- U-bbf tMi Stair Joaoaal. Till: WAY IT WILL WORK. It has been shown that two-thirds of the rev e- line under the tariff of HWi. wus derived from il finirlm. nl tit u it itiin vi , , ! . u i.n v " I - ;,rr.' molasses, spirits, and cottons. Uf cO.UHi.ikki ,, - ...vrt t . received i.v tne taritl. 9.u.tssi,ouu accrueil trom the above named articles. Their gross value was , V59.UUU.UUU. I nd.-r the reduction made by the new bill, it will lie nccessarv to import SI9.UUU.- UOU morr of foreign go.sls, to raise this niuoiint. This must of necessity be paid for in gold and sil- ver. thus drainin.' the country aiinuallv. of the . , , , . , -, . . . ..i W ""'"-ny wi.h.lrnwu.g the h.-,s,s ol ...... v ... .. , - cimonopo.tsts.ana leavingourpe-opietotK-again cursed by adeprecmtedcurreticy. Andlhis isdone , by a party who style themselves dem.vrat. and ' ,UK' """f . THE WAREHOUSING SYSTEM. Tll ,. . . . . , . , . . . , .. ,3lulln loi me m arehotising lull as 11 passed the Senate: Sec. I. That the iniporler may deposit his im- churoes. Sec. i, That importers may withdraw n pari or the w hole for exportation, on paying storage, and riving bond that tlu-se exports shall be land ed abroad. e . I l.nt II lllllll'lll I' . lllol' Ilil.mll .. ...... Ti 1 1 r r r- 7 -w - 1. or .he w hole f..rtrunsler.o another port ol entry. Alter entry in the custom hoitye there, he may. ei ,.. ... - . in like manner, its at the first port, w ithdraw for ' m exnort or consiiinniion. ..r In nuns er mmmit. ml x iori nr consumption, ,,r iu uansler imam to - i. an v port ol entry. b m m, , , , , , .., i . . . . .....I 1...... .1... ' I - " Sec. 7. I hat ihe importer, when his imports 1- -. 1.- I . rt 1 V lit i, - . . . .... - ,v ' , . ' i 6 ..... n .pilsner, ol un warehousing law, except e.-.;., Vi. ; .... .1 .l. ....... r... ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 : 11, on. iiieili.lise, iili.v I I ' 1 1 I.. r-..r .' . p v , . 1 1 , 1 . i- 1 1 . . , , . . . . . . 1 1 . . v ..... i . lion, or Iransfer to another port. ' I Hec R. . Lm lor warehouse, or importer mav furnish one. ' Sec. 9. Thai imports warehoused, that Ma em-1 bez.led, shall be forfcilcd, and ihe embezzler li- ! nod .-SHioo. a n ',.. . .... ' mr. it;, t nut n.e owner oi a vessel with im - pens on board, not entered by the owner of the "oods in Iiv.m av s. llie cantain of the vessel mav j . ...w . v. .... ..... . w arehouse them. Sec. 11. Collector is required to sell at auction all imports under former nets und duties not paid ... .1 .1 1 1 Jm ' 111 XMIlllV RVS. U I I 1K(! IT 1 1 III H ' II 'I it tlltll III I I I I 1 1 I II..' N. .lllii III. Ike ll'l llll III, '1, . ill til III, I Sec. 12. Collector is required to sell and ro .urn in same manner all imports warehoused un. ?eara (rom entrv. - .-. . .. -X si.... ia .n i e. . 1 . ,, vyoneeior is uirecieii to sell imports warehoused in a rotting or decuying condition, snd make same return. Bee. 14. Directs that this act shall an into nf. feet in lixty days afier appioval, and directs th v. Secreiary of the Treasury to make necessary re gulations to carry it into effect. Sec. 15. Repealing clause. I J he o owner nai-niri-.uil, mil,,. I'.,;, ...... ..... .... ,1... . : i' H 11 . wu ...e csiguHMOti o, nr. Iinywoo.l is w or , thy ol attention ntes that a Whi" Sen- ntor may arrive in time to vote against McKay's bill. 1 Ins is not probable, however, us the vote ; wus most likely mkeii on Monduy or Tuesday. The I'nion savs: I ... ' "in vain w as Wi II. Ilavwood sent to ilie I Senate of the United States by the democracy of 1 North Carolina. Ai this Ante of the utmoal need while the incalculable interests of a great country are dependant upon him he flinches from liis duty betrays his Slate and mis dav ........... 1. : . . ,.' . of the United Slates, and puts it into tlx- power of a Whig Qov- iuhiuuh lies M'ili in llie 1 i.'iii o .".ii eruorio send a Whig Senator to arrest ,1m sage of a measure, which is to do Ktothe South, to .he West, to the hole agricultural in- tereats of the North and lo every portion f the : I'nion He deserts his party without beinff sol emnly controlled by the instructions of his con stituents as is the ease with the Senators from Pennsylvania and Tennessee." From the Baltimore American. PHIiaDEWHU, July 27, 11 V. M. ARREST OF MS GRAHAM. Mr. Graham, the proprietor of the Philadelphia North American, wius this afternoon arrested bv the Sergeani-at-Arms of the Senate, and stalled for Washington in the evening train. The cause of his arrest is understood to he the publi cation oi me t irenon treaty and me . regon trcaiy and accompanying . winch IS supposed to have been pur- documents lotned by some one Irom the Senate chamber, or else furnished him for publication by sonic member of the Senate. Paixiia.n (!hns. It is not perhaps generally known ihat this description of artillery, which bears the name oi' a French General, is iii faei the invention of an American oilicer, Col. Bomford. In a note to Lieut, Hal leek's work on Military Art and Science, just published by Appleton Co., (Page l2t0) the case is thus stated: I bos,- pieces ( Pai x han guns, or Cokimbiads) in.o .he lnmds of C... P.i.1 1, '. 11 Iv nr. I e,n , h i" l IMlloil rctl thorn It to Ihi rrinrh Mervifn 'Ml I .. . . . t llcv were hy this means list mm c known 10 t hp rettO Europe, and received the nam,- ol the (rniaon who intrluced them into the European her - than the ol tho original in- ven.or. All theae fcetsarc so hilly .susceptible ol proof, that the Europeans now acknowledge themselves indebted to us for the invention; even I I f . , . ... ... ... . i.i aihu. mi, , ,m , lain, u, original l - ty in nis gun, ana limits lumscll to certain mi- piov emems w nien lie iniro.luce.l. 1 ,e ongiiml gun which wss invented by Colonel Bomford, and Captains of the steamboats which conveyed litem to New Orleans, for the attentions that were paid to their comfort and lo that of their men, the ex cellent manner in which thev had been provided for nnd the expedition with which they were con- veyad to New Orleans, They found the boats comfortable and the,:- baggage well cared for and j safely landed. They also rcltirn their thanks in ! Major Tompkins and vinuivnlc him against the ...,i.. Iwi ;.. ...1 1..- t'..l l 11 r 1 r .i. . v yt: o-'oo.u, o, ue se(l have of!;.ru(, a , f 500 f hisa Umted suites army, and used in Ihe wand 1012. ; hoilsion. He i. described as forty yean offie, The dimensions oi these mms were Brat taken to I ftbout Hvc fee. ten inches hich: of 'a florid I e.urope uy a young r rencn omcer, aiut Hills tell charge of having overlooked then , ni. hi. m . . safety and ci.ii.foii in ill, s, I, , u,.n of boats lo convey them. Wean- grnlilwd at the fa.ts thus ' uuwl." OAw Stair Journal. I . PHI IN CLKYLLANi). On Monday inoniing last, a serious lire occur red at Cleveland, by which two large warehouses 'ith their contents were destroytsl. Loss about l5,tX)0. One of the warehouses was owned by S. Sioiie, and occupied h . Lkmhius, as a li..L..I .... . ..".... gnwerv esiul.lishiuent was ow n. -.1 by A.'Merwin In th 1 he other latter ware- liouse was stored n l.rm. i,..f K...;r.,l belonging to Woolson Klemm & C. uhicli' wen-damaged to the extent of from onn 10 n... thousand dollars, nnd on which .h..-.. ... .... ;., surauce. Ml. Vernon Timet. . I'lKK AT MIIAl'tl'k'li.- , Tll(. yUmnf, ,,, on ,,,c wa(cr and contiguous hmiiiings were destroyed at Milwnu. j kie on Saturday evening last. I The Sentinel snvs- "The i. .l ,ima V ln what r , , t were co.nparativelv new'and carried on by mecba- . r ... - , , . mecl a Richard', h ie LtL I .'T? Z"' TZ J ... muhuiiik i sav.n. i ne u ash liiL'loii House hud a narrow escane. The losses are summed u: Perkins & Houghton iSo.OOU; DE8TRUCTN B CONFLAGH T10N. Weare pained to announce the destruction bv r.r.. rf r.,...rle ,1... - ..f D :J ' i ...u v., hui.j n Him. niiuc'i 01 i noiiience, ... 0 . ,n this county. On the morning of the 15th, a,H(Ut o oVI.s-k A. M., .he packet Erie came , t i. ,u.. ..;ii .. i. . .... , .nioiitii. .in- , niue, i. in was iiieii near v a .... r. i ;. ... . ...... . . -,t , ' w. urei aim uwas inn w nioi i ( i cu y 1 hat il ,, ; , v " , i.i i .... i .i. a. .... .. .. . i ,i"ni- cu III." llie 11 UPOI1 11 111 Lu . 'rr-u. . l 1 . . iMionci.s. mi: iiaiiicu ars nave not vet reached 1 ... .1 . , ivuviii.ii A we know is that all J U buildings, tav- erus. stores a i i wi' inos. on i ie .Mot . imi u.n,-.. -, ,.t, ........ i i .p.. e in ii, in uu ii iiiiii I. in i; u i u. l ie i re s . Abel, .;S(, understood to nave oiimiiaied in llie store ol U. 1 rovidence is situated 33 miles up ihe canal, at the head of the great rapids of the Maumee river, and where the last canal f. e ler towards ihe lake is taken out. 7Werfs (0.) Blade. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Arcidrnt on the New Nurk and Erie llailroad. Friday morning the train from Mi.ldletown for : J o . New York was thrown off llie track near Mom roe village, bv ihe breakane of a car wheel and ...... t,:u...i 1 .i .. 1 . I ijuri.d. Some 7U or 8U were more or less hurt. The can had a pie nk party on hoard on their wav to Hnholtnn. whinh Mvmiint. i',,.- .I,n ,,iK. ii, 1,1..1 iiiji 1 .1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 oiners sei oils v . .... I 'I'U .. . n .1 ' I I ' 01 ore not O mV Prom the New York Tribune of Saturday, we have ihe follow ing additional intelligence: "The whole trail! was shivered nnd broken nr. LflC'H. U till (It It I (nil. 1 1 1 . . ' "w passengers ill the reur ears (among whom were the pupils of a young lady's school at Mi.l- dletowa on their way ton pie nie nt Hohoken) oscaped with sli"lit miuriea. In .1.,. r ... 1 a . 0 j '' "'ii iiii'-i cara, however, two persons were killed outright, and above fifty injured, several of them seriously. Inn we hop,' none fatally. The two killed wen: a son f Dr. Crane of Goshen, and Charles Ste vens of New York." MORI-: VlOLi-.Nt'K. i . m . :,""'(' nan " ver"0 111 Chicot county. Ark ansas, w here the slave population far exceeds that of die white, the overseer of Col. Walnutt, a rich planter, was found murdered in the field bavin,. received two stabs in the hack, and a wound in ihe hinder pan of the bend. William, n slave, was charged with the crime, and iried at the ensu ing Circuit Conn, which came on in the fall The Jury did not agree, lie was remanded to jail, to await his trial at the spring term it came on, and he was found guilty of murder in ihe lirst degree. His counsel, who hud been enmloved by his master to make the best defence for him of ! Inch they were capabla, Faoved for a asjW trial, ulitnl ?" a-ET' " ,ho over- f6, T M"1 '" ? 11 M "l be murder 'l ,h" ,irsl ,l"'"-l,11,t WM nly manslaughter.- He wus again sent hack lo prison. It was said he would evatlu the punishment of death, if he did not escape altogether, and to put the matter beyond doubt, a mob resolved to take his execu tion into their own hands, and the negro was ta ken out of jail hy force, and hung. The excuse is, that the public safety required this fearful course. Whether this will he heard at the bar of (Ind, these men will know from u fearful retribution hereafter. Cincinnati Gazette. DISTRKSS1 Nt i l N TELLIGENCE. We noticed on Saturday tin; loss of the ship GentOO, on her passage from Calcutta to Boston, bv whieh a lady passi-mrer anil two children wen. drowned. We have since learned that the lady w Mrs. Wml( rormer,y of this cit (im, 4 I lor of our lute und venerable fellow citizen E. S. Thomas. She was on her return from Calcutta, for the purpose of educating her children; and was shipwrecked on the Gentoo, on the night of the 9th of April, ai Strays Buy, near the Cape of Good Hope. Three of the crow of the Gen too were also drowned. Cincinnati Gazette. THE MURDERER. Wm. Dandridge Epes, charged with having murdered Mr. F. Adcdphus Muir, of Dinwiddie, Virgitiin, has (led. and the relatives of the decea- nlovinn , it', Klii,, .,.-..1 ,1 1, 1 L i f . ? . "' ,r". ra""" UmK nUir.Wllll " lorehcad, and of athletic form, slightly in- I it i . i VUIU'U IV IMI 'lllt.llt V, I I i i til in 11 is ; 1 1 1 1 is . ! i 'j l "t . , . The Richmond Co.npilcr says thai w hen appli- cation was made to procure a proclamation bv ,,,, (Jovernor for the arrest of Ep- "ne could ,,, in conseuuence of the absence of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor from the ! ,- crnm(,nt The Compiler tulds-The 1 Lieuicnnm Governor, we learn, has gone to Lew ll Iltllll HMt lH i isbl, to ntt(!nd ,he Court of Appeals; and Gov 1 ernor Smith is said to be practising his profession in Enuquier. -Cincinnati Gazette. From the Second Regiment. Capt. Walcutt, of this city, who was obliged, by protracted ill ness, to resign his command in the Montgomery Guards, received on Tuesday a letter from one of . he officers of (ho second regiment, stati ng t hat they were ut the lime of writing, encamped on the battle-ground, near New Orleans and expected to em bark for Point Isabel on the 19th instant. Tho health of the regiment was good 0. S. Jour. The weather on Friday, Saturday,and Sundav last, was warmer than had ever teen measured in this city by the oldest thermometer. The mcrcttrv rnntred from OS to IMI ,l,.r.rn.,0 V i" Seirnrifie American. m uwi r-;...;....; i'n.n . i.w. l.l, lllllllll Ull.llll i