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truth that wculd prop him up on hie Ihird vhii'.v 1 1 13 nrticle contuins neither proof of hi charge, nor a nolico of i 1 3 withdrawal, but ho tries (o annuls tun of the dilemma, by intimating that nfcr nil, ho wn? not far from right, ns ha had been informed lint nltho''; Miss Kelly holds these views (no govcrninentUm) the: 'Society dots nnl ndvocato that ductrine, lliey. noi littvingono so far yot." IIo don't like to nay ho wru in the wrong, nnd don't dure to say ha was right; t.n' is liko the Irishman who tried to steer n middle coum between tho two. 11a informs us of the interesting fact to quote his own words that "the mountain is no longer in labor." Here is tho mouse it has pro duced: "Wo would then state so that it shall be prsj.cily understood, thnt tho American An'i Slavery S moiy. is not responsible fur tho individual opinions of its Agents." It would seem to us that tho way faring mm though a loot, would not neca ma miurmuiiuii wuilii me hit nld makes such n parado in giving, nnd wo doubt whelher ho has a single reader w ho will find that his fund of information is very much increased by tho intelligence that the Am. A. S. Society enly endorses tho sentiments of its agents upon tho single question of slavery, as do tho Biblo Society, tho Temperance Society, and Liberty party associations endorse the sentiments of their agents upon tho single question which they employed them to present nnd sustain. The object of the agents in meeting his charge by denial, and a call for proof or retraction, was, that it able to prove it. ho should do so to their confusion; and if unable, that ho should mako the withdrawal of the charge as explicit and as public as his presenta tion of it. This lie has not done! We leave it to others to pass sentence upon him. I Be Sure and read. The ar:icle on our fir?t page. It is from the pen of Maria W. Chapman, of Boston, nnd we consider it a document of very grent worth. Let not i ta length deprive nny one of the pleasuro of its pe rusal. Certain we are that those who read it will be strengthed, and feel their spirits refreshed. It will carry thex lo the Mount Pisgah of oi.r desert wan derings, and enable them to look into ths promised land, which we hope ere long to onlor. Such nt least was the effect it had upon us. Be Sure and read. Anti-Slavery Bugle---Dissolution. "Ami Slavery Rugle," is the namo of a new pa per just commenced at New Lisbon, Ohio, tho first number of which has been received at this office. Ii hears IhB name of neither editor nor publisher, 1 til is printed by our old friend John Fnerr, nnd is put forth as the organ of iho "Ohio American Anti-SIa-1 very Society " That Society, (as is known in everv body except a portion of the whig editors, who will wish to identify the Hugle with the Liberty party.) is composed ol that class of the Antishvery people of Ohio who sympathise with Garrison , are opposed In the Liberty parts', and for the most part to voting at nil under our government. They advocate a dis-tolu lion of the Union, on the ground that the Constitution is essentially pro slavery. nnd lhat a pledge or nail, to support it, necessarily involves iho support of p!a very. The Hugle, in its specimen No. lakes tin ground, and argues it with boldness an I irgenuitv. Wo aim at the same common end as thai sought be attained by the projectors and patrons of tho Ru gle; but wo have no sympathy with the manner in which they propose to attain that nnd. We are not s.ire lhat we nover shall have. U'o believe lhat the Constitution was intended by a mijority of its from crs, and docs itself possess the elements of Freedom; and that fairly construed and administered, it will give freedom to all who dwell under its wings. We of course mean all, without respect to color or estate, or place or circum.tancea of birth. When we find this belief unfounded, and become convinced that the Constitution does not possess tho elements of univer sal liberty, we shall go for dissolution. Wo are Liberty at all events "Liberty and Union, now and forever" Liberty and Slavery, not a moment, upon no condition. This is tho ground taken by Mr. Bir ney, in his opening speech at the recent Cuti'cniiou in Cincinnati. We are apprehensive lhat the B ig'e will not fin an adequate support for tho doctrine of dissolution, least in this stage of tho Antislavery reform. U wish it well, not as sympathizing iu tho trait of which we have been speaking, but for tho sako of tho Anti slavery 'ruth that must necessarily be disseminated a discussion ol the value and nature of our Unto; The above notice of the Bugle, is from the Ohio American, a Liberty Party paper; w e like Iho greet ing, and hopo that ere long the Cditor w ill seo with eye to eye in relation to tho Opinion doctrine. says, if the Constitution were faiily construed and ministered, it wou Id givo liberty to ell. What would he call a fair construction, if not one in accordance, with the designs of its framors, and the spirit of instrument? If ho hag read the Madison pipers 4tnows that tho Judiciary havo interpreted it in accor dance with the understanding and intention of those who mado it. Any other construction would crimi nate the lawful interpreters, becauso the constitution is a contract, and the meaning of a contract is always to be determined by the intention of tho contracting f artics. The Editor will also seo tint it "does possess the elements of universal liberty,"' localise .inn of it ni'.;;t prominent leatur.-s- - in iho I-4"',S! one of its frnti,fr "i-i Dmnntu: Slavery''' If iht! IMi'.i.r is hones!, ho is not intelligent in rela tion In l!iit pnlji'ct, and if he is, ns wo Bro wilting l" believe, n sincere seeker nftor truth, bo will bo iU us when he h is received new 1 .--!' .i .' . f t-i Kim I flMO nn '"' P""" '" i'".'1' I I'dif una in a! our li-st IS nnd ho will see It mere n 'ounced the Ohio American Anti-Slavery Society; in regard to tho l'lilnr, w hen tho child is nntned wc will announce the fact. From the Philanthropist. The Liberty party in Northern Ohio. Mis Abbv K' llev is now lecturing in the upper part ol thn State. Wo learn that sho is very seveie on til! stcts ar.d nil parties, especially, the Liberty par'v. The papers mention in high terms her intel lectual "in vor, and her ulntiuenje. Wo hnpo our Lib- erty Iriends will benrcnmpiaoeritlv her nttucks upon them, for the sake of iho many wholesome- truths she otters on iho general subject. Tlu policy of the' of freedom in Ohio has ever been to avoid sirife aiming themselves, it seeming to them the better way, to devote- all their energies against the common enemv.fU Wo hope tbcv will persist Bteadfajllv in . - v ' ' , , . , i ihiscouise, never siitloring themselves to bo niovea from their prrpneties, never returning railing for railing, nevsr permitting themselves to be drawn iu any way to tnko any pnrl in L istern controversies, or Ho lie ai rayeil tor or agaiusi tiis.ern romoamnis. ) Let thosa who come among us from the Last receive 1 for nt by our hospitalities, and our co-operation, si far ns they devote themselves to thn catuu i'self; but when the.y attempt, if they over do, to introduce other matters, in which 'crsonis rather than Princiilcs, figure, let us advise them th.t in Ohio, such things aro not to our tnte.(:l) Astonssaults on tho xiicy or principles of the Liberty parly, Liberty men are bound to listen patiently nnd candidly, to whatever may bo urged against them. (1) We win bo mistaken, but wo thought that "the friends of freedom in Ohio" had for somo yors been contending nno with tho other os to w hich was the belter plan for tho overthrow of slavery. The Democratic abolitionist BMirted that the support of t 10 Democratic party and policy was best, while the Whig nl ' li'ii nist thought, that his plan of action ihr.iuh and by tho whig party were tho most desira bio. Then there were some who advised a separate political org-ini.Hion, whila others contended that the scattering, or some other systeoi was superior. So if our information be correct there has been, aye. ,ind is now, strife among "tho friends of frccJom in Ohio," unless (he Dr. can prove that iho advocates of Liberty Tarty are alone worthy to bo counted her fninds, ami even in r.'icr ranks, wo suspect vomc ttrife may be found. (2) Eastern Controversies! Why is not the Dr. equally opposed to inking part in Southern contro versies? IIj is very ready to engage in a discussion ns to tho men's and demerits of Southern slavery, and that he wili tell us i3 a national controversy: but when we invite him to discuss questions which we consider quite ns national, and regard ns oftho tit most importance to the Anti-Slavery cause, he pushes them aside as Eastern Controversies! The one tho breud of life to Liberty Party, but it cannot em t race tho other and live. Our opposition to that L'arty is bassd upon principle, and is not a local ,ues lion. It is neither an Eistern nor a Western contro vursy, but a controversy about principles, universal in their implication, and boundless in their extent. U'o therefore ask all true "friends of freedom Ohio," not simply "to be arrayed for or against Ivis tern combatants," but that they snnd by the truth. h may be in these us it was in former days, that a star in the Hut shall show to wise men where rests tho Babe of Beihlehem in his manger-cradlo, un- I ... ,l. I ,! Ikn n,:..l,l.i 1a . I nmilin.. Known IU lot; t-iuui unu uiu iiio,iliy , lui naiiiuii IU c J n ceivo the gifts t.nd adoration of the few simple hearted but truly w ise. (3) Does not the Dr. know that as Henry Clay "the soul and embodiment of whig principles," have o'her Persons become the representatives of oth er Vriiiiiples. When we talk about principles, it sametimes necessary to talk about the visible repre sensitive of those principles. If the Dr. will re 11 a little, I think he will see that such things are to tho taste of Liberty Tarty men, anJ lhat was as much owing to tho changes which Ibey upon Clay's name nnd character, ns to anything lhat ihey two their increase of voles. What their Liberty Party songs about Persons? Take us He ad the ho not following specimen: "Wo will voto for rirnetj, We will vote for Uirney, For Piimey and for Morris, And for freedom through tho land." It will do very well for Liberty Parly to against tho Persons whom Whigs &. Domocrats aud in favor of their own candidates, but we exercise tho samo liberty, the Dr. gravely tells "in Ohio such things ore not io our taste." have heard considerable talk, and seen much in Purty papers in Ohio against our eastern friends, and in a stylo which :ho Dr. would call rather gnr if found in a whig or democratic print; and K, ,,., ,, i -, ,, I'l'mit.'-tMof in one of their pnpers about Joshua K. inM in to believe that tho Dr. h mis-j on g", win. ii ill' , i . ... ...... niton, ntui "shcIi tilings arc to their lasto ' when they rnlvTtci: tho intcreBts of Liberty Tarty. Captain Walker. prinnnincnt of eleven months., this bi other has beet. "c prrccivo by our exchange", that nftor an im- permitted to t pin his f.inn'y nnd friends. 11 ; remember with what auidity wo read in nur yourger days, the history of tho Crusaders. Altho' we felt tint it was a pcrvcited religious feeling whir led them to engage in a war for tho recovery of the "Holy Sepulchre," yet our sympathies were with them, an I we admired their bravery, and their devo tion to the cause they had espoused. Wj could dot but aroompiny them to the Initio fi foss that our interest was more enlisted on tho sidu of Richard, tho Ltiri hearted, and his chivalrous cum- - peer?, tlnn on that oftho powerful Siladin with I 'ivhf)m ,h rimlnnill3i Wl wcrQ c1rrioJ nw.,v -frinnrla , titnc, by the pomp and circum.tance of war; and , tho vo'co of reason and humanity was drowned by ' ,hc ra,t, 0f a.v,,r!?, ami the bstllo cry of tho warriors ,, , ,, , ,!,, 1Tr. . ,,. . ns thev r,i:i'?: to Iho conlltct. It j syrnpathisad witn J ( the so -called Ciifistinn lni-ht, not only in his tri- : umphs upon tho battle fl?ld, hut in the hour of his de- , u-, tllt)ll,,ht 0f xm a9 ie eM ia i!(J oncinefs and wo con- . is in of bis dungeon a prisoner to tho Paynim foe, a fet tered captive in a foreign land. They, by whoso side he had battled were ignorant of his file; or knowing his condition, were powerless ta rescue. ITho shall hear, thought we, lite tidings of his capture and im prisnnunnt to tin wife of his bosom? lriio shall toll his prattling babes that their father is tho inmate of a dungeon in Pagan land? Wearily, oh wearily, seemed tho flight of timo to him. Diys lengthened into months, months become to him as years, and in hi? contemplation, years seemed boundless as eterni ty. Yet amid all his loneliness and desolation he for go! not his vow. The honors and emoluments which n.ii.lcl power held out ns a lure, promising him pos session if he would alju-c his religion, wero valueless ir. his 8;ght, for ho remembered tho red cross of the crusido which was fastened upon his breast. Day after day pased wearily by. Night succeeded to night. Tho one brought no rest, tho other no hope. At lengib the long wished for ransom arrived. Joy to tho cnptive! his f'ottors wero broken, his prison door unhnrrcd, and ho was once mare freo. Ila went forth; and moved proudly among his companions, for his vow was unbroken, tho cross still rested upon his bosom. His faith was strengthed by the trial to which it had been subjected, and thenceforth his battle cry was among the loudest, and tho waving of his plumo seen in tho forcmoft rank. Little did we think that it would bo our lot to live in nn oe, when n greater enterpriso Ihor. that in which the Crusaders engaged, would claim our atten tion ;nn enterpriso which somewhat resembles it, save that this is n higher nnd a holier war, and is to be fought with moral weapons nlonp. Theirs, was fur the redemption of tho "Holy Sepulchre" n Fpot which they reverenced, because in it was laid the rftnd body of Je'ii?. Ours is for tho redemption ol the Templo of tho Holy Ghost, where is enshrinnri mo living imago tu tioo inc , atner. They were fnmmoned to the battle field, by one, who until then, had lived nn unknown nnd secluded life, nnJ millions listened to the words (r Peter tho Hermit as to the voice of inspiration. Ha who first raised tho standard under w hich we rally, w ho first sounded in this land tho battle cry of "Immediate Freedom for all" wos un known to fame, was without influence save that ir.fiu ence w hich the preaching of truth over gives to i's disci ple,and the prejudices ofthousands were overcome, and they learned that histeachings were those of a faithful follower of Jesus. The entornnso f ir tho redemption of the "Holy Sopulchre" equally commended itself to ln .i i- m.-:... i .... j Jll I IK I011I0I1S Ol 1 1 1 I b V II O U I n 1 1 W fl S C XI) BC tB 0 11131 IU- r . . . , . ' . i nil nrnfeCQinir rnfiqlinna u-ntiM nnmnA In . :ilA..t . ..i . - - . ... , ii.iiu i-i.ipg mi i ivmiiMji was so is xt pre cisely it rang else, say the listinction of nation or people. Tho enterpriso which contemplates the emancipation of Iho slavo, is one which commends itself to every human soul one in which every man should take a part if he have the feelings of a man. Their enterprise was prosecuted by physical means, ours by moral only. Their wea pons were carnal, ours are spiritual. Their undcrtnk ing foiled, ours will surely succeed unless God is foil ed. We, like them, have had our soldiers slain hv the enemy, and our warriors led into captivity. The gurgling ol l.ovejoys tiiooif at Alloo, and the con linued imprisonment of Thompson, and Burr, and I orrey attest trie truth of what we eflirm. Ono of our brethren has but now been redee.nej. The ransom has been paid by his friends, and tho Christian Pagans of America have thrown open his prison doors I or 11 long monihsdid he nine in heart-sickness in worse than Paynim dungeon. For eleven long months dirt ins wile and Utile ones mourn ovor Ins cantivitv We can now rejoiee that he is free. IIo comes forth Irom his prison house, not with iho cross of tho cru sade taBiened upon his breast, but with a branded eviconce 01 nis love ot mercy, and of the slaveholders crueltv. That branded hand is to Jona- man watKcr what mo red cross was to the Knights the crusade, only far moro honorablo. Let that hand bo nplilted in tha sight of all iho American people, and lot ihcm be told, and made to feel that was by direction of thair government, under tho laws which their agonts had established, and which other of these agents executed, that tho red-hot iron was ap plied to tho quivering flesh of ono of their own citi zens. Lot Walker tell of whal he has suffered m talk nom inato, when us IT'e Lib erty vul- wc I en,!,Cola prison, nnd Work relate his experience , a Mississippi penitentiary. And when tho sympathy tl,9 CO.timUOllV is CllK.lpd.n their hnti.lf U,,l.. (iid ' remind tho people that Torrsy and Thompson, IVnr, ami Fairbanks' flre yel grinding in ths prison House, where Ibey have thrust them. Let them bo undo to understand that if these, our brethren, have) nir-icd and are yet siiffo'ring much, thn t the slaves ut tho Smith, our other brethren, are suffering more. That it these were imprisnnrd,and lacerated, and bran dec", (ho?n have to sutler all these tortures of the body, and loendurntbnt fettering oftho spirit, tliol crushing of iho intellect, which is the greatest wrong that man n.i imhet upon his brother. Let thn conviction ho forced upon ihcm, that it is hv their consent Si approv al that theso thinns ton. are donp. that thev leenhza all the airociiics that are perpetrated upon the suffering bondman. CirThe following is a very fair hit at Liberty Party: LEGAL PLEADING. "May it plcnsolhi court, the plaintiff in this action Prosecutes my client, tho defendant, for damages sus tained by loaning us a kettle which ho avers was re turned unsound. Now may it plenso your Honor, we am ab'e to show beyond the possibility of doubt, that wo are not liable in this euit, in three, distinct, specific rny. In tho first place we shall provo we never borrow ed the kettle. But if we fail in this, we shall then show that the kettlo was cracked when-we borrowed it. If wo still fail here, in the third place we tihnll prove, most conclusively, that the kettle was ichole when we returned it." LIBERTY PARTY VERSION. May it please the people, tho plaintiff in this ac tion prosecutes my client, the defenuenl, fur dama ges because he refuses lo sustain Slavery as constitu tionally required in accordance with his oath. Now may it plcase'youritIIonors, wo are ablo to show beyond the possibility of doubt, that we aro not liable in this 6uit, in three, distinct, specific ways. In the first place we shall prove "we never borrow' ed it" never sworeto sustain the constitution. But if we fail in this we shall then show lhat it "uas cracked when vc received it" that is, it is immoral nnd theroforo not binding. If we still fail hore, io tho third place we shall provo most conclusively, that it is even now "entirely whole'''' being Anti Slavery in its spirit and tendency. Abby Kelley's letter. Our friend Kelley's letter was written in haste, and ftcr it appeared in the Herald she saw in it an ex- prsesion which docs not convey all that sha intended should. She designed to say "The American A. Society is no) more opposed to human governments, than tho Presbyterian Church or Liberty party pro fess to he." She holds lhat the latter, by its "privafa construction" doctrine, has become in,fact, a no hu man government party. Communications. Wa have several communications on file, which will probably find place in our columns jvery soon. iv a nope our correspondents will not be impatient. Rich! that a Deacon af thn Pre: byterian Church in Canficld had somoihing like thn following conversation with his sabbath school pupils a short time since. "In what way does a person show that he is asham ed of Christ?" asked the Deacon. "By committing sin," replied one of his scholars. "A very good answer! can you tell mo how h shows it?" said the Deacon to another. "By breaking the Sabbath." "Right? and what is your reply?" ho asked d. dressing a third. The third pupil hesitated, for she eould think nt nothing;that was not included in committing sin or breaking the sabbath, so the Deacon furnished her with the following answer, which for originality and brilliancy of thought, far transcends any doctrine in Christian philosophy which has been discovered since the commencement of the Christian era. "A young woman who travels the country to lec ture, in company with two young men, by so doing shows that she is ashamed of Christ." Rich! Anti-Slavery Meetings---Double series. I Massi Ion. Mnn. Tiip. nnd U'u,t P iria. Thnra. Vri nnr! 3 of it in and Stephen S. Foster, of Ne-v Ilamnshire and Abbv Kelloy of Mass., will attend meetings to be held at Cleveland, Cuyahogn co. Thursday, Friday, Satur- oay ana sunuay, August 7, 8, 9, 10th. Chacrin Falls, Cuyahoga co. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 1, 12, 13u. Painsvlllo, Lake co. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, "UK"" l;, 10, 17th. Austinburg, Ashtabula co. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 19,20 21st. New Lyme, Ashtabula co. Friday, Saturday and Sun day, Ausust 22, 22,2t.h. TVarren, Trumbull Co. Monday and Tuesday An g,,s' 25, 2(ii:. Youngstown, Trumbull co. Thursday, Friday Sa turday and Sunday, August 282!), HO, 31st. Giles B. Stebbens of Mass. and Isaac S. Flint of New York will hold moetinr-s at ihe'followinz places. R.avennn, Tuesday and Had. August 12, 13. I Randolph, Tnurs. Fri. and Sat. 11, lii, lfiih. " 18,19,20th. " 2 1. 22. 23d. Mt. Union. Sun. Mon. Tues. 2 1, 25, 2tith. Augusta, Thurs. Fri. and Sat. " 23, 29, 3()th. Hanover, Sunday 31st. The meeting at Mt. Union will commence at 10 A.M. at all the other places at 2 P.M. Tho hour of gathering on tho second, third, and fourth days wilt be in iho forannnn at 10 o'clock, and at 2 o'cl'k in iho afternoon.' Will tho friends of the causa see lhat full notice is given in their respective neighborhoods? Papers friendly lo free discussion please copy. These meetings are free to all, who desire either to hesr or speak upo American Slavery.