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Poetry. C"M-ire is a rousing poetical appeal, conceived in the right spirit, uttered io the right form, made nt the riht limo, and addressed lo the right people. Down with this pro slavery Union! From the Liberty Bell. The Worth of the Union. BY GEORGE S. BURLEIGH. Brave heart of granite Amines.?, Thai to our Northland gives The bounding tido of vulor's blood, The pulse whereon she lives; Why beats that pulse so feebly. That wag wont to leap so high? Why bend so low, thou stubborn neck, To lha Sauthrou's chivalry? Sons of the bravo New England! Ye are plundered, ye lire whipt. Ye are shot, and hanged, and fettered; Yet how dumb and lily lipped Are your brothers, are your fathers, Are the rulers of your land, 'av, linking with the murderer's. Their own heart and their hand! O Brothers of the Northland! What means that huelnst lipt Have ye no blood to crimson aught But the Southron's knife and whip? No drop in all your fluttering hearts That pallid cheek to tinge? Or why so very lily-like Do ye nod, and duck, and cringe? Ha! children of the Meekness, Is it Peace ye love so well, Whose boast is in your warrior sires. And the rights for which they fell, That ye have borne thus tamely The insolence of those Whose bounty lives in thievery Whose chivalry is blow? See, now, those rights are trampled ByjSlavery's iron hoof, And the honor of your Mothers This day is put to proof; lo are but base-born cowarde, Begot by drivelling slaves, If yet so meanly ye endure The whip that o'er ye waves. Have ye not borne enough, end more, The menace and the blow? Or will ye crouch again, and lick The foot that spurned ye bo? How many a Northman's blood must teed The Southron's famished sod, And reeking from tha blighted plains, Appeal from Mao to God; How many a Hall of Freedom, In horrid sacrifice, 'Mid the howl of Slavery's hell dogs, Go blazing to the skies; How many a trembling matron Watch o'er her banted ton, In whom the taint of Liberty Has brought the loud pack on, Ere ye find your blanching Manhood, And rise upon their track; And with strong heart end band At their peril bid them back? Calmly ye saw your symbol Bird On another's dove-cote stoop, And bear away his flittering prey, At one destroying swoop; Yo saw him tear the Baby From the ahribking Mother's breast, .Fleshing bis beak in its soft check ; And still your hands could rest. Now bis impartial hunger Demands another prey, And from your own warm hearth fires, He'plucks your sons away. Their blood, of Man unheeded. O'er Heaven's high wall doth climb. To plead against the robber-land, Where mercy is a crime. From far Floridia hear ye not The gride of the prison duorf And jibe heavy clank of dungeon chains From blood stained Baltimore? These are the bolts and manacles New England's children earn, When thair generous souls, with pity, For their bleeding brothers yearn. Low pining in bis noisome vault, With burning heart and brain, Shall the pale and dying captive Appeal to you in vainf Then must the damp-mouthed dungeon, More pitiful than ye, "With its putrid breath of poison, Bid the prisoned soul be free. Now by our Human Nature, Wrung to its last extremes Of tyrant wrong, and servile fear, Of suffering love, and vengeance drear, And by tha nightmare dreams Of gorged Oppression's bloated fiend, With tinman blood replete, StBrtled by terrors from above, And mines beneath his feet, And by your plundered households, And your brothers' murder shrieks, By your redly blazing temples, Whose every lira tongue speaks; By Alton's deafening death-cry, And Cincinnati's shame, By Peonsylvaaia's glowing Hall Her Freedom's funeral flame, By all the Southern dungeons That bold your crimeless sons, And the despairing bondman's prayers And burning malisons, Be roused from shameless slumbering! Tha band is at your throat, That from the Clack man's forehead The crown of Manhood smote. Now speak! or, dumb forover, Trail on your clanking chain, And give your white cheek to the brand, And creep around your plundered land On pliant knee and coward hand, In Slavery's spaniel train! Put no your ancient valor, And rise, if yet ye can, Till the haughty Tyrant trembles Before the upright Man; And from Canadian forests, O'er all our rugged hills, On to Virginia's mountains, One voice like thunder thrills, Down with the bloody Union! Mighty alone to spoil! Wrench off its anaconda folds, Or perish in their coil! Plurk down that fustian banner, Whose stars gloam redly there, Like demon eyes, wide-blighting all Beneath their savage glare; And rend its streaks of crimson, Types of tho hungry lash, Thnt ploughs its livid furrows deep On woman's naked flesh! "No Union with Slaveholders!" Down with the blood-streaked flag! Trample the gore-writ Compact With Slavery' wrinkled hag! We snap the bond which held us; And, to remotest time, Stand severed from the robher land, Where mercy is a crime! Miscellaneous. The Christian Colony. BY LYDIA MARIA CHILD. The highest gifts my iraul has received, during its world pilgrimage, have often been bestowed by those who were poor, both in money and intellectual culti vation. Among these donors, I particularly remem ber a hnrd-working, uneducated mechanic, from Indi ana or Illinois. He told me he was one of thirty or forty New Englandere, who, twelve years before, had gone out to settle in the western wildernees. They were mostly neighbors, and had been drawn to unite together in emigration from a general unity of opin ion on various subjects, ror some years previous, they had been in the habit of meeting occasionally at each others' houses, to talk over their duties to God and man, in all simplicity of heart. Tho library was the Gospel, their priesthood the inward light. There were then no anti-slavery societies; but thus taught, and reverently willing to learo, they had no need of such agency, to discover their duties to the enslaved. The efforts of peace societies had reach ed this secluded band only in broken echoes; and non-resistance societies had no existence. But with the volume of the Prince of Peace, and hearts open to his influence, what need had they of preambles and resolutions? Rich in God-culture, this little band started for the far West. Their inward homes were blooming gar dens; they made their outward in a wilderness. They were industrious and frugal, and all things prospered under thair hands. But soon wolves came near the fold, in the shape of reckless, unprincipled adven turers; believers in force and cunning, who acted ac cording to their creed. Tho colony of practical Christians spoke of their depredations in terms of gentlest remonstrance, and repid them with unvary. ing kindness. They went farther they openly an nounced, "You may do us what evil you choose; we will return nothing but good." Lawyers came into the neighborhood, and offered their services to settle disputes. They answered, "We have no need of you. As neighborn, we receive you in the moat friendly spirit; but for us, your occupation has ceased to exist." "What will you do, if rascals burn your baras, and steal your harvosts?" "We will return good for evil. We believe this is the highest truth, and thorefore the best expediency." When the rascals heard this, they considered it a marvellous good joke, and said and did many provok ing things, which to them seemed witty. Bars were taken down in the night, and cows let into the corn fields. The Christians repaired the damage as well as they could, put the cows in the barn, and at twi light drove them gently home; saying, "Neighboi, your cows haye been in my fiold. I have fed them woll during the day, but I would not keep them all night, lest the children should suffer for their milk." If this was fuu, those who planned the joke found no heart to laugh at it. By degrees, a visible change came over these troublesome neighbors. They ceas ed to cut off horses' tails, and break the legs of poul try. Rude boys would say to a younger brothar, "Don't throw that stone, Bill! When I killed the chicken last week, did'ot they send it to mother, be cause they thought chicken broth would be good for Mary? I should think you'd be ashamed to throw stones at their chickens." Thus was evil overcome with good; till not one was found to do tharn wilful injury. Years passed or, and saw them thriving in worldly substance, beyond their neighbors, yet beloved by all. trom them the lawyer and the constable obtained no fees. The sheriff stammered and apologized, when he took their hard-earned goods in payment for the war-tax. They mildly replied, "Tis a bad trade, friend. Examine it in the light of conscience and see if it be not so." But while they refused to pay such fees and taxes, they were liberal to a proverb io their contributions for all useful and benevolent purposes. At the end of ten years, the public lands, which they bad cbosea for their farms, were advertised for sale at auction. According to custom, those who had settled and cultivated the soil, were considered to have a right to bid it in at the government price; whichat that time was 1 25 per acre. But the lever ot laad speculation then chancad lo run unusually high. Ad venturers from all parts of the country were flockiag to the auction; and capitalists in Baltimore, Philadel phia, New Vork, and Boston, were sending agents to buy up weitern lands. No one supposed (bat custom, 1 or equity, would be regardod. The first day's sale showed that spcculatiou ran to the verge of insanity. Land was eagerly bought in, at seventeen, twenty five, and forty dollars an acre. The Christian Colo ny had small hope of retaining thmr farms. As first settlers, they had chosen the best land; and pcrsever ing industry had brought it into the highest cultiva tion. Its market value was much greater than the acres already sold, at exorbitant prices. In view of these facts, they had preparod their minds for anoth er remove into the wilderness, perhaps to be again ejected by a similar process. Bat the morning their lot was offered for sale, they observed w ith grateful surprise, that their noighlors were everywhere busy among the crowd, begging and expostulating: Don't bid on these lands! These men have been working hard on tbem for ten years. During all thut time, ihey never did harm lo man or brute. They are al wa)s ready to do good for evil. They are a blessing to any neighborhood. It would be a sin and a shame to bid on their land. Lei Ihem go, at the government price." The sale came on; the cultivators of the soil offered 1 25; intending to bid higher if necessary. But among allthat crowd of selfish, reckless speculators, not one bid over them! Without one opposing voice, the fair acres returned to (horn. I do not knuw a more remarkable instance of evil overcome with good. The wisest political economy lies folded up in the maxims ot lhnsl. With delighted reverence, I listened to this unlet tered backwoodsman, ns he explained his philosophy of universal love. What would you do," said I, "if an idle, thieving vagabond i. ame among you, re solved to atay, but determined not J o work?" 'We would give him food when hungry, shelter him when cold, and always treat him as a brother." "Would nut this process attract such characters? How would you avoid being overrun wiih them?" "Such characters would either reform, or not remain wiih us. We should never speok an angry word, or re fuse to minister lo their necessities; but we should in variably regard them with the deepest sadness, as we would a guilty, but beloved son. This is harder fur the human soul to bear, than whips or prisons. Thev could not stand it j I am sure they could not. It would either melt ihem, or drive them away. In nine cases out of ten, I believe it would melt thoin." I felt rebuked for my want of faith, and consequent shallowness of insight. That hard handed laborer brought greater riches to my soul than an eastern merchant laden with pearls. Aga;n I repeat, moDuy is not wealth. Daniel O'Connell. The following is an extract from the late travels of viscount U'Ar.mgcourt, now publishing, in continua tion of Waldie's Library: O'Connel broke up the assembly, and then still surrounded by adulation, incense, and homage, took the road to Tar a Hall, an immense mansion belonging to Mr. Lynch, and situated at the foot of the Mountain of Kings. There, under a vast lent, a banquet of from one thousand to one thousand two hundred covers was prepared, at which the Liberitor was to preside The managers of the entertainment had included mo among the guests; a mom had been kept for me in the house, and i was told tiiat my place at table wuuld be by tho side of the illustrious chief. I went to Tura Hall accompanied by Henry Gratian. I was most eager lo enter into conversation with O'Connol, and I was conducted to a small sitting room, whither he had retired to enjoy some repose after the exertions of the morning. The great Hall of the mansion was full of company: he was to join them at a later hour. Only one or two of the Liberator's most intimate fnenda, and the host's daughter, the pretty Miss Colli erine Lynch, were with him. He welcomed me with gracious courtesy, and made mo sit on the sofa hestde him. I had thus an opportunity of regarding hi in at my leisure. O'Connell is tall, and strongly built; one would suutj mm io uo a wrestler ot me oioon ume. llm eye is animated and intelligent, his voice is keen and sonorous. He expresses himself elegantly and quietly, and with convincing sincerity end earnestnenn. flis gestures are orten dignified, and though Ihere is a certain vulgarity in his physiognomy, yet his deport ment is majestic, lie possesses, moreover, all the goud qualities and all the defects necessary for a popular orator, being by turns rough and Bmooth, energetic and yielding, courteous and abrupt. Our conversation wasextremoly animated; hespoke of the Queen with profound respect, and of her Gov ernment with bitter scorn. "Wellington," said he to me, "was born six miles from Tara, and this Irishman thinks only how he can most injure Ireland: he will nol succeed, I hope. Besides he has solved a problem for mo; he has proved thai without actions of real merit, without superior talents, one may become a great man entirely by acci dent and chance. It was al the very moment when he was about lo fly from Waterluo that he found him self suddenly victorious: and he was the last who ex pected it." 1 was anxious to speak to O'Connell of the dangers of rebellion, and of the risks they themselves ran who opened to others ihe career of revolt. "I, like you, bate sedition," he answerer; "but np pression is also odious to me. I do not labor to over throw, but to be free. I shall triumph by the force of principle, by the irresistible progress of human thought; by the breath of civilization, which confers a new ex istence on mankind, and by the support of a God of Justice. I shall have no need of war." "You miy be attacked persecuted." "Persccjiioos! let tbem come. They will increase ai y power." "But if the sword quit the sheath? If the axe menace your heads?" "Oh , then, I have but to say' one word, and on the following day I shall have under my banner an army of five hundred thousand men, nay, a million if ne cessary." "How would you arm your troops?" "Nothing easier! They would take tho enemy's It has been affirmed that O'Connell's bead, next to that of Napoleon, is the broadest and largest that has ever been known, muskets and cannons fro.a him, The enemy himself would pans over lo their colors with arms an I bag. gage. I should still conquer wiihoul fighting." O'Connell spoke with persuasive eloquence. Thisr old man, who is said to be near his seventy-fifth year, retains in his features and thoughts all the energy of a more vigorous age. "You are a poet?" he resumed. "Here nresomi lines 1 composed yesteiday, before tho meeting of Tara." He read me the following stanza: "Oh, Erin! shall it e'er be mine To wreak thy wrongs in battle lino, To raise my victor head and see Thy hills, thy dales, thy people free? That gleam of bliss is all I crave Between my labors and ihe grave." DANIEL O'CONNELL, M. P. for the Countv of Cork. From the New York Tribune. Letter from Cassius M. Clay. IIobace Grgely, Esa The deep and heartfelt remonstrances of friends, elicited by my apparent willingness to report to the Duel, displayed in the first number of the True Amencon, noiwithstHiiding tho very peculiar and trying circumstances in which I have been placed, have led me to give this much deba ted subject my most serious and deliberHto reflection. Whilst I shall ever contend for the right of self de fence where the civil power cannot or WW nor come to my rescue: so where the laws ere sufficient lor pro tection and ihe public sentiment enforces them, there I am willing to confess that the Duel cannot be justi fied. Having fully tested the legal and moral power of my native State, to which I owe inviolate allegi ance, I feel that I owe it to her to our National Re ligion and to the Spirit of ihe Age, that I should sub- ject myself to their sole protection. I therefore for mally pledge myself never again to offer or accept a challenge, or in any manner to give Duelling my countenance or support. JJelieving thai this annun ciation would not only be agreeable to you, but to many friends who have been so kind as to manifest an interest in my humble fortunes, associated in some s'ight di gree with the cause of Republicanism and rjtionnl Liberty, I venture to ask for this note an in sertion in yoar wide spread columns. Ytir friend and ob't servant, C. M. CLAY. Letter from Cassius M. Clay. Lexington, Ky, July 4th, 1845. "Live your Enbmt." The following was first published in the London Christian Ouserver: A sluvo in one of Ihe West Indies, who htid origi nally come Irom Africa, having been brought under the iofluenre of religious instruction, became singularly valuable to his owner, on account of Ins integrity and general good conduct. A Tier some time his master taised him to a situation of some consequence in llio management ol bis estate; and on one occasion, wish ing to purchase twunty additional slaves, employed him to make the selection, giving him instruction to choose those who were strong and likely to make goud workman. The man went to tho slave market and coirmenced his scrutiny. lie had not long sur veyed the multitude offered for sale, befors he fixed his eye upon an old and decrepit slave, and told hi master that he must be one. The poor fellow begged that he might be indulged; when the dealer remark ed, that if ihey were uboutla buy twenty, he would give them thut man it) the bargain. The purchase was accordingly made, and the slaves were conducted to the plantation of their master; but upon none did tho selector bestow half the attention and care, thnt ho did upon tho poor old decrepit African. He took him to his own habitation, and laid htm upon his own bed; ho fed him at his own table, and gnve him drink out i f his own cup; when ha was cold he carried him into the sunshine; and w hen he whs hot, he placed him under the shade of the cocoa-nut tree. Aston ished at tho attention ibid confidential slave bestowed upon a fellow slave, bis master interrogated bun up on the But jvct. He said, "You could not take so much intercut in the old man, but for some special reason: he is a relution of yours: perhaps your lath er?" "No, massa," answered lha poor lullow, "he no my lader." "He is theu an older brother?" "No, ma s.i a, he no my broiler!" "Then he is an uncle, or some other relation?" "No, massa, he no be my kindred at all, nor even my friend!" "Then," asked the master, "on what account docs he excito your interest?" "He my enemy, massa;" replied tho slave; "he sold me io the slave dealer; and my Bible tell me, when my enemy hunger, feed him, and when he thirst, give htm drink." Good for Evil Escape op a Slatb. A vessel from Charleston, S. C, arrived at our wharves a few days since. Among other goods and chatties, she brought one likely slave. Suun after her arrival, the slave wag sent on shore on an errand. Henry soon perceived that his shackles had fallen i.ff upon our free soil; or it may be that some friend of our "pecu liar institutions" gave him a hint thai his master, having brought him voluntarily into the area of free dom, a was at his own option whether tu remain or return to the sunny South. Strange as it may seem, tho black man preferred the rugged North, and at our last advices was well on his way toward Canada. Now this is what we call returning good for evil. When colored men from the North go South, they aro seized and shut up in prison; but when colored men from the South come to (he North, they are bid wel come to the whole area of freedom. Boston Trav. A fugitive from the blessings and floggings of the "patriarchal institution," as Ihey are dispensed in the city of Charleston, S. C., passed through town last wank. Ilis master, he staled to us, was a Methodist clergyman, who preached on Sunday and raced horses on weekdays. He had always been kindly treated himself, but last winter his master sold his wife and the mother of his two children to go to New Orleans, and when io Ihe phrenzy of agony at being thus torn away and separated forever, the poor slave attempted to rescue ber from the hands of the pur chaser, a blood hound was set upon him and lore bis flash for which he could not forgive his master. He leaves his two children acd a mother at ill in bondage to the reverend horse jockey, end only desires for himself to labor for a living in the Iree air and among ihe free men of the North. Springfield Cat