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SWT VOL,. I. NEW-LISBON, OHIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1815. NO. 1. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. At one dollar and fifty cents a year in advance, or two dol Jars if not paid within six months. From the New York Tribune. First of August, 1845. Among ihe holidays of the year, some portion of cur people borrow one from another land. They Imrrow what ihey fain would own, since their doing Si i would inciease, not lessen, the joy and prosperity of the present owner. I( is a holiday, Got to be cele brated, 19 others are, with boast, ami shout, and gay prncessinn, but solemnly, yot hnpefullv, in humiliation find prayer for rmich ill now Misting in faith that the God of good will not permit such ill, to exist al ways in aspirations lo become His instruments for Hi removal. We borrow this holiday from England. We know riot that she could lend us another such. Her CRroer has beon ono of selfish aggrandizement. To carry her fligeverv where where the waters flow, lo leave a strong n.aik of htr font print on every shoro that she might return and claim us spuds, to maintain id every way her own advantage, 13 and has boon her object as much as that of any nation on earth. The, plundered Hindoo, ilia wronued Irish for oursolves wo mutt add the outraged Chineso (lor wo look on all that has hue 11 written as lo tho right of that war as mere sophistry,) no less than Napolpon, walking up and down 111 his "tarred green coal" in Ihe unwhole toinu l.idgn at St. Helena all can tell whether she be righteous or gene roiis in hor conquests. Nay ! let myriads of lur own children sav whether eha will ntietain from sacrificing, mtrcilesslv, human free diiin, happiness, and Iho education of immortal souls, fur the sake of gains 111 money ! We speak of Napn leoti, for we must ever despise, with most profound contempt, the piiltry use she m;ido of her power on mat occasion, bho had been :ho chief means of lib erating EnroDO from hit tyranny, and, though it was for her own Hike, we must commend and admire her conduct and resolution thus (nr. But ihe unhand some, huso treatment of hor captive has never been enough contemned. Anv private gentleman, in chain in? up the foe ttvit had put himself in his power, would at least have given and clothes to his liking, and a civil turnkey and u great nation could f,:il in this! Oh, it was shameful, if only for tho vulgarity of feeling evinced! All this we say licrause we are sometimes impatient of England's brag on the subject of Slavery. Freedom! Because she has done one good act, is she emitted lo the nngel ic privilege of being the Champion of Freedom? A nd yet it is true that once, once she nobly awoke to a sense of v. hat wag right and wise. It is Irue ihntshe t)l jo acted out (tint 6ense; acted fully, decid edly. She was w illing lo muku sacrifices even of iho loved money. She bus not lei go ihe iruih she then luiil lo heart, and continues Ihe reolule foe of man's trufiic in men. Wu must bend low 10 her as we bor row ibis holy day, the anniversary of the Emancipa tion of the Slaves in tho West Indies. Wu do nut feel thai the extent of her practice justiflrs iho extent of her preaching, yot wo ojiist feel her in be, in this matter, an elder sister, entitlod to cry Shame to us. And, if hor feelings be those of a sister indeed, how must she mourn to see her next of kin pushing back as fur at in her lies theadvauco of ibis good cause, binding those whom tho old world had awakened from iis sins enough to h ose ! But courage, sister. All is nut yet lost. There is here n fatiltlul band detormin ed to expiate the crimes that hnvu been committed in the name of Lihertv. On ling day tliey meet and vow themselves lo the service, and, as they look in one nnoiher's glowing eyes, they read Ihore assurance (hat tho end is not yet, and that they, forced as they aie "To keep in company with Pain And Feur and Falsehood, miserable train.' ' noy "Turn that necessity lo glorious gain." may "Transmute ihem and subdue." indeed we do not see lhat ihey 'bale a jot of heart or hope, and it is because Ihey feel lhat the power of the Great Spirit and us peculiar workings in the spir it of .Lie lye are with iliern. There is action and re action all ho time, and though the mum current jg ob vious, the. e are many little eddies and counter cur rents. Mrs. Norton writes a puem on the sufferings of the poor, and in it she, as episode, tunefully la ments the suficrings of Ihe Emperor of all the Run sins for the death of a beldved daughter. And it teas a deep grief, yel il did nul soften his heart, or make it feel for man. Tho fust signs of his recovered spir its are in new ill' iris lo crush out Iho heart of Poland, and lo make the Jews lay aside iho hereditary marks of their national existence, to them a sacrifice far worse than deaiii. But then Count Apraxin is burnt alive by his infuriate serfs, and ihe life of a serf is far more dog-like or rather machine like than thai of our slaves. Still the serf can rise in vengeance, can admonish Ihe Autocrat that humanity will yet lurn again and rend him. So with us. The most shameful deed hag been done that ever disgraced a nation; becauao Iho most con trary lo consciousness of right. Other nations have done wickedly, but we have surpassed them all in trampling under foot the principles lhat had been as sumed as ihe basis of ou, national existence and our willingness lo forfeit our honor in the face of ihe world. The following stanzas, written by a friend some time since, on the Fourth of July, exhibit these con trasts so forcibly, thai we caucot do better than in sen them here: Loud peal of bells and beat of drums Silute approaching dawn, And the deep cannons' fearful bursts Announco a Nation's Morn. Imposing ranks of freemen stand And claim Iheir proud birlhright, Impostors! rather, thug lo brand A name Ihey hold so bright. Let the day see the pageant show! Float, banners, to ihe breeze! Snout Liberty's great name throughout Columbia's lands and seas! Give open sunlight lo the Free! But lor Truth s equal sake, When Night sinks down upon the lam), Proelainideud Freedom's wake! Boat, mulllod drums loll, funeral bell! Nail every flag half-mast! For, though wo fought the battle woll, We're traitors at the last. Let the whole nation join in one Procession to appear, We and our sons lead on the front, Our slaves bring up tho rear. America it rocked within Thy cradle, Liberty, By Africa's poor palsied hand, Strange inconsistency! We've dujj one grave, as deep as Death, For Tyranny's black sin, And dug another al its side To thrust our brother in. We challenge al' the world aloud, "Lo! Tyranny's deep grave!" And all tho world points back and cries "Thou fool! behold tty Slave!" "Yes, rally, brave America, Thy noble hearts and free, Around the Eagle, as he soars Upward in majesty. "One half thy emblem is iho bird, Out-facing thus tho day; "But, wouldst thou make him wholly thine, Give htm a helpless prey."1 This should be sung in Charlston at 0 o'cloqk in the evening, when the drums are heard proclaiming "dead Freedom's Wake," as they summon 10 iheir homes, or to ihe custody of the police, every human being wiih a black skin who is found walking with out a pass from the while. Or it might have been sung to advantage the night after Charleston had shown her independence and care of domestic institu tions by expulsion of Ihe venerable envoy of Massa chusetts! Its expression would seem even moro forci- bleihan ncw, when sung so near iho facts, when the eagle soars so close above his prey. How deep the shadow, yel cluft bv light! 1 hpre is a counter current lhat sets toward ihe deep. We are inclined to weigh as of almost equal weight wilh all we have had lo trouble us as lo ihe prolongation of slavery, the hopr s lhat may be gathered from the course taken by such a man as Cassius M. Clay. A man open to none of the accusations brought to dimin ish the influence f.f Abolitionists in general, for he has eaten tho bread wrought from slavery, and has shared the education that excuses the blindness of the slaveholder. He speaksasone having authority; no one can deny lhat he knows where he is. In ihe prime of manhood, of 'talent, and the energy of fine enthusiasm, he comes forward wilh deed and word to do his devoir in this cause, never to leave the fit Id till he can take with him tho wronged wretches rescued by his devotion. Now he hag made this last sacrifice of the prejn dices of "Southern chivalry," more than ever will te ready to join the herald's cry, "God speed the right." And we cannot but believe his noble example will be followed by many young men in the slaveholding ranks, brothers in a new sacred band vowed to the duly not merely of defending, but far more tacred, ol purifying their homes. I he event of which this day is iho anniversary, aflords a sufficient gusranlv of the safely and practi cability of strong measures for this purification. Va rious accounts are given to the public ol iho state ol the British West Indies, and the foes of emancipation are of course constantly on Ihe alert lo detect any un favorable result which may aid them in opposing the good work elsewhere. But through all statements these facts shine clear as Ihe bun at noonday, ibat Ihe measure was there carried into etTbct with an ease and success, and has shown in Ihe African race a degree of goodness, docility, capacity for industry and self- culture, entirely bevond or opposed to the predictions)) which darkened go many minds with tears, those fears can never again be entertained or uttered with the same excuse. Ono great example of ihe safety of doing right exists; true, there is but one ol Ihe sort, but volumes may be preached from such a (ext. YVe, however, preach not; there are too many preachers already in Ihe liald, abler, more deeply de voted to ihe cause. Endless are the sermons of these modern crusaders, those ardent "surs of thunder," who have pledged themselves never to stop or falter till this one black spot be purgeil away from the land which gave them birth. 'Ihey cry aloud and spare not; they spare not others, but then, neither do ihey gpare themselves, and such aro ever Ihe harbingers ol a new advent of the Holy Spirit, Our venerated friend, Dr. Channing, sainted in moro memories than any man who has led us in ihe nineteenth century'', uttered the last of tua tones of soft, solemn, persua sive, convincing eloquence on this day and on this oc cssion. The hills of Lenox laughed and wore glad as they beard him w ho showed in that last address, an address not only to the men of Lenox, but to all mar. for he was in the highest sense the Friend of Man, thi unsullied purity of inl'nncy, iho indignation of youib at vice and wrong, informed and tempered by Ihe mild wisdom of age. It is a beautiful fact, that this should have been the last public occasion of hii liuV Last year a ouble address was delivered by 11. W Emerson, in wnich he broadly showed the juste milieu views upoa this subject 10 the holy light of a high ideal day. The truest roan crew more (rue as he listened, fur the speech, though it had the force of fact and tho lustra of thought, was chiefly romiuka ble at sharing the peuetrating quality of too "still small voice, most otten heard when no man speaks, Now it spoke through a man, and 00 personalities or prejudices, or passions, could be perceived to veil or disturb its silver sound. These speeches are on record, little can he said that is not contained in thorn. But we can add evermore our aspirations for tbee, O our Country, that thou mayesl nol long need to borrow a holy day, not long have an my lestivats blackened by tnlsehood, lyran ny, and a crimo for which neither man below nor God abovo can much longor pardon thee. For ignorance may excuto error, but thine, it is vain to deny il, is conscions wrong and vows Iheo to Ihe Mammon whoso wages aro endless lormeut or final death. From the Honesdale (N. Y.) Democrat. James G. Birney. The abolition candidate for President, in a letter written on the 12th of Doo. 1S-14, though but recently published, makes (he following extraordinary decla ration: "The objection lhat appears so insurmountable to you, against swearing to support the Constitution of tho United Slates, does not present itself in the same light to roe. Such parts of the Constitntinn as are opposed to ihe law of God, to common justice, to humanity, to good morals, I re ject as no part of that instrument. I 6hould have no hesitation in 'affirming1 to support the constitution of the government, whilst I should bo prepared, indeed consider myself bound lo disregard any immoral pro visions lat might be found in it." What is (his but a virtual justification of perjury? If the Constitution of the United Stales, in Mr. Bir ney 'sjudgm cut, is opposed, inane or many particu lars, "lo the law of God. to common justice, to human ity, and lo good morals," that is a good reason why be should not swear to euppoit it. But, his nntionfot swearing to support Ihe Constitution, wilh a mental reservation to disregard such portions of thai instru ment as, in his opinion, conflict wilh strict morality, is mobstrous. That he should make so infamous an avowal is astonishing. If a man may lake an oath to perform the duties of a public office according to law, with a mental reservation to regard only so much of (he law as he thinks lo he right, why may not another man adopt the principle of mental reser vation in giving testimony in courts of justice! If Mr. Bimey'g par'.y should be successful, and elect him to the Presidential cilice, whnt a spectacle he and it would present lo the world! On the day ol his inauguration, ho would stand up in tho presence of a great multitude of his fellow-countrymen, and swear lo support the Constitution, in all its parts and particulars; to support il not as "ho understands it," but as the authorized expounders of the Constitution, the judiciary, understand it. And Ihe next day, perhaps, ho would Lo found violating tho plain and unequivo cal requirements of tho Constitution, and justifying his conduct with the plea that he reserved the right lo do so when he tuck the oath! If Mr. Biruey believes any part of the Constitu tion immoral, he cannot swear or affirm to uphold it, and be an honest mini. At the commencement of his present career, he put himself Bt the head of what was professed to be a great moral movement for the liberation of Ihe slaves. To consummate that move mcnl, ha and his associates declared that they would use no other moans than argument and persuasion. But, soon limy discovered, or thought they discovered, in iho strong religious sentiment and feeling lhat per vaded ihe country in favor of emancipation, a pow erful instrumentality which ihey could lurn 10 politi cal account. Forthwith they seized upon it, and eei al work Insecure (o themselves all tho 0 dices of the Stale and General Governments. Previously lo this last movement, however, they had denounced the Cons'tluiiun as an i minor u I compact, entored into, in part, for purposes at war with justice ami humanity ; they had thus denounced it so frequently and so omtodly, (hat ihey could nol recede from that posi tion without being exposed to inferences discreditable to iheir integrity. Having considered the difficulties in which they wcro involved, they determined to main tain their stand, and uvow the intention, in case they should be successful in their political scheme, to set Ihe Constitution at defiance, and take credit to them selves fur it, under tho pretence, that they wero too conscientious 10 support such an instrument. Their plea for forfeited oath and violated Constitution, is lo be conscience the plea that great villains have set up in all ages fur Iheir unnumbered crimes. The baseoesj of iheso men is last developing. This dec laration of Mr. Birney is the must cool and impudunt confession of fligitioua purpose that has been made in modern limes. liCinembcr the cause of the ilava. From the Indianapolis Sentinel. The Indiana Slave-case decided. United States Cirenit Court, Friday, May 2rd, 1845. Vaughan vs. Williams Debt for tho rescue of slaves, damages $500. The above case cams 011 for trial on Wednesday last before tbe Court and Ju ry, Judges McLean and Huntington presiding. In tha fall of the year 1835, one Tipton, a citizen of Kentucky, owning three slaves a man, a woman, and a child earns to Illinois, and settled in Warren county. During the limo ha was there, in the win ter following, and in the spring of he built him self a house, and cleared a certain lot of land about thirty acres pari of which wat done by Ihe aid end assistance ol the slave Sam, which was the name of one of the slaves; also, Tipton was assisted by his sons, who had previously settled in this Stale, and henido whose farm wat that of iheir father; the no stra woman worked in ihe house, and was understood by the neighbors lo bo (he wifo of Sato; iho child, a girl, was iheir child. In tho spring of 1836, tho neighbors of Tiplon having hinted lo the negroes thai they were free, of which he heard, some time in April, same year, lu took thoru in a covered wagon to Missouri, and therj sold them aa slaves. The man who bought them from Tiplon, sold then to Ihe plaintiff" for about $1,100. This was soon after their arrival in Missou- 111 1S37 they escaped and came 10 the State ol Indiana, and resided in Hamilton county, on a small farm bought for them by tbe kindness of some friends until the time of their re-eeplure, which was sorno timo in 1813 or '44. Tbe old Ltgro roan is about fif ty, the woman about thiity, and the girl about nine years of age. Some lime in 1843, '41, armtd with a writ from Missouri, and a warrant from this State, iho plainlifT attempted lo arrest the negroes in iheir cabin under night, but was prevented until the more we, when the neighbors, alarmed with the crie3 pro ceeding from the cabin, flocked in to iheir aid, and tho defendant, with others, refused to allow ihe plain- till to carry ofT the negroes by force. An investiga tion was demanded and agreed lo, but wbiie on tha way to iho justice's office tbe negroes escaped by the aid and assistance of the defendant and the crowd. The action was brought to recover damages of $500, recoverable under the act of Congress, against any person aiding or abetting Ihe escape of fugitives from labor when arrested by iheirowner. Tbe cast) was ably conducted by Messrs. Wick and Barbour, and O. II. Smith for ihe plaintiff, and Messrs. Brad ley and Quarles, and Judge. Stepsons, for the de fendant. Judge McLean after summing up the evidence ia a very able manner, charged the jury as 10 the law in the case, who, after a short retirement, found a ver dict for the defendant, which was in strict accordances with ibe charge of ihe court. Tho Iriol lasted two das and a half, and created great excitement. By the above decision, the following- point is eel- . tied in this State, vix: That slaves brought into a free State by their own er, ho becoming a resident or citizen thereof, and us- rig Ibem as his servants, are free, and any subsequent sale of them in a slaveholding State is void and in the of their escaping afterwards to a free State, ihey cannot be re-caplured as slaves. Slavk Whipping in Nkw Ouieans Our fellow- citizen, Jeremiah Curtis, Esq., in a speech recently made in this city, stated lhat, while in New Orleans) not long since, ho was informed by his steward, an ex emplary member of a christian church who had been taken from his vessel, and thrust into tho 'calaboose,' under the laws of Louisiana, becauso God had given him a skin somewhat colored lhat ihe public whip pings were inflicted (here in the morning, and that if he wotld come early in the day he would have the op portunity of witnessing them. Desirous of acquaint ing himself with slavery in all its operations, Mr. C. went early tho next morning to the prison and thera witnessed the merciless application of Ibe bitter lash to iho naked backs of men and women. He learned that the regulations of the city required lhat. when slaves were lo be punished, Ihey should be whipped by tho public whipping-master at the calaboose iho number of lashes should not exceed 25. The fee for infliction was a cent a lash. The whip used had a shorl handle and long lash, which ihe master, stand ing at a good distance, handled go 'scientifically' lhat every stroke brought the flesh, and the blood flowed in streams down the back of ihe victioj. At the time Mr. Curtis went lo take his steward away, ihe whipping mister came out of Ihocalabuoea with hands covered with blood, and remarked: There, lhat is tho most obstinate nigger that I ever nw.' Mr. C. then went into the calaboose and Inere saw 1 black with his throat cut, and lying on the floor in a, pool of blood. On inquiry, he learned that the mar: bad been a slave who had always sustained a most estimable character: lhat he had ever done all in his power lo please his master: that he had never been punished, but lhat for some imaginary offence hie master now bad sent him up for a whipping and lo bo placed in the chain gang, and that he had declared bo never would submit to that, When Ihe time came for the execution of the punishment, and he was satisfied, by the entrance of the whipping master, lhat there vas no reprieve, he drew hie knife across his throat and fell upon the fl iorand shortly afterwards was a corpse What a commentary is this, upon the (ft repealed toxt, "the slaves are contented and happy." Han- gor tidzcttc.