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Poetry. The Branded Hand. BY JOHN G. WHITTIER. Welcome- hnmc again, brave seaman! wilh tliy thoughtful brow and gray, And the old heroic spirit of our earlier, bolter day With that frontof calm endurance, on whose steady nervo, in vain, Tressed the iron of the prison, smote the fiery shafts of pain'1 Is the tyrant's brand upon thee? Did the brutal era vena aim To make God1 truth thy falsehood, Hie holiest work thy shaaie? When oil blow! quenched, from the torture the iron wng withdrawn, How laughed theirevil angel Ihe balllod fools to scorn! 'They change to wrong, the duty which God hath written out On the great heart of humanity too legible for tioubt! They, tho loathsome moral lepers, blotched from foot sole up to crown, Give to shame what God hath given unto honor and renown! Why, that brand is 'highest honor! than its traces never yet Upon old armorial hatchments was a prouder bluzon sel; And thy unborn generations as they crown our rocky strand, Shall toll with pride the story of their father's brand ed HANc! As tho templar home was welcomed, bearing back from Syrian wars The scar of Arab lances, and of Faynim scimotars, The pallor of the prison and the ehacl le's crimson span, So we meet thee, so we greet theo, truest friend of Gud and man! He suffered for the ransom of the dear Redeemer's grave, Thou for his living presence in the bound and bleed ins slave; He for a soil no longer by the feel of nngols tred, Thou for the true Shechinah, the present home of God! For, while tho jurist sitting with the tlavo whip o'er him swung, From tho tortured truths of freedom the lie of slavery wrung, And the solemn priest to Moloch, on each God-deserted shrine, .Broke the bond man's heart for bread, poured the bondmau's blood for wine While the multitude in blindness to a far off Saviour knelt, Andspurned, the while, tho temple where a present baviour dwelt; Thou beheld'st Ilim in the task-field, in the prisoo shadows dim, And thy morcy to tho bondman, it was mercy unto lliin! In thy lone and long night watches, sky abovo and wave below, Thou did'st learn a higher wisdom than the babbling schoolmen know ; God's stars and silenco taught thee as His angels only can, That, the one, sole sacred thing beneath the cope of heaven is man That, he who treads profanely on ths scrolls of law and creed, In the depth of God's great goodness may find mercy in his need; But woe to him who crushes Ihe SOUL with chain and rod, And hords with lower natures the awful form of God! Then lift that manly right hand, bold ploughman of the wave! lis branded palm shall prophecy "Salvation to the Slave r' Hold up its fire-wrought language, that whoso reads may feel His heart swell strong withic him, his sinews change to steel. Hold it up before our sunshine, up against our north ern air IIo! men of Massachusets, for the love of God, look there! Take it henceforth for your standard like the Bruce's heart of yore, In the dark strife closing round ye, let that hand be een before ! And Ihe tyrants of the blave land shall tremble at that sign. When it points its finger Southward along (he Puritan line: Woe to the state's gorged leeches, and the church's locust band, 'When they look from slavery's ramparts on the-com iogof that hand! i The Forget Me Not. "FROM THE GERMAN OF MUCHLER. 'Silent o'er (he fountain gleaming, In the silvery moonlight hour, Bright and beautious in its seeming, Waves a friendly fragile flowei. Never lei it be mistaken ; Blue as heaven's own blessed eye, By no envious clouds o'ertaken When it laughs through all the sky. Flowers of heaven's divinest bus! Symbol of affection true! Whisper to the poor heart-broken! Consolation heaven-spoken ! Loved one! like the star of morning Are thine eyes so mild and fair- Innocence wilh light adorning Their puro radiance every wheic! Maiden mind! attend my lay; Be this flow'ret ne'er forgol Whispering through the far away, "Ol,'forget forgot me nol!" Duty stern mny bid lis sever, Tears bedew our parted lot; Yet these flowers shall murmur ever, 'Ah, forget forget me not !" List, beloved! what it sayoih; List each blossom's whispered sound1. A its lowly head it layeth On Ihe dew-besprinkled grounJ. Bethink each duw drop is a tear, Thai bruns its dark blue eyes; Remember when you wander ncftr "Forget me not" it sighs! Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. The Bridge--A Sketch. Emma had wheeled Ihe sofa in front nf the fire, and Charles seated himself beside her, he was certainly a happy fellow. Alas, he had as yet only drunk the bubbles on the cop. Eiima looked lovely, foi ihe glow of ihe warm coals of fire had given a bloom to her usu ally pale cheek, which heightened the lustre of her dark eyes. But there came a shade of thought over Emma's brows, and her husband instantly roinnrked it. It is strange how soon husbands see clouds over their leige lady's brows. It wag the first Charles ever sw tliere, and it excited his tenderest inquiries, it us she unwell? did she want anything? Emma hesitat ed, she blushed and looked. Charles pressed to know what had cast such a shadow over her spirits. 'I tear you will think me very silly but Mar v French has been sitting with me this afternoon." "Not thai, certainly," said he, smiling. "O! I did not mean thai, but you know we began to keep house nearly the same time, only she sent by Mr. Brunt io Now York for carpeting. Miry would have mi walk down to Brent's store this evening with her, and he has brought two and they are such loves!" Charles bit his lip. "Alary," she continued, "said you were doing a first rate business, and she was sure you would never let thai odious willon lay in your parlour, if you only saw that spendid Brussels so rich, and so cheap only sctcntyjice dollars." Now, the "odious wilton". had been selected by Charles' mother, and presented to them, and the color deepened on his cheek, as his animated bride continu ed: "Supposo we walk down to Brent's and look at il, there are only t voand it seems a pity not to secure it." "Emma,'1 said Charles gravely, "you are mistaken if you suppose my business will justify extravagance. It will be useless to look at the carpel, as we have one which will answer very well, and it is perfectly new." Emma's vivacity fled, and she sat awkwardly pick ing her nails. Charles felt embarrassed he drew out his watch and put it back whistled, and finally spying a periodical on Emma's table; began to read aloud some beautiful verses. His voice was well ton ed, and he'soon entered into the spirit of the author, and forgot bis embarrassment; when looking into Em ma's eyes, how ho was surprised, instead of tho sym pathetic feeling he expected to meet, to see her head bent on her hand, evident displeasure on her blow and a tear trickling slowly down her cheek. Charles was a sensible young man I wish there were more of them and he reflected a moment and then said: "Emma, my love, get your bonnet and cloak on, and take a walk wuh nio, il you please." Emma looked as if she would like to pou! a little longer, but Charles said "come," with much serious gravity on his countenance, and Emma thought prop er to accede, and nothing doubting but that it was to purchase the carpel, took bis arm with a smile of tri umph. They crossed several streets in the direction of Brent's, until they at last stood before the door of a miserable tenement on a back street. "Where in the world are you taking me?" inquired Emma, shrinking back. Charles quietly led her forward, and lifting a latch, they stood in a litile room, around the grate of which three small children were hovering, closer and closer, is ihe cold wind swept through the crevices in the 1 decayed walls. An emaciated being, whose shrunk features, sparkling eye, and flushed cheek spoke a deadly consumption, lay on a wretched low bed, the slight covering of which was barely sufficient to keep her from freezing, while a spectral babe, whose black eyes looked unnaturally large from the extreme thin ness, was endeavoring to draw sustenance from the dying mother. "How are you, Mrs. Wright?" quietly inquired Charles. The woman feebly raised herself on her arm: "Is that you Mr. West? O! how glad I am that you are come. Your mother " "Has not been at home for a month, and the lady who promised ber to look after vou in her absence on ly informed me to day of your increased illness." "I have been very ill," she faintly replied, sinking back on her straw bed. Emma drew near; she arranged the bed over the sufferer, but her heart was loo full to speak. Charles observed it, and felt satisfied. "Is lhat beautiful girl your bride? 1 heard vou you were married." "Yes, and in ray mother's absence she will see vou do not Buffer." "Bless you, Charles West bless you for the son of a good mother; may your young wife deserve you and that is wishing a good deal for her. You are very good to think of me," said she lookine at Emma. -ana you are jusi married!'. Charles saw lhat Emma could not speak, and he hurried ber home, promising lo send the poor woman coal lhat night. The moment they reached home Em ma burst into tears. "My dear Emma," said Charles, soothinplv. 'l hope I have not given you too severe a shock. It is Jitnelimes satntsry to look on the misetinnf oilier?, that we may prupurlr appreciate ntir own huppinpsg Here is a purse containing seventy five dollars; you may spend il as you pie ise." It is needless lo say that the "odious wilton" kept its plare; and therhivering children of want wcra taught to bless the name of Emma West and it formed the last articulate murmur on the lips of the dying suffer, er. Tf. Pnwr.R rr Kindness. Hon. Horace Mann, Secretary of the Board of Education in Massachus etts, is engaged in a controversy wilh certain peda gogues in the City of Notions on tho question wheth er corporeal punishment is either useful or npregsary is a meBnsol securing proper discipline in Schools. The Serrctary tells the following story, which is a sufficient answer to all that we have ever seen urged in favor of the ferule and switch: -in b town not iinriv miles Irom LSoston, a young lady, whn aimed at tho high standard nf jjoverning without force, and had determined to live or Jie by her fnith, went into a school which was far below ihe average, in point of good order. Such were Iho gentleness and sweetness of her manners, and inter, courso wilh her pupils, thai, for a few days, there was nothing but harmony. Soon, however, snmo of the older pnp'ls began lo fall back inlo their former tiabits of inattention and mischief. This relapse she met wilh tender and earnest remonstrances, and by an increased manifestation of interest in them. But it was soon whispered among the transgressors that 6he would not punish, and this added at once to their con' ftdence and rhei'r numbers. The obedient were so duced into disobedience, and the whole school seemed rapidly resolving into anarchy. Near the close of nno forenoon, when this slate of things was approach ing a crisis, the teacher suspended the regular exer cises of the school, and madu an appeal, individually, io her insubordinate pupils, llut, finning uo hope giving response from their looks ni words, she return ed in her seat, nnd bowed her head, and wept bitterly. When her paroxysm of grief had subsided, she dis missed the school tor tho morning. After intermis sion she returned, resolving on one more effort, bui anticipating, should lhat fail, the alternative of aban doning the school. She found Ihe pupils all in their seats. Taking her own, she paused for a moment, to gain strength for her final appeal. At this junc ture of indescribable pain, several nf tho ring leaders rose from their seats and approached her. They said to her that ihey nppearod on account of the school, and particularly on their own, to ask pardon for what they had dono, to express their sorrow for the pain they caused her, and to promise, in behalf of all, that her wishes should thereafter be cordially obeyed. Her genuine sorrow had touched a spot in their hearts which no blows could tearh; and, fiom thai hour, the school went on with a degree of intellectual improvement never known before; and, like the sweet accord of music, when every instrument has been attuned by n master's hand, no jirring now ever af torwards arose to mar its perfect harmony." Clerical Intemperance in Scotland. The extract we give below is taken from a letter of Henry C, Wright, who has been in E'irope the last two or three years. It presents a melancholy picture of beastly degradation in high places. "The following scene is but a specimen of tho Scotch clergy: I had lectured in a certain place, and was invi'ed to the minister's house to spend the night. An other minister, who was at the meeting, was iviled to the house to sit an hour, and talk over American af lairs. Supper was soon set on the table. Four of us sal at the table minister and his wife, and the other minister and myself. Eating done, and things remov ed. Tuen first, a small lea-kettle of hot water was set on, then tumblers, wine glasses, toddy spoons, and a bowl of sugar; then came on the WHISKEY BOT TLE. I was asked to compound some toddy. 'I am a tee-totaller,' I said, 'and as a matter of Christian principle I never drink intoxicating liquor.' V0u won't object to our drinking?' said oi.e. 'I cannot, ol course, I said,) control a man in his own house; but I should like to converse with you about this drinking.' oo tney began to compound the toddv, wile ana a and we entered into a talk. Thev sat there tippling till eleven o'clock, and till both the ministers were greatly influenced by the whiskey. Amidst their hp pling, one minister asked, in a very solemn tone of lippltng gravity 'How is Religion in America?' 'Very poorly,' I said, 'though there are some symp toms ot convalescence in the anti-slavery, nun resis tance, and tee-total movements. Few men would there be recognized as Christian ministers who would drink whiskey toddy.' At this ihey laughed and seemed amazed lhat ministers should forego the pleas ures oi the punch bowl, indelerence to the pnblic sen timent. "They are obliged to, or starve the people will not furnish then the cash to buy whiskey toddy.' They could not understand how ministers could pray and preach without punch. About lithe minister said 'Now we shall have worship? So he read the Bible, and we had what is called worship, and their tongues were so swollen and palsied with whiskey, and their brains so fuddled, lhat their worship was a tip pling affair. This i but a specimen of Scotch cler gy and worship. There ere noble exceptions. No wonder men become practical infidels under such guidance. The effects of the whiskey are stamped upon their noses and cheeks. Their faces become red and beacons. And these are the lights of ihe world! These are the spriuou guides of the people! My heart sickens at it. These toddy-di inkiug minis (era will discourse about the atonemont, about elec tion, decrees, free grace, the Sabbaih, and going to meeting, with great unction. But oilman abstract way (except going lo meeting!) 1 hey scarce ever touch upon Ihe practical wickedness of ihe Church, the Slate or individuals. They consign Pouerv, iufi delity, Sabbath-breaking, heresy, socialism, chartism, to hell, and guzzle whiskey toddy over their exploits! I'hey lot drive at abstract sins, and preach up an ab strsct religion. I wish the people would pay them in ABSTRACTIONS. They would soon come to un derstand Ihe value of abstractions. y Clerical Intemperance in Scotland. From the Herald of Freedom. Andover Theological Seminary. BY PARKER PILLSBURY. I wri'e from under ihe droppings nf ihe Theological Institution. The grand depot ofdivinilv for New Eng land sod the country.; Where ministers are manu factured to order, and alter the most approved patterns. The world's warehouse of Missionaries. Where the Mexican Catholic is abused for his absurd idea, that slaveho'ding is an "inhumanity and nulrago," and "a d( fianre of all ilm laws of justice nnd humanity." Where the benighted' S ivereign of Toms is to look for a correction of his ridiculous notion lhat 'the g'ory of mankind, and to distinguish lhm from the brute creation' require the total extinction ul slavery through out his d'iriiinions. A Mahometan mistake nf his, lo becorreded by. American Christianity. Where In fant Baptism and Infan' Stealing are bolh cardinal graces, nnd opposition lo either is a heresv. Where ihe enslavement of men. angels, and God Almighty is 'no violation of the Christian faith Where the pilygamy o1 Abrahmn, tho fornication and incest of a patriarch, the murder nnd adultery of David, and Sol omon's sernglio of a ihuusand women, all find apology and the men held belore the world us inimitable pat terns of wisdom, pietv, and fnith. Where the Sove reign nf the Universe is n "man of war a "gnd of bailies" delighting to snuff ihe steiiin that come; cur ling lohis nostrils from the gashed veins of a hundred thousand of his murdered, mangled children in ih field of Waterloo. Where ilia carnage nnd desola tion among a thousand tribes of American Indians by baptiKkd, bible-believing birburians, is a virtuous ful filment of inspired prophecy. They call this Seminary the "School of ihe Proph ets." W'ell named, if they mean, such "prophets" as Jeremiah and Ezekiel camo to denounce and rebuke. 1 remember wuen I was a prisoner here, we used in our pious pride to rail ihe hill on whHi the Somi narysiauds, "ihe Hill of Z.o i," and "Mount Zion." It seemed to me (hen. in reality, more like the (noun, tains of Gilboa under the curse of the poetic mourner of Saul and Jonathan. I may well say 1 was n pris oner there. I askec in ihe most courteous and chris tian manner to be dismiised for a tune, lo perforin nu anti-slavery ngeney. Several had just gone for vari ous other purpuses. But my answer was a mag s enal So, ncronipanied by the admonition to beware of the Anti Slater; cause, as I would hope to succeed in Ihe ministry. Then I asked In be disi h uged the Institution for good anil all. I met u similar answer, with more Solemn and frightful intimations abul tlm difficulty ofeetlinn parishes under certain circumstan ces Bui, said I, you have just discharged Juhn A . Collins from my class for n similar purpose. Yes, they said, and we worn glad to be rid ol him. Col lins was at that lime perfectly Orilmdnx hut whk a troublcr nf our Israel, especially on our town-meeting days, by his ami slavery. 1 escaped, a lugitive, and am free. One encouraging circumstance. Tho number of studenis is gradually diminishing. Slavery will bo abolished as we undermine these sanctified sliamheU of sacerdotal sorcery. And ihe spell is broken. Tho people dare to be born, baptized, married and buried, without a priest. And thev will snn risk their sal vation wuhnut them. And then there may be hopo that they may be saved. ' Which auk Bauiiakians? Lieut Greenwood, in his "Campaign in Alfjliauistun," speaks with horror of "Affghao ferocity," and relalos un illustrative an ecdote. A Kyberee boy, aged six cars, was observ ed by a drills!) soldier handling a large knife, and en deavoring io hack off the head of a dead colored ser geant, for his private amusement. "There is a fero city about lhtsi Afghans," observed the tender heart ed lieutenant, "which they seem lo imbibe with their mother's milk." And then to show our superiority over the barbarous tribes of Asia, he adds: "The young urchin was so completely absorbed in his sav age task, thai he heeded not the approach of the sol dier, who coolly took him on his bayonet and threw him over the cliff!" Admirable mamiest-tuong i.f European refinement! Under such instructors the Affghanscan hardly fail to become civilized! Ga tcs head (Eng ) Observer. Ajcst sentiment "Whatever we see of good, we should dare to sustain, without slopping to inquiro whether it "bear the imBge and superscription of C.c sar," or not. Whatever we see of wrons we should cry out against; whether it be in low places, or high places whether it be the pilfering hen-roosts, or plun denng cradles; whether it be of robbing a manof his purse or of himsolf; whether it be chaining the limbs, or crushing the soul; whether it be making a woman a toy or a chattel; whether it be fl ittering or noggin" her; whether it be raising and dragging her away in chains to the south-western market, or ruinously training her under the forced culture of our fashiona ble boarding schools, and drawing rooms, for the Home market. War. Ii h&s bren estimated by Dr. 'Thos. Dick that since the creation of the world, fourteen ihnnJ and millions of beings had fallen in the battles which man had waged against his fellow creature man! If the forefingers only of these beings were to be laid ir, a straight line they would reach more than six thousand miles beyond the moon. Love There is a love lhat is strong iK.n death, and deeper than life; for whose sake, sacrifice is light; ay, even unfelt. It is a love, which, born of the pure and fresh feelings of youth, grows with your, growth and strengthens with your strength; a love which wouiu give sweetness to a paluce and glory lo a cottage; a love prepared lo suffer, endure, and yet suffice unto its own happiness; tried by time, by doubt, even by despair, yet living on; the heart's dearest hope, and life's dottiest tie. John J roit. Printer.