OCR Interpretation

Anti-slavery bugle. [volume] (New-Lisbon, Ohio) 1845-1861, September 05, 1845, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Written on rending of the kidnapping and
iiiiiirittonnirnUn Parkorsburg jail, of thrco
citizens of Ohio by Virginians.
13 o, childrea of the mighty West! Ho, to
tlio rcscun come!
For Slavery' foul nnil blighting form invades
, ; your peaceful home.
'The humble dwellings that you rrared amid
. ilio forest shade
ficneath whose rustling canopy your infant
children plaved.
Jive no protection unto those who nobly
dare to he
The flying bondman's trusty friend, tho foe
of slavery.
Ye have seen those dwellings entered, and
their inmates torn away,
And tlic husband and tho brother become
the spoilers prey.
Ye have seen your neighbors captured; and
the hands you used to press.
Are encircled now by fetters m a dungeon's
The roof tree where tliey gathered, the altar
where they prayed,
The demon-band of Slavery in ruins now
kas laid.'
; Ye calmly heard of Wai.kkr In his Pen-
sacofa cell,
Of the grievous wrong and outrage that ew
England's son befell,
And ye told it to your children, with hearts
as dead and cold
To every noble feeling, as tlie Miser's thirst
for gold.
Ye heard, but little recked ye, of the suffer
ing and pain,
Of the Jcver-Jre raging in imprisoned Ton-
tv' brain;
And vc praved not for the captive, nor tlie
opening of tho door
That was barred and hoi ted on him in "blood
stained Hallimoro."
Of Work, and Huiir, and Tiio.mp: p. ye
wnreely ever thought,
Their prison in Missouri and their letters
.. were forgot;
For you fancied that ynur dwellings at least
Would be secure,
Nor yourselves be made to suffer what New
Kngtfand 8 son s enriure.
Hut now that on Ohioaus the tyrant's hand
is laid,
And the fireside of your brother a detsola-.
tiou made;
Now that Southron marauders can leave
their native soil,
' And make your very neighbors tho victims
of their spoil;
Now that the "Old Dominion" so proudly
claims the right
To make the "I, ion of the Wesf" a captive
to her might,
And to violate at pleasure tho laws which
you have given, (
And trample down most impiously, each
high behest of heaven;
- ViM ye meaitiy quail before Virginia's ty
rant rod,
For a mess of pottage selling the birthright
put of (od!
And craven-like consenting to remain a
douching slave,
' And bury, at her bidding, tho hopes that
Freedom gave
Or will ye rise in majesty, and bursting eve
ry chain
That keeps you from your liberty, your birth
right win again,
' And tell the proud Virginian Vis day of
pride is o'er,
Ho liall bring no more his fetters to Ohio'
Northern shore?
Oh, if the name of Liberty is pleasant to
your ear,
' If the deeds of noble valor of others ye re
vere, If the blood of daring freemen is coursing
in each vein.
And tlie coul that dwells within you has
spurned the tyrant's chain;
', Then speak for Truth and Freedom, and your
words of living fir,
Shall bo the kindling embers of Slavery's
funeral pyre:
Send forth your speech unfettered, and your
brothers shall go free,
For the words that ye eau utter shall give
them liberty.
Ho, children of the mighty West! IIo,
the rescue eome!
' Uecall your stolen brothers back unto their
plundered Home!
. liaise high the shout for Freedom, till every
hill and plain
Your word of Truth and Justice re-echo
back again.
" Tell to the craven South land, yo no longer
will or can
Assist their blood-stained tyrants to chattel
ise a man:
That tho chain you helped to fasten, at Sla
very' hid and beck,
Around your brother1! ankle is galling
your neck; (free,
And that ye now are striving to make Ohio
' Free from the guilty L'sion with wrong anil
Free from the blood-stained Compact your
fathers niado of yore,
The worshipped Constitutios with
stuius of human gore.
N. T.
The Thus Church. "The true Church
has no stain of blond upon it has no mar
tial warrior on its list of members employs
no military weapons--ongagos in no mortal
Mrif but 1 i U r it divine founder, returns
good for evil, seeks not to destroy but to save
men's lives, fears not those who can kill
body, rejoices in the midst of tribulation,
shrinks not from crucifixion, and is filled
with the abundance of peace. This church
is invincible, immortal, and glorious,
' which enters nothing that is revengeful
murderous; "its walls are salvation, and
gate praise." iVm. Lloyd Garrison.
Mental Absence. A man intending
join a total abstinence society, went and join
ed a church, lie discovered his error wheu
he was called upon to drink wine at the com
munion table.
Written for the Youths' Monthly Visiter,
"Mamma, it's a long time since I've been
I cer to Ifielunond to see aunt Hannah.
Mayn't 1 go this evening nnil stay nil night?
Hitty's at home now, and 1 want to see hrr
mighty bad."
"No, Amv," said the mother, "you'd bet
ter not go t'i Richmond to stay all night.
They say kidnappers are mighty plenty there
now and 1 can t get any tinny to write a pass
for us since good old Miss Ldwards died.
Our blessed .Master knows we got mighty
few friends in this world, hut it'll all he right
"Well, mammy, may I go in the morning
and stay nil dny;"l can get home before the
toll gate shuts and then I won't need a pass?"
" Ves child, you may go, and mind yon
tell your aunt Hannah 1 heard from the old
place last week, and how old Missus is dead
and Massar .liin has broken up and gone oil
nobody don't know whar,nnd the old place is
.... . . i i ,il.. I.',. -
gwyne to be Sold to pay Ins debts. Its a
mighty good thing we was set free long ago
or we'd u been sold along with the rest of
"Yes ma'nin. I'll tell her; and mayn't I
pick some strawberries, to carry to little Sal
lv Fletcher! I can't never forget how that
dear child used to steal into our garden with
her book, when she come home from school,
to learn me mv letters. J d a soon knowed
how to read, if her sister Jane hadn't found
her out, and told her father. How sorry the
little thing looked when she said. Amy,
can't, teach you any more. Father says I
luusii't. but never mind, don't cry, and if I
live to he a crown up woman and have
home of my own, I'll learn you to read and
give you a Bible too,a nice new one, foryour-
selt. That child am t like the rest ot wiiiui
fi,lks she told me all about (!od, and the
llible, and how 1 must try to be good and
respectable, if I am colored, for that makes
no difference with (!od, for he loves his col
ored children as well as his whit ones and
we'll all be alike in heavon.
"Well, Amy, tho child told the truth about
it, and that s more than some grown persons
do: but iro to work now, and mind you gi
up airly in the inornin to pick tho strawber
ries; they (ton l look nice wnen liiey are picK
ed in the hot sun."
Amy, a little girl of fourteen, was living
with her mother, a free colored woman in
Manchester, Virginia. The cily of Rich
mond lies on the opposite side of James
River, which is crossed by several brid
ges connecting the two places. Colored
people, whether slaves or free, cannot safely
pass tin; nigni in iticnninnu, or, luuoou, any
where Irom home, without a written permit
or "pass," from their owner, or some respon
sible, white person. It they are round out al
ter night without this permit, they are taken
up and put in tlie "Cage," (a small biril
slinpcd building,) where they are kept, if
slaves, until claimed by their owners, and if
free, until hailed out by some responsible
white person. Cases have occurred in which
they have been sojd to pay their jail fees, as
in the instance we have on record, which
substantially occurred within the last year ut
Early next morning, Amy was on her way
over the bridge, with her basket of strawber
ries on her arm, and as she passed the green
island that lies below the hills ami heard tlie
songs of the birds among the trees mingling
with the gentle murmur of tho waters, she
felt very happy, for she knew that (iod had
made them ail, and though known and oared
for by few on earth she could claim him for her
father and friend. She soon passed the
bridge, and made her way through the city,
not forgetting to tike the strawberries to the
good little giil who had shown her so much
Her aunt and cousin were glad to sen hej
and she spent the day very pleasantly in vis
iting her old friends, and buying some things
from the shops for her mother. Towards e-
veniug she hegan to think ol starting to her
home, lint so pleasantly had she been em
ployed, that she had not observed a dark
cloud, which threatened a heavy Btorm, until
ready to start, her aunt said to her, "Amy,
child, you belter not go home to-night, the
rain will catch you before you get half over
the bridge, and it is gwyne .to rain powerful
k.ird; I reckon you had better not go."
"liut aunt Hannah, how am 1 to stay t 1
ain't got no pass and mamma said I luasn'l
stay "thout one nohow."
"Law, honey, who's gwyne to know yon
ain't got a pass; you ain't told nobody has
"No, ma'am, hut they mought find it out,
and mammy says thero aro a heap of kidnap
pers hanging around. 1 kuow she won
sleep none this night, if 1 stay here."
"Well any how you will have to stay,
pass or no puss, for here comes the rain hard
as it can pour, said her aunt as she got up
to shut the door. "Look, she continued,
don't you see how dark it is? i he toll-gate
will he shut afore you get there and you can't
get home to-night, nohow,
"Well, auut Hannah, I reckon I must, hut
I don t liko to. Somehow I leel liko somi
thing was gwyne to happen; 1 wish I was
homo with mammy
"Shoo, child, don't he foolish, you aint tlie
first one dats staid all night in Richmond
I 'thout a pass eome, get your supper, and
' go to ned ii you want to; i reckon you
I inignty tired riinnin round nil day.
I'oor Amy, sad at heart, sat down to eat,
and when she had I'mU'i" I, not caiing to
to bed, she drew a chair into a dark corner,
that she might not be observed if any one
should come in. The wind howled along
the streets, and the rain lull m torrents, ac
companied by vivid flashes of lightning, und
gradually as tno evening wore on, and no
body appeared to be stirring, Amy felt more
comfortable. She was just thinking of going
to bed, when a loud knock at the door, which
was Listened, made her start to her feet.
"Ho still, Amy, it's the patrol, may bo
won t see you; don t move or speak,
i she pushed the child lurlhur lulu the corner.
ind then went to open the door for the man
who, with threats and curses, was trying to
break it open.
"W 1ml, he exclaimed with an oath, "are
you doing with your doors fastened at this
time of night!"
"Why, master," said Hannah meekly, "it's
most bed time and storming so hard, I didn't
think nnyhody would be stirring."
"Yes, yes," says tho rullian, 'so much the
better for "folks like you: just tho time to har
bor runaway slaves. I've got two to night
already, and I reckon I'll find one here."
o savin", he strode toward ine dark part ol
the room, and threw the lull light of a dark
lantern, which he carried concealed for the
purpose under bis overcoat lull upon poor A
luv's face. Dazzled, bewildered, Willi the
sudden light, and half st'ipilicd with terror
at tho prospect of falling into the hands of a
patrol, t whose cruelly sue nau no.iru ureau-
1 ii 1 accounts, she s it with vacant gaze neu
upon the (dijeet of her dread.
"Come out here, you hlaeit imp," ne crien
with fiendish glee, "aud give an account ol
yourself. You don't belong here, 1 know.
Old woman you don't pretend Bhe's your's
do yowl"
'-No, mas'.pr, " faul 11 annali, "its my sis
ter's child. She came from .Manchester to
see us to-day, and coulnd't get back home
cause it rained so hard. Do pray master,
don't take her to tho cage, she never staid
all night from her mammy before, and she'll
be scared to death.
"What o' that?" said the unfeeling wretch.
Who do you belong to, girl!". "Sha don't
belong to nobody, master," said Hannah;
"her mammy's a free woman.
"Free, you say? where's your pass? No,
that won't do, where's your free papers?
(Jot none, eh! never lear, old woman, 1 II
not tike her to the cage, she'll be safo enough
in jail before I h ave her, I tell you; you
cursed devils," he exclaimed, giving the
child a severe push, "you re always getting
where you ro no business to bo. Lyme,
Poor Amy, when she heard tho word
jail, and understood she was to go there, fell
. . 1.ll !
hack upon ner seat wiiu a suuuueriiig groan;
nor did her friends dare to speak a word of
comfort orsvnipathy for fear of giving olfence
to the patrols, who have the tree eolorrd peo
ple completely in their power, and when of
fended, reak their vengeance on them in the
most burberotiH manner.
"Amy. child," said her aunt, "you better
go along quiet as you can, and I'll go to
Manchester right soou to-morrow morning
aud tell four mammy, may be she'll soon
get von out. The Lord bless you child,
she added in a lower tone, "and take care of
you, for if He don't do it, I don t know who
With a passionate grief and eies which
were speedily stilled by the lash of tho pat
rol's whip, the little girl went forth into tin
darkness and storm. Tho firm grasp of the
man held her bv the arm, and pushing and
dr.itfirinnr her along through tno mud and me
water, uttering tho most horrid oaths when
ever anything obstructed his path, ho procee
ded toward the iail. At last, during a bright
flash of lightning, poor Amy saw the. horrid
jail with its guant whipping-post standing
near, wet with the mood ol many a vicitin.
She her eyes closed in terror, and heard tlie pat
rol speak a few words to the jailor, by whom
she was hurried in and conducted along a
dark passage. A door grated heavily on its
hinges, and in a moment she was thrust
rudely into a cold, damp cell, and left alum
Half dead with terror, she sank down on
a heap of straw that formed tho only bed,
where she lay in stupor until the morning
light shone through the bars of her windows,
and tho jailor came with her food. The poor
child felt no disposition to eat, and she tim
idly asked the man if her mamma had como
"No," said she gruffly, "how's she going
to know you'r in jail, diil'nt you tell tho pat
jol vou belonged to Manchoser! I'll bo
bound you'r a runaway from some planta
tion but we'll seo if wo can't stop it tho
whole country is pestered to death with rum
a ways."
'j ain't a runaway," said Amy meekly.
"liut please master if mamma comes, won t
you let her in to see me!
"I ll see about it, said the lailcr as tie cios.
ed and fastened the door, and Amy felt com-
lorted in the hope ol seeing her mother, lor
surely, she thought, "mamma won't let me
stay here all alone, H she can help It.
Toward noon Amy's mother came. The
jailer asked her if she had brought the girl's
tree papers, one said sue had noi; ior in
her entire ignorance of the law she did not
know that free papers were necessary to pro
cure the freedom of one put in jail for tho
simple offence of being from homo after
night without a passport, i he mother, tho'
once a slave herself, had married and raised
her family since she became free, and feel
nig perleclly sale herselt she had not provi.
.1 lor her children s silety, by procuring
lor them Iree papers, and as she had none ol
an age to leave home, she thought there
would be time enough to do It. Ignorant ol
tho forms of the law, and having no one. to
counsel or direct, she knew not what to do,
Amy, said she, "don t you give up aud
cry s i much about it. 1 II do all 1 can lor
you child. Tho' the Lord knows I don't
know where to g , or what to do. II poor
Miss Ldwards was only livin. she'd help me,
for if ever thar Was a blessed woman on arth,
sho wa3 one."
I'he heart-stricken mother sat on tho floor
beside her child, with her laco buried m her
apron, and rocking herself to and fro in
agony of distress. For she wi ll knew that
her child was in the hands ol men win) lack
e l in ilher tlie will or the power t'J aceum
plish any deed id darkiics-..
J)av after day passed; tao mother was
sometimes comforted willi the hope of seeing
her child free. At others, overcome by
lethargy of despair, she felt as if she could
do nothing. At lepgh, one morning after
Amy had been in prison for more than one
month, tho jailer accosted her with "Well,
old woman, who's going to pay your child's
tail lees? 1 ho court sat yesterday, and it
aro ow ing this day, and they must have
cash down, or she'll have to he sold along
with tho rest to pay out. Wo can't keep
such a gaii"1 for month in and month on I lor
nothing. WMiat are you going to do, 1 say!"
he thundcreil, bidding the woman stand til-
lent Willi surprise.
I dont know sir, said tne poor urnaei,
"I ain't got a dollar in the world. Since my
poor child has been shut up here. I am thorn
ablo to work half the time. Hut bleis ine
master, surely you eau'l null my child, saa
was born free."
Never mind that," said the iiler.
"Hero she's been in jail these 15 days, and
no more likely to iet out now, than she was
tlie lirst time I turned the keys mi her, less
she" sold to pay the fees. Vou see when
any nigger gen in jail, no o,?ds whether it's
right or w rong, the lees have ti ue paij oe
fore they budge one inch, mind I tell you."
" Mow long, sir, belorc tho sale begins!
asked the mother.
"About ten o'clock, ho answered, "and
mind now we'll have to stick to the law, the
money must be paid or she'll have to go."
Alas: poor woman, lnntless were, her el-
forts to obtain the required sum, and with an
aching heart she stood at the appointed hour
among the crowd ol purchasers, and I. Hers
who were gathered about the jail door. One
after another of the wretched victims was
brought and exposed on the block to the
view ot the crowd, and with jeers and bru
tal jests sold to the highest bidder. Among
the purchasers, Amy s inoiiier saw one
whose eager voice was always first a'ud loud
est, and she learned from one who stood near
that he was a trader1 making up n caago lor
New Orleans. 1 le was anxious ta sell, and
bought up all he. could get. Oh! how that
mother's heart failed for fear, when she saw
her poor terror-stricken child standing on a
block, und felt though she would have died
to save her. she Was powerless, lier ene
mies were too strong for her, and she had no
Forty-five davs had sue been 10 Piison, t
forty-five dollars were all that worn required
to pay the fees, but with a refinement of cru
elty of which those only are capable whose
hearts have been hardened by long years of
oppnession, they sold the poor child to the
southern trader for $15!
The trembling little girl scarcely looked
up while she stood upon the block, but when
the bargain was struck, and the hammer of
the sherilf descended, she looked fearfully a
ronnd to see tlie man into whose hands she
had fallen. She could not distinguish biui
from the crowd, but she saw a well-known
anxious face down which the tears wore si
lently streaming, and throwing out her arms,
she screamed, "mamma, mamma, save me."
I nere was a stir in the crowd, and some
one cried shame, but the sheriir ordered "Si
lence," and as the sale had closed, tJio, vic
tims were delivered up to their masters and
driven o3'. Amy's mother followed her to
tho wharf, and as the vessel only waited to
complete her cargo, and was just ready to
sail, she clasped her child but for a moment
to her heart, and they were separated forev
er! '.
I'lie agony nnd tears of that mother and
her innocent child are recorded in heaven,
and woo to the oppressor when the day of
reckoning shall come:
That none of the foregoing statements are
exaggerated will appear by reference to an ar
ticle which appeared, some time since, in the
Richmond (Va.) Whig.
From the Cadiz Sentinel.
From the Cadiz Sentinel. WANT AND MISERY IN LONDON.
Wu.i.iam L,. Urvant, l.sii., the accom
plished editor of the New York Evening
1'ost, is now in r.urope, engaged in contrib
uting excellent letters to the columns of his
paper. Under date ot June '1, he gives the
following painful picture of the want and
misery which now exists in the great city
ot London. J'ynglaud s nigh tarills and tythe
system keeps up n loomed aristocracy and
corrupt priesthood, hut the poor laborer is
ground to powder like dust on the streets:
The policy of the federal party in the United
States will but terminate in the same man.
ner. .Lake causes always produce like el
fects: " Hogging is repressed by the new police
regulations, and want skulks in holes and
comers, and prclcrs its petitions where it
cannot be overheard by men armed with tho
authority ot tho law. 1 here IH a great deal
of famine in London, (said a friend to me
tho other day,) but the police regulations
drive it out of sight. As I was going through
Oxford straet lately, 1 saw an elderly man ol
small stature, poorly dressed, with a mahog
any complexion, walking slowly before me.
As I passed him, be said in my ear, with
hollow voice, "1 am starving to death with
hunger," and these words and that hollqw
voice sounded in my ear all day.
"Walking on Maiustead Heath a day or
two since, with an Lnglish friend, we were
accosted by two laborers, who were sitting
on a bank, aud who said that they had come
to that neighborhood in search ol employ
ment in hay making, but had not been able
to get either employment or lood. .My lnend
ippeared to distrust their story. Uut in the
evening, as wo were walking home, we pass
ed a company of some four or fivo laborers
in Irocks, with bludgeons in their hands, who
asked us lor sonicming to eat. "iou see
how it is, gentlemen," said one of them, "we
are strung; wo have come for work, and no
body will hire us: we have had nothing
e it all day." Their tone was dissatisfied,
almost meuanciug: and the Englishman who
was with us referred to it several times
with an expression of anxiety und
" I hear it often remarked here, that
difference of condition between tho poorer
und richer classes heconius greater every day,
and what the end will bo, the wisest preload
not to forosee,"
Bk Kinu. None of us know the good
kind deed accomplishes,. A word sniooiiily
liut in when tho heart is sick, a little help
bestowed when want presses near by, goes
far far beyond what thoso suppose who
able to speak this word, or give this help.
An instance, illustrating this, has just como
to our knowledge. A young man, intelli
gent and well educated, came to our cily
find cuiploymcrt. Ho sought for it in vain.
When hU me:m were about jrono, tint he
lay hill'-siek with fever, brought on by anv
iety, a friend hiuli; him he of good cheer, and.
through their joint cil'orts el-Lai ned for him a
servants place at n hoarding house. Ho
worked llieie like a brave man, and won the?
confidence of his employer, though hercceiv
ed only his hoard, and a few dollars a month.
That friend watched him, and finding him
faithful, mentioned the lact to n mercantile
gentleuun who said ntonce, "bring the ynung
man to me. 1 his was Hinvy, ami soon ho
was more profit ibly employed, lie was now
head clerk. And did ho lorgel hix early
friend! In the quietest war possible he
sought out, as soon ns ho wa aMey the choi
cest and most suhstintiat present, and sent it
t hiiu as a token of reinenibereil kindness!
When tlie present was received, our friend
knew not from whom it came. He did not
once dre am of tlie poor, homeless youtln t
whom he had shown only a little hiwlnoss
and, it was not until after repeated inquiries,,
that he discovered who had sent it. "1 have
le irneil a lesson," when he found out ibre
giver, said he, "and that is, tilrty to be
m ire kind, if I can be, under similar circum
stances hereafter. If it were thus with aid
of us, how iriueli human misery should wo
relieve, and what a sum could wc add to tho '
amount of positive individual happiness?
Learn, aud bn kind! The habit of kind
ness will do, what no other habit can do,
it will bring sweet peace to the mind, and
increase, as it is virtuously practised, the on
ly permanent wealth Earth may crave,- or
Heaven rtdinit the wealth of heart. ( Yuci'n
m!i (i.izclle.
From the Gardner Fountain.
From the Gardner Fountain. A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS.
It .i a fart, that since the people have conifr
outon the tcelot il principle, a majority of soma
churches have stood quiteuloof irom the tem
perance cans.-, and vigorously opposed its
It j' a fuel, that tho fair presumption i.,
that those persons who mainly control such
churches are influenced in their opposition
to temperance by a love to the critter, which
love is probably gratified by their partikinir
of the "O be joyful."
11 m a fact, that many who would other
wise be good temper nice men, aro det 'rred
through tho Influence of said churches.
m a fart, th it the rumseller nnd drinker,
not without reason, consider said churches
as a gre it support to them, in their promo
tion ot inloipporanco,
i n fuel, that the sincere friends of tho
temperance cause consider the influence of
said churches deadly opposed to the temper
ance ;-.snso, and are greatly and sudly tend-
loir ,i, encourage aim prouioio an use sau u
vils of intemperance.
m a fiirt, that them aro those among ns
wlio profess religion, and still haw not o
nough love to their fellow man to discontin
ue the use of wine, and to come out in favor
of that cause which is highly adapted to dry
up one of tho deepest fountains of human
misery, and to produce mom good tlmu any
other cause, save christiauity.
It i-i fur!, that the piety of any church,,
whatever may be its profession, which stands
aloof from the tomperiiice cause, and sanc
tions the use of iutoxio iting liquors us a bev
erage in health, is exceedingly questionable;
according to the bible doctrine. " Uy their
fruits wc shall know them."
It ii a fue', that soinn members of said'
churches are real brawlers against the tem
perance movements of tho day, and against
those who are strivingagainst all the evils of
retailing aud drinking at tho same time that
tlcy profess to be very good temperance merj.
m fuel, that the present movements of
the temperance community, notwithstanding
some are so decrying them, are doing moro
for the promotion of real temperance, than him
been done for ye irs before; and that the fuet
that really anti-temperance people so badly
oppose tiM'iii is good pro f that these meas
ures are ell'ecting tin? object. '
II i a furl, that these opposers are resort
ing to slander and almost every questionable
means, to injure those who are acting under
the mast solemn conviction, that the jeopar
diz'd lives, property, health, reputation, and
happiness of individuals, call upon them to
tell the whole truth on the subject of tempe
rance. m nfaet, that unless the professed chris
tian supporters of intemperance um rebuked
and exposed, not only will all the evils of
intemperance be perpetuated and increased
to the end of time, hut wine -bibbing and an-ti-temperince
will soon come to be regarded
as consistent with, or a part of Christianity.
m a furl, that those who are tolling tho
ic.Wc truth, let it cut where it will, are ren
dering a most essential and important ser
vice Vi Christianity, and to all the interests
of society, nnd ought to be supported by all
true friends to (Jod and man.
is u fact, that those whom the truth con
demns are to bo blamed; while those who
fearlessly tell the truth are to be approved
aud sust lined.
II in u fuel, that thero has got to be a great
conflict between tho true friends and the en
emies of temperance, before the cause can
be successful; aud that the sooner the battl
commences, and tho more vigorously it ib
carried forward, the sooner will temperance
prevail, as, ultimately, it is certain to do.
Chinkse Sti.vKK. Tlio instalment duo
from the Chinese to tho British is paid in
what thoy call Sycee silver, tlio ordinary
coin, Spanish or Mexican, with the stamp
of Chinese merchants upon it. The Syceo
silver hoars n premium id about 4 Per
cent. Tlio Chinese shopkeepers are such
adepts nt exchanging hud for good coin,
thai tliey suhtitiite n counterfeit Mexi
can dollar for n good coin, that tliey ib
stiliitQ ft counterfeit Mexican dollar for a
ooud one with uniisinl dexterity,
Ciiai.k discovkkki) i. Arkansas.
Large beds of chalk have been found in
Norlh'vestern .Arkansas, llio first and on
y discovery of the kind in the U. S.
He who perceives a truth, should strive to
live iiv accordance with it,

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