OCR Interpretation

Anti-slavery bugle. [volume] (New-Lisbon, Ohio) 1845-1861, September 12, 1845, Image 3

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The summary answer to the 8th general
query was, " Friends endeavor to bear a tes
timony against slavery, but tho sale and use
of tho productions of slave lubor, and voting
for slaveholders for office, as mentioned in
ono report, are named as exceptions to the
proper support of this testimony.
In order to give to tho Yearly Meeting nn
Idea of tho stato of the society, each Quarter
ly meeting is required to answer cortain que
ries; and the meeting whose report is refer
red to in the above answer, wo havo been i n
formcd is New Garden. This meeting by
the way is in advance of any others we know
cf; and in its desiro to maintain perfect free
dom for nil, it refuses to recommend an' min
ister, or to appoint any elder to superintend
tho preaching of others, and guard against
tho promulgation of false doctrine. It holds
that every ono should have full liberty to
speak as God givcth him utterance, and that
all who hear should jeceive or reject that
which is spoken, as sccmcth beat,
Tho confession of the Yearly Meeting,
that it has not borno a faithful testimony a
gninst slavery, and iu admission that some
of its members have impaired its proper sup
port by voting for slaveholders, are import
ant, and should not be forgotten; and we hope
that when it is charged with inconsistency
and unfaithfulness in future, iu members will
bear in mind that it has itself recorded the
fact, and out of its own mouth do we con
demn it. We however have iu this circum
stance, an evidence that progress is being
made, and when tho members of Ohio Year
ly Meeting sec that voting under a pro-slavery
Constitution is a support of Mavcry, is
in fact slave-AouVnir, and tho inferior meet
ings discipline such of their members as of
fend in this particular, wo shall cheerfully
award to it the name of anti-slavery.
Epistles from other Yearly Meetings wore
received and read, and it was announced by
the clerk that he had in his possession ono
from Green Plain Quarterly Meeting of In
diana that meeting that was so contuma
ciously anti-slavery that Indiana Yearly
Meeting had to lay it down, but it would'nt
stay down, but came up to tho Ohio meeting
with its Epistle in its hand and demanded
admittance. What shall be done with that
epistle, was the question that presented it
self to the minds of many. Il t'.ie incit
ing read it, it would in a manner identify iUeli'
with the rebels; if it did not, very many would
bo dissatisfied. It is customary when epis
tlos or communications out of tho regular or
der are received, to refer them to a commit
tee for examination, and it was at once pro
posed to dispose of this in the same way, but
an unusual courso of proceeding was subse
quently adopted, and it was agreed to refer
it to the Representatives of tho various Quar
terly meetings. The majority of these were
known to be pro-slavery, and it w,b proba
bly feared that if a committee was appointed,
it might bo composed mainly of abolitionists
who would opposo the suppression of the
document. The Representatives held many
meetings, and it was with considerable dif
ficulty they came to a decision. They final
ly advised the meeting not to have it r;'ad,
on account of the disorder it would prodtico,
but be relumed whence it came, with infor
mation of tho reasons for its rejection. Only
one of the Representatives objected to this.
The report was the eauso of a long and warm
discussion. Some were very fearful that if
the Epistlo were road, it would divide the so
ciety that its publication in that meeting
would havo a devastating tendcucy. Two
prominent members not nnti-sLvery men
wore favorable toits being rcadi.i orjerto set
tle the difficulties in which the meeting had
become involved. A largo majority of those
who spoko wished to have it treat; d as tho
other epistles bad been, but ga'.l ry influence
carried as usual, and it was liee'e'cd nut to
read it. We understand that some professed
abolitionists were willing to make a com
promise, and as they had not replied to Indi
ana they consented that Green Plain shoul
bo gagged. If it had a right to be hoard,
neither they nor any one else had any busi
ness to suppress, barter away, or compromise
that right, and such as consented to sacrifice
tho right of Green Plain to bo heard in its
osvn defence, no matter under what pretext it
was done, will yet bitterly rue it. This com
promising of priuciplo, this yielding up if
the rights of another is what no trim man
will ever do. If a man chooses to withdraw
his claim, that is one thing, but trampling it
undor foot is quite another. If all who were
on the side of Right had been unyielding,
that epistle would have hi en read and replied
to, and the little band of persecuted Quakers
from whom it omanated, would have rejoic
ed in tho sympathy of the Ohio Friends,
Grateful a such sympathy yould liave been,
they noed it not, for they u.iu stand alone;
and yet not alone, for Truth, and the God of
Truth, and all good men are with thein.
We hope that the Indiitna Yearly Meeting
will distinctly understnpij, jh.it the renva
why Ohio refuses to correspond wfth her, is
because of tho unjust and tyrannical course
she has pursued toward tho members cf the
Green Plain Quartorly Meeting.
At tho close of the meeting notice was giv
en, that if thf! rejected epistlo could be pro
cured, and tho meeting house obtained, it
would bo read fifteen minutes after adjourn
ment. At the time appointed, although quito
a number had been previously obliged to
leave, find no notice had been given in tho
womeu's meeting, yet the men's side of the
houso was about half filled with an audidnce
ofbothsexer, anxioos to hear the document
which had occasioned so much alarm. It
was read, and a brief reply prepared. Wo
hope to furnish our readers with both these
documen's next week.
One redeeming trait in the proceedings of
the meeting, was the appointment of n com
mittee on tho subject of si ivery, the women
leading in the mittT. That committee is
now organized under the namo of "The
Anti-Slavery Committee of the Ohio Y. M.
of Friends," and it is empowered by the
meeting to do what it deems proper in order
tj promote tho cause of emancipation. If
it is ejinposad of women and men who arc
true to the cause of the slave, il may he the
means of doing great good, for light is mu h
needed as wo all kniw, and they can diffuse
a vast deal of infonnitbn.
On the last day of the season Ahby Kol
ley and S. S. Foster applied for admission,
the fortnei- ts t'.i2 women' J ai.etir., the iat
t.r to the men's. This request produced
almost as much sensation as did the nppc tr
ance of George Fox in the corrupt churches
of olden times. On the men's si.ie one
Methodist clergyman was admitted without
objection, and another without permission,
but the idea of letting in that terrible S. S.
Foster, who had been dragged out, or kick
ed out of all kind3 of meeting houses
those of the Quakers included occasioned
considerable excitement. He was however
admitted, but doubtless much to their sur
prise, did tint feel called upon to say any
thing. On tho women's side somewhat sim
ilar feeling no doubt existed, and although
many had before applied, Abiiy was the on
ly one to whose presence any objection was
made. Tho reason given for their opposi
tion was, that she would want to speak, and
that would retard the buuiness of the meet
ing; they wcro perfectly willing she should
co:ne in if she would keep silence. A'l ob
jections were, however finally overruled, End
sho was admitted. !ho was quite weak
from sickness, yet spoko two or three times,
though very briefly on tho epistles; making
suggestions as she thought needful; and cre
ating nn such wonderful excitement ss Home
had fearfuily anticipated.
Thus much for the Ohio Yearly Meeting
of IjJ.. What will be the rin.il results of
this gathing. remains yet to be shown, and
is known only unto Him, who can see the
end from the beginning.
We o:.i:ncuJ the following bold and for
cible epistle, to the. consideration of all who
stand iu tho position which our friend Hen
ry until recently occupied. One by one are
tho people) awakening to a perception of the
fact th it they cannot worship both Christ and
Belial cannot he consistent christians, and
members of a pro-slavery church. God speed
the Right!
Wo tha Ministers, EUsrs an I Ur;i!ir of the
l'reshy'ervm Church in J'ulxnJ, Trumbull
Ciiun'y, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: After moro than two
years' reflection, examination and fervent
prayer, 1 trust 1 have boeu enabled to see
the path of duty as it respects my connec
tion with the church, and have conto to the
conclusion to dissolvo all fellowship with it,
or the following reasons, with many more
tint might be given. First, for dishonesty
in profession, by saying that you are a church
i f Jesus Christ, anil at the sunn time sanc
tioning and approving iu tho Ministers, El-
ders and Members, tho works of tho devil, by
holding their fellow beings in abject slavery.
Second, by making meruit mli.c of Jesus
Christ in tho person of his disciples.
Third, hv making null stud void the mar
riage contract, anJ thereby forcing their own
communicants t-j live in a stite of adultery.
Fourth, by shutingout the light as far us they
can from their own members, in tru so called
free Stites, bv circulating false reports on
those that are pleading the cause of the down
trodden and oppresssd, and shutting their
meeting houses against them, so that they
might not have access to the hearts and con
sciences of the people. Fifth, by being
worse man tne followers ol the talse proph
et, by enslaving tluuo of the same faith
with themselves. (Sixth, by being as bad
as tho man ot sin, in withholding the scrip
tures iroiu a largo nuiuncr ot their own
church members. seventn, by representing
uod as a slaveholder in principle, and tho
Apostle Paul as a kidnapper in practice.
Eighth, by publicly avowing that the Bible
sanctions and approves of American .Slave
ry tho vilest sin that over saw tho sun, and
thereby mealing in the minds of the people
a belief in it as the word of Cod, and there
by laying a foundation for infidelity. These
are a lew of my reasons for tho course I am
now taking, anil in imit ation of tho great
and good Alartii) Luther, who excommunica
ted tile Pone and all tho Church of Hume.
I do most solemnly excommunicato tho Gen.
(:r.i Assembly ol the i'reshyteri in Church,
and all in connection with it.
Poland, Aug. 4th, 1845.
Among the Trash which we have gather
ed from various sources, will be found a piece
from tho Liberty Herald. By the way this
paper furnishes as much of this material as
any with which we are acquainted. In this
article.the editor speaks among other thimrs, of
vulgar language being used by S. S. Fn,7orat
Warren. He closes by saying Abby Kelley
is going to Youngstown, where she will "!u
off steam four days." We suppose this is
eh tile and rrfmed langungo according to big
ideas. It strikes us that remarks upon vul
garity comes with a very good graco from
mch a source.
Before coming to Ohio, wo heard very
muehofthe f lir, upright,and honorable course
pursed by Liberty party iu this Stito. We
understood it was far above tho low tricks;
innuendoes, and misrepresentations to which
Liberty party in tho East resorts, in order to
prejudice the public mind against the old or
g.ini7.ationists rind their doctrine.
We wonder if tho falsehoods, tho accusa
tions, and unfavorable notices which have
from time to time appeared in their papers,
in relation to the agents of the American So
ciety who arc now in this State, are a speci
men of the honor ddc and candid eh .r.icter of
that party in Ohio. S uno of the leaders are
evidently developing themselves, and we
doubt not the true nature of the party will
ere long be exposed.
One other article on our first p ige to which
we would refer "A Parisonian," at. i tea that
a meeting which was called at Paris fur our
friends .tebbius and Flint, was resolved in
to h meeting of the citizens, on motion of
the Rev. J. Murray. o nave seen s p ci
mci:s ef cl.rii.al impudence before, but sel
dom one oi'so gross a chancier. The Priests
monopolize aecech ::. '.l'.:ir own asse.iil.lics.
and hssiUtv: not to drag out, or to have drag-
1 out, any oi-. who shall speak contrary ti
their dictitioi:. But this it seems is nit suf
ficient for tho Rev. J. Murray, ho proceeds
to gag the abolitionists in their own meet-
ings, and there arrogates to lumscll the right
to say who shall speak, and when, and bow.
If one should design to speak in favor of his
pro-slavery sect, "doubtless ho would gra
ciously grant him permission to do so, ami
perhaps sugar it over with a prayer. But if
e lavmnn, one, who unlike himself, claims
not to be divine, dares to toll the truth about
a corrupt church, he must be gagged, '"lor
toe glory ot lio.1. tins we considira des
perate and dying struggle of the pro-slavery
priesthood. They feel that they are losing
their power, hence these efforts to establish
and extend it. We will mako no more com
ments in relation to these proceedings, hut
reter our readers to the article in which the
Rev. J. Murray and his friends have pro
claimed their infamy.
We have come to tho conclusion from what
we have heard, that a great work is about to
bo undertaken by some of tho inhabitants ol
Salem, a kind of crusade agiinst modem in
fidelity. It was Peter tho Hermit, if our
knowledge of history is not at fault, to whom
belongs the honor of originating the crusades
of ancient Europe. He mounted bis Jackass
and ambled all over the country, aud told
dreadful tales of the horrible infidels of Pal
estine, and said it was a shame to suiter the
Holy Sepulchre" to be in the hands of such
ungodly men; and ho promised that those
who fell in tho eort to redeem it, should go
straight to heaven, and we suspect his threatB
of hell or the other hand, had quite us much
to do with the a.vollingjof the crusader's
ranks, as his pronrscs of heaven.
This modern crusade of which we speak,
was originated, we presume by "the Rever
end Mobocrut," though wo cannot say
whether ho stands as the acknowledged fa
ther of the movement. The first wo hoard
of it was on Sunday morning last, when wo
learned that a notice was given in the Moth.
odist church, inviting all persons favorable
to Christianity and desirous of putting down
infidelity to assemble there on Monday even
ing. In the afternoon the notice was repeat
ed, but not until it had been revised, cor
rected, and improved." The mover, or mov
e s if there he moro thin one, probibly
thought that so.no other thin their own sheep
might como at tho call, and so they made
the second reading invite those to attend
who ere in favor of tho prevailing religion of
tho land. Quito a different thing, by the
way, from Christianity.
The lime of meeting arrived, and many
assembled; some under the morning call, and
some under that of the afternoon. What
was to bo done! The church did not want
infidels to help her put down infidelity, and
she feared that some of those whom she calls
infidels were present, so in order to prevent
so lnuientablo a catastrophe, "the Reverend
M oboe rat," after stating in substance that
tho object of the meeting was to appoint
Committee to uuito with similar committees
appointed by other churches, to devise ways
and means to retard the progress of infideli
ty, very pointedly intimated that none but
the members of that church were to act in
tho premises. Thus a large portion of the
audience w ere denied the right to interfere
in the matter; and the prime mover of tho
concern having his own tools to work with,
did up tho business in a vory cloricnl way,
A committee was appointed, and resolutions
were adopted, Among various other things,
they resolved, that at the contemplated moot
ing of the committee, no extraneous subject
should fce introduced. Abner Kirk of the
(wn(J Baptist chnrch informed the meeting?
that the committee they bad appointed wa
for a different purpose, and wo understood it
was an anti-slavery committee.
A genuine anti-slavery movement, we re
gard as inevitably tending to destroy infidel
ity; but so docs not "the Reverend Mobo
crat," and how hit auti-infidel committee
can U'tltn with tho anti-slavery cemuiit'.cr j
of tho Baptist and Presbyterian churches,
it is impossible for us to conceive, especially
as no extraneous topics are to bo introduced.
And thon to cap the climax of cleric.il assur
ance, although Amblei bad previously iuti
lrated to tho iiudieiico that it was only fur
members of that church to act in that meet
ing, at its conclusion, cither he, or one of
his clique, arose and expressed great plea
sure that the resolutions had been adopted,
and tho committee appointed by tho unani
mous voice of so large an audience. Was
there ever such double distilled audacity!
No ono but a priest, orjiis abettors would be
guilty of such conduct. A brawling Demo
crat, or a railing Whig would be ashamed
so to act.
We anticipate bouic rich dcvclopoinents
before tho curtain fills on tho last act of .
check to Infidelity, or the Clerical farce," and
pe to hear of, if wo do not see, the con
clusion of this drama.
We this week publish a list of our agents;
one or two ot the names wo havo inserted
without previously consulting those whom
wc eppointod, but not without feeling assur
ed that they will gladly act. We would s-.y
to thein, nud all others who are interested in
extending the circulation of our paper, that
Post Masters havo the liberty of franking
letters containing the names of subscribers.
Friends will you all exert yourselves now,
and when you collect subscription money,
forward it as soon as you can, to James Bar
naby, Jr. General Agent.
We learn that Governor Hartley has at last
moved in reference to the Washington county
outrage. After having suffered bis fellow-
citizens to remain in the kidnapper's prison
for more than a mouth, without taking any
offici..! notieo of the outrage committed upon
them, anJ upon the laws of Ohio, he has a-
wakened from his Rip Van Winkle, sleep,
and employed counsel in their behalf. Yes,
cve-i so ! And the citizens of Ohio have the
comfort of knowing that if Virginia or Ki n
lucky should kidnap them, and throw them
into Parkorsburg or Louisville jail, that in
the courso of a month or six weeks, if their
friends will lay bufore Governor B irtl. y suf
ficient proof of the outrage, his Excellency
will employ some one, or it may bo two, dis
tinguished lawyers as counsel.
Why in the name of common justice did
Governor Bartley wait one month for intelli
gence 1 Why did be not instantly inform
himself of tho facts of tho case, and act
as energetically as he possibly could, bring
ing nil the power of his official station and
private character to bear upon the question.
We agree with tho editor of tho Philanthro
pist, that the i.xeeuUve of Ohio should im
mediately have openod a correspondence with
tho Governor of Vn., and even if no redress
could have been thus obtained, be might at
least havo expresse d upon behalf of the peo
ple of Ohio, the indignation with which they
regard such outrage upon their natural rights.
If Ohio's chained hand could not have reach
ed the spoiler, or delivered tho spoiled, yet
we would have had her at least dash her fet
ters against each other, and cry aloud in her
We are told that the Grand Jury of Wash
ington co. will probably find a bill of indict
ment against tho kidnappers, in which event
they will bo demanded for trial of the Gov
ernor of Va. What cares Virginia for a Bill
of Indictment 1 What to her, are your Ex
ecutive demands? As well might you talk
of plantation slaves indicting their master for
ui installing, or a New Orleans street gang,
demanding their drivers for punishment, of
the city authorities. The representatives of
Virginia's Ohio slaves, will perhaps faro
hardly so well as the agents whom tho plan
tation and street laborers would employ to
make their demand ; the latter would proba
bly get thirty nine lashes on the bare back
well laid on, while a coat of tar and feathers,
and hanging under the authority of Lynch
law would not be thought too much for tho
impertinent white interineddlers. Havo you
forgotten how nulifying South Carolina, and
liburty hating Louisiana recently treated old
Massachusetts in tho person of her agents 1
So would they do to Ohio, for she is as much
a conquered province oi me aouiu as is me
Bay Stale. If Massachusetts was lynched
for only proposing a legal trial of a constitu
tional question, how would Ohio faro with
her Bill of indictment and Executive de.
mands, Thero is no help for her, save in
dissolution of the Union, So long as she
stands (inked with the oppressor, she will be
oppressed. So long as she joins hands with
thp plunderer, she msy expect to be p lundef.
d. Not even can ths prinoiple of ' Honor)
among thieves" savs her from spoliation and
The trial cf these kidnapped Ohloans woa.
to commeuco on the Sd inst, and has proba
bly closed cro this, Wu know upon which,
side is equity and law; but "behold, on tha
eiJe cf tho oppressor thero is power." Wa
nw.iit the result of that trial with deep la-'
New Garhkn David L. Galbroath.
OoLUJiniANA I,t Holmes.
Coul Si-rinu T. Ellwood Vickers,
Mari.hoko' Dr. K, (i. Thomas,
F.u.i.stun Joiepli B. Colu.
Berlin Jacob II. Barnes.
OANFiEt.n John Wetmoro,
I.dwei.vili.r Dr. Butler.
Poland Christopher Lee.
Yuu.vnsTow.N J. S. Johnson.
New Lvmk Hannibal Reeve.
Akho.n Thomas P. Beach.
New I.isbox (ieorgc Garrctson,
OixciNNATi Willuin Donelson.
Saline vii.LK James Fanner.
S, S. Foster of N. H. and Abby Kelly of
Mans, will hold meetings at the following
Spiingborough, Warren Co., Friday, Sa
turday and Sunday, Sent. 215, 27, 28th.
Xenia, Green Co., '1 uesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Sept, 30lh, October 1, 2d.
Green Plain, Clark Co., Friday, Satur
day and Sunday, Oct. 3, 4, 5th.
place in the Proprietorship of the "Baltiinor
Saturday Visiter." iu accordance with along
entertained design of the late solo proprietor,
whereby Samcei. Wehiily, late of the York.
"Press," has bocome associated with J. E.
Snodorass, as co-publisher, it has been dee
med ndvisahlc to issue a now prospectus, set
ting forth the future plans of the establish
ment a step which receives additional sanc
tion from tho New Era of intelligence intro
duced ly the New Post Office Law, under
which newspaper publishers havo been led
to autieipatu results ul once desirable and on
cou raging.
As to the "future plans" alluded to they
will only diller from those of the past in ty
M.'.;i,ij,uiL-.ii execution, 10 insure success in
which New Type, etc. have been provided
and are now in use. llereatter tho printing
department will bo wholly entrusted to Mr.
ehrly, whose practical knowledgo of th
"art of arts," is the best guarrantee that car,
be given of his fitness for the post. Tbeedi
turi.il department will continue under th
sole direction of J. E. Suodgrass, the present
editor, of whose capacity the readers of th
Visiter, ought, by this time to have formed
their own estimate.
In other respects tho "Saturday Visiter'
w ll remain unchanged. It is the design of
the e lit jt to render it a free journal in th
highest sense of tho word. While he can
not consent to play tho "organ" for any par
ty in Church or State, he will still claim th
right to comment upon the doings of all par
tics and in so doing ho will only act up t
the spi -it of tho announcement, which, it will
b s ten, is still retained at the head of th
pipor, viz: tliatthe Visiteris "a weeklyjour
n d devoted to all classes of roaders inde
pendent of all sects and parties." In the lan
guage of the last prospectus, ho is determin
ed to conduct an OPEN PAPER, or non
ut all it declaration which ought to bo sig
nificant enough to such as havo thoughts to
utter for the good of their fellow men, and
seek a channel therefor. The motto which
has stood forth, continually, at the editorial
head of the Visiter, viz: "Free speech, fre
thoughts, frank avowals these are the ele
ments fur Tite-Tii to live in by thein shs
will triumph," is meant to be as universal
as the range of subject presented to the minds
of a nuineros and able corps of contributors
none whatever that deemed contraband on
So much as to the future tone of the Visit
er. A few words now touching its mechan
ical execution, and its terms. It will b
printed on a sheet of the same ample dimen
sions as heretofore, which is larger than any
other weekly paper printed in Baltimore; and
a considerable portion of tho typo (ultimately
all, it increaso ot patronago should warrant
il) will be smaller, a much larger quantity of
reading matter will be given while an im
proved quality of paper is contemplated as a
lnong the improvements. Which will be ts
clear gain the subscribers.
Tho Terms of the Visitor, will undergo n
change, havingbcen already reduced extreme
ly low. I lere they are:
1 copy 1 year in advance, ; : $1 50
1 " 8 months, : : : : : 1 00
5 " 1 year, :::::: 5 00
$8 will secure seven copies of the Visiter,
and one of Arthur's Magazine, for a whol
$10 will secure ten copies of the Visiter, and
one copy of Graham's Magazine fur th
same period.
Hero is a rare chance for the enterprising
to secure all tho Tales, Sketches of Travel,
Essays, News, etc., which we publish in
such abundance, throughout the year, for th
mere trifle of one dollar, and every month a
number of a beautifully illustrated magazin
for nothing!
With this statement of our plans, wa
once more send our bark forth unchanged,
save in hei ownership and the style of her
rigging, and welcome all to accompany us,
who have souls sufficiently free to love free
dom of thought and speech, and desire to o
enterprise adequately rewarded.
Publishers and Proprhwort."
Baltimsse, July aa,

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