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nn VOL. 1. SALEM, O., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1815. ;; V;. J- '. f- M ...... . , . . . ' r.f,f -: I I' ' f I ''-'- ' - " . T'-,' . - "'"'. III i - ILIJII!i-lllJBU( J i ANTI-SLAVEU Y BUGLE Published ever Friday at . ; SaLIM, CoLCMSUNA Co., O. JAMES BARNAUL, Jr., General Agent BENJAMIN S. JONES, J. ELIZABETH HITCHCOCK, Editors (ftrJll remittances to be made, and all letters relatinr to Ike oceunitlru affairs nf the nnnrr. to bt addressed (post paid) to the Ueneral Jlgtni. CommunicaJirms intended for inter' I no la oeaaarotsea to lot .editors. ft7"TisMs: tt.50 oef annum, or t-2.00 if not paid within six months or the time of I Subscribing. . . I AovcaTistMENTi makinir less thsn imiiu ! i ., I insenea inree limes tor 73 cents: ana I square $1. ruHMSHiNd Con mr res: jtm'l Brooke Uaorgo ll.irrets in, Jins 1 irn itiy, J r David L. Galbrentn, L"t II times. 5. mvusm 3sia?i3L EXTRACTS FROM A SPEECH OF WM. LLOYD GARRISON. After a few words expressing his happi new in meeting the abolitionists of Eastern Pennsylvania, bia brethren as the children of common lather, and his brethren also as en gaged in a common cause and impelled by common desires for the triumph of truth, and Tight, and for the slave's deliverance, the speaker went on to remark upon the solemni ity and importance of the question before them. Weshoild not act rashly, he said,there should be nothing impulsive in our move ments. Not that we should wait to know what affect our course may have on ourselves our ease or prosperity or good name. Ich abod, will be the motto of our banner, in the Jay when such considerations can make us hesitate about advancing in the path of duty, Wo should ask only what is right! not what is politic) or popular! We are not to fol low the multitude to do evil : I see a large portion of those before me, who ought la be disunionists; who, though thsu nghls are as dear and as precious a ours, aw treated as aon-cntiiies by your gov ernment, and by your political parties. Whigs aad Demecrats profess with equal seal to go fat equal- political rights, but both unite in depriving Ball the rapeol their rights, And Liberty party differs not in the least from the other parties, as to its practical con tempt of women. 1 hat government has no just authority but what it derives from the consent of the governed, is a principle laid down, not by reckless fanatics, but by the greatest statesmen of the country. It is the Nation's avowed doctrine, yet in defiance the government claims and exercises authori ty over those whose consent has never been given or asked. How can christians or pa triots support such a government! . Who are most likely to be blinded in re gard to this question! and who are most likely to be impartial! For the union arc those who are willing to remain in political association with the prolligate and tlia un principled, that they may obtain political power. Ihey want the power, they say which cannot else be obtained, but they want It to make a good use ol it. lie it so, yet fear the man who wants power. For what does he want it! To make me do what hi thinks is right, not what my own conscience requires or me. Ihey who defjnd the ('on stiution are on the side of ho.ior and einol ument, and men love these. Their course puts them in the way to their own prefer- ment, ours cuts us on iroin all chance ot pre ferment, with its emoluments and honors, other things being equal thon, t'.iey are like ly to be bfinded rather than we. It has been said or intimated, that we have no right to introduce the Non-resistant ques tion here. Uut they who say this, have in troduced it; we have not. ine Non-Rcsist- ance quostion is not involved in that which we are now discussing. It is not whether we shall go for no government, but whether we shall support this government. We stand in regard to this matter, where the Coven, anters do, and they are far enough from be ing iNon-ltesistants, ' If any are here who are not abolitionists, if any who are abolitionists only when it popular to be such, if any who are abolitionists only so far as they can thereby promote their own interests, or any who instead taxing truth lor their guide, follow any man as an oracle; to them I make no appeal; speak only to thoau who mem to follow truth at whatever cost, for there is need now ef a firm trust in God, and resolute purpose to abide by the right. Times m-iro trying thin our tubers saw, await us, and we are fa is through a in on? severe ordeal of our faith n God and trust in man, than any to which they were called. Hence none will rally with us around this banner but those who pre ready to Ijcaj it onward through persecu tion and reproach, for if the cause is to 'fcj iMn Vt umaiu. Ail abolitionists are agrcud as ti the jwi'n- tipUt of abolitionism; tho right of all men to free, tbJ sinfulness of slaveho'ding, duty of linm-di ita e:mnciiintion; but in Application of these principles wo are not agreed, There is a wide and honest differ- nee ef opinion; and this should not excite surprise, for thu minds of men am n." in thrir growth. Though all should start yet some must go forward. There so exwjfcioo for impaling to wh e hr wntng motives for such differences. The truo man does not wince at the dissent or the rebukes of hi associate, but relies on his Win? in the right, and if anju-uly accused dors not cry out Impatiently and lly Into a passion. . All concede that it is not enough to Uc ounce the system of slavery as sinful. The slaveholders themselves can do that. They admit it is wrong and a curse, but alt that is Dot enough to abolish it. War is every where admitted to be a great evil, but still the work of slaughter ffoes on, and men train themselves to engage in it. But to make our principles of any avail, we must bold them practically, and not in the absttacl merely. It is a serious question, who are 1110 iriunas 01 iioeriyi Are an wno prongs to be! No. The American people profess republicanism, but in their practice are a i -r it . oinuiw oi rouueis. mcn tune 1 their professions on trust. If the State claims to be republican, we win explain it by thought of republican principles, and if its practice is at war with its profession, we will brand it as despotic. If the church claims to be an ti-slavery, we will try it by the law of Uod, and if it cannot abide that, we will treat it as anti-christian and diabolical. We are connected with various associa- tions, political and religious, and it is hard to give tbein up. Here comes a strong temp tation to do wrong lor the sike of remaining in them; to go with the multitude to do evil, rather than stind alona or with the despised few for tho right, and forego the connections which have been so dear to us. Hut we must resist all such temptation if we would be faithful to the cause of the slave, and suc cessful in laboring tor his deliverance. 1 stand here to affirm that in saying, that consistency with our principle requires us to withdraw trom the pro-sl, ivory organizations ol the country, not exuoptui its pro-slavery government, i onng in no prescriptive uoc trine, nor one which is invidious to any one on the anti-slavery plalfor n. I hold to the largest liberty on that platlorm, tor all who believe in tho right of the slave to be free immediately. They iniy differ as to the mode of action, and each has a right to un dertake his own chosen method. Somo be lieve in the use of free produce, as an im portant means of aiding the cause, and regard abstinence the products of slave labor, as an anti-slavery duty. Ihey have a right to express taat opinion, and to do it in no proscription ot those who do not adopt it. . So of. our own course .in relation to politl cal parties. Shall the Whig or the Demo cratic abolitionist say that we are prescrip tive, because we dculurc it to be inconsistent with anti-s.avery principles to act with those parties w.ule they remain in a pro-slavery position, or to support t icir pro-sluvory can didatesl Nay; he interferes willi my rights is an, if hn prevents me from speaking sach a sentiment; and if he runs off because 1 speak It, he shows that he cannot remain where the truth is spoknn. Uut it is called proscription, to say that the Constitu ion is a bloody compact; a league with op, rcssion, which we ought not to support or sanction by our oaths or votes. We must not call a'lolitionuts inconsistent when they swear to support such a pro-slavery Consti tution. 1 do not assent to this doctrine 1 thank any man whu faithfully rebukes my inconsistency. 1 he life ol our cause is in our willingness to hear all, in the spirit of manly honesty. We have otien adopted resolutions that it is not consistent for abolitionists to beloUg to the Whig and Democratic parties, on ac count of their pro-slavery character; and now some of the same persons who have advoca ted these resolutions, condemn us for saying it is inconsistent for them to belong to a pro slavery confederacy, and uomiso support to a pro-slavery Constitution. They accuse us of doing the same thing in principle, which New organization did in 1BJU and in 10, when it sought to force upon the Anti-slavery soci ety, the doctrine ol the rightfulness of hu man governments and the duty of voting to create and uphold them; matters on which it was not our province to decide either war. uut the charge is unjust, for we do not teach the duty of not voting, or that human gov ernment is wrong and ought not to be sup ported; we only say that abolitionists cannot consistently vote lor, create, or support prvtlavery government. This is a purely Anti-slavery doctrine, From the Arena. LIBERTY PARTY IN CONNECTICUT. ol' I the to Mr. Editor: I wish to address a few thoughts to the Abolitionists, and people in Windham county, through the colmns your parer with reference to the Liberty Par ly Association, recently held in Daiilclson- villc, anil my attendances as an anti-slavery man. Tun "Christian Freeman" inciden tally came into my hands, and I found an invitation to "evury anti-slavery man and woman who can attend, to appuir at a Lib erty Association of Windham county, armod an I equipped with courage and zeal com, mensural;) with the work before th?m." ad- havo bocnre ivjly engignd, as an enemy American ri.ivcry, in iiie neiu in open oppo- sition to it for the List seven or eight years. to ( lave warn-J against slavery in season and the out of seas n it all times in all places the without c.iasing. This I need not tell all 1 it is well known; my life has been a '"living epistle. against slavery, known and read alike to gether, is a! I men." When I engaged In tho anti-slavery to.prise, it was with a princiult nf rii'A', against an enormously wleked system w-nnj nd utrac I enured the floM a I to of: of en. of as an uncompromising enemy to slavery, for the , eainpaign, be it long or short. 1 little un dorstood at the time the strength of the foe with winch I had made war how many strong holds fortifications and) coverts, it had; how it had endeared itself and obtained a s roeg every class of society. CUihing mys :ll with the panoply ol truth I weui turiit with the Ithnreat spenrand com menced an attack. I followed the enemy into the whig and democratic jinnies, and heard its friends crying "this is not tlvc greatest devil" ''wo are choosing tlie least of evils." . I made no compromise I fol lowed on and the . enemy fled into the Church, Theological ohoolsand Ecclestisti- cal bodies which shut their doors upon me saying "touch not the - Lord s annointed; you are going to excite and divide the church, and destroy the ministry." I made no compromise. I followed the enemy on into the very citadel of the government in to their very name work and tound its vi til and animating spirit slavery- 1 applied my principle ol right. 1 have made no com promise no union with slavery and I hear God saying to all, "your covenant with death and agreement with hell shall be dis annulled." . :' . 1 was educated nn orthodox congrcgation- alist and to believe that every principle of right was given to us as a rule ol conduct; and that it is the duty of all to apply these principles to every thing and to every body, and wli i:evcr would not stand the test, to regard it as wrong and unworthy of counte nance. . 1 hue 1 have rigidly, conscientious ly, and unfalteringly applied my anti-slavery principles to the people, the parties, the church, clorgy, theological and religious in stitutions, and to the government, and 1 found their "power on the side of the op pressorwhile the poor slave had no com forter." I am a eomeouter from the whig and demooratio parties, because they are slaveholding. I must bo without partiality and hypocrisy. I am a comeoutcr from the church, because as James G. Birnc.y says, it is "ihe bulwark of American Slavery and God says "come o t of her, that ye par take not of her sins and receive not of her plagues." I come out from the clorgy, be cause they baptise and sanctify slavery, and as Gcrrit .Smith says, as a body constitute the most corrupt and abandoned set of men in the land. 1 come ont from- the govern' ment, becauso it has entered into a slave- liuldiiiT. slave-tradiiiir. nbvo-'v. -Hiiia com. pact a covenant with deatirond' an agree ment Willi hell and no ono can be other than a coinooutcr from it, who is an aboli liouist. And now I must not shrink from applying my principles to tho so termed Liberty Party the members of which pro fess to be opposed to Slavery. I find it very ready to admit my principle, of right and ap ply it to tun whig ii nd democratic parties, and unite with me in crying come out oe ye separate from them to recognize no man as anti-slavery, w.n continue in connex ion and labor with them as did Porter, Ainsworth. also Dooth. Hammond at the Liberty Party meeliiiir and here we part, 1 ask them to make the like impartial appli' cation of their principles to the American Lhurch 'VAc Uulwart nf iluvery" which sanctifies the system; and they cry hands oil yuu with to "abolish the church ''-you hnlc the church" "your object is to dulroy the church under the garb of anti-slavery. Such charges were used by Porter, llooth and the clergy present. Thus tho church sanctities and defends slavery; and tho Lib erty Parly is in full league with the church crying against come-out ism; defending the church, wiiigs and democrats, by it to get their votes to got ollice and power. i he politics of.tlie Liberty party can h no better than their religion, and i:r,H slave huldiiig. lis leaders carefully avoid the church question in its relation to slave rythey will talk about every other obsUv clo but that of the church as Porter and his fellow laborers did at Daniclsonviilc and others introduce thu church, they defend her daub her over call her anti-slavery 1'orter and Ainsworth did and oiler you rebuke as llooth and Porter and others did me for introducing the subject. The church is in league with slavery, and Liberty party in league with the church and the latter more criminal than the tonne because of its light and professions, li under the necessity of being so to got votes. Porter "let the cat out of the bag" to the chagrin of Liberty party leaders. He un dertook in common with other leading Lib erty party spirits to put a padlock upon lips but their presiding oilicer, and a ma jority of tho meeting, were not so lost to anti-slavery principles, to allow it they have unwittingly been cajoled into the parly, and without fairly seeing their position, united with t'.ie party to rote slavery down. The leading spirits must keep them in, and to so ku v they must keep dark, Mr. Porter, 1 should havo said Hev. James Porter, pre siding Elder in the Meth. Epis. Church church rotten with slavery from centre circuinlerence) author ol a work against coiuivoutisui emphatically enjoined the Liberty party to countenance no free discussion meetings. He would not engage in thorn neither would the clergy church; anJ they had stood aloof from cause in consequence of them; they would not attend, to be abused, traduced, rebuked; a id ha also emphatically said "depend upon a.ic tun, if you open your doom to free dis cussion, you will make but a very few eon perts," Cnr hoar! hear! Yes freo discus sion is death to the Liberty party for it slavtholdtiijj parry, uniting with theeburch if as is do (a to to sanctify slavery and tho government to defend it, and protect it, and the truth is its Only antidote; it swears to do so .at any rate and takes the oath to get into office, im-rcly. It is the meanest kin 1 of por- ntry. II it takes the oath to support tlie Constitution .with a mental rctervaJion, as Mr. Birney says he' is prepared to dor it in dicates a laxity of morals a moral degener acy which would cause even slavery to blush for shame. . If it sweats to support the con stitution (an instrument of authority a rule of conduct for every member of the goy ernraeut w ith all the other members) claim ing the. right of. individual interpret ilion, when the bjrgain the compact provides tho interpreting power, and makes their decision law then Liberty parly is truly 5 dis,,rjr izing, no-iiovcrumcut party for if we have fifteen millions of interpreters of tlui Con stitution it has no meaning no force no authority and we have no government it is nullified. These individual interpreters are nullifiers, to all intents and purposes Liberty party men are In an awkward dilem ma crying, come ont from the whi-f and democratic parties refusing to roto lor any one of the parties, whether he be deacon, elder, bishop,' minister, or layman htit ari- locating union with and support of these very men in the ennrcn. 1 no .onirrega- ttonal and Methodist ministers in DaiiMson- ville were present, to hear the claims of Lib erty party upon them tind their churches for their' votes. 1 suppose they had Keen niaue to understand that they would he In no dan- crer of getting a rebuke, as the leading spir- its of -the meeting were Reverends; i. "., Rev. James Porter, Rov. Charles Ainsworth, He.' Mr. Otis. Key. Mr.' Hammond, Kev, Sherman M. Booth all In the church. . I infer it from the fact that the Congregational minister fled, when his church wn being called in question, and the tact held up nil t he moelins houses in the village were closed, and the meetinr had to bo held in a mechanic's shop. I infer it from Um dagger looking countenances of the priests and tneir attemnts to defend these' churches. 1 in it from tle declarations ot rorier, anor.rsen by the silent nsscnt of nil the other speakers that free discson meetings would not answer their purpose they would not make mnv converts. 1 inter It trom me declara tion of Porter that ifHhe whigs and demo crats would come nnd sit in silence and hear him ho would convert one -half them if thev. like its sectarian hearers, would mien their mouths, nnd gulp down likcgcs, . . . . . . . I :i linn, what he pleased to give mem. i.ioer- iv nartv is in an awkward dilemma also while it admits slavery to be an immorality or sin to be abandoned immediately and vet in order to abolish this immediately, it swears to support it. Or to get rid ot this charge, dishonestly claim the right of pri vate interpretation, or if mental reserviitiun, or doing evil that good may come l. e. n order to get un tnjiu:nec to get power, swear to support slavery lor tho present, hoping by and by to havo the Cons,'itiiiinn amended. O, tliey siy your com Outers from the church and government ought to nuit the country and the Uev. Charles Ains l ..i i .i. I:.i worth, llev. Mr. i-orter anil niium, an men out very cavilicrly about duly. "Yes, do duty at all events, without regard to ronse- .. . . . i i i: i... quences "lad yet, iiirn"ii pair, cnimi-nur, when a word was said about abolishing sla very from the Methodist church nnd the gov ernment. "Oh, the dreadful consequences," you will have to quit the nation. There are m any men in the Liberty party, sincere friends of the slave, who will not re main in the p'rty long, after they set their position in that party in full fellowship with tho oppressor. Many of .my choice friends are in that party many of iliem members of the American Anli-SI ivery society. I know their zeal and devotion to the cause they have not studied their relation and support to slavery in the church and Rtate through this party ns they ought. They wish to have freo discussion. No, say the Liberty nartv leaders, it is dangerous, and henceforth Liberty party meetings are to be closed against free discussion in Windham county, nre thev! Porter says they are in Massa chusetts, and he said the truth the church and tho clergy would not attend them other wise. Liberty party meetings in N. York, and throughout the country, are opposed free discussion except the diseussion ne an on their side. Will thr nhnlitinnists of Windham eoun tv he paioled into such a party! I know some who got their eyes open, at the demon stration which that party made of its char- ncii.f nf the ineetinir in Danielsonville. I speak advisedly, 1 speak soberly, that I were to act on me principle i "'"; - that good may come," I would support the whig or democratic party before ihe Liberty party. Such men as John Q. Adams, are to bo honored for their consistency, to say flio least, while the Liberty party arc gross ly inconsistent and immoral, nnd exniim mnr.,1 decollation which tho other parties never dreamed of. Thine truly for the slave, and for "no union with tlavehotilert. E. D. H. From the Ohio State Journal. THE ABDUCTION CASE. is We learn from tho Marietta Intelligencer that an impression prevails that tho Grand Jury would not ha-o found a bill against the abducted citizens, had not a witness been found at a lato hour, who testified that there was water in their shoes when they were ex amined on tho Virginia shore, and therefore it was concluded they hud bpen in Virginia to of if alcr to help the negroes oscnpo. ,-Tlie tn formation uouUiincd in Uie following nan- i raph from the. Intelligencer, vill go Jur to . incrtave the fueling, in this Shilo against tho ' luveliolders of Virginia, If iliw lauia. truly represented, we must be pcruiiuu to ! ty, without wishing to indulge in mere 10- ci'tivc, in so grave a niutltr, that it exhibits , our neighbors la no very favorable light, and . roves they are disposed to aua injury: j insult. They have already. outraged hu' lanily and their prwHiiiiiwrs: ther 1 will yet learn that they cjinuit with impuni ty trample on the righU of citizens of Ohio. A word aueut ball. Uail wus required irv"1 irginia. A number of cirizeHis of Ohio. men of wenlth nnd chnnictcrt ellered to be-' ' come responsible to any cilizeiis of Viiginiar" Who would bail the prisoners, The iudein-' nifyiiig bond was signed by a larger number' of our wealthy citizens, and besides this one ot the signers oikred to give hie Individual noto for tue amount of thu bail to a citizen of Virginia if hu would rntcr Into reooi nizanc. for their appearance.' Two gentlemen con-" . snntid to give bonds if a third man could bo obtained to crtgnge jointly - Willi them. , A . young gonlleuun of unuoublc'd pecuniary i tcaqiousioility voluntiriiy olhired to do so, but ' as hu was not a fieeUoldcr (his property be-- ng, HUMii portion ui ti, in bank stuck.) le wus refused. . The sum tuUl of tho mat ter is, that alter th: inost importunate entrea ties, end although undoubted and abundant secuiily was ullereii, bail ill tlie .sum of fif teen hundred do.ljrj could not be obtained in irioi ; nnd ourcttizcns, kidnapped by law less ruftiius, must remain in -until tlie' middle of November befhro they can be tried fur acts dono in this Slate! Whether thrv will be tried even then,' will prohubly dejieud upon tiie health or disposition of the. Prose-' uun Auurncy We may ktiie further, that one of the prif.' . oners, Thomas, is in such fieblrt health that' u is doubllul whether he will live until the next session of the t-ourt. ' . ", ; The following item also appears in the Iri-' tclligrncor. In reference to two of these men we snspect the claim of jurisdiction is as good as that setupinthcenseof those who are retained in prison in defiance of law and e-' ven the somhlanre of Justice.-' We shall n wait, however, fuittier dcvclnpeineuts bbforo" we sprak of what is here alluded to; prcmis-' ing only that this is the first intimation v have seen of the further proceedings: ' ; Fchtiikr Iso:c rMK. ra, The Grand Jury- , of Wood county, at its sesiion last week not only indicted tlie three abducted citiztns now in Parkershurgh jail, but also three others iviz: Uurdon Stanton, Titus Shotwrll, and Joseph RomaincO for heimr,.,! with them in aiding Ulr. escape of "liar wood's slaves. Stanlou and Sholwell nro citizens of Ohio. Kuuiaino is now a resident of this State, having removed here from Virginia, somo days alter the occurrence. It is said that a messenger has been despatched tu Richmond for a requisition from the (Govern or of that Slate upon (iov. L'artlev. nf Ohio. for their delivery asfu-iiiiesfmm jusice. Is not this tin; true reason wliv ihn trinl nf the men now in hil nt Purknrslmrtrh u-oa ostjuuied! Not BV Tlie Ham.ot Hot. A corropnon- dent of the Christian Reflector writes, Juiio I'm: "The truth is, and I wrile it with a rrW of hallowed gratitude to (Joil slar-ery i.i ihj- if m .uarymnn. n may linger, like a sor cnt with a wonderful head but it must dicl had a conversation yesterday with a Con necticut farmer, who has moved into Ibis re- riou, and is cultivating his lands hv five la bor. The effect of this single effort is already felt for miles around. Other fanners, natives of the soil, are beginning to profit by his ex ample. In this quiet way, with tho elo quence of industry, his arguments being thoso ol the plow und tlie harrow, he is plendiur vnr i-iiuse ui emancipation, and winning his country men to her peaceful standard. Heav en speed such toils." "A Kntue kim" his written a noble vin dicatien of Cas-jiits M. Clay which wc find in the Philadelphia Gazette. Tho writer denies that the mass of Ihe people of Ken tucky justify the conduct of the Lexington mob. He insist, that Mr. Clay's views nf slavery are "the views of three-fourths of tho people of his native State." Nor was tlie outrage at Lexington so much tho result of hostility to the principle advocated by Mr, Clay, as of enmity l i him personally. The Wicklilfes and Marshalls of that Siato hate him with a fiendish hatred, and they availed themselves of some indiscreet remarks of their noble victim to accomplish by the fury of a mob what they were too dastard to at tempt individually. lint what havo the miserable cravens gained! The scattered materials of the "True American" will prove to be to the cause of human freedom and lilierty of speech, what tho blood of the martyrs always has been to religion th? seed from which will spring up mil lions of zealous advocates of the principle which the Lexiiiirtnn scoundrels have sought by violence nnd blood, tu smother. I.evo Yarni A rope hat been completed in Knlsml fur the AlincheMer and Liverpool Hailusy 3 iniloa in lonslb, eight inches iu cir cumference, and three lona iu weight. Wn do not know absolutely what is good or bid fortune. Although the fanner's life is one of toil, ho ft i whoenjnya a life of true indopendenee, hail ing none of ths cares or (roubles of other ntln.