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War raw Pnsiw can few jsar ajjo litlla tmct containing a thoaght on liberty Wat tent to a slaveholder down in North Carol htt. Ha red it. htook such t toU aDn hla mind that ha eould nor sloop, so ho (jot up and roaJ it to bis wife. She aid, "We moat set our slaves free before we eWop again." 80 they vent to tlia magis trate and had fhem all emancipated before hcy dared to aleep. They tlira talked to (heir neighbors, and gavo thoin that little tract By-aid-bye nineteen poor slave came trudg ing n to Cincinnati, holding up their free paper and tinging oo2 of jubilee. From &e9 thoy went on (0 Mercer county, where Augustus Wattles is, and where tho colored people are miking a great ecttlomant, and building a large house for a manual luber sahoo). That little tract cost throe cents, and freed nineteen human being from slavery. Who'll boy candy? How many slaves did the political action o the Liberty party ever free! How many ia it ever likely to free? Not one. . Yet they have abandoned t a great extent, that moral action Which would do the work, for the po litical action which only retards lUypy. Cassiut 3f. Clap. Mr. Hartshorn, the a rent for New England, of Mr. Clay's True American, has received a letter from him, da- fed Lexington Kentucky, September 6th, in which ho writest "The mob will not Mop my paper. Home-where, I will go on toon. In the mean time, you mav proceed to get tub- icribcrs in all confhUnce. My defence against lb manifesto and wrongs 01 the mob, when out, will bo sent to you, in advance of the . papers.0 It conclusion, Mr. Clay says: "My health is yet bad, but improving slow. tj.Mat. Caotmm to kkh. UiinuunTrn'VtolofiwU alhrin that of twenty dentin of man botivecti iglilnon ond twniy-hf, ton originate in tlie lt ofllie eoiulilulion tyimofcin;.' COMMUNICATIONS. THE UNION. A DREAM. "I had dream, which was not all a dream." I do not protend to be so Well versed in the science of mental Philosophy, as to be able I account for all the incidents of the dream I am about to relate, nor shall i inform you whether it came to me in the visions of the night or in my waking moments; suffice it to say, that by some inexplicable change I nad entirely lost my real character, and had ecome another person- Molhought that my heart was overflowing with patriotism, and my love of our "glorious union came bubbling up like a spring from a rocky place. I h id been much excited be cause of the attempts of some of the fanatical abolitionists to destroy it; anil I turned for consolation to President Folk's inaugural address, and the patriotic and crlorifyingman Her in which he spake of it was like balm to my lacerated spirit. In another paper I read tho proceedings of a Liberty party meeting, where resolutions of censure were adopted against those who wero endeavoring to sun der tho political bonds which bind us to the South, and peaceably withdraw from tho great national compact. Ah, thought 1, pro slavery as they call me, 1 can give to these men the right hand of fellowship, and espe cially to this one who will co for the Union. Slavery in or slavery ou', Texas in or Tex as out," aye, and who "will fisht for it in the forests of Maine, or in the swamps of wroltivi. ulorious, said 1, this fellow is a man after mvown heart, and nno of you 1 ait tojs Dis n'onis's. Why Calhoun and jwcuuniecanask no more. Hurrah lor tcv art: we must give him a nomination as oon as his party is joined to ours. While indulging in reflections upon the Jioer.uity ot these men, and comparing thei entimenls and conduct with that of the un reasonable and fanatical Dissolulionists who were seeking to abolish slavery even at the expense of the Union, I was startled by the Clattering 01a horse's hoots noon our Btnny trccts as it dashed npidly by, and the riders cry of "To arms! To arms!" rang like the notes of a battle trumpet through tlie city. 1 immediately hastened to the military neaa quarters, and there learned that an ex press had arrived from the South brinsrins iiv telligence of an insurrection among the slaves which threatened to endanger the existence of the Union, accompanied by a demand for northern troops, A force of two thousand was immediately drafted, of which number were Alvan .Stewart and myselt. We were ordered to be in readiness to leave at an ear ly hour the next day; and I must hero con less, that much as I had talked about the U nion, declaring that it must be preserved at all hazards, and at any amount 01 blood and treasure, 1 said these things when I had no idea that I should be called upon to fight for it; and an order to "start to-morrow lor inn buctoo," would have boon as agreeable as the one I was obliged to obey, I had lust become fairly established in a small but profitable business which I knew would be ruined by even a short absence; I had fur the r more been bnt three weeks a husband, and under auch circumstances who can won der that it was with reluctance I exchanged the tender embraces of my new-made bride for the death grasp of the insurgent slave. Oh, it was a terrible thought! that instead of the words of tenderness I had but to-day heard spoken, there would be the despairing C'iesand agonizing groans of the poor wretch s I had sworn to murder; that instead of the blessings of my wifo, I should have the cur ses of the dying negro. Bitterly did I re pent of the compact; hut having made it, hav ing induced tho Southerner to retain his hold on his slaves, having promised to stand by him and thus led him on step by step until he met the terrible catastrophe which now threatened to overwhelm him, I resolved, rome wh it would, lo redeem my pledge. But what would I not have given, if I could, with a clear conscience, have tike my stand with the Dissolutionists, and felt that I had honorably withdrawn my pledgo from tho keojdng of the South withdrawn it Wore the hoar oT her extremity had arrived, so that no reproach would) have tested upon mc. But regret was unavailing. 1 embark od and found mvsolf enroflod in tho samo company with Alvan Stewart; 1 was only a private, ho a Corporal. On, on we spcu, uay ana nigni as last as steam coma carry us. We Journeyed with the north star looking down coldly upon us, for wo had turned our faces from it, as though wo heed ed not the fixed principlo of eternal Justice of which that star hr the emblem. Un the alter noon of tho second day we roached our place of destination where we found encamped a large number of men, most of whom wore from tho North. Among the Michigan troops, and hearing the rank of Sergeant, was jamca U. Hirncy. mn in terview between him and Corporal Stewart was exceedingly ailecting. liy tho tmia wo had pitched our tents and set our guards, it wanted but nn hour of sundown. 1 strolled through the encampment and was Tory much struck by the difference in appearance be tween the northern and southern troops, tor a more ungodly and rufti inly set of men than the latter, I never beheld. 1 heir countenan ces were as dark as the complexion 01 a mu latto, and a constant scowl rested upon them, They were continually quarrelling, gambling and drinking, and every sentence they utter-1 ed contained a horrid oath. The northern ! troops, the irgiment to which I was attiched in particular, were on the contrary very reli gious. Our Chaplain was a man of remark able pietv, a distinguished member of the .WArrn Methodist t.piscopal ( ontercneo. Our first ercnintr in Carolina was closed by a regiinnntil prayer meeting, at the conclu sion of which a portion of us sang that beau tiful hymn commencing " Alas, and did iny Saviour bleed. And did my sovereign diet Did ho devote his sacred head , For such a wretch as II " Tho evening was perfectly calm; and we were encamped directly on the borders ot a swamp where a body of the insurgents were siid to bo concealed. 1 have no doubt they heard and were benefitted by hearing a por tion nf our Christian worship, for although I fait as if shooting negroes was not the right kind of business in which to bo engaged, it would have been still worse 11 while engag ed in it we had neglected the performance of anv of our leligious duties. l'he following morning the troops were or dered to penetrate the swamp, and kill or capture all the negroes they met with. Gov ernment was particularly anxious this should be done, for it was rumored that the wile and children of the Commander in Chief of tho negro forces, Hunry Clay Jackson who, by tho way, is a lineal descendant of the wor thies whose name he bears were there con cealed, and it was thought that if our troops could obtiin possession of them we might compel favorable terms from the rebels. Unpleasant as was the duty, it Had to be per formed. As the swamp was of considerable extent, and in many places the mud from two to four feet deep we made but slow prog ress. About 1 o clock I'. JY1. we reached the centre of the swamp withoutseeingany sijrns of a negro, when our commander called a halt, for wo were all completely exhausted. fho depth of the mud, and its remarkably slimy and adhesive character had made our journey a very toilsome one; then there was a continual exhalation arising irotn the great abundance of decayed vegetable matter, which enveloped us liko a cloud, so that I could tiste infection in every breath 1 inhaled, and no very pleasant visions of a broken consli- tion, ol lingering disease, and a painlul death passed before me. 1 looked upon iny com panions, and found their appearance had very much changed since the hour of morning pa rade. Alvan Stewart stood near me; not far from him was a Georgia slave-trader noted for his cruelty, and aTexian who had robbed a bank in Kentucky and murdered a man in Tennessee. They seemed disposed to make fun of the Corporal, for I heard the Georgian say "Hah, my old buck! I guess you find this a 'Ultle bit worse than the Seminole war you used to tilk about." As Alvan Stewart turn ed away from the insulting fellow, the Texl an impudently called out " Are ye mado Governor of tint island yet? wont you sell vour chance for a good dinner? But Mr. Birney was thero to sympathise with his friend, and I saw hH look of condolenco as the Corporal thus addressed hint: "Sorgeant Birney, 1 never expected this; it is far worse than being in the forests of Maine. Suppose we construe our orders as wo choose to un derstand them, and go homo and have our tickets printed, and circulate our handbills for the fall election!" Had I not been my self in so deplorable a condition, 1 should have pitied him. There he was, three feet deep in mud, and his beautiful uniform be smeared with swamp slime; the day was sul try, and the perspiration was streaming in torrents down his face; it was the dinner hour, but no dinner was 10 DC nau; me mus qui toes were many and fierce, and there was no escape from them, but then there was a glorious consolation which belonged to us all we were in a Carolina swamp fighting, or ready to fiht for tho Union, and perhaps some of us would have the satisfaction of leaving our bodies to sink and rot beneath its mad. Just then a volley was fired by the insurg ent slaves, who had come upon us unawares. Corporal Stewart and Sergeant Birney both full, the former was shot through the stom ach, the latter through the head. I saw thein but a moment, and then the green slimy mud closed over them. Alas! thought I, not a stone cn be erected here to tc'.l that they perished tn defence ot the Union, and were slain by the insurgent slaves of America. A second volley was tired which restored me to consciousness. My vision had departed and I stood onoe rnoro upon Uiuo sou. was so re. oiced that l could say with nun van's christian pilgrim "I awoke, and behold it was a dream" that 1 involuntarily sprang to my foot exclaiming, " No union with slaveholders! Down with the blood-streaked flag! Trample the goro-writ compact With SUvcry'j wrinkled hag." N. T. Loiter ireut Harriet N. Tor re jr. That slavery U an evil of no common mag. nitude. there are but few, possessing the or dinary aggregate' of intelligence, who pre tend to deny, aim witotucr we look upon it with thff view ot JHatesmen Or Philan thropists, whether wo ponder its bearings upon tlie political aspect of our country, or upon our moral and social condition, we are startled at the cnorrmty ot the evil, ami ask, with feelings of mingled shame ants appre hension is there no proper and attainable remedy) If there is no- remedy, our condi tion is indeed deplorable. If the fetters of the slave are the bonds which secure unto us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness we hold our tenure of the same at a fear ful price. Kor that life, that liberty, and that pursuit of happiness is secured unlous by tlie sacrifice of all tlie attributes of hu manity which God has given to more than two millions and a half of humarr beings, varying in color, but possessing tho same physical organization, tlie same social feel ings, 'though compelled to flow in an annat ural channel, and the samo claims to munor tility which wo possess. Wo talk of our republican institutions, and boast of our country as the home of tho free, and the .;iuge of tiio oppressed; and 11 sticn was actually the case, tliere would be more pro- . ... 1 , e I I pnety in our talk ana Doasung, lor n wuum bear the impress of truth, and, therefore af ford us a pretext for honest exultation. But truth, liko murder, will out; and whatever means may bo employed to conceal tlie de formity, and prolong the existence of slave ry, they all tend to give us a fairer view of its loathsome body of corruption, and to sharpen the axe which is to sever the multi plied cords 01 lis existence.- i wpiiis strange to us that the trainers of the Con stitution, possessing that far-seeing sagacity which enabled them to lay the foundation of a government deriving its powers from the consent of the governed, instead of a Monarch' will, stiould have parleyed with an institution which was then 111 its swad- lings bands, and by granting it peculiar im munities secured its existence and fostered its growth, until it has attained t 0 stat.:rj of a giant, and now stands wiui 0110 loot tirmiy planted upon tno snoris- ot ine uuu 01 Mex ico, and the other upon the northern lakes, rutin" its friends with despotic sway bid ding defiance to its enemies and deriding their delicate cuoris lor us cxieruiinuiion. How often has tho assertion been made repeated and reiterated, that the North has nothing to do with slavery that it is a southern institution entirely subservient to southern interests, aud essential to the pros perity of that portion of tho Union; when at the same time its subtle influence was coiling, like a vencmous reptile, around tlie very vitals of tho North, whispering peace. peace in order to quiet its struggling victim until it could losien u who us ucauiy laags. It is s aid that personal rights are the toun- dation of all others. As a nation, we claim all other rights; therefore, we cannot but feel some anxiety as to tho nature and stability of our toundaimk as well as 01 tlie superstate ture that has been reared upon it. That its primary elements were tight; that the Dec laration of independence embodied these no ble and comprehensive princ'wies which em anate from man s higher nature, and which are calculated to bear him onward and up ward t , a more periect system ot moral and political equity all seem to admit. But the Constitution reveals tlie presence of the spirit of evil, and gives tlie lie direct to our exulting boast of eu,ual rights, and univer sal liberty. Like a deformed statue upon a chaste aud beautiful pedestal, it elicits our wonder by its incongruity, it is a curious anamoly but no more curious than true that while our forefathers were pouring out their blood liko water in order to secure those rights which they could never obtain while they acknowledged the divine right of kings, they were preparing the way for the establishment of a more cruel and re morseless despotism upon the soil ostensibly consecrated to freedom. With one hand they were valiantly battling for truth and right; while with the other they were forg ing fetters for tho wronged and benighted Alrio.ui. At the first glance, wo arc led to conclude that the American slaveholder pos sesses more than the ordinary share of hu man rights; because the rights of so many human beings are merged within his own; he repudiates the divine rights of kings; yet he arrogates to himself tlie divine right to control the souls as well as the bodies of his fellow beings, thus divesting them of every attribute of humanity, as well us of immor tality. But, is the slaveholder, in reality, the all-stilhcieut trecman that he imagines himself to be? Life is not, under any cir cumstances, exempt from jeopardy by cash allies, or by visitations of Providence. And in the case of the slaveholder we look Ufon those casualties as increased in a ten-fold degree; fur he is surrounded by those who, from motives of vengeance, or from a deter mination to possess their inalienable rights, and stand forth unlettered tn tlie image of their Maker, would, opportunity and circum stances being favorable, look upon the taking of his life, not only as justifiable, but as a praUovort:iy deed. Therefore, instead of enjoying life like a freoman in the true sense of the word, he has to guard the same with tlie utmost vigilanco, and nevei possess that common feeling of security which pervades tho iioH-slavchuldiiig Mates. Tho term lib erty, in its genuine signification, means a great dual; aud can never be demonstrated to a slaveholder, only by theory; because his experience has not qualified him fur a cor rect understanding 01 the same. In the first place, his dependence curtails his liberty; for he is entirely dependent upon his slavest his food and raiuieut are procured by their toil, or purchased with their flebh and blood. If justice is tho foundation of liberty does not that which the slaveholder possesses, rest upon a raiserahlo foundation or rather upon no foundation at all! In all ages of the world, the pursuit of happiness has been the moving principle of human actions. And so far as it has led men to be virtuous and good, it bas bee subservient to the well-be. inj of horicty; hut whon it is based upon. Mlfiahnoea, and pnrsnc.l fur thn gratification of her desires, it become dugraded in our estimation, and calls forth our unmeasured condemnation. ' The rlavehclder has Slsa hia pursuit of happiness; and in what does it consist? The answer comes murmuring forth amid sighs, tears and groans out-itish-ing from millions of strickna human hearts' and from the harsh cl.11 kin of fetters up on millions of human limbs M pursuit of happineif it our continual misery ! Is this rightT Is it in accordance with tho princi plee ot humanity? Is it " rendering uno Owsar the things" that are Cesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"! - No for it is ot variance with tho laws 01 nniuro, ana with the teachings or revelation. It relirds the prosress of civilization; for it degrades the moral and intellectual man. It opposes the spread of the pure broad' principles of Christianity; for tliese principles, universally understood and practised, would eTcctually eradicate every vestige of the system of un told abotninitions. If "liberty i justice guarded," where is the boasted liberty of tlio slaveholder? If he possesses certain in. alienable right, among which arc life, liber ty, and the pursuit of happiness, docs be un derstand those rights, and secure unto him self the immunities which they comprehend? lie knows that there is a dangerous mine beneath his feet, and that the hour of its RprinFinr is not of his own appointing; bis own injustico and oppression has placed a burning brand within the hands ot Ms en emies, and he trembles fof the consequences white he "eks to perpetuate the ciuse. Liberty is but a bye-word when it depends upon tyranny for support; and the pursuit of happiness becomes unjustifiable when it sub verts the course of nature, and" involves the misery of our fellow beings. Tlie slave holder may sing the songs of liberty; but their echo will bo as discordant ns the vul ture's notes while exulting over his mangled and bleeding prey. And now, admitting the evil, is there no proper and attainable remedyr The pres ent age, is an age of invcntimis. The spirit of investigation is aroused. The tide of pro gression sweeps steadily onward, bearing upon its bosom the hnmntablc principles of truth and right. A purer light irradiates the intellectual world. Theories of moral, social and political economy, of liberal and comprehensive composition, emanating from the combined wisdom of tho pant and pres ent, are gradually assuming the form and stability of systems. Tho friends of hu manity have toiled with the devotion ot mar tyrs to raise her from the dust, and the story of her wrongs, like trumpt-toues, has awak ened many a guilty dreamer to life and ac tion. The traditions of men have over con travened the commandments of God; and the eternal principles of truth have been set aside by tho subtleties of error. But tho spirit of the present age seems tn be onward aud upward, bearing down all obstacles which hinder its progrrss towards a system of moral equity, which will lend to reconcile the conflicting elements of human govern ments, and to save our own beloved country from a despicable and iniquitous thraldom. The blood of tho Revolution was insufficient to consccrato the institution of slavery; it has become n terror to its friends, and loans upon it enemies for support. Will they succutitb to the task and meekly bend their backs to sustiin the burden ns tlie South de mands? Hark! from the PilgTim's rock from the granite hills and the moss-grown vallies of New England there comes voice re-echoing through the lemjth and breadth of this fair land which makes tlie nation tremble; for it proclaims aloud "No union with slaveholders no crourlnns to sustain a burden of iniquity and no con- cessions to a power that robs humanity of its attributes', and degrades the linage of our Maker to a level with the beasts that per ish!" Clor'.ous response! glad harbinger of bcUcr days to come, when tin fnul.Nt blot that stiins our national esculirhoon shall be wipei away, and millions of human beings who are now writhing beneath oppression's iron heel shall arise from their degradation. andTike that rank in the scale of beings which God and nature has assigned them, Too long has the withering curse of slavery rested upon tho "land of the free (?) and the home ot the brave." 1 00 long have the friends of humanity been persecuted and reviled, branded 4sutli abusive epithets, and stigmatised as the originators and abettors or treason; tor the weapons which have been hurled against them are beginning to recoil with ten-fold force upon their enemies. Too 1 ng has public opinion resisted the iunova tionsof the spiritof theatre, and lent it influ ence towards the extension and perpetration of American slavery. Now the die is cast the deed of shame isconsummtitd. Tex. as has become an integral part of these Uni ted .Mates, and her soil must bo re-baptized with me tears and blood 01 human beings. toiling in bitter bondage for their fellow men. The domestio slave trade, protected by a prohibitory t trill, has received an im petus commensurate with the importance at- laihed to it by tts warmest tneuds. What more can they ask what more can be given? 1 ho common sense and tho moral feelings of Americans has been wofully outraged and the dignity of the nation has been sacrili ccd to the dread Moloch of slavery. Ilu miltating as ia the position which the Uni tod States now occupy among the nations of the earth, there ts not only a strong proba bility but an absolute certainty of its being phanged; for tho institution of slavery thrown wholly upon itself for support, cannot e xist: because it does not possess within itself tlie I elements of perpetuity. ithdraw tho sup I and its downf.ill is inevitable. Its final stru. gtcs will be fierce and desperate awful to contemplate. Like Sampsun of old, its strength will be fearfully revealed in the hour of dissolution; The timid will quail and retire from the', contest; but the courage ous and the true-hearted will stand firm as a rock, undaunted by the din and strife of the mighty combat. The murderous sword rests quietly within its sheath. Tho vuioo cf tho thundering cannon is as silent as the grave tor nooe but moral weapons cm avail lor tho extermination f moral evil. ' GH v !m dsy when their triumph shall be eoin- when th discordant nd conflicting elcnotits of society will bo msda to hannon- irnnd the "Declaration 01 WO universal, brotherhood of inan," will" bocoma the foiu- dation of all huJvin t'ejs ' ANTI SLAVERY BUGLE. " I lov agitation When there i cause for It the alarm bell which starves the iubabi t ints of a city, saves tticm from bcrn burn ed in their beds." Jldmund. JJurie. "THE DISUNION PLEDGE. Wc iv: come to the consideration bt th rem lining objection which ' the ' Disunion Pledge nrges as a reason for the awsMAiiiporu. of the Constitution, and which is express? I, as follows: " that slave insurrect'onse' 0 M" be suppressed by the ccsnbiiied military an I naval power of the country,' if needed ii any emergency." This refers to two nr- visions in this Constitution, one for protoo tion against domestio violence, the other for tho suppression of insurrections. The Her ald by s.une strange oversight wholly neg lects t) notice the second clause, which Ilia plodgc would soern more directly to refer to"' but attempts to build aa argument upou that, which would appear at first sigh to be nrro favorable to its position. The part which' the editor quotes is thin Hie United State shall minrantv toe. fry Stito in this Union a republican 'form of government, and shall protect each of fheiu against invasion, rind on application of the Legislature, or of the, Executive (when the Lngislature cannot bo convened) against k mcstic violence." .- . He admits that this clause, althourrh rren- eral in its charaetr-r, is applicable to scrviln1 insurrcetion, and that it is binding upon thu-' 1 resident, the members of Con ires. ant , such U. S. officers as mty be c tiled into service. -. He considers it "highly benificent," and one of the best parts of tho U. S. Con-, stitution. It makes the United Stitcs 1'ew.Vucer." Yes! Dr. Bailev cilia th United Stites government a PiAce-MAkta," though it is rather strange for a pi.ieo-ni.iker' to wear a warlike iruise. to eomo to mik peace "armed and equipped as the law di--rrctx," with legions of blool thirsty follow ers to enforce its peace-makiog comma ada, -"Blessed aro the peace-makers, for they shall be called tho children-of tin!." Canem, Stockton of the Princeton man-of-war,chris-' tetied his big gun "Peace Maker," and its, terrible explosion blew to atoms thosa who' designed to uso it to destroy others. Dr. Baily, with as total a disregard to tho just application of terms as Captain Stockton ever manifested, has christened the father of that big gun, tho U. S. government ,1'cact- Maker! But to return to the Dr's argument, which instead of being wrought in the school of strict construction in which ho was educa ted, is a h)e an interprctati'jii of tho Con-' stitution, us any rogue could desire of the criminal code. It is briefly this. The gener al government is bound to protect the States- against domestic violence. A servilo insur-, rection is domestic violence. The uimnU luty of the government, is to command and onforco the Peace.- if the ulnvelml I attempt to reduce again tj slavery tho slavo who has risen to the stato of a freeman, his violence be upon his-own head. It is not bound to replace and rivet anew tlie broken, fetters; therefore the Constitution is not in) this particular pro-slavery. We shall reply very briefly to his argument. The Consti tution requires that every Slale shall be pro tected against domestic violence. What constitutes a State? Not a certain number of people, for if so, then is Iowa a State, al though she has refused to adopt a Constitu tion. We would define a State to be, that' portion of the inhabitants of a territory wh support the Constitution which the people constitutionally adopted, and act in accord ance with the laws and regulations of such government. Such is tho sense in which the word State is used in tlie Constitution. If the slaves of South Carolina rise in re bellion against the authorities of the State, they are not while in that attitude a portiou of tho State although they may be in a ma jority. Suppose they adopted a Constitu tion and called themselves the State of South Carolina, which of t'10 parties would Congress be bound to recognize as a. State, and protect domestio violence? Most certainly the minoiity; for the Constu tution of the majority grew out of a rebel, ious movement, is the fruit of disobedient to the constituted authorities. The slaves of Carolina aro held in conformity with the. Stito laws; an attempt to jjaiu thuir freedom would be in opposition to those .law, and Congress is bound to protect every- State against domestic violence, not by wetting at nought its laws, anj ertcourageing others to trample thorn under foot, but by inaintuinin th tuprciMvy of lav( which i tlia life and soul of every human gienimciit that has ye! r?'e-a.' '' 1 few'- ji-.ra 'Jlf& 4,