OCR Interpretation

Anti-slavery bugle. [volume] (New-Lisbon, Ohio) 1845-1861, October 03, 1845, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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bt o. s. BCRLIIOK.
Ou, tolls tho oul of Liberty
With a deep resistless tklo,
From a million brave hearts welling up,
And pouring far and wide.
Let tho minion of Oppression,
Howling, smite the air in wraths
No dungeon-keep, nor daggcr-blad
Can stay it in its path,
We tell you haughty Southrons,
Though every Union crack,
Tis coining like a whirlwind's inarch.
And ye cannot keep it back'.
There is no breeze that flutter
The leaflets of your vines,
No wave in nil your river-path.
No cloud above your pines.
No voice among your bird-songs,
Nor light in all your sky,
But is traitor to your tyrant-cause;
And Liberty's Ally.
They tell you of her coming
With a breath ye cannot stay;
Of tiio river-rush of chainless thought
To sweep tho wrong away;
And of tho cloud-like shadow
Of Freedom's Angel-wing,
The bird-notes of nor songs of hope.
O'er the chained and sorrowing;
Tho lightnings mock thu flashing
Of her indiirtinnt eve.
And the beacon-stirs are gloriou9 types
Of her sky-like majesty.
A million hearts arc sending
Their lifo-pulso through her soul.
That with ever dcep'ning volume oov
Seeks river-liko its goal.
Her guardians are immortal,
High truths that live unharmed;
And lor her every hero slain,
Leap up an hundred, armed.
The warriors of Oppression
Have ever shame alone,
Whether conquered or victorious,
On tho gibbet, or a throne;
But the glory of the Righteous
i more, in their defeat,
Th in of the vaunting Evil-ones
When their triumphs seem complete;
And though the Lord's Anointed
Should wear tho crown of thorns,
Than theirs, no prouder coronal
A human brow adorns.
Ye rmy gird our living Martyrs
With iron and with stone,
And 'bar them tho sweet visiting!
Of the blessed air and sua;
And tho holier communings
With fellow-hearts deny,
Till they seem almost as desolat
As the millions are who cry
In your cruel house of bondage.
To the deaf and hollow sky;
Yet tho S.ibbath of the spirit
Shall dawn upon them there,
And the Truth for which they sutler wrong
Shall keep them from despair.
Yo hava no bolts so massy,
No walls so thick and high,
But tho holy sense of D leased nest
Shall melt them from the eye;
And through their crystal 'inurement
Tho Peace of God will come,
Till the prisoner's heart rejoice
In his glorious martyrdom.
Then light tho blazing furnace,
And heat the hissing brand;
The flames which yo havo kindled thcro
Shall fire tho indignant laud!
Strike deep the glowing iron
'Till the shrinking flesh consume,
Then see! yourselves havo traced the red
Handwriting of your doom!
Read well those burning letters,
And know what now awaits;
They muk tho "Saviour of the Slavs,"
Ihcy mean your quivered states:
Now pasi it, "The Slave's Saviour!"
Our watchword, through tho land;
And be our "orillamme" henceforth,
The Freeman's Branded Hand!
As rings that thrilling watchword
Oppression's heart Khali quail,
And while that Hand is lifted up,
Our armies shall prevail,
And think yo, blinded Southrons,
Your holds are danger-proof ?
See, how beneath your weaver's hand,
Grows fast tho f.ital woof!
That web around Oppression
Shall coil with deadlier hurt
Than round tho writhing Hercules
Clung once the Centaur's shirt.
Ho! bravely drive tho shuttle
That fast the woof may grow,
A banner for our victor march,
A deuHi-shroud for tho foe.
For in God's own strength victorious
The Deliverer shall be;
And though our blood f.'ed all your land,
Ann tl -sli receive your burning brand,
Tho Union fall, or Union stand.
The Bum. .man shall h: free!
...p, Kis'ivr.. Tho Q-iincy Aurort
relate 1. 10 t. !.... fi liuui.co uJ ipiiiioa kind
iicbs in a n iri'i.t.
The boy who was killed at the dpot of
bittern lijilrouu in Last ItisWo, about a week
since, had bouu in ike habit o( j linpinjj off
on tin) c;irs fur a loiijf t iuo. anil bad often
driven away by t'i3 S'lpcrinleiidonl. A few
before Hie s'ip jriiitomlent drove bun ou Willi
hingle, W illi which ho struck liim t vo 01 three
blows. Tho father, instead of repovinf
boy, commenced an action airainst lbs suporui
teuduiit. This emboldened the boy to continue
the dangerous practice until ha was killed,
the lather is now b it to repent ol pis lolly.
- Look not mournfully upon the l'att. it eoincs
not back again. Wisely improve lbs Present.
It is thine. Go forth to meet lite shadowy
tare without tear, tna wtifi a ma nip heart.'
"Whnt am roil enrinff for!" aid Arthur to
a little ragged boy that lie overtook on hi
way home from the Tillage achool. 'i'here
was something in the kind of crying that led
Arthur to think that there was sonw eriou
use for it.
"I'm hungry," faid the boy, "and I can t
get nothing to eat."
k ii- j . .1,,.l. hm would
hava said o-et anvthinir to eat. But Arthur
tin ii t in . v u iu uu a svnuvi w
did not stop to criticise his language.
"Why don t your inouier give yuu some
thing to eat!" ...
"She hasn't anything for herself, and she u
sick and can't get up."
"Where is your father!
"I haven't any. He wa drownded way
off at it
"Drowned, you ehould say:" ana tne ne
was eorry that he had aaid bo, for it looked
a though he did not leei lor nis trouuies.
"W'hnra do VOU live!"
"Down there," poiuting to a miserable nut
in a distant lane.
"Come with me, and I'll get you lorn
thinir " Arthur turned back, and the boy fol
him. He had a few cents in his nock'
et, just enough, as it proved, to buy a loai oi
bread, lie gavo it to m uo, uu utu ..
he would go home with him. The boy took
the loaf, and though he did not break it, he
looked at it so wtstiuily, that Ariuur took ins
knifo and cut off a piece and gave it to him
to eat: ho ate in a manner that showed that
he had not deceived Arthur when he told him.
ho waa hungry. The tears came into Ar
thur's eyes as ho saw him swallow the dry
bread with such eagerness. He remember
ed, with some self-reproach, that he had some
times complained wlien ne naa running oui
bread and butter for tea. Ou their way to the
boy's home, Arthur lenrned that the family
had moved into the place about a week be
fore: that his mother was taken sick the day-
after they came, and waa unable to leave her
bed; ttiat there was two euuaren younger man
himself: that their last food was eaten the
dav before; that his mother had sent him out
to be" tor tlie nrsi nine in ui me; mat um
first person ho asked told him beggars would
be put in jail, so bo was afraid to ask any
body else, but waa returning home when
... i i .t..i 1. 1 ... i.
Arthur overtook; mm auu eu tuut nuui ue
was crying for.
Arthur went in, and saw a good looking
woman on tho bed, with two small children,
crying, by her side. As he opened the door,
ho heard the oldest say, "Do mamma, give
me something to eat." 1 hey stopped crying
when Arthur and the boy came iu. The boy
ran to tho bed, and gave his mother the loaf,
and pointing to Arthur, said, "He bought
for mo."
"Thank you," said the woman, "may
God bless and give you the bread of eternal
The oldest little girl jumped up and down
in her joy, and tho youngest tried to seize the
loaf, and struggled hard to do so, but did not
speak. Seeing that the widow s hands were
weak, Arthur took the loaf and cut off
piece for the youngest first, and then for tho
girl and tho boy. He gave the loaf to the
widow. She ate a small piece, and then
closed her eyes, and seemed to be engaged
in silent prayer.
" J . It . W l,
"she must be one oi tne iora s poor,
thouirht Arthur. "I'll go and get something
else for you as quick as I can," said Arthur,
and ha departed.
He went to .Mrs. ucrton s who liven near
and told her the story; and she immediately
scut somo milk, and bread; and tea ana su
gar, and butter, and sent word she would
come her sell, as soon as sue got uie Daoy
Arthur had half a dollar at home, which
wished to give to the poor woman. His la
ther gave it to him lor watching sneep, anu
told him he must not spend it, but put it out
at interest, or trade with it, so as to make some
thing. He knew his father would not
himirive it away, for he was not a christian
and thought of little else than of saving and
making money. Arthur s mother died when
lie was an inlant, but with her last breath
gave him to God.
w hen Arthur was nve years oiu, ne was
sent to school to a pious teacher, who cared
for his soul; and knowing that ho had
teacher at home, sho took unusual pains to
him in tho principles of religious
truth. The Holy Spirit helped her efforts,
and before he was eight years of age, there
was reason to hope that he had been born
Arthur was now in his tenth year.
considered how he should help the poor wid
ow, and at length he hit upon a plan which
proved successful.
tits lamer was very aesirous mat ne snouia
begin to act for himself in business matters;
such as making bargains. Ho did not wish
him to ask his advice in so doing, but to
by his own judgment. After the business
was done, he would show him whether it
wise or not; but never censure him, lest
should discourage hiin from acting on his
lit view of these facts, Arthur formed
"Farther, may I lend my half dollar!"
'To some spendthrift, boy!"
"1 won't lend it without good security.'
The father was pleased that his son
the idea of good security in his head;
would not inquire what it was fun he wish
ed Arthur to decide that for himself.
told hint to lend it, but be careful not to
"I'll be sure about that," said Arthur.
Arthur took his half doUar and ran to
poor widow and gave it to her, and came
before she had time to thank him.
At night, bis father asked him if he
put out his money,
w Yes, sir," said Arthur.
"Who did you lend it tol"
"I gave it to a starving widow in Mr. Hart's
There 'was ftown gathering on bis
rW bwwheid,"Di3acall that
Ingl Did yo not ask my remission to tend I
It! liar I son that will deceive mcl" I
'No, sir," said Arthur, "l aid lena it. i
II opened his Bible, that he had ready with I
mm inn n npa. -tin mat vivmlii uj
the Lord, and I call that written promise good I
"Lent it to the Jbordl lie win nevet pay i
you " i
. .. . .,, . i.- ...:n I
m vm. tui wumw savs uo win w w? a-i
- . . ,
mtn." I
. . . . .i v : 1 1. : I
"1 thoughtyou ll0 more sense, .uu iu i
ftithnr. hut Lhis wsii not said inanansry tone. I
The truth was the old man was pleased with I
the ingenuity, as he called it, of Ins boy. l
He did not wish to discourage that. Sso he I
took out bis uurse. and handed Arthur halt a I
dollar. "Here, the Lord will never pay I I
must, or you will never see your money a-1
iliank you, Sir, saiu tviuiui. "jr
. ,i . j i.T. ..
way of thinking, said Arthur to hiinsclt,
...I T ..-.I ..;.! inn and murd, anoupf tlian
has paid me and much sooner than
--HPB liUU itoa ua.u ... . -- -
I'expeeted, too; 1 didn't hardly expect that
ha would nav me in money. The hearts of
all men are in his hands, and the gold and
silver are his; he has disposed iny lather to
iu, it ti mo. I'll lend u attain.
J. - - ... ,,r ...it
Arthur kcdi ud me n.imt w utiutui; iu.
spare money to the Lord all his days, and ho
was paid fourfold and often several times
over. ,
A very safe way of lending money is that
of lendin? it to tho Lord. Vei York Ob-
struct a'
way bad
1 have scarcely witnessed one, of any char
actcr, these four years past. I went into a
Court House, the last week, to witness uie
rloaincr defence of a criminal trial I was
mortified and ashamed to see a young bar
rister, acting for the government, display the
zeal of a uirate partixan,
tur tne conviction
ni iSa nnaoner. Partizan zeal is tolerable
in the eoatenuing counsel in a civu hius
, : ....:i : .
where nothing but monev is at stake on ei
ther side. Hut here Uie result waa to bo the
State Prison on the one side, to a young
man with a fumilv of little children, ami on
tba other a successful attempt of the Govern
roent to rescue a citizen from punishment,
which is the legal duty of the State, I hold,
whenever it possiblv can. The law pre-
sumee innocence, anj the State ought to keep
wood the uresumtitioii. if possible, against
the complainant in its behalf. But the
young counsellor seemed to labor to procure
the unfortunate prisoner's conviction. I
would not attribute any worse motive to him
than a desire to establish a professional rep-
utation. That he could attempt tins, atsucn
. .. .... .
a risk of tlie prisoner, seemed to me hard
hearted. I havo tuougni Illgniy Ol too pro-
fession of the Law compared with divinity;
but reallv it is a cruel one. lie waa a young,
educated man gentlemanly dressed, and
apparently in easy circumstances! struggling
before a Jury, agonizing almost, to get them
to send a poor lellow, tlireo or lour years, to
tho State 1'rison. ue migm auoutas itinuiy
baTe-tiw:iored him on the spot. Himself
would rather be shot dead, than sent there
And so, evidently, had the wretched prison
er. The Counsellor, the Jury and the Court
did not seem to care any more about lam
than if he had been a carcass they were ex.
perimenting on, in galvanism. The Jury
seemed quite at ease, as though they had
nothing very ryinij to themselves on their
minds. The Judge appeared desirous
discharging his part creditably, anxious for
tin i.nw. hut not at all troubled lest that
young man, the prisoner, should bn torn
from bis family and sent to the State Prison.
He might have been troubled about it, but
it did not appear. Perhaps if he had cared
anv thing about the fato ot the prisoner,
wouiu nave uisouaiiueu unit to pass sentence,
ii. it i - 1 1 : .
I went in, in the afternoon, to hear the
verdict of tho Jury; for I could'nt stay to wit-
ness (Ae efforts of Uie young counsel tor
State. While the jury delayed, I heard
rattling of chains, and an officer came
conducting two convicted men to receive
their sentence. 1 hey were chained together.
One of them had been convicted of passing
a counterfeit dollar, and tlie other of altering
a promissory note, l lie latter was said
be a man of hitherto irreproachable charac-
ter; and he looked theTery picture of despair,
His entrance and the rattling of his chain,
and his countenance of death attracted
little attention, and apparently awaked
sympathy at all. I was a spectator. I will
not say any thing of my own feelings.
They were undoubtedly morbid. The Clerk
at length called the men by name and read
them their sentence, it was serious to them,
but the clerk did not seem to be aware of
He read it audibly and accurately, and
with proper emphasis. It consigned one
the men to three days solitary conhnement,
and three years hard labor, the other to
days solitary confinement, and eight years
hard labor, lit the otate i'rison. I Ins man
has a wife and seven children. When
sentence was read, he settled down in
box, as if he had received a bullet in
bosom, and his countenance looked as
should suppose a man a would who had
ceived a mortal gun-shot wound. Thu judge,
in a vcrv nuiet business like wav said. "Mr.
Sheriff let tho prisoners be remanded."
then proceeded in the saino tone, to decide
motion for a continuance of a civil suit,
about which two attorneys were talking
him. They none of them, sueuied to
aware of what had happened to the men
chains. And when the ollicer conducted
tliem out, one of them looking more like
dead man than a living, I almost wished
was a dead man, for his sake and his fami
ly's and their chain rattled on the court
house floor it escaped the notice of
Judge and the attorneys altogether. They
were engaged iu effecting that ton'.inuanet.
Those prisoners came to Concord in the same
stage with me. 1 Hiked with the Sheriff
about them. He said he never had seen
man suffer like the man I last mentioned,
went to hiin, upon the top of the stage,
tried to impart some nine gleams ot conso
lation to bun. -1 told him the warden of
I'rison was a very buinano and kind-hearted
man. and lie would not be treated ns nrinon.
r fWrTnrrlr" w retH srrd that
good doal of sympathy felt for wns.
was like consoling the dead, mo irioa to
thank mo, tor ne saw I naa om icun$ iur
him, but, oh, said he, jw an't help me.
could not Imlo him. sure ennutrh but 1
thouglrt it might abate his misery a little to
know that I pitied hint. The stigft landed
rum a mo prison gnrjiTiiirr .nmi; m
my nome, ana i saw tne wimirai mmi
i ii. i',. n. ....... I ii..
enter we toiic uuuac. o iwnunvu uw
....... : . .:.... .i.:...
Oincer WllUOIIt SIHMIllllir w liunce Ull uiijri'ii
..... , i. :.. ..ii. 1. 1 ;,.
aon i Know urn it in nuuntiuiu tu m.Miii-ri
the little uitrsent a do hcP, lor a convicted
and senfcmaod man with th State's- chain
about his ancle. It would disgrace, prooa;
bly any paper but nunc. Hut I thought
would sav thus much about him
When that man comes out of that prison
again, his children wrlV mose o Msein, oe
grown up, and he will bo altered eome as
wfii a, tuuy. miij ud in i
n ... .i f u !.: ...:r ...:n nni K.
living. Humeri Herald of Jreedom
' '
. ......
From the Record—Extra.
Mr. Gough appeared before the committee
at the hour appointed. His appearance was
much as heretofore with the exception of a
... : ; r, .
on anil aoiti-ncu cxuression oi couiue.
nanCe, which became him on so peculiar an
occasion. Having been requested to speak.
he gave utterance to tne iuiiowing conies-
,icrl was pronounced in a firm and
,nanv, but modest tone:
Ik' loved liretliten: lo tve this ocension
seems so extraordinary it is so different
from what I, and you too, had any reason to
expect, a few days ago that you must bear
with me it my manner and matter also should
appear rather contused, indeed, (said tne
speaker, mucu aiiectcu, ana leaning against
the wall,) I am nut well!
fo laniruaire could eonvev to ho reader
an idea of the tone in which tlieso last words
were i ttcred, nor of the thrilling effect that
.. .. . . i l.;. t:
tuey nau upuu ius auuiuors.
1 say not well I speak not of physica
illness; but it is here Oh! my God! it is
here (he laid his hand upon his heart) who
shall say what a day may bring forth? Ah!
dearly have I learned to appreciate the sacred
injunction of the invincible Paul "Let him
that thinketh he sbindeth, take heed lest he
fall!" 1 havo, indeed, preached to others,
and have myself become a oaslaway! If
man never forgives me for I have no right
to expect forgiveness from man I, in my
present low estate, do SHU hear a voice tiom
Calvary; I hear those blessed tones of mercy
"My grace is sufficient for thee !" (Here
the eloquent speaker covered his tace with
' . ii i -. .
nis lianas, anu Durst nuo a uoou ot tears,;
Vho says that my disgrace is a disgrace
to too glorious vausu ui temperance?
says that my unworthy apustacy no, no, I
will not use(Au word. Who savs that my
temptation and my weakness entail dishonor
upon the great causo of which I have been
so unworthy an advocate! Let such, if any
thcro be, compare the loss and the gain.
Let them call up the hosts of redeemed men
and women: let them summon tlie wives
and children who, in every town, by the
seaside and by the woods, in city and country,
bless God every morning that they rise,
nd every evening lhat they lay down, for
the glorious ptae mat pledge Which
snitched a father and a husband from the
arms of ruin lhat drove back the rushing
wave Irom their dwellings that raised the
I fallen man from the nury pit and placed his
I feet upon a rock.
I w ou in tnev eomnare mr sinir e inuit witn
all this redemption! who looks ut the sun
I see one spot upon his disc, and then swears
I there is no daylight because that glorious orb
I contains a few obscurations upon its sur-
I lace
l x .. . i. . . : . :.. .:
i rav, wuat is uiy uw n t.iau iu vonnrxuon
I with the Great Temperance Cause! what
I a fly upon the mill-whcelT- what is a drop
I the ocean!
I Have I, indeed, given evidence of my sin
ccrityl Oh, let thoso who think so, if ac
customed to the intoxicating cup let them
try but lor one year, lor one month, or tor
ono week, to conquer the inextinguishable
thirst lhat consumes their being they will
learn how much sincerity is required to ab
stain, for a short time, from the seductive
Beloved Brethren! I could not say less,but
I must proceed with my narrative. You are
already aware and thanks to the intemper-
ate editors, tho public are pretty generally
aware, of the situation in which 1 was fuund.
I It is necessary that I give a detailed account
of the facts. I could well wish to bo spar
ed this duty; but like the Spartan boy,
must nerve mysell to endure it, though
fire eat inlo my heart.
In the city ot Iew York there is a little
edifice, at the corner ol Ucntro and Head
streets, of unique construetion,tbeing made
up principally ol glass lights. Merc I
paired to get a glass of soda with a friend
who had invited me, whose name it is untie.
cessary to mention, as 1 believe lie was
guiltless of any evil intention. The sod
was drawn for me; but the nun had no syrup
in his shop, and used liuc.ua Cordial as
Such was the peculiar effect of this cordial
upon uie, that I lost the use of my reasoning
faculties to a great degree; my old appetite
for ardent spirits revived in me as if some
demon had been permitted to lash
unresisting helm of my judgment thrown
way tho compass and t.ien let loose all
winds of heaven upon my pilotless bark.
I walked down Centre street I felt the most
intense desire for women and wine. As
passed t!io taverns and bar rooms, 1 could
scarcely resist the inclination to rush in
satisfy my craving appetite.
In passing Dottiraii s eorner, I met a young
woman, an acquaintance ol some years stand'
jng, who was tying her shoe. Being dark
I accidentally touched her elbow in passing.
She then rccog i ed me nnd called me
nunc; 1 stopped, and alter moment's
vernation, she requested n.i to call with
and see a fallen sister wnoin sue was qcsj
rous of rescuing from the abyss of ruin.
it is a part of my mission to redeem the
snd to raise the tauen, l giacjiy eonsemru
tilihough myself mending en the very- prcei
tii-o ih.ni ntafasWT the Torlrs. . I euWrM
' ... t :. 117 .tl... . . M.t..m t
witn ner a notse in ami:r u-ji, -.h.-i.
found an elderly lady and the" sister of tny"
femal companion. After a tedious eoe .
sntion, feeling hardly to be described is ;
word fame ever ins the burning, raging .
appetite for liquors. The little which wi
lound tn thri noime oniy sauca w iim niuiw
I gae monry to youug woman, and pmrnr
ed more; and here my memory fails, ha
happened a'u-rwardn, 1 can no more tell tusit.
the maniac who struggles with his chain isv
t'ne asylum, for maniacs, t roin that moment-
ull in rAao. . i ( . r i
Mv txanuiU'. moro than words, bids "luux..
that standuth Vtke heed lest he fall."
I hope to be ng.i'uv in the field. 1 hop fc
stand before tius-pubiic with all my wound
and bruises Bfosv uut a nvmsuisent of thu .
deeds of nun u nriuaim nt of the merry of
God! I hope to do more than I have ever
yet done lo wrest tiir srrptre from KingAl
cilioli, and trample in tlie iWot tlie mighty fot-v
lroin which 1 am delivered.
Respict for Consisting. Soroe tiuvs
since two heathen boys were brought to this
country to obtain a Christian education. ..Tin'
evil of rum-drinking bad been so impsessedV
upon their minds by our Missionwriesv as V
render it, in their estimation, inoto4an!b
with the purity of religion. Onlandiua-thjpy '
were invited to share a pleasant home willa
a citizen distinguished for hospitality, wit,
kindness they amply repaid by their choer-
ful, artless manners. Durng their stay, the
host was visited by a distinguished clergy
matt, whom he, in a most affectionate man
ner, introduced to the boys as a'Michanary,"'
(adopting tUekr own pronunciation.) Tha
boys seemed awMtruck with the presence cf
so high a dignitary; and seated themseWesv
in a distant part of the room, silent and re
served. At length the host stepped to tho
sideboard and got the welcome decanter for
his guest No sooner had the clergyman t
ken a draught than tho spell was dissolved,
and springing from their seats they mrt
off, saying, " no Mvchanary! Miehinu-
ry no drink rum!
O. M. K. CoNPKnsxci. The large body of -
Ministms composing this l.'unfsrenoe, snrens
at Cincinnati on Wednesday morning a wee.
Ilisbop llnmliue is the presiding ouV, sue. Wis
Rev J M. Trimble waa elected Srerelari
The rariou oininntters were appointed V repuci
referred to Mid committers. Un I hurndijr m
ng, Uiehop nmt'n, who adheres to the .Mathesv
ist Kpituopal Cliuroh, South, was invited lu Uk
the chair. The eon erence was not willing to
rorogtun kin its pre.idillg officer, and adus4
ed a resolution by an aluiuat unaiiiinus sol'.
.tuiessing it as "inexpedient and burble u
proper,1' fur llihnpa who bav sejiantleJ ttieu.
selrss fruin the jurisdiction of lbs Mrthudist
bpiacopal Uiorrh. to nresids at any ssalercnc
composing said shunts.
Strive to be pure in llioug.'il, if our Baind is
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Man Ives in "il l, B.tTs
in ligl t, asd a
leing n li-ve.
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Columbiana Lot Holmes,
Cool Spnixo T. Kllwood Vlekara,
Marlboro Dr. k. G. Thomas.
Berlin Jacob H. Barnes.
Caskisld John Wetmore.
Lowelvillb Dr. Butler.
Polaxo Christopher Lee.
Younostow! J. S. Johnson. .
New Lyme Hannibal Keev.
Akron Thomas P. Beach.
New Lisbon George Garrctson.
Cincinnati William Donalson.
Salinkvii.i. James Farmer.
Kast FAiRriiLD John Marsh,
Fallston Pj., Joseph B. Ccrnle. '
Anti Slavery Publications.
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