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AN rm IT AVERY (IT .RS3 JUJUJo 'JTO UOTDJT TOTS SlATIUDlEB&S." VOL. I. SALEM, O., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1845. NO. 12. ANTI-SLAVERY BUGLE. Published every Friday at Salem, Columbiana Co., O. JAMES BARNABY, Jr., General Agent. BENJAMIN S. JONES, ' J. ELIZABETH HITCHCOCK, Editors (fyMl remittance to be made, and nil letters relating to the pecuniary affair of thepaper, to be addressed (post paid) to the General .Igent. Communication intended for inset' Hon to be addressed to the Editors. 0-Tbrms: I,50 per annum, or $2,00 if not paid within six months of the time of , subscribing. Advertisements making less than a square inserted three times for 75 cents: one square $1. PunLtsiriNO Committee: Sam'l Brooke Georgo (i irretson , James B irmhy, Jr David L. Galbreath, Lot Holmes. Letter from Frederick Douglass. DUBLIN, Sept. 1, 1845. Dear Friend Garrison: Thanks to a kind Providence, I am now safe in old Ireland, in the beautiful city of Dublin, surrounded by the kind family, and seated at the table of our mutual friend, James H. Webb, brother of the well known Richard D. Webb. I landed at Liverpool on Thursday morning, 28th August, and took lodgings at the Union hotel, Clayton Square, in company with friend Buffum and our warm-hearted singers, the Hutchinson family. Here we all continued until Satur day evening, the 30th instant, whrn friend Buffum ana myself (with no little reluc tance) separated from thorn, and took ship for this place, and on our arrival here, were kindly invited by James, in the temporary absence of Richard D. Webb and family, to make his house our home. There are a number of things about which I should liwe to write, aside from those im mediately connected with our cause; but of this I must deny myself, at least under present circumstances. letter writing must give way, when its claims are urged against facts necessary to the advance ment of our cause, and the destruction of slavery. I know it will gladden your heart to hear, that from the moment wo first lust sight of the American shore, till wo landed at Liverpool, our gallant steam-ship was the theatre of an almost constant discussion of the subject of slavery commencing cool, but growing hotter every moment it advanc ed. It was a great tiino fur anti-slavery, and a hard time for slavery; the ono delighting in the sunshine of free discussion, and the other horror-stricken at its God-like approach. The discussion was general. If suppressed in the saloon, it broke out in the steerage; and if it ceased in the steerage, it wis re newed in the' saloon; and if suppressed in both, it broke out with redoubled energy, high upon the saloon deck, in the open, re freshing, free ocean air. I was happy. Ev ery thing went on nobly. The truth wis. being told, and having its legitimita cdeei upon the hearts of those who heard it. At last, the evening previous to our arrival at Liverpool, the slaveholders, convinced tin t reason, morality, common honesty, humani ty, and Christianity, were all against them, and that argument was no longer any means of defence, or at least but a poor means, abandoned their post in debate, and resorted to their old and natural mole of defending their morality by brute forco. Yes, they actually got up a mob a Teal American, republican, democratic, Christian mob, and that, too, on the deck of a Brit ish steamer, and in sight of the beautiful high lands of Dungarvan! I declare, it is enough to make a slave ashamed of the coun try that enslaved him, to think of it. With out the slightest pretensions to patriotism, as the phrase goes, the conduct ot the mob ocratic Americans on board the Cambria al most made me ashamed to s ly I hud run aw ii) from such a country. It was decided ly the most daring and disgraceful, as well as wicked exhibition of depravity, I ever witnessed, North or South; and t:ie actors in it showed themselves to be as hard in heart, as venomous in spirit, and as bloody in design, as the infuriated men who bath..;! t'leir hands in the warm blood of the noble Lovejoy. The facts connected with, and the circum stances leading to, this most disgraceful transaction, 1 will now give, with some minuteness, though I may border, at times, a little on the ludicrofjs. In the first place, our passengers wero made up of nearly all sorts of people, from different countries, of the mint opposite modes of thinking on all subject. o had nearly all sort3 of parties in morals, relig ion, and politics, as well as trades, cillings, and professions. The doctor and the law yer, the soldier and the sailor, were there. The scheming Connecticut wooden clock maker, the large, surly, New York lion tamer, the solemn Roman Catholic, bishop, aind the Orthodox Quaker were there. A n.inioter of the Kroe Church of Scotland, and a minister of the Church of England the established Christian and the wandering Jew. the Whig and the Democrat, the white nd the blaok were there. Thero was the srk-visaged Spanura, ana me ugni-visageu Englishman the msn from Montreal, and the man from Mexico. Thero were slave holders from Cuba, and slaveholders from Georgia. We had anti-slavery singing and pro-slavery grumbling; and nt the same time that Governor Hammond's Letters were be ing read, my narrative was being circulated. In the midst of the debate going on, there sprang up quite a desire, on the part of a number on board, to have mo lecture to them on slavery. I was first requested to do so by one of the passengers, who had become quite interested. I, of course, declincd.well knowing that that was a privilege which the captain alone had a right to give, and inti mated as much to the friend who invited me. I told him 1 should not feel at liberty to lec ture, unless the captain should personally invito me to sneak. Thintrs went on as usual till between five and six o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, when I received an invitation from the captain to deliver an address upon the saloon deck. I signified my willingness to do so, and he at once or dered the bell to be rung and tho meeting cried. This was tho signal for n general excitement. Some swore I should not speak, and others said I should. Bloody threats were being made ag.iinst me, if I attempted it. At the hour appointed. I went upon the saloon deck, where I was expected to speak. Thero was much noise going on among the passengers, evidently intended to make it impossible for one to proceed. At length, our Hutchinson friends broke forth in one of their unrivalled songs, which, like the angel of old, closed the lions' mouths, so that, for a time, silence prevailed. The captain, taking advantage of this silence, now introduced, and expressad the hope that the audience would hear me with attention. I then commenced speaking; and. after ex pressing my gratitudo to a kind Providence that had brought us safely across tho sea, I proceeded to portray tho condition of my brethren in bonds. I had not uttered five words, when a Mr. Hazzar.l, from Connec ticut, called out, in a loud voice, "That's n lie!" I went on, taking no notice of him, though he was murmuring nearlv all the while, backed up by a man from New Jer sey. I continued till 1 siid something which seemed to cut to the quick, when out bawled Hazzard, "That's a lie!" and appeared anx ious to strike mo. I then Raid to tho audi ence that I would explain to them the reason of Ha.snrd's conduct. The colored man, in our countrv, was treated as a being without rights. "That's n lie!" said Hav-zard. I then told the audience that as almost every thing I said was pronmneed lies, 1 would endeavor to substanii it:t t'leui by reading a few extracts from slave laws. The slaveo erats, finding they were now to be fully ex posed, rushed up about me, with hands clenched, and swore 1 should not speak. They wero ashamed to have American laws read before an English audience. Silence was restored by the interfer-nce of the cap tain, wiio took a hoMj st in i in regard to in y speaking. Ho said lie h id tried to please all of his passengers and a part ot them hail expressed to him a dcsiri to hear me lecture to them, and in obedience to their wishes ho lnd invitid ina to speak; and those who did not wish to hear, might go to some other pirt of the ship. Ho then turned and requested mo to proceed. I again commenced, but was again interrupt edmore violently than before. One slave holder from Cuba shook his fist in my f ice, and said, "O, I wish I had yon in Cuba!" "Ah!" said another, "I wish I had hiin in Savannah! We would use him up!" Said another, "I will be one of a numbcr'to throw him overboard!" We were now fully divided into two dis tinct parties those in favor of my speaking, and those against me. A noble-spirited Irish geutleni in assured the man who pro posed to throw me overboard, that two could play at that game, and that, in tho end, ho might be thrown overboard himself. The clamor went on, Waxing hotter and hotter, till it was quite impossible for me to proceed. Anti-slavery was uppermost, and tho mob was never of more service, to the cause against which it was directed. The clamor went on long after I ceased speaking, and was only silenced by the captun, who told the mobocrats if they did not cease their clamor, he would have them put in irons; and he actually sent for the irons, and doubt less would have made use of them, had nut the rioters become orderly. Such is but a faint outline of an AMERI CAN MOB ON BOARD OF A BRITISH STEAM PACKET. Yours, to the end of the rice, FREDERICK DOUGLASS. 05" Well, this is a pretty story to be re hearsed (as it will and ought to be) in the ears of tin' British people, in illustration of American republicanism! It is sickening to remark, that two of tho most furious in this mobocratic assault wero from Connecti cut and New Jersey, nominally freo Stites. How audacious is tho pro-slavery spirit of this country! Not content with its almost unobstructed sway here, it claims tho right to regulate, on peril of Lynch law, freedom of tluught and speech tho wide Atlantic over, even up the British channel and on board of British ships! All honor to Capt. Judkins fur his manly and resolute conduct in refusing to give up the control of his ves sel to a gang of lawless ruffians. An Amer ican blackguard, in London, writing in a truly "democratic" vein to the "democratic" Boston Times respecting this disgraceful affair, says that "some low Scotchmen took the negro's part, and told him to give it tj the Yankees' that 'dpt. Judkins was ap pealed to, and tho negro was not "permitted to vomit his foul stuflf any longer on tho quarter deck' that 'Capt. J. should not have permitted this fellow to open his lips' and that 'if there had been a southerner on board, his (Douglass') carcats would haM been food for sharkt'.'! How characteristic! Liberator. SHORT AND EASY LESSONS. Question. What is tho unpardonable sin! Answer. To attack and exposo the sins of the clergy. Q. Should we not try them by tho Bible standard? ; A. By no means. They are themselves the standard. Q. What is tho greatest injury to reli gion? To oppose and e,xpose the errors and sins of its professors and teachers. Q. Is not the peaco of the church of in finitely more importance than its purity? Jl. Yes. Hence the introduction of the Gospel was a sore evil. Q. What is the truo doctrino of consis tency? 'Modern' consistency is to profess to bo an abolitionist, and at tho same tirric op pose abolition. Say that slavery is a dread ful evil, and nt the Ramo time carefully ab stain, and use your most vigorous exertions to make others abstain from every attempt to destroy it. Q. Wht is the object of the church? To prevent the improvement of socie ty, and to retard the amelioration of the con dition of man. Q. What is the object of tho ministry? A. To please tho people. See Gulatians 1; 10. Q. What arc the best means of overthrow ing popular vices! A. L-tting them alone. Q. Who are tho true friends of the gos pel? A. Those who tike care not to extend its principles and blessings impartially to all men. Q. Is God a respecter of persons? Jl. Yes, he loves the white man, and the rich man.and the honorable man, far above the black man, and tho poor man, and tlio ob scure man and bo ought we. Q. Is truth mighty and will it prevail! .1. Yes. in respect to everything but sla very; statistics will overthrow that. A Srnnr rrc"M NTosr. Th biMfnl Mat ue of Tim (Jrai-.'i Slave.' bv Mr.Pmvern, lis excited audi iinivrnl ndniirulinii. a com minion to it, wn understand, will shortly l.n ex hihieii hy th unim arli.t, nndnr thu title of ' Tin: Ajir.Kirs f-'i avc' It is the fumr., t,f . npjjro. with hi Ii iixIk liiiUenrd wiih chvn. on tUo mm. Heir of which it cot the American Fa ille. Hound his Inch in wrnppr-d I lie Hig. on which I he "Hipp- lire connpirnnuslv nl.ived. T)in croueliin itumiil,, of Hie picture m wooilnrfnllv depleted, but tlin Ktntutt i most to bn admired fur Us nnwnrful truth ami feelml fiill ilicitv. We hiite Iihhii insured bv Ifi'trlemen who have hurl Ireqin-nt nnportiiiiiiu). id jnilaioir bv frrqin-iil vi.ils to th.i l.aiul ol l.ilierly, that tliev have nrm t mien any thiut; so woinlerl'ully tr.m to nniiirr London Punch. Jlithndisl Dc"e.neriiry. c prnv God that the Methodist Episcopal Church Smith -viy hold on to the genuine principles nf p i i ive Methodism; that it may never become, our practice to pew our houses of worship, and above all that we may never see (what Dr. A. Clark considered a heathenish practice) organs or other instruments of music intro duced into the churches under her care. Southwestern Christian Jldv. Hark! That dreadful organ, pouring forth such unhallowed sounds nu the Sabbath, who can bear It! But the Sabbath is gone, 'tis Monday morning, the horn blows to rally the slaves, several are missing, thev lnvo run away. Call the bloodhounds! 'Hark! they are on the track, they are yelping over yon ridge! That's the music! True IVcaleyun. SHORT AND EASY LESSONS. THE COST. The Boston Traveller, a neutral paper of hirrh reputation, remarks upon the daily cost of Texas to this country. The expenses which the United States are now and have been defraying for ships of war, ordinance, forts, troops, including both horse and foot, with all their provisions and military stores amount to tens of thousands of dollars per day. Mexico, it is said, would have yielded all her right to the ccuntry and thrown in nearly as much again territory be yond the Rio Grande if the Americans would havo paid her but ono third of the money expended up to this time by our gov ernment in their warlike preparations. And what, after all, is the main spring and mov ing power of this mbryo war? Slavery. It is the slaveholding spirit and power of this country which has driveo-on this work to its present stite; and it is tho slaveholding pop ulation of this country who expect to be ben efitted by this entire movement. We greatly mistake, however, if the slave-holding States do not yet rup tho day that they moved in this black work. SLAVERY IN THE CHURCH. Extract from a speech by John Pierponl. Slavery for half a century has been making its inroads upon tho pulpit and the sanctuary. It is forever creeping or crawling in, in ono form or another. lib ipsia like a toad through the shrubbery of the g.irdcn of Eden, or creeps stealthily like the old serpent himself. Sometimes it enters in the form of a man, whose son, educated to be a lawyer, has gone South and is doing a lucrative business Y'ou preach on slavery, and the old mnn thinks you mean him. "Ho means me that is personal preaching I know it." He sees you afterwards: "Did you mean me and my son!" No! Ah, but you did there was nobody else there you must have meant me." (Laughter) This is i.ot tho only insidious form. There is a fine family of daughters. One goes to the South and becomes principal of nn Acad emy. She lives in ease, and is highly ilat torred. She is delighted and writes home that it is the pleasantcst place, and the bcau Jilullest thing in the world to be waited on. The good minister preaches on slavery. "It won't do hp means us surely it is wromr to be so pointed." A man sleeping soundly under his good pastor's voice, all at once wakes up justns he is uttering the word Slavery. "What, what's that? Slavery? slavery, cotton cotton, slavery I have a ship engaged in that trade" and he looks like a thunder cloud. (Great laughter.) Another has a lare stock in a manufactur ing establishment in Lowell. His minister's sermon on slavery starts a peculiar associa tion of ideas: "Slavery cotton cotton slavery no slavery, cotton scarce, prices rise plenty of slaves, plenty of cotton, low prices." He goes to his minister "You had bctter not preach on that subject You don't understand it, my dear sir the com promises the compromises." (Increased laughter.) These are but a few of the insidious forms under which slavery has crawled into the Church, until she has visited every spot, the pulpit, the pew, the singing choir all ex cept the "nifrgcr pew" that she avoids. She sits in the pew, shakes her finger at the minister, and says, touch me, nt your peril. What shall the poor man do! A voice "cry aloud and spare not-' and itarrc. Laughter. "If I oTend 'Squire Barnes or Deacon Short, I am placed in a painful posi tion. I must lirrht for it. But. I am a man of peace, and hate broils." lie Is helpless some years nt the Academy rmothcr sc ries at College then at tlio Theological School he was withdrawn the best part ol" his life from manual labor. lip ii helpless "What shall I do! I cannot dig Lnun-h-ter. To big I am ashamed there are my wife and little ones, bound to my life by in numerable tics 1 miirht be content to kLtvp myself, in prnpria. persona, but to starve in them O!" Don't you pity him! "15ut, let mo see mere are other and noble topics it is not worth while to preach about one ining i win tux ol the beauty of holiness Laughter my penplo will be delighted to hear of the exceeding sinfulness of sin." Great laughter. It is Slavery that dors all this mischief. Its iron grip is upon the souls of tho free North. From the Washington Patriot. THE CONSEQUENCES OF DOING RIGHT. There is a large a very large class of peo ple, who, when asked to do what they ac knowledge to be right, aro seriously alarmed lest the conscquciuca may be evil. "They are firmly persuaded that a sweet fountain may send forth bitter water, that thorns may bo gathered of grapes, and thistles of iigs. Not withstanding the experience of thousands of years to the contrary, the majority of men have got into the idea that evil will result from doing that which is right. Instance: Most men acknowledge that slavery is a very great evil, ono which they would be glad to see abolished, in saying which thcyadmit that it would bo right to abolish it. But but they aro afraid that this, that, and the oth er bad consequence will result from its aboli tion! "What will von do with the nl:iv.t" just as if there would be less work for them to do alter, than before freedom! The aboli tion of slavery will not diminish tho amount of labor to be done; it will only chango the condition of tho workmen, and fit them for doing it better, and moro advantageously. True, the relative position being changed, it will be a matter attended with some difficul ty for a while for those who were masters and slaves, each to conform to their changed re lations. Just so, every man who undertakes it finds difficulty in changing from any habit to which he has been long accustomed, to another. But this is by no means an evil. We observe in the report of a Peace meet ing lately held in Eon-laud, that the same ob jection is there urged against tho abolition of war. Men acknowledge that war is an evil, and ought to be abolished, but but "what will you do with the soldiers!" The an swer that is given to this bv ono of the speakers at that meeting, is so pertinent to uiu uniurnu uDjecuuu urgea against the aboli tion of slavery, that we copy it. "When it was announced the other day, said tho speaker, that I should preach a ser mon on peace, a friend of mine came to mo and said "but what are you going to do with the soldiors!" To that I replied'do without them. I hope you are all reformers every one of you should be such and each reform himself. Endeavor to set tho truth wnll planted in the world without much consider ing the effects it may have on those who are engaged in supporting error. Christ did not troublo himself as to what would become of the Jewish priest, scribes and Levites he taught the truth and let otherthings find their level. Did Su Paul think of the shrine ma kers being thrown out of employment when ho preached Christianity at Ephesus? No. Paul was not Providence he put down his truth, and left the consequence to God. Martin Luther could not tell what t in come of the monks, friars, and priests, when no imu out ins reiormation but he, too, set his truth down, holdkr. nnd rrA .u- face of man. In later years men spent not .iic ii- uiuKupon me sieam engine, because thev knew that its inventinn wnnU n.,t ..:a. stage coaches and all the parties employed upon them. Tho astronomers were not "de terred in their sublime work because the old prophetic almanacs, and those who dealt in them would havo their trade destroyed; ther hid each tO Set down snmn frront r.,ll. did so, and left it to do its work. And so we have nothing to do with what will be come of gun makers, and sword makers, and army lailors, or that tho abolition of the war system will throw the younger sons of tin nra,it;... e J . b ... ..... . .uw.iiijr um ui employment, we hav nothing to do with these or with the trumpet makers or drum stretchers we have to sot our truth down, and let it do its work." Correspondence the RICHMOND MAN-MARKET. A delightful part of Richmond is built on "Shockoe Hill,' near to which is "Union Hill." Standing upon tho farmer and look ing down upon the valley of death between them, most appropriately called Butchertown, I was shown six private iails or man mare. houses, where hundreds of the wretched vic tims ot oppression wero crammed within their Sultry cells while the thermometer with out stood at OS degrees, or blood heat! Six large buildings, built and used solely for tho man trade! How many moro I know not, for my expression of unoualifled ahhnrrene and detestation of the system cut short my iniormant s communications. I understand t'ioi:gh dial in Richmond, a well as in the national man-market at Wash ington, the moral turpitude or wickedness of the thing has no influence to deter the man dealer in his course; yet the public odium the disgrace, which ho keenly feels, and which is on the increase, has already to a kii:ji t Aieoi in.iou uie ncart rending exhibi tion of the thippins; of slaves, a work of darkness. In both places it is now dona chielly under cover of night. The man auctions in Richmond I under stand aro held daily. I heard an auctioneer cursing "tho hard times," becanse he had "sold but one nigger to-day." At the "Bell Tavern" I saw a w .man sold with an infant in her arms to one man, while her little daughter of some eleven years of age was knocked off" to another for 82.00 separated forever! The father the husband, I did not see. The cars from the North (I went to no other landing place) brought slaves to mar ket daily. These, on their arrival, wero thronged with slave dealers and jail keepers, who with shameless impudence, surpassed only by New York porters, all but wrangled for their prey. I have just now counted from the cars in one lot 13 slaves for sale. Threa men tvero chained together, one of whom led a little boy; four more men were rhnine cd together in couples; two women led a lit tle child between them, one of whom had an infant in her arms. Cnweancd children, I believe, aro not rrencrallv counted or ,,lrl separately from their mothers, but thrown iiuo me uargain. But enough of this for to-day. Poor old Virginia! Decrepitude, dilanidaiion n4 premature old age seem to be inscribed upon all her doings. Tho days of her greatness are gone! J. B. W. WHAT HAVE THE WITH Or, are the Baptist Churches in way Connected with it. , Mr. EniTOR. I Was led tn mi Io .!, : quiries from learning of certain events thai ... ...u..n,...uu in me town oi Haverhill; tho facts, as I learn, are tho following A number ot years ngo, a man by the name of Cottle, emifj-rated from .i,. , . " ; ureoan ot Weorrrla. and there lne:iio,l ,.A .ui:.L ed himsell in business. In a few vpnra h had accumulated unite, n hnnrtanm a part of which consisted in human chattels) auuiumg .u uia i.iws oi ueorrria. A few years aticrwards, Cottlo was taken sick, and, not being a married man, left no legal heirs to his property in Georgia. His children were part oi his property. The lawful heirs lived in Haverhill and its vicinity, and soma of them were members of the Baptist church there. Some few friends of the slaves thero thought they would make an effort to obtain their liberation. They labored wth the heirs to convince them it wag wicked and sinful in them to continue them in bonds. They to far succeeded as to get their consent to liber ate them, provided that the abolitionists would subscribe money enough to pay their expen ses to remove them to the free States. This was immediataly commenced upon by the friends of the slave, in obtaining subscriptions and donations for this object, Mr. Emerson, whose wile was one of tho heirs, came to Lowell last fall, at the time that the Baptist Association was being held there, to obtain funds for this object. They obtained some twolvo dollars. Other places were visited until between two and three hundred dollars were paid and pledged to meet the expenses of their removal. Bnt what was the result! One of the heirs, moved by some Satanic in fluence, saw fit to change his mind, and wrote on to the administrator of the estate to sell the nine slaves immediately, and they wers accordingly gold by the order of northern church members, and sre now toiling in servitude.