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ANTI 7! 33 SLAVERY VOL. 1. 'HDTJSTXDJl Tamil SLATICIIDlESliS." SALEM O., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1815, NO. i0. ANTI-SL A VK R Y BUGLE Published every Friday at Salem, Columbiana Co., O. JAMES BARNABY, Jr., Uciural Agent BENJAMIN S. JOXES, J. ELIZABETH HITCHCOCK, Editors 0" remittance to be made, and all Utter relating to the picumaru affair of thr paper. to Oe adilrcned (post paid) to the Uenerai "gent, rommumcation intended Jor inter- tion to be addrtsted to the Kdilor. ftfr Terms: 1.50 oer annum, or $2,00 if not paid within six months of the time of subscribing. Advertisements making less than a square inserted three times for 75 cents: one square $1. Publishing Committee: Snm'l Brooke George Garrelson, J mios B irn ily, Jr Duvid L. Galbrenth, L t II linins. From the Cincinnati Gazette. THE PARKERSBURG TRIALS. The case of the three Ohio citizens, indict ed at Parkersburgh foraidingnnd assisting in the escape of certain slaves from Wood coun ty, Virginia, came on for trial before the Cir cuit Court at Parkersburgh, on Monday last, and resulted in a special verdict. A large number of persons were in attendance from wrgin.a an. wn o, u.,t g.awu un ...fnpiii-itinn. flint tlm map u':ir rnnditntpn . i l... .:r.-.i in an orderly and quiet manner, and that great satisfaction was expressed by the citizens of both States at the course ot the trial. Ucn. J. J. Jackson appeared for the Common wealth of Virginia, Mr. Vinton of Ohio, and Mr. Wm. A. Harrison, of Harrison county, Va. for the Suite of Ohio, on the question ot tho boundary between the two Stites, and Messrs. Stinger and Spencer for the prison ers. The indictment cont.iins three several cnunts, founded on several laws of Virginia, one count being adapted to cacti law, to wit: . , i . : . r i e son to entice, advise, or persuado any slave 1. An net ueciarinir 11 leionv lor hiiv iter-1 from the possession or service ol las master possessor. 2. An act declaring it to oe iciony iorany to carry, or cause to be carried, any slave out 01 tne tommonweaun, against me consent ot 1110 owner wiin iineni toueirauuor deprive the owner of his property, 3. An act declaring it felony in any per son traveling by laud, who shall givo counte nance, protection or assistance to slaves ab sconding from their owners, with the luteii- tion of nreventinirthe slaves from bcingston- ped and apprehended. 1 he lowest punisnmeui iur incsu uuciiues oufinement la the Penitentiary for three ycars. the Virginia laws comer jurisuicuon on the Circuit Courts in counties w here a riv- er or water course is the boundary, oversuch so far as the jurisdiction of the State extends. There are twenty-one Circuit Judg- es, allotted to different circuits one ui each to hold Circuit Courts. There is a General Court held at Richmond twice a year, com- posed ot theso tweuty-ono Judges, or not less turn ten ot mem. ine juuge uoiuing me Circuit Court, is authorized in all cases of novnlty and iliiTioulty, with the consent of the prisdner to adjourn the ca-se over to the Gen- eral Court for its advice, what judgement to render. The next term of the General Court is held at Richmond, the first Monday of De- cember. After all the evidence in tho case had been amined, on the suggestion of tho Judge, and the concurrence of the counsel and the prisoners, it was agreed to tike a special ver dict, embracing all the material facts, in or der to take the advice of the General Court UDon the case, and if it should become ne cessary, to put it in shape for revision before the Supreme Court of the United States. In accordance with this arrangement a special verdict was rtnurncu, miuiiig . . . 1 I. That the defendants were citizens the State of Ohio, and entitled to the protcc- tion of that State. That upon information that the slaves named were about to run away from their tnaster in Wood county into tho State of Ohio several persons crossed the river into this State and sheltered themselves on the bank of the liver, in order to arrest and take the alavea back should they cross over. That late at night the slaves crossed in a canoe, which was hailed from the Ohio bank and tesponded to in the canoe, but the words not understood. I hat the Virginia party in am- bush descended to the river to apprehend the slaves, and found between tlie bank and the canoe several white men, and them tho three prisoners, who wont to the canoe, stepped into tne water Dy aide, and took from thence and conveyed tha Ohio side several wallets containing the clothing of the slaves. These persons and slaves were then seized, and taken over into Wood county and the slaves returned to their owner. 3. That on the 20th of July, 1815, when this transaction took place, the water on in the channel of the Ohio River in neighborhood, was 39 inches deep that in ordinary stage of low water, it was from to 30 inches on those bars, and in the lowest stage of water II inches, but the water been known to rise 55 feet in that part of river. The water in a good boatimr condi- tion was about G feet on these bars, and I I that stage would cover the beach where the canoe was grounded, and the transaction with the slaves took place; and that the bluff banks ot tlie river average about torty teet in height. 4. 1 lie inry found the acts ot V irurimn and of the United .States for the cession of the lands northwest of the River Ohio the ordinance of 17S7 the act establishing the otite ot Kentucky, and tlie compact relating to the jurisdiction on the Ohio of the States borderinji thereon the act of Congress au ilori7inT i,0 nuonle of Ohio to form a ('on. 8ljttion of Ktsito government, with the Stito Constitution, in which the boundary of that State on thesouth is defined'to be'bv the Ohio River to the mouth of the Great Miami Riv er," and the act of Congress admitting the State into the Union on the looting- of tlie original States. "And it upon these lacts the Court shall be of opinion, that by law the place where the acts ot the defendants were com mitted is within the jurisdiction of the Com monwealth of Virginia, then the jury find the defendants guilty, and assess their term of imprisonment at the period of three years. mil II on the contrary the l-nurk on the tacts found, shall bo of opinion that by law the place where the acts of defendants were com mitted is without the territorial jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of irgim, tl on tho ju ry hnd the delcndants not guilty, 1 his verdict is recorded and adjourned to the General Court which meets at Richmond next Monday, and will be there argued in full and decided. And if the decision shall be against the prisoners on the only question in dispute, that ot jurisdiction, tho case may fa rcmovcJ lo thc Supreme Court of the U. 1 States, We forbear comment on this case, at this time, leaving it to tho judgment of the Courts ot Justice The prisoners of course, remain in prison until the decision. ADDRESS TO THE PROFESSORS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE UNITED STATES. I I I God, in an eminent degree covering our ns or I seinbly as with a holy canopy; under the in- nucucc thereof, our hearts nave Deen eniarg pcrson ed towards our fellow-men of every class and 1 straining us, mat we nave leu our mums drawn to address you, briefly, in tho language of expostulation, calling upon you, as you de waters, sire the glory of God, the happiness of your fellow-men, and the salvation of your own I ot where the professed Christian sheathes his sword in the bowels of his brother thoclan among kingof Slavery's hateful'chain, the groans its up tha there is yet hope for our country. We he bars I lieve the unmerited mercy of God is yet ex- an 17 had the in Urethren and Sisters: Ucing assem- bled together in this our Annual Meeting, and being tavorcd to witness, trom time to time, i , i -1 : .1 1 : 1 1 . uunno-our upiioeraiions. iiiu ueiiinnanu ncait.- tendering influence of the unbounded love of description, Willi anient uesires km 1m.11 wi-i lare ana Happiness, in nine unu in rraimj The nrosneritv and extension of the cause and kingdom of the Prince of Peace, and the salvation of a fallen world, were felt to bo objects, for tho promotion of which we are called upon most earnestly, most devoutly, to labor. It is under the influence of theso convic- 110ns, ami in consiuurauon ui ui n:sfuuoiun- jty ihat rosts upon us, the love ot Christcon- gouls, to give your hearty co-operation in re- moving from the church, and the world thoso crvinir and enormous sins which operate so powerfully to tho prevention of the spread of the rungdom 01 onrist on earm, nnu uubuu.-u our country with the visitation of Divine judg- moots. Among those sins, wc believe it our duty at this time particularly to call your at- tention to war and Slavery, not only on ac- count of their pre-eminence in atrocity, but because their very existence in this ago, and in this country especially, is chargeable to the professors of Christianity, individually, and in their church organizations; by their apathy and indifference in regard to thoso irreat ovils, in many instances by an active participation in and open defence of them, and. in the case of Slavery especially, by the determined opposition (even of those who profess to be strongly opposed to the system) to those peaceful measures for its abolition, which we verily believe, God in his Provi- 1. nji. .v 1 aence nas canea into operation, as an uiht ui I mercy to a euilty nation; and which we as firmly believe will, if finally rejected by tho I American people, greatly add to their guilt, and consequently to their punishment, when the Divine forbearance shall have been ex- I hausted, and the nation shall be called to fearful reckoning for us sins. We cannot but believe that if tho profess- ed followers of Christ in an individual capac- ity, and in their church organizations, had heretofore taken and maintained a linn and uncompromising stand against these direful sins, the sound of war, the wailings of wid- ows and orphans renderod desMtulo by the sanguinary conflicts on the field of battle, the bleeding victim writhing under the ty- rant's lash, the sighing of husbands and wives, of parents and children, separated forever by the ruthless hand of oppression, would not I new nor henceforward, be heard in our land; I but universal liberty, would prevail from one I extremity of our country to the other. And we would impress it upon your minds, that tended toward us, the day el our visitation yet lengthened out a little longer we there toro most earnestly entreat you to use your great influenco for the reformation of the na- tion, and the removal of those crying sins, before mercy shall yield up the sceptre to in- flexible justice, and the besom ot destruction of c a is shall be passed over us. Remember your great responsibility ! Remember that upon you it depends, as instruments in the hands of a mereiful Providence, whether tho Heaven-daring system of Slavery shall cease to exist, (lor cease it must.) by the intervention of those measures which are of a peaceful and merciful nature; or whether it shall be ex tinguished in blood and carnage, or any oth er form of the manifestations of Divine dis pleasure. Sot your faces like valiants in the cans'! of Christ, against both war and Slave ry, nnd you will undoubtedly effect tho hap py termination of both; but if you continue to give thcin your countenance and support, wo cannot but foar that tho latter will bj termi nated amidst tho awful and desolating effects of tho former. We firmly believe that the peaceable abo lition of slavery nnd oppression would be the harbinger of the speedy approach of that day, when nation shall not lilt up sword against nation, nor learn war any more. O, happy period and joyful state, ardently to be desir ed, labored for, and prayed for. We cannot, in this brief expostulation, en ter into a detail of arguments to prove the ut ter inconsistency of both iho practices spo ken of, with the letter an I spirit of Christi anity, and every dictate of humanity and mer cy. Indeed tho proposition is so plain and so self-evident, as to need no argument to prove it, with any whoso minds are not grossly perverted and darkened. We appeal to the principles ol reason, and thc precepts ot Di vine revelation, as set forth in the Holy Scrip tures, and to the dictates of an enlightened conscience, to decide whether the nnlevolent and bloody system of war be not wholly re pugnant to the religion of the Prince of feuce, whose precepts teach us that all men sire our brethren, and that it is our duty to love even our enemies, to do good to them that hate us nnd to pray lor them that des pitefully use us, and persecute ur. We make the same appeal on the subject of Slavery. Is it possible lor any sane mind to believe that a system which tikes away every right and every privilege that distinguishes man from the bruto creation; which makes him an 'arti cle of property, to be bought and sold like a beast, to be driven under the lash of a task master; which, so far as is in its power, bru talizes the mind, and wholly disregards and breaks up all thoso lies of nature which we irize so highly, can "Be reconciled with that loly injunction of our Lord Jesus Christ "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them." The idea is preposterous ! The attempt at such a reconciliation is an attempt to recon cile Christ with Belial. Even the voico of naturo cries out against this iniquity; and the pagc3 ot divino revelation, and the admoni tions of an uupcrverled conscience, speak in tones of Sinai's thunder against this enorm ous system of oppression. As wo firmly believe that Slavery must cease from tho earth before thc reign of uni versal peace can come, wo wish most sol emnly to call your especial attention to this subject. W e again entreat you to remember your responsibilities! Remember the language of our Holy Redeemer to his immediate fol lowers, and consider it as addressed to you, individually: " j eare the light ot tre world; ' that is, if ye be careful to let your light shine beforo men in its purity; "but if thc light that is in thee become darkness, how great is that darkness !" And again: " Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the s ilt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned! it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men." Where is the light of that Christianity, or thc savor of that religion, which connives at, apologi zes for, defunds, nnd rven participates in the pratico of American Slavery? Surely tho light has become thick darkness, and tho salt has lost its savor indeed; and by the gross misconduct of the professors of Christianity, they have caused the way of truth to be evil spoken of. Wc have no doubt but the slave holding, slavery-dul'euding, and abolition-op posing professors have been tho true causo of the fearful inroads that the spirit of infidel ity is making in our country : and tin) apathy and indifference of a largo number of thoso who profess to be fully convinced of the great evil of slavery, have added greatly to the spread ot that spirit. 1 he professed disci pies have held their peace till the stones have cried out. Impelled by the loud calls of na ture and humanity, even the sceptic lias been induced to cry out against the enormities ot A- merican Slavery; and when he finds the pro fessed Church of Christ arraying itself a- gainst thoso who are pleading tho causa of the oppressed, is it any wonder that lio should be emboldoned in his opposition to that relig ion whose professed disciples and accredited ministers thus uphold and defend a system. at which infidelity itsolfrecoils! Whatmore effective weapon could the unbeliever use a gainst the Christian religion, than that which its professors and teachers have furnished him with! And it is no marvel that he has been but too successful in its u-,e. Thous ands, wo believe, whose hearts have been touelied with deep sympathy for the suffering slave, have had their belief in the Christian religion shakon by the corrupt fruit of its pro fessors and teachers. They see members and ministers of the great and popular denomina tions, engaged in the nefarious task of buy ing and selling, of chaining and tasking and exacting the sweat of their follow Christians, with stripes, "which mercy with a bleeding heart, weeps when she sees inflicted on beast" they see these slaveholding professors of Christianity owned and communed with as good brethren in Christ, by tha great mi joriiy of the nominal Church they behold men of great talents and literary attainments, ' and who maintain a high character as men of exalted piety, men who nre looked up lo as eminent divines and able expounders of Christian theology, laboring as it were with the zeal of apostles, to justify this abomina ble system from the llible to make it a Christian institution. They bohold the great mass of Christians coming up to the polls, eager to elevate slaveholders and pro-slavery men to the highest offices in the Government, and giving tho system the most efficient sup port, by freely purchasing and using its blood stained products. In view of this ap paling exhibition of Christianity, wo ask a gain, is it any wonder that infidelity U mak ing its inroads in our land! And to cap the climax of folly and madness, these pro-slavery Christians, with rcat apparent zeal for the causo of Christ, now attribute ihis in crease of seeplicism (which is the legitimate fruit of their own doings) to those who are laboring to vindicate the honor of our pure and holy religion from tho foul imputation of sanctioning ono of tho greatest systems of abomination that was ever practised among mon. And now, in conclusion, we would renew our earnest expostulation with all who love the cause of Christ, to stand forth in vindi cation of his holy religion from the foul as persions cast upon it by its professed friends. O, be not behind, we beseech you, be not be hind the unbcliovcr in the advocacy and the exhibition of practical righteousness, lest your ears bo siluted with the awful language used by the Divine Author of our religion, to a highly professing people formerly: "The publicans and harlots shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven beforo you." Signed by direction and on behalf of Indi ana Yearly Meeting of Anti-Slavery Friends, held at Newport, Wayne County, Indiana, from the 1st to the Gth'of the 9th mo., iuolu sive, 1815. WALTER EDGERTON, ) REBECCA EDGERTON, J Clerks. THE COLORED PEOPLE. a The Legislature of Michigan at its last session, appointed a committee to report on the propriety ol extending the right ot suit- rage to colored men. w e give below some extracts: "The objector says the colored man is of race inferior, and intellect weaker than the white man. Neither history nor experience sustains the objection. On the contrary, they conclusive ly refute it. Like other nations, Africa hud hpr season of glory. During it she was one of the most powerful nations of tho world. Her victorious arms had nearly annihilated the Romans. Her black Hannibal will ever be found in the list of Ciesars and Bonapartes. The limits of a report, however, forbid en- largom!nt. In modern times, one of tho greatest wri ters of the day, celebrated for his intellect, and brilliant talent, amid thc most brilliant capiUl of the world, Alexander Du mas, a colored man. Europe's first men deem his acquaintance an honor. Many other in stances might be mentioned. In this State, the objection is decisively exposed by the public exhibition ot talent, in colored men un der tho most unpropitious circumstances. 1 he committee allude to the many public addresses in the State, made by persons bom in Slavery, and denied the nidol educa tion. In estimating the intellect of colored men, sufficient allowance is not generally made for the effects produced on a race by continued servitude, and a denial of education, during a series of generations. Reverso the situa tion of the African and the European make the one the master, and the other the slave for centuries, and tho white man will then pos sess the supposed characteristics of natural inferiority; to illustrate this the committee quote the following passage from the celebra ted American tiavei:jr, Stevens. .ve Greece, Turkey an t Kmsia, vol. H H irper's td. page -10: "I was forcibly struck,' says he, 'with a parallel between the white serls ol luis sia, and African bondsmen at home. The Russian boor generally wanting the comforts that are supplied to the negro on or.r best order ed plautations,appeared to me to be no less de graded in intellect, character, and personal bearing. Indeed tho marks of physical and personal degradation were so strong,lhut I was nsensiuiy compuueu w auuiiuon curiam uir- ones not uncommon among my countrymen at home, in regard to tho intrinsic superiority of the white race over others. I'erhaps, too, this impression was aided by my having pre viously met with Africans of intelligence and capacity, standing upon a footing of perfect equality as soldiers in the Greek army, and the Sultan's." But some may ask, do not the moral hab its of the colore J people place them below whites! Your committee has been assured by citizens of Detroit well qualified to judge, and entitled to full credit, that tho moral hab its of this people are better than those of equal and average number of whites. The eolorej population of Detroit is about COO. has tw o Churches, two sabbath schools, day school, a temperance society, a female benevolent society, a young men's lyceum, and debating society. Over 250 regularly the churches. The official repo.'t of Detroit school committee for the past year states that the colored children between Rges of 5 and 17 are 109, and that of these 03 attended schools, a proportion very great ly exceeding that ef tho white children, even after unking every possible allow ance. Oi the 41 not attending school, some'doiibtless were hired out, and obtained education others obtained it at home, some wore detained by sirkness, per haps, or want of proper clolthing, so that the number that voluntarily absttinrd from education was trifling. This important fact is very significant of the people's habits Tho same facts are also shown in the colored population of Washtenaw. In that county, thure are many colored farmers of the highest respectability, and they are, without one ex ception, aming tl.e most honest, industrious, and moral of thc community. They are inde pendent in circuin8Uinres, good citizens, en couragers of schools, churches, and morality. The heaviest petitions for their franchise coma from that quarter. Again, our colored pcoplo are rarely found as criminals, or in poor-houses. They are not mendicant3 do not burthen the country, but make an hor.rst living, spite of the dis advantages of prejudice and legislative deg radation. Many of them, too, have come from the South, poor anil friendless to a new climate, and among strangers having expe rienced in law but au instrument of oppression and with our border river only between them and immunity from any deeds they may commit. From the Chicago Daily-News. LEGAL MURDER. ROCK ISLAND, ILL., Oct. 25, 1845. a I the an It a at tend the the Mr. Editor: I hasten to lay before your readers an account of the horrible tragedy just enacted here. John Long, Aaron Long, and Granville Young have this day been hung according to law for the murder of Col. tieorgo Davenport. Although tlie morning was a rainy one, an immense concourse of peo ple were seen assembling trom every part ot the country, and at the time of the execution I made an estimate, and should judge thero were five thousand present a promiscuous assemblage of men, women and children, At 11 o'clock the guard formed in a hol low square before the jail, and marched to the gallows, whero they were dismissed un til after dinner. Music by the Green Mnun tiin Boys, composed expressly for the occa sion. At one o'clock the guards again form ed in front of the jail, when the prisoners were I brought out, and conducted in sulemr proces sion, Willi music, to the gallows. 1 he guard formed in a hollow square about the pillows, while the prisoners ascended the seallold and took their seats Willi the sheriff. Several other gentlemen also ascended the scaffold. I say other gentlemen, for the prisoners ap peared very much like gentlemen. They were well dressed, and up to this time, scarce ly any emotion was visible in their counten ances, liut after sitting awhile, a slight paleness seemed to overshadow their faces. as they looked upon tho crowd, and upon the apparatus before them. Strange would it be it their hearts did not sink in that hour. The sheriff advanced and read the order for their execution; after which ho remarked that if the prisoners wished to say anything, oppor tunity was given. John L,ong then arose, (the sheriff having unbound his arms) and advancing forward, made a very polite bow, and addressed the audience as follows. I give the substance of what he said, avoiding his frequent repetitions, and correcting bia language, which was sometimes ungrammat ical and otherwise incorrect: " Ijodie and Gentlemen of the retpeetable audience: I appear beforo you a dying man, about to bo launched into eternity, and re quest that you will listen to what 1 have to say before I leave this world forever. My self, my brother Aaron, and my friend Gran-' ville Young, you see brought before you a bout to be hung for the murder of Col. George Davenport 1 now say to you, gentlemen, and 1 wish you to receive it as the declara tion of a dying man, that as for myself I plead guilty, but thse two men (pointing to the prisoners) are innocent of the crime. I wish you to receive this as the dying declaration of a otiii. (Here he became much affected.) I now tell you, gentlemen, that Robert Birch William Pox, Theodore Brown and myself committed that murder though we killed Mr. Davenport unintentionally and I wish tho people of Rock Island distinctly to un derstand and depend upon it, that no other person is guilty of that crime, either as ac cessory before or after the affair, and every other man who is hung for that crime is hung innocent As lor me, gentlemen, I do not fear to die; the fear cf death was never be fore my eyes; but 1 cannot bear to see two in nocent mon hung. Look at the evidence a gainst these men. Who was it! The evi dence against Aaron amounts to nothing at all. There was not the slightest evidence excepting what was givon by Birch, and I do not believe there is a man within the sound of my voico, who doea not believe that Birch perjured tiimscll. I lie grocery man testified that Aaron bought bread there, but when ha come to look at him, he said that he thought tne roan wno Dougni tne oread was two or three inches taller. So you see what that amounts to. As to Granville Young, upon whose evidence wa3 he convicted! Is Mr. Bonny here! (Here he looked for some time among the crowd.) If Mr. Bonny ia hero, it is my request that lie step lorward. (He was told Mr. Bonny waa not there.) Well, then, if Mr. Bonny is not here, it knocks C50 pagea from my speech. That man Bon ny has been held up before yeu, gentlemen, as one of the best men that ever lived. But I now tell you that ho is the chief among thieves and robbers, and waa accessory both before and after the taot, to ti.e murder of Miller. You may apply to Dr. William und Mi. Loomis, ua witnessee to tjhat tact.