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ANT AVERY 11 1 T H I In j s '-j f -J- J 13 U uf Jj Jlio S; -Li VOL. I. SALEM 0.,IKI1AY. UKCKMKr.Il 'J(!, isi;., A N T I-S L A V E 11 Y H U G L E. rublisheil every Friday at Salem, Columbiana Co., O. JAMES 15AR.A!iV..Ii'., G.-ncral A-'cn PENJAMIN S. JONES. j. elizauei'ii iiirciicoc Iv, Editors (fc5.7 remittance to be. made, and all It 'ten relating In the pecuniary affnirt if th-papr,: to be adJrciied (post paid) to the (ienerul Jgfsir. CummuniciUnn intended for inser tiontobcaJJrrt.ud to the Editors. (I3r TisrtMs: ?l,00 per annum, or !C.OO if not paid within six months of the tine of subscribing. Advertisements making loss than a square inserted three times lor 73 cents: onn square C-l. 1'fni.KiiiM) ConurrritK: S -in'i Hi" "bo (ieergo (i.irrn'-iim. I nu" II m il v, Jr Divij I.. G ilbreM'i, I. -i il dines'. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE GOVERNORS OF OHIO AND VIRGINIA. Gov. Bartley to Gov. McDowell. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, O. Columbus, Oct. 11, 1845. to your ton requisition, presented lo your Excellency sniiio two weeks since, for the arrest arnl elo livory to the authorities of Ohio, of I'rtnois Lewis, WyaU Lewis, James ('nr. Ninirod Cop. en-J C t'via Rnekinhaagb. win) were in ilidclin the cn-er.ty of Washington,?! State of O., for the crime ( ki In apping three white citizens, within ti f" j n ii -'!;.' i u of this State, ant forcing th-ai in'.') l!to Stiia of Virginia. This act Ins pro: net-1 a ileop an! intense feeling anions ihe people of Ohio. We are extremdy anxbcis to preser-,r p:t aoo ar.J h?.r mony between the States, ami we comidi'iitly believe that peice ami harmony cannot ho preserved, unless the authorities of each Stat" v ill promptly execute the int"rnationl laws; end tans check tiny act nf violence which too o't'7?r.s of one Stttt m-'V pernetrdo on ihos? of the other. Al'nTii patient hearing (fall the testimony nd-hieed, tho ('!rnd Jury of Wes'iingtoii county foaml those live men above n-nud, guilty of the crime charged. They have lie 1 from this State, and are il tjh- at large within the St-, to of Yir irir.h. Now nil wo ask of your Excellency is, t!i". t n.tional right which the Constitution of the I'ni'cil St a!-;;, -n 1 nets of Corcjr-ss, ruaniiti e to each ii'. :!e ;;nd T, rrit-TV within the Confe'h r,;cy; r.n'l as it is liy this intcrn:'. tion .1 I. iw, til it the onion of the States has t ei n. rn.l must siiil he, preserve 1. wc can h"liev? your Kvcf 'icney will r;. f:!Tf f'.hio the ri'at to punish tin pi-Ttr.:tors i-f eri;:ie. ro:n:ni't''-.l within her juris.lictirn. Sine,. hi these five m-n he arri"-.'.- I. r.arl ih-live ! tj he the authorities of Ohio prperlv rejir.lcrl. Th th'iir rights v V 'Vill h iV. a I.itr, nnl p;;jlie. tnil liy an fnjjirtnl jury; and wc trust tint the citizens of Ohio, who are now impris-ined in Wood county, Vinjin ii. will mjoy the s iiuc riirhrs. This coer ce will pr-elude a recurrence of di "eulty he-t-.veen the citizens on cieh side of the rivr. iin l preserve pe.tcc andh rmony between the Ntat's. V'ill your E ;cel!encv' at your (-."irlie;:! er.n-veni-nee, apprize me r f the Executive action on the papers referred to. And lie assured I am, Sir, with great respect Your E'ceciliiny's OVt Sv't, M. HARTLEY. IJis Excellency, James McDowrn., Coventor of Virginia. Gov. McDowell to Gov. Bartley. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Richmond Va., Oct. 21 1815. Sib: 1 reeivcil on yet. i!y your li lt r nf t'lH 13th ins.., in relation to the requisi tion which you have, recently made on the Executive authority of this K::t" for the ar rest and surrender of certain persons who are therein demanded as fugitives from the jtis tico of yours, and I answer it tho more promptly as I was in the very ret, whi n re ceiving it, of advising your Excellency of the present decision of this Department upon the requisition its. If. C isxil oireiim-;t iue.os, tr- pether with some delay in pseert lining in.. th rill facts not in possession of this Department until lately, have prevented me from lorming and from making this known at as early a day as 1 could have wished. I have now, however, to inform your Ex cellency that nil of the persons named in your requisition to wit, Francis Lewis, W'vatt Lewis, James Coe, Niinrod Coe and Calvin Jlockeiibaugh, are at this time under legal process, cnm)cllinj their attendance r.s wit nesses in a prosecution which is pending he fore ono of our courts anrainst thn very persons whom they are, severally; charged in tha re quisition with having kidnapped, and are in conseqiiencfl thereof reserved from surrender bv B provision of a law of this State (a copy of which is herewith sent) until they tiro ful ly discharged irom the process by which they are held. Yhilst I need not say to your Excellency that the ooligalion on my part, as r.xecutive, In maintain the reouiroinents of our own law In this respect is complete and imperative, I cannot but hope that you will concur with me in opinion upon the reasonableness anil no cessity. of the law itself. It is not peculiar to Virginia, but is to be found in substance amongst the laws of several of the other states and in all cases rests upon tho stme sound and rational principle, that whetu v, r any one is under the claim of law for the parpos, s of justice, it is wrong to surrender hir.i f. f:i -y after claim for a similar purpose until the first shall have been satisfied anil disposed of. Tike the very c isc which is before us at pre sent, ana a more striking illustration ol the truth of the principle or of the value of the law which is founded upon it could scarcely beofH red. Were I to deliver up to your Ex cellency the persons whom you have deman ded whilst the tri il for an aliedged aggression upon tho property and rights of citizens of which those persons are the principal if not the sole witnesses, is still pending and undetermined. were I to do this, the ivcstiiratii'iis and authority of the Court would he stopped the whole evidence in the case wool. I he taken away, and taken away forever if the persons surrendered should he convicted of I'dony the parties implicated acquitted without trial, and thus the purpo ses of justice efl'i -dually defeated through an Executive agency w was lie ant to pro! et them. Indeed, tho surrender, i.iulerexis'ing eireumst inces, would he, in idled, to endow your Eeelleeey with the double privilege of subjecting certain citizens of 'irgiui.i to an ignominious prosecution in Ohionnd discharg ing r.t th" same lime certain ethers of Ohio from a similar prosecution h-re. doiibtedly would bo th" result of roieii tin nnnlvinir. presi :,t, with your Exee'leiicy's demand .Still, hov.-iver, 1 a:n p"-l'ectly confident th .t in ma!. log it, ;,nd making it now, your Ex cellency has acted with no design wiia'soev er of th.v.'arti.ig the e.,ure and operation of our laws, but with the singlo and honorable one of maiut.ini'.ig inviolate I'm claims ef your own. Acting then in this same spirit r f ofliicia! fidelity, and in cnforini'y with the provision of law before alluded to, 1 shall H-elme giv ing any order at prent fir the and doll very over of the p-rsans wh ere : -in your Excellency's requisition. V, !:' er they Jure uishursjed the pr. c -a fore ft .te.l, and when tan judi'iii-i i of tne.l Court, in ail Us bearing un-m tiie persons and principles involved, shall he made known to this Cep irt.nent, it will then have tho wh-de eis- in id, hands, and will he able to proceed ;.l once la a mill iie.:i.non upon it. 1 laving thus answered y .-ur Excellency's req listion, I have now to submit cue f,'o,,i thU Department upon yours, demanding the surrender of Jos. Uomamc, Titus Shotweil, ae. 1 b rtou Si aunton, who were indided at the Neptem-Vr term of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chincory for tho county of Wood, in tlii- State, begun and held on the first day cf the month, upon a charge of f'elnnieais'y r-ii'.ioing and alluring away, and otherwise i-::Jing in the removal and abscond ing from the service ami possession of their owner, eert'.in s.u es the propeity of a citi zen i f this Mat,;. Thi.! r' ;;;i-.ii n. as your Excellency will perceive. i Ion need upi n an indictment which is prior even to that on which your own has been made, and is otherwise in all constitu tional and le-al ropods precisely the same, i cannot dmibt, thereibre, but that its validi ty will Ii" promptly ac!;u awledgeJ.&.if no le gal obstide ovists, that the necessary meas ure? will ho as promptly taken to give it ef fect. Could I at any moment have doubted tiiis, an I have supposed tint your Excellen cy would bo unwilling to admit as obligato ry upon your own Executive action, the coun ter;' irt fli" the very e.fl'e i 'l instrument which you have- presented as obligatory upon mine. that d:;u,;t would have been removed in th" most ample manner by tho very explicit and np.iatie positions ot your letter. .Notanv', indeed, could be stnuB-er upon this point than e emphasis with v ' e h your Excellency 'dares it lo be your e olident belief, that e p'T-c and harm- ( the several States r.uot be maintain! ! i .e"p! through the faith- 1 execution ol all international laws by the inlhoi'ilies ol each; ".ml t.iat tin; Union itsell open. Is for its presorcMion upon the steady nforeeinent of th it federal guarantee which eeures to every Stite, as a pirt of its sover eignty, tlie delivery over lj Us laws ol every criminal against them. This is the doctrine of Virginia tho doc trine as we believe of patriotism and of the Constitution; and having ofien maintained it rl.'cs in the f.ieo of opposition, and dei.i nd rebuff, we cannot be otherwise than nle sed at having so powerful an auxiliary as Ohio to assist us in maintaining it for the fu ture. Ontiued ;3 I cm at the position on thu subject, which you have taken for your young and powerful Commonwealth, and pspeenby at hiving the benefit of it in advance on the side rf the demand which I have hereitl the honor to forward, 1 am see rely less so in believing that your own gratification will be 'ully equal to mine at having so early an op portunity ot stamping the doctrines ot you letter with the seal of a practical and official conlirmati in In r l ition to the citizens of Ohio who are now under trial in the county of Wood, anil whose situation is specially referred to in your letter, 1 trust that your Kxcellency wilt leel entirely assured mat mo nix aid Honor able trial whic h you invoke lor them willeer- t inlv bo bad. Without extending this communication any farther, I will add only, that whilst I n gree with your Excellency in believing that much may be done by a faithful use of Ex ecutive stithority to restrain thp comini 'sion of olU'iiccs between citizens ol il iilereut St ites, I uiil yet satisfied that our solid and effectu al reliance for this end is in the private mor ality of these citizens themselves and in the prevalence amongst them of a true spirit of justice and respect for the rights of each oth er. With such a spirit we h ive a security for pithlie peace iminoasar ihiy stronger than everything which law, with ail its bonds, im prisonments and lilies can allbr-.l. Let such a spirit as this be extended to the constitu tional and legal rights of the people id" Vir ginia in their slaves let every atte-npt at the a'hiromcc.t or removal of those, slaves from the possession of their owners be given up, as both illegal and immoral, by those who disclaim them as property let this be done, and your Ex-, ellency needs in assurance from me tint the kindly rel itions between Ohio and ViiL'i'iia am more likely than ever to re main undisturbed and perpetual. With very great respect. 1 am your Excel lency's niO:,t obedient servant, JAS. McDOWELL. To His Excellency, M. Hmitlev. Ciovernur of Ohio (Gov. Bartley to Gov. McDowell.) Exprt-Tivs OmcE, Ohio, ) Columbus. Nov. .Id, 1HI."). $ Sin: I bad tho honor t j n et ive a few days since, your Excellency's communication of the 'Jist ult., in reply to my letter of the I.'lla lilt. Six weeks pre-'ioos to the receipt of this communication, a requisition from this office in due form, was presented to v., r Ex cellency, for the arrest and delivery to the authorities of Ohio, of l'rai c is Lew is, Wv .... i n... v- ... an i,i' e-, jaiue vuo, iNiaarou e.oo nil' hilvin Rockenbnugh, agiiiist whom indict ments were returned, in t he cou, ,yof Va:..i u-ion, and sum oi uiiio, i, r me alrocoas rime e.f kidnapping three fit!-., es of Ohio. our com riunieation contains tie first in i- ma.'. vp, i,:.-. i - ,ieii, as to any action on the part t your ex.- a encv, on the S'lhj. ct of the re- usinoii irom nits oua-e. : ? tno eium: on Inch tun '.'maud tor the arrest was p.-edi- ated, is one of no ordinary magnitude, and s toe execution of criminal i isiico ttlw.ivs piires promptness, yen will ..lio.y mo to xpress to you my regret, taa! circumstances Id have arisen, lo occasion so intu h do- :y in your action. learn with no small oegrre of surprise. tin; d termination which voa have made on subject of the requisition. You have as it app"irs. duierred your fin d d vision, until ::io luture period, and declined, at the pre sent, issuing a warrant far the arrest. Yon y in your comaiuuication, after sneaking of the delay in your action, ! have now. how ever, to inform your Excellency, tint all this persons named in your requisition, are at thin time, (that is, at the date of your letter,! un- r legil proeess.compelling lhn!r attendance as witnes.-c?, m a prosecution, tec 1 our statement leaves urotind lor the in ference, th t after it had become known, in irgiuia, tint a requisition had been presen ted to you, and during the delay which oc curred, between the time of making the de mand upon you, and the date of your letter. the legal process spoken of h id been served on the persons whose arrest was reouired. If the persons h id bei n under ior-il process t tno time the ilein iu I for the arrest had been ,de, it is to bo presumed the lad would have been so stated. Permit mo further to ay to Y'i'.ir Excellency, that tiie reasons ass igned ler your in clining to issue the warrant for the nrre-it, -t present, and deferring your final decision on tho application; until a fu- tactory. by deler your haul decision up on the merits ef the application, and deter mine to take the matter up for consideration, only after the (.-".sous whoso arrest is deman ded, shall have b"cn discharged from legal process as witnesses! bearing the Pigment ol a criminal court in lrjiina, can have on the prosecution of other pers-vns. upon a different eharg', in enabling you to firm a re correct decision noon Ihe pendingreoui- sition, is wholly beyond my comprehension; and tne ueie.v inciuem 10 mis course, would nfl'e.rl an opportunilv to tho persons h o arr.-sl is sought, to niahe their escape; an event. doubt not, which your Excellency would much regret. Jiut the provisions of the law of Virgin-!'., which you famish, and give as the ground on which you lusa your r d',ial to issue a war rant, are n-.-t applicable, to thn c.iso. By the provision of that law, thn exemption from ar rest, upon the requisition of the Executive of another State, is confined to 'perm :s u:r!er pro-:c?uiinn fir Ireumn, felony or itther rrm". aU.'.e.l U) Hive ucn eimini u.', in Virginia, nn-l t i per -.13 in r-i- 'a fy up in any er: utinn or upon any writ or process." -i on do not claim that tho persons whose arrest I have demanded, are "in custody" upon any pro cess. To be in custody, the person of an in dividual must be in the keeping, and under confinement by an nTicer entrusted with s ame h'gil process, authorizing the imprisonment. According to n rition il or looitiante con struction of a law, can a per -tin under a mere rummons or subpce-ia, to appear in a case as a witness, be retried as in custody." This law, therefore, does not nppe ir to me to bo applioblo to thn case, inasmuch as, from your own at itemed, thesn persons aro only under a m'T' process of a subprena, as a wilnoiS, and not " in custody," upon any pro'-pss, or under any criminal prosecution, in I'irL'inlct. The requisition whi-h I have m ado upon vou. for the arrest of Ihe persons named. wa3 made in strict conformity to thn provisions of a law of Congrr-.-ss.ol tho l-.Uh r ehrmry,179., but under tho authority ol thn second oliusc of tho second sedion of the dth article of tho Constitution of tho United Stttei, which is in tha words following, to wit : " a person charged, in any Stile, with treason, felony, or other erim", who shall 11 -o from justice, and be found in .mother stne, she!', de. m ind of the Executive authority of the state; from which he lied, be delivered up, to be removed to the state hiving jurisdiction of the crime." This provision of thn constitution is imper ative. " O i i . '.-; i ''(," thn fugitive from jus tice ahall ! I'fVen up. Thn Constitution is subject to tu qu ililieation or condition, and is paramount to any mere act, passed by the Le gislature of any one of th" stabs. it appears evident to me, that good faith towards the national compact, require the i'lithf.ll e'.servanen of, and strict obedience to. the high injunctions of the United States. If the Legisl .tore of one of the States has the power to pass a law, annexing conditions or qualifications to an imperative! provision ef tho (' institution of tho L nited States; or if tiie chief executive magistrate, from conside rations of local expediency, has the power to evade a compliance with tiie imperious in junctions of that constitution, then, that sacred chart nf our nation il liberty will 1; mere rope of smd, and longer t a -, any pro tection t a the respective rights of the Stites of the l iiion. The law of Congress, ef the I2ih February, IT!).-!, points out the mode of making ihe de mand for the surrender of fugitives t'.oin jus tice. I'nder this law, it is provided, that, whenever the executive authority ol a State in the Cuion, shall demand anv person as a fugitive from justice, and produce a enpy of an indictment, or an affidavit, undo beiore a magistrate, preferring the charge, fee, " il j he th - duty ef the executive authority of the State to which such person shall have 1, tj cause him or her to he arrested and delivered ever, e." Neither the Constitution of the United Stites, ii"r this 1 nv of Congress, will admit of tho construction, that the sarrendei of a fugitive from justice, is to be subject to the conilnion, that tho surrender is not lo lu made, in case the lu'ritivc 13 under too mere process of a suhpuena, to appear in a case as a witness in court. Tho paramount objects of our national union, an.l the (.reservation of the friendly relations, the peace and harmony of the several stites, aro certainly not to yield, or be made second ary to a mere suit, pending in a local court. If such a construction should be given t ithis provision of the Constitution, it would ren der it almost a nullity;, and, whenever an of fender should learn, that a requisition was about to be made for bis surender and punish ment, for a criminal depredation, perpetrated upon the person and property of an adj loent State, all he would have to do, would be to get some ef his friends or accomplices, to serve upon him a procoss to appear, as a wil !, in some proceeding pending in a local court, and thus defeat the purpose of justice. In the caso now unde r consideration, in carrying out the provisions of the internation al law, and thereby preserving the friendly relations between the States, there is no occa sion, as I apprehenl, to interfere with the proceedings, which you mention, in the crimi nal court of Virgiuii. Tho persons whose arrest and surrender is demanded, can, by means of giving bail for their appearance, to answer t i tho criminal charge, in Ohio, be used as witnesses in the court of Virginia, and the fid nf their testimony being necessi ry, fir the purposes of justice, (if such be the case.) in a criminal court of Virginia, would be pi-d cause for continuing the trial in Ohio, until the proceedings in Virginia be disposed of. A friendly and amica'de disposition on the part of the authorities nf each stale, would certainly enable us to -ubscrvo in the most ample in -inner, all the purposes of justice. without doing violence to the provisions of tiir inK rnationul law Darin? tho period at which the difficulties alluded to, h ivii existed, between soma of the citizens of Ohio, and some of those of Vir ginia, thn public authorities in Ohio, bavt tikeu special care, and th .t too se. -ct-ss to maintain an amicable ao I correct course on (he put of the citizens of Ohio. Our citizens have been assured that they would find am pie justice in the judicial tribunals of Virgin ia, and speedy redress of their wrongs. The act perpetrated hy the citizens of Virginia, whose arrest and surrender is demanded, was a high-hnnded outrage, calculated to lead to Teat popular excitement, it appears trmn tho testimony received at tins oiaiee, that the design of tho negroes to leave the'r master an I cross the Ohio river at the very time they lid, was known in the neighborhood where tiie si ivcs resided far several days previous ami tins luiurmnion was communicate i to tho citizens on tho Ohio shore by Virginians for the of exeiling their curiosity; else, why did they not nrrost the slaves on the V irgioia shore! 1 bus excit-d hv the ci tizens of Virginia, sever 'I on Iho Ohio side collected on the hank of the river, and. as thn slaves ascended the bank, some ten or twe of the citizens of Virginia, bring concealed, (hiving previously iroised the river,) ran from their ambusc ide, arm 'd musU-ts and sabres, ordered th si ives immediately to the boat, then, having fired et. captured, and forced from the juris diction of ihoir own St ite, t'ar 'n citizens of Ohio, into the Sta'e or Vir ginia, where they aro now i lewdly im prisoned. Tu redress the w rong done by this outrage to the rights of our citizens, an.l to ihe sov ereignty of the State, resort has thus fir been had lilono to the peaceful remedies of judicial proceedings. Hut if your Excellency is not disposed to lend your aid, and tho exercise of your authority, to redress these wrongs by the couimO of legal proceedings; if tho injunc tions of the national compact aro to be tnada secondary t- strained constructions of mora Stu,- rr-idments, and matters of local expe diency; it a diabolic -il out'-age of this kind 14 to be perpetrated by citizens of Virginia upon the persons of citizens of Ohio, and the per petrators escape with impunity, under the pro tection of the authorities of Virginia; be as sured sir, thefrii ndly feelings and intercourse between the two States will be greatly endan uered, and it is feared the people of Ohiowilj tike justice in their own bands, and redress their own wrongs, without a recourse lo the aiitii rities of Virginia. I do not say this by way uf threat, nor without due rellection. I be iieveyour Excellency to be acting from gooil motives; but sir, it is not human nature fir any people to submit tamely,and see their people kidnapped, and imprisoned in a for eign jurisdiction. I tell you, sir, plainly, with proper respect, and with duo delibera tion, that Ohio will not submit to such wrongs. Let mo ask you then, sir, in the exercise of your high functions, and with a disposition which I doubt not you possess, to preserve tin1 peace and happiness of the people of tho whole I'nion, to it-consider the determination which you have made on this auhjeet. You inform nieby your communication that Joseph Romanic, Thus Shotwe'!,and Herton S:mton, have been indicted in Wood county, Virginia, upon a charge of " en;l( ing and al luring away slaves from their master in Vir ginia," and in your letter, you demand their S;. r.ender. No requisition in a legal form, as yet has been presented at this office, accompanied with a copy of indictment. I cannot prcsumo that, i'i a matter of so much import nice, your Excellency expects me to dispense with the usual legal and Constitutional requirements, in tho surrender of citizens of Ohio. Should a requisition come, in a proper and legal form, accompanied by the necessary pa pers, I will assure you. sir, it shall rpceive all proper attention, with due regard lo iho injunctions of the Federal Constitution. In conclusion, permit me to say, that thn authorities of Ohio have thus f ir been faithful lo tho performance of their duties relative to fugitive slaves. I am not aware that any pal liation exists, unless in mere imagination, for the outrage perpetrated hy thn citizens of Vir ginia within tin; jurisdiction of Ohio. How your salutary admonitions on tho subject of tho morality and virtue of the citi zens of tho two states may be, is yet left to conjecture; but I will assure you, sir, that no where in Iho I'nion, tho " Old Dominion" not excepted, are the citizens more moral and peaceable than those el u::to. .Mill, l trust sir, the admonitions will not be entirely use- ess. I am yd firmly of opinion that the ad ministration of the critninil law ought not to be relaxed, unless it be intended to let tho people avenge their own wrongs, by a resort to violence. With great respect, I am, sir, Your obedient servant. M. BARTLEY. His Excellency, J imes McDowell, Governor of irgiuia. RELIGION AND SLAVERY. We have before us 'A condensed Anu-Sla- very llihle Argument by a citizen of Virginia,' a pamphlet of Hit pages, New York, 1845. We are ever pained when we see or hear Religion and Slivery mentioned in con nexion. Here we confess we lose all that clnr'.ty which wo can at all times feel to wards tho greatest criminals and the worst ot primes. We imagine that no ono looks up on tho lion and the snake with the same feelings, nlthouuli deith may bo threaten- 1 by both. Ho to the held 01 haltlo, and sec tho brains scattered irom tno crush ed scull, or the great gush of thn heart's blooi! and the t Work of (,'ol has been mar:- d! This sight is horrid enough. But go to the gloomy chamber of the victim of secret poison! See the wasted form the anguished eve the drenl of frienl and foo the horrible war of tho ncessary craving for food and the instinctive keen sense of fita! poison now when all thd Cod has in tended for support in the trying hour aro turned into the bittere st curse look there, misery and madness struggling for suprema cy an 1 cold, certain dalh, the srle arbiter and giver of rest! Tell us now, the untaught impulse of the heart of man, is not this worse than death in the battle field! Go 600 the "cat 'o nino' buried in tho flesh-of tho nnpntee t :d slave see bis ashy shrivelled form hi ri's his foul and comfortless hut teir him from his home blot out from his eyo the loved imiges of bis wife, children and friends and who aro tho men who do this lliingt Every cilizrn who by his vote allows the vilest wretch to do the deed with i eipni i'y! Hut the citizen wag born to it love of wealth, pleasure and pride hove u seerpel tho place of unbougbt conscience; many paliiat.veg cmnn to bis help and if eoi s'lenee aw.i'.;e', heaven help us mere 19 agri-it -.'.n.l uierelfi.l and omnipotent God, who c n purify the most deep stiined 6aul. and upon repen a ice rn .Uu the tortured spirit hapnv on"e inoie! Hut wh n and how shall wec'a s flint man who knocks f.on under our titt ri j and weary (mt this las' s-aff.ldi ig of hope, and makes Cod himself tho worst of tyrants the falsest of frienels the most unjust of fancied existences! The man who lettempls to jusu fy si ivery from tho llihle is tint man! If he wins us to bis opinions, he makes us on infl- dul we lose our belief in the existence of a God aur idea of the immortality of tho soul all distinction between right and wrong we sink from tho mm inU the baas' ws