Post-Office Difficulty. We have good reason to believe tliat tome of the Post Masters who have the handling of the Bugle, do U in their power to vex and perplex our subscribers, hoping thereby to induce them to discontinue their paper. They have probably succeeded in some ca ses perhaps in many, for when such choose to play the petty tyrant, they can do much to crush the freedom of the press. We re ceived by the same in nil this week the fol lowing letters that from the Post Master is so gratuitously insulting that no one who read 3 it will ever suspect him i'f being a gen tleman. The 1 !tters will explain themselves, and perchance give our readers some idea of the petty difficulties which a reform paper is like ly to meet h ith at the hands of ignorant oi prejudiced officials. SOUTHINGTON, 22d Feb., 1847. To the Editort nf the Vugte .- As I meet with some considerable difficul ty in obtaining my paper from the office in this place, I wish yon to send il in future to Faruiington, Trumbull Co. Should any of my papers be returned with the assertion that they aro nut taken from tho office, you will disregard it, and send us above. PETER FALES. SOUTHINGTON, O., Feb. 25, 1847. 1ili-Sinrery liable The Bugle sent here to P, tcr Falus is n t taken out am not informed of the reason, presume ha djes not think il worth the post age. Also, that sent to Chester Allen remains in the office, I doubt not for the same reason, as he hts never paid the first cent of postage on it. Hope you will attend to thrm.and not ex pect me to pay for them, as Allen's postage enough for ma to invest in the 1) l's con tingent fund. J. HATCH, Postmaster. We have drawn largely-upon Cor win's speech on the "Three Million Dill," for we thought our readers would be interest ed in it. It is certainly an important docu ment important, not so much becausa of the truths it declares, for most of them are not new to the people, but because of the effect it will have upon the polities and parties of the country. The position taken by the ex Governor and Senator from Ohio is very fir in advance of that occupied by his parly. It will, however, be no difficult task for most of the Northern Whigs to move forward to the point where he stands. The events of the last year have been preparing the way for such movement the public mind instead of being shocked at what a twelvemonth since it would have denounced as unpatriotic and even traitorous, receives it calmly, and seems lialf disposed to believe. Wo hail with joy every effort, the tendency of which is to ob literate party lines and weaken party fetters which goes to destroy the unity of cither political organization; and this, we think, Corwiu's speech is calculated to do. Gradual Abolition in Delaware. -The Delaware House of Representatives has pas sed a bill for tho gradual abolition of slavery in that State, and expectations are confident ly expressed that the Senato w ill concur in it. This is far better than no Fetion, though a gradual return to justice is not exactly the best thing that can be done. If a man will not immediately cease robbing his neighbor's granery of wheat, the stealing of a pint loss every night will by and bye very much re duce the losses of the plundered man, and eventually destroy tho business of the thief. Congress adjourned on Wednesday. Washington has been called the national bear garden, but if the following description of it be true, as givon in a recent debate by West cott, a Democratic Senator from Florida, the American government, the same which exists by virtue ol the American Union, is certain ly one of the vilest combinations earth was ever cursed with, and from which every man who regards his character should flee as Lot fled from Sodom. " Sir, the people of these United States have no idea of the gross, feculent, festering corruption that exists here ; they have no conception of it. Great sensation and close attention. Sir, if the people of the United Stales supposed there was a twentieth part of the rottenness and corruption that 13 to be found hero in this cily of Washington, they would in twenty-four hours assemble here and pitch the whole government, the Presi dent, Heads of Departments, both Houses of Congress, all, into the Potomac, and set up u better, and they would do right. Much merriment and sensation." The Wilmot Proviso. We have not received any intelligence of the definite action of the Senate in regard to this mutter. Calhoun opposed its adoption in a brief and strong speech strong, not so much in argument, as in the avowal of a de termination not to submit to such aci ion as that contemplated by tho Proviso. We will perhaps give tome of li is remarks next week. He concluded by offering the following reso lutions for the consideration of tho Senate. flcsolvcd. That the Territories of the Uni ted States belong to the several States com prising this Union, and are held by theiu as their joint and common property. Jiesuhed, That Congress, as the joint agent and representative of the United States of this Union, has no right to make any law or do any act whatever tout shall directly, or by its effects, make any discrimination between the States of this Union, by which any of them shall be deprived of its full and equal right in any territory of the United States ac quired, or to be acquired. Jtctulied, That the enactment of any law that should dire-tly or by its effects, deprive the citizens of anv of the Slates of this Un ion from emigrating with their property into any of tho Territories of the United States, would make such discrimination, and would, therefore, be n violation of the Constitution and rights ol the States Irom which such cit izens emigrated, and in derogation of that perfect rqnnlily which belongs to them ns members of this Union, and would tend di rectly to subvert the Union itself. Jlonlvcd, That it is a fundamental princi ple in our political creed, that a people in forming a Constitution have the mieondition- al right to form and adopt the Government which they may think best calculated to se- cure their liberty, prosperity and happiness, end that in conformity thereto no other con- dition is imposed by the Federal Constitu-, lion on n Statu in order to be admitted into this Union, except that its constitution si all be republican, and that the imposition of any other by Congress would not only he in vio- latioti of the Constitution, but directly con- flicl ith the principle on which our political system rests. Resolutions of the Hudson Liberty Party Convention. " TtesnUn d. That in (he Declaration of American Independence, we recognize mi enlightened, practical and tafu basts of civil Liberty. 2. That when the principles of that in strument are adapted throughout the United States, not as abstract political dogmas, to bo professed merely, hut as practical law, to be administered to the entire people, thegrcnt object of the Liberty party organization will hive been f.ihy accumpliilicd, and not until then. 3. Tint although truth constrains us to admit that oer fathers in their uction on the subject of Slavery, did not come up to the line of their principles or prnlessinns, yet we cherish their memory with filial and affec tionate reverence for the political truth they proclaimed, and for the progress they made in the cause of civil liberty! and that we are sternly resolved to take up that causo where they left it, and as far as in us lies, to do what they le ft undone, and to complete the great woik which they began, by striking the last fetter from the jast slave w ho treads the soil of our beloved country." This is singing another sons- The mem bers of that party have of late felt it to be their ever present duty to vindicate tho cha racter of the U. S. Constitution, and declare that the principles it embodies would, if practically adopted, destroy slavery. We are glad to see by the resolutions above quoted that they have adopted an important amend ment in their usual form of expression, sub stituting for "Constitution of the United States," "Declaration of American Inde pendence." This makes tho first resolution reasonable and truthful ; this also is the cha racter of their declaration that the fathers, in their action on slavery, did not come up to the line of their principles or professions. We really have some hope that after a while they will admit tho Constitution to be pro slavery, and that being such no abolitionist can support it. The State of Florida has repudiated its late motto, ' Let us alone,' and substituted, 4 In God is our trust.' Its present motto is a palpable lie, unlcsB the people of that State are such incorrigible fools ns to trust in God while serving the Devil to the best of their abilities. West Winfield Fair. Under this caption an interesting letter will be found in the last A. S. Standard from J. C. Hathaway, of New York, under date of February 10th. Here is an extract that we think will bo interesting to our readers. The anti-slavery women held a Fair here last year, at which they raised in one eve ning, by their own unaided efforts, the snug little sum of sixty dollars. Thi3 year they somewhat enlarged their operations, but two of their number being confined by severe sick ness lor many weeks, put them back consi derably ; they, however, struggled on deter mined to do their best, and tnrce days ago their hearts were cheered and their hands strengthened by the reception of a box of beautiful things from the pioneer women of Huston. Never was anything moro oppor tune. How much their value was enhanced by coming jus in Iha right time. The Fair is in the large upper hull of our friend L. G. Thomas, who is the keeper of a Temperance House in this place, which does honor both to the keeper and the teiuperanoe cause. I have not been able to visit the hall, bnt have been informed by Charles Rcmond (who is certainly a good judge,) and several others, that it is trimmed in the most exquisite man ner the tables beautifully arranged, and the variety and beauty of the articles entirely be yond description. Every thing was in per fect keeping. The Fair opened at one o' clock this afternoon, all eyes beaming with delight and all hearts beating with joy. Thfl flag is floating gracefully in the air, the day as fine as the heart could wish, tho sleighinir superb, and everything promising. Evening. They did a fair business in the afternoon, and now the people aro pouring in from all quarters, from the surrounding neigh borhoods. Al an early hour the ball is filled all is joy and rejoicing. The blessed hour of fruition is at hand j now the good women, blessings on litem, are repaid for ull their toil. 7 3-4 o'clock. TERRIBLE CRASH!! THE HALL HAS GIVEN WAY! NO LIVES LOST! A messenger has this moment arrived, in forming me that two-thirds of the floor of the hall has just given way, and that me,,, wo men and children, tables, and all their beau tiful contents, all went down in one confused mass. It was all tho work of a moment the terrible crash of the timbers the bursting of the campbeno lamps the smoke and "tho screams of many voices, all conspired to ren der the Rcene fearful and terrific. That part of tho floor which gave way was over the shed, which was filled with sleighs and horses, and the side which gave way was to ward the street, so that all went down on an inclined plane into the sleighs and snow, all piled up together. The only wonder is that many lives were not lost. Laura Turner was lite most injured no bones broken or dislocated, but severely bruised and in a help Its condition. One woman was bereft of j j ! j ; ; , tipr senses by a sevcro blow upon the head added to her fright. Somo had arms some limbs some faces some beads some other parts nf ibe body more or less bruised, but only three or four seriously. All tho tables Containing the dry foods and fancy articles were in that part of tho hall which gave way and delicately w rought card-baskets, and beautiful needle-work, and rich embroidery and the thousand number less articles of exquisite workmanship wero indiscriminately trampled under foot. Those in the hall above found themselves uncon sciously clinging to each other without re gard to age, condition, se., or color, while topmost of those below were relieving, as fast as they could, the prostrate mass of Im munity beneath them. One good old man, in his fricrhtaiid haste, fill backwards headfore most into a large watering tub of water, but was extricated without any Injury savo ine ducking. The universal question was, "are you hart? are you hurt? are you hu rt!" To this question one young lady responded, "I have lost my shoe," "aro you hurt?" "I can't find my shoe " " are you hen ? " " Don't talk to me now, for I tell J on I have lost my shoe, and can't find it." Thus will the ludicrous and laughable oftimcs intrude itself upon tlip serious and solemn. One lit tle bright-eyed, fair-haired boy, ns soon as bo was released, jumped up scratching bis head, which bad rcc. ived a very severe bump, say ing, " I don't care, it didn't hurt mo any, but I want my cap." On man caught by the window-nil as the fi lor receded, and hung there in s.ifety until relievid. The most melancholy part of tho whole af fair is tin tact, that the out-dour gentry im mediately rushed t:i the scene of action, and nmid the goner, il confusion bore off nearly all the money which had been taken, which lay upon the tables in purses and hag-', and came down nmid the common wreck i.nd also car ried oil' more than half the goods. It ought not perhaps to be wondered at. that in a com munity where the teachers of t'.is people make A merit of fobbing those who stand up in be half of the perishing bondman, of their good mine and character, and at the same timu fellowship those w ho enslave our own father's children, that some of the citizens should not scriifle to rob, even under the most aggra vating circumstances, the slave's friends circumstances that would have secured the sympathy of the common pirate, and the aid of the common highwayman. At a safe calculation, if nothing bad oc curred to interrupt the progress of the Fair, from $300 to $300 would have been realized. lllh. The wounded are all doing well. It is a sublime sh;ht to see boa- heroically these women stand up under their misfor tunes. The fragments of the wreck have been overhauled same washed some iron ed some cleaned, and others straightened and " put to rights," and they are going on as bravely as though nothing had happened ; and have also expressed their determination to Lave a Fair next year, even better than this promised to be. A subscription was com menced yesterday for a bed-quilt, worth $8,00 to be presented to Abby Kelley Foster and more than $5.00 subscribed and paid in, but the paper and money fell into the hands of the freebooters, and already a new subscrip tion is opened for the same purpose. The only fear is, that as the news of tho disaster has spread far and wido with groat raniditv. that the people will nut come in to-day, un der the impression that tho l air is closed. Truly and faithfully, J. C. HATHAWAY. Corrected Report of Mr. Cilley's Remarks in the Senate. Mr. Cii.i.ev's resolution, requesting the President to withdraw the army from Mexico, neingunuer consider ilton, Mr. C. addressed the Senate as follows : Mr. President : I have many reasons for introducing the resolution; and I will, as tirieily as possible, st ile some of them. Sir, we are at war with Mexico. As to tl e man ner in which we got into that war, I shall not now undertake to inquire; but I will stale that I think the war unnecessary and unjust, and all wrong. If Mexico had wronged us, wo should have forborne. There wasno ne cessity for hurrying into a fight for very small causes. The President proposes a vigorous prosecution of the war, for procuring an ho norable peaco; yet it seems that peace is no nearer than it was at the commencement of hostilities Sir, how nre we to get peace Tho President says wo mnst "conquer a peace." How shall we do it t The tiking possession of her territory will not give us peace. We may keep a military force in the Mexican territory for a long time without ob taining peace. We cannot get a peace with out negotiation. Well, sir, why not bring our army out of her unhealthy climate, into our own country, w here we can reinforce, or ganize, and discipline the army, and have some plan of operation that will be efficient, instead of scattering our forces ull along tho frontier from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pa cific ocean. Sir, it costs too much lo prose cute the war in this way ; and what is the eliccl? We are expending a large sum of money in the purchase of Mexican produce, paying them high prices for all that is want ed for our army, enriching hoi citizens in a large extent of country. Is this the way to obtain peace 1 1 think not, sir. The com manding general lias said that be considers it impracticable to proceed to Mexico by the way of San Luis Potosi. Sir, if ibis is the case, why not withdraw the army, and make ample preparation to carry out our plans, il" we have any 1 The Senator from Ohio, in the proposition which he submitted lo the Senate, I believe, intimates a desire that large reinforcements should bo raised and forward ed immediately, for the prosecution of the war; hut the great objection which rests up on my mind in regard to this tudden increase of the army was, that lh troops thus hastily raised must necessarily be undisciplined and inexperienced ; and if ihey were enlisted with the utmost despatch, they could not be con centrated upon the field of military operations before the commencement of Ilia sickly sea son. Will you send them into Mexico lo contend with their deadly climate, and sac rifice our soldiers to no purpose! I think my plan better, tu withu raw our forces to some healthy within the boundaries ol the United States, where the subsistence of the army could be more readily obtained, and then if it is necessary, to increase the army lo any desirable extent, to have the soldiers w;ell drilled, let them become inured to ser vice, so that when a blow is to be struck, il may be such a blow as would have tho de sired effect. What object is intended to be effected by this war, I have yet lo learn; but ll it is only io obtain a peace honorable to j ! both countries, 1 think that can bo obtained ns well with our army in our own country, lintil we can have lime to have them proper ly organized and drilled, and hav .omo plan er operation. appears that this war is not to be a short one it will be a pro tracted war; ami why peril the lives of our men. why sacrifice our gallant little army, by obliging them to light against superior force as to numbers in strongly fortified towns 1 1 am not for any such hair-breadth escapes as at tie battle of Monterey, where General lay or tells you that it was wonderful that he should have succeeded ; and 1 omnider it almost a miracle that he did succeed a-aii.-t such odds. And what would have bee", the consequence bad he not succeeded! Who would r ought to have borne il,B blame, General I.iylur. r .i,., ,d., !,-.;., i i believe he tfilsyou it Was nol his plan, but that be did it lu sustain the Administration. 11 era Cruz is to be occupied in urder lo march lo the ehy of Mexico, you must have at least 50,0MU men. No prudent general would undertake to cc uuuiuer t!i ritv nl' M..v. ITIl U I li.c. .1. ... .-i, r- I OS III, III Oll.llllll .8,r y'U collect lhat number of newly levied forces, and send iheiu into Tain pico, or any other place in the Mexican tcr- ... .. " .liH lit llll.ll rilory, to he drilled and disciplined ! F they must be disciplined before lin y w ill L or Le- come euicient lo contend with i, black vom it, or the ye low fever. Or do you think thai men are soldiers as soon as they enlist ? A dluVrt'l;l l" u once prevailed. Sir, il will be a new business to the men, an I also new to the officer, ll requires some little lime U becoaio accustomed to the camp, as well as lo learn the duty uf a soldier. Sir, the Sen ator Irom Michigan yesterday avowed the opinion ,t was unconstitutional for Con gress to direct the President as to tho course w hich he should pursue in the prosecution of tho war; that the only duty of Concress was to provide li mi the means be te-ked lor, in the way he should desire it; and ho ahum had a right to direct ihe oneralions of th- in the way he thought proper. 1 differ Irom the oeiiii or in mis opinion. 1 think that it is clearly our duty to deliberate unon the mil.. ject, ac.d to propose such measures as we m iv ueein arlvtsnhle. H we believe those who have cha ge of the war aro going wrong, it is our duty to propose a better plan. Sir, have we not a rwl-t lo think unon this awful kiiIi. ject of w.r 1 Have we iiothin.r to do but to vote r!! ine men and money that the Presi dent tells us he wants, wiihoul':r..r ... to the matter, because that war exists, or, as Ibe Senator from Michigan said, that it was all summed up in one short word, und that word was war; and thai we had no constitu tional right to do anything, but to do all that the President may requiie, and make him re sponsible, thereby clearing ourselves of all iho responsibility! Is that all that is ex pected of us by those who sent us here! 1 differ from the honorable Senator in this opin ion. I for one, am willing to be held re sponsible Tcr a i.11 subjects. my votes in this body, on The honorable Senator from New York the other day had staled that we were in possession of two-thirds of the Mexican ter ritory, and one-tenth of her population. What are we to do with this territory ! Aro we to annex il to ibis Union, and obliiro that population to send delegates to this Senate, and to be subject lo our laws by compulsion On republic compcUino anottier to adopt her form of government : is that agreeable to our free principles ! Or shall we drive them of the territory that we have conquered or an nihilate them ! What can be done with Ibe territory under our form of government ! admit, sir, for the sake of argument, that the people residing in that territory were w illing to come into our Union, and we should make a treaty with Mexico; to that effect it comes in as Texas was brought into the Union, by treaty. Sir, could a treaty of that kind be ratified by this Senate, or could it now be brought into this Union by resolution! Would a dispule arise, whether it should free or slave territory! No, sir; the lime lias gone by for admitting any more slave territory into this Union. It caunol be done. If admitted, il would bo a bone of conten tion that would divide the Union. Sir, 1 think we are in a bad condition. We are in a war with Mexico; we are in possession of a large portion of her territory. How are we to extricate ourselves from this war, which lias already cost us so much blood and treasure, and bids fair to cost us a great deal more! How long this war is to con tinue, God only knows. Sir, 1 think, hy w ithdraw ing the army, and, if necessary, by reinforcing il ; and then, when Mexico sees hat we have a force that would look down all opposition, she would be willing to treat fur peace. I think we can obtain a treaty much sooner in this way, and with less cost cf blood and treasure, than attempting lo put forward an iuexperieuced army into llieir un healthy country. Sir, if we are lo hold on to this territory that our army now has posses sion of, it will lake a large army to garrison so long a line of frontier, and keep the com munication open with our own country. say, sir, it will take a large army to do this, w hich w ill be in addition to the army that is ,, ... ....... ,.., as the President le Is us w e must do. And, sir, li we must fight before Mexico will treat, 1 am disposed to strike at the head, and ot the limbs go. I hope anything lhat I have said will not be considered as render- my uiu iu mti eiieiuv. 'or uiai is not iiijt ww- sire, i iook to our own coinioru From the National Era. Alexander Pushkin. un the ."Dili ol the 1st mcntn, 1NJ7, in one of the stately mansions of the Northern Cap- ilal, on the banks of the Neva, a great man lay dying. The rooms which led to the chamber of suffering were thronged with the wealthy, the titled, llie. gifted of St. Peters hurg, anxiously inquiring after the condition of the sufferer. A'exander Pushkin the poet and historian, t ie favorite alike of Empe ror and people stricken in a fatal duel two days before, lay waiting for bis summons the world of spirits, And w ben, at last, tho weeping Jukovski, himself only second Pushkin as a pool, announced to the anxious c owd in attendance, that his friend was more, prince and pf.isant bowed their heads in Sorrow. The cold heart of tho North was lunched with iho pang of a great bereave- nifJiit. The poet of Russia, the only man the age who could wear with honor the man- lies of Derzhavin and K iramsin, bad passed beneath that shadow, " the light whereof is darkness." Now, who was Alexander Pushkin! Can it be possible that this man, so wonderfully gifted, so honored, so lamented, was a color ed man a negro! Such, it sjciuss is Iho , I ! I or fact, incredible as it nmy appear to the Ame- rican reader. His maternal grandfather was a ppgro, named Anuibal, who w as patronized by the Czar, and became an oflieer in tho marine service. Of bis African origin Pushkin bore in his personal appearand! and mental characlerisiics, the most unequivo cal marks. An article in lllaekwoed, lor the Gtli month, 1815, describes him as follows: I "The closely curled wiry hair, the mobile and irregular features, ihu darkness of the coinpltxion, ull betrayed bis African descent, and served as an appropriate luttidu to bis character." i At an early bjp, Pushkin became a pupil in the Imperial Lyceum, then recently -slab- lisbed nnd richly endowed by Alexander. i While here, the young man. alter leciiimr "(' '' nis ph-'ci. " " public occasion, was l""nounced a pott by the aged Derzhavin, the Mul'"'r "' l!at sublime de to the Supreme, w l,ipn 1,38 n0 "I""' "f the Hook of Hooks, " '"aving the Lyceum, in 117, be was nt- laeiicn io ine .Ministry ol foreign Allairs. W bile in this honorable position, be publish- ed his f.rst poem, which innnedialc ly allain- eu a liigli degree ol popularity, lie now be came a traveler, visiling ull ibe rominlic rc linns of the vast empire. His principal o etir work, "E'genii O.ieigin," is said to be tho fullest and inosl roinplule embodiment that exists in liussian literature of ibe nation ality nf the country. His small poems ami brief stories or novelettes w ere published in several volumes in rapid succession. His tragedy of Hri (imlunoif is spoken of by tho writer in Hlaekwoid, whom we have quoted, us belonging to toe hiohct order ( draiio'lic linrature. He had just finished hit hi.-tory of Peter the Great, w hen be became involved in the quarrel which rendlcd io bis death, at the age of lhiriy-i i:;lit. Ho was not ashamed ol bis negro ancestor. On the contrary, be saeins to hate been proud ot nis descent. It" lias consecrated moro than one of bis smaller poous to the memo ry of the black sea captain, and his works contain frequent allusions to his African blood. We have alluded to this remarkable man for the purpose of exposing the utter lolly and injustice of the common prejudice asrainit the colored race in this country. It is a preju dice wholly incompatible with enlightened republicanism and true Christianity. It dc gradfs the possessor as well ns its victim. With our feet on the neck of the black man. we iuvii taunted liiui with bis inferiority; shutting him out from school and college, we have nenied Ins capacity for Intellectual pro gress ; spurning him from the meeting bouse and church communion, we have reproached mm as vicious, and ineapalile ol moral eleva tion. What is this, in fact, but the common subterfuge of tyranny, seeking an excuse for its oppression by lual i erniner its unhappy ob jects, and making the consequences of its ow n cruelty upon litem an apology for its continuance! With such examnles of the intellectual capacity of the colored man ss are afforded by L'Overture. and Potion, of Hayti; Dumas, ot t ranee ; Pushkin, of I!us- sia ; and Placido, the slave poet and martyr oi Liioa, to say noniing ol such men as James Mel; line Smith, rredcrick Douglass, Henry 11. Garnelt, and Henry Bibb, in our own country, it is scarcely in good taste for while mediocrity to taunt the colored man with na tural inferiority. Do not Toussaint's deeds for freedom, and Pushkin's songs of a great nation, waken within all hearts the sympa thies of a common nature! "There spoke our brother! father's grave There Did utter forth a voice ! " In the colored man's follies and crimes, his loves and hatred s his virtues and weak nesses, we but recognize our common hu manity, and realize the truth of tho inspired Apostle's language " Gun hath made ok ONE BLOOD ALL THE 111 NEHATIONS OK SIKX." Kidnapper. 1 ( : f , One George Hockley lias been arrested for kidnapping in Ibis city. He took a colored boy from the city and carried him over into Kentucky to sell bim. The boy was brought back, however. White authority will be brought sufficient lo convict him, and care will be taken lhat be does nol escape by a quibble as he did once before. He was examined before the Mayor, yes terday afternoon, and held lo bail in the sum of 500. Wo w ill give some of lite partic ulars of the case soon. (in. Herald. fj7"The kidnapping case which we men tioned yesterday was in this wise. David Read, iho boy at auction was an or phan who had been placed by the Matron of the Colored Orphan Asylum at Mrs. Holmes.' Some two weeks ago the boy was at the river fishing at the foot of Elm street. Hack lev came up to him in a boat, and gellingout of it, askod David to get into it and hand bim an umbrella. David did so, and Oucktey got in after bim, pushed off and w ent some forty miles down the river, where he larded and gave the boy in charge of a female accom plice while be w ent oul lo try to sell him muanline the hoy got loose and was taken up )V a gentlemen to whom ho told Ins story. T,m CJ1e , ma(Je ri(.s 6wpnt gpnt fUe , am, KvrUvy arresleij. T,u.rsday, as we have .tated. tho examination being had, he was ,lclJ ,Q baj, ,0 au a( u f fc (.q(J. 6 Slavery and Columbian College. The communication which we publish be low, is from an authentic source, and speaks lor nseu. e nave Here another addition to ! that sentence of condemnation which, in the view of the civilized and Christian world, , American slavery is writing against itself, , and which must one day consign it forever to the deep pit which its own hands are fast digging- Washington, Jan. 24, 1837. to to of Messrs. Editors. It probably has reach ed you through the press, that in Columbian College there h is been great excileinoul for the last few days. It arose from slavery, and truly may wh say, this is the mother of evils and calamities wherever it exists. As this will bo spoken of, written upon, in a p.ins of the country, It may be well to state the facts, and allo w t'ae community to judge a- they think proper. Capt. Ilaynes, the slewart of Columbian College, brought servants w ith him from Virginia some two or 3 years since. In the District ot Columbia, (here is a law which binds every master to register his servants. A violation of this law subjects the master lo tevure penally. Besides this, after a year and a day, thu ser vants become legally free. Thii fact became Known to two of Capl. IL's servants,' (prtb,ibly through lb black of the ciiy,) and they, ltd and directed b the native elernrnls of their own minds. sought aid in the city. One succeeded, and had even obtained his free papers. The oth er failed, and consequently llireiv himself up on the sympathies of northern students. To one and another lie went, and at last, to Hen ry J. Arnold, of Cbarlestown, Mass. and member of the Junior Class. He, feeling assured lhat this cervant was legally free, gave him about $1 1, enclosed in n n.'tp, say ing, that this was done from pure and honest motives, nnd hopcj no unnecessary disclo sure would be made. The fact that these servants were strfviny for what belonged to lliem, became known to Cap). H., who immediately look them away mcrct.'y tho night of Ibe I lllh. Within two miles ol the city, one of the servants be coming alarmed at bis cutdition, unfolded the whole matter, and told who gave him the mouey. This was enough. The matter was communicated to the faculty on Monday. The Southern Mudenls (hereupon declared they would leave, unless Arnold left the Col lege. Mr. A. was immediately examined by the Faculty, who compelled him to leave al an tally l.our. -CUritlian Itrjltelur, Hap ...) .....I...... I.I....1 B Receipts. E. Eld ridge, Salem, fO,C2-lCO J. Miller. Mahoning, 2nd co. 75 84 11. N. Ely, Parkman, 1.0087 . Jona. Chew, Urooklicld, 1,50 80 S. Noill. field, 1,00-110 D. Schofield, Salem, lis 73 .1. Stacy, Lowellvilie, 1.50-110 Dr. J., " 2,00 C9 J. Miller, Mortville, 1,(0-124 W. Kaddirr, Ilnmbdcn, !,50-13t N. Card. Dei rfield, 3,00-104 IL G. Porter, Hundvsburgh, 1,50-101 J. F. Kynetl, SO 70 J. H. I'lell.i lll, 1,00 7C J. A. Lepper, " 1.50-1 l'J E. A. Li kens. New Garden, 6.00-173 J. dales, Liieaville, 2,5086 J. II. Day, 1,50-104 Wm. Grey, 75 26 J. II. Ware, 1,50 03 W". Urownell, liichfielif, 75-108 G. Adams, " 75 U5 L. Esiy, 3775 Paul C. Parker, 75-108 T. C. Ellsworth, " 1,50-111 11. L. Hangs, " 5073 11. It. Pomeroy, 60-138 E. Clark, Twinsburg, 1.85-152 V. II irman, Uandoli h, 1st. co. 1.50-101 S. H. Case, " 1,0097 C. D. Carlton, 74 91 The agent at Lowellvilie sent us 91,50 for Win. Heady there is no Wm. Ready whom we send to at that office. To whose credit shall il be placed ! f3 Please take notice, that in the ac knowledgement of subscription money for the Huglc, not only is ibe amount received pla ced opposite tiie subscribers name, but also the number cf the paper to which he has paid, and w hich will be found in the vuitidt column of figures. g'JL'J Ji.g."! ' L'.i1.'.1 ... .. ... 1 CHEAP COOPS! THE subscriber has on hand the following Goods, viz : Plain dark Calicoes of different qualities and prices, small fig. lain, all wool, Mous. do lain, 'J hi bit and drab Shawls, white silk dress Shawls of different sizes, Merinos, Coburgs, Flannels, Ginsies, Plain striped nnd cross barred Can.bricks, Hook Muslin and Hook Muslin h'dk'fs, Fur niture and Apron checks, Ginghams, Tick ings, Satlinetts, Caesimercs, Cloths, &c. ALSO, Free Goods, such as Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, Table diaper and Aprou checks. All of which are offered for sal very low for (.VuA or Produce. c. r;. BASSETT. A few doors West of the Bank. Salem, 3d mo. 5th, 18-17. Anti-Slavery Hooks Kept constantly on hand by J. Elizabeth Jones, among which are Narrative of Douglass. Arcliy Moore. The Libei ly Cap. Frothe rhnod of Thieves. Slave holder's Religion. Disui.ionisl, &c WAVi'ED, 1000 bushel dried Apples, 10(1,000 lbs. Pork, 50,000 lbs. Lard, 10 or 1 good Horses. II EATON & IRISH. Dec. 29tb, 181C. THE SALEM UO0K-ST0UE Has changed hands, nnd the New Firm having made considerable additions to tho old stock, respectfully solicit the patronage of tire old customers and llie public. They aro constantly receiving SUPPLIES FROM THE EAST, of Books and Stationary, and Articles ia their line not en band will be ordered ou short notice. They will try lo keep such an assortment and sell on such terms, as that no one need have an exevsc for not reading. Schools and Mere-hauls supplied on liberal terms. GALHHEATH HOLMES. D. L. Galdkcatii, ) Jl-ssk Holmes, ) Salem, 1st mo. 28th, 1S1G. WATER (THE. DR. J. D. COPE Has just completed an addition to bis Watpr Cure Establishment in Salein. He is now prepared lo secure to an increased number of patients the full advantages of the Hydro- piiu.e practice. Salem, Dec. IS 10. C. DONALDSON & CO. WHOLESALE & RKTAIL HARQWARC MERCHANTS Keep constantly on hand a general assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY. No. 16 main sr. Cincinnati. July 17, '40-