VOL. 6.
The New Costume.
We aro compelled to LcUcvc, that fir once
fashion, U about to do a scnsiblo thing. Wc
have been a silent, but deeply interested specta-
tor o( the progress of tho propose! change in
Female dross. Wo Itavo been silent, because
tho work has been n-sumod !v thoso and thoso
nly cnpablo of its accomplishment. Had re
formers commenced its advocacy on tho ground
of physiological an! moral necessity, years
could not hare secured the co-o; cration of tlio
pres., as weeks, havo done under tlie influences,
that arc now bearing onward this reform. The
Health an! fadhim of the country linvc com
menced the work. Wc presume tliul the desired
perfection of costume is not yet attuined, cilher
in regnrd to convenience crmfirt or elegance.
But from tho despotic throne of fishiun ti c
mandnto lias been issued for cwiji-and the
intelligence and good sense that now pervades
tho community th.t now points woman to n
broader sphere and a nobler destiny than any to
which her sex has beforo aspired w ill perfect
tho work. Woman in assuming, as she is now
about to do, her individuality nnJ responsibility
in nil tho organizations of society, will natun.l
ly and of necessity drop tho badges and clogs
appropriate to her past dependent position.
Tnat our reader may known what is doing and
the valid reason fur change, we copy the follow
ing articles. Tho first is from a southern cor
respondent of tho Ilomc Journal the organ and
vvhicloof New York fashion.
Gkstlf.me.n Voii have so kindly interest
ed yourselves in out f.vor, nnil so encoura
ged, in your uhlu manner, thu contemplated
ehnngu in ladies' dress, that I wiiiif llinnk
J on. I mil interested in thu subject, too. I
atkire Turkish trousers. I inn mi anxious to
dun my tonic mid trousers, though rather
ufiaid yet, that I must beg you lo throw till
Your learning, eloquence, refinement, mid
tasto on our side. Will joii? We South
trnors luive such pretty leet ynu know tinr
loot oio cclclinitcd Hint really llinili, il
thero is nny justice in Fashion, our timu is
coining. 1 should cry out, Liberty ! if I were
lice of my lout, embarrassing, always-in-lbe-way
shirts. Von ran easily imagine their in
convenience. Just liiticy your li-cl etrnially
enveloped in costly, voluminous luhls, from
which there is no escape, by any known inu
lici'itvre. Imngino n long (light of stops to
usccikI, or ti liorse riiiiniiir away with you,
or your enrringo in danger, how on earth
could you nsccutl tin; steps without rti pping
on your dross? or spring from your horse
without I i 1 1 if caught, or bung, ur clear the
can iun without lining disgracefully tripped
tip? Rut the inconveniences nt this fashion,
which wo have Imriiu so patiently, do not
atop here. You find walking, riding, mid
jumping, uttcmlcd wuli t,o ninny dangers do
try Killing, if y ou please. You may limey
that you can, nl least, fit in peace; hut your
troubles do not cense witlthicoinuiihii. You
draw a chair, and your skirt nrc spread
nromid you, us usual, carpeting the lloor
with rich brocades or (.'u.-.-imcr tissues, of
costly patterns nnd delicate hues. People,
und perhaps children, urn tramping around
you, und on your robes, of course. You rise
souiciiociy t, ciiuir is on the hem ol your
licnutilul dress; mill wlint n bit is taken out:
1 hint not only our purses, hut our temper
sutler. The: tiro not hull' tin; eVils 1 could
enumerate. They produce n feeling of d
pchdence, and nil t insticily is stilled. Thu
eiiRUinhcrcd, your friends, thu ladies, nrede
barred uil licnlllilul exercise; there is no
clear-looted BiiriiiL'ins', no liuniidiii": no
lightness mid case ; hut ever thu same flow,
lately, carelid Btcp, and uneasy, cuiiilirouH
(irML'L'u'il, intKlily, dusty Iciuiou! I'o von
not perceive, my dear ifetitltineu, that our
leet nm ns iiselcKi nn tliotili wo wero nil
Chinese? Do you not nee that our limb are
lettered ; our tempers certainly not uiuiruved
and ull activity shamefully discouraged by
una laviiion, milter wtueii wu liave licen
pronji itiy for years? Xow, thu hmo idea of
dclieato ludiea dressing out ill p .IU..Iooii
liko men, is horrilily repulsive. They step
over barriers from which true modesty
shrinks; but o short, full, richly-bordered
skirt, and tight lioddiee, with the TuikMi
trousers, nud perhaps ylittering anklets, tiirms
n eostumu really pleasant to tho eye, and
both (lirlish mid graceful. There is iio'hiii);
Masculine in this dress; nn tho contrary, it
is lipht, becoming und ih lieate. No body
rould object to so pictiircsipui n costume.
S(piealiiish old mniils nud (,'iaihliiuillieis,
need not adopt it, iinytiioro than they would
short sleeves und iuliiut waists, (which tire
yet eo urnccl'ul lor the youni; l.uly in her
leens.) lint, lor tho ynuiif;, sloe-eyed, lithe-
limbed hury-looteil bouthcrnrr, buvv chaim
inj( it would be! Are not llonris nnd the
idola ol'lhe IJarcni thud lobed? Do fpeuk
up lor lis.
Your constant render,
Mrs. Oakcs Finith whose brulisnt talents
have commanded the respect of all classes, and
given her position the highest, recently de
livered a lecture on tho subject, in N. Y. city,
The following is an extract :
This movement is not ono fiirthn lower or
tho higher class. I iceonizo no higher ami
no lower class in thia country no upper
teniloin, if by that is meant tho aristocracy
nf money. (Jod Unhid! Amon those who
rani their bread by the sweat of their brow,
hern are ninny fargc-Boulcd, liigh-iiiiiulcd
women, who would put to bliuuie the porge
fittaly attired, mindless puppets of fashiona
ble lilh. W'ciiltli ia more vulgiiriziiiff than
poverty; bow else will wo account lor the
rude elbowing, thu undaunted Raze, nud un
womanly retort iiom U-inirs liivoreil with u
larpo aliiirn of this w orld's Idessinys?
Home would retuin the present enstumo,
merely becauso tliey disliku iiuiovuiions. Tho
Mime iwrsoiiH in byc-couo days would have
clung to tho fashion then preuiiline;, to the
hoop, which ahould bo lilted on one aide to
nllow the owner to pet into a pnwto the
linttlenif ntod towcra thai defended the head
nud iiiado coquetry iluiiguroua, if not terrible
lid to Ihe thiitisand other moustiositica that
tunliioii haa alnmped w ith her approbation.
Lven in our own days wo buve seen women
railing bH'ore tho w ind likn u ship with ull
her canvass spread, nud a good sized balloon
"ti each arm. 'J 'I it so have pi.bscd awuy, but
i.olthe diseiiocs they engendered; many suf
ir fiom the tftlcta etiil, voluntary martyrs
but, if wo will be m.-nyn, let us bo so in
n great cause, and not dio martyrs to hooks
und bulloiis.
When Lady Wortley Montnsuc visited tho
Tuikish ladies, they inmiiied her corsets to
no n cruel puiuslimcnt invented by lier bus
band, nud pitied her sincerely. We have no
siieli i m-iisc; we riinnot shelter ouisclvcs
behind such ii n ele.i; we liro self imimdat
cd, snerilieini; Ijieanil health, mid lo uuy, lie
coming dull nnd vapid, languid nud listless,
because liisbioii fjivea command clinging to
ixteriiids when inward beauty is gone, ns
men cling to the nliar w hen reiigion isgrow
ing cold, nud grasp nl coiivcniionaliiicft when
teeling biK deiiailed. Wo slionld bavu n
(lillriciit st Ic ol di ess liir dilli rent periods
of lite, and different eharaeleis. Let us take
ti hint Irom natute. The modest dove is do-
nied the ghnious plumago of the peacock,
the lamh Ii is not the linn's Htreuth, mid tho
nilu bnuiiiling deer has Inn tho biiiiio cover
lug as (lie sleek serpent.
I havo seen a daik browed woman sink
into inanity, in a dress suited to u blonde,
when sbo should have appeared in life dar
ing, (lushing, half masculine stylo soiled to
her. rioiiiu sLw'idd bo severely simple, and
others oi ieiital in their stxle ; but nil should
permit n lieer, Inlli r expansion, 'l'lie mind
In conies crainpe.l when the body is s; Ihe
world Wiiuhl never have been subdued by n
Napoleon cased in w hahdioiie, or n Milton
have writicii "I'liiadise Lost" in n light buu
net. Let llio lliind bo deehnd, thu laeul-
ties improted, thu intellect ciilliviued, nnd
the heart and feelings disciplined, and then,
bating pcrliirmcd all our duties, having been
true to all our responsibilities, wo mny lit
last, " like one, w ho wriuis the drapery of
his cum Ii about him, lie down to pleasant
Strs. Nichols, tho Editor of tho Windham
Co. Democrat, one of tho ablest and best papers
of its class, wo receive, writes the following:
Thf. New f'.vstiin.t ron Ladieh' Dar.ss-
r.s. 1 lie geiilleuieii eiliiors nre, w ufi one or
two exception, exceedingly taken with tho
1 iil'Klsli costume wiiicli WTiiiH lo liave ap
peared ncai ly siimulaneousiy in Iheprmeip.d
I ' 1 1 1 1 I cities and villages ol tho r.asleru mid
Western plates. Tin; execitions only two
lo our knowledge will have it that the wo
men, in assuming tint new dress, nro en
croaching upon man's prerogative assum
ing "men's apparel !'' Such mi assertion is
particularly amusing, since the dress short
skits and lull pantalets has been worn lor
years by thu missi n of nil nations in Christ
endom, and by nil the women nfiho I urkisli
nation from time immemorial. Wo never
saw or beard of nny man, or net of men,
wearing petticoats nud pantalets; ami wu
reckon the gentlemen who call tho dress n
masculine hahii, would ho the hist to bo
caught in it. They would ci'Ktitu n greater
sensation in our streets in such n rig, than
the ladies have been ublo to exeito in their
Icrtilo iuiaginiiliiiiiH. As many inches cut
from Ihe lops nf ladies' dresses, under llio
sanction ot I leneli milliners, has passed
muster with these sunsitivo lictiilemen loo
long, to make their extremo uuxietv liir I'e-
malu modi sly uu thing but ridiculous.
Tim change in dress has r"sidted solely
front that general dissemination of physiolo
gical iulin illation which has startled the srX
into a consciousness ili.it Ihe present fashions
ol dress Hie u general nnd learlul cause, ol
impaired physical energies, disease, and pre
mature death. Ii tier that women have
con ram to look like frights which, however,
is not a iieeess u y nllerniitive and secure to
themselves anil posterity tin; health lliat se
cures cheerfulness, vigor mid courage, than
ho the nervous, helpless, miserable cuinher
ers ol' the ground w hicb many lire, and near
ly nil nre becoming, by a slavish submission
to sell-iinpuseil restrictions in dress, and in
dulgence in diet.
A majority of our very best exchanges
have nobly spoken in encouragement of a
rciorui in dress, looking lo health mid com
fort. I 'or oorscllj wo w ould not cm a single
inch from our skirls simply liir coiiveniencu
sake, w hile llieru is the least danger Unit by
so doing we might cut away an iota of tho
iiilliienee which we have or may win, In car
ry forward lelorms vital to health and an iin
pioved morality. As wo would not expose
nty goo J lo be u sliuuliling block to thu evil,
nor get so liir ill advance ol the age, that wo
can't lend ti helping baud to tow it ahead; qo
while length ol skirts is identified witli'lho
uleii ol womanly delicacy lo any class ol
persons we desire to iulluenee, we shall sub
mil, as wo have done, lo ihe iucoiivcuiciico
of holding up our skirts Irom lint mud, step
ping on them when wo go up stairs, nnd
having them stepped on by those behind
when we come down. We hope, however,
the ladies will go ahead in every improve
ment promising comliirt und health. Wo
shall light lor waists, short, loose, mid w ith
out points; at nil events, with u large abate
ment in the weiitht ot skirts. As lor kadinir
ii.. . . i
I be fashion, we never did allemol it and
hitherto hnvcoou.Wouly afar oil) und will)
u great amount of teeming.
Anecdote of Children.
Those who Invc these "latest arrivals" from
Heaven ns much as wo do, will like lo hour
it little story that mado us laugh a moment
ago: Of tho two children of u clergyman
in ibis city, n boy mid n girl, the characters,
are very different. The boy is very serious.
mid is liuiil of pouring out bis thoughts in
I'liiyeii-, uamniy hwk mm n iiuumuu con-
li Lsio,,, on his knees, ol all thai has occ.n red
to bun liming the day. J he girl is younger
and hon.ew lint wilder. An evening or two
since, tho boy (John) was saying bis prayers,
und giving an enumeration of nil the sins of
Ids sister which he wanted forgiven. After
listening patiently lor sumo tune to thu Inst
ofuuugh.v thingi .he bad doi.fc since ...o,.
it.g, the lit t lo girl inleiriipted him, with
" Now, Johnny, you stop! Let pood God
alone !" This is a comment on the "burthen"
oi niHiiy prayer., which we do not think
should bu thrown nwuy. llomt Journal.
H'hril Contitls Vie D'ffatncei? .Mollieru's
"'i'arluH'u" was wilhdrawii from the singe,
Ht'lcr a lew representations, nud its peiibrin
mice inlenlieted by iiuthorily. 'i he Tarluffo
contained sotiio severe satires on the clerical
profession. At this lime, n very ptofaua
farce bait an unmolested run. Louis XIV
expressed soma astonishment at this, ami
in.ked the Hrinco of Conde to explain. 'Sire,'
said he, Mho Tarluffa attacks tho priests;
while tho farce only aimsjit religion.' Com.
Journal. .
Women's Rights Convention.
Sojourner Truth.
Ono of the most unique an! interesting
speeches of tho Convention was mado by Sj
journcr Truth, an emancipat( d slave. Itisim-
possib'.o to trun-for it lo paper, or convey any
adequate idea ol thc c If eel it produced upon the
audience. Tboso only eon appreciate it who
saw her powcrfu:i'orin, her whole-souled, car
nest gesture, and listened to her strong and
truthiul tones. Shecamo forward to thc plat
form and addressing tho President sai! with
great simplicity i .
May I si, y a few wards? Hcceivinj an af
firmative auswor, alio proceeded I want to say
a few words about this matter. I am a woman'.
tilth's. I luivo asm uuh musclo as any man,
and can do as much work at any man. I have
pl.jwcd and reaped and husked and chopped and
mowed, and can any man do more than that
1 havo hord much about the sexes being equal ;
I ran carry as much as any man, and can cat as
much too, if 1 cun get it. I am as strong us nny
man that is now. A for intellect, ad I can say
is, if womun have a pint and man a quart why
canls'.ie have her Utile pint lull? Yon need
not be afraid togivo u our rights for fear wo
wiiltako too much, for wo cant take more
than our pint'll bold. The poor ni'n seem to
be all in conludon, and dont know what to do.
Why children, if yon have w oman's lights givo
it to her and you will feel better. You w ill havo
your own rights, and 'hey wont bo so much
trouble. I cant read, but I can hear. I havo
heard the bible and have learned that Eve caus
' c! man to sin. Well if" worn an upset tho world,
do give her a chance to set it right side up again,
The Lidy has spoken about Jesus, how he nev
er spumed woman from him, and she was right.
When I. izarui died, Mary and M utha camo to
him with faith and love and besought him to
raise their brother. And Jcius wept and Laza
rus came forth. And how came Jesus into the
world ? Through Ood who created him und
woman who bore him. Man, where is your
part? Dot tho women aro coming up blcs.icd
be (Jod and a few of thc men are coming up with
them. Hat man is in a tight pluce, tho poor
slave is on him, woman is coming on him, and
he is surely betwecn-n hawk and A buzzard.
For the Woman's Rights Convention.
Oil made all equal, guilty man
II ith place! his foot on Woman's neck,
And bade her trcmblo 'ucath bis ban
And follow ut his beck.
To-day on European ground
She lives, companion of tho beast
With bar!cne! hands and brow sun browned
F.rat ut toil's never ctuaiug round
An! latest at the least.
Annm the counties tribes that roam,
In Christian temple Arab tent
In Ilussiun hut or Wigwam home,
Her neck unto thc yoke is bent,
Man with his ruthless foot hath trod
Careless upon thc treasure given,
Annulled thc equal law of Uad
Thc good decree of Ilcuvcn,
For this we summon here to day
Amid the Boomer's taunts a id mirth,
Thc best of Freedom's bright array,
The purest, warmest, hearts of Ii.uth.
Come yo to us with spotlo?s hands,
With thoughts of itiuip, with fearless tongues;
Speak the stem words which trulh demands
Of Woman's rights and wrongs.
Come from New England's rocky shore
Where thc lMgrim mothers stood,
Come from tho settlers cabin aoor
Beneath the western wood,
Come forth from out the rich mnn's mill
Whero Want's poor daughters toil forbrcaJ.,
Where Lifo hath lost its power to thrill
The sickened heart and aching head ;
Whero avarice freely may despoil
AH that God's mercy deigned to give,
Where Woman livoth but to tod
And toilcth but to live.
Ye spirits of tho wearied bands,
Como from your spectre dwellings forth
And point with pulo and shadowy bunds
To tho full grave yards of thoNonb,
Whero lay tho forms uncounted yet,
. . .
i nor tnuruerea victims ot tlioLoomi
Whoso sun in early morning set
Between tho Factory nnd tho tomb.
Spouk for our sis'crs sad, who now
In City garrets, dark and dim,
With trembling hands and pallid brow
Weary heart and aching limb
Arc toiling for their scanty bread
With horror's midnight hanging o'er them,
Or hastin; tho durk pulh to trea!
Of guilt and shamo before them.
In pity let us seek each den
Where Sin its foulest work hath wrought
lno and and guilty Magdulon
Likc Je(lU, christ forgetting not,
, , ......
And pray tho mercy of h.gh Ircnvcn
0n Bmlt bc'or( Starvation driven I
Hark ! from theslavo land comoth up
xhe crj. of ,istcrs brulscd and , . .
I ' iUl1 dra,n thc tl,cr CUP
f ""6' tongue hath not named.
God heal thtir wounds 1 let thcii poor hands
Take hold on morcy's garment hem.
Our souls aro heavy w ith their bands
O heart of hearts, remember them I
Often to base ambition's cull
The arm of Tower hath torn away,
Husbands and chiUren, brothers all
That lights! up life's wintry day,
And battlo ground and foaming flood
Been crimsoned with their priceless blood.
Th prow ling wolf and vulture fed,
Sweoily, upou tho butchered dead,
The surface of thc sunlit earth
Is whitened with their blccehing bonos
And childran weep beside the hearth
And starve in desolated home.
E'en now tho widowed mother's cry
Ipon tho sir is passing by.
0 ! all yc tnd snd hrnVen hearted
Who wither 'neath tho tyrant's frown
O 1 all yo souls of tho departed
0 ! blighted, w ronged and trodden down
Hear yc your witness hero to day.
To Oon we make our stern appeal
Against oppression's boundless sway
And Mammon's heart of atccl I
Yet Courage I though mid shadows going
The world moves darkly on its way,
On thc for hills a light is glowing,
llright herald of a better day.
Wo trust in Truth, and yet shall see
I'roud Wrong into Oblivion hurled,
Thc humsn raeo shall nil bo free,
War's bloody banner shall be furled,
Where sorrow dwelt there shall be light
I'll. Eirth like Heaven shall know no night
And Go! shall rule the world I
From the New York Independent.
Case of the People in Saul.
One of the most instructive instances of
disobedience lo inhuman nnd imriuhleous
law, is In he lomul in the case ol (be I'coplu
VS. H ml, in beh.ill of Jonathan. The popu
lar adjudication of ibis ease, simply by muled
moral power, nnd tho peneelul iehny of
equity over unrighteous law, aro recorded in
the J ltli chapter ol the 1st hook of Samuel.
The monarch had eoniiuaiided (bat tlirouuh-
out the day ol battle, no loud should be eaten
till the c oning. Jonathan heard tail when
bis liilhor charged the oeonle w ith Ibis nail,:
mid when they encountered n quantity ol
honey in their march, be init linth hj. i'.,,.
mill eat of il ; and when the people, iulurmed
him of thu curse, thou said Jonathan. Mi
fulhtr Li Hi tiouk'tJ Ike land. Nevertheless,
thus tar, though Hie ex.ieliou was severe and
injmioiis, llio people uls-ycil, each ono pa
tiently enduring lur himself llio personal in
convenience. Jlut when il came to nn immnratltj requir
ed ol tliein, or to their consent demanded to
nn net of injustice und cruelly again.-.! an in
noceiil person, they nnhcdly and resolutely
refused obedience. When mi inquest was
held as lo the proceedings of the day, then
Ihe King swore n great oath, thai in whoso
ever Ihe sin bad been liiuud that day, though
it were in Jonathan biuiseli, be tdiuuhl sure
ly die. Kut there was nut n man among nil
the people who answered him. They onlv
said, in calm determination, (j'o on with thy
trial ns seeineth good unto thee. So when the
truth was know n, Saul imsweied, CIod dn so.
nnrf more n'so,J'ur thou skull sure'; tlir, Jowilh-m.
Kill now was the people's lino ; ami willi
ns united mid resolute a personal ilisobc.iitnce,
when this inhumanity was required ol llieiii.
ns ihe patient obedience which they hail ex
ercised w hen the thing required of them was
simply their own iilisiiueucu Irom loud, they
Heel ircil, one linn till, mat tins should not ho.
As they had id, stained Irom loud ill obeying
thu King's coiuiiiiitiiliiieul, so now Ibey
would atisl.iiu Ii nm sin iiuninsi (.joD.niul Jj.
ob'j it. It was . i plain case of buy iig.insl
molality, nml morality egiin.-t law. 'And
the H'cple said unto 'S ml, Sb.dl Jonathan
die. who has wrought this great salvution in
Israel' (Jodlbibnl! As llio Lord livelli,
Ibcre shall not one hair of bis head fall to
tho ground; lor he bulb wrought with Cod
his day. So the prop'.e rescued Jonathan, (hut
he Hied not.'
Now ibis is noi n mere common roso nf
disobedience to u civil statute, but it was
flat, downright, peaceable mutiny. Jt was n
martial law as well as civil, under which
limy were held nl Saul's supreme command,
both ns King nnd (Jenernl ; but, if in any
particular, S.iul commanded what was im
ptst beliiiu Und, their duly was lo disobey it.
Every one nl them, without exception, pro
ving liiithl'ul lo Chid, Saul could do notlmi!
nt id! with llieiii. Ho could not find a sinclo
individual to execute bis unjust command :
mill this being the case, seeing so enlui, uni
versal, hiui resolutu ii disoliedienee, lie dared
not attempt lo execute it himscit; The peo
ple needed nothing in sueli a case, liir victo
ry of thu right, but simple, disoh.-dieucu to
tho wrong. No violence was requisite, nor
nny appeal to ii. Their united will was e-
liougli to maku the execution ol'lhe mandate
ol'lhe tyrant impossible. It wasn peaceful,
triumphant viclory, oi equity over unrighteous
Law, by simple disobidienc'e, by simply refu-
Mug lo obey man when bu required that
which wns contrary lo (jod.
Now if this spirit everywhere prevailed, if
it wero well known that men would not oiry
unjust law, mid that men's consciences could
not be bought or corrupted, to In: instruments
in executing it, such n thing ns unjust law
would soon cease out of existence. The
most tyrannical government would bo shorn
of its power; for even Nero could not have
imprisoned or beheaded the whole people of
Home, supposing Ihey till, to n man, ihsolicy.
ed mi unrighteous edict. Simple disohe
diencp, liir conscience-sake, when it becomes
general, palsies Ihe iirin ol' unrighteous pow
er. Il is the iiiosi perlcct security nl liberty,
it is belter than millions of soldiers, stronger
tUuti ten thousand navies.
TiieCkyvtal Palace Reatex Dr. Dull",
in his speech at tho niinivesaiy meeting nf
the Wesleyaii Methodist .Mission Society iu
Loudon, thus described ouu of thu heathen
temples of India:
" Ju Sei iiighmii voii h ive tho hitgest hea
then temple that Can be liuuid from Ihe
North lo the South pole. It is u square, each
side being a uiilu in length, so that is lour
miles around. Talk of your Crystal Palace!
Why, ns a man would put n penny in his
pocket, you might put your Crystal Palace
into the pockei of this bugo pagoda. The
wal. a lire 25 feet high, nurl 4 or 5 leet thick,
und in the centre of each wall rises a lolly
tower. Entering the first square you come
to another with a wall us high, nnd four more
towers. Within thai square is another, mid
within that again there is mint her crowded
by thousands of lliahiuins. The great ball
lor pilgrims is supported by a thousand pil
lars, each cut out of u single block of stone."
A Few weeks ngo, a sweet litilo gill in
New Haven, only three years old, wns prom
ised ono evening that sho should accompany
her parents to Uoston the next morning.
She was much elated nt tho prospect of the
journey, end when she bud finished repeat
ing her liitlo "Prayer, as aim laid down to
sleep, the said with exquisite simplicity,
Good bye, God Good bye, Jesus Christ I
am going to ISoston in the morning.
Anatomy Physiology and Medicine.
The aulrscriber would respectfully annnuncs
that lie is supplied with an increasptl number of
superior facilities having recently mndo new
purchases lor demonstrating thc subjects per
taining to the science of medicine ; having a
Hue Vim A ow,.r,-;.; i;.
Dried Preparation i Life silted, and hundreds of
other Anatomical Plntes; a collection of the most
approved collored plates for illushalin medical
botrtr.v, largo supply of Surgical instruments
and plates and splendid piitludogical illustro
lions, besides a well selected modern library
eoiitaiinng works on all tho various branches,
ntinrding an opportunity of nn ordinary char
actcr to ladies and gentlemen for speedily and
thoroughly acquiring such information.
It being my design to continue to tench, it
shall bo ns heretofore, no less my pleasuro tlisn
(lesiro to mnko all tho instructions and demon
strations practical.
Those intending to study medicine would do
w ell to commence at an enrlv period.
Tho term for Anatomy and Phvsiolgy will, as
usual commence on tho Hist Monday of Mo-
b"- K. O.
MARLBORO, May 5, 1851.
N. B. Being desirous to dispose of my prop.
erty I will sell nn very reasonable terms.
Wcsicrn Farmers' Insurance (.'oinpiiiy,
of XEir Lisnox, omo.
This Company was organiied, and commenc
ed issuing Policies the lirt of May, 13 in.
And, although it has been in operation but
n'xiut eight mouths, we aro nblo to report as
f jllows :
Wholo number of Policies issued, 2,000
" nm't of property insured, $1,010,100
" amount of Premium Notes, 8,479
" " of Cash Premiums, 6,831
" " of losses, 700
Ilibmco of Cash Premiums abovo losses, fi,131
l-'roin tho above it will bo seen that wo al
ready number moic members than most of the
Mutual Insuniin e Companies that have been in
operation for the last ten years, ami have more
Cmh on hand than any other Company in tho
Stale on an small mi amount of risk. Tho ns.
tonishing success with which this Conq any has
met is good ovidenco that il is one of the' best
insfiturions in the country; audit is believed
that it stands unrivalled for libcrulity and fair
XoAn rnrnmiicK, Aiitir-r Brnnicx,
Alkxandkh PAnuusnx, IIuwauo Powkus,
Joskpii Ouu.
V. FiisnKtucK, Vca". J. M. Oii.mvm, TVcs TVmY
J. McClymonus, Trnaurvr. I.BVI MillllM,
V. J. llutoiiT, Uenenit Ajrnt.
A Ilfarl-Ut'bdiiig; Traged) I
Tho other day a young man in horrid looking
plight, by some unaceoiintalilo circumstance
stepped into a neat and commodious room three
doors west of TYoseott's Hook-More,
A AltO I) IV,
The original Barber of Salem, with a Sanj
Froi.t" unparalleled in tho history of
S1I.VVIXO, Il iir Dressing and Shampoonin,
took an astonishing ..harp lt.VZOit and ampu
tated the young man's beard, and w ith an other
surgical instrument, not quit, as costly ns the
I inner, cut an 1 dicve I tes Im r in such n tmly
stylo . 10 give COM PI.1C I P, ri.V I'lSIACTION.
IVt'.ia wholo icquiriog but a very few mo
mi nts. Will uthvr Ucntlenieii in the sumo tlx
as tho youth rcferod M, call und do likewUu
S.ilcm, May 22, ISil.
C i'.ti"j dom to order, and nil utri M'armnltft.
No..'- tids, Main 3trcct, two d jjis Ii it ol
tho Siuc.n boast.ra.
Farm fur Sale.
Tho subscriber offers fors.de, a small Farm,
consisting of Sixty A res of tirit rate land, situs
ted two miles North Kist of Salem. There are
upon the premises a Ln House 1111.I small Barn,
ami one nf tho best veins of coal in tho neigh
borhood. Tho property is that formerly held
by Dr. Suml. Ball. Indisputable titles will be
For terms of Sale, and other particulars apply
to James Barnabv, Salem, O.
May 1, 18-51. ' J. IIEACOCK.
Every llo-.Iy Ittiu UiU Wnyll
HAVING moved nnd ro-tittod our Shop, wo
feel safe in saying that we will be able to
Rive entire satisfaction in the way of
Sliuviug, II it i r Dressing, ami Sliampoouin?,
to all of our old customers, and as many now
ones as may favor us with a rail.
Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a
liberal share of the public patronage.
With II izors sharp, nnd chairs mat s easy
In shaving wo'll be suro to please yo:
Combs that s ready, with scissors keen,
Wc cut your hair both sleek and clcun ;
If your bead is coated with dundruf,
Give us a trial with our shampooing stuff,
And it' you doubt at all and wish to sec,
Call at Ambler's Block, just number three I
Salem April 12, 1.S51.
.Vaiiirtcrurw of Curriuycs, liuryict, S'llkiei,
A Reucral assortment of carrogo onstantly
on hand, ma le of tb 1 best rr.: .eriid Bid in lh(
neatest stylo. All rkwaiiiitcd
Shop on Main stri :t. , O.
THE Subscriber offers for sulc, I'pper Lealhrr
C,tlJ!;iiH, Situ and lliirncss Lea'her, iSirocoi
and lliiuliivj Skiaa ; Alto, n'l kinds of Shoe
Leather cut to pattern. Is. LLDKIDUK.
Au;(. 1, 8 mo., lbjO.
Ami-Slavery Siinsl
WE have about 1300 copies of our selection
of Ami-Slavery Sons on band, which we will
sell Wholesalo and Kctail 1 orders from a dis
tance shall be promptly attended to.
AuK. 10, 1830. I. TUESCOTT, & Co.
Denial Surgery.
J. W. WALKER, would nanounee to Ids
friends, and the public generally, that bo is pro
pnrcd to cxecuto all woik in the above profes
sion, that may bo intrusted to him.
Now Lyme, Aug. 17th, 1850.
Tho Young Abolitionists J
OR Conversations on Slavery By J. Elua
both Jones. Wo havo purchased the edition of
this book, ana can supply Buch as may wish to
purchase at w holesale. Thoso in naiicr can bo
sent by mid, price 20 cts., Muslin i!i cts., per
copy. i. TllKSCU lT, Co,
Also, at D. Anderson's Baptist Book-Storo,
3i w est tin ri., Cincinnati.
August 10, I860.
AND Till
r.4imi:irs olide.
Liberal Ollin to Sew Subscribers! I
Continue to publish the four leading British
Quarterly Reviews nnd I)luckwood' Maga
zine ; in addition to which they have recent
ly commenced the publication of valuable
Agricultural work, called the
"Farmers' Cuidt to Scientific and Practical
Br IIfmiit S-rrniEKS, F.B..S.,of Edinburgh,,
nnlborof tho "Hook of the Farm," oVc., Ate.,,
nssisted by J011.1 P. Norton, M. A., Nsvn
Haven, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in
Yaln College, &e., &c.
This highly valuable work will comprise
two huge royal orliivo volumes, coiitoiiiiiis
over MbO pages, with 18 or 20 splendid steel
engravings, nnd more than ("CO engrnv ings on
wood, in the highest style otlhe nit, illustrat
ing almost every implement ol husbandry
now in use by iho best huiners, the Iks!
methods nf plowing, planting, buying, har
vesting, &c, &.v., 1I.0 various domestic eni
innls in their highest peileriion ; in short,
the pictorial lenliiro of the book is liliiijUe,
nnd w ill render it of incalculable value la
the student of agriculture.
The woik is lieiiig Published iu Semi
monthly NiiinhoiB, ol (J4 (nigra each, exclu
sive ol the Sled 1 iigmvings, and when net
taken in connection with tho Keviews or
Blackwood, is sold nt SS cents each, or (5
fir tho rntiro work in nuinliers, of which
there will be ut least tweiitv-two.
The British Periodicals he-published ar
ns follows, viz:
Tiik I.0M110.1 QuAti. Rkvikw (Conservative,)
The Kih.ndlhoii Review (Whig,)
The North IIuitisii Review (1. Church,)
The Wkbt.mi.nkter Review (Libernl,)
Black woon's Lih.iiii iicii Magazine (Tory.)
Although these woiks nre distiuguisbrd
by thu polilicnl shades above iiidiealed, yet
but n small portion of their contents it de
voted o polilicnl subjects. It is their Lite
ran cbmacter which gives them their chief
value, nnd in that they stand cnufesst dly fur
iiboii) nil other juiirimla of their class.
liinckienod, still under the muster ly guidance
of Christopher Xurth, inaliitnins its ancient
celebrity, mid is, tit ibis time, uiiiisun y nt
tractive, li'oiii the serial works of Bulwer
nnil oilier litertiry iiutnbles. wriitcn lor tint
magi. zinc, nud first appealing iu ils columna
both in (f'l'ent Britain and in tho lliitcd
Stales. Such woiks i.s "Tlie Cnxioiis" nnil
"My New Novel" (loth by Bulwer,) "My
Peninsular Meibd," "The (iiccn IIniid,"ainl
other seri.-ds, of which iiiiinrrnus rival i-di-tinns
nre issued by the lending publishers
iu this country, have to be reprinted by these
publishers Ii on 1 the pages ol Blackwood,
after il has been issued by .Messrs. Seott & Co.,
so llu.t Subscribers, lo ihe Re print of that
Magazine may always rely on having the
earliest rending of these Inscimding tides.
See list of Premium Volumes Lelow.J
For any one of thc 4 Reviews and 1 T. vol. f 3,00
Tor any two do 1" 6 00
For any thrco do 2 7 oft
For all fourof the Reviews, 2 " sc0
For Bint k wood's Magazine, 1" 3,00
For Blackwood and 3 Keviews, S " sioO
For Blackwood & the i Reviews, 3 10,00
For Farmer's Guide (in 22 Nob.) 1 "
" do. and 1 Rev' w or Black. 1 '
" do. and any two Reprints 2 "
" do. ' " thrco " 2
" do. " four 3
" do. all tivo 3
(Paymenls to le made in all cases in Mranee.)
Jho I'remtums consist of the following
woiks, back volumes of which will be given
to new subscribers according to the number
of periodicals ordered, ns above explained.
Premium Volumes.'
Foreign Quarterly Review, (comprising 1 y'r.)
J Hark wood's .Maruzine, (six months.)
London Qimrterlii liwiiw, (one year.)
llenliey's Misctl'.uvy, (six months.)
.linitttrgh l,iv:cw, (one year.)
Metropolitan Magazine, (six months.)
H'estminster Jievirw, (one year.)
Consecutive Premium volumes cannot In
nil cases bo furnished, exrept of the Foreign.
Quarterly Review. 'I'o prevent disappoint
ment, inereioie, where Hint work is 1101 alone
wanted, subscribers will please oidrr as
many different wurks fur premiums 11s there
uro volumes to which Ihey mny be entitled.
A discount of twenlu-live ver cent, from the
above prices w ill bu allowed to Clubs order
tug lour or more ol the uliove works. 1 line t
4 copies of Blackwood or of 0110 Review will
be sent 10 one address lor $1) ; 4 copies ol the
four Reviews und Blackwood for (30 j end
so on.
No premiums will lie given where the
above allow unco is made to clubs, nor will
premiums in nny case be furnished unless
the subscription money is paid in full to the
publishers, without recourse to mi agent.
Money, current in the States w here issued,
will bo received at par.
Remittances nud communications should
be always uddrosscd, postpaid or fruliked, tO
thu publishers,
79 Fultoii-si., N. Y., entrance 54 Cold-st.
I. TUESCOTT & CO. Salem, Ohio,
WHOLESALE Dealers in School, Miseella.
neons and Moral Reform Book s j 1'nprr, Ink,
.-.nil Stationery j Drills and Medicines, l'aiiiLs,
Oils, and Dycstuffs; Dr. Tow nsend's Celebrated
Siirsnparilla ; Fuhncstnck's, Melarne's and Sel
ler's Yermifugo and Pills ; and all tho Popular
Medicines of the Day. ALSO,
HOOTS A SHOES and Shoe Findings Dry.
floods and Groceries,, Ifcc. fce. Aur.9, '60
BARNABY ft WIIINI2RY Dealers in Books.
Stationary, &c., A'urfA tide of Muin it., t-attm, 0
A general assortment of Literary, 6oiciitiJt
Reformatory and Miscolluncous Boo is art
school books, kept constantly on band. Filcee
reasonable. Terms, L'ASU,
Salem, Ohio, 1849.
SURGEON DENTIST!! Offics orr t)
Book .SVor. All operations in Dentistry Ties
formed in the best manner, end all wtrk ss-ar-ranted
elegant and durabl. C'Aerfsi nssnosse
Ssdcro, Sept. 80i, 1840.