T II E A N T I - S L A X E It Y 1! U G E E .
From the American Phonetic Journal.
Hoick! ill Broadbrim was ft fat Quaker In flic:
Slate of Xew Jersey, who had sold molasses, Cod-'
fish, cliinfi, oarthonwnrc, clothes, nnd nil Sorts of j
liquors. Wo. like the Qnnkers, in deed, ns well hl
In name, and Hezckiah was a Hickory (Junker.!
Ho will somewhat of nti old batehelnr, nnd hnd n
sister wliu was somewhat of nn old maid ! Mutt
sho was iho best creature nlive: straight ns a can-1
die, blooming ns a rose, and 'smiling ns charity I
Her name was Pfirens. i
Ilezekiah and Duron walked out one Sunday
afternoon in the blooming month of Muy, to breathe I
tho fresh nir, nnil view tho meadows. The walking!
was smooth and delightful, with no manner of ob-'
strtictions, except here and there a ditch full of'j
water, tpnnned by a few hedges, nml too wide for'
a man of ordinary jumping capacity to cross it at I
a single bound, liut Henekiah valued himself, as
fit people commonly do, on his utility ; and instead
of walking a few rods for the sake of a bridge, ho j
must needs leap every ditch he came to.
"Tliee'd better not" try that, Uocekiah," said his
kiutl aud considerate sister.
" Xever thee mind, l)orca9," repliod Hexekiah,
" there's no danger ; I've jumped a bigger ditch
when I wasn't half my present size."
"All Hints very likely j hut recollect tnces
grown exceeding pursy since thee was a young
man !" .
" Pursy I Well, if I have, that's no reason why
I shouldn't be ns agile ns before; 1 tell thee.
Dorcas, I can jump this ditch without so much as!
touching a Hnger."
"Aye, but thee'Il touch thy f.'ct to the bottom."!
"Theo's but a woman, Dorcas, nud thy fears
magnify this ditch even to a river. Now stand
thee aside, that I may have full sweep according to
'" Nay, brother llczekiali, tliee'd better not. The
ditch is wide and the bottom muddy and thee'Il
assuredly spoil thy Sunday clothes, ft' no worse."
"Ohftidgo for thy fears, girl ; they shall nutl
stay me a jot. Nny.'do not hold mc, fur I'm ro-l
solved to jump this ditch, if it wore merely to con
vince thee of my agility."
Accordingly, llczekiali went back a few yards,
in order that he might have a fair run, and that
the impulse thereof might carry him over. J Living
retreated far enough, ho came forward with a mo
mentum proportioned ti his weight and vol
-...I f,...n.l ).;...D.r i. .j:. .i. 'i'l i f . i
around on nil sides . o.i i.,.Ait,i Ln,i.,,J
clothes af 1) ireas, who could not, with all her Qua
ker sobriety and kind feeling, help bursting into a
loud laugh. There was llexekiah, showing his
agility (!) nnd floundering in the mud like a w hale 1
The water was not so deep as to be dangerous
and the scene was too irresistibly comic for even a
B.iint to nbstaiu from laughing, though on the
Lord's day.
At length, when her risibility wiuld allow her
the power of speech, Dorens kindly held out hcr
hand and said " Come hither, Ilezckiah, and I'll
i..,i .1.
" V ell. we I. returned the loundored. in a tone
of vexation " tlico docs well, Dorcas, to stand
thoro ani laugh nt me as though it were mere
sport to see me stick in tho mud and water up to
my very middle !"
"Nay, nay, Ilezekiah, thee has shown thy agil
ity so inarvel iusly, that I could not help being
pleased for tho lil'e of mo nnd now I take shame
to myself for having opposed thee so strenuously,
- J . If .... '
gle moment doubted thy capacity
. :
or for having a sin
for jumping. But if thee's satisfied w ith thy ex
ploit, and ready to cumc forth, I will lend theo a
liand to help thee out."
Thus saying, Dorcas drew near to thc ditch but
ir,ni;.A h,.; , i.:...Jnii- ;., .... i,; i.i
nnwer dpelirpdhp n-nnl.l apt himself not in the
an 1110 way liut tho mud was deep nnu nuhcvc
nnd as hegot one foot out, he got the other in ; and
thus he continued to labor and Tplune, till ho was
f,.ll B.itUflon' hin-n hii;w holfo pnl,..,l,.tp,l
to help him in than to help him out of the ditch 1
if. . i. . - r . . i . . l " . i...
i.e crew wruin, anu so iar ioriroi ine pniiu lau-
guai'e that he exclaimed " By"
"Don't thee sweir brother llczekiali " inter-'
runted Dorcas ' ' .
" Swoar'" roared llczekiali "tliee'd swc'r too
if theo was in here'" ' ' '!
" Swear'not at all Ilezekiah but even lend me I
thy hand, and Ml use my ability to pnll thee out, !
accordimr to iIip scrintorp which saveth Ml thine 1
ox or thine ass full into a ditch on tho Sabbath I
thy stupidity, it was indeed unsisterly to liken thee!
to the long eared animal. But if thee is satisfied
on those points, and will forthwith reach me thine
hand, 111 do as much as in mc licth to bring thee '
safe to land." !
Ue.ckiah was pretty well convinced by thisVnne, ,
that his own nl.ilitv would never fetch him out : i
w herefore, humbly reaching out bis hand to Dorcas,
day' "
" Now, sister, thee is too bad. Verily, theo
would not make me so heavy as the former animal,
nor so stupid as the latter.
" As to thy weight," returned Dorcas, " thee
must be pretty well satisfied by this time ns for
he snid "Verily, sister, I will accept thy nid, in
asmuch as my own ability doth deceive mc."
Dorcas kindly lent him assistance, and by pull
ing vigorously, Ilezekiah nt length came to land.
Sliiikinr? off the mud and water like a snnniel he
returned home, but charged his sister, by the way, i
never to mention how he came to his catastrophe. ;
Dorcas promised, of course, and as sho was a girl
of truth nnd kind feelin", she was ns pood ns her I
word. But. once or twice, when they were in com-1
pany with sundry other Quakers, discoursing verv 1
soberly, Dorcas looked archly at another girl, and j
merely said I
uia i ever ten tnce, Kaciici, now urotner nez-
ih, one Sunday" I
Ilezekiah turned nn cmbarrnssed nnd imploring'
look towards her, and she said, " Nay, nay, Ileze-1
kiah, I'm not going to tell merely to ask if I ever
told how thee showed thy agility one Sunday, and !
jumped into the middle of a ditch. j
r The house at "Sunnyside," in which Washington
Irving resides, is one he built sonic three years ago.
It in about two and a half miles below Tarrytown
eiirontlv nn thm Kiiiilrti i,f t)iA lliiliitn If lu Iiiu It '
on the site of the "Van Tassel Hons." In fact the
new structure includes a portion of the old walls.
At an earlier day it was called "Wolfert's Boost" j
Wolfert Acker being one of the Privy Councel-
ors of the renowned Peter Stuyvcsant.
Afterwards it camo into the possession of thej
Van Tassels. It was here that the quilting party
and dnnco took nlaco, so graphically described in
ino uegenus oi sieepy iionow. n was nere nmi i
the unfortunate Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones
unequivocally met, both being suitors for the hand
and heart of Kate Ynn Tassel. Your readers will
recall the amusing incidents of thnt story, nnd es
pecially the last appearances of Ichabod Crane.
A weather cock of miserable appearance is pech
cd on the gable of the main building. It was once
the ornament of old St.idt House of New York in
the time of the old Hutch rule.
C The house is surrounded by trees some wild
and some planted by Irving. The buildings are
nnrlu.ni-.i..,l ...l.l. ..I. ....I '.. '..
u, .j v" vio. ni ill I lilt,. lll.U UI CUlitTB. XIIJ iruiu-
pet Flower .nd the Ivy Vine are the most console-
uous of thoin. j
The Ivy, which grows unusually rank, has ape-j
eutiar interest. It was brought from Melroso Ab
bey, near Abbotsford, Scotland, some 20 yean a"o.
It was brwught by Mrs.T'euwich, nn intimate friend
of Mr. Irving, and planted at "Sunnyeide" by her
own fair hands. ' ' 1
.;Thi4lady was a Miss Jean Jeffrey, llor father
was a inipister, and it was of this lovely girl, then
about !., that Burns wrote two beautiful stanzas,
among the gems of his poetry. Detroit 1'ribune.
JlnKBEBjIiJ-PlSKsaJ M wikiud nre nlwnys
happier for haviug been happy ; so that it you
make them happy now, you aiay twenty years
henco, by the memory of it. A cuildbcod passed
witn due mixture or me, a iccnnj nr cairn picas-
ur;Ad.in extreme old age is the very j;wt remem
brance which time can erase from the mind of man.
Our enjoyment, however inconsiderable, is confined
tithe prcdeAt moment 1 A bian Ss the happier for
havi ig made once an agreeable to or, or lived for
a-Jell4uf liiae with pleasant petple, or enjoyed
any considerable interval of ianoceat plotuurc. -Sundty
Srkool I'httor.
If hex carej lesfor wcallli and fame,
And loss for battle-fields and glory ;
IT writ iu human hearts, a name,
Seemed better tlinn in song nnd story t
If men, instead of mining pride,
Would learn to bate it and abhor it
If more reliod
' On love to guide,
The world would be the better for it.
If men dwelt less in stocks nnd lands,
And more in bonds and deeds fraternsl ;
If love's work bad more willing bands.
To link this world to tho supcrn.1 (
If men stored up love's oil and wine,
The world would bo tho better for it.
If man would art the play of live,
And fewer spoil it in rchersal ;
If bigotry would sheath bis knife,
'Tilt (iod became more universal ;
If custom, gray with ages grown,
Had fewer blind men to adore it
If talent shono
In truth alone,
The world would be the better for it.
,Vnd on bruised human hearts would pour it,
If "yours" nud "mine'
Would onco combine,
If man were wi?c in little things
All'ectingless in all their dealings ;
If hearts had fewer rusty strings
To insulate their kindly feelings ;
If men, w hen wrong bears down the ri
Would strike together .inu restore it
If right made might
In every fight,
The world would b the better for it. .
the covered track, and thriiu
Among the things which I have always longed
to see, is the work of the snow-plow, din en along ;
ed into decn cuts, lhis 1 have at lengtti seen
The train cann to Watcrtowu from Cnpc Vincent"
N. Y., with two engines nnd a snow plow. When
we reached I'icrpont .Manor, the conductor kindly
acceded to my wish to go forwatd nnd take a
berth with the engineer. I was soon in position.
For two days it had been storming. The nir was
murky and cross. The snow was decending, not
peacefully nnd drenmilv. but whirled nnd made
! ' - '-i
icaped snows drift.
; wild by nercc wimM. i no uresis were laucn wu n
now, and their interior looked murky nnd dread-
nu as a witcn s oen. i iiroiiKii sucn scenes i no.
""".. vi. i '"" "n
engineers and nremon were contei witn snow irom
noau to ioor. nnu iookcu use miners wno nnu never i
briislied tneir eoats lor a generation, ino ltoor
on which we stood was ico nud snow halt melted. I
ihe wood was coated with snow. Ihe locomotive:
was frosted all over with snow-wheels, connecting
axels, and everything but tho boiler nnd;
unioiie-si.iiK. i .o s.uo ...... ... ..t w.m.uws
ral.ivail with .rnatd nl i.-p nnd nn v Hirm.irh unn lif-l
f - - :.: "i , , i
tin onnl in tl,n u'.nilitw nvpp thp lin.lpr .'....III I lippr 1
glazed witn crusts oi ice nnu oniy iiirwign one nr.-!
tie spot in tho window over the boiler could 1 peer'anj
; out to get a sight of the plow. The track was in-:
.nstinguisiiaoie. j iici e v. iiow....g 10 r) v
ldungiug through toresis at random. And tlnsi
ir.ii-A iininonn ovi'ilompiit rn tlin Ri'onn. whnn two 1
' , . . . .
ponderous engines were apparently driving us in .
1 uvh 1,11 outlandish excursion. But their feet '
l we,' sure. unomngly telt t heir way along
1 lh,'T roa1' 80 U,ttt ,ww"e h(;ld Ur C0.urB?8-,
........ h . i. ,v ------
guiue iiiouiigiou ui ooo nay ...u.u ... ... w miiur.
It seemed as if wo wero going ncross fields nnd '
l- u .i. r..ii..aD :i. ...i : u
organ. ...noi-, ... g.-n-nu....!. ...i iiiu:
' flllls' ln tl0 curvature of its drift-lines and in
the curves which it makes when streaming off tin j
';eitlier Bld0- . " was never long the same. If the -pho
snow was thin nnd light, the plow seemed to play
ndirly with it, like nn artist doing curious things!
f,,r1sP't' .W,R " " exquisite curves, that rose
,ind fcl1, T"verea !,mf k'." they ran. Ihen 8ud-;diiU1s
Uen,y ,kln!! a umt lllat lia!' P".eu aoros9 tlie
.. nun., .r , ","i." "j ,
plosion, twenty nnd thirty feet, in jets nnd bolts ;
or like long-stemmed sneaves ot snow-wncat spend
fan-like insntly, the drift past, the snow seemed .
ny iiisuiici oi ..a on . 10 .....at., u .u . ..j "sa....
in exquisite curves, mat rose aim icu about our
P10"-. B"K'r,
' mt 'Jeep " o only saw-the hrst dash, as if
tl,0,r;low 1111,1 .'truck t,' ba"ks of snow before it ,
V ,l! I1 on its graces, anil shot it distracted and
lien,ll""K UP nnd du" n 011 elV'cr sldc hko 8Pray or ;
Itying ashes.
It was but a second. For the fine snow rose up ,
round tho engine, nnd covered it liko a mist, nnd
sucKing rnunn, poureu in upon us in sueeis nnu
clouds, niingling with the vnpor of steam, and the
smoke which from impeded draft, poured out, filled ,
the engine-room and darkened it, so w o could not
see each othcra loot distant except ns very filmy
spcetors glowering nt each other. Our engineers
had on hufhilo coats, whoso natural hirsutoness
was made moro shaggy by tags of snow melted in-
to icicles. To sec such substantial forinschanging.
back nnd forth every few moments from a clearly '
earthly foym into a spectral lightness, as if they
w ent back and forth between body and spirit, was
not a little exciting to the imagination.
hen wc struck deep bodies ot snow, ttio en
eki gine plowed through them laboriously, quiver-
ing and groaning with the load, but shot forth,
ngnm nimble ns a bird, the moment the snow grew
"nothing seemed wilder than to be in ono of those
wniriing stljrnl8 0f 8,0ke, vapor and snow. You
on one pondius monste
close behind fastened b.gethcr and looming up,
1" rrr'
, .:..:. .. i. : : . ii ' ;
Zr !
Bill II Mill IIO HUM IIULI llllllllt, nill.ll IIIIUI
i. .tri I . ...I.:.. I. : : t !
:,; tuL li.rht ,,r .b.rlcpss. Thus whirled ?.,
in tlie i0soni of a storm, you sped across the open
fleM. mil of wild, driving snow, you ran up to the
opening of the black pine und hemlock woods, nnd
plunged tnto a cave ol darkness, and wrestled your
.fty nlong through their dreary recesses, emerging'
to the cleared geld again, with"whistles screaming '
nd answering each other back and forth from en-
rjne tocngiue. r or, in the bewildering obscurity
2. k.,Mnn9.nl,. .itinn ,l .t A
l(i19 excited steeds and rein them back to the !
,li . 1
won ' ,e nn e."." n.d0
We think Mnzeppn's rido, lashed to a wild horso
and rushing through ti e forest wolf-driven, to havo
been rather exciting. If a man in a buffalo hunt,
by some strangemishap should find himself thrown
from his horse and mountod on tho shaggy hack of
an old, tierce buffalo bull, and go off with a rush,
in cloud nnd dust, nmong ten thousand trampling
fellows, pursued by yolling Indians, that, too,
would be nn exciting rido. liut neither ot these
would know the highest exilaration of the chaso,
T. .... IV. ...UOT IUV llltlm.. '1... ... ..UI. ... .1,9 VIIIISU, I
until in a wild storm, upon scowling day in J.inl '
ua-v he rides upon a double engine team behind a
nnw-piow, to clear the track ot banks and burdens
of snow. IndciiendciU.
Cheerfulness and a festival spirit fills the soul
full of harmony It comooses music for chnrehes
and hearts it makes and publishes glorifications
or uoa it produces thankfulness and servos the
end of charity: and, when the oil of trl.idnoss
runs over, it makes bright and tall emissions of
li;ht and holy fires, reaching up to a cloud 'and
j llmking joy round about ; and, therefore, since il
. j, ao i,mcent, and may be so pious and full of
I 10ly advantage, whatsoever can innocently minis-
tnr t0 ti,is Iioly oy does set forward the work of
And, indeed, charity itself,
lioly joy
religion and charity,
which is the vertical top of all religion, is nothing
else but a union of joys concentrated in the heart,
and reflected from all (he angles of our life and
intercourse. It is a rejoicing in God, a gladness
in our neighbor's ood, a pleasure in doing good, a
lojoic.ng witn Jinn ; and aitiiuut lure wc cannot
hare nny jny nt all.
TT" ,, j
Last ccning General Houston delivered In . lw-
ture on the above subject, in Niblo s 1 hentro A. l .
before the New-England Vnung Men's Association.
military band performed for nn hour before the
commencement of the lecture. Tim House was
nearly Clled. Gcii. II. w as received amid loud an-
plause, nnd with three cheers, and three nniro. He;
commenced his address with nu apology for his
want of preparation, owing to multifarious advoca-
lions, and bsstc iu traveling. .Still bo was, from
long experience, not, uimc.pininted with the Abo-1
riginnl Indians. Notwithstanding the inadequate
efforts made to civilise ami Christiunzo them, thej
mismaiingeinent of tho Government, nnd tho cu-
ol its agents, they nave mane great progress
in liny nmi.-
The defeat, of the Indian nt tho hands of the
in civilization nnd religion. It Ims bcfii supposed
. , i ,. .! lt . .a ...1.!.. 1
no uuan is m um; . , - . .
tmiii inir nn in iiv ti nun lit it'll i ititiil ri i niivrv. iiii-
ll,lo:'nd from the discovery of the land, there;0?''!:?
mve been men of Indian birth w hoso valor nnd
'cuius should reiK'cni tug race iroin nny siur,
latter, (ion. II. claimed for the Indians nn eciual-1
it v bv nature with the proudest ot the wlites.
ladies rclined in conversation nud beautiful in np-,
pearance, a government properly systematized, the
Sabbath resjicctcd, native preachers proclaiming
iho gospel of peace to their Indian brothers, inn
manlier nn 1 with a feeling that would not discredit
.the white mnn. To what nre .such good results
due? To the efforts of the Government? To the
action of societies for the amelioration of the In
dian's condition ? Nu! 01 the hundred millions
of dollars appropriated by Government for their
use, not more than twenty millions have been ben
oficialty applied to that object. Tho rest has been
swallowed up by the cupidity of agents. Had the
full sum been applied ns wis intended, it would
have reclaimed from the savage state all tho Indi
ans within tho limits of the I'nited States, The
n..tu tn.n .aA nti tltnm rtftl irnHinrr llipm lll'Unk
mKi.. ia ...... ... M n
procure their mark, in signature, wnen mey uo noi
know w lial they nre marking. They nre thus
abused through the connivance of tho traders nnd
n"ents. Iu Minnesoto, where starving Indian!
mothers had to eat their children, of -1M,IhX np-1
propriaicd, only ? 4ll,lIO wero used for tho Indi-j
j,, Nebraska, the civil nnd military fune-
tinarieR have combined to cheat the Indians out
iiiiiiiunn utL.u ,..'1,1 Mm,.., j v. ....... . .... ...... -
of th0 j,rjc0 0f their land. What wonder that the
warriors aro absent) lie properly nt the door of
tho whites. The l'loida war is nn instance.
.Ini'L-aim f.t'tKn Hi fonteil the Indians on tho field of
)ilt,i0. hut when ho became the nrbiter of their
,i.tjn . nnd d snenser to them of liistue, lie nc-
tomahawk dues i.ot rust upon the frontier, when
the thunders of the Executive do not fall on the
wretches who net thus basely. Iho Indians nre
treaty-breakers ; but when they arc abused,
they naturally seek revenge. They commit mur-!
dors: but so do people in this City, nnd it would
bo unjust to brand this City as a nest of murderers
because of the crimes of a few. The breaches of
treaties nnd origin of wholesale incssacics (which
generally fall on the women and children, lor the
f.i . ,i,..t. , ,, ,,,v. i he name of Jackson causes
tlie bij, tCilr tu 8t.irt in ,i10 Cyc of the warrior.
liiliso t,et0 ,,ativesc,f the soil, and when their ad-!8nn
vancement in civilization comports with our socio
ty nll(1 institutions, give them tenitory mid means
nnd npplmncesof improvement; receive tlitm into
, . n . i 1 1
our ,,,S""'""e nans, nuu gn uici.. .... c......
i . . t ... .
mo u-.s......... ; euiiu
nnd w hen you reduce
nnd a name, thev
our hislntive halls, mid g
nll r((Ull interest in
among tht m honest agents,
them to "a local Imbitation
of .,eacc, nnd in two ceneiaticns they will boss
i: i t n .i.,...i,i , i.
uvmzuu h uuisuncs. viun. n. inm-n;u m
idinn wnr threatened nt present, nnd said it com-
n,Cnced in a slaughtor of tho Indians by the troops,
-"he Indian law an invariable custom is that
blood shall be avenge 1 by blond ; not alono in the
person oi me uiiunuer, out ui ...n .u.innvr.. i.
fuml the destiny ot men, live by tlie sweat ot
tiie:r i,ruw. cultivate the arts nndcen elcsiHicics
I- .
Morman party were pissing near the Sioux camp,
hen a cow strayed from them to tho Indians ; a
ijcnr Indian who was am ng them killed the cow. I
Mormons complained at Fort Belknap, aud a
lieutenant (a West Point cadet, who had never
RCOn nn Indian) was sent wtth 28 men nnd two
pieces of n,-tiU-iT to adjust the matter. The In-;
offered to pay the value; the man who killed ;
the cow was demanded but he took refuge in a ;
lodge, and said no would not lie tnKcn ; no was a
stranger among the Sioux, and they said they i
Would not give him up, but would pay for thc ami- i
nml whereup. n the lieutenant fired his nrtilery 1
upon them, nnd ihe result was that tlie whites
wcro all massacred. This incident was mado the
mioundation ol a requisition to Washington lor nn
army t0 put down tho whole race. Peace has ;
cver been the best policy with the Indians; war I
has produced only disasters. Tho agents sent
among them aro cither gentlemen who Imvo dissi- j
paled their estates, or poor loafers who have n
claim on tho (joverr.mcnt ; and their chief or solo
purpose, when they go with a parchment in their
oosoni nmong ino iriucs, is 10 sieai uuu rou irom
them. lien. II. was not reflecting on the present
Admistration, but stating the euudition of things
for fifty years. He related some incidents cornice-1
ted with tho lexanwar. A Mexican force was
then sweeping the country in such power that if
the Indians took tho Tcxans on the flank and in
the rear, the result would have been inevitably
fatal. A man of influence with the Indians was
sent nmong them and made a league with thirteen
nations. When the Texans were obliged to fly
behind the river Sabine, their fugitivo women and
children were ted, relieved ami helped torwnrd by
lira inuians. v ncn pence was resioieu nnu a
a new administration installed in Washington,
these sanio Indians, a peaceful, agricultural people!
wero set upon, driven out, and ninny ol them mas-
i nfi ... ... i:.. . ; .. i
sacred. The result was a bloody retaliation, and,
for years, the tomahawk gleamed over the whole
district. Another Administration ciime in, and,
.i. c..z .it.. : ..... i. a
1ulk .tdn.iniration, but they had previously
K1 not to hear propositions fLn anyone who
did not bring tho credentials of n ring ai
!" A these could not be shown, the In-
110l,n,l KA lUnrtntnn l' k j . , I. tl.n.t. 9 1
umuo unavu iiio ucuuit;et u I Bunt tnuiii i uifjj
?..n,,we.rei th? Imlian. fa her, tho atter replied
1 "fy 1 '.. h P;luspl-
Und ould l,ttve D0 trtlk w,tl 11,0 dulei5"tus-
ring and certain
A Leaf from "Li.ovu's List." An interesting
tabular return has just been published in Lloyd's
List of the casualties to shipping, reported to
Lloyd's during the month of January last. They
are tuus ciassineu : i csscis totally wrccKed, l ift
nartof the e.irtro saved. 12: wholeor nn nrlv... ,,f
cargo saved, 3 ; sunk, 32; raised, C ; abandoned I
nnd lost, 42; ships recovered nfter being abandon-
ed, C ; stranded, whose subsequent fate was not re-'
ported, 153 ; stranded but afterwards got oil', 17'J ; j
snips got on Willi loss oi part oi cargo, o ; missing
10; condemned after striking, Ac, 3; condemned
from other onuses, 4 ; ships touching the ground
nnd sustaining trilling damage, G ; total casualties,
CIO. What a fearful list of disasters for a period of
only one month ! It will be observed that no re
turn has been made of the sacritlco of lil'o on those
occasions. .AVo beleivo, however, that we nro with-
, , , ., , , , ,
m tl,,e murk w',en we V'jat VruM ,,llt'K
sand persons have perished from these accidents.
liut no account is rendered to Lloyd s or tho fre
quent disasters to boats, nnd their crews, which
hnppen to those Individuals who are compelled, in
some way or another, to seek a livelihood on the
borders of the sea. ' Although we cannot subscribe
to tho dogma that, by increased nautical skill and
the continued improvement of ship-building, sea
and land trnvelirg could be brought to tho same
degree of security for it would not be in the power
oi mnn to control the stormy elements yet we do
believe that, by the diligent cultivation of these
sciences, shipwrecks could te very materially
lessenod and we trust that, when tho excellent
clauses of the new merchant shipping act will be
brought into full operation, disasters at soa, as far
as English ships are concerned, will be consider-
1.1 - it . r ... .i ..
nu.jr ivoa uuumruui luiiu, unioriunaieiy, llley are
at present. Journal of the Xationul Lifebuut lusti-
wuun jor junuaty,
A wag in Williamsburg advertises "Ice-house
to let." being his part of a church. "Warranted
to keep the year round, Sunday not excepted."
Life is like a tear
Bom in the sad depths of woman's eye
.f, , ,,,; , , , , d lieg
J , ...
And rocks as in a cradle, warmly hid
In the rich brown shadow of her glossy lid
ni t10n peeps out beneath it warily,
Qlliverin5 iu tl.Cmuluus uncertainty,
. " , ... .
And rainbow d like a bubble 1.1 the sun
I pon tho twinkling verge until with
will leap and gush of lipo intensity, .
u (J(irt9 R A,wn.
. J 1
1 "
J l.u I. iui;iiiil lin ui oim i.imi i., iumiipiicu uj iiiu
variety of those goods. Crapes, pongees,
challics, camlets, nnd gau.c, nre all made, cspcci-i
ally the first, which is the favorite article of dress
- ., ..., ii
himtm R11,i gilk nre vtyon, ',! frin
cpc K,1()w lilt lcy CiU1 m!Xlnlf.lctllrc n,1108t
. .
i ... , , ' ., f.,..
' ... '.':, i ,i...
" J"'.'
of patterns stamped on
, ;. . , f p. ,..-,,
- "v
In a lecture, lately delivered in New York, by
Trofessnr Alexander, the lecturer thus spoko of
tho forms of existing nebubv: Ho showed that
matter ot great tenuity.beginning to revolve, would
tako one of two forms ot equilibrium cither a
form nearly spherical or that of a very flat disc.
The incrcas:nir rapidity of tho revolution would
A writer in the Scientific American, referring to
the fact that steel is nothing more thnn refined iron
impregnated with carbon, says, that if tho carbon
contained in tho steel bo crystalizcd, tho steel is
rendered hard, and if its carbon is in solution or
nnerystnlilcd, it becomes soft Henco the reason
why steel becomes hard or soft, is becnuso of the
cryxtnlianrlon or non-crystnli.ntion of its carbon,
nnd not because of its particles being brought in
closer contact with each other. A piece ol hard
steel is actually larger than the same piece when
soft. Steel may be made hard by very grndual
cooling when heated to redness, or soft by henting
nnd suddenly eooline tho sanio. To make hnrd
steel, cool it in hot melted tin; nnd to make it soft,
forms of tho nebular mass undergoing such a pro
not I cess were pictured in diagrams by Professor A.;
until nt length tho theoretical determinations
identified themselves with the existing forms of the
J ncliuhe, ns defined by tho great telesoopo of Lord
; lbisse.
I I'ho ravs of lijjht exhibit electric properties,
. hth positive and negative, nnd Sir James lioss, nt
the late meeting of the Uritish Association for the
Advancement of Science, asserted that he had seen
a beam of light, in the Arctic regions, make the
magnet oscillate five decrees. The calorific and
chemical rays of light explain the phenomena of
at length explode the mnss nnd modify its form,
..l.'..li u-oiilfl 1 ... clill I'm vllmr fh. n.rt.il liv tlin
'.! .1- .i.i.-
conunuance oi ino revoiuuoii. xuu succtjssivu
i ii.i l n., "i ,i. ....., .,: ...,;,u .).,,
thc influence of moonlight. The heat rays of the
ar0 nbsnrbed by the moon, while tho feebler
n,tmore rapidly vibrating, ravs of blue nro refloet
rods . pJ nnd bring to the earth a certain amount of il-
umilmtion, combined with a strong chemical influ-
. . . . n ...
,cnLe, winch, in tropical climates especially, exert
; . . ' .. 1
the decomposing mlluenco.
where, amidst a perpetual flux and rellux of buy
1 11 . 1 1 ..-i 1 1 1.:
crs nuu suuurs, 01 uniKiirs, luuuvra uuu iinuu,
you see in all quarters stages and mountebanks,
jokers and comedians, laboring uninterruptedly to
i amuse the public. Over tho whole surfaco of the
country,! n the eighteen provinces, in tho towns of
mc nisi, sccoim uuu innu oiuur, in inu ou.gus uuu
I Tueatricai.s is China. The Celestial r.mpire
has much more resemblance to nn immense fair.
- . ....... .....
the villages, rich nnd poor, mandarins and people,
1 all tho Chinese without exception are passionately
fund of dramatic representations. There aro the-
nters everywhere; the great towns nre full of thorn,
and tho nitors play night and day. There is no
little villago that has not its theater, which is usu-
nlly placed opposite tu the pagoda, und sometimes
even forms a part of it. In some circumstances the
permanent theaters are not found sullicicnt, nnd
then the Chinese construct temporary ones, with
wonderful facility, out of bamboo. Tho Chinese
theater is always extremely simple, and its arrange
out ments are such as to exclude nll idea of scenic il-
lusion. Tho decoratiuns nro fixed, and do not
change as long as the piece lasts. Ono would ucv-
er know what they were intended Tor, if tho actors
themselves did not take care to inform tho public,
I d correct tho motionless character of the scones
ly verbal explanations. Tho only arrangement
j that is ever made with a view to scenic effect is thc
introduction of a kind of trap-door in front of the
stnuc. that selves for tin entrances nnd exits of
supernatural personages, and goes by tho name of
the l.ate ot 1'emolis. Um i Lntitene ft injure.
t " "
Trayer is thc peaccof our spirit, the stillness of
our thoughts, the evenness ot recollection, the
seat of incditatation, tho rest of our cares, and the
calm of our tempest; prayer is the issue of a quiet
i mind, of untroubled thoughts, itis tho daughter
of charity and the sister of meekness ; nnd he that
nravs to ("bid, with an angry, that is, with a trou-
bled and discomposed spirit, is like him that retires
j into a battlo to meditate, and sets up his closet in
the out-quarters ot an army.
I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue
unexercised nnd unbreathed, that never sallies out
.and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race,
w hero that immortal garland is to be run fur, not
: w ithout dust and heat. This was reason w hy our
i u..nn..AH ,i, .:i.:., ,..
Ulldcr the person of Union, brings
' him in with his palmer through the cave of inani
S ! mon nnd tho bower of earthly bliss, that ho might
' see and know, ond yet abstain.
TKKMS. $1,30 per nnnum pnynblo in advance.
Or, $2,00 at tho er.d of the year.
tif" Wo occasionally send numbers to those who
are nut subscribers, but w ho nro believed to be in
forested in tho dissemination of anti-slavery truth,
with the hope that they will either subscribe thom-
.selvos, or use their influence to extend its circulation
an,0"(5 tUL''r "leims
friy Communications intended for insertion, to
bo addressed to Mahius K. Hoiiinsov, Kditor. All
others to Ann Pearson, Publishing Agent.
Ono Square (10 lines) three weeks, ... $1,00
" " Knch additional insertion, - - 25
" " Six months, 4,0J
" One year, 0,00
Two Squares six months, - -5,00
" " One year, 8,00
One rourth oolumii one year, with privilege of
changing monthly, .... ls,(H)
Half column, changing monthly, ... . 20,00
fir-ir Cards not exceeding eight lines will be in
serted ono year for $3,00; six mouths, $2,00.
J. HUDSON, Printer.
Adrian, Samuel Ilaybnll,
Livonia, Harriet Fullei
Plymouth, Isaac N. Heddon,
Ypsilauti, Kuiuliue Dodarino,
" . Samuel I, Moore,
Union City, John 1. Zimmerman,
Mcluy Grove, Tho's 1'ox,
Battlo Creek, Phebe II. Mcriitt,
Bedford, Henry Cornell,
Farmington, Abram Powcls,
- Wolf Cieek. Warren Gilbert,
West I'nity, J. II. Uichardson,
Ann Arbor, It. Glanior.
. Kdinburgh, Thomas C. Ileighton.
, Winchester, Indiana, Joseph Puokctt.
Win. Horn, Brightan, Indiana.
G. L. Gale, Mortlipoit, ludi:ina.
The Eleventh Volume of the Ohio Cultivator,
will com inwieo Jan. 1st, 1855. Tho editors arc
resolved to spnro no pains to maintain the reputa
tion and usefulness of the pnper; nnd with the
bcnellt, of ten years' experience, nnd much travel
among the farmers of the West, they buliovo that
they can make the Cultivator for the coining year
of inoro valuo to its renders than ever before, nnd
better adapted for the soil nnd elimntc, nnd pro
ductions ot tho region lor which it ie designed,
limn any other pnper of the kind.'
The Ohio C'ultivntor will nim to impnrt knowledge
ot improved metiiods ol cultivation, now to nvoiu
losses by drouth, injurious insects, Ac., the most
profitable kinds of crops, best breeds of Block,
condition and prospects of the markets, Ac. Iu
U1B I"'!'"" ' ""u,c" l" """V"" -
no r arm, mc diiop, nmi me r .,r.s..,.,
tho elevation of Labor in nil its legitimate Inter-
nsts: nnnosuiif ntincKerv nnu numijiie in mi men
forms, and filling the noble station of a true
The Ohio Cultivator is published on the 1st fttvd
15th of everv month W laree octavo paces, with
imr n. viilmnn of ViSl naces for bindinc.
Terms. Single subscriptions a year. Four
conies for $:!. Nine copies for $6; and the same
price ('OH cents each) for nny Inrger number. All
subscriptions to lie paid in advance, and to com
monce with tho year. Persons sending Clubs,
may bavo them directed to different oftieos if they
choose; nnd those bavin sent a gmnller number,
may afterwnrds increase to nine, or more, nt the
flub rates. To nny person sending us a Club of
Nino Subscribers nnd we will send, as a prcmi
um, a Package of Choice Seeds, nine or more va
rieties, post paid, or a complete Volume for any
previous year, in pnper envef. Address
Columbus, Ohio.
Begins its Eleventh Yearly Volume, January 4, 1855.
Were added in 1853 and 1854. If the testimonies
Were added in 1853 and 1854. If the testimonies below are correct, it is not too much to say that
Miss Lucy Stone, nnd other distinguished nnti-
siavcry ndvocates, sny, "there vvylil to ho nn nnti
ishivprv child's miner." So sny we,
j . . - Bi,.,ri;niT
r or ten years nasi muru nun m en um--, ""o"'
and more.
with the popular tido successfully, aud just now
beginning to move up stream. Hear what they
The Jttrenile Instructor, a small semi-monthly
for children, published by L. C. Matlack, nt Syra
cuse, is a neat cheap readable paper. It is eleva
ted in its moral tone and reformatory iu its spirit.
Pennsylvania Freeman.
Our anti-slavery friends will bo glad to learn
that itis thoroughly right on the question of negro
slavery. It is the first juvenile paper in the'eoun
try which is nnti-slavcry. Let it have a wide circu
lation. llortfard Republican.
The Juvenile Instructor is a most admirably con
ducted little paper for children, issued in this city.
We find it always welcomed by tho little ones, and
wn see. hv p-lancinir over its columns, that "L'nclc
Lucius,', "the editor, possesses in nn eminent degree
tho mre faculty of CEtering for tho childish mind.
Xyruatsc Ecaiiny Chronicle.
We nre pleased with the tone of this juvenile
sheet, as well adapted to youth; and ns teaching
useful and none but useful lessons. Obcrlin Evan
gel int.
This is decidedly the best publication for chil
dren thnt we hnvo yet seen, notwithstanding the
constant bragging of tho "Little Pilgrim." Peo
ple a Journal, la.
fsJyTho Juvenile Inntructor is issued every alter
nate Thursday Price per yenr. twenty-live cents;
or, where fifty nre sent to one address, 12 centt a
cojiy.'! Kueh number is illustrated with engrav
ing's, and an index furnished nt the closo of each
volume. Specimen numbers sent on application
to the publisher, LUCIUS C. MATLACK.
Sprncuse, N. Y.
l'llll.ISIIED ii y
308 BR OA D YA Y, XE llr YORK.
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Constitution of Man. By Ceorge Combe. The
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Enirravinirs. and a Portrait of the Author. Price
Muslin, b" cents.
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the Nnturo and Value of Phrenological Evidence ;
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Domestic Life. Thoughts on Its Concord and
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Phrenological Faculties. 87 cents.
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Huston Med. and Sur. Journal.
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