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THE ANTI-SLAVERY BUG EE. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE BUGLE. PHILADELPHIA, March 10, 1855. Dt M.i To-day we havo oommittJ to Hie asvth all that wai mortal of that true friend of Freedom, Cruet M. BuaLtioif, one of the brothers (a that gifted family, whose name ha become in separably eunnected with the Anti-Slavery cause im America, and therefore with the life of the world forever. Mr. Di'RLtiait'i health has been Impaired for out time past, and in January he left the citj for 'toe quiet home of dear friends in the country, about thirty miles distant, hoping much from ro oee. But his di sense being pulmonary, a sue session of hemorrhages diminished his remaining strength, and after severe and protracted suffer lag. in which his faith did not fail bim, undismayed ky the approach of death, tranquil and conscious to the last, he died on the 7th imt., in the thirty si i tii year ef his age. Mr. Bpslsiqh was attracted to t! Anti-Slavery movement early in life, and about 1839 began his Irst publie labor iu New England. In 1345 he euu to Philadelphia, and one year afterwards ac cepted the call of the Executive Committee to the 'editorial care of the Ptnnsyhania Freeman, where he continued, witfc occasional associates, and a few intermissions, mtil compelled by ill health to re io'hie'Aotieein March, 1854. An -editor of the Freeman, ha was also a mem iker ef the Executive Cmnmitteo, where his valu able eounsel and indefatigable industry were fully appreciated. During the nine years he was activ ly engaged in the field as a lecturer, whenever his editorial labors permitted, making extensive ex cursions into parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey ' ofl Delaware, where Anti-Slavery was unknown, ritb rare assiduity ar.d devotion braving the in- lament seasons, and the more savnge and inhnspi eble prejudices of the people, toiling on patiently au iiupeiulty, la U. slow but kuu r,ric3Mj to tthat martyrdom which at last befvl him. He was a man of an admirable intellect, ai.d of tfin ..excellent spirit, tho former furnished by judic ious industry, the latter quickened by a vigorous sense of duty. An eloquent speaker, a forcible writer, an ncute and comprehensive observer of events, with an intelligent appreciation of the .Reforms which characterise our time, but regard ing Anti-Slavery as his first cnte, lie was ready for whatever service the occasion demanded, perform ing the drudgery of tho cause, with tho same thoroughness, intelligence and devotion with which he proclaimed its profoundest principle or enjoyod its highest privileges. Of eucb clearness in his perceptions of dutv. and such singleness of purpose in its performance, the doubts that impede some and the fears that mislead others were unknown to him, and if oc casionally there might appear somewhat of severity in his moral judgments of persons and was but the the result of his habitual reference ol all things to principles, rather than to persons, the steady effort to bring life to tho test of the absolute .and the universal. Few among as succeeded better than he "to re- . member those in bonds as bound with tbero," to put the soul in the stead of the tool that suf fers," to feel and speak as tne slave would do ot his .roes aud wrongs. Brave and just by nature, and from principle, he could neither comprehend nor tolerate cowardice or meanness, although no man was more mersiful to tho erring, or more sym pathising with the suffering than he. Simple and singularly pure in his tastes and . habits, affectionate and loyal in bis relations, he was respected and beloved. To how many hearth stones will the tidings of his death bring a .shadow! Who will supply his place in the great work be fore as Lol the fields are ripe unto harvest, but the laborers are few, and of the few how many have fallen I If a religious life consists in the forgetfulncss ol elf ia the service of others, in the consecration ol all that a man has and all that he is to his highest apprehension of duty, then Mr. Bcrleiou's was . eminently a religious life. - On the 3d of February, pursuant to an engage- ment (not previously fulfilled by reason of his ill ness) he was married to Miss Margaret Jonis, ol this eity, sister to Benjahix S. Jones, of Salem, Ohie, formerly editor of the Buglo, by whom, with . some of his brothers and other devoted friends, he was attendod with unwearied solicitude. ' No hirod watchers did for him the last kind of floes of humanity, but affection, through its holiest relations, ministered to bim to the end, and at his funeral the venerable Henry Grew, Lixretu Mott and C. C. Burleigh bore appropriate testimony to the integrity of bis life nnd the tranquility of his death, and a large and silent concourse of people paid its tribute to his private worth and his public ae price. : i- lie is doad. But the cause of Freedom which ' be remembered iu its weakness and defeat, will . net forget him, in its strength and triumph. Trirth . and Justice but await the fitting period to vindicate their defenders. Time is charged with the sacred mission of preserving their memories and present ing them to the future, set in relief against the darkness of the ages that denied them. When the American Anti-SIaveiy movement shall have passed into history, as the moral cru sade of these latter times, second only in impor tance to the advent of Christianity, or the Refor mation, men will begin to realize their indobtcd bees to its early advocates, who, with simple reli ance on the power of Truth, went forth to the la bor and the sacrifice. Proceeding with rare In telligence and unflagging seal to the re-anunciation of principles, fallen into disfavor among those -who had loudest professed them, patiently submit ting to practical seclusion from the sympathy and s-xiety of coteuiporarics, cheerfully enduring pri vation, obloquy and outrage, awaiting, in tho to .reuity of faith, the hour of the Truth's triumph, -and of their own bistorio justification, as sure to eomeas day and night, seed time and barvest.suin ..per and winter. . To this unfailing compensation of the moral universe, this infallible Justico of humanity, we committed the name and character of our friend aud brother, whom ire shall miss from the places that knew him, more and more. B. 11. P. From the Standard we cpy the following ao 'couat of the funeral of our friend Burleigh; Ed. " Our valued friend and esteemed coadjutor, Cyras M. Burleigh, whoso health had been so long declining, hat at last taken his depnrture. Ou Wednesday morning ho breathed his last, and on (Saturday afternoon his mortal remains were con veyed to tho tomb. The house from which the funeral procession moved was densely crowded by 'Ills numerous friends, who came there to pay to his memory the last tribute of their affeotionate rsgard. A strong and heart-warm testimony to ?bia parity of life and general worth was borne by thoee who bad known bim long and well; and the trickling tear en maoy a cheek was tbe silent wjto9, t tbe fart of thote wko listened, to the' truth and justice of what was said. IlenryOrewV Locretia Mutt and Charles C. Burleigh wore- the speakers. Mr. Orew dwelt upon the moral up. rightti and dovotedness to principle of our fiicnd, and especially upon his entire consecration of heart to the cause of the suffering and opprosesd. He addressed himself, with deep pathos, to those pre ent who were personally bereaved by this sad event, and exhorted all to lay to heart the lesson which the occasion m. solemnly inculcated. "Mrs. Mott said this was the second time in a very short period that the fronds of the slave in this city had been called to mourn tho dtparture of a valued coadjutor. Our beloved friend Haworth Wothernld, had been taken awny in the prime of his manhood, and nt the full tide of his useful ness, aid now, when our tears had scarce ceased to flow, and before tho wound in our heart had timo to heal, another, still younger and moving iu a yet wider sphere of useful activity, and whom wo bad fondly counted on for indefinite years of service, has been cut down and who shall supply his place T Mrs. Mott recalled the tune when our friend first came among us, nine yoars ago, in the froshness and vigor, as it were, of his youth ; she spoke of bis glowing and earnest seal, and the eloquent appoils osneoially by which he sought to inspire others of tho same age with a portion of hie own dovotedness. She regarded his arduous life and early death ns in soino sonte a martyrdom ; not doubling that it had been his in defatigable and self-forgetting hbors that had put a premature period to his days. Mrs. Mott was followed by C. C. Burleigh, the brother of the deceased, who, in low tones and in a voice much impeded by emotion, ntttred one of the most beautiful and touching eulogiums lever heard on any similar occasion. I wish I could recall some of the beautiful and well-sustained figures in which his glowing fcoling expressed ,. . . ,, . lect to allow itself: but niv memory is too imper ue even to attempt it. "The interment took place at the "Woodland,'' a beautiful crmetory, on tho west bunk of ibe Schuylkill, about a mile below the city. The day was excessively cold and disagreeable, but, not withstanding, quite a goodly number followed the body to its last resting place. As wo stood around tho grave, Mary Orew, said, w ith u voice and man ner deeply imprcs.-ive: "He has fought a good fight; he has kept the faith : he has finished his course. lie has gone beforo us, our true-henrled brother, to the spirit-land; whence his voice comes back to us, saying, 'Be ye faithful unto death.' " This was the end of these solemn ceremonies. the procession was re-formed, mid the sad party returned to their homes, soino mourning for their personal bereavement, end all sorrowing for the departure of a true friend Ui humanity. This event has not como upon us suddenly, yet it can hardly be said that we were prepared for it. It is a year since our friend was disabled from active labor, and for oven a longer timo th:in that the result w hich has now been reached was by some of us clearly furs eon ; jet his loss is none the less sensibly felt. He has left a gap which we have not yet been able, nor have we now any prospects of being able, to fill. His place we may not well supply. Though we among ten thousand try With vain endeavor. Tho truth is to pass from this subject to another which it naturally suggests our causo is sadly off for efficient active laborers. Though many new oonvertsare added to our ranks, our lecturing agents are lamentably few. James W. Walker is gone ; Parker Pillsbury is broken down in health, and abroad; Frodcrick Douglas lends his influ ence to our enemies and pulls down while ho builds up: Lucy stone has been transferred to anothor field, and now Cyrus Burleigh, our faithful and true friend, whose industy knew no faltering, and whose teal never flagged he, too. has gone, and we have none to take his place. Thote thoughts are truly saddening. "And yet, thank God. our causo moves bravely forward ; and here and everywhere are seen evi dences of its steady progress toward a groat tri umph." Still Another Case. On Sunday last, the steam. boat Falle City, arrived at Cincinnati with ten slaves on board. A writ of Haboas Corpus was issued. But the entrance of tho theriff on the boat was resisted until the slaves wero conveyed to the Kontucky Bide of the river, or concea'ed on board. A rule was subsequently issued by the court, requiring tho Captain to show cause why attachment should not be issued nguinet bim for contempt of court. But when the officers sought the captain he was among the missing. So the effort failed, nnd the ten slaves will probably he taken on to finish their days in bonds. It is howe ver most encouraging to see so earnest a purpose iu Cincinnati to stop tho progress of elave tram, portation over Ohio soil. Tns Salem Unios School, commenced its spring term, gn Monday last, undor most favorable auspices. Slavirt, has already established itself in three fourths of tho oounties of the Territory of Kaucas. Lies bt Wholesale. General Greene, whom Sam Ilcuston recently attacked in a speech in the Senate, replies to the speech in a pamphlet. He says Houston's Speech contained one hundred and seventy-six lies, and proceeds to specify them. That is more than his Boston speech in favor of slavery contained, by a long ways, we guess, though we have not undertaken to count them, Nrw Hampshire Election. Tbe Fusion major ity in New Hampshire is a sad blow to the Na tional Democrats. Tho majority of her Anti-Slavery Congressmen is, For Pike. 2.670 " Tu'ppan, 4,5."5 Ciagin, 3,878 Kan5, according to the census contains 3.05G voters. Tier Legislative council wiil consist o' 14 members. Parks, who has been on trial for murder in Cleveland, hos been sentenced to be hung on the first Friday of June. Foreign News. Tho Emperor of Russia died on the 2d Inst., of apoplexy. Lord Palmer- stone Cabinet dissolved after au existence of some ten day. By latest accounts, the popuh.r foeling seemed mora pacific, nnd parliamentary feeling was sooiewhaMkjf tho tame character. Mr. Bright made a speech which was more favorably listened to than bit previous efforts against the war. "The Emperor of the French ttill main taint hit purpose to visit tho army beforo Sebasto- pol. . Tho English Infantry, reduced to 10,. 600 men, bavo retired to Balaklava. Lord Rs j1.d his bn frtfed ta rtrlga tit command i Mr. Brown in Canncld When word was first sont to Canfield that Mr. Brown would visit that place for the purposo of delivering a lecture, we received word from some of the fiiends that it was not worth while to mako thi effort that ha could procure no audience worth speaking to that the people of Canfield would not turn out to anti-slavery lectures. Our energotio friend, Daniel Bonssll, who never surrenders to slavery, beard the report, and at once declared, They shall have a meeting in Canfield I will see to that." And so he did ; and the consequence was a largo and thoroughly interest ing meeting. The same lack of faith and energy that was en countered at Canfiuld, has characterized the friends of soma other tdaces : and w e no-v assure those friends, for their oonsolatiun, that their apathy has lost them a rich treat, and a most favorable oppor tunity to further the good causo in their respective localities. We only hope they inny act more like abolitionists who are in earnest, another tiuic. Ministers in Trocblk. The sl.nvo girl emanci pated in Columbus, as we have elsewhere statod, was claimed by an KpiscupMl Clergyman of Lou ville, who it seems Is also a son-in-law of Kx- Presi dent, John Tyler ; and the emancipate 1 woman, was yarn to Mrs, Deutiisnn by her father. A cording to the no'-v.i;japori her lluvcrcnd husband takes this emancipation hard. But it seems he i not tho only Minister ic. trouble of this sort. B il hvin II trio, tha man who marched his chained tlaves, along the Cincinnati wlintf, Imn one Coaling prison to another, is also a Kev. Minister in tho American church. Ho be longs to the Disciple, or Campbellito department. The Cincinnati Uazutto says : Kev, Baldwin Harble, the claimant of tho two slaves on trial in this citv, is a minister of the Disciple iCittnpbellitn) (.'Imn b. Knmniiel. one .' . . ' , . .. r ,i ni ,i. M'l inu si.n cs, is n in lot; s;tiiu yiii,t,w. j the tact the Pastor has tho member chained, is said to denote the natural anxiety of the uliep lard to ureveut tho sheep straying from tho fold. The Giize'io which thoiild have contained the result of tho hearing of Kev. Mr.'c',4 case, has failed I reach us. Bat from telegraphic dis patches, Via. Cleveland, ue hear that tho court set tho men lice, and they voluntarily surrendered themselves to their Kev. muster; who, lest Ihev ihnul.'i alter their minds immediately hurried them over the river to Kentucky. THE RECIPROCITY TREATY. The treaty instituting free trade between the United States and tho British Provinces is now in force by proclamation of the president. By virtue of this treaty, the following articles are hereafter introduced free of duty, from Canada, New Bams wi k, Xuvacotiu, nnd Prince Edwards Island, to wit: grain, flour and breadstuff's, salted moats; cotton-wood; seeds nnd vegetables: uudticd fruits; dried fruits: fish of all kinds; products of fish and till other creatures living in tho water; poultry, eggs; bides: furs; .skins; or tails undressed; but ler; cheese; tallow; lard; horns; manures; ores of metals of all kinds ; coal ; pitch ; tar ; turpen tine; ashes; timber and lumber of all kinds; round, hewed and sawed, unmanufactured in whole or in part, fire-wood; plants; shrubs nnd trees; pelts ; wool ; fish oil ; rice ; broom corn and bark ; gypsum, ground or unground ; hewn or wrought or unwrought burr or grindstones; dye-stuffs; tlax ; hemp and tow, unmanufactured ; unmanufac tured tobacco ; rags. The United States Court met in Cleveland a few days since. Its first business was to create a new batch of United States Commistiioflers. Gov. Gardner uf Massachusetts, has appointed the 5th of April, as a day of fasting nnd prayer. Kiss.vne, has been found guilty of forgery. AMIABLE SENTIMENTS OF THE SLAVE AMIABLE SENTIMENTS OF THE SLAVE OCRACY. A Pittsburghcr. now a resident of Augusta, Georgia, fends a copy i f ti c Chronicle and Senti nel, of that place, containing a communication on the Hard Times," iu the writer, after argu ing with soino ability in favor nf n protoutivo traiff, A iiiioiimMm' tlmt of 1S4(i. rYcitnu Ills h!I mid knit,, on protection, because it benefits the North, in the following nmiablo s:le. Wo nivo the whole of his concluding pnragiaphs -. Leada: Under different circumstances, I should rejoice to see tho tariff policy of the Government changed and tho manufacturing and other interests of the co-inlry needing protection, protected ngainht the importation of fibrics from other countries, but not as matters now stand. 1 ho booth can submit to tho policy and live ; X irth cannot ! And until tbe iiou-.-laveholding States learn to attend to their own business, and to lot- the South u!ouc--uutil they learn to tpiit stealing nur slaves, or having stolen, learn to surrender them up to their owners, on proper demand made in short, until they put dow n, mid drive out from their midst, the Suwtird-', Van Burens, Parkers, Sumners, Wilmots. and Stow e9, and learn to discharge faithfully all the ob ligations required by the Constitution nnd laws, as good and loyal citizens, on this slavery question, I for one. am in favor nf "letting discoid reign" in tho same manuf'a. turing districts nf the North on this tariff subject I I would until theso changes take place, not regret to sco "trass" grow up iu the streets of Boston Low ell, Lawrence, &.;. w ould like to sue her men women and children thrown into tho streets, for want of employment her cap italists broken down, and, in the characteristic language of Mr. Bouton, in reference to Picrco'u Administration, "run into tho ground." I would have our whole delegates in Congress, from the fliivtdioldinn States, present an unbroken front against any interruption of the tariff of 1840! It any inndmciitioii be proposed, let them vote in favor of Lowering tho dutios j especially on suuli articles as are mosllv mauutaotureU iu the Northern States, so as to let in the foreign fabric, free of duty, and thus cripplo nnd break down the iVirlh : Let Iter inanolactunng establishments sink lot her capitalists become bankrupt let hor laboring men, women and children go a beg- iug and starve for a spell, and they will, perhaps, liter a while, sco the impolicy nf their conduct, re pent of their "iipjlier law" theory and wickedness, and return to their duty. ALEXANDER. Cumming. Geo,. Feb. 5th, 1855. It is estimated that there nre fortv locomotive manufacturing estubli.-hnients in the United States w hich turn ou', in bun- times, 1C0 locomotives per year, and employ V.UUU hands. Si.Avr.rtv DisccsstD. Mr. Fitzhii"h, nf Virginia nuttiur of a vigorous and consistent work in sup port of slavery, will speak in defense nt that in stitution at New Haven, on Wednesday evening. March 21. Tho discourso will form one nf the Course of Lectures to be given iu that eity during the spring. He is to be followed tbe next cremng by Wendell 1'lnliipson tho sauio subject. Boston, March CI. The temperance law imp-wing imprisonment for the first nllVnce passed a third reading in tho House II has already patted ihc Senate. Wasuixctos Cur, March 21 Tho Union of this morning says it liyis reliablo information that the Spanish government has resolved to award in demnity in tho Black Warrior case, aud that ad justment of the affair will be consummated opsin ueoeaiary pr-vd' aa to the amount cf dtwsg. ANOTHER IDA MAY. Our reidor will remember that cvoral w-eoks since, some a -count was given of n family of white laves in irginia, in Horn .Mr. JMiuincr nns la ken niucli interest. Four ol tho six members of, the laini y havo been fi oed at a est of eight hun-! ""'. r.h.i pnnuiiiaiiy uy sm.iiii a. n- urvvt, J""s , ui tins WIIJ I'his seems to he a much more judicious expenditure of money than the nayment of neatly double that amount lor the freedom of Anthony Bnrns thereby serving the double purp in- of parading the names of certain well known Fugitivu Slave Bill officials ns sub-sc-rilicr to the Burns f und, and at ib ninin time acting as a premium to shuo c it;hcrs to visit our State to seite alleged Fugitives for purposes of speculation. The daguerreotype mentioned in the following letter is a portrait of one f tin family referred to a most beautiful wnitu girl, with high forehcid. straight hair, intalectual appearance, and d cideply attractive features, ltiiuiyle seu for a few clays ut tho Stato II one. in thu binds of tho Clerk of the li.iusu of Representatives. [Letter from Hon. Charles Sumner.] Washington. Feb. 19. 1855 Dea DoCToIt : I send von by mail the dujiucr rooUpu of a child about seven years old. who only a few months ago w as n slave in Virginia, but who is now hat-pilv free by means sent on from Boston which I hit the happiness of being inlrustej with for tins u-.ii'p ue. 5 te is bright ami intelligent ttiothur III Miv. I think her presence mining us (in U ul oi) will bo uioro elective than any epce.h i L.I 'I 111 I'i't. Meanwhile I send Ibis picture, thinking that you will he l'I-kI to cxhil'it it nnioug tho ui't'iibers of the Legislature, as an illustration of slavery. Lt a hard-hearted Hunker look ut it nnd bu soft ened. I send another copy in a different ftttitude to John A. Andrew. Her name is M iry. CHARLES SUMNER. r. S. Such is slavery I There it is I Should such things ho allowed to continue in Wa-hingtun, under tho shadow of the Capitol ? lljit. T'.. Tha New York Times tptuks of this girl as follows ; We received a visil yesterday frr.m an intersbt ing little girl, who Kiss than in mill mucc, was a slave bid'iitging to Jadn N'eal. of Ale.x tndri.i, Vir ginia. Our read 'rs will i coioilier thai w o lately published a letter, midic.-M-d l,y Hon. Cl.arlu Sumner to soino friends in Bosti.n, nccompuny ing u ibigiicri-Mtt po which that gentleman hud lol -winded to his tucnd" in eiiy. and which Im described us the pnru ail of a let! "Ha May," a yiuing feoialu .slave, so white as to dely the a 'U'.e-i judges to detect in her features, complexion, hair or general appearance, the slightest true of negro blood. It was Ibis child that visited our ufilco, accom panied liy Mr. Charles II. lSraiuard, in w hose care she was placed ly .Mr. Soiuner, for traiiMiiissiun to liuM'iii. Her hist'iry is nnelly as follows, Her iiuuto is .Mary .Mildred Bouts ; her father c-caped f rum the estate of Jude N'eal, Alexandria, six years aao, and took reluge ill Bistmi. Two years since ho purchased his lieu ban for SillO, his wife and three children I eing still in hondao. The good feeling i l his B n o i IV e i U in Iujo I t'leai to subscribe lor the pur. h i:-c of his family, and thtcc weeks since, through the, ngi licy of I.'h:v les Sun ner, thu purchase, won ulieetcd. SM0 being paid for thu family. They created quite a sensa tion in Wasliiuetun, and wi re provided with a pas sage in the first class cars iu their journey to mis city, whence tiiey took their way last evening Icy the rail llivit- nat) ti U sto:i. the child Whs exhibited yesterday to ma: y prominent indi viduals iu this city, ami thu general sentiment iu wh'ch wo fully concur, was one uf astonishment that she should ever had been hel I a slave. She was one of the fairest ui.d im st indisputable white children that we bad ever teen. From the N. Y. Evening Post. SENATOR CHASE. Among tho changes which havo taken place In the composition of the next Congress, most ot which, wo ure happy to say-, are lor the better, thete are some wluuii wo cannot but greatly regret Ut tins knnl, is tlio lailnru to ro elect .Mr. Chase, ol Ohio, to the United States Senate, w hose place is in-supplied by Mr. I'ngb, n man not ut all dis tinguished by character and capacity from the rabole of members whoso votes, in tho Congrats w hich recently closed, passed the Nebraska lull. If the election of senator l.y tl,u Ohio Legislature could have been held under such circumstances us to make it il fair expression of tho popular will, that is to say, if thu choice had been load.) by a legislature e.'ectcd alter the passage of the Nehias ka bid. Mr. Chasu would have been returned to the Senate by a large majority. We are sorry to lose Mr. Chase from the Senate, not merely on account uf the ability shown by ti im in tho discussion of the important questions which nave lately agita'.cil thu tniou, nnd (be un j Ibnehing co'irao w iih which he has maintained, wnai wo esnem uio ri 'in view oi ino e uiiosllon but also on account of ihu confidence wo had learned to place in bim wln t.ever other matters of import. uieo weie brought la foio tho Senate. We shall miss bis eloquence in tbe debates of that body;, tho courtesy und dignity which gnu-cd the pail he boie in thiin, and bis Ton.-cieiitioiis absti nence from anneals to the nreiiidices nf the day : but mule than this, we shall miss the richt-niind-1 diiess which innde it a plensiiic to watch his pub lic conduct and observe bis volts. On tho subject ol slavery his course was predetermined, lie was pledged to a certain policy, aud we wanted no se curity fur bis vole. It was iuiegard to controver sies ou other topics that wo bud most oicasinn to admiro bis cniiisu. W bile other no inl.eis ol Congress whom we esteem, hesitated nnd dot.btcd, lost i heir way, uini allowed themselves to bo seduced into the support of schemes devised for the emol uments nf individuals, Mr. Chase brought with him to Congress well settled principles of legi.-hi- i : i i. :.. .1 i i : .. .1 lion which made his duty phtui to bim in all cases of this kind, ami neither tear nor the hope of favor has ever imbued him to desert ibcm. Wo cuuid always rely on his voto iu favor of liberal commer cial legislation ; vvo could always count mi his op position to a corrupt or un extravagant appropria tion; bis co-operation to restrain the action ut thu federal government within its hnhera. We know of no member onscietitioiis and steady relcrencu to pound i.iin- cipksof legislation. Ho bus never been prevented Iroin voting rtgpt by ibe npprehrusii.n ot being misunderstood. Not in a single niht.inco has that powerful external pressure, which at Washington so nfton sways thu voto of tho two houses, been ublo to crowd bim from the ground which his own honest convictions prompted him to tako. Purity cf intention is not enough n a public, man, it must be accompanied by decided views of public duty ns well as by inllexibie firmness. I'lio itinn ii Im has false nnd confused notions of how be oulit to act in a public station, or wh t is naturaUy irresolute, often d o- ns much mischief as if ho were iibsolutely cuirupt. The clearness and consistency uf bis vicas, and the tearless con stancy with which bo coufoinis bis praclico to them, jnired to his exporionce of p nliinientary life, would bsvo m tdo Mi: Chasoa most important associate of tho able and truo men w ho bavo re cently been elected to the United States Senate. Virginia. Tho Richmond Whig attacks Mr Wise no. Mumping it. lor (Jovernor on account of bis complaining that tho admission ot C alitor uiii as n doe Slate "had robbod Virginia uf hun dreds ut million nf dollars! that iitormea vvuiild 'have sold for fo.liOO a piece here- in Virginia il slavery hud bci.sijallowod to go there. "The Whig says, admitting that it would have been un, slavery would not hive rem ainoJ twenty-four hours iu Viiginia ot Maryland. The Temple. Tho Mormon Temple begun nt Salt Like Ciiy, v. ill bo niuoh larger than the temple built by tho M unions at Nan von. It will require leu years to complete it, and will cost ccvenil Millions of dollars. The Emma Mooie mystery at Rochester is ended, the body of tbe missing girl having been found uodor tUo ij ia the rivee. ' From the Ashtabula Sentinel. A FAIR OFFER. Tha Sheriff tf this emmtv rneeivol few dav since tlin following very fair offer to mako n dog of himself, nnd n sneaking mio nt that. It im (Jor thnugh the post office ; and the same has Bont t0 several shcrifli ill Uliio. KAN'AWAY from tho subscriber, livme 12 miles West of .Springfield. Orecneenunty, Missouri on the night of the SJlst of Oct. twj nvgrocs des cribed as follows i AUCII A, belonging to James L. Alcxmdcr, Is a inubito in in, some 21 years old, or upwards, some 5 feet six inches high, has grey eyes, and plays the fiddle well. JOHN', belong'ng to John A. Miller. Is ruber i dark comnlecteJ in an, some 23 years oil, about 6 foot hiith, heavy built. Weigh soma 1H0 poonds, has rather a positive way of alfinning or denying. (CONFIDENTIAL.) I)'ir S-'r: P!is nntico tho abavo doscrip'.ion nl nur lugitivcs. sliotiM tlicv he in -our county or Von should eivo us information tint', we can them back to Missouri, we will pay yju a rowird of t'vo hundred dollars for such information. You may rely on strict secrecy and confidence from us. In order that tbero may bo no mistake ' t'5e identity f tho tiegrt es, lenrn from them in S"me way who raised thorn and who (heir neighbors were In Missouri &c. and write us full psrti-.'- ularj. ! JAS. L ALEXANDER, by his Agent. S. S. NEVILL. JOHN A. MILLER. Springfield, Mo., Feb 5, 1855. 0 ir Sheriff re'pi"ts n to say.for the inf'or, of tlitvo anxious Mb.sotiri friends, that he hasseen evornl persons about the cuuMy, who havo gray, eyes, nnd some that liddlo 'veil, to s.y nothing of sundry fiddling fellows. Wn also have a number of dark complected men, nnd runic wtdgh full ISO. and have "rathi? p ositivo wiv of nfiirminj an I denying." as Mr. John A. Miller would learn, if ho called on them. Ths sheriff would bo very happy to accompany either or both of those gentle men, through tho county, in search nf their fugi tives; and the people generally would bp delighted to see a few enterprising men on so benevolent il misshin. We might remark that tho-io fugitives may have gone North, via the U. 0. K. K. tho'igV the Sheriff assures us that in his supervision of i bat road for several years p ut, ho docs not rcol- lect any such passengers. Reuoiocj Pr.r.jEcuTioss in Tr.iCAsr. -The Tus can 0 ivernniei t, iv tho instigation uf prir.sts. have consigned to prison another inquirer into Christian ti u'h. Etisebin M-issei, an humbly ba ker, at Pontedcra. his been -ondemned fir a year to the pciiitciiliury, for avowing heretical opin ions. Loftt.vit.t.E, March 17. We wove visited with a most tremendous hail storm last night. The hail stones that foil wore at least two inches in ciicum forcnee, and they came down with such force as to hroak in ro -fs and d .mulish skylights, and con si Icrablo otiior damage w as d inc. Springfield, Mo., Feb 5, 1855. Receipts for the Bugle for the week ending Mar. 31. John H, Heevp. Rnmi, As i L iph im. F.irmitigtnn, Heniaoiin Brosius. Mt. Union, Frances I). Oae, St. Linis, S:,nn.r(:;o 1.00-I7M 2."iX-5.iti 5,0O.03' 1,00-515 John Gaines, Battle Creek, WILLIAM WELLS BROWN Will speak at Alliancoon Sunday next, and pro bably on Monday Evcnir.g nt Mount Union. We aro not advised uf the time or place of the Allianc meeting. But notico wo suppose has been given i the vicinity by hand-bills. Let tho ppoplo in that region u rn out to hear. They will bo well paid for so doing. ANNUAL ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION. IN CINCINNATI. OHIO. To be held on Wednesday. Thursday. and Friday. the 25th, 26th, and 27th days of April. 1855. 'Another year, in tho middle of tbe Nineteenth Century, has passed away, and is added to the his-j tory of tho nation. And tho duty of tho faithful historian will re quire bim to record, that still, nearly a lixth part of the people remains in tho most abject slavery. That still tho Slave Power rules paramount in the Policy, iu the Religion, and in tho Business of tho country ; and it constantly grows moro oppres sive and exacting ; not only driving colored men and women to unpaid toil, treating ibcm with bar- j barous cruelty, and robb'ng them of every ri lit; but forcing men who suppose tiicv arc "free nnd equal," to bo participants in outrages, shameful to a Christian utid Republican pcnplo such as the Uepeal of tho Missouri Conipronii e, tho passage of a Fugitive Siavo Act, tho plundering of Mexico, the Annexation of Tcxuf, and many similar ini- flm,lc' Wo hope and trust that this is not to be always fo : Thorofore we ontreatall who adore God, nnd who love, Truth, Justico, and Humanity, to come to gether to counsel, and to devise peaceful, but effec tual ways and means for the abolition of this aa cursed tyranny. So that the Republic may, in truth, approach much nearer to tho glorious position of a Model Government than it has yet attained, and mankind . . have causo to rejoice. Let us, then, assemble, and do what in us lies to help arouse tho nation from its fatal loth argy. Distinguished advoc.tcs of th"s great movement, from various parts of tho country, are expected to take part in the Convention. Honest differences of opinion, as to the host moans of accomplishing tlio great object, may exist; but in this wo suo no sufficient reason to hinder Anti-Slavery pr.oplo of every grado, sex, or color, fr. m Acting zealously together against the common evil ; n:id vvo earnest ly invito the hearty co-operation uf nil. On behalf of tho Executive Comniittco cf the Ladioo' Anti-Slavery Society of Cincinnati. C. DONALDSON. Chairman. COMMITTEE. Strait Otis Ei list, lh,r,j II. UtMkuxlI, Miry .Uiiai, J ilia Jianvuod, SulU 1'uster, A'jjoi Emery, EHzultlh T. Cohman, Andrew II. Ernst, Miry DcO'raic, Joltiff'e, Editaid JJm ucotf, Christian Dunaldson. Boarding And Day school!! MRS. H. BIBB WOULD inform her Friends nnd former Patrons that sho has resumed her school at Windsor, where she bus made arrangements to Board in her family, I'upils Irom a distance Having procured an Assistant in the sowing Department, instruction will begivon iu the follow ing hiupchcs ; Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Go- igraphy, G, Phisiology, Philosophy, History. Plain Sowing, Knitting, Worsted Work, Leather Work, Pencil Drawing, and Colored Crayon Tainting. Persons in tho States wishing to eo-onorato with Mrs. Bibb, will plcaso address hor at Detroit, Michigan: In Canada. Windtwr, Csinada Wes. PROSPECTUS OF THE UNA. In announcing a new Volume of this'perloJlral, we deem it essonlial to call tho attention fcf iba reading public to tho duioia it may l apoa them for patronage. , The wonians' rights movement having beooma onoof so much important as to enlist ' vory variotv tf character and shndo of Opltknv, it has liecn deemed neeatul tret rotrai V of Its progress might bo preserved; its diunU tiuthf'ully presented; and its philosophy thor ninthly treated tlmt thro should boon periodical. . J. . . . ,-.. ...I ...... 1. 1 1. A through wbiou more most lutcrcsum vm utteranoo. Political papflrs or W dseolcJ to tpevlnl r forms are alike unseated to present a question i volving so much ol truth ns t.Vs, otio w lncli ncesj the fairest the most candid r.nd careful examina tion arid consideration. . Our pipor has been frco iti I'.s chsrnctcr ssjmP tin;; aUimst e ery v trii ty of opinion ai.d upon all iiibjocttftiid this jtwili o iitiiiMj to bo. Arts, s.ience, litoiutiis)'hi!es)dry Lol't spirit tA lY.u kcirt.i'A i.f flrfswin tintl ,.r t),A .'..' ci ........ I l,..::. '. a....!. ... re-or,-anraiioii ui k.i:. moi tiiuiuuum ucuwp-. ment, Will each rojoivc their due sbsra of atteft' lion. . . .. Our contributors tt fv-.r nf whose titrntl wo gl will bo warmly greeted by our readers Mrs. I'alJ Mm. V.. O.iIips Sin'iib. Mis. E J. Esmos. Mre. F.' D. Os,"0, Mrs. K. Cheney, now in Paris, Mrsj Peter,' Ll,ie Linn whose story of "marrii.g" tha .mlv alternative," npns w-ith the first nuir.btr t-t thc'Ncvr Year nnd is q'iU wotiii the prire of tho paper. , Tho hnsir.wA dopnrtir.ont of l!-e f.nptfr iiav'tg pasod i"to other liatr.lM with every prospect of p"rt'i''.!ip!!ce, .c icvi a ciiii' iu ('ivarii, na el aims for sJi'ti it and mention. Its prt-.'O U dolhr err antitim, payable In variably in advance. All l ue.inoh9 letter's should, be a 1 li'e-oie 1 post-paid to' S. C. Llowitt, 15 Frr.l.i I'm Sr. Boston Mass. . Coiiioniitic.iiioiis d I'inod for tho paper to ila E liior, P. W. l'AVIS. THE EMPIRE. A FIRST-CLASS BIMTISII JOURNAL. El. iteJ by George Thompson, lute M. P. Tpis- En-. lish Newspaper is peculiarly suite! to. such Ameri can readers as oesire to necunio i.imiiiar w.iu n. jiolicv, tbe puli'ie-!, and the institutions of F.nglniidt and v i'h Eir,pcau affairs generally. It will be a faithful exponent id' popular progress, nnd the. hronicb-r nf all tha important reformatory Biovn ments of the agi. Constant and ample notice wil be taken d the state id the anti-slavery question, on both 'ides nf the t!aiito. Tho following ex-, tract from thu Editorial Address embodies the fun damental principles of the Empire: " U'fiat I hire been during the whole course of my public life, that I shall inflexibly remain. the ardent frien 1 an i supporter of Fiee-trad and the ri,;btsof indmtry i f the absolute nnd perfect equality of Ml religious setts of the largest prac licahlo "increase nf 'ho independent pcliticul power of the people of Justico to t.ur Ci.b ru'es, nnd es pecially to the conquered subjects of our vast In dian Empire nf tbe exercise of tbe moral influ ence of this nation in favor nf the total and iiid- i versa! extinction of sluvry Mid the slavo tradr-' and. finally, of the Christian principle of peace- !!y"lhe s ub-tituti"ii nf pacific arbitration. I'm all international disputes, for the plcscnt sense : lois, abs-urd, nod bloody appeal to the sword: and I the gradual overthrow" of tiio.-e gigantic militarr 'institutions of Eurone. which menace the tranquil-. ty of tlr! world, tiro the strongest bulwarks of despotism, and tho most formidablo obstacles to, the advancement of civilization, and the tiiuinpha of pure and undufiled religion." Tho terms to Auiorican Subscribers are Five. Dollars per Annum, to bo paid in advance. Sub-, soriptionn will be received by tbe Editor of the Uuglo. Salem, Ohio. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR LIKENESS HUNT A BOONE, Have opened, in Johnson &'e block, tS larirest and finest Dnguerrciiiu Kooins In Eastern, Ohio, whore they aro constantly taking pictnrce (exclusively on Galvanized I'lu'.es) n;r nfni g all others in durability, beauty of finish and artisti sty.e. Our facilities for opcratii n are of the most ample and improved order.consistipg in part of ma chinery to polish tho plate. By it we are enabled, to givo' tho highest polish, without which a fin Ji turo cannot be taken. Our 0 UR SKY-LI01IT IS OF MAMMOTH AND SUFFICIKXV to take sixty rxitsnss OA' A SI SOLE PLATE. raicxs uasoe raou 37J cts. io tek mhah. Ladies and gentlemen aro requested to call ana oxanune our specimens. Salem. Pec. 17, 1?53. "buckeye foundry. EXOS L. WOODS, COLU S BIAS A, COLI'JIBMXA CCC5TT, OBIfl: Steam Engine Cuilucr. STEAM ENGINES of various sizes, cobstruct od upon tho latest approved plan, that cannot fail to give as good satisfaction as nnv now made., I'.ittorus of all kinds, mai'.o to order. All wojka inado ot good material, nnu warramcu iu (in 'ood satisfaction as any other Feb. 11, lW4.-tf JUNLEY i CAllPEM Ett'S PRES1CH D A G U E It 11 E A N G A L L E H Y! IS now completed, and ready for rocsptton. Wo havo gone to considerable expense in fitting up, to oporato with advautage, and with rcforeuee to tL comfort and conVehieuco of those who may favot. us with a call; in short, wo nre pcrraououtly lo cated Our rooms arc in tho AMERICAN HOUSE, SALEM, 0. Call and sco us. You will Cud our reception rocma noat and comfortable. OUR SKY-LIGIIT J r Can ho surpassed no where in the State. Out CAMERA, is a powerful quiet-worker. We war. rant our work. Likonorses ot all nges, tanen Lirrs LIKK. on'.: Uur prices range irom a conts; to ddllnre. Past expenenco, and fuesenti advantages, enabio us to taKO oooa x,mentsses, as eery reasonable Ualcs. Being, also, posted in' all the recent improvements of the art, our time ant! entire attention shall be to render full satisfaction. Sick or deceased persons taken nt their rooms. . Our motto, is EXCELSIOR. N. B. Persons wishing Pictures taken on Gal vanized Platos, can do to without extra charge W Rooms opon from 0 o'clock, A. M., until 0 P.M. Juno 31st, 1853. J. C. & W. S AVERT, UMiolcsaleDruKgists&ManufactnringChemlsti; No. 311, Market Street, above Eighth.' PHILADELPHIA. Offor for tho attention of Country Dealerf. L'oacral Lssortmcnt of DRUGS, MEDICINES,' CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAtf- NISHES, 4c, 4c. August 5, I3j4.-3ui.' JAMES BARN A BY; MERCHANT TAILOR: Korth Sidi Main-St., On Poor Wett of thtSaltm JJook-Storc, SaJem, Ohio. Couts, Vests, Pants, Ao., Made to Order and T ranted to Give Satisfaction. The Tailoring Business in all hi Bnheuf eat riod on oslioi'iitofaro.