OCR Interpretation

Anti-slavery bugle. [volume] (New-Lisbon, Ohio) 1845-1861, December 27, 1856, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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I well remember the timo when the first railroad
was being built in tSe ncigliborliood fci which
I lived. Its construction was a matter of as grea'
curiosity to the people ns was Burniim'e Fegee
niermnid, or his wooly horse; and when the train
made its first trip, and the iron horse, instinct with
life, came thundering titer the track, thousands
were the re to witness the Inauguration of a new
era in the history of locomotion.
In those dnjs, the record of railroad trip pos
eessed as much attraction for the people, as naw
'does a description of the nsotnt of Mont Blanc.
But we have lived fivM since then; railroads have
become common property, and he who has never
travelod upon one is regarded with Icelings ol
Commiseration. The Locomo'ive has grown into
an American institution, and the very wolves and
tears of tho far Went aro getting accustomed to
ItsVtirill whistle and honrso voice. Yet it is of a
tailrosd, and of railroad traveling I ant about to
tpeak, but not, I assure you, of an ordinary tail
frosd. Not many miles south of one of tho great thor
oughfares from east to west, is a railway some ten
miles in length, connecting the city of Carrolltpn,
Carroll county, Ohio, with a branch of the Pitts
burgh and Cleveland railway, which it intersects
at Oneida. How much wire-pulling was done by
the projectors of the railroad; how many meet
ings were held by the citizens of Carroll county
before public sentiment was brought to a white
heat; how lavish was the expenditure of eloquence
on the part of its friem's; how many unspoken
hopes were entertained Unit Carrullton would be
the great central railroad depot, where on the one
hand, California would bring tho riches of her
mineral wealth, and on the other, New Englnnd
send her importations and her manufactures, it is
not for me to declare. Suffice it to sny, the rond
was built, and cars have been running upon it fur
some four years.
Having occasion to travel in that part of the
country, I found myself and baggage landed at
the Oneida station, where, with several other pns
engors, I took the train for Carrolllon. Before
starting, however, I examined cur travelling ap
pointments, and as I have a good deal of tho anti
quarian about me, (elt u thrill of delight on be
holding the blessings which fate had in store. To
begin as near the foundation as possible; there wos
a. railway built after the good old fashioned pat
tern, with strap rails. How pleasant was their
look of meek humility 1 How different from the
bold, and upstart attitude of the modern T ! They
brought me back to the almost forgotten days of
snakehead accidents, as wore totmcd tho efforts
sometimes uiadn by tho loosened end of a strap
rail to startle travellers by passing throu,;ti the
bottom of a car. But the Locomotive was what
delighted jiio most, for I was assured, by good nu
tbmity, that it was the first one brought to this
country the English sire of all our iron horses.
'Old Whiley" was never npproached with more
reverence by the admirers of UeneruL Taylor, than
I felt, when I npprcached "Old Bl.vckev." Its
voice indicated an asthmatic affection, its limbs
were feeble with excessive toil, age had traced its
impress upon its form; and tho pour old slavo of
man will ere long, drag its lust load. But it was
in its fitting place; no modernized railroad would
have suited it; first experience was upon strap
rails, it is well its last should be.
I am informed that the Carrollton Railroad Com
pany has a passenger cur, but however that may
be, there was nono used on this trip. Our train
consisted of a house car laden with barrels of salt
and a platform car laden with the same. We took
our places upon the latter, and off started the en
gine, puffing and wheezing, and attaining with
great effort a spend of about four milos an hour.
The day was cool as is apt to bo the case with
days in December and though tho passengers felt
rather chilly, nil appeared tj be in a good humor.
There were soven or eight of us in all; the only
woman in company was a Temperance lecturer,
and as we also had two nnti-sluvery lecturers on
board, it would be safe to say that the reform sen
timent was fully represcrted on the Carrollton
train. The wooding station of tho company con
sists of an unpreta iding wood-pile in tho woods.
Their watering tank has been prepared by nature,
and although to dip up with a bucket all the
water tho Locomotive needs is doubtless incon
venient, on tho grrund of primitive simplicity the
plan is :.n attractive one.
The conductor of tho traiu was as jovial and
gentlemanly a conductor as ever I met with oblig
ing and communicative. I conversed with him
upon the dangers ot Carrollton railroad travelling,
and he informed me that not unfrcqueutly the curs
ran off the trnck, though fortunately their speed
of travel was not so great as to endanger the lives
of passengers, or produce any other bad result ex
cept detention, which of course would be much
less annoying, and a less positive loss of time
when travelling four miles an hour, than in going
forty. "Is there no danger from collisions on this
road?" I queried of the conductor. "A'crer!" was
the emphatic reply, "unless we unexpectedly meet
a cow. If we see one on the track we always
twitch off until she passes."
The engineer imprefsed me as a man of ski!!,
agility and decision. It required not only all the
ordinary talent of an engine driver to manage
Old lilackey.Ual there neded to be super added to
this, an rye quick to detect, and a hand prompt to
adjust all displacements in tho machinery. 1 saw
that the office of engineer on the Currollum rail
road was no sinecure. About half the timo he
was engaged in feats of agility that v ould have
delighted a circus manager. The upper part of
his body would suddenly disappear through the
window immediately in front of his stand, and
while his hands were engaged in tightening a burr,
bis foet would be making wonderful gyrations in
the air. Sometimes he would stop the engine,
leap upon the giouud, and commence mysterious
ly screwing, or unscrewing, or hummering as the
necessities of the case required. My reverence
for antiquities befog greater than my fear of steam,
by permission of the engineer, I rode for a time
upon Old lilackey, and was delighted with tho ex
periment. Before we had accomplished half the distance
to Carrollton, I had thought of pioposing to the
other passengers that we hold a mooting, and adopt
resolutions commending tho conductor for his gen
tlemanly treatment and safe conduct; and had it
been customary on such occasions to include the
engineer, I should also have alluded to hit servi
ces, but you know engine driving is hardly con
sidered respectable enough for that yet, though
such opinion I rega-d us a great mistake. I said
I had such thoughts. But alas I for the resolutions
commending "Charlie," and alus! for the silver
plate we might have voted him, the latter part of
our journey was not 10 prosperous as the former.
"Of all the sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest ae these, it might hate been."
Our mishaps commenced by jolting off one of
the company's buckets; ilea came, the tuort serious
affair of being obliged to detach tho house
with its sovonty barrels ol salt, because we wero
not able to drag It over the up grade tall could'n1
save it. Next, the engine pumps refused to work,
und some other derangement of machinery occur'
red which allowed the too rnpid escapo of the
steam. The train came to a dead stand, water had
to bo thrown upon the fire, and for a short time the
engine and its occupants were enveloped in a cloud
of steam that hid them from mortnl eyes. I was
somewhat npprehensive of danger frdm an explo
sion, but remembering that when a railroad acci-
dent doti occur, tho enginect and conductor gen
erally escape without harm, I concluded it would
bo snfo fur mo to watch the motions of our engineer
nnd when ho ran, follow him. There ws, bow
ever, no occasion for running, nnd the train was
soon again progressing. About three hours or
perhaps less after our departure from Oneida,
wo entered Carrollton in splendid style, nnd wore
received by a concourse of some three or four per
sons, who had assembled to witness the arrival of
the Carrollton cars.
Thus ended my first rido on the Carrollton rail
road, und upon the first Locomotive thnt ever ran
in Amoiicn. I shall ever remember it wih the
deepest satisfaction as a ride hallowed by the asso
ciations of antiquity. The Carrollton railway is
one of the connecting links which bind tho Present
to tho Past. It furcibly illustrates the American,
spirit of compromise, for while it is in name as in
iael n railroad, and therefore to some extent iden
tified with a progressive age, it is in practice so
conservative, that those ancient ge.itlemcn who re
gard ox teams as affording sufficiently fast travel,
can find but little to object to in tho speed of the
Carrollton cars.
The character of tho stock of this Company dif
fers materially from other railroad stocks. It has
no fictitious value, nnd is not subject to the fluctu
ation of tremendous advances and alarming de
pressions, and thus offers no inducements to spec
ulators to buy and sell. I has a substantial 6ona
fide value, and he who buys it, buys it to hold.
The motto of tho road is "Slow, hut sure," nnd I
have been repeatedly assured they have never de
viated from the plan of action herein assumed. I
was told of a traveller w ho, on a certain occasion,
overtook the train when within five miles ol Carr
ollton; the Conductor more accommodating than
Conductors usually are politely invited him to
step on board. Ho at first seemed disposed to
comply, but looking at his watch, he said it was
then 8 o'clock, and as ho had to be in Carrcdlton by
10, he feared he could not take timo to ride. 3 here
was a temptation asking for an abandonment of
principle; ly increasing the speed of tho train,
even in a slight degree, a passenger might have
been secured; but the cenducmr was incotrupti
blc, and tho traveler walked ahead. In summer
time passengers by the Carrollton train will some
times pick berries on the road, feeling tho com
fortublo nsMiraneo that they can easily overtake
iho cars without exlra baste. Some also stop to
trarsct business with those whoso homes are
near, and unless tho detention is considerable,
tliey never think of waiting over for another train.
These and siinilur facts go to show thai "Slow
but sure" is not only tho motto of the road, but
the practice of its management.
There are those who now as did some afore
timedespise the day ot small thiegs, and be
cause the Carrollton road is limited in extent, and
ancient in its build, regard the company very much
as was a certain political party regarded some two
years since, when it was declared to be "outside of
all healthy organizations." If I mietake nat, the
law of railroad courtesy, gives to the upper crust
employees of railroads, together with their fami
lies, a freo passage over any road they choose to
travel. To tho credit of tho managers of the
Carrollton railroad be it said, they have always
observed tl'is law; and t" tho shame of some other
companies be it spoken, a fow Imve refused to "Re
ciprocate." Why these are so unjust, I shall .not
pretend to say. I have, however, heard it suggest
ed that the probable ground of their refusal is
based upon the following assumptions : Firstly.
that the building of tho Carrollton railroad in
volved n less expenditure of means than many who
are frequent railroad travellers would pay in pas
sage money in the course of 11 few years; and that,
Secondly, to "Promulgate and give eclat" to the
Carrollton railroad according to tho law of rail
road courtesy, would encourage the building of
many other roads of n similar character by those,
w ho having much travel to do, would construct
such n railway in order to thus secure a freo pas
sago over till uther railways at a far less expense
than ordinary passage money. Whether such rea
sons exist, and if they do, whether they are valid,
must bo left to nn intelligent public to decide
I might ay much more about this unique rail
way with strap rails, and its ancient Locomotive
travellingone half the time crab fashion, always
keeping its head toward the city of Carrollton, as
if it would bo disrespectful to do otherwise. But I
have already made this article longer than I de
signed, for which tho importance of tho subject
must be ny apology. B. S. J.
Dear Friend Robinson: It has been our privi.
lego uf late to form acquaintance with nnd listen
to the story of the wrongs of thnt unfortunate Slave
mother. Sojourner Truth, who has experienced in
her own person for forty years, the awful conse
quence of being born a slavo. Or ull the sufferers
at tho hands of tyrants, none drink sn deep of the
cup of sorrow and drain the veiy dregs nf human
misery, as the slave-mother. It is really affecting
to listen to the narrative Sojourner gives of her
early life as a heathen and her conversion to Chris-
nanny, bo strong are tier appeals 10 mo sympa
thies of her audience, that they are often in tears.
Iu her sablo Arms 6he bears the oppressors of her
race to the feot'of tho lovely, gentle Jesus, nnd asks
him to forgive. She asks the oppressor to cease to
du the wrung, that she may net have to appear as
"a swift witness against him." What a lesson is
this to slave-holders, and slaveholders, "uiders and
abettors. Sojourner Truth the significant name
she bears is but a fair index of her character. She
leaves a whole volume of truths wherever she la
bors in her mia.-iin ol love and morcy, drawn from
her own eventful life as well as from the open book
of nature in w hich she "reads as shu runs." Her
first lesson was given her by her mother, who alone
with her iu the evening, pointed to the stars ana
ihe moon, and said, "when I am gone and your
master abuses you, remember there is a Goo who
nits in the sky." She adopted urn as her t-'acher.
of whom she has learned those lessons of love and
wisdom that enlarge tho soul and give it bound
less sympathy. Of that eduoatiun of which the
tiabbling schoolman boasts, she knows nothing.
Yet she is truly an educated woman, having gra
dunted at the "hiyh College," the teacher of which
sits enthroned upou the unit-cm, giving evidence
of bis goodness and mercy in the morning when
he rolls back the darkness of night and raises
the "luminary of day." Again ftt noon, when tb(
carjrays of the sun warm and invigorate nil animal
nature at evening
"Drips nlgM' a. Me curtain dowa
A i.J pi 111 It wltti .tar."
Sojourner held sis meetings in this nnd ad
joining neighborhoods, houses filled with attentive
listeners, -the bread she caRt upon tho watere we
shall be many days gathering.
The best evidence of the successful labors of
any one in ant cause, is "the fruit." At the
close of her Inst meeting, a gentleman arose and
said, " Ladies and gentlemen, when one is eon
verted he may as well otrn tin. I have always
been a Democrat and a persecutor of abolitionists
in view of that fact I couldn't look this woman
in the face, so I took my seat in front of the
desk with my back towards her. This woman
has spoken tho truth, I feel that a great work
has commenced in my soul." I liko that kind
of preaching that reaches the heart,' '
To the readers of tho Bugle who have not the
blighting mildew of cast upon their souls, let
me sny, Do something for the poor slave-ninther,
by inviting Sojourner to your neighborhood (and
see to it thnt she has way to Ret there), and
call mi clings, help her to sell the little but in
teresting narrative of her life, (for her benefit ns
well as thnso who buy it,) nnd when you take
your transition you will have the consciousness
of having done nt least one good deed.
I have all confidence in the great heart of the
American people. Could the gr.spcl of anti-slave.
ry reach that heart, not a slave would bo left to
pi no in hi chains. That heart is too much in the
keeping of "spiritual advisers" and unprincipled
political leadors, whose blind seal far "democra
ey ana the union lias iiicrurted and outcrusieu
their souls to that extent, that they make nil fair
in politics, be it lying, cheating and the worst of
trickery; and those who excel best at the game.
are promoted to the highest t fSce. The people
hnvo been so often deceived by their guides, tun1
they aro losing confidence in them and are be
ginning to think for themselves. The small amount
of free speech that is tolerated in some parts, has
set tho whole country in convulsions. Free di.
eussion, close criticism, thorough investigation,
will gain tho victory for the "brotherhood of mnn
nnd the fatherhood of God."
Yours for universal liberty,
FAIRFIELD, Mich., Dec. 12.1856.
M.vrius: The unpretending, but very conscien
tious Principal of the Sandusky Union School, has
published a book, modestly entitled "Moral Les
sons." Tho Title ia exceedingly appropriate. The
compilation contains nothing scientific, except what
appertains to Ethics. Nothing fanciful or exngcr-
Tho lessons nre brief nnd simple; replote with
instruction in relation to our duties; set furth iu
concise narrative.
But the peculiar excellence of T. M. Cowdrey's
book will bo found in its questions for "special and
varied application." Iu these there is a marked
deviation from the marginal routine of popular
schotd books in this, that to answer them, the
scholar is required to think rather than to remem
ber. It would bo a pleasant and profitable employ
ment to discuss those questions in the family circle,
by the evening fire side, previous to its introduc
tion as a school book, and this will be, ns soon as
parents nnd preceptors shall be prepared to appre
ciate Truth for its inherent quality, irrespective of
embellishment shall learn to prefer a woman in
plain attire to a belle decorated in tho most ap
proved fashion.
Who can fail to wonder how in so good n selec
tion, tho Nave s wrongs are unnoticed r J rue,
tho principle that would free him is clearly laid
down, and the enquiry obtrudes itself, is tho "spe
cial application" loss needful here, than in cases
of less frequent, and less painful suffering T
It is hoped that the author is too much of a man
to bo deterred from demanding justice, until pub
lic opinion demands it of him. One on the high
moral plane which he occupies, should lead, not be
led. Let him bo assured that popular sentiuient i.-
fur in the rear of his inculcations. What are pre
sumed to tie living truths to tho compiler, are only
veritable abstractions to mnny readers; but let him
not be discouraged; "Moral Lessons" will disturb
the rest of sleepers; in future works let him wake
them up, not so much by "varied" as "special application."
Call fur the book nt MoMilfun's; take a chair in
the corner; read the article "Carefully listen to
conscience, nnd always obey its commands " pngo
87. If vou'tliink it really good, buy two copies, one
for homo use, and one to lend to poor peopls. If
you do not wish your children's integrity to exceed
the popular standard, lay the book down, pro
nounce it insipid, nnd say "Joel, have you the his
tory of Whittingtoti and his cut, the Mother goose
story book, or other books with odd high colored
pictures that will please my children, at small
cost?" G.
M. R. Robinson will lecture in Columbiana, Sat
urday evening, Jan. 3d, and nn Sunday, either at
Columbiana or in the vicinity ns the friends may
MEETING IN COLUMBIANA. Receipts for the Bugle for the week ending Dec. 14.
Abraham Bowman, Massillon, $1,00 010
J. R. Reeve, Rome, 2.00G)l
Hannah Ililles, New Garden, 75-5S5
W. L. Green, Hudson. 3.00 503
John Deming, Salem, 1.50 580
Eliza T. Fratitz. Garden Orove, 1.50 635
Ann Harris, Mt. Union, 75 505
II. Young, Twinsburg, 2,00 C93
Wm. Johnson, Shar.n Centre, 20 5H5
Thomas Rhodes, Akron, 2.H0 0S0
Barclay Brosius, Mt. Union, 4,50-035
Samuel Holmes, Leesvile, 1,50-035
Alice Roby, " 1,00 000
James Pri:o, . 1,00 004
John M. Holmes, Connotton, 50-025
Crawford Voorhes, Scio, 1.50 007
Mary E. Adams, ' 1,00 042
Dr. Samuel Stockon, " 1,50-035
Dr. William Custer, " . 1,50-035
James flouser, " 1,50 035
John Giles, " 2,00 5P5
M. II. Connway, Arohor. 3.00 021
O. B. Boone, Montpelior, 3,00-010
Erastus Case, llootstown, 1,50 050
Thomas C. Heigh ton, 50-673
J H. Simmons, Remson Corners, 1 50 01
Curtus Gould, Lituhcfield, 2,00 044
Edward Lewis, Austinburg, 2.00-700
MRS. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTII writes for
The Saturday Evening Post. See Proipeotus
ia another place.
Trains now run through direct on this road from
Pittsburgh to Chicago. A change in tho time of
tho passenger trains took place on Monday or this
week. As now arranged, train going West pnis
S.iloiu a. follows 1
tat Passenger Express,
6,42, A.
12,20. P.
C.10, P,
2nd Express
2st Express,
1.67. A
0,37, A.
lnd Express,
6,43, P. M
This arrangement will suit our local business
men better than the old one. Persons may now
leave Salem in the morning and visit either Cleve
land or Pittsburgh, spending three or four hours
i 1 oither place nnd return in the evening train.
The Great Family Weekly Taper.
THE NEW YORK LEDGER has now attained
the extraordinary circulation T One Hundred and
Nineiv Thousand copies. Tne LEDGER is devoted
CURRENT NEW S, and maintains a Iiil'Ii moral
tone. It is everywhere acknowledged tu be the
uest lainily paper 111 the world 1 Hence its extra
ordinary and unheard of popularity. Mr. HUN
rtx,iv, tne proprietor ot the LbUUh.Il, employs
the best talent in the country, and by so doing
makes the bet paper. Such writers as Fanny
Fern, Sylvantis Cnhh, Jr., and Emerson Bennett,
are permanently engaged on it, and will write for
no other paper herealtcr. Mis. bignurney, also,
constantly writes for it : so do a Ims uf other pop
ular ulilhors.llicluding Mrs. Emma I). E. N. South
worth, Alice Cary, Mrs. Vaugbnn, Mary W. Stan
ley Gibson, Clara Sidney, Jt. The LEDGER
is beautifully illustrated every week.
H10 NEW YORK LEDGER is t.rir.tod nn
bountiful white paper, mid is composed uf eight
pages, making thu handsomest weekly p-ipor in
the country. It is published every Saturday and
sold nt all the news offices in every city ami town
throughout the country j and is mailed for sub
scribers at two dollars per annum : two copies aro
sent for three dollars. Any person obtaining eight
subscribers at 1 SO each, (which is our lowest
club rates,) an I sending us $12 will bo entitled to
one copy Free. Terms invariably in advance.
Address letters to
Publisher of NEW YORK LEDGER.
44 Aim Street, Ne .v York.
N B. Now is n good time to subscribe, ns E.I-
MKRSOX BENNETT'S Oicat Originul Novel uf
FRONTIER LIFE, will bo commenced iu the
LEDGER on the first of Junuary.-2t.
FOR 1 8 5 7.
VOL U M E XIII, FOR 1 85 7,
Will commence on the first of January. Pub
lished twice a month. 10 pages, and a cover.
No other paper of its size and quality ia offered
sochoaplv to Clubs, vu t
ltireo copies tor : six copies for SI: Nine
copies for $0, and a copy extra to the getter up of
every club ot Sr. I'nyuient always lit advance.
Inquire at your Pust Office, or send for aspect
men and Prospectus, nnd get up a Club nmnni!
your neighbors, jvow is toe time to look out lor
good reading for the winter.
S. V. HAKK1S, Columbus, u ,
Editor and Publisher.
New Series for 1S5G.
AVe have tho pleasuro to return nur most crate-
ful thanks to tho readers uf tho Hume Journal, for
the greatly enlarged audience with w lii -h we have
een honored in lsou, and to otter our respects.
and the promise of our continued bast services, for
hu year before us. With the privileged hear nn
that we have now secured, at the firesides of our
whole vast co-miry, it is only natural that we
Imuld feel addi'ional responsibility, while, at the
samu time' wh gird up our energies tor new varie
ties ol industry ntiu enterprise.
Ihe paper tor the coming year is to be printed
on new type, nnd its pre-eminence of clearness ami
leyilnltty, so valuable to tho eye and so needful for
a family paper, is to be stilt more marked.
Our contents for 1857. we need scarcely sav.
will be as varied as the Life with which wo keep
pace. Time and the ever-chancing World are the
great baske's out of which we pick Wisdom and
Amusement ns we go tho exhnustless variety of
event nnd novelty assuring to us nnd to our read
ers, exluiiisiless themes nnd subjects ot interest.
The Editors will still continue to devote their
time and abilities exclusively to tbo Home Jour
nal. N. P. .Willis proposes, in addition to his usual
pioturinijs of homo life and rural family sym pa-
thies and interests, out doors nnd in, to give more
f the Letter to Invalids, which his expeiience
has enabled hn:i to write, und which have been so
widely quoted: and, also, n series of Portraits of
Living Unaraders.
George P. Morris, besides bis usual constant la
bors upon the several departments nf the paper,
will make it the wool 1 n whi'.-h to bronler first the
new Sketches, Songs, Ballads, etc., suggested by
the history and event of the passing time.
T. B. Aldri.h basin preparation a Prose Poem,
tube entitled The Hose nf C'eii-Lodye; and this
will be puMished 111 numbers, fnou week to week
beside the labors ol Ihe Editors, the Home
Journal will contain :
The communications of a brilliant list of orig
inal contributors :
The core and history of new publications:
The tlnaiing stories, brief roinauuee, sparkling
wit, Inn and anecdote ot tne day;
Poetry, pathos nnd roin.im':
The gossip ninl news of Pirisian journals:
Personal -ketches of the conspicuous charac
ters of the time:
I Tho stirring scenes nf daily life :
The . hroniclu of news for the Ladies :
The Fashions
The valuable information, as to statistics, dis
ooverios and great events :
Criticisms nf current Literature!
And all that can I e gathered, to interest the
reader, from the World's constant overflow of ac
tion and intellect. '
We need not remind our readers, perhaps, that
we have correspondents, whuslt unsurpassed,
tho society of New York, and that, through these
..i .11 .t.... .1 1 r ' .-
iiiunu auu reiiimu uicuiums. we Keen HPDriseu
hi nit iu 11UU117M, iiw, unarming or instructive,
in the Irilliunt circles of oily life.
For the health, the moral improvement and the
religious culture uf families, we watchfully ir at ti
er every new suggestion, and carefully obroiiiule
all signs of Progress and Utility.
By unoeasing vigilance and industry, and by
skill acquired in long ami a. et-essful pram ire, we
nipt still to keep the Home J lurrial undisputed as
(lie best family AeMAij)er in the world.
TtR.ua. For one copy. $2; for three copies, $5
or one copy for three years $5 oj ways iu ad
vance. Address
Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fultoo-sl., New
Salem tfxcljaiigc ! !
Just received a good supply nf Seasonable Winter
(bind. Overcoating, Cloth, Cassiniries, cheap
Red Flannels, Canton Flannels, nnd Mens' Shins
and Drawers. Ludies' and Mens' Shawls Bay
State and Brxcha. Printed Flannels nnd Chash
meres. Rich Styles. French Merinoes Plain aud
Birrd, Very Cheap.
Cloth Gloves. Oauntlet Oloves and Woolen Wrist
lets. Beautiful Assortment of Hoods,
Hosiery and Gloves. Elegant lot of trav
elling Blankets. New style Winter
Prints. Dress, Cloak and Man
tillb Trimmings. Clothing mnile to
order, and on hand as cheap as the cheap
est, and good as any. Robes and Blankets,
you will lindn ccneral assortment.
SsSrWAXrKDlrk; I'elts. lliiha, Hnllcr and
Poultry, fo which the hiuhesl CASH price vill be
jxtiil. leather Side and I'pper.
JgrAll these articles will be sold reasonable.
Call and see. J. 11 EATON.
Columbiana County, is. J
Uriah Teegnrden Admin, nf ) p fc c,
David Shaffer, dec d. I
V. S. Petition toscll lands
Elizabeth Shaffer, Tavld 1 To Eliz ihctb ShnOVr
Shaffer and other I tlrt of 1 David Shaffer and
David Shaffer deu'd., whose f'liht"- heirs of David
names are unkuown. 1 Shaffer, dee'd whose
names are unknown.
Yon aro hereby notified that on the 17th day of
December A. D. IXM, said Administrator filed his
1'in it ion in the Probate Court of Columbiana
County Ohio, The olje.'t ami prayer of said
I elltlon is to obtain an order ol said Court tor
assignment of dower to said Elizabeth Shntfer the
widow uf David Shaffer (Ice d, III mid uSsn lor the
sale of tip following described real estate nf which
said David Shaffer died noised to w it : situated in
Section No. 32, in Towr ship No, 15 nf Range No
3 in said Columbiana County Ohio, being a partot
the middle of tho Norrti-East quarter cf said sea
tioti, bounded mi the East by lands of Uriah Tse-
garden, nn the South by lands of the same, on the
West by lands ot same, and on the Sorm by lands
owned by Uriah Teegartlen, containing six acres
of land, more or less. Said Petition will be fur
hearing on the 24' li (lav nf January A. D.
LKIAII 1 r, r.tl A It Ur A , Admin.
By Samuel W. Ohb, his Att'y. J
December 17th. 150.-4w.
The Executivo Committee uf the American Anti-
Slavery Society have issued the following Traets
for gratuitous distribution t
No. 1. The United States Constitution. Examined.
No. 2. White Slavery in tho United States.
No. 3. Colonization. By Rev. O. B. Frothinghnm.
No, 4. Does Slavery Christianise the Negro ? By
Rev, T. W. Iligginson.
No. 0. The Intcr-Stato Slave Trado. By John O.
No. 0. The "Ruin" of Jamaica. By Richard
No. 7. Revolution tho only Remedy for Slavery.
No. 8. To Mothers in the Fiee States. By Mrs. L.
L. F.dlen.
No. 9. Ilifluencoof Slavery upon the White Pop
ulation. By a Lady.
No. 10, Slavery and the North. By C. C. Bur
No. 11. Disunion our Wisdom nnd our Duty. By
Rev. Charles E. Uudges.
No. 12. Anti-Slavery Hymns nnd Songs. By
Mrs. . L. r.ollen.
No. 13. The Two Altars ; or. Two Pictures in
One. Uv Mrs. Harriet B Stowe.
No. 14. "How can I Help to Abolish Slavery ?" or,
Counsels to tho Aewly tvouverted.
By Maria W. Chapman.
No. 15. What have wo, ns Individuals, to do with
Slavery f By. Susan C. Cabot.
No, 10. The American Tract Society ; and its
Policy of Suppression and Silence.
Being the Unanimous Remonstrance of the
Fourth Conjreiiational Society, Hartford, Ct.
No. 17. The God of the Bible Against Slavery.
Uy Rev. Charles Beecher.
All donations for tho Tract Fond, or for tho cir
culation nf any pnrtilobir Tract of the above s
ries, should be sent 10 Francis Jackson. Treasurer
of the Amercicaii Antialavery Society, 21 Corn
hill. Boston.
Fifty Dollars will stereotype nn eight-pngo tract
ind iTnt fee thousand copies cf i.
A). plication tor tlmnl nve I incts, lor gratuitr-us
distribution, should be uiado to Samuel M.vr. Jr.,
21 Oornhill. Boston to tho Anti-Shivery, Offices.
I08 Nassau street New York, and 31 North street.
Philadelphia! to Joel, Mc.Miu.an, Salem. Columbi
ana Co., Ohio ; or to Jacob Walton, Jr., Adrian,
AUGUSTINE DUG ANNE writes far The Satur
day Evoning Post. THE RAID OF BUR
GUNDY, A Tale or the Swiss Cantons. See
prospectus in another place.
The United Slates Constitution and its
The Constitution a Pro-Slavery Compact; or.
Extracts from the Madison Papers, etcXS Selected
by Wendell Phillips. Third Edition, Enlarged.
12tno. .Us pages. Just published by the American
Anti-Slavery Societv. and for sale at 21 Oornhill,
Boston. Also, at the Anti-Slavery Offices in New
York nnd Philadelphia. Prico, in clolb, 50 cts.;
in thick paper oovers, 37.
October 18, 1850.
Copies nf ibis work will bn sent by mail on the
reioipt of its price and the amount ot postage,
viz., forty-four cents for thu.-e in paper covers,
sixty cents for those in cloth.
A Valuable Faim of 107 mires, with a large,
commodious nnd w ell-ruinished House a good
Birn, horse stable and all other necessary out
houses is offered for sala cheap and on good terms.
Ir. is situated in Carroll County, i iie-loiirih id a
mile from Leesbiirgh.tieur a depot on the Steuben
villo and Indiana Rail R m l, 'The country is
healthful, the land good, water nbuii'Vuit ami ol
excellent qu ilitv, nnd the Farm well stocked with
a variety of ex fellenr fruit.
tSTlUWA LASDS will be taken tit part
For further particulars inquire at the office of the
Anti-Slavery Bugle, or 011 ih premie of
liARNABY & arnold"
Wish to announcoto the citizens of Salem and vi
cinity, ami to the public generally, that they have
!.... : 1 ... .1...:. nt tfruivii ihiiifp
(lisv rccuivc .. wior v"'ii'w k , j , u.
North Side of Main S'reei, Ailein, Ohio; A new,
extensive and superior stock id Goods, suitable for
the FALL 4 WIN TERTRADE. Our assortment ol
Cloths, Cas.iimeres. Tweeds. Satinets, Satins,
Vein, Figured Silks, et c ,
with Triming f nil kinds In match, will be sold
by the Yard or Made up to Order, at prices and in
a manner that will compare favorably with I hose
uf any similar establishment in dalem or elsewhere.
Also, good assortment of Heady Mile Cloth
ing, Consisting of Frock, Dress, nnd Business
Coats; Overcoats, Cloaks. Vests. Pantaloons, Shirts,
Drawers, suspenders. Socks. Ilaiolkercfnots, Cra
vats, Ac, Ac. Our Terms of Sala for the future are
which will enable us to ssll a little better cmji nt
a littto lower prices than could be afforded on the
credit system.
We think we can suit nor customers with what
ever they may want in nor line, and we invite all
desiring tu pumhasa, to call, jud( for themselves,
and act accordingly.
B&tW&iiX AHA JldV.
October 13, 1869. '
The undersigned has been appointed and quali
fied according to law, as Administrator if tbo
rstats of David MniBer,- deceased. All person
having claims ngaifist said estate art notified W
present iheiu according in law.
Nov. 25th, 1850.-3t.
Dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall lapet, Ao.,Ae.
Main St., Halem, Ohio., has just received all kinds'
of Mjdlcal, Classical, Scientific, poetical, Miscel
laneous, .ruvenile and School Books.
Blank books. Memorandums, Pass books. Pocket
books, Pi rtmvrii, lVrtfolies, Purses, Pencils,
Slates, Writing Ink, Copying, Indellible, and Red
Inks; Inkstands, LiquroV (juni, Steel Pens, Pock
Maps, Diaries, i&c, A-c.
All kinds nnd best qualities of Foolscap; Letter!'
Bath Post, Commercial, Note, Fancy Note, Bill
enp, and Drawing Papers. Bristol Boards, Marble
lioaru, and 1'aste Hoards. Envelops plain and
fancy in great variety. Visiting and Reward
cards. Water colors and Artists materials. Mats-'
rials for Artificial flowers &c Ac.
A large mck nf Dawson, Warren A Ffydea cels
brated GOLD PENS, that give n.h universal
satisfiicthin, every one warranted. Musto Book-,
at wholesale or retai'. Dealers supplied With
School Books ami Stationary at Wholesale. Wall
Paper in great variety.
t$r ca sji pAw'Fon ra gs.
S.ilcm. O. Nov. 8h. IMG.
I lailT-HOUSE ISLAND, an original, Novelet
Ji by tho author of Zii.i.aii," Ac., will be pub.
tished in The Saturday1 Evesi.no Tost. $e
Prospectus in another place.
e. cnnnis, 11. d . u Eiizi l. s, mums, v.u
Surgi-ms, Fli ysiclsrns-a nd VHtitknMf
Have recently located theniselvss in Salem to at
tend to culls in their profession.
Office. West End nf Min Street, South Side.
Tliey are pteiare l to tpuch stntletv's ns hereto
fore, though witn increased facilities. The Senior
is importer nf Papier M o tie Models and w e bavo
a variety nf Skclemns. Models,- &c, Ac, for sale,
Salem, June 19, 1--5G.
qi S. ARTHUR writes for The Saturday Evv
1 . nixu Post. THE WITHERED HEART. Se
Prospectus in another place.
Call & txamine J I)vnr'nti!o. (irocerics,
Have just returned from the Eastern Cities witk
n fresh Stuck uf
sfanuftj t'crcrictf,
ranch tho largest ever brnght to this town, wtiicht
they nre determined to sell ut ft small advance on
We invite the citizens of Salem nnd vicinity tor
cull and examine our Goods, we would cull par
ticular attention 10 nur tine sropk cf TEAS.
We would say to Country dealers that Wo cart
and w ill sell hem Good's at Pittsburgh prices: such
as Tens, Coffer, Rice, Sugars. Chocolate, Spices,
Soap, Candles, Fish by the barrel; Herring by ths
box. common and fancy Candies, Foreign Fruits,
and Nuts. Crackers by the Barrel, &.:, &o.
Coffee from 11 to 12 cents per pound.
The highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs,
White Beans, &o., Jtc.
Nov. 1. IPSO.
3000 HIDES Wanted, for which I will pa; GJ
cents a punad. Also. Sheep pelts bought at
B. F.LDRfDGE-'S Leather Store,
Sulem. Nov. 8, 1850.-p.
1 qLE CARY write fat The Saturday Evening
See Prospectus in another place'.
Stolen from the subscriber in New Brighton
Beaver County. Pa., on Friday night, Oct, 24th,
1850. a DARK BAY HORSE, heavy tnnd. 15
hands high, one white hind foot, a large star in tho
forehead, and' 11 snip on the noie, 3 yeairs oh),
natural Hotter.
aey'Tho nhovo reward will be paid fur the de
livery of the hors and thief, or Twenty-five dol
lars to tne horse,
Any information can sent to the subscriber at .
New Brighton, or left at the office of the Bugle,
Salem. Oliru.
Nov. 1, 185G.
lylLLIAM IIOWITT. the celebrated English
II writes for The Saturday Evening Post. TAL
Seo Prospectas mi another pine a;
13. W. SPEAR, M. P.,
orncE over u'coxnel's stone, ox itiis street;'
Residence North Side of Green Street, second do
West nj the Alswortn streeu
Salem, April 24. 1855.
FALL OF 1856.
ant) lUintcr (SooDo III
We nre now in receipt of our first large Stock of
FALL AND WINTER GOOES, constoting In par'
ot a large und varied assortment of
Embroideries. Velvet, Silk, ard Braid Bonnets
Brocho. Bay State, Waterloo, Silk and Stella Shawls
Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' and Misses Fancy French
li iskets-, together with general Stock ot Buttons
&c. iio.
We are also in receipt of a very large and exten
sive Suick ot Carpets, Wall aro', Window Paper,
China, Glass mid Queens a le. Men and Boys Parr
talooperv, Brown unit Bteni-biit Meeting ..:.Jrbirt
ings. Canton and Wool F impels, Chei Its. Tickings
Liio-evs. lied Isliii kels, MaisAilles fjuilts. VVoo
and Linen TaldH Covers, Pittsburgh Carpet Chair
Batting, W icking Beaver I ill s line lluckels, Ac.
Thankful lor the patronage heretoh-re extend-!
us we beg leave to call your attention to Ihe afmve
Stock, feeling confident we have tke will as wa
know we have the ability to fflcf vim tarenins not
elsewhere to be tound ia this market. Call and)
examine for yourselves. Respectfully,
t. & Li. SvJU!L.L.ir U,
Sulera, Oct. 4. 1R5C.
t am now prepared to sell those DESIRABLE
LOT3. on Lisbon Street, opposite the dwellings nf
Messrs. Wright, Jones, llillnian, Sio., &i. faquir
of John Dcmijg, or.tho subscriber.
I offer, also, for snle ihe Farm where I now rev
side; being 130 Are. well improved, woll watered
and in good condition, SI miles South of Salem,
tin ihe Lisbon Houd.
Aug. 23. if BEXJAVIX TOWN;
The snfiscriher wilt offer for snle his valuable
Farm, situated two miles South of Washington
villa, within quarter of a mile of tho Railroad
ens -ing.
Hay" Persons desiroas of parch vsing goc4
farm will eull and examine for ihenuelves.
Satorday, Not. 15, 'SO-di.

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