THE ANTI-SLAVERY BUGLE. From the Cincinnati Gazette. THE SLAVE TRADE AMONG THE COLONIES. L V. promised some time since to show the part taken 17 tl.e Colonies, ,,ri..r to the adoption il ilic 1 In the Slave Trade. It will bo seen 1 the position ote...niM,l the State, is not tna- different tmm what it win a century a live. 'in,, u, 1 : ..r .1 ..,... ..iw lilVAt-V Sue tot the Spaniards nnd the Uonne merchants, j Almonte 01 Charles tho tilth obtained ti lVent fir the exclusive impor'ntinn or lour thousnud tie-' into America in 1517, and s;dd it to some) Oenoese merchants. Thus was iho iret regular ; commerce in Slave Introduced into America? The first .lav. trad. ..C fh K,.ii-I. -,.. ....oniwl on the coast id tloinca In 17ti:t. I,v .Il,.c kin. hv John lla kit. Vhd Vk'aa ,lnlittf-it liv Klttnril i.uiillnn.iiri in I., lis r.rrio.l tl.ron l,..,l I .... .... ... Ill L..I, landing them at tho ports oflhclla lo I'lata"' and Monte Christo. This v..vite was so kttnr-nvv.,1. that ll.a Vlai a T....U .. ... I,.. ... ,U A. B .th these dates, it will he ohscrve.l. was the settlement of tho present L nit. d State. The ! oxact period ol the introduction of Slave, nniniij"" the colonies we do not know, hot twenty-live yei.rsl nfter the settlement ol I'lymoiuh, blaveiy did ; in Massuchusetts. This we know, from a ningular procedure hefore the l.itnclm.ett Courts. There wh, then, a law in M.isiMiM.nsett ; agairrt buyinK and selling Slaves. In eseeotion of this law, (in llilo.) a nero, w ho had l.een : "fratidulentl.v ivnd injuriously t.iken and hto.l.t from Ouinoa and sold to .Mr. Williams, of 1'in'at- aqua, wa, demanded hv the ( general C,uM lha. he , in.Kht ho sent back. Slave y , J.J not . ex. I u. ( Massaohusetts, ,.n, althou-h that colony did. in 17S0 formally ahoiHhS.avery.t does not appear,, ..,,1 f!-'iv ' lu,'J j"'" - rv. ....... i onv I. a.I, as appears irom toe,' nor and Council, about t&My .... .1...- . ,,.. i.i Connecticut, answers to the I slaves. There once in a while, it is saiJ, three or four negroes came from B.,rbadocs, and were sold t about 110 , In'ieSl, Virginia held slaves, hot how many I we know not. In the statement made by the Gov. is' this curious remark-true then and true ever since ; 'Our thieving is our undoing; and our Loving ef blacks hath extremely contributed thereto by making more tobacco we are too many for that, and too few lor anvthintr else. " In Maryland the Slave Trade existed in 1715; for we find a law that the duties on tho in.porta- lion of slaves did not extend to those vessels whose i Owners were resoicuts ot tlie l'rovu.ce. In South Carolina too rice culture wss Intro-! duced in 1093, and this may he regarded ns tho date of the introduction ol negro slavery there. In UiM we Una tlie Slave l nine una been si ac- tive in that colony that the slave population alieodii exceeded the u-ltUcs. In the estimate of the inhab hunts of Carolina ut that time, the following was the result : 14 000 10,000 Whites, Slaves, (Negroes and Indians) From tho facts stated above, it is very evident that Virginia and tho Carnlinns were the first importers of negroes, and they have remain ed ever since consistent iu their duieuce of uesro slavery. Soon after the nbnve date, however, Khode Is-',t land, although originally settled by Quakers nmi began to enter" into the Slavo Trad. 1730. the enumeration uf llhude lalaud gavo this result : English Whiles, 15.3C2 Indians, . 0M5 Nogroes, 1,043 At the same time the negroes in Carolina had increased in seven years from 16,000, ns above, to 28,000, and were greatly more numerous than I he whites, in consequence of this superiority, they laid a plan for a general massacre, which was hap pily discovered in time to prevent it. So negro in surrections are no new things. We may omit any further history of tho Ameri can Slave 'i'.ade except to notice its results. In the not half century from 1730 the Ameri ican Slave Trade proceedol with great activity; especially in the Colonies ot Virginia, south ntul North Carolina, end Georgia. In the meantime, even the Nw England Colonics engaged in it, and New York more than once ha 1 to encou iter u ne gro insurrection. The following are some statistics of the result uf the American slave Trade, Negroes Free Whites. New Jersey. (1745,1 5G.707 Rhodo Islind, (1755,) 3r..9 Maryland, (1703.) 98.357 Virginia. (1703. 7(1000 Connecticut, (17C3.) 1-11.000 Massachusetts. (1703.) 235 S10 S.Carolina. (1705.) 40,000 It appears, then, that in 1705 Virginia nnd South Caroliua containod a great majority of nil the ne irroe8 in the American Colonics. Georgia ar North Carolina contained a proportion n early as great. South Carolina r.ever abandoned the Slave trade while she could help it. We shall furnish hut two more facts for this his torical summary. In 1773 there wero 6,000 ne groes imported into the purt of Charleston alone. vi : From the Wet Indies. (20 vessels,) 700 From the N. Colonics, (0 vessels,) 40 From Africa, 133 vessels,) 5,731 In 1783 were imported into Charleston: From Afiica and tho West Indies, From St. Augustine, In the next year, (1784): From Africa and the West ladies, From St. Augustine, Total in 173-4, In three reportej years we find about thirteen thousand negro slaves imported into Charleston. SVe give this on the authority of Holmes' Annals, A perfectly reliable work. Wi gather from these facts two quite obvious conclusions. First: It is plain that the suppres sion of tho African Slave Trade was a thing abso lutely necessary to the safety nnd prosperity ol the Colonies. The cultivation of rice, tobacco.nnd subsequently of cotton, had introduced vast hordes rif Africans." Insurrections lull occurred, nnd in Virginia, Carolina and Georgia, the slaves were rapidly growing out of all proportion to the whites. Avarice was fast destroying humanity, nnd the American Colonies would Imvo been Africanized in every sense of the word, had not the SUve Trade been suppressed. Next, wa observe, tht the slave influence has always flowed from the same great centres, Virginia nmi the Carnlinns. Eroin there it has flowed south-west, hapoiiy with out the power oi increasing its volume by Afri can additions. Wa repeat what we at first expressed, that we do not believe the slave trade can ne revived; nut will not injure xnd may benefit the public welfare, to bear iu mind the progress and characteristics this inhuman traffic. 4 GliO 4,007 O70 lOO.tMiO 4 5H0 5.214 VU.i-uu 1,003 107 4.0C0 1.37J 0,502 From the London Anti-Slavery Advocate. PROGRESS OF THE ANTI SLAVERY CAUSE IN ENGLAND. , Sumner and the events in powerful stimulants to the The assault on Mr. Kansas have oroven true anti-slavorv conversion of the English people. Whatever their apathy before, they are now forced to see not only that a tlaveholding people cannot 1st ft free people, but that a natijn can never be powerful, happy, and united while ruled bv a compact oldigarcj of slaveholders, whose policy is neeessarily bi.stile M fre speech, a free press, free labor, free education, and all the other essen tial constituents of a free community. Every Engliibinan now knows that liberty and slavery re waging an internee. oe war in the United States; that the truce between them, which Amer eu statesman have vainly attempted to maintain is do longer possible; and thst vre or the other must suueotnb. Wa have heard of an American traveller who complained that while in F.nglaad he bad onW met with one gentleman. When asked to eipUio, he said that one had never talked to him about slavery Accepting this definition we think we may safely promise our future Amen can viators that thev will look in vain throuicli the three kingdoms for a single gentleman. In all the leading reviews, tnagiiinss, and journals toy Importance, tin snbject bat beoo so lull j and so ably discussed, that no one of nny nrdii.nry in-! I , . ' ignoini.t 1.1 now miitteis slaml in the; United Suites, ui.d tlmt there 1110 hut thrco .ot.rsesi 1'"ilo.ii.fli.t,u,.ftcoimwii nun i-i.n.rcl thcl i t-r. r,cu.,d. ,hn slave ' ""T1 "''"'j r 'l' e tliii'k l" ! ',lMtRl the '"" probable nltei i.ntive. thej ''e' " r 1 uI- vin i.n.nt..I real union amongst thcm-l tfu. tl... Mhtii,....,! which wtiil ci.nn !,,e '-! it of slavery nt an curly day ; since it " '"""'''J (,wfl11 in too very iimuie unugs, '"" 11 l,ct'" repeatedly nifmiticd hy the slave grues ll"l(lo,:' themselves in their sober moments, that ,l,c '"'I'0 t tho pcrnmiicncc ol 'their very "peculiar institution" he in tho guarantee n hn h the tn "'1,e g"C them to inail.luiii It to - tl ibf Federal Union Now, it nut he ,1 .rood ihina lor the uholitiniiiMN to i ll'er WOI.II, VI'IZO h.r Hie het CMtlV to phoW llllW t llB TmHrl.t I Itwcen the north and the south mayeo j cl" ,,,e ""i',","."'e "f Un. "' . , . . J'""."'" !''erties ? In our hun.hlo opinion, to eMublirh this point erould ho as pret.y a puzzlo as pw''""d ""ient Schoolmen, JOHN PHOENIX UPON GEORGE WASHINGTON. lAUION. From an oration reputed to have l.een delivered at Tort Vancouver, W. T. on ll.e I'mirtli ol July, lf-oO. hy Jul. 11 I'hccuix X, 9 , I)., Sci'ucant Major M l llcviioint Oiioii Ttiritoiy Light .Moles," we extract tlie lidloniiig: Ahh , fr lC in w,,;,h ft vp iUMWl.uirllt,A , i(,nril,0 , .insl..., j i.,.,,,,,,,. j,B c .. u , ' '- " " c,.ine;wa, pcr.cctly ienorant of the Mlll.,,l(.s ol the iiiaunn; in tnhirrnt,li tw.v,.f . 1 , - , " ' ' , ... "V"' ,t ' A ' ?""V " uel 11 'fiction match, llceat Ins meals with an iron fork, never used postage stamps on his let- " Z J... " ' np'. , V" jllu,!'i",,".i".n- .'ch a man as this could hardly bo elecl7 1 ''''" the lulled States ... these u",c' '"though it must he confessed, n e onus - :v h:,ve 11 '"'"''"e who proves not much bettter mlrmc-tl about soch mattei s in gctc.:il. W ashington CieJ from exposure on the summit of Mt. A etnon, in tl.e year 17M5. leaving behind I'iin a name that w ill endure lorcver, if pastcrity Persist in calling their children nher him to the I n"e extent that has been lash unable. " r'ooin, i.y uimm o.uari, oi tins great soi-1 d'er nnd statesman may be seen, very badly eti-f""1'' graved, on the "History of the I nited States ;' but j as it was taken when tl.e General was in the act j '"It luoacco, u.e n-ir ci.eeK is oisiennuo out ; "f proportion, nnd the likeness rendered very mi- i satislactory. I pun the whole General Gdorge l it asl.tttgton was a very excellent man ; though I unlam liar with 'Scott's Infantry Tactics,' he was a tolerohlo officer; though he married a widow, he was a fond husband ; nnd though he did not know i the Beechcr family, ho was a sincere Christian. E ri.UKlDUS UN CX. A monument has been commenced in the eitv of ashii.g'on to his memory, which is to I n live j hundred leet in I. eight ; and it should bo tl.e wishj .very true l.cai lea American that Ins Mitoes nnd sen i.-es may not be forgotten bob, re it is coin Baptists, Inlpleted; in which ease, their rctuen.bianco will 1 probal iy cnuuro torever. From the Radical Abolitionist. THE INCENDIARY ABOLITIONISTS! it a iSEiv ew of TiiKia Wickedness. A writer in the New Oilcans I'icaiuiie. in trcatinir of the dangers arising from the admission of North ern books into Southern communities, describes them us havii g been trrOten with a viae of ana,' iiig children aijainst their parents, and consequent ly parents! Ufainst (heir children; relering.evidently, to siares, and their slavoholding "parents." Well, this is a (oucimiij; appeal, wo cosfes, the most so we remember to have met with, on this topic. At tho thought of direful sti iic bj- tween "parents una children, we are in- cli.icd to desUt, and leave our 'brethren of the Sooth" with their "children" to their coveted "domestic" repose. But let us look a little more closoly into the matter. What A condition of things must that be, in tho South, that could warrant Buch apprehen sions? What is the relation between "parents and children" in the slave States? And how are "children" treated by their "parents?" Do they boy and sell them like cattle? l)u they forbid j them education 1 Do they debar them Irom the 1 sanctities of marriase.aod herd them together like j beasts? Do they drive them, during life, to un- i p int lat.or, ut too crack ol ll.e whin; Atvl is it because Northern writers sometimes hint that this is not exactly Christian-like and proper, that their hooks vould"ui ray children against their parents. auu consequently parcois against tueir cuilurcu I Father Matiiew, tho renowned Apostle of Temper. nice, died lit Cork on trie 9ih of December His citrecr bus been remarkable, and his among- his countrymen iu Great Britain nmi America will long bu felt. Theobald Mail.evv was born in Tlivniiastuwn, Ireland, Oct. 10, 1700. lie was Ictt an r.t nn early nge, adopted bv an nunt and educated in Kilkenny Academy and at Maynooth. He was ord lined to the oriesthoo'l at Dublin, having previously-entered upon Lis phi lai.tbri'i ic laboi s among tho poor. The curse of whisky, brought, so fearfully to his notice tinning these wretched people, roused hiin to unwonted enthusiasm, nnd be determined upon a crusade l,r:iinst thft demon fif Ali' A (l..t-.lSirv thnl principle of total abstinence, he commenced series of meetings, nnd soon a rakened the latent enthusiasm of the Irish nature to his assistance, meeting witn n success tey .nd the wildest hopes, lie traveled from town to town through nil the 1-lai.d. His spotless fame preceded him. and his progress was olio triumphal march. The author ities unbent their d igr.ily to do him honor, nnd the people fallowed and crowded around him with adoratKni, Ho administered tho pledge to thousand-, at a time; nt Neniigh to twenty thousand in one day ; ut Galu ay a hundred thousand in two lays; between Galwny nnd Loiighrca to nearly i i .. i . i -.i 'i .ii ti.-... iwo iiijiiuieu uiousaim. ii.ioiicii Jin tins Hercu lean labor he never amassed a cent for himself, but was constantly in n st-ite of persona! poverty. When he began bis good work his brother was the proprietor id a large distil ery. Ho supported 1 beob. ild until Ins wonderful success had rui.ied tho distillery, and reduced the owner to bank ruptcy. To meet the wants of the good Samaritan, the British Government settled an annuity of 300 upon him, w hich sum was just euthcitnt to pi. the premium upon an insurance policy held by his creditors as security for their claims. Tribune, ol of Tho following, from two of the prominent sup porters ot Fremont in New Yol k, tells its own story. BiiE.tKiNO Up Tne Cupartsisiiip Our honest and unliable contemporaries "I the Ti Hume srem think that the entire assets of he lleimlican party, which recectlv failed in business, belong exclusive ly to them. We must demur to this decision. We became a partner in this concern and contributed a largo amount of capital to set it going. We la bored, too, w ith Home considerable ettect; and but for the treachery and fo'ly of some of our associ ates in the same cause wa should have established ,t,a l..iui,tod r.n . nrmnnnt fotitinir Anit nl.-iceil the'head of the concern in its proper position. We think, therefore, in looking over the assets of the ate Republican party, that our honest contempo rary has in id e a mistako in supposing that the stock in trade belongs to them, and that it consists f their peculiar anti-slavery ideaa. 1 bat won lo. Tho capital we con ributed to tho I. nn wns not anti-slavery nevor will be anti-slavery. The votes for Fremont numbered nearly one million and eight hundred thousand: and we venture to say that of this vast array not one-tenth were nnu siaveryn. en. in the sense ot our amiable and plulo- contemporaries ot the Iribiine. ine ir win remember nerealter not to itp- propriate political proporty w hich don't beloti ' it, and not seek to monopolize or use thnt which they have an equal right te claim. AT. Y. Herald. "Bkeaiino cp o nt Copartnership Our honest and am'.able contemporaries of Tirr. Tin- m ns seem to think that the cnliro nsscts of tlie I Uepopiicnn party, which recently ImlfU in pusi- ncs, belon exclusively to tlieiu. Herald, , A ., 1. ,rn, JlZTZ 0 t B "'i I , ! t0 Jiw.SS 7 them ! w, J ' j 0 7 r -j'hev don't "belong'' r. Jri- , ' Tim UsAiru or Mh. Simner. The Boston Chronicle ol tho Cih ii.nt. contains a utateinei.t di reet Iron, tho lion. Chas. Sumiur, that in coi.M (.iciuo of tho urgent reqiieBt ol Lin phji-ieian, he will not Icavo for a.-h.ii)ton, na he intended. pi.ysi. ian ttatos that hi nervous liynteiii i .. .ltf t.. r,.l ll.n irrfltuHt IMllltOlll 1 .. I. , ..,.. l,i soiely lec.'Vciin. The Anti-Slavery Bugle. The Anti-Slavery Bugle. SALEM, OHIO, JANUARY 10, 1857. ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF OHIO. iViVf-ic Citizens You have recently found your selves arrayed against euch other in a costly and exciiing political contest, in whi-h yon hove l.clicved tho ftiestioti of tho existence of huni:in Slavery in our land was deeply involved. No intelligent, nnd virtuous man, in either of the political con.hii.ations existing in Ohio, actually dc.-iics tl.e perpetuation of the system of human bondage, hut every such person earnestly wishes to sto a speedy termination of tho woes, and crimes, of which it is the prolific parent. Now that the conflict of interests, opinions and passions, consequent upon the Into election is for the present ended, we, tho representatives of the Western Anti Slavery Society, desire to approach you with suggestions that wa cannot hut hopo w ill be enter tained, and maturely considered hy every reflect ing mind. To the dispassionate observer uninfluenced hy partisan feelings, it has been most apparent that the whole of the recont slrogglo has been in respect to effects, the causts of which Jiavo not been aimed , b(J oturbed bv any of the contestants. In - . su fi,r " H'O existence nnd perpetuity of Slavery is concerned, .there has been, and can be, but one party politically, of loyal ciiizcns, nnd this includes Iho great body of American voters. The strife betweon you has not been for the over throw of the most guilty, appalling, nnd powerful despotism, the world has ever soon, but merely about the regulation of its details, by those who all agree, nnd pledge themselves, that it shall be continued, and supported, nnd who differ only upon the policy which shall control it. We invite your co-operation in r.n attempt to remove 1'ie ullending causo whicu has produced vast disturbance in the body politic, whilst tho amount of misery nnd degradation it inflicts upon its immediate victims, is utterly indescribable Wo nk you first to inquire where the siaveholding p .wer is b cited, nnd of w hat forces it is coin posed. Taking tho last census tables as our guido, wo find it probable there ore now fully four millions of human beings held as chattels in the United States, nnd claimed as property, by less than four hundred thousand persons. The common sense of every individual teaches hiin that those victims of arbitrary powor aro not retained by the unassisted force of those who claim them. With out aid from others, who do not assume to have a right of property in thorn, it is obviously impos sible that they should be held in sen Undo. A part of the power employed is to be found in tho governments of ll.e slave-owning States. But with no other assistance than tlnscl.e claimants of the bodies and souls of their equal fellow beings would be unable to retain them, and therefore, in the construction of the Federal Union, they have cunningly contrived to array tho whole physical, pecuniary and moral powor, of the people of all i lie States, through tho provisions of tho Constitu tion of the United Slates, on the side of tho op pressor and against ibe slaves. It is in the gov ernment of the United States then that the real slaveho'iiling powei is to be found. You nre a part of it and if there be shame and guilt in coercing men and women into the condition of chattels, and upon a level with brutes, you, who sustain and take part in the operations of that government, nre voluntary participants in that guilt. And further, so completely have you been outwitted aud entangled, no action of yours bow ever well intended, can ever bring to an end this system of crime nnd unutterable horror, or relieve y,iu from your share of its responsibility, whilst I ,,- . . . , . 1 a I le:l"-v ubiftinsby nn adherence to this confederacy? Which of you docs it protect in person or properly, Lnd to what extent ? To secure this protection you continue loyal subjects of the general govern mcnt, and thus through it, lend your influenco to tl.e support and perpetuation of Slavery, We beseech you then tore-examine the wholo su! ject ; to inquire what are the advantages you for themselves, and to aid in extending it to others, are tho motives which induce intelligent persons to. outer voluntarily or continue in governmental associations. Now if you find, as wo nvor you will upon careful investigation, that you receive no protection really from the general guvornment.but if this Union were dissolved and your State organ ! ization left undisturbed, vou would still nossess i all tho political advantages you seek or desiro, you will have no motive to continue your present re la turns. e solicit you to consider seriously the I proposition of a withdrawal of Ibe suvcreign Stato v to of Ohio, from confederacy which involves her citizens in heinous crime, covering them with guilt and shame, whilst it procures for them no advantages which an unscrupulous people might be supposed to aojept as a compensation for the nicked connivance. Wo are aware, a majority of you believe you hnve been and are engaged in political operations, designed and calculated tu overthrow Slavery, but in this you are deceived. There is no proposition susceptible of more complete demonstration, than '.hat tho slave oligarchy is secure of perpetual dominion, so long ns a large majority ol the people continue loyal to the Constitution, as its provisions were intended to be understood by those who framed it, and ns they have always been construed by nit parties since its adoption. This security iusurcd I.y the invmciblo physical powsr of the i nation, when united, enabling this oligarchy by tho forces of the government, to subdue all I at einpts of tho enslaved to achieve their own de liverance and to repel nny assistance which might he proffered them from abroad. Tho moral in fluence of the confederacy is such thnt foreign nations have never even ventured to uttempt ameliorate the wretched condition of the American Slave, much less to secure his freedom, by diplo inacy, though native in their efforts of phihtn- ibroiiv with less powerful States. And however ,,,. vou de,ire. und dilliecntlv labor, for the overthrow of Slavery you can never nccom plish it by efforts confined withiu tho limits of the Constitution. The form of our government lias become destructive of the ends it was established to secure, and believing with our Fiuhcru In ihnir immortal Dechirotion, that undor euch circum KIES. stances "it is lb ,,r .1 . 1 . 1. T of "" W111 10 ,ll,,M ""'"' "rol. that rfcM ' ''''l' f"rU' 8h,l,l nced ,ftb,,r of roo"n Constitution, lru0il,,n-Our Stato government wiih slight. .mend that ments will supply nil tlmt wo require. Wo pro temlly . . J poso tun to you as a mode of diroct nnd efficient political action against the existence of Slavery itself nnd not merely directed against a portion of its effects. Wo have reason to know that large numbers of those nctivo in late political move ments, have never been satisfied with operating simply against these effects leaving the cause un disturbed, or rather strengthened and supported by tho very efl'ccta which grow out of a desire for its overthrow. W shall cause to be circulated throughout tho Stato petitions to the Legislature" asking that body to tako the necessary steps pre liminary to secoseion. These we hope to see numerously signed, nnd carefully forwarded at an early period, by thote into whose charge they may be given Wo suggest in this what we believe to he the only peaceful mode by which we can sever our guilty connection with tho crimoof elavchold ing, nnd ut the same time employ our political power to accomplish tho speedy, and complete overthrow ol tho slave system.' We believe it will be peaceful, hecuuso in the numbers, intelligence, physical wealth and moral influence of her pop ulation, her compact territory, international im provements, and favorable local silunlion, Ohio may present such a front to the world that no power which can have, or pretend to a motive to assail her, dare venture the attempt. Besides, a large majority of the people of the non-slavo-uwn- ing States will sympathise with the movement, nnd lend their powerful mural influence, and physical aid if it should ever become necessary, and a knowledge of this state of public sentiment will suffice to prevent all attack. We believe it will be effectual, because by the testimony of slave owoors themselves, nnd by that of all the facts, bearing upon the case, the slave-owning communities, so soon ns the physical power of the North were withdrawn Irom their aid, wjuld bo compelled to emancipate, to preserve themselves from an un equal contest with their present victims. For withono Ststo possessed of the power and in fluence of Ohio, for such cause withdrawn from the Union, all the other free States influenced by the example, would be sure and quick to imitate, Wo clai.n your co-operation in this movemont as the only political action against the system of Slavery which is possible to us, and which prom ises its peaceful overthrow, and thcjoiily political action which does not involve us in the guilt nnd crime of slaycholding. We know it will bo charac terised as rebellion or revolution, but we exult in being the children of rebels, tho offspring of revo lutionists, in whoso toils end sacrifices for Liberty wo glory, and w hose worthy deeds, and honest lame we mean to emulate. Wo know that it is our right, nnd duty, to assume this position, else the Declaration of Independence is a self evident lie. And we know too, that this is tho only remedy left us and you, to protect ourselves and posterity against tho continually augmenting folds, with which the serpent of Slavery is stead'ly encircling a people, who still esteem themselves to be froo. The revolution in which we ask your assistance must come, whether you will aid us or not. We are already in the midst of it. Already in Kansas its advent has been heralded with bl jud and oarnage. If you would protect your own happy homes from similar devastations, you must assume the aggress ive now whilst it is still possible to effect the over throw of Slavery peacefully, ot us su,c!y ns effect succeeds to cause, you, nnd your children, will be encompassed by similar desolation and horn.', within the borders of our own beloved State. Mcd nnd women of Ohio, we ask you to sign those petitions, aud give your influenco to obtain tho Go-cper.ition of others. And Editors friendly to the causo of freedom, whether agreeing in sen i timent with us or no, we ask ynu to give a place in your columns to our petition and addross, that the poople may have nn opportunity to judge for themselves iu the premises. DISUNION PETITION. Deeply impressed with tho fact that we cannot indulgo nny reasonable hope of tho emancipation of the millions of American Slaves, while their oppressors nre admitted to an equal participation with non-slaveholders in the administration uf the national government, the Executiro Committe the Western Anti-Slavory Society have prepared petitions asking our State Legislature to take the necessary preliminary steps firth withdrawal of Ohio from her present union with the elavo claiming States. . They also set forth most sub stantial reasons for tin) adoption of this measure in the above address prepared by ono of their number. We ask for this addnss a careful perusal, and a candid consideration of its facts nnd argu ments. We append nlso a form uf Petition w hich iwe hope will be copied and extensively circulated in every noighborh tod where there is to bo found a single friend of the measure. When nil the names that can be procured are attached, send un to the Senator or Representative uf tho District in which the petitioners reside with a request for its presentation, nnd that he will take measures secure for it a fair hearing and appropriate ref- ference by the body of which he is a member. vigorous efforts are made we feel well assured that numerous signatures may be obtained to the peti tion nnd much good effected by the discussions hich its circulation uud presentation will in evitably arouse. PETITION PETITION To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Ohio. to Tho Memorial of the undersigned, citizens County, Ohio, respectfully represents, That from the nature of the case nnd from all our past experience, it is manifest that the existing union between the free and slave States involves all the supporters of our national government the support of American Slavery ; that the Union instead uf securing lo us and our posterity the blessings of liberty, has been and still is the most efficient means of crushing out the personal liberty of ibu citizens of all the States and uf porpot uating and extending Slavery i and as there is possibility of amending or altering the Federal Constitution while the present Union lasts.; Aud as tl.e advantages which as citizens of Ohio we can derive from the general government can be more certainly nnd abundantly secured outsido the Federal Union, therefore we request that you will take the necessary preliminary measures for the withdrawn! uf Ohio from the piosent Union, and the establishment of a government which shall be uncompromisingly tho friend and sup erior t( liberty for all lis Inhabitants, COLUMBIANA. On Saturday Inst according to appointment, we attempted to get to Columbiana for a Dueling, but by tho interposition not of Divine Providence but of tho tardy Koilroad train, we failed to ar rive thcro until nine o'clock in the evening, by which lime the audienco had assembled, exhaust ed their patience In waiting and dispersed. Such a termination of our appointment we deeply re gret, but wo had no remedy. We regret it the mote as we learn tlmt tl.e au lionce in the school houso, the only place that could be procurod for such a meoting, was very respectablo in num bers considering tho fact that next door tho Meth odists had a revival meeting in progress whichliad been continued for three weeks. But the rumor of our meeting had evidently provoked t)io pious brethren to add to their piety at least the sem blance of good works, as they caused it to be pub lished that on the same evening there would be an anti-slavery sermon preached in the Mothodist house and that certain letters which our friend John Copcbind had addressed to the leading min isters would bo reviewed. Could we have got tlicre theColomhianians would have had the opportunity ol making a selection of nnti-shtvery sermons. We are told that the staple of the preaching dur ing this protracted meeting, which by the way has not been very successful in making converts, has been denunciation of infidelity, which probably means abolitionism, and such we are informed was its character on this evening. However if any onti-slnvery truth was old we nre heartily glad of it and whoever was benefited thereby is probably indebted to our threatened advent in town assure our friends they must not calculato on be ing relieved from our presenco again by railroad interference, for the next time we shall not wait for the last train. On Sunday afternoon and evening we spoke in a school houso two miles east of the village to in telligent and apparently Interested audiences. It was to us a very pleasant occasion and our friends seemod to think not a profitless one to others. There nre some faithful nnd truo friends of freedom in Coliimbinna and its vicinity. Two dollars were contributed to the society by four persons aftor tho close 'of the meeting. - e THE CHEROKEES AND SLAVERY. The civilization nnd Christianity of the Chcro keo Indians their redemption from Paganism and Savagcism, is the boast and glory of that great representative of American Christianity, the Amer ican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, They claim that their missionary efforts, continued through near forty years, have wrought this won dcrous nnd happy revolution. It must bo coneed ed that these missionaries have done much to change tho character of this tribe of Indians, nnd that in the times of trial, persecution nnd robbery of the Cherokees by the Stato and national Gov ernments, the missionaries have been their friends and the fearless though unsuccessful advocates of th 'ir rights. But at the same time it must bo con lesscd that from tho pro-slavery and compromising spirit nnd policy of the Board and of some of its missionaries, and from the pro-slavery practices of their civilized neighbors and christian brethren, they have become adepts in practicing and defend ing the Patriarchal institution. John Ross, long their popular chief now called their President, has been theso many years a large slaveholder, as have also tnnny of thoir distinguished men nnd among them tho officers and mombers of their churches. How aptly these men catch the policy, argu ments nr.d habits of their neighbors, we learn from the late message cf President Boss, to the Legislature of the nation. After referring to the state of religion, education, civilization, the finat Ces and crops of the tribe, tho message proceeds to discuss the i ubjoct of slavery nnd charges the missionaries of the Board with tampering with slaves. Mr. Boss tnys : of it to If of of in of ''Complaints Lave been made to me by certain citizsns ngainst persons connected with tho mis sions of the American Board in regard lo alleged improper conduct towards their staves. These complaints I have fe.t it to be due to courtesy and justice to submit to the missionaries implicated, some of whom had long labored among Ihe Cher okees, in order thnt they might not bo dealt with unheard, nnd no steps taken that would injurious ly ufi'ict their standing, without c.iusc. So soon as the acti:m of the mission churches reaches me, I shall lay it heforo you for your information, nnd here I take occasion to remark thr.t slavery bein" recognised by the laws of the na'.ion, is entitled to protection from agitation nnd disturbance hy citi zens of the United .States, who have t.o right to interl'oie with the local affair of the nation. "Tho existence of slavery among us is sanction by our own laws, nnd by tho intercourse of tl.e government of the United Suites, by which protec tion is guaranteed to the Cherokee- nation for the enjoyment of nil political ricl.ts nnd wiviieces. The agitation of that question here can produce no goou, ana suniervo no purpose but excitement. Whilo the disturbed condition of affairs in Kai.fss in which we hve lauds on which some of our citi zens are residing, attracts attention here as well us elsewhere, it may not bo improper for us to re mind ourselves that our true policy is, to mil d our own business, nnd not travel beyond our oi lim its to seek difficulties." The Cherokees seem likely to be taken into the fraternal embrace of the South Carolina slave-holders. And no wonder, when their Government administered so entirely in harmony with the Souih Carolina administration of our national affairs. The New York Evening Pust says, in connec tion with this message: "We observed that the Revered Thomas Ram baut. I'crsidcnt of the Cherokee Baptist College, is now visiting South Carolina to solicit contribu tions for that institution, and that his mission warmly commended by the Charleston Mercury, a prominent organ of the openers uf the African slave-trade. "it is 4 case." says that journal, "which fairly appeals to the liberality uf uur cum' muniiy, which is connected by su many commer cial ties with the country in which the college situated.'' We have no doubt that the comme-oial ties be tween the Cherokee and the South Carolina slave owuers are worth considering, and that they would be greatly strengthened by a restoration the ebony trade. There is a fine market for cheap negro labor in the fat valleys of the Arkansas, mid the Indians have their "man uf Ross," who i disposed to confer this boon upon them, nnd who, perhaps, veils his purpuse under tho declaration la parrot-like repetition of White-Uouse instruc tions) that slavery has a right to be protected from agitation," &c &o. I'erliaps some wealthy South Carolinian might endow in this college a professorship with a viow of polling the young copper-skins as to the Divine attributes of slavery, and the evangelizing influen ces of the middle passage. Et.Lintr Burnitt, delivered a leoture il Cincin nati last week un slavery. His plon is to appro priate the public lands to the purchase uf the slaves freedom. He suggested that Congress make provision by law, that whenever any state shoudl emancipate its slaves, an exact enumeration should be taken and a certain sum paid to said stato for equitable distribution. Tina would be no in fringement of stale rigbte. APOLOGIZING TO SLAVEHOLDERS. The Republican members of Congres, have la teflnided their speeches with a great profusion uf explanations and apologies to the slave-holder since the commencement of Ibe session. They seem bent nn making themselves amiable with the slaveholders. The occntion of this is the chorae contained In the President's Message, thai th Re publican Tarty is In favor of th abolition of sla vory in the Stales. These apologies and disclaim ers, these laudation of the union, give cw lifs and vigor to the slave power. While the most rsd ical of the politicians of the north thus solemnly renow on every occasion, their loyalty to slavery in the States, the slaveholders know their citidel is securo nnd they can at their leisure prosecute their aggressive purposes. As a speeimsn of what we aro condemning, take the following paragraph from Mr. Hale' late speech on th President' Message. I desire to vindicate the Republican party from the chnrg that 'hey are going to introduce any thing new that they are going to trespass upua anybody's rights, or anybody's privileges. They believe that in the States they have no mor right to meddle with slavery than they have to meddle with it in Turkey and Russia. They do nut look to tho Constitution of the Federal Government t affect it one way or the other. They leave il where, the honorable Senator Irom Virginia claimed t have it. I agree with him entirely, that il is and ought to be a matter of tho utmost indifierenoe wild Virginia, or nny slavo State, what any er all the northorn States think about slavery in th Statos. They have nothing to do eith it there. uui wnen you come to the common territory w hen yon come to the territory that has been nut. chased by the common blood, then, sir, I say they !!,..... .;..!. ... i. i r .i .i. .i 'mi i- cmu, nnu 1 mill lliey will UK heard, il they remain in this Union, and they will insist, notwithstanding what has been done in th is is Kansas Nebraska bill, upon going back to the first principles ot tho Constitution. Let me tell the honorable Senator he ttill never find any eun of juxtiee or magnanimity in the men uho take this pi- smon; l ten you to-riayl may be oensured for it but l lell you the only confidence oj the Stat rights of vien of the South is upon men who tak this gtfiund. I tcl' you thoso men from the north. orn States who are ready to sell out our interest and sacrifice us. and, as the honorable Senator (Mr. Butler) said, sting tho bosom that bore them, would a great deal rather sell ynu than sell as when it comes to that, nnd you will so find sat if . you lean upon them. They are with you to-day, because it is popular and profitable to be there. Here nfter setting the Republicans right deny ing their abolitionism, affirming that they hav nothing more to do with slavery in Carolina, than with slavery in Turkey or Russia. He tell th slaveholders they may more safely trust the Re publicans fur the security of their institution thaa the members of the other parties. Do you doobt it? Rend the extract again, especially that part we hnve printed in italics. If it means any thing else, pray tell us what it is. No wonder Mr. Hal expee'ed censure for such a recommendation of republicanism. Butler, nnd Blown, and Tombs, could ask nothing more than Mr. Hale pledge, them, as the fruit of Republicanism. Before th election, the papers and stumpers of the party coa tended that the Kpublican party was the only reli able party for the preservation of the Union, ao4 now Mr. Hal tells us it is the most reliable est for the perpetual security of th system ia tb States. These declarations are not widely differ ent in their significations, for th p-irly ur th who sustain the Union, of nocessity sustain sla very. So the slaveholder understand it and . probably, does Mr. Hale. The Boston Telegraph is the only Republic, paper in which we have noticod any rebuk ef ' this apologetic and amiable spirit of the Republi can Congressmen this winter. The following ie . the article from the Telegraph lo which we refer I WHAT TUE REPUBLICAN PASTY MEANS TO CO. Ever since Congress assembled, it has been th -aim of the klavehulding members to place the Re publicans on the dcfensice. And in this purpose they have but too well succeeded. We have read the speeches made in the Senate nnd House, and with a tew exceptions they are nothing but a se ries of excuses and apologies. Some brazen-faced slaveholder like Roller ur Mason, ur sums ignorant doughlucv like Biglcr ur l'ogh, rises and chargo tho Republicans with being in fa. it uf the disso- -lotion of the Union, ur with being in favor of abol ishing shivery in the States. And forthwith there is a rush of Republicans to the floor, to say that . this is all a mistake; that it is tl.e Garrisoniaus . alone who want to dissolve the Union, and th Gerritt Smith nod Lysandcr Spooner class of aba- -lilioi.ists who hold that thy Government has th -power to abolish slavery in tie States. The pur pose of the slaveho'der is answered; an apology is procured, or something iu an apologetic tono. and . the attacks upon the North nre therefore resumed in still fiercer stylo. Who ever knew them to esas I'rom their attacks in consequence? Nobody. W commend to our friends in the Senate and Home a prudent husbandry of their excuses, until they are needed. The people do not ask that their Sen ators and Representatives shall be continually ex plaining tueir position, j nereis no neea oi ex planation. The purpose of the Republican party was set forth, with sufficient pla'nness in th Philadelphia Platform, and in Colonel Fremont' . letters, and no mini has any right to add to or tako from them anything. The platform and th letters did not pretend le exact uniformity of opin ion upon minor points, but o,.ly to state the gener al purpose- of tho purty for the time being. It i entirely competent, we take it, for Republicans, during the next four years, to disouss the policy ef dissolotiun, or the doctrines of Lysander Spooner, i nd lor as many ut them ns consent to these doe tines, to adopt them,' It is idle tu auppos that t ie Republican l'irty uf 1K56 attained th perfec tion of wisdom on the Anti-Slavery question, or t mt the Republican Party uf 1800 will do so. 'Ihe contest of 1856 has been fought, upon on is sue. That issue may be the beet fer I860, or il mi. y not. Events may bring up other issues. Die cm sion may bring new light. Let each contest take care of i'uelt. The purpose uf the Republi o .r. Purty. is best stated, bv Mr Sumner, in th formula, "Prostrate Tin Slav Oligarcht." How to do that, is a mutter of fair discussion, year by year. Let us have as few apologies a possiblr f r the past, and no more pledges than ar necessa ry for the future. is of Meitino at Fairhount. The friend ef free dom in Fairmuunt will bold a meeting to consider the requisitions of the cause upon them and oth ers, on Saturday and Sunday the 17th and 18th inst. The meetings will be held at Friend Meet ing House, aud commence on th 17th at OB clock P. M. M. R Robinson will be preseat with others to participate in tba discussion. Tin Ohio Farmer. This excellent Family and agricultural paper has just commenced a new vol ume. It is one of the first paper of it elas lav the country. Quiet is Missouri. A gentleman who hu jns arrived from the East, by stage through MjjQuri. report all quiet in that State. During hU otir Journey, be licnru no narsu expressions aoou nan- sas, although be hailed irom Lawrence, a.q regis tered himself as such at every hotel whute lu stop ped on the route. Ho says traveler osjacom op the direct road, through Indepondanc and West port without danger or violence. Tbi 1 differ ent state faots which has existed for a yea past, and gives us still greater cause to hop for lying tranquillity. In nil thus disturbance in Misaoa ri tbe people of that State hav been great uffar nr. .mi mn it will be. while discord prevail.- (4"nw) llra'daf Freedom.