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Delaware gazette. [volume] (Delaware, Ohio) 1855-1886, July 30, 1869, Image 3

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I c
PHl.Iiel Weekly, at IkUwarc, Ohio
at t.O0 per year; la advance. W
Advertising Rate, hi 4th pare .
Friday, July SOtli, 1S69.
The Ladles' Christian Union meets
on Thursday nexts Aurruat 5th. See
Will Mr. L. N. Connabi, who lately
subtcribed for the Gazette, please
send us his address f . - - "
JocRifAusTic. The Springfield Ad
vertiaer has donned a new dress and
looks very neat and attractive, Mr. W,
W. Beach has been, added to the edi
torial" corps. -
The Lancaster Excursionists will be
given an opportunity, at. that place to
observe the total eclipse of the autr on
the 7th of August." ;The eclipse -will
occur between four and half-past six
o'clock of that day. .: .
Personal. A1ate Salt Luke Ci'y
paper announces among the arrivals
Mis M. E. Adrnus, of the Oi W. P.
College Faculty, who" 'is visiting Salt
Lake in comptny with a brother who
resides iu Chicago. , . , . .
The StrNDAT School of William
Street M. E. church will hereafter hold
Its sessions in the main audience room
above, instead of in the uncomfortable
basement room. This will certainly be
for the good of the school.
Don't Forget the railway meeting
at Templar Hull this evening. Judge
Hard of Mt. Vernon will be present
and address the people in reference to
the proposed railway from Delaware to
that city. This ia a subject which con
cern every citizen. ; Let there be a gen-
eral turn out. -
Personal. The Springfield Republic
insists that Mr. J. R. Billiard has coma
to that city to stay permanently. At
the time Mr. Billiard removed to
Springfield we understood it was his
iutention to be only temporarily ab
sent from Delaware, and regret to learn
that he has chanued his mind.
What was all that noise about down
on the corner of .Winter and Union
streets, last Tuesday. Evening. Why
It was the Delaware Celebrated Colored
Band playing around ' the beautiful
lamp that Mr. Van Horn erected on the
gas post at his own expense and where
Soda Water is only 5 cents a glass.
Reform School for Girls. As "we"
announced last week the Trustees of
the State Reform Sebool for Girls 1 hare
completed the purchase of tbeWhiie
Sulphur Springs property. ,The" Vrcs'-
dent of the Board, President Merrick,
iiiforms ns than tho School will now be
organized and put in operation v with
the least possible delay. -. . -
Stock Sales. The Farmers' Club
proposes to hold a meeting on tbe Tir
ol August to take measures to estab
lish a system of stock saleS , in th!s
county. This is a matter weuirgested
some time ago" and hope soon, to see
crrled out. The sales established in
TJnion Connty have proved very suc
cessful as they have in o'her counties.
There is no doubt but tbey would be
equally so in Delaware.
Strayed. Two- valuable horses be
longing lo Mr.Ed. Thompson, of Rad
nor township, were discovered lo be
mieshg on Saturday morning last and
it was for .a' time supposed they had
been, stob n. The animals had only
strayed and have since been recovered,
nevertheless farmers should be on the
look out for horse thieves as some of
that clans of individuals haveuodoubt
edly been lately infesting this part ol
tljo State. ' ' '5 ?-:--
,Bi.KLis Tilb Company; We call at
tention to tbe advertisement of the
Bfirlih Tile Company in another col
umn. The works of this enterprising
firm are situated but one and a four-h
miles from Delaware. They have all
the various styles of dies now in use
in the manufacture of Tile. As . tbe
rainy season is directing the attention
oi farmers to the subject of ditches
tli-y will do well to give the gentlemen
of this firm a call in their search for
l he best material.
Flooded. The unusually severe rain
and hail storm of Wednesday evenim
was a furious affair. Franklin street
was Hooded in several places, as also
were other streets. Numerous cellars
had a superabundance of water ; and
we heard of one which was filled to
within an inch or two of the first floor.
Many business men -were detained
from going to supper till after the
storm, when on Franklin street they
eould occasionally be seen wendinjs
their way through the middle of the
street, the pavements being covered
with water.
Glover Brothers. See the new
advertisement of this energetic drj
goods firm. Messrs. Glover are gentle
men with whom we have long been ac
quainted and whose bus ines? enter
prise we regard as a valuable acquisi
tion to our city. Among our many
active and thorough going bosine&r
tnen they have already a prominent
place. Delaware ever welcomes sue!
and rejoices to have them share her
business and other advantages.
Messrs. Glover occupy a tine busi
ness room-in Parker's new boildi g oi.
Main street below William. Road their
Raioioab Meetings. The railroad
meeting at Templar Hall on S-iturdaj
evening last had a general talk in ret
erence to different railway projects, es
pecially that embodied In the article f
Mr. Richardson, published last week.
Nothing decisive was done, further
than to In vie Judge ,'R. C. Hurd, ol
Mt. Vernon to address the people o'
Delaware in reference to the proposed
extension of the Millersburg and Mt.
Vernon Railway to tbii place. Th;t
Judge Hurd has consented to do and a
meeting will be held at Templar Hall
this evening at which we are author-
ized to say the Judge will speak. He
bat lately been In consulta'ion witli
the lead ng men of the Pennsylvania
Central Company, at Philadelphia, nnc
has secured the assistance of that Com
pany in buildina the railroad from
Millershurgto Mt.Verpon. He thinks
like assistance can be secured in ex
tending that road to Delaware and up
on this suh)ect he will b able to give
the most reliable and definite informa
tion. We regard this meeting as one of
great importance and hope our busi
nes men will to a mn be present, to
gether wim an otners who feel an in
terest in tue future of this place. With
out the assistance of the Pensylvan'a
Central Company or some other conn.
ration pos-wsing the necessary capital
we shall never have this road, and we
Can only ' secure ation , assistance by
showing an ac.lve and earnest. desire to
have it. . . ' .
Let 08 show - : J
The Spring field Republic announces
that the manufacture of cream-colored
brick has been commenced at that city
T. M. C. A. Booms. All persons who
have not yet enjoyed the pleasure of a
visit to the really handsome and attrac
tive rooms fitted up in the new Evans'
Block by the Toung Mens Christain
Association should do so without delay.
Tuereby tbey cannot fail to have an in
terest excited in what is proving lo be
one of the most useful, as it is one of
most deserving, of tha moral and so
cial enterprises of onr ci y. Young
men and way not young ladies 7 may
here always find abundant opportuni"
ties t6 speed an evening pleasantry and
profitaMy, and will do infinitely better
than in lounging around the hotels,
grocerits or saloons. The Association
has fitted up a commodious and pleas
ant reading room where the latest
weekly and daily papers are offered lor
the inspection of all. The Association
he Ida basinets meetings on the 2d and
4th, and prayer meetings on the 1st,
3d and 5ih Friday evenings of each
month. It is the duty of all our citi
zens to take an interest in the Associa
tion and help it along.
Menagerie. As will be seen by ad
vertisement Bryan's Grand Menagerie
and Circus will exhibit in this place on
Wednesday, Auwust 11th. Among the
attraotious this Company offers Jo the
public is a large and complete menag
erie coinprifhg twenty dens of ani
mals, and including many of the most
rare, novel and curious specimens of
the beast and bird creation. The Asi
atic aciing elephant, "Queen Emma,"
and her calf, "Tiny Tim," will be ob
jects of special interest. The.Menag-
ei ie also contains an African' Zebra, a
White Bactrian Camel, a Royal Ben
gal Tiger, Ricky Mountain Elks, an
Alpine ibex. Senegal Leopards, JNew
Holland Eii.ues, African Ostriches, a
number of Lions and Lionesses, togeth
er with a great variety of olher ani
mals and a splendid aviary of rare and
gorgeon-ly plumed bfrda. A number
uf trained dogs, poaies and mules will
join their antics to the spcrts of the
ring. The acrobatic department is said
to be very complete.
At our request this company's adver
tisement appears in our paper unen
cumbered ' writhe cuts and are believe
will prove none the less effective on
that account. In our estimation this is
a great deal in their favor. Their great
collection of "wild auiihals and brrda
will be a great deal more iutere-tlns
than the pictures. Come and see it.
Pic-MC- Indivicuals of the mascu
line persuasion i tt doubt have their
appropriate sphere in this troublesome
world, and in many of the relations of
life may be useful as weli as ornamen
tal. But they should be admonished
that there are occasions when the world
can tarn round without their valuable
assistance. Such ibr example is a p c-
nic, as some twenty-five enterprising
yottng "'Delaware- ladies have" demon
strated beyond question. On Wednes
day morning our heroines embarked
for White Sulphur w ith purpose and
intent to spend the day there in a pic
nic frolic A few of the party were too
late for the train, a trilling circum
stance which none but evil disposed
persons will presume would not have
have happened ju-t the same under
masculine management. At White
Sulphur the party, that is, the rest of
it .that didn't get left, arrived without
further loss or accident. The skies
smiled propitiously and the old jvoods
waved a generous welcome. . In fact the
weather seemed to have brijjhtenetl up
tor the especial benefit of this pic-uic'.
The ladies, that is all except the
mourning sisters left behind at Dela
ware, had a most jovial time, all under
tbeir own vine and fig tree and of
course. with no man to molest or make
them ' afraid. The like has not been
seen since the time of Tennyson's
Princess, and then only in the poet's
It is a noticeabla fact in meteorolosy
that the weather kept fair until the af
fair was over and the fair, having fared
sumptuously, as wo may fairly sup
pose, returned to tlieii: homes, when
there ensued a violent storm. We
mean, of course, a rain storm.
All of which not the storm, but the
pic" nic, goes to prove that, '
"When a woman will she will, you may
depend on't, ,
And when she won't she von'tj and there's
an end on 't."
Self-asserting gentlemen will please
take notice.
Nfcw Court House. This splendid
building is being pushed toward com
pletion as fast as practicable. Through
the kindness of Mr. R. N. Jones, the
able architect and superintendent of
the work, we were shown over the
building on Wednesday. The rooms
are all plastered with the exception of
the court room, which will be finished
in about three weeks. : The ceiling in
the officers' rooms looks splendid,being
both novel and beautiful. Though we
sometime since gave quite a full de
scription of the plan of the building,
it maybe of sufficient interest to repeal
the location of the different offices.
The County Treasurer will occupy the
first two rooms south of hall, on first
floor, entering from the east. The
Auditor will occupy, the next two
rooms, same side of hall. These offi
cers having considerable business with
each other, there is a door provided to
connect the two departments. The
Recorder will occupy the two rooms on
north side of hall, first floor, entering
from the east. The Probate Judge will
be located in the west rooms, same
side of hall. The Clerk will occupy
two rooms south of hall, on second
floor, with floor opening into the court
room. The principal room of the
Clerk is considered the most pleasant
place in the building. It is efel-taiijiy a
delightful location, having a view of
Main street, the town in general, and
i large portion of country. But the
rooms are all pleasant and beautiful,
md it will never do for our county
officers to wear long visages after get
ting into their new quarters. Opposite
the Clerk's office is the Grand Jury
Room, und ether Jury Rooms are on
the third floor.. ........
The rooms, though supplied with
registers to use furnace heat, will also
be provided with grates, to be used or
notj at the option of the occupant.
The mantles and grates were manufac
tured by Moorman & Co., Cincinnati,
and it is expected that tbey will be put
up this, week. The balconies, over the
entrances, will be erected next week
I'he stained windows were executed
by William Nelson, I'ittsburg. There
are two flights of iron stairs leading
from the first to the third floor, manu
factured by Robt. Holmes, Cleveland
From the third floor there will be two
other stairways loading to the cupola.
Workmen, as we stated last week, are
engaged upon this. It will be finished
in a style similar to the main building.
From the ground to the top of the stat
ue on the dome will be CO feet. The
view of the city and country from the
cupola is magnificent.
Thus we find everything progressing
satisfactorily, and we aro confident Mr
Jones is fully competent to superintend
the work so as not only to make the
Court House a credit to the county
,but also honor himself in the mannu
of its construction.
fc I. and the H -eking Valley Railways
will run 'Excursion Train from
Delaware to Lancaster and return, on
Saturday; Airttust 7th. The train will
leave Delaware at 7 A. v., arrive at
Lancaster at 10 A. sr. and leave Lancas
ter for home at 5: SO p. M.- arriving
here about 8 o'clock. At Lancaster the
party will visit Mt. Pleasant, a locality
noted for its fine natural scenery and
will there enjoy a basket dinner. There
will ." be addresses and amnsements.
Eenyon's splendid Cornet Band will
accompany the party dad discourse
some of its choice music. Fare, 2 :
persons under 12 years, f 1,00.
Tickects are for sale at the following
named places : S. Ly brantf & Son, W.
W.Wells, News Depot, N. U. Siarr,
Donavin & Potwio. C. F. Reuner, Howe
Brof..C Riddle fc Co., M. Miller, F. P.
Hottzmilh-r, Wm. Zi miner, Lindsey
fe Co.'s; New Book Store.
V. M. C. A.
Juds. Gazette: It is very, gratifying
to know that one of the lonj-felt wants
of Delaware is at last supplied, and
that we now have a public Reading
rcoom. tree to all. t-or tbis commend
able enterprise we are indebted to the
Youns Men's Christian Association, an
organization recently started here, and
one well deserving the liberal support
of our citizens.
We learn that the list of reading
matter already provided embraces
some sixty or more of the leading
newspapers and periodicals, both sec
ular and religious, oi our own country
and England, and that it is the inten
tion of the Heading Hoom Committee
to extend the list as the means shall be
supplied for so doing ; and that they
are also anxious to add to the atttac
tiveness of this department by pur
chasing books for a library, that shall
also be free to all.
Will not our citizens generally re
spond to the desire of the Library
Committee, and furnisli the means
forthwith for founding a Public Li
brary ? And if some of our wealthy
citizens would give a generous dona
tion for this purpose, thev would re
ceive the lastimr gratitude ol the whole
community, and, what is Detter still,
the satisfaction and pleasure that al
ways result from doing good. Y.
' For th? Oazette
GKO. wiiiGur.
I mean George Wright, local boaage
master at Columbus, Onio. Ltt Friday
night, tue 2Sd lut., I reached Columnus
aiiout middight. via C. O. R. R. A I was
passing the door of ihe ladies' sitting room,
my attention w..s drawn toward a youi.g
lady who was taking on about her lost
trm.k. I listened to her story a moment
and then toid her to go with me to ihe bu-Siage-room
ai.d jierh.ips the hmgMge-masier
could geL i-ome trcl of the truna. As sion
as sh approached the bos- of the rooms he
began to question and cross-question her,
hs voicm sotiniling about as modest as the
braying of a long eari-d animal on a clear
morning. He prouoed in this t.ll ihe fil
ly appearing girl scarcely kn-w what the
as aiiout, and finally told hfr that he
thought mie had lost no trunk, and that he
considered hr a wini-n of bad character,
which raised a general laugh in tht. crowd
ot bystanders, causing the onnglndy to re
tire in disgu-t tothBittingroom. Ait-rshe
had koiik he (supposing I had g.n- al-o) br-
Kiiu hi siur me tor assisting t-r. i loia him
there was no use in his repeating what 1
bad said.orin slanin her.-, if ehtt was a.
b d woinn he had no right to maltreat her
without a Mtise. Whereupon the dignified
Geoige dropped his book, niounteu over the
counter like a hero, and pounced upon me
like a beast of pro , chucked me out ol the
station, and diew his fist two or three times
to stride after I not out. Ill health for the
pat week had so rediu-ed mvsifvnetri that
l was unaoie ro protect myself hy phvsical
force had I been so disposed, con-ejnently
Iielued to brute force and pot out of the
ni mal;s way as soun as posible.
The alrove took place lat Fridav niiiht
between the hours of 12 and 1. I could see
nothing in the conduct of the woman to
warrant such treatment ai the hands of the
virtuous George, 'i he publ c are hereby
warned to conduct themselves In a proper
manner when appronching ihe hatrgfijie
rooni k- pt by Ge..rge Wright, at Columbus,
and If any of rhem happen ro be of the fe
male persuasion, it would be well to lake
with them a Certificate of unci chartrcter,
as this virtuous Wriaht may not recognize
them. If any one takes t-xceptim to his
wy of doing business he will get his r her
iio-e brut-ed, and if you should ee hrrn
maltreating a defenseless female and dare
to say aughr against it j ou will get kicked
out. of the depot. ltauiiv that the severul
railway companies cannot lure some one
nesiaes tnis rougn and uruiser to no tneir
Woik. . 11. BAXTER.
lied t tils resitlenee in Galena,.' 1 1. on
Thursday t-veuliig, July litli, after a pro-
tractetr illness, Uriah .tluutiugtnu Hyde, iu
the titith vearof his age. Mr. Hyde was a
native of Herkimer County New York.
Several yeais since, he i-iimetr Change Tp.
in ihiseounty, wherehe engaged successful
ly in Merc-rntile Puisuits. More recently
he removed to Galena, O. wheie his faniily
sull resides, and where his children are all
locarerl. He early sought salvation in tbe
atoning merits or Jesus anil dieil as he had
lived a member of the Baptist Church. A
mneral sermon was preaehed on .Saturday,
July lTth, by Rev. A. Barrow, from the
text "It Is gain to die." tt.
We are authorized to announce that
Ch&rles Mortimer Janes will be a can
didate for County Clerk, subject to the de
cision of the Republican County Conven
tion, tc
JEdSi Gazette: You are authorized to an
nounce the name of J. H. Coomer, of Ox
ford township, as a candidate lor Recorder
of Delaware county, subject to the action of
the Republican Convention, and oblige
8jel -9w Many Voters.
7io person contemplating a journey ei'.h?r
by laud or sea, ought to omit supplying
themselves with a quantity of Dr. Whittle
sey's Cure for Sick Headache and Dyspepsia
as a preventive against the evils arising
from the change of w.ter, climate, tc. For
sale by N. U. STARR, Druggist, opposite
tlie American House.
Barrett's" Hair Restorative.
People with thin heads of hair should
use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew
er to make the hair grow out thick.
"Barrett's" spreads Its fame.
It is estimated that seven-tenths of all
adult ailments proceed from a diseased tor
pid liver. The biliary secretions of the liv
er overflowing into ihe stomach, poi-on
the entire sytem, and exhibit ihe above
symptoms. After a long research, we are
able to present the most remarkable cure
for this horrid nightmare of diseases the
world has ever produced. Within one year
over six hundred and t'ortv thousand per
sons have taken PLANTATION BITTERS,
and not an instance of coniplainthas come
to our knowledge. It is the mot effectual
tonic and agreeable f-tiinulant, suited t-o all
conditions of lire. Inquire of your Drug
gist in regard to it.
HEacrnolia, "Water Superior to tlie best
imported Cologne, and sold at half the
price. -
"Barrett" a public benefactor.
Go and see Evans'magnificent new room
and his splendid stock of stoves, marbled
mantles, c, and buy the best Fruit Cans at
$1,25 per doaen. ' jul 30 Oi)
""Wig-ittalcers" don't like 'Barrett."
Fruit Cans only l,:45
. Croukieton's.
per dozen at C.
jul 30 0
A new generation from "Barrett."
Police is hereby given tbat the Agency
held b.v J. P. CuMMias, forS-nger's Sowing
Macbini-s. in iX'iiware county, lias ueeu
di continued, taking effect July Hi, lwHt.
l lie liaine oi ms successor win oe men
tioned soon.
J. F. Elliott, Agent.
By O. W. Mooke jul30u9tf
Price reduced to S1.25 per dozen for the
best Fruit Cans, at C. B. Cronkletotr's. thtee
doors east rrt Williaurs Block. juloOOO
Keen Cooll Jolin F. Latimer has lust
received a spienoiu rot ot r ans ui uie latest
styles, nr-t in I'enrl, Ivory, Bone, Gilt and
Sandalwood. I'rucs ranging Ironi two to
twenty dollars. For sale at John F. Lati-
uit-r's Musiu Store. juloOlw
1? r in fmher that Evans does not bny
wste tin or any other brands of inferior tirr
o make l uuir uainwoiiioi. isoining out
he very best brands of charcoal tin Is ever
used by mm. jui au on
Ttemem her that Evans only asBs $1.25 per
dozen lor his superior a run cans, juidu us
BrandretlTL's Pills. They remove all
ttmi Hcc.tiirnilation irom ttre Dowels, arid
purity ai.d Invigorate the system. All whose
heilt'h is not periei-towe It to themselves to
take a few doses of Brandreth's Pills, be-
(M.use the r-eeds of ilecuy aie constantly
eroicated by tbeir use, and the principle ot
life continued, iuiw giving a vigor oi oouy
and mind to a penou wnen we nave ucen
used lo see tne laitcnug biej uuu tue eu
teebled Intellect.
General Paez. the distinguished liberator
of Venezu. la, r.ayn be has ust-d them ns his
ouiy luetticiue ior uiiriy years, wun uie
most satlsluciory icsults.
For Cotlvene s. Dyspepsia, anil as n Fam
ily .neuicme, uiey ae uurivaneu.
Daniel r T..ii.. it I'.., 1om. ri-ii..:,, ista..,
York, uurerl by liiandreth's Pill of Dyspep
sia and Costiv eness, when ull other menus
ubcu rmu Itllieu,
A gentleman, who-e father died of con
sumption at Sri. years, was al-o attacked
when about 21, by tbe dlse-.se. Jie haJ
TOusu,u'iiu.BnciiiN.ami general net) lity
liociors rei-orur-neutleu eoil 11 ver 1 vnr i,n
wasteil away. At lat he determined in
Brandreth's Pilis. Iu two monthi thev
made him a sound man.
Remember that if you go to the lower
T'n itore or Tbomas tvans. jr., lor your
Fruit aos yoo, can now get the best that
can be made, at tue very low rate r.r 8 ,25
per dozen. j-uw
t ...... .... ittotfoa Karmeni. families
and ot m-r can purchase no remedy equal to
Dr. Tobias' Wnetian Ljnament,forthecnre
nr r'hnl-rn. Diarrhoea. Dvsentary. C'OUp.
Col'c. and f fa Sickness, taken int-rnally
. norfoetlv harmless: seeoatn nemmp-t-
nvme each bottle. and externally for
rUmni Rheumatism. Hadch". Tooth
ache. Bore Thro tt. Cuts, Burns. Swellinirs,
B'niaes. Mosquito RiteR, nt ore. rains in
Limbs. Back and Chest. The VenetiaarA-ln-
ament was introduced in ISf?. and no one
vhn hne naori it. hnt rTi 1 1 nTlPS TO 10 SO.
maiiT statins, if it wa Ten Collars a Bottle
thev wonlrl not be without It. Thonsands
of t- t,-l..u ii lie -n r the Dnor. -sneal'
bieof ir-r wonlerfiil curative p-operties.
Price Fifty cents and On Dollar, (-old nv
thePmsre'sts and Storekeepers throughout
the Ignited States. Depot, 10 Park Place,
Xew l ors. jui ou im
Or a nt nod Frosrwritr. Bns'ness re
vives under the nevrvgime. Oth-r than
een'-rsl rinses have, however, eriven a tre
mendous imrjptos t-the le of Oritadoro's
Exe lsior Hair D-e. The chomists have
comeont in two leadine scientific journals
asransf the lead and ulnhnr jKrimn for the
tienrt (tor that ; r their nroner designation)
with which the conntrv is flooded, while
rr- Chi!t-m. the first analyt'-al ch-mist in
Ameri'-a. annonnoes to the world that Cris
tadoro's Dve is utterly poimnlesx. and that he
enmw tt to hr n. rteriuse ho hns analyzed it
Cristad'-ro's Hair Preservative, ns a dress
ing, a-rs tike a charm on the hair aftr d ve
ins. Try it. Jul 30 m
1". JW. C. A. The Readine Room of the
Youne MenV rhristinn Association is now
own to the pnhlic. The ta'ues aresnpnlied
with the loading newspapers, periodicals
and magazines secular and religious.
Young men. especially olerks and appren
tices who may be here away from home in
fluences, are cordially invited to spend their
leisure eveningrs at these rooms.
The rooms will be open from 7 to 12 a. m..
2 to B. and 7 to 10 p. m on week days : and
on Sundays from 2 to 6 p. m. jylG- 8t
rtn to C. B. Cronkleton's. 3 doors east of
Williams Block, for Fktjit Cans. jylfi
C B. Cronklrton makes his Frnlt Pans
ont of the best material, and sells them
cheap. . : jyl6 tf
F"rnU fans warranted at C. B. Cronkle
ton's. Try them. . JylO tf
Mrs. M. C. Wensell keeps the best stock
of Millinery Goods in Delaware.
Morse's Indian Root Pills. We give
you in this medicine the re-ult of a lifetime
or stuuy arm inai. rteiore iirja aituiuc,
all orhera are bur nostrums. Th.j-are made
from simrrleroots. and are the best Medicine
1,1 UJfcj irl LLil uiikiub ux-uc:-., -cn arc
rrreernlaririp-r. Headaches. Ind J trestion. Liv
er Complaints, tc. They purify tbe blood,
remove all obstructions, cleanse the skin of
all pimples and blotehes. and are perfectly
sure and sale in their operation. We ask
vou to use them because we know their vir
tues Tr ial is the touchshme by which to
prove them worthy. Lse Morses Indian
Hoot Pills. For sale by all dealers. je4-2m
Call t John F. Latimer's Mnsic
Store, and examine his new lot of splendid
Organs and Melodeons, at reduced prices,
wuicn lie win sen at wnoiesaie or reiiui.
Those beautiful patterns of Sheet Iron
Stoves at A. Lybraad & Son's, are worth
Persons wishing to purchase a good Cook
Siove, will do welf to go and see C. B. Cion
klelou'a new stove, called the faslriou.
A. Lfbrani &. Sons go to any part of
this and adjoining counties to put up Hou;
It. R. Henderson has avery large stock of
rearly made over-coats, wnicn be win sell
at cost. oct23 68
A. Iylrancl & Sons have purchased a
settof machines for doing roofing and other
loo wcrk, wmcn oo s .moi.tner worn man
can he done by hand and at a much ies
pi ice.
It is is to every man's Interest to see A
LI BRA X D & SONS uefore they .-ontract for
their House Bpoutmg or Jou work oi any
The largest assortment of Keck Ties in
Delaware uati be seeo at Henderson's.
A. Lrbrsnd & Sons manufacture Gal
vanized lion cornice anil Window Caps
of ail patterns Call ana see samples.
We would advise every one to see A.-Ly-hrarrd
& Sou's stock of Cook and Parlor
Stoves, belure they purchase.
Goto A. Lyhraud & Srju's, and see that
new pattern of Cook Stove.
The material used by A. LYBRAji D fe
SONS for Rooting, Houe Spouting, and all
knds of job wor k, is the best the market
B. Dickinson &. Son, have been and are
receiving a good assortment of Watches,
Cloeks, Jewelry, Spectacles. Plated Table
Spoons and Forks, Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, &c. Persons wishing to buy will
do well to call and see. Special pains taken
to sttit persons buying Spectacles at No. 38
Sandusky street. B; Dickinson & Sou.
Stoves X Stores 1 J Stoves nave de
cltnerl, and A. Lybmnd fe Sou are receiving
a large stock, which they will seil cheap.
If vou want to see t he best stock of Cloths
Caooimeres, Beavers, Ac, In tow n, no to
Yon may find any kind of a stove you
waul, at A. Ly brand Sou's, in the Wil
liams Block.
The reason why C. B. Crokklkton does
so mueti jou WdrK is intll lie uses trie very
best mtiterlul-. the near, ine mamei anoros
arid employs . none but first class work
men. . ; ... .
The Fashion has a larger oven, weighs
more, anil has smoother castings than any
sto ve iu the city. Call and see it.
The price of all Cook, Parlor and Box
Stoves has been reduced 10 per cent-, by
C. B. Ceokklztos
The latest fashions In Dressand Millinery
Goods at Mrs. Weuseil's, 51 South Sandusky
There Is no place in Delaware where you
can get netter bargains than at the Millinery
Store of JUrs. Wensell; .t - .
Hats, Caps and Bonnets of latest styles,
at No.51 SouthMain Street.
Hagan's Magnolia Balm. This article is
the True Secret of Beauty. It is what Fash
ionable Ladies, Actresses, and Opera Singers
use to produce that cultivated, distingue ap
pearance so much admired in the Circles of
Fashion. . -
It removes all unsightly Blotches, Red
ness, Freckles) Tan, Sunburn and Effects of
Spring Winds, and gives to ihe Complexion
a Blooming Purity of transparent uelicacy
and power. No 3jidy who values a fine
complexion can uo without the Magnolia
Bairn. Seventy-five cents will buy it of any
of our respectable dealers.
Lyon's Kathaiion is a very
Huir Dressing.
jy Mm
Millinery and Fancy Goods of all kinds
al wh- to be found at Mrs. Weuseil's. Call
aud examine stock. jy9 tf
Try Julian's Interest Tables, forsalo
only at the NEW BOOK STORE.
I.et not Prejudice usurp your Reason.
It is a fact that, in the minds of manv
persons, a prejudice exists against what are
called patent medicines; but why should
this prevent you resort iug to an article that
has sucn an array ot testimony to support
t as HUSinimit H siujialii mn t,iis;
Physicians prescribe it; why should you
discard it? Judges, usually considered men
of talent, have used aud do use it in their
famines ; wuy saouiu you reject itv i.et
not your prejudice usurp your reason to the
venasuug injury ot your neaitn. it vou
are sick, and require a medicine, try these
W hen the bodily energies are worn out by
anxiety and need a stimulant, this is the
best that can be taken, it is tempered and
modified by hygienic herbs and roots, which
prevent it- from fev-riug the blood ; and
hence it does not produce a mere temporary
excitement, to be followed by injurious re
action, but communicates a permanent po
tency to the entire vital organization. Some
I its-tieroal constituents are siigntiy sopo
rific, so that in cases where sleeplessness is
one of tire accompaniments of nervous
disease, a dose of it taken towards bedtime
will tend lo produi-e ouiet and refreshinsr
slumber. For palpii ation of heart, tremors,
uyst ncs. iainuug nts. general restlessness
and tlie causeless fears aud distressing mn
cies to which ladies are especially subject,
under certain morbid conuitions ot mind
;ind body peculiar to th ir sex. the Bitters
will be lound the most agreeable and cer
tain of all counter-irritants.
The constitutionally nervous may readily
keep their infirmity in constant check try
the daily use of this healthful vegeutble
tonic; and those who have "shattered their
nerves, ' as the phrase is, either by impru
dent indiilirem-e or undue phvr-ieal or intel
lectual lairor, win turn in tins vitaiiK na
elixir a prompt restorative. jy2im
Tia trne. 'tin ft pity, pitv 'tis true."
that mankind will prt-ss unheeded tbe
warning symptoms ol disr-ase, and neglect
the rerrreriies to restore health, um 11 disease
has so far advanced that it is often iinoos-
sible to obtain relief. We have been shown
the formula ot Judson's Mountain Herb
Pills, and believe them to be the best and
simplest of MedMnes for Billious disorders,
Liver Complaints, Female Irregularities,
&c. Th y arc prepared with gr. at caution,
and will save many a doctor's bill, if used
in time. As a universal Family Medicine,
they are unsurpass. d. Give trie Mountain
Herb fills a fair trial, and we warrant you
will never bo without them. Sold by all
dealers. je-i-2m.
Don't use that old Baby Carriage, whuii
you can trade it for a new one at
inarltf 09 J. S. COX'S.
Small Profits and Quicli Returns.
The subscribers having received a good va
riety of Books, otter them lor sale at as low
prices as can be aiiorded. Please call and
examine lor yourselves, at No. 88 Sandusky
street. B. DICKINSON iS SON.
"Leader" "Leader" "Leader" is the
new Stove which A. LYBKaND St SONS
now have on exuibitiou - cull aud see it.
Slate Blanties of all the latest paterns
can ne trruuu at a. i.ioriA.iu a nun.i
also all kinds of Coal Grates See them be
lore you purchase they arc ciieap.
C. M. Cronlclcton, 3 doors East of Wit
Haul's Wiock, has ou hand the best lot of tlu
ware, at low rules, in the city.
C. 15. Cronltleton does Job work as low a
any oilier bouse iu tne city.
Remember that if you want a good job
ot rooUug or spouting tbe place to go for It
li'. a. croiiuii'iou a, a aoors eaar, , oi me
Wlilium's block.
If )-aa pliould want a good Job of Uoollng
or rsir.rul.irm rlouw al low rates, tro to C. B.
CRonkLEToN a. on Vviuter Street.
Dont buy a Clothes Wringer until you see
trPPER DRUG STORK will be open on
Sundays from 8 to 10 o'clock A M and from
2tOir.M. B. I -RttaJM 11 & CO.
Onwosite the post office von will find
Miss E. J. Rogers, and she keeps all the
latest styles ,
All kind of Parlor Stoves are selling at
KTeaity .reduced priced t.. yurana
toon a.
Miss E. 3. Rosrers is not undersold in
Millinery. Opposite tne post omce.
TTTF FiRST nfJARS in town will Ire found
at the Upper Drug Store, No. 5 Williams
. , . -Kr,
Ladiei, you will do won to call on Miss
V T Rnnnaticn vou wish to bay a Bon-
net or Hat, or get a Dress made to lit.
iru. tc.. .T. Rnerers keeps Ladies' Hats.
.. .. . ."i .i t..,. -...r..
and trims tnem up in me olj .
ir von want a good job of Millinery, go to
Miss E. J. Rogers'. ,
. l.vtiratid A; Sons hava just received
o nvrc"Kt..-tra enllert the "Leader" we sell
them on trial call and see it before you pur
There is no Stove made which takes les I
wood and does better b sine than the
Leader" Sold by A. ijinnAiMra I
C. B. CronkJeton warrants all his work.
C. B. Cronklrton employs none but first-
class workmen.
Readers. tiA-vn von called at R. It. Hender
son's new Merchant Tailoring and Clothing
txtaoiixbmentT 11 not, can. ana examine
uis stock, it win pay you. ocia
The Fashion excels any stove offered in
tnia market.
It is admitted hy all who ba-ve ever seen
or used the Morning Glory, that it is the
handsomest and most convenient and least
expensne 10 the consumption of fuel of
any stove tbat has ever been invented.
Best Coal Oil. at lowest price, at S. Ly-
nrana & to. s. leoiz
The Revol-vlne Iirnt Coal Stove, sold
try A. LynraDn b aon, is tne Dest stove m
the market, (jo and see It,
The Senator Cook Stove has the highest
oven of anv stove In the market the caM
ted not to crack. It is sold
by A. Lybrand Son.
There is no place fn Delaware, where
stoves are sold so cheap asst A; ly brand A
The largest assortment of Clocks ever
onerea iu ueiaware, has just heen reeeivea
a No, 3 Williams Block. Call and sea for
yourselves. nov20ti
A. Lybrand & Son have the
stock of Stoves In the conntry.
A. Lybrsnd & Sons have a large stock
of (jooaiiiK fcstoveH.wruen tnev will sell low
er than they can be purchased any place In
the City - as they are now building a now
storeroom and want to make room Arr a
new slock.
It. ft. rteuderaon has the best Cutter In
Central Ohio, and warrants a complete fit
everytime . . . ,
Go and see R. ti. Henderson's larKS as- I
sorimeut of Hats ana Carps. -
XI. It. Henderson invites all to call and
see his stock of gorKis. They are good, well
selected, bought for cash, anil roust sell at
the very low ngures ne noias mem nr. ijo
and sen him. . oct23 68
"The Portnae" is the nam of the new
Cook Stove at A. Lybrand & bou's.
Brie Railway. The Orecct Iftrough
itoXe to the East This CcTmnan v now con
trol and operate thirteen hundred mile of j
road, extending from Cincin nati. Cleveland,
Dunkirn, Buffalo aud Rochester to New
It is of the s'x feet gauge, nearly a third
wider than other roads, enabling the Com-
rr-mv to construct and use coaelie-r corres
pondingly larger and more comfort arde.
It track has been niaced in tnoroueh re
pair by the suhNtitU'ion of &teel Kails at
such points as are subjected to the greaest
service, and where the highe-strate of sp ed
is requiren to oe mane.
New and improved Sleeping Coaches ac
company all night trains. They are heated
cious and" elegant Dressing and S.ate-rooms
and combine all the modern improve-
m- nis.
Excellent Dining Saloons are located at
convenient points upon the line, wheie tu
ple time is allowed for meals.
inree express irains aanv are run rrom
the western termini of the road to New
York without change, making as quick
lime as oy any oilier route.
l ne ion? instance run without cnanse
860 miles and the spacious accommodrt-
tionsof its Broad Gauire Coaches, especial
ly- commend this route" to families and la
Tir-lrets vln this rroTinlrrr tine can be oo-
tdinCil ct all principal Ticket Offices in the
councry. . .
TIOOR . Window Sill. Cellar Stens,
It Flacs. Cistern Covers in the rough, and I
all kinds of Building Stone-,- furnished at I
mv Quarry, west of O. w. tJollege, West
Delaware. Orders may be left at tbe Gro
cery Store of W. S. Little, Sandusky Street.
jiiayo, Oi. ur.. v . ji x jHj.
.School Examiner's lYotice.
THE! School Kiamlnerl of Delaware
county will meet, during the year 1H6,
ior tne examination ot teachers, at lae fol
lowing places and times, namely :
At ine coukt-moubc. in ueiaware, on
February -7ib , March Wth and 27tb. April
-iu aua ivtn, iviay em ana z---i, eeptemDer
-Jotti, ortooer wtu aua zaa, isovemirer eui
ana Ltitn. uecemoer inn.
At the wmool-house, In ASHlbiy, April
10th ; at the school-honse iu Lewis Cen
ter, April iutb, and uciooerauin; at tne
school-house iu OsMtAN-bER, October 2d: at
Col. Frambes' school-house, Jn StmBURY,
the Saturday alter tne session oi tne county
Teachers' Institute.
Candidates must present satisfactory tes
timonial-, of good moral character; and the
law requires, as a condition of examination.
tbat eacn applicant, ior a certincate snail
pay a fee of fifty cents.
No certificate is granted unless the appli
cant is " qualified to teach all the branches
named iu trie law; namely: Orthography.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography,
English Grammar; and poeses an ad
equate knowledge of the theory and prac
tice of teaching."
Examinations will commence at 10
o'clock, a. M , and clo-eat 2 rr'clock i. m. ;
and no apfdh-ant will be admitted after 11
o'clock. The exercises will be conducted ar
far a-t possible in writing. Each candidate
is requested to bring paper and pencil, and
a stuiuped envelope addressed to himself, in
which thecertiftr-iite awarded will be mailed
to him, or notice of failure.
January 29. 18rjS.-lf Clerk.
1 itni now prepared to do all kinds of
Wood Turning- and Job Work
SHOP, up stairs.
.ISottilor Cog- Wheel,
(Self-adjusting Rubber Springs;)
Champion Pat. Jog WSieel,
(Koller Regulator.)
Call and get one and if not satistled
It the money will be refunded.
Jan. 1, 'OS). C. l. POTTER & CO
The Oolanare County ISiltle
HAS Just Reeeivea a New Supply of
Hooks from t he American Bible Soeie-
tv, which, with the stock on hand, makes
the assortment- full and complete in the va
rious styles of rannly and. rocket Bible
aud Testaments. Also, Bibles and Testa
ments in Hebrew, Arabic, Ureeb, GermiiL
and French kiiigrmges. For sale at 1 he !-to-
lletvfe list priecs.iit the Depository, c.flnttv
ci welly Store, No. S Williams Block. ni7
Watflies.ClocUs ana Jewelry
JOU "V V. LATIMER lm. ! coniirrt
iou witli his bu -irress, secured the ser
vices of W. 11. IN r. rv n.vijij, so rung uuu ra
voriibly known In tlie City, and is now fully
oreonred to repair Watches, Clucks and
Jewelry, at the nhortest notice, and In the
most artistic sryre. -n-o whui,cti.
Give us a cull at the Music Store.
Glassware, Table Cutlery and
Plated Spoous, Forks, Castors and
Cako Baskets, and Nickle Silver
Spoons that will last for twenty-flve
years. American Block, Delaware
Ohio. my2S-tt
rjiHK Delaware County Farmers'
A Club will meet at the Club Room (Pirp-l.lt-1.
.n & M.-Elroys othcet, August 7, at XV.
o'clock P. M, Topic : The importance and
exuedienev of establish! nar. uthnni rii.i
a system of Stock Sales Iu the Countv. A
iulLattuuUaacoiBreHuU)d. jySi-St
Prices to suit the , Times
j -yyATKijrs & talliias,
aierclmnt Tailors,
WILL take pleasure in showing, their'.nu-
mcrous customers a large and choice stock
, .
i of -A.E1F GOODS IVLat received, and selec-
te with special reference to the wants o
I their mnnv friends fmrl nafrOTis.
1 '
A Heat Fit Warranted.
Have Secured the Best of Workmen.
T0K .
Heir JSiiits Entire.
- Yon can select from a large assort
ment of
CASSIMERESall grades.
VESTINGSall kinds and colors.
.Ctolden Hill Shirt,
sa The Neatest and Best Fitting now in
the market.
Patent Pantaloon Drawers
Best Fitting Drawers, In the World.
Laport's Celebrated . 5
Kid Cloves
.. . i ...
Under Sliirts,
India Gauze and Idsle .Thread
Paper Collars and Cnlf.s,'
Plain and Fancy IVecK-tles
In short, every variety of nruisbmg
Goods, wuicn cannot iaii to please.
Patent Ventilated Self-adj utrtiug. r .
Tjtttest Styles and Colors.
Sometliing- new in Collars.
Our stock is complete, and will cost you
nothing to he shown throu&h. We can as
sure the public that we cannot be outdone
In our line, either in PRICE or QUALITY.
Thanking our many menus lur lueir -very
iiHeni rn.r.ronatre heretofore, we can assure
them that we are now better prepared than
ever to please.
Prnni all who wish to make up their own
Clothing for Men and BoyB, we ask an ex
amination of our goods, as we have a fine
stock that we will sell by the yard much
below their beat, value.
tsi Ktill at the old trlaee. where he would be
glad to meet all his many friends, and where
he will do all cutting, either to pe made in
the shop or at home.
WAllUiMJ Oi lALlj yi ajs .
April 9, '60 t o o
TJ. S. 5-20 bonds, 1SC7
U. S. 10-40 bonds
Delaware Retail Jnarkci. .
rrected weekly by Dokavis Potwin,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers and dealers in
Country Produce.
Flour, best brands, bbl ..S7 00
t-xtra r amiiy e
Buckwheat Flour IB cwt. .0 00
Corn Meal cwt 70
Hard-reflned Sugar S 19
Coffee A Sugar 18
bxtra o rsugar.,.. ioj
Bro CSugar - lo
" " 14
Choice Rio Coffee : 28
do Fair Vo
Java do 40
Rice (Carolina) . 12$
do (Rangoon) ;.. 11
Syrups Drips 1 40
ao ttoiuen l iu
do Best Sugar House 1 00
do Fair " .V SO
Mackerel, No. 1 3 IS
do No. 2 .. 3 00
White Fish keg 8 50
Beans Navy $ bu -S60
Butter 9 K 2. 2.j
Cheese (old) f, 24
do (new)...- -. . . 20
Eggs doz 16
Lard lb 22
Raisins $ lb 30
Potatoes bu.. 60
Salt bbl .-2 8tr
Hams sugar-cured ... 2-1
do home-cured 20
Delaware Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by HiLia Bradley, Pro
prietors of City Mills, East Delaware.
Wheat W hu
Corn bu
oats bu
Clover Seed bu
Timothy Seed bu
Flax Seed bu
Flour bbl
Corn Meal cwt
alt bbl ..
Water Lime bbl
Bran cwt
Shorts cwt
Middlings cwt
...X 1 00 1 05
bo(f BO
SOrtr! 90
.... 10 000U2 00
.... 3 50ilJ 4 00
.. 1 90(i 2 00
..... 4 00(3 7 00
.... 140(3 ISO
..... -2S03 275
2 753 3 0C
m l oc
1 50(S 1 7r
1 60(3 1 75
Cincinnati Live Stock Market.
Cincinnati, July 12, ISO!).
The current prices for the week at both
tlie markets were as follows:
Per cwt.
S ecri) 7 00
4 75(al 5 0(1
4 00(3
S!) (Km 0 50
SO rij S50
New York Live Stock Market.
New Yokk, July 12, 1S0.
The current prices for the week at all the
markets were as follows:
Per lb.
Kxtra .. v15ilVc
Prime lo'-iwltic
Common lliftlflir
Inferior 21vr!,13!ic
Average li.ijC
The above are quotations per pound up
on the estimated net weight of meat seller
-rinkimr offal. That Is. a bullock whose
quarters will weigh 8 cwt., at 10 cts a pound,
amounts to SM).
r - - SMKKl". - - ' -'
F.xtra Sheared..:
Prime ..; : : Vim V-ic
Common -.. OKA tWc
Cattle ,SIS
Shetp . 27,tiX
Hogs n,m
Hit. IIUElSLiACK'S ' ' '
The Great German Care for
- wh
Warranted to Cure, and the Drugglstcases
sells it will refund the money in all N. U.
where acrrre Is not effected. Sold hy
STARR, Delaware, Ohio. Also General
Agent fur the State of Ohio. apriltf
SLTBHAND CO. keep constantly
ou hand a full assortment of l.'uhne
stock's Pure White Lead, Artie Lead, and
Cot tuge Paints of ail colors, ground In oil In
5. 10 aud 25 pound cans.
Fish and NeaCs Foot Oil.
Also, raw auu oouea mnsoea vii, x.aru,
K. S WUUnu Vlosk-
Tlie People's
We have ooened our N'Kw" STORE the ffuroi-
est, tne LtuHTEST, ana tne .i v 1 t i-.i-.--i -s-
FVT store in the, town in Aieiaware. we
have filled it with an eratire NEW STOCK
of Dry trooas, purcnasea ouriug une ,
Insist laiiic In Sew York.
Tlie Feojple'sfcWgStajre
Situate! on tlte C'orjier
American laouse
M lock.
We return our sincere thanks to our old
customersin sustaining us and patronizing
us through the struggle we have made
arrainst hiirh nrices and corporation legisla
tion to put us ilown,We and (he people 1
are victorious. We have taken our stand a
fnr 5 venrs. and hone to meet our old cus-
tomers with as many new ones as possible.
All we aslt Is One Trial.
It will he satisfactory, for you to know that
we can uuu uo sen
Ten per tent. Cheaper than any otlrjer
House in Ueiaware.
A fine and good sehvted stock of
tc., trc.
Iu our
VI At AM ltlirAll'mUXY
.You. will find latest styles of
-All Cloak Materials purchased of us
.1 . 4 .... rf.nmru
r 7
pattern given to
the purchaser.
Tlie Gentlemen's Department
is well stocked with
Clot li, Cassimeres, Jeans, Ilorrler.V, A-e-
ar- All raods for Gentlemen's Wear, will
be cut hi file most fashiouabiestyle,
e, L-if-IE. TO, OJII1EB -w
55 t iro-f'f If 'f
Remeiuber tlie place & terms.
. ' io pee cE'iVr" '
Lower tban smy Iloiise In
The leple's lry Cioodsv Store,
April 16, 1809, ly
Wholesale and Retail Denier, in
Stoves & Tinware, Pump,
ISells, House jFuriiismng'
Goods, Copper, Urass,
& Enameled liettles,
Slate and Iron,
mantles, Grates,
Fire Brick,
Also manufacturers of
;--... i ...... . ...,-.-
Tin,' Copper and
Sheet Iron Ware.
Wc keen constantly ou hand a larire and
well-selected stock of the most improved
paiierns or
COOK, PARLOR COOK, ,? j .. n f ;
for both coal and wood.
We keep the
Peacemaker, Ihrtune,
Onton. victor. General Grant,
Cosmopolitan, Srnator,
Fat'oritr, Morning StarJ jr
Jubilee. Home Trctusure.
Einf Impitjvrd, Statesman, Leader,
and many other patterns of
Vlrst-Class Cooking- stoves,
all of which we warrant in every particu
lar. All of tlie above stoves will be
than they can be nought any place iu the
i. ounty.
Itoofin?, Ilone Mpotiting,
weilve esiiecial atK'ntlon.
-.::. .ft ' ' " t i-t.-f ion
We keep none but
and use
' -!.... r il -.l l.;i! i
Call and get our Prices before Letting
your work.
. t - . . .
taken In exehautte for Tinware, Ac.
" itemombcr the place, sign;of
North En(if William Block.
ocal Advertisements.
' A. LYDRAXO &fs6xlS.
A! "
is me oest article known to preserve the
riri. n wm positively restore
It is an entirelv new scientific d toTro-w
combining many of the most powerful arid'
dom. "
reswraii v e atrenrs in Tne vntrprnh a irinr.
Itinakt 1V Hals- siWoofh an.1 glossy,
and does not stain the skin !
li it recommended and used by the first medi
cal auinoniy.
For sale by all druggists. Price 81 00.
JyS-lin Nashua, N.H., Proprietors.
To Consumptives. The advertlser.hav
Ing been restored to health in a few weeks
by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered several years with a severe lune affec
tion, and that dread disease. Consumption,
Is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it. he will send a copy of
rne prvasription asi dree ot cnareei, witn
the directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will And a sure otirefr.r
Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis etc. The
ohfect of the advertiser in sending tlie
I nmawtntlnn i. h.n.iirri,a .ffll.!..! A
I spread information which he conceives to
I oe invaiuaiiie; and he Hopes every sutterer
will try his remedy, as it. will cost them
nothinsr. and niav nrnvn a hlesslmr. . Parties
wishing the prprse-Hpt'on will pIpshp address
my2S-ly . Wllliamibart;. Kings Co N. Y.
TJEST Custom Made Boots at Waldo's
It m
ew Store on Winter street, at il.50
less than usual prices.
THE Rest Lasting Congress Gaiters
fortt re at WALDO'S NEW KtiOE
STORE, on Winter street.
TEST assortment oif LlrAles' Shorn
at WALDO'S NEW RiiXkK.V.. on Winter
RJununBER w&lda ihai opened-
new SHOE STORE on Winter street,
BOOTS and SHOES at Waldo's new
btore on Winter street and ALT. 111.-1.-117
OOODii;1 j nst opened, fresh and nice. I ' i
WM)0'9 New Shoe Store, on Win.
er-Street. is tbe chennest, Khoe Utnra
in Deitrware. 1e 18
Wishes to In.
iorm the ladies
oi Delaware
and vicinity,
., that she has
opened rooms
4 i, for the purpose
i of dresslnis la
' dies hair, Cut
tniK liair,sham-
, -,tu" Jroiuijna,, Curl
.y iijfcj!' ' niR, t'rimping,
Ac. 8he also
Mauulactures . V'irjs, Toupees, Curls, FrU
ze8,"and Braidif. fslie will -till all orders
promptly, and on the mrt reasonable
terms. Rooms on the North-east corner of
Winter and Union streets, i- 1 - jel8-3m
ONlxrur Ifersliaw Jt Co.,
J. O. OSBOItS &, C O ,
142 Mouth ilijjh'street,
; , Dealers in '' -"
Carpets and Oil Cloths, Curtains', Win.
dow Shades, Stair Rods, Cenlrm, Jbc.
Staple aua rancjr. Itry !ooIs.
February W, l&iy
No. 1 Coach, So.OTi
No. 1 Furniture,., 3,f0
Extra Flowing,... 4,75
Houw Palnters,,i 4 75
Damarr ,. 4,5ii
By the bbl. 40 f ct off.
5 bbls. or more 50 ot.
oil lor otutliw
ISAAC ,11 i&'SBTrl prietor
raii1 Closing Out Male
are now offering their
E n t ire St o c li
' - , F ......
S PR IS (i AX 1 S 17 JH 31 K n
than any other Clothing House
D E I, A -W .A. 22, 0E3 ,
in order to make room for their
, s f is " j , i . i -' r i : ; :
Treiueiidiioiiiii StncU
FAI.1.&WITEK t LO'l lllMi,
which they are
f f f " J i ' -1 f
Aow ManutaetiiriiiK'.
arow is Yci R
Ihe rush for liKhtClothinii at this House
U tremendous this hot weather, and the
crowds go out wit h
Their I.arpc Ilundles,
5 4 1 ni4orlij tow wc can sell . '
for so small au
Amount of tareenbaiks !
Call Before it willfce Too
JOAES & 1 I'M 111 R E V,
Templar Hall.
i WORKS, .
v y
iioori,A.iJ' cEEy.t.
Ilooflantl's erinaii Tonic,
lilt. C. M.I JACKSON, Philadelphia.
Their introduction into this country from
uermany occurrea in
1 S 2 3
EatlterK n n I Mof!ir,
And will cure vou an l your children. They
are entirely different from the many prep,
arations now in the II country, called Bit
ters or Tomes. They 1 are no tavern prep
aration, or anything like one; but good,
honest, reliable medicines. They are.
And all dlsea.ffs arising from
A Illniorilrrc-d Liver, touiatli,
- OH
Constipation, Flatulr'tice, Inward Files
r uiincKsof blood to the head. Acidity 01
the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
iJiHKUst for Food, Full
ness or weight in
the stomach,
Hinklng or Fluttering
at the Pit of the Kiomach,
Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried or IrifHcult Breath I nar. Flut
tering at the Heart, Chokiirg or buf
focatinrr HenRationR'wben in a lying
iOKtrire, Timne8 of KJ Vision, Trots and
.Webs beiore the sight, luill Pain lu
the Head, Deflchmcy of Perspir
ation, Yellov-nr-ss of the
Hkin and Kyes, Pain
; - in the Side, in
- the Facii,
Chest, lJmU
Hudrlen Ffr.sciefi of Heat
BuiTiinn tn the Flesh, Constant Ira
agiuingfrof Kveland Ire predion of fcpirlt
AH thrne Indicate Disease of th Liver
r 11 yr-wr I r- Orftanfl, combiner!
with Impure Blood..
Iloollaiid'r Oeriiian IlitSei tt
entirely -vesretable, and containa no liq
uor. It is a compound of Fluid Kxtractfc.
The roots, herbs and barks from which these
extracts are made are gat bered in Cfemiauy.
All the medicinal virtt es are extracted from
them by a ucientJflc-ClieiniKt. Thtwe ex
tracts are then foi-VJ wardrxi to thin coun
try, to be used exprealy for the man u lec
ture nf these Kilters. There is no alcholic
substance of any kind nsed In compotind
1ns the Bitters, hence it is the only Hitters
that can be used In coses where alcoholic
stimulants are not advisable.
Iloofland'H German Tonic
Is a combination of all the Ingredients of
the Bitters, with ptjrc Hanta Cruz Hum,
Orange, etc. It is used for the same uiseases
as the Bitters, in cases where some pure al
coholic stimulus is required. You wilibear
t mind f hat tiieue remedies are enUretu dif
ferent from any other advertised for the
cure of the diseases named, these being sci
entific preparations Ot mfOltinai exiim.u.,
Willie tue otoers are mere ueem-r i-".
in .Ami. fnrm The Tonic is decidedly one
of the most pleasant fcird aereeable reme
dies ever offered to the public Its taste U
exqursite It Is a pleasure to uirie r...
its llie-giving, exuiieri- uuk, -
qtrailties have caused It to be known as the
greatest of all tonics.
There is no medicine etiual to Hoofland's
German Hitters aud Tonic in cases of Debil
itv. Thev ilnoart a I .Mone and virrnr to th
whole system, give! strength to theappe
tlto, cause an enjoyment of the food, ena
ble the stomach to diger- t It, purify tlie blood,
give a good, sound, fcealthy complexion,
eradicate tlie yellow tii. ge from the eye, im
part a bloom to the cheeks, and change tiie
patient from a short-breathed, emaciated,
weak aud nervous inviJid, to a lull-faced,
stout and vigorous person.
Weak and Delicate Children are made
strong by using the Bitters or Tonic 111
fact, tbey are Family Medicines. Tbey can
bo administered with perfect safely to a
child three months old, the most delicate
female, or a man of ninety.
These remedies we the
Ever known, and will enre all diseases re
sulting from bad blood. Keep your Wood
pure; keep your Llv I er iu order, and keep
your digestive o rlj ians in a sound con
dition hy the use of til se remedies, and no
disease will ever assail you. The best men
In the country recommend them. If yearn
of honest reputation go for any thing, .you
must try these preparations
Chief Justice'of Supreme Court of Pemtsylvania
rfHiADELPaiA, March 16, 1W7.
I mid "Hoofland's German Hitters' Is not
an Intoxicating beven(.e but ir n good ton
ic, usemi tn uisomers or the ow-rive or
gans, and of great beneilt in ea -rear of debili
ty and want of nervorn- actlou lu the sys
tem, Yours. trtil
Judge of the Supreme t urt of Pcnnsyh'txnta.
Fhilapelphia, Apr'-' 2S-ISCS.
i consider "Hoof land's German
ters" a valuable mrd l ieme in cast of at
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, I can
certify this from mv- own experience or it.
Yours. "'"CTS'VhOMSOS.
Pastor of Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
JM. .f Ai-Kso-t r,-arlSii: 1 liave been fro
quetitly ntiutwteil tiionimeft mv name with
different kinds of medir iiiea, trut reird i tirr
t he pi net ice as out of my approprint e npbere,
i have hi all cases declined; but with a olear
pronf in various Itistuuces, aud particuiMr
lyln my own family, f the UKi-iulnesa of
Ir. Hoofland's German Hitter. I .i.nj t f.r
once from my usual eou -se, to expr. my
urn conviction tlint fur general iietniitv of
thesyMteirl and l- p.-.-in. ,y fur I.iver r. ..ill
plaint, it is a sale XT Mid vslunlxt t i
aiiili.ii!. In 80HW i t uses r iiibv tan. Imt
UHUmIIV.I doubt not It will Im v,tv treuell-
ciiil tot hove suirerimt from tlie at'oveeaus
- .,., t..,.i..
' J. H. K K AH1
Kiifhth, bt.ow Coalts street
A 1 T I O .
HooHuud s German rnedies ar corm-tr'i-f'U--d
The nr iirrine l ave tb Menalitr
of C. M. Juluoa on tirr flout of tue out
side wmpperof each tart Jo, and the uarnr
of the nrllelw Irlown lu each bottle. Ail
others are couutelJuit.
Price of (he Bitter, '11,00 per Bottle
Or a Half Doieu for f,,yo,
Priee of tat Tonic, (1,50 per Bant.
Or a Half Doen for 7,fi0,
TThe Tonic Is put up in QttitBottlt?.-
ItecoUect that It Is Tr. HooOauil'ii German
Kemedies that are so 1 tiulveiitllv u.-d &
so higiiiy roiHiiiimeu 1 JeU, and do not al
low the lni v to Imiuoe you to t-iH tn v.
thing else he may say n j i-t as suc.I; be
cause he makes a larger profit on li. 'i'iu-.-e
remedies will in; acut to any locality upua
ai i4H-ttU.ni to th
At the (;r iniiii Medicine Str
Ko. 61 Arete St., Philadelphia.
Formerly C. M. JACKSOIS - CO.
r- These Remedies ase for sale bv I"
gists, Htorekueiwrs and Modi erne lx-ai.-m
every wheie. ,
. Tin not forget to examine well t' "
tiyouu uyfit? oer
July Wjv ' . w .

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