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Mail Addresses Hu»ii»ss: B14 E. 15?ndSt. 11 Phone TiLcnville 4301 News: 15K32 Euclid Ave. i Suite 311 5 School Income From Taxes Exceeds County Estimates It isn’t often that the East Cleveland School District receives a financial windfall. But such is the wholly unexpected surprise in the final current tax settlement with the county auditor’s office. Miss Ruth Nemic, clerk-treas urer, reported to the Board of Education Tuesday night that, in stead of receiving an anticipated (956,973 as estimated by the county auditor, the district is be ing credited with $1,004,676.59, or $47,703.59 over and above that sum. The increase shows up chiefly in the personal tangible return. This year it is $99,995.78 compared No Door To Door Solicitation By Salvation Army No door-to-door solicitation for funds is being made in Greater Cleveland by the Salvation Army, officials of the organization warn ed yesterday, adding that un authorized persons had represented themselves as members of the army in seeking donations. Maj. Paul Kaiser, divisional •ecretary in charge of public re lations, said persons seeking funds should be asked to produce creden tials if they assert they are from the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is a mem ber of the Welfare Federation of Cleveland and makes no such solicitation. All Salvation Army members carry identification cards. With the approaching Christ mas season, increasing reports of such misrepresentation have been received, Maj. Kaiser said. He asked that anyone having ques tions about donations to the Sal vation Army, call him at CHerry 6983. Retires After 35 Years With Cleveland Transit •‘.'••I -s- Having retired after 35 yeatsr *s a conductor, and uw torman.. with the Cleveland Transit System and the old Cleveland Transit Company, Joseph Cieplowski and Mrs. Cie plowski are leaving this month to spend the winter in California. They are making the trip by motor. Mr. Cieplowski came to Cleve land from Brandenburg, Germany, In 1911 and has resided in East Cleveland all of that time. He went to work for the traction company on the Euclid line and continued to work out of the Windermere station all of these years. In 1923 he was married to Bridget Pol lack who came here from Austria. For many years they have resided in an apartment at 1830 Roxford rd., which they recently sold to Joe’s brother, Frank Cieplowski. Joe likes to fish and usually ■pent his vacations in Canada, fol lowing this favorite pastime. He and his wife are members of St. Philomena’s church. Choir Program At four o’clock on Sunday afternoon, the 20th, the Cathedral Choir of the ChurCh of the Cross, Methodist, will »pre§ent Mendels sohn’s ‘Hymn of Praise.” The ohurch is located on Caledonia ave. at Winsford rd. ayi all are wel come to enjoy this musical hour. I I & I I to $72,249.28 received from this source last year. Real estate and public utility tax returns total $904,680.81 of the total return. The windfall comes at a most op portune time. Following the war the board set up a much needed building repair program and it has been going along with this as funds permitted. The past sum mer they began the revamping of the entire heating system in the Shaw building, and during this process they have met with several unexpected situations which should have been met, but which would have added too much to the cost, already beyond the estimate. Now they can proceed with this particu lar job, repairing it as it should be done. Other repair jobs will be taken up in turn with a view of placing all buildings in better condition. Along the financial picture, Dr. O. J. Korb, superintendent, pre sented a salary table which shows that, under the schedule adopted a year ago, this year’s salary costs of $758,520 will grow into $821,000 in 1953-1954 school year with the same number of teachers employed. The increase is in the higher sal aries, plus the yearly increments now being paid to the teachers. The board re-appointed Paul H. Rice to membership of the East Cleveland Library board of trus tees to succeed himself. The ap pointment is for a seven-year term. Mr. Rice is secretary-treasurer of the board and a member of its building committee.. Girl Scouts Gif To Convention Members of two East CICeveland Girl Scout troops are the first scouts to attend a national con vention. The lucky girls are mar garet Hansen, 18, of Mariner Ship 12, First Presbyterian church, and Marilyn Groenstein, 17, of Troop 166, made up of girls residing in the Hilltop district. Margaret was chosen by Hie Senior .Intertroop Council arid Marilyn received the honor because she was the Girl Scout delegate to the UNESCO meetings here earlier this yean The convention is being held in Milwaukee this week and it is the first time it has been open to rep resentatives from among the Girl Scouts, heretofore only the leaders being eligible as delegates. Miss Groenstein resides at 999 Grey ton rd. and Miss Hanson re sides at 1749 Urbana ave. Edward W. Molzan Nev/ An Ensign In USbil Edward W. Molzan, who enlisted in the U. S. Navy upon graduation from Shaw High School, has been promoted to the rank of ensign. Edward served overseas and upon his return attended Kent State University and then re-enlisted rn the service. He is now a student in the University of New Mexico, where he will be graduated in June, from the College of Engi neering. While at Sh/jw Ed was a mem ber of the Hi-Y and was manager of the basketball team. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mol zan, 1847 Wadena ave. Shaw Grads Of 1927 To 1930 To Hold First Reunion Saturday Evening low it is with other schools, it’s hard to say, but there jp some thing about having gone to Shaw that sticks closer than a brother. A Shaw grad can meet another Shaw grad anywhere and the moment they find they have this in common, all is well. Probably that is how tomorrow night’s din ner dance at the Acacia Country Club started one Shaw grad met another and talk turned back the pages. Anyway Paul Northway, Creighton Davies, Don Harston, Frank Burrell and Jack Kibbey have arranged tomorrow night’s “We-Nu-Em Wen” affair and af ter digging up addresses 'and send ing out bids have rounded up some 150 who are going to talk it all over. Included in this particular graduates’ list, are the classes 1927 to 1930, inclusive. Grid Queen And Her Attendants Pictured above is the Shaw 1949 Football Queen and her two atten dants who were chosen by a vote of the Shaw student body to repre sent the school at the annual Shaw-Heights football game last 4 I (Photo by Harry I’A-. Flynn) Friday. Left to right are: Attend ant Janis Foxall, 988 Eddy rd. Queen Carol Reichenbach, 1239 North Lockwood and Attendant Anita DiGiovine, 1685 Carlyon rd. hl 4^ I X-r- S '-i 7/74, ft 4T- I I z -AA- Tt„, t- Mary Jane Sutton, As Former WAC, Is In England On Remembrance Day" After having been discharged from the WAC and spending a year at home, Mary Jane Sutton, 14708 Dover ave., went to England where she is now working with the American Embassy, in Lon don. The following is an excerpt from her recent letter home, describing the Armistice Day celebration in London last week. “Here in England, rather than celebrating Armistice Day on the 11th they have Remembrance Day on the Sunday before the 11th. The main ceremony is the King’s placing a wreath of poppies on the Cenotaph—a memorial to the ‘glorious dead’ of both wars after a 2-minute silence at 11 o’clock. More or less at the last minute I decided to go, so con sequently got a late start. The Cenotaph is in the middle of a big wide street which had been blocked off for the cere monies, and was crowded with people hurrying down it. It was about three blocks from the Ceno taph when the cannon went off for the silence. The sudden quiet was surprising the fountains about two blocks behind us could be heard clearly. “A suggested thought and prayer for the silence had been printed in the paper —‘In remembrance of those who during the two wars made the great sacrifice, O God, make us better men and women, and give peace in our time.’ It was such a beautiful day, the silence so impressive, end the prayer so appropriate and beauti ful that 1 just stood there with tears rolling down my cheeks. After the silence, I went on, the crowd getting thicker and thicker, until I couldn’t go any further. I was surprised to see lots of people standing with their backs to the Cenotaph, holding mirrors up to see a bit more than they could have otherwise. “Detachments of all the Services, including women and ex-service personnel, Merchant, Navy and fishing fleets, paraded to the Ceno taph, then formed a hollow square around it. After the service, they marched off, then finally we got a chance to go see the Cenotaph, and I took several pictures. I meandered down to West minster and took some pictures of Big Ben, then over to the Abbey, and took a picture of Lincoln’s statue across the street. All along the walks on the grounds of the Abbey were small plots staked out for all the various detachments, and people buy small wooden crosses about six inches high with a poppy in the center to place in the various plots. Some of the crosses had names on them. I walked through there, then into the Abbey to see the tomb of the East Cleveland Leader Published In Conjunction with The SCOOP in Northeast Cleveland and The News-Journal in Euclid Volume No. VIII—No. 46 East Cleveland, Ohio 12,800 Circulation Guaranteed Thursday, November 17, 1949 Legion And Shaw Students Dedicate Flag Armistice Day Jf, '■‘lAd unknown warrior. It was the first time I’d been there, so I wandered around, saw Poet’s corner, went out into a cloister and took some pix of flying buttresses—the most complicated ones I’ve seen. Then back to the flat to some hot soup and to get warm, as I was chilled through and through. I’m glad I went though—the customs of other peoples are most interesting.” Sincerely yours, Florence Sutton Dorothy Brooks In Tonight s Premiere When the recently organized little theatre group, the Mid Town Theatre, makes its bow to night, an East Cleveland girl will take the lead in the premiere. Dorothy Brooks, 14400 Savannah ave., one time member of the Col lamer Players and active in other little theatre groups, will appear in the presentation of Don Mul lally’s ‘Laff That Off.” The group will be at home in the Laurel bldg., 9917 Euclid ave., where an experimental playhouse seating 50 people has been set up. Settings, costuming and all work incidental to the opening has been done by the members. Each show is to run three weeks, and the next two produtions are already in the rehearsal stage. Church Editor To Speak Here Monday Mr Louis Gale, Church Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer will be the guest speaker at the meet ing of the Men’s Club in the base ment parlors of Faith Lutheran Church, Hayden ave. and Glen side rd. on Monday, November 21st, at 8:00 p. m. Mr. Gale will speak on some of his interesting experiences as religious editor and the talk will close with a question period. Members of the Men’s Clubs of St. John’s Lutheran Church South Euclid and Our Savior Lu theran Church of Mayfield Heights have been invited as guests 4or the evening. Thanksgiving $ 4 s A w z i 'ii- l' v* z J, v S' W Zz iM. k In the upper hight hand comer is shown Student Council Dick Young handing the new flag to W/O Jerry Ling as the Ameri can Legion dedicates its gift to Shaw High School. The larger view gives an overall picture of the student body, the Shaw Band, faculty and visitors participating in the dedication service. “I dedicate this flag and this flagpole in the name of those who offered their lives that justice, freedom and democracy might sur vive to be the ideals of the people of the world ... As they served America in the time of war, may we serve America in the time of peace. Our nation’s most cherished pos session is its flag. This flag is unique in the deep and noble signi cance of its message to the entire world a message of national inde pendence, of individual liberty and freedom,, it embodies the essence of true patriotism”. Thus, in part, spoke Grover C. Snyder, past commander of East Cleveland Post 163 American Legion as the post’s gift of a flag and a flagpole to Shaw High School was dedicated as a part of the school’s Armistice Day program. Dick Young, Student Council president who presided, received the flag from Commander Snyder and handed it to the honor guards who raised it to the top of the pole as the Shaw High School Band, under the direction of Milton G. Niergath played The Star Spangled Banner. Making up the honor guard were four Shaw students who are mem bers of the Army Reserves, Sea man 2/c Jim Blech, Warrant Offi cer Jerry Young, Corp. Dale Locher and Pvt. Jim Pless. Officers of the Post joined in the ceremonies both at Shaw and at Kirk Jr. High School. Book Week Display At Local Libraries November 13 to 19 is Book Week, and the. libraries all over East Cleveland are busy celebrating it. There will be displays of new books for children in every library, as suggestions for birthday and Christmas gifts. At the East Cleve land Main Library, Euclid ave. at Windermere, the display will con tinue until Christmas. If you have any book problems for a special boy or girl, the East Cleveland Library will be glad to help you with suggestions. Copy Early Because of the Thanksgiving Day holiday November 24th, the East Cleveland Leader that week will be distributed on Tues day, the 22nd. This throws the deadline to Saturday, Novem ber 19th. To avoid disappointment in not geting your copy in the Thanksgiving Day issue, send it early to 15632 Euclid ave., or phone it to PO. 3378. Remember, all copy must be in by Satur day, the 19th. Picture deadline for the Thanksgiving Day issue "will be Thursday, November 17th. rA r- S’ a RT? j.-'C 1 S' &P.<p></p>Mw V K Ke-*''// 1 44 I **4-^4 i -. iS# rz- '_______—Photo by Ralph Kepnar Patrolman Bode Concludes Course Traffic Safety Receiving the honor of attend ing the Traffic Institute at North western University is meaning hours of hard work for Patrolman Harold R. Bode of the East Cleve land Police Department. Forty-five officers from 19 states, Hawaii and Canada are in attendance .at the school which concludes this Friday. The men represent 27 municipal police de partments, five state highway patrols and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. When this class is graduated 1,381 police officers will have attended the course which stresses the policeman’s part in preventing accidents and control ling traffic. The course also deals with such related subjects as traf fic safety education and the use of engineering techniques to re lieve congestion and solve parking problems. Upon his return Patrolman Bode next week will instruct other offi cers of the East Cleveland Police Department in the courses which he has had at the Traffic Institute. Sb! Slip Those Ties To The Y Hey, mister, got any neckties you don’t want—maybe some of those awful gift ideas, or maybe a few you even selected yourself, believe it or not! Well, here is a way to clear off the rack and make room for the new ties that always come with Christmas. The East Cleveland Kiwanis club is collecting ties. Leave yours at the Y House, 1819 Lee rd. Then, in co-operation with Miss Genevieve Quinn, City Welfare Director, the ties will be distributed to the Coun ty Relief Bureau. Division of Aid to the Aged, Mary Crest school, and the Rehabilitation Center. Some will go overseas—all to bring Christmas cheer to someone else. To date 400 ties in every imag inable coloi* and color combination, have been received. It is hoped many more will be added to the boxes. Hear About Colleges Shaw High School students plan ning to attend college are being given an opportunity to learn something of various colleges through the talks being given at that school by the representatives from the institutions of higher learning. This week they have had visits from representatives of De a u w, Princeton, Pennsylvania College for Women and Cleveland College. Other guests will be arriv ing from time to time. Carran ,\’ames Aplhorp Vice Manager As Mr. Binyon still is the director of law. Appointment of Mr. Apthorp met with opposition from the floor when Thomas O. (Olic) Troescher, former pojice lieutenant and un successful candidate for commis sioner at the November 8th elec tion, objected. Mr. Troescher questioned the manager’s power to make such an appointment. He contended that the commission should meet, consider the vacancy and itself decide on the appointee. He expressed his desire to be present at such a meeting. Richard S. Horan, Commission president, explained that the City Charter provides that the mana ger make the appointment, the ap pointee being a head of a depart ment. Furthermore, the charter does not require the manager to seek the commission’s approval of the appointment. In announcing his decision Mr. Carran, said Horan, was informing them of Mr. Binyon’s resignation and the fill ing of the vacancy. Further, Mr. Horan said, there would be no meeting to discuss the appointment. Troescher then insisted that the commissioners be given an oppor tunity to voice their opinions. Mr. Walter S. Sutter, one of the suc cessful candidates for re-election November 8th, expressed himself as satisfied with the appointment as made by Mr. Carran. No ex pression was voiced by the other members of the commission. Cuyahoga County Highway De partment was granted permission to clear ice and snow from Belvoir blvd. this winter. Mr. Carran ex plained that since the boulevard passed through several east side suburbs, the county felt a more satisfactory clearance would result if they did it. The county will bear the expense of the winter’s program. To permit The Austin Co. to enlarge a building in the rear of its Euclid ave. building, used for research, the Commission ap proved the action of the zoning board permitting such an addition. The long delayed ordinance regu lating the sale of “comic books” within the city was introduced. President Horan questioned the wording of the measure relative to the age limit of violators and the ordinance was referred back for clarification on this point.. A. J. Budbill, operator of a delicatessen, said there are 370 Special Offer The dry cleaning shop at 1406 Hayden ave. near Shaw known as Shaw-Hayden Cleaners had been purchased by Mr. Nathan Rosen field, a very pleasant-mannered little white-haired man who has been in the dry cleaning business for more than 20 years. To introduce himself to East Clevelanders, Mr. Rosenfield is of fering a combination dry cleaning and shirt laundering special. Be sure to see his ad elsewhere in this paper. f' ^^W«**** I* p' s, CT e Y 4 Here are shown Sgt. F. J. Hor vath of the State Highway Depart ment and Chief of Police H. S. Weaver weighing a truck with the city’s new load-a-meter equipment. Sgt. Horvath has been in town for a few days teaching members of the East Cleveland police depart ment how to use the new device by which a truck’s load can be ac curately determined. Within a few days, states Chief Weaver, the load-a-meter will go into use as police officers test weights of all trucks. Any vehicle Thanksgiving i Copy Early Binyon Resigns That Post: Troescher Objects Grant T. Apthorp. director of finance, is the new vice-manager for the City of East Cleveland, having been appointed by City Manager Chas. A. Carran. Mr. Apthorp succeeds Edward A. Binyon, law director, who has re signed the post after having held it for some twenty years. so-called “comic books” being dis tributed in the county by three dis tributors, but that there were only 25 real “comic books’* in the lot. He also said the new books added to fill in for the 76 taken off following the check in Cleveland, were even worse than their pre decessors, although under entirely different names and along other lines. Mr. Budbill indicated that ft constant check must be maintained by the municipality and the citi zens to clean up the situation. City s Future Is Dependent On Planning ‘East Cleveland tomorrow—what will it be?” This is one of the important questions confronting East Cleve landers, according to the discus sion which marked the November meeting of the East Cleveland Community Council. From what ever viewpoint the question was presented, it was evident that there is in the minds of Council but one goal—a continued good place in which to live. The sum and substance narrow ed down to the responsibility of the residents for continued effi cient government, good schools and libraries, attractive living accom modations and adequate transpor tation. The program, directed by Arthur Townhill, chairman of the Council’s City Planning committee, opened with three historical sketches in which John Walworth gave the high points in the city’s 148 years’ to date,- Dr. William H. Harrison told of the growth of the churches and Mrs. Frank Baldau told of Lhe educational progress. An interesting deduction -was made by Mr. Walworth. He held that despite the changes which had come about since the community was founded.the people themselves have not changed. He said they are just as community minded, just as neighborly and just as ready to co-operate for the com mon good, as ever. He pointed to the meeting at hand, as an ex ample. Proctor Noyes, director of Re gional Planning Commission com mended the city on its zoning pro gram and held that continued zoning guidence is the answer to this city‘s future. The coming of rapid transit, he said, will have a tremendous im pact on the community. Statistics quoted indicate an estimated 96,00o passengers are expected to use the Windermere rapid transit station daily. This, he added, does not in clude passengers who will come to the station in their own automo biles—only those who are to ba transferred from feeder lines to be added to those now operating east of that point. The result will be a complete change in that area. At this point City Manager Chas. A. Carran was asked whau provision the city is making to meet this* probable change. Hw answered that the city's zoning would guide all developments aside (Continued on Page 12) Teach Loadamefer Techniques To Police !*.«■ tai' rag ■_ z '-’*•44 If* 4x4'*'’ ■7 *'*4 “'-v I hK' 4 C* v found to be overloaded will mean an arrest for the truck’s driver. At present the city is operating under the state law in this matter, and will do so until the city enacts its own legislation along the same line. Overloaded trucks damage high ways and pavements and for thia reason the state designates the amount of weight highways will take. Weighing stations are dot ted throughout the state, and with the new portable device, it is pos sible to set up a testing station wherever it may be required.