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PagA Four 7 Sedfaicsk Moving ALSO LIGHT EXPRESSING OF ALL ENDS Cal! KE. 6580 ”S Office now at 325 E. 156 St. off Lake Shore Blvd. Enroll Anytime for INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION In The Business Subject Of Your Choice A Large. Competent Faculty Conducting Full Time Day and Evening Classes FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL EAST CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 14065 Euclid Ave. next to Public Library GL. 8893 IN THIS AREA MORE THAN 23 YEARS APPROVED RY THE STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION FOR THE TRAINING OF VETERANS Only 50c DAVID’S JEWELERS 934 East 152nd Street GLenville 8287 AT FIVE POINTS Your Thanksgiving fankeq 3« Handy Hide-Away Grid-All for grill ing hamburgers, cubed steaks, bacon, eggs, griddle cakes. 2. Electric clock and Minute Alarm. 3. Cooking top lamp. 4. Drawer-type, drop-front broiler with smokeless insert. 5. Oven light oven door window. 6. Famous Estate Air-Flow Oven, Fiber* glas-insulated. 7. 4 [)own AMERICAN FLYER TRAIN SETS Pay only 50c weekly Given With Your Purchase of Any ESTATE Range ESTATE Gas Runite sm95 The Value Sensation of the Year! A beautiful new ESTATE Gas Range... with deluxe features you’d expect only on far more costly models.’ Hi-Lo aluminum-head burners. 14006 Lake Shore Blvd 8. 11. 2 giant burners, one on each side. Honor Cleland won his Eagle colors), the hour they had spent repairing and rid ing bicycles, motorcycles and auto mobiles their cross country run when both were students at the University of Missouri. On one of these trips, Mrs. Cleland, Cook’s mother, made the trip in Ike’s side car. The elder Clelands, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cleland of Ford dr., were among the guests at the speakers table. Others seated there were the honored guest’s wife, Mrs. Cook Cleland Mrs. George Reazer, pres ident of the Y Mothers, City Man ager Chas. A. Carran and the speakers. W. C. Councell, athletic manager at Western Reserve University but formerly with the East Cleveland Board of Education, reminisced on Cook’s boyhood. The families were neighbors then. He said they al ways knew when Cook was home, the motorcycle heralded. He said Cook has come up in the good old American way—through initi ative, perseverance and industri ous application to the job at hand —plus a boundless enthusiasm. He contrasted this attitude to one all too general today, saying that the fellow who gets paid for doing nothing, usually ends up nowhere. “Cook Cleland is probably the best dive bomber the Navy ever had,” declared Commander Gus Woodhelm, USN, who recited their experiences together in the Pacif ic during World War II. He gave instance after instance to prove the flyer’s accuracy and courage. It was apparent that this pilot was assigned to every ticklish job which Confronted their squad ron. The Ike and Mike of early Y days were recalled by E. V. Ras mussen, general secretary of the YMCA, and then secretary here. He said they usually appeared for a meeting “grease to their eye brows, but with some annoying Christmas Trees WHOLESALE ONLY Select SCOTCH—RED—SPRUCE RE. 2545 RE. 4500 The BRYN MAWR Estate... Model 4924 4 ThermEstote Oven Heat Control. 9. Super-size ball-bearing utensil drawer, plus regular-size ball-bear ing utensil drawer. 10. One-piece top, mantel back and burner dial panel. Acid-resistant porcelain enamel ish all around. 12. Divided cooking top. fin ^‘SUCH cookingT) suchvalueJ wi,hmyNEW RANGE” AUTO SUPPLY AND APPLIANCE CO. KEnmore 7320 Gerry Jedd, a native of Euclid, made her debut at the new Euclid 77th Theatre of the Play House on Wednesday, November 16 in the leading female role of “Crime and Punishment”. Her present home is 1055 Case ave., Mentor. She has studied dramatics since her seventh year. By the time she was 10, young Miss Jedd had a popular following as a monologist and singer. Naturally, she was ac tive in Euclid High School drama tics. Her success encouraged her to make the stage a career. Ac cordingly she attended the Carne gie Institute of Technology in the drama department, where she was an honor student. During the sum mers she appeared at Cain Park and with other summer stopk com panies. After her graduation in 1946 she appeared in U.S.O. shows entertain ing Army and Navy personnel. This led to other entertaining jobs around New York City where her U.S.O. work had taken her. Then, in 1947 she went to the famous Baiter Theatre in Abingdon, Vir ginia, where she toured for two years through many of the sea board states. The climax of this touring rou tine came when she joined an American company which toured Europe last summer, playing “Hamlet” at GI bases in Germany, and at Elsinore, Denmark, the scene of this Shakespearean play. Miss Jedd, who is Mrs. Ray Boyle off stage, came to the Play mechanical repair finished.” Someone remarked that Cook al ways had a screwdriver and a bit of wire in his hand regardless of the occasion. Mr. Rasmussen gathered all the compliments into one bouquet when he said, “We honor Cook Cle land, not as a Navy pilot alone, not as the two-time winner of the Thompson trophy alone, but we honor him for possessing those fundamental characteristics which are so necessary in building the kind of an America we want and need today.” Jerry Shaw, Hi-Y chaplain gave the invocation. The Y Teen (YWCA girls of Kirk Jr. High) served the dinner planned by Ruth Kerr, school dietician. To Stanley Webster, general chairman W. C. Cumler, Y secretary, and oil oth ers who made the affair not only possible, but such a success, a big hand. Diamond Ring Insurance ROL RENDLESHAM-GL. 2267 This Month Only demothing jr .* EAST CLEVELAND LEADER jrry Jedd Scores n Playhouse Production eac^ 01 A ABA4IA4 Carpet Cleaned 9x12. S3.7S We are Specialists In Carpet Alterations and Repair Work Estimates At No Obligation BUCKEYE CARPET CLEANING CO. EX. 0367 Eves. YE. 6789 HEAR Every Joyous Sound of HRISTMAS! Don’t let impaired alone and apart this Christmas’ Wear the tiny, powerful, efficient, 6^-oz. NEW "miniature” HEARING AID By Makers of Famous Zenith Radios, FM, Television Seta OMPLETE, READY TO WEAR Truly the ultimate in quality. See it try it. today! Think What a Grand Xmas Gift For Hard-of-Hearing Friend! For A FREE Demonstration Come To FOREST HILL PHARMACY u Superior at Euclid GL. 9413 TQ 8 DINNER 15241 EUCLID AVE., Opposite Shaw High School Deaths Mrs. Christiana Wormaid Stricken with coronary throm bosis at her home, 1617 Eddy rd., Thursday, November 17th, Mrs. Christiana Wormaid, 74, died a few hours later in Lakeside Hos pital. Services were held Satur day with burial in Lake View Cemetery. Mrs. Wormaid was the widow of George W. Wormaid, well known building contractor who died in 1947. She was born in Leeds, Eng. Surviving are six children, Mrs. Ethel A. Hood Benjamin, an in dustrial engineer for the Cleve land Graphite Bronze Co. Robert W., an insurance adjustor Mrs. Thelma Stafford of Bedford Mrs. Christine Borrman of Rcnssaelar, N. Y. and George, an aeronauti cal engineer in Baltimore, M. D. one sister, Mrs. Charlotte Whitton of Chicago and nine grandchil dren. Charles F. Bassett A railroad employee since he was 24 years of age, Charles Franklin Bassett, 68, died in Lake side Hospital Wednesday, Novem ber 16th. Services were conducted Friday by Rev. Earle C. Hoch wald, pastor of East Cleveland Congregational church. Mr. Bassett first was in the employ of the old Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad and for the past 44 years had been with the New York Central Rail road, most of the time in the bag gage department. He had planned to retire next year. He was a member of the Broth erhood of Railway Trainmen. Never married, he is survived House, directly from this tour. Hus band Ray Boyle, who is currently seen in the Play House production of “The Traitor” at the Drury Theatre, also follows an acting ca reer which has paralleled Miss Jedd’s for the past two and a half years. The only complaint about their present status that the couple has, is that one is acting at the 86th Street theatre of the Play House each evening, while the other is on the Euclid-77th stage, 9 blocks apart. The current production of “Crime and Punishment” running through December 4, which furnished Miss Jedd her Play House debut, also brought outstanding compliments from drama critic William McDer mott, of the Cleveland Plain Deal er: “Gerry Jedd is remarkably good.” and Arthur Spaeth, drama critic for the Cleveland News: “a performance of beauty and skill. Miss Jedd gives (her role) a fine, commanding sincerity and poignancy”. Um I Moncrief ««^1 THANKSGIVING AT HAUL UUUWN’S EULILV1AL liVA ul^Si I I. I——■»—»—i—" K ..v., ». tr •«►... -^.a—»..._ ,4.^,v .v w 9 f. .... ... ... .. .- •». ». -••.*• by a sister, Mrs. Jane Emeis of San Diego, Cal. Charles T. Fursdon Charles Thomas Fursdon, who retired in 1947 after 30 years with General Electric Co. in its Nela Park printing department, died suddenly Friday, November 18th at his home, 13912 Northfield ave. Masonic services were held Monday, November 21st and burial was made in Highland Park etery. Mr. Fursdon had resided in East Cleveland for the past 38 years. He was a 32nd degree Mason, a member of Cleveland Unit 5 Order of Macabees, and a member of the Typographical Union. Surviving are a son, Charles R., and a brother, Thomas R. Fursdon, and grandchildren. Mrs. Theodore Meyers Mrs. Theodore Meyers, widow of a retired merchant of Cam bridge, O., and a resident here for a quarter century died yesterday in her home, 1831 Rosalind ave., East Cleveland. Born in Cambridge, she was married and resided there until 1924. Her husband died a num ber of years ago. Surviving her are three sons, Dr. Martin T. Meyers of Atlanta, James C. and William H. Meyers, both of East Cleveland, and two daughters, Mrs. Charles C. Monroe of Cam bridge and Miss Isobel of East Cleveland. Services were held in St. Bene dict’s Catholic church in Cam bridge with burial in Northwood Cemetery in that city. ALMAY COSMETICS for Discriminating Women Forest Hill Pharmacy Superior at Euclid GL. 9413 Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRED Also Repairs on Irons, Toast ers, Fan?, Roasters, Lamps, Mixers. Miller Radiolectric Co, 1234 Hayden Ave. GL 7169 CHRISTMAS A gift certificate for that stamp collector friend. $1, $2 and S5 certificates attractively printed in green, worth lace value in merchandise from one of the best stocks in the city. Certificates mailed direct to you to present to your friend. HANTAK STAMP CO. 1974 Nelawood Rd. East Cleveland 12, Ohio Open 12 noon to 8 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. Sale I 10,000 YARDS OF LINOLEUMS CHOICE PATTEHHS Genuine Inlaid square yard CM QE ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUM...................... $1.00 Armstrong's ASPHALT TILE........... 9x12 Felt Base BUGS iJW.vfS COLLINWOOD'S FLOOR COVERING STORE Wo Will Not Be Undersold GLenville 2568 Open Mon..<p></p>FURNACE^ CONVERSION BURNERS CemIrvnirai each CONGO WALL running foot 3x5 RAG RUG ................. $2.39 LARGE RAG RUGS. 4x6 .... $3,98 Our Budget Plan. Pay a* Low at $5 Down and Carpet Your Home from Wall to W&U. MONARCH «!!i Niagara I Sunbeam Luxaire. I And Other Leading Makes FREE SURVEY AND ESTIMATES Cleaning, Repairing and Service On All Makes J. A. LOCHER AND SON Specialist in Gas Heating SHAW 12825 Superior Ave. GL. 6309 6704 *rvw Fri. and Sat. Eves. I HEATING -rfrr-rrr-.-- Enjoy restful sleep under ONE blanket! These cold nights call for the bed cover that really does wonders for your comfort and health —the modern ELECTRIC Bed Cover. Do you know that an Electric Bed Cover auto matically adjusts itself to changes in room tem perature? Holds the temperature you select throughout the night?Keeps you cozy and warm always, with never a shiver? Yes, ONE Electric Bed Cover does all these things! No need for extra blankets. No heavy covers to disturb your rest. Every member of your family, including all the old folks, will want an Electric Bed Cover. So see your Electrical Dealer before another night has passed. IN THE BEST LOCATION IN THE NATION “TEN O’CLOCK TUNES” On the Air Five Days a Week Monday through Frfday Morningt at 10—WGAR and WICA Evenings at 10— w..^.^. ^^..^ •. .^--«-v.^^*— '7* ’"7 Thursday, November 24, 1949 In Everyone's Life There Is A Time ... when the need for helpful funeral services arises. At such a time, our facilities are available to you plus every means of economy. novn* ana wnsrui i"eiei w runerai Homo ana vanarai urtico—13104 Eutfld irh* Av*.—va« The Flynn-Froellc Co. Listen to the "Polka Parede" Altmosm.a.11:30to11FridayEveryWHK UL 1-4141 ar 14142 DIRECTORS Five Floors of Beautiful Furniture AT FIVE POINTS Fur Aihtirlisinij Call GTniniHe 4303 FOR YOUR FURNACE AIR FILTERS DUSTOP FIBERGLAS 16x25x2 16x20x2 20x20x2 Any Size SPECIAL $1-55 I each Gutters Downspout Furnace Pipe LOWEST PRICES Nottingham Feed and Seed Co. 18617 Nottingham Road KEnmore 0256 PAINTING EXTERIOR INTERIOR First Class, Quick Service, Tenoe GLenville 7085 RICHARD E. HORNKE CO. Diamond 9206 COURSf au wpItaw Parking Space