Newspaper Page Text
ft Page Six i HCf’E fiCMC3ELING Recreation Rooms Garage* Porch Enclosures Attis Rooms Roofing MEL W. GRAY General Carpenter Contractor EVergreen 1393 FOR CORDWOOD C. Guard© $12.75 A Cord KE. 1420 or KE. 7180 JOHN F. SCOTT CARPENTER SERVICE Repairing—Remodeling—New Work Free Estimates 14208 SCIOTA AVE. PO. 8613 GZ3. 14 CARPENTER Additions—Remodeling GENERAL CARPENTER WORK LIGHT COMMERCIAL Liberty 8077 Bcofing Repairs NEW ROOFS GUTTER SPOUTING CHIMNEYS REPAIRED PAUL HANLEY GL 1397 ACCURATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Building Repairing Remodeling Free Estimates Immediate Service MOntrose 1695 R£. 0512 PAPEFI’ANGING PAINTING Paper Removed Sanitas a Specialty Neat Workmanship BEASONABLE RATES L. D. KINTZ RE. 5689 PAIHTIHG decorating INTERIOR-EXTERIOR ESTIMATES FREE C. M. KING CO. PO. 4592 GL. 8712 PAPERING & PAINTING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR A-1 GUARANTEED WORK Reasonable Fall Estimate* ANDY GIRA KEnmore 3092 DRAPERY CORhiCE BOXES VENETIAN BLINDS DRAPERIES IV. 6445 ‘11*. BT--7« HOME LEMCEELIliS C. £. BORIC 19351 Tyrc/ne Ave., IV. 1321 Cabinet '/irk—Carpenter Work Krtc'/en. Bath Remodeling Recreation Rooms Papering—Steaming—Painting Sanitas A 1 WORK- REASONABLE RATES FL02B SANSING and Refinisking Wallpaper Removed Congowail Installed Reasonable Interior and Exterior Painting Residential Roofing KE. 8469 Free Estimates Reasonable 19251 Abby Ave. KE. 7367 Business Directory CAR simonizing expert, reasonable rate. Call evenings, MU. 0164 or PO. 6325._______________________ Typewriters Repaired Cleaned and Oiled. Completely Overhauled. Ml Work Fully Guaranteed Pick-up and delivery Day, or Evenings IV. 5180 PIANO, Helen L. Killen, teacher of popular music. Call IV. 2927 for appointment. Steel Venetian Blinds'1- REdwood 6969 tRUE-SHAPE VENETIAN BUND CO. 22812 Nicholas Av«.—In the Rear FEED ELECTRICAL wiring, residential, com mercial, prompt service, reasonable. Grayson Electric Maintenance. Wick. liffe 703-M.________________________ PAIN —PAPERING GENERAL REPAiks FREE ESTIMATES McCarthy—EV. 5673 CARPE.VI ER and home repairs. Call LI. 0402. EUCLID Electric Sewer Service No Diaqma—KE. 6380 PLUMBING, sewer cleaning electri cal repair reasonable. RE. 5269. Baby's First Shoes Bronzed Forever we are the top artists in the field today. E. M. STUDIO, PHONE GL. 3638 WALL washing, paper cleaning, paint ing. Taylor. PO. 6953. jANrr6iTsERvice Fully insured The GJ. Window Cleaning Co. 12SS6 Euclid .f be. '1R» STORM windows with screens or with out screens, reasonable. LI. 0912. Painting—Decorating! Intenor—Lxt^t.ot Free E Phi! Brown MESTNIK 23748 Lakelond IV. 6112 PAINTING. Interior and exterior: wall and woodwork washing reasonable rate- RE 5220. FIREPLACE CORDWOOD Furnace Special, Tree Removal RE. 3^33 PAPERHANGING, painting, removing sarunc Brun't SW 9184^___ Waterloo Wallpaper 15404 Waterloo Rd. KE. 3648 Also Trimz Ready Pasted Paper EXPERIENCED piano teacher, modern methods, classical. Dorothy Skully. KE. 0085. Typewriters SI A Week Rentes 5’..25 a week cr S3 a menlh. Re pairing and Overhauling Cheap. Guaran teed. Free Eetimate*. Sell All Makei. FA 5009 a Her 6 PM. PR 2020 day or rite FUMIGATING and exterminating serv ice Cleveland Chemical Co., 11223 Superior ax-.. CE. 29-0. PAPERHANGINC Interior Pcm'ini 55 Value Prompt Service R. T. Schroeder PO. 436! CHARIS personalized home fitting service. Esther Rankey Thom, 894 East 236th st., home fittings by ap pointment. RE. 6391. WINDOW CLEANING Wall Washing Paper Cleaning Storm Window Service Prompt and Courteous Service LS 2 O window Sb Li CLEANING CO. LI. 5819 papehhanging PAINTING DON PORTER W000 Pajnow Avs. IV. 3781 CcrH IV. KJ7 to, EVANS General Repair Contractor for Estimates on Alterations, Re modeling, Repairs, Garages. Over head Doors, Extra Rooms in Attic or Basement. Enclosed Porches, Screens, All Kinds of Rep airs From Basement To Roof end Painting. S harp Sa ws H«v» your saws filed and jointed ty machine. Mechanically nreclee filing, fiaw, ent truer, .-aner faster Quicker serv ice—rou'U Uko our work— Circle Saw Grinding Pipe Wrench Service Euclid Tool Service 141 E. 220 St RE. 4791 Redecorate For Christmas Lowest Rates Available On PAPERHANGING PAINTING STEAMING Specializing in SANITAS Al Work Call For Free Estimate Minding Your Business is my I/usiness Thg Very Best !or Less CHURCH & CO. IV. 0510 Fine Painting 1 Decorating PAPER Ci.EAMNG PAINTING PAPERING HOU^E REPAIRS ER. 0971 FOR RENT LARGE sleeping room, full size bed. near East 125th and St. Clair. GL. 8162. 15443 CALCUTTA ave., up. furnished room with kitchen privilege, for couple or lady. iTuNFURNISHED rooms, share bath, for employed couple or business woman. Box D. S., 814 East 152nd st. DOIFT SPEHD A Lot of Money For Maternity Clothes •. You Can Rent What You Need From Patty Gene Shoppe 13937 EUCLID AVE. U. 2265 5 Door* Eo»t of Wind-A-Me«r Theatre NICE room, near Noble, clean, sober gentleman, 1st floor, very reasofi _able. MU. 8632, FURNISHED room, 17724 Grovewood av e.__ K E ,6719._____________________ EAST 185111 and Lake Shore blvd., pri vate home, sober gentleman, near 3 buses. IV. 3827. Beer FOR Picnics, Parties and Weddings 781 E. 236th St., Euclid 17. Ohio RE. 4069 LARGE room, near Ivanhoe and Nela Park, garage, 2056 Alton rd. KE. _47‘i9.______________________________________ SLEEPING room for gentleman. RE. _079L______________________ HALL for any occasion. Call KE. 9710. Rent A New Truck Drive Yourself Truck Co. MOVING VANS STAKES Local or Long Distance Trips 1075 East 185th Street KEnmore 9726 WARM room, 1 or 2 business won near Euclid, breakfast optional. LI. 6415. SLEEPING room for young lady young man. 734 East 155th down. De VINCENT & NICHOLAS Cement Contractors Ah Work Guaranteed Cement Work oi All Kinds Driveways, Sidewalks, Basements and Patios Free Estimates PO. 2103 RE. 4810 IEMEHT V/CRK Driveways Cellars Walks Porch Work Garages Water Proofing TONY GARGIULO IVanhoe 1658 CEfcihf WCRX aiaewaucs. Basements, Driveways Waterproofing Guaranteed 35 Years Experience JOSEPH DI FRANCO IV. 6566 IV. 4284 Beautiful ASPHALT DRIVES 1NS1ALLED AND GU Art AM LED Concrete, Elsg and Drains BEST WORKMANSHIP QUALITY MATERIALS AVAILABLE Free Estimates—Terms if Desired FIGIinE3 Paving 6 Construction Ca„ Inc. Ted Vitale EV. 4331 Cement & Asp’ss'l DRIVEWAYS BASEMENTS SIDEWALKS FREE ESTIMATES 400 E. 270th ST. RE. 5524 Evenings KEnmore 1044 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. A- WALL W’ashing, Kemtoning, all casein work Euclia and Willoughby. RE. 5443.____________________________ SAWS HAND SET AND FILED IV. 8580 E. F. Verh Re-Toothed to any point— 50c extra 2 DAY SERVICE Our new equipment gives a per fect job. Also circular saws and band saws sharpened. We Carry A Complete Stock of 1£W SAWS East End Headquarters For Boice-Crane Mchery. Also Mall Tools and Porter Cable Mchery. S«W WORKS 12363-7 Euclid Ave. RA. 7352 FOR RENT SLEEPING room for gentleman, pri vate entrance.__ 1090 East 222nd st. FURNISHED house, five rooms, $75. 13418 Emily ave. UL. 1-4049. 2 PLEASANT rooms for one or two business women, private home in East Cleveland off Euclid ave. GL. _8277. LARGE quiet warm room for 2 gentlemen or working couple kitchen privileges. MU. 5894. WARM front bedroom: couple, cooking privilege Bendix. RE. 6391. WA^TZ» TO BOY WE buy scrap furnaces, iron, brass, copper, lead, rags, waste paper, cot ton mattress, pick-up services. SK. 1197 or SK. 45S5. VETERAN will buy paper, rags, cotton, scrap iron, all metals old furnaces bought I will buy used sinks, bath tubs. toilet outfits prompt pick-up service. Call _ER._ 1968-___________ BUY scrap iron, brass, copper, lead, junk batteries, rags, pick-up. Call SW. 7630. Csil Eexes RENTED W2 EUY ANY Sewing Hcchine to: yovr R. B. drop-head Sinqei Suburban Calls Made ins 9’37 LIONEL electric train, transformer. Call KE. 3182. CHILD'S automobile.__ Call TV^ 8423. YOUNG couple, expecting first baby, with no income, want buggy, scales, bathinette, good condition, reason able some baby clothes welcome. IV. £246.___________________________ USED ladies bowling balls. 1279 East 123rd _st. MU. 9543.______________ LARGE doll buggy for 10 year old. Call IV. 1780 evenings.______________ LOST RED alligator combination purse and bill fold, by student’s wiie, Friday night on Westmop ave. or in front of 1189 East 145th st. Please call LI. _5f21 _________________, __________ WHITE and black puppy, black face and ears, children's pct, vicinity Noble and Euclid reward. PO. 6352. L. J. Lejeusw Moving and Storage 15112 RIdpath IV. 12I3‘ "j IVASHINS MACHINE SERVICE All Makes 1 Al! Work Guaranteed KE. 8035 IV. 0394 ______________ SEftEF.S LEAKED BY ELECTRICITY NO DIGGING 1 Cleveland Electric Drain Service 1 OFFICE i CH. 1322 HiHcrest 48-J 1 1 UPHOLSTERING FUF.HITU14E M5WE 70 FREE ESTIMATES 1 RE COVERTNG TERMS Chhimci Upholstering 880 East 152rd St. 1DISPLACED GL. 8160 Wick. 772-M |________________________ __ cCOUPLE HOME AND INDUSTRIAL qfwd wmia COULD I HELP YOU? William J. Schafer RE. 3315 1 3I Scat WIBING :SARAGE~in By Licensed Electrician 5 Install Extra Outlets Now GEO. SCHWARZ REdwood 4459 REFRIGERATION SERVICE KE. 8085 IV. 0394 FOKS ART'S This Handy 2 US IK i 5 3 DIRECTORY For Prompt Service SERVICE *IDE EXPERT REPAIR OF ALL RADIOS AND TELEVISION SETS Guaranteed Pick Up and Delivery 18308 ROSECLIFF IV. 3L98 Rice Refrigeration Cold Spot Service IVanhoe 2495 Fred F. Baldwin Radio Engineering Service Radio Service Since 1928 PICKUP and DELIVERY EE. 8242 Gas iiange Repairs We Service KU Makes Table Tope and Side Ovens BEST STOVE & REPAIR CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1916 13425 Euclid Avenue .(At Superior) GL 7358 G. T. Apthorp erk of the Commission iblished November 24, 1949 ORDINANCE NO. 4387 By: Mr. Sutter AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO ASSESS THE EXPENSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS. WHEREAS, an emergency exists for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety and for the usual daily operation of a municipal department to provide for the collection of the cost of constructing and repairing sidewalks, which work has been completed by the City of East Cleveland pursuant to Resolution No. 1360 and consents by various property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Commission of the City of East Cleveland, Ohio, four-fifths of all members elected thereto concurring. SECTION 1: That for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of constructing and repairing sidewalks abutting the premises herein after described, there be and there is hereby levied and assessed upon the following described property, situated in the City of East Cleve land, Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, the amounts herein set forth opposite the several parcels of land described respectively, to-wit: FILE LOCATION COUNTY NO. OWNER NO. 425 N.Y.C.R. R.R. Bridge at Eddy 672-10-2 429 Paul R. & Sophia Zirke 14000 Elm 671-19-63 430 Henry Wood et al 1325 East 141 671-20-1 432 Don C. and Elsie Long 11310 Elm 671-20-42 433 John W. and Anna Beck 14400 Elm 671-20-38 434 Zella Pike 14416 Elm 671-21-2 435 Homer C. Land'.s 14608 Elm 671-21-9 437 James B. and Alice Kneale 14620 Elm 671-21-12 439 Marjorie Williams 14922 Elm 671-23-7 440 Ruth M. Kellerhall 15012 Elm 671-23-3 443 Ethel D. Bluhm 14725 Elm 671-17-90 444 M. E. Bates Barnes 14711 Elm 671-17-93 445 Roy A. and Irene E. Day 14501-03 Elm 671-16-112 446 Arden E. and Lili. Jenkins 1335 East 143 671-16-101 447 Walter Ruuska et al 14627 Elm 671-17-97 450 Marie Kappus 1288 East 141 671-18-93 452 Kathryn Lent 1307 East 143 671-16-94 454 Frida G. Throop 11516 Alder 671-17-28 457 Donald C. & Eloise Monda 14804 Alder 671-17-105 459 Clara A. Krakau 1102 Coit 671-17-69 462 Fred’k A. Rudolph 1301 East 142 671-18-148 463 Jno. G. and Moes 1297-9 Eastl42 671-18-147 518 Winifred H. Bowen 14533 Terrace 672-25-66 SECTION 2: That the total assessment against each lot and parcel of land as hereinbefore set forth shall be paid in cash within thirty (30) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance and, if not So paid, shall be certified together with a penalty of five per cent (5Ci)' and an interest charge of five per cent (5%) to the County Auditor to be placed upon the tax duplicate and collected in one annual installment as other taxes are collected. SECTION 3: That this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety and for the usual daily operation of a municipal department to provide for the collection of the cost of con structing and repairing sidewalks, which work has been completed by the City of East Cleveland pursuant to Resolution No. 1360 and con sents executed by various property owners, and provided it receives the affirmative vote of four-fifths of all members elected to the City Commission, it shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. PASSED November 15, 1949 Attest: WANTED TO RENT YOUNG couple, about to be married, desire small unfurnished apartment, by December 1st. Please call GL. 8994. evenings. GARAGE, vicinity East 145th «t, and Euclid ave. GL. 6165. GARAGE, vicinity of East 215th st. and Fu 11 er ave. RE. 0104 ___________ EJiH’lJOYED couple need 4-5 rooms, unfurnished, no children or pets, references. Call LI. 6802, after 5 p. m. ^RESPONSIBLE adults need 5 or less unfurnished rooms, for not more than $50. GL, 0900, couple with children, want unfurnished apartment or house with 2 bedrooms, moderate rent, references furnished. FA. 7493 or YE._2593. with one small child, desire 3-5 unfurnished rooms. RA, 7656. respcmsible employed women desire unfurnished 1-2 bedroom suite permanent: near to or south of Euclid ave. PO. 3378._ family, one child, want 4 or 5 unfurnished rooms excellent ref erences. Please call PO. 8506, any ti me._______________ __________ ______ middle aged couple and very well trained, quiet pet, would like 3 or more rooms in East Cleveland. 3 -7eT~and Licensed Electrical Contractor "More Power To You" fDEFINED TO 6 rooms or small single. 2 adults, no children or pets, LI. 7366, eves. the near vicinity of Rid path ave. and East 152nd or East 156th st. Call IV. 1962, after 4 p. m. I OR 6 rooms, unfurnished, adults. Box Z, 814 East 152nd st. L4 ROOM unfurnished apartment, middle aged couple, no children, references, vicinity of Five Points and East 125th st. MU. 0529. JARAGE. vicinity East 156th st. and School ave. UL. 1-4055 JARAGE. vicinity Tlayden-St. Clair, preferably on Earlwood or Blenheim. Please call UL. 1-4296 after 6 p. m. or week-ends. T4 OR-5 room apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished. Call after 5.__IV, 0384.________________________ "'ROOMS by middle aged couple, no children, no pets, no relatives 3 All Makes, Home or Commercial, Quick and Reliable 5 Northeast only. KE. 3380. WANTED into downtown Cleveland week day mornings, between the hours of 7 and party living on Westport ave., between 200th and 222nd sts. For information, call KE. 7407, PLASTERING new work, alterations AND PATCHING CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES ANTHONY MODICA KE. 0545 or MU. 4796 MASON WORK Brick Work of All Kind* Estimates Given C. R. JACK KE. 0489 or KE. 7517 Cement Work AU Kinds SMALL PATCHWORK JOBS GLADLY ACCEPTED IVanhoe 3184 TOPSOIL S9.0O 5 YARD LOADS LANDSCAPING Slag, Cinders, Gravel, Manure NO JOB TOO SMALL ’•x?1* KE. 8790 Class Reunion K AMT. 20.50 40.00 37.50 41.25 21.75 29.25 24.00 7.50 25.75 7.00 16.80 6.25 12.50 25.00 9.00 21.50 10.00 12.50 7.50 28.00 14.25 24.00 17.00 Vince Pattie and his orchestra will provide music for dancing from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m., when the January class of 1945 of Collin wood High School stages its class reunion and dance at the Lake Shore Country Club on December 29. This affair is open to the pub lic. For information and tickets contact the following persons: Doris (Lockwood) Aufmuth, Ll-b erty 1812 Dorothy (Dumont) Brown, IVanhoe 3060 Jerry In torcio, GLenville 4722 Edith La Conti, Liberty 5742 Don Morris, Liberty 2909 and Carol (Top ping) Schnur, REdwood 0788. Harvest Dance Miss Kathleen Kilkenny is general chairman of the “Har vest Dance,” sponsored by St. Alexis School of Nursing So dality. It will be held November 25, from nine to twelve in the school auditorium, 5303 McBride ave., with music by Joe Kerner and orchestra. Assisting with arrangements are committee chairmen: Checking, Dolores Wuchte Tickets, Mary Mirosavich Publicity, Elizabeth Kaschalk and Decoration, Rose marie Bedar. The LEADER Res the Buyer America's Oldest and Largest Insulation Specialists Insulating. Caulking, Weatherstripping ALL TYPES OF STORM WINDOWS The Chamberlin Co. CALL A. T. BROWER GL 1478 WINDOW SHADES Cleaned and Turned NEW SHADES PUT ON YOUR ROLLERS OR NEW ONES KIRSCH DRAPERY HARDWARE Steel Venetian Blinds SODERGREN'S 1470 Hayden GL. 3663 EV. 6153 FREE ESTIMATES and i PROMPT SERVICE RADIO SERVICE Pick-Up and Delivery Oyer a Quarter Century of Service at Reasonable Rates BERNIERS 15449 Euclid at Taylor UL 1’2700 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY salon. Hayden, off St. Clair, k good equipment, fine location, heat furnished, reasonable rent. By _qw n e r. MU. 5192.________ __________ HIGHEST prices paid for scrap fur naces ana metal. Mike's Trucking. LI. 89QL SALESMAN with $500 investment can make profit of S1000 between now and Christmas. Phone IV. 6086. FOB ADVERTISING Coll GlenviJIs Oil EV. 6046 W. J. SPETH $458.80 LOCAL-LONG 3000 Paving Bricks, 2c ea.—New Lumber Building Materials—Open Eves. and Sun. A TFD b’T'NDT'T. U’ "C"” rT yr H. Scetaff XhIoil PLUMBING heating Hot Water Lines Expertly Replaced Electric Sewer Cleaning S & K LANDSCAPE SERVICE Caretaking—Remodeling—General Maintenance Rotatilling, Topsoil, Humus, Manure, Cordwood Dish Gardens 863 Medford Dr. Owned and Operated by World War II Veterans MOVINGDISTANCE AND STORAGE Fully Insured—Padded Vans—Courteous iaUtoily Lxpe.ieavea x-ien Cleveland Office Euclid Office Eastlake Office KE. 5600 RE. 5600 Willoughby 2-5600 Evenings, Sundays and Holidays—RE. 5600 Anytime RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ROOFS REPAIRED NEW & OLD GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS Up To 3 Yean To Pay Free Estimates We Install Gas Coal S Oil Furnaces end Conversion Burners SAVE Thursday, November 24, 1949 DIABETIC SUPPLIES at Forest Hill Pharmacy Superior at Euclid GL 9412 Electrical 6 Plumbing Service FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE PRICES Call PO. 5357 Anytime For Prompt Service Day or Night Master Plumber PlimS’h’G errf KfATING Fred A. Fant mi Licensed Master Plumber Remodeling t»i Kitchen* and Bath Rooms e Copper Lines Installed Repair Work A Specialty For Free Estimates Call KEL 2705 LI. 4889 UL. 1-1983 R. P. KRAMER ROOFING READER TINNING & ROOFING CO Over 25 Years Service In This Neighborhood IVanhoe 1328 442 E. 146th St.. KEnmore 9682 MONCRIEF BRYANT NIAGARA SUNBEAM FURNACES-BURNERS ROBERTS GORDON BRYANT NEW INSTALLATION SERVICE AND REPAIR FURNACES CLEANED, $5.00 Furnaces- Tinning -Roofing We MEET or BEAT All Advertised Prices Free Estimates Prompt Guaranteed Service J. P. WHITNEY, E. Cleveland Furnace & Roofing Co. save fuel Ever KEnmore 8589 14414 Potomoe Ave. POtOmaC 5047 YES, SAVE UP TO 35% ON YOUR FUEL BILL WITH Windows Keep drafts out, hold heat in, anc| save up to 35% on your fuel bills. Get these beautiful, rust-proof, self storing units for your home today. E. W. Weitzel 598 East 185th Street IVanhoe 0626 CHRYSLER AIR TEMP FURNACES HEATING IS NOT A SIDELINE WITH US LICENSED 1 BONDED Authorized Deafer For Lennox Niagara Moncrief Bryant AND OTHERS GAS-OIL-COAL FURNACES FREE SURVEY AND ESTIMATES AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANKS ^VACUUM tr flA $3.VV CLEANING REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES MEMBER WARM AIR LEAGUE Heilman Furnace and Appliance Co 750 East 152nd Street GLenville 9063 ■f'’.-