OCR Interpretation

East Cleveland leader. [volume] (East Cleveland, Ohio) 1942-1970, December 15, 1949, Image 14

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035682/1949-12-15/ed-1/seq-14/

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vv &/
The Properties Listed For Sale Below Are
Being Offered By Members oi
Off Laks Shore Blvd. 4'-i-room bun
galow only 1 year old automatic
oil heat new electric range lot
50x150 beach privileges must be
seen to be appreciated.
4^-room comfortable home in Euc
lid off Lake Shore Blvd. one bed
room, bath down: 1 large bedroom
up full basement gas heat storm
windows, screens landscaped lot
2-car garage. See this today!
North of Blvd.
In Euclid, 6 large rooms fireplace
lavatory down 3 bedrooms, tile
bath up sunrooms, newly decorated
in excellent taste new carpeting
garage wonderful beach and club
house. For rru e'r’® reduced to
Only 10 Days Left Until
Christmas, and If You Need
Shelter, See
Katherine J. Welter
26500 Lake Shore Blvd.
REdwood 2000
Only $9800 East Cleveland 2-family,
5-5-2 off Hayden ave. new gutters
and reef newly sanded floors dou
ble decker porches:
cupancy of I suite.
17110 Lake Shore KE. 4922
Overlook Park Dr.
Spacious colonial, close to lake, very
modern throughout, only 8 years old
5 bedrooms, 2 baths, lovely recrea
tion room gas furnace. For a large
family. See this ci':-e-in home at
South Lake Shore
Weil-kept 7-room Colonial on a cor
ner lot In Utopia Beach gas furnace
lavatory on 1st floor 3 bedrooms
and bath on 2nd finished 3rd 2 car
garage, roll doors carpeting: screens
and storm windows.
East 197th St.
A home ready for immediate occu
pancy tn Eastlawn, off Lake
Blvd.: 5-room Colonial, stone
gas furnace spacious glassed-in
porch looking out to a pretty yard
ideal for a small family in a very
convenient location easy terms will
consider lot in trade open dally
until sold see this attractive home
today. Move in by Christmas, at
The CIeve!«nd Fcal Eslstc Board
dependable Service and Satisfaction
immediate oc-
single open
Off Nottingham rd.:
clean 6-room frame
fireplace Venetian blinds carpet
ing: storm windows nicely land
scaped under $12,000.
ONLY $7600
Lloyd rd. section 5 room frame
single with extra large combination
recreation and utility room auto
matic oil hea* awninas and storm
Delicatessen Soda Bar
decorated, doing good business
$3,000 worth of new equipment in
cluded in bargain price of $3650.
Gas Station Ice House
Valuable xrontage on Wate,,uv. in
cludes air compressor, hydraulic lift,
store, 3 tanks with 2600 qal. capac
ity and comer lamps price (includ
ing land, slashed to $7500 for quick
Jameson & Moeller
“Keepers ef the Keys'*
18950 21272 Loire Shore IV. 3184
$1600 Down
I 3-bedroom bungalow, north of Blvd.,
East of Lloyd Rd. full basement,
automatic furnace, storm windows
and screens, large lot, beach privi
leges mortgage at 4°'.
OPEN 9:30 A M. TO 6 PM.
15432 L. S. Blvd. Cor. Glencoe
KE. 6230 KE. 7022
If No Answer Call RE. 6407
Half Duplex 5 Rooms
down, $50 month vestibule
furnace storm windows stair
pet nice condition. RE. 5195
area about $1200
New 4 Vi Room
Bungalow $10,200
Near new Euclid High School 2
bedrooms full basement auto
matic gas furnace unfinished 2nd
floor veterans $500 down, $65
month non-veterans $2700 down,
$55 month. K£. 5126.
IV. 1581 Realtor IV. 5021
Paulding -anar
V2 Implex Homes
Appraisals Without Obligation
EV. 1888 RE. 5334
Diana ave. near East 140th Blvd.
beautiful 6 room single garage
cement drive nice lot quick posses
sion a real buy at
Kildeer, close to East 185th
beautiful 6 room single nook
peting Venetian blinds stoker ther
mostat controlled heat 2 car garage,
overhead doors, cement drive close
to cverythina
John Knific Realty
820 East 185th St. IV. 7540
4 or 5 room bungalows and
families off East 185th or
Lake Shore area. Have a
long list of prospects and
can make a quick sale if
your price is right
Crawley Realty
486 East 185th Street
TV. 3525 TV. 5321
IMPROVED business lot on busy Lake
land blvd., 50 215, $1250. KE. 3595.
2-FAMILY 5-5, Immediate possession,
vacant. 819 Rudyard rd. Call Lucein
G. Radio, IV, 7185 20404 Lake Shore
OFF East 185th st., near slumping, six
6 single, kitchen tiled, single gar
aee. fruit trees, nice lot, furnished.
$7 900. Private. LI. 6961.
LOT bargain $350. 87.5 ft. on Melville
ave,, near Ironwood ave, IV, 3578
WILL trade business lot on Waterloo
rd near East 168th st., for late model
_car_ RE. 6576._______________________
LOT. 150x200, close in Northeast trees
__ideal for ranch type, KE, 3595._____
ROOM bungalow “stucco East
144th off St. Clair near St, Josenh
Church, 2 bedroom, gas heat, tile
bathroom, garage with attached
rooms, home vacant, Immediate pos
session Price $9800. Make offer. Col
ly nwood Realty. KE. 1934.
LOT 37’y.xlOO ft. on Chickasaw ave. off
East 185th st. Price $950. Call KE.
1951. 19602 Muskoka ave.
5 room brick bungalow tile kitchen
and bath, stall shower plastered
basement with space for recreation
Sold by Builder, RE. 6713
See and Make Offer
6-room single good condition ga
rages comer lot. Owner asking
Euclid Shore Realty
896 E. 185th St.
IV. 6076
Income Property
5 rooms and bath on 1st floor newly
decorated living and dining room
brick fireplace kitchen with break
fast nook 31Z2 rooms and bath on
2nd floor full basement, double ga
rage with loft asphalt drive, large
lot. Vicinity of new Euclid High
School off East 222nd st.
REdwood 6128
The Best Buys in Euclid and
Northeast Cleveland
See Our
Homes For G.I.'s
5300.00 Down
All types all sizes all locations
Just Call Us—You'll Like Our
Lou Herzog
and Associates
620 East 200th St. KE. 3970
Call Glenville 4383
General Insurance
See Us For Low Rafes On
IV. 7540 820 E. 185th St. KE. 0288
Convenient To Everything
Brick veneer stone front Colonial 6 large rooms wood burning fireplace
in living and recreation rooms house 28x28 Vi lot 45x160 call fox
5 Vi -room sem! -bungalow bedroom and lavatory on 1st 2 bedrooms and
bath on 2nd fireplace in living and recreation room automatic gas heat
double garage beach privileges owner transferred. Call for appointment.
See us for lots in all parts of Euclid. Buy now for Spring building.
fitber-t C. Hegik
21700 Lake Shore Blvd.
Alaska,” “Christina of Sweden
“Leilanl of Hawaii.’ Monty of
Australia." “Barbel of Switzerland
■Sandy of Scotland.” “Kusuin of
India,” suitable for children s birth
days. Illness or an inexpensive gut
25c each. The SCOOP, 814 Last
152nd st.
LOVE birds, 3 pair, reasonable. 1525
Larchniont rd. KE. 0530.
ROTAREX washer, new motor, good
condition, S28. IV. 4648.____________
SINGLE metal bed. complete, good
condition. $10 single shot 22 rifle, $5.
15370 Yorick, 3rd floor.
SEASONED cordwood, 18 inches. $10
all sizes, delivered. Phone Kirtland
6 -3662.________________________ _______
“THOUGHT O YOU” notes by Hall
mark. 20 notes and envelopes for 59c.
The SCOOP. 814 East 152nd st.
RABY bed, $3 record player. $5 dav
enport cover, round arms. $2.50 bas
sinette. $4: ironing board, 75c bridge
lamp. $2: play pen as is. $1.50 card
tables. 50c small tricycle, good. $a
miscellaneous. Call after 4:30 p. m.,
al I day Saturday. IV. 2829._______
girls official roller derby skates,
size 7. like new. $10. IV- 5289.____
CHRISTMAS~puppies, 5 weeks old, will
hold until Christmas. Willoughby
ELECTRIC welder. Lincoln Stable Arc,
200 amps. $100. MU. 1871
For Lionel and
American Flyer.
Electric Train Equipment
Cleveland Cycle and Mode! Cj.
14679-81 Euclid Ave. Ul. 1-1880
Open Evenings Till 9 P. M.
3 ROOM house trailer, good condition,
awning porch, priced for quick sale
at_$650. KE. 7026. EN. 3058.
BOY'S 28 inch Sears Deluxe bicycle,
like new, $40 14708 Aspinwall, up.
CAMERA, Argus, 36 min., range finder.
4.5 Anastigmat with case, also DeJur
exposure meter, model 40 with case,
tripod included Wilson tennis racket,
like new, with press and cover, xnust
Bell, best offer. KE. 6217.
BOY’S hockey ice skates, size 6. $4.
321 East 156th st., apt. 1. KE. 6528.
BEAUTIFUL dolls for Christmas. $2
each, brides, bridesmaids, etc., hand
made. 321 East 156th st., apt. 1.
KE .6528. ____ ____________________
SINGER treadle sewing machine, long
bobbin, reasonable. PO. 6038.
16-MM. Victor sound projector. A-l
condition, reasonable, or trade for
Victor television, 16 to 16 inch tube.
15 East 22uth st.
LATEST model Sunbeam Mixmastei,
won in raffle, $30 never used. MU.
2018.____________ _____ _____________
EARGAIN. Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
■nd Fuclid News-Journal. 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the n.oney (stamps will
Jo) to 814 East 152nd st., Classified
Dent., before WEDNESDAY noon.
STATION vvagon, $10, child’s 2 wheel
16 inch velocipede, $8 girl's white
roller skates, size 3. $10 boy’s, size
5. $5: all in good shape. LI. 8080.
TYPEWRITER. Remington, noislcss,
$55. IV. 1028. _________________
LIONEL electric train, figure 8 track,
transformer, $12. GL. 7363, after 6
p. m. _______ ________________
OLD fashion pewter coffee pot, gas
logs, wooden tools, good violin. 13805
Diana ave. ______________
R?CA Victrola. hand winding record
player, covered in tan fabrmoid
leather traveling case, cost $39 95,
sell for $15: just like new. GL. 4921.
SPRAY outfit and a welding outfit. KE.
529 7, ______
UNDERWOOD Standard typewriter,
good condition, reasonable. 15307
Holmes ave. PO 6184.
Fireplace Cordwood
And Furnace Special
REdwood 3433
BOY'S-tail-glen plaid wool suit, size
14. perfect. $8: girl’s red plaid wool
suit. size 8. $3: boy's gray tweed
coat and leggings: grav gabardine
jacket, sport jacket, size 4. need
cleaning: snap boots, size 10, all $7.
After 6:30 p. m. GL. 5918._______
GIRL'S~bicyrle. like new. year old.
uced very little, reasonable. Call PO.
5033. __________________
LARGE 3-wheel tricycle, chain drive,
good condition, bargain at $7. KE.
6153 ____________________
NESCO electric cooker, latest model,
cabinet, pan's timer, like new. $50
girl's white precision roller skates,
size 7, $10k_ RJ.l_337®:___________
GIRL’S. 6‘i white, official roller derby
skates: girl's 28 inch Mercury bicycle.
KE 3785.
AUTO radio. A-l condition, $30 girl’s
figure ice skates, just like new, size
6,_$5.__ IV. 5969. ___________________
KILN, 3 laver ceramic, 14x12 with 5
inch insulation and pyrometer to
2100 degree F„ new, $59. IV. 1265.
BARGAIN. Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal. 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the money (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st.. Classified.
Dent.. before WEDNESDAY noon.
CAMERA, candid. 35 mm., Argus.
_model AX_KE. 6901.
COAL for sale. Call Ed Fair. PO.
2061. _____
HENRY F. Miller piano. $35 radio com
bination. $65 2 burner kerosene
heater, $10. FA.J)70fl.
4"USEDlires and tubes, good condition,
650x16. 14124_Coit _rd._PO. 7257.
GIRL’S bicycle, like new, big saving
two size 42 men’s stout suits house
trailer axle, electric brakes, wheels
new. 273 East 151st st. KE. _18G4.
TYPEWRITER?Royal banjo uke, violin
and basketball. LI. 2413.
COCKER pups, about 2 months old.
2071 East 221st st., top Chardon Hill.
WALTER Hagen golf clubs and bag
Thor gladiron. GL. 2572.
TYPEWRITER, portable. $25 guaran
teed. PR. 2920. day or night.
5 Gallons for $1.00
IV. 8754
Brick, 4 Vz rooms 2 bedrooms recreation room 6 years old
off Lake Shore-Ehst 293rd st inspect today. $10,000.
Lovely single Lake Shore-Neff rd. 6 rooms gas heat
double garage large lot near schools, stores and trans
portation. $10,850.
Bargain for you Windward-Lake Shore blvd. 6 room
single gas neat double garage lot 60x120 private
beach. $12,200.
KE. 5006 17572 Lake Shore Blvd. MIL 9415
IGR SALE—Miscellaneous
■DOLLS of the Nations” cards by Hall
mark including the newest series—
“Kathleen of Ireland, "lautuk of
MUSKRAT coat, size 36-38, $6: bathl
nette, $3 folding baby baggy, $5
high chair, $3 50 large victrola, good
clean clothing, men. women and chil
drens. Call after 4:30, all day Saiur
day other miscellaneous. IV. 2829.
GIFT wrappings for all occasions. 535
East 124th st. LI. 3991.
TYPEWRITER, Remington, all brand
new keys, equipped with cover, try
it before you buy it, $35. Call even
ings. RE. 6064.____________________
KINDLING wood, light hauling. Call
evenings. IV. 1167,________________
STATIONERY, discontinued styles, $1
value 59c. The SCOOP. 814 East
J^2nd st._____________________________
BLOND counter and table, sacrifice,
need storage space. LI. 4287.
SLAB wood. 10 to 20 inch. Call Cha
grin Fall_8419.,
WOMEN’S white shoe skates, fibre
wheels, size 8 in good condition. Call
PO. 2918.__________________________
CAMERA, Zeiss-Ikon, bellows type,
takes postcard size pictures, lias pin
type shutter release equipped with
loads of accessories, $35. Call even
bigs. RE. 6064.______________________
BARGAIN, Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal. 15 v/ords
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertiser
ment with the money (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st Classified
Dept before WEDNESDAY noon.
PRINTING press, complete with type
and picture illustrations can print
advertising slips, club notices and
even small four page newspapers, $5.
Call evenings RE 6064,
COLSON bicycle. 3 wheel, chain drive,
__lar?.e size. RE 2946.
PIECES of colored rayon jersey, ex
cellent for braided rugs, reasonable.
KE. 6137, ________
GIRL'S clothes, 8 to 14 boy’s jacket,
18 washing machine, $10 lady's
coat, 16. LI. 7159.
COLEMAN 5-d 00O BTU heater, new
floor model originally $109 only
$59.95. Ellis and Lesser, 717 East
185th st.___________________________ I
BOY S Roadinaster bicycle, size 28, $18
ping-pong table and set, $10, RE. I
_J526£____________________ _____
AIR rifle, single shot, like new, $1.50.
Call evenings. RE. 6064
GIRL'S bicycle. 26 inch. $18. RE 0613.
SWIFTEST presses, 5'i by 7 and 3’ by
7, 2 typecases, 15 sets of type, 50
cuts, other accessories. KE. 1084.
ICE skates, boy’s and girl's, size 3-4
combination radio, $35. KE. 8307.
MAPLE doll bed with drawer, 2'1x15x21.
$3 maple high chair, $1 50 ironing
board and electric iron, $2 easel desk
blackboard. $3 25 fancy carved
cradle, $1.25: rollaway cot and mat
tress, $9 all in good condition. IV.
SKIS, 6 ft. hickory Northland Monarch
with steel luggie, professional adjust
able shoe clamps and poles. $12 50.
Call_after_4 p. ni., apt. 607.^ GA. 7000.
BOY'S bicycle, ceramic dishes, nice for
Christmas gifts, reasonable RE, 4995.
PRACTICALLY new two pair girl's
roller skates, size 6*i and size 9.
_K 7630.
GiRL'S bicycle, $7.50 brand new crepe
dress for little girl, size 4. $3 95. IV.
_0299._ 20255 South Lake Shore blvd.
E FLAT alto saxaphone, perfect condi
tion,_$75. GL. 3162._______________
BABYs Shoo-fly rocker, like new
diapers, snow suit, combination radio,
reasonable. RE. 2066.
ONE double basin sink, overall size
32x20, complete with chrome mixing
faucet, strainer, pipe and’ trap, $15.
TV, 2260 ___________
MAGNAVOX combination radio and
phonograph three wheel bicycle
Grand stove, excellent condition. RE.
FURNACE woqd. Call KE. 1420 or
KE. 71860__________________________
SKI outfit. Northland deluxe skis with
clamp linking ski poles, boots and
ski pants like new and for less than
_ha 1f price. RE. 1461.
TWO pair boy's shoe ire skates, size
_2 _both_for _$3 eaclv_RK_8527._____
BOY’S figure skates, size 7, excellent
condition, $8^ KE. 76O5± after 6 p. m.
GROVE CITY. Pennsylvania deep mine
coal. 6 inch lumps. 4 inch lumps and
stoker, 4% ash, delivered tn 3'i or
7 ton loads. $13 per ton. Call Wick
liffe 1104-W.
SKATES, boy's figure CCM winter club
model: balance steel supported arch,
A-l condition, size 6’2, $25 size 8,
$30 CCM hockey skates, steel shank,
size 8. $12 50. Call after 4 p. m.,
a pt_
607 GA 7000._________________
TROMBONE with case, $50 saxa
phone, $25 LI. 9096_______________
GIRL'S white shoe skates, size S, 2
pair, $3 50 pair. KE 8210.
1 PAIR man's good 1ce skates, size 9,
$4 59 Call KE. 5091
CONSTRUCTION set, No. 8. with Wasp
air_cooled motor, $4.50. IV. 2704
BOY'S fagure skates, size 6, excellent
condition. $5. KE. 1196.
TOYS, doll bed,-high chair, electric
Iron and board, $4 seal coat, size 12,
$4._LI _7554.________________________
ROADMASTER bicycle girl’s 26 inch,
like new, GL 1662
WHITE all-steel Venetian blind, 79
inches wide, A-l condition, $7. IV.
CORDWOOD. Call KE. 1420 or KE.
IVORY taffeta formal and slip also
girl’s tailored suit, size 14, $20 for
both occasional table, $10 coffee
table, $10. 824 East 236th st. RE.
BOY'S 20 inch bicycle, good condition.
IV. 6699 ______________________
HEDSTROM navy blue buggy, with
pad play pen, good condition. RE.
LOVE birds, the ideal Christmas gift.
19312 Mohawk ave. KE. 6615.
BARBELL set and weights: Peerless
skis circulating coal heater. KE.
7661. ________________
2 LIONEL electronic trains, costing
$199 each will sell at bargain. SU.
1 LIONEL electric train still in car
ton must sell. EX. 4837.
NEW punching hag and rack, $10
skates, size 5. $2. PO 5530
TIRES, Goodyear wholesale to any
one any grade or size free mount
ing. Hart's Service. East 134th and
GIRLS’ Chicago roller skates, white,
size 5, men's black, size 8, like new,
$8 each. _473 East 149th st. IV. 1784.
GIVE-away prices on kitchen utensils,
platform rocker, morris chair and
ottoman, hall runner, drapery mater
ial, men’s maple wardrobe, bric-a
brac, cocktail set, maple lamp table,
wall statuettes, fur coat, suits, fur
scarf, fur collar, topper, cotton dress
es, size 14-16, shoes 8I2AAAA. Must
sell, going south next week. IV. 0241
after 6 p. m. All day Sat, and Sun.
METAL streamline wagon, has big rub
ber tires. LI. 9957.
ACCORDION 120 Bass, black and white,
like new, $165. KE. 6849. 20500 West
port ave.__________________________
OIL heater, Coleman, 4 to 5 room size,
good condition, $25. 13339 St. Clair.
GL. 9118.
CANARIES, guaranteed singers will
hold for Xmas. IV. 7285. 21220 Ar
bor ave. ___________________
FOUR new tires and tubes, 550 17,
slightly used, $30 auto heater, $5.
LI. 6055.
REdwood 2255
WORK benches for Dad and Junior,
will make wonderful Christinas gift.
Reno and Roy’s Service Center, 370th
st., Lake Shore blvd., Willoughby.
FOUR puppies, part wire haired ter
rier, 5 weeks old. MU. 3903.
REX hot water heater, 66 gal. model
DR66GS, volts 230 only, double heat
ers upper and lower. MU. 3903.
ICE skates, men’s box toe hockey, size
9 Chicago roller skates, men's size
10 ladies size 8 with detachable
shoes all in A-l condition. KE. 3771.
OIL, 100% pure Pennsylvania 2 gal.
$1.10 in your container. Hart's Serv
ice, East_134th and St, Ciair.
TWO Roadniaster bicycles, 26 inch, A-l
condition Italian and German ac
corciion. IV. 116L
TUXEDO, 3 piece, 38 medium, like
new. $15 sink and swing faucet,
chandelier. KE. 8472.
VENETIAN blind, steel, 9 ft. wide
child's roll top desk tricycle, very
good condition 2 girl's coats, red,
1 green, size 10. practically unused
Piulco radio, parlor model. IV. 3209.
GIRL'S 20 inch bicycle, doll house, and
toys high chair also Voightlander
cut film camera, flash gun, and en
larger reasonable. 13501 Wood
_w orth rd after 6 p. rm_____________
IVORY radio, AM. police calls electric
sewing machine, $45 chrome cocktail
set. never used electric stove and
bottom Silex coffee maker electric
fixtures snow, coal shovels pokers,
ash sifters, rakes bird, flight cages.
_IV. 2947.________________ .____________
CHILD'S auto, $6. Call IV. 6306.
BATTERIES, $8.95 ex.. 45 plate, 21 mo.
guarantee, U. S. make, group No. 1.
Hart's Service, East 134th and St.
Clair ave.
TROMBONE, will sacrifice. King Lib
erty model, and case, gold lacquer,
A-l condition. RE. 2923.
GIBSON Mandolin and case, $25: old
violin. Mathias Hornsteiner, Violin
Maker, Anno 1803, $150, and case.
LI. 2695 __ ________________________
CORONA portable typewriter, $20
also L. C. Smith, $18 Underwood,
$25 excellent condition. GA. 1545.
SIZE~Ceiio with bow, $60.'~EV75731.
MAPLE baby crib. $15 Halle “jumper"
_rocking horse, $15. KE. 4864.
MINNEAPOLIS control, used 1 year
metal wardrobe. $8 radiant heater,
_1 ike new. $10. KE 5129.____________
BICYCLE and wicker doll carriage, $9.
13313 Sixth ave. PO. 9104.
ANTI-FREEZE, 69c gal., Tvme S Meth
enol, bring container. Hart’s Serv
ice. East 134th and St. Clair.
PRACTICALLY new black ice skates,
girls size 6, man's 11-12. $3 pair
O. D. overcoat. 38 long, dry cleaned,
$7: visor cape, $2 antique bed, $5.
__ro. 7139____________________________
FOR SAIE—Honsehdd Goods
GRAND stove, all white, table top,
$20. RE. 7073.
RED davenport and chair, $5. PO.
_5904 _________________________________
DINING room set, oak, 8 pieces. 839
London rd.________________________
LIVING room suite. 9x12 rug. 24350
Mavec ave., after 5 p, m. RE._025L
DINING set. table, four chairs, 1 year
old, like new. RE. 2990.
MODERN dicing room set. blond finish,
one year old, table, table pads, four
chairs, Chartreuse seats, credenza
Will take offer. KE 8064 __________
WHITE Star stove, right oven, very
good condition. $25. 1164 East 167th
_st. Teh _iy. 3512.
MAJESTIC table model combination
wire recorder radio, record plaver,
4 spools wire, $60, like new. RE. 2184,
after 6 p. m._________________________
WASHER, apartment type. 4 lb. ca
pacity. porcelain and stainless steel,
wringer attached, 1 year old, $30.
_RF. 5829.____________________________
WALNUT spinet piano. Hallet-Davis,
excellent condition. TO. 1-6652, be
fore 5 p. m.
BARGAIN. Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP, East Cleveland Lender
and Euclid News-Journal, 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the money (starnns will
do 1 to 814 East 152nd st Classified
Pent., before WEDNESDAY noon.
IDEAL Christmas gift, crocheted table
cloths, and runner, price $45. GL.
_1240 _________________________________
LOVE seat. $15 matching chair, $5
Congoleum rug. like new, $3.50. 1099
East 141st st, UL. 1 -010L___________
NEW Process stove, chrome pipe, $10
good baker, also Coffield washer,
copper tub, cheap. Call GL. 7275.
APEX refrigerator, 8 cubic ft., good
running condition, $50. Call after 5
p. ni. DI. 4085.
LOVE seat, Humphrey radiant heater,
dinin? room set, six pairs of drapes.
IV. 3387.
ROLLAWAY single bed. like new. IV.
2 PIECE living room set. very good
condition, reasonable. GL. 8419, after
5:30 p. m.___________________________
YOUR old furniture made like new:
odd pieces made to order all work
guaranteed and all prices reason
able Barto Master Upholstery, 16000
'Waterloo rd serving Cleveland for
over 35 years. IV. 4528.
New and Used Sewing
Guaranteed Service on AU Makes
Free Estimates
Domestic Appliance Studio
718 East 200th St., cor. Mohawk
IVanhoe 8383
PIANOS, in fine condition at reason
able prices also tuning and repair
ing. H. W. Borgsteadt, 12805 St. Clair
a_ve Shop. LI. 8407 res., MU. 5712.
FOUR posted twin bed with springs,
good condition, $15 kidney style dav
enport, wine mohair, fair condition,
$2(i RE. 3934, 21901 Maydale ave.
UNIVERSAL 4 burner gas range, al
most new. 20171 Naumann ave., 6 to
8 p. m.___________________________
ROLLAWAY bed. size, good mat
tress. sell cheap. Call after 6:30, or
_S unday. PO 1316.___________________
LARGE kidney or barrel chair, perfect
condition, sacrifice for quick sale,
_S17. PO. 0155.
WASHING machine. Kenmore, $20
baby carriage, $15 both in good con
11i on. RE. 1612. _____________
REXAIRE vacuum cleaner, cost $100,
like new, only used once, must sc’l
to close estate, $50. Phone MU. 1676.
BARGAIN, classified Advertising in
The SCOOP, East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal, 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the monev (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st., Classified
Dent., before WEDNESDAY noon.
WILL trade dining room suite for liv
ing room suite or will sell for $40
console radio, dost $150, will sell for
$60: premium cleaner, $10. MU. 8862.
BENDIX automatic washer and two
drum tables, dining room drop leaf
table: moving. 28409 Parkwood dr.,
off 286th-Lake Shore blvd.________
PLAY pen and pad, perfect condition,
looks like new, $6. KE. 69J13.
ELECTRIC refrigerator, $20 piano, $20.
34315 Lake Shore blvd. Willoughby
2 -1953._______________________________
BL E A HED mahogany Westinghouse
combination radio, phonograph, 1 yr.
old. KE. 1019.
BABY tenda with pad, $7 wicker
stand for baby clothes, four compart
ments, $3.50 davenport, mohair, $8.
Call before Saturday. KE. 3156.
..... ..................■ ■......... ......... .. _____ -... -t.i
FOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Household Goods
SU. 0013.
ALL white apartment size stove, $35
Easy type washing machine, $1$. HE.
e Repalrs Rentals Service S5.9S
Elsctrlfy Your Machine $13.95
Convert To A Portable $22.75
Convert To A Console $49.75
Large Selection Treadles, Portables,
Consoles and Desks _$10.00 and up
We Buy Used Machines
Acorn Sewing
Machine Co.
309 East 156th St. IV. $177
DAVENPORT, $35 library table, $10.
Call between 7-8 p. m. only. LI. 6174.
GAS stove, aluminum, baby bassinette.
UL. 1-0435.
LAMP, table, beautiful dark mahogany,
perfect condition. $6. KE. 6903.
BREAKFAST set with leather seats,
$30. RE. 5816
8 PIECE dining room set, 16ng table.
1948 ROPER deluxe stove, excellent
condition, moving, reasonable. MU.
SINGER console, electric, best offer.
Call IV. 8532.
MAHOGANY bedroom set also large
size buffet, with key reasonable.
LI. 8051.
REFRIGERATOR. 75 cu. ft., as good
as new. Call after 4 p. rru 887 East
237th st. _____
OVERSTUFFED davenport and chair,
$20. LI. 0487, after 5 p. m.
REFRfGERATOR.- Coldspot. 9.1, li
years old, sacrifice, owner won con
test. $200 or best offer. RE. 1516,
after 3:30 p. m.
3 PIECE mahogany bedroom set,‘pine
apple poster bed, reasonable. KE.
G. E. ELECTRIC mixer, juicer end
bowls, perfect condition, $15. PO.
BARGAIN, Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal, 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the money (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st Classified
Dent., before WEDNESDAY noon.
SINGLE beds, 3, complete, dressers
and chest of drawers. IV. 0124.
PIANO, good playing condition, $40.
Cal1 MU, 3856.
HOUSEHOLD odds and ends also
rooming house take notice. 13671
Euclid ave.. rear, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday after 1(1 a. m.
G. E. Deluxe Refrigerator G. E.
DeLuxe Electric Range used very
little each $195.
KEnmore 4343
WASHING nchine, good condition,
$18. MU. 5955.
APEX refrigerator. 7 cu. ft., good con
dition, reasonable. MU. 3480
DINETTE, chrome, red upholstery, al
most new, $50. KE. 4519.
KENMORE washer, 15 months old. Call
__RE. 4540.
SACRIFICING four rooms good fur
niture, $250 or best offer. CE. 2545.
8 PIECE walnut dining suite. $40, and
gas stove, $10 excellent buv. EV.
TELEVISION, new. 12 inch, table
mo del, $200. SU. 7311.
RC A. 20 inch blond television: will
take small studio piano in trade.
BLOND 19 inch tube, Stromberg-Carl
son television never out of factory
cart on must sell. SU. 8491.
CROSLEY 122 inch table model tele
vision slightly scratched in ship
ment. EX. 590T
DUMONT television, table model. 12’i
inch tube used 2 weeks, A-l condi
tion. EN. 9835.
85,000 B.T.U. Coraire heating stove
with blower. SU. 8491.____________
RANGE, Grand, new with light and
timer. $ 125 SU. 9867, after 6.
SINK and cabinet, 54 inch, complete,
_$98. SW. 5168 _________
APEX washer, late 47 model with
pump. Used very little, A-l condi
tion. UL. 1-1861.___________________
APEX refrigerator, excellent condition,
reasonable. 5143 Lynd ave. off Rich
o n d^rd.
ZENITH Trans-Oceanic portable radio,
practically new, must sacrifice, $75.
11409 St. Clair ave.
NESCO electric roaster, all automatic
_never_ used Call GL. 1412.
HOOVER sweeper and attachments,
$8 50. RE. 2760.
TELEVISION, are you interested in a
16 inch console model at $250? If
so call KE. 5632 for further details,
these are new 1950 model sets.
PHILCO radio phonograph combination
console model, excellent condition.
$70, Cnl] after Thursday, IV. 2023.
TWIN .bedroom set complete rugs,
drapes, curtains, lamps, book case,
GL. 7667.
MU. 3608.
G. E. refrigerator, stair carpet, pic
tures, mirrors, forced to sell. LI.
0669 or IV. 3370.
ANTIQUES of every description, reas
_onable._ 23351 Chardon rd._KE. 1022
TELETONE table model television set
with magnifier, $60. RE. 6614.
VACUUM cleaner, recent Kenmore
model, all chrome, like new, $25. UL.
DUNCAN Phyfe dining set, with cre
denza buffet and large mirror. LI.
0669 or IV. 3370.
FOR SALE—Clollunf
BLACK Persian Paw coat, size 16-18,
$30 TV. 5449
GIRL'S formal.*, size 12, reasonable.
RE. 2184. after 6 p. m.
MAN'S black overcoat, size 38-40
lady's black coat, size 16, Persian
trim, cheap. MU. 3506.
GIRL’S woolen snow suit, size 16,
navy blue with red piping, brand
new, $10 woman's black furless win
ter coat, size 40, good condition, $7.
RE. 1193.___________________________
BLACK fur cap, very good condition.
409 East 148th st.__________________
GIRL'S all wool winter coat, detachable
hood, size 12 or 13, like new. GL.
3415_________ _______________________
PAIR silver fox furs, perfectly
matched, new, reasonably priced. RE.
5666 ______________________
SPENCER supports will relieve back
ache by improving posture mater
nity, surgical, brassiere. Mrs. K.
Shune. IV. 0936.
BARGAIN, Classified Advertising in
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal, 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the money (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st.. Classified
Dent., before WEDNESDAY noon.
GRAY kidskin fur coat, size 12, fair
condition, $25. PO. 5339.
BLACK coat, badger fur trim, $8,
size 18, real buy GL. 9544.
OVERCOAT, brown fleece light tweed
jacket, for boy 14-16 nice, worn
only few times, just outgrown. Call
EV.' 6922.
Kidskin, Persian Paw, Musk*
rat, Silver Fox and
Many Others
$20 up
Patty Gene Shoppe
13937 Euclid Ave. LL 2265
2 Doort East of Wind-A-M««r Theatre
MUSKRAT coat, sable dyed, newly
lined, size 12, $60. Call after 4:30
p. m, IV, 6212.____________________
LADIFS fur coat, sable blended musk
rat, like new, make a lovely Christ
mas gift. XV. 4233.
FOB SALE—Clolhhw
BOY'S size 14 zip in plaid lining gray
covert coat and brown herring bone
tweed suit, size 12 tan fleece over
coat and tan wool coat and tan wool
sport coat, reasonableu KE. 2248.
GRAY Persian cloth coat, size 12, $35
red with silver fox collar, $35. PO.
NEW genuine African ostrich feather
cape, $30. CE. 2545. _______
MOUTON fur coat, full length, excel
lent condition, size 12-14 first $35
takes. IV. 3936.___________________
UNUSUAL Christmas gift, rainbow
colored tea aprons, made to order,
_very attractive. Call RE. 0554.
WOMEN'S dresses, suits and coats,
size 12-14. IV. 0124
TUXEDO, Hart, Schaffner and Marx,
size 37, single breasted. GL. 7999.
BARGAIN. Classified Advertising In
The SCOOP. East Cleveland Leader
and Euclid News-Journal, 15 words
for 60c. Just MAIL your advertise
ment with the money (stamps will
do) to 814 East 152nd st., Classified
Dept., before WEDNESPAY noon.
LOVELY black fur trimmed coat, e
tailored suits, several beautifully
styled dresses, all size 38: young
man's tan topcoat, also tweed coat,
reasonably priced. 655 East 113th st.
SILVER FOX *4 coat, size 14, almost
_new, $55. RE._1641.
GIRL'S clothing, 10-12 years, dresses
hand made, school and girl scout
sweaters and housecoats: projectors
and skates. 2071 East 221st st.
IV. 3582._____________________________
LARGE quiet room for two adults.
EAST 155th, 3 furnished rooms, gar
age. Quiet references. LI. 4073.
LARGE comfortable room, convenient
to everything, men only, $5. 475 East
129th St. GL. 1677.
COZY 2 room hskp. suite on 3rd
young, sober couple only after 1
p. m. 782 E. 154th st,
ONE large furnished room for light
housekeeping, adults. IV. 3335.
ROOM for 1 or 2—private home, newly
decorated. Convenient to everything.
_930 E. 147th st. or call LT. 5100. __
ROOM Tor gentleman near Fisher Body.
NICELY furnished room for elderly
couple or men. LI. 2964. 471 East
129th st.
FURNISHED apt., private bath, refrig
_eratlom LI._6936 after 4 p. m.
SANTA Claus suit for rent, by the
day. PO. 0737.
BABY sitter, for evenings, white, re
_liable_lady._Call Mary,_KE. 5270.
SANTA Claus suit for rent, Euclid
Pre-School PTA. Mrs. R. Boyle.
HALL for any occasion. Call KE. 9710.
SLEEPING room for young lady or
young mam 734 East 155th st. down.
LOUNGE room for private parties New
Year’s Eve KE. 9710.
WILL share-apartment with business
girl. Own room. Cal' evenings and
week-end. TY. 1-1848.
Rent A New Truck
Drive Yourself Truck Co.
Local or Long Distance Trips
1075 East 185th Street
KEnmore 9796
FURNISHED room for lady or gentle
man with kitchen privileges near
Eaton Axle. 13900 Deise. GL 3879.
ROOM or room and board for gentle
man. RE. _5478.
STORE. East 222nd st. near new high
_school. 70x20. Call RE. 2220.__
EAST 178th and Lake Shore blvd. nice
room in private home for sober
gentleman. TV. 3827
WILL share home with employed
_couple. GL^ 7H5.
SLEEPING room for gentleman. 1838
Allendale ave. ________
LARGE sleeping room and running
v.ater, private entrance. 1871 Belmore.
ROOM, on Dille rd., for gentleman
_working ln_office. IV. 6716.
BUSINESS woman will share new
home with working couple or couple
with child. Wickliffe 1117-J evenings,
_CH. 5229 dayS _______________________
GARAGE. 1742 Rosedale ave.
SLEEPING room for clean, sober man
in home of elderly couple close to
Babbitt rd. or RE. 5541.
NICE clean sleeping room next to
_bathJ_for^gentleman. 1006 East 149th.
4 ROOMS, bath, newly decorated, all
utilities, adults. PO. 5530.
EAST 149th st.. 895: extra large sitting
room, bedroom light cooking couple
or 2 girls. Own entrance.
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping, adults only, iceless, private
entrance. LI. 6669
ALVASON rd., 1838, twin bedroom and
gar a e. LI. 0388 __________________
3'a ROOM apartment stove, refriger
ator, garage, convenient to East
185th shopping district, $65 month
plus 1/3 utility working couple. KE.
NICE warm sleeping room for gentle
man, lady or couple all conveniences.
KK 6563____________________________
ROOM, Lake Shore and East 222nd st.
for one or two, pnvileges. RE. 4143
RESPONSIBLE couple with 7 month
old boy, desire 4 or 5 unfurnished or
partly furnished rooms, moderate
rent. TV. 5311.____________________
3 OR 4 ROOMS by Canadian medical
student, wife and well-behaved 2
year old son, church references. KE.
OLDER Slovenian couple want 4 unfur
nished rooms. EX. 1967 ____________
FOUR adults desire single or double
house in Shaw district. GL. 1240.
OR BUY small single or 2 family in
East Cleveland, good condition and
reason able. O. 5494.
MIDDLE aged couple and 13 year old
boy, desire 3 or more rooms, unfur
nished, up to $40. EN. '4875.
EMPLOYED couple desire 2-3 rooms,
unfurnished or furnished. Hayden or
_Coit district. PO. 2350, after 6 p. m.
COUPLE expecting baby, desire 4-6
rooms unfurnished. UT. 1-2050, apt.
411 B.________________________________
URGENTLY needed by recently mar
ried couple, 2 to 3 rooms and bath,
rent up to $50, furnished or unfur
nished. Call Hillcrest 475-W-5, any
time _______________________________
2 ADULTS and baby want 2, 3 or 4
rooms, furnished or unfurnished.
GL. 1493.
MIDDLE aged couple would like or
6 rooms unfurnished, good references.
Call MU. 7091 after 3 p. m.
TWO responsible employed women
desire unfurnished 1-2 bedroom
suite permanent: near to or south
of Fimbd ave PO 3378 ____
Call Glenville 4383
Urgently Needs
For Their
Best References
Housing Supervisor
TY. 1-1000. Ext. 255
Thursday, December 18, 184#
Naad Housing for Family of Flye.
Call th*
LL 0311 LL 9985
GARAGE near Gainsboro and Hayden
ave. Call PO. 2066
WANTED garage vicinity Strathmore
between Hayden and Euclid. UL.
WANTED garage for rent near East
140th st. and Thames ave. Call MU.
MAN wants any kind of hauling, in
cluding rubbish. Mike’s Trucking.
LI. 8901. 2.
HIGHEST prices paid for scrap fur
naces and metal. Mike’a Trucking.
NARROW Green Rajmn Belt with
buckle on St. Clair between Cleve»
land rd. and 125th st., on Tuesday
afternoon. $1.00 reward if returned
to Mrs. J. R. Rich, 488 Cleveland rd.
BUNCH of keys on a round key ring in
vicinity of Euclid and Chardon rd.
Reward. KE. 23.35.
BILLFOLD between library and bank
at East 222nd st., contains keepsakes.
pictures. RE. 5494.
COCKER spaniel puppy, white and tan,
vicinity Gay and Babbitt rd., reward.
Situation Wanted
DRESSMAKING, tailoring and altera
tions. all kinds. 1056 East 131st. 4 to
9 m. PO, 3053._________________
CURTAINS. laundered. stretched,
ironed lace, linen tablecloths, nap.
klns. LI. 4025 842 East 152nd st.
LADIES alterations dresses, skirts,
iacekts, formals, in my home. 496
last 125th st. MU, 3544,
YOUNG mother will baby sit even
ings. Call RE. 3408.
WALL washing $5 per room, wall
paper cleaning $3 room. Woodwork
washing $1 to $2 room. Floor!
washed, waxed $1 room furniture
cleaned, rugs shampooed, kemton-
Ing, painting. KE. 3914.
CARPENTER, new and repair, interior
and exterior work repair screens.
John Moore, RE. 0175
DRESSMAKING, alterations: draper
ies lamp shades recovered. 319 Eas*
197th st. KE. 8449.
Registered Practiced
A!! Type Casee. Also Other
Associated Medical Personnel
Domestic Services
Maids Housekeepers
Cooks Companions
Nurse Maids Couples
ReferencM Checked
MAin 6700
318 Schofield Bldg.
Cor. Sth St at Euclid Avenuo
WASHING and ironing done at mj
home. RE. 5816.__________________
WASHING, damp or dry, one day ser
vice. RE. 2279, ______________
CUSTOM made slip covers and drapes’,
fabrics brought to your home, reas
onable, no obligation. TV. 2708.
PHOTO tinting, in my home. PO.
5786, ______________
BABY sitting every evening after F,
including all day Saturday and Sun
day reference. RE. 8749,____________
WASHING only done in my home.
KE. 3063.
WILL care for children by the day
_in my home or ironing, RE. 1072.
IRONING done at my home. RE. 539^
YOUNG man wants part time work?
any kind. Call after 4 p. m. LI, 5110.
HOUSEWORK, part time. Call after
4 p. m. LI, 5110.
WILL give mother’s care in my homo
during day, in Upson school d!«i
trict will give references. RE. 0768.
BOOKKEEPING, taxes qualified ac
countant will keep books on monthly
basis. IV, 5004
WASHING and ironing done In my
home. 19501 Pasnow ave.. Euclid.
Ohio, off East 185th at.____________
RESPONSIBLE grandmother wants JoS
as baby sitter, evenings or day. 1007
East 149th. LI. 3487.
LICENSED home will care for 1 or 2
children while parents work. Call
after 3:30 p. m. KE. 1746.
IRONING done at my home, RE. 5397.
WOMAN to care for 3 year old child
in own home, with enclosed yard,
yicimty of East 147th and Lake Short
blvd. KE. 2927.
WOMAN who needs a home more than
wages to care for school age children.
MU. 1939.
HOUSEKEEPER for 3 months, begin
Bing January 2nd: hours 8 a. m.-|
p. in., Monday-Friday, $25 per week,
plain cooking, laundry (automatic
washer) cleaning, care of children,
4 and 8, stay nights occasionally
with extra pay. RE. 2494.
RECEPTIONIST for doctor’s office,
Single, neat appearance, age 19-26,
daily and two evenings. IV. 4846.
"Your East Side
Employment Service"
13515 Euclid at Superior
MUlberry 1100
Secretary, Heights, Experienced
5 days------------------- 4190 to $200'
Secretary to Controller, East Side,
5 days---- alter Jan. HL 5178 start
Stenographer, Sales Promotion, National.
and European, downtown $225
Stenographer, Insurance, downtown.
5 days $200
Store Manager, Foods, East
Side----------------------$190 plus bonus
Comptometer Operator, East Side,
some tiling, 5 days $178 start
Typist, Biller, East Side, 5 days,
Bookkeeper, Machine, Remington
Rand, East 5 days $190 and up
Bookkeeper, National Cash Register,
Downtown, 5 days __ $200
Beginners in Typing and Filing, East
Side and downtown $140 to $160
and many other openings Immediate
and for the 1st of January, 1950. Please
call for an appointment
.. 1 1

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