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Newspaper Page Text
Paga Twe Colorful Pirfrn»nt MODERN WINDOW DECORATING CO. 1436 Hayden Ave. UL. 1-0096 1 _________ -. i & & & S£ to Seeing Is Believing BAKING SET What Young One Dosn't Want One As Low Ab-------- & §4.05 Lovely Dolls for the Little Lady As Low As----- Complete With Films Just Plug in emd See the Show NOW, AT PRICES THAT ARE s 9 Made of Glass, Many Pieces, Keeps Little Hands Busy As Low As--------------- W BLACKBOARD 3 8 Beautiful Delk s Movie Protectors Motor Vehicle Cargo TWSUKMWCE SOL BENOIESTOM-GL. 22B7 iifi JLD UL'llKUlig e 0 rr at v CLOSING OUT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT, SO BUY rieSliiWwir^ B**B*»I*: TIWLv- (EVERYTHING IN FLOORS) 795 E. 152nd St. cor. Aspinwall Ave. LI. 4203 The Flooring Number LI. 4200 I and We Have Them For IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EAST CLEVELAND LEADER FIRST AID KITS at Forest Hill Pharmacy Superior at Euclid GL. 9413 For ■Recreation and Laundry Rooms Taverns COMMOTCTAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Free Esfunates Call LI, 4200 Ries Flooring Co., inc. UP jq Santa Says It* 10 12/1 16 SCREENS NATIONALLY KNOWN MAKES MM As Low As NO DOWN PAYMENT Open Every Evening 'Till Christmas IWATERLOO FURNITURE CO.i 15428 iUIERLOO ROAD IV. 1717 THE GIH Of THE SEAR Over The Teacops Teacup notes, jotting of your guests, the family home for the holidays or a trip to home of friends or relatives, the parties, dinners or suppers, “at homes” or the tea l^our guests, all make pleasant reading. Send them to Elsa C. Berg, 15632 Euclid ave., or phone them to PO. 3378, Tues day at five is the deadline. It doesn’t have a name, but the members who make up this club are anticipating with pleasure the surprise that awaits them Satur day evening when they will be the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen of Bryn Mawr ave. Mrs. Jensen always offers novel decoration themes and unusual menus to add to the joy of an evening in their home. Thera will be a gift exchange also. Friends here have received cards from Phoenix, Arizona, where Mrs. Kay Cunningham of Wymore ave. is spending the winter months. I..... In Toyland ... so come with your wide-eyed Santa-Claus loving tykes and see all the brand-new toys and time-tried favor ites in festive array. Enchanting dolls, games, make-something sets, planes, trains, mechanical toys, mite-sixe furniture, and push or pull toys to make it the finest Christmas ever! H/ s' Mrs. Cunningham is enjoying the Arizona climate. Another East Clevelander in Florida for the season is Miss Josephine Turner 'of 1224 East 125th st. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watt who recently returned from an extended motor trips have moved from 14106 Sciota ave. to 13708 Superior rd. The Watts went down the east coast, then across to New Or leans and home. Mr. anji Mrs. Elmer Pickett of 15632 Euclid ave. were in Con neaut Saturday evening to attend the wedding of Mrs. Pickett’s neice, Miss Betty Jean Fife who was married to Mr. Eugene Koy kka. Mr. and Mrs. John Lockwood of 16327 Greyton rd. plan to spend Christmas with Mrs. Lock wood's parents in Batavia, N. Y. Ralph Kepner, well known pho tographer. is able to get around despite the cast on his right leg. Mr. Kepnar was a patient in Woman’s Hospital for ten days OIF PANDAS 1 I Large Size. These Are Different Nice Plaything# and Only____ & & Co & I FARE BOX All Steel, Just Punch tha Lever Watch A A Numbers Change Folding Carriage If I 2 4# With Folding Hood Leatherette Coated—Just Like the g Big Ones _----------- Chemistry Set 5 I $ Nationally Known Gilbert Chemistry Set |||S $ Lots of Fun----------- Ji a following the knee injury received in a fall. Personnel at Huron Road Hos pital will drop into the dinning room sometime during next Thursday afternoon to partake of holiday refreshments and visit. It’s the annual Christmas party for the staff and the dining room will be gaily decorated, tables aglow and delicious snacks await them. Miss Florence Armitage has re turned home after several weeks spent in Florida, visiting relatives in Deland and sight-seeing in other cities of the winter vacation spot. On Friday morning, while Mr. Clyde Lovell, of 14012 Bardwell, was eating breakfast, he suffered a stroke of’paralysis, which made his right side helpless. He is now in Huron Road Hospital for med ical treatment. With The Co-eds have holi com- Almost before the co-eds time to get home for the days, the phone calls start ing in, party plans are under way and the entire vacation period is a busy, happy time. Call in your Co-ed news to PO. 3378 up to Tuesday at 5 for the following Thursday’s paper. George Harris, student at Ohio Stata University is expected to arrive at his home, 1515 Holyoke ave. today for the holiday vaca tion. Home from Ohio U. at Shan Saturday will be Lillian Ruppe, 1866 Boxford rd. Miss Laura Carolyn McGrew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Me Grew of 1853 Grasmere st., East Cleveland, is a member of the Bob Jones University Orchest ra which will be heard on Dec. 15 and 17 with the University Opera Association in the presenta tion of Verdi’s ERNANI. Miss McGrew who plays the violin, is a sophomore enrolled in the School of Education, and is working for the Bachelor Science degree with a major elementary education. William Hart, a senior at Deni son University, has been voted the most valuable player on the 1949 football team at the univer sity. Lee McMillen, son of the Ralph D. McMillens, 1820 Page ave. will be home from Kent State Uni versity Friday, the 16th, for the holidays. Lee is a senior at the university. 1 2^ #3 Bruce Jewett, student at Geor gia Tech, Atlanta, Ga., is packing his bags and will be home with in a few days. Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett, of Hazel rd. Tom Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roberts of 1872 Farm ington rd., has been pledged by Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary journalism fraternity, at Case In stitute of Technology. Requirements for Pl Delta are, that the individual must be in the fifth semester of work on some campus publication, show outstand ing ability in journalism, and be a leader on campus. Tom is a member of the Case Tech, Differential, and News Serv ice staffs, besides serving as Sen ior Class Treasurer and manager of the Glee Club. The LEADER Has the Buyers :.V Thursday, December IK, 1949 Engagements of in at There is excitement aplenty the McGrew home these days for about the 22nd Laura and broth er, Robert, also at Bob Jones will be coming in for the holidays. They are hoping brother Wesley, student at Sterling College, Ster ling, Kansas, will be home to greet them, or arrive soon thereafter. Engagement notices, in writ ing, and signed may be sent to Elsa C. Berg, 15632 Euclid avS. or phoned to PO. 3378. Mon day receipt is preferable but Tuesday at 5 is the deadline. Pictures, for which there is a charge, must be received tha Saturday prior to publication date. Elliott-Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elliott of 1885 Bccrsford rd. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Mr, Donlad Marshall, son of the James Marshalls of 3656'West 129th st. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Elkins, 1332 Hartford rd., a son, Richard Scott, November 30th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Minaretto, 1504 Holyoke, a son, John, November 26th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. D’Angelo, 1840 Wadena ave., a son, Philip David, November 29th. At the Same Old Stand CHRISTMAS TREES At Reasonable Prices SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE Beb Louie MWt Nlergarth At Carmen Bill's Driving Range 14811 Shaw Avenue IRONS REPAIRED Service On All Makei Radios and Small Appliances Repaired Miller Radiolectric Co. 1234 Hayden Ave. GL. 7169 COMFORT & SAFETY With SUPERIOR Guaranteed Furnace and Boiler Service SUPERIOR FURNACE CO. GA. 7730 Prescription Cold Waves Solutions mixed to suit the Texture of your hair up Mr. Stephen, Cold Wave Specialist Stephens Beauty Shop 12426 St. Clair Are. GL. 4050 HEAR Every Don’t let impaired hearing keep you alone and apart thia Christmas! Wear the tiny, powerful, efficient, NEW (MINIATURI,V HEARING AID Pv Makers of Famous Zenith Ha dies, PM, Television Seta NMBk, READY TO WEAR bf Truly the ultimate in V gb quality. See it try it. today! Think What er Grand Xmas Gift For A Hard-af-Heariiig Friend! For A FRE8 Demonstration Come To FOREST HILL PHARMACY a Superior at Euclid GL. 9413 let them sit on his knee AND BE Photographed OUR STORE 14912 St. Clair Avenue Hi Mom! BRING IN THE KIDDIES IO MEET SANTA! is CHRISTMAS Plenty of Parking!