Page Two For The Holiday Fast or Feast Shrimp, Smelts, Sand Eel*, Calamari, Sardine*. Salmon. Halibut. Bloater*, Eels. Salt Herring, Capitoni. Arraia, Sepia, Polpi, Kippers, Skate. Scal lops, Shell Oysters. Clams. Mackerel. Cod, Haddock, Whiting. Frog*. Lob ster Tails, Sword Fish, Whitefish Pike, Perch, Yellow Pike, Pickerel. Wholesale Prices to Restaurants. Taveras. Factories and Institution* •'WHERE SHRIMP IS KING” EUCLID FISH CO. 18601 Abby Avenue at Bast ISStli Street OPEN ALL DRY EVERT WEDNESDAY John J. Comella. Prop. KEnmore 1-8448 For Advertising Call GLenville 1-4383 Erie Coal & Coke 4 All Burn Pocahontas Stoker Coal Package Fuel Clean Prompt Delivery 17230 WATERLOO ROAD we NIRC Read what the /NST/TUTF sayt about the new t,'Oe (o’ You' mo 00*" automatic Bottom L- flivoti on "Circular Track" Bacal Reach*, wall-to-woll from center of room I No "»wivel-top” Io jam1 Won’t tip I out extra-big "Speed Sok" few time, e year I Quietest ef all—no whining rear I B/G TffADMN KE. 1-8181 HAVE IT/ LEWY The “No Dust Bag to Empty" Vacuum Cleaner /Zj e A ypy l&NOOftSl/Ui by NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RUG CLEANING, INC Vacuum your rvgt doily Hove them profCMionally cl*On*d Ot l*O|t one* World's first and only vacuum cltaner ta give ydu 4-WAY rug cleaning! lewjrf 'j We. 90 Carpat Nozzle fives you more suction power Shan an upright-more (loaning actiotf than any other rug tool I WIDI-ANGU SUCTION I (on forward ttroke) for deep-down dirt, surface Utter I PILI-COM8ING ACTION I For thread,, cat and dog hair,I BUG-BRUSHING ACTION I Groom, nap. rejtorej collf»l DIIP-CLIANING SUCTION! (on back ttroke) for stubborn ground-in dirt I 4/100,000 of on inch) a Suction* Control Diol I You con diol wool rugj", "cotton rug»" Of No extras to buy I Come* with oM fool* to dean floor-te-ceihng I AUOWANCfSf COMF IN NOW! NOME EQUIPMENT SALES CO 720 East 152nd Talent Show Is by Mrs Frank Mc Tops Once Again Scotch Dancers, Margaret Call-1club Saturday, November 28th, a aflder, director: Kay Donaldson, I midnight buffet simper being in Barbara Brown, Tom Desborpugh, I eluded. Music v be by the Margaret Kus, Marjorie Phimin-1 Angelotta Trio. ster I The party committee is headed ■•The Happy Haystackers” “nd Mrs' .•,oh" Kel'y *,,d Kathie Zoss, Janet Schiff, Mprt- “d„M?' dtu«™ ina Busin, Sandra Merger, Phyliss- Gre? ,!?r “4 „Fr'd Je anne Hesford, Carol Masley,J"d S' P' Be’er Rachel Probst, Bother Clark, Roy ,M ,nd Uord°n Urel“er McMullen, Donald Rhodehamel, _. a Robert Baker, Ley Blyth, Dale Col-1. Jh5 December 1st meeting 11*., Ronnld Dolinsky, Jeffrey ’"d«Ctab will Zellmer, Paul Brber, directed by IJ1, 0 ^tank Peg Hatch I Lloyd, 15480 Glynn rd. at 2 p. m. Two groups from the Blevins ..C,h.ristm“ de'oratl"g id“? W‘U School of Dancing were:’Jbe d^'us“d *»d e“h •me”ber Longdregan, Sally Gillen, Cm .. “ked br,"(r.1* ?ift /or ‘,h’ Massella, Nancy Podmore, Mary bb«"«e Lenore Hall, JoAnne Keefer, Joan I H’yd J" be b\ ,Mr' Scalzi, Sharon Smith and Marian I Dloyd York of 15516 Glynn Cd. Frantz, Darlene Oeschler, Jimmie L. Squire Arthur Santoro, Judy I MOUNT UNION WOMEN Varro, Cynthia Kless, Wilma Reg-1 OF CLEVELAND lin, Sandra Scheid, Barbara Bruek, I The annual Christmas party and Carol Haas, Beth Lotah, Helen I bazaar of the Mount Union Women Fox. Miss Shields was the accom-1 of Cleveland and their friends will panist. The stage crew included I be held Tuesday, December 1st, Bruce Walko, Martin Hockman,I at 7:30 p. m., at the. home of Jeffrey Smith and Anita Eastburn. I Mrs. Alton F. Davis, 22075 Shaker Talent Co-Chairman Al Huber I blvd. was the genial master of cere-1 Miss Irma Saukkonen will give monies while Talent Co-Chairman I an illustrated talk on Finland and Dr. Leonard Smartini presented I its customs. the General Chairman, Cecil Stone-1 Por reservations call Mrs. Ford braker. Introduced also were Carl I gabin, YE. 2-2159 or Mrs. Alton and Agnes Peck, who have worked I Dari8f yE g-5127, assisted by Miss right along with the talent search-12ada Spring, Mrs. Ford Sabin, ers. Directing the show were Miss I j|r9 george Donaldson, Mrs. Gar Shields and Al Martin of Kirk Jr. I rjson Beachyt Mrg Mary Lehman, High faculty. Mrs. Emil O. Young, Mrs. C. R. C(u(fA presented by Mrs. Vincent Peter son. The under Cisco, Cisco, Cleveland Department of II we Recreation, will sing at tihe Mon-1| d.y, November 30th melting of I The Board of the East Cleve-1 land Woman’s Club will hold its I monthly meeting on Thursday, De-1 cember 3rd at 10:30 a. m. in the I clubhouse with Mrs. C. E. Sher-1 man, president, presiding. I At 2 in the afternoon, Mrs. P. C. I Robinson, program chairman, will I present Jane L. Hanson, well-1 known Cleveland interior decorator, I who will give an illustrated talk I on “Personality in Your Home.’’ I Members will come fortified with I pencils and note books as the I speaker will present a wealth of I ideas on table decor, materials, I ornamentation, Christmas decora* I tions, and many other related sub-1 jects. I A tea will follow with Miss Cath-1 erine D. Ross and her sister, Mrs. I Walter J. Tyler, hostesses pour* II ing. II Mrs. David Dakers, hospitality chairman is in charge of tea table l| FOSTER HOMES NEEDED Families needed to care for chil dren supervised by the Division of Child Welfare, County Welfare Dept. urgent need tor pre-school and adolescent cT‘,J’en. This agency pays board, pro »s clothing and medical care. These children are not for adoption. Applicant* must mset agency standard* and provide references. CALL OR WRITE MISS GERTRUDE KOHL 2210 Cedar Ave. PR. 1-8400 CHECKING ACCOUNT IS A MESSENGER TO RUN TOUR FINANCIAL ERRANDS OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY 15619 WATERLOO ROAD 6131 3496 ST. CLAIR AVFim’’ EAST 93RO ST. LAST CLEVELAND LEADER A Hard Time Party is on the lcatendar fw Counkry of be Wright, Mrs. Edgar Parks, Mrs. Vincent R. Peterson, and Mrs. David W. Peterson. The Heights DeMolay Mothers* Club will hold their annual Christ mas party at the home of Mrs. Club news for this column may 15’elville_ A- ,Sma“- I00° G,r7t0” be sent to Elsa C. Berg, 14600 H. on Tuesday, December 1st, at ®uc"d *rief Mr0.? H. C. Andrews .nd Mrs. to PO. 1-33,8. Please get club E wU1 ,Mjat the news by Monday. I A book review is the pleasant I ITJ JO HP JTJT O after-thanksgiving diversion for I JD jOk the Book and Thimble club mem-1 bers. Mrs. F. G. McKeever is I Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. receiving at her home, 1801 Chest-I Karzor, 1664 Carlyon rd., a son, nut Hills dr. and Mrs. A. F. Bondi Peter Alan, November 12th. is the reviewer. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. IChamberlin, 14224 Strathmore Mrs. Lawrence E. Smith, Mrs. I«ve-, a son, Alexis Lee, November Arch M. Eicher and Mr. Earl R. |16th. Henderson are the hostesses for I’ the December 8th meeting of the I FINEST CADILLAC Windermere Study Club, Deeem-1 Invalid Car At Your Servico ber 8th. A book review will be I g. h. JOHNSTON EE. 1-3800 e II NEED AN EXTRA BED FOR A I A FEW DAYS? Golden Age Choral Group, II n--m the direction of Mr. Joe RENT-a-BED will de’ tr a clean, comfortable Rollsway made up with linens. ^25 the Sunny Monday Club, November II CEDAR 1-1632 20th. Several of the club members are in the group. I RAYMOND C. W1NEGORD DOLL CARRIAGES Ha* hood and aun visor. 8" wheel. A carriage that will del‘-kt little girl* and their do News Of of Miss Joanne Vyse, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vyse 16305 Nelaview rd., will be home today for the Thanksgiving vaca tion from Western College for Women in Oxford, Ohio. She will have as guests Miss Carol Lee Silvernail, her room mate at Western from Parkville, Missouri Miss Elizabeth Brown, president of Westerii’s Govern ment A“*ciation from Milwaukee, Wis. and Miss Yong Sun Choy frotn Pusan, Korea. Miss Choy is a college graduate of Ewha Wo man’s University in Korea and is attending Western College because she desires a bachelor of arts de gree from an American college. As one of the highlights of the vacation, Miss Vyse hopes to take the girls through a tour of the General Electric Institute at Nela Park. SPICIAL BIPT GROUP 07 FIVE WATCHES SO COME IN AND A| i UaUU USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Now Is The Time Io Buy! Use Our A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Toy Till Christmas! Among the college folk who are coming home for Thanksgiving is Don Mixer, freshman at Bowling Green State University, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mixer, 1865 Grasmere. Carolyn Hay, a January 195b Shew graduate is enrolled In 8t. Luke’s Hospital School of Nurs ing. During the first year all academic course* are taken at Western Reserve University, with nurses’ arts courses taught at the hospital. Carolyn is a member of the Nurses’ Chorus and is active in class activities. She will spend the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Olive Hartwood of Hartwood rd. For Advertising Call GLenville I-43S3 rnran Cadillac Invalid Utfr At Your Service Day or Night S. H. JOHNSTON KE. 1-3800 12 AML ’24? Ouhfendinf veluei la famous-name watehes fee monl Handsome stylos. Boaullfutly-doslfnod watehos for her Chrlsfmesl A big array of volvosl Walter F. Meyer DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY 12509 St. Clair Avenas Open Every Evening Except Wednesday SANTA'S HERE ALL DAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 18" BABY DOLL Such fun to curl her SARAN hair and change her lovely OQ QQ pique drew. Reg. $6.99 HI-KIDS, No School Friday! BOSTON CHAIN STORE'S GREATEST VALUE IN TOYS LEE P. KLOSS PO. 1-8884 LEWIS BRANCAE GL. 1-0321 FRANCIS SHERMAN RE. 2-8181 RE. 1-7178 JOSEYHmi H. HAU 18" TRICYCLE idly built, Indian red enameled HAIN LAIR SANTA HAS A FREE GIFT For All Children Accompanied By Their Parents Thursday, November M, 1953 4 RIGHTYOURLose DRIVETO IpON’T New elate Safoty-Renponalbillty Law new In effects S you hove an sreeident yen may have to prove financial reeponelbillty «, ,u.m. 12732 St. Clair Avs Cleveland 15133 Euclid Avs 13197 Euclid Ave 21935 Lake Shors Blvd. Euclid Farm Bureau Mutual Automabile Ins. Co Homo Office Columbus, Ohio ASSOCIATED WITH FARM BUREAU MUTUAL Fill INSURANCE COMPANY FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MAX SCHWEBEL PO. 14111 BURTON W. CARLSON GL 1-2221 DEL CRAIG RE. MUI RE. 1-2440 HOBBIT F. CARROLL Desk and Chair Sets Famous make. Has roll top, 3 draw ers maple finish. £0 A QC an^ A real beauty ... up _____ RE Time to Buy! Use Our Deposit Will Mold Any Toy Till Christmas!